Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Bevmd Export Demand Main Factor in
" Moderatalj Active Wheat Mirket.
Corn Klrm nnil Aellrr Onla Slrn l > -
tiHli Knlr Amount of Trnilr Donr
1'rcivlNlnim Irrcunlnr , Firm In
' Middle , l't\y nt Knitn ,
CHICAGO. Keb. 14. A revived export de
mand was the main factor In a moderately
nctlvo wheat market today , .May clo-dug
' , M'ic ? ! over yoitf-rday. Corn clo od 'VM'it- '
tip and onts unchanced. Provisions clood
Unohaticod to 5f471jc lower.
Disappointing cables Inlluoncod wheat
early , .May opening nic under yesterday nt
W'l'fjCVSio ' ; later the market rallied to GSijfii
iBHo for May on a Herlln cable announc
ing damages to the Herman crop nnd Now
Yo > * ; rnef'saKOs reporting the continent n
Bifid buyer. There was not much sub-
Hlkntlnt support , however , nnd trading
lr V > ped off considerably ns the session ad
vanced , May gradually easing off to 6Si c.
INoar Iho end a sharp advance was caused
by the decrease In the world's vMblo , a
report that Kansas C'ltv had sold eighteen
boatload * for export via gulf ports and the
assertion that local sales for export wore
Rood. Shorts wore good buyers on the re-
nctlon , which carried May to ( ,9o. The
rloso was llrm. May U'alic up at 6STc. ( At
lantic port clcatancofl In wheat and flour
were fqual to 352,00' ' ) bushels. New York re
ported twelve loads taken for export. Pri
mary receipts were 574.000 bushels , com
pared with I27.0VO bushels last year. Min
neapolis and Dulitt'i reported 2x9 car. " ,
ngalnst 316 last week and 330 a year UKO.
T > ical receipts were seventy-one cars ,
three of contract grade.
C'orn was llrm and fairly active. The
buying was principally by Interest coverIng -
Ing shipping snlei. Cash buslnopt was
larco , ono concern selling SOO.OOO bushel" .
The fluctuations of wheat Influenced corn
7noro or lest throughout the session. Re
ceipts hcr < - wore 622 cars. May ranged at
'from ' niHfi.ll'Ho to 3l ic and closed IMi'ie
Up nt 3r > K'i/3.T0. ' |
The oats market wa steady and a fair
nmount of trade was done. The seaboard
was ronortcd a good buyer from receiving
pcopln hero. Local rocolpts were 351 cars.
( May ranged at from 2.1r ! 'ii23jc ' ; ! to K Ti--- ' f-
nnd clos od une'ianged ' nt 23-lir.
Provisions were Irregular , llrm In the
middle , but easy at both ends of the ses
sion. Lower prices for hogs was the chief
Influent o lu the depression. Trade was
dull. The bulge which carried the market
to the high point for the day was due to
light offerings for a tlmo and buvlii'T ' by
shorts. May pork sold at from $10.85 to
J10.92H and closed 5'ii7l-e ' under vorterdny
nt MO.S5fMO.S714 ; May lard at from { 6.02V.
In tfi.ffi'A ' , closing 2V > c lower at JG.0.1. and
May ribs at from Jfi.95 to $6.00 , with the
close unchanced at J5.9714.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow ; Wheat ,
r > 5 oars ; corn , 375 cars ; oats , ICO cars ; bogs ,
SS.OOO head.
The leading ftlturA ranged as follows :
Articles' ! OpenTrillghTr'I.'o ' rciose7rYos'y.
Feb. | I 67 I66i'i !
May 69
July 69 1 69U
Keb. 32i 4 33 i 32141 3214
May 3I1J 3H ,
May 10 8.1 10 9214 ! 10 80 10 8714' ' 10 921 < .
July 10 90 10 971,41 10 PO 10 92141 10 9714
ILard I
May 6 0714 6 021 * 6 05 I n 071-i
July C 1214 ! 6 15 I 6 10 G 12141 6 15
Illbs- !
May n 97141 6 00 .1 95 .1 971M r. 97U
July G 00 I 6 02141 .1 97fe ! ! 6 ( V ) | 6 00 "
No. 2.
Cash quotations were ns follows :
KLOUR Steady ; winter patents , J3.40U
3.1X1 ; straights. $1.oof)3.35 ) ; clears , $2.90 3.10 ;
spring .specials. J3.9'Vii ' 1.00 ; patent * . $3.20ff3.u ! ;
fttr.ilchts. J2.i50ig3.00 ; bakers , $2.10ji2.50.
AY11EAT-No. S spring. S&jiCfMc. No. 2 red.
CORN No. 2 , 31'4c ' ; No. 2 yellow , S3'4 ' < f (
S3',4c. '
OATS-No. 2. r fi 2314c ; No. 2 white , 26c ;
No. 3 while , 25Uf/C6c. (
RYE No. 2. 05140.
UARLEY No. 2 , 3Sfi ( lie.
SEEDS Khixseed. No. 1 and northwest ,
51.60. Prime timothy , J2.SO '
PROVISIONS- jior'k. per bbl. , J9.S01i
lO.ffi. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $5.75f(5.f,5. ( Short
rtbs sides ( loose. ) , J5.85fiG.15. Dry waited
shoulders ( boxed ) . S6.1214'J76.371 < . . Short clear
bides ( boxed ) , $6.&iJ .10.
AVHISKY Distillers' nnlshed goods , on
| ) , IM | of high wines , per gal , , $1.23' ' , ' . .
SUGARS Cut loaf , $6.05 ; granulated , $5.49.
Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
3-Mour , bbls S0,00 < ) 49,000
AVheat , bu 5i,000 ! 77,000
Corn , bu 615dOi ) 659.COO
Oats , bu 499,000 277,000
3lyo , bu 4.000 8,00,1
HJarloy , bu 68,000 10.700
On thn Produce exchange today the but
ter market was llrm ; creameries , 19Ti"241 < .c ;
dairies. 19fi22e. Cheese , firm at 125J13e.
lEsss , easy ; fresh , 12c.
CVKW venue ( ; I.MHAISIAHICKT. : .
IN for Iho nay on Vnrlonn
NE\V YORK. Keb. ll.-KLOUR-Recelpti ,
16,118 bbls. ; exports. 12,659 bbls. ; ijulct , un
changed , about steady ; Minnesota patents ,
$3.S5C < 1.15 ; Minnesota bakers , $2.85f(3.00 ( ; win
ter low grade , J2.25fi2.40 ; winter patentH , * i.W )
< fo3.S5 ; winter straights , | 3. : > ! ifj3.50 ; winter ex
tras , $2.G5ti2.tK ) ; winter low grades , $2.25ji
2.40. Rye Hour , quiet ; fair to good. K.'Mil
3.20 ; choice to fair , $ 'l.r > l(3.GO. ( Ruckwheat
Hour , weak nt Jl.40iJil.50.
CORNMEAI-Qulot ; yellow western , 82c ;
city , 79c ; Rrnndywlne , J2.20iff2.25.
RYE Klrm ; No. 2 western , C5e , f. o. b. ,
nlloat ; state , 60061c , c. I. f. , New York car-
UARI.EY-KIrm ; feeding. mySfic. e. I. f. ,
Now York ; malting , 51SjMe , c. I. f. , Now
Yor ! : .
MARI-EY XIAhT Dull ; western. B5fjG5c.
\VIIKAT Receipts. 44,800 bu. : exports , 10-
OGO bu. Spot , steady : No. 2 rod. 77-1ic ; No.
2 red , ' 9c f. o. b. alloat In store ; No. j north.
TII , Duliith , il'.jij f. o. b. nlloal prompt ;
No 1 hard , Duliith , 83140 f. o. b. prompt.
Options opened easy lu response Io lower
English and Kronch cables and afterward
declined further , owing to light speculative
demand , prospects of xnow west and Hinalj
< : loarancos. In the last half hour , however ,
prices recovered sharply on southwest buyIng -
Ing and closed steady to Ui- not higher ;
March , 77'(77i ' ( : c. closed at 77aHc ; May , 75'fi
75Vi. closijd at 75ie ! ; July , 7lVj(7ri3aC. ( ( closed
nt 7.vio. }
CORN Receipts , 211,500 bu. ; exports. 230-
H2I bu. Spot , steady ; No. 2 , 42Vf. . o. b ,
nlloat and ' 410 elevator. Options opened
-asy with'wheat anil under bearish eablos.
Country acceptances wore moderate and
demand unimportant. Inducing an easy tum
uli day until near the close , when prices
rallied. Closed steady J4o net doc-lino ; May ,
tOlsjWiio , closed at 10'ic ; July , 41CTIlikc
closed nt 41Ue.
UATS Receipts , 111,700 bu. ; exports , 16,810
bu. Spot , steady ; No. 2 , 29c : No. 2 , 2s".i' ;
No. 2 while. 31 ! > , c ; No. 3 white , ai > ic- ; track ,
mixed western , SifiilO u ; track , white , Illtj
S5c. Options slow nnd barely steady.
IIAYSleadjgood ; to cliolco , 80SfS7'ic ' ;
shipping , t'GiOu. (
IlOI'S Steady ; state , common to choice ,
1895 crop. 6c ; 1S9S crop , 7 < f/9o ; 1899 crop. 12ff
] 3o : PncllK- coast , IS * ! crop , 4jGc ; 1S9S crop
7fi9c ; 1890 crop. 12' 13c.
HIDES Klrm ; Oalveston , 20 to 25 Ibs. ,
19'se ; Texan dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. , I5c ; Cali
fornia , 21 to 25 Ibi. , 21'i.c.
KEATHER Klrm ; hemlock sole ; Duonns
A > ros. light io hcuvywelishu. S5fl23 . .o ;
ncld , 25fi25Hc.
PROVISIONS Hoef , dull : family , Jll.iiof ?
12.00 : me s , SlO.OOji 10.50 : beef hams , } 20.60f *
C1.00 : nacltf $10..10t/12.W / : city , extra India
JIICSH , J20.00022.tX ) . Cut moatH. steady ; pit-kind
bellies , J6.ail)7.f'li ) : pickled ehouldorg , Jii-
pickled hams , JJ.EOJi 10.2.1. Lard , dull : wust-
ern steam closed JG.M ; 1-Vbruary. JG.SO ;
j-ellned , tlriu : continent , $ ij.55 : South Amer
ica , H.SO : commmiul. Jfi.OQijU.U'la. Pork ,
quiet ; mess , * 10.SMill.25 : Bhort dear. 111.75
(113.00 ; family. JI3.1WI3..10. Tallow , strolls'
cllv 6Vic , country. 5'4if5Hc. !
MKTAI.S Ititluoncoil byin advunce In
the London market tin Imrnovil couHldar-
nbly today , but failed to develop activity
worthy of mention. Spoiler , on th , other
Jiutul. wus depressed anil lower , with do-
innnd light iiuil offerings more oxu > u > lvt. .
The other depurtmeiitH dlisplayod no chanvo
of Importance. At Iho close the Metal ex-
nsked ; spelter Ipwer and easy. With .
hid nnd $4.70 nuked. The brokers' price for
lead Is $4.45 and for copper tic.25.
l.lvrriioiil ( irniii nnil l'rovi lou .
MVKlirOOU Kob. H-\VHBAT-Spoi
flrm. Kutures. etciidy , March , 5s | 0 ? d. May ,
C * I0 ld ! July , 6n 10 ? > , d ,
CORN Siot , American mixed , new ,
steady at 3 Sid : American mxed. ! old ,
steady nt 3i9d. Kuturo ? , quiet ; Ke-bruary ,
.March Hiid May. 3- > * \ < 1.
PRoVISIONS- . extra India mess ,
steady t SOs ; prime mess , steady at 72s 6d.
Hams , short out , steady at 49s d. Huron.
Cninborlatifl cut , dull nt 37s fid ; short ribs ,
dull at SSiM ; lena < -lonr middles , light ,
steady at 3tis ; long clear middles , heavy ,
steady at 'Xf. short clear ba ks , steady nt
; iis ; clonr bellies , dull at nosfi.1. hard ,
American leflnod. In pall , steady at 3.'s ;
prime wostprn , In tierces , steady at 31s 3d.
