The Year 1900 is a s Presidential Campaign Year 4 it The battle royal for the control of the national government will be started by the great political parties with their nom inating conventions in Tune, but the political forces are al- ready being marshaled in opposing lines. Prepare for the Corning Battle of the Ballots Every patriotic citizen owes it as a duty to his country to , ; keep himself fully abreast, of all the movements in this great contest and to inform himself on the vital questions of pub lic importance at issue between, the contending parties. Xh BCC aS the foremost exPonent of its patty principles in this section of the country will furnish , the most accurate, comprehensivptompt and complete news of .skirmishes, forays and battles of the political campaign of 1900. It will cover thfe political conventions, great and small, with uncolored reports of all that happens at them, It will give side lights on the men and measures before the people that will enable them to do their duty as citizens intelligently instead of in ignorance. The Omaha Bee refill v by mail 8,00 a year r 4,o for 1 j six months. Sunday $2- a year. Wppk1r1 r 05 conts a year TY ten weoka' trial for 10 cents. Populists are threatened with a compulsory choice between the republican and democratic presidential tickets. The Bee will show them why it is to their advantage to prove their loy alty to their country by supporting republican rather than democratic candidates. Republicans 1 will find in The Bee an enlightened organ of the X 1 V 4M . i republican party. Its editorial page will discuss fearlessly and logically the issues presented in the republican national platform and uphold the ban ner of the republican standard bearers chosen by the republican national convention. In the field I of state politics The Bee will be an exponent of i honesty and economy in state government and 'expose and oppose sham reform no matter where or by whom it is practiced. The Omaha Bee Ct1 Kerti fif for " now for tno im' 1.UC ponding campaign. jSdfld. 1 1 t yur frionda and neighbors. TPf-y effective republican cam- X I1C U1US I paign orator. 4 3-3 S 3-3 3 $- $ s 3 g $ g $ ig j s p s 4j Republicans can serve their party no better than to secure subscribers to The Bee. Bee is a weekly argument at the fireside in favor of republicanism. Democrats who want to have both sides of the question can get no better exposi tion of republican doctrines than contained in The Bee from day to day and week to week. Always treat ing its opponents fairly, The Bee will in its news columns give the news of all parties. A copy of The Weekly Remember the Presidential Campaign of 1900 is Upon Us Subscribe for The Be Now Subscriptions and Remittances to The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb.