Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Omaha Methodist Preachers Tender Their
Bishop a Dinner.
I'rmltlliiK I!Mt .It'll n I iib Ollli'liUm
tlx ToimlmiiMer iinil Itmpomci
Are .limit ! I'ronilitriit llUlnrx.
Hlgbop Henry W. Warren of tho Metho
dint Kplncopal church wan tho guest of
honor nt a banquet tendered him In the
rooniM of the Commercial club yester
day hy the Methodist Preachers' union of
Oinnhn. Wallop Warren' visit In the city
waH Incident to liln presence at South
Omaha Sunday for the purpose of preHldlnt!
over the service at which the Indebtedness
of tho South Omaha Mothodlst church was
wiped away. Because of hl prominence in
Methodist church rlrcles nnd for tho added
reason that ho Is the presiding bishop of the
North Nebraska conference, of which Omaha
Is a part, the local McthoJIst ministers do-
hied upon the banquet as an expression
of their admiration for tho bishop.
It wan a delightfully pleasant nlTalr. One
of tho largo rooms of tho Commercial club
wan given over to tho reprebcntatlvcs of
John H'ejIey'H doctrine. The unwind table
t xtonded the rntlr- length of Iho room and
thirty-four prominent Methodist men and
women enjoyed tho dinner. Prior to It, an
hour or moio of social converso wns In
dulged In by tho guestta. Illshop Warren
was greeted by nil tho local Methodist
pastor), all of whom he had assigned to
their present charges at the conclusion of
tho annual session of conference hehl In
this elty last fall, over which ho presided.
Iteslile the local clergymen and their wives
chore wan a limited number of Omaha lay
men and ministers from out of the city In
nttondanre. Chancellor O. W. Hunting
ton of the Nebraska Wertleyall university at
University Plnco wan nlso an honored guest.
At thn concliiHlon of the dinner a number
of toalH were responded to. Dr. J. V.
Jennings, presiding cider of tho Omaha
dlKtrlrt, outdated na toastmaster. Tho
program of toantH was as followa: "Our
NehrnHka WcHleynn University," Illshop
Warren; "Our HlnhopH," Chancellor Hunt
ington; "Our Church Papers," Rev. A. C.
Welch, I).l).; "Tho Kpworth League," Rev.
Clyde Clay Clssell; "Kra of Church Debt
Paying," Or. J. A. Johnson, South Omaha;
"City Uvangellzatlon Union," Rev. 0. A.
l,uce. Short nddresses appropriate to tho
occasion wore also mado by others of tho
Following tho enjoyable dinner at tho
Commorclal club, Illshop Warren nnd tho
clergymen adjourned In a body to tho rooms
of thn Young Mcn'H Christian atsoclatlou,
where tho mombers of tho Methodist Preach
ers' union wero Joined by the trustees and
deaconessea of tho Omaha Methodist Hospital
nnd I)eaconcnHcn' homo. Piesldlug Elder
JfnnlugH Introduced O. W. IJeLamater,
president of tho board of trudecs of that
Institution, who delivered a short address
relative to tho work being accomplished by
tho hospital. Hlshop Warren spoko upon
tho "Needs, Present nnd Future, of Our
Hospital nnd l)eaconeseo' Home."
lllBhop Warren was entertained at dinner
last evening by Or. Jennings at hlH resi
lience, 1025 Ijooust street. night ho
went to South Omaha, where ho delivered
u lecture.
"Mothodlsm Is continuing In Its forward
advance, kooplng abreast with tho progress
characteristic of the age In which wo aro
living," said Dlshop Warren. "Slnco leav
ing Omaha last fall I havo had the pleas
ure of prcHidltig over many annual confer
ences and tho showing of increased mem
bership, growing spirituality nnd Improved
llnonrlal conditions hns been most encourag
ing. Nebraska, for Inntnncc, Is lndlcatlvo of
the entire wed. A week ago last Sunday I
wan at (Srand Island, where, wo cleared ono
of our churches of Indebtedness; yesterday
I was at South Omaha, where the operation
war, repeated. Throughout this dato mort
gages on church properties are being cleared,
now churches aro being erected and new
church poclctles organized. After leaving
Omaha I will go through the south, to Phil
adelphia and New York, and reach Chi
cago In May to attend our quadrennial gen
eral conference."
