THE OMAHA DALLV BEE: TUESDAY, EEBUTTA'RY 20, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat is Eaj Early, bat React with Corn. ! nous today at miMMSMH: lead, Mealy; I cioen nteany nna unenangea nt i,i(rn.ii, mid yelter cloned dull also ut former prices, I4.GOJI I. TO. The Brokers price lor lead U tl.15 and for copper $16.20. CORN QUIET, CONCEALING TRUE CONDITION "When! llctcloiiN Slri-iiHlh l.nlp In So. hIoii Long: l.lni' of OiilD Ik Let Out I'm vIkIiiiin llnlil Tlii'lr Omi (iri'HliT 1'iirt of l)n'i CHICAGO, Feb. 19. -Corn sold to a stand fitlil without weakening, roue ted on cover In h nhortrt today and closed itrong, May r4- cr Hatunliiy. Wheat was easy curly, bin reacted with corn and unfavorable wr.ither In Franco, May cloning linn 'ic tip Oats closed a xhntle and provisions 2Mc to T'HOc better. A good art of tho fteaslon corn concealed Us condition under an appearance of quiet nit adliips. May openeil it simile under t No, OMAHA UIJ.M'llAI. MAHIClVr. irlay at 3l'yii.1IV. attributable to tho earlnesH of wheat. There was no great de mand, but offer I n its were absorbed readily nnil May dung for hours nround SPio. Near the rloe ufTcrlngx hivaine scarce and ithe imprenalon that the market had been pn'd to ii standstill gained general cro rlenre. I'tiiler heavy buying to cover May shot up from :!l',ic to 35,Tj 3.Vc, at which the market rloxed, -V over Saturday. The rash demand was slow. Receipts hero wcro Ml ears. 221 cars over the ontlmato. The slreiiKtb developed by wheat late In the session was attributable to the bulge In the cohI'hI' cereal. The opening was easy nil the Liverpool decline ami the Inerense in wheat and Hour on passage, May 'ili'iiC under Saturday at tiT'ic. The advance In J'arl-t and tne unfaMirahle weather reported In Friiim, ore.iti-d a. diversion In favor of Hie bulls, which (lulled the price up to 6m Trade was dull, however, and u little pi-,ll taking sent .May back tc Initial tig iirm Shortf covered mid May advanced to fiSViiKSijc, at which It closed, 'ic over tf.i'iinlny. New York reported llvo loads taken for export. Atlantic port clearances l wheat and Hour were equal to 3S3.000 liu. I'rlmary receipts were OI7.(i) Int.. compared with Om'.oH) bu last year. Minneapolis and li'lluth reported 723 cars, against 660 a year ago. Heielpls hero were) 06 cars, 2 of con trail srnde. A long lino of oat was let out today uivlrlv was laigely Inlluentlal In holding that market easy. Tim trade, was not large. Near the end the corn bulge was felt and oais. supported by norno sympathetic cov ering, closed firm. May a shade up at XIV' Receipts here were 3S0 enrs, 110 over the estimate. I'rnvlslona helil their own the greater part of the day, because hog receipts were under flm estimate; and turned llrm with com at the cIoho. Trade was not largo and fluctuations were narrow. May iork sold from $10.9.!!-! to II l.ri ll.(i2i,4 and cloned 714 filMo civer Saturday at tll.t 11.0214: May lard from Ifi.oTi to $. 11714, closing 214o Im proved at !.07M,. and May ribs from J6.00 to 6.02HS6.0fi, with the elo- 2V4 lmprovel nt $.U!'4. I'J-itltnated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, So cars; corn, 7f-0 cars; oats, 323 cars; hogs, 32 000 hood. The lendlni: futures ranged ns follows: ArtlelesTrOpenTl I llgliM"ow7"rcloHe.Yes'"y. Wheat I Condition nf Trnd nnil (Itiotnt lon mi Mtiiple nntl Fnncy Pruritic.?. KOOS Itecelpts, moderate; fresh stock, firm nt 12!ic. DIIK8312D POULTRY-Cnolce to fancy turkeys, OfilOc; ducks, 9Zfl0c; geese, figiOe: spring chickens. 9c; hens, 9c; roosters, 5Q(5c UIVK I'Ol'LTHY-llens. 714o: spring chickens, "tic; old and staggy roosters, 4 (6c; ducks, 714c; turkeys, 7'4fjSc.. HUTTKK Common to rnlr, 16c; choice, IT'S 18c; separator, 23c; gathered creamery, l'IOKONS-I-lvc, per doz., 90cll.00. VUALS-Cholce. 9ftl0c. OAMK-Ducks. mallards, J3.0Oy3.2.7; blua wing teal, $1.75; green wing teal, ll.atfJLOO; mixed ducks, ll.bOSi.W. OYSTKIIS Medium, per can, 18c; stund riri., per can, 22c; bulk standard per gal., $1.25; extra selects, per can, 30c; extra se lects, per gal., Il.fi0ftl.75; New York counts, per can, 37c; New York counts, per 100, $1.25. HAY Per carload lots: Vp'nnd, choice, 6: midland, choice. J5.M: lowland, choice. $3: rye straw, choice, $4.50; No. 3 corn, 2614c; 3 whlto oats, 22',4c; cracKeii corn, per crease, 6V,,000 bu. Corn, H.S05.000 bu.; In crease. IS.ikio bu. Oats, 1,743,000 bu.; In crease, 225,(0 bu. Rye, 1,156,000 tin.; In crease, 21.000 tin, llarley, 1,422,000 till.; de crease. s,wu uu. Spanish 4s, 67'4. The nmotint of bullion , i-tt1,lr,i..n ft... !. T7....I ..r t....1.. ...1 .... balance today was 9.000. Calcutta Unseed, spot. 49s 3d, Har gold. 77s 9d. I nuKiiUN, Keb, 19. Exchange on London, I 31 murks ft?. ,f, fir fOinnlra. tllannltnt l.lttln Itntter Mnrket. i rates, short bills, 4 per cent; three months' RIJIN. Fob. 19,-M'TTHIl-Flrm at 21c, bills, l'4 per cent. On the bourse today nil offerings; 15 tubs sold nt that price; pales leans nnd Canadian Pacifies were dull. Iron Tor last weok, 10,O. tubs. International securities were firmer. Atner- MOVKMIlVrS tTpvT-OC AM. l.,,.N.S. ' ZU , touted. At tho closing the market was (i7Ti'nis SI'i'iiN 3.,'t 1 6fi&4 6614 6SW1 4 (wMCSSfj ty6V it'll u Ul KV1I Vill W ...J I .T3 33 !5Vi 141 3I'4 Mrit '4131 Vi i 35l 23141 2323-W,4l23!S,'il:!4 2214122 Vf'i'SIVj xh 22H14 23H 22!4 I 16 93 11 00 10 9214 11 0,1 1" 9214 10 9714 II 02'4 10 95 11 0214 10 95 6 0714 " 0714 fi 0714 B f' 6 15 I! 1714 J214 G 1714 6 1214 6 oo r, or. no r, 0214 00 6 0214 ( ok 00 0214 6 00 $'(i! yellow, Keb May July Corn l''eb. May .Inly Oats May July J'ork -May ,lul Lard -May .1 ily Itll.s -May July No Cash quotations were as follows FLOCK Steady: winter patents. 3.70. straights. $3.10fi3 10; clears, $2.90fi3.10; spring specials, $3.9nft 1.00; patents. $3.201r 3..W. straights. 2.B0ij3.Ort; bakers, $2.10'2.5o. WIIHAT-No, 3 spring, dl4fj9c; No. 2 red. 70 71c. COHN-No. 2, 3lfi3llic; No, 3lf. (lATS-No. 2. 23ff 2314c; No. 3 white, 25?? 2Hc HAKUCY-No. 2. 3ijl3c. SKKDS No. 1 flaxseed, $1.60; northwest, $1 m. Timothy seed, prime, S2.35ft2.45. clover, contract grade. S8.35j8.lo. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $9.8.5 Fj 10.50: lard, per loo ins., sri.soi5.95; short 1'lbH. sides (loose), $5.9IK6.15; dry salted shoulders (boxed), S6.25ftG.5iJ; short clear sides (boxed). $i.l(lft6.15. WHISKY-Distiller' finished goods, on 11,1 Ml h of high wines, per ga .. S1.23U. SCOARS-Cut loaf, $6.05; grantilnted, S5.49, The following nro the receipts nnd ship ments ror tne nay: Artlelos. Flour, bills Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Hurley, bu On tho Produce exchange todny tho but, ter market was steady; creameries, 19ft2lc dairies. 