Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Hasten frcm All Quarters of Two RpuH:
to Stop Roberts,
Eurehen Concontratinp Thiir Forces Thirty
Miles Outside of Blocmfontein.
deserved the underhanded tricK.i
e employed Upon us since, the
(Icorgc W. Van Slclen, president of the
American Uor council, has Just forwarded
tl.OflO for Hocr widows and orphans to
Treasurer C. Dcvilllers of the Afrikander
committee of legislature at Cape Colony.
Irco Btate President Wires
Nearness of Boberts.
One if I In lint IIom of tin- Century
Sei-inx Imminent llenvy Limnr
if IIiiIIit in Tun
1)11 m.
Diiiiim- N Interrupted liy Hie Report
Unit tin liner Will Attncli
tin Ton ii.
?SlllMUi1 e lira
(Copyright. I9Y), liy Press Publishing Co.)
OAHERONES. Feb. 16. (Uy runner to
Mafrklng. Keb. SO.) (New York World Cil-
m Special Telegram.) All are well
dance vns Interrupted on Sunday.
y 11, by an alarm sounded, annouuc-
t tho Hoers Intended to nttack the
Thero was somo heavy firing hy the
Honrs, but It was not pushed home. The
next day. .Monday. February 12. Captain
30.0CO i Ulrdwood (A. S. Klrkwood), lately of the
mini iioyni insn nines, wan muiium
wounded. Ho wan universally held In high
There was heavy night firing on Tuesday,
tho 13th, and Wednesday, tho 14th. 'Creaky"
(apparently tho nickname of a Doer siege
gun) was dismantled at nightfall on tho
Hth and hail disappeared on the morning of
tho ISth (Thursday), but duilng the day
LONDON. Keb. 2, .-Tho lioers aro . - , f M3foklr) ,
Hloemfonteln wim , .. . . , .,, lhn
Bumbling an army near
-which to dispute th.) invasion oi i.rn . .ii.tancn hclne as favorable for her
Thurston, on RUnrn to Waihlngton, Says
HebraikR Will Go Republican.
Senntor AkiiI" A lino lino en (lint lie In
ot ii C'nnillilitto for Hie IMnee
iif Member of llir .n
1 1 ii it I Committee.
WASHINGTON, Keb. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Thurston was on tho floor
of tho senate today, having returned from
Nebraska yesterday. Speaking of the po
litical situation In the state he said:
"I found the feeling excellent among re
publicans for a successful battle and every
thing points to a republican year in .o
braskn. 1
tho cltv ticket, and I expect It to bo
When nsked as to national committeeman
from Nebraska, about which so much has
been said and written recently and ho many
statements havo been made n to Senator
Thurston's desire to relinquish the cares
of tho position to another, he authorized
this statement:
"The situation as to member of the na
tional committee Is exactly this: I said
in mv rr ends somo t me Binco mai i mm
prevented from continuing Ids trip by the
plague. Ho denied a recent Interview In
which he was quoted as forecasting tho de
feat of the democratic party this year.
"I did not say anything of that kind with
out qualUlcatlon," Sewall said. "I believe In
expansion In a certain, way. 1 believe In
keeping l'orto Rico and Hawaii and extend
ing to them every lnv of the United States.
Mako them territories ot this country with
out discrimination as to tariff or other laws.
I also want to keep tho Philippines, but I
think wo should ultimately establish a re
public there with our protection extended
over It."
Hut llnlf the TmiviiI llntuity Cliilnii'il
In Atwir.le.1 Only OppttftliiK
t'lerli Considered.
WASHINGTON. Keb. 20. The United
States court of claims today rendered an .
opinion on tho claim of Admiral Dewey, his
National Secretary MaVes a lull Explana
tion of the Movement.
Menu Inn of Hip Oritniilnnlloii of n l.o
onl llrmieli In Oniiiliii lit 'I'll In
I'lirlleiilur Time of the
Veil r.
Howard 1'. Itussell, the national secretary
ot tho Anti-Saloon league, who has been in
Omaha tor several days, organizing a local
I branch ot tho league, left for the east Men
' duy. Shortly beforo his departure from the
Merchant hotel, where ho had beeu stop
ping, ho explained the object of his visit hero
Temperiiliirr nt Umiilui j estrrdnyi
Hour. lien. Hour. Urn.
. ii. m I I p. in ,s
ll n. m tt M p. m -
7 n. m i !t P. in
S n. m I -I p. in
11 ii, in I n p. in -I
III n. m ! t p. in -I
It n. ii II 7 p. ti
VJt ii Ill N p. II I!
II p. Ill IS
ofticrs mreTr naVa."b under-"" P-P of Je organization which
s 10 a ri'piiuiituu tai . ;- uuiccru mm uii-i. iui . -...,, ... R(in, .i.,...!
n Omaha the republicans t'" Uus
r.mLL .M??r"l " ? L,h?P" :.n ! !uT, n c... "must not bo mistaken for an organ.
bay May 1. 1898, tho court holding that the
elnlmnnt has a rlcht to recover for each
person on board tho enemy's ships tho sum
of $100.
This decision Is upon tho basis that the
admiral's licet was superior to the Spanish
licet, excluding tho shore batteries, tbo tor-
zatloti for the extirpation of tho saloon
What we want to bring about is simply a
strict enforcement of the piesent laws,
which, I understand, In Nebraska, cover tho
ground pretty thoroughly, by building up a
public sentiment that will sustain It and
Korecnst for Nebraska
Hull) or
Snow: Colder.
nent Cuban, who declined to have his namo
Ufol In connection with tho statement,
oald today:
"Within a dhort tlmo the members of tho
Society of Veterans will Join what Is left
of tho national party, while the opposing
party will consist, under some name or
other, of Cuban-Americans nnd autono
numuer. iwinr Hi T nirsrtnv ' "V . V (hattrr Ir. mlUGS ami lornoaooa enouiu ut- r . 7. 7
fJilllUlUtllV lui iiiiiuuvi i
This Intelligence conies trom .... , . ..,. nmitinn. while
l'retorlu by way of I.ourenzo Maniucz. Ttio i gh(j (j nacC(BJ,ljlo Ilt ,,resent to the gradual
nnimandos are uescriiieu
from all
.. . n.u nf fit, tip nnnilipr. I .... -n i....u.ln..
ou i-ni. . luni-an. inci " . .' fled in being a tho withdrawal 01 in . uoers tr.m.. nl(.,lt. U was a pretty sight, but toimuen nationni committee, and I am not. I
most of the places wlicro inoy nao ur n , i of Umt Bort of lhlI)R palig upon one. louay f . ,d lhat any republican selected
in coniaci wmi mu "inmu 1.17, mv iyint nuiicis nu.u uctu uiiin.h
trlct near Ladysmlth may ralo the resist- wlel0 nd very viciously. Tho Ilrltlsh suns
Ing force to 30.000 men. This figure as- OC(;nRonally stir up such a response.,.
I .1. ! Mnnllii lilV All. I lO-OJiej illlllg Kllll miUlll. UllllTUI 111 B III pain;
pC,J.T8 ""l .h. ""J" t th with tho movement. Wo hope to havo a
, belonging lo tho enemy's licet, in- , enforcement of tho provisions against
cTlng shore mines j 8. tay open
and torncdoes. Tho principal question in- " "- "' -
uuu iuii-uuiD. i . . . anil ni- nt I nilop In m nnru mill uillllr I.
hastening I " ' , V ""V, ,bv running "!"" "r".'" " '"'.I 'Z n 1 volved In the case was whether In dctermln- I
" - " , rtMIUll BU t.w.. ..." -
trenches). TOO insi nuvancc ma in iu " ar, of my 8tn, lllat ,
i in i i ' ' toml"K nl t,,ls lalB wo 0I", t0 U10W
InClUllCll. . I.,n....n.. I.i ll.rt ni-Mnnl .nmimli.n Willi
Taking Into consldcrat on tho guns at cor- "- ... ...w .. ...
m i? I-.. I. l,i miiMP fnria at the l candidates who arc ready to co-operate with
rcgldor, ,11,, in,! thMe nt Manila and "s. While wo usually work with repub
entranco of tho bay and those nt Manila aim ., ... .' ,. . ,,,.
J. .,.! Ih InrnnHnra mill mltlCS in IUU -". "- ""1 -
III .1,11. ,11V l VJ . , ' -J " .
llnller'n Luteal Dentil I. lit ConlnliiN
Three l,lriilenunt Coloiiflu (Itlipm
Sliiln anil Wotimlril.
Bumest that the Iloers havo between 60,000
and 70.000 men In tho field.
Thu gathering of this anrty across tho
Iiath of Roberts gives significant to (len
ora. Cronjc's steadfast defense. Ho has en
gaged tho corps of Lord Roberts for ten
days now and, whether ho is relieved or
not. ho has given tlmo for tho dispersed
lloer factions to get together and to pre- LONDON, Keb, 2C General llullcr, In a
iiirn noHltlons to recclvo the Ilrltlsh ailvance .ii,Dtch from Colenso. dated Sunday. Keb
when Cronjo Is overcome and Lord Roberta 1 rimry ;,, reports that the Ilrltlsh casualties
mioves forward. February 20 wcro twelve killed and ninoty
A illsnatch to the Dally Nowh from I.our- nc wounded annong tho SoinersetB and
enzo Maniucz, dated February 23, says: oorsels, and that February 22 and 23 twelvo
mi Ik renorted here that 5,000 burghers 0mcerH Wore wounded.
liavo left Ladysmith for the Free State. Tho War ofllco has Issued nn additional
Tho Doers are concentrating their forcuj nPl 0f tho casualties sustained by tho Klfth
ihlriv mile! outside of llloemrontem ana brigade, under Duller, l eoruary .i ami ti
' . i . l ... .in i.nt...i . ...
lhn Frnn State govcrnmeni IS moving i" wnicn inciunes seven iiinteiM niiivu.
by tho party would bo entirely satisfactory
o mo. My only wlsli is to secure repuu-
Ican success. I wan somewnai. annojeu UJ j JBv.; , nlrnnn , . it wa contended by
PPOrt "VTr ,.i...i-i iun hnt lhn nnoiuv's
fhn nnwsnatier statement that I was rui
Ing nnother candldato for this position, i
havo not directly or Indirectly tied up
with nnv man for any place. Tno repun
"Reinforcements from nil parts aro pass
Dloemfonteln hourly. Dreal
dent Stcyn has telegraphed President Kru
threo wounded and one missing.
Oeneral Duller's death list contains the
names of threo lieutenant colonels, Thack
eray of tho First lpyal Innlskllllng Fusll-
rer that Lord Roberts Is within a tow hours leers. Sltwell of tho Second Royal Dublin
in Mntnh, he urges that every Kuslleers and Therold of tho Royal Welsh
. ,.f nnHfin.llltV. should I FllsllCCrS
I . ll , nn lered " An additional list of tho Rrltlsh casualties
5,0 commondertd. Pnnrdeberg. Kebniary 18, Is announced.
CronJ. Mny iioiu m .r lieutenant and eight men killed
It Ih difficult to concclvo thnt tne, Hoers .,,,utcnnnt nn,i seven men missing and
urn atrong enough to take tno onenBivo thlrty.pKht mcll wounded.
nnd to rescuo liencrai vruiijc uuu. u.o
'nrlnlln nltllntloll.
Tho war ofuco had nothing after midnight
In Indicate his collapse, and he may hold
out for a few days. The correspondents
ni.m to havo no exact Information respect
ins- hln resource- Somo nay ho has plenty
of food, but Ih short of ammunition. Others
assort that ho abandoned his food nuppncs,
tut kept abundant supplies of cartridges
Manner from the Intrlnne of Ihe Af
rlknmler llund nnd the Cotn
Inir ConicrrsK. t
LONDON, Feb. 27. The Brussels corro
eiiondcnt of thn Dally Mall says:
,s a result of special Inquiries in Jiocr
.Counsel for Admiral Dewey that tho enemy s
forco was superior to tho vessels of l tie
United States. Tho government Insisted
ihn lhn ptntuto failed to urovldo for tho
leans of Nobraska. In convention, tnrougi j eon,lnellcy ot tno t.0.0.cratlon of land 'bat-
thoir soiccieu ueivKuii'B, muni, dvw.."
such auctions for, nnu niey ... . pntiri in now erless to stinnly the
iii pnrtnlnlv do It without any auerap
on my part to shape tho situation for or
ngalnst any man.
