TITE 03 LA II A DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCH 10. U)00. N 'S WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Usual Amount of Hfsitfttion In Bnsins for Th'sT.mi of Year. STRIKES IN CHCGO AFftCT INDUSTRIES Xnturnl I'mim ftor Vrnr of I tiir-- Vt'llPlllCll lltlj llIK IJU'PNOI XMM'- iilntlou Which Tlirrii leiieil Market lour Amu In Absent, NEW YORK, March 0. It. (i. Dim & Co.' Weekly nrvlcw of Trfltlo tomorrow will flay A certain hesitation In business, with fdirlnkuRo In Its volume, Ik nut tiiiiixnnl nor lirniHt urul Ht this season. II Is not neces mrlly dlshcartciiliiK, therefore, If business 1H 1101 HH llirKC II) Vol II 1110 UK lllHl IllOtltll Strikes In thn hulldltiK trades or of ma chinists or others nt f hlcnco affect mtiny Industries. The remarkable rise In cotton has apparently met the expected reaction which tends ror ttip time to ropres tin - nchH. A few Kreat corporations are nil 1 I ri sr In hold prices wit tinut rpciinl to prcs pnt day. hoping tlmt Hip needs of consum ers may prevent reaction anil renew tin rise of last VPiir. Whip differences of onln- Ion also exist roRardlnR the effetts of monetary iirtlon bv concress. Hncclnl onuses nrp not needed to nccnunt for Home piitHc lifter a year of unprece dented buying. That such trailp rnulil not rnntlntin without a pause wan pvIiIpiiI anil thern In not thp excessive Hpppuliitlnii which threatened monetary trouble a year nro. Thn output of Iron furnace March I was IM.fil.l tons upeklv. ncnlnst LWHI February 1. nnd unsold stocks Increased 3S.fdii tons In February, miiklnc consumption W.W tons dally, against 4l,i!l2 tons In .Innuiiry. Temporary stoppage of four furnaces near 1'lttshurg bv a strike and Hip reduction vf output liy many furnaces In blunt . perhaps In part desired and In pnrt thp effert of scarcity of coke have supported prices of pig and or tlnlHlieil products, tne oniy rhaneo be lie il s K it dei line In plate." Much business Ih evidently deferreil hint now bccntiso of doubt regarding future prices. Connellsvllle roke ovpiih are pro tluclng 21(1.221 tonn wpekly. with 2ii mnrc ovens noon to be added, but coke l hard to cel. even nt 13.no. for the furnaeen. Totton sold on Monday at n SI renin, the highest point nlncp .In mm ry in. when the rrop suddPiily fell from !,nno,fV) to (i.ntn, fmn hiilen. A nharn reaction camo on Wed nesrtnv and II dtited ."t-lfic that day and cloned H4C below the highest P'dnt. While the. dematnl for Immediate use han held Koodn strong, there has boon for some time small ilenlro to maKe contracts aiiean. KstlmAtes of wheat In farmer' Imndn, IM.OOn.ono ImnheN. uceordlng to tho Amor Iran Agriculturist, do not Indicate a lark of supply thin year, for with 45l.onn,fini hunheln In visible ntoek there In In sight nearly an mueh an a year nun. when foreign demand were extraordinary, and yt t the crop year ended wltn over :..uii,ik) miniiem in vminie nupply. Thin year net expnrtn In npven months, flour Included, nave been lll.i'Jl.M. liusheln. ncalnnt I l!l.!llfi.l07 bUnhelK hint ye.tr nnd In February enniiuh to make about 125.WiO.orrt bunheln. iiKiilunt iriS,ini,Wrt hunheln last year, with no Indication of it foreign iiemnnu approaenniK inai ni Hint year imm Slarelt 1 to July I. ueiurnn an 10 ine eon dltlon of winter wheat are alno natlnfai tory. Hut of late prlecn have been verv low and liavo advanced thin week nearly 3 renin for nnot and 1 cent for May options London wool nnlen, no lone awaited ny upeculatom here to lift up prlcen acaln. opened with n severe decline of from 7',4 to 10 per cent, cnusltic mieh dlnniipolntmeut thnt mueh celling1 In likely, enpeclally an mnnufactiirern who have held out of the market for nome montlm have ntlll too larRe Htntks of wool ami too uncertain 11 market for Koodn to bo In hante. Prices had prevlounly ileellned a little hero, but with Btnnll transnctlonn. Tho lmslnenn In Koods, tlinimh Icpn nctlvo than hun been expected, in at fairly steady prlcen an yet. Jn boots and nhoen no chnnKe appenrn In ntlotatlonn, thoiiKb not nn eighth of tho 'uxiial orders for boots has been kIvcii and not a quarter for men'H or women's henvy nlincs, while tho demand for light shoes has been tho smallest In llvo yearn. .Shipments on former orders havo been lens than In 1R98. but larger than la tho corresponding week of nnv other year. Failures last week were In amount $3, IS2, M7, manufacturing ll.US.C'l and trading J2.1IH.U11, Failures for the .week huvo been COG' In" the Fulled Staten, agalnnt 1R2 last year, and thlrty-threo In Cnnadit, against thirty-seven last year. llRAnSTHKHT'S