19ft 22e. Cheese, firm ut 12ft 13c. Kggs, llrm; fresh, 13c nw Tonic (;i;m:ii.i, mviikkt. (lnotnt Ions for the liny 011 Various CiiiiiinoilKlen. NI-5W YORK. Feb. 19. ILOUR-Recclpts, 19 10". bbls.; exports, 17.0OT bbls.; market for winter straights was llrmer and more ncllve, but otherwise tho market was slow nnd easy until near tho close, when It ral lied with grain; winter patents, $'1.63ft3.S3; winter straights, $3.l5ft3.33; Minnesota tint cuts, $.!.!.ft 1.1,1; winter extras, $2.CO(j2.90; Minnesota bakers, S2.tHKj3.iC; winter low grades. $2 25ft'2.10. Ryo Hour, quiet; fair to kuoii. m.i"; cnoice to lancy, sa.20ft3.60. Huckwheat flour, quiet at S1.5OW1.60. CORNMIJAI-Qulet; yellow western, 63c; city. SOc; ltrandywlne, S2.U04i2.30. RY1J- Steady: No. 2 western. iSe f. o. li. stato rye, affile c. I. f. New York cur 101s. IIARLIOY-nuIl; fuedlng, I3!iftt7c; malt lug. 6l1ie, New York. I1ARLKY MALT-Uull. Wlli;AT--Reeelptt 37,(W bu.; exports. M..WJ bu.; sales, l,9IO,0nO bu. futures; 104,000 011 export, npoi, nrm: .mi. 2 red. 76Tc elo vh torj No. 2 red, 7sic f. o. b. afloat In tiiure. .Aid. 1 norinrrii. nuiutn. nihc f. o. b. inmai prompt: .o. 1 naril. tniltitli, S2Tc t o. 11. prompt. (Jilt oils nnencil easiv Receipts. Shlnm'ls. . . 2:1.000 .. 51.01)0 1!),(KK1 . . I2,(J0 479.000 . .32I.0IMI !I3,0CH) ., 9,001) 3,00(1 .. 77.000 17.000 ton, $11, corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton,; bran, per ton, siz; snorts, per ion, ju. VKOKTAHMOS. NfiW TURNIPS-Per doz. bunches, 50c. SPINACH- Per box, $1. NHW HKKTS Per doz. bunches, 40tf&0c. LMTTt'CH Per doz. bunches, 40c; fancy head lettuce, per bbl., ti RADISHES Per doz. hunches, 33c. BWICKT POTATOES-Per bbl., Illinois, $3; Jerseys, $3; largo bbls., Kansas, $2,75. roTAToisa-wr bu., choice, ioyioc. CAIIItAOH-Hnllun.'l seed. ic. CAULIi'LOWER-Cullfornla. Der crate. $2.2P. CILLERY Per doz.. 25M30o! Cnllfnrnlo. per bunch, 40ft75c TliUNirs Rutabagas, per lb., UJc. TOJIATOMS-Florlda. Der 6-bauket crate. St. MCSIIROOMS-Pcr lb. box. 50c. ONIONS Retail, yellow. 75c: red. SKfiDOe; Olilos, per bbl., $2.25. RHUHAUH-Per doz., 65ft76c. FRUITS. A PPI,KS Choice western ntilnnloir stnek. S3.fHf,3.50; New York stuck. $4: fnnov. SI.5U ft 4.75. UllAPKS Malaga, per bbl., $7.0009.00. CRANIICRRIES Hull and Runic t,v bbl.. $8. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOKS California, fancv nnvels. ner box, S3.U5ft3.50; cholco navels, $2.75ft3.00; Cal ifornia seedlings, per box, S2.60ft'2.75. 1.1.tfVU 1 I,. ..l,..i.. u , . - . ,iti, i-iiuii',-) jii i mix, $3.00; fancy, 13.(0; Messlnaw, choice, per box, mill:), ti.w. HAN ANAS Per bunch, medium. J1.75ff 2.00; fancy, S2.O0ft2.25. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY- Per 21-sectlon case, $3.23. NUTS Hickory. lnrco. ner lm.. 11.K! shellbarks, S1.35. FlOS-Callfornln, layers, per 10-lb. box. Outside Public Still Refuses to Mini- easier, Ifesl lm- Inleresl. PARIS, NEW YORK. Feb 19.-Tho outside public still refused to manifest tiny Interest In tho stock market today mid operations continued wholly In the hands of profes sional traders. This element made an at tempt to force a continuance of lust week's reaction, using us their main argument the drain being inudu upon the cash resotircis of tho banks. The stutemellt of the sub treasury operations showed a loss already since Friday to that Institution of $l,l21.non. This showing helped the bears In un eariy raid 011 the market, which wiped out the opening gains and carried prices generally below Saturday s closing trading. Ono or two stocks sintered from Individual causes nnd helped on the reaction. Pnclllc Mall, People's Ons and Third Avenue showed continued weakness and Pennsylvania was depressed on i"purts of 11 new enr trust Involving many million dollars. Tho bears did not succeed In bringing out any lane offerings ami were driven to cover on tho development of uggtossivc mrcngiii 10 m . -oral stocks, Including Sugar, Rubber, Chi cago, Indianapolis Ac Louisville, Tobacco, General Electric, Luckuwuutia mid Thlid Avenue, Tho most potent fuctor In the rally was tho largo Increase, in earnings for tho uee ond week In February shown by u. num ber of railroads. Norfolk & Western matlo Feb. 19. On the bourse today business was netlvo and ptlces wore llrm. Rentes wero strong on repurchases. Spanish 4s closed steady and the rate of Interest Is to bo cut down. There was a good business duno In Rio Tlntos and In Knfllrs. Thre2 per cent rentes, lOOf 75e for the nccotint. Exchange on London, 25 f 20c for checks. Three tier cent rentes closed at lOOf 971iC for the itccount. Spanish 4s. 63.924. Huston Minim; Slocks, HOSTON. Feb. 19,-Cnll loans. W4 per cent; time loans, 41(5 per cent. CloJlng prices for stocks, bonds and mining shares: A., T. & S. F. . . . 2H,!l'ntnn Land do nfd OS, Am. Sugnr 113 Roll Telephone... 3.T3 Ilostoil & A 235 Roston L I'M lloxton ft Me....l'Rl C, II. i g Dotn. Coal .... do pfd Federal Sleel do pfd Fltehburg pfd Gen. Electric . do pfd Ed E--c. III... Mex. Central . Mich. Tolcphonc.lOO In. li 24 i 92'4 ! 18 9) '4 (1. .t C... 19V. tho most striking exniiut, Willi an increase o, Dominion 194 over tho corn-spondlng period of last year 'Rubber ."' auZl ..t (in i'o I.. n, t...l.. ' ....f lit. m IILUilJ 'J livi KiHKt A Km . i mull I I1C1IIC resulted 111 11 largu abMorpiioii ot tun siock ul an extremo udvanca of -'i and had a Hynipiithetlc effect on all the bituminous coal-carrying roads, contributing to tho rally In Pennsylvania and Rultlmoro .t Ohio. Toledo & Ohio Central showed mi Increase- III earnings of 75 per cent for tho second week In Febrtiury. These evidence.) of tho largo demand for bituminous coal wero coupled with reports ot increasing use of anthracite In steam production In- West End West. Electric . Wis. Central ... Atchison Is N. E, O. & C. 5s. Adventure .1231', Allouez M. Co.... 2"-4 11 lAmai. copper ... wi'j Atlantic 23 Hos. & Mont 273 Unite & Roston.. 65 Cal. & Hecla....767 Centennial Franklin , Osceo'u Parrot ijulney Santa Fo Cop Tamarack .... Ftah Mining , Winona SotiWolverlncs .... .117 . sin . 7l'i 12114 .131 .233 12 It 15 . Il'i .140 . 614 .192 . 31 . 3 , 41i Vmv York .Mining (lnotnt Ions. NEW YORK, Feb. 19.-The following nro tho oll'clul closing quotations for min ing shares: Iron Sliver Mexican ... Con. Cal fc Vn...X Headwood .V, Gould & Curry .. 10 .noun nf iinueiiltv lii nhi ii I iitii it soft roiil. i 1 liilo Norcross. 25 Tim aiithracltu uroun showed tho effect of llomestako 5(Vio this Influence and of published forecasts of tho annual statement of Lackawanna, which Is to bo published tomorrow, Inti mating a high percentage of earnings for the yuur. In addition Ontario & Western showed an increase of II per rent III earnings for tho week. In the southern group Louis ville & Nashville made a showing for tho week which was 51 per cent better than that of last year, tho Increase In gross amounting to $lv;,3t5. AH the returns n celved show sticking gains, though those enumerated nre tho largest. Tho cotton carrying roads ispcclnlly showed recovery from tho recent low luvel of earnings mid wero advanced In price In consequence. Tho tonic efTccl oc tneso extraordinary Chollnr 15 lOntnrlo S75 Crown Point .... 