InillniiH Tile n 1'rotepit.
n u tirobable that the plpestone quarries
In Minnesota, for tho purchase of which a
treaty was negotiated last summer with
tho Yankton Sioux of Boutn uaKoia, win
not pas Into the hands ot Uncle Sam.
I'etltlonB havo been received by tno sec
retary of the interior from various Slou
tribcH opposing ratification ot tho treaty
unless they securo equal recognition with
tho Ynnktons. Tho treatv providing lor
tho sale of tho quarries was negotiated by
Inspector McLaughlin and tne consideration
Involved is J100.000. three-fourthB of which
Ih to be paid In cash and tho remnlnder
In cattle. Kxcluslvo title of tho Yankton
Sioux Is disputed by other bands, who claim
that It Is the property of the wholo Sioux
nation. Tho Ynnktons can auenuou iu
an nrtlclo of tho agreement of 1893 wherein
it Is stated that unless a suit Is Instituted
within one- year Involving tho ownerehlp
to the plpestone quarries title, shall be
in hn Yankton Sioux. No such
ill i coilllllKt'iiuy ui iiiu v..-., ...
,. ' terles with tho naval forces destroyed and
, 'that the court Is powerless to supply the
?ra! i omission. The court, in deciding the case.
movement aro favorable this time to Mr.
l'opplaton, tho democratlo candldato, who
Is not n saloon man and whose whole sur
roundings are against the saloons. In fact,
wo have reliable assurances that If he Is
elected by our help ho will promote tho
objects of our organization.
Am to Siililinlli (llim-rvnnec.
Another misapprehension with reference
Wilson Wakelln, a Nebraiku Tarnier, CnU
Ilii Wifo's Throat and His Own.
Domestic Infeltcitj Said to Hvo Been tho
Cause of the Doublo Orimv
held that the Inw applied only to tho forco to tno Anti-Saloon league Is that which
of tho vessels engaged In tho action, and mnkes It a factor for a general Sabbatarian
that. In this Instance, taking tho number and nroiagnnda. Wo concern ourselves only
ehnracter of tho vessels Into account, the with tho saloons, but, of course, If we con
strength of their batteries cn board ami an , HCCUro a strict enforcement of tno liquor
other matters which properly go to the do- awB an,i build up a strong sentiment In
termination of tho actual fighting strength favor of keeping the saloons tightly closed
of tho two opposing llects. that the United 0I1 suny wo expect It to bo followed by
States was tho superior. I other organizations that will tako up tho
It Is understood that counsel for Admiral ' work tnrro nn,i HP0 that the laws against
Dewey -will tako an appeal to the supremo gn,i,atu breaking nro enforced against other
court of tho United States. Under today's . offenders.
decision Admiral Dewey Is personally en- . ..r notced while I was In tho city that the
titled to S'.t,570. I barber ohops wcro all open on Sundny and
i tho cigar stores and candy stores nnd boot
lPQQPI 5 ARF LAWMJL PRIZES I M'R'k: stands, and many other stores as
VtbbLLO Attn LHWtJU rnifcLUj Tiiero is no excute. In my opinion, for
! i i .inn4. nnti nn Siimlm tfl divert
Conrl In ltenr.l huviuk i i.v..-. ' "- ,
people s niieniiou irom iuu tmnni " "r
tho employes from their worship. Such u
ihinc ninv hn carried to nn extreme, as iv
Decision of Supreme
Ki Molr.urr of .Slilpn IluriirV
Spimlnli Wnr.
WASIUNCiTON. Keb. 26. In an opinion
hv Justlco Rrown. tho United Stutcs su
premo court today decided the naval prlzo
TourlHt AVIio llns Trmorned Afrlen
Itvlntri Mor.v of Cniiultinlft nnil
I.liliilil I'lri-N.
LONDON, Keb. 2". Somo of the morning
papers tho Dally Mall, tho Dally Chronl
cie. tno uniiy .News aim .Morning rosi puo
llsh a nmiHrkablo Interview with K. S. Oro
gan. who has Just returned from n two
years' Journey In Africa.
(Irogaii, who traveled over C.000 miles nnd
reprcHentB himself to havo been the tlrst
Kuropcan to have traversed the continent
from tho Capo to Cairo, says that after leav
ing lako Tanganyika, with eight porters, ho
entered a region of active volcanoes whero
ho encountered "enormous lo,vn streams,
forming a lake forty mllea by sixty, nnd a
hundred feet deep."
This wholo region he found devastated,
forests .Mid herds of elephants burled In
liquid lire.
Tho neighboring country, he says, Is oc
cupied by some 5.000 Ilalekas, ferocloun can
nibals from the Congo, who llvo by man
hunting. IIU guides told him that the, coun
try covering 3,500 square miles had heen un
til recently densely populated, but that tho
people had virtually nil been killed u'nd
oaten by tho Unlekas.
Uvcry where ho found evidences of canni
balistic practices. The very poths in tho
Junglo were marked out by lines of human
skeletons. Tho slrrnmi wore full of de
composing remnants of humanity half eaten
and horribly mutilated. These cannibals, ac
cording to (Irognn's narrative, lived In grass
cabins. Ho entered some of these habitations.
Ho saw "cauldrons full of liquid, with float
ing human skulls and tho bodies of Infants."
On ono occasion the savages attacked
Orogan'H party, hut he opened up on theim
with rlllo fire. This staggered tho canni
bals, as they had never before seen a gun
or a whlto man. Orogan shot two nnd tho
rest rotrcated.
Ho says the Ilalekas are by no means
repulsive to look upon. Although amnll
they am well built and have good features
Worcan Ex-Presidfnt of Nobrasfcri Womm'i
Obristlan Temperance Union.
Mnu Ctioime Hour of 3llillilulit nnil
l.iirx nt II Im Crime In u .
I fin ii I lu W'n 'I'll rent en oil
to Kill Another.
steumor Addula.
nrocoodlngs havo been Instituted and tho banded down today holds that Admiral
jiruLiK-uuih -m.iii tilth x, y..,. ,i of n. . j.instno. Cuba.
BovornTflem tvh aiijwuuiiij """-'- owuitouj
wnero tao vusoui nun ..
