THE (TMAIIA DAILY HT3E: SATTHIl AY. F ICIlll lTA II Y 17, 1000. IN 8c Misses' Shoes now styles, splendid to wear, made to retail at 1.05 sizes 12 to 2 go on bargain square at $1.15 Boys' Shoes on bargain squares 1 i& UICIV- i v to si.49 and tans; single and double soles; sizes 24 to 5A it. coats HaT8 the Hardsr Pnll in the' Tripartite City Combination. GET ABOUT EVERYTHING THEY GO AFTER Stnlit nnd Dreicl Left to llnlit It Out In tllf l'l.-xt Ward Hut Time In tlie Ciiii .ik. . venil.iii. Tho iiopulist wine of tho fusion forces Jiroveil to bo the nioSt powerful Friday nlpht find succtH'ded In forcltiR upon their iletno rratlc. joke-fellows all of tho ileiuamlH hey went, nfter. with the exception of an en dorsement of thu candidacy of Hrnest Stttht br randblate for rnuucllman hi the I-'Irst ward, and they secured as much prominence for tho Into republican as that accorded the fanner sheriff In the triangular combina tion. It was after S o'clock whin the twice ad journed ixijuillKt convention ns called to order by Chairman Thcmus, who stated that the populists hud things coming their way ami that a little careful inunaRcmont would secure nil their desires. The conference committee was sent out to tell the demo cratic, rliy committee, which was In ses sion ii tile rooms of the County nomocracy, that tho convention was In session and that It the democrats wnnted their candidates endorsed the committee would havo to como to the terms of the populists and In corjwirnle Into tho democratic city plat form tho demand for telephone rates to be lowered to ?3 for business houses and IS tor residences, and mutt also concede the popu lists one-thltil of the appointive olllces and eniorse tho nomination i.f Stttht In tho First ward. Tho committee was j;lvon thirty minutes In which to report. Ill less tltno tliuii that the committee re turned and snl'l the democrat If committee hail been fount! In executive session and hod heard their report In silence and had then Infomneil them that the will of the detno cruts would be sent to tho populists by n committee. When the democratic commit tee. aiipeared It came with the statement that tho ilemncratH could mako no chansc, Then tho fun fcCKaiii Delegates from all over the house were, on their fret mtivltiK that u strain"! popu list ticket be nut In tho Held. Sluht was lauded to the skies Tho democratic com mittee was naked It the action of tho city commltleo was tlnnl, and replied that they hud been Instructed to say that It was. Then Ihe chnlrtuan of tho convention left the roran and held , consultation with tho democrats, and roturnltiK. stated that In view of the spirit of tho populist convention, tho committee had koiio to net another "tlnnl concession" from the democrats. U was ii lotiR tltuo before the democrats returned, and when they dlil they stated that tho committee had riwolved to stand by Its former action and the commltteo una startlnR with tho mcsHiRe when W. S. Foppleton came Into the commltteo room For Dyspepsia. Horsford's Acid Phosphate Strengthens the stomach, assists di gestion, relieves distress and tb feel ing of exhaustion and dUziness. Gnulu Went mmt Hostrcxu't on wrippcr. 1 1 fcj UUtllO Mllll IllnlUl C MJ rt'i'Kirapij in unu in".-" ii'"' v ry --- . mmmmm mmm. . . I I ' f BOSTQH THE ONE GREAT BIG SHOE SALE THAT GROWS PUBLIC FAVOR MORE AND MORE EVERY HOUR. a pair for Ladies' Infant's fancy soft sole shoes and Mocas I Iwvjj " Tadhls' black cloth floe3, lll,1lf ,.cl(?t ! U1.ul 7-bntton, 50c quality shoe lafhe Kujsia aftjft Ovorgaiters I2c Child's Shoes button and lace, all solid, made to retail for $1.25 new styles; sizes sA to Hi go on bargain square at 89c blacks ! Youth's Shoes blacks on bargain squares and tans; single and double soles, sizes 12 to 2 ... . sl.39 THREE IMMENSE BARGAINS Your choice of over a thousand of our finest fifteen, eighteen and twenty dollar $15.00, $18.00 anc $20.00 MEN'S SUITS OVERCOATS and ULSTERS These we have selected from lots which are small and broken as regards sizes they