Shoulders , square , steidy nt 31s. Tallow-
Australian , In London , llrm nt 2 s 6d.
Coiiillltoii nf Trnilo nnd ( | notnlon
mi Mtnplc nnil l'niiy 1'roilncr.
KOOS Receipts Increasing ; fresh stock ,
weak nt lie.
DHKSgStiD POri.TRY-Cholcc to fancy
turkeys , 9f(10c ; ducks , Si r/9c ; geese , SlfcQIc ;
spring chickens , Ssidi9c ; hens , S'iJSlsc ; roosters -
ers , IfiGc.
MVK I'OUl/rRY-llens , G JTTc ; spring
chicken1 ? . 6i . ( i(7c ( : old nnd staggy roosters ,
3t > 5c : ducks , 8'j.e ; turkeys , 7c.
nL'TTKIl Common to fair , 16o ; choice ,
17jil8c ( ; separator , 25c ; gathered creamery ,
"iMOKONS-Mvo , per Ao ? . , 9.cOI.OO.
VKALS-Choloo , ! i 10c.
rjAMIC-Duclcs , mallards. $3.00f3.2.1 ; blue
wlr-g teal , $1.75 ; green wing teal , J1.2rTjl.GO ! ;
mixed duck ? , SI.GO fc.nO.
OY8T1CHS Medium , per can , ISc ; stand-
an. , per can , 22o ; bulk standard , per gal. ,
$1.25 : extra j-oloctx , per can , 30c ; extra se-
locs , per gal. , $ l.GOtrl.7.1 ; New York counts ,
PIT can , 37c ; Now York countx , per 100 , $1.25.
HAY Per carload lots : i.'pland , choice ,
$6 ; midland , choice , $5.GO ; lowland , choice ,
$5 ; rye straw , choice. $ I.GO ; No. 3 corn. 2S4c ;
No. 3 white oats , 22'4e ; cracked corn , per
ton , $11 ; corn nnd oats , chopped , per ton ,
$11.50 : bran , per ton. $12 ; shorts , per ton , $13.
N13\V Tt'RNlPS-Per dor. , bunches. BOc.
St'IXAPH Per box , $1.
NK\V HKKTS Per doz. bunches , 40050C.
l.KTTrciS Per doz. bunches , 40c ; fancy
head lettuce , per bbl. , $ ! " - .
HADISHUS Per dor. , bunches , 40c.
SWHUT POTATOKS Per bbl. , Illinois ,
$ ; ! ; Jorseyc , $5 ; largo bbls. , Kansas , J2.7G.
PO'l'ATOKS-iPer bu. , choice , 30ij40c.
CAlIUAUli Hnlliilid seed. 2c.
( \.VL'LlKlO\VKR-Cnllfornla , per crate ,
$2.25.CKM3IIY Per doz. . 251f30c : California ,
nor bunch , 40iii"5c.
TI'llNlPS-Rutabagas. per lb. , llic : Cav
ONIONS Retail , yellow , 75c ; red , S5SfMo ;
Chios , per bbl. , $2.25.
Ml'SHHOOMS Per lb. box. 50c.
TOMATOKS Florida , per 6-basket crate ,
RIirnARB-Per doz. . WSi75c.
APPLKS Choice western shipping stock ,
$3.urHi3.DO ; Now York stock , $1 ; fancy , $ I.GU
( J ( 1.75.
GRAPKS-Malaga , per bbl. . $7.009.00.
CRANBKRRlKS-Bell nnd Bugle , per
bbl. . $ S.
ORANGKS-Mexican , per box. $3 ; Cali
fornia navels , per box , $3.25i3.nO ; Cali
fornia seedlings , per box. $2.,10iJ2.7u.
lI3MONS-Callfornla. choice , $3.00fi3.GO ;
per box , $3.00 ; fancy , $3.50 ; Mcsslnns , Cali
fornia , choice , $3.50f3.75 ; per box , $3.CO ;
fancy , $1.00.
BANANAS Per bunch , medium , $1.75 ©
2.00 ; fancy , $2.00B2.25.