1IROCK, Neb., Feb. 2C (Special Telt
gram.) Wilson Wakelln, n prominent fnrmer
tesldlng throe miles north ot tbla place, mur
dered his wife nt 12 o'clock last night h.V
cutting her throat. He then went to tho
graveyard nearby, where his first wife win
burled, and standing on her riuvc cut two
ugly gashes In his throat, falling forwsrd
on his face. Death In both eases was In
stantaneous. Mrs. Wiikeltu was very popu
lar, being at one tlmo president of tht
Woman's Christian Temperance union of No
Family trouble was the cause. It Is re
ported that Mr. Wakelln has beeu keeping
another woman at his home, 'vhlch has been
very unsatisfactory to Mrs. Wakelln. Tho
wcflinn left Saturday for Omaha, whero she
resides. Wakelln left a nolo dated 12:05 a.
in., stating ho was going to kill Mary, his
wife. At 12 15 ho wrote again saying hn
had killed her, adding' "You will find her
entirely dead." Hi. then placed a handker
chief over her neck, placed a penny on each
eye. then Htnrted for the cemetery. He
stopped nt the home of S. I'. Robertson and
told him Hint Ills wlto was very sick and to
send for n doctor and notify somo other of the
neighbors. Ho then went to the graveyard
aud completed the terrible doublo tragedy.
Resides cutting his throat, ho shot lilm.irlf
at tho grave of his first wife. Tho revolver
and razor, tho weapons ucd, wero found
near by. Mrs. Wakelln had divided to lesvo
him and had begun nrrangementH with that
end In view. In another note Mr. Wakelln
said he was going to kill Mrs. Coryell, a
friend ot Mrs. Wnkelln, who had signified
her wllllngnoss to help Mrs. Wakelln get
relensed from her husband. I'libllc feeling
Is strongly against Mr. Wakelln.
Well Kim vii In I'lfiiionl.
FREMONT. Neb., Feb. 2C. (Special Tele
gram.) The noWB of tho murder of Mrs
Wilson Wakelln nt Ilrock last night created
au Intense sensation hero today. Mrs. Wnke
lln was one of the best known women in
Ilia cltf .lllplmr Imr lu'itnlv.lun vnnra1 pi.ul-
opinion !fVu,r' "'.".J " " r n ..onle. ized bv raids of the Helglans. He declares I
inrinriim wilii uiu vin-.v. a , ... . . ..v.. ....... u . . ...wi
"Hut our IcaRUO nvlll not. as I havo said, that he thoroughly Investigated tms mat- hl!
has been in some cities, whero attempts have Men and women go about stark nake, and
neen mad" to stop milk wagons in their their long hair gives them a peculiarly
rounds and street ears. Hut all these places wild appiuranee.
ourt today uec-uea me. na. mentlonel, as well as others, Proceeding along tne went coasi oi ai-
east. involving the seiiuro of ; ld Vm closed on tho Sabbath without In- bert lake Orogan found th. natives terror-
11 Kepi iiuuiiuiiin nu,...o ... - . I "s a result or special inquiries in nuei
flmieml Duller on Saturday faceil tho . . . , hl . corroborate fully
last nnd strongest positions of tho Iloers reported danger from tho Intrigues of
who bar his way to Ladysmltb. Tho stren- tho Afrl)an('cr bund nnd the coming con-
lioim fighting lndlre'ea a battle between BrraB Unlpflg tho onds of the bund am
nrinles rather than rearguard actions pro- olhrwHU attained It will fan tho llamo of
tectlng a retreat. rebellion throughout the colony,
nn Thursday nnd Friday ho lost forty-
iv. nin.,rU billed nnd wounded, orobably ctTH7,0 IIIDS 'I'll KM FABKWRHi.
v.... ,
v.,T,r,.r-iillnir a total loss of Wv.
Oeneral Whlto's guns worked on Satur-
rtnv nn tho Rnera' positions and n neiiO'
cram from Ladysmlth reported that the
linnrs weTo retreating nnd that larger ra
tions were being Issued In view ot tho fct
ihni rnllrf seemed at hand
vntiiinir has been heard from Mafoklng
rdnco February 12. Tho movement on tho
veldt nway from tho railway Is becoming
Increasingly difficult, for largo bodies of
,nn nn tho crass Is burned up. Oeneral
' . V. I .. t,n-snd
Krench has to wagon lorage iui u.n.n
and oven tho Infantry llnds tbo long marches
Jinrdcr than before, as forage for tho trans
,iort animals must bo cnrrled. This requires
tho formation of garrisoned depots.
NleLl' Senium Setn In
tho tlllo of the South UaKoia.oanu wiiu iv
began negotiations to ncqulro the prop
erty. Thei mattor Is therefore held up.
Miss Ellnore Dutcher of Omaha, who
has been In attendance upon tho nntlonal
convention of the Daughters' of the Amer
ican Revolution, has been successful In so
curing oftlclal recognition for her design
for an Informal pin for tho society, dis
placing tho design ot tbo Now York pin.
Trnnxnnrtntloi. of Soldiers' lloilles.
Senator Thurston had an Interview with
Corbln this afternoon rel-
l-.i.. . tv, iriinnnnrtatlon of tho bodies, ,. . ........
CAI.OUTTA. Fob. 26.-Tho departure of f''"v:r!laka lb0v8 who died In tho I'hll-
Lumsden's Horso to South Africa todny was t(j the h(Jneg ot thelr rciaUves. It ,,,,,,
Dniuani eveni. iniinensu tiuu unu,- , - dellnltely known how many Douiea
or Tipnntn from Mantia. i no mi ui "
Iil)nrlnr of I.uninilcn'n Ilnrsr from
t'nleultn n llrllllnnl Kvem.
,tlvo and because tho voyage of the steamer
.. , ..l..n 1 1
. hur first Inn ban.'. RoV. Alf"od I'ltehrnclf.
.... 1 .. .. . 1 1,. I. t . , .... ..M I . . T . . . I
take this up, except as lis v'oiiaintii. pj ir mm muuu ium . . . , ,n 187-( ana wirn tno 1 xc -p ion ot u. nriet
steadv azltatlon for the enforcement of tno in tno habtl or oroFsing mo ironuer aim pnr0(i nvcd here until her uiarrlagn to
was pecuniary It was a lawful prize. , nm c8peclnlly glad to find a number and had carried off their yoting women nnd Mr, Hitchcock. In 1S78, she devoted n large
An opinion was aiso uummu u...... ... "' t ot omahu clergymen and churcn omcers cattle, tying-up ami Durning iuu mu wumun pnrt ()f ner ,mn ln tlie Work of tho Woman's
,so of tho Spanish steamship 'anama rTO,iy to assist In our work and am sure while whlto Helglan officers wero present. , christian Temperance union nnd lu 1RSG
illlng from New York to Havana. wn1,,h thnt it wlU bo fruitful of good results." Ho adds: was president of the stnto organization.
as captured as a prize on nuvauu un i .
