Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1900, Image 8

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Eavlx Kelts glaw.
f Ino A. B. C. beer, Neumayer'a hotel.
Welabach burner nt Hlxby'. Tel. 193.
lludwclscr bter U llosenfetdt. agent.
Dr. Stephenson, Mcrriam block. Tel. 309.
Miss Knlle -Mndden Is vleltlng friends In
Perry, la.
r H. Watte and brother have gone to
Gillette. Wyo.
tnr of Jupiter lodgo No. 6fi will meet In
regular HCHSion tonight.' '
Deputy Clerk of the District Court U. O,
Board l.i on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrn. H. S. Clark of Hoonc, la.,
are In tho city visiting friends.
Ueo urtogrnvurcs: Alexander Sc. Co. give
epcclal prices on .frames for them.
Get your work dono at tho popular Eael
laui.dry. 721 Uroadway. 'Phone 167.
W c. Kstep. undertaker. SS Pearl tret
Telephones: Olllce, VII lesiuence.
Mri John Fox of Hutchinson. Kan., la
VIMUnic her mothor. Mm. Margaret Taylor.
Mr C IS. .Morrison and son have gone to
Bl lUiul on a visit to relatives and friends.
iMlss Llzzlo O'llrlen has returned from a
w. weeks' visit with frlcn-is In Columbia, .
.... ..i i.. ih wilt meet this after
noon nt Oio homo of Mrs. JIolIonbecK. 830
V'mpothie of tho (Merchants' and Manu
factuTers' " association la called for tonight
m tho city hall.
Mrs C M. Ilarl and daughter Nellie have
rH.irned from Aurora, 111., where tho latter
has been attending school.
Mrs J. C. Hlxby. ncco'npan cd ' by Mrs.
II A (Vilo. has gone to Hot Springs, ATK.,
cud other southern points.
ridon 11 IrfHigco hns nnnounced himself
J u candidate for ulderman of tho Second
ward on the republican ticket
The 16-year-old son of W. O. L-ltten. W
Uluff reel fractured his leg Just above 'the
inZ while skating Tuesday evening.
W A. Maurer paid Into tho customs
house of this city yesterday upward of Vf
oH carload of imported eurthenwaro from
The members of Palm grove No. 11 are
AVashlnston avenue. .,,.,,
llnv. (J. W. Sawyer hns so far recovered
from his recent Illness that ho will Jo able
to occupy bis pulpit at St. John's English
Lutheran church next btinduy.
Mm (1 II. Jackson will entertain the
women and friends of Unity guild of Grace
church a! it "cnten tea at her residence on
Kouth First street this afternoon.
Tho Unites' Aid society o : 8t, 3o)u H
O-.ngllsh Lutheran church will meet this f'--riioon
nt tho nwldenco of 'Mrs. August
n:tzensperBer. soi .inuusmi u.. ...-,
! rcl tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock and
itcrment will be In Fnlrvlew cemetery.
Friday evening the attraction at the. Do
Jiiuiv theater will be- "Next Door. It Is
Kn mc 1 to bS one of the funniest shows on
tl.o road "and among other things are tho
beautiful costutmn and Hcencry, the "ke "f
which are rarely seen on tho Btngo by simi
lar traveling organizations.
Postmaster Treynor has foccn nUfled by
the secretary of tho treasury that the olllce
of assistant Janitor at tbo federal building,
which was held by C. B. Jones up to the
Mine , of ' hlH death by suicide has been re
unoved from the operation of tho civil serv
Jco laws. Paul Iorenzen lias been appointed
to the position.
Charlea Herbert, sent from hero by the
federal court to tho penitentiary nt An a
Snosa for violation of the postal laws to
nerve a term ot ono year was recently re
leased. He was Immediately rearrested bj
ollleers from U-e county and taken o 1-ort
IMadlson to answer to a charge of cheating
by falso pretenses.
i.Mrs, dlarrlett n. L. Mlkesell, wife of A. D.
Mlkosoll. died yesterday morning at her
boine, lb) North Klghth street, aged 15
years Her death was due to Injuries ro
?:e veil by falling on tho icy sidewalk near
tho Mnthodlst church on Uroadway two
weeks ao. Her husband nnd four children
"urvlvo er. The funeral will be. held to
morrow morning at 0 o'clock from tho res -
Ilcnc" and interment will be In Campbell
Sweeney &. Alvldo's Model Minstrel com
diny Is tho attraction for tonight at the
IJohanv theater. Tile company i v:ui.ii...i
of aboilt forty people, who are reputed to be
artists ot a high professional and artistic
Blalidnrd. Tho performanco Is carefully dl
. ....,. i f nnvihinir that is calculatel to of
fend the, moit fastidious. It Is said to have
more novelties and n greater variety of spe
cialties than nny similar organization uiui
has appeared hero this season.
N, Y. PlumblPC C. Tel. 2f'.
Cnuiity Supervisor Ailjonrn.
Tho Hoard of County Supervisors com-
nlctod its work yesterday afternoon and
ndjourncd until tho regular meeting In.
Anril. Owlnc to tho serious Illness of
f Sheriff Morgan tho matter ot a settle
mcnt with him as to tho money claimed to
bo duo tho county had to bo laid ovor to
tho Anrll scHStnn.
Fred Potcreon. bailiff of the district court,
Illcd his claim for salary at tho rato of J
tier day, under tho order of appolntmort
Issued by Judgo Thornoll, but tho board
flcclded to Ignore It. The claim amounto.t
to $91 and It Is undorHtood that the prcs
rntatlon of tho bill was merely a pro
llmlnary to a suit against thn county by
ltov. A. W. 1inlngJiam. superintendent
Of tho Iowa Children's Homo society, ap
peared boforo tho board with a request thit
tho county grant tho society 50 for each
of tho four Jeffries children that Judgo
Thornoll hail ordered turned over to Its
care. Tho board allowed $100 and Het
I-nnlngham left for Des Moines yesterday
afternoon, having with him tho four Jeffries
children and tho two little daughters ot
J. W. Taylor.
Tho committee" on accounts was directed
to take steps to enforco tho collection of
court teen duo tho county and sheriff In
civil cases, alo to prepuro a list of all fees
Tho board contracted with Dr. O. Solo
mon to caro for tho lck poor ot Avoca aud
Knox township for $70 per annum.