are piled on tables and include men's black clay worsted satin lined worsted suits men's silk suits men's imported cassimero suits and ulsters and caused tho committee to recede from Its position so far as to accept the division of the appointive olllces nnd tho speclllc reduc tion In the telephone rates, provided the populists would endorfo Drexel in the First ward. The populists would do everything hut accept Drexel. nnd tho conference com mittee, after RettltiK a statement from Stuht that he would be pleased to have n three- handed flRht in tho First ward, went to the democrats with tho proposition that Stuht nnd Drexel be- nlven n fair Held with no fnvor In the First, anil soon returned with tho Htntcment Mint the democrats had ac cepted tho plan. Tho convention then nominated the democratic candidates, in cluding Deuel and Hurkley, who are said to havo declined the democratic nomination. 'I'll A '1' IM'.IIOCUATIC CITY TICKl'.T. It Sllll Cunt I it lie to I:ImI In mi I'll-, rn millet eil Co ml It Inn, The democrntlo city ticket continues to exist In an uncompleted condition. A pro longed session of the democrntlo city cen tral commltleo wns held Friday night at tho rooms of the County Domocrncy, but no action was taken toward making nominations for tho olllces of city comptroller nnd coun cilman from the Klghtli ward, which, to all Intents and purposes, have been declined by Harry I". Doucl and Frank J. Hurkley. Post ponement of action in this matter was taken until Tuotday night, at which time unolher meeting of the committee will be held. Ixiuis Linttl led a minority faction which expressed Itself favorable to completing the ticket, especially the ivuucllnianlc portion, but when n motion to defer consideration of the matter until tho next uneetlng was made It can led without opposition. Member of the ccmmlttco explained thrlr artlon by stating tlut they wero In possession of no knowledge that .Messrs. Deuel nnd Hurkley had refused to run. U was set forth that their declinations had not been lll-d with the city clerk, ns provided by law, nnd consequently tho commltteo had not tho right to nrhltraiily unmlnato other candidates for theso olllces until It has some tangible evhliuce of tho existence of vacan cies. Committees from the populist convention, nssemblod in adjourned sen I on, tlltted In and out of the room In which their demo eratlo co-lnbotcrs in tho Hold of reform wero closeted In executlvo sosbIoii, nt oc casional Interval, uml carried important mcssagis fri'-n commltteo room to conven tion hall. Uito In tho evening tho demo irats took a short recess whllo a commit tee was absent nt tho populist convention. When tho committee finally adjourned It was stated that In return for the endorse ment of the entire democratic ticket by the populists, the platform of tho popullstlc wing of the fusion forces was adopted by tho democrats. John O. Yelscr'B "$:i for business houses nnd $2 for residences" tele phone hobby Included. The populists, how ever, refused to endorso tho cnudldncy of Drcxol for alderman from the First ward and, In turn, the democrats repeated their allegiance to Drexel and declined to consider Krnest Stuht, tho populist nominee, in any tnatmcr. A promlne'it member of the domocratlc committee mated that ns a result of the conference held tho populists had virtually promised to throw Stuht overboard them selves and endorse Drexel nt a meeting to bo held Tuesday night. This, ho Insisted, Is the only means by which fusion can bo accomplished on an entirely harmonious basis. Illllliliet ill llellevue Cntleue, At liellevuo college Thursday evening a banquet was given by the sophomore class In honor of tho seniors, Tho table was spread at Itankln bull, the president's house, and tho colors of tho two classes were used to produce the most tasteful Htid pretty effect The colors of the sonhomoros croum and scarlet predominated, Cream & Misses' Plain Rubbers. 