The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET, S PAGES 13 TO 24. E ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SL'N'DAY MOUSING, PEJntl'AKY 25, 11)00. SINGLE COPY FIVE CEXTS. HAYDEHs HAYDEi THE BIG SILK DEPARTMENT jfVio ivorcZ '3ig" docs not suffice to convoy to you tho magnitude oi 'i his grand department other si ores may show a 1'cvv pieces oi sillc alongside and In connection with their dress goods stocks hut here you find :i separate, distinct and complete sillc store Here you find tho worlds greatest sillc mills represented with their newest and host productions in such immense Quantities and great variety that they fairly hewlldcr you with their beauty and brilliancy. MONDAY GRAND OPENING AND SPECIAL SILK SALE EXTRAORDINARY V"nSG s fff"mI pnl iGvnoriinnry siik x x sale a brilliant success wo wall sell thousands oi pieces of tho finest sillcs at such low figures that this sale will long be remembered. NKW KI'KINC FOULARD SILKS 300 pieces direct from tin mill nutl every piece tills year's make. Those prices are for .Moinlny only, ."Jl.i!." ami $l.!ill Kouhmln at USc. All S.'c, bile ii ud OSc Foulards ut 69c NKW MLACK (iUHNADlNIvS Pome of ilio finest gond you havo ever seen all bought by our foreign buyer nil 43-l(.ch wide nnd mr .nomiiiy uiom1 mrce spncnin C9c wi:i1,,::f 98c i !:.4"0 .$1.98 NKW SPUING FANCY SILKS Satin ("tripos, conled, hemstitched, lney. brocade, uppllrjiie, rrtro styles an.l rich deslj;us, worth up to &!.o0, on snlo at 98c & 69c IM.AIN COLO It KI) CHINA SILK Very flno grade In nil colors, plain black, plain white, pink blue, red, cerise, All go on snlo Monday 22c I'LAIN COLOR KI) SATINS An excellent quality, beautifully finished; all colors. Hcmetnbcr this price, Monday 32c VlUUl SILK 1'I.AIDS FANCY STRIPLS Pretty light shade, beautiful color effects, nt loss than cost of making; but ' Monday only 29c yard widk wiutk jap silk Warranted to wash nicely; full 36-Inch wide and 60 pieces at tills price, MONDAY 49c THIS WINSLOW TAl'I'KTA RHPI'TATION WAS NOT ATTAINED IN A SINOLi: DAY; HIT MONTHS AND YKARS OK I'SH HAS TAl'tlUT YOU THAT IT IS Till: DM ST. proof of Its MISHITS. WIJ nnd Wi; ONLY sell the tlKNTINK WINSLOW TAI'I'KTA IN Til 12 CITY OP OMAHA. The constant luercnslii;; demand for the WIDIJ WINSLOW TAFFNTA Is couvludtis BIG BLACK TAFFETA SALE. 20-lnch Black Inffetn, worth up to 7fic--iit 27-ineh Hlaok Taffeta, worth up to $1.110 ut .'id-inch Mack TutTota, worth opto SI. 76 at tiiiSi: run i:s . ui; to it jioniay only. Hii 7liC '.Hie Plain Blnck 3G-iiich Wide Jnp Silk. best "OUtls WOrtll lit) to $1.25 aiirl $1.40, about 200 EE V"l',;tU11a .t0 lm,,m.1ul' .ply-ma'f bet Mimnw-Mlresses-iimkcs j;ood J V ft. I . . '.'I.f 111 Mill lU VHW t'il'IIUOJ Black Peuu de Soic, Black Gros Grain, BPk Striped Taffetas best goods worth up to $1.25 and $1.40, pieces on sale, but this price for Monday, for they nro worth M.UTi, ami will j;o at. 69c A WORD TO (Ji lt MANY Fill HNDS OFT OF TDK CITY Wo will leave prices on thee specials open until Thursday lor your henetlt. No samples of these advertised silks will lie sent. We will till your order and If you are dlssatlslled, silk w ilt he exchanged oi uc will refund your money. New Wash Goods Spring of 1900 Variety Aii tho newest fnbrlcs. rtlehcst and choicest designs und colors. Imported Novelties. Elegance ut small cost. The cream of the best looms. You appreciate variety Never have their equals in beautiful effects been shown and uowhero olso could tho varloty to chooso from be