5 ophlr 50 ii" ymoutli II .Quicksilver 175 do prd 730 Sierra Nevada .. 31 Standard 20o i Union Con 21 Yellow Jacket ... 13 London Stuck (luotnt Inita, LONDON. Feb. 19.-4 p. jn.ClosIng: 90c; California carton, per 10-lb. box, $1.00; j earnings proved too much for the bears ""i'"" "" i"-' -c. , Iinii ii,,.y were forced to cover, j no con- HIDES. TALLOW, ETC. tinned case of call money, which ranged HIDES-No. l creen )ili!n Un- Vn 9 t,r.n from 2 to 2'a per cent, neutralized tho hides, 7c; No. 1 salted hides, 9c; No. 2 salted ularmlst view of the money market out hldes, Sc; No. 1 veal coif, S to 12 lbs . 9c: look. Some slight elfect was produced also l-HU, - VCai CIlU, 12 IO JO Ins., SC. I uy IIIU iciiunn Ul luiiin-i juuipii ni.vvv.-..-.. .t . 1 In South Africa. Eric Telephone roso buoy- 1 unt v some 8 points. Dealings wero imi on a large scale and the market fell dull before tho close, hut held quite firm near tho top. ' 1 1........ It. !..., to .lfwiti',! Bimia ffllllllf' (.IT X'.. .1 1. ..... 1 ..V,, .i. iHirutv hi r. ...... . r, I.1'.'.'".'.." '.a"'"": receipis. zj,.ici nusneis. j volume and price ohuliges wero mixtti 1 uiui-iiikiht; .u. j casn, iii'.se; tracK, St. Louis Cm 1 11 nnil I'rovlslons. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 19. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 70!j,c; track, 73c; February, '0i-. May. 70Tift7lc; July, KStic; No. 2 llliril. 67l.f70n- rnn.O.ito rl Trjl l...ul.lo May, 3Pift34Uc; 334ft3le; February, 33c; OATS-Hlgher; No. 2 cash, 2l'4c; 24ic; February, 2114c; May, 24c; white. 26ft2614c. RYE-Stronir at 51Ue. FLOUR Firm, unchanged. track. No. 2 Total sales, par value, $1,9x5,000. United States old Is and 6s advanced U mid the 2i hj In tho bill price. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The markets here wero stagnant today, awaiting news ot General Cronjo's army. They closed hard oil the announcement 01 uenerai junior SEEDS Tlmolhv. llrm. iVuno in mr , ,J ,,it. rr,i,..i dlnary. Maxsecil. nam tin : i. J,. i,i ,m- Amrin wm. CORNMEAI-Steady. Sl.fs(Vfil.S5. I J. r'-.i . 1..,. ,i.,.ri,;,'.i,i ..vr'n.ii inr niiill nnr- RRAN Firm: sacked east irnnU cin. bulk, affile. ' ' rle!'$L08?C0.y: tlmothy' -3-Mft 12.00; pral- WIlisiCY-Steadj-. $1.2314. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.20. 1 1 AUG I NG-5Tift 6ic. HEMP TWINE 9c, METALS Lead. easier nf tl r.7l7i fin Speller, dull nt H.60. ' ' ' ruuiiTlt) IJasy; chickens, 614ft714e: tur keys, 614ft7!4e: ducks. tft8!4c; geese. 514'j6c. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; jobbing; old. $10.50; now. $11.3714. Lard, quiet; prime steam. S5.7!i, choice, $5.50. Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts. $6.1214; clear ribs. $b. ii; clear sides. $0.3714. Hacon (boxed), steady; extra shorls, $6.6214; clear ribs Sb.11; clear sides, $6,S71. REOEIPTS-Flour. 9.000 libls.; wheat 28,- SIIIPMENTS-Flotir. C,l 1,bis.; wheat, S.OOO bu.; corn; 30.000 bu.; oats, 11,000 bu. flutter, Kkk mill Cheese Mnrket. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 19. CI IEESE Amer Ican finest colored, firm at Cls isl. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 19.-HUTTEH-Creamery. 20fi23c; dairy. 18c. I-XJOS-Market unittli-d; slight weak ness apparent; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, llrsts, Ul4c dozen, cases returned ST. LOUIS. Keb. ta-HU'lTER-'Stendy; creamery, JOfttMVfcc; dairy, lfifjano. ICOGS-Steitdi- nt 12c. N15V YORK. Feb. 19.-RUTTER-Recept3 1. i.I2 packages; steady ut decline; Juno chases for New York of Norfolk it West ern und Union I'ucille Issues. Tho bank bought .L21.000 gold In Gorman coin and received 20.000 trom Australia. It lost by sales 50,100 In bars. Call money was steady and bunk loans were renewed, while there was considerable fresh bor rowing. . .... 'I'm- following are tho quotations for tho leading stocks on tho New York exchange j today: Atchison So" Tex. & Pnclllc... lGTi do pfd (3:i Union Paelllc .... fo- Haltlmore .t O... 2r- , Ho pru... Can. Paelllc 9i7 A abash t!aii. Soutihern .. ts do nfd... Chert, .-i Ohio W. & L. E. Cons., money. .100 1-16' Pennsylvania do ucct 100 11-16 Reading Can. Pacific H'Wi N. P. pfd ... Erie 13 Atchison do 1st pfd.... 3S Grand Trunk Illinois Central. .lli'.U Loulsvlllo .... U. P. pfd 7S- Anaconda .... St. Paul. com. .. .121 Rand Mines .. N. Y. Central.... 1,17141 6M4 914 76i 2I'S 91i 3u SILVER-Steady. at 27141 per II All ounce. MONEY -3 per rent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills was 31i percent. The rate of discount In the open market for threo months' blllu wus 3T4ft' 3 15-16 ier cent. Hunk Clrnrlnus. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 19.-Clearlngs, $11,338,067; balances, $2,2s6.923. HALTLMORE. IVb. 19.-Clearings, $1,916, 915; balances, $261,661. CHICAGO, Feb. 19.-Clearlngs, $22,S1S,1G7; balances. $2,118,876. New York exchange, 25c discount. Sterling exchange, lt.Nift4.ss14. HOSTON, Feb. 19.-Clearlngs. $15,742,945; balanees, SI,37S.3G5. NEW YORK. Feb. 19,-Clearlngs, $I09.32, 3nR; bnlances, S6.970.Mo. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 19.-Clearlngs, $3,684,215: balances, liXI.OIt. Money, quiet nt 2fi7 per cent. New York exchange, 23c discount bid, par asked. C11111IH Ion of (lie Tronsury. "WASHINGTON, Feb. 19 Today's state ment of tho condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $296,434,269; told reserve, 1222.911,116. Cotton Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. ig.-COTTO'N Futures barely steiuly; February, $8.54, nominal; March. $8.50ft S.51 : April, 8.61ft 8.52; Mav, ix.61ft8.ftf; June. JS.51HiS.52; July. JS.r,l!iS.r2; August!,; useinomiicr, $7.(Wfj".B7; October, S7.-"jft7.27 ; Deeemln $7.3oft1J0; November, r, $7.23ft7.27. Quiet; sales, Chicago (It. W.. 13'U mi -il ifu .... C, It. .t Q 12.VtAVIs. Central .. Chicago. 1 it 1... 17'b Adams Kx do pfd Ml Chlcjigo .-i E. I.. 91 Chicago .t N. W.IU) American Ex I . 8. Exprevu.. . IS .115 .146 4C, AVelh'-Fargo Ex. 123 C., 3.. I. P. ...ION'4 Am, cot. uu .. C, C, C. & St. L. U)4 do prd Co'o. Soutnern . 5"-s Atner. Malting 1st pfd 43'r do nrd do 2d pfd Ki'i Amer. S. it R.. Del. K- lllldsoll..1151! do lifil DtA L. W....!"!-' Amer. Spirits . . do prn . 72 ' Amer. S. II.... . 12' do pfd . 37 Amer. S. .t W. .157 I do pfd . Am. Tin Pluto. ;ii'h (to imi. Den. Ai Rio C... do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd.. Gt. Nor. pfd 1 locking Coal . Hocking Valley. creamery, iwinw, western creamery, 20ft' hock ug auey.. ,i;-s ,n.... 24c; factory, 16ftl9o. .Illinois Central. .Wi Am. Tobacco CHEESE Receipts, 1,423 packages; firm; 1 'own Central ...II do pfd ..... fall made, fancy, large, 12'iftl3c; fall mode, , do pfd 51 A. Mill. Co.. fancy, small. 