Member Kcrney wbb unable to bo prcson
It tho nrwslon, owing to the serious Illness
Df his wife.
Davis sells paints.
Itcnl IXnlc Trnimfcra.
Tho following transfers wero tiled yester
1ay In tho abstract, title and loan odleo of I
J. W. SQiHro, 101 Pearl street:
Jntob DoVrles mid wlfo to Hattle K.
Wright, lota 12 to lfi. block lt. How
ard's add. w d $ 1.000
C. C and II- A. Colo and wlvew to
Klinball Hros., lots S ami 0. block IS,
Wright's add. w d 100
I.nzLTba Hobblngton to Oeorge C.
Hansen, lot ti and part lot 2. Audi
tor's HUhdlv William's subdlv of Mill
lot. w d 6!0
ftlury J. Cooper und husband to J. A.
Tooley. ne4 iuii, swU ncV se'i nw'i
:W-7C-tl. w d 6,750
C. 10. Hitchcock, executor, to John N.
Holtmyer. sei 22-71-SS. w d S.tCO
II D. Henderson and wife to Henry
f'hrlstlan, e',4 sw'i nnd nwi ceU 83.
70-39, w d 4,K0
Frank .1. Ploghoft and wife to Matilda
(".uvton. lot 7, block 16. Macedonia,
w d 300
Ceon!? F. HcniHtreet and wife to I. M.
eluon. lot 7. block 7, Hayllss' 3rd
odd, w d 300
Total, nine transfers.
MiiitIokc I.lci-ne.
Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to
lho following persons:
Name and Residence, Age.
Artman 'oiltz. Council Hlllffs 23
Carrlo Hlddle, Council niuffs 20
Jens C Anderson. Shelby county. Iowa.. 21
Mary Iarsen, Shelby county, lowa 20
W. 11. rurrle. Pottawattam 0 23
M, J. Watklns, Poitawattamlo 27
Negotiated iri Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Camay, jr.,
NAo" N.JShc :9 STva ndled '?...tor":
Hi Alain bu, uouncu uiuns.
Democratic Coorention Place Him at the
Head of the Ticket.
lllxlir r.lrinrnt of the Port- In Notnlile
liy Kh .bxcnec Only Content In
Over Park CoiiiinliiNlmicr
fur Lome Term.
....S. I,. HTNYltK
tY; Y.'.RkL'1??.
. II lJ(Ji'..SL)
Wclghmuster V. HiaClUSON
Tmen-Ut-IargO .
.Tm."il!c.' c'inuSTKNSKN
........ w C HOKi
...l. K . AUhHAM
Pack commissioner:!
School directors Dil. D. MACIIAK, Jit.
Schoi treasurer a S DVVIS
cnooi treasurer O. S. DAMS
Tho abovo ticket was placed In nomination
by tho democratic convention last night. I
It took Just ono hour from start to finish i
for tho democrats to namo their cltv and
school tickets last night and tho convention
held In the superior courtroom nroved a
veritable lovo feast. With the exception of
that for park commissioner for tbo long term
all tho nominations wero mado -by acciama-
tion. A notablo fcaturo of tho gathering was
the conspicuous absence ot any of tho Hlxby
Itotilliic lteport.
Tho conveutlon was called to order by W.
II, FlBlier In tho absence of A. W. Wytnan.
chairman of the city central committee, who
named Prof. II. . Sawyer as temporary
chalrman. Louis lurmuchlcn. Jr., was ho-
t Till a. o.i'n ?D?TCary att U, ,VlaC0
?t w , JZ i. .MthrC 11m3-
, CC . t"8r"nt ll u i'T '
on credentials nnd accept tho list of do o-
gates as published in the newspapers. Tho
temporary organization was thou mado per- ;
manent and tho convention got down to,
WOrk. 1
Mxivnr .Ifnnlnp urnn nnrnrdnil n rAnnmlnn. I
Hon by acclamation after an Informal ballot I
had been taken, -which gave him ovcry vote
in the convention. In response to a speech
he said in part: 1
In accepting the nomination for mavor I
havo to thank the democratic nartv for Its
expression of continued confidence In my
administration. I trust that thoso demo- !
crata who differed with us at the primaries ,
will now lay their differences aside and help I
. . '
to carry tho ticket to victory. I trust that
every democrat will do his duty and fight for
tho ticket with tho courage of tho South
African Doers, so that when wo emergo from
tho sraoko of the battle wo will do so with
colors flying." Mayor Jennings was received
wlth considerable enthusiasm. I
Tho next nominations In order wero for '
aldermen-at-Iarge. On motion of Charles 0f moii 0f tho delegations, but it la gen
Waltors, Dr. M. Christonson, nt present ornliv conceded that Oalvln seems to bo
aldcrman-at-large, waH given a renomlnatlon
uy acclamation, w. u. risner on Dcnair oi
the laboring mon of tho city offered tho
namo of William C. Boyer of tho Sixth ward
and on motion his nomination was also mado
Dy acciarauuon. uoyer was eaiiea upon lor a
speech, In which ho told tbo convention nn
ancient story of a colored man and a 'pos
sum. Ho said he had not been an active
candidate up to this tlmo for any olllce, but
from this on until tho polls closed they
would find that he was an actlvo candidate.
He also expressed his gratification at tho
manner in which tho nomination had been
accorded him and hoped that he would not be
a disappointment.
Wml n nnr til Itenomlnntcil.
At tho close of lloyer's llttlo talk O. P.
Wlckham moved that S. II. WadBworth, tho
present city attorney, bo accorded a ro
nomlnatlon by ncclamatlon nnd this was dono
amidst considerable enthusiasm. In re
sponse to a call for a speech Mr. Wadsworth
gave a review of tho work that ho had done
during his term. Ho took occasion to state
that ho was not a corporation attorney,
neither was he an nttorney opposed to cor
porations, which had rlghtB the samo as the
people. Ho belloved In doing right toward
overyono as far as It lay In his power to do
so. At the close ot nis spcecu ne was vigor
ously applauded.
When tho nominations for city treasurer
woro called for W. Urooks Tied, the pres
ent Incumbent, was placed ln nomination by
tho Second precinct of the First ward. Heed.
however, declined In no uncertain terms to
permit his namo to go boforo the conven
tion. Ho said tho ofllco wna only worth
$1,000 per annum, and that as lt took $300
at least for a candldato to make the race,
ho had but $700 a year to go on. It wa-i
. ...... .1 l. 1 r fnntnn a( nnannt tl nmm
ber of tho Hoard of Education, bo tho .
unanimous choice of tho convention for
treasurer, and tho motion carried, desplto
Cooper's assortlon that ho had ono otllco
already moro thnn ho wanted. Tho conven
tion Insisted, and Cooper graciously acceded
to lis wishes, nnd said that, as ho was under
obligations to tho democratic party for fa
vors In tho past, ho would do his best to
Boctiro tho olllce.
NtnjTc for KiiKlneer.
On motion of John iMulquocn. Sam I4.
Ktnyre was renominated for city engineer
by acclamation. Then Leo Evans was placed
beforo tho convention for Its unanimous
cholco for nuditor, but Kvans declined tho
honor, saying ho was not ln a position to
mako tho run at this time. On motion of
h. A. Devlne. J. W. Kelly was accorded tho
nomination by acclnmatlnn.
For city assessor Officer Thomas Callahan
named V. Hadollct, and ho wns selected
llkcwlso by acclamation. William Hlggeson,
who had been previously talked of for audi
tor, was renominated by ncclamatlon for
welghmaster, and then followed tho flrst
contest of tho evening.
Whon nominations for park commlMsloncrs
were called for Alderman Casper called tho
attention of tho chairman to tho fact that
ono was for tho long term of six ycara and
tho other for tho short term of two years.
W. W. Cones and Phil Waieham wero placed
In nomination for tho long term, and on tho
flrst ballot It fell to Waroham by 37 votes
to 17 for Cones. Cones was then mado tho
unanimous cholco for tho short term. Caspor
was named, but declined to bo a candldato.
This completed tho city ticket proper and
nominations for two school directors wore
called for. U C. Hesley, on bolng named,
refused tho honor, and Dr. Donald Macrao,
Jr., and Robert Knln woro nominated by
acclamation. Oeorge S. Davis secured f.
renomlnatlon for school treasurer, also by
acclamation, aud then tho convention, hav
ing completed Its work, adjourned.
To derive perfect satisfaction nnd con
tentment smoko a COMMONWEALTH, 10
cent cigar.
I'd It Jurnri Driivrn.
The following petit jury was drawn yes-
tpnlav fnr thn March term of district court:
J. Dickey, Thomas Robblns, J. F. Puryear,
' . M . , ..
J. II, Coon. John .Men, O, C. Taylor, J. II
Stroch, John Cromblo, F. Wobb, K. Roach,
J. B. Connor, W. Hatcholor, Nat Shepard,
II. Q. Newton, all ot Council Hluffs; Johu'that If they chose to do so they could repay
Wlllmott, Neoln; J. II. Matlock, Crescent;
J. 1). Street, Lewis; J. W. Uassett, Boomer;
W. O. Young. Silver Creek; II. Y. arayblll,
Norwalk; Frel Marti. Mlmtcn; John Currle,
Norwalk; Felix Sets, Washington; F. S.
Friend, Hockford.
DclfKiit)'" I'.loclctl to Until (lie City
mill School Convent limn.
In every precinct In tho city tho repub
lican caucuses held Inst night for the selec
tion of otic set of delegates to attend bofli ,
the school and city conventions were largely
attended. Tho new primary system rulei
under which tho caucuses were conducted
proved most successful and the result was
thoro wa no friction or disorder which had
heretofore n3 a rule prevailed on such oc
caslous. Tho voting was dono systematically
and every man entitled to vote had a fair
opportunity to cast his ballot.-
In all but two precincts there were two
sets of delegates In tho Held and In meat
cases tho contests wero uplrltod. Tho ma
Jorlty of tho delegations selected arc split
ns t0 c,ty "tlof'ey allil treasurer and Judg-
mg from tiio makeup or tno several ucie-
gatlonn, each candldato for tho mayoralty
....... , ..... , ..I nnn..n,..inn ...nt.
liuilllimi.iuil wilt &u imu iiiu vuiutii.iuii ,(i
a following.
in tho Flrnt ward the delegation In the
F,rBl precnct la .uvldeil between Alex
Woo1h and C. W. McDonald for mayor and
18 S"Ut "s bctwcen " Whce'Cr ml ' H"
ScoU or nUorney. Ti10 delegation In tho
Second precinct in said to bo solid for
Woods and divided as to Wheeler and Scott.
In tno Second ward u is ncitevej tuat
Colonel W. F. Ilaker has tho majority of
tho dcleuatcs In both precincts, -while John
M. Calvin and O. 1). Wheeler divided the
In the First, nreclncl of tho Third ward
tho delegation Is credited with being for
Hakcr for mayor and divided an to Oalvln
and Wheeler for attorney. In tho Second
iii - oplnrl Ihrrt. vn onlv nnn ticket, which
,..,, ,.l,1 .Inlnimtlnn fnr Sonlf for ntlnr.
ney. This delegation Is said to favor Mc-
Donald for mayor.