I1ONKY Per 24-scctlon case. $3.25.
Nt'TS Hickory , large , per bu. , $1.25 ;
shcllbarks , $1.35 ,
KIGS California , layers , per 10-lb. box ,
90c ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.00 ;
Imported llgs , per lb. , 13c.
HIDES No. 1 green bides , Sc ; No. 2 green
hides , 7o ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No. 2 salted
bides , 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , 9c ;
No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc.
niAx < ; i3.s ix visiiii.iSUPPLY. ; .
SlncUn nf ( irniii All on < mill Anlioro Re
ported liy Tolp rnpli nnil Cnble.
N10\V YORK , l-'cb. 14. Special cable and
tolegraphlc advices In Bradstreet'n show
the following changes In available supply
from the last account :
WHEAT United States anil Canada , east
of Rock'es ' ( Liverpool Corn Trade News ) ,
decrease , 865,000 bushels ; alloat for and in
Eurone , decrease , l.fiflO bifhols ; total sup
ply , decrease. l.SOTi.OtX ) bushola
CORN United States and Canada , east
of Rockies , Increase , 239,000 bushels.
OATS United States , ind Canada , east
of Rockies , decrease. 1S.OOO bushels.
Among the Important Increases noted
anil not given In the olllclal visible state
ment are those of 100,000 bushel * nt north
western Interior elevators nnd 65,000 bush
els t Newport News.
The principal decreases ir * s'r.oEf of 145.-
OCO bushels nt Manitoba ptorage points ,
1CS.OOO bushel' ! nt Portiund , Me. , : ind SS.OOO
busheln at Chicago private elevators , the
aggregate stock of wheat hold at Portland.
Ore. , and Seattle nnd Tncorrm , Wns-X , In
crease , 3G.OCO bushels last week.
SI. I.onlH ( irniii mid I'ruvlnlonn.
ST. LOUIS. Keb. 14. WHEAT-Hlgher ;
No. 2 rod. cash , elevator. 71c ; track , 72 J73c ;
Kebruary , 71c ; May , 71ii711,4o : No. 2 hard ,
KLOITR.-Klrm and unchanced.
CORN Hlchor : No. 2 cash. XHic ; track ,
.Who ; Kebruary , r.21Ac ; May , 331i < ii33c ; July ,
ait- .
OATS-Qulet ; No. 2 cash. 2114c ; track ,
2l > ir-25c : ( | ; Kebruary , 24140 ; May , 2414 24 0 ;
No. 2 white , 2 < 4 26l4c.
RYE Dull ; 6IUc.
SEEDS Timothy. $ J.00172.10 ; prime worth
ino-o : flax , nominal at $1.5S.
CORNMICAL Higher at $1.8001.85.
BRAN Klrer : acko < l. east track , 6414c.
HAY-Tlmothy , llrm at $9.GOT11.00 ;
pr.ilrio. slow at $7.75f3.23.
AVHISKY-Steady at $1.2314.
PROVISIONS Pork , steady ; jobbing ,
$10.50 for old ; $11.3714 for new. Lard , steady :
prlmo steam , .15.75 ; choice , $5.SO. Dry s-alt
boxed meats , extra shorts , $6.1214 ; clear
ribs , $6.25 ; clear sides , $ G.S714. Bacon , boxed
extra shorts , $6.62'n ; clear ribs , $6.75 ; clear
Hides. $6.871' . .
METAUS-Lend. quiet ; $ l.GO'ff$4.62Vj.
Spelter , linn ; $4.62',4f(4.G5. '
POULTRY Klrm ; chickens , 6144780 ; tur
keys1 , GOTic ; ducks , Sl'.c ; geese , 5ltCe.
RECEIPTS Klour , G,0i)0 bbl . : wheat , II-
OO'J bu. ; corn , lOt.Ofx ) 'bu. ' ; oats. 26,000 bu.
SHlPMK.NTS-Kloiir , 15,000 libld. ; wheat ,
35,0J bu. ; corn , 181,000 bu. ; oat.s , 17,000 bu.
Holler. KUK nnil flu-ene .IliirUot.
Creamery. 20fdairy. / ! : . ISc.