I'M. VAN CI Ii IlliVIIlW. Little Aetlvll' In SIiimvii on the Stock SlnrUet. NBW YORK. March 0. Hradstroefs Financial Hovlew tomorrow will nay: Kxtremo dullness has prevailed In specu lation thin week. Tho stock market han been bereft of outside support and them also seems to be nn Indisposition 011 the pnrt of lnrgo en pi till I st s to encourage any decided movement at this time. Small pro fessional operators have thereforo mndo most of what little activity has been Been nnd as usual under such circumstances havo In tho main worked up on the bear nine. Tho creation or it snort interest in any particular stock seems, however, to 'lead to covering and small rallies which partly rentoro prices to their former level Money has been somewhat llrmer and Ihero Is a. feeling In the street that until the currency bill becomes a law and tho largo amount of monoy now devoted to carrying government bonds for banks which Intend to convert them Into the new 2 per cents and take out circulation against the same Is released there will bo 1 1 1 1 1 0 opportunity for any Improvement of 11 general character In necurlt es. It Is recognized, furthermore, that a largo part of tho heavy Increase during a serlen of weeks In the loans of the Now York banks, with reduction of their surplus re serve, may be charged tin to bond nur- chases made by bankers throughout the country In connection with the refunding and national bunk clauses of the bill. It In also held by many that the Increane In tho national nnnK circulation, nltnotigit not likely to exceed the !150.0W,OOil which the comptroller of the currency estimates an lln probable limit, will have a powerful In lluenre upon the financial ami speculative situation throughout the Into spring unl summer of the prenent year. Nor doen Wall street give oitr to tho sug gestions of a dangerous lnllatlnn from thin cnuHP, but In Inclined to take a fnvorab'o though conxervatlvo view of the probabili ties. London has continued to be a mir- thsser of iecurltlM In this market, al though upon a rather moderate scale The announcement by the llrltlnh government of ih" war loan lsue of 2 per cent fur jj:w.(joo,i"i had been full discounted and there "perns to be no anticipation of finan cial pressure In the foreign markets from that cntiiip. In fact, the hardening or money In London has been ypry slight and It may lie notPd that foreign "Xcnange at ,M'' ork fell sharply this v cpk. on account or tho heavy offering of ills against Kuio- peitn purchae of rottoo Much attention has been given to developments connected with tiartlcular nronertles. like the reduc tion of the dividend upon American Stiifar common to a 0 per cent basi, mid 1 lie uim cultlps In which the Third Aenup railroad system Is Involved. KHliroMii earnings enniinue to no in te-p most favorable character and of .ill tin showings which have lately men tnnd public the magnificent annual report of 1 1 1 I'ennsyivaniH company seems to nave neon received with the arealenl Interest bv the market, fin the other hand current specu lation Is Influenced sotnewn.tt by rallur gloomy les about the overdoing of the prosperity In Iron ami steel ami a slight falling off in the demand for coal, with some shading of prices, Is responsible for more or less open bearlshncsn about the stocks of all (o.il roads. i:i:ki.v c u:ahim; iiikm: taiii.i:. tuitrcuntf of IIiimIiicss Trnusiiclcd liy I tic AnmocIiiIimI Hunks. NEW YORK. Man h a.-The following table, complied by llradstreet's. shows the bank cle.irlncs at all nrlnclnnl titles for the wck ended March s. with thp percentages or lin reafe and decrease as compared with the corrspondlng week last year: IMTIES. I Clearlnes.i In Dec. New York Chicago Ilostou Philadelphia SI. Inils Pittsburg Ilalllmore San Francisco cinllnttatl New Orleans Kansas City Cleveland .Minneapolis Detroit Provlileneo Louisville (ialveston Houston OMAHA Milwaukee Indianapolis Savannah Columbus, O Iluualn Denver Memphis St. Paul Richmond St. Joseph Washington Illirtfnril Rochester S.tlt ltko City Los Angeles Tolcili Seattle Portland, Ore Peoria Atlanta Fort Worth New Haven Worccrtor Sprlngtlcld. Mass..., Portland, Me , Des .Moines Nashvllto Scraiiton , Cramt Rapids Augusta, On Dayton, O Davenport Norfolk Syractiso SpoKaiie Hlnux City Wilmington, Dot.... Fall River Lowell Pacoma New Hedford Knoxvllle. Tenn.... Topeka Hirmingnatn Wichita Hlnghnmtnn Lexington. Ky Jacksonville, Fin... Kalamazoo Akron Chattanooga HocKront. 111 Canton, O Sprlnglleld, O Fargo, N. D Slohx Falls. S. D.. Hasting, Neh Fromont, .Neb Youngstown Saginaw $lAU.w3ni" Ill,lW,171l I2l.103.2IOi Dl.fltW.ttSI I ;17.733,4MI 10.1. 