THE OMAHA DAILY J3EE: TVESDAY, FEJJKUAK V L(), 11)00. i) SPECIAL NOTICES Ail ertlsciiieiits lor these mittimus villi lie till, en until 1'2 in. for the vvcnlmr edition unit until MHO li. iu for inornlim mill Sunday edition, Hiitc, I l-i!c ik ttortt flrnt Insertloni lc a ril llicrcuf tcr. XnthliiK tiiUcli fur Ivkh than for the. llrnt Inner- lion. These ml vert Isciitcn Is must be run online cntlvcly. Advertisers, li- request luu n mini licrcil check, imiii Iiuvu nimner ml dressed to a iitiiiilic red letter In cure of Tin' lire, Answers no mill rcsscil Mill lie delivered on prcseiitiitlun of tile file i! It only. WAXTCD-SriTATIOXM. A r'TENOORAPHER. When you wunt ono PIoumj cull up the Remington typowrUer ollice, 1613 Farntun m.. telephone 13i3. A -9M EXPERIENCED ilouhlo entry bookkeeper, accurate) accountant, ntplil penman, de hires position ul once. Address X W, Hee. A M60I 10 WAXTEI) 51 A 1. 1 J HELP. 'a vt 1,'n wn hnvo ntenriv work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear' unco. C. K. Adams Co.. 1013 Howard Hi. WE TEACH the harbor trade thoroushly In Hliort tlmo and furnish each graduuto wild ii iriniriintecd position at good wnges, There aro more than ton barber position ii (Ivor tmed to one. ut bookkeeping or short hand. Write for froo catalogue and par ticulars. Western Hurbcrs' institute Omaha. U-vQi CASH for ncceptnblo Mean; state If pat entod. Address, Tho Patent llecord, Hal tlinorc, Mil. H-'-03 WANTED, manager and agents; snlury or commission; cheapen' anil largcn imu. lllinlnr I'.illr.l l..,. ,.,,,) Whirl f'o. C'lnC III' Hunter Tailoring' nan, u. H-M: MUG A" A YOtlNfl mnn nttnnillnir Nt'hool desires II plain to work for bourd; ntiy honest work. Address Boyles College, Hee ' bldg.; I plcturo agents; expenses paid. 1S19 I.env 11-MSS? F2S SALESMEN to Hell ollice specialties; line side lines; used by nil merchant; entiling free. Model Mfg. Co., Ilox H South llenil intl 11 .M051 .MI'l- WANTED. men to learn barber trade, only elirtlt weekn reiiulrrd: special offer now for graduates to work for us; 5)0 positions open; new nein; can earn tuition ny nring four students. Our catalogue explaining Kpeeial ofTer tnallcil free. .Mnier ( oticgr Chicago, III. II M3U0 22 WANTKD. men to learn barber trade: free riillrouil fare to Denver; free hoard; tools furnished; positions guaranteed. Write for partli'iilars, Mnler Itarbpr ColleKe repreMcntatlve, ( relijhton lllock. nmnhii. II-M3SI 20' OOVHHNMHNT POSITtONH: Doirt pre Dare for any civil ceivleo or censux ex (imliiallou without ceelni; our ciilntiwim of Infonniitlon. Went free. Cnltmihlun 'orreHpoudenco Collej;p, waHhlmjto'i, D. I'. H .Mi;i2'2i lli:i.!'i:it for all kinds nf repair work, nlo man and team, alno well iIIkkit, all to tiiKo part pay in limine rent, a ;i. nee. H-CS3 10 WANTKD Carpel layer who h.ix hnd ex perleiieii In iiittlm; n ml lilting carpels Apply at notion more, iimami. tzh ;u VANTKD. experlenccil electric elevate eiiniliielnr: onlv those lmvllli: expcrlellr ami best references need apply. Super lutemlcnt I'covile 8 Store, lGlh and Kill' inm Hlreets. n Al.-J - WANTIJD, Hiilesmnn to carry our line nf wniiiiiors. nulls anil chllils npriins as tilde line in Nebraska. South Dakota and western low.i. Ilutiham (liirment i n Cedar Haplds, la. 11-M72S 21 WAXTI'JIl KUMAl.H llKI.P. WANTKD. 200 girls. 1321 Dodge. Tel. STrt. C-C03 WANTKD. enmpeteni young" nur."o girl, Call nt -12 o. SjllPBtn-et. ' U 171' WANTKD. girl for Kcnernl hnusowork, tminll rnmliy. Apply nt 123 31st uie. C-W3 WANTKD. girl for general housework. A p. ply :;',Mki i.eavenworin. u .mst.i WANTKD. girl fnr housework. Mrs. Led wlch, UiOMs Sherwood live C-M3G3 22 TI1K great Nebraska Mngnetlc Inllrmarv has removed In Omaha. Headquarters open today al I."il5'l."l7 Chicago st. Special rates to an aviio cm tins wcck. U-M732 20 lim.P WAXTI'.I). WANTKD. In every town, a young mutt or lady to act as our representative. No deposit, outllt or cunvos'sltig required; good pay; send stamp for particulars. National Addressing Ac Distributing Acenc.v, llox 2173, St. Paul, .Minn. 613-20 IM) II HU.VT- -IIIIUSKS. IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with lieiiowa .t Co. D 906 CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry 11. Payne, C01 N. Y. Life, "i'hone, 1016. D-907 HOUSES, store's. Uenils, Pnxton block. FOIl HUNT, 1S22 Kinney street, a lino homo In a lino location. - 'Phis house Is to bo entirely renovated; papered at ten ant's selection; ulso painted outside. Hcnt S0 per month. Will glvn leasu. OMAHA I.O A N ".St TIHIST CO. 16th and Douirlun Ht. D-M3I3 HIAOOAHD Van Si Storage. 1616 Cap. Ave. Tel. 1136. D-W9 HOUSES for rent In all nnrts of tho city. Urcnnun-Lovo Co., 3W So. 13th utreet. fJ!)10 iloUSKS for rent. J. H. Slicrwooil, xTii Y. Life. 'Phono 3S3. D-9U 1IOUSKS to rent. Y. Life. II. C. Patterson, 305 N. D-912 I TO II rooms, J3 to 30. 36 U. S. XJ'k bldg, D-913 HOUSES and Hats. Illngwalt, llarker blk. D-914 pnn HUNT, modern Htcam-henteii nnnTT! ment on second lloor of Dnvldgo building JOHN Y. HOIUIINS, mj FAUNAM. D-003 FOIl ItKNT, two nice llvo-ronm cottages in same yarn, ii 111 no pin m urst-class conilltlou; well arrnimod; city water. Will rent to good tenants with inf.. cures for $12 and $15, near 21th and Cum. inc, OMAHA 1X1AN A TIU'ST CO.. lfith and Dou-I.ih St. U-.MSI6 XF YOU need a tennnt list your houses wun w. v. Hedges, sw I'axion block. I) 10 FOIl ItKNT, 2912 Hnwnril St., 5-room cot- nine, 1111 water, lv. US So. 23d nt.. 4-rootn Hut. cltv wntor. 110 2302 N. 25th St., 9-rooni house, city water, $15. Z;oi nccatur St., "-room house, city water, $16. Will renovate throughout. This Is a bar- ' OMAHA LOAN ft THUST CO.. 16th and Duugt'i." St. D-M5I3 HOUSES, ote. F. D. Wead. T52I-Douglas! UllS FOH HE NT To smnll family. 