!2 s; .h0K,r.l nlnrvT; ! BOARD FAVORS DEMOCRATS
UlU'll iDlJl.T muni
. i . i 1-
fract as '11, and earned n,d - r mn
arms as such. The court held this vessel ,
Inst the saloons may contribute to shooting large numbers of tho Inhabitants Mr Wakelln. in 1891. After tho death of
was a lawful prize.
.11 IV Ih
bled to bid tho troops fnrowell, tho docka
wero profusely decorated nnd tho highest
otllclals woro present, tho viceroy and Lady
Curzon arriving In state. Lady Curzon re
ceived a royal welcome. In his farowell
speech tho viceroy said:
You go as tho tldo ot forluno seems to
have turned In our favor. May It carry you
on Its crest to Pretoria."
"Krom the north of Albert lako to hake
Weru the wholo country Is In a state of
chaos. It Is administered by Incompetent
IleJginns. Often tho noncommissioned offi
cers und troops aro tho lowest typo of na
tives and they nro almost Invariably cannibals."
piiAVk-rniiT. Kv.. Fob. 2C The state
i.,miKt board this afternoon awarded cer
tificates of election to all of tho democratic
contestant for minor state olllcei. imme-
.niiv nfiopwiinl the contestants wero
Wnlen l'mlnon Hip CnnudlnnN.
LONDON. Feb. 27. Tho prlnco of Wales,
Ailroenti CJenerul Siijm
"WASHINOTON, Feb. 2fi. Tho War de-
. . .... l nH . . t fnn.,,1 n n.ntina rt rMlnnn 1 . t I....1 n tUn ul'iln hnllAn
will bo wired to wasningion upon nm parimeiu una o Httorn in aim repuu-cu "
rival of tho transport soon due and General , from tho necessity which apparently con- , a b0(ly wbPre they made a formal du-
n.i,i .win nromntlv Issue tho necessary , fronted It of deciding nt tnis time wnetner nn(1 on tho republican lncumlients lor pos
ordero which will result In providing for ln- , or not a stato of war exists. The question BCSSon 0f tho ofllces, but the demands wero
terment of the remains of Nebraska's heroes j was brought forward by tho applications of iKnored.
In the vicinity of their homes
Arnold White ('ontliiiies 111" Altnek
t'liiill Willi I lie TeriiiH (lie
(Copyright, 1000, by I'ress Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Feb. 2C (Now York World Cn
She was a pleasing nnd eloquent speaker
and a woman of refinement and culture and
broad Intellectual vlows. Her only daugh
ter, Mrs. P. K. Lumuard, resides hero nnd
was overcome with grief when sho heard
of her mother's terrible fate.
I a number of enlisted men to purchnso their j rbo democratic contestants sworn in are:
v .l,, . ...... HM... .m'lA..lln.ia hnrlnt, Imnii T lllll nt PlnpV
n -Mn nnmh n iniinv rf!i'niiiuit:iiiiu.t iiiKniinruuH. uu 11 iuinuni ........p. w. .. innminrv iir hiuih. v. . ..... ...
tho establishment of rural free delivery at ! referred to tho Judge advocate general, tho nty; attorney general, Robert J. Hreck
Vermllllon. Clay county, S. D. A. K. Light- luttcr declared that tho law relative to tho lnrlug0 0f nnyle county; auditor, (5. 0.
. . . . ! I .llnl.nt.iti i net mt millilornrl' . n ........ r..m frr Wllfllir
(foot was today appointed poswiman-T . ( purcnuau m mvi-uuigm 0 ..wb
Vj. .1. Tnlinr IterimeN to I'nj Hie Fine or
I'lflj- OollllI'M I til IICIMOtl
liy Court.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Feb. 20. (Special
Telegram.) Notwithstanding that Judgo K.
blegram Special Telegram.) Arnold Whlto 13. Smith of Yanklon, acting for Judge Jones
renews his attack on the bad set In tho '. of ttiln city, last Friday, sustained Cniinly
Chronicle this morning, saying: l Judge Wilkes In Imposing a lino of $50 upon
"Heforo continuing the discussion on the 15. J. labor, special administrator of the ns-
nnlmr of Oraves county: treasurer, Wilbur
who vesterday paid a vlBlt to tho wounded T0ka. Keokuk county, Iowa, and Ii. R. Colley i but discretionary. Tho secretary of war I jiagcr of Hoyd county; superintendent of
may, ill llllllf Ul ifiai, iiionmihi; numm , public lllSirilCllOIl, II. .. Jlmauu; l ...
purci-iiso nis uiscnargc. i iKSton county,
on has not been taken It Is ', The principal grounds set out In the re
tho applications will bo nort for tho finding In fnvor of tho demo
the discretion conferred by I r.itla contestants are: First, becauso of
n.. - i,iii rhrnnieln savs It learns from nnd spontaneously to mako common causo , f nol(jrego-Swan M. Mlllner, vlco presl- ; this law. I military Interference In Louisville, on nc-
i uk. ...... j j ... mnlhnr rnuntrv. . . rr-i. . n.n.m.mlgl Vnllnnnl flunk of
npivnin letters tlial uriiisa riue uu i '" ucni. o -um"""
jirlMlto leui-rs iiiiiv " ,.,,, ip,i Knlmrts has anno nted to his staff ., . , ,-,ri nsaUtnnt cash cr.
i,iinltlnti naVO neen laiiuen on mr ouu.uu... . r reiuuut j. ww...... .
coast of Capo Colony, presumably for tho Major Dennlson of tho Royal Canadian regl- , Thp CUy Nntloni Dank of York-Harrin
,. ,iino. Min Is over who had arrived at Southampton on tno nos- . nl Rathbun. Appanoose county, iowu.
an 1 tl,r cklv seaVo n for boil, men nnd anl- pltal ship Princess of Wales, picked out the . xhe comptroller of tho currency has been who wishes to
nnd tno sicsiy I,. rnn,iinna nnd mid them how nroud the , ,i.,ioH ihn fnllow nc changes In offl-i Whllo final actl
inals has set in. ..,i.i,n mnir wns of them and of their bravo com- ,ia r nnrihwMtrm national banks: No- probable that all
writers tKo ine. imnK- forwnnl 80 lovaUy --. "; Natlm,al nanU j rcJecled undcr
Dutch colonists.