Country IIiinIiiphk Jle-u HroiiKlit to the
City hy MitcIihiiI' lliirpnii
nt Co in in er I al Club,
Tho following merchants from ndjnlnlng
cltlcn havo been In Omaha during tho last
ten days, under tho auspices of tho Mer
chants' bureau of tho Commercial club,
:naklng purchases for spring stock:
C. 11. Caosler, Mount Clare, Neb.; Nels
llasselbnch, St. 141 ward, Neb.; C. V, Kct
tlewell. Carnon, In.; S. A. Stlnson, Hakotiv
City, Neb.; 1). I Sylvester, Surprise, Nob.;
T. Armundsnn, Centervllle, S. I).; P. M.
Peterson, Centervllle, S. I).; John Nifsen,
Kennnrd. S. I).; C. II. Nellls, Atlantic, la.;
J. II. Marshall, Atlantic. la.; Frank Welble.
Wlnslde, Neb.; Jnmcn Sncll. Memphis. Neb..
Decker Hros., Albion, Neb.; C. Newman,
Hampton, Neb.; N. H. Frloson, Janaen,
Neb.; I. Sonnelnnil. Harlan, In.; c. H.
ReynoldB. Ashland. Neb.; C. 1). Thydcssor,
Xtlra, Neb.: J. M. Slander. Louisville, Neb.;
J. C. Harris, (Ireeley, Nob.; Foster Ilros.,
Staplohurst, Neb.; J. 0. Chrldlansen, Cruni,
.Neb.; A. A. I.enocker, Oakland, la.; A. W
Whiting, Albion, Neb.
ii.wnnv nitds.
llllt Milk llfiiirliiiiii(.
Is now holding tho biggest silk sale that was
over held by anyone. No matter what price
you see quoted by others, come to tho big
silk department and get tho same or better
silk for less money. Tho now waist squares,
n few left. Cfli:; all til Ik flue plaids at only
30c; all silk plain chinas, nil colors, at 25c;
black Japanese, 36 Inches wide, best kind,
60c; black grenadine, new style, 45 Inches
wide, C9c; lino grade black taffeta, 27 Inches,
for 79c; nil silk black gros grain at 55c;
J2.00 and $1.50 fancy silks nt only 09c. More
new foulard dress silks hero tban nil other
Omaha stores combined can how.
Just received, mill remnants of whlto dress
goods on sale tomorrow. 40-Inch wldo India
lawn nt 5c yard, cheaper than muslin; rem
nants of fine India llnon and lawns nt On
yard. Special salo of flno ami largo bed
spreads nt $1.00 each; nothing ever offered
lo beat this bargain In Omaha. 06-Inch
bleached dnmnnk, nil linen, 50c cost, COo
nnd 75c regulur; cotton crash, 0 yards for
6i and 12 yards for 10c; Wamstitta muslin
10c yard; flue yard wldo cambric, 7c, or 16
yards for $1.00; linen glass checked towel
lug, 5c yard; 18-Inch cotton glass checked
toweling. 2'.,c yard. All these bargains you
find nt tho Hlg Storo of
Read tho Hhoe bargains.
I'rntili lli'iT AiM'iirn llcfiiro .Indue
HnUcr lo Annuel- CluirKC
of .11 n r tier.
Frank Derr of South Omaha was brought
Into Judgo Maker's court yesterday to an
swer tho chargo of murder. Dcrr looki
careworn and pallid. Ho was accompanied
In court by hl wife, who seemingly exerts
every elfort to cheer him. His naturally
palo faco wns rendered stilt more ghastly
by tho several weeks of Jail life prior to
bond arrangement through which he was re
ccntly released.
Tho prosecution allegeH that on Chrlstmau
ovo last year Derr shot Thomai Flaherty
In tho nbdomen, Indicting a wound from
which Flaherty died two days later. The
tragedy occurred In Dorr's homo in South
Omnha, nnd It is said by the defense that
It reunited from a drunken dobuuch on tho
part of tho victim and a. party of friends.
Tho defenno will undertake to prove that
Flaherty and his companions Invaded Dcrr's
residence nnd pounced upon him nnd that he
used his pistol In self defense.