7rrKmicot tngo in gonit repair; city wuter; cistern; coal idled; 22nd and California Bis., . impure at U07 ju. I9th St. D-343 ALWAYS moving II. H. goods. Pianos Olllco 1511H Farnam Bt. Tel. 1539 or MS3. D-361 FOIl KENT, two nlco seven-room houses in sumo nrd, nlmnst opposite Hemls park; all modern except furnace: are now being papereu ami pumicu t:iroughout. Will rent for $20 each to good tenants With reiprences. OMAHA LOAN ii TIU'ST CO.. 16th und DuttKl.iH St. D-.M54I TINE modern residence, 12 rooms, on motor line. No. 413 North 23th street. J T. Clarke. 219 Hoard 01 Tr,,uc' UMGM MJ AN eight-room home, modern Improve incuts. No. 2W Hartley at. .1 I DL3IHAHLH X-r house, Wot Farnam ilistrl. t, largo lawn, $30. 86 u. a. .ai i Hank ol'lg. u jioto nil ItKNT. cheap, furnished house near nansfom park, an mouern cunvniitin-. A D. Hoc. D-MftW 20 UNSURPASSED; central; steam heat; nil modern, 7-room house, also s-room nut. Tlznril. 223 .V. Iltll. D-t2o 21 foil l.r.Asi;. C6XI32, with trackage enr heart of city. v 30, Heo. UI3 roit iii;'r-KLH.Msiint) hooms. THHKK nlco rooms for housckeeplnif, 1113 south Kleventn. li MK0 'UHNISHKD rooms, modern. 2350 Harney. li 160 2(S 'tniNISHKD rooms, housekeeping. 2623 St. miry r. li .ii&m ZU" KI'ltNlSIIKD rooms for housikerplns for mn and wife. Kent taken In board. 1119 N. 171 h K59S I'l IIXISIIKII ItOOAIS AM) IIOAIII). THE Mcrrlam family hotel, 25th and Dodge. K is TO 2 gentlemen, In private, family. 2020 St. nary a Ave. r via FOIl HUNT, n nlco south room. 212 S. 23 st 1' 3i5 I-'Oll I Hi NT, nicely furnished room with iion.u.. Xl'J I'nss. r M iUi .- HANDSOMK steam-heated front room, with board. Wfi Capitol avenue. l'-M727 2 Mill lll'AT-t'MM HMXIIHD HOOMS. 1 'NI'M'UNIKI I KD rooms with range; suit nlile for light housekeeping. 2"2l Karnum, ! lat 1). u ia in- n Oil I modern; facing Hanscnm park. 1 blink rrotn car line, .-jiji jvooiworni. a 720 23 oil itK.vr ST()lti: AM) OI'IMCIJS. F"Olt HUNT, store In llrst-clnss location rent reas'inable. Apply II. C I'clcrs As Co., grouno lloor, Heo Dldg. I .w FOIl IlKNT, brick warehouse, two lloors ench fiTfiOO feet: power elevators; V. P trackage. Apply Hnarmann Ilros , 1911 Ho. 20th. 1-920 SToltKItoo.M, llfwl Knrnam St. John N 1-6.19 Krcnzcr, opp. olil I . u. AfiiixTs AVAX'rr.n. OP MOODY." 600 nngos. 200 Mill, authorized edition; best com, credit given, Hlxenbuugh & Co., Ware block, omuna. J 747 WANTKD, agents for "War In South Amco, or tne siory oi a oravn iieupiu iiruggung ror, ny nam lnir. the fiimnus author and Aftlcnn trnv oler. Onlv SI 30. Contains authentic. UP to-date hfstnrv Ilrltlsh-Ilocr war. Hlggesl book. Iliitnl'-cds itliiHt iiitlonb. Knormous sale. Kntlorsed by Kruger, Joubert, etc, Credit ulvcn: frelcht nald: highest com missions. Outllt flee. Knelose 6 two-cent stamps for mulling. Tho Dominion com puny. Dept. 0. Chicago. si 630 uu AO K NTS' llONAN'ZA! TIIK IDKA1, POLISH! Cleans and polishes ANY metal. I.ASTINC. J.l'HTKll, easy work. 417 South 10th st. .l-Moll .mis WANTIlll TO Hll.Vr. WANTKD To rent a fundshed house; mod em; centrally located. Address, a. H, Mll'ard Hotel. K 391 19 STOIIAMIS. PACIFIC Storucn and Warehouse Co.. 912 914 Jones, general storngo and forwarding. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tel. 1339, S63, AV A X T 12 II TO II )v. AI.I. kinds of household goods, hotels, etc, In large or smnll quantities. Chicago Fur. niiuro uo., nuti-io uougo. xoi, wo. N-922 WH.I. purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings flank accounts. nrcnnnn I.ovo Co.. 309 Ho. 13th. N-923 $3,000 TO INVEST In bargains. 1512 Dnven port. N-M716 V AMKHICAN denier; nuy secondhand furnl turo ana stoves liiv uuming. Tel. 11,73. N-291 FULLY equipped, llrst class coal yard wun iracKiige anu goon storage capacity give locution and full particulars. Ad dteas. A 10 Heo. N 723 21 I'Olt SAI, -IM It. M i l UK. Cl.OSINO out our entire stock nf new nnd seconil hand rurnlture 01 all klnils; also ino liliihcti and loiind restaurant tables; 4(0 pillows and hair mattresses; ranges ami stoves of all Winds mentlnnable; tlx tures. counters and a lot of lumber to be sold .March 1 rcipirdless of tost; n chance for dealers and private parties. The Va riety Furniture Co., 110-112 S. Hth St. 0-.M6I7 23 FOR S MiK HOUSES, MI LES, XVAGOXS. TOP ni'GOY for sale, In good en.,1ttlnn. U 40, Hee. 1' .M190 FOR SALE, carload mules. Glcnwood. In.; weigh i,ik) to i.iun, nil, rcauy ror mar ket. S. M. Estcs. P-M355 M7 FOR SALE MISCELLAXEOIJS. CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing nnd hog rclICCS. Wl IJllUglUH si. ij 931 CUTTERS of drug prices. Shermuti & Mc- Conncii Drug cu., lais uougo si. q-923 FOR SALE, ten R-l-P-A-N-S for 5 cents nt druggists, uno gives rcuer. q 926 II. HAAS, Florist. 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, cttl powers, noqiicts, nail, resi dence, wedding nnd gruvo decorations Orders by mull or express promptly llllcd. Q-927 INDIAN relics, mounted heads. 1116 Fnrn'm Q-92S 2DIIAND safe chenp. DerlBht, 1110 Farnnm -Q929 SAFES, buy, sell, exchange. HI S. 13th St, Q 930 NEW blevclo tiros $2.23. $2.30 and 1.1.00. Good secondhand wheels, $S. $10 nnd $12. Omutia Hlcycic co., mm nnd Chicago Sts. Q-931 NEW bicycles complete, $13.50. Neb. Cvclo Co., cor. 15th nnd Harney. Q M671 F23 $1V. WILL buy lino Stelnway upright; cash or lime. Aimrcss u w, no. Q M!5S 11EAUTIFUL Vose piano. Smith Premier typewriter cheap; cash or payments. Ad dress, X 66 Hee ollke. Q 631 FAMILY horse nnd good phaeion; will sell Perlleld. 214 S. ISth. Q 717 21 $250 CASH or time buys slightly used Hard, man piano; big bargain; former price J.VO. A I. Heo. Q-718 21 MUST have room: squaro pinnos. $10 and $15 each. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Far nam St. Q-.M66i 21 FOR SALE. line, large buffalo robe; also line wolf robe, lined. Inquire 3S Scott street. Coumll Illuffs Q M70S 21 MISCELLANEOUS, NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhnnd furniture & stoves nt lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1190-10 Dodge. H-532 FOR RENT, barn, nt 2026 Bt. Marys' Avo. ItISO CL.VIHVOYAXTV MRS. FRIT55, clnlrvoynnt. SOS N. 16th. S 933 MME. OYLMER genuine palmist. 