Lord Roberts has recently received seventy-two
additional pieces of artillery.
Whether all havo been sent to Paardebcrg Is
not known. ,,, ,
Probably tho eighth division will lcavu
England next Monday.
Pour Tliouni'd In Cronje's Cnnm.
Tho Daily Mall has the following ills-
..,.t. ernm Paardebcrg. dated bunuay.
MniillolimiM .Mourn Their Henil.
ST. PAUL, Keb. 26. A special from win-
Flags nre Hying ai nau-miisi irum
M. Chllds. president, ln piaco oi joan u.
Plerson; no vlco president In place ot D.
S. Zimmerman; Fred E. Hodle, cashier, in
place of Harris M. Chllds.
Iowa: The First National nann oi itch
....u" ...i i.nn,, tplvntn hulldlncs today, ton M 1). Smith, cashier, in place oi r.
puuui- .v. ... .l.lnnl .HIp In nlnon nf M.
it hiuinr' nppii rrcf lvi-u irum i, urni' iiu uoaiainut vhoiuh ( -
fonntnwn nf the death of Captain Harry n. Smith. Tho Shenandoah Nntlonal Hank
.i.i n i.',iHnv Mn was wounded In tho ! of Shenandoah Kills Tucker, cashier; R.
Mnddcr river fight on Sunday a wcok ago. m. cwynn, aosistaui ciisuier. in .,i
.. ..i ..i.i.,mI nt Wlnntnnir. I vm. T,,,,hr,r Th. Firs! N'ntlnnnl Ilillllv uf
. ... ... . . - ... I lie WllH H very pupuittl .nB..wMv ... .r. r.inn ...wo... -
ln Oeneral Cronje's camp, cxciusivo oi in; nf New Brunswick, also ( Marlon E. A. Vaughn, vlco president, lu
losses bo has hitherto sustained. His wifo dca(, j Qf A j McKcan, Tho Fort Dodge Na
Is not with him. aiinougn umiu i
Thero aro
about 1.000 men beleaguered
i hiiiimn in ino nilllli
ti,. nnnr nosltlon Is now nlmost exclu
sively conllned to tho river bed. Tho en
rmy aro entirely at our mercy, but Urd
Tloborts la treating them with great con
nlderatlon, trom motives ot humanity.
IXilinntlnK lluller's Co mm
LONDON, Feb. 27. Tho Times
tlonal Hank of Fort Dodge F. E. Seymour,
vice president. In placo of S. J. Robertson.
The Iowa National Rank ot Davenport W.
palgn 850 strong, can today bo sam in
muster on parade only between tuu ami luu
of Its original members.
ruary 23:
The Dublin Kuslleers havo again ills
tlugulshcd themselves by volunteering to
tnkn Oroblerskloof. which they did. This
...,niinn rur fclClAJ PAPITAl ir.illant battalion, which began the cam
r .. .... I',.,..- s Mill' ...-.. -
.MurlliK from Uloeiufiintelii-Con-t'enlrntlou
nf Fori'm.
(Copyright, land, by Press Publishing Co.)
Vnrk World Cableuram Special Telegram. j
ReportH here show that G.000 Hoers have
left ljuhsmlth for Owngu ITeo n
is said all the Hoer forces nre concentrating
thirty miles north of Hloenifonteln.
Tho Orange Frco State government is
moving nil lis effects to Wlnburg. oer
troop from all qiuu-tcrs aro reported to ne
passing through Hloemfonteln hourly
llrolher of I'riiiiiliirut l"re Stntrr In
trrleeil ul Sew Vorli.
NEW YORK. Feb. 28. "Even If Oeneral
Cronjo wanted to iiirrender his men would
not let him do so. Every one Is deter
mined to light to tho bitter end. Therefore
American newspapers nro In error when they
Btate that tho general Is foolhanly In re
silting so desperately."
This statement wss made to a reporter
by Phillip I.enter Wessels of Hloemfonteln
following from Plctermarltzburg, aaieu reo- Pl.pcl.,,. assistant cashier. Tho First
No.v Nntlunnl University lllll.
WASHINGTON, Keb. 2C A new bill to
establish tho University of tho United
States was Introduced today by Senator
Chauncey M. Depew. It differs from tho
bills heretoforo Introduced and favorably re- ,
! iinptr.l In that In terms as explicit ns nossl-
i - - ... -
blo It limits tho Institution to work exclu
sively post-graduate and special; provides
for particular attention to matters which
concern tho government; vestH management
ln single body Hoard of Regents, nearly
all ot whom nro presidents of institutions i
ot learning doing advanced work and makes
no appropriation of money. I.lko all hills
to establish u national university. It grants ,
tho twenty-acro tract of land In tne city
which President Washington, by authority
of congress, set apart for this purpose.
National Hank of Odebolt Joseph Mattes,
vlco president, ln place of H. C. Bowman.
The KIrst National Hank of Garner Sam
A. Schneider, assistant cashier. Tho Flrat
National Hank of Hlanchard F. E. Mere
dith, nsslstant cashier.
South Dakota: The First National Hank
count of which tho election thero should
be thrown out' entirely; tho alleged Illegal
action ot Judge Toncy In granting an In
junction allowing Hrown Inspectors Inuldo
tho polls nnd nl that Judge Evans of tuo
federal court contributed to tho result by
a threatening chargo to tho United States
grand Jury. It Is charged that Judgo Evans'
chargo to tho Jury was part of a conspiracy
and on this point tho report of tho com
missioners says:
"Tho conspiracy to creato what might be
truthfully denominated a reign ot terror
to Intimidate voters was materially nlded
by tho action of tho federal Judge for the
district of Kentucky."