Dcrr Is a South Omaha barber, nnd nccord.
lug to tho dory told by his attorneys he
had sub-rented rooms to Flaherty and oth
ers It Is said they became Intoxicated on
tho evening of December 21 and going to
their rooming house sturahlod Into the
apartments of Dcrr nnd his wife. A quarrel
and n fight ensued, In which Dcrr llred n
did. Flnhorty was removed from tho plnee
in a dying condition, but he lingered until
December 26. On preliminary examination
In the county court a short time after the
tragedy Derr was bound over to tho district
court. At that time ho exhibited uruloes
nnd lacerations on his face ns evidence of the
attack which he claims was made upon him.
Tho date, however, does not admit the
self-defense theory.
Tho forenoon session of court wns con
sumed In Jury preliminaries, the challenging
being very exact. Numerous witnesses have
been subpoenaed and tho case will probably
last until tho middle of the week.
KKI.I.HIl IS lim.l) I'Olt THIAI..
Preliminary Kiiimliitit Inn McnuHm
vi-rsi'ly to tin Dcfi-mlnnl.
Joseph Keller, tho Lawrenco agricultural
Implement denier, who has been beforo
Judgo Vlnnonhaler bIiico Saturday morning
on tho charge of obtaining goods under false
protense?. must stand trinl in the district
court. At tho conclusion of the preliminary
hearing Judgo VInsonhalcr so ruled, and
fixed bond at $1,500. which Keller Is en
deavoring to give. Tho case was entered
Into very thoroughly by tho attorneys on
cither side.
It Is alleged that by false representations
as to his assets, Keller obtained credit for a
stock of Implements from tho Pnrlin, Orcn
dorf & Martin company of this city.
D. II. "WhiM-Irr WiiuU to Hour from
Competent Mm IVIm Wlnh to
Hi I : ii n in nit 1 1 rn.
Supervisor of tho Census 1). H. Wheeler
-wjntH applications for tho position of enu
merators in tho Second congrcuslonnl dis
trict. When Mr. Wheeeler llret took chargo
of the ofllro ho wub Hooded with applications
and thought ho would havo no trouble In
getting nil tho men ho wanted, but when he
oamo to look at them ho found that many
wero for places in tho tt.nmn nniininrilMnn Hl
trlot, whllo certain districts were not repre- i
wnicn ni an, or tno applicants wero of such
Illiteracy that they could not be considered.
A namplo application says: "I understand
that wlmon Is to bo appointed ns enumer
ators, and would like you to tell wharo 1
can get application blanks." "Theso nro the
kind of people that want to do work that
will require tho highest Intelllgenco and
ability." said Mr. Wheeler In dlsguft,
"There is from $75 to $100 for fifteen or
thirty days' work, and I wish people would
conio after the John who ran do tho work
when they get It."
1uIp of tlii- Court.
Robert V. Stownrt of Omaha has tiled
petition for voluntary bankruptcy. lie was
formerly u farmer near Hastings. Neb.,
where his creditors principally reside.
Allco 1j'p has tiled divorce suit against
Martin I'o, alleging Intoxication nnd
cruelty. The Lees wero married at Mary
vlllo, Mo. The plain tin" iihks for restora
tion of her maiden name, Allco linker.
Tho application of Anton Vltous. h for
an order restraining tho county commis
sioners front employing nn unlicensed en
gineer at tho eouit houso lias been con
tinued In Judge Koysor's court until next
Friday. Continuance was granted on ap
plication of the defendants.
On Trinl for Three Veiim.
O. Morltz Zepp of Westminster, Mary
land, says: "I hnvo tucd Chamberlain's
.Cough Remedy In my family for the pan
tnrco years, and witn marked success es
pecially with croup, It giving relief In from
ten to fifteen minutes. I believe It to bo the
beet cough medlclno on tho market." After
three years' trial Mr. 55cpp Is well qualified
to speak on tho merits of this remedy. It Is
perfectly rellablo end always gives quick
I.liii'olii mill Return, 1 .(.".
Tickets on salo Feb. 10 and 20. Oood for
return until Feb. 2S. Special train leaves
Omnha 9 a. m. Feb. 20. Call at city ticket
ofllce, 1323 Farnnm st.
