THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Fill DAY, MA It Oil 1), 1000. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Ail viTllntMiit-ntM fur Dime column ttlll lr Inkrii until lii in. fur (hit ctonliiK fillllmi mill until HlilO I'. m. fur iiiiirnliiK mill .Sunday edition. Itnlo, I -. a txiril first liirrtUm le n, mini thereafter. Nothluw InWcn for less I tin n .-, for tin first Inser tliin, TIii-iii- iiiMertlsoiiienl muni lie run conscotitlvcl). AilM-rtlncra, li ri-iiicxtliiK n tinitt bored oln-eh, villi lin iiimwcm iul ilrcnu'il to it numbered letter In oixrn of Tin Hit. Anm-r so mill ressetl Kill In- dell vereil on iri'nL-iitutloii uf tlir i'liiMk -. WANTED SITI'ATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want on please cnll up tho Remington typewriter olllce, 1619 Furnam St., telephono 1573. A-133 COMPETENT olllce man; references; call after 12:15 noon. 203 First Natl Hank bldg., or uddress 11 27, Bee, A MS4I 9' w a . t i : it m a i . i i help. WANTED; wo hnvo steady work for a fow goou nunncrs or good nudum and nppenr nnce. C. R Adams Co., 1619 Howard 8t. B-134 WR TEACH thn Imrlier triulo thoroughly In short time ami furnish each grnduato with n guarnntced position at Rood wanes. There arc more than ten harbor positions advertised to one nt bookkeeping or snon blind Vrlt fnr fren cntnlncllo Iltld PUT tlculanr. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. H-l WANTED, manager nnd ngonts: salary or commission: rhenpest nnu inrgcm inn-. Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Co.. Cincin nati, Ohio. D-.M1I0 AT HA1.IS.HMEM tii noil ofllco stiectnltlos: line Hide Hues; used by till merchants; catalog free. .Model .Mfg. CO., BOX li, sounu iren, SALESMEN. Automatic Copying Hook; ln.l niii! eU Itanlf: needed bV every bltsl limit mnii: n linniinzii for II ire nt. s: write at onco for exclusive territory. Perishing Mfg. Co., South Rend, Ind. n M7W M13 A MANUAL training boarding' school at Denver, where only the sons of the poor ar educated, wants thoroughly capable and well i-dueated men nnd women, good workers, to glvo without salary a year of service. Board and room furnlrhed. "Women for teachers, stenographer. nnd hnusckcenors. also for kitchen nnd Inun drv. etc. Men for superintendents, printers, mechanics, gnrdenors. fruit growers, stock raisers, etc. Addre!, Ralph Field, president, Denver. Colo. U-M334-10 8 picture agents; expenses paid. 1819 lAwy'th. R 377 A -3 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; freo rnllroad faro to Denver; tree uoarti; i furnished; positions guaranteed; write for particulars. Moler Barber College, reprn scntntlvc, Crclghton blk., Omaha I J-ltIM 1U WANTED, a framo maker nt Rose's nrt store. R I" SHORT HAND. There nro alwnys a contingent of people who deslro something cheap nnd easy to learn. Whnt would n knowledge of short hand be worth If It could be acquired with out effort or tlmo? If such a fact wero po-slblc. thnt fact alone would make tho accr.Msltlon of a given thing vnlucloss. It Is estimated that thero nro ninety students In this city" now experimenting with a new system pf Bhorthand. Tho result will be, nt tho end of six months, ninety mediocre stenographers on tho market scrambling for positions. Business men, however, will continue to call upon ROYLES' SCHOOL for high-grade amanuenses. Cataloguo furnished on application. Bee Bldg R-MISS 13 "WANTED. In subscription department of a publishing house a' deliverer and collector I for a. library; uxpenses advanced; stato ) age nni lormer empioyniuiii. jmiiifcsh Publisher. P O. Box 1027, Philadelphia. Pa. h .M&i.t a "WANTED,- a boy about 10 years old to do nacklng nnu general woik reierences. i 21, Bee, . B-529 9 SOLICITOR wanted, a reliable, hustling salesman ror laiior-maue suns anu trous ers; snlarv or commission. Twin City Tailoring Co.. 10Q9 Karnnni, li .M519 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Don't pre iinro for nnv civil service or census exam ination without seeing our cataloguo of Information. Hem nee. (.-oiumiua corre spondence College, Washington. D. (V ' II-'MSU 9 WANTED, for Iowa and Nebraska, sales men for complete nno or ctmery, nirect fpmn fuctnrv: litienil coniinlHHlmi milil Address A. if. Clark, US West Sixth street, Kansas City, .Mssoua II SI6I0 9' MAN to solicit family trado for an ex- rlustvn tea and coffco store. Addrcsw B 3l, Bee. B-M7-10 "WANTED, llrst-class clerk: must lie quick. nccurnto nnd willing to learn tho business nnd work for better position; grocery clerk prorcrreu; state experience nnu taiary wanted, Aiiuress ji si, lice unice, B-M72 ll "WANTEp, llrst-clnss man to solicit orders ror ten. nun eoiiee; sicauy cmiuoymein ; salary given; must be a salesman for re tail trude. Address li nee uiuec. B M571 ll WANTED, machinists to tnkn pluco of strikers, l.onn machlno hands nnd l,(W vise hands: good pay mill steady eniplovmeiit. Apply Chicago Assocl'itlon of Machinery iManufaQturers. Room 1007 l'liher Building, t.'lilcngo. in. ii- .Moii i r SALESMEN to sell olllco snecla ties: line sldn lines, used by all merchants: valuing rrcc -Mouci Lug. co., nox u, souin nenu, inn. ii .Mi Ai W A N'T Ell FEMALE II EI. P. WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodgo. Tel. S7fi. C-137 $0 girls wanted. Canadian olllco 1523 Douglas C-23S GIRL for general housework. 2211 Dodge. C 197-9 COMPETENT girl wanted In family of. two. 125 b. 30111. C 191-S WANTED, glrltfor general housework fam ily of three. Apply 2522 Poppletou ave. w .iiajo v 60 OIRI.3 for prlvnte. families; 2 house keepers, chambermaids, waitresses and cooks at Samuel .Motz, juu Farnam. C.M319 9' WANTED, at once, experienced nurse ciri. Anhlv R. 330. Ilcr Grand hotel C-M51S 9 IVANTED, a bright, middle-aged woman ...t..