more fu'sclnatln' and complete Richest washable fabrics ever produced nro now ready for your selection with everv advantage. In your favor of securing styles now which In a short time will be picked up, as tho tlnest goods always full to tho curliest purchasers. Foulard Sunliinc -Tbn silkiest wash fabric ever shown light and dark colors has same g" "V nhecr as a silk Unlit wolRht patterns secured exclusively for Omaha. US Inches wide very stronK nnd serviceable only yard Irish Dimities Printed and Pl.iin Colors 4T0 of tho choicest colorings and designs many cxcluslvo styles confined lo tia for Omaha pink, hello, cadet, navy, sky, Dreudcns, etc the standard of dainty, serviceable wash fabrics at yard Sitln Stripu-J Zephyrs No morn beautiful styles shown anywhere In America than those now fin our counters for waists they havo first call stripes and checks on sulo at (round ines Very choice colorings on black ground Iron frame back with rfilscd cording in colors a handsome dreps or waist fabric llatKtes Printed und Pl iin Colors TOO designs In this standard of serviceable wash fabrics the very best colors, Including the new bluo shades -32 laches wide, at, yard Dimities -Printed uul Plain Colors 400 styles In every new and nobby effect produced In the higher priced fabrics colora and design always popular and usually hard to find later In the season In dealrnble patterns lBc and Fine French Percu es Choice stylesor shirtings and .watstu fast color fall yard 'wide " a most oxceUent fabric for Its jiurpese Dress Peroales-Ftill Y ird Vde- Wo havo 40,000 yards of thoao goods all colors for oil purposes and Jn thrco qualities all mil yard wide and fast coloin at 10c, i:ic and Madras Slilrtlnus Woven Color. An cholco a Hue of stylce as Is shown In any custom shirt maker's establishment 32 Inches wide a regular COc Imported cloth early buying enables us to sell at 25c 45c 75c ...18c 19c 19c 15c 29c The Leatiine Press Goods House Dress Goods Wholesale and Retail of the West Special inducements to 40,000 Styles to Select From merchants on Dress Goods in quantity or by the pattern. Spring opening of dress goods every day this week. Specialties that wo will show art; Liberty Satin Cloth, in twenty-seven pas tel shades Zibeline Venetian Cloth, never on tlm market before this spring Satin Faced Venetian Cloth Pastel Shaded Cheviots for spring waists and among blacks are Priestley's English Piero las, Crepon Novelties, etc., Courtald's Crystal Japan Iron Frame Grenadines, Crepon Grenadine:, Coutiere's Serpentine Crystals and Sparkltnsr Grenadine!), Gros Kunam, French Challls. Win. F. Road's Lunsdowno in 72 sprint; shades. I $2.50 YARD Satin Mbtrtj Cloth, in an the new pastel shades It, f'Mr.ntrr. nt '! !V ' llu,.hed miiIii faced French Venetian, I'rnrli Foule. dermon Onrml. Kngllsh Meltons Ft emit Prunellas, Australian Ve lours, fit . all from M to "S Inches wide, and not found la any other store In Omaha. CA fiO-ln. French Venetians, CS-ln. in I. Dll Linda's Cheviots. &S-lnch Oolf cunh. 4B-lncli Kayo Klectra. IC-lnch Uedford. 4S-lncb Have K'Hnyc, N) liirh Frencii I'oplin. fl'i-liuh Homespuns. 45 hioh Scotch Cloth I'luUU and a thousand ot.lier weaves too numerous to mention. 16-Inch l.titlnn, 4S-lnrh ltorodlno, nt-lnch Venetian, 5i;-lnch Cla.V Wor- stfll. f.l.lrieh PhiutlnlR. ..S.lnr-li Homespuns, 4S-luch Coverts, all tho spring tdiudes; 41-Inch silk and wool Novelties, 51-Inch Serges, El-Inch Hroadcloths, all tho new spring shades, 7Cn 48-Inch Crepons, all colors: 51-Inch ni Itoine.Miune. 