Ntooil Dentil Off,
H. R. Munday. n lawyer of Henrietta, Tex.,
onco fooled a grave digger. Ho says: "My
brothet was very low with malarial fever
nnd Jaundice. I persuaded him to try Klrc
trio Hitters nnd he was scon much better,
but continued their uso until he was wholly
cured. I am sure Electric macro saved his
life." This remedy expels malaria, kills
disease germs and purlflm tho blood; aids
digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and
bowols, cures constipation, dyspepsia, nerv
ous diseases, kidney troubles, female com
plaints; give perfect health. Only COo at
Kunn Co.'s durg store.
Drs. Lord A Rustln, 501 Paxton blk.
Sco C. V. Harrison's bargains.
Tickling in Throat
taking ono doso of "LA C.RII'PH COUCH
SYRl'P." The tlrkllng my come again, but
you can stop it anytime and anywhere by
using lii Orlppo Cough Syrup. it stops
tho "NIGHT cough," too. Price, 20c and
COo per bottle.
ONU bottle only to u customer and for
$1.01 Mine. Yale'tf Preparations 75o
$1.00 Peruna 75c
$1.0) Wyeth's liccf. Iron and Wine.. . . 75c
$1.00 Scott's Hiuulflon Cod Liver Oil.... 75o
$1.00 King's New Discovery 75o
$1.00 Juyne's ICxpcctornnt 75a
$1.00 H.ill'a Hair Renower 75
$1.00 Wnmpole's Cod Liver Oil 73c
$1.00 Uovlnlno 75i
$1.0) Kilmer's Swamp Root 75c
$1.00 Wlno of Curdul 7.k
$1 0) Pierce's Fnvorltn Prescription 75o
$1.00 Paino'g Celety Compound 70o
$1.00 Miles' Nervine 7fio
$1 00 Hood's Surs.iparUlu 7uo
$1.00 Malted Milk 75c
Sherman & McGoiinell Drug Go
1UIH mill Undue Stx Dimilin, .Veil.
Omaha & St. Louis R, R,
Shortest and Quickest Line
Tin Inn lenvt I MII.V STATION ilnlly
for KiiiiDiiM CII), Ituiiiey, St. I.ohIn
mill nil iiiiliitn eimt or miiitli, SI'IR.'IAI.
inniii:i:ivi:itv i:ciiision mmu m
II mill Ull. All I ri mill 1 1 ii it nt City olllee, I 11,1 I'liriiiini St., (I'uxtou
Hotel 11 1 U).
Collector of Customs at tbo Fort of Omaha
Behind tha Times.
Iteiinlreil to I)eiotlt Ten Per Cent
.Alore Tlinn Coiiteiiiiluteil hy the
Creneiit 'I'll r I IT I.iim Nimv l.nw
niieovereil by A ec I lie lit.
Tho fact that the collector of the customs
of tho port of Oi.inhn has been doing busl
ncsi) with lis largest patron under laws
which havo been repealed for over two
yiars was brought to the attention of tho
acting government storekeeper yesterday
by a ruling of the Treasury department
In tho case of tho appeal of a New Jersey
smelting company from tho decision of the
collector of the port of Pert Amboy.
The port of Omaha ' has been governed
generally by Iho customs regulations of'lS'j2,
which provided that In the caso of foreign
lend ore Imported to the United Stated for
smelting nnd refining the smelteiH, by
furnishing bond, might recdvo and roflno
or Bmelt tho ore without tho payment of
duty, tho metal taken from such ore to bo
deposited In government bonded warehouses
and the duty to bo paid when the metal Is
Kold. If tho metal were sold for export It
was withdrawn without payment of duty.
Thin act has been enforced nil the time at
this port, tho collector requiring the Omaha
nnd Grant smelter, the only ono taking ad
vantage of tho act at tho port of Omaha, to
deposit In the Morehouse the entire amount
of metallic lead extracted from the ore.
When It was withdrawn for export ono
tcnth of the amount deposited was re
leased for domestic consumption without the
payment of the duty.
In July, 1S07. the law wa9 amended to
provide thnt HO per cent of tho metallic lend
should be deposited, und when withdrawn
from export no rebate should be allowed, thn
smelter having tho 10 per cent of frco oro In
Its possession for disposition nt any time.