-. ...Ill .l.unln till Inn tlllln In IL 170.I.4 1 paying huslnes: a tine opening fof tho rignt puny. Auuress i u, eo mini-. C il502 9 amii'S ni.i ii silk waist or for ill cents. Call and examine snmples. Room fi07 Kurbnch block. C-M552 UADIES. If you have a little spare time and want employment we can put you to wor. bi lumiucii oiock. i .iiouj l'E WILL furnish you with a silk waist or petticoat, made to our measure, for 23 cents anil a little time. Call and examine goods, do? Knrimch mock. r .mxm IVANTED, girl about 11 or 15 yenra old to help in nousoworK: j in tauiiiy. ws s. 101 h at. C-M5I7 9 : HOnivlCEEPER' WANTED, n voiimr lady. oiui famlllnr with tho work nruferrcd ; Mute ciliary wanted and oxperlehct!. B 32. Bee. C-S01 COMPETENT girl Immediately, imo 8. 32nd St. C-SSS.lO WANTED First class cook, German- or Bohemian nrefcrred. In family of two: wages $5 week, inquire rrom t to ii o'clock p. m. "only at 2520 Dodgo rtreet, ,i r, o i f 5 VlilUllll. "v-w- WANTED, at once, givd lady iigents to sell stnplo goods and give away or' miums, no tnonev reoulrod! goods f iiriilnheil free. Call at Metropolitan Intel, cor of 12th and UOUKlua Bis. anas v; iianmu. i"i C-M03 9 Foil rent not" IF YOU want your houses well rented place mem witn Bonewa c uo. u ut HOUSES, etc. R D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. D-1U HOUSES, all kinds. 26 U. S. Nat. nk Rldg. D M99S FINE modern residence. 12 rooms, on motor line. .No. 413 North 25tn Bireet. j. i. Clarke, 219 Board of Trade. U-M296 A2 ALWAYS moving H. II. Roods. Pianos. Olllco 15114 Farnnm St. Tel. 1559 or 863. D-117 FOR KENT To small family. 7-room cot tage In good repair; city water Inside; cistern: coal shed, 22nd and California Mi.. $23. Inquire at 007 N. 19th St. D-115 FOR RENT, two nice seven-room houses In sarno yard, almost opposMto Demls park; all modern except furnace; are now being papered and painted throughout. Will rent for $20 each to good tenants with references. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-M5H CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry II. Payne, 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 1016. D-139 HOUSES, stores. Ilemls, Paxton block. D-UO MAOOARD Van & Storage. 1616 Cap. Ave. Tel. 1196. D-1U HOUSES for rent In nil part of the city, Urennan-Iovo Co.. 309 So. 13th street. D-H2 HOUSES to rent. Y Life. R. C. Patterson. 303 N. D-143 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D-Ht 8-ROO.M, nil modern house, with good barn, on Oeorgla ave., near Poppletou ave. Ly. man Waterman, New York Life. 'Phone ISM. D-M5I3 9 FURNISHED seven-room now modern house; will retain two rooms; no children; $23. 1530 S. 2Sth St. D-M534 10 FOR RENT. 3111 Burt St.. R rooms and nam, not water ieai. sieei range: win rent to satisfactory tenant. Inquire on premises. D 500-11' 5 ROOMS. 107 South 2Sth street, cltv water, $7.00. Rlngwalt, Rarker Block. D-M570 TOR RUNT IM It.MSIII'.I) ROOMS. ROOMS. 190S Capitol Ave. E 191-12 TWO hnndsomn front rooms, furnished, separato or ensulte. walking distance. Woodmun Rental and Insurance olllce, 109 So. loth St., Frenzer Block. E-525 10 FURNISHED rooms for rent. 257S Harney. E 523 13 FINE, attractive rooms, furnished or un furnished. In modern residence, on motor line, west of High school; give references. B 2S, care Bee E-"M54ii 14 FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 262.1 St. ..Mary s. k .M50T iv THREE rooms, furnished for housekeeping. anerman ave. r-Mii jo- CHEAP room for mon. 17I2 Jackson. E-SSl 12 FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD. THE Merrlam family hotel, 25th and Dodgo. F-145 TO 2 gentlemen, In private family. 2020 St. .Mary's Ave. F-149 THE rRATT, front room, with alcove. Tel. 1592. 212 S. 25th St. F S32 FOR RENT, nicely furnished room with noaru. iwi uass. r-.inu ju- HANDSOME steam-hented front room, with board. 1909 Capitol ave. F-MI57 I2 FOR HF.NT STOR US AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location. rent reasonable. Apply R. C. refers & Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. 1266 STORE ROOM. 1106 Fnrnam. Opp. old P. O. I fcSI STORE ROOM, 1100 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. 1639 FOR RENT, two-story brick building, tlx 1 32. Nos. i;n;i nnu mis narney si., suuanio for livery, warehouse or manufacturing liurposes. JOHN W. ItUHHl.N'S, JNrj KAIl.NA.M HI". I .MA i :i M. ACIENTS "WANTED. "LIFE OF MOODY." 600 pages, 200 lllus., autnorlzed eilltlon; nest com., creuit given. Hlxenbaugh & Co., Ware block, Omaha. J lfl $250 A MONTH nnd expenses, either sex samplo free. 27-1 Rldgo Bldg.. Kansai City. Mo. J-M33S 13 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, to rent, S or 9-room modern House in good locality. Aiiuress a i:. nee Olllce. K-M75I STORAGE PACIFIC Storago and Warehuoso Co.. 912- 911 Joucd, general storage and forwarding. 152 OM. Vnh Stor. Co., 151U4 Farn. Tel 1559, S63. .M 1!J AVAN'TIJD TO BUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., in inrgo or smaii quanimcs. unicngo v txt' nlturo Co., 1100-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N-154 WILL purchase a limited number of Omnha Savings HanK accounts. Iirciinan Lovo Co.. 309 So. 13th. N 153 AMERICAN denier; buy recondhind furnl ture and stoves, 1719 Cuming. Tel. 1073. N15G A COTTAGE of nbout S rooms: will nav cash and dividend-paying hiock in promi nent local corporation, a w, nee. N-M269 11 WANTED, good building lot, near car line not over n 21, Bee. N 190-8 STAMPS bought, sold, ilortensen. 301 Pax- ton B1K. .N .M990-1120 WANTED, grocery sloro In Omaha or nearbv town lor cash customer; send full particulars. Columbia Realty Co., 513 McCague bldg. N-577 9 FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC, TOP BUGGY for sale, in good condition U 40, Bee. i'-Hiw TIHRTY-FIVE secondhand cjirrlagos, top haggles, pnaeious, mil', iiiuiuy nun, ium ami six pasfienBer; an hi goon repair imwlv luilnicd: made by first class llrms better value than new, cheap carriages nnd at about one-tourin nrst cosi DrUminond Carriage Co., ISth nnd Harney P-199-S FOR SAL MISt'EI.L NEOl'S. CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog relict, inn uougias hi. g 157 CUTTERS of drug prices, Sherman & Mo Council Drug Co., Cor. 16th und Dodge Sts. w li" FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists, uno gives reuei. y 159 B. HAAS. Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, cut nowcrs, noqiieis, nail, res. deuce, wedding nnd grave decorations, Orders by man or express promptly tilled y-liio 2DHAND safo cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam y in T-.-.TI q 1 1 .1. ufil.ivi.-A lit nl.inlr. nil ivhltVia I., i'. inciicr. ituii . o unit iv ic-i-i ii'iiiiinri in. m ncr thousand feet. Also klndllnc wimd'nt Jl") a load. .Chicago House wrecking Co., exposition Grounds, Phone. 2561. Q-.M297 31 NEW blcyclo tires, J2.2o, $2.50 and $1.00, Good secononanu wnei-is, v, io anil J12 Omaha Bicycle Co,, 16th and Chicago Sts U 163 to.oiio BRICK on exposition grounds. Apply Chicago wrecking co. y-sa FOR SALE- Nearly new upright Strlnway piano ror nw. AourciM .ta jiee. Q-253-iPl SAFES, buy-, bcII, etc. Schwartz, 114 H. 13, Tel. iwr, si Jiiw koii sale .mis ellimioi s. FOR SALE. llrunswlck & Halke solid , cherry Ice box. suitable for hotel or bar. 40x68x8 feet high; take down construction. $60. Dnlduff, 1620 Foniani. q-jnis w MISCEI.LAS'EOLS. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhnnd furniture & stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co.. HOS-10 Dodge. R-161 FOR RENT, barn, at 202S St. Mary's i Avj. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. $03 N. 16th. S-166 MME.OYLMER genuine palmist. lCuG Dodgo S-107 MME. PALMER, medium. Res. 1707 Cass St. S-M7W M2') SIASSAOU AMI DATUM. MAY WILSON, bath, massage. 019 8. 16th. T-M797 M12 MRS. RERRY, baths, 119 N. 16th, 2nd floor. T-M299 A2 MME. SMITH", room 2, US4 N. 15th. T M393 10 MME, AMES, R. 2, 507 S. 13; massage baths. T 5S2 15 IT.ltSOVAl,. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 Ree bids U ICS DR ROY, chiropodist, corns, superfluous hair removed by electricity, r. 12, Frenzer Ulk. U-173 SHAMPOOING 25c. hair dressing 25c, hair toilet goods, Monhclt, 1518 Farnam. Tel 2333 U 169 MONHEIT. chiropodist. Moor. Tel. 2333. 151$ Furnntn, 2d U-170 PROP. LUND positively destroys corns, bunions, worts, moles. 511 Karbnch Blk. U-013 M17 LIEBEN, costumcr. catalogue. 1313 Howard. Get U-172 RUPTURE cured, no knife, no pain, no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. U 171 PLEATING nnd pleated skirts of nil kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. U 17 1 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before it dur; Ins conllnemcnt; babies nduptcd. 1130 N. li U 173 PRIVATE homo before nnd during con llnemcnt. Babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2613 Decatur. U-M2I1 STAMPS FOR COLLECTORS; albums sup piles. Frank Brown, 2204 S. 13th. . U M270 INFORMATION wanted as to nddress of Chas. Broganza, who formerly worked at this place Reward of ten dollnrs will bp paid by Pond-Decker Lumber Co., Deckervllle, Ark. U-M2G5 15, hnrmless monthly regulator; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan, Milwaukee, Wis. U-323 SAMUEL MOT,, removed to 1110 Farnam street. Telephone 1010. Metropolitan Em ployment Olllce. U-M512 11 SPIRITUALIST CIIUItCH OF OMAHA, Continental hall. 15th nnd Douglas sts.; Psychical Phenomena circle, Friday night at 8 o'clock. Admission, 23 cents. U-M575 9 JIONEY TO LOAN RI0AI, ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 5, 514. 0 per cent; no de lay. uarviu Bros., 1613 Farnam. W 170 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms; lowest rates. Brennan-I.ove Co., 309 S. 13th, omnha. - W 177 'RIVAT'J money. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas V 1(H WANTED, city nnd furm loans; nlso bonds anil wnrrants. it. c I'eicrs tc uai, 17U-' Farnam St., Lien Bldg. v 179 PER CENT money. Bemls, Paxton block, W-1S0 MONEY to loan on llrstclass Improved City property or for tiuililing purposes, rayne- Knox uo., New vorK uire. w mi txA. C per cent loans on Omaha, S. Omaha W. II. Thomas, 60J 1st Nut. bank. Tel. 104S. W-162 i ner cent on Omaha property. W. B. Mefkle, 401 S. 15th. W-183 IVE per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson. V 1S4 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. W-1S3 tl IWI nn A tfi Imin nil ImiSrnvcil nltv property anil farms. v. Farnam amiin & Co.. 1320 Farnam. W-186 SIDNEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. I.F Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y -S-E-E U-S- Wo hnvo a largo amount to loan on house hold furniture, plnnos, organs, warehouse receipts, horses, carriages, etc. You can get tho monoy within a few hours nftur maKing application. n i'iiakui YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PATERS. Wo glvo you as much time as you need nnd you may repay the loan as soon as vou choose and you need not pay for It ONE DAY LONGER THAN YOU KKEI' IT, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Tol. 2293. 3K3 South 16th Street S-A-L-A-R-Y-L-O-A-N-S From $10.00 uu made to nenplo permanently employed in u.m aha. south o.maha nnd council bluffs. You can borrow of us on your own name. without endorser or mortgage, we or range the payments (is easy as Is possible allowing you to pay ALL or IN PART AT ANY TIME AND YOU PAY FOR THE MONEY ONLY WHAT TIME YOU KEEP T. Our business Is confidential. Omaha Mortgnge Loan Co.. Room 119. 