8 OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE. March 11, 11)00. Just Qne Supporter THAT MAKES THE WAIST ROUND CURVES IT IN AT THE BACK AND PERMANENTLY REDUCES THE ABDOMEN. To get an I keop a Perfect Figure you must wear tho COMBINED BELT and FRONT PAD Mad of m HiidflbMnWII',t'nk 4jaMBYWBBaBSvraKV.ABBBHB PICTUItRSQUK WBSTBHN NHllltASKA Carpenter s Letter (Continued from Sovcnth I'ngo.) ... . t , ... tors aro Bottled the Filipinos want to bo freed from tho United States It becomes a polltlcnl question which tho people, at homo can decide. At present thoy have llrwl on tho ilag of our country and wo cannot tolcrato that. Our national honor do mands that wo havo tho arrangement of tho matter to our own satisfaction. "I'orsonnlly. I think tho people will soon become Ioynl and contented. I bcllovo they will In tlmo govern thomsolvcs. as a part i r ntiti mini nnmilo ntnl lint Ann sm 1 urn ... .. ...... ...... ' Htatco can bo added to tho union from tho 1'hlllpplno.i, with na loyal citizens na thoso of any of tho states wo mado from tho torrltory which wo got from Mox Ico. Then, aro from 8,000,000 to 10, 000,000 of consumers hero nnd tho Islands will furnish a good markot. Thoy will also bu a baso from which wo can push our commercial relatione with China nnd tho rest of tho far enst. Thoso Islands nro on tho trndu routes of Australia, China, Japan and India and overy ship that passes will at wmin tlmu stop horo for coal and food supplies. I seo no reason why tho Phil ippines will not grow Btcadtly In vnluo." "How has it happened thnt tho war has lastod bd long. Mans peoplo In tho United States liavo wondorcd why tho samo ground has had to bo fought ovor so many times." "One reason was tho nnturo of tho war faro," said Oonoral Grant. "Tho Filipinos would flro upon us nnd wo would go out nnd punish them. Then, nn wo had not enough nvenlng nnd his dlflldcnt request for "How Hoops to occupy oil tho places, wo had to Ho Won Her." When told It was not In ho fnll back. In a short tlmo thoy would would decline nnythlng clso nnd disappear, again attack us and wo would go out ngaln only to return tho noxt Saturday night with nnd repol them. This Was tho caso nil tho nnmo patlont query. Ho finally got tho "flurnmcr. As moro troops camo In wo bo- bock, and nfter rending nnd returning It left gan to ndvnnco to tho north. Wo havo now to return no moro, with tho mystery un occupied tho wholo of thnt region nnd wo Rolvcd ns to tho extent of Its aid to him In bollevo thnt tho war will soon bo endod for l supposed uncortnln wooing, good." Sometimes tho tables aro turnod and the '. , . , .. ,., Joke Is upon tho nttendant, especially whon Otl ...Ml the Conduct r the War. UiQ ,nUop )g ft nov,eo Qno wn8 hnndo, "How nbout Uonornl Otis nnd his conduct ft ,p ron wlllcn n Kcntlomnn had written of tho war?" hi, request for n book callod "What's Your "I now think that wo aro vory fortunato Niuno.?- Tho young lndy glnnccd at tho In having Uonornl Otis horo. I did think H)Pi .jrow herself up haughtily and withered when I first camo thero wore somo ways In tj,o unfortunato man -with a staro as she ro whlch his ndmlnlstrntlon of nrfalrs might mnrked: "I do not sco how thnt possibly hnvo bcon botterod, but tho rosults havo cnn bo of r.ny Interest to you, sir J" shown mo thnt ho was right nnd I was Another gentleman leaned over a young wrong. Ho has dono mighty woll with tho woman busy at a largo slip case and said, material ho hnB had on hand. Wo camo "i hrK your pardon, but havo you "Elbow over horo with tho idea of keeping Manila Room?" only nnd with no expectation of carrying tho "Plenty, thank you!" replied tho young war Into tho wholo country. Attor tho woman, and went smilingly on with hor Spanish war was ovor tho Insurrection camo work, while tho anxious lnqulror for "Et nnd Just then tho