13c; choice grades 12'iftl2'Ac tJ rH- H."1';. ?r EGGS Receipts, 6,122 packages; Irm . L. E. .t W 20 , olo. V. .t 1. weatern at mark. If.i.e: nnmher,, 1 Jiior, tr.r. I do nfd M'i Con. Tobareo . . - , - - j .... , 1 at mnrk PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 19. HUTTER Steady; fancy western creamery, 2314ft26c; fancy western iirlnts, 27c. EGGS Firm and le higher; fresh nearby, 16c; fresh western, 16c; fresh southwestern, 16c; fresh southern, 15c. CHEESE-Steady. Lake Shon- Louis. ,t Nash Manhattan L .. Met. St. Ry.... Alex. Central .. 1 Minn, it St. L . I do pfd Mo. Pnclllc .... Mablo fi. Ohio. M.. IC. & T do pfd N. .1. Central . N. Y. Central. ...13IH 73"'i l.lvernool (J nil 11 nnil Pro vIsIoiin. LIVERPOOL. Fet. 19.-WIIl"l,T-Futures closed jiteady, March, 5a lOd; May, Cs 94d; Jlliy, DS y?4U. vnr x. West. 'Iho Imports of wheat Into Liverpool fori do pfd tho week were: From Atlantic ports, 11,100 No Paelllo ... quarters; Paelllc ports, 110110; other uorts, 1 do pfd 3,V!iarior!V . . , Ontario ,t W. CORN Spot. American mixed, now, ore. R. ,t N.. quiet at. 3s 8tyd; American mixed, old, ' do prd 'll'c,t, nt ?s 8V- ,Kui"r;' ,,u',llly : Eebruary. l'ennsylvunla 3s Slid; March, 3 7?id; May, 3s 7Vid. 1 ii.-adlnt 1 ne imports 01 corn into Liverpool rrom Atlantic ports for tho week wero 4O.C00 quarters. PROVISIONS-IIauiH, short cut. easy at Iss !M. Hacon, Cumberland cut, easy at 36s 6d; short ribs, easy at 33s Ud; long clear middles, light, dull at 36s; long clear mid dles, heavy, dull at S3s 6d; clear backs, dull at 35s. Shoulders, square, dull at 33s. Iird, prime western In tierces, dull at 31. .191 . :vi .177 . 12i(, . G2Vi . !i:j . 46s . 43 . IOV4 . . u.-a l.fiWi bales. Ordinary, 7 7-1Gc; good ordinary, Tin-liie: low mlddlfnir. S'ic: middling. KHc: 76'4 good middling, 8 12-lc; middling fair. 91c; li'i receipts, 12.136 1nlew; stock 40i),S72 bnles. 2"-4 ! ST. LOUIS. Feb. 19. COTTON Steady : lO'.i middling. f'4c: sales, none; recelptw, 2,267 b.ile.i; shipments, s.sin nines; siock, si,w b-lcs GALVESTON, Feb. 19.-COTTON-Steady nt SiSic. NEW YORK, Fob. 19. COTTON Futures closed steady; February. $8.65; March, $8.63; April. SS.6V: May. $8.59; June, t.!li July, $S.f,9; August. $S.I3; September, $7.80; Octo I er. $7.58; November. $7.17; December, $7.47; Jjinunrv. S7 IS . LIVERPOOL, Feb. 19.-COTTON-Siot, moderate demand; prices unchanged; American middling, 5 5-16d; the sales of tha day were S.WW bales, of which 601) bales were for speculation and export and In cluded 5,700 bales American: receipts, 13.C00 bales, including 6,3') bales American. Fu tures opened steady and closed quiet but steady nt tho decline; American middling, I. 111. c. February, i fts-lilft 1 59-Gld, sellers: February and March, I 55-6lft I 56-Gld: March and April. I 52-0 111 4 fw-uiu. iiuyers; April mm 33-i 91 5a i . 2V, . 4111 . ini '. 17" . Hi", . Ml, . 5Si . 9l'-j . 33'u . S2 .110 .1 151 , . 45", -.!,'K I Mav. I I9-Gld. sellers; May and June. 1 43-61 j Ci I 16-iild. buyers; June and July, I I3-6W Viv 4-ll-6ld, buyers; July and August, 4 41-MJT do old. Federal Steel .. do Pfd Gen. Electric .. Glucose Sugar do lifd Infill Paper .. . 32-4 . M . r.ii . 7114 do prd.. Lnclede Gas ,. Nat. Hlscult . do ptd Nat. Lend .... do prd National Steel do ptd r.:i N. Y. Air Itrake.i:!) 1 ij.i'.til. luivers: Autrust und September, 4 35-Glft I 36-6ld. buyers; September and Oc tober. I 19-6111 1 20-6lil; October and Novcm i,..f i 1 1.t1I,l linvprs: November nnd Decem- Mii ! bcr. lG-GId, buyers. loo ; ; - . . l)rv Ii is jiiiriii'i, VMW VOUK Feb. 19 DRY GOODS The Fall River committee has advanced tho prim of regular sixty-tour square print 'ii IK 76H . 02' 5 . W .1W . 1S-1 yi- t'i No. American . 2 IS Paelllc Coast , . 12 I do If. prd ... . 76 I do 2d pfd .13.11 Pncllle Mall ... . lS'i People's Gas . 5 I'd Pressed S. C, do pfd Kiiiiniik City (i rill 11 und Provisions, KANSAS CITY, Feb, 19 -WHHAT-Mav, IS Pullman P. C....1S7 ... 8 ...113 ...113 i m and were dull all day until the last hour '.?' .C,,J ' '' 5,"htK.i' when a shai advance In corn prompted ! imr: ." - r"1, M'i'oc- 3. GlftGSe; re loi al covering and Improvement, the close ' ,,l!f.'K- ,,'Hr8' no,- ..,, .... being llrniut kft',c net higher. Foreign , OIIN-Miij-, MVi caijlii 1:, np, ' " lioiises sold July wheat early, but did Uttlo I G'32":-.0'..2 w'mr-. a-W-xW- N"- 3. 32c. for export, llulllsh Freneli cables ami emu news aliii helix-it the local afternoon mar ket March closed at 7!n"v; May. 71 7-16fr 74T( , closed 71V; July, Tl t-16ft7l'jc; closed nt 7l'4i". September closed at 7CSie. CORN Receipts. 226.01)0 bu.; exports. 68. 971 bu sales. 200,lm bu. futures, ISO.OOO bu. spot. Spot, strong; No. 2. 13V f. o. b. nlloat mid 42i',c elevator. Options mnrket opened" easy with wheat, but subsequently developed activity nnd positive strength on 11 ivnro of shorts due to light s;iecula 11i olTerlngs and small country accept ances; closed strong at 'ift-V' net advance; May, Mi)lii-; close,l at 4m,c. OATS Receipts. 123.500 liu.; exports, 1.990 No. 3, 2Slie; 31Ue: trnek mixed wesiern. .JiiKi'f-; tracK white, bu. MlKit, Hteudy; No. 2, 291.,c: No. 3, 2S"tio; .-so j wane, ;cc: ;s). ,1 wnne, a mixed western. 29 dl.tAr Options quiet IIAY-Steudy i-liolie. SiVijS71e. nui'S-wuiei ; state, good to common to choice. but steady. shipping. 63ft70e 1896 crop. 6c, 189S crop, 7ft!U-; 1S9J crop. 13o, Pacltli- coast, 189-S crop. 4ft6o; 1S9S crop. 7JI9.-; 1S9-J crop, 12ft 13c. ' HIDES- Firm; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 19'-jc, Texas dry, 21 to 30 lbs., 15c; Califor nia, 21 t ) 23 lbs.. 214c. LEATIIER-FIrm; hemlock sole. Ruennn Ayres, light to heavyweights, 25ftC&tic: ncld S51jMe. PROVISIONS-Reef, steady; fnmlly. Stl.lV) di 13.00. mess, SI0.MI 10 50; beef hams. $J0.50ft) CI iinket. $10.50ij 12.00, city oxlra India, S.-O.IXVii'i'.OO. Cut inentn, steady; pickled lielllos. 6itft74ji-; nlckled shoulders, 60; pickled hums. 9'vftlOi-ji- Lird. llrm; west ern steam, H.32S; February. $6.2210, nominal. Rellned, steady: continent. $6.60: South America, $6.Sil; comuouud, S6.0iVfj6.12li. Pork, llrm; mess. $10. TMj 11.60; short clear, $11 family. $13 (Wft 13.50. Tillow. siemly. cily, SV bid. country, 5!4ft5Hc. RlCI-V-Sleady; domestic, fair to extra, 4M'.We; J.iiian, 4ift6c. MOLAt"SES-Stenily; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, 4Jft&5c. PEANUTS-Steady; fa my hand-picked, 4ft4ic: other donie.itlcs. 3Uft"U- METALS Tho market for metals In a reuen-J way shows unimportant changes, except In ono Instance, they being higher, although not active. In sympathy with prices ji-ported for the foreign markets, Pic Iron waiTimts continue to rule very dull and no price It" quoted, vulues being quite nominal Like copper ruled quiet on 1-1 io basis of about $16.25. tin. which Frlduv nd Saturday was quoted $30.85 In tho local OATS-No. 2 white. 25c. RYE-No. 2, 53c. HAY-Cholce timothy. $9.P0ft9.50; cholco prairie. J7.2Mi7.50, RICCEIPTS-Whent, 39.000 bu.; com. 56,500 bu.; oats, 26,Oil0 bu. SHIPMENTS-W'lieat, 10.800 bu.; corn, 20, SOi) bu.; outs, 12,000 bu. Minneapolis AVhent 11 ml I'lonr. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 19.-WIIEAT-In store: No. 1 northern. February. 631ic; May. 63'ft0fV: July. 67ft67'i,e. On track; No. 1 hard, 67e; No. 1 northern, G3'je; No. 2 north ern. 6314c. FLOUR Firm: first patents, $1.60ft3.70; second patents, $3.35113, 45: llrst clear, 12.63 ft2.73; second clear, $2.15. HRAN-In bulk. $ll.ooflll.23. Tii!mIo Mnrket. TOLEDO. Feb. 19 WHEAT Firm and hl"her; No. "2 cash. 72c; May. 73I4C. CORN Dull; No. 2 mixed. .121 ic. OATS-Qulct: No. 2 mixed. 21c. RYE-D11II: No. 2 cash, 59c. CLOVE RS ICED Inactive; prime cash, old. $I.8S; February, new. $5.6714; March. $3.G0; No. 2 seed, $4.75M.Ki, Dnliilli Grnln Mnrket, DUIiUTH. Feb. 19.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard, cash, (7T74e ; No. 1 northern, cash, 66c; May, 67",c: September, 69e; No. 2 northern 6374c; No. 3 spring, GoSc OATS- -23ift2lc. CORN-33tc. MIM nokee Crnlii Mnrket, MILWAUKEE. Feb. 19.-WllEAT-'-,o lower; No. 1 northern, 6714ft674c; No. 2 northern. 63!i.c. RYE- Easy: No. 1. 68c. RAllLEY Steady; No. 2, 4Sc; sample. 37 ft 45c. l'eorlii .Mnrket. PEORIA. Feb. 19,-CORN-Steady; No, 2, 32Uc. OATS-limctlyu: No. 2 white. 21c. WHISKY Firm, on tho basis of $1.2314 for llnlshed goods, Stutemellt of Vlallile Supply, NEW YORK, Feb, 19,-Tho statement of the visible supply of grain In store and afloat on Saturday. February 17, as com piled bv the New York Produce exchanire. nuiket, wan uuotcd at tho close of bust- j is us follows; Wheat, &3,2I9,000 bu.; do do 1st nfd... do 2d pfd... Rio G. W do pfd N7'4 S. R. .t T St. it S. F 1oi'( Sugar do 1st pfd.... iisli do prd ... do 2d prd.... 35 Tonn. C. &. St. L. S. W.. do prd St. Paul do prd St. P. .t o So. Pncllle ... So. Railway . do ptd.... Ex-dlvldend 111'. . 601 a ,. s; ,. 61 .. :a-i ,.101 ll,l'3 S614 ... II3! U. S. Leather.... ... 2St, do pfd ...123 V. S. Rubber.... ...17lti do prd ...115 West. Union .... ... 39 Republic I. it S.. ...12 I do prd ... 571, P., C. C. fi St. L. 161 i 7Sly 3 nl 93I 81 2I'4 S4 70 Nctv Yuri- Money Mnrket. NEW YORK, Feb. 19,-MONEY-On call, stuuly at 2'ii2'ii per cent; last loan nt 21a per cent; prlnn mercantile imper, 4fj5 per 'STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business In hankers' bills at $I.S7-"i for demand nnd ll.8IVtrj4.S4t; for sixty davs; posted rates, St.dS and SI.SS'4; coiu merclal bills. $4.831sft 1.81. SILVER-Certlllcates, fWiftGW.c; bar, SOTic; Mexican dollars, 47'i.c. HONDS-Stnte, lnnitlve; railroad, Irreg ular; government, strong. The following are tho closing quotations on bonds; IT. S. 2s, reg 103 N. Y. C. ! 110 do 3s. reg lOJH N. .1. C. g. 5s.... 121 do coupon 10,i No. Carolina Gs,127 do new Is, reg.HPi No. Cnro'lnn H..10C do coupiui ...I.IP4N0. Pacific 3j ... 66'4 110 iai is.' ' no is U'i"l ll.i'i N.Y C. it St.L.4s.l0S 113 N. fi W. con. Is. Ol'i do coupon do 5s, reg.... do coupon . . . D. of C. 3 CTis.. Atch. gen. Is.. A tell. adj. Canada So. 2s C. & O. IV..S... do 5s C. fi N. W. c. 7f..lll do S. I-. deli. j'.120 113 do gen. Gi 130 .1!? lore. Nov. la 110 .100541 do Is !107, . 82 ,0. S. L. Si 127, .109W do coil. 5 Ill . 98C, Rcadlmr gen. Is.. 85 lli'4 It. G. W. Is 97 nt. L. fi 1. 31. c.r.iJ.U' Hi. I., .t S.F. g 'is. 121 Chicago Ter. 4s. 52'a St. P. consols. .. .1671 4 D. ,t R. G. Is....l'1-Hi St. P.. C. .t P. 1S.1I9H do Is 9N4 ilo 5 12'l, E. T.. V. it G. !.i01V4 So. Ry. 5s 107'K Erie gen. 4s ... 71 fi. R. ,t T. I! 7S'a F. W. fi D. C. Is. "UiTeilll. 11. s. 3.... (Ji Gen. Elec. 5s. ..116 'Tex. .t Pnc. IS..H514 G. II. fi 8. A. 6s. 107 do 2s 62'4 do 2s 107 Union Paelllc !s..1',ij II. ,t T. C. 5s.,.. 110 iWalinsh Is IM'i do consol f.s..110 I do 2s 9' la. Central Is .ll.l's.West Shore !.... U3V. K.C.P. & G. is. 72", Wis. Centrnl Is. 91 La new eon 4 106i( Vn. Centuries .... 83a, L. Si N. mil. 4.. 9911 do deferred .... 5 M K. & T. 2s... 6514 Co'o. Bo. 4s .P,; do 4s 91 so. paelllc 4s "Ottered. Trust receipts." Foreljcu I'lnniieliil. LONDON. Feb. 19. Gold premlunm nre quoted at Lisbon at 45s; Rome. 7.27'i. The market for American securities was dull and weaker In most cases, with business restricted. The mnrket was mainly Inllii enced by movements III New York At Urn dote tho tone wus qulol but uteudy. L .inilio Li- 111 31-e one vard and nnrrow odil iromls proportionately. The demaiul for ivl,l mills continues mind. There has been 1111 ehango of moment In the market for iirnu-n slieetlnirs or drills. Uleached cotton ! In I m nrnvl 11 ir lem.'inil. Vlile sheetlnus strong; coari-o colored cottons also strong mwi iiilvuiiees nf Ue reonrted In smnn lines of cottonades and camlets. Prints In fair iieiiviml fnr stnnles. Fancies nu lot. Ullig hams very llrm. Whlto goods generally scarce. CilTee Mnrket. NEW YORK, Feb. 1.9. COFFEE Tho irnirUet f.." rnlTon futures nnened Pteadv. with prlers 5-iilo points higher and further linproviu , pnims on mk-iii cuvcihik imiun Ing betier aides and increased tlrmnes In tho snot deourtment. The miilkct ruled unlet In the absence of niltflilo specula Hon. closing quiet at net unchanged prices to 10 points advance. Total sales wero 16.750 bags. Including: March. $7.'20: May. S7.2.Vu7.3i); July, $7.35; September, S7.40fji.l5; October. $7.35: December. $7.60. Spot Rio, llrm; No. 7 Invrlee, sc; No. 7 jobbing, 94c; mild, ptendy; Cordova, 10(13i4c. Cnllfnrnln Hrleil I'riills. NEW YORK. Feb. 19 CALIFORNIA t tti f.?i- i.'iilTITK A cood demand was re- portcd ror evaporated apples tiMlay. Light reeilpts and better country advices than loulitd for helped to give a firm undertone to tho market. Callfomli dried fruits ruled .inn iimi iinminiiiK- i men n ii L-cil. State evnn- ointcd ii'iples. i-ommnn, 5ft6e: prime, ti(ilf r.i.e- rhnii-e. 7i7u.e; fancv. "!fiS'4e. cal for uli dried luunes, 3ft7c per pound, us to size nnd rpiallty. Apricots, royal, 13ftl5c; Jloor luirK. imi lie. j-eacues, pit-icu, in..c-, impeded, 7'ft9i Oil Mr.rket. OIL CITY, Feb. 19.-01LS Credit bal ances, S1.0S; certllliates, no bid; shipments, 171.227 bbls.; average. 92,213 bbls.; runs, 14,-o-v. i.lilu iii'PML'n. K3.736 bbls. LIVER-POOL, Feb. 19.-01 LS-Turpontlno FPlrlts. steady, Us 3d. in vim v i.'.Oi i'i ni f -Linseed. 21s 2a NEW YORK, Feb. 19.-OILS-Cottonseed steady; prime crude., 31c; prime yellow. 38 ft.'isv-. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good. $1.75. ANTWERP. Fob. 19.-Petroloum, 22f 75c paid nnd sellers. Sntrnr Mnrket. NEW YORK. Feb. 19.-SUGAR-Rnw, steady; fair rellnlng, 4c; centrifugal, 91 test, I7-I6-; uvdusses sugar, 3 13-lCc; rellned, quiet and steady. LONDON. Fib. 19.-REET SUGAR Feb ruary, fs ll'id. NEW ORLEANS. Fib. 19.