10)5 Dodg S-931 niCYCI.ES. EXAMINE Crescent, Tribune, Olive, Fow ler, $25 to $50; $1 down, nny amount a week. Flcschcr, 1622 Capitol Ave. 179 Oil Itn.NT IIOtSHH. MASSAOn A X II II.VTl'.S. MIlS. nUIinY. bath, manage. PAHI.ons uos: In ilty 119 N 16th, 2d lloor; opp P p. i MAY WILSON, bath, massage. 619 S. Kith. 1 .Mill S , ... ,, T7T. -; I 2MTE PAIlLOnS. 615 So. 16th. upstairs. T-M7 26 MtS9 OYPSY. massage baths; Hindoo treatment. 317'4 jso. lotn, l'lat k. T-MB31 20 iiRATriirE HAni.OW. elegant massage tub bath; Arabian treatment, l'lat u, 7U3 8. 16tll. I MoK -M' MME. AMES, n 2, 507 S. 13; massage baths. lec. cim MME SMITH, room 2, Uii N. 15th. T-M666 2l t'i:it sox a 1,, VIAVI, woman s way to health. 316 Heo bid. 1; ;c SHAMPOOING 25c, hair dressing 2T.c, hair nnd toilet goujs. best equipped. Mnnhelt, 151S Farnum.Tcl. 2333. U-937 MONHKIT, lending chiropodist, 151S Far. nnm, 2d poor. tci. 2333. U D3S PHIVATE hospital for ladles beforo & dux. Ing coniincment; uablcs adopted. 113G .N. 17. U 910 , ,,.,., ., of Hatiscom purk, $250 each, 5Em lrnH) t1' im 100 crea sni00lh 1""t s' w- of Hcnnlng .Ul l.ocust. L 110 t0I). fllr improvements; $15 per acre. GOOD Inrgo barn city, inquire ItliPTfHE cured, no knlfo, no pain, no uanger. senu ror circulars, umpire nup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Llfu Hldg., Omaha. U-911 LIEHEN, costumcr. 1313 Howard. Oct catalogup. U-912 ALL diseases of the feet skillfully treated I'Kkij ror the Delimit or siuuetus. .miss Mayer, 400 Paxtoti Hlk. Pupils wanted. U-130 2J PLEATING and plented skirts of all kinds, .11. uoiumuu e uo., vm uougias diock. U 355 DH. HOY, chlrotiodlst. corns, superlluous hair removed by electricity, r. 12, Frenzer IIIOCK. U mil PHOF. LUND positively destroys corns, bunions- warts, moles. Cll Karb.u h Hlk. U l)K) .Mil LADIES' freo harmless monthly regulator cannot rati. .Mrs. H. Howun. .Mtiwuiikee, Win. U- WAX TED TO HO It HOW. $2,l'0 THHEE or live years ut 5 per cent without commission on 160 acres of land 13 miles wes: of Omaha; all under cultivation attii veil rented. X 01, Hee. .M Ml 20 aiOXllV TO I.OAX HUAI. H.1TATB. MONEY to loan on Ncnraf-na and Iowa iHrms; lowest rules. Hrcnuuti-Lnvo Co., S03 S. 13th, Umuliu. W-u PHIVATE money. F. V. Wcud, 1321 Douglas v 'JIJ WANTED, city and farm iouns; nlso bonds nnd wnrrutits. It, C. Peters & Co., 1702 Kurnam St., Heo Hldg. v -a 10 Iim.fl00.000 TO Invest llirnmrll HallkCrS, Hrokcrs, Promoters; send for circular. Investors' Directory. N. Y. 91s 5 PEH CENT money. Hemls, I'axton block. 11 MONEY to Innn nn nrslelnss Imnl'OVCd city property or for building purposes. Payne- Knox Co., N. Y. L. Vy-9j0 6, 5H. 6 per cent loans on Omaha, S. Omaha. W. II. Thomus. 503 1st Nut. bunk. Tel. 164S. W-931 MONEY to loan al 5 nnd 5V4 per cent on umana property. W. Ii. ileniie, wi o. joi. FIVE per cent farm loans. C'aas. E. Wil liamson. JM MONEY to loan on Improved Omnha real PMt;it. Iln.nnnti.l m'n Co.. 3U9 So. 13th W-931 PRIVATE money. $100 to $1,000. J. II. Sher wood. B39 N. Y. Life. W 9ol $100 to $5,000. 1512 tin vennnrt . W M713 F25 PRIVATE money. 5, 54. 6 per cent: no de lay, liurvin iiros.. iu 3 carnnin. n .- .HOXEY TO I.O X CHATTELS. I-F -Y-O-U- N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y -S-E-E-US- Wo have n largo amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, wurehouso receipts, horses, carriages, etc. Vnii ran ent the monisv within a few hours after making application. WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. Wo clvo vou us much tlmo ns you need nnd ou may repay me loan ns soon as yon chooso nnd you need not pay f..r It ONE DAY LONOER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel. 2295. 306 South 10th Strcot. S-A-L-A-R-Y-L-O-A-N-S From $10.0) up made to people permanently employed In OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA nnd COUNCIL HLUFFS. You can borrow of us on your own nnmo, without endorser or mortgage. We ar range tho payments as easy us Is possible, nllowlng you to pay ALL or IN PART AT ANY TIME AND YOU PAY FOR THE MONEY ONLY WHAT TIME YOU KEEP IT. Our business la conlldontlnl. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. Room 119. 2W3 South 16th Street, noard of Trade Hldfr. Tel vnx'EV LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE Holding pcrmu ncni posuions on um own liatno without enoorsur or iiiohkiik" STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATES. No enquiries niailo of em plnyer or frlonds. You can borrow any amount and repay on easy weekly or mon'hly payments. Heforo botrowlng ten us. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. suite 523-526 N. Y. Lifo Hldg. X-938 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS, .iiiimomis. watches, on easy payments, tin. known to others; you keep tho goods, each payment lessens tho cost of tho loan; no charge lor papers mm nu uiiiiuj no in quiries ot your neighbors. HERGERS' LOAN CO., 1601 Farnam, over H. &. M. ticket ulllce. X-959 MONEY loaned on pinnos, furiilturo, horses, cows, Jowclry. uun urccn n. o.uuriicr iiik. X-960 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per ,7An Uw.le own names without securltv caAVa ymontt. Tolnwn X 961 manent pMUWOn W illi l unpuuniuiu euncci ns MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles, .linmiimls. wntchcs. etc.; payment un known to friends. Omuha Loan Bank, 1416 Farnam. upsuurs. a-to LOANS made salaried people on personal ,,nin without security: Intel reasonable. ,1. W. Tayloe. 