52 Inch Cheviots 46- " - inch uerman 'ilouble warp Ilenrlet- tas, silk llnlshed: II-Inch silk and wool I Stripes, 42-Inch double faced flolf Cloth, W-tnrh Cttorla Silk 40 inch .Ibellno Plaids, and several other weaves. Mail Order Department 'olnr and nunlity, and any dress selected goods or refund the money. Send us a 98c 3' Inch Worsted Plaids, worth lPo. itr 2S-ln. :. Henriettas, o shades. ifm 2S-lneh Half Wool Serges. IUU 40 shades. :r 42-Inch Novelties, half wool, lot worth 25c. I Of Ut-'ach Zlbellno Plnlds, 23 sprint; shades. Osir, 32-Inch Homespuns, M-lnch m k nncl '00i Novelties. fif 40-ineh Silk and Wool Novdtles, etc., worth 30c. J.Or 3S-lnch Plaids, all wool All Wool -' Homespuns, etc Laasdowne, In Mver;v-two spring shades, conillic.d 1 1 Jlaydeu "jroK ' Black Dress Goods A ftr A11 wool Ocvlots, 13-Inch all wool French .Series. . nil wool Ocrman v' Henrietta, all wool Kncllsh Fancy Jacnunrd?i. all wool dnmestle Novelties, etc. I all I At this price we carry a most com plete lino of line Crepons, Kngllsh Plcrol is. Priestley's Crenonettcs. Mohairs, figured and plain; 5fi-lnch Cheviots, M-lnch Clay Worsteds, M-Inch Storm Sergef, 42-inen .Mohair Stripes, etc. TO Jl.CO an Immense line of Coutlcro's French Crepons, In silk tons, sollels. nrunellns. Itayo's Sicilians, cheviots, novoltles, plain weaves of all descriptions, etc. to iL'.oi ii large linn or high crude Cre:on Novelties, In silk anil wool Crystal Japan PlerolaH, Dntp d'lCtcs, Prunellas. Lupin' celebrated French Cheviots, Fngllsh Clay Worsteds, French Venetians, German liroadi'loilis, etc. TO 5.0i)-3innd woven Crepons made by Coutlere. Grenadines. In silk and wool, made be Sam'l Courtnld; French Novelties, vnrlous weaves; cbenlllo striped grenndlnes, cre pon grenadines, and for tailored suits, Hoynl Artnuren, fi-lnch; Oros do Loundre. C.0-lnch wide; Oros do France, M-lnch wide; French. Kngllsh and Ocrman Urondeloths, Venetians and Suttlnss, etc. French Challls. In rK) designs, nt 43c, 53c. TGc, S5c. 9S( . 98c Mohalrt M-lnch $1.25 Itayo's Sli wtives of $1.98 PlerohiH, 1 celebrated Worsteds, l).,.l.,tr,tlt $3.00 PT. All wool Priestley's Novelties. nil wool Freinh Poiilln, all wool silk llnlshetl Germun Henriettas, et Our rprlng samples are now ready and ev iy out-of-town lady sending In her nddress will receive a. large piu kage of the very latest spring samples-but Kate the price, by us for out-of-town customers, If not entirely satisfactory, we will exchango this trial order. The Big Linen Department OF OMAHA The increase in sales in our linen department this year has encouraged us to enlarge this department and add more specialties and give you a much larger variety to pick from than you find elsewhere. On Monday we will show you some entire new lines just opened. lSx.'l plain white hemstitched Dresser Scurfs, W)e. 1 fix 72, the same, nt 7."c, with open drawn work. 18x72, plain hemstitched (S rows of open work) Scurfs only .?1.2."i each. ISx.'l hemstitched Damask Scurfs, $1.00 each. 18x72, better tirades of Diunnsk, at .?l..riO nnd $1.7i" ench. ISx.'l nnd 18x72 ftiucy colored Scarfs, German make, fust colors, .$1.25 nnd .$1.50. Plain hemstitched em broidered Scarfs ut $1.50 ouch. A tine 11 no of Tinoh Cloths, plain linen hem stitched, embroidered corners, H2x.'l2, Iltlxat? and -15X15, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75 each, l'lne hemstitched embroidered Pillow Shams, $2.50 pair. Kaney Itatten- bert: Table (Mollis and Dresser Scarfs, $1.50, 5.00, $5.75 nnd $0.50 each. New ; line of Art Linens Just received 50c, 00c, 05c and 75c yard. M'he now .HMneh j wide linen for ladles' shirt waists, -lOc, 50c, (50c, 75e nnd $1.00 yard. Six 1 pieces of line :t(!