Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1900, Page 8, Image 10

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Eavls sells glass.
J'lno A. U. C. beer, Ncumayer's hotel.
V elsbach burners at Ulxby's. Tel. ISO.
JJudwelser beer U Kosenfeldt. agent.
I'hotoe, Magarroll & Co., 13 Main street.
T. .). Hvnris left lust evening on a trip to
Et Louis.
Cyrus Alley of Atwood, Kun., Is In the city
visiting relatives and friends.
Miss-Orace Detnlng, 618 First avenue, is
conllned to nor home by Illness.
Oct your work dono at the popular Qagla
laundry. 721 llroadwuy. 'I'hono 157.
Tim public library will be closed today on
account or Washington's birthday.
W. C- Estop, undertaker, ffl l'earl street
Telephones: Ofllce, 37; tcsldenoe. 21.
Tho place to havo your framing done,
Alexander's Art Emporium. 333 Broadway.
Mm. J. J. Marath und .Miss Lulu Wood
" inl left yesterday on u visit to friends in
t hlongn.
A Utile U-'iby girl mado her arrival yes
terday at fho homo of Mr. and Mrs. 11. L.
BtublH on Harrison street.
Julius Paul has gone to Seattle on a visit
n his son. Ifo will also visit in British
Columbia before returning homo.
J. F. Wilcox returned yesterday from
Jluffalo, N Y., whom he. atended the Car
nation Orowers' convention and exhibit.
!odfrey Nansel, a former resident of this I
city but now living In Custer county. Ne
braska. Is visiting old-time friends here.
All Foresters aro requested to be pres
ent at this meeting tonight, hb there Is busi
ness of Importance to come up for action.
A C Clark and Mrs. Kllza Hrooddes,
both from Omaha, were married In this
cltv List evening, Justice Vlen officiating.
I Inn. I), c. Itl'iomer, who was injured by
In Ing thrown from a sleigh last Saturday,
Is rapidly Improving and hopes to bo out In
u few days.
It. I human of tho Klrst National bank
hsiH gone to Washington, D. C, on busi
ness connected with tho American Hankers
C. O. Kempster, sr.. and Mrs. Helen J.
Hlckctts, both of this city, were married
Yesterday, the ceremony being performed
1v Justlro Vlen.
The Men's club of tho Klrst Congrega
tional church will hold a "Coffee Chat" at
tin- church parlors this evening. John J .
"'ugh will preside,
Mr. ntul Mrs. C. M. llarl expert to leave
f-ir Chicago this evening on a visit to their
laughter. Mr. llarl will return next Mon
day, but Mrs. llarl will spend two weeks
at least there.
it. D. Ivoner, 2:12ft Ninth avenue, reported
to tho pollco yesterday morning that
(thieves had raided his chicken coop during
the night tuid carried oft llfteen prize-bred
Iiciik nnd two roosters.
The case against Ocorgo Adams, charged
with threatening to kill a brother express
man, A. L. Southwell, was dismissed In
Justice Kerrler's court on motion of the
usslMtant county attorncv.
I'ottiiwiittumlo trlbo No. 21, Improved
Order of Heil Men. will meet In regular ses
hIoii this evetdng at Grand Army of tho He
jiubllc ball. The trllo gave u largely ut
teiuled danco last night at Us hall.
MesdameH J. P. Montgomery. K. C.
Hmith, W. H. Tjirklngton, T. S. McLiifferty.
(K J. Towslco and O. T. Phelps attended
the morning session yesterday of the Na
tional Dairy association la Lincoln, Neb,
lttrhiud llooten, charged with assaulting
Ids wife and creating a Aeneral disturbance
nt his home, was released on his own recog
nizance and his caso continued until March
7. provided ho beJiavcs himself In the mean
time, Kuneral services over the late Mrs. Kva
3 lough will bo held tomorrow afternoon at
" o'clock at listen's undertaking rooms on
J'carl street, Hev. Alexander Lithcrland,
jiastor of tho Second Presbyterian church
officiating. Interment will bo in the Crescent
City eemetory.
John Dcvlne, arrested Tuesday night on
tho charge of stealing two norso buinkcts
belonging to "Dutch." tho hackman, was
lined ftfi and cos,t In pollco court for
vagrancy. It was proven that ho did not
uteal the blankets, llo will tioard his tine
out at the city J it 1 1 .
The funeral of tho l.itft linns OIspii will
lie held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Hcandlnavlan Lutheran church, corner of
Ninth street ami Avenue. A Services will
also bo held at the family residence in Madl
non park at 1 o'clock. Interment will bo In
"Walnut 1III1 cemetery.
Barnabas Tnllman died Tuesday night nt
Jils homo on Twenty-ninth avenuo nnd Sixth
Htreet from pneumonia, aged 87 yiyirs. Ills
wife and four children survive him. The
funeral will bo held this morning at 10:30
o'clock from tho residence and interment
will bo in Fnlrvlow cemetery.
Justlco Forrlor performed tho marriage
ceremony yesterday for Wilbur C. HolU
or Klkhorn, Neb., and Kdna K. llannn of
"Waterloo, Neb. When the Justice asked
tho bride If she was any relation to Mark
3 latum she replied with considerable spirit,
"1 guess not. We're Nebraska pops."
N. Y. Plumbltut C. Toi. 2.rC.
Ladles who nro to furnish tho New Kng
land dinner tonight nt Arcanum hall are re
quested to send articles before noon.
Thrrr Voluntary lliiitUrupta.
Three voluntary petitions In bankruptcy
tcro filed yesterday In tho Pnited States dis
trict court hero, tho applicant In each caso
being n farmer. Thomas Fletcher of Hansock
has debts amounting to 16,814. Kt, of which
bo desires to ho rolloved. His unsecured
liabilities nmount to $3.3S2.0r nnd his debts
due preferred creditors to $1)94.70. His
liabilities on notes and bills which should
fco paid by others aggregate $2,100. His
OBsrts foot up to $t68.f0.