21S 1st Nat'l bank.. 12 to 6 p. m. -v MONEY loaned on nlanos, furniture. Jew elry. horEes, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. A tfWI tmvj Tn .VI...RIEn PEOPI.F. em. ployed In Omaha. South Omaha nnd Council llluns, noiiiing goon poKinans, on their own names; no jiuihuauk; hisst TERMS; everything prlvnte; money can be paid hick In small weekly or monthly payments. American Ian Co., Room 601, ueo wag. -v aou MONEY to loan on furniture, nlnno. horses, cows, etc. J. . rnyloc, 3is First Nat onal bank hullding; 12 to 0 p. m. X-Mt 1USIXESS CIIAXCES. FOR SALE A new and clean stock of gen eral merchandise In u good northeast Ne braska town. Address, X62 Hoc. Y-M61S 27 SUHURHAN DRUG STORE, tllo ncurest drug store for 5,000 people. In the best residence part of city, Addtesa A 8, Hee. Y Mill 23 FOR SALEMllk huslness. S. 5st and Center Sts. Joseph lltilanck. Y 721 19 SHOE stock cheap for cash. Bernhardt, Pomcroy, la. Address Fred Y-556 21 SNAP The leading restaurant In the city, doing 125,00) business n; have to leuo the city reason for selling; great bargain if sold nt once; prlre, $1,600; will bear clos est Investigation. For particulars address Saddle Rock Cafe, 1O6-10S West 2d . Pu eblo. Colo. Y-M6H2 21 FOR RENT, a good store room In good locution, In good town, Addreus box S7. Norfolk. Neb. . Y-M730 26 ron nxniAxon. CLKAH vacant ot near 27th and Chicago, Wxn0, J1.J80, Will trade for good rental property and rmv nasn dirrerence Gcotgo U. Wallace, 313 J. J. Urown block, 7. 112 IlKNT of 2 and 3-r. house; want well dug. y, f. s. uk. ijldg. Z M653 22 rou .sa:.k HKAi, i:sTA'i.n. HAHOAINS KEIJ. 19. 1900. '. F. HAIHUSON AND GEO. T. MOIITON. 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 311 or 2612 F. SEE HAHOAINS I.nst six Issuer lice. East front lot 011 25th near Hickory; lies Just nbovo grade; cheap, f I.OjO. 76x133 near Farnam on 31th; nothing liner; tho price sells It. $2,400. 40 acres Sarpy Co.; small house, uar" nml cnvc! orcnaru; nil, i,uw. , on,. .,., ..y. .,,..n, ,.,. M'001 r OH THIS AD Itl'.aULAItlA . 11E-721 19 D05 AND m South Mill St., two houses; rental f.m per year; cheap at $3,riii0. 8. W. corner SMIi Ave. und Jackson St.. 126 feet east front by 150 deep; snnu $900. Acre lots, imx19 feel, l'ratt s sub., S. W. JUtl- KIlli.NV.EH, Upp. old P. O. HE -610 CHEAPEST lot on 21th St.; on griulo near Hitncrort; only $iwi. Tho Hyron Heed v.o., 212 Mouin 11111 Ht. hi; .mgi2 20 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQKAIITEHS ror lll'JAl. r. STATE HAHOAINS: LOW EST HATES on LOANS; SOUND IN Sl'HANCE; HOUSES, FLATS, STOHES, tor ittiai, first noor, w. 1. Lire Hldg. HE-967 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estate sco S. A. Ilroadwcll, 601 N. Y. Life. HE 963 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso lira insurunce. "Hcmls, Paxtoti ink. HE 970 SNAPS In real pstate. money to loan. L. I. JohtiBOll Co., 311 S. 15Ui St. HE-971 1562 NOIITH 17TH street, two houses, rent ing ror $n; per tnoutii, paving paid, pays 11 per cent gross; price, ll.SoU. Jolin N. Frenzer, opp. old P. O. HE-97S FOIl QUICK returns on burgnlus only sco s. a. liromiucii, wi n. 1. i.ue niitg. HE-972 HOUSE3. lots, farms. laml3, loans; nlso lire- Insurance. Hemls, Paxton b'k HK-706 HOUSES, farms. II. C. Patterson. 305 N. Y. L. HE-M312 A HAHGAIN. four acres. 10th nnd Pacific, two blocks from car line, on belt riill rouil, $2,6n); easy terms. McCaguo In vestment Co., 1500 Dodge. HE-CO BARGAINS wanted, bargains for sale all tho time. A. P. Tukcy, Hourd of Trade. HE 745 C. F. HAimiSON. FARMS. FA1UI LOANS HE f7 Mil' OWNERS of real estate willing to sell nt bargain prices should call upon or write JOHN W. ItoniUNS, lt02 FARNAM ST. 11E-07S FOR SALE or trade. 120 acres of land 9 miles from Pine H uffs. Ark.: on acres broke; hotia? and out buildings; 60 acres under fence; big spring of water, llcnry Stevens, Red Cloud. Neb. HK-M709 20' FOR HALE. $1,930 for 6-room cottiige and 30-foot south front lot. No. 2502 St. Mary's avenue. $2,150 for 6-room cottage and 30-foot south front Int. No. 2301 St. Mary's avenue. Spe cial luxes paid In full on both ot tho nhovu properties. Jls.fOo for brick business block In good loca tion; building Mulshed one year ago and leased fot 5 years to responsllilo tenant. ll....lnl tl fuin .,n nr j230n f0'r two-story frnmc store building and house In rear of store, No. 1133 S. 16th st. Rental, per year. $4,0o0 for 107x109 foot, northeast corner 23th and Chicago streets. $250 each for east front lots on 13th st., on grade, one iiiock norm qi enu ot car line. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. HE M 593 19 HENRY" H. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE HLDG. Henl Estutu Itctiluls. Loans, insurance. RE-970 A FINE stock farm for sale or e'chuni;o; we huve n 130-ncre farm. 2S miles from Omaha, near Arlington. Neb.; tho owner will take fc.,000 or ?ii,nnn in omahu prop erty ns nart of nurchase price. This Is worth Investigation, as the prop erty will be sold at a great uurgain. Price, 35 per acre, or $15,010. lYN"-KNOX CO.. Sole Agents. First Floor N. Y. L. Hide.. Onvihn. RE-M731 2S ..... 1, ' ' J"" OFFER for sale this week hen nest lot on Farnnm street for $1,175. Inest corner lot In Hanscnm Place. $2,330. r, acres extra choice garden Intnl. i(A Finest 10-acre tract adlolnlng omuhu $1,130. Illl lis, Room 3,i Hoard Trade mug. RE-M733 20 LOST. LOST. Several weeks ago, gentleman's otter fur collnr or muiller, owners numo Inside. Return to 606 N. Y. Life Hldg. Reward. Lost M 650-20 SIIOIITIIAXD AX1) TVPEWIUTIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. v. Life. 930 AT OiMAlIA Hus. College, 16th & Douglas. 1K1 HOYLEfl. collcgo court reporter principal. Rco bids -9S2 NEnilASKA Huslness & Shorthand col- lego. Iloyd'R theater. 953 DAXCIXG SCHOOL. SPRING TERM Mornnd's dancing school begins this week: children Wednesdays and Saturdays: adults Tuesday and Friday S p. tn.; attend tho assemblies, Crelghton linn u eunesuuy ami naiuriiay. s:.m p. m. nnd leurn tho new dances, salute waltz, cuiso want iwo step, anu uuuun wain, Admission, couple, oo coins. t5 k 2S OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, C15 N. Y. Llfo Hhlg., Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst. mgr. jj M. E. DONOI1UL. D. , Ol hllli school, Klrksvlllc. Mo COl Paxton blk. tel. 1367. 1W1 M. E. DONOIIUE. D. O., of Still school. "RESULTS TELL." Osteopathy has cured where other metnnas nave rnneu. Albert T. Hunt, D. o., suite 311 ivaruucn hlk., 15th and Dougius. -jot. ms TYPEWRITERS. fVtM.nvuiTERS for rent, $1 per month. The Smlth-Preniler Typewriter Co., 1625 Farnam St. ') ciepnono i.