Tho delegation In the First precinct of tho
Fourth ward was noncommltnl a to Its
proforcnec8 for myo-r. U Is believed, how-
over thnt lf Ur. . n. JenIInRH will con-
scut to bo a candldato U will vote solid
tor him, othcrwlso It will probably sup-
Prt Colonel Ilaker. Tho delegation la mid
i . ... , nnnZn, u, n,
1,0 ,sol'll lV Z t
-"" ?n i u , 1
,be a akc,r no. while . is divided as
l,otwccn Wnlvln, Scott nnd Wheeler for nt-
Thl) leleKatIon ln tho First precinct of
lho Fmh wnri1 18 nntl-elato delegation
;lH lar 118 '"-t'"i " '".
expected, bo for Ilaker when the time to
voto ln tne convention comes nrounu. u is
credited with being for Oalvln for attorney.
Tho Second precinct delegation Is In part
for P. H. wind for
mayor and Is auppooed
. .. I
to be oolid for Scott for attorney
In tho First precinct of the Sixth ward
........ I
a resolution wan adopted that tho delega
tion go Into the convention unlnatructed.
It Is belloved, however, that It Is largely
for Ilaker lor mayor and divided as be-
twecn Scott and Wheeler for attorney.
n Is Impossible to form any accurate es-
tlmnto as to tho strength of tho different
candidates, owing to tho mixed character
tho gtrongeat candldato for attorney, while
lt lookg as if colonel Uaker will on the
flrst bauot have tho largest number of votes
for or , tno convention. Frank True
,s conce(le,i , hnvo tho majority of the
f,oIon,OB , h)a ,,nck tar lho nomlnat on
for treasurer.
Tho delegates elected In tho several
precincts wero nn follows:
First Ward, First Precinct Carl Morgan,
K. D. Fuller. Oeorge W. I.lpe, Fred Peter
son, J. M. uMurphy. If. O. Davis.
First Ward. Second Preclnet-'K. II. Ohlen
dorf. Thomas Hhucart, W. S. Dalrd, John
Carlson. 1-c Albertl. ...
Snnntui Wiml. K rst Precinct J. W.
Hlanchard, C. A. Tlhl-ts, J. H. Sweet,
James Peterson, C. S. Hubbard, J. P. 1-
llntnu .T .1 SlPMllmilll.
Second Ward. Second Precinct D. I,.
Iloss. P. llrenholm, W. C. Joseph. W. A.
Hlghsmlth, O. W. Hewitt, A. W. Askwlth,
J. O. Hakcr. , .
Third Ward. First Precinct I-:. K. Hart,
W. K. Ilaverstock. O. S. Hlanchard. a. H.
Mnyne, J P. Oreenxhlelds, Dr. II. P. Jen
nings. 12. 11. Walters.
Third Ward. Second Precinct M. P.
Schmidt. II. W. Hutterllold. J. W. flood
child. W. S. Qulnn. C5. M. Dandstroni, Fred
Fourth Ward. First Prcclnct-A. T. Fllck
Inger. W. W. l.oomls, C5. S. Wright, J. M.
Uaintow, .1. J. Iless, Carl Mayne.
Fourth Ward. Second Precinct-Kd Ford,
Julius Johnson. 'harles Taylor, J. A. Oor
luim. Price Clbson.
Fifth Ward. First Precinct I. N. Fllckln
ger. c fl. Saunders, J. tl. Wood ward. K. H.
I In worth. O. K. Ueswlck, J. C. Fleming,
Albert Cole.
Fifth Ward. Second Precinct Lars Han
sen. F. M. Phillips. J. II. Strode, leter
Jncobsen. Hans Hansen.
Sixth Ward. First Precinct I,. M. Shu
bert, A. F. Clatterbtick. J M. Harden, A.
I.orcnzen. 1''. M. West. .1. Miisse.lwhllo.
Sixth Ward. Second Precinct No returns;
entitled to ono delegate.
The republican school convention to place
In nomination two candidates for members
of tho Hoard of Education and n treasurer
the school district will .bo held tonight at
8 o'clock In the superior courtroom. The
convention to placo ln nomination a city
ticket will bo held next Wednesday after
noon at 1 o'clock at the samo place.
Thero was received at tho customs hotiso
of Council HlulTrt yesterday a carload of
English earthenware, consigned to W. A.
Maurer, upon which ho paid duties amount
ing to upward ot $300.
A good cigar makea a man feel com
fortable. Tho Commonwealth 10c cigar Is
built that way.
Howell's Antl-"KawP cures coughs, colds.
iiai.iahi) ioiifrv" l.v cm ht.
Vnollici- Cii-tc Hi-lullliu to Hi Dlspo
nltloii In .Vim' 011 Trlnl.
rVnnther case urinliig from tho disposition
ot tho Hallard property Is uii trial betoro
Judge Thornell of tho district court. The
case, that of H.illard agilnst Hunter, comes
from Atlantic, Casa couuly, where a partial
hearing wns held several ueoks ago boforu
Judgo Thornell and Involves laud whkh Is
estimated to bo worth about $25,000.
In 1SS3 O. it. Hallard died, leavlug a largo
amount of property, most of which was In
fnrm laud ln Cass and Audubon countloi.
Thero aio two frtiuis, olio of 3,100 ncrcB and
tho other 100 .ltib. After tl.o d.-ath of the
fnthir tho property ln tho natural course of
oentn descended to tho children, who (lid not
succeed In keeping hold of It. They deeded
It away and tho suit now n la to do
termlno tho validity of theso dcods.