-lnch wide linen, Inwn and cambric for handkerchlofs, slightly ' mussed nnd soiled ou edges, was OOc, 05c, 75c nnd S5c, on Monday, to close out quick, at. the low price of 50c yard, d.'-lnch linen and cotton mixed Pillow Cas ing, 10c yard-2. 21 nnd 2j yards wide. All linen Sheeting, .$1.00, $1.25 und $1.50 yard. New line of Pattern. Table Cloths, S-l size, 75c, anil 101 sl.e, $1.00 each. 2, 2'j and .'t-yard long Pattern Cloths, full bleached, all linen, 2 ynrds wide, only $2.00, $2.50 and $:i,00 ench. 20 pieces of full bleached Table Linen ( to (i(' Inches wide, 50c yard a big bargain. $1,50 Colored ltcd Spreads re duced to $1.00 each. The best nnd largest White lied Spread for $1.00 you Und at tlio'Hig'Storo. 'New brand of yard wide soft tlnlshod Pleached Muslin on sale Monday Oc yard. Mill romnunts of Cheeked Nainsook, 10c grade, on sale fie yard. 10-Inch wide Luwn, 5c In renin unts. Have you seen our new line of Hrittanle Mull? 05c, 75c and 85c yard 17 Inches wide. S-l and KM Vienna Table Covers, $1.50 and $1.US each. 20-luoli wide plain white lllrds' Hyp Towel lug, damask border, all linen, something new, 25c yard. 10 pieces of 72-ineh wide Cream Damask, all linen, 05c, 75c nnd S5c yard on Monday take your choice at .V.K- yard. If possible come I n forenoon and avoid tho big crowds In afternoon. GREATEST SHIRT SALE EVER HELD Special Offerings in $1.50 and $2 SHIRTS at 39c. Monarch, Manhattan, Star and Wilson Bros' colored laun dered shirts, in all styles, with collars and cuiTs separate, some have 2 pairs cuffs and ft collars, some negligee, some stiff bosoms, all styles, worth up to $2.50, on salo at 35c. .'500 dozen Griffon brand shirts, in all tho latest stylos and patterns, made for this spring's trade to sell at 1.50 and 2, on sale at 75c. 100 dozen men's and boys' suspenders, all styles, at 15c, 25c and 45c. Men's oOo underwear at 15c. 500 dozen men's fino Jersey ribbed Blurts and drawers, in all sizes, regular price 50c, on Bale at 15c. LADIES' FURNISHINGS. Ladies' !i5e underwear at 15c. Ladies' 1 gowns at 50c. The most complete line of ladies' undormuslins over shown in Omaha. Gowns from 39c to $5. Drawers from 25c to $3.50 Skirts from 50c to 5. Corset covers, 15c to $3.50. Chemise from 75o to 5.00. Ladies' 1 corsets, all sizes, at 41)c. Children's bicycle hose at 10c, 15c and 25c. Ladies' 50c fancy hose at 25c. Hardware, Stoves and Flannel Dept. Special for Monday. 2 cases Klmona fnacy suiting, beautiful jiattcrnB, per yard 10c, cheap at 1.1c 1 caso extra heavy dark and light outing llanncl, per yard 4'ic mill price. 5c. 1 case extra heavy cotton llanncl. per yard 1 case extra good feather ticking, per yard 15c, worth 25c. 3 cases drapery cretonne and fancy denims. In beautiful patterns, per yard 10c, lS'.Jc and 15c. New patterns of ombroldcrcd llanncl, per yard 69c, 05e. 75c. SOc, U5c. $1.10 nnd $1.25. 3 cases white wool llanncl, BUltable for In fanla' skirts, per yard 20c. 2214c. 25c and 30c. Wall Paper and Paint. A few remnants wo wish to dispose of. Prices cut In half on them. In rogular stock wo can show you white blanks at 3a per roll and up. Tho most complcto etock of rcady-mlxod pnlnts, brushes and room moldings. Despite the advance wc nro still selling the famous Xoxall ready-mixed paints nt 9Sc gallon. Musical Instruments. Tho largest stosk of mandolins, guitars, violins, etc.. In tho city to select from, Call and examine them before buying. Kvery In strument' fully guaranteed. 