-ji toi REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and supplies. Itilit rnrniun. asu TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam. -9SS PAW.MIROICERS. JEFFERSON Squaro Loan Ollice. 413 N. 10. yji EAGLE Man Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business conuucnuai. loui jjougins. j j- TRIXIC FACTORY, TRUNKS, traveling bag", suit enses. Trunks repnlred. Otn. Trunk f aciory. i:ua f arnnm yju STA VI MEH I Mi AM) STIITTEIUXG. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramgn nidg. j IIIIIIIS AMI TXI1IEHMY. STOCK'S HIrd ptore. 1603 Leavenworth. -W0 HRICK. ONE million building brick. Nebraska Ilrlck Co., South Omaha. Telephone. 310, Mil .M-i" HOTELS. METROPOLITAN, Wm. Burr. Mgr" : $1 to $1.25, 12th ana uougius. pnonc :u, , 6H FiS .11r.111c.v1,, LADIES. Chichester's EnglUh Petmyr. pills n.'e the best. safe, reliable, take no omer; send 40, stamps, for particulars. "Keller for ladl4V In letter by rMurn mall. At druggists Chichester Chemical , Co., PhllaJelphln. Pa. IMIt.Mltlti: I'.U'ICIMI. OM. Van Stor. Co , loll' Farn. Tel. 1359, S63.'Miitr, OMAHA STEAM LAUNDHY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leaveiliv h. Tel. 517 -997 IM HM 1 I Hi: ltlU'AIHIMl. PACK1NO, upholstering mattres, feather renovating tci. ixii. M. s. MniKiin. xiu Cuming Si. 9S9 MAVrill.S TII.KS, (HIATUS, WELSHANS & HOLHIIOOK. 309 S. 17th st , mantles, tllo lloors, grates, repair work. .11 11U .Mill XICKHI, IM.ATIXC. CYCLE PAUTS-A1I kinds plating. Omaha Plating Co., Heo Hldg.. Tel. 235. 4U MEItCllAXT TAII.Oll.H. HEN COHEN, artistic tailor. 401 N. lfith St. ii l' .'j TtD-5000 AGENTS iu- iT.rvincii3 KrUJnO0T1NlWlUm MeRfrr-oo-rounds, cyunder Pianos and hand organs. LxKDa2S5.ABllENE.KAK rosToi'i'it 1: xotici: (Should be read dally by all Interested, as ciiuiiges may oct ur nt any time 1 Foreign malls for the week ending Feb ruary 21, 1!M). will clos (PHOMPTLY 111 all c.isesi at the General Postolllce, as follows: farceis post malls close one hour earlier lhaii closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close nt 5 p. m. Monday. Trilll-.tlillitlc MiiIIm. Tl LSDAY-At 7 a. til. for EUROPE, per s. s. Lalin. via Southampton and llremen 1 letters for Ireland muit be directed "per s. 1. unn 1. WEDNESDAY-At li a. m. for IRELAND, per s. s. Oceanic, via (Jucenstown (letters 1 or otner pnrts or Europe must be directed per s. s. oceanic ); at 7 11. m. (supple mentary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE. Per s. s St. Louis, via Soitthatniiton; at Pi a. tn. for hi uii.a.mi, per s. s. Astoria, via otus- gow (letters must be directed "per s. s. Astoria ): nt m:so a. m. for HEl.Gll JI per s. s. Nuordlaud, via Antwerp (letters must Do directed "nor s. s. Noonllanil 1. THURSDAY At 7 11. in. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. I'nlt Tl'OAL. TURKEY. EGYPT and I1RIT ISH INDIA, per s. s. La 'l'minilnc. via Havre (letters lor other tmrts ot rumno must he directed "per s. s. La T niralne 1 SATURDAY At S a. m. fnr NETHER LANDS, per s. s. Snaarndaiu. via lb. iter nam (letters must be directed per s Spaarndam"); ut 0 a. m. for ITALY, per s. . Aller. via Naples (letters must bo iiirecini "per s. s. Aller ': at s.;;o n m (supplementary 10 11. in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. uampiiiilu, vlu (.jucenstown PHINTKD MATTER. ETf Oeriiintl steamers sailing on Tuusduys take printed nialter, etc.. ror lieriiumy, and specially addressed printed matter, etc.. lor other parts of Europe. American nnd While I nun piL-iuurin ,10 n t um-piiiiji-, .('-loiiiti I steamers on Thursdays and I'uiiurd French and German steamers on Saiur days take printed matter, etc., fnr all countries for which they ure advertised to carry mall. After tho closing ot the supplementary transatlantic malls named above, addl tlonul supplementary malls nre opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remap open until within ten minutes of t lie hour of sailing of steamer. Mulls fur South nml Onliiil Vnierlcn, v..k n'tOAVAI !.!KI n n. f.,r 1 1 11 V t I . n ti.l LA PLATA COUNTRIES, tiers, s Words. worth, via rcrnamiiuco, nahla and Hlo de Janeiro (letters for North Hrazll must In' directed "per s. s. Wordsworth"): at 10 a. m. for INAGl'A. HAITI and SANTA MARI A, per s. s. Wartburg; at 11 a tn (supplementary ll:so a m.i for I'OHTO RICO. CURACAO. VENEZUELA. SA- VANIl.l.A and CAHT1IAGE.NA. per s. s l'hlladelphlii, via San J uun, curacao and mono ciitieun; at 9 p. m. lor JA.MAIl'A per steamer rrotn nostnu WEDNESDAY-At 2:30 n. in. for NAS SAU. N. P.. per steamer from .Ml, mil. Flu.; at 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 II. III.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except costa Rica) and SOUTH PAtMKH PORTS, per s. s. Advnnce, via Colon (let tcrs for Gtiatetnala must be directed "per H. s. Advance"); at 1:30 a. in. for PORTO lilt 'O, per I . S. Transport, via Han Juan lit 1 p. in. tor Ul HA. Yl I'ATAN. I A.M PECIIE, TAHASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Vlgllancla, via Havana and Pro- greso (letters for other parts of Mexico must bo directed tier s. s. Vlgllancla ) THURSDAY At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA, per steamer from Philadelphia ; ut 10 a m (supplementary 0:.i0 a. in.) for HKH MUDA, per s. s. Orinoco. SATURDAY-At 2:30 a. m. for NASSAU, N. P., per steamer from Miami. Flu.; nt 7 11. 111. lor I.A PLATA l OUNTIll I'.S direct tier s. s. ( yrene; ut 9:..0 a. m. isupplemeti tury pi a. m.) for HEHMl DA. I'OHTO RICO (via San Juiini. ST. THOMAS, ST, CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, per s. h. Pretoria; at in a. m. (supplementary 10:30 it. tn.) for HAITI. Dor s. s. Amies: ut pi a. in. isunn emeu tury 10:30 u. III.) for FORTUNE ISLAND JAMAICA. HA VANILLA IlIHl CAHT1IA CIENA, per s. s. Adirondack (letters for Costn I at must he directed -per s s Adirondack"); at 10 n. m. for JAMAICA, per h. H. Themis (letters must be illrected 'tier s. s. Themis ; at H a. in. tor i:t ha. per s. s. Mexico, via Huvunu; nt 11 a. in. fnr lillA.ll. a in la ula ta i ul.n TRIES, per h. s. Llvorno, via Pernambuco (letters tor North nrazu must dp iiirocteu 'per h. s. Llvorno ); at 11 a. in. for PORTO RICO, CURACAO. VENE KUKLA, SA VANILLA nnd CARTHA GENA, per s, h. Muraculbo, via San Juan, enrucao and .Murucuiuo; ni i p. m. ror NASSAU, N. P., per s. . Anttlln: nt 1 p, in. for YUCATAN, per s. s. Tordensu Jold, via Progrcso. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by Hteatner. dose at this olllco dally ut s::w p. 111. (connecting closo here every Monday, Wedneduy mil Saturday). Mulls for Mlquelon, by rail to Hoston. nnd t hence by steamer, close at this ollice dally ut 8:30 p. in. Malls for Cuba, bv rail to Port Tumiiu. Flu., nnd thence by steamer, close nt this olllco dully (except Monday) at 7 a. m. (tho connecting closes are on Sunduv. Wed nesduv und Friday). Malls for Cuba, by mil to Miami, Flu., nnd thence by stenmer, closo at this olllco every Monday, Tues day and Saturday ut "3::;o n. m. (the con ncctlng closes nro on Tuesday und Buttir davj. Mulls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this olllco dally at 2:30 n. m. and 2:20 p. m. Malls for Casta Rica Uellze, Puerto Cortex und Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thence b steamer, clo,.e nt this olllco dully nt 3 p. m. (connecting closes here Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Monduys for Itei .e Puerto Corlez nnd Guatemala). Regis tered mull closes ut u p. in. previous day Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. second day befote. Triiim-PiU'lllo Mulls. Malls fnr Chlnn and Jnpan, via Vancouver rinse hero dully nt b:.50 p. m. up to l'eti ruiiry 20th, Inclusive, for ills iatch per s. H J.inpresn 01 1.1110a 1 1 1'li'Mi'i ii innn 1 r. . .... ...m.'. -ll.ilt.. 1 'I inusi ui' nn in 11 11a iuoi-ouii-1 .uuim for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phlllppltio 1 Islands, via Sun Frunclsrn, 1 lose her", dully at C;30 p. m. up to February 22il. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s CipiIi ( Malls for Society Islands, la San 1'run- 1 cisco, close hero dally ut 6:30 p. m 1 " ' February 23d. Inclusive, for dispute Ii by ship Gnlllce. Mnlls for Hnwntl, .I.ipim. 1 China nnd the Philippine Islands. 1 . 1 I Francisco, close hero dully at 11.30 p ni. up 1 to March 2d, Inclusive, for dispatch tier s. h. America Muni. Mnlls for Hawaii, via Son Fruii'dsco, close here dally at ii:'!0 p, m. up to March 2d. Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Aus- trullu (except West Australia, which goei via Europe, nnd New Zealand, which goo-i via San Francisco), Haw nil and Fill Islands, via Vancouver, close here dully at 6:30 p. m. up to March 3d, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aor.tngl. Mails for China and Jup.iu nnd Philippine Islands, via Seattle, cln-ie here dally at 6:30 p. in. up to March "'Ith. for dispatch per s. s. Ktiihlilii Maru (registered letters must be directed "via Seattle"!. Mails for Aus- trullu (except West Australia!. New ,ea- land. Hiwiill. FIJI and Sumo.'ii Islands via San Fram Ihco close hero dully nt 6 30 p m uftcr March "'i I and on t.. Mrch I7th. Inclusive, or on day ot nrrlial of OS TOl'I'K 15 XOTIC H. s . Campania, due at New Yi.rk .M.irLh 1 M17th, for dispatch per j. t. MurlpoMi Transpacific malls ure forwarded to port or sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged mi the presumption 01 tii'ir uninterrupted overland transit Kegi--tered mull clocs at rt p. ni previous iln. COKNKI.irs VAN COTT, Postmnsier I'dsti lllce. New York, N. Y Feb. 16, 1!"W (3ovi:nm:vr xotici: PROPOSALS FOH LAt'NDlt Y MACHIN KHY - t'nltod State Indian School Service. PIpiKtone. Minn. Feb. 7, 1900.-Sealed pro posals, emlorod "Proposal for Latin drv Maehlnerv," etc . and addressed o ft... l.,t..tnitl at lHi.nattitie Mltltl 11111 be re.elveil nt thbi school lllitll 2 lulmk I p. m. of Monday. March 6, t9i. fur fumls - mg steam tioiier, engine, exir.icior. wooo washer, rack drying-room, nil necessary llttlngs, etc., to install and complete luu'V dry at the above school In strict accord- nn...i ..'Ill, ,liltd nti.l t,illl,.il I Imu lll.i at the school. The right Is reserved to re- Ject any and all bids, or any p.irt of ai.y , bid. If deemed for the best Interests (. of tho service. Ccrtlllcl Checks: En, h bid must bo accompanied by 11 certified check for dint, upon somo , 1 Unltiil Stolen depository of solvent national bank, made payable to the order of the CotntnlsMnner of Indian Affairs, fnr at least 0 tier cent nf the amount of tho proposal, which check or draft will be forfeited to the United States In case any bidder or bidders receiving an award -hall fall to promptly execute a com nut with good and sutllcletit sureties, othcrwle to be returned to the bidder. Hlds aeeomtunled bv cm -h In lieu of 11 certlllcd check will not be considered. For any additional Information apply to DeWItt S Harris, Superintendent. FS-10-13-I5-17-2O-22-24-27.M. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFli'E Omaha. Neb.. February 1(1, l'. Scaled proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 2 o'clock p. m.. central standard time. Mim-li Hi. iwm. and then opened for rnrni-11 Ing transportation, drayngr, and for handl ing stores in Department or tne .Missouri. during llscal year commenting July 1. r.X) I . S. reserves right to accept or re eel nnv or all proposals, or any part thereof. In formation furnished on implication. En velopes containing proposals to be tnarkeii "Proposals for transportation on route No. " and addressed to MAJOR F. 11 HATHAWAY, C. Q M. K. lli-e-m-17-l!l-2ll-.M. 13-11. LEGAL .NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notlei Is hereby given that tho regular annual meeting of the stockholders of tho South I'l.itte Laud company will be Held nt the olllre of said company 111 Lincoln, rcn , nt 11 o clock a. 111., on tne nrst Wednesilnv In March. A. D. 1900. belnir tllo 7th ilny of the month. Hy order or the board or directors. C. 11. MORRILL. A. R. MINOR, President. Secretary. Lincoln. Neb., February C, 191V. Feb. 5-d30t HII.WAV TIME TAII1.KS. ,sour.,'1NRH?rS Ha.lro.Vd- J "Tho Durllngton Route"- I General . Olllces. N. W. Corner. Tunin. anu iMirni in 8U 1 Ticket ollico. 