In 1S8S O. C. Hallard, one nf tho sons,
deeded two-thirds nf his Interest In theso
farms to Scnoca S. Howard, his uncle. The
claim Is now made that Hallard, when ho
signed tho deed, was under the Inlluenco of
drink and did not fully realize the Import of
tho transaction. Two years later ho was In
dicted on tho charge of burglary And need
ing funds to defend himself ho consulted an
attorney, who Instituted a suit to have tho
deed to Howard sot asldo on the grounds
that ho was a minor and drunk as well, and
consequently unable for theso two reasons to
execute n valid deed.
John Hunter now appears as tho owner of
all tho property, claiming to havo deods from
1hrco of the holrs, O. C. Hallard, who rold hit
share for $S00; Kato Pattoc, who parted with
hers for Jl,-uu. ami iirno wo muviz, who r-
I , . . III.. nM l.H Inlnrnt Til OH a
eclved a llko amount for her Interest. Thess
threo heirs now claim, however, that the
deeds wero given with tbo understanding
Hunter and recelvo back their shares In the
property. Judgo K. H, Wlllard of Atlantic
and Theodore F. Myers of Audubon are look
ing nftcr the interests of tho plaintiffs, while
the firm of Follett & Graham ot Atlantic ap
pears for Hunter.
Former Chief of Police Frank A. Hlxby has
decided to abandon the appeal from tho
Judgment rendered against him In favor of
tho Sterling Manufacturing company at the
October term of the district court, 1S0S.
Ill vKv tvn a fnrntAiti mnnn rrrr fnr ( tin nm -
pany nt this point, which brought suit I I)KH -MOINES. la., March 7. (Special Tel
acalnst him for money alleged to bo due and I)r. J- w. Adams, nn old and prom-
secured a Judgment for $1,379.50 and $s:
Member of lovtn Hiiikc nnil Semite
VlHlt .New llo-.iIlal for
till' IllKllllC.
CHKROKKi:, la.. March 7 (Ppoclal Tele
gram.) Tho special train carrying 230 mem
bers of the legislature, their wives and
others especially Invited to accompany them,
reached Cherokee nt 12:30.
Tho party was In charge ot Captain Merry
of the Illinois Central and Agent Frank Hor-
in til.. t I t ...... 1 . .1 rrl. A I . i
mil u uiu 'JUVtfUKl'U IUHU. II U I Til III It'll I
nn Atninoa -. irt a.MM. r,u 1
'viuvu IU UVi UUtunillK VUbUL'D MIHI
Hmokors nccommotlntcd rxctirBlonlsts, who
flpunt their tlmo In cart! playing, composing
nnd giving legislative yells, vocalizing nnd ," " " , ' " . " "u '
general Jolllllcatron. Captain Merry pre- U,v criminal operation, and that her
sented each legislator's wife, flfty-flvo ln ' com ",l,n sllch 1 l,U ho a,lv SC(1. hor, 1 win, ,.., would bo necessary to go to the hospital
Tho train reached Fonda nt 11-30 and the """ 8U"nm ' n"0'l'r operation. Dr. Adams
change to tho Illinois Central was quickly , llln,t ho cnlIri1 "! ,aw01' ' 8ll,t
mado nnd tho remolnder of tho distance to ,llm ,ao Pprnt'on. which was In no sense
Cherokeo quickly made, where carriages a t,rl,1nn' operation, hut ono that had to be
were ln readiness for tho accommodation of t'erformoil to savo the woman's life. The
tho excursionists. After coffeo was acrved !atlon was performed and Mrs. Wolford
tho party drove out to the new insano hos- '"ca
pital, where they spent some time Inspecting rll lntC8t w"r(1 fr"m Washington Indl
jt. cntos that Smith McPlierson can be federal
After tho party returned they were JU,,K lf 110 wants to. Federal olllceholdcra
sumptuously banqueted at the Lewis hotel. ,1!,vo ,M," ai'vlsed that members of the
After-dinner speeches wero mado by Speaker Iowa ''"legation representing portions of tho
Dowcn, Senators Cheshire, Ilarrlnian, Jun- : Southern district will caucus, meet with tho
kin. Uaton. Titus. Illanchard. Iluhhar.l iinll two senators on other questions and tho
Representatives Ityers. Temple. Faton.
Thoophllus, Carter. John Cownle of tho
Hoard of Control. Dr. Hoyt and Dr. Hilt of
d, l..nn. l,ul,oi .i it i f .. 1
for tho press. Tho concluding hours wero
spent In n social way. tho train leaving for
Des Moines at about 5:30,
Agrtl Couple In Clinton, In., SufTi-i-from
an Accident mill One 'Will
Piolmlily Die.
CLINTON, la., March 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Mr. and Mrs. Jceeph Olllls, an aged
couplo living here, were badly burned Tues
day evening by a lamp explosion. Thoy wero
sitting near a table reading when tho acci-
dcnt occurred. Tho burning oil scattered
about tho room, f triiltlntr tho clothes of Mr.
a'1(1 Mrs- G111's. terribly burning tlm iatto
11.11 or-rtia ti rvo I.' fnfn n tul hfinb a I fTi r tuna
Her arms, neck, face and ,back suffered most.
Mr. Olllls escaped with severe burns on the
hands nnd nrms. Tho llamcs spread to
rapidly that Mrs. OIUIs was almost entirely
Her cries brought neighbors to tho rescue,
who smothered tho lire. Had not help
reached her soon she certainly would havo
perished, as she was rendered frantic by
torture and rushed from room to room, cry
ing for help. Mrs. Olllls Is In a precarious
condition and lt Is feared cannot recover.
Tom Tultie Arrj;tcl for Assnult ITuon
Anna HeniniliiK Intpllctitcn San
dull! In the Devil.
OTTUMWA, la., March 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Tom Tuttle, a 19-year-old boy, Is
In tho custody of tho authorities at Char
lton and is said to have mado a confession
implicating Frank Sandahl ln the brutal
assault on Misa Anna Hemming Wednesday)
0f last week.
rr-.,, ,inim.