1'rlces reason able, Olympla and lleglna music boxe at reduced prices this week. Bed Blankets. 125 pairs gray wool mixed blankets, per pair S5c. 250 pairs grey tan nnd whlto cotton blan kets, per pair COc, cheap at 85c. 75 pairs 11-4 all wool bluo gray California bed blankets, nt pair $3 75. 10 pairs, all wool saniplo blankets, from $2.75 and up. 75 pairs 72x81 all wool grey and whlto homespun wool bed blankets, per pair $3.50, worth $1.75. Ask to see our bed comforters. Wo can save you money. Drapery Sales. Nlco dtxlgns Nottingham curtains, full Blze, $1.00 pair. New novelties in Nottingham curetalns at $1.25, $1.50 to $2.00 pair. Very handsome Urusselu effects, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 pair. An extra gcod bargain In cbenlllo por tieres at $1,75 pair. Heavy fringe reverolblo tapestry cur tains, $1.75. Very due tapestry curtains at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Embroidered sash muslin, 12Hc. Sllkallno, 7c yard, Ohina Dsparfrnsnt. I'rlees that mako customers. Head our ex traordinary specials In dinner ware. Inenndei'cnt gai' burners, complcto with burner, ehliuney, Made and mantle, 49c. 1.000 dozen Japanese ereamcrs, decorated, a dozen patterns to choose from, worth 25c, te. 1,500 Japanese cups nnd saucers, decor ated, worth 50c, 151,4c China relcry tr.iy, cholco decorations, gold 1 band, 19c. , Fancy decorated chocolato pots, worth $3.50, $1.19. Ollvo dishes, Vienna china, stippled in , gold, 12'.4e. (Sold band creamers, translucent china, ! worth 25c, 9c. Fancy cake plates, elegant spray decora tions, edges Ktlpplel In gold, worth COc, 8'4e. . ' rxtka induckmi:nts IN DIXXKR AND ' TOILKT SKTS. I fi-pieeo toilet sets, underglazed decorations, ase-nrted pa' torus, worth $3.50, $l.2!i. I 12-pleco toilet sets In the very latest shapes and underglazed decorations, regular prlee, $5.00, $3.27. 100-pleeo dinner sets, royal Hngllsh scml porcelnlu, lateat stylou, undcrglazcd decor ations, worth $7.50, $4.89. 100-plcco dinner sets, In elegant floral dec orations, Just received 150 sctB, which wo place on salt, at $5.19. 112-pieco dinner sets, neat floral decora tions, underglazed scml-porcclaln, every ploco stippled in gold, worth $15,00, com plcto for $S.47. STOVES AT LKSS THAN JOnuRItS' PRICE. I'RK'ES HOOD ONLY UXT1L MARCH 1. Steel Range, with six holes, high warming closet, largo IS-Inch oven, duplex grate for wood and coal, gray Iron top, extra heavy steel oven, asbestos lined throughout, regular $35.00 until March 1 $2S.9.-.. SAME KIND, with nickel plate copper resorvolr, hold 15 gallons, stove complete until March 1 $33.95. $50.00 M. & D. XO. 31 steel range, with hlgli shelf, largo oven, water front, nil complcto to couple on to water tank this Is positively tho Heaviest, tho Finest, the best Steel Range made In America until March 1 $39.50. Tim Queen Economy Cast Range, extra large 20-Inch oven, one of the best east ranges on the market, cheap at $20.00 until March 1 $10.50. The Lustro, a very bandsomo cook, large 20-Inch oven, with whlto enameled reser voir, full nickel plated, extra large, cheap at $23.00 until March 1 $18.50. Carpet Sales. as In it out made-un ruxs. ltruseels tugs, S-3xl4, at $13.20. Ilrussels rugs, S-3x9, nt $11.00. Wilton rugs, CxS-8, at $9.00. A few more all-wool art squares at clon ing prices, size 6x9, at $3.50; bIzo 7-6x9, at $1.50; size 