1502 Far- imu, i) o.y. fele- Depot, Tenth aJ -Ma!u",-e Arrive, idiotic 310. ,,1 Arnvi. nam street. 1 uieinion.-. Llnro n, linsunh" ,.m,m a 7:10 pm McCooK ;,.; Lincoln. ..Denver v o. - K radii. I inn. v """.'",' Lincoln. HlacK 1 u.s. ,,,! A 4:20 pm n JM pm Mnnianu Knntu. ; , .", ,Scw, iiitwptu uw.; m " i.'it Mall a 3:00 pm al0:3s urn Jjenvpr Colorudo Utah a 6:20 am r. I'alllOritl a Dally. CHICAGO, RURLINOTON & Qulucy Railroad-'1 ho Hiirllugtoti Route"-1 Ickct Olllco. 1502 Farnam ht. Tel, 250. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, 310. Lcavo. Arrive. n.TvIltrlif I'hlrmrn Rne- -...1 " " r. fi.lft nm Chicago Vestihul'crt Kx .a 5:03 pm n S:05 am Chicago Express a S:G0 am a pm C hicago & St L. Ex . a 7:15 pm a S;0j uiu l'.irinr .ninciinn i,ocai. .uiu:io uiu I' OSt -M Oil U -.u I'lll n unu KANSAS CITY. ST. JO seph & Council niuffs Railroad "Tho Hurling ton Route" Ticket Olllco, U02 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 230. Depot. Tenth Mason Streets. Tele phone, 310 Leave. Arrive Kansas City Day Ex ..,n 8:50 am n 6:17 pin K'ntim.R Pltv N'lirht H. n!0:15 nm a. 6:16 am St Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and st. iouis..a i:jj pin nu:i& am a Dally JFREMONT. ELKIIORN .c Missouri valley Kullroml -'The Northwestern Line" General Olllces. United Suites National Ilk. Hldg.. S W Corner Twelfth and Farnnm Sts. Tlrlret Ollice, 1101 Farnnm St. Telephone 501. De po', 15th und Webster Sts. Telephone 1153. Leave. Arrive. Hlnck Hills. Dead wood. Hot springs a 3:00 nm n S:0O nm Wyoming, Casper nnd Douglas d 3:00 Dm o 5:00 nm Hastings, Y'ork, David uity, superior, uenevn, Exeter nnd Seward b 3:00 nm h r.!fin n.n Norfolk. Verdlgro nnd Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:2.-. nm Lincoln, Wuhoo nnd Fremont b 7:30 nm hlO:2.-, n, Fremont Local e 7:30 am n Dully. U Dally except Sunibiv. e Hon. dny only d Daily except Saturday, o Dully except .Monunv. CHICAGO & NORTH western Hallway "Tno Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Ollice, HOI Farnnm Strcot. Tele phone 561. Dopot, Tentli und Mason Streets. Tele. phone 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:10 am all:BS nm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pin ul0:10 nm liaslcrn express. Les .Moines, .Miirsnniiiown, Cedir Ruplds and Chl- c.'ilm) 1110:35 am a. 4:0". nm Eastern Limited, Chi- .ngo and Earn a 4:53 pm a 4:03 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omnlui n 2:45 nm Omaha-Chicago Spoulal.a 7:30 pm it 8:00 nm Fast Mall.. a S:30 am a Uuliy. ICHICAOO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Otnnhu itaiiway "1110 North western Linn" General Olllces, Nebraska Dlvl. sloti, 15th und Webster Sts Cltv Ticket omen. 1401 Farniim St Telephone 501. Depot, 16th nml Weliu'ir Htu Lonve. Arrive Twin City Passenger... a 6:00 urn a 9:00 pm Omaha Pnssengoi . . all:20 um Sioux c ny .v .lorin east Nebraska ..a 3:10 pm a Dully, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY PACIFIC Kiuirnnil "Tho North western Lino" General Olllces, United States National Hank Hullding, B. W. Corner Twelfth and I'-.irnnm Sts. Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnnm St. Toluphono 501. De. pot, Tenth & Muhoii Sts. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrlvo. Twin City Express a 6:50 am al0;50 pm Twin City Limited . a 7:20 pm a K:I5 am Bloux City Local a S:00 am a 4:20 pm a Dully OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAIL, road Omaha, Kuimus City & Eastern Railroad "Tho Quin.-y Route" Thkot Of II' e, HI.". Fariium Street. Telephone 322. Depot, Tmith nnd Marcy Streots, Tojo. pfiune, C29 Leave. Arrive. St Louis Cannon Hall Express a 4 15 pm a 8:35 pin Exprci'-i . a 4:45 pm a 8 33 am Kansas t uy and Quim y Loca a 6:10 am a 8:50 pm a Dully UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER. land lloute"-Gnneral Olllces, N E. Cor Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. City Tlckot Olllco. 1303 FuVh?m Street. Tcleiihone 316. DepVi, Tenth mid Mason titrct'ts. Tel'.-phono 629. Leave. Arrlvo. The Overland Limited a :50 am a 7:20 pm 'rim t.'iiut Mull a 9:00 am a 3:2", nm ti,0 Colorado Special. ..a!l:55 pm a ti:2fi uiu Portland Special .11 8:50 am a 1:10 pm Lincoln, Dcutrlcn und Stromsbnrg Express. .b I 10 pm bl2.25 pm Putlllc Exprc 1 . .a 4 23 pm 11 6:35 am Griitid 1st mil Local Ii 5 30 pm b 9,30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundu. KdKliH.'ll'U it n,w timi:, ILLINOIS CENTIIAL llallrond. City Ticket oltle. , Hi2 Farnam street. Tole tuioii" 21 Depot, Tetltn und Mason streets. Lonve. Art I ve. n 12.10 pm a 4:06 pm a 7:pm a S;l5am b 7:00 am b 9:10 pin a 7:33 pm 11 S:13um Chicago t;xpies Chleogo Limited Minneapolis and St. Paul Expless MttineapolN and St. Paul Limited Fort Dodge Local from Co IIIniT' b 1:30 pm b 10:15 am u Dally, b Daily except Sundays. CHICAC.O. HOCK 1SL nnd 1'aclllc The llrnt Hook Isl and Houle " Clt Tick et oiihe v:zs F.irmim Strict Telephone 4J.H Depot. Tenth A Mason Streets Telephone, 629. i.etivo. Arrive. Lcs Mollies und D.tven inirt 1oial a.'.,V"m U1I.:25 hliao Kxpres... . bll:15am 11 SMO am l lib imo, l ast LXprc-s. .11 o i. jim 1 pin St. Paul Impress . ... 11 6.O0 pm till '35 am tncoiti. 1 oioniuo nimT., 1i.i,ief l'lletlln itllll Ww, a 1:30 pm u 4:23 pm Des Moines. Rock Isl am! nnd Chicago a (:2- pm a 6:60 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5 55pm a 9;20 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Hallway - City I,...7i,r?7 Ticket oitice. iwii Knrnnm fni!LWA'"EEl Street. Telephone 2.4. Depot. 'fat, I Tenth und Mason Streets. "liiK;' Telephone 629. V1V Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Hc. , . .11 7:85 pm n SSI nm Chicago Omaha Ex..bll;00 urn b 3:53 pm Sioux City and Dca Moines Express blLfOnm b 3:K Dm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL read General Olllces and Tl. I;,. 