Theodore J. Moses of Hlllsdnlo has un
secured debts aggregating $1,161.16 and as
hets amounting to $192, all of which bo
claims us exempt.
Thomas Kly of Noble township, Cass
county, owes taxes amounting to $31 nnd
litis unsecured liabilities to tho extent of
$1,670.91. He Is also liable on notes amount
ing to $1,216. which, he says, should bo
paid by others. He lists his assets at
$4.f71. but of this $4,500 Is represented by
a policy of life Insurance.
FiiIim llenort.
A report gnlned currency In tho city yes
terday that Judge Dillon of Now York, to
whom the validity of tho bond Issuo or
dered by the city council to tnke up the
outstanding water and city warrants had
been submitted, had handed down his opin
ion In favor of the Issue, but on investiga
tion this wns found to be Incorrect. Judgo
Dillon wrote hero saying tho (Into of the
Issue of tho bonds bad been omitted nnd
suggested that Instead of having another
Ihbuk printed that with the consent of tho
mayor and city auditor, who had signed
tho bonds, tbo date September 1, 1899, he
lithographed on tho Issue. City officials
drew the Inference from this that Judge
Dillon had derided that tho IsBUe was valid
nnd this gave circulation to thn roport.
Judge Dillon's ruling is now looked for in
a few days.
Star of Jupiter lodgo will glvo n grand ball
st W. O. W. hall Thursday, Fob. 22. Prizes
for clog danco anil two-stop. Tickets, 25e
or couple.
Vnrrliiue l.lrcimrn.
License to wed wero Issued yesterday to
Ihe following porsons:
Natno and Residence. Age.
c O Kempnter. sr , Council Muffs 5S
Jlollen J. Kiclfctts. Council Muffs 45
"Wilbur C. Holts, Elkhorn, Neb 2
JWna F. llanna. Waterloo, Neb is
Albert Driver, Pottawattamlo 23
Alvena Witt. Pottawattamlo 20
Hurt Smith. Council MulTs
IMInnlo Hellman, Council Muffs 20
.lacob r.lumcr. Mlnden. I.i 37
ltoso Knch, Mlnden. Ia '."j
John II. Young, Mills county, la 26
Anna llusch, Pottawattamlo 21
A C Clark. Omaha 36
!Mrs. Kllza Hrooddes, Omahu 40
Orandmother's kitchen at Royal Arcanum
tonight, In charge of Council Muffs Woman's
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and towa. James N. Casady, Jr.,
Final Award of Sarplni Left After Enter
Uining Returning Volunteers.
Itcinnlndcr, AiuiitintltiK t Xcnrly
Three Hundred Dolliirn, Will llu
Turned Over to Cummin)' 1 lit
tho rVntlonnl tiiinril.
Tbo surplus In the fund raised to en
tertain tho Kitty-first Iowa volunteers on
their return to the state from the Philip
pines will be disposed of by donating $100
to the Soldiers' Cemetery association of tho
Grand Array of tho Republic and tho bal
ance to Company L, Fifty-first regiment,
Iowa National guard, which was recently
reorganized In this city. This was decided
on at tbo meeting of the cxecuttvo com
mltteo yesterday morning, held in Secretary
Tlnley's olllco. lly this arrangement tho
buys nf Company L will receive (295.7S
to amlst i!-.3i in fixing up their new ar
mory. This disposition of the surplus cash In
the entertainment fund was reached only
aftor a long discussion and after the claims
of numerous other applicants had been en
tertained and thoroughly ennvaosed.
The first to present a claim for part of
tho fund was Father Uurk of St. Pcter'u
Catholic church, who urged sulllclent amount
bo appropriated for the purchase of tho
city ambulance for the use of the two hos
pitals and tho city at large. Tho militia
company recently organized In the city, he ' Wilcox Is tho well-known retnll and whole
asserted, was not tho samo organization , snlo florist; Spencer Smith Is nn attorney
ns tho old Company L that had foug". t In
the Philippines and consequently had not,
as urged by Home, a paramount claim on
the money. Ho said further that soldiers
in time of pence were, anyway, in hit
opinion, much like boys with sticks playing
Oeorgo L. Judson, who appeared for Com
pany L, resented Fnther Ilurk's Btntcmcnt
nnd urged that the company had a valid
claim on tho money. Ho nald tho money
had originally been raised for tho entertain
ment of tho FIfty-flrst volunteers and par
ticularly for a reception and banquet to
the boys of the home company, Company L.
Tho latter, howover. failed to arrive In time
to participate In the entertainment. He
stated that the membership of tho new com-1
pany was composed largely of tho men who j It Is not tho Intention that this commltteo
had fought In the Philippines and thoy ! shall In any manner dictate tho republican
needed tho money to assist them In fitting nominations, but only selcjt representative
up a new armory. Company L might bo I candidates who will accept tho nominations
tin soldiers, he said, but thoy wero ready, I If offered them and recommend them to tho
ns before, to respond to tho nation's call j voters at tho city prlmarleo. This com
at any tlmo their services might bo needed, mltteo will not select candidates for ward
John Limit appeared before tho commltteo aldermen, but only candidates for tho other
on bohalf of tho members of the Orand city offices, such aa mayor, treasurer, au-
Army of the Republic and asked for $100
of tho surplus tc bo used In Improving tho
soldiers' section of tho cemetery.