8c a pair at On Main Floor. Ladies' Shoes I Indies finest viei kid patent w J J leather shoes, ladies' mannish 'shoo, Indies' line box shoes, in turns, welts and lino McKay sewed, worth three dollars, worth four dollars, worth fives dollar)', worth six tlollurs a pair, any slo, nnv width, from aa to e-o at tlic'samo prlro All on bargain squares square by Itbolf. each s Ladies' Fancy Slippers 'beaded and plain; kid and patent leather worth up to 4 and $0 a Eso. sue. $1.93 suits men's lined cheviot men's over so reckless! Is that nnd scnrlet carnations wero arranged In delicate clusters In vnses and on cushions or ferns, uml ut eneh lady's plate there was a cream carnation, and nt each g-mtlenim pluto it scarlet one. The tallies wvre lighted scarlet candles and even the Ice ereutn and cakes showed the duos colors. Tho menu wns In French. The toasttnuster was James Met), l'attoti. The toasts were us follows: "Class Fellowship." by Sopho more C. F Koehler; "When We Wore 'Sophs,' " by W. J. ShalU ross; "Soph istry.11 Miss Louise Smith: "We Counsel Thee," W. N. Uulrd; "De Senlorlbits." Miss Maudo Scott. SLOT MACHINE IrT COURT Al tonic? Knilenvor in CnllKlitt-ii the .III it lie ll n to Whether It Ii a lilt ill III I lie l)e lee. One of tho seventeen gambling cases from South Omaha Is on trial In Justlco I-earn's court. Tho action Is styled "The State of Nebraska against J. .lorgcnyen nnd Thorwnld Jorgensen," but there Is really only one de fendant. Yeara ago Mr. .lorgensen ran a saloon called "The Two Johns," nnd ever since then tho general Impression has pro vulled that there are two of him. The charge Is that Jorgcnsen maintained slot machines and poker and crap tables in connection with his saloon on Twenty fourth, between N and M streets. Ho nvoi that the tables were iwd fnr dining pur poses and that the slot machine is not a gambling device. To support the sejond holding ho caused tho machine to be brought into court. Attorney James II. Kelkcnney moved that the case be dismissed mi the ground that i thi mechanism did not como under tho ban of tho luw, but Assistant County Attorney Thomas arguod that a slot machine falls within tho meaning of Mm statute forbid ding games of chance, It then became necessary to illustrate tho working of tho device. Attorney Thomas drofped a nickel In tho slot and pulled the- lover. Tho llvo discs spun round n dozen tlmoB nnd stopped, dis playing i hand wonderfilly diversified as to 1 bull and denomination, "Vott lose,11 said tho Judge. Ho dropped another toln and this time a pair of tray enmo up i "Trays nlono don t cnint. nam me juugo. I Attorney Thomas hail no moro nickels, so ! Attorney Kelkcnney totk his turn at tempt ing fate. The gaudy wheels buszed and rattled, nnd when they stopped It wan seen ho bad a be bulled Hush four tpades and a iuecn of diamonds. "Judgment on that' ho exclaimed ex ultantly. "Not worth a picaytiie!11 ruled the court, "hut you can draw ono to All. 11 "How's that?" "Vott can drop In another nickel, nnd If a spado comes whero the diamond Is now you get a Hush." He tried It. but tho Hush didn't nil. lie wasn't much dlsappolnled however, as n full houso Is worth only I cents lew In trade than a Hush, and In tiumph ho railed the court's attention to tlrco nines and a pair of Jacks. "Ten beer cheeks!" he demanded, glanc ing at tho Judge. Hut the court snld'he wouldn't pay, ns It might projudleo his mind against the de fendant. Then the kmiio broke up. The trial will bo resumed' February 19. "After doctors fallc to euro mo of pneu met; I a I used Ono Minute Cough Curo and three bottles of It cun-d me. It Is also tho best remedy on earth for whooping cough. It cured inv crandchlilrnn of tho wornt I esses," writes John "Jerry, Ijganton, I'a. It Is tho only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results', (urea cougbi, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles. Moth ers endorse It, NDEIS & SONS. IN lMMENSU 11 A HO AIM P1L13S. Ilt'NDIluns OK I3VEHY P1ZK. THOUSANDS OK 13V13HY KIND. LAWKS1 $5. $1. $S SHOKS AT $1.!S. MKN'S $.'