1 ( lll'ir.i Kent hcust t'or. 4T5jf5P. iter Hth nml Douglas Sis. Telephone. 101. Depot. 15tll and Wepstcr st. Tclophonc, 1133. Ieave. Arrive. S. Loub Kansas c I Neb 1 'tnlted 11 2:30 pm nl2:.V. pm K C -St L Express a 9:u0 pm a 5:50 am Nebrnslc.i louil Via Weeping Water I) 6:(V3pui a 9:43 atn 11 Daily b Dally oxcopt Sunday. WAR A Sit RAILROAD Tlikcl Ollice, 1501 Farnam Street. Telepltone S95. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive 61. Louis "Cannon Rail" Express ti 4:40 pm n S:40 am r. Dally. . l.'OMIll) V H' EHROIIS IS IJNDEII. I.eeKliiiiid's Snsilelons V. IIoiin enrl ItesnllN Seriously fur lllni. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Feb. 19. (Special.) A cuso nt Hurley which promised sentia- i 1 .t...Aln...i,u lmu tmd 11 Htlildeli end. Ing. A short tlmo ago Huns Lockbund and. Carl Adams, well-known residents In tllu vrity of Hurley, left ostensibly for a trip to u point In Iowa - t.elmnil re- turned alone, and to Inqulriiti concerning tho whereabouts of Adams, guvo evasive and conlllctlng answers. Then rtiinors gained circulation that Ailatna had been murdered by his friend. This belief was, In cer tain circles, apparently confirmed by Leek baud producing bills of sale of all of Ad ams' property, of which ho took posscuslon. Feeling stiro that a foul murder hud hccii committed a wnrrnnt for Leckhand's arrest was sworn out nnd placed In tho hands o ShirlfT Kirk nf Turner county. Tho sheriff MHcrtulncd that Leckhand. having been warned of the proposed action ngalnst him, had lied to Iowa, a neighbor having been lilted to drive him across the tduto line. Sheriff Kirk set to work to solve tho myfi ter Hiiriiiiindlng the disappearance of Ad ams and the peculiar behavior of Lockbund, with tho result that he has now discovered that Adams la allvo and well and Leck hand's strange course w;ib In pursuiinro of u tin I ri to befriend Adams, who, through feat of being arrested on complaint of a woman, decided to leave tho slate nnd con ceal IiIh whereabouts. Tho hills of sain 6? his property were given to Lockbund ho the latter could secure possesion of It and protect It for him. Lcckband'a evasive an swers In referenro to tho whereabouts ot Ati.mis were, of course, for the pttrposo ot preventing tho ofllcers discovering and arresting Adams, and yet It wiih this course which llrst threw suspicion upon Leckhand himself. HCPI lll.K A Y CO.inilT'l'EE TO .M EET. Time noil Place for lloldlnir Conveii- (Ioiih Will lie Niinieil. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Feb. 19. (Special ) Tho members of the republican state central commlttro will meet ut Huron Tuesday for tho purpose of selecting tho timo anil place for holding tho convention to Belcit delegates to the republican nu tlntinl convention at 1'hltmlelpMu. There has been some talk of having the call for tho convention alho Include the nomination of a state ticket at the sonio time, hut there seems tn be little question that the state committee will decide to cull two conventions Instead of 0110. The hold ing of only one convention would, It Is believed, place 11 tlckot In tho Held to) early and would muko too long a cam paign nnd besides, two conventions will furnish n hotter opportunity for recognizing the party workers whose only ambition Ii to represent their party nt idnto conventions. Fnr tho Hnmo rensnnH tho fttslonlslH of South Dakota will also hold two conven tions, one for the purposo of electing dele gates to their national convention and tho other for tho nomination of a statu ticket. Wnr 11 Ith Wild AiiIiiiiiIm. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Feb. 19. (Special.) The Btockmen of Wyoming nro waging a fie rco war against wolves, mountain llona and coyntCH, and lurgo luimliors ot thrtu animals nre being killed. At the last session of tho legislature a hill wus passed appro priating the sum of $25,000 to ho used ;ih bounty on predatory wild animals tit tho rote of $3 fnr each wolf pelt und $1 for each coyote pelt. A number of professional htintcitt nnd trnppors were engaged to work In different sections nf tho state, hut thi) nolviN were so shy that the business he enmo unprofitable. It was then that stock uBsoclatlonB wero formed, each stockman agreeing to pay the sum of $1 on each royoto o,- wolf killed within a certain district. Those atbcclatlons wete composed of about twenty 1111 inborn to Btart with, and when a hunter Killed a wolf he received, in addition to tho Btato bounty of $3, the sum of $20 from tho association, being allowed to retain tho hide, which ho would then sell for $2 or $.'!. Tho llrst of theeo ussoclatlons was formed In this oily und was made up of twenty ranch men who live In tho country north nf Clicy enno and south 'of Horse creek. Xmv Wjnnilnir H11II10111I. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Fob. 19.-(SpcclnI.) -A railroad Into tho Hlg Horn haain, In northern Wyoming, Is now an assured fact. Engineer Gillette of the llurlliiRton en gineering department, who has charso of tho work of Hurveylng a line for tho Bur lington from Tnlonkn, Mont., to Cody City, was in Shnrldaii last Thursday nnd stale I Hint tho mirvcy has been completed und the right of way secured to Cody. Ho also said that tho llurllnKlun is considering tlm matter of building a branch Into tho (Jro I111II river county, one of the richest agri cultural sections In the west. Tho hulld ing of tho Codv City line, work on whMi will bo coinim-lUTi! nt once, will put tho llurlltikttnti iloher tn the National ptrk than the Northern Pacific nnd the former will thon cut quite n figure In the Inrgo amount of tourist travel to tho park. WorKlnic Muht und llaj. Tho hUBlcst and mlghtUm little thing that ever was mado Is Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills These pills change weakness Into strength. itlc3sncg Into energy, brain-fag Into men tal power They're wonderful 111 building up tho henPh Only 25c per box. Sold by Kuhn & Co. 1 JP"'" w $11111 V