volunteers, whoso torms ,ow Room" gazed in speechless bewilder, had expired, wanted to roturn homo. mcnt at tho back of tho fluffy head. "Thoy had tho right to do so under tho Postal cards nro often received with olnb lnw and tho army had to bo reorganized, ornto requosts to "kindly renow my book," This was when wo wcro In n stnto of siege, tho sendor betraying a touching confldonco Then tho rainy Benson came on and dur- n tho ability of tho library people, as book Ing It wo could do but little. As n wholo tltlo nnd signature arc in many cases con tho war has boon carried on without a sin- splcuous by their nbsonco. glo dlsastor. Wo hnvo not lost a company, Tho advent of Young America Is often tho havo not been driven out of a slnglo post Rnnl for something Interesting. Ho cnm nor from n slnglo position. Considering tho n ono day and modestly announcod: tlmo and tho largo number of soldiers under ''pioasn, ma'am, I want tho public library," arms thero hnvo been vory fow casualties a Vent off qulto happy, howovor, wlti nnd comparntlvcly llttlo loss of llfo. In omothlng lees than tho entire library. Two tho wholo campaign wo hnvo lost fower bright oyes over tho odgo of tho desk be mon than In somo of tho comparatively un- jonged to a small boy whoso father "wnnted Important battles of tho civil war. I don't two vowols." Ho -was given two volumes think thero havo been moro than 2G0, or at and went off qulto satisfied that ho had most moro than 275 deaths altogether. W-j (iono tho proper caper, A big, honest lost moro men In ono day at Santiago than looking specimen asked slyly for "some, wo havo lost horo In a year or moro. Our thing by You-da." Ho got "nebeej or, Two death rate up to January averagod not more i.utlo Wooden Shoes." and tiptoed enre than forty to tho thousand, taking ovory fully out. A woman who liked to show her kind of death Into consideration. Tho death superior culture asked loftily for "Adam rato of tho city of Now York Is over no-day," and sailed out with n frou-frou twenty-two per thousand. This hns been 0f silk nnd "Adam nodo" on her arm, whll during a year's fighting in u tropical coun- the attondant looked thoughtful, try. It shows that tho troops havo boon rjno weman had "hunted tho catalogue woll cared for nnd that they havo been for hook sho wnnted nnd couldn't find It woll fed. Tho feeding of tho troops hn, nnd she had Torgottcn tho namo and could In fact, boon u wondor to tho foreign army not remember tho author, but one or thn men hore. Ono of tho French military other beean with C." olllcore who was sent here to watch tho And sho sweetly gnzed at tho nttendnnt war tald that the most surprising thing for inspiration. JAIL ROOIC FROM TUB WEST VALLEY to him wnB thnt the soldiers on tho firing no wom supplied with frosh beef kincd in umcngo, nioro mnn v.uiw miles away." "How about the vlco presidency, general? Whon I left homo they were dlscussln? your nMno nmong thojc of ,h(J poJ8lbIt cnndldatcs?" "I am not a candidate," replied General Qrnnt. "I have no expectation of political prcfoinM,ntt ,n0llghi of cmlr8p T ehoul(1 ,ko nnturny wouM T nm corlnln,y ,long noth. nR to ccro , canip out hcro mcro, htXRWo t thoURht ,t lny (luly a3 a Bold nnd ,onB T cnn bo of 8(rvlco am wm to Btny, Afl B00n as that tlmo , - 0Vr J ,, b(, rca,,y anfl j,nx0U9 ,0 go homo." PRANK O. OAnrENTER. Some Mistakes at Public Libraries t In tho public library of a largo city thero nm ltltlnll nmilffmiinnt nnil InfnfmnMnn in 1... Rpnnw, Umt nro not connnC(1 strclly lo the multitudinous volumes on tho sholves. The patient nnd courtoous librarians nnd nttond nuts, snys tho Chicago Chronicle, nro sup posed to bo wnlklng encyclopedias of knowl edge, nnd tho questions asked them range ovor apparently every subjoct of Informa- tlon of any posslblo Interest to tho human race. Tho questions aro ofton nmuslng and HometlmcR hnvo a touch of pathos, as they give a gllmpso of somo little hoart history. In ono of tho Chicago city libraries n char acter became well known to the attendants ly his faithful appoarnnco ,ovory Saturday OV NORTH PLATTB IN THE DISTANCE. Historical Bits of Famous Flags An Interesting historical collection hns been discovered amcng tho mass of mate rial belonging to tho library of congreis and Just transferred from tho capllol to tho now library building, reports tho New York Sun. It consists of remnants of flags which wero flown from tho vessels that nro famous In tho history of tho country. This collection was found nmong tho pas. sessions, which Included all sorts of old literary oddities nnd n valunblo collection of autographs, loft by the late Peter Force, a natlvo rf Now Jersey, wnoso father was .i voternn of tho rovolutlon. Force held many military and civil offices In Wash ington. He died In Washington In 1868. Tho bits of flags havo been carefully pre served In a largo album between brown paper leaves, each leaf bearing tho record and something of tho history of tho patch of bunting attached to It. The most strik ing part of tho exhibit Is that devoted to Perry's captures on Lnko Erie In September, 1813. Thero Is n piece of tho flag which was flown from Perry's flagship In tho contest mado memorable by his warning, "Don't glvo up tho ship." Thero are slz. pieces of tho flags of tho ships of tho enemy captured on that occasion tho Queen Qhnrlotto, Llttlo Dolt, Lady Provost, Manton and Chlppcway. Another Interesting remnant Is thnt of the flag of tho Alliance, the ship which was of the fleet John Paul Jones formed In Franco with tho Don Hommo Richard as flagship, tho purposo of which was the ottacklns of Drltlsh ships during tho revolution. It was tho Alllanco which took an Insignifi cant part, to tho discredit of her eccentric commandor, n Fronchman named Landals, In tho fight with thn Seraphs. Tho bit of flag Is of that carried during tho fight. Another Interesting flag represented !e that of L'Insurgente. This flag was cap tured by Truxtun, who commanded the Constellation, In nn engagement on Feb ruary 9, 17D0. It was tho tlrst opportunity thnt had occurred slnco tho close of tho rovolutlon for an American navnl vessel to got nlongsldo of an enemy and the hopos of tho Amorlcan officers and men for n spir ited combat wcro realized, for tho French frlgato under Captnln Ilarracault promptly replied to the Constellation's fire. In this contest a young midshipman, David Porter, porrormcd his first act of gallantry. Ho wns In command of the forotop of tho Con- stellntlon and, nctlng on his own responsi bility, proventcd tho fall of the topmast nnd nil Its hamper. The victory achieved by Truxtun produced great Jny In America nnd established a faith In tho navy which hns remained unshaken to this day. A bit of flag which Is also momorablo Is that of Lo Rerceau, captured by tho Roston under Captain Little. The American ship wrought great havoc on board tho French corvotto, which had tho reputation of being ono of the fastest ships In tho 'French marine. Naturally Startled Him Chicago Tost: Ho wondered when ho heard them talking If something In tho news of the day had escaped blm. "It was a tcrrlblo slaughter," said one of them. "Yes, Indeed," returned tho other; "such a sacriflco probably never has been known boforo." "They must havo slashed right and left, Just ns descrlbod In the papers," wont on tho first. "Yes j the adjcctlvo 'tcrrlflo' so freely used was certainly Justified," added the second. "Pardon me," said tho man who had over heard; "has another battle been fought In South Afrlcn7 I snw nothing of It." "Rattle?" ropcated tho one nearest to him. "What do we know about battles? We had rcferenco to tho ndvertlaement of a bargain snle we have Just been attending." Satin with four bunds of best lisle or Ilk Elastic black See that the nam FOSTER Is on every pair, white WONDERFUL BOOK ON HYPNOTISM FREE TO ALL! xmilMl )N kaictii u equal to Mp not nm la tha iikoiltn fur thrllllna wonder. lout. The nuMlo rt-H'h lti rxhlMts. It drawa bit f ailly make pleut r of money, I a how jou how llght a Btnnll family croup or gratlfr the auIlrnce of an opera lioune. lti Cxnlblti range from crave to fay from lircljr to aercre." Now It la the nocailon for Me-iplltttnt laughter Again It iti inj " hrj id me iricrii or iiTpnonim. i nm i an eiigani powi wnicn i nave piiousum in tht iiteretorriiy aclciice. 1 (II VK IT AWAY Kit KB. You haveonljr to write fur It by letter or ttoatal. N nt I'D i) ct'tit iloea It eot atij jet lt p rual will Rive yon t Icamre aud profit. You will Irani In It from A to . nil at .out this myaterloui nl wondcr-workln iclenee. The nature of the hrpnotlo trance li etplalnM to you, The phcuonioiia of the idence are catalogued nnddeftcrllird, The many tuen or llfpnotlim. pcroua1 and public, aro futlr diwucd. You are to'd of It rela tion to law. education and heathi. You aro funitthvd with numorom ei ample of Its employ men ton the it age and there are picture on eiery page to make cVar tho a Initrable deacrlpthe text. Aa 1 told toil, TIIK TIOOK IS KHF.K, Write for a enpr at once and vou will learn how to lii health, wealth audfdim). Addn. I W. U A. lUUI U.l W t. 13, Jielwu, Jlleh, "THOUGHTLESS FOLKS HAVE THE HARD EST WORK, BUT QUIGK WITTED PEOPLE USE SAPOLIO Jabon lie Arnica. Savon Vcnttfrlce 1)' Arnica. Arnlcsi 'Aahn incite. The Only International Dentifrice. The Standard for 30 years. Preserves mid whiten tlie tcptli, HtretiKtlionti tlio Kums oweutunB the breath. 5C at All Orugslsts. C.H.STRONa&CO.,Props.,ChlcaKo,U.S.A. " THE BUST OF BEAUTY." Plat Baili aid ScriwiT Ncckf (HOW TO 8EOUB,!T,) tha tltla nf an lnterontlns tllan trated book, which h will mall.Mnled In a I'laln enrelope Jt 4 Quickly 1 mi Mr. Wtnalow' SoothlBK 8rrap. Hu been uod for over FIFTY TEAKS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETHING, with PER FECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES th CHILD, SOFTENS th GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and la the beat rem edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggist In every part of the world. Be iure and ask for "Mr. Wlnlow Soothlnjr Syrup," anil tako no other kind. Twenty-flvo cents a bottlo. LADIES TOSELLTHI Lateit motl FMbloniUkl Petti. oot Dad. Agent nak from IS to a0 par week. Addrcu Dtpt N,PABIS8KIRTCO. aLrTS p In a .'lain eiiTelopa A MV&mM for thn ntkliis. Jt f hbf v - X now iwunoui x a HaW,- SH ladr mar iokhhii a fKoaad, ftB for'ect and attract- m . Plump IHIV ",e. flt". , , . " A m.A m hxea the plslnmt A Rr figure can be tran f OrtCtfOl. T totme& to one of .iiaHDRjRBW iwauty, .u m BlB!8WW'anT9aBBl nerb nnd A Aj fy'j Write to-' . lng'twocent m .tamp. Oort?Gnn,enre rnnfldentlnl, A aV 4SI rart aw Cllan OM foster Hose Supporter (Patented Doc 6, 1800.) MADE IN THREE GRADES: Wlrtn TCnh. I With wnh fnncv flllod t Hoavv silk wob I blaoK, wnite, caruinni, largo pad ir UO' sired Ifdo-Ci OK, wv i nlnfr m w I pink For sal In Omaha by KELLEY. BTIOEIl & CO. BOSTON STORE. THOMPSON, IJELPEN & CO.. MRS. J. BENSON. Yf hen ordorlnr bf sure to glvo your HEIGHT and WAI9T measure. Tho Foster lloso Supporter Co., 3070 Cottage Grove Aro., Ohloftgo, 111 lo aiume tna cnttrum mo t pie. It will Ie- crowilt of people. Whoever on h.Tpnotiteoan thli cau he do tie. Thl whole nrorcia 1 etplalnH All the Ladle Eat Gold Medil Chocolate Bon bons Br Biiriu, 1, 2, 8 and B pound boxes, 60c a pound W. S. Balduf f, 1630 Farnam Bt., Omaha. X "HAVE ROOT PRINT IT" BOOK BINDER BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER OMAHA 1609 HOWARD STREET ErisiaBaPaaa H rimer i