. $ I. t? SHOI3S AT Jl.'e. It tins always been our boast that when you see shoes advertised liy the. Hoston Storo thai you have always found plenty of the shoes wo advertise, and you tlnd them exactly ns wp advertise, them, la quality, quantity nnd price. When tho DOSTON STOH13 says thousands of pairs of SHOKS ON HAUOAIN SQUAHES otl will soo THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OF SIIOKS on bargain squares, not 1, or 2, or 'S Ilttlo lilies. k,f cut calf When you como to this sole tomorrow ou will too these elegant SIIOKS FOR MUX AXD WOMHX heaped up It) plies us high ns your head on I Immense bargain squares running tho whole I length of our shoo deimrtmciits, In rows live deep, I Kver since this shoe sule started It has been one long procession from morning till night, people coming, buying shoes; every one oleased, every ono more tlmn satisfied. ut on The new lot of shoes which we add to the already luimens.. quantity will make tumor r 'W B sale liv loi the greatest of uti th it we luive i ver Ik Id IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT SATURDAY You Get tiie Free and Unlimited Choice of any SUIT or OVERCOAT In the House for No matter how tine a garment you m.ty. pelect, whether It bo a $25.W, nr it J.0.00 Suit or Overcoat i is yours for Jit) 13vor one noes no restriction. nutmeg re tried The are .is tine as the besi fallen, can m,il;e Our reason fnr . lilting we must have room lor our great alterations SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. 1 A well attended meeting of the Young Men's Republican club was held at Modern Woodman hall last night. President W. H. Tngg occupied the chair and Karl Matthews performed the duties of secretary. For the information of many new members, the by laws of the organization were read by tho secretary, and then tho names of quite a number of those who recently Joined were read. President Tngg announced that an effort Is to ho mnde to Increase the member ship, and for this purpose a special com mittee of twelve was appointed to solicit members. This committee will select Its own chairman and will mako reports to tho executlvo board nt least once a week. (leorge .Melliido explained In detail the Crawford sjstcm, and ho wns followed In I his remarks by Judge F. A. Agnew. J. A. j Heck gave on explanation of tho Van Dusen primary law. nnd tho members of tho club I aro pretty generally acquainted now with the law j governing primary elections. Quito a number of prospective candidates wero present and listened with Interest to tho brief nddt esses. It appeared to be tho unanimous opinion that if tho republicans select a ticket composed of Ilrst-elas3 busi ness men Micro will bo no doubt about the result. Considerable enthusiasm wns mani fested. It Is tho Intention of tho club mem bers to work In harmony for tho best Inter ests of tho party. Khiir l Colli'"- .lnilu", Patrick J. King now occupies the chair of the police Judge and from this tfcno on the pollco will recognize him as tho lawful police Judge of tho city. Judgo Habcock Is still on dclt. and while ho hns turned over the records, he holds Mint the title to the olllce has not been decided upon by Judge Keysor, and therefore ho will still consider himself tho legal pollco Judge. That there will bo no serious conflict was evidenced yesterday when Judgo Habcock gracefully turned over tho records to King, nnd In ad dition assisted King to tho bench. No cases wero brought beforo Judgo King yesterday, as the Jail hag been practically empty since tho smallpox broke out there. Judgo Hab cock maintains that ho has rights In tho premli3s nnd has Hied a clnlm for salary up to and including tho closo of tho term for which ho was elected. Tho city council, being republican, will without doubt allow Habcock's talary nnd disallow any clnlm King may make. Habcock was elected for a term of two years and tho council feels It incumbent upon Itself to pay his salary of $S3 each month until the expiration of his term. Just whero Judgo King wirTeomo in front a financial standpoint Is