TIIE OMATTA DAITjT BEE: WEDNESDAY", FEB'RTTA'nV 28, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MINOR MtONTIOM. pavls polls Rlass. Fine A. H. C. beer, N'cumaycr's hotel. WclBbuch burners (it Hlxby's. Tel. 1W. Jludwelser beer L. Hosenfeldt. agent. Photos, Mannrrrll & Co . 45 Main street. Mr. W Ii Heller has returned from Lincoln, NVb. Get your work done at the popular hmgla tnundry, "21 liroadwny. 'I'hono lo7. W. C. Kstep, undertaker. 2S I'carl street Telephones: Olllce, K: icsidcnce. ii. Tho placo to have your framlnc done, Alexander's Art Emporium. 333 Uroadway. Mrs. I. W. Hoi by Is ronvnlosolns from a irvf ro attack of tlin Krlp. I'rof. IMwIn Houthwlok U In Deliver, fnlo, visiting his daughter. Mrs. O. Ire- HllllUC. Mis Ituby Hryatit loft Mom ay evptilnjc for Denver, Colo., whore she will make her future homo iMrs. J. W. Shooter of Sixth avenue has returned from Lincoln. Neb., where she wu culled by the sickness and death of her rlHter. Superlu-tndont 1 nylon of tho city schools Is in Clilcniro iitloinilnK the. Ttieetlng of the superintendents' dopartmoiit of tho National Teachers' association. Thomas MeUniffhlln. an ohl-tlmo onenuor. turn sentenced to tho lounly Jail to serve' nut a line for drunkenness yesterday by I'o lPo Judge Aylosworth. Hiii Hoilmond company played to an rubor crowded house last evening at the Duliany the.Mor. There will be a. change .r program each night during their stay tr the rest of thu week. The case against A. Miller, charged with threatening to kill Arthur Zlpp. the second hand goods dealer, was dismissed In Jlis t, e IVrrkrs court yesterday on motion of tin assistant -ounty attorney. All members of Unity Ilebckali lodge No. are requested to attend Uio funeral or their late brother, Hon. D. C. llloomor. They will meet at Ml. IMUl'H l,:;lsoopnl t biirch ut 1:30 p. m. today and wesir badges. floorer- W. Fletcher and Miss Hessle l'ror were married yesterday evening at the homo of the bride's parents. 'Mr. and !Mrs J. C Pryor. 31 l'lattner Ptrc-o.t Hov. V S. llarnos of thi First l'resbvtorlnn buri-h nlltcliitlng. Stvmest fltovensnn. Imokkeepor for the Oueiil Lumber company, Is conllned to his room ns tho result of being bitten In the foot by n doe while making a trip In tne muntry a few days ago. Tho wound Is a Very painful one. Council ltlulTs tent No. 32. Knight of tho Rlacoabcs. will Initiate- forty candidates ut the meeting tonight. The Uniform rank will bo present from Omaha to assist In the work and the. Initiation ceremonies will tie followed by a. butwutit. Mrs. U K. Stubbs has returned from New castle, U'vo , where she wont to att'end tier husband, who was Injured by a fall from his horsr. .Mr. Stubbs Is much Improved and expects to return to Ills homo In this illy some time next week. nivoil n letter yester- .i,!t rrmti n i p Mniiinomorv of New York 1'lly, making lniiulrles about John Mont gomery, tno am man wan men uno ni.u.i... The writer thought It possible that Mont gomery might bo her father-in-law. Tho Woman's Hellef corps, No. ISO. will liohl momorlal services ut the regular l.'rlilnv. .March 'J. In honor of Mrs. Aimlit AVItterimvcr. who Inaugurated sev- ..rni hfiriiiible Institutions, anil was a lilnhlv esteemed nurse, In tho civil war. The residence of I,. 8. lienedlrt. 2129 Fifth nvenue, was quarantined yesterday on no .r rmit ,.t,ucM nf Hrnrleti fever 111 the fntnllv. The house occupied by William AlclMven at W I'lorce street was also imar nntlned oil account of two cases of diph theria In the family. Tim ttiimiliprs of Shaduklam temple No, SI. Driimatlo Order Knights of Khorassan, urn arrunslng to make a "pilgrimage" to Atlanta, la., on the evening of Thursday, March. R. when about forty "tynw' will bo conducted acrortH the burning sands and mado to drink at '.em X.em's well. A. V. Wvman. chairman of the demo cratic citv central committee, has Issued a call for the democratic convention to nom inate a city and school ticket for Wednes day evening. March 7, at S o'clock. The primaries will be bold Monday, .March r Ward aldermen will 1m nominated at those primaries. . T. Finney Is under arrest at the city Jail on suspicion of being the person who at tempted to "roll" a drunken man In tho Million at-Tenth street and Uroadway Mon day night. He Is s.ild also to have at tempted to rob a drunken man at another Kaloon on the previous night. Mo will bo held for. Investigation. The. funeral r the late It. t Hloss, who lled at f'lny Outer, Nf., from pneumonia, was held yesterday from the First Congre gational church, the sc-vlces being con ducted bv lie -. .1. W. Wilson Inter nent was In Walnut .1111 cemetery. The timet nl SIMPLY A POLITICAL MOVE Propoiilion to Transfer Harrinon Conntj to tht Fifteenth Judicial District. OPPOSITION ARISES TO THE PROJECT It Is ClinrKOil that the ninlorsrnirnt of the llnr Anxoolnt Inn Dues .Not lleprrsent the ItlniM of that lloil. nml others: Chleaeo & Northwestern Hall- i way Company against U. F. Tumblesoii. Aiarch :i-Mary W. Clement annlnst The Jarvls Wine Company and others; William Sledentopf and others against Jeremiah Holt; I'lonoor Implement Company against Wakfer & Wales and other). March 2I-i:mma K. llrodheck ngalnst Valentino Mllburn: AiiTl'mun Miller to. against Tho Humphrey llros.' Hardware I'nmiainr: T IliiUtrnil Mvefs ncraltlt C. 1'. rfheuHrd and others; Jeppe II. llannabelson against .tames Knuthson. March 