1S.1 2.4 2S.7IS.OKi I l!.S 2r.(r.2rll 20.797.Wti1 7.2'. i;,2ri,r,vv ivi . 13.1K.WM 40.0' . 12.1M,71!i 11. ft'. in.S27.CW2l is. .reu,oi 9.21 K.C4I.371I 11.0 f.,U.9ir' I 11.9 Ji.M5.3l 10. 1 7,I.'A( 2l.0' .... 7.l;.915 Ul.il ii,273,iW7l 11.21 ,nr,,v.si K1.3 B.Wrt.nlll 21-1 S.fiSO.tiW.I IS-,." fi.2M.wrtl 15. f. 4,M2,I73 5.1 I,ts7.d!tll ft.o 4.3IS.991I 93. S I.19'.,2i 3,915,61 31. 1 1 3,793,1011 17.3 3.I05.S.S7 2t),5 2.SM.23M ' 1.9 2-.filri.9Sli I 2.9 2,299.77Sf 2S.7 2.272.MI! 21.2: 2.27H.502 37.CI 2.132.IS7 f.9.ti 2.0;r.M9fi 23.1 l.iWi.-s:: 1 2.0 1,951.35 2S.5I 1.3S9.H;0 1 19.1 1,317,725 1 2.0 1.29f..3S3 1 l'i.O 1.2SI.0W I 21. Ii 1,070.103 1 2. 3 1.7152, S74 I lfi.3 1.32S.2iil 15.91 1,1111,475, lii.7l 1.227.5S2 lrt.O1 1.SC9.S2I 12S. 2 l,liit,051 2.0 1.179.090 4.f.l 1,374,215 S2.1 1,059,141 10.1 l.ON.OMi 3.1 1,077,913 2.4 H7.52! himhels. nealnst 4.M3.730 Imt week. a.TSfl.Wfl In this week a year ago, 3.26.of.fi In IsfM, 5.3lo,f,! Id 1sft7 ami l.7os,7rt in liw Sln-e Jub. this season, corn exports aggregated 115. Ml. SIS bushels, against HT.li'Tj. during tho same period a year ago nnd 12J.62P.7' 5 In 1S97-M. Business failures for the 1 tilted States number 197. against 117 this week a year ago. 217 In 1S9S. 227 In 197 and 2S2 lit lMHi. Htisines.x failures in ine uominion 01 Canada for the week number thirty-three, against twenty-nine Inst week, thirty-seven In this week a enr .'go. thirty-one 111 1S9S, llfty-slx In ls7 and 11 ft -eight In ISPti. northwest corner of Twenty-first nnd B streets nt once. Dr C M. Schlndel Is being talked of bv the democrats as 11 candidate for member of the Hoard of Education. P. J Covle. manager of Cudnhv's salt pickle beef nnd dry salt departments, has gone to Kansas city to report on the con dition of tho Kansas City houses. 896,2131 12.0 911.1201 2.l 1S9.301 S1G.S3.V 419,ti49l IS,2(J! 69,121 1 SOI .0,02 f,90,l52 375,300 272,791 46S.331 461,000 4IK.331 4lfi.2iO 239,200 n.'o ryA' 321.578 152.7S3 1fK3.972 210,7101 429. IMI 316,675 11.5 22 1 15.3' 70.9 30.3! 43.1 26. 6! 43.1 29.6 17.5 32.9 nl.ll 11.71 13.11 23.3 Totals. V. S lll.fi9l.72tl.5S0 1 11.5 Totals, outside N. Y 6C.S59.7C9I 1.0.. . DOMINION OF CANADA. ! SOUTH OMAKANEWSj In reply 40 complnlnts made about tho use of old-tltno horse cars as trailers on the Shetman nveniie motor line, nn ollleer of the cnmpatiy stated to a Uco representative a day or two ago that It wag the Intention to soon abandon the uso of these curs. It is expected that when nil arrangements aro mnile for tho building of u loop around Twenty-sixth street Improvements in rollln? stock contemplated will bo made. Nothing has been done as yet by the street car com pany townrd extending the Q street stub line, but this, It Is asserted, will conic as soon as plans nre perfected for the better service which It Is Intended to give this city. At the present time twenty-ono trains arc kept on the road, which gives a slx-mluutc service. It Is assorted by thoso who patronize tho street cars a great deal that n (lvo-mlnuto servlco Is needed. Tho running time be tween this city nnd Omnh.i la also consid ered too long. An effort is to be made, so It Is stated, to send a committee of representative ImsincBS men to confer with the street c.tr olllclals in regard to the Improvements desired. In this way It Is hoped to secure some definite prom ises as to what tho rompany proposes to do this year. South Omaha is growing so rap Idly that better facilities are needed. East Side property owners hope to secure the ex tension of the Thirteenth street line to Mis souri avenue this summer, nnd if this is done the congestion of truffle on tho Twenty-fourth street line will be relieved to some extent. Olllcers of the street car com tuny predict that tho 'building of tho pro posed lonp nnd the running of three extra trains, morning and evening, will assist greatly In handling a largo percentage of the traffic. The forty days allowed by the ordlnanc passed by the council ordering the extension of tho t) street stub line will expire in day or two. Councilman Tralnor scoured the nassogo Thursday night of a resolution Instructing tho mayor to enforce tho ordi nance and either compel tho building of the extension or the lining of tho company as provided by tho ordinance. A Pointer fur Son Hi Oiniilin, "That editorial In Tho llee tonight on Tin Lesson of tho Omaha Election,' " Mid n South Omaha republican yesterday, "hits the nail Buuaroly on the head. It Is particu larly pertinent to South Omaha republicans nt tho present moment, as they aro prepar ing for their city campaign. 