yet to bo determined. If the council refuses to pay King for two months ho will 'bo out $lfi7 and Habcock will be this much ahead. Citi zens generally compliment nabcock on his tact In gracefully turning over tbo records yewterday and In assisting King to the bench. Tho fight Is considered purely a l'gal one and the questions Involved are tho3t pertaining entirely to law and consequently there Is no feeling In the matter ouo way or another. Invexlluntliiu llu Tivn Wrcel.pi. When the Union Faclflc fast freight struck tho Northwestern's local In the north yards yoatcrday ono car of stoam coal wan scat tered clear outsldo of the right-of-way and children of poor families; were busy all yes terday afternoon nnd evonln;f gathering up tho pieces of coal and carrying them away for fuel. Tho wooden portions of thy ear wero set cn Are and made qulto a blaze, around which hovered shivering children anil laboring men employed by tho railroads. The children were looking for an oupor- THE ONLY SHOE SALE THAT EVER STIRRED THE WHOLE TOWN FOR FOUR CONSECUTIVE WEEKS. 8 aturday On Main Floor. 'in Basement mm , mmm rt. i LatHea' Slippord Mens Irane noes101-- in the newest jind best styles. I .Cii tfDG ij i i ' in niacKs ana wins, in single, double and triple soles,leather lined and drill lined, made to retail this season for from three to six dollars a pair, all sizes from 5 A to 11 all go at the same price, All on bargain squares.each size on a square by itself. Specials in Basement ladies' button and lace shoes on bargain squares 59c, 30c, 98c ii ill men's and worth ton, choice for live i,iiiv nf pfirrvlnir nwnv n niece of firewood, while all the laborers wanted was to keep warm. It Is asserted that both the wrecks were i alined by lack of help and a neglect to .send out llagmen. An Investigation will be held and It Is probable that extra pre cautions will bo tnken In tho yards here after while trains are being switched onto packing houso tracks. Will llu rn .llnrluiine Sunday. Sunday's service at the First Methodist Kplscopal church will bo of more than usual Interest, Inasmuch an the mortgage on tho church In to bo publicly burned. In order to properly celebrate tho ceremony HUhop Warren of Denver has been Invited and he will deliver a short address. A great dell of credit Is due Hov. J. A. Johnson for the raising of tho money necesuary to the re deeming of the mortgage. When this doc ument is destroyed the church will be prnc- i tlcally out of debt. There Is a membership now of over 100 and effortH are being made to Increaso the same. Slneli Well TnUeii Cure (If. Nearly all of the oiock trnlns destined for this market were lute yesterday. On account of the low temperature an extra 1 force of men were held In readiness by the 1 Stock Yurds rnmpnny to quickly handle stock ns tho trains came In. There wat no delay of nny sort after the cars were j turned over to tho yards company, and buy ers and ncllers did not wasto nny tltno whit tling sticks on the fence. Sales wero made quickly and the market closed early. It Is the intention of tho yard rnmpnny to pay pir ticulnr attention to shipments during Mu coid weather. KlrU lletlll KiinIIv. Frank Kirk, who was severely injured In I the Northwestern-Union I'aclllc wreck Fti ' day morning, was resting easily last night and the nurse nt the hospital nald that ho I wan doing as well ns could bo expected. He is suffering from tho shock of amputation of his leg, nnd If ho survives that ho may recover. Miiuli City ;onnIi, Otto Matirer is out ngnln uftur a few days' Illness. Hov. Irving Johnson lectures at tho Upls eopal church on Sunday evening. Coal dealers tiro untistiully busy Just now filling orders and teams uro In ilctniind. Tbo directors of the Live Stock exchange wili meet 'Monday nfternoon tn select a Heereturi'. Hlshoii Wn-ren of Don ver Is expected to arrive tills evening. Ho will lecture here on Monday night. H. K. Wilcox Is being urged to mako the race for member of the elty council on the republican ticket. Out of door work Is pretty conorully sus pended Willi tbo exception uf Ico cutting on tbo ponds near about. Tho commission men at Mm yards will give a Oeorge Washington ball ill Metro politan hall on February l'- W.ildemar Walters, son of Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Wntters, was budiy scnblod yestei day. On account nf prompt medical at tendance bo will pull through nil right. It Is asserted that friends nf .1.. 