2J Augusta Itoekwltr. against Anna I'raylor; Mary Snodderly against Council lllulTs City Water Works Company; Au gust i ltockwltz against John l.ltult. Mimli 2:t-Tho Wardor-ltushnell-Olessner Company against Huston llros. and others; Leonard Kvontt. exec utor, against . II. Vincent ftwocasesi; FLilier & Aney ngalnst J. W. Hotmail and others; John MUl(Ueen asnlnst Chris Larson. March 21 C. A. Hobart against Aultman Miller & Co: 13. H. Kastman ngalnst Hnttle S. Haldy and others; William T. F.dwards ngalnst Kllen W. Crowe; T. Ilalstead Myers against Jami Uraclford; Alinlra Florea against Martin Thompson and others. iutAM;i:Mi:Ts fimi tup. itmjiiai.. LEGIS1 ATORS MAY RIDE FREE Hugbei Anti-Pus Bill in Iowa Killed by One Vote, AUTHOR TALKS IN FAVOR OF MEASURE Passes ."Millie Olllclnls t ncoiiselous Delitors to Itallroiiil Coniiiinle lliirrliiiiui's AKrleultiirut I)e parliiiciit HIII Conies I'p, I)ES MOINKS, Feb. 27. (Special Tele gram.) Iowa legislators may still rldo on ness In Iowa will go to tho United States supremo court In tin effort to uTold the addi tional Uix t lie supremo court, of Iowa holds thrjmust pay In order to transact business In this state. It will bo romeinbered that tho case decided by tho Iowa tribunal In volved tho conutltutlouallty of tho ntatuto which compels foreign companies to pay moro for tho privilege of doing business within the commonwealth tU.tti Is exacted from homo companlm. Tho court held that tho discrimination was a legal one and within tho scope of the power which con fers upon a slato tho right to regulate mat ters of that kind. This forenoon McVey & McVey, attorneys, nppeared nt the oilier of State Treasurer Ilerrlott and paid taxru under protest for twenty-seven different foreign Insurance companion. The protest stipulation Is made PLACES BLAME ON CONGRESS Andrew Carnegie Writes a Litter on the Ooune of Brent. PRESIDENT RIGHT IN INITIAL STAGES Considers Ills (Inly 12rror lelilliiK to the Pressure Connrcss Still it Itr- pilllllCMII. Is In In While resolutions were passed at the meet ing of the I'ottawnttamlo County liar as sociation held last Saturday endorsing the hill now pending In tho stato legislature, providing for tbo transfer of Harrison county from tho Fourth to tho Fifteenth Judicial district, It has developed that, a largo num ber of tho members are strongly opposed to the proposed change. This opposition as sumed tlcdnito form yesterday and a petition protesting against tho passage of the bill was circulated and received tho signatures of about twenty-flvo of tho local members of tho association. Copies of tho petition have been Bent to all tho towns In tho county and those circulating them nro of the opinion that they will show that an overwhelming majority of the attorneys of Pottawattamie county aro opposed to the annexation of Harrison county to this Judicial district. These petitions will bo forwarded to State Senator Hazclton at Des Moines, usklng him to uso every effort possible to Insure tho defeat of tho bill In the senate. Tho bill, which wts Introduced by Iteprcscntatlvo Klrkwood of HarrlBon, has nlrcady passed the house. Those who aro now opposing tho "bill claim that tho meeting of tho liar association held last Saturday was not a representative one and that there was not a quorum present. They say that In view of tho small attend ance nt the meeting the presiding olllcer should have postponed action on such an Important matter as this Is to tho Fifteenth district and the members of tho Pottawat tamie bar until somo tlnio when a larger and moro representative gathering of tho association could have been bad. Opposed tin Political firouiuln. Tho opposition to tho proposed transfer Is mado mainly on political grounds. Har rison county Is strongly democratic, whereas the Fifteenth Judicial district, comprising tho counties of Audubon, Cass, Fremont, Mills, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie and Shelby, is republican. It la believed by thoso opposing tho transfer that tho annexa tion of Harrison county to the Fifteenth Judicial district would endanger tho strength of tho republican party In this district. Claim Is also mado that the meeting oi tno Detnlleil Plniis lor the Olisoiitilcn of the I. ate II, ('. Illooini r. The arrangements for tho funeral of tho latn Hon. I). C. nioomer wcro completed yesterday. The remalno will Ho In- state at Ills lato residence, 123 Fourth wtrcct, from 9 to 11 o'clock this morning and from 11:30 a. ni. to 1:30 p. m. nt St. Paul's Rpiscopal church. Tho services tit the church will be at 2 p. tn., conducted by tho rector, Hov. George lMward Walk. The music will be court. Following l a list of tho companies which havo combined for tho purpcue of making the appeal. Commercial, Manchester. North Oerman, frco transportation, or at least for tho next Transatlantic, Hoynl, Iinrastor, Liverpool, two years they may enjoy this privilege. London and (Hobo, London and Lancaster, Tho lower body of tho Iowa legislature has , Noj-walk. Caledonian, Hoynl Exchange, killed tho Hughes anti-pass hill by ono I North llrltlsh, Hainburg-Hretnen, London, vote. Tho measure camo up today and , Iiw Union and Crown, Union, Sun, Vlc after consuming two sessions of oratory tho toria, Madgcburg. Scottish Union, Lion, Ha- NKW YOHK, Feb. 27. Andrew " Carncglo has wrltteu the following letter to a promt- In order that