3"0 South 16th Street Hoard or Trade Bldg. Tel. 2293. X-1S7 MONEY lonued salaried people holding ner manent position wun responsinie concerns upon their own mimes wunout security easy payments. Tolman, 700 N. Y. L. Bldg. a i9i MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPL1 holding permanent positions on their own nnmo without endorser or mortgage STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW K8T HATES. No inquiries made nf cm nloyer or friends. You can borrow any nmount and repay on easy weekly or monthly pnyments. Before borrowing sen us. OMAHA CREDIT CO., atllto f.23-52i N. Y. Life Bldg. X-18S MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS, diamonds, watches, on easy payments, tin known to others; you keep tho goods, each payment lessens the cost of the lunn; no charge tor papers aim wo mane no in quiries of your neighbors. BERGEBS' LOAN CO., 1504 Farnam, over B. & M ticket olllce. X-l!9 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, jewelry. Dure ureen it. s, uarker blk X 190 MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles diamonds, watches, etc.; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank. 1116 Farnam, upstairs. X 192 LOANS TU n, LA ll! r.i ' i"r;ui'LE em ployed In .Omaha, botith Omaha and Council Bluffs, holding good positions, on their own names; NO MORTGAGE; BEST TERMS; everything private; money can no pain nacK in smiui weeniy or monthly payments. Amurlcan Loan Co., Room bOl, Bee Bldg. X-193 LOANS mado salaried people on personal note without security; rates reasonable. J. W. Tnyloo, 218 1st Nat'l bank, 12 to 0 p. m. X 195 GOLD, Silver. Greenbacks for High-class salaried people. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Easy to get and easy to pay. 1iwest rate. No Indorser or mortgago required. QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL service. Ques tions answered cheerfully and you will receive courteous attention whether you borrow or not. AMERICAN LOAN CO,. Room SOL Bee Building. X-M239 MONEY ! on ptanos, tiirntture. jew- , elry. horses, cows, etc. C. R Heed, .119 S 13. X-1DI JIONEY to loan on furniture. plano. horses, cows, etc. J. W. Tayloe, 2ls First National bank building: 12 to C p. m. X-1M HtSI.NESS VII .CKS. FOR RENT, cigar and fruit department In a large department store: capital required, J2.000. Address A 03, lice. Y-M2 FOR SALE, leading stock of general mer chandise In Pern, Neb.; will Invoice tn thousand dollars; can be mimed: Ne braska State Normal school located herc Address I.. M. Meant, Peru, Neb. Y M2S2 THE DISCOVERER of the "Greatest Hair Grower on Earth" wants a partner, a. w. Schoenhut, Eidora. Ia. Y-M2S5 9' ANTED, nctlve partner for good paying business, established 8 years; $l required. Address H 7. Dee. Y-M128 11 : HANDLE aeneral merchandise stocks of nil kinds. Do you want to buy, sell r exchange? We can sell your bulnoss or we can sell you a business. Wrlteus. Merchandise Broker. 507 Knrb.ich block. Y-M5.M THE NEW SNOW CHURCH COMPANY make a specialty of collecting all classes of claims In every state In the union on commission basis. W. H. Green, presi dent nnd treasurer; J. L. Knley, vice president and attorney; C. R. Glover, secretary and attorney. Rooms I01-2-.1-I-3 New York Life Rldg. Y-562 $150 AND services nf sober, energetic man win purchase half Interest in estalillslieii olllce business paying over $100 monthly. Address R 30, Bee. Y 5S0 H WANTED, active nnd honest partner with sun ior goon paying inisiness. estnniisiieii; a snap for the right person. P. O. Box 161, .Aurora, .en. -.MM FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS (March S and 9, 1900.) F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Telephone 3II or 2012 F. Choice east front lot and G-room house, Windsor Place, near Mr. II'oldrcgc'M residence, streets paved, nice trees, $2,500. Ten-room house and large enst front grounds, ' lCCxSOO, on F4orcnco boulevard ;for all, $3,6v0. $3,000, line 9-room brick residence, near C. N. Dletz's, on 35th street. SPECIAL 7-room house near park, $!,000. RE-C59-S PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for HEAL HSTATK BAHUAINS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, for RENT. FlrBt floor, N. Y. Life Bldg RE- IDS HENRY B. PAYNE. 001 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Renl Estate, Itcntnls, ixians, Insiirnnco. RE-203 IF YOU hnvo a bargain to ofl'or In renl estate seo h. a. uroauwell, Ml N. v. Life. RE-205 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso flro insurance, uemis, uaxton niK. be 199 OR QUICK returns on bargains only seo S. A. Broadwell. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-203 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson. 305 N. Y. L. RE 3)1 F. HARRISON, FARMS, FARM LOANS RE-C57 Mil SNAPS In renl estate, money to loan. L. L. Johnson (o.. 3n a. 1.1111 si. in; 301 CHOICEST TRACKAGE PROPERTY ON THE ma 11 K ri s. vi. corner lutn and Izard; half block, 132 x201; heart of tho city; for price and terms see George a. Wallace, Brown Blk.; solo ngont- RE-551 A BARGAIN, four acres.- 40th -and Puclflc, two blocks rrom cur line, on neit rail road, $2,500; easy torms. McCague In vestment Co., 1506 Dodge. RE 200 'OR SALE or trade, brick residence, nil modern Improvements, nnd 5 m res of ground, containing outbuildings, trees, smnll fruit, shrubbery; well Inside city limits In town of lO.OOO Inhabitants; cost over $20,000; good reason for selling. Write for particulars. Paul Colson. Fremont, Neb. RE M 209 Al 900 AND 90S South 20th St.. two houses; rental 1360 ner year: cheap nt I3.W0. S. W. corner 3Kth ave. and Jackson St., 126 feet enst front by 150 deep; snap nt $900. Acre lots, 158xlR9 feet. Pratt's subdlv., S. W. ot iianscom nnra, tzou eacn. 160 acres smooth land S. W. of Benning ton: tair improvements, i, per ncre. JOHN N. FRENZER. Opp. Old P. O. RE-471 I HAVE $1,500 to invest In real estnto bringing gnou income; submit proposl Hons. B 20, Bee. RE-4D0-S BUILDING lots one block of street car line, $1S0. 11. ll. Ball, 901 New York Life. RE-G2S FOR SALE, elegant double residence, lnrgc grounds, splendid neighborhood, only $11,- riOO. hicks. Hoard or Trade. RE MC-S FOR SALE, 10 acres extra choice Innd Just west or city; win mage 11110 siihurbnn home: fruit and vegetable gardens. Wo are authorized to sell this beautiful tract of land for J1.475. Hicks Heal Estnto Co., 32.1 jtonni or 'rrune. hk .vu-s 100.ACRE fnrm. nil Imnroved. situated 1 miles rrom sioux uuy, in.; excellent sou; must bo sold: great sacrifice; easy terms. Columbia Realty Co., B13 Mcuaguo mug. RE-578 9 1C0-ACRE fnrm, situated 1 mile from Chod- ron, county sent imwcs county; an im proved; must sacrifice; terms to suit pur chaser. Columbia Realty Co., 513 Me Cnguo bldg. R 15-879 9 unit SALE nt a bargain, one of tho very best ranns in uoiigias county ior stocit, grain or seeus; wen improvcn. ROBBINS & CO., SOLE AGENTS, 1S02 FARN Ail. RE-MI774 1 3 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Ostennathlc Institute. 615 N. Y. Life Bldg., Alice Johnson. D. O., ladles' dept.; Old li. Jonnson, ustcopntnist, mgr. .ij M E. DON'OIIUE. D. O.. of Still school Klrksvllle. Mo., C0I Paxton blk. Tel. wn. Hi A. T. HUNT, osteopath; allchronlcdlseasos "results tell." 303 Karbach Blk. Tel 2132 ii IS2 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN BANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. 209 AT OMAHA Bus. College, 16th & Douglas ".no BOYLES college, court reporter principal Beo Bldg. 211 NEBRASKA Business & Shorthand col lege. Boyd s theater. 212 I'VI'EWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $1 per month Tho smlin-i'remier -lypewruer uo 102. Fnrnam St. Telephone. 124. 200 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and mipplles. 1019 Farnnm. 207 TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam 205 LOST. ST. BERNARD, orange nnd white, nnswers to .Major; reward. IK so. .'sin street. Lost 630 LOST, on 2Sth Ave., between Iako and Orant Sts . a Marten collarette. Please. return to Mrs. F. W. Moihcr. Omaha Commercial College. Cor. 240 N. 2Sth Ave 1 .081 OlM-S- LOST, a red and blark spotted bro'iil sow and icit pig. 1;. l. .Martin, iirq aim nar rlson St., South Omahu, Neb. Lost-M50S 9 DANCING SCHOOL. LAST term, last chance- Morand's. 15th and Harney, adults Tuewlny ana Friuny children Saturdays; assemblies Wcdnea day ana Diiuiua, i-A"i MIIM'.V TO LOAN I'll ATTHLS. Ft HMTi nr. packing. o.M. Van Stor Co . 151Pa Tar. Tel. 169. 863. -m M( KIM. Pl.VTIMI. CYCLE PARTS -All kinds plaWng. Omnha Plating Cr . Bee Bldg. Tel. SKIS. --651 IIHYCI. IN order to reduce stock we will sell for a short tlnio only second-hand blcvcle at one-half price, good wheels, $3.00 to JlS.ijo. Floscher. Pj22 Cap. Ave. M132 1M RMi'I'ltll ni'.PAlHIM!. PACKINO. uplmlterlng. mnttress, feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Walktln. 2111 Cuming St. -21S . PAWNBROKER. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. POIND, FOUND, nt Iff. S. 13th St.. complete gn lamp, wnh large cnimney, tv. Found M576 9 AUCTIONEERS. OMAHA AUCTION Co. Satisfaction guar anteed. 520 N. 16t!l St. Telennono Sir.?. M719 STMMi:itl(; AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan. 430 Rnmge Rldg. 217 BIRDS A.M TWIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1003 Leavenworth. ni'i MANTELS, TILES, GRATES. WELS1IANS & HOLBROOK. 309 S. 17th flt , mantles, tilo lloors, grates, repair work. it- 1IO-M10 TRUNK FACTORY, TRUNKS, trnvollng bngs. stilt cases. Trunks repaired, urn. trunk Fuotory, 12W Farnam. -220 HOTELS. SIETROPOLITAN. Win. Barr. ilgr . $1 to $1 23. 12th nnd Douglas. 'Phone 211 M790 LAI MlltY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY 1730 Leaven w'h. Tel 517 219 .WANTtD-5000 A0ENT5. ?.j0uPAKKLR NtW fir? MCRRV-fiO-ROUNDS. KKWJOtfl CiAlUHiJ, CYLINDER FIANOS. so HAND ORGANS, 'Acuta looiBaAfilEnE.KA!t GOV Ell Nil 13 NT N OTI t'H, Ol'FICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. OMAHA Nebraska. Mnnh 3. 1900 -Sealed proposals In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received in this olllce un til 2 o'i lock p m. central time, April 3. llmi), for constructing a Dead House In con nection with Hospital, including niuinoing nnd gas piping, at Fort Crook. Nebraska Full information iitrnisneu upon application to this olllce, where plans and specllli atl. ns may ho seen. Proposals to he marked "I'ro- posals ror nemi House- nnu aniiresscu 10 Injur F II. HATHAWAY, Uliler (Jiinrtcr- mastcr. M dlt .M3D-31 il OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, Omnha Neb.. .March 7, 1900. Sealed pro posals In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this olllco until 2 o'clock 11. m.. central time. April 7. ISO) for constructing nn Oil House at Fort Crook. Nebraska. Full inrormntlou lur nlshed upon application to this olllce, where plans nnd speciflcntlons may be seen Pro posnls to be marked "Proposals for Oil House. nnu iiuuresscu in .inijor v. ji. HATHAWAY, Chief Quartermaster. .MS-'J-lU-l.' A4-t) ,M LEGAL NOTICIS. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. Vfill,-n l.i linrnliv I'tvim thnt 111.. Hnnr.l nt riistees of the University of the State of Wyoming will receive senieq Plus ror the erection of a building upon the university crounds at Iiramle. Wyoming, in accord ance with the plans und speciflcntlons of Architect cniis. v. .MunioeK, now on me In the olllce of the secretary of the board, up to is o i iock noon on tue 30111 01 .Marcn, A D. 1900. Said building to bo completed by tho first day of January. A. D. 1901. Said plans and speclllcatlons can be seen at the olllce of the secretary of the board It be ing distinctly understood thnt this snld board reserves tho right to reject any and all bids made All communications should be directed to tho secretory or said nonrd at Lnr.unle, WJ'O. OTTO OKA.M.M, ITesliIelll liltALl'J KAl.MUNLI Ill'illAltD, MO d10t il Secretary. I'OSTOFFIC'E NOTICE. (Should bo read dally by all Interested, as changes may occur nt nny time.i Foreign malls for the week ending March 10, 1900, will close (PROMPTLY in nil cases) nt the General I'ostollice. ns fo lows Parcels post malls close one hour earlier tbun closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany closo at i p. m Monday. Tl'lills-Alllllltle MlllU. SATURDAY At 8 11. m. for AZORES IS LANDS direct, per s. s. Sparlan l'r nee nt 8 a. in. for NETHERLANDS direct ner h. a. ilaasdaui, via Rotterdam (let tern must bo directed "per s. s. Mans dam ); at 9 a. m. ror ital, pur s. Wcrra, via Naples (letters must be ill reeled "per