11. Wnt kins are pushing hltu to tho front with a view to electing him mavnr. -Mr. Watklns Is a republican and has nv.ny Mends here. This afternoon and evening 'no women of tho First I'resbyteiiati chi r Ii will give .in art exhibit at Masonic I all. A line line of pictures will be shown nd It Is expected that thero will be a grwd attendance. "Testing tho wire" Is tho nnswer till tele phono subscribers receive at 9 o'clock each morning now when they answer to tho ring nf the bell. A new order of Manager Hol land compels all operators to test lines lie foro tho day's business commences. IliiNli'i'ii Slur Ciiterliiliimeiil, Vesta chapter Order of tho Kastorn Star, will give an elaborate entertainment at Ma sonic templet tonight, at which un interest lug literary nnl musical program will be rendered Light refn shmeti's will bi scrvud and a general good time Is expe. ed Sime of the best it'iiatriir talent lu Omnia will take, part In thu program, Morning so'tmiRs and 49c Infant's Shoes I to 5 39c Child's hand turn spring heel Shoes 5 to 8,worth$1.25 69c Boys' Shoes Youth's Shoes .... Misses' Shoes, 12 to Child's Shoes, 84 to ... 2 u.. Your Ohoico o All the $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS and ULSTERS This men's wool c includes nice all h e v i o t men's SU1DS tweed and home spun suits; men's cassimere suits beaver, melton and kersey OVERCOATS twelve and fifteen dollars dollars. MUTES FINED FOR FIGHTING Inmate of I'rof. Ilnwi'n1 I usl 1 1 ill Inn j Tell How II lliipiieiu-il, unit Anume tlir Mieulnliirs. Tho crowd In pollco court was entertained I Frlduy afternoon by n trial for assault In j which tho principals wore mutes. Inmates . of the Nebraska Institute, for the Deaf nnd Dumb. Two young men, Hlba Osmau and Weldon Stover, told why they had blackened tho eyes of Charles Hartman, and tho spec tators worn delighted. It was- tho most graceful talk they had ever "seen." Tho three boys uro members of the foot ball cloven of the Institution to which they belong. On the night of January 27 tho team gavo a banquet, and llartmnti. who Is man ager of tho plg-skln aggregation, served us tnastinuHtor. Stover teflponded to the toast, "Sllenco t dolden." All went well until, In attempting to pronounce a word of tlvo syllables ho upset tho celery dish. Then Hartman, it Is alleged, miido a facetious re mark nbotit Stover hnvlng rheumatism In his voice, which Stover very properly re nt nted. Tho offended orator enlisted the support of X.lba Togother they wnylald Hart man mi tho street February 0 and pummeled him until hln mother scarcely knew him. "Am you guilty or not guilty?" nuked Judgo Gordon. II. 13, Dawes, superintendent of the In htlttite, translated tho question Into the sign lunguage. Ostium mndo a letter "O" out of tho fing ers of his U'ft hand and thrust the foro linger of his right Into tho aperture. "Ho sajH ho Ik not; but that he did wrong to light," ald tho nuperlntendent. "When will you bo ready for trial?" With his right thumb the foot bull half back made a sinuous motion down his loft forearm and pulled down his vest. "Ho says ho is ready now, your honor," "Am your witnesses here?" Tho defendant struck his loft list Into tho palm of hl right nnd Hocked a speck of dust off tho collar of his friend. "Ho says they are all here." The entuod a digital colloquy between tho two defendants nnd thr superintendent that ran through Mm remnlnder of the hearing without disturbing tho court. They were fined $5 each, which they paid. SECOND NIGHT OF "GALLIA" t'nncci't nf Snored Hiiiium nuil MiinIo nt SI, llnry'n Avenue Culture