1 reel so en couraged from the result in Omaha that, I bcllevo wo can capturo tho South Omaha city government If wo put up a republican ticket on which everyone can unite nnd which will attract the working people, whose votes nro tho votes that count here. It is Idlo for tho republicans to mako any prom ises about closing up tho town because ttio people do not want it. They want a good economic yet liberal administration such as Mayor Moorcs has beon giving Omaha, anil If wo put up a man who can be depended upon to manago our city's affairs In tho samo way I bcllovo we can elect him. As a matter of fact tho church-golng members of tho republican party are too good republi cans to rcfiiso to support n republican can didate Just because ho happens to bo a moro liberal man than they might like to havo him. Whnt we want to do is to mako ri nomination nnd then hury nil factionalism and get to work, and if wo do not win out I will miss my guess." Montreal $ 13.110.3711 21.3 Toronto K.772.5IV 19.1 Halifax . 1.193.6521 19.3 Winnipeg 1,773.9111 1.1 Hamilton 766.5071 I. til St. John, N. II 691.02S1 17.2 Totals b7.011.60S ...... I rTl iiitAnsTUKKT's itnvinw (if tiiaiik The fanner who keeps bees plants buckwheat hntuly to the hives. He un derstands that to put flowers rich iu honey where the bee can get them with least effort, means an increase in the quantity nnd quality of the honey Rarnered in the hives. It is on this principle that Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery increases the quantity and quality of the nutrition of tne body. The ingredients of this medi cine are selected to furnish the blood nnd stomach with the essential materials for body building, in i concentrated and assimilable form. They make the con ditlons under which the stomach nnd otgans of digestion and nutrition must work, as easy as possible, and so reduce strain and waste. As :bc strength of the body is re-cstablisucd disease is thrown off. It is due to this fact that persons with weak lungs, obstinntc cough, bronchitis, and other diseases, which if neglected lead to consumption, find o complete cure by using " Golden Medical Discovery." " Dr. Merce'n Golden Medical DUcovery Is the beit blood purifier tlut I ever uteil," writes Mrs. M. lUrtrick, of Demster, Oswego Co . N Y" Ills about three ytJM since my health begin to fall, Last September I save out eutlrcly with what the physicians pronounced enlargement of the liver My back pained me all the time . thedoc ter tld 1 must not ride. In fact 1 could not ride nor walk, nor hardly fit still . could not He on my right side. I commenced taking the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and ' Pellets.' took them for three months, and still continue the ' Pellets.' I will be glad if I cau say anything to help those wno are suncriug (icnerol Trntlc Distribution Hun Miiiwii Tendency to llxpnntl. NUW YORK. March 9. Bradatrect's to morrow will say: Helleved from tho hampering effects of stormy weather, general trudo distribution mm Known a tendency to axpiiud this week, prices of many staples are llrmer or higher. and generally there Ip a better tone than noted for some weeks past, easily holding llrst rank In the matter or sneculutlve nt tlvltv Cotton ealy In the week touched the highest level not only for thn present rea son, but for at least six years past. A sharp break duo to realizing has brought the level down again. The crop movement continue iulte heavy, notwithstanding ad vices thnt there Ih no more cotton left nt the south. It Is to be noted, however, that the heaviest proportionate decline In prices from the highest was In future limitations, and tho close Huds spot cotton fully an high as 11 week ago. Print cloths, and In fai t all classes of manufactured cotton, have sympathized In the strong tone of the raw stuple and the llrst mentioned product reached 3'2c this week, tho highest point for several year." p.ist. complaints or backward deliveries of cotton goods continue, pointing to tho urgent demand for supplies being a re sourco of present strength In manufactured goods. Wool it rather weaker, following the drop In prices at thn Ixmdon sale nnd the rather flower demand rrom American nniuuractur ers. who, being apparently well sunnlled for the present, are contented to let tho raw sta;i'e take care or Use r. while ob tabling .1 good market and fair prices for 1110 mautiiacruren product. Ily another one of the short swings which have distinguished wheat prices for a long time past, quotations nave been ud vanced this week from the low level touched svtmti time