s. s. werrn' ); nt 9:30 a m (supplementary n 11. m.) ror euroit per s. s. Lucanlu, via Qileenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German steamers sailing on Tiiesuays unto printed matter, etc., ror uermanv. and specially addressed printed matter, etc , for other parts of Europe. American and Whlto Stnr steamers on Wednesdays, German steamers on Thursdays and Cunard, French nnd German steamers on Satur days take printed matter, etc., for nil countries tor which they nro advertised to carry mab. After the closing of tho supplementary Trans-Atlantic mans uumcii aiiove, addi tional supplementary mnlls are opened 011 the piers of the American, English, French and Germnn steamers, nnu remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of hulling of steamer. iliills for South Mini Centrnl Aincrlcii, Wi'l liullcs, Flo, FRIDAY At 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS und DEMERARA. per s. s. Fontabelle; nt 1 p. m. for JA MAICA, per s. s. Orlgen iletters must bo directed "Per s. si. Orlgeh") SATURDAY-At 2:30 a. in. for NASSAU, N. P.. per steamer from Miami, Fla , at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s h Trn ldnd; nt 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, HA VANILLA and CARTIIAOENA. per s. s. Alleghany (letters for Costa. Rica must bo directed "per s. s. Aliegnany ). at 10 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 u. in j for 1 HAITI, per s. Alps; at 11 a in fur CUBA, per s. s. .Mexico, via Havana 1 nt 11 a. in. for PORTO Rico, per s s . Tin.,..., I'lrl M'ltl .lllfltl lit 11 tl 111 fMIII. I plementiiry 11:30 a. m.) for NASSAU. N P., and SANTIAGO, CUBA, per s s City uf Washington; at 12 m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Parana Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd thonco by steamer, close ut this otllce dully al 8:30 p. m. (connecting closo hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). .Malls for Mlquuloii, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closo at this olllce daily at 8:30 p. in. Mnlls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tuinpa. Fla , and thence by steamer, close at this olllco daily (except .Monday) nt 7 n. m. (tho connecting closes nro on Sunday. Wed nesday and Friday). Mnlls for Cuba, by rail to .Miami. Fla., and thonco by steamer, close at this olllco every Monday. Tues day und Saturday at 2;:i0 a m. (thn con necting closes aro on Tuesday anil Satur day). Mulls for Mexico City, over'and, unless specially addressed fnr dlsnntcb by steamer, closo nt this oUlcc daily ai 2 30 a. m. und 2:30 p. m. Mnlls for Costn Rica. Belize. Puerto Cortez nnd Guiitemnla, by rnll to New Orleans, and tbenco by Btennier. closo ut this ofllco dally at ;) p. in. (connecting closes here Tuesdays for Costa Rica and .Mondays fpr Belize, . M.iuq nitnliimfiliil tltifvfu. I 1 1111 111 1 l I' in,.. .. , ... n" tereu man cioacw ,11 u i. in luutiuun iiu Registered mull clos-a at li p, nt, second . ua uciuiu. Tniiin-Piielllu Mulls. Mailt for China, Japan and the Phlllpplna PO.HTOKI'ICIl MITICi: Islands, via Tacomn, close nt this olll'-o dally tit 6.10 p m. up to Match lib for dispatch per s s Sikh Mulls f. r China and Japan and Philippine Islands, via Seattle. cloe here dally at 0 30 p m. Ilti 1. 1 Mnrrli dill f,ir ilUnrttrll IHT S Klnshlu Mnru (registered letters must ho directed "via Seattle"). .Mails for I la- wall, Chlnn. Japan and Philippine Islands. via San I'raiiclsco. close here dally at 0:M p. in. up to March 10th, Inclusive, i for dispatch per s s. City of j Peking. Malls for Australia (ex- cept West Australia,. Hew ea-, land, Hawaii. FIJI and Samo.n Islands. . via San Francisco, close here dailv r.t 30 p. in. after Mar. h Md and up ti .March 17th. Inclusive, or on day of arrival of , s. h. i.'ampaf.l.i. due at New York March ...i-.l. .ii..,.. .i. .. Alnrlnnn lllli. IU1 llll'llllll 'll c. f Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China nnd tho I Mill tin tin isiniiii.s. via sail ! rnnciscu. i close here dally at 0:30 p. m. up to March 1Mb. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s One- lie. Malls for China nnd Jnpan. ln iin couver. close here dally at 6.30 p. m up to March 20th, InclusUo, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"!. .Malls for Society Islands, via San Fran cisco, close here dally at 0:30 p. m. up to March 20th. Inclusive, for dispatch hv ship Tropic Bird. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hero dallv at 0:30 p. m. up to .March I'.oth. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Australia. Which goes via Europe, and New ea lanil, which goes via San Francisco), Ha waii and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dallv at 0:30 p. m. up to March 31st, Inclusive, for dispatch per P. s. Warrlmoo. Trans-Pnclflc malls are forwarded to port of sailing dully and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption or their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mall closes nt 0 p. in. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllce, New York. N. Y., .March 2, 1900. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL nnd Sc Purine "The Great Rock Inl and Route " City Tick et Olllce. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone 42S. Depot, Tenth & Mason Street Telephone, 029. Leave. Arrive. bes Moines and Davcn- iHirt Local a 7:10 am uiii.ts am hliiLini Exnrcsa bll:15 am a 8:10 am Chlcnto Fast Express, a S:(i pm a 1:25 pm . .....! M .A1 . . ... 1.11 ., ..... C31. J'UUI IH.IIL'0 11 u.w 1UH Ull.M UIII Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.. Denver, uueino anil Weg. a 1:30 pm a 4:23 pm Des Moines. Rock Isl and nnd Chicago a 7:13 pm n 5.50 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer. a 5 36pm a 9:20 am a Daily u uauy xccut sunnay. iMIHMil'OMAltA A ST. LOUIS RAIL M W a road--Omahn, Kansas City it Eustern Railroad "Tho Qulncy Route"--Ticket Of fice, 1113 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depot. Tenth iffll nnd Marcy Streets. Tola- phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Hxptoss ao:ujpm :i i.iuam Kansn.i City nnd Qulncy Lot al .a 7:00 nm n 9:00 pm a Dally. xV A R A S II RAILROAD Ticket Olllce. 