uiilliiiuil Church. The presentation of "flnllla" In the First Methodist church a week ugo was Hitch a gratifying success In every way that the management determined to give another of tlu m concerts of sucrcd inulc while the singers wore still fresh Hi their parts. In consequence, In St. Mary's Avenue Congre gatloual church Friday night, the rich so prano of Mra. ThomsH J. Kelly again led tho chorus of eighty voices in singing Oounod'ti celebrated dramatic work from the "It inontntlons of Jeremiah." Though the weather wan leas favorable, tho attendance was even hotter than on the previous occa sion. On the plpo organ Thomas J. Kelly told tho melancholy story of "Lucia ill Lnmmcr moor." With the aid of the printed pro grim, on which tho legend was outlined, it was an easy matter for the audience, to follow tho musical narration through the HUcctMslvtt scenes of love, triumph, despair, insanity and death. Tho church choir and members of tho South Omaha Choral union sang "The Miller's AVooing," 11. J. nock accompanist. Miss lx:na A. RlUworth played a violin solo, tho "Serenade," Miss Josephine Thar her accompanist. Mlbses Ldlllt Foley -AmWmmmmmw99 mm lmmmmmmmFl $1.15 1 yc: 75c, 98c. $1.25 89c Ladies' 89C, LJKiius' Homo K lppors 49c Strap Sandals- 69cl 89c, $1.25, $1.50 take your nnd Clara Kkstrom rendered tho "Forest Concert." by Schultz., Mih. A. (i. Kdwsrds Hang tho "Prayer," accompanied by Miss Kllsworth on tho violin; Carl Smith. vlnUn cello; Miss Thutchcr, pltino; II. 11. Allon, organ. John McCrcary sang "The 1-ark Now Leaves Ills Watery Nest" and Miss Ells worth followed with "Cavatlna." The chorus comprised the choirs of St Mary's Avenue Congregational anil First Methodist eJiurches. 13. D. Keck nerved aa conductor. CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING Mr. nnd Mm. Ileilllllli llehfelil I'.llter Inln III lliiiiiir il Tu cn -I'l 1 1 h Wcililliin inilernr'. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Itehfeld celebrated Mm twenty-fifth anniversary of their mar riage Friday night, at their home, South Twenty-fourth street. About 200 frlenda were entrrtaliieil. The parlors wero taste fully decorated with potted plants, ferns and llowers. Mr. and Mrs. Itehfeld wero as sisted in receiving their guests by Mat; Mejer, Julius Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. MorlU Meyer, the Misses Itehfeld and Misses Knthryn Pollack, Laura (inetx, Juliette Mor ris. F.nima Itolhchild and lllance Krhmatt, tlie latter nf St. Joseph, Mo. The hostess nnd the young women who assisted her worn beautifully gowned In styles becoming tho occasion. Tho dining room was decorated In green :.nd white, and the tablo was resplendent with cut glnss and sllvorwato. Tho refresh ments were elaborate. Mr. and Mrs. Itehfeld were the recipients of many beautiful presents from friends at home anil nhroad. After U o'clock thn ycung pe iple and some nf tho old one, too enjoyed a dunco for several bouts. Inll C 'I iili HIseiiNwi-H I'liiine.v. The Fully club met Friday night ut Ihn linrno of .1. W. liou.lrlni b, 2110 Douglas street. Consldcrlne- Hie cold weatbm i.a attendance w:i. good, time bring moot twenty-live members present. The toned discussed wan "The I'apai y " Two tj pir.n were read under Mi, subordinate lieadoigs "Its ICitrly History and Development,' ,y Hev. N. ST. Slatiu, nnd "The I'.tpncy Vru the Htnplre, ' by Frank Heller. A third paper bad I cn pn ..irc. the theme, "The pope i ' ,i Temporal Ituhr und Inter Fneioi.' l,y ll.nrv Former, hut ln was lint !r sent to read It The tut Iters Vt,re foil, ,,.,( I,v ,i g. neriil disc tlsslon, 111 Willi It all purtM i,,iie l is thin blood. It causes pale faces, white lips, weak nerves and lack of vitality. A blood enriching, fat producing food-medicine is needed. goes to the root of the trouble, strengthens and en riches the blood, and builds up the entire system. For Anemic girls, thin boys, and enfeebled mothers, it is the Standard remedy. w, anJ fi no, al tlrurrliti, SCOTT & UOWxa, Cbcinuu, ht Ytik. IK