9x9, at $5.50; size 9x10-6, t $6.50. IB Latct sheet musle on salo Monday at only 15c per copy; regular price 25c. Hccauso, Always. Sweet Marjorlu (very pretty uew uulU song), Sho Loved Him Just tho Same, Hello O'Dell, Fond Recollections, You Arc So Dear To Me. Letter Edged In black. Whllo tho Leaves Came Drifting Down, I'll Como Hack When tho Hawthorne Blooms Again, Transmlsalbslppl Two-Step, Hello of tho Sea son (two-Mep). Impecunious Davis, Ma Lady Lu, When Knighthood Wa In Flower (waltz), 'lVssum llarbuipie, Manila Roll, two lato rngtlmo selections, etc. This mtiBle will bo on snlo Monday only at 15c per copy; by mall, 16. Jewelry Specials Cuff Huttnns, Shirt Studs and Collar but tons, for ladles or men, worth up to 35c at per card 5c and 10c. Xlco lino of Men's Tlo Plus and ladles' Stick Pins, latest styles on salo Monday nt 6c. A great variety from that up to 75c. A new lino of fancy belt buckles Just re ceived from our eastern buyer go on salo Monday morning. Como In and fco them. Sterling silver thimbles, handsomely en graved, on tolo at 10c, 15c, 25c and 75c, Clocks In fancy, plain and all styles on salo Monday. Nickel Alarm Clocks at 63c, 93c and $1.23. Porcelain OlockB on sale nt $1.75. Handsomo oak eight day clocks, hanging or mantlo style, with alarm, strlko half hour and hour, Monday, enly $2.95. Flno Watches, sllverlnc case, 'Ideal" move ments, fully guaranteed, on rale nt only $3.50. (lold tilled Watches, 5 year cabc, move ment guaranteed, on sale nt $5.93. Furniture. ( 'wry Drug Dept. Pcrun.i 75c Ayers' Hair Vigor 65c Heef, lion and Wlno 25o Ilrnino Qutnlno Tablets 15c Carter's Liver Pills 15c Castorla 25c La niachn Face Powder 3fc Allen's Tooth Paste 15c If you read the papers you are no doubt aware that things are costing more now than they have for some years past. Tho cause of this does not mat ter so much as tho fact that we havo to pay more for every article, even the I cheaper grades. We havo been advised to advance all prices, while tho facto ries advance, and while it may appear poor business not to do so, we have not yet done so. We have largo supplies on hand bought several months ago, and can therefore make you prices that wo know are right. The styles are right, workmanship right and if you are ever dissatisfied with anything you got here, como in and we will gladly meet your views in all and every case. We place on sale this week several upholstered rockers, in red, green and bluo, at 1.50 each; regular 2.50 rockers. We still have a few odd chain, and will leave them for a day or two longer. For such chairs our price Is very low. We havo Just received the largest car possible to ge.t of brand new, stylish oak chairs, nnd havo from il to 10 doz. of each kind. Cnno peat ! chain at 75c, S5e, 95c. and $1.25 each. Ilox framo enne Reat chairs, golden oak (iiarter- snwed stock. $1.8j; leather seat, $2.50. Flrst-clats sideboard for $11.60. A good dresser, $7.85. WashHiand, $3.75. Extra flno white enamel metal bed, $3 75. Oak oxtenslon tabloB, $3.95. Parlor tables, shaped top, 21x24, now style, mahogany, blrd'a-oyo maplo veneer and solid oak, $2.95. Smaller, same woods and Hnlsh. 