Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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K. ItOSEWATEIl , Editor.
Dally Uco ( without Sunday ) , Ono Ycnr.JO.OO
Daily Jico hnd Sunday , One \eiir. . . . . . . . 8.00
Dally , Uunflny and lllugtrntcd , Ono lear S.i.
tfundatf anil Illustrated , Ono \onr 25
Illustrated Doe , Ono Year 2.00
Sunday Hoc. Ono Ycnr J.oo
Saturday Hoc , Ono Year 1-
Weekly Ucc , Ono Year & >
Omaha : The Ileo Building. . . _
„ „
Soutii Oinalia : City Hall Building ,
Twenty-fifth nml X streets.
Council Bluffs : 10 1'carl street.
Chicago : 1610 Unity Uulldlng.
New York : Trmi > lo Court.
Washington : Wl Kouiteonlh Street.
Communications relating to news and cdl-
lorlal matter should be nddrefscd : Omaha
lli'o. editorial Department.
Iluslnoss letters and remittances should
lie addressed : The Uco Publishing Coin-
l > any , Otnnhu.
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Slrtto of Ni-braikn , Douglns County , ss. :
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I'liblls-hliiff Company , bring duly sworn.
EIIJ-S Unit the actual number of full and
complete r-iplos of The Dally. Morning ,
ICvcnlng nnd Sunday Hoe , printed during
the month of January , 1900. was ns follows :
l 111,0110 IT
2 . 35 a.i.iio
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o ai.itio
7 ar.s7i ,
V. ) .
30 ai.DHO 28. , n.sio
31 ai.7RO
32 . . ! _ , . ! Ill ) 23 . iortr :
33 li.-,71ll 20 . ju.uuo
34 a .7-IO SO . 1:7.0:10 :
v , -ttn , : : 31 . ''M
30 aiu , u
T.css unsold and returned copies. .
F.IICH 7t ioi , : :
Net dally average. . . . U5.UIB
O. B. T55SCI1UC1C.
Sco'y and Trcas.
Subscribed and sworn bcforo mo this 1st
day of February , A. D. 1500.
( Seal ) SI. H. mJNGATR
Notary Public.
f . . .
Itoptibllciiii city primaries todiiy.
Kvery republican Is expected to do
Ills duly at Hie city primaries today.
If tbe political ciinipal n brings
Omaha a free site for Is ( utiditorluin so
much the better.
Tlio city council seems to be copying
the United .States senate in going into
the practical joking business.
lOvery good republican Interested in
1he success of the party will see that
Ills vote is recorded at the primaries to
The disintegration of the conglomerate
ticket put up by the fuslonists lias al
ready set In. The voters will llnish the
job on election day.
Omaha hopes , to build several viaducts
In the next three years and for that
reason it will want a mayor who Is not
tied tight with railroad strings.
Krom Iho allegations made In the
great suit against Andrew Carnegie , the
ivny to become a multi-millionaire is
to embark In the steel manufacturing
General liullcr seems to have missed
n great opportunity in not being able
to send to Iwoiidon a valentine missive
indicating that he had reached' the
heart of the Uoer country.
Nebraska is Just getting ready to
Bhow the world what another big crop
looks like. Thq snows will put tbe
ground In prime- condition for spring
ami give- the crops a good start.
Nebraska is not only ready to take
charge of tjie maize propaganda at the
1'arls exposition , but Is also In position
to grow corn as the taw material that
Is not to be-matehed in any other state.
Senator Teller Is still denying that
the United Stales Is on a gold standard
basts. The Colorado senator then and
the other sllverltes ought to be satlslled
without crying for a 10 to 1 free coin
age enactment. ;
The home Industry exhibition will
doubtless' benefit the manufacturers par
ticipating , but the Investment of the
Fume amount of money in pntronllng : :
the advertising columns of the home
newspapers would briny better returns.
Secretary Porter Is nbout It
lie might Insist on knowing where the
Bi'hool money in the custody of the
Htato treasurer Is deposited , as well as
the reason It Is not Invested where it
can bo earning something for the
liubllc. 1 . '
The candidacy of J. II. Edinlsten for
the secretaryship of the populist
national comifilHeo' would HCOIH to in
dicate that ho has measured Lee Herd-
man's supreme clerkship pole and coino
to the conclusion It Is longer than any
thing ho could raise.
The populist national committee meet-
Jug ami the National liuttennakers *
convention occur In Lincoln at the name
lime , The populists will probably take
occasion to protest against the golden
standard for butter as an unwarranted
anil unjust discrimination.
The 't.'ugllsh are of the opinion that
the best Held In the world for the good
roads movement Is South Africa. In
Natal the roads uro so miserable that
General .Duller has as yet been unable
< o travel the short distance from
Colenso to Ladysmlth iii sixty days.
Secretary of State Porter has discov
ered that Mesurve , the great reform
treasurer , has accumulated nearly $ ; { ( )0- )
000 In educational fund money which ho
Is planting Komewheru for his own hen-
rllt. Secretary Porter will have the
backing of the entire body of taxpayers
who want no repetition of the old prac
tice of farming out the public funds.