-SUOAR- Qulet; olien kettle. SMi I 3-lfie; centrltugal yellow, tiyftlliic; seconds, 2T4ftl'4C. MOLASriliS-Qlllet; centrifugal, Sft36c. !Nin' of Snjles Arrives, The body of Private Mnvnard E. Sayles, I'oninaii.v L. arrived In the city yesterday and wn met at the depot hv members of the fiuollv and a dciachment of Thurston Itllles. The reinnliis of the young volunteer wero tiiKcn io an uiiueriiiKing estaiiiisnment and the funeral will occur next Sunday. The bodies of VV. O. Ileldcn and M. O. Legg will urrlve before that day ami a. sluglo service will be held over tho three. This will compli to the list of the company's dead. several having been interred elsewhere, in i lulling Captain Fnrbj who left Omaha with Company L. the death list numbers nine and of these six will have been In terred In tin ground iiurciuihcd tor tho pur puno by tho Thurston Rltlcs, OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Oomfed Stitri Sell in tho Same Notches is on Satardj. COWS AND HEIFERS STEADY TO STRONG Hons SIioit Advnnee nf Five to Seven Cents Unrlj, lint Close AVenk Sheep Coiniiiiiml (iood Prices itlth Acfle Deiniind, SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 19. Receipts were; Cattle Hogs. Sheep. Olllclal Monday 1.842 2.W7 8,133 Ono week ago 2.733 3.IS9 9.420 Two weeks ago 2,367 3,0iJ4 4.177 Threo weeks ago 1,736 3,613 6.406 Four weeks ago 2,001 3,IS 5.23G Average price paid for lions for the last Fevernl days with comparisons: 1900,99.1O8. 11897. U9.;Uj.1M. Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Fob. 6 Feb. 7 Fob. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. II Fob, 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 4 67 4 68 4 82 I 4 C6i 4 70 4 CS 4 75 4 si: 4.801 4 79 4 82 1 75 4 75 4 83 4 76 1 S3 3 64 3 67 3 C9 3 59, 3 sc! 3 66! 3 66! 3 70i 3 71 3 65 3 68 3 63 3 58 3 58 3 58 1 3 52 3 6( 3 lii , 3 73 3 72 3 72 3 75 3 71 3 711 3 76 3 77 3 81 3 S3 .1 .ill, 3 89! 3 S-ll 3 871 3 91 .1 271 4 03 .1 131 3 20) 4 03 3 3 211 3.19 3 2.l' 3 27 3 27 3 231 3 ;s: 3 !3i 4 (J 4 01 3 9Ji 3 8.0I 3 811 3 2.81 3 891 3 301 3 911 3 30l 3 3I 3 251 3 31 3 38 2 2?l 3 88 3 90! 3 81 6 11 5 19 5 13 6 05 5 01 4 81 I 9-i r, 02 4 89 r. w 5 08 4 94 4 S7 4 90 4 89 3 S3 3 S3! 5 01 3 64 3 66 3 CS 3 76 3 82 3 93 4 07 3 90: j 3 69 3 3 86 3 8! 3 76! 3 Indicates Bundav Tim ,inn.U- .lnnl. ..... iit.,iii,L-i 1,1 nun i,l iiiuiu brought In today by each road was: C M. & St. P. Hv.. 1 O. it St. L. Ry 3 5 s 3 '.i ii i 7 I 12.. 4 6 10 1 1 27 37 2 Mo. Pnc. Rv V. P. Hvslelll F.. E. Ar M. V. II. It. 1 S. C. fi P. Ry 2 C. St. P.. M. O. Ilv. 1.1 H. .v M. It. R. R 23 C. It & O. Rv . 11 I. jc, l 1 1 Illinois Central 7 Total receipts 77 Tho disposition of the dnv's recelnts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num- tier 01 nenii imiicnteu: Huyers. Omaha Packing Co... (j. 11. Hammond Co.... Swiff and Comnanv Cudahy Packing Co Armour fi company.... Swift and Co.. country.. R. Meeker & Degaii Van sunt it Co L0I11111111 fi i'o Huston fi Co Hamilton & Rothschild H. L. Dennis it Co Other buyers Cattlo Hogs. Sheep. 210 271 237 156 it'vi 232 123 311 399 431 6S6 311 1.451 1.547 2,967 1,509 76 16 67 1?2 Totals 1.732 1,859 7.99B CATTLE-Today's cattlo market wus rather barren of iiows and the trade as a wholo did not develop any changes of very great Importance. Itecelpts of nil kinds wero light and the offerings Tor the most part changed hands In good season ut about last week's pi lees. Tho market on oornred steers opened rather slow mid buyers acted as It they were inclined to the bear side In fact sonio of the buyers dropped a hint right at tho start Unit the market would be lower. However, packers all seemed to want cattlo and as the total offerings of cornreds were limited the trndlng was finally done on about last week's prices-. While 11 considerable nronortlon of tho offerings consisted of warmed up or haJt- rut cattle, there were some pretty goiu cattle nmonir tho number on sale. Cows and heifers seemed to be In pretty good demand and the market on that kind or st"fr was fairly active so that ubout eve! dug In the yards was disposed of In goou season and at prices that wero fully steady. In fact buyers wero claiming thnt If anything, their purchases were costing a little more money than at tho close of last week. Tho mnrket on fat nulls was Just about steady with tho close of last week, but a Uttlo lower than earlier In the week. Stock bulls wero quoted rather slow and If anything u little lower today. There have not been as many buyers ror nuns ine last few nays as there were a short lime ngo. Considering the light run of cattle there was quite a showing of stock cattle und feeders In the yards today. Speculators were pretty well sold out at the close of last week and ns a rule seemed to be uutlelpat Ing a good country demand this week. Con sequently they wero looking for cattle this morning and the market was strong on all desirable kinds and us much ns steady on others. Holders of cattlo seemed to be well pleased with the way they were able to close out. Representative sales: REEF STEERS. No. 1 li"!!!!!!!! 4 39 1 1 1 19 1 3 4 9.. 10.. 12.. 17.. A v. Pr. . 860 3 40 . 750 3 75 .1160 I 00 .1130 4 00 .1106 4 00 820 .1031 1 15 I 20 .IfiM) 4 23 ,.2.;uo 4 .1010 981 I 25 I 30 No. 1.... 39.... 20.... r.... 1.... 4.... 21.... 29.... 31.... Av. .1300 Pr. I 35 .1119 4 10 .1216 I 10 1 r,o 4 ..1110 4 no ..1051 4 311 ..1200 t 30 ..1077 I 6 ne 30. 24. ....1101 I 50 ....1270 4 50 ....1165 4 60 ....107S ....1062 ....1167 4 63 ..1230 I 6.1 ..1316 ..1378 1371 1361 I 65 4 75 4 85 4 83 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 598 965 I 00 I 25 1 KHO I. ..KHO 4 45 ( . . 970 1 60 17 6.. .1121 4 15 ....1190 4 63 COWS. 2 00 1 1 1 3 4 n 3.'!"! 1 1 3 660 ... S70 . . . 9!0 2 25 ... 800 2 10 ...1120 2 60 1030 2 50 50 912 2 65 990 2 55 823 2 65 KM 2 65 1035 2 75 1010 2 73 120 2 73 1420 2 85 1110 2 90 935 3 00 980 3 00 910 3 00 1070 3 00 1110 3 10 1106 '3 10 1017 3 15 1180 3 15 .1261 3 13 6... 8... 1... 1... 3... 10... 1... 1... 1... 1... 5... ....1153 3 10 ....1163 3 15 .... 800 3 .VI .... 810 3 60 ....1260 3 50 ....1051 3 60 ....1310 3 60 ....1030 3 60 ....1070 2 CO ....1130 3 60 ....123S 3 5 ....1365 3 65 6 1066 3 03 2 1223 3 63 h II SO 3 1233 2 1220 1.... 1.... 3 65 756 3 65 3 3 1 5 ; 63 70 1080 3 75 ..IHO 3 75 ..1370 3 SO . . 91) 3 80 ..1170 3 80 ..1060 3 V, ..1130 3 H, ...1107 3 8.1 1056 3 90 1072 1111 1166 .12:! 90 3 90 I 00 4 00 3... 3... 8... 1... 1... 1... 7... R... 1... 1... 6... 11... 1... 1... 1... O V.'.'. 1... 1... 4... 'i. 12150 3 20 14.... 1020 3 25 38.... 1106 3 25 37.... 1185 3 23 18,.,. 1120 3 25 2.... 1115 3 20 1 1023 3 30 13 , 1160 3 37 1 1010 3 35 1 , .1190 3 35 13 1210 3 10 1 990 3 10 COWiS AND HEIFERS. 96S 3 20 7 1027 3 60 1003 I 33 HEIFERS. 710 3 10 2 1085 4 10 3 0 4 877 .1220 4 00 .1178 I 07 .1600 4 111 .1150 t 15 .. 9SS 4 15 ,.1270 4 25 1110 893 3 80 806 I 00 1 1150 ?, 10 1000 3 13 1600 3 15 12'I5 3 15 1670 3 15 U'i) 3 50 1360 3 60 1267 3 SO 1 HO 3 50 1220 3 60 2010 3 50 15!0 3 60 1780 1105 17(0 3 65 1600 3 M 1360 3 60 1 60 3 6 -1 11... nULLS. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !!'.!'.'.'.'.'. L." 1 1 806 1 15 I 23 ..1660 3 65 ..1060 3 05 ..1680 3 6.1 ..1800 3 67 ..1410 3 75 ..1910 3 73 ..120 3 73 ..1570 3 75 ..1480 3 90 . . 