A. T. Fllcklnger presented the claims of
the Woman's Christian association, which,
he said, had cared for several mombers of j
tho FIfty-flrst regiment suffering from
wuuiiuh ami iiniesH wiuioui maicmg any
charge for Btich service. Tho nggregate
of such services, he said, would amount to
forty weeks, which at tbo usual rates would
have exceeded JC00. Ho suggested that It
would be appropriate to reimburse tho hos
pital association at least part of tho ex
pense that It had boon put to beforo dis
posing of the money In any other manner.
After listening to Mr. Fllcklnger tho com
mlltro wont Into epnutlvf Rpsslnn nnd ro-
vlowcd tho several claims, finally deciding I
on tho disposition ns abovo stated.
Kntcrtalnment and suppor by Council
Muffs Woman's club tonight, Roynl Ar
canum hall.
Davis sells paints.
Hnr Amnnrlntlon Ileelnren In Knvor of
I'riiillnic Illll.
A meeting of tho Pottawattamie Har as
sociation wai held yesterday morning for
tho purposo of discussing tho bill now pend
ing In tho state legislature for the transfer
of Harrison county from tho Fourth to tho
Fifteenth Judicial district. .1. J. Stewart
presided In the absence of President "Moomcr,
who Is confined to hlB homo as n result of
an accident. Tho secretary read a letter from
Stato Senator Hnzelton, at whoso rcouest
tho meeting had been called, In which ho
asked for an expression of the views of tho
Har association upon tho proposed bill, nnd
In which he stated that ho wns confident
thnt the members of tbo Btato legislature
desired to act only in accordance with tho
wishes of tho bar. C. H. Altchlson presented
tho following resolution:
Wherens, A bill Is now pending In tho
house of representatives of tho Iown legls
lature. Introduced by Representative Klrk
wnrv.1 nt llurrlsnii eciutv. to annex Harri
son county to tho Fifteenth Judicial dis
trict or iown. aim
Whereiis. tliirrlsnn rolintv Is In the KUtlin
congressional district and is allied to us In
imslncss ana social reunions, is near u
by roason or transportation facilities nnd
geography. Is remote from other portions of
the district It Is now In. and
Whereas, It would bo to me nuvaiuage oi
tlii uennlo nf that count v and tend to les
sen for them expense, delay and annoyance
In their law business nnd In obtaining or
ders, writs and processes and of advantage
to us In the matter or changes or venue In
both civil and criminal business nnd a sav
ing to the public and municipalities thereby,
tncrernro do u
Resolved. That the I'ottawniiami l ounty
Har association unanimously declares Itsolt
In favor of said bill, anil be It
Further resolved, That we earnestly re
quest anil recommend our members In tho
house and senate to favor Its passage and
that a copy ot these resolutions bo for
warded to tbo state senator and tho repio
suutatlvcs from this county.
After considerable discussion tho motion
to adopt tho resolution wns amended to
refer it to tho commltteo on legislation, con
sisting of W. 11. Wnro, S. II. Wadsworth nnd
N. M. Pusoy, with Instructions to report at
nn adjourned meeting to be hold Saturday
morning noxt. Tho secretnry was Instructed
to secure a copy of the bill, to write to tho
Judges of tho Flftoonth Judicial district for
their opinions as to the proposed change and
to write to the clerk of tho district court of
Harrison county nnd members of the Hnrrl
boii county bar for information as to tho
status nl their docket and tho fooling among
tho members of tho bar on the transfer of
their county to this Judicial district.
Several attempts have been mndo In tho
past to effect tho transfer of Harrison county
Into this Judicial district, but they huvo al
ways been defeated, mainly, It Is Bald, on
political grounds. There aro several reasons
urged for the change. Tho Fourth district
Is very large, comprising as It does tho
counties of Cherokee, O'Hrlen, Osceola,
Lyons, Sioux, Plymouth, Woodbury, Harri
son and Monona, It oxtends to tho north
lino of tho stnto and the conditions In tho
district aro such as to roako attendance on
court extremely difficult and inconvenient
for residents of Harrison county.
Harrison county forms a part of tho Ninth
congres.lonnl district, which comprises other
counties as follows: "Adair, Audubon, Oats,
Guthrie, i.MUls, Montgomery, l'ottawattamlo
and Shelby. It Is bound by ties, both social
and business, to Pottawattamie county. It
having originally been largely settled from
this county. Logan, tb county neat ot Har-
rloon county, Is closer to Council Muffs
than nre many of tho towns In Pottawatta
mie county. .Missouri Valley, tho largest
town In Harrlsqn county, has Intimate con
nections both socially nnd In a business
manner with this city. Tho Fifteenth Judi
cial district comprises tho counties of Au
dubon, Cnss, Fremont, Mills, Montgomery,
Page, Pottawattamie nnd Shelby. Tho dis
trict has four Judges. They nro Judges
Thorncll of Sidney, Macy of Hnrlnn, Smith
of Council Muffs nnd (Jreen of Audubon.
Judgo Macy'a term expires this year. In
the event of Harrison county being trans
ferred to this district It would probably
mean tho election of an additional Judge.
Pultlng politics aside the members of tho
locnl bar aro In favor of tho Incorporation of '
Harrison county In this Judlclnl district, and-1
from tho sentiments expressed at 'the meet- I
ing yesterday it Is believed that tho resolu- i
Hon Introduced by Altchlson will bo adopted
next Saturday unless the commltteo on leg- '
islntlnn should present some reasons why
tho change would not be advantageous to
tho district nt large.
SrleclM Men to CIioiim- ('iimllilntc f,,r
Vltl-IOIIN (' Ollll-t-M.
C. M. Harl, chairman of tho republican
niafs meeting held Tuesday night at tho
city hall, has named tho following ns mem
bers of tho commltteo to select candidates
for tho vnrlous city offices to be voted on at
the election March 2tf:
First Ward K. C. Loitgoe. J. F. Wilcox.