The opponents--of the pending cur
rency bills profess to believe that the-
greenbacks are endangered by the pro
posed legislation and It Is plain to be
seen that they Intend to employ this In
the presidential < campaign. In the
senate debate on ( he finance measure
Tuesday , Senator Allison , , replying tea
a question whi'tlier. tlio 'ultimate re
sult of the senate bill would not be the
icllrement of the greenbacks , stated
that under the bill the greenbacks can
not be retired and added : " 1 want to
say that the retirement of the green
backs , or any other part of our money ,
should never bo attempted without tht
most careful scrutiny and the wisest
consideration of the legislation provid
ing for It. " Yet In the face of this
statement by the lowu senator , who has
always been friendly to the greenback
currency , Senator .Tones of Nevada ad
vanced the view that the retirement of
i the greenbacks Is contemplated and
that there will be additional legislation
presented at some subsequent date for
this purpose.
The oM standard ladvocatest said
the iNovnda. t-vuator , "know that It
would not do to attempt to carry
through all of their plans at once.
That would be n shock to the American
1 people. There will also bo an effort in
j I the near future to- retire thu treasury
. notes. " Now so far as the house and
senate currency bills are concerned
, there Is nothing in either that en
dangers the greenback currency or In
the remotest degree Implies a purpose
, to retire that currency or the treasury
! i notes. The object sought In respect to
the paper money of the government by
the bill passed by the house Is to
! protect the treasury against what Is
I called the "endless chain" and to ac-
1 eompllHh this It is provided simply that
when the groenbackfi are redeemed In
gold they shall be reissued only In ex
change for gold. This. % J.IQCS not mean
their retirement , - It means only the
safeguarding of the. treasury against
such raids as It ; was subjected to a few
years ago and which "once or twice
threatened to force the government tea
a suspension of specie payments. This
the proposed legislation would accom
plish and there can be no doubt that the
effect would be most salutary , If pos
sible strengthening the United States
legal tender notes , as a part of the cur
AVe arc well aware of the fact that
there are republicans who believeIt
would be wise to retire the greenbacks ,
but these constitute .a very small
minority of the party and the number
of such is not likely to increase. In
deed , with the proposed legislation in
operation and its good effects , so far as
the greenbacks are concerned , realized ,
there will probably be nothing further
heard about retiring that currency , un
less at some time the democratic party
shall demand its retirement In the in
terest of state bank Issues , -which Is by
no means-Improbable. The republican
parly Is friendly now , ns It has always ,
been , to the greenback. * * 0114. those who
profess to believe that money -in danger
from the party In power know * there is
no substantial ground for any ap
General Ludlow , military governor
of Havana , Is of the opinion that Amer
ican military occupation of Cuba must
continue for some time. He says that
after the municipal clecllon In May
the expense of maintaining troops In
the island can possibly be materially
reduced , but that It may be several
years before a complete Insular gov
ernment can be organized and that
until tills is accomplished tbero must
be American occupation.
The opinion of General Ludlow In
this matter Is cntllled lo great consld-
crallon. He has had abundant oppor
tunity to become well acquainted with
the characteristics and the capacity of
the Cubans , having necessarily come
into more or less intimate relations
with all classes of them. Hut it Is
to be observed that General Ludlow's
Judgment may bo Influenced , In the first
place , by his military point of view ,
and In the second place by his close
contact with the belter clement of the
population Ihc professional , business
jmd property-holding classes' most of
whom are not favorable to Independ
ence and want cither annexation to the
United States or a protectorate. It
Is undoubtedly true that a very consid
erable portion of the Cuban people are
not now cai > able of sclf-govcrnment.
There Id a formidable percentage of
Illiteracy. Moreover , It appears that
really very little has been 'accomplished
during 'American occupancy toward
preparing the Cubans for Independence.
Major Ituncle , In au article In the North
American Iterlow , declares that Cuba
has been misgoverned under our mil
itary rule , that while there has been
Improvement In t-omo directions , In
others the conditions are as bad now
us under Spanish' ' rule. Ho eays that
almost every abuse against which
Cuban. ) rebelled and to remedy which
thu United States 'Intervened Is in oper
ation today under American authority ,
"Then * exists throughout the Island , "
he declares , "a condition of lame an
archy , which awaits' only the with
drawal uf the American forces to burst
out Into anarchy of another type , " and
ho concludes with the observation that
If no change occurs soon the last state
of Cuba bids fair to bo far worse than
the first.
Perhaps this Is a somewhat exag
gerated statement of the situation. It
was written before Governor ( Jerreral
Wood had entered upon his adminis
tration and some things huvo since
been Improved and at least partially
reformed. It Is unquestionably a fact ,
however , that the Cuban problem Is
still far from being solved and that
no ono can 11 r any detlnito time when
it will be. It all depends upon the
Cubans themselves , says General Lud
low , but the question is whether the
United States is called upon to ludetl-
nltely protract its occupation waiting
for tlietiu people to tit themselves for In
dependence and siHf-governlupnt ac
cording to the American standard. We
are certainly tinder no promise to do
this. Our pledge was that when pa-
clllcatlon had been accomplished we
would turn over the island to the con
trol and government of Its own people.
Apparently the work of pacification Is
complete and we shall have fulfilled
our obligation as soon us the people
are enabled to form their municipal
governments , which will 'be within the
next three months , and after this first
step to procL'ed with the organization
of au Insular government , It would
thus seem that wo should bo able to
discontinue our military occupation
within a year and it may be found ex
pedient to do to.
The several railroad lines projected
In Nebraska would be ( if bonellt to
Omaha and the state , but the line
which would be of greatest benefit of
all Is seldom mentioned seriously.