EGfJS t'lub'rtono weak , ur.der Intluonces
of liberal offerings ; frc-sh - Missouri and
Kansas stock , llrsts , 101 ; - . cases returned.
NEW YORK , Keb. ll.-BUTTER-Ro-
celptH. 3.39S jiackages ; steady ; Juno i-ream-
cry. lUT/2.c ! ; western , 2llR23o ; factory , 164/190.
CHKESE-Rocolpts , 1.1-31 : .steady ; fall
Hindi- fancy largo , and fall made , fancy
small. 1254 < tl | c ; choice grades , 1H45T12140.
1JOS ! Rocelpt , 15,6So packages ; utrons ;
woHii-rn , l'i" : < - at mark.
LIVERPOOL. Kob. ll.-CIIEE'SE-Anieil-
cnn tlncst while , llrm at 5Ss ; American tin
es , lulnrod. llrm at CO * .
.ST. LOUIS , Keb. H.-JRUTTER-Steady ;
ci-PiimorleH. 2iVii2i4c | | ; dairy , WiiMc.
EcrS-IIl8hor : ! nt IH.t- .
'I'll ' 1 LA DEI-IMIIA. Kc-li. 14.-BUTTER-
Sluuly ; fnncy woHtorn creamery. 26c ; fancy
wostoin prititw. 27c.
KfljS ( Steady ; fresh neniby , western and
Houthwojtorn. lie ; southern , l c.
CORN Mav , 31aic ; cash , No. 2 mixed ,
Slljc ; No. 2 white. : il"ifiimiNo. : : . 3 , 31c ,
( JATS-No. 2 white. 2lliD24 ( : 4e.
RYE-NO. 2 , GU- .
HAY-Cliol-o ( Ihnotliy , $3.00fl9.50 ; choice' '
prairie. $0.75 7.00.
HEi'EIPTS-W'ieat , 12,000 bu. ; corn , 35-
000 b" . : iiats , 6,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS- Wheat , 15,000 bu. ; corn ,
4S.900 bu. ; outs. 2.WJ bu.
Toioilo > l rUcl.
TO I KDO , O. . Keb 11. WIlEAT-Kirm
ami active for futures ; No. 2 c Hh , 7''lic ;
, Ma74e. : . .
1'ORN Actlvo and steady ; NO. 2 mlx&d ,
\ -
I ( JATS-Dull : No. 2 mixed. 24't.c. '
RYE No sale * .
CLOVK ? KID-DIIII and steady ; prime
cash. old. $ l.i5 ! asked ; Kebruary. now , $5. 621s
I Mar.'h , $3.05 ; No. 2 sued. SI.SOft4.75.
MlniiiiiliiiIlMVliiiil nnil l-'lonr.
noro. NH. 1 northorn. 1-Vbruarv , CGc : 'May ,
We : July. U7J iC7i1c. ! On track : No. l
bant , 67i. i" No. 1 northern , 655ic ; No. 2
nottho'1,441. .
KLOUH-.Mj-koi steady and firm ; tlri t
nalerts. $ : | .60 < 3.70 ; yei-ond patents. n.Wfi
: i i : Hrst clears. $2.605)2.70 ; second c'oarw ,
J'MO.HP.AN'ln bulk. fll.OOflU 35.
i iiiiliiM- i rill n
I-owor : NII 1 northern , CS14c ; No. 2 north-
orn. tfMit > 6 < . - .
HYK Klnr. No. 1 , S'a60c.
BARLEY Steady ; No. 2 , 461-e ; sample ,
Cnllforuln Drlril KrulU.
IRlii ; KRUl'IS Trading was slow In
evaporated apples lodny ; prime grudea
were kllchtly lower under heavy rccelpu
nnd unfavorable country n-Uloe * ; nfforlncs
wore liberal , but buyers r lit'cd to take
hold In nntti-ifintlon if fnrihoiI'onco.'rtoni
In prices. At the "Ui = e undertone of
the market wn wnk. Thrc : was a anmll
jobbing ini'lness reported . with the tone
steady ; ovaporntod apples , common , n'tlw ;
prlmo. fii' Wiii < : choice. 7fl7i5i- ; fancy , "in
S'4c. Prunr. , Vtfte per lb. . ns (0 t slr.o and
quality. Apt loot" . Royal , 13l c ; Moor
Park. ISfllSc. PPOC'IOS , pooled , ISflSlc ; unpeeled -
peeled , "ij'psp. '
DiiliKli ( ; rnln .Market.