Second Ward Spencer Smith, Chris
Third Ward F. H. Keys, H. It. Van
Urunt. .
Fourth Ward F. It. Davis. W. II. Klm-i
ball. I
Fifth Ward C. K. Olios, A. J. Mandor
son. Sixth Ward A. C. Keller, W. n. Tarklng
ton. The personnel of the commltteo Is tlior
ouchly representative. F. C. Lougeo Is a
I lending real estate and loan broker: J. F.
ami former stato railroad commissioner;
Chris Straub Is a enpltnllst and extensive
property owner; F. H. Keys nnd It. II. Van
Hrunt nre carriage manufacturers; F. It.
Davis Is trrasuier of tho Pioneer Imple
ment company: Willis II. Kimball Is
fccnlor member of Kimball Hros., tho ele
vator and Bcnle manufacturers; C. K. Ollcs
Is manuger of tho Hock Island Plow com
pr.ny; A. J. Mnndersoti Is agent nt the
Union Pacific transfer; A. C. Keller Is
proprietor of tho howe-collar factory; V,.
H. Tarklngton Is master mechanic of the
motor company nnd Is prominently Iden
tified with church matters.
Tho first meeting of the committee U
called for thlH evening at tho olllco of
llarl & McCnhe In tho Merrlam block.
rltor, etc., to bo voted on next month.
The selection of such a commltteo Is an
Innovation In local politico and tho result
will bo watched with considerable lu
Urtst. At tho last meeting of tho city central
eommtt0 H was decided to hold tho school
and city republican caucuses on tho samo
night, Saturday, March 3. Objectjgns huvo
been mUsed against this nB making too
long a campaign for candidates for tho city
olllces and Chairman Brown of tho city
central commltteo has announced that only
tho school caucuses will bo held on March
3. Tho commltteo will meet tonight in
room 248, Merrlam block, when dates for
tho city caucuses, school nnd city conven-
Huns will bo fixed. The special commltteo
.consisting of V. L. Treynnr, J. J. Hess and
W. A. Oroneweg will prieent nl tho meet
Ing tonight rules to govern tho selection of
ward aldermen at tho prlmarloB.
The members of tho school board aro
to bo voted on nt the coming election nnd
so far but two names have been mentioned
an likely candidates on tho republican ticket.
Thoy are F. II. Hill and Andrew Norene.
The retiring members aro Jacob Sims, re
publican, and William Moore. dmocrat.
There are many who would like to ee Sims
serve another term, but It Is understoodi ho
Iris declined to allow hia name to bo
mentlonc.1. Mr. Sims will ho a candidato
before the republican state convention for
tho nomination for attorney general ami
everything at present looks most favornblo
for his securing Democratic candi
dates for tho School board named bo far,
nro A. Whltelaw and W. II. Thomas, but
It Is understood tho latter has declared be
nomniUon f tpnaort.(1
him. There Is a strong possibility or II
Ham Moore being his party's nominee again.
The High school slto question is the main
topic of discuFslon In connection with tho
coming school election and consequently
there Is but littlo talk regarding tho hoard
Tho fourth annual ball of Council Muffs
lodge No. fi of the Switchmen's Union of
North America will tako place this evening
nt 1. O. O. 1''. hall. A Cakewalk wilt bo
given by tho celebrated Htlchtcll children of
(IV Kit
lumen MoKIhhIcU HewliiH ellon In
Feileral I niirt fur llcmy Dntiumeit,
James McKisalck commenced suit in the
United States circuit court hero against J.
1". Faiiblon. Simpson Flnnoll, Thomas O.
Morgan. O. S. Wing and Thomas Slmmonn
to recover damages In tho sum of $15,000.
This action is a sequel to tho sensational
suit brought In tho Bamo court by Faublon
against MrKUilck and which was dismissed
aj. the September term of last
Over fifty years ago Faublon and McKls
slck lived on adjoining claims In Mills
county. In 1816 Faublon, wh)le lying In
bed In his small log cabin, was shot through
tho hip with a rlllo ball by some unknown
party. Shortly after tho shcotlng McKls-
slck went to California, where ho has slin'o
! resided and becomo wealthy. Faublon, who
w 'i rcsuu oi wio saoouug mui uccome a
crlpplo for life, went to Missouri whrro ho
hns since resided. In tho early part of 1S9S
Mt'KUsIck roturned to his former home In
this stato and Is alleged to have told a
friend that It was he who shot Faublon and
that ho did so by mlBtake. This readied
. Faublon's ears and he brought suit for $25, -I
000 against McKUslck In tho Fremont county
1 court, but later raised the amount to $50,-
000 when tho c.iso wns transferred to the
federal court. Ho attached property of Me
Klsslck'H, giving an attachment bond of
$40,000, on which tho defendants In tho pres
ent suit were sureties. Faublon In his suit
claimed that tho action wns not hatred by
1 the statute of limitation, ns hu had never
known who wns respotiilblo for tho ehooi
lug nnd his permanent Injury until McKU
slck told the story himself. Judgo Woolson.
however, dlsmltned tho suit, holding that
tho fltatuto of limitation acted as n bar,
desplto tho fact that tho nlleged guilty party
had not been known sooner.
McKlssIck In his petition alleged that the
defendants Induced Faublon to bring the
suit for tho purposo of compelling him, Mc
Klsslck, to well his property at a sarrlllro.
Ho claims thnt tbo nttachmcnt placed on
his property prevented him telling It and
that when ha vau uble to dUpcao of It, after
tho nttachmcnt had been released, It hnd
depreciated In value to the extent of $2,600.