the rights of tho appellants I ,,pnt republican In Washington, a strong may not bo waived In getting tho Issue I supporter of the president: squarely heforo the United States supremo . "A 0,lu look9 over tho situation ho Is mcasuro uaH defeated. This morning when tho mattter was called up tho minority report, favoring tho original bill, prohibit ing any person holding n public olllce from accepting passes, was substituted by a vote of 61 to 31 for tho majority report, which favored tho measuro in an amended form simply providing that tho delegates to stato conventions might not enjoy tho privilege of lolse, Helvetia, NctherJand, Svca, Prussian, Archer union. Tho nggregnte of taxes paid today under protest was SH.'JW. SHOT WITH HIS OW.Y ItHVOI.Vnit. furnished bv the full nrnllcod choir of tho 1 lo !a!s systom. It looked at tho noon ad church. Tho pew of tho deceased will be I Journmcnt ns If the measuro would pass, but parti of ,lw, 0;lk wn9 guot nml st,rIoUs1y . . ... ...... . . - ... firlnr nn nnll.'u n nl In rr nl'ltp tnlnnr .. .... ....... draped in utacK until isasier aunuay, wneu injured by tho accidental dlscbargo of a ro- tho draping will be removed nml replaced I "lciiuiiieiun ai mo aueriioau scsmuii volver while, loading wood on tho river hot- with decorations of Faster lilies. ,"",u "ul u',uu Tho active pallbearer selected, from the ; "i miy votes, ns against uitrty-nine, embarH of the vestry of St. IMulV will be , lncklnK JU8t ,no vote of tho majority neccs- Imprcssed by tho fact that the president has been right at llrst upon each of tho throe ltal stages in the drama. Ho was right in counselling delay In declaring wnr against Spain, when he was assured that his right ful demand for Canadian homo rule (home ruic in cuua or the Canadian type) was within reach. Members of his own party in congress were wrong when they failed to support the president and under a gust of passion declared war contrary to hu nd vice. "In tho second Important caso our execu tive was also right and showed tho highest political wisdom. The Philippines were not to ho demanded, but tho pandora box to be left for Spain to struggle with. "Again. In regard lo Porto Hlco, he has been right from tho start. Tho constltu tlnnal Issue would havo boon avoided and me nib as follows: II. W. Hinder, I. M. Trcynor, S. W. Hioley, A. I). Annls. 13. H. Me'rrlam, W. J. Jameson. M. F. Hohrer and A. White law. The remaliilnc llvo members of tho vestry will act as honorary pallbearers. - The Har association commltteo on ar rangements met yesterday and selected the following to act on honorary pallbearers sary to carry it Mr. Hughes, the author of tho bill, made n strong stand for tho measure. In his discussion ho claimed that while no legis lator milght conscientiously cast his In lluenco for railway companies because of favors received from them there was an un consrluuu tendency to befriend them be cause of having lieen In their debt for n II.. , t. .. I .11..... T 11 T , . . . . . icjJicaciiiiiiK uiu iisauuiauuu . 14, ... hum. ,,, r v,.nro ,,,,, ,(,io1n, , r ntlmr George F. Wright. Judgo J. H. Heed; am: ns alternates. Judge Thornell, Judge Walter I. Smith and Judge George Carson. They will assemble at tho llloomor Tcldence on Fourth street at 1 p. m. Tho commltteo will recommend that tho members of the association meet at tho court house this aft ernoon at 1:15 o'clock nml proceed In a body ofllclal connection was severed passes stopped and this In Itself was said to Indi cate tho motive of tho companies In offering transportation. This morning tho senate reconsldeied the voto by which about two weeks ago It con curred in tho house resolution nxlng ad journment of tho assembly March 1. After Wenpon Drops from Ydiiiik Mnn'n Pocket anil In IMncliiirKcd. II EI) OAK, la Feb. 27. (Special.) Guy Whitney, 11 young man living In tho south all gone well had he been loyally supported In congress. Ho showed raro statesman ship, seeing it was our duty to extend to that Island tho right assured to nil other torn several miles south rf this city this parts of the country, tIz.: The Inestimable afternoon. A ll-callbcr revolver ho was 1 blessings of free exchange of products carrying fell from his pocXet, trlklng tho 1 When such prominent and loyal party men wagon or a piece of wood, discharging tho 1,1 "tigress as McCall, Lltllodold. Powers weapon. The. ball entered his left breast ' Lorltuer and others declare that they can nt. tin. tiinnle rniiireii imunrd nml hni-u- I "ot vote for any tariff against Porto Hlco passing through his loft lung nnd out near hpci-P ch would br unconstitutional a tho shoulder. A companion took tho In- liult h''9 ,0 1,0 T override the votes lurmi m,,n to ii, i,,1Un nt .. r,nii,hnr nfior of 8Ul'" ropubllcatis by democratic voles i,ini, .,,iio..! i,i ,.a i v ' moans scrloiiB trouble for the party. It Whitney will probably recover. " " J ou,1',l,l."lbo U!.U1U , 0f' , " ' .ft conclude to support the president and give F.vimi:ii's wii'i: iiags iii:iisbi,k. HumIiiukI ItoturiiK from To mi to Flml llenil Hod-, CLAHIO.V, la.. Feb. 27. (Special Tele- Porto Hlco Its constitutional right to frco exchange. Pronlilnit li IIIkIiI. "Thus. In each of the threo crisps which gram.) .Mrs. Mnrtln Hcnegar. tho wife of havo arisen wo found tho president differs a wen Known farmer living near nore. com- , from Philip, who began drunk and