DULUTII , Feb. II. WHEAT-No. 1 hard ,
cnsh. 677iic : No. 1 northern , cash.66aic ;
May. 6S , c ; July. G9Hc ; No. 2 nortiiern ,
G73iio : No. 3 sprlnc. 60-Si' .
OAT8-21 * 5J2lo.
CORN-32 ie.
Inrkol SliiiMs fonllmiiliu-c of Yci-
lordn > ' < SlreiiKtli In I > n1lim .
NEW YORK. Kob. 14-Tho slock market
tod.iy showed a continuance of yesterday's
strength In the early dealings , but the
buying came almost altogether fiom pto-
fesslomil sources , with the purpose of In
viting outside demand. The outside demand
failed to materialize , business from the
commission houses continuing on a small
scale. In fa'-t. selling orders to some extent -
tent came on the market from commission
houses which wore attributed to western
account , tint which were without explana |
tion. The professional buyer Blew tired and
sold to realize when the futility of the ef |
forts to attract outside buying orders was I
perceived. Several points of posit lye weak-
lie ? . " wore developed by the sean'hlng i.f-
forts of the bears and stoploss orders wete 1
vncovercd by ottering prlri-n down. The re
sult was a general reactionary tendency , I
which wiped out practically all ot the
earlier gain nnd established some shaip
losses In sn--Ial sUcks. The shorts coveri-J
before the close , causing sharp rallies at
the weak spots and a general stiffening of
the whole market , as a result of wlilch
the closing was llrm nnd net changes In the
mnlorlty of stocks small. The local traction
stocks and the Industrials wore the le-idors
In the opening advance. Sugar , lob.u'-o ,
Western Union , People's Gas. Pressed olocl ,
Rubber preferred nnd so nc of the Iron and
steel stocks wore all represented by gains of
1 to IV- and Tennessee was up 314 on
rumors of a plan to retire the preferred
stock and begin dividends on the common
Continued heavy buying was In ovldom-u
In Pennsylvania. Baltimore. * Ohio , bt.
Paul , Missouri Pacllic and other storks ,
those named rising n point. Buying if some
of these was attributed to operations l.y
-speculative pool ? . The llrst point of weak
ness to develop was Third Avenue , on the
innouncemoiu of a dividend ot only 1 per
ii-nt , as compared with PA for the 1-ist niiiir-
tcr of 1SP9 nnd 14 per cent for the three
preceding years. The stock fell ar. cxUemo
4 % and caused sympathetic weakness in
the other local traction stocks. Metropoli
tan West Side preferred of Chicago jumped
f. points on the di-claratlan of its llvld nd.
The demand for stocks was listless lor the
rest of the day and the bears made succes
sive attacks on different stocks. Hi-bbor
common and preferred lost 41s anJPi
points , respectively. Continental Tobacco
was raided down 3 points on rumors of a
bond Issue and American Tobacco lost Us
earlier gain In sympathy. Sugar fell 1",4
from the top , Federal Steel lli. Paclllc
Mall Us and Baltimore & Ohio ! % The
news of the day was mostly favorable and
the reaction wus apparently due to techni
cal causes. Traders were Inclined to take
profits on the pending passage by the seivite
of the financial bill , which Is taken for
granted and which has been the -basis of
some speculation on account of Us provi
sions for expanding the currency. Money
on call continued offering In abundant sup
ply , so that speculators were not made un
easy by the evidences of absorption of cash
by the subtreasury and a. continuing de
mand from the Interior. The further life
In London discount rate caused a rtrn tone
to sterling exchange but no quotable c-hrnsc
In price.