Tho provisions of this net were never brought
to tho nttentlon of tho collector of tho port
of Omnha and for over two years tho smelter
has been depositing ore which under the
law It might have retained.
Tho ruling received yesterday, whllo not
covering this point, contains a ruling of
Importanco to tho smelters. In that It allows
them to deposit 00 per cent c-f the metallic
oro extracted from tho first smelting regard
lesa of tho assay, anil tho deposit of an
amount of oro extracted from tho by
products nt a subsequent tlmo to inako tho
total amount equal to the 80 per cent of the
nssay. It Is said that this will havo little
effect In Omnha. as the oro received here
from Canada, tho only country sending oro
to Omaha, Is frco oro which produces 00
per cent upon tho first smelting.
Hiei'iitlve Coi Iltee TiiUen Luncheon
Dully Mlth CiiinllilntcM nt
iiostox sroiti: sm.Ls miohs aoaiv.
1.000 I'nlr l.nillr' IMuli Cut Inn (lont
Skin mill Inn Cloth Top llleele
On Salo Wednesday at 8 O'clock Sharp
At Roston Store.
In nddltlon to tho abovo we will place on
sale tomorrow nnd Wednesday the last lot
of tho great purchase of men's and women's
shoes which we are selling at $l.0S. They are
absolutely worth $5.00, $1.00 and $3.50 pair.
Take your cholco at $1.9S; on bargilu
Wo will nlfo sell todny mlsfcs' shoes
worth $1.75 nt S9c nnd $1.15.
Child's shoes worth up tu $t.D0 at COc nnd
83c pair.
In tho next seven days wo will positively
close out nil the men's and women's shoes
from tho Wnllacc-KIIIott stock. Ho sure to
take advantago of this salo while It lasts.
The bargains are so great In It that although
wo have run the sale for four weeks there U
enough of every kind to suit everybody.
N. W. Cor. lfith and Douglas Sta.
Tho republican city committee has estab
lished campaign headquarters in three com
modious and well furnished pnrlors on the
second lloor of the Merchants hotel, whero
tho exccutlvo committee will meet every day
at tho noon hour for luncheon nnd discus
sion with the candidates nnd tho transac
tion of tho butilness of tho cnmpalgn. The
llrst luncheon was spread In the rooms yes
terday and tho full executive committee wns
In attendance, with nearly nil of the candidates.
I'reillelloii Miule Hint lute rnrtimi
Kteelrle lloiiil Will lie Con
ttrneteil Ultliln i eur.
There Is a likelihood that Omaha nnd Kan
sas City will bo connected within another
year by an elc.-lrlc motor line. The predic
tion Is made with consldornblo conlldence
by J. W. Hirst, president of the Llnscol
Oil wnrkst of this city mid vice president
of tho Orient Short line, tho vast railroad
project now being promoted by A. 13. Sill
well. Mr. Hirst is Interested In the electilc
line built from Kansas City to Leavenworth,
which Is now sucis-sfully operated over a
dlHtnnco of twenty-eight miles. He has
nlso had the oversight of tho construction on
the Orient Short line, twelve miles of which
has been completed.
Tho rotito of lln'Omaha-Kansas City line
is laid nlong a short cut through Atchison
nnd St. Joseph, n consldornblo saving In dis
tance being effected. Tho lino already
reaches to Leavenworth and In a few months,
Mr. Hirst believes, will bo extended to
Atchison. Then it will bo built on to St.
Joseph, tho aid of capitalists of that city
having nlready been pledged. It Is be
lieved that Omaha anil St. Joseph money
will bo forthcoming to bring tho lino tho
rest of the way.
Mr. Hirst expresses the belief that elec
tricity will entirely supplant steam as a
means of locomotion. It Is founil much easier
to Interest eastern capital in electric enter
prises nnd tho running expenses are found
to bo 25 per cent less. The plan of tho new
system Is to extend from Knnsas City south
west through Kmporla nnd Wichita; across
Oklahoma and tho Panhaudlo to Rio (Jrande;
thence southwest through Chihuahua to tho
deep water harbor of Topolobainpo on tho
Oulf of California, a distance of 1.S00 miles.
DoiikIiin County to lie Represented In
the Aiiiiniil Con veil t Ion of I'liiu
iiilnMlouerN mill Suicr lxor-.