only rolttcd suicide today by hanging. Hcnegar ended sober. Tho president begins right and had sold out nnd had arrntiged to movo to tho pnrty will do well to nolo that fjet an .. . jUUIUIIit-UI. Ul HID UKlUlUUlf ..1.11 Ull i. nixi J 1IIIU MUIU U II U 111 HI ll.Ul IIIIIIIIKCU III IIIUVU lU 1 HQ )ll TIJ' Will HO WC1I lO nOlO t II SI I IJCl ami to the residence, where tney win join the rc(.onsl,ierUB the vote on tho resolution the Mlnnusota. Ho came to Clarion this morn- hereafter follow his first advlco. Our party funeral cortege, which will move at l:..0 j ltppor botIy ,a(1 ,t on tno tablo wUh the nK to complete arrangements for a car, and In congress has been wrong In opposing the o clock tost. I aula church. understanding that somo timo in the future, v,1ien ho returned ho found his wife had president's llrst decisions, and tho presl- The Har association will meet this morn ing at 10 o'clock In the superior court room, when the report from tho committee ap pointed to draft resolutions will bo submit ted. Judge Thornell will adjourn district when It Is moro apparent than now that the session's work Is at an end, It may be taken up and a new dato Inserted. Senator Harrlman's bill for tho establish ment of a stato department of agriculture deceased. The publlo library will be closed this afternoon out of respect to tho deceased, who filled the position of president of tho board of trustees of tho institution ever slnco Its organization. C. D. Walters, noble grand of Council muffs lodge, No. 19, Independent Order of Har association Zsi Saturday was controlled ' Fellow, of which Mr llloomor was a by democratic members and that In fact there wcro only two republicans present, who both protested against the adoption of tho resolutions. The adoption of tho resolu tions endorsing the bill was a surprise to I Senator Hazclton, as previous Investigation by him had assured him that tho majority of tho members of tho local bar wcro op posed to tho change. When In tho city last Sunday he conferred with several of tho members, nnd It was at his suggestion that tho petitions protesting ngalnst tho passage of tho measuro aro now being circulated. Aside from political reasons, thoso opposed to the bill object to it on grounds that It provides for tho election of another Judgo In thlB district. This, It Is claimed, Is en tirely unnecessary. TUANSACTIONS IN THI1 COl'HTS. ltocord of ii liny In the l.rnl Mills of Council 111 ii IT". I States Marshal George M. Christian and W. E. Willis, his deputy, has been trans ferred from the district court of Hlnggold county to tho United States circuit court was under the auspices of the Woodmen of i bore, and will bo heard at the Marcli term. the World and (be members of the order Lnwliead cams to bo tho owner of n stock Mrs l Ii! it lr C U'ebslor died last evening ! ods at Mount Ayr. la., which. asserts ut the residence of her son-in-law. J. K. I ho purchased from A. h. Ingrain, mho has lingworthy, lfj:t Third iivnue, from con- i .,, forCod Into tho bankruptcy court by sumption, ugitl til years. The remains will . . n,.. rht utnek nr poods In oues- be taken to Dch Moines today for burial, his creditors. The stock ot goous in qucs court thl afternoon out of respect to tho J wag tlic BUDjPCt of discussion in tho upper body today. The wbolo question of state printing nnd binding was opened up In an mnnilmnnl nlTrtrn.l liv rifirdt In TlQVn thl. work on tho proposed "Iowa Year Hook of Agriculture" dono under tho systom of com petitive bids. Nino new bills wore Introduced In the senate today. Ono Is tho measuro by Sen ator Emmcrt for tho establishment of n re formatory for young mon at Anamosa. Today Senator Lewis Introduced tho bill promised by him last week proposing to repeal tho law granting building and loan corporations tho right to charge usurious interest rates. Tho bill repeals tho 12 per cent Interest clause and provides that such corporations may not charge moro than S per rent. Tho most Important, bill introduced In the housn this morning was by Dunham, for tho consolidation of school districts nnd tho establishment of township high schools, which was tho measure discussed at length at tho stato teachers' convention. At a meeting yesterday afternoon thft senato committer on constitutional amend ments nnd suffrage voted to report for pas sage tho equal 'suffrage bill. Out of seven members present, llvo voted for the re port. They wore: Eaton, Hlanchard, Per rln. Ilrlghton and Hubbard. Finch and Titus voted against It. Tho bill has been reported favorably In tho house. Tho bill passed tho houso this morning appropriating $1,000 for tho further educa tiou of Llnnio Hagucwood, tho dcvif, dumb and blind ward ot the state. charter member, ban issued a call for the members to assemble at tho temple at 1:30 o'clock to attend tho funeral In a body. Tho sorvlces nt tho gravo In Fnlrvlew cemetery will bo conducted by tho lodge. Mrs. Jennie Irvlno of Hocky Ford, Colo., a nicer of Mrs. llloomor. has arrived to nt tend tho funeral. A telegram has been re ceived from J. A. Strelght, In Washington. I). C, stating that Jils wfe, Mary Bloomer Strcight, an adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hloomor, will nrrlvo hero Thursday. Charles A- llloomor of 'Huffnlo, X, Y., brother of tho deceased, linn telegraphed that owing tn his extreme ago and feeble health ho will bo