ago, nartly us tho re stilt of less favorable reports from tho winter sown crops 111 tne several western states antl n.trtlv because of the utmnrcnt unwillingness of country holders to follow the market down. The checking of Interior receipts hap apparently been sulllclent to nuow or tne stoutly ciemand for wheat and Hour and In a lesser degree corn to be re llected In floating stocks. Oilier stanles also showing reactions from late weaklier are lard, coffee, butter nnd cheese. Among stoplen showing declines this week might be particularly mentioned sugar, which Is lower both for raw and retlned grades. Hoot and shoe manufacturers are actively em ployed ami leatner Is tlrm, tint hides aro weaker or lower nt most market Hulldtng materials are tlrm, except nt 1 Itles where labor troubles are an:rc heeded. Pesplte a rather smaller production In February, duo pirtly to dlrturbances grow ln out of weather conditions, stocks of some classes of nig Iron are larger, but no n.vreeinnlp erreet appears 10 be exer. clspd upon nrlces. The approach of spring with the effect naturally looked for ivon construction work. Is tending to rather less pessimistic vlfw'h obtaining circulation as to tho future of orlces of those vroducts bill reliance unon a dof- hie enlarged ex purl demand Is stilt a susta'nlng feature There Is n steady distribution of hardware, bo'h light and heavy, at m mv points, Among 01 hf met.i's copper Is llrmer. the m.iliirprlug or in tlvltv being apparently located In Loud in. which maiket Is re ;ioi tea cornered. The Industrial s'tuatlon Is rather Irregu lar on Ine to the combined strike ami lock out of 50.iy,'0 building hands, building ma terial workers and machinists at Chlctso and partly to Isolated strikes of smalt num bers of m'n throughout the country. On the other hand snecl.Uly eivourvlni fea turee are found In the lion and steel 'n lustt'v. where ' ' Thern has been a very brisk demand for the tuo famous pictures which are offered to lice subscribers. Wc- thought we should be able to supply nn unlimited demand, but would suggest that It might be well to call soon If you want pictures. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. W. W. Dreyfoos of Fremont l. In the .ti J. Snulro of Denver Is at the Mer chants Ottn U. Frlck of Milwaukee is at tho Millard. Thrnias Morgan of Sioux City Is at the Murray. C. nice of I'awneo City, la., Is at tho Murray. I'M Wnlsh of Ida Grove, in., Is nt the Murray. Mrs M. H. Hoffman of Nellgh. Neb., 19 In the city. Hamilton O. Stewart of Ottawa, Kan., is In the city. W. I. tlrundagc of Friend was nt tho Murray Friday. A. H. Chsse of North Attleboro. Mass., Is nt the Murray. J. K Wolfe and II. U. Ovlntt of Coin. la.. aru nt the Merchants. O. n. Wright, a tlrand Island traveling man, Is n Murray guest. John Haisley. an attorney of Fairmont, Is a guest of the Murray. Mrs. L. M. Lacey of Fremont registered Frtdav at the Her Oraml. William anil I. M. Johnson of Helgrade were at tho Merchants Friday. Charles c. Martin, an Insurance agent of Kansas City. Is at the Millard. C. W. Morton of the Jamea Morton St Son company left for New York last night. 1''. O. I lamer of Kearney nnd K It. Fogg of He.itrlco were guests at tho Millard Friday. W. W. Mnrplc of Lincoln ami John 11. Hays of Norfolk were Friday guests at tho Her Urand. Thomas (larrlck and wife and Miss Mvrllo May, with the Willie Collier company, nro nt the Merchants. W. It. Hutler of O'Neill, county nttorney of Holt county, and Caspar luglehntipt. deputy county elctk of tin- same county, are In Omaha on business before the United Stales 1 ourt. M. A. Hunker. Chnrles It. Hecklev. J. S. Cale. Charles Farr, J. II. Villi and H. J. Thompson, cattlemen from Colorado, aro registered nt the Merchants hotel while doing business nt the stock yards. II. II. H'nke. proprietor of the Merchants hotel, nccompanled by his wife and eldest daughter, Hazel, will Ptnrt for Havana Cuba, March 15. Mr. Hake has consider able plantation real estate In thn Gem of tho Antilles. H. A. Hrlnghurst. who sells nnttseptlcs for n chemical company of SI. Ixiuls Is ut the Merchnnts. Ho la the son of Hobert Hrlnghurst. sculptor, who made the threo nudo figures. Faith, Hope and Charity, for the Omaha exposition. P. J. McMiinus of O'Neill. K. W. Hale of David City. O T. Hlshop of Central Cltv, J. K. North oC Columbus, C. W. Stevenson of Fremont. F. M. Crowe of Lincoln, W. C. Alexander of Pender, Isaac Hopewell of Tekamah and J. M. Harge of Central City wero state guests at the Merchants Friday. WOMAN'S MISTAKE. It Is n well-known fact thnt l.ydia B. I'iiilclinm's Vegetable Com pound hnft cured more women than nny other remedy. It therefore must be the best possible medicine for cnnnlo Ills. Hut home women make the mistake of thinking that thr y will try some thing else simply beenuM- it Is new. Thai mistake Is often ft fatal one fatal to the health and happiness of the experimenter. is li not foolish to risk (ha possible results of such experiments ? is it not better to depend upon a medicine which has boon tried successfully for thirty years, and which has never beon found gj wanting ? Do not thereforo let nny one persuade yon to try f-nmethlng which they sny is just nt gootl. It cannot bo just as good. Mrs. rinkhatn'a Compound s tho best, nntl there can bo only one be.st. This is not a mere assertion, but is a positive fact, admitted by hundreds of regular physicians. Rely on your own common sense, nntl Mrs. I'inkham's life-long experience, antl you will make no mistake. Don't experiment with your health, but take, n. medicine that you fcnout is good, and is backed by hiich letters ab thes-o to Mis. I'iukham : Suppressed and Painful Periods Cured by Lydia Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " 1 was thin, sallow and nervous. I had not had my menses for over a year and a half. Doctored with several physicians in town antl one specialist, but did not get any better. I llnnlly decided to try your medicine, anil wrote to vou After I had taken three bottles of Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and three of lllood Purifier, my menses returned, and I feel as well and strong as I ever did, and nm paining llcsh." Hiss Lena (lalnes, Visalin, Tulare Co., Cal. " After following the directions (riven in your kind letter for the treat ment of leiicorrhtua. I can say that 1 have been entirely enred by the use of Lydia B. Pinkham's remedies, anil will 'gladly recommend them to my friends." niss A. U. Davids, Hing hamton, N.Y. A Grateful Woman Re commends Lydia Em Pink' ham's Vegetable Com pound to Every Wife and Mother " 1 have taken eight bottlesof Lydia B. Pinkhniit's Vegetabls Compound with most gratifying results. 1 had beon married four years and hntl two children. I was nil run down, hail fall ing of womb with nil its distressing symptoms. I bail doctored with a good physician, but I derived very little good from his treatment. After taking a few bottles of your medicine, I was able to tin my work nntl nurse my sevon-niniiths'-nld babe. 1 recom mended your medicine to every wife and mother, lliul I time. 1 could write much more In Us praise. I bit! you dod's speed in vour gooti work. Hrs. L. A. riorris, Wclnkn, Putnam Co., Ha. Nervous Prostration and Inflammation of tho Bladder Cured by Lydia Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compound " DiiakMiis Pinkiiam 1 have used your Vegetable Compound for female weakness nntl it bus dune wonders for ine. I also had nervous prostration was not able to look after my house work. After taking one bottle I begun ti'improve.undiimuow better in every way nntl feel like atlilVercnt person. hrs. Delia Kelser, rinrlenvlllc, Pa. " Diiau Mits. Pinkiiam I ennnot praise your Vegetable Compound enough for the good it has done me. 1 suffered from inllnmmation of tho bladder. 1 tried doctors, hut obtained no relief. At Inst I decided to write to yon. nntl now. thanks to your reme dies. I am entirely cured." Hrs. K. S. Clradv, 131 Ui!on St., High llridgc, New York City. miiiu.jiimMMiii,.uiiio,'i m 1 .i.ir,.-ijtj&iWJt::j.ijiu.A Tito Mcdicino that holds the record for tho largest number of Cures is Lydia Prnkkmn's We&eisaM mnmm3d February Hospital Donations. Aftor all bills wero paid the South Omaha Hospital association charity ball netted 5on.75. and tho members of tho association deslro to thank nil thoso who contributed to tho success of tho ontertalnment. These do nations wero made to the hospital during tho month of February: Medical services, Dr. Thoinns Kolly: coal, Cuddlngton & Wilcox; plumbing. Gcorgo Dare; rocking chair. Dowey & Stone; dishes, P. H. nllss, granlto ware, G. W. Hrlggs; towels nnd linen, Mrs. I). Galney; baby clothes. Mesdames Yntkln8, King, Johnson, Smith, Hall nnd Shrlgley; window shades. Mrs. Sloano; rubber goods, C. M. Scnrr; granlto ware anil glassns, Mrs, W. S. Ilabcock; couch. (Mrs. S. Clark, fruit and Jelly. iMrs. Percy Wells; tea towels. Miss Maggie Pollard; flowers, '.Mrs. Davis and Mrs. 1. P. Johnson. Former Policeman In .lull. Ex-Pollreman Unright Is In Jail on tho chargo of being drunk, disturbing tho peace nnd impersonating an odlccr. After being suspended by the mayor