Ho claims also that ho was put to great ox
penso by reason of tho suit brought by Fnu
blou, which ho alleges was entirely without
causo nnd wholly malicious, and therefore
demands Judgment In tho sunt of $15,000.
run coitiiTS.
(ieorne, tin- CIiIchk" TruvelliiK Jlsn,
In Aunrileil H,"50 Diiiiiiikcn,
Tho Jury In tho damngo suit of M. W.
Oeorge, tho Chicago traveling man, against
tho city of Council Muffs brought In a
sonicu verdict nbout midnight Tuesday ana trol by tho resignation of ex-Oovernor Wll
on being opened yesterday morning by llam Lnrrnbeo would be filled, for today
Judgo Thorncll was found to bo for tbo Coventor Shaw Bent to the senate the name
plaintiff, awarding him damages la tho sum of Judgo (I. S. Robinson, Into supreme
of $230. Ocorgo sued for $5,000 damages Judge, who has consented to accept tho posl
for n broken leg, the result of a fall on tho tlon. Tho name of Judgo Hoblnsnn was rc
sldowalk on Pearl street at tho Intersection t eclved In open session of the senate and
of tho Orand hotel and Woodbury building. referred to a-commlttoe of three republicans
which was covered with Ice. This was the and two democrats, which Is expected to
Bccunu inai oi mo case, me jury on uic
former trial having been unable to agree,
Ocorgo Is not satisfied with tho verdict nnd
will nt once file a motion for a new trial.
Tho finding of tho Jury Is considered a de
cided victory for tho city.
Simon Casady filed tho papers yesterday In
his suit against tho Independent School Dis
trict of Council Muffs, in which he sue for
tno purcnaso prico of tho uakiami avenue
property selected by tho Hoard of IMucatlon
as a slto for tho new High school building.
Tho purchaso prlco wns iS.000, nnd Casady
sues for this and $3S1.S3 interest. Ho sets
forth in his petition that tho hoard on
iprn it, 7s:i;, entered into an agreement
for tho purchase of tho property and that
on April IS tho property was actually In
possession of the district; that It mndo ex
tensive excavations thereon, completely
changing the chnractcr thereof. Ho nlno
recites that on May G, 1899. ho tendered
tho district n warranty deed for tho prop
erty and has fronuontly tendered It since.
W. S. Swanson filed a petition for divorce
from Ksther M. Swnnflon, whom ho married
In this city March 19. 1899. Ho alleges that "nt expenditures and tho balance which will
Inst December his wife had n husband living i bo "vallablo for extraordinary approprla
from whom sho had not been divorced when ,lnn8' aml 11 wl11 sorvt as 11 Rlo '("- l"e
sho married him. and for this reason j,c nsac,nlbl" n shaping its financial policy of
wants tho marriage declared null and void. tlllR ',,nr- Tll rt'l'ort sl'R a total estt
Tho records In tho olllco of tho clerk of mted nvollable revenue for the coming bl
tho district court show tlt W. S. Swanson onnlal VMoA. ending Juno 30. 1901. of
nnd lCsthcr M. Aaron were married In this
city March 19. 1899, by Row S. M. Perkins,
pastor of tho First Christian church.
M. C. Ooodwln filed nn amendment to his
potltlon In his suit against tho Omaha Mow
ing association, In -which ho asks that an
Injunction bo Issued restraining tho brow
Ing company from Felling liquor In this state.
Ooodwln's suit against tho Omaha Mowing
association is to recover $2,000 which, he
alleges, ho paid It for liquor, nnd to restrain
it from collecting cn certain notes which
ho claims to have given for tho purchaso
price of liquor. Ooodwln conducts a saloon
on Broadway.
Tho caso of Riley Clark ngalnst J. E.
Ilemsworth Is on trial and Judge Thorncll
announced yesterday that on tho completion
of this trial ho would take up tho case of
Forest Smith ngalnst tho city and Thomas
Howman. This is the caso in which Smith
seeks to enjoin tho city from entering into
an electric lighting contract with Thomas
Howman. Tho hearing will bo had on tho
city's demurrer to Smith's petition.
Attend Modem Woodman dance, Hughes'
hall. Monday evening, February 2C. 25
New England dinner tonight nt Royal Ar
canum hall by Woman's club, 25 cents.
Itonl KmIiiIp 'I'milKfor.
The following transfers were filed yester
day In tho abstract, tltlo nnd loan office of
J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street:
Samuel L. White and wife to Uriah
White. iiVi niU 7-75-39. w. d $ 4,201
Alice D. Clark to K. D. King, lots 7
and 8. block 7, Jackson's add., w. d. 2,600
John aI. ualvin to c. F. Mendrie, lot
8. block 31, Riddle's subd., w. d
Krnstus A. Henson to Ciiion Pacific
Railroad Co., und. of part sw'4
31-75-44. w. d
J. It. Woodllng nnd wlfo to IS. F.
Stenton ne'i se'.j 34-74-18, w. d
M. V. Morton to Juno Morton, se4
sw'i 3I-7C-3S, w. d
Fred .1. Day and wiro to Mury L. Ev
erett, part sw4 soU 12-74-41, w. d
K. A. Howard and wire to John M.
Oatvln, lot K block 31, Riddle's
subd., d
Thomas Rlshton nnd wlfo lo Dellln.
Hooue, part of out lot 4, Neola. w. d.
nlierlir to Toouo weaKiey iuiinnory
Co.. lot 5. block S. Potter & Cobb's
add., sheriff's d COO
Niels C Chrlatensen and wife to A.
Petersen, lot 11, block 11, Crnw
ford'f add., w. d
County Treasurer to James S. Mlthen,
lot 1. block 11. Hyatt's subd.. tax d.