unnblo to attend tho funeral. sklkcts mayohaltv caxihuati: IIiii'Ph Committee A icon Upon Fretl II. Hill for the Pluee. . The committer appointed by C. M. Hurl Tho suit of H. A. Lawbead against United i ior tno purpose or naming a republican city ticket lias settled upon Fred. II. lull. tec rctary of the Empkle-Shugart company, nr. Its cholco for cnnilldato for mayor. This selection was arrived at last night at a meeting of the committee held behind lead In a room nt the Noumayer hotel n few weeks ago under circumstances that fiilloil for a coroner's Impict. An unrul gasoline slovc caused a small blaze yesterday ul tho residence of John Miller, ll:D Tenth avenue which gave tho lire depart muni u run. Mrs. MUlor carried the blazing stove out Into the yard and was li.idlv 1 tinicd about the face In doing so. The hair was slnuod off one side of her In ait. The members ()f the household man aged to extlngulhh the Humes before tho de partment reached the scone. The kitchen was considerably damaged. Assistant County Attorney Kimball se cured a order yesterday from Judgo Thor nell to send Arthur Hints, the S-voar-old miii of Henry Situs, to tJie Iowa Children's Jlomo society. The father, who reeclttlv acted us clerk of tile district court granil Jury, has iibauduned the young lad and his another Ih dead. The boy Is a bright young lad and Mr. Kimball would prefer to so cure him u home somewhere In place of turning him over to the society, ir ono could bo found. N. Y. Plumblne C. Tei. i"0. Howell's Antl-"Kawf curco coughs, cold. Davis sells paints. Work of Iti-i, Del.oiiK, Hov. Henry Do Long received from Phila delphia yesterday a renewal of his commls lon as missionary of tho American Sunday School union for another year, oomiuonrlns March 1. During the last year ho has mndu monthly report to tho union, showing what ho has done each day. the amount of money received ami the names of tho donors, tho number of Sunday schools organized, visited or otherwise aided. His annual roport. which he has Just completed, bIiows that ho nindo during the last twelve months 1.037 visits to families, organized threo and vtsltol forty-llvo Sunday schools, traveling In the performance, of his work 4,0!M miles. One year ago Mr. and Mrs. Do Long organized I ho Council HlulTs Benevolent ns Foelallon and secured n hulldlng on Hroml way as their headquarters. Mayor Jennings Ohio Knox, F. C. Luigeo, Jacob Sims nnd Hov. J. W. Wilson comprised the advisory board, with II. W. Hazclton as treasurer. The rcKirt of the treasurer for the year rnilltig today shows that JSOXSO was re ceived, the expenditures being as follows Hov. Mr. Do ling, salary, J600; Mrs. Hlack alary, $30; rent of building. ISO; traveling rxpeuses, $S8.70; postago and stationery 11.70; balance on hand, $3. This report does not Include the money rxpended for the poor, as Mrs. De Long had charge of that part of tho work. She was her own treasurer and kept her own ac munis. She received and paid out during the year a little over 1250. United States marshal. Law head claims that tho value of the stock was $fi,000, and asks $1,000 additional as damages for reten tion ot tho stock, which consisted, he says, of winter goods, and that ho Is out that amount by reason of not being able to dis pose of them during tho proper se-nson. He asks Judgment against Marshal Christian and bis deputy for $7,000. Additional trial notices for tho March term of federal court wcro filed yesterdny as follows: Grand Island Canning com pany against tho Council muffs Canning company; Lawrenco T. Hrown agalnBt tho Union Pacific. Hallway company, l-reil liecit against tho Omaha & St. Louis Hallway company. In the latter caso tno petition was 'intended so as to make tho recently nppolnled receivers of tho road party de fendants to tho action. Tho trial before Judgo Thornell or tno personal Injury dnmage suit of O. D. Wheeler against the Omaha & hi. i,ouis railway occu pied the day In tho district couri, anu oniy part ot the evidence for the defense was In when court adjourned tor tno nay. i nr hearing will be rcMimed this morning. J L. 11. MltiBsen of tills county was ap pointed yesterday by Judgo Thornell guar dian of August F. SlKlsmund. a person ot unsound mind. Slglsmund formerly lived in Howard county, Nebraska, but is now making his home with Minrsen. He Is pos sessed of somo personal property In Nebraska. Tho February term of the superior court was convened yesterday by Acting Judge Paul Aylcsworth, and tho following as signment of causes for trial made, arter ma "I havo found your lironchlnl Troche most useful for lioartencks and colds." I'lior, h. luce;, u.ucens college, London, jvnii. Bronchial Trochis OF OOSTON Sold in Ixixes only -AtoM Imitations. BROWITS FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska mm uiw.i. j union js 1,'Bsaay, jr. ii main eh., uouncu mum, locked doors In Hnrl & McCabe's office la the Merrlam block. At a previous meeting tho commltteo had llxcd on Henry II. Van Hrunt nnd ho was was telegraphed to at Chicago to know If ho would accept the nomination It tendered him. It was generally understood that Mr. Van Hrunt had consented to 'be a candidate, but what aroso since to mako tho commltteo change Its mind Is a secret -locked up In I ho breasts cf the members of tho commit tee. All that Is known Is that nt the moot ing last night It was stated "that thoro wero