Tom claims young Sandnhl pointed tho
girl out to him and he was to receive $1,000
to kill her, which he says wns Just one-half
tho amount ho was to receive for getting tho
girl out of tho way,
Sandahl, who Is in custody, refuses to
talk, nnd It Is thought there Is a third party
Mnn I.I v I ok Near AII1I11, In., Commits
Snlclilc While Insane.
OTTUMWA, ila I.March 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Don Stewart, a farmer 30 years of
age. residing near Albla, committed nulcldo
early this morning by cutting his throat
with a razor. Ho had been brooding over
Imaginary troubles and recently was ad
judged Insane.
Tho commissioners withdrew the Inform
ation and alio mother of tho deceased had
been entrusted with his caro. Stewart
leaves 11 wlfo and several small children.
Trni'lirrn Oppose Vncclnnilnn.
FORT DODOK.'.Ia., March 7. (Special.)
As a result of tho strict order Issued ro
cently 'by tho school board a number of tho
teachers In tho public schools, as well as the
scholars, aro absent from school, owing to
their recent vaccination. Among the teachers
111 tho city arc threo who aro believers In
Christian Science and aro not In harmony
with tho board as regards tho order that all
must bo vaccinated. To refuse would Insure
their dismissal nnd after due deliberation It
was decided to acnulcsco ln tho matter. The
threo compiled with tho order to tho extent
ot submitting to the operation, but Im
mediately upon reaching homo mado a
vigorous attompt to remove all traces of tho
operation by washing tho nrm freely with
com waier. 1110 virus, i10eyer, imu Bcu..m-
a hold and ono of the threo Is nt home,
unablo to attend to her school duties by rea-
Foil of n soie arm. The unsuccessful attempt
rt mmnvn hn vlrtta nnil Ilin fif-
to romoo the Mius and tno siiDsomani cr
fects are anything but pleasing to the teach-
J ori, who view the matter In tho light of nn
unnecessary Imposition.
Ul - -
establish the natural flow. It is also an emn.enagogtie of great value, that is used with benefit by women of any age. It regulates
menstruation perfectly, it makes childbirth eas, it relieves falling of the womb, and is the surest safe guard at the coming of change of
life. With proper care anil instruction at puberty and the use of Wine of Cardui when needed all chronic diseases may be avoided.
A Jtl.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui often saves hundreds of dollars in doctors' bills. For MLU Etijef -P
advice in cases renuirinc special attention, address, giving symptoms, " Ladies' Advisory Depart- fWltlA f Mm ft! II
rrB men
t," The Chattanooga
Prominent Da Moines Pbjiiclan Charged
with Murder in Stoond Degree.
IiiillciiHonn Arc tluu McPlicrNoii Pun
Have I'cilcrnl .1 tut u-"li 1 1 If lie
Wan I II Miner unit (IpernlorN
Come .Nearer Aurcciuciit.
Inont practitioner of this city, was arrested
at noon, charged with murder In tho stc
ond degrcu. Mrs. N. Wright llled tho In
formation, which charges tho doctor with
the murder of her daughter Dollle, Mis.
Wolford, wlfo of Charles Wolford, an em
ployo of the Warflcld-Howell-Pratt com
pany. It Is nllego.1 that Dollle Wolford went to
i.- . . . . ..
as ,,e orn c 1 rT'Z ItZ The a.
was pmornicd. A feu days after the al- ,
legeil abortion was performed Mrs. 'Wolford.
died. On her deathbed. In ...0 presence of ;
witnessw. It Ir alleged, she miulo the state-i
nent that Adams had committed an abor-
iiun uju-n nrr n ivw uays ueioie.
HO nleadod nnl ciillti tn ilin rlnrro I
t,--.,..!,. i , . .
brought aRulnst him and wan roloasoil on
r -
V . ,., 1 4
lams maintains that Mrs. Wol
ford came to consult hint professionally and
matter will bo brought up. Al.
hut threo congressmen. Ilaugen. Henderson
nni1 Thomas, will bo In the caucus nnd this
will rivmlrii rIv vnles fnr n mnlnrltv. That.
Is thought to Indicate that Mcl'herson will
bo the man.
Smallpox was reported this morning nt
Ule, In tho' western part of tho r.tato, and
now cases wero announced at Story City.
Tho minors and operators aro a step nearer
an agreement today than they were yes
terday. Tuesday morning opened with a
proposition from the operators of an ad
vance of T per cent for screen coal and 3
per cent for mine run. which was llatly re
fused consideration by the miners in con
vention. Tho scale committees again met
aud after a long dl-scusslou adjourned
somewhat closer. This morning tho oper
ators when they met the miners In joint
conference agreed to an advanco of 10 per
cent over the scale In 1S99. The miners
met thla In turn with n practical reduction
In their demand from 22 per cent increase)
to IS per cent, making the difference In
tho two propositions S per ceut. Tho plianes
ot tho mining situation were then uIscushc.I
for three hours, during which tlmo many
of both sides participates tho operators
contending that there had been no money
In the coal business for tho lat two yeari
savo three or four monthH during last fall.
Tho miners could not heo ll that way ( and
persisted In their demands foi an 18 per
cent Increase In ihelr present wages.
President l'eese of the miners stated thla
morning at the opening of the session that
John Mitchell, president of tho National
Association of United Aline Workers ot
America, of Indianapolis, had been sent
for and would bo hero as roon as possible
to assist In agreeing upon a scale.
Tho supreme Judgeship contest Is be
coming interesting. There aro now live
candidates: Judgo T. M. Fee of Center
vllle, a candidate last vear: Judge 7.. A.
Chuch or Anamosa, Judge II. M. Itomley
I or Anamosa, l oiouci unarics a. uianc or
Cedar Ilaplds and Judgo Ilobert Sloan cf
Keosauqua. a candidate year. Judgo
Davis of Keokuk Is also In the cltv nnd It
1s rumored that if he does not land t nr.
federal Judgeship he will be ln
of aspirants for supreme Judgo.
tho list
Itnllronils Wnnl Wiitcrliiu: Plnee.
MISSOURI VALLEY, la.. March 7. (Spe
cial.) Tho various railroads that run
through MiMiourl Valley aro negotiating
with tho city council to obtain water from
tho city plant, owing to tho fact that the
railway companies have no facility here for
taking water for their engines. They desire
a hydrant at tho depot, so that the fast
A Trlnl Treatment Sent Free to All
Who Surfer From nny Ktuire
ot the lJUciisc.
Care Cane 'I' but Hot Sprlitsta nnil al)
Other Treatments Fulled
to Kvcn Help,
There has been discovered by the Stata
Medical Institute, lMi Klektron Hldg., Ft,
Wayne, Ind., the most remarkable Syphilis
euro ever heard of. It has cuied all such
Indications as in icous patches ln the mouth,
eoro iniuui, copper coiorea spois, cnaucre.i.
ulcerations on iho body and In hundreds I
ot cases where tho hair and eyebrows had
fallen out and the whole skin was a masa
of bolls, plmplei- and ulcers this wonderful
specific has comoletcly chaugid tho wholo
body Into a clean, perfect condition of
physlclal health Every railroad running
Into Ft. Wayne brings scores of HUfferem
seeking this now nnd marvelous euro and
, enaj)le thofe wh(J (.anot traV(J, tQ ro.
I0 wl)at a tlUy marvelous work tin
1 institute Is ace- innllshlnii they will send
free to every Hufl-ior a free trial treatment (
Is11 Ulliv uvrijituc nil luciuni-ivuo ... ...a
, nf tner ,wn ,10me Tn, , th9
.... KmnVn cure for syphilis. Do not hesl-
ta'.e to wrlto at o nnd the freo trial will
1 w k..,
wna all (Turlni f rm ..rrnin .... .. t
"arioni, Kani., April 20, 1898.
I twU Carpenter of fleartly, Kamai, formerly of Parsons, makes the following statement 1 My daujhter. Carrie, now fifteen year,
of atfe. had her first menstrual period over two and onchalf years ago. We used all the family remedies we could get hold of, but with
the assistance of doctors did not succeed in establishing or ever bringing about another menstrual period. Last January I procured
bottle of Wine of Cardui of Quarlu & Co.. and after taking less than one-thlrd of a bottle she Is set right and has regular menses. Thl
testimony Is gladly given without solicitation. It
Few parents give sufficient attention to their daughters when they approach the age of puberty. Just
emerging from girlhood into womanhood the changes which take place are important. If passed successfully
a healthy and happy life will almost certainly follow. Wine of Cardui used just before puberty helps the girl
through the trying or leal and smooths the entire path of womanhood. In many women delayed or disor
dered menstruation a' nubertv is the nrimatv cause of life-lone illness. Wine of Cardui is the best aitl to
Medicine Co,, Chattanooga, Tenn.
AH Druggists Sell Wine of Cardui.
an toko water witnout irntng
proposition as taken up by the
eity council hit night and discussed, but
i nothing Melinite was arrived nt before ad
I Journnien. The matter will again bo taken
up at an iidjourned meeting.
NiiiiiIiiiiIciI lit Mou ( ll.
SIOPX CITY. March 7. (Special Tele
gram. ) Tho republicans of Sioux City ln
convention today nominated A. II. Hurton
for mayor to make tho race against J. 11.
quick, tluuorrat. Hurton was formerly city
attorney and Is a prominent nnd popular
)oung man.
lnvn .Ncv otes.
Newton Id talking of organizing a troop
or cavalry which is expecteil to Do mus
tered Into the National Cuard.
ltcv. I. P. Teeter, one of the oldest nnd
best known Methodist preachers In lown,
flloil nt Mt llotun In Ottkiiliu)4.1.
All Ice Jam at the mouth of the Des
Molne.4 river threatens to cause that stream
to move its mouth about seven miles.
take the place of those recently destroyed
by tire.
James Kinney, who lives near Atlantic,
accidentally shot himself In the leg. but
(he wound Is not thought suillclently severo
1n ni.rniHiumllv Inlurn liim.
' 'lie Maine State unlver -
MlVi who I0(.,.,iy eoiumltt.Hl suicide, was
founerly an Iowa man nnd was connected
wU". ho S.ate Ag.lcu.turu. college at
. ,P.. t t
H(i.nintrd Mtnerlntondeiit of tho Vlekburg
! park and has wiimiray, 11 iro 1
mo raro lor coiauuiiuier in iiiu
. - ii,...,i.
John, a wealthy farmer who
lives near Wluterset, was lield up nnd
lobbed of $TO while on his ipml home
from town lie wni brutally beaten by tho
robbers, who evidently left him for dead.
Peter Johnson of Ilurllngton complains
that a man named Fullcrtou lms taken his
little daughter with him to Missouri nga list
tho child's will. The Johnson girl had
been llvlns with the Fullcrton nnil when
the latter moved to Missouri the child was
with them.
lilft til t:-llllCCll. 1
WASHINOTON, March 7 The senate
cointnlltce on foreign relations today au
thorized the reporting of an amendment to
the diplomatic appropriation bill appro
priating $20.M lo be paid to ex-Queen
Lllluokalnnl, and providing for an nnnunl
donation of $10.(00 to her us long as she may
Council of .ItMtUli Women.
rt.nvHl.ASD. Marih 7. Tho mornliiE
session of the National Council of Jewish i
tons7 A largo number of them went to tho
Jewish Orphan asylum nnd the Homo of the
Aired. Miss Sadie American, the i corro-
spondlng secretary of the council, addressed
the voting women of the Women's college,
speaking of the work of tho Consumers'
league, which has for Its object tho doing
Free to the
Dr. W. S. Hlcc the Well Known Au
thority, ScihIm n Trlnl of Ills
l'uiiioiis Mctliml Free To All.