J. fi. Iversen and wlfo to J. If. Low
rey, lot 5. block 19, town or Neola,
w. d
Julius ('. Hurler, trustee, to August
Kaslske, lot 5. block 16, town or
Mlnden, w. d
Ivnr Holln and wife to Addison
Young. w's se',i 1-77-14, w. d
Fifteen transfers, aggregating $20,111
Hour ill the Pimtnlllce.
Today being Wellington's birthday, a
legal holiday, tho following hours will bo
observed at tho postofllco:
Stamp window, general delivery window
nnd money order division will be open from
8 until 11 n. m. Carriers will make one de
livery In tho foroiiron, leaving thn olllco nt
0 u, m. Thoro will bo a business collection
In tho afternoon, carriers leaving the office
at 1 p. m.
Eighteenth century tea party tonight at
Arcanum hall by Council Muffs Woman's
Howell's Antl-"KnwT cure coughs, colds.
VMienriinixe of .limtlee.
OTTOMWA. Ia.. Feb. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) An unfortunate miscarriage of Jus
tice has Just been brought to light here by
Deputy United States Marshal N. A. Rich
ards. W. A. Daggett of Alhla was arrested
by Deputy United States Marshal O. D.
Wray two years ago, charged with a viola
tion of tho liquor luws. Ho wbb arranged Commlbstoucr Hunter . hero and
b und to tho federal grand Jury. He ve
hemently denied his guilt, and at a sub
sequent trial in Keokuk reiterated his In
nocence. Ho was Indicted and sentenced to
servo ono year, howover, nnd has Just been
released. Meantime Wray had been bupor
ceded by N. A. Richards of Council Muffs,
and that olflcer becoming Interested In Dag
gett's bwiry. brg.i.i an Investigation, which
resulted In the discovery which led to the
nrrest of William I.evan of Albla on tho
charge rf perjury this afternoon. Otheis
nro Implicated and inoro arrests will fol
low. Richards saj'H ho has posdtlvo Infor
mation that Daggett was in another part of
thn county at tho time tho crime of which
ho wiu nceusii wns committed and ho be
lloves that parties who had a grudgo against
Daggett falsi ly sworo to his guilt to gc:
even. Djggctt past bad record tnauo it
hard for him to gain nny sympathy. Levnn
will be arrilgned beforo Commissioner
Hunter in Oitumwa In the morning.
'iiiiiII:iii In luuii.
FOUT DODOK, la.. Feb. 21. (Special
Telegram.) Four woll defined canes of
smallpox of varioloid typo havo been dis
covered by health physicians In the east
ern part of this city. Strict nnanitlno will
bo enforced and nil school children will bo
required to show certlcato of vaccination
before being permitted to attend school
The school In tho district In which tho cases
wero discovered has been ordered cloicd
pending recovery of tho patients, No alarm
lu nhtnrinlna.1 nm 1 1. a .nuu n pa nnl nf a tlia.
II ...,,..,, .11. V V H, u aw - w
lignum form.
Sioux Oity Jurist Nominated to Position on
Board of Control.
Uvery Itenson to Ilelleve That tin
duller Will lie Approved by Tlmt
Itmly ltrport on Condition tit
State's Klnnners.
DKS MOINttS, Feb. 21. (Special Tele-
gram.) At last It lcoks ns though tho posl-
tlon left vacant on tho Stato Hoard of Con-
report at tho Friday motulng session. The
commltteo Is composed of Senators Junkln,
j Pcrrln, Cllssen, Lyon and Holler, nnd there
Is every reason to bellovo Its nport will
bo favorable. Judge ltobluton meets the
approval of senators who opposed Colonel
Hood's confirmation. He retired from the
supremo bonch the first of this year. Inning
been In public life for a period of
; twenty years
Ho has had long legal. Ju
dicial nnd business experience, nnd served
twelvo years In a leglslntlvo capacity. He
i Is also an old soldier, and ns such will meet
tho approval of tho Ornnd Army of the state,
which has been demanding recognition on
the board.
Report on Slnte I'lnnnecn.
Ono of the Important features of today's
proceedings is tho Joint report of the wnys
and means commltteo of the two houses
on tho condition of tho state's finances. The
report contnlns Itemized statements of the
present condition of tho stato treasury, tho
funds which will bo available during the
coming biennial period, tho estimated cur-
5.u"."i: total estimated expenditures for
tho period or $3,742,697, leaving n balance of
$1,275,448, which tho committee consider as
the amount available for extraordinary ap
propriations by the legislature.
Tho legislature Is warned that the esti
mates of nvallablo revenue do not Include
! tho lnt,cr slx months of 1901. Just prior to
tho meeting cf tho next tirsembly, nnd Is
reminded that tho only three sources of
revenuo during that period will bo from
Inherit unco taxes, Btato officers' fees nnd
from stato charltablo levies of counties.
Kstlmatlng at tho same ratio aB In the other
parts of tho report, expenditures nggrcgat
Ing $935,000 will bo mot by revenuo receipts
of only $815,000 for this period. Tho as
sembly is also cautioned that during the
summer months of 1901 tho receipts of the
'".'usury w in ix very ugni, mui uunug juiy.
August and September they will not exceed
wnno tno uisuursemcnt tor ap
proprlntlons will not bo Icsb than $150,000.
Tho assembly Is also cautioned to remem
ber thnt tho stato treasury should not bo
deprived of a safe working cash balance
during this time. A review of this report
Indicates that If the present assembly goes
upon the theory of not exhausting tho stato
treasury it will materially modify most of
the requests for appropriations before it.
which aggrogato something, like $2,000,000
Anti-i'iiKK inn.
The anti-pass bill by Repre3cntatlvo
Hughes has been made a special ordor In the
house for next Tuesday. It has been recom
mended for passage by the committee, but
In such an amended form that tho original
spirit of tho bill hns nbout entirely dis
appeared. In Its present lorm It does no:
apply to state officials, members of tho as
mbly or Judges of the supremo court, as
It originally did, but simply to delegates to
political conventions nnd their alternates.