The Grandest Barpains Wo Havo Yet Offered
from the Detroit Wholesale Stock.
Re mill ''.".e I, mile' mill .lien' Hum!
l.erehler it l-Ue mill fie llneli RtH
l.llillen' Silk (illrlerx I.Ho
Sill. llnruiiliiH,
250 SILK RL'CHINd. 10.
Another lot of those grand silk crepe laco
niching from tho Detroit stork. A small
part of these lino ruchlngH have been dis
played in our front short window. They
uro In black, white and all colors, worth up
to 25c; cholco of the entire lot nt lc a yard
Immense lots of all kinds.
odd and cm
stuck go nt 1
W. S. Phllpot, Albany, Oa., says: "Dc
Wltt's Llttlo Karly Risers did me mora
good than any pllU I over took." Tho fa
mous llttlo pllln for constipation, bilious
ness and liver and bowel troubles.
Tho members of tho county board have
gone to Hastings to participate In the fifth
annual convention of the County Commis
sioners' nnd Supervisors' association, which
convenes thcro Tuesday afternoon and which
will contlniiu two dnys. The convention
will bo held In tho Hastings court houoo. An
elnborato program has been arrange'..
Among tho subjects for discussion aro the
following: "Settlements with County Trcas
urerH," "Tho Rest Method of Conducting a
Poor Farm" and "Tho Present Revenuo
Law." Tho association will elect odlcers for
tho ensuing year Wednesday morning.
i -of
lots of lace from the Detroit s
All the liner laco from the Detroit stod
worth up to 25c a yard, go on bargain table
nt 3c nnd 5e n yard
150 AND 250 HANDKI'RCHIKI'S. 3',,e & rc
Uirge bargain square plied high with
thousands of all kinds of handkerchiefs for
ladles and gents. Also ladles' lace and em
nrouiery hanillteichlefs and drawn thread
hemstitched hnnilkeichlcfs, worth up to 25c
nil go In this lot at :i'4e nnd 5c each.
loilay we .placo on sale one of lb
grandest bargains we have evr shown, l.nm
pairs ladles' nil silk agrters In nil tho lead
ing snadrs, with genuine rabbit's feet. Rich
pair in a glass box by Itself. On sale to
morrow at lSe.
75c silk moussellne do solo nnd all wool
Imported chnllls, 20c a yard.
50c line organdies, 15c yard.
25c high grade dimities, 12V4c.
15c new wash goods, Site, n yard.
$1.00 silk, 39c ii yard.
$1.50 silk, ti'Jo ii yard.
$2.00 silk and satin crepo do chine, !'Sc.
75e dress goods, 3."c a yard.
$1.25 dress goods, fiflc a yard.
$1.00 black goods, -l!c a yard.
$2.00 black goods. OSc a yard.
Northwest Comer KJth and Douglas Sts.
l'Vnr for p'rnlt Tree.
JACKSONVILLE Kla., I'eb. 10. Krult
men here are nnnrehenslvo that Katiinl.-iv
nnd Suniray'H cold weather has hurt orange
and other fruit trees. At Milton. Kin., nn
Saturday thoto was n fall of snow with the
inermomoter nt 2.i above. Sunday morning
In Jacksonville tho thermometer was 10
Thousands of fires wero kept burning
haturilay nlghl. ni Sum av anil last
In groves nil over Klorldn. in efforts to save
trees. Tho effect of tho cold cannot be
ascertained till spring.
"I had dyspepsia for years. No medicine
was so effective, as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It gavo Immodlaic relief. Two bottles pro
duced mnrvelous results." writes L. H. War
ren, Albany. Wis. It digests what you eat
and cannot fall to cure.
That we are cut price druggists, trust or
no trust-that tho trust is hi 111 In existence,
but has adopted new tactics. For a time It
In cutting prices In the hope of driving out
of buslniss the stores which would not ac-
ccpt Its dictation and If these stores could
be driven out prices would go up nt once.
Iho men who broke the combination, who
wero tho original cut raters, are the on
who still deserve your patronage, unless you
want to pay 2.i per cent more for drugs, pat
ent preparations anil prescriptions. You
go' tho advantago of low prices we sell
more goods and there you are. Don't for
get tins fact. A bargain salo every day In
the week. Watch our show windows.