627 I 00 . . 830 I 00 ..2070 4 15 .. 60 I 23 ..1220 4 25 ..1160 160 . . 0A7 4 50 CALVES. 230 6 00 1 110 6 73 310 6 00 6 33.1 7 01 90 6 50 1 160 7 01 220 6 60 1 120 7 00 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 990 2 S3 6 60S 3 85 1130 3 27 29 616 3 97 1075 3 60 1 510 3 97 780 3 70 7 M2 (no 760 3 73 t .112 I 13 STOCK El IS AND I'l'j r, DI-iRS. 823 3 25 . 647 3 31 . 630 3 60 . 950 3 ffl . 920 3 73 .818 3 75 . 612 4 01 . 4N I 01 .10-0 4 00 I 10 I 15 ....1022 .... W ....1000 4 IK ....717 4 23 . . . . Cf iO I 35 10 25 3S 2.8 48 43 38 6 1 f. 9 111.... 40, 821 .1071 1 37 4 10 836 4 40 876 4 15 ...1071 ...1191 ...1185 ... 660 ... 615 ...980 4 65 ...101 I 60 ...1010 160 ... 101 4 70 .. . 52S 4 S3 I 50 I 00 I 60 I 65 I 63 STOCK CALVES 1 360 4 V. STAGS 1 1460 I 15 2 1500 I 50 HOGS Today s market wns WiVw hlcher I than on Saturday, but It was not particu larly active nt the advance. The receipts consisted of only twenty-seven cars, which were not ciioukIi to Interest buyers very much, nnd nt the same time sellers were holding on for pretty stiff prices, so tlnit the hogs did not sell quite as quickly as they might otherwise, still most everything was sold and neighed up at uu early hour. The market closed weak. The general run ot good mixed hogs sold nt SI. 824, with kiihc of the better loads at $4.85, and a top at $4 90 On Saturday the hogs sold very largely at $l.75fil774, with a top at $4,824. It will be noted from tho tnble of average prices above that the week stmts out with the market 24ft5c higher thnn It wns 0110 week ago and 174ft20o higher than two weeks ngo. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sll 83. 66. S3. 11 17.. 19.. 70.. 12.. 11.. 85.. I. 3 . 71.. 05.. 19 . 61.. 68.. 76. . 72.. II. . 12 105 .los .113 ...208 4 -jr. 4 30 I 50 4 Ml 4 82V I 24 71 ...260 ...314 ...310 ...192 ...183 ...215 OOO . .2M :I9 160 4 82 4 I s" 4 85 .. 4 85 .. Ill) 40 4 774 40 4 80 I 824 I V24 I S2S 40 10 78.., 70... 62... 09. . , ID.., 72.. 73.. 51.. 13.. 15.. 61.., 60.. ...220 ...251 ...187 ...212 ...2(6 Pr. 4 824 I z 4 824 120 4 824 4 N2j 80 .215 120 4 824 76 ..270 . .291 . .2.15 ..210 . .343 ..290 ..312 ..253 ..267 4 824 SO 4 S3 SO 4 S3 .. 4 83 .. 4 S3 . . 4 85 .. 4 83 40 4 85 .. 4S74 .. 4 S24 SHEEP The Week slnrln.l nllf with n liberal run of sheep and lambs, but theri was a corresponding good demand, so that the market was In very good shape nnd favorable for the selling Interests. Minors seemed to have use for nil that was here nnd were out early. The sheep sold tlr.l, the demand being especially good for handy weight yearlings. One bunch of the latter sold us high us $6,00, but they were light mid of pretty good quality. Lambs were not particularly active, but still tho offer ings were all taken In good seuson. The prices paid for both sheep and lambs were just about on a par with the early part of last week, the weakness which was so ap parent In tho mnrket nt the close of last week having disappeared. The sales given below will show the prices paid for the dirferent kinds of both sheep nnd lambs. Quotations: Choice handy weight year lings, $5.75ft6.00; good to choice fed year lings. S3.60ft5.75; fair to good yearlings. $3 '0 ft5.iW: good to choice wethers. $5.23'(i6. 10; fair to good wethers, $Y10fto.23; good to choice fed ewes. SI.704jl.S5; fair to eood ewes. Sl.lftfM.M: eood to cboli 11 native latniis. $8 75ft 7.0ft; good to choice 1 western hiiiihs, $6.60ft,75; fair to good I western lambs. $6.40ft'i.6O; feeder wether", ; Sl.Z5fi-l.75; feeder yearlings. v.iyuo.w. goou to choice feeder lambs, SI.75ff5.7R. Repre sentative sales: head; market ncllve nnd steady to stronri Colorado Ininbs. $6.88. 'I'll Define 3 elliMisfoiii- I'nrk Lines. flninba hunters nf big mime whose out lug take them to the northwest nre tiiinh Inte-.ested In the matter of the marking of the boundaries of the Yellowstone National Mlh. "or ears the hunter have been pin 10 trouble and expense liv n-iison of the poorl marked boundaries. espiH-lallv on the west and smith lines. Men liuvo been arrested and lined for being upon the reservation with gnus unsealed when they thought -.hey were outside nf tho line and In some iaes game has been killed wilhln the Jioiindalles II. M. Webster Is In charjie of a petition to congress asking tlmi monuments bo erected ulong the line or ttie pnrk. so that trouble may be avoided in the future. Mortality SIiiHsIIi-n, The following births and dentils were re ported ut the olllee of (he Hoard of Health during the forty-eight hours ended at mum Monday: Walter Martin, 232G South Eighteenth, girl; H. O. Wlndhain. 2703 South Twelitlr th. girl; F. P. Robinson, 17ls Jucksoti, girl; .1. A. Sehnll, 1511 North Nineteenth, girl. Peter Dahll, 1436 Westerlleld avenue, girl; Jacob Trawllzke, 2518 South Twent v-llflh, girl; Grant E. Davis, 220s Poppleton ave nue, girl; Fred M. Youngs, sss South Seventeenth, girl; John Swaiison. 3625 North Twentv-slxth. girl; Allien I'laiider, 973 North Twenty-slxtli. boy. Deaths George Shepperd, 1230 Houlli Fourteenth. 1 your. No. 9 bucks 8 bucks 6 ewes 97 western ewes 1 gnat v 218 ewes 2 western ewes 412 ewes 2 ewes 71 western ewes 3 yearlings 31 western wethers 694 western yearlings and ewes.. 720 mixed yrlngs and westerns.. 172 lambs 896 western yearlings 416 yearlings t western yearlings 184 western yearlings 191 western yearlings 187 western yearlings and two's. 214 western yearlings 315 Colorado yearlings 150 In nibs 60 lambs 30 western lambs 462 westei 11 lambs 261 western lambs A v. 131 161 90 97 11X1 102 no 101 135 91 10.1 106 110 100 65 97 101 115 102 S2 100 101 SO 7 74 80 88 82 Pr. $1 00 4 00 1 23 1 60 t 60 4 57 1 1,0 I 00 4 65 4 75 I 75 fi 23 5 15 5 60 5 60 5 50 5 IV I f. 65 6 70 r. vr. 6 V5 6 70 Ii oft 6 40 6 40 6 60 6 70 6 70 (impel N Nirciiil Miroilll. Dr. S. W. Dickinson of Si. Paul anil Dr. Haven of New York, otllclals of the Ameri can lllble society, spoke before the Min isterial wink yesterday 011 the work Hieing sieeoniPllshed in the Philippines. Porto lib o nnd Cuba, li Is the purpose of the society to sell Its publications ill cost, or for even less As proof of Hie extent of fho sales It was slated that 1.0HO bibles nre sold In .Manila each month l-'lve iigetn-les are maintained In Cuba ami twelve In I'orio Rico, which handle huge qilatitllles of bibles. The soelely desln-s to establish a depository In this illy und 11 meeting will be held for that jiumose tonight nt tho First Picsbvterlan chorea. Y. . C. V. oIi-n. "The ltauqiict or Nations" Is the associa tion event or tho week. It will occur Thursday evening. Fourteen couples will appear In cotuine. The grand march will be led by George and Mnriliu Washington. Imi 1I1 couutiy will have a table In the lunch room. Dr. Fred Rustln will give the lecture 111 tin- parlors on Friday cNenlng. Subject; 'poisons und Their Antidotes." Dr. Cairns of tho Anti-Saloon league, which meets In this city this