The mensuro may pass in Its present form.
The first minority report which has been
filed In tho senate, excepting tho one on
the confirmation of Colonel Rood, camo Into
tho sonato this week on tho Brighton valued
policy bill. Chairman Craig of tho sonnto
Insurance committee filed the mnjority re
port, following which tho minority report
wai filed, signed by eight members of the
committee. There are but twelvo mem
bers on tho committee, nnd Chairman Craig
was called upon to explain how a minority
rfport could be filed by eight members nnd
etllt be a minority pplnlnn. Ho explained
that seven mombers of tho commltteo wcr.'
present when tho bill was acted upon, nnd
five of the seven voted to report It for
pupsage. Tho minority report Is signed by
Hayward, Albcrsnn, Lister, Townsend,
Mullan, Cheshire, Perrln and Emmert. There
will bo a fight on tho bill on tho floor.
Illnck Kyr for Xiirnuil SehnolM.
Tho cause of tho new normal schools re
ceived another black eyo today In the pns
sagc by tho house of tho measure conferring
upon tho denominational schools of tho
state tho same favors to tho graduates of
their normal departments as to those shown
the graduates of tho stnto normal schools,
certificates without stato examination. Tho
denominational schools havo been lighting
hard for this. The voto on tho bill stood
73 to 14.
Tho causo of tho new normal school Is
conceded to bo dead. There may be a
chnnco of a bill by Senator Arthur to grant
counties tho light to maintain normal de
partments, whero they furnish tho building
and tho stato the teachers, but littlo Is
heard In regard to this, nnd tho mutter
may bo left In stntu quo, trusting to thn
abovo measuro to relievo tho congested
condition at tho present State Normal school.
Tho legislators take a Junket to the
Stato university tomorrow, which will In
torfcro with tho Thursday session of the
assembly. Tomorrow being Washington's
birthday, tho members felt Justified In ad
journing and, having been urged by friends
of tho university to visit It In order to
Judgo personally of the needs of thn school,
tho trip to Iowa City Is considered a good
thing with which to fill up thn Interim.
Nearly 100 of the members will tako the
trip, leaving over the Rock Island at 7 n.
m. Thursday and returning to Dps Moinur
tho sumo night. It Is beloved that In splto
of tho trip to tho university the legislature
will feel It necosenry, on account of finances,
to pare tho appropriations asked for by that
Institution. Tho additional support fund
of $50,000 nskrd for will probablv be cu
In bnlf and tho request for specific appro
priations cut In tho same degree If this
Is done It will bo tho result of necessity and
i nQ i,PCauso tho membors will see tho reason
fo- nI)nr0prlating moro money for the e.l
ucatlonal Institutions.
He atiltitliin for I'lirilmi.
Today n resolution was introduced In tb
senate providing for the pardon of fur
nellus Moelcher, a convb-t at Anam -
Imparts Energy
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
When vitality and nerve force have
bacome Unpaiied by illness its value is
wonderful, inducea jejmams oicj(
Cnwa. Win uj:c Hokid'h wpp!,
penitentiary. Moelcher jj'as convicted of
murdering his undo a few month ntter
he (Moelcher) came to America from Oer
tnany nnd before ho could speak English
plainly, it Is claimed that the evidence
against him wan purely clrcumHtnntlal; that
tho man had no money to secure counsel
and had no friends to call upon him. He
was Incarcerated In 1S7S and has been n
model prljoner and a number of reasons
are urged for granting him n pardon.
It Is understood thnt the Hnyward bill
providing for eompulwry education In Iowa
will be reported favorably by the senate
commltteo on schools shortly. There nro
two bills before tho senate commltteo. one
by Hayward and one' backed by tho Iowa
Federation of Women's Clubs. The latter
contains Mr more stringent measures than
the former, which hns resulted In Hay
ward'n hill meeting with favor.
SetMili'i-ti-riir-()lil I, nil Will Slienil
lie Ni'il M nir III llir
DES MOINES, Feb. 21. (Special Telo
gram.) John Wood, a 17-year-old boy, wv.s
today sentenced to six years in the Fort
Madison prnltentlary. Ho broke Into Lnudy's
geternl storo In Altoonii, lu a few miles
east of here, and stole $15 worth of mer
chandise. Wood perjured himself on tho
stand, nnd thnt- was ono of tho rensoiu
for tho severe sentence of one so young.
Tho temperance commltteo of tho Antl
Saloou league of Des Moines has sent a letter
to every county In the stato making nn
appeal to tho temperance element to call
mass meetings for the purpose of agitating
the temperance fight throughout the stnto.
All counties ure requested In the appeal to
petition their members of tho legislature
to work against any measuro having for its
object the Interests of the liquor dealers.
Two more drug stores that havo been selling
liquor were closed up today by tho antl
saloou iigllatom and the nntl-saloou wnr Is
being mado n hot one. In tho meantlnio
the heventy saloons of Di Moines aro nil
closed pending tho completion of ti new peti
tion of concent.
At the annual meeting of tho Sons of tho
American Revolution the following officers
wero elected: President, J. Dawson Spraguo
of Wapello; first vice president. W. II.
Rally, Des Moines; second vice pnsldent,
Morris W. Main. Kossuth; treasurer. Wll
lard Secor, Forest City; secretary, K. D.