1501 Farnnm Street. Telenhone S9j. Dc pot. Tenth and ilarcy streets. Teiopnono rc. s Leave. Arrlvo, 1 I nula "P.ninon Ball" Exnrcss u.u:iuiuii u i.jhiii a Dally. . nitlCAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. I'nui itaiiway uuy Ticket Olllce. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone 2i4. Depot, Tenth and ilnson Streets, Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Chicago iLlmltod Ex... .a 7:33 pm a 8:03 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:u0 am b 3:55 pm Sioux City nnd Des Moines Express bll:oo am o 3:m pm n Dnuy. D Dally except auuuny. UNION PAOlFIC-"THEOVER land Route" General Ofllces. N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket Olllco. 1302 Farnnm street. Teiennone 316. Depot, Tenth and ilnson Streets. Tck'phono 029. Lenve. Arrlvo. Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 nm n 7:20 pm The Fast Mall a 8:60 am a 3:25 pm Tho Colorado Special. . .all :33 pm a 0:60 am Tho I'liitlaml speciii! .11 s:zu 11111 a pm Lincoln, Beatilco and Stromsbnrg Express. .b 410 pm t12:25 pm I'neHIc Express a 4:26 pm n fl-.V) nm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket olllce, 1402 Fnrnam street. Tele-pnon- 215. Depot, Tenin and ilnson streets. Leave. Arrive. ... a 12:10 pm a 4:03 pm ...a 7:35 pm a 8:16 am Chicago Express Chicago Limited Minneapolis nnd 81. Paul Express Minneapolis nnd St. Paul Limited Fort Dodiro Local b 7:00 nm b 9:40 pm a 7:33 pm a 8:15 am from Co. Bluffs .... b 1:30 pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL-load- General Olllces and Ticket OlTico Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sis. Telephone, 101. Depot. 13th und Webster Sts. Telephone, 1133. lenvo. Arrive. St. Ixmls', Kansas ii Neb. 1 United a 2:30 pm al2:5o pm K. C -St L. Express, ..a9;30pm a 6:50 am Nebraska Ixicul Via Weeping Water .. b 5:05om a 9;fj am a Dt'.ly. b Dally except Sunday BURLINGTON Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General Olllces. N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnnm Sts. Ticket olllco. 1602 Far nnm street. Telephone. 259. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason streets, -telephone. 128. Leave. Arrive. Lin nln. Hasting, and McCuok ..a 8.10 am a 7:23 pm Lit oln Denver Colo- rado, Utah, California a 4;2j pm a 3:00pm Lincoln. Bunk Hills, Montana & Puget Souni j pm n 3:M pm Lincoln I-" al a 7:00 pm n 0:35 am Lincoln Fast Mall. ...b3;00prn n!0:3j am Denver. Colorado Utah & California all:69 pm a Dally b Daily excent Sunday. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & Qu.ucy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Olllco. 1302 Farnnm St. Tel , 250. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streots. Telephone, 128. Leavi. Arrive. Daylight Express a 7:30 am Chicago Special all;59 pm Chicago Vestlbiiled Ex. .a 4.00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 8.50 am a 1:06 pm Chicago Limited .. a 7.30 pm a 7:15 am Pax-ilk Junction Local .ul0.45 an. Fast Mali a 2:15 pm a Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO Mih A. Council Bluffs Railroad - "Tho Burling toi Route" Ticket Olllce, 102 Farnnm Street. Tele l.hone, 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tole iihone. 128. Leave. Arrlvo. Knnsns City Day Ex ...a 8:60 am a 6:17 pm Kansas City Night Ex .al0:15 pm a 6:16 am St Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis, a 4:53 pm all:15 am n Dally CHICAGO. St. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omnhi Railway "Tho North western Lino" General Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllco. 1401 St Telephone 661. Depot, 16th uild Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger ..a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha I'nssengui all;20 am Sioux City & North east Nebraska a 310 pm u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Ralhond - "The North, western Line" General Olllces, United Btnles National Bank Building, 8 W Corner Twoltth and Farnnm Sts. Ticket nrT.- Itfll Pnrnntn St Tnlflnhnnu r.ill fla. pot, -renin & Mason Sts. Tlephonn 025 Leave Arrive. Twin City Express Twin City l imited n c-53 am nl0:I0 pm S;W am u 4;'io pro Sioux city Local,., , a Dally,' jfIL lM!LWA"WE '1. RAILWAY TIMi: Ttlll.ns. CIIK'A.KJ & NORTH western Railway "Tno Northwestern Llni" City Tickol omcc, HOI Street. Tele phone 561. Depot, To nth nnd Maon Streets. Telo- phone t?i LA-ave. Arrive. hnviiiiht PhlMirn Sue- cll, n 7:00 am att;30 pin Chicago Passenger ...u 4:15 pin nio.ltf am Eastern Express. Des Moines. Mnrslmlltown, cedtr Rapids and Chi- cngo olO:. am a 4:06 pra Eastern Limited. Chi- ,-ngo and Las: . . pm n 1.00 pm mt Mall. Chicago to Omaha , ','i'i' i.-nnm t'ni E Ii Onvilin - Chkago Spetlal.a 7.0 pm a ,W k l.'nut MnlL... IX .30 am - a Palo- ..,,...n tt inmnu . Bfcifc-sSa Mlssouil Valley llnllroail NKNMthweiitdrA Line" r.jineral Olllces. United Stntes National Bk. Bldg.. y W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1401 Fnrnam St. Telephone f6l. De pot, 15th and Webster Sis. Telephone 1158. 