week, will speak al I he Sunday afternoon meeting. Iliirlon IIcIciimciI r 11 dor II0111I, Thomas W. Barton, charged with shoot ing his father-in-law. Higeklah lllvely, at Waterloo, February 7, appeared In Juslleo Alstadl's court yesterday and gave bond In the sum of $ for his iippeiiranco in dis trict com t He waived preliminary hearing In the Justice com t. Ilarton has about recovered fiom thn effects of the trouncing ailmlntsteied liv his father-in-law . The hitter, however, is' still confined to his bed. CHICAGO 1,1 VII STOCK .11 A UK I VI'. Hull Si-limit lteiiii-ns. The High school building reopened yes terday after a week's vacation. Extnslv repairs were completed, the trusses aliovo Hie third lloer having been thoroughly re inforced. The Ironwork ivns found In a more decrepit condition than was expected. Several members of the trusses were broken and the whole had taken on 11 serious bulge. The building Is now considered perfectly safe. (iood to Choice Sterna Stroni;, Poor to Med 1 11 111 Weak. CHICAGO. Feb. 19-CATTLE-C.ood to choice steers strong; poor to medium weak; Texnns active and steady; cow market mid canners steady; feeders easy; good to choice, $.5.00ft6.0O; poor to medium, Sl.OOff 1 75; stoekers, $3.15ft3.75; selected feeders. $4.O0ft4 75; good to choice cows. $3.25ft 1. 11; heifers, S-LIS'iilri; canners. S2.S5fi2.tiO; bulls. 1 S2.75ft'4.40; calves, 15.00ft 7.75; fed Texas beeves, Sl.00ft5.0i). HOGS Averago shade higher; top. $5.10. fair clearances; mixed und butchers. $1 SO ftn.lO; good to choice heavy, SI S.ift5 10. rough heavy, SI.701il.SO; light, $ 1.70ft" I 974. bulk of sales, $1,9015.05. SHEEP AND LAMPS higher na tive wethers, $I.S5ft.1.75; lambs, $3.(Oft7 00. western wethers, $l.80ft5.75; western lambs, $5.75ft"0.9O. RECEIPTS-Catlle. 17,ii0 head; hogs, 32, OOi) head; sheep, 12,000 head. Ilullilliiur I'erinlls. The following permits have been Issued from the ollleo of the building Inspector: August Griibe, Thirtieth unit Grand ave nue, repairs to burned building, $.300; J. I-'. Miles, Nineteenth and Spruce, alterations. $100; John Dennis, Twenty-seventh ami Webster, frame dwelling. Jl.fA). Xeiv York Llvo Stock. NEW YORK, Feb. 19. REEVES- Re ceipts, 3,994 head; 33 cars on sale, market active and lOirlGc higher; all sold; steers, Sl.23ftf.50; no choice here; bulls, $.1.25ftl.C0. cows, $2. 23ft 1.30; Blockers. $1; cables quote live cattle weak at 1l4ftl3c per lb; sheep and yearlings steady; refrigerator beef lower at 10c per lb.; exports, 50 cuttle, 4.131 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 5,() head; market firm to 5c higher for veals; closed easier, barnyard stock steady all sold; veals. Jj.Oj ftO.OO; Uttlo calves, $I.OOft4,75; barnyard stock. St.50ft-I.25; soiitbern cnlves, $1. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 3 911 head: Ti cars on sale; sheep steady to strong: lambs. 0ft15o higher; two cars un sold; sheep, $3 75ft5.H0; choice higher; culls. $.1.ift1.50; lambs. $6.-501i7.75; one car, t'.V,. Canada lambs, $7.1241(7.50; culls. $6; year lings. $6. HOGS Receipts, 11,725 head; three cars on sale; firmer at S5.25ft5.l0; pigs, $5.15ft6.40. Iviiiisns City Live Slock. KANSAS CITY. Fob. 19. CATTLE- Re celpts. 3,000 head natives, l,f)0 head Tex uiis; Improved demand for nil grades at strong to 10c higher prices: heavy native steers, $l.90'5.25; lightweights. $l.50ftlS5. stoekers and feeders. $3.50ft5,25; butcher cows nnd heifers, S3.25ftl.25; canners. $2.50ft 3.20; fed westerns, $3.75ft4.50; western feed ers. $3.35ft4.25; Texans. S3.35ftl.23. HOGS Receipts, 1,700 head; market ne tlvo und 6ftl5c higher; heavy. $1 80ft 1.924, mixed. Sl.75ftl.85; light. $l.50ft4.824, pigs. $ 1. 15ft 1.60. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts. Jf.lOO head; i;ood, active mnrket ut steady prices, lumbs. $0 25ft6.75; yearlings, $5.S5ft5.90, mut tons, $l.60ft5.6O; stoekers and feeders, $3.60 ft5.50; culls, $3.00ft3.50. SJ. I.iiiiIn Live Stock. ST. I.Ol'IS. Fob. 19.-CATTLE-Roc0lpts. 3,100 head, Including 1,600 head Texnns. market steady to slrong: native shipping and export steers, 8l.75ftii.oo; dressed beef und butcher steers, $I.Ooft5.25; steers under 1.000 lbs, $3. 231(1.75; stnekers and feeders, $2.75ft5.00; cows ami heifers, $2 401( 1 85 can ners. SI.60ft2.SG; bulls, S2.75U I. IN); Texas and Inill-m steers, 3.50ftl.60; cows nnd heifers $2.25ft3.75. HOGS Receipts, 9,300 head: market strong; pigs und lights. SI.80ft4.IKi; packers. $4.S6ft6.UO; butchers. ?l.93ft6.05. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelnts. 1.600 head; market llrm: demand exceeds the supply; native muttons. $l.60ii6.75: Iambs. S5.75ft7.25; culls and bucks. $2,751(1.50; stoek ers, $3.60ftl.2O. Stock- In SIkIiI, Following are tho receipts at the four principal western markets for February 19: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha 1.812 2.007 8.135 Chicago 17,000 32.000 12.000 Kansas City 4.000 1,700 3.100 St. Louis 3,100 9.300 l.rIO When otbars fall consult DOCTOR SEARLE5 & SEARLES OMAHA. KM CUl & private imn op MEN SPECIALIST W cuaranloe to cure all oaaos ourebU ot I WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. If Ichtly Kmlsslons, Lo Manhood, Hydrorel Verlcocile, Conorrhc, aleot, Sjrpldlls, Elriot-, art, Plloa, FUtula and IUotal Uloors and All Private Dl.iense and Disorders of Men. STRICTURE and GLEET CVSSV Consultation f re Cull oa or add: DR. 9EARLB5 & SBARLBS, ,119 14th BU OH AHA., BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Car Service, TotalH ..23,912 41,007 21,83.1 St, .IiinciiIi Live Mock. SOUTH ST. JOSHIMf. Mo.. Feb. 19.- (Spe tliil.) Tho Journal iiuotoH: CATTLH -lle-celptH, 800 lai-iid ; market active anil fteiiilv to strong: nntlvcH, 11.15113.3.1; Texaim anil voHternn, 3.60fiD 3!; cowh anil holferw, ii W 4(1.40; lull Ih anil HtngH, ;2.2.VT l0; yearllngH anil calven, I OOfjri.oo; wtnckerH anil fccil ern. J3.25UI.6Ti; voiiIm. H.fiUfj" 2,1. IIOCIK KerelptH, 3,101 hcail; mnr!et stroll? to 10c higher, all grade. $l2'4fr I 95; bulk of miloH, tl 90H4 92lv. Sllioni' AND LAMIlS-ItecelntH. 1 loo R00M4Mr LIFE coo. 1030 MAT cm rii JAMES E- BOYD & CO., Telephone lo;W. Omnh.i, N.j COMMISSION, (JKAIN, PROVISIONS ami STOCKS IKIAItl) (IF tkaih:. Corrcsponili-ni John A W'.irrcn & Co. uireci ii t i Clin ago unii New VorJt International Zinc Co., Ltd. SHARES ADVANCE FEB. 24TH 10 $1.00. I'llrelmsors nt proscnt jn-ii-o. J m'ciii-o 11 per ii'iu m t tn'ii Invest ment nnil Hie regular nioiitlily div idend. pll.Villile .Miircli lt Io nil kIiiii-o lioldci-H f record I'eliniury llli. Appllcnllnlls fin- shnli nt S.V.por slmre MI ST HHAU OATH Hot Inter Hum Hiiliinliiy. I'eliiunry llltli, Uxxi, Such iippllciillniis, iiri'oinpiiiileil hy remittance, will lie rccolved at ell her of the fnllowlnu' olllcea of the IIhojiI agentx. JOSHUA BROWN & GO,, 409 The Rookery, Chicago. 1 l. mill 17 Wall St., cv tiirl.. I I lii Hlniil Sl IMilluilrlphlH. Ml NJnle bl., ll.iHtini. i