Iladley, Des Moines; registrar and historian,
E. II. Hazeti, Des Molues; chaplain, Hev.
J. 11. Chase, Hull.
t Tho business session was taken up with
tho reading of tho reports of the president,
secretary and treasurer, and tho transaction
of other routine business. Dr. E. H. Hazen
of Des Moines suggcstcil nt tho afternoon
meeting tho organization of n sort of aux
iliary to tho society by making tho wlve3
and daughters of tho members, honorary
incmbcrs. The Idea wns discussed Infor
mally, but no action was taken. A me
morial was read In honor of the Into Dr. F.
S Thomas of Council Muffs, who died during
tho year. '
Voiiii!i Connie KIiiiip.
CLINTON, In.. Fob. 21. (Special Tele
gram. ) Tho courtship between Willie Dale.
nnd Miss Gertrude Oshann. two well-known
people of this clt, was brought to a ro
mantic end by nn elopement. Tho parents
of tho young lovers refused their consent
to tho matrimonial venturo on account of
their nges, neither having readied n ma
jority. Not to bo baffled, tho two young
pccplo went to Morrison, III., Tuesday,
where thoy found n tolephono message had
preceded them notifying tho clerk and n
llcenso was refused them. They boarded
the first train for Rock Island, where they
wero more successful, returning to Clinton
today and received tho forglvlngness and
blessings of their parents.
ThrrHlirm' Anmoi-IiiI Inn Kleotlim.
FORT DODOK. Ia., Feb. 21. (Special.)
An elertlon cf permanent officers of tho
Northwest Iowa Threshers' association re
sulted In tho choice of tho following:
James Winter of Ollmoro, president; J. II.
Reed of Rolfe, treasurer, and W. H. Wler
of Oilmore, serretary. The association will
hold Its next meeting In Rutland, Hum
boldt county, during tho afternoon of Thurs
day, March 1.
Held for 1 order.
OTTFMWA, ia.. Feb. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) In tho preliminary trial of Leslie
Uastbnrn nt Moomfleld today tho defendant
was held to tho grand Jury without ball.
!.nt1hlirn ia Mm nvm wlin la i.lmnroil with
murdering Jasper N Sutton of Moomfleld j
because the latter objected to the marriage
of his daughter to Kastburn.
for Infants and Children.
Caoria Is a Jinrmloss substitute) for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is JMoasaut. It
contains jiddicr Opium, Morpliino nor oilier Narcotics
Mihstaucc. It destroys Worms ami allays FeverlNlincKH.
It cures IiaiTlio!a and AVind Colic. Jt relieves Teetli
i !! Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates tho
Slomaeb and Dowels, giving liealtby and natural sleep.
TIim Children's Panacea The JWother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
f mini aaMaaW
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tm r crNTAun eoMoNv, tt
1 i Kzrvmk'mMaNBmmn
Free to flic Ruptured.
Dr. V. S. Hire, the Will Kiiiiun All
tlinrlt), Semi n Trial nt HI I'll-
lllllll1! Ml'lllllll
'lei tn All.
Any Our fun o Cure Ttiriuat-I vm n(
Ilnnir Without Pain, DiiiiKrr,
Operation or nn Hour' l.ii
nf iimr r ro in WiirU,
To the thousands upon tlmunnds of rup
tured people who ure tortutlng thotiiMivt't
with trusses nnd le momrntar .lunger ol
death from Btranuulullon Di v. s. Rice,
in.- i. .nam mrect.
Adams, N Y , will
fend free to all u
trial of bis f.unoui
method t lint Imi
Kiivod so many lives
and made co many
men. women mid
children well nnd
strong and perma
nently cured or old
nnd dllllcult rup
tures. Do not In
backward a bout
writing tor the freo
trial. It will cost
you nothing
and will ennble you
M K LYMAN 10 J(l how easily
you can cure your
self In a verv short time without losing an
hour from work Dr. Rico Is determined
that every surferlng man or woman shall
know tho wonderful truth that rupture ran
be cured, and he therefore generously send,
prepaid by mnll. his method, absolutely
free, und ou can make u free trial of
it. Write today without fall, as you cannot
afford to tnl-s this tree and generous offer.
Mr. M. K. Lmim, a highly esteemed citi
zen ot Delrny. Fin., s.i.ia. "Tlio Dr. Kirn
method li a remarkable cure. I bud an old
ruptuie that defied evpr thing, but In three
weeks there was no protrusion, and I have
temalned sound -ind well ever since. I
heartily recommend Dr. Rice to everv suf
ferer " Do not fall to write nt once for
tho free trial and thus cure yourself at
home without p.iln, danger or detention
rrnm the day's work. Write at once. Com
nieiue now. and bofnre the heavy work of
spring begins you will be cured sound as a
Write to Dr. W S. Rice. 012 L. Main St.,
Adani". N V., you will never regret hav
ing dono so.
I f NTt
Msriani Wine. World I'amoui Tonic.
It Improves the appetite nnd also has a
remarkable effect In si reiigl lienlng the
voice ami maintaining Its tone. For tho
latter reiiHon. joined with the tonic ae
llnii of the entire n stein, It Is largely
employed liy i lergyinen. lawyers,
teaiiieis. slnsei's 11 ml actors.
Hold by all Druggists. Refuse Sub
stitutes. HAVE YOU
Thr rrnrat raae enn li cured by ns
In Homirt rile Killer. GuarnntcaaL
$1.00 per box liy mull.
Wcatoru Doiiat, Umnhft, Main
Signaturo of
mumi trnr r. nww vpp rtTv.
We have
llio most modern appliancoM
and I'ftinodioH thai aro manufactured
for relieving pain in dental operations
and by careful and gentle manipula
tion of them are able to please tho most
nervoiiH and Beiiriitivu patients. Our
prices, you know, are always moderate.
Telephone 1 '15 j
il. A. Woodbury, D. D. S., Council Bluffs,
30 Pearl St. ' Grand Hottl,
ISt Main m uouncu uiuna,