Inlluencn of smart society on tho pnbllo
service, I wish to reply to my critics. They
allego that In exposing tho bad smart set
I attack tho nrlBtocracy. There is no con
nection between tho two. Tho bad smart
society being destitute of culturo nnd not re
markabln for breeding, assumes too much in
Identifying Itself with the aristocracy. Smait
eocloty has no more prldo of raco than the
army mule, and Is as likely to begot pos
terity of valuo to the nation. If a word may
bo coined to describe them, 'kakneracy' Is
tho term more fitly to bo applied In speaking
of thn bad smart set. To be spoken of as
'kakocrals' may yet bo their destiny. What
I hnvo endeavored to show Is that Inefllc.
lency In certain departments Is duo to In
equality of opportunity; lhat public serv
ants havo been chosen by favor rather than
for their titnefcs; that If tho empire Is to bo
saved a now departuro Ib necessary and that
tho Influence of smart society must bo ex
tirpated at all costs."
tato of John McClelland, for contempt of
court becauso ho refused to transfer tho es
tate to William Van Eps, whom Judgo
Wilkes on February 8 nppolnted adminis
trator of the estate, Tabor has since per
sistently refused to pay the flno or transfer
the cstato and Is yet In tho custody of tho
V. S. O. Cherry, ono of Tabor's attorneys,
loft today for Pierre for the purposo of at
tempting to obtain from tho stnto supremo
court a slay in tho- contempt proceedings
against Tabor. It Is rerarded nn probablo
thnt Tabor will not transfer the estato peud
Ing efforts lo have tho whole mattor taken
out of tho hands of County Judgo Wilkes
and thus prevent thn administrator np
pointed on February H from paying tho claim
of Paul Wilkes, n son of tho county Judgo,
for services rendered In tho case as apodal
commissioner on a trip to Ireland to dis
cover McClclland's heirs, a eoureo which tho
defeated claimants allego was without war
rant of law.
Thn fight for tho McClelland estntr has
been further complicated by tho appcarnnro
hero of James McClolland of Llttlo Rock
Prominent CuIiuii-AiiierleniiN l.i'iim
the Ornnnliiitliin (in in it. lif
eline to 1 1 mil It.
Auilrnllnn S ... ... I. Inr Cunn.l.i. f J- . n-.i.- .h.
OTTAWA. Out.. Feb. 2fi. Lieutenant I Aruiur -. wu.. ..
Coventor Darlet of .New Houtu waics . u "'"V. I ',h
cabled to Lord Mlnto as follows: jinrow iw'. iti..t
OTXRV, Feb. 2U Tho premier, , to meir nomo iu umu.....
behalf of tho people of New South Wales
To IIiiIInI Mori- l'orto HI.miiin.
WASHINGTON, Keb. 2C Secretary Root
Is so well Batlsflcd with the record made
by the troops lecrulled from tho natives nil HAVANA, Keb. 20. The split In the na
Porto Rico that ho has determined to in- tlonal party is now tho principal political
creaBo the number now In Mr vice, incrn . op In Havana.
Is now a full battalion nf theso troops and Already seventy of tho 100 delegate!
of Aberdeen No assistant cashier In placo the secretary has Issued orders for tho e'l- have resigned nnd It Is expected that thirty
llstmcut of anotucr battalion, tno wnmo , ()ti,ers will follow tholr example. Tho re
to be put ln command of Major James A. j KnK members Includo nlmost all the
Huchnnan of the Fifteenth Infantry, who promnPnt newly enfranchised Cuban-
uas ocen uuminuieu mr mu piminni in ut-u- i Americans, which lends point to tno he
tenant colonol. Tho new battalion wilt take Berton that tho Cuban-Amerlcnns will en
Duke Wi'ila on tlir Sly.
(Copyright, 1900. by Press Publishing Co.)
VIKMVA. Feb. 23. (Mow York World
SPLIT Cablegram Special Telegram.)-It la re- j Ark., who claims to bo a eon ot the deeensml
ported that tho government seized tho i County Judgn Wilkes today doslgra ed
greater iportlon of today's Issue of tho ; March 10 as the dato for tlio Hearing up.m
Wiener Tageblntt because It published a tho latest claimant's petition, when he will
story of a secret morganatic marrlago of havo an opportunity to provo his claim
desires to expreis deep sympathy with tho
people of Cannda In tho Ions of so many
of her valuable and gallant sons.
Mlii'Dinllllil' Wound III tin Knee.
ii'opj ilKbt, 1?. by Press Publishing Cil
LONDON. Feb. 2C (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. )Prlvato tele-
irams show that MacDonaid received a
Mjusr bullet Just below the kneecap, which
penetrated jtound iho knee Joint1 and
emerged Just below tho hip. It killed his
horso after penetrating tho saddle. il Mil Mil l lUlltrd Amilll,
(Copyright, iwo, by Press Publishing Co.)
LADYSMITH, (Hy Heliograph to Wecnen),
Krti. 20. I New York World Cablegram
Special Telegram.) There aro excitement
and lubllntlon In tho prospect of relief. Hul-
ler'o column Is reported six miles from the
(irntcful for Trentmenl Aeeordeil !t
Snninnn C'mninlMHlniier'.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 26 Tho German
government has made a graceful acknowl
edgment of the treatment received by Its
commissioner. Harou Sternberg, whllo on
the U. S. S. IJadger. engaged In tho settle
ment of the Samoan complications last suni-
Archduko Francis Ferdinand, heir presump
tlvo to tho Austrian throne. Ferdinand Is
said to havo been a long tlmo In lovo with
Countess Soflo Chnuk. Tho story denluros
that two months ago tho arrhduko arranged
' to marry her In a small village in tho south
of Hungary, but Emperor Franz Joseph dis
covered tho scheme and thwarted 11. It is
now said that on February 5 the duko found
h priest In a convent near Styrla who was
willing to perform tho ceremony ami suc
ceeded In having the marrlago celebrated on
February 20. Tho brldo Is said to have re
states. Horses for mounting tho
men will bo purchased in tho Inland, as
tho American animals do not readily ac
climatize. Inrreiii.1' In luterunl llrvi'iiui-n,
WASHINGTON. Keb. 26. Tho monthly
Btatementi of It ho collections of Internal
revenues shows that tho total receipts for
mer. by forwarding a handsomo chronometer ' January, 1000, amounted to t23,01S,KS5, an
watch through Ambassador Holleben to be j Increaso as compared with January, 1S'J9, of
presented to Captain Merrill Miller, who ! J2.20C.C72. During tho last sovon months
commanded tho ship. Hecauso ot tho con- ! tho total receipts exceeded those for Janu
stltutlonal Inhibition against the receipt of j ary, lt59. by Jl&.CCMSS.
presents from foreign governments by
the place of the United States regular env- i ,i.,mr ln frm distinct nnlltlrnl nartv
... .... , ... . . ,u ! ' 1LU1 llltl Sf l'. ..... lit...' .a ....... . ...,.' .vi-
airy, which will bo brought back to tho I ultimately Joining forces with tho old au- lnalned at Hruck Au Der Mur. but tho duke
uuiiuu .Tiuii-s. nuiDin iui iii.jiiiiiiiiK iiiu tnnom sis. Any SUCH comb nat Oil would i-,..,i, ihr trnm Vlnnna Incnenlto piieli
mean tho Introduction ot a powerful factor I week. Regular news agencies and olllclal
ln the politics of Cuba. I papers deny tho story.