That is a road which would give
Omaha n direct route into the heart of
Soutii Dakota. Such a line Is never
lllcely to be built by any company now
operating In this territory , UH it would
come into direct competition with longer
lines already built and divert traflle
from points where the roads now get
the long haul. Kansas City and other
places have solved similar problems by
pulling local capital Into the enterprise
and Omaha could do thu same. Such a
road would not only open up now tel'-
rltory lo Its Irade , but prove a rate
equalizer for lines already built.
A telephone leak from Lincoln says
that Leu llerdmtufs victory in the re
cent primary fight in Omaha has landed
the supreme court clerkship for him.
The appointment will not be made , how
ever , until after the coming meeting of
the populist national committee , In
which the fusloulsts still have use for
Mr. Edniisten. Throwing Kdmlslen
down ahead of the committee meeting
might Interfere with some of the fusion
plans for the manipulation of its ses
The women who appeared before the
congressional committee to discuss the
suffrage question proposed lo demon
strate they were qualified for suffrage
by getting up a regulation Kentucky
political meeting , but the bald-headed
congressmen who could not get in on
the hair-pulling play spoiled it all by
adjourning the meeting.
The value of the live stock of the
country has increased $ 'Jlti,000,000 dur
ing the last year and if.YTO.OOO.OOO dur
ing the last four years , according to the
statistician of the Department of Agri
culture. And still the calnmityites
would have us believe that the farmer
has no part in the present prosperity
of the country.
The quarrel among the popocrutlu
statesmen is daily bringing to light
somenew , , fact bearing on the misman
agement of the state's affairs or mak
ing more clear mailers partially known
previously. Political ambitious which
run contrary are having a more salutary
effect than any pricks of conscience.
Well ! Well ! Well ! tlilnk of J. U.
Kitchen saying that the election of his
candidate for mayor would do much to
Increase the prosperity and growth of
our city. We thought Mr. Kitchen had
made his mind up fully that no pros
perity could spread over Omaha as long
as the gold standard prevailed.
One Reform .Mini I Incedn. .
Indianapolis News.
One of the earliest reforms in Manila
should bo nigh license and patrol limits and
the higher the license the -better.
Common SriiMe Vermin Science.
It is no exaggeration to say that the War
departments of the world are going to school
to the Boer militia. The burghers have
shown -that t'ho ' military science- the post
la no match for the common sense of the
"imlm Ic < I FnriiiurM" of South Africa
HlddlcN the Glamour.
Chicago Record.
Ono fact impressively demonstrated in
the progress of the South African wnr UN
to dote is thnt , the entire character of war
fare as n spectacle has undergone a radical
change within recent years. Battles hava
lost much In plcturcsquencss and glamour ,
liven so recently ns In the Franco-Prussian
conflict In 1870 and in tbo nusso-Turklsh
war of 1S77 battles were still heroic subjects
for the painter. With some modification ,
they were quite ns romantic nnd inspiring
ns those of the earliest recorded ware , when
armies advanced clad In steel armor nnd
men fought hand to hand , A 'battle ' in the
Franco-Prussian war was a tremendous
spectacle of serried in avisos of close-ranked
men , brilliant uniforms , tossing plumes nnd
bnnncra and officers leading with sabera in
the- air and directing dashing charges.
The day for this kind of warfare has
passed , 'and , as Frederic Villers pointed out
in a recent article , the whole aspect ot war ,
aa a dramatic exhibition , has changed. Tin-
engagements in South Africa boar no re
semblance to those of past history. Tha
scene is unrelieved by a single- dash of color.
The EOldlcrs and officers alike wear a cos
tume of a dun shade , which 'blonds ' easily
into almost any background. Not oven a
fchoulder strap Is worn , and flags have been
discarded. Troops are almost never played
into action , and no heroic drummar lioya
load the line of advance. Officers and men
alike carry rifles , and there is no saber-
waving. The thrilling spectacle of a frontal
arsault , the advancing force marching rhyth
mically shoulder to shoulder , Is entirely out
o ! the question.
In fact , war has licen robbed of most ot
its martial glory. It is a matter of business
of manual labor In making trenches , ot
keeping the laborers fed , of having a good
liogpltal service and ot taking as few risks
as possible. The man who stands up to bo
shot at may bo heroic , but bo doesn't help
win battles ; bo Isn't fighting on modem
lines , The modern soldier has absolutely
no chance at tbo kind of fighting which
consists In overcoming opposition by exer
cising his own strength. A disinterested
bullet/ from a wholly Impartial and un
prejudiced soldier a mile away may drop
him while ho is wetting his 11 pa with his
canteen. Ills business Is to take the fewest
possible risks , to work his rlllo with me
chanical precision and put up with any hard
ships incidental to the job. The modern
soldier , in fact , is no longer a sculptor's j
incdel ; be is an earnest laboring man , and i
during working hour he looks the part. ) <
A iro/i/j irmf U.W.UM
I have been asked by ninny repub
licans to dcfluo my position with regard
to the run test for the nomination of
mayor on the republican city ticket. In
asmuch as the outcome of the city doc-
llou Is sure to exercise a potential .in
fluence in Hie impijndliia battle of S'o-
hrasku , 1 venture to outline my view of
the situation in order that no one may
misconstrue the course pursued by mo
up to tills Mime.
To go back no further than the cam
paign of 1SD ! > , It will be readily romciu-
beiod that disloyal faclloiilsts fried lo
excuse tholr treilchery to the repub
lican slate and county tickets last fallen
on thu ground that Its success meant
the perpetuation of Prank 1-2. Moores
In the mayor's olllce through the agency
of a so-called Ilosewaler-Moorcs nui-
chine. Thu baselessness of this pretext
has already been publicly proved and
denounced by mo.
As a matter of fact the defection was
nn organized bolt Inspired by traitorous
leaders masquerading as patriots , but
carrying out'the behests of corporation
managers bent on defeating .Intlge
The cry against Moores has from the
first been thu malicious work of demo-
cratlu mud-HHiigers aided by disap
pointed republican place-seeket-H. What
ever may be said of Frank K. Moores ,
Ids record as mayor of Omaha Is cred
itable , lie has given the oily an honest
admlnlstralion , standing for the taxpay
ers against every raid and job and fear
lessly opposing by his veto nil lawless
or extravagant appropriations. The
only fault found with his conduct of
city affairs Is with his liberal construc
tion of the Slocnmb law and his toler
ance of vicious elemenls Unit secured
Ihelr lodgement in Omaha during the
Ilrst exposition under the protection yf
the old Ilerdmau-l'eabody police board.
The only tangible ground upon which
* Mnyor Moores' opponents stand is the
cloud raised by Hie case in the supreme
court attacking his eligibility on" the
charge that ho was In default as clerk
of Iho district court at the time of his
election as mayor. While 1 do not be
lieve Frank M. Moores guilty of the
charges and am fully convinced that lie
was the victim .of a conspiracy to
blacken his reputation and usurp thu
oflicu lo which he was duly elected , i
realize that they would handicap him
more or less as a candidate for re
Imbued with these views and appre
ciating the fact thai Ihe harmonious
support of the entire rank and file of
the parly is essential to republican suc
cess , I have not only refrained from
taking an active part in behalf of Mayor
Moores , but have labored earnestly to
induce prominent business and profes
sional men lo become candidates , as
suring them that , if nominated , they
would have my vigorous support.
1 have said nil Ihu. lime , however , that
no candidate should be foisted upon the
party Who turned his'back on the ticket
last November. " '
( t
If the re-uointiiajjon of Mayor Moores
tends lo alienatenuy , considerable num
ber of republicans , the nomination of
W. AV. Ulnghnm would , in my judg
ment , be more hazardous. As the can
didate of the Captain I'ulmer and Cadet
Taylor kuife-wielders , Mr. Lilngliam
would Invite reprisals from the friends
of the men who were slaughtered at
the last election. Mr. liinghum was
accorded the privilege of personally
naming his own ward delegation , and
I venture to assert that not three of
the ten could truthfully swear that they
volcd the republican ticket last fall ,
while several of them were openly work-
lug for the fusion candidates. As
the avowed choice of the corpora
tions , with a railroad solicitor as l > js
campaign manager , 31 r. Hlnghnm would
repel hundreds of republicans without
attracting a solitary democrat , even if
he were up lo Ihe slaudard expecled In
a mayor of a inotropolllun city.
Personally I have no grievance with
Mr. lilugham or any other candidate In
the field. My sole desire is to see the
republicans nominate a city ticket that
will win. K. UOSBWATBU.
of ( he Union I'lU'llli1.
Springfield ( Mass. ) Republican.
Flvo years ago the government's second
mortgage claim against the Union 1'aclfla ]
railroad was not deemed worth much rooro ,
than half Its face value. Now the directors
of the road arc declaring a dividend of I'/i '
per cent on the common stock. This stock ;
was issued , in the reorganization of thu
baukrupt company ; dollar for dollar for tlio
old common stock , which was supposed to
be worthless , and -while the reorganization
effected a material reduction In fixed charges ,
the payment ot a dividend on thu common
reflects Ilttlo the less strikingly the great
improvement in the railroad business which
has recently taken place. Still , It Is well |
that the government has settled up with
thu Union Pacific and is out of it.
I'foitler < > ( o Illume.
Philadelphia Lodger.
The state legislatures as a rule do not con
tain na many members of commanding
ability and statesmanship as they did forty
yearn ago. If the federal senate has suffered
n ducllnu It Is for the reason that the people
themselves have grown cart-less In the elec
tion nf legislatures. If this Indifference Is
to ho repeated In. the election of Unltoi ]
States senators by a direct vote Ilttlo will j
bo gained by the Innovation. The qucatli
seems to bo broader than that of mothi
in selecting United States senatoiw.
MIllloiiN for iniilr - .
Springfield Republican.
One-quarter of the sum Kngland is ex
pending in the war to extend Its dominion
iti South Africa would sufllco to feed ovcry
starving mouth In India. That tbo world
ghould bo asked to support her fauilne-
strlcken subjects In ono part of the empire
In order that it may devote all ltn energies
and money to crushing a people who stand
in the way of a Ilraltlees extension of the
empire in another part , Is certainly a most
extraordinary proposition.
Ullilil Mil" rnavalllililr.
lluftalo Express.
It lt to bo regretted that former Governor
Wolcott of Massachusetts has refut > od to ac Is
cept a position on the new Philippine com
mission , us he not only la a man of 11 rat
class executive ability , but Is a strong ad
vocate cf the merit system ,
A IMUziirU , ItilllliT.
Mlnnwuioll ? Times' ,
The announcement that congress will ad
journ early has been made. It cotneti as
regularly as that of the failure of t'bo peach
crop , and It , if pceslble , even lets reliable.
noun AND nniTo.v ix UATTMS.
Slilo Mulitft on lliiiii | < iiliiK < > III ( lie
Tticntvr of Wnr.
1'lty the sorrows of a thrice defeated gen
eral ! Honiomber how sally nnd confidently
Sir Hodvera Ilullcr sailed for Capetown some
four months ago. nnd the joyous faith reposed -
posed In him by the folks at home. Llku
Fentlmriits were entertained by tlio. army.
Jlut when the prowess and talents of the
cnmmandcr failed In three successive trials ,
faith nnd , hope wore dashed to earth. Shot-
tcred runfldouco Is not , tlic worst phase of
tinTtigeln disaster. A 'London cable to the
Ni'\\- York Times says that relatives an.l
ofllcers hi Huller'B nrmy assert thlt the
Rcnrrnllius , proved hlmsol : utterly Inonpable
In the field. Ono startling letter from an
oinrer who was In the Colonso fight hns
found Its way Into print , charging Uullcr
with cvciy sin a general ooiild bo guilty of.
Orders were iFsiicd In the mo t slovenly
manner , without being committed to paper ;
troops were flung nbout promiscuously. Ig
norant of the position of the enemy they
were sent to attack ; ambulances were posted
in front of the big naval guns , ami close
under them , so as to bo In the direct line
of the enemy's fire. No rcconnolBsance was
made ; artillery was dumped around with
out purpose or dellnlto plan. "It Is Ilttlo
short of murder , " the ofllrer wound up ,
"to Intrust , the lives of the troops to the
hands of such leaders. "
As Carlyle remarked about the Ideas on
nrmy leadership current In the early part
ot the last century , "Tho Kngllsh have n
notion that generalship Is not wanted , that
war Is taught 'by nature , as eating Is , that
courageous soldiers led on by a courageous
wooden pole with n cocked hat on It will
do very well. "
The first line of defense to the Orange
Frco State Is In the high and almost Inac
cessible range known as the Stormberg
mountains. These mountains are about
twenty-five miles south of the Orange
river , and extend from Dordrecht on the
east , to Colcsberg on the west. Their almost
Inaccessible heights and Impenetrable
passes are thoroughly fortified , nnd the
Uoera undoubtedly are thoroughly prepared
for any movement against this position that
the British may see fit to make. Of this
General Gatacre la a competent witness.
The second Boer Hue of defeuso is the
broad , uufordablo Oningo river. The third
Uoer line of defense IB fifty miles further
north on the south Irank of the Uelt river ,
nnd about twenty-live miles south of Bloom-
British army olllcers and correspondents
arc quick to inform the world when the
Hocr , violate the usages of war. But great
care Is taken to suppress news of similar
outrages on the part of the British. Dr.
Hamsbotton , head ot the Uoer Hed Cross ,
reports that he und ten other doctors , all
wearing the Insignia of the Hed Cross , were
taken prisoners by the British after the
battle of Belmont , while attending to the
wants of the wounded. They were carried
from Orange river to De Aar Junction in
cattle cars , rudely treated and given Ilttlo
to cat. Later on they were released and
permitted to return to their camp , but the
British refused to return their ambulance
wagons , Instruments or supplies. At Mod-
dor river the British arrested four Boer doc
tors and twenty-nine assistants , all mem
bers of the ambulance lied Cross.
Letters from soldiers who participated in
the battle of Colenso are reaching Kngland ,
and they tell some amusing and pathetic
Incidents of the struggle. Ono officer tells
ot a private , evidently n son of the Emerald
isle , who , us he received his first wound ,
laconically remarked : "Ah , and If bastes
haven't tilt me ; that's one ter them. " Hardly
were the words out of his mouth when he
received a second wound , and , cooler than
ever , said : "Bo Jabers , if they haven't
struck me the second tolme. " The third
bullet struck him. Ho laughed and Mid :
"Well , that's -No. 3. I dothink the blay-
guards moight let a ( teller alone after they've
hit him wance. "
Recent events have recalled that General
Sir Iledvcra Bulle'r , until this war , was on
terms of warm personal friendship with the
Kruger family and that they were wont to
exchange cards of good wishes every Christ
mas. The friendship dated from twenty years
ago , when Duller had a regiment of Boers
under his command in the war against the
The Manchester Courier , relates on the
authority of an officer's private letter , a
remarkable instance of Boer chivalry. At
Magerefonteln the Boers were so moved by
the heroic Indifference to death displayed by
it party of two officers and twelve privates
who charged up to the very muzzles of their
opponents' cannon , that , casting aside
tholr weapons , -they rushed In nn over
whelming number on thceo men Into their
trenches. Then , when they had been dis
armed , the Boer commandant said : "There ,
you are free to go , and we- will not open
flro until you are within your lines. "
A London correspondent who visited tbo
Boer laager near Norvalepont says ho
found the burghers dally engaged in athletic
sports and nightly In meetings of their debating
bating- society , singing and prayer. They
seem also to begin the day with a religious
service , at 4 o'clock In the morning , when In
fixed camp followed toy coffee at G o'clock.
Of drill or military exercise , says the cor
respondent ' , there ec-ems to bo Ilttlo or none
Taoyond 1 what is necessary for the construc
tion of trenches nnd the sentries and am
munition guards at night.
A former Wall street magnate admits ow
ing $1,292,730 and has assets of $150.
The British public is beginning to under
stand that no news from South Africa means
bad news.
The tougher the play the stronger Now
York fights for It. Much will bo forgiven
there , If the thing has a foreign flavor.
Undo Sam has picked up a few more stray
Islanda In the Pacific. While wo are In the
business , there In no sense in letting any
thing get away. c
A Maine > mau is being sued for breach of I
promise , and makes tbo defense that the a
woman proposed to him , although admitting ; t
that bo accepted her. s
The following Is from the honeyed tonguu ii
of Max O'llell , who is arranging for another t
tour of the United States : "I have never
seen in America an absolutely , helplessly a.
plain woman. She is always In possession a
of a redeeming sompthlnR that saves her. "
Max , old boy , just name tno price and It Is
The Samoa Weekly Herald reports that
"Stanley R. Osborn , who Is clerk at tliu
United States consulate general and clerk of
the itupremo court of Samoa and re ; ; ! trar of
titles , has at the unanimous request of the Jf
members of the -bar been appointed marshal
of the supreme court of Samoa. These ar -jf
all somewhat responsible positions. "
Commander Wainwrlght is embarrassed by ' )
the 'honor thrust upon him In Secretary it
Long's tender to him of the superintendency
of the Naval academy. The hero of the >
Gloucester may Injure ills chance : * If he de .
clines , and yet , If lie accepts , his Income will
bo Iwa than it probably would be were hole
lo decline , and as he IB a man of family , tills
Colorado solons havn framed a bill regu :
lating marriage and providing for physical
examinations before tbo ceremony. Those
who arc physically defective are to bo denied
the right to wed in the btutc. If the bill :
becomes a law , Nebraska and Kansas will ,
provide Grctna Greens for the accom
modation of Colorado crips , The Immortal
Declaration protects every one In "pursuit of i
happiness , " and by the eternal no koplul :
state ehall abridge It. 01
ST.\xn.\nn nivmnxn HATH.
lloovfnl I'rliiof ( III Tlcltln Million *
for tlir TrttM.
t'nlted States Investor ItoMon. )
The recent declaration by the Standard
j Oil company of n quarterly dividend ot ! ' 0
! per cent on Its capital stock should disabuse
j the public of any lingering , belief that they
I I may have retained.In Iho benevolent chsrao-
' ter of this monopoly. For many years there
i has been an unmlstaknblo tendency to view
1 the Standard Oil Trust In the light of n
| i benefactor because since its nppenranco on
itho'scene 1 the prlco ot oil , hns apparently
j ' been reduced In u very striking manner. H
I Is clear , however , that absolutely no credit
i ' is Ouu the Standard Oil company for the
reduction. Tlicro is every renoon to sup
pose that the prlco would have droppeu to a
point admitting of only the narrowest mar-
Kin of profit per unit of production , even if
th Standard Oil Trust had never entered
the Held. The only difference between the
trust nnd the other producers was that by
Its ruthless measures It was nblo to seize
posscFslon ot most of the business offering ,
nnd was In n position by reason of Its enor-
mpua sales , to make tremendous earnings
on u margin of profit per unit which would
hardly have allowed other companies
foothold. lu crushing Its competitors , the
Trust no doubt cut prices temporarily and
In particular localities below thu nguro to
which ordinary competition would have car
ried them , 'but thu influence of such cuts
was probably not far-reaching , so far as
consumers were concerned.
Having by its dastardly method *
crushed out competition , the Standard Oil
Tiust has lately been In n position to ad
vance the prlco of Its product. It has no
love for the community. It Is not nn elee
mosynary Institution. H Is merely n Brlnd-
IIIL- monopoly of the worst nud moat despic
able character. Just BO soon ns the oppor
tunity presented Itself to the trust to dou
ble tire prlco of oil , up went the price. Dur
ing the first half of this decade the trust
paid 12 per cent in dividends annually. In
1S9C it paid 31 per cent ; In 1S97 the rate was
: ! 0 per cent ; In 1SBD it was 33 per cent ; und
WOO opens with dividends at the rate of SO
per cent. This question arises , will an SO
per cent dividend rate rovlva competition ?
We presume the trust has been acting ad
visably in Increasing the-price of its product
so tremendously , nnd It can probably be
taken for granted that competition
will be nipped In the bud
If it shows signs of asserting Itself once
more. The trust unquestionably does not
expect to pay at the rate of 80 per cent right
along. It is Blmply gathering rosebuds
while it may.
There is food for reflection to the people
of this country in the fact that the pcr-
petrators of this policy practically dominate
the financial situation of the United States
today. They possess the power ( and they
do not hesitate to use it ) to manipulate the
money market in their own interests. No
vested rights nro free from the like
lihood of assault 'by them. They have como
very near succeeding In an attempt to
wreck the entire copper interest of Boston ,
Through their control ot the largest bank
In the western hemisphere they aided ma
terially in producing such a state of affairs
in Wall street in 1899 as necessitated the
intervention of the national government to
prevent a financial panic of the. greatest
magnitude. These are not facts to bo Idly
dismissed. Their bearing upon the < lestlny
of the republic is perhaps the most im-
pcrtant question that confronts the Ameri
can people.
Before leaving the subject wo may call
attention to the fact that in the last two
years the Standard Oil party have locked
up many millions in a copper share specu
lation. Does It not look as If they were
determined that the people of the Unltec
Slates should make good these millions to
thc-m ? An advance of 43 per cent in tha
ptica of qll since last May helps out a gooi
Set-ret of ( lit * PiiHh Ilclilnil Sppolul
PeiiNloii Ijculnliitluii.
New York Times.