several reasons why Mr. Van Hrunt would not make a strong candidate." What these reasons wero failed to escape through tho keyhoh The name of J. P. Davis was suggested at tho meeting, but ho firmly declined to be consldcrol a mayoralty candldato and then on "motion of Spencer Smith, who urged that "Fred IIII1 was tho only available can didate," the commltteo decided to select him for head of the ticket. Mr. 11111 was called up by telephone at his rcsldetioo and no tified that he had been "nominated" for mayor end that It was tho wish of the com mittee that ho "run." Mr. Hill at lint ro- IOWA MINERS WAY STRIKE Inn Only lie Averted liy O porn torn In Cclllcrvlllc Illstrlet AKrceluir to lilcrcllHe of Wiiicoh. DI3S MOINHS. Feb. 27. (Special Tele- gram.) A general strike In the Centervlllo coal mining d strict can only bo averted by tho action of tho operators In that district agreeing to grant tho scnlo which tho Joint session of operators and miners of tho stnto hanged herself. dent has been wrong In being so easily frightened by threatened opposition. The I result of this, let us hope. Is to be thnt con Suoiv In Southern flrction KANSAS CITY, Fob. 27. The heaviest ...in mor iciiu,,(i ln f0iinw tho snow storm ot tne winter prevails today .n president's Judgment herenftcr. ns llrst do a short time nn entire block of business buildings was destroyed. IOss estimated at $150,000. Judgo W. W. Ilarr. a prominent citizen, dropped dend from excitement Tho water pipes were nil frozen nnd the citizens fought the lire with snow. Aliilnctor Itnrrntv In luniie An.tlilin. NKW YOHK. Feb. 27 doome H. Harrow who, with his wife, kldnnpcd Haby Clurlt In Central park. Ibis ilt, lust o.ir and who wim sent to Sing Slug fir fourteen yciiM. was tod.i sent to the iHun for Insane rlmliials a'' .Mutteaw.iii bo halng become Insane Harrow s wife i In Auburn prison, serving a six ,n.d a half ciri sentence. The &32$SMS Is a proud and pcorloss record. It Is a record of cure, of constant con-' quost over obstinate ills of woman; Ills that doal out despair suffering that many women think Is woman's natural tor tage; disorders and dis placements that drivo out hope. Lydla 0. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound euros these troubles of women, and robs men struation of its terrorsm No woman need bo with out the safest and surest advice, for Mrs- Plnkham counsels women free of charge. Her address is Lynn, Mass, Can any woman afford to ignore tho modlolnoand the advice that has ourad a million women"? central Missouri, Kunsas and the territories. Snow began falling ut '1 n. m. and at noon, with tho ground covered to a depth of sev eral Inches, there aro no signs of nbatemcnt. Tho temperature Is high nnd wind light. DYSPEPSIA. Inll HrciikcrN Ciiptnrcil. DAVn.N'POHT, la., Feb. 27. (Special Trie- gram.) llarry Klwell and (!uy Hobhlns, who escaped from Jail hero yesterday by cut ting their way through the celling ot their 8llrcly )s t0 DCi wU1 lo!lvp much UlUcMv be. cell, were captured in Marshalltown today nnd brought lack tonight. Goo. S Sml of 75 Nn.au V N York, s.'ivs ' For vears 1 havo boon troub oij Willi rheiimn sm and dyspepsia', and I amt to tlin i on. Union i trv juur pill I Ilium" dlatci) found stoat -otief fiom their use; I r-cl like a new ir, in r.in. I comnunct-1 taking them, and would not now be w.tn ! I cannot understand how a republican them. The diww . veep roe ing i ust.i lo imvc imr. utiii.'i3 vi ruipnini. . i. ..j. - ' int.! my rneuina-ism is conn entirely 1 mil satlst toil if any on so ntllliied will give Itiidwa' Pill a tri.i. they will surely euro ihrm. fur I believe II Hll . oiiio from i It sM-'om being out ol order tin liver no; doing itn walk llvorod, and the president, seeing what evil results attend congressional opposition, will resolve to stand more firmly for what ho sees at the start to be the right and true policy "I i administration could abandon the position ; 'u,"t Iml' hitherto held by the party, that the Clayton- e0nr entirely I i Hulwer treaty had bocomo non-existent. The proposed treaty, even If defeated, as It Dynnnilte i:plimloii I'nlnl. ORKAT FALLS, Mont.. Feb. 27 Samuel T . .... 1. 1 1 1 .1 In.lni, hi, n .lvnnmlln n plosion In a quarry. His body was horribly ,,.' . " . ... hind, since it has recognized tho Clayton Hulwer treaty and given It something like life. "My vlow Is that Hrltaln should now he asked to recognize once for all that no canal mangled. cover. Several others injured will re- lOUII ! OtCS. , Kvanirellst Hlllv Sunday headed n move ment which closed the Sunday theater In Hoone. Tho Christian church congregation of Creston Sunday raised the debt of $2100 which lias been on llie cnurcn euiucu. Final reports on the construction of tho Des Moines auditorium show that Ha ag gregate cost was $ll,Xfl.i'i.1. Since It was opened tho auditorium has e-arncil $;i,272.M. HenJ.imln Marshall, who died on Thursday last ut Iliirllngtoti. had lived In Dos Moltus county contlnuou'dy for sixty-one yoirs. An Ohlo.in by birth, ho settled near llurllngton In 1S39. The last of tho school lands In "Woodbury county has been disposed of. It was a tract of 210 ucros, whli h In times past no one had wanted on occoui t of Its being unde sirable for agricultural purposes. Tho Amoa Library association hns offered to give the city of Ames Its library of about 400 volumes, providing the city will care for It nml make It lice to tho public. Tho offer will be vitisl on at the spilng elections. .1. F. Merry of the Illinois Central, for whom a now town on thnt lino was named, has offered to give $100 to tho llrst church building completed In tho town anil u bund some baby carriage to the llrst baby bom therein. A county telephone exchange, connecting nil tho towns ln the ounty. Is proposed In Ida county. Serious consideration was given the project at a meeting hold at Ida !rovo last week and the .exchange r.fojns likely to become, a leallty. Miss Lin y Fntrlnkcr of ('Union refused to give a tramp who called at tho bouse whore she was employed something' lo out. The by thlB republic us It pleases, in pence or war. That while wo recognize nnd will respect the rights possessed by foreign powers upon this continent, we will press by every legitimate moans for steadily lessen pad ways 1 Pills cure a. I D snrdors of tho S' nuacli. HowM, Kldroyii (ladder DIzzI'ioki. i .n .viies, riles, Slik Headache, I'.fiiU l nipi.ilnl.-, Dllloiif tifs. liiiPprHiion i hi i ;3 . and nil Disorders of the Lntr .r per ho. At Druggists or by mail liiniun. A to., ui way s and seo mat tne name is on wnni you buy. ing thorn until not a vestige remains and 1 r.im otret. N Y He m .o git "Had- that under no conditions will any now power or right of Influence ever be permitted. "This, according to my Idea, is truo Americanism and I should rather tolldlfy American power upon American soli by tho foot than acquire Illusory possessions on another continent by the hundred miles. "In tho 'one ease wo have substance; In tho other only shadow, bringing grave dangers with 11. "1 am Inclined to agree with you that to adopt the now treaty Is to commit politi cal sulcldo for tho forthcoming campaign. Yours truly, "One who has nover voted anything hut tho republican ticket, and one who hopes he may never bo compelled to do to, ANDHKW CARNF.GIE." FIRE RECORD. UOIIItlllN IHvcIIIiik HoilNC UOUC.LAS. Neb.. Feb. 27. (Special.)- dwelling houso oeMipled by Mr. Kd Swal low and owned by Mrs. I)e Long burned to tho ground this morning. Tho Ilio caught in tho attic from a defective flue. Kveiy thlng down stairs was carried out and saved. Innronsivl urn In 1 hrniifhonf llin titntf Tim fused to entertain tho Idcn, but on being 1 mntftr wn!) brought up Immediately after pressed said ho was willing, provided his ' e0,lfprcn(.o convened and after a long now In session hern may decide upon for tho ontlro state. The scalo contract In force np morning whop she went out Into tho In that particular district expired today, f,onin,l ., ! ,,, wnuo tno contracts in tno lies .Moines and other districts of Iowa do not expire until April 1. It w-as stated today that the miners of tho Centervlllo district do not propose to work any longer unless they are assured of nn Increase In the scale of prices. This stand taken by the miners today In their conference with tho oporntors Is evl denco of their determination to carry through their demand foe a uulform and an wife would consent to his being a candidate Mrs. Hill was then called to the 'phono nnd nei being assured that tho commltteo would control the republlcnn caucuses and that Mr. Hill would l nominated without n doubt sho gave her consent. Mr. Hill hns been prominently mentioned ns ono of tho republican nominees for tho school board. Ho has also been spokcti of as candldato for alderman at large. Illoelc of HiinIiion Hiinsrn, PITTSIiriUi. Fob. 27 At 1 o'clock this sard on an errand the tramp slipped up morning lire was discovered In Wilson's bit- hangmudown'her lk'i;. uXahV"1" "" "" J,al" Btrl Mn- Vn Light On a Mystery iew l)lllon KNtllbllNlieil. Commencing Thursday. March 1. the Fort Dodge & Omaha branch will constitute a now division of the Illinois Central railway. Heretofore It has been under tho chargo ot inline, a. ui s.Pnnilont Dixon of tho Cherokeo illvl which an adjournment was ordered until: ' . n k . c hcro from Thursday morning March 1- Kdwnrd Alnseow ngalnst Kd- ward Zimmerman. March & Oiaha Council muffs Hall way and Hrldge Company niralnst Council Illuffs, Lake Manawa & Fast Omaha Company. ...,.. Mnron -l. I'cimui iiKiiiuni wiiiitiia Council Bluffs Hallway and Ilrldgo Com pany ami otner. March ft - W. W. Rogers nsralnst Omaha. Council Illuffs & Suburban Hallway Com- I'l'.'V ?. ,.. .. ,..- r,...l .MUTCH u iJiimiia uiim;ii in nun iv.m- ml llrldce Comnany ngalnst Omaha. Council Bluffs nnd Suburbnn Hallway Corn- March 12-D. J. Fogarty against J. T. Car pouter (two cases). March IS Kiln Price and Hello Price ngalnst W. F. Chllds nnd F. Prouty: Chi ingo Lumber Company against Oeorire c. Ix-slln- Charles Howman ngalnst Willi im Owens. Mnreh 14 J. L. Peters against "William Hohnlng nnd others: M. K. Williams against Dunne' te Co.; W. A Fisher against Kd F Schroetlr; O. W. Cbnpman and others nttalnit Caster and other. Mirch ir J. J Fearon ugalnst M S. Hen ner; 1-3, C Smith against J. C naker. con stable, nnd others; K. II. Sheafe nculnst Hozophlen Dnvl and othors; Hoplitn Peter son against Fred Wlenmullor and others. March 1-I. W Hall nnd other. ngalnt K F Tost nnd others; H. F. Stevlck ngalnst Henry Wagner; F J. Day against Amelli Levy; Mnrtha C. Olttlns against John T. llazcn. March 17 Branch & Co ngalnst Marcus Murks & Co. and others; W. A. Maurer nnd others, executors, against L. Klntiohan and othors; J. Hruunler ngalnst Marcus Marks & Co. and others. March 19-M J Bellinger against Mary Graham; K. 1L Shtafe aiuliut i A. Blxby Carbondale, III., will be superintendent or the new division, with A. M. Shaw as road master nnd W. Mllllkcn ns supervisor of track. Mr. Shnw comes hcro from' Birming ham. Ala. Their headquarters will bo ln Council Bluffs. lleul INlnte Transfer. The following transfers wcro filed yester day In tho nbstrar-t. title and loan olllce of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Ilan Peters nnd wife to Wllllnm Smith, lots 1. 2 and 3, block Pi, town of Mliulen, w d $ I.eM E D. KltiB to Henry Herman, part IOIJ I llllll . lliuvn I. um nim n ,.,,.. raVkor ' V! Piii'irib arid wife to Peter II. Tlmm. ivU 17 nnd w',i sw.i lrt-i."-11, w d ,;;;. i.".miiiiinl A. Fobr to S. A. Honors. ne'i, f'Xcopt 1 acre, 7-7r,-40. w d Edwin I Flowers nnd wife to It. W. Jones, si-., no1'! al-74-;, w d 3,10) C.I00 8,01)0 discussion was referred to tho oxceutivo eciiimlttees of both sides, a committee of thw? on each side being apiiolntcd to lay tho matter before tho executive committees, Theso committees will report tomorrow morning nnd It will then be known whether ..i not, mem is Hums m uu iiuumu in iuo . . lvlll. , - ,.,:.,. , .......h ,u i ,..,.,, Iowa mines. form, dry, and taken Internally, somewhat At today's meeting seventy Iowa mini's illtreient fiom the uncle lnlmlati'H. wero rcnrcHCntod by their operators and douches, smiffcrs and other romedlo for there wero 100 minors in attendance ns dele- Futility of Abusing the Nose to Reach a Catarrh Why Local Treatment Has and Must Be a Failure. BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Car Service. A catarrh remedy that Is dulng wonders i not tried vears ago. Physicians have nil along contended that i nnstltntlonal treat ment was the only way to cure catnrili. local iiPDliuitlou i II is known to nil students of cntnrrli that gates from tho Inrgrst mines In Iowa. Sena- the disease means a disturbed bodily tem tor H. L. Waterman was unanimously elected poraturo, producing liilbimiiiutlnn In the cVinlrmnn delicate iiusiil meiiibrii no., nml becomes , . .u t ,i ' chronic as Ihe result of u huccoshIoii ..f "Admiral Dewey may bo the democratic ,.,ls, Ti, ny way lo reduce this in- candldate for the vico presidency," said lamination and restore the membranes to i average boilllv beat In to trout the nerioui I system c.'iitr.illliig bodily temperature The Five transfers, aggroratlng.... I.oro 1.5i) llnrrliiKe l,leenei. Licenses to wod wero issued yesterday to the following persons: Name ami Heddenee. Ago. 'I'aylor Bowers. Kansas City May StuvoHson. Kaiwwis City 2.i flcorge W. Flitilnr, Council Bluffs 2.1 BtR.de I Pryur, Council Bluffs 21 Snmiiel N. Ald' ii. Bed Oak, la CS Nellie "1 light, Topoku, Kan 2U Tbomiis W. Jefferson. Oakland, la i Mary 1-3. Graves, Oakland, lu 2." Joseph E. Sanderson, Pottuwiittamle ... 21 IdA JJlllcrbcck, 1'ottAwiittamlc, , St Oeorgo Huffman today. "I havo Just returned from Washington, whyro I nttended tho national commltteo mooting. I can say that everywhere tho talk was of Dewey to run with William Jcnnlnga Hryan. This would mako a ticket thnt would win gloriously. I cannot imaglno n stronger combination. Whllo nothing definite wan dono tho sentiment seemed all ono way, that Dowoy Is tho man. Thero ls no doubt ns to Bryan heading the tlckcl.o Huffman wild that ho would call a meet. Ing or tho state central commltteo in all probability for March 8, whon plans would bo made for a stnto campaign. An to tho date of tho state democratic convent tn ho said It would probably be set for Mimo tlmo ln May. Foreign Insuranco companies doing busi- Bears tt lf'8 m A,ffars OASTOKIA. Bsan th. A Kind YO'J Hava Always Boi'2'.l 31eT'9 &7E&1 OASTi'CrilA. Bcmi tho v. w1tl3 Ui Y011 1,3,19 k3n lW but I bo uIim iico of an i-xurt Hlieclllo pri vented priu Hi-ill ilemoiiHtratluii of the I henry. Now that tho sneclllc hui been found considerable progress H reported In ' curing ii ilNeiis" which ha.-i lioreloforo re- ! slstcd tho best medical talent. Oiuiss" Ca turib Tnbl. ts are sold by nil llrt-oliis ilriigglHtM nt 50 cents a box. In ease your druggist does not have them a box will bo mailed direct, prepaid, on application to ) E tiauss, Marshall, Mich lie also sond free of charge u treatise on citnrrb nf tbo success of (iiiUMs' Tablets In ibui fur so , mucous membranes of the oar, iiomi, throat, surprising tl.it H is a wmider tbo plan wa-l eye, htomiu h, bladder and Imwi Is. LI IM rj l i c i i j ! jm, - 1 11 TO GET YOUR SMOKE nut-. INfl 1IM CIS 'V; CIGARS TRY ONE Otit-of-'towii )atients will find us able to nttoiul to thoir denial work while they aro in the city. We have .just put in another chair, so that patients will not bo obliged to wait or be disap pointed. You will bo pleased both by the quality of the work and tho price. j Telcpliiino 115 j II, A. Woodbury, !). D. S-, Council Bluffs, 30 r63i1 Sti Grand Hotel. JOHN G.W00DWARD 8c CO WWII FRAI E DISTRIBUTERS ( COUNCIL tfLUFFS.IOWA- LADitS' FRIEND I TUHKISM T. & l. IMU-Sbrlnss monthly m( st mat Ion sure to tno day iiftviirillsiinpolutyou I I. Imx. -JIkxi-h will belli iinv ct-sn. llv mull. uun-surueiore, loin a rrniin,uinn,nci. ''Man wants but little here hclow" Said o morbid poet long years ago, I am prone to doubt that an cient sage When I look at The Dee's great "Want Ad" page.