Tho leaders of the national party recog- : 1
nlzo that their Intluence. nnd even their HrirV Altr't Hosklns
existence as political leaders, depends cn , Vrifum
securing as president of tho organization , t holding up a street cur conductor ono
Fcmo man ot tho first rank. Seuor do la night last September and wuh sentenced to
Is onlv nresldlne officer who fills i "veniy ycuin in un- iiru.i. n.iiii . .m in a
IB only priBiuiiih uuiit'i, nuu una ,..i ,.,., ,.,i ,, ,.Vn rhllilren. Two works
brother of the pretddont of the VnlWaad ou, 01)tgi tj,,, noers' wagon train and artll-: tary Jla
of the Orangn Kree State, who arrived here , 1ri moving north.
American officers a special act of congress
will bo required to cnablo Captain Miller to
recelvo tho present. The latter was brousht
to tho Slate department by Ambassador Hol
leben today and left In tho custody of Socre-
veveral days ago to raise funds mr uocr
widows and orphans.
"And even If Oeneral Cronje's forces
should fcurrender." added Mr Weasels,
'that would not end tho war We have
Cono the DrltUU no wrong and we have
TlioiiNiini!" f liner llnver eiir.
LONDON, Keb. 27 A dispatch from
Paardeberg, dated Friday, to the Times siya
that tevrral thousand liners are now hover
In lu tht neighborhood,
Sim.uII CnlU on Melvliiley.
WASHINGTON, Feb, 2tl. Arthur Sewall.
who was tho democratic candidate for vice
president In 1896, paid his respects to Presi
dent McKlnley today. Sewall was on his
way to Hawaii and the Philippine, but was
Inillu'N Poor Cotton Crop.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. Tho cotton crop
of India this year will leave almost nothing
for ex.ort. According to Consul General Pat
terson at Calcuttu, the soasnn has been dis
astrous for cotton and tho reports aro dis
couraging from all quarters.
A r Ii III s lio l llriiuraNey In Wurir,
DUIU'QUE, la., Feb. 26. Tho condition of
Archbishop Hennessey today Is thought to
be worse, rather than better. He passed a
restless night Saturday.
the post till a permanent selection can bo t nKII (l Ju.j. (n tbo sunn- emir! assessed a
made. I f.irty-yeur nenteneo ngainsi u negro nign
Yesterday Oeneral Maximo Gomez was I wayman.
in,.itfi in nrrpnt thn notiltlnn. but ho du- I
cllned. Toduy a similar olTer was raudo to
Mayor Iicaste, who also refustid tho honor.
General Gomez says that he has no political
Ambitions and Is content to bo a member
OI lull Clll lt'iy Ul I I'lvmiin. ,,u,.7 ...
an organization that Is likely to havo a
powerful Intluenco In tho future.
Comparatively few of tho veterans will
sympathize politically with the Cuban
American party. Their leaders aro for tho
most part white, but the rank and file Is
largely composed of colored men, particu
larly In tho eastern provinces, A promt-
Mm i-lili'lltN uf Oi'l'lill V.-NftflN, I'cli, I'll.
At New York Sailed Allnr, fur Naples.
At f'.lbriiltnr Arrlved-Travo, from Now
York, for Naples nnd Genoa.
At Nai'.i'-Arrlved Columbia, from New
York, for Genoa.
At Glasgow Sailed State of Nobraska,
I for New Y'irk.
! At firemen Sailed Hrcmen, for New
1 York. Arrived Steamer II. II. Mtder, from
, New Yorli.
At Liverpool Arrived -Kirtirni, rrom .now
At Halifax Arrived Dominion, from
At Jaffa ( Palestine)- Arrived Steamer
Auciisto Victoria, from New York via
Mediterranean ports (on Oriental cruUe)
was always supposed John McClolland was
Nmv llrrviery In DiiUntii.
DEADWOOD. S. D., Feb. 26. (Special.)
All of tho machinery for the now browery
which Is being eroded ut Central City by n
St. Louis company has arrived, A largo
building has been erected and nno ot tho
largest beer establishments west of the Mis
souri river will bo operated. It Is proposed
to supply nil of tho Hlack Hills towns from
this plant.
Snn.v In Smith Dnltntn.
SIOUX FALLS, S. I)., Feb. 20 (Special
Telegram.) For tbo first tlmo this year thn
ground Is covered with snow, wtiicn, during
tho last twenty-four hours, hub fallen to mo
depth of two or threo Inches.
AnU Iteelver lor GIiihh Trust.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Feb. 0. Hult was
tiled In the federnl court today aMklng for
n receiver f"r thn American Plate Glasi
company. The suit Is on behalf of tho J
Pauw heirs, who own 120,000 of stock In Iho
gliisn trust Thn complainants aver
tin. company has fulled to .pay the earn
ings ot lbs money which thn DePuuw en
tato Ikih invested In slock. Tho claim has
been mailt, by thn trilBt thnt It con d not.
based on Its earnings, pay dividends.
Hunk OIII.'IiiIh In Conrl.
ST LOUIS. Feb. 26. President J
Itotlnian und the o'her olllrers Mint
rotors of the Mullamphy fUMngi '.
with the exieptlon of Coniud H rl '
for whom arrest warrants wero Usui i i
Sjtuiday, appeared Unlay and wit, ni
rallied hnfori) Judco Willis Clark In tho
court of criminal correction- Their enscs
were sut for trial Miinh 7. All Ki'Ve bord
lp tho sum ut H'Xt i-ich for their appearance.