Enrlght became Intoxicated and nttcmpted to arrest Hilly Myers, who was standing In front of Scnrr's drug store nt Twenty-fourth nnd M streets. It Is fitated thnt Knrlght became Hbusive and was Just trying to show off. Myers did not object to being arrested but his friends did, and John C. Troutan knocked tho ox-polico-man down and tho fall cut a gash In his head. Knrlght was lugged off to Jail whero ho still remains. iMyers has been employed by itho Stock Yards company for n good many years and bears an excellent reputation. lllllli. Ml'llHA Y Mrs. P.. mother of T. II. Dalley, ageu 11. .Marcn s. a. m. Funeral from residence T. H. Oullev. l53l Sherman avenue. Saturday morning at 8:30. Interment Holy Sepulchre. 'THE BEST, AYE, THE CHEAPEST.' AVOID IMITATIONS OF AND SUB SITUTES FOR SAP OLO CHICHCSTCR'a ENGLIRM Clrtfflnnl Anil llnlv Ornuln,.. H,ri AI-.tH.U l.uillf, k llrurftH for rjiirui.M t;k's r.Mii.isu In ltl;l nl (Jolil mlUI twin I "r JJ nti blur nhlwn Tukunanllirr. ltrr ian rl W VVj llnncrron Niib.lllullon. mi J liultR. Iittii. nny .1 your cruf nm nr .ru i .p. in l,ni. for I'nrtlciilnrft. TrMlinoriUli n t Itrllrr Tor l.u.Urft.! toi.r tr rr. turn Hull. 1 0.OIIO Tr.tltniDlil. ' '' r ftl) Pruffrl.t. I'litrhratrr CSrmlriil t Ikcollso ttU i er MuilUott Suuurr. I'llILA.. I'A- Dr. Kay's Lung Balm SPRING ILLS CURED. "I had been slcl: since last spring Had a terrible pain In hips which .would streak up my back and Into my head and .1 terrible headache. Perspiration would flow and then I would have violent congestive chills. My family thought 1 was going to die. 1 procured "me nf Ir. K ii' i Henovotor and II worked llko a charm. Tne palu has entirely b fi tnv he -d and b.i c k. The lump mid pain nine disappeared from my stomach and I feel like telling everybody what Dr. Kay tt ltcuovator has done for me" Jonathan Harrison, "M3 Plnkney St., Omaha, Neb. Only' Co out Scheme. V. II. Llddlard, better known n "ftat tlesnako Pote," spent a portion of yester day In tho city visiting friends at tho Ex change. Mr. I.lddlard expects to leave soon for 'the nig Horn basin to take charge of a force of men employed In tho construction of an Irrigating canal. Colonel W. F. Cody Is at the hend of tho Rig Horn Development company, and it Is stated that he proposes to push the construction of a number of (H'ches this summer. The water to bo used In Irrigating will be tnken out of tho Sho sliono river, which flows through a por tion of tho Cody tract. MllUlC I'll.' iOMll. The next meeting of the city council Is booked for April 2. An Interesting meeting of tho Knstern Star will be held tonight. I'harles Mann of the Lincoln university Is hero visiting Ills parents. As spring upproaelies there Is n per ceptible lmproNcment In the horse and mnlo market. ling receipts at this market now show an Increase as compared with tho same time Inst rear. Mr. and Mrs. I'd Connors. N'lneleenth and Washington streets, report the birth of twins a boy and a girl Property owners hove petitioned for a sidewalk on the west side of Twenty. third street from H to F streets West U street residents want tire hvdrauts located at Forty-tlrst. Fortv fourth and Intermediate blocks William I'nderwood. who has been HI at his home In Council muffs for a month, was nt the exchange yesterday for a short time. P. T. Powers lias resigned his pusltlno on cm-iloves have had 1 the labor ticket and Is now a member of twenty years Tl7 T,1.."e Cnmmnn senw MMinl Wheal. Ilicliiiling hour snipmeius ror The People s Lonimon hense .Memcai WPIk lll1;reK!,te i.sis i-w bushels. ngila. Adviser, a book containing ico page3, I 3u,3st lust week l '"):' 1 the vear week of 1KW, l.Kti Tlfi In ik'w, 1 in ivii and " im - Pi ISM Since Julv 1 t hi - seastn tip exports nf win ut aggregate nx.S-W-tt bushrls, ag.ilnst 111,111.1115 last year anil Infill 511 In i)7 K Corn experts for the week aggregate their. wairea further advance!. Agreement ', the police force. Powers was nominated for between employers and employed 'inve re- police Judge. suited In a further advance of the :(!. Tho street department is to be Instructed tiling rales at many western works Wave j,, deun crosswalks In the business portion are no- mnHv w cent higher than n r lm, ,.ty n,i Hlso In the vicinity of the vear ago and for this particular class nt .lui,uc schools. wnrK are at ine uiKiicsi ouiiu umciiimi in CONSTIPATED? Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Ag W4lY& Liver and Kidney Diseases flLWftIO IIS NEOLEOT! Huvo you n bad taste In mouth coated tongue dull honilaclic -dizziness -fulling nppetlli' heavy, depressed feel ing In stomach-getting weak- nerves nil unstrung pale nnd thin food distresses about hnll'-slck all the time skin dry and sallow- sleep brings no rest work is u burden face marred by pimples'.' Such are some of the effeets of clogged bowels const Ipnt ion. The w hole system sluggers before the pnl-tins thrown off by the stagnant, fermenting, blood-poisouing mass which chokes the bowels, corrupts the stomach and elogs the liver and kidneys! There's terrible peril in constipation! A surgeon of a very widely known hospital re eently told tm that he frequently had patients come to Hie hospilnl to have tumors removed, which upoii examination proved to be a hard and almost Immovable fecal mass which liml been tieciiuiu liHlm,' for mouths, tlurliii: which Hint' tho bowels had never been cleared. Tho bowels had bccoiuo ulmcet entirely closed, rei-ultln? In partli l paralysis of theuc delhaio channels. Of coure, such extreme cases aro rare, hut the actual amount of pain nn.l . lPci ti lun : s an) death caused by tho neglect of constipation, If known, would horrify you! Dr. Kay's Cures Constipation in nil Its stages! Tho raro thoroughness and erticaiy of Ir. Kay'a Renovator works wonders with poor, weak men an'd women. It cures constipation, dyspepsia, liver complaint, spring Ills and all organic troubles HKCAl'SK It frees tho bow els of every particlo of foreign and decomposed matter, renovates and Invlgoratia tho system, stimulates the liver, cloars and tonca up the stomach, strengthens tho kidneys and onto more makos your hotly tingle with igrr and every vein pulsate with rich rod blcod. Dr. Kay's Honovator restores to weak men and women the clear sltln, bright eyo and buoyant step which mark health and happiness. It Is THE UNEQUALED SPRING MEDICINE. A Sworn Statement: Rev. .las. A. Sheparfl, Cincinnati, Iowa, who contracted a terrible organic disorder whilo serving under Sherman in the civil war, makes the following statement under oath: I hereby certify that Dr. Kay's Jienovaior has done for vie what J 7 doctors and a Score of patent medicines failed to do. I cannot find words to dacri.be the condi tion of my stomach, liver and kidneys. Constipation, headache and. paim in every joint were sometimes so severe that J could not walk or hardly see. J read of Dr. Kay's Renovator and sent for it. Now I cannot say enough in its praise. JAMKS A. SlfEPAHD. Subscriber and sworn to by nev. J. A. Shepherd, beforo me this the 3iith day of ApiII, ISDs O. W. McKHUIfAN, Justlco of tho Peace in and for Pleasant township, Appanoose county. Iowa.. CONSTIPATION CURED. Ilov. J. Wesley Miller, Pastor M. U. Church, Grand view, 111,, writes: "My wlfn had constipation for IS years and at times went as long hb eight days without bowels moving. Sho ,tobk medicine constantly and nnthlutr did her much good until shrt took Dr. Kay's Kenovator. Sho Is now regular and her sencral health Is much Improved." STOMACH TROUBLE. Itev. 11 K. IlUhhiicll of the Presbyterian Hoard of Public a tlou, llastlUKs. N''ii. Mini now of I. II' hfleld. Mb h , was for Zi yi ars n Home Missionary In Western Netu.iska. lie wipes. "My health was In u critical condition I had neuralgia of tho stomach. Consulted seierul physicians but sot no relief. I nm truthfully say that Dr. Kay's Kenovalor cuied my neuralgia of tho stomach, constipation and dyspepsia." IlEKUBB SUBSTITUTES Ilcmedics "Just As Good" as Dr. Kay's Honovator and Dr. Kay's I.tinj? Halm aro not made or sold by anyone anywhere Kor sale by druKRlsts. Dr Kay's Union ator, S3c nnd $1.00; Six for $0.00. Dr. Kay'a I.ung HjIiu, 10o 'and 25c. Address us for Krce Medical Advice. Sample and Hook. Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Is clven awav bv the author bend 21 one-cent stamp for expense of mailing only, for the edition in twpcr, or si stamps for the book bound in cloth. Address Dr. R. V. iHerce, Buffalo, N. Y. Mall Carrier Martin Is receiving the enn Ki'ntulntlnns of his friends over the ar rival of a daughter at bin home. Eighteenth and M streets. Mun of the crosswalks iu various parts o the elly nre In bad condltlm and tho ir-et rommlsloner hns been called upon to make needed repairs at once. Tim Mty! Itrrivlnir nnmnnnv will r.nn . inenco the erection of a bultdine at tho I LA GRIPPE CURED! "About four years uro an attack of I,n Grippe left mo with a very bn l old. I couched almost constantly. Several doctors nnd various eons motlP Ines failed to Slvo me relief. After taking Dr Kay's Unns Balm, tho eouuh left me entirely and I am cured," MRS, HANNAH SUKPAHD. 301 Nu. pith, St. Omaha. Neb. It Cures La Grippe I