1.1'ltlV, AllllV, Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a a:w pm a u:w pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David city, superior, ucnevn, Exeter nnd Seward ..b 3:00 pm b 8:00 pra Norfolk, Verdlgro and Fremont u i.m am vw.a ana Lincoln, Wahoo nnd Fremont b 7:30 am M0:23 am Fremont Local c 7:30 m a Daily . u Dnuy except sjiiuay. o sun- day only, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally except Monduv HINTS TO DAIRYMEN'. BlK Butter Companies OrminUc. Two weok3 ago Charlc Harding, for many years in the creamery business at Norfolk, Neb., established a central sta tion nt Omnlin, nnd slnco that tlmo been locating tributary stations In Ne braska, Iowa and northwest Missouri, nnd a largo business is already assured for tho now Omnha industry. Five of tho largest creamery companies In Kansas und Oklahoma, representing one fourth of the dairy Interests of thnt terri tory, havo been consolidated, under thn namo of tho Continental Crcntncry com pany, with headquarters nt Topcka. Tho consolidated company starts out with 107 skimming stations. Tho new company Is incorporated under tho Inws of Colorado. Its capital stock Is $600,000. Tho olllcerfl of tho now company will bo J. E. Nlssley, manager of the Knnsas Creamery company, president; C. H. Pnttlron of Abilene, treas urer; W. B. Janson of Belolt, vice presi dent, and former Stnte Printer Parks, secre tary. Ono of the largest creamery butter manu facturing establishments in tho west will begin operations In Kansas City nbout March 10. Negotiations looking toward the consolidation of the Interests represented by T. W. Brady & Co. of Kansas City anil the ilerlden Creamery company of lilerldon, Kan., were concluded last week. Both con cerns have been lenders In the western butter trado and havo handled the products of upward of fifty Kansas nnd Missouri creameries, to which tho new firm expects to ndd a large Number of new customers. It In claimed by tho Sioux City papers that tho now creamery plant nt that place, which is to bo in operntlon within a wcelc or two, will bo tho largest In tho world. The output Is expected to bo 21,000 pounds daily. It will be of Intercut to tho farmers, who supply the milk, and nlco the consumers of butter, to note hotv those extensive but ter factories will alTct tho rost of produc tion nnd tho quality of their products. Dairy Supervision In lown. The olllco of dairy commissioner is, In Iowa, one of tho mcMt practically useful to the farmers of tho state that legislative wisdom has ever established, says tun Homestead. It Is now well filled by a thor oughly practical dairyman, who not only i.iidcrstnnds his ilutlm, but la zealous In performing them. Nevertheless I hp usefulness of the ofllco Is greatly hampered as compared with what It might be, by the fact thnt tho law falls to provide for sufllclcnt aFsltnncc In It to toter tho largo and growing nccdH of tho Industry In the state. To Improve It in this respect a hill has Just been Introduced at tho present session of the legislature to so amend tho law relating to tho olllco n to provide for the appointment, by the dairy commlFslon, of a deputy nnd assistant. From nil parts of tho state come appea'a for nld along dairy lines upon Important pheses of the industry which Commissioner Norton Is obliged to refusi, for tho reason that ho has no nf,slstants to whom ho cn:i commit thn work of furnishing. It. For ex- . nmhlo, thn Babcnck test Is admittedly tho greatest discovery In dairy linos that hni bet 11 known for a score of years or morr. Its linportanco In modern dairying can hardly be overestimated, nnd Its Introduction I'verywhoro soenm a necessity to prolltnblc dairying and, In tho creamery business, to the equltnblo payment of those who supply milk. A Inrgo share of the complaints received by tho dairy commissioner come from cream ery patrons who nro dlsa-itlsfled with tho trhtlng at crcnmerles because of alleged in accuracies In methods. Tho valuo of thn test to tin- dairy Industry Is ro great an to demnnd Its general use, which can only result from tho establishment of perfect confidence In Its application. By respond ing to and Invcntlgating theso complaints tho dairy commissioner could rapidly estab lish such confidence, nnd yet he cannot mako tho investigations becaimo ho Is with out assistants to send to the places from which tho complaints come, which can only bo Investigated on tho ground. Another largo lino nf rnmplnlnltt refer to tho sanitary conditions liiirroundlng crcamerirM. They, too, ran only bo Investi gated nn the spot, and yet tho commis sioner must decline to Investigate them bq caiiHo ho Is without competent help to send. Theso aro only example of tho way tho commissioner and tho Indimtry nro ham pered for want of help In tho office. Wo hopo that thn legislature will seo the ne risslty for furnishing thn additional help which tlio bill referred to seeks to provide. Dairy Notes, The nvernge wages of lown buttermakers nro $31.97 per mouth, ranging from $35 to $76. The Kansas Dairy school nt Manhattan has tlfly-four students and In tho Instruc tions given them uses six different styles of separators. Ten counties In Iowa ship out from 2,8.10,113 to 2,015,130 pounds of butter per year. Ten more range from 1,925,603 to 1,211,008 pounds In thflr shipments. Tim total shipments during 1899 amounted to 77,013.875 pounds. A report of the business of tho Elgin Board of Trado has been compiled, Hhow Ing that there was sold thero during 1893 13,010,61)7 pounds of butter, worth $9,027, 37196, and 0,101,723 pounds nf cheese, worth $518,901.03. The total for 1899 shows nn In crease of butter nf only 731,308 pounds ns cumpured with 1898, but tho Increaso In valuo was $1,022, IS0.R2, tho average price for 1899 having been over 2 cents higher than In 1S98. Tho Butter nnd Cheese Mnkers' associa tion of Minnesota has adopted resolutions asking legislation establishing a board of examiners, whoso duty it shall be to ux amino nil butter and cheese makers 11 s to their quallllcatlous. Tho resolution Is based oil the allegation that Incompetent men nro Injuring the reputation of tho stato us n "gilt-edged" butter state. It Is said that there nro men lu thn stato who aro taking charge of factories for $20 a month. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mllesburg, Pa,, says, "As a speedy euro for roughs, colda, croup and soro throat Ono Minute Cough Cure is uneqimled. It Is pleasant for chil dren to take. I hoartlly recommend It to mothers." It Is tho only harmless remedy 1 that producus Immediato results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grlppo nnd throat and WW