It Is well to remember that the enormous
amount of pension legislation now be
pressed in congress is not the work of the
soldiers as u class , nor even of a very great
proportion of tbo soldiers. In very large
part , the persons receiving or Becking pen
sions now aio not soldiers , but the relatives
of soldiers , and these have none ot the sense
of prldo that generally is felt by those who
have been In the military service. Another
considerable number of the present appli
cant's for pension are men who deserted from
the army or In other ways forfeited theli
rights , or these who were mere camp fol
lowers and never exposed themselves to an )
danger. Back of this army of hungry and
unscrupulous persons or persons never really
connected with the service arc tha pension
attorneys , more greedy and unprincipled
than the clients they hunt up from all cor
ners of the land. It is this class that are
hounding congress for the passage of the
flood of private pension bills , almost ovcry
ono of which enacts a claim that has bcei
carefully and "honestly examined lu the
Pension Bureau and rejected for good cause.
The whole theory of the special leglslu-
onthis subject is wrong. There are
only a very few cases In which a pension
should bo paid except in accordance with
general laws nnd capable of definite proof In
compliance * with the tests imposed by the
bureau. Thorn is almost no claim that can
ho passed on toy a committee of congrees so
honestly , fairly , and wisely as by the trained
and responsible officers of the bureau. Wo p
do not know that there Is. any way of en
forcing on congress the application of this °
perfectly sound principle. It Is not prac
tlcabJo to restrict the powers of congress ]
by statute , and If the committees nnd the
two bouses cbooso to abuse their powers , as
tboy continually do , they cannot bo pre-
vented. But It ought to bo well understood
by the country that their motives nro not
good , and that In the great body of cases they
are not acting from reckless generosity ,
but selfishly. The pension attorneys arc the
organizers and managers of the so-called
"soldier votcv" and they menace with it
every congressman who stands In their way.
Probably nine-tenths of the undeserved pen
sions voted In congress are the product of
this sort of blackmail , in which the pension
sharks arc experts. The only check on them
is wholesome public opinion , muinly that of
the real soldiers , and this Is not sufficiently
direct and well Informed at present to have
. decided Influence. There has never been
time when congicsa wuct so reckless nnd
shameless In this direction.
It In I.iir t'r 'I'll a n Hint of Ollirr Itc-
liloiiH OruuiiUt-il UN 'IVrrlloi-li-N.
The proposition pending in Washington
for the aJmltslun of Hawaii as u territory
the United Stated on similar termx with
Matka and not as a colonial dependency "
the United State.i , ns is the case with
Porto Klco , has received much support ,
ne of the arguments advanced In favor nf
, says the New York Sun , Is that Hawaii
lias now more than the ( usual population "
f a territory , By tlio census taken In 1S97
.he total population of the Hawaiian Mauds
ivas 100,000 and us there * has been a con-
ildcrable Increase In population an well aa \
n trade since the formal annexation of the
glandu In ] 898 the present population is "
crfalnly in excess of 110,000 anil probably
considerably more than that. Alaska was
lurchiued from Russia in 1867 , and lt popu-
atlon was estimated then at 25,000 , Ily the IV
ensus of I860 It was 30.000 und In 1SSO u
vu 33,000.
There ! e no established provision requlr-
ng a stated population for u territory as
prerequisite to organization au such V
ongroja , and a majority of the territories
rcanlzed had at tbe time considerably Ie03
population than Hawaii la known to hav6 at
present. Minnesota wa * organized as a ter
ritory ( It became- stnto In 1S5S ) In ISlli ,
nnd It , 1mit by the first census surcecdlnp Its
ailnilMlon a population at only C.OOO. t'tih
became a territory In ISi.O and it had at
the tlmo a population of only 11,000. Oregon
gen was organized as n territory In ISIS
and It had at the time a population of only ,
12,000. Its growth afterward was rapid and
it had more than HO,000 population ten years
later. Colorado wn organized us n terri
tory in ISfil and It had at the time n popil-
latUm ot 30,000. Twenty years later the
population of Colorado was 200,000. Ari
zona was organized as a territory In 1S63
nnd hnd nt the tlmo n population of about
7,000. New Mexico , which , with Arizona ,
has 'been for a number of years a claimant
for admission to statehood , wan organized
in 1S50 with it population of 60,000. Wyo
ming nt the first fcdcrnl census nfter Iti
ndnlFMon had 9,000 population , Idaho 15,000 ,
Washington 11,000 , Dakota , Including the
present stales of Xorth nnd South Dnkotn ,
4.SOO , Nebraska 28,000 , nnd Kansas , organ
ized ns n territory In 1S51 nnd admitted an
a state in ISfll , 107,000.
It nan been found usually that unorgan
ized regions of the country , when they ro-
celvo stable government under congres
sional authority , Increase population with
great rapidity ntid that whatever reasons
were urged ngulnst organization nt first do
not eland the teat of growth lu population
and resources which follows.
Conipllcnlcil Siilijout SiKM'1'snfully nml
1'rnutliMilly lln < Min pit.
"Woman , " cald the old Codger to a New
York Sun man , "Is a perpetual paradox , a
chronic conundrum without an answer , an
unknown quantity possessed of unexpected
possibilities , a perpetual prize package ot
peculiar potentialities , a conventicle of char
acteristic contradictions nud nn auinranthlno
abrogation of other attributes which are
not alliterative.
"She Is man's greatest earthly blessing
and the cause of most of his misery. Sbo
is his chief inspiration to the achievement
of nil that is good , grand nnd glorious In
thin world nud at the same tlmo a laborsaving -
saving dovlco to help him make n fool of
himself. Shu soothes his tired nerves with
the coo of her gentle voice , but she- always
bar the last word In every controversy with
him and , Incidentally , about 07 per cent of
the preceding conversation. She brings him
Into the world and in a few years late * ' i
talks him to death. , *
"Most of man's iTouble Is caused by
woman , but so deftly docs she pllo the load
oil him that whenever his burden of trouble
Is lifted he wanders uneasily about hunting-
for more otherwise , there- would bo very
few second wives. She will cheerfully go to
the Btnko for the truth's sake nnd llo about
her age without even being asked. She will
grow weary of an Indulgent husband , but
will cleave unto death to the .man . who
boats her regularly. She will break her V-V ;
htnrt because a man docs what she don't 1
vnnt him to , nnd love him nil the better
for so doing.
"Sho scorns all advice In the selection of
a husband , but lakes two other women
along to help her pick out n hat. The Icsn
actual comfort to be obtained from a thing ,
the more enjoyment a woman gets out of its
possession. At 1C she Is a young woman ;
nt 25 , If still unmarried , she is n girl. She
will face the grim specter of death without ,
a tremor , and swoon at the sight of a
mouse. The only time she ever docs what
you expect her to do Is when you expect
her to do just what you don't expect her to
do. The sole reason why she does anything -
Is simply because she don't know why she
docs It. She jumps at conclusions and al
ways lands on them squarely , for the aim.
plt > reason that when the conclusion skips
to ono side , thinking to avoid her , it gats , _ . .
exactly in her way. She Is tno dearest thing
In all the world , and the most aggravating.-
She Is ns she Is , and that's all there is In
do about it. The only man who over fully
understands a woman Is the man who un
derstands that ho don't understand her. and
has got sense enough to let it go at that.1'
ciii-nsuv CHAFF.
Somervlllo Journal : When the para-
grapher nH.serts Unit a sodii crncki > r l a
square meal , 1m thinks , of course , that lie
Is Indulging la dry liumor.
Indianapolis Press : "Undo Abner. did
you enjoy staying at that big hotel In
totvn ?
"Gee I guess HO ; T rid up an' down In
II ; ' ! lero lron lire-escnpo all day fer
Chicago Record : "An Inventor is a man
who something new , Isn't ho ? " r
No ; 1111 Inventor Is a man who eets a. . 'j
natent out ahead of all the other men who A
have Invented the same thing. " t\
Philadelphia Uncord : Hoax I belleva
everything my wlfo tells me.
JOHX On general principles.
Hoax Yes ; I think ovury man should be-
llevo nbout half ho hears , nnd I prefer to
bellcvo the better half.
Detroit Free Prows : She Have you de
cided what the national air Is ?
He Oh ye. . .
She What Is It ?
Chicago Tribune : "For my part , " said
the man In thn mackintosh , "f am clud „
tnoy liuyo organized a banana trust. " *
- - - -
the man with tlio
"The next time I slip on n. Imnana skin
"kCB 1M1 Un ° W whom to HU"
Nws : ' " < 1 a no' ' ' " the
Kitchen and -crept down. Ho carried a
Htol and she a curtain nolo. They they
, J
discovered the canso of tlm nolHo.
Did yoii see that rnt Jump out of Inn
\ il7 IM' ' " ? , BnB ) Cv ( holding lier. nklrtd
\Vliy lldn't "
< you shoot him ?
" ? ! WUS J"Ht ° Ut ° f my range "
he , * ! <
Porter 12. IJrown In Boston Globe.
Sir Iledvers UuIIcr stood upon a kopje fair
nnd round ,
And gawd at LadyHrnlth ncroxs ( ho voldt.
Ami whicd a 'tear ' from out his eye , anil
then lie heaved a Mich ,
'Twoiiid sure have caused an fceman'/i /
'heart ' to nielt.
Around iiinj stood hl snllnnt staff with
hyphenated mimes ,
And modal : ) on their chests full two feet
deep ,
Who were xvhlto dressed kid cloves upon
their , bunds whene'er awake.
And undressed ones whene'er they went
to sleep ,
The button * which they had would make a
bellboy turn iiulte green ;
1'lnk weather strips were wound around
their calvp ,
Ami most of them were filiifle-lmrrclcd
sriassi1. * In tbt-lr oycs
( Thi-y will Insist on doing things by
luilves. )
Sir IU'dv TH wiped a furtlvo tear from out
bin easlo eye ,
And longingly ho guzed ut tadj smith.
Baid hi1 : "Sometime we'll eat out Hunday
dinner In that idaco.
Hfllovo inn when J uuy that ain't no myth.
"It germs finite -strunge- that wo who each
IUIVH iwfii pulra of ; > ants ,
And titles whli'h we carry round In vana.
And sixty ft-et of choice gold braid nround
our manly client ) * ? t
And whlto kid gloves to wear upon our
ban's ,
"Should have to duck around and dodge a
lot of rustic Hours.
Wbosii whiskers look like hay of years
\Vltli only ono suspender not ; n eyeglass
in the bunch ,
It Biirely is most horrid , dontcherknow.
"Wo'yo often thought we'd eat our Sunday
dinner there before ,
Hut Ootn I'uul Kruger doc not think : it
beat ,
ml surely 'twould bo very Impolite , and
very rude ,
If wu did nut accede to i\\o \ \ request ,
Perhaps ho'l ! realize how unkind his ac-
tlon.i really uro ,
Ami let UH cat our Sunday dinner theie ;
L'ntll ho doea , we'll wander nuud and go
nnd shoot the chutes.
We'll now return to cumn and comb gits