Gut Price Druggists,
1222 South I (itli St. Oinaliii,
Omaha's Great
est Shoe Sale
Now at its
li eight, lin
monso n o w
shipments add
ed daily. Sam
ple shoes closed out to us by fifteen of America's
leading shoe manufacturers, including such famous
firms as Brooks Bros., The- iUoore-Shafer MTg Co.,
The Kochester Shoe Co., etc. These aro the vqry
Jinest shoes mado and wo secured them at scarcely
a fraction of their worth. Also thousands of pairs
of line shoes that wore left on their hands after the
season's business wero picked up by our buyer for spot cash at about 1-4 tho regular prices.
More- people, more shoes, more tables
and more clerks every day. Such
shoe excitement has never been
known in Omaha before. Many aro
buying two and three pairs. Shoes
for men and women, in all sizes and
all styles. Six thousand pairs ladies
finest shoes in vici kid, chromo kid
and box calf, some with vesting top,
hand turned and welt soles, all tho
latest style toes, black or tan; also a big lot of ladies'
best low shoos; regularly sold at $3.50, fr'4.00, $4.50,
$5. 00 and up to 0.00 your choice in all sizes, for
any of them, only
men's very best shoes in velour calf, box calf,
wax calf and kid; with kid or vesting tops;
P-5c hoes with light soles for dress wear; and also
TCi-- O with medium and extra heavy soles for ordin
ary wear; a big lot mado on the now swing
last; all tho latest stylo toes; a great assortment to select
lrom; blacks or tans; all sizes; shoes that
aro worth 4.00, 4.50, 5.00 and 0.00;
. r it ij i ...
Bargain Table after
Bargain Table Piled
High with the Very
Best Shoes. Ail at
One Price for your
choice, $1.88.
HUil DU1UR, till UlU
Snow! Slain! Sleet! Mud!
' That entire combination of bad weather
producers are here in full force. How aro
you fixed Are your shoes in proper condi
tion Can you afford to take chances with
anything but properly constructed shoes This
is a good store to find such shoes as you caro
to wear as you care to pay for as wo caro
to yell as wo care to guarantee. There's
nothinglimited about this shoo stock. All tho
artnno'it advanced in favor of exclusive
shoe dealers hold good here plus tho
advantage we have in buying for two of
the largest shoe stores in tho west. With
such a store at your hand, miscellaneous
shopping doesn't pay. Our facilities are
generally bettor than the av
erage, and tno slock answers
to every demand of men, wo
men and children. Suppose
".-ui tnit mil words liy spending: Sl.HOof
'il in f ir iv tmir ot women's allocs, shoes
.til hnvo no o(tuil In Omaha for tho
1 iii'v. Von cm tell bettor when you
o 1 110111 tin. I try tlioni on.
Storm Hhtms nil 1 rublvM in cii-lle-M v.irluty, ami a
saving on eueli anil ovt ry pair.
1' is ran 10 t n i.ini at our waro
ronniH. for Hi" Klmpli' rrasoti that wo only
.nry InMriimrntH of tlm hlchcal iUtudard,
Af.uli' from llii' artistic
tho IcaduiK piano of thr worM. you have a cluilrp stock of tho colubra'tcd A.
II. Chase, Vose, ICniereon. PnoKanl, Irrs ,fc I'onil ami C. I). IV.iho to select from.
Nowhere else In the elty cm you fltul miicIi a line variety of high grade InBtrti
inentu. In Mlightly used nlanoH we offer the following hargnliiB.
Knieitum, Cllbort, Kimball, Sohnicr and Bradbury Squares, $10.00, .j:S.00,
$3.(10. JG.VOn and up.
Hillings, llallet & Davis, Ivors & Pond and Stclnway Uprights, $S.".0o,
$105 00. 'J05.t)() and up.
Hvory Instrument fully guaranteed. Kasy payments If desired. Novr
plancM for rent; one year's rental allowed If purWiahed. Write for catalogues,
pnies nnd terms You are cordially hulled to Inspect the Sclf-Playlng
Pianola, the greatest musical Invention of the age. Telephone 1 :.".
...Schmoller & Mueller
'I'll!' O
Stclnway & Sons
The Oolil Hi-lliilil)' rlniio lliillHc.