Out of tho chaos of old-tlmo lalluro comes
n new and startling euro for rupture, Dr.
W. S. like, B12 N. Main St.. Adams, N. Y.,
has Invented 11 method that cures without
pain, danger, operation or an hour's I013 of
time from tho day's work. To avoid all
questions of doubt ho sends free to every
sulferer a free trial of his method and there
can be no earthly reason why anyone, rich
or poor, should not uvnll themselves of this
generous otfor As an instance of this re-
mil rkllllli. mctllnri. Ilin corn nf fMmrlou
l.ange, Morrison, Ills., Is a welcome piece
1 of Intelligence.
I Mr. I.ange Is 11 well preserved old gontle-
man, 72 years of age and for eighteen years
had 11 bad double rupture which 110 treat
ment could cope with. After u short use
ot lho Rice method the left rupture healed
entirely and tbo right was almost closed
In 11 few weeks. Today he Is ns sound as
a dollar, wears no truss or other support
and his cure Is only one of hundreds of
similar cases reported by thoso who uso
the Rico method. Send for this free trial.
Don't be backward. It will surprise you
with Its wonderful power to heal. And If
you know of other ruptured people ask
them to wrlto for them. Do not fall to
write at once; do so toduy.
Cures Gonorrhoea, Olret or unnatural dis
charges In a fnw days. Full directions.
Prlro $l.Bu. All druggists, or mall. D. Dick
t. Co.. 1S3 Centre St . Now York
WANTED Caso ot tmii Health that
It-I-P-A-N-S will not bonellt. Send i cents
to Rlpanx Chemlcnl Co.. Nei; York, for it
samples and 1.000 testimonial.
is a plain statement oi a rcauy marvelous sure
nwuy of tho sweat shopx and child l'ot
"Woman's Pln -e In Clttln" was iIIhciissfiI by
Henrietta Frank of Chicago; "III Municipal
Affairs." by Seranhlne Plsko of Denver
"(Hi Charity Hoards.'' by Marella (1. (lutt
man of Syracuse; "JewMi Women In th
Professions," by (lertrttdo Hreg of Philadelphia.
To Be Or Jot To Be
This Old Question Has to Be Ans
wered Candidly by Omaha People.
What do tho people ot Omaha think of tho
statement published below? Can any citi
zen ask for moro convincing proof? What
is thero lacking In such evldencu? Investi
gation will corroborato It. It is Omaha
Proof 'or Omaha people. Tho most exacting
cannot wish for nnythlng more. Head It.
Mr VrCll M11Ic.( cmn0yed at F.daulst's
tu-z:; 17111 l- llvlu
16U Izard St.. says; "I had been so bad
with my back that I could hardly stoop.
After stooping 1 could scarcely straighten
.. . t rotililtt with thn kldtinv xncrcllons c.
,l r,ml" ' , 1 10. .K,,'ncy secretions ex
imvu i mm i-u-ii mini ui luuieujr ku.u-
' anteod to be a sure cure for kidney complaint
and although I never was compelled to stop
,.orL,,c t t,avo Bcnres of time fell Inclined
"y y11 '
nu ufur nt u-nhn x. n
corner of lMh and Douglaa ata. cured miv
if 1 havo a recurrence of kidney complaint
t . M
Doau's Kidney Pills arc for Bale by all
dealers, price CO cents per box. Sent by
receipt of price. Foster-Mllburn
ti..i v v ni - n. u.,u 1
Co., Illlffalo, N. . solo agents for the United
Hcmcmbcr the name, Doan's, and take no
llll IH Ml 1 1 M 1 1 It I H Mil
I Constipation,
; Biliousness,
! Sick Headache,
1 In mon, women or
GctthoRcnulnotfyou '
want to bo cured. '
Mcnta& 23 cents,
X children, cured by
IMIIIICCiS I lllllllll III
Sonic . .
Chocolate Almond
Nougatines and
Chocolate Molasses
CriSP Tastes like More
John C
Woodward & Co.,
M 11 11 u f n c I u r 1 n u Co 11 f ce 1 1 o 11 c r m,
Jobbers of llluli (irnilc Clic'ir.
Dohany Theater
Sweeney t AIvIiIu'm
famous Monin, .MINSTHKI.S
A magnlllcent company of entirely new
features. Thirty-six distinguished artists
and high-class entertainers. An elegantly
costumed llrst part with overtures and solos
up to date. A big statuo clog, tho artistic
song nnd dance., Lewis & Jacob's Novcltv
Harrel Jumpers; Hrothors Casard, renowiieil
musical artists; the Great Alvldo, tho only
Marclo premier danscuse. A hilarious nnd
extremely funny iifterplecc. ' Livingston's
Travels Through Africa." Reineinher tho
date preparo for the event. Dally parado
at noon by tho llnest musical organization
PRICES 75c, 50c. 3uc. 2oO.
Dohany Theater
In their Acrobatic Fnrco Frolic,
Tho Funniest Show on Earth.
Seo tho nix Royer Troupe of Acrobats,
thn Great Flro Scene, the Tilck Trolley
Car. tho Revolving Scene, tho Only Archie
Royer, ten Great Specialties.
Nothing Like It.
Ten Times (iri-nlrr Thn 11 Any Oilier.
If you live
in the country or in adjoining
towns, when you aro in Council Bluffs,
como in and lot us examiim your teeth and
toll you what is necessary to have your
mouth put in good condition. Wo make
no charge for examination and the prices
for work aro very moderate.
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S, Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. N Grand Hotel
QUARLES & CO., Druggists.
"l v kll