16xlfi top, !i5c. Oak panel screen frame, $1.00. Oak easel, 60c. Oolden oak 3-panel ocreen. tilled with funcy sllkeon. $1.75. Photo frames, 25c each, Fiorentlno moulding, dark finish. When you are In the market for anything In the furniture lino give us a chance to show you. THE MYRTLE LIKE TT a very nice plain cook, lS-iu.'ti om'H. warranted a flno baker, cheap at $15 unill March 1 $10.C0. ALL HEATINtJ STOVES SOLD AT LESS TIIAX FACTORY PRICE HOUSE FCR XISHIXO (5001)8 AT LESS TIIAX JOH HKRS' PRICES. Set Mrs. Potts' Irons 1,000 sheet loll Toilet Paper 50c Telesiope Dinner Pall 50-lb. Flour Cans C-lnch Stovo Pipe 93c !l! 19c 5fc 9c Big Ribbon Sale A largo consignment of line black atln j ribbon Just received from our Now York i bucr goe on salo Monday. j Fancy cord taffeta ribbons, 3 Inches wide, all colors and black, received last week, worth 35c, go on sale at 15c. Velveteen skirt binding at 2'.ic. Drese shlolds at 2Vsc. Square Western Wuxhers $2.79 Srlid Steel Hatchet 27c Buck Saws mid Frames 39 Rrllllautlue Stove Polish 5c Rico Root Scroll Rruslies 3c Fine Shoo Hrush and Dauber :! Largo Parrot Cages $1.19 25c solid Steel Pad Lid 15c Tho Orand Wringer $1.2rt lO-quart (Jranulated Pall '. C'.ic 25c nutchor Knife i0c 26-Inch Hand Saw 39c Genuine Fish (Hue, for bottle f,c SEXD CS YOL'R 'MAIL ORDERS. We nro now receiving our line of pianos for spring trade. if you are thinking of purchasing a piano now Is your opportunity to get a good nelectlon at very low prices. Our htock Includes the'chlckerlng. Fis cher, J.oster, Hohr Pros., Franklin and Doll. We also have some planes slightly used that will be sold very cheap, All Instrument, sold on easy payments. ' Pianos moved, tuned and repaired, New pianos for rent. Tel. 16S3. Stationery Sale Captain King's $1.50 copyrighted books on salo at 25c. (.None to dealers.) Hleyclo playing cards only $1.70 per dozen. Finest copper plato card and Invitation, on graving at lowest prices. HAYDEN BROS. Fresh Country Butter This butter is shipped to us from the country, it In nicely wrapped In rolls, fresh, and sweet, per pound, 18c. H 1- I'A KA'I'OU CM I : A M KK V We sell nothing but pure butter. Great care Is tnken by our butter buyer to secure nothing but tho best separator creamery butter made. Extra fancy Elgin butter (creamery) per pound, 23r. Extra fancy Iowa creamery butter, per 1 pound, 22c. We have creamery butts from Minnesota, Dakota and Missouri at from 18c per pound up. WE GUARAXTEE EVERY POUND TO HE PURE HUTTER. WE SELL NO OTHER KIND. Meat Dept 4 poundfl of fresh pork sausage for German summer sausage, 7,4c. 10-pound palls bent brand lard, 78c. No. 1 California Hams, 7'6c Fresb pork butts, 714c. Rotieless cottage hams, 9c. Pickled tripe, 34c Fancy lean bacon, 10c. Hacon, 8VjC. Vlennu sausugo and saner kraut, Dc. New bologna sausage, Cc, Some Interesting Prices in the Naval Oranges, worth 20c dozen, only 914c 5 pounds best Rolled Oats Munday only 0',c. nrnkon Carolina Rice, per pound, ?,c. Keystone Corn Slnrch, largo 10c packagee, 3 for Otic Condensed Soups tomato, ox tall, chlckon and vegetable one can makes. & bowls only Sc. Turkish Figs, l-lb. packages, with rib bon, only fivje. Fancy Full Cream Cheese, worth 18c lb., 1214c Lirgo kegfi Fancy Holland Herring, with white, hoops, ench keg wolghs 17; pounds, only SOc. Fancy Ilrlck Codfish, per pound only 5c. Premium brand Mlnco Meat, 10c pkgs., 6e. ,1-lb. cans Ronton Raked Deans, In sauce, 7,4c. Frifih Fruit Preserves, 32-ounrn Jar, 12V4c Largo 25-ounce bottles Pure Tomato Cat sup, 10c. Largo cans Nolson's Breakfast Cocoa, lOo. Gorman Dill Pickles, per quart, 6c. 3-b. cans fancy solid packed Pumpkin, 714 c French Raisin Cured Prunes, per lb., 5c. Fat, fancy new Irish Mackerel, each 10c. Fat Holland Herring, each 214c, pur lb C!4c Dried Herring. 60 in a box, er box. 25a. Hulled Herring, 3 large, rolls for 10u. i i