Stcinwav & Sons ( YS farnnm Street
I i:
337 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
in through cars on
tlmo over a wonderfully good
I.eavo Omaha 4:o5 p. m. to
day and tomorrow morning nt
7:10 you are In the St. hauls
Other llncH may make n fam
time, hut they do not duplicate
the Ilurllngtoii's service.
Ticket Ollice. Burlington St.illon,
1602 FARNAM ST. 10th & MASON Sts
Telephone 250, Telephone 120
in.- ..r ilui.p I tin k, that b'im lfc on emh
pre.s rl i .1 i. i) . and his i.tll. i' rent, and Insisted
mi i gi ni li'in in going t.i n i rtnln drug
stoii- Well .it'tor One got through telling
liim how "fiesh" the medicines were thor
- the man lnuki d wise, nnil ciuilo to tin nnd
told us I lie story, iilfil ttien snlil hn
thought ho was old enough to use his own
lodgment where to have It tilled. Hoc,
thnl's the time you got fooled on your
"rake oif."
Sfhiiffi'r'N Iniiuli Syrup "JUi.
I. nl ox (renin I On
I'iii'Iit'k I.Imt CIIIm I.'hi
! I'll in I il IMIe ( lli e tot
I Miiiii'I'n l.iirciini''
I Tnnle TnlilclN . . .
lliiiilelli-r'M llltlern ...
I HI lie nt' Ciii'ilul
llllice'N S,viinii Hunt .
! lli'i'ei,"i I'reicrl pi Ion .
I I 'I'll nii'r'N Klilney t'nri
I Ino Uolnti'll
i S.i Clip I'l us
l,lNtirl ri
Ilu-I mi Hull Toil I e ...
Cur. lOih
cut puici-:
ami Chlcngo SI.
l'oit run i't hi. if
.. 40..
, In our
cui 1 1
Every pair of shoes wo sell is fully guaranteed,
pains to lit you no matter how big' tho crowd.
Wo take
T'f ? C -s no ol those rare opportunities to peeuro gonuino
11 lD lwgains. See our Sixteenth street windows. Come
in and examine tho shoes that fill the center aisle tables.
Q-ntnfl Iot of 800 pairs youth's
OJJCiai boy's, girl's and chil
dren's shoes worth UI)
to $2.00 will go in this salo for
Be early and avoid the crowd.
$6.00 Shoes
$6 00 Shoes
Omnha to San Francisco
in Fifty Seven Hours
Which In half n day J
quicker than other lines. t
ctiA.M;i:i. :
Perfect Comfort, Pints' Ii j
Light, Ktenm Heat. &r OI1I.M., Ittou I :i run in
IV I. ::iit.
t lo
Only U
SOc Swift's '.Oxtra -I Ikcf
!Ke Hrowo's 'i'roi lies
.Hie C It iti I'atui'.ll Cure
2 ii homlon Cat.irrli Jelly
S5i Carter Ller I'llls
2"e I'm Iter's 'I'nr So.ip
a.'ic Castorlu
Sl.Oii Itromo-Seltzer
OOo Iliomo-Heltzer
Mc Uodd's Kidney Pills
."0e lioild's nyspepslii
We l.llhla Tablets
11.00 Tartnrlltliliio
2.V' Cliainlierliiln's Cough Cure
$1.00 Wliu of Curdul
'.(' Ciitleura Suiip
$1.00 l'e-rii-nn
alii' .Mellln'H l.'ood
Coc Pond's Kxtraet
We an- the nnlv store In the eltv
a legist, ri'il man, anil n giioil onu
plaiu all nlfln Neei .lose
1 'I til itiul DoiihIus .St
Gn Lard, on Ham, on
Bacon is a guarantee
of purify.
1 Swiff and Company,
Cliic.iK. KniirtiiB City, Oniiilia.
St. I.ouls, tit Joseph, St. Paul,
for our host net of teeth ii
eluding free painlesw extra-ti '14
by tho uso of viLilucd mr
uro only the best material In tin. on-.tne
lion of this plate. Kit guaranteed
Crowim i
(iold Killing II .'10 .1
Silver Killing :
Uxtractlng -
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms,
1.117 1)1)1 (il.AS ST.
p. it. mi 1: m. . co.. rwn nuns, st, milis, .mo