The bond market -was moderately active
ind Irregular. Total sales , par value , $ ' . ' ,705-
United States old 4s advanced 14 In the
bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : Business In the
markets here was so slack today that the
.lealers occupied much of their tlmo In
practical joking. The earlv tendency waste
to droop , hut ttiero was a slight nanietihig
toward the close on reports that Lord Rob
erts was moving. Americans were Idle about
parity. New York bouKht nothing but Balti
more & Ohio , but the close was steady.
The bank bought 17,000 sold In German
coin and ralced tlic ! > rlce on farthing to
77s 9ijd. Money was stlif. calls ranging up
to 3 per cent. There was small borrowing
from the bank by late comers. BIllH wer.-
more plentiful. Silver was heavy at thi-
The following are. the quotations for the
leading stocks on the New York oxchanse
today :
Atchlson 3l Tex. < fc Pac1flc. . . 16'J ,
do pfd 63 % Union Pacific . . . . 50' < ,
Baltimore & O. . . 63 % do pfd 7li ! < .
Can. Pacific 9Si Wabn'ih 6\
Can. Southern . . 48'4 do pfd 20T
Chos. & Ohio. . . . 29 fc W. & L. E lOli
Chicago Gt. W. . . inU : do 2d pfd. . . . 27i !
C. . B. & Q 126\\'ls. Central . . . . 181 ,
Chi. . Ind. & L. . . 1614 Adams Ex 115
do pfd 15 American Ex 147
hlcago & E. I. . . S2 U. S. Ex 47
Chicago & N. W.162 Wo'ls-Fargo ' Ex.123
C. , R. I. & P..109UA. Cot. Oil 31
C. , C. , C. & St. L. Cm do pfd 93
Colorado So 5ai Amer. Malting . . 514
do 1st pfd. . . 43 , do pfd 25U
do 2d pfd. . . . 1G Amer. S. & R. . . . 4114
Del. & Hudson. . 115 i do pfd 90-1. ,
DC ! . L. & W 177 'Amer. ' Spirits . . . 2
Denver & R. G. . Wi do pfd 17
do pfd 71'j > Amor. S. H 47
Erie 12i do pfd 8414
do 1st pfd. . . . 36 ii Ami-:1. : S. & W. . . GSli
Gt. Nor. pfd 159 ! do pfd Kl'd
Hocking Coal . . . 17 'Amor. ' Tin Plato. 3414
Hocking Valley. . 34 do pfd SO
Illinois Central..113- 1 Amer. Tobacco . .HO'd
Iowa Central . . . . 12U do pfd 13514
do pfd r,2',4 A. Mill. Co 44Tii
* K. C. . P. & G. . 13 Hrooklvn R. T. . . 7414
Lake Erie .t \ \ ' . . su Colo. K. & 1 4G14
do pfd Silicon. Tobacco . . . . : : : U
I nke Shore 191 I do pfd SHi
Louis. & Nash. . . SI iKederal Steel . . 5.1U
Manhattan L . . . 9)14 do pfd 7.1
Mot. St. Ily 17914 Gen. Electric . . .125
Mex. Central . . . . l-'s Glucose Sugar . . 56r'n
Minn. & St. L. . . m i do pfd 9Sli
do pfd 9:114 : Int'n'l Paper . . . . ' !
Mo. Paclllc 4iiT do ptd lit
Mobile & Ohio. . . 441i Laelude Gas 77
M. , K. & T 1W Nat , Biscuit 37
do pfd 18 % do pfd 9IN
N. J. Central 11614 National Load. . : . 27U
N. Y. Central..lli.lVd do pfd 101' .
Nor. & West 28 % National Steel . . EOU
do pfd 73 do pfd 9114
No. Pac'.lle ' ' ' ! % N. Y. Ar | Brake. . 130
do pfd 7li No. American . . .IPs
Ontario & W. . . . 21 Pacltic Coast . . . . 52
Ore. Ry. & Nav. 42 I do 1st pfd. . . 83
do pfd 76 I do 2d pfd. . . . 61
Pennsylvania . . .l : > .Vii Pacific Mail 41
Reading 1SV , People' * Gas . . . .IOS
do hit pfd. . . 56U , Pressed S. C 56
do 2d pfd. . . . 2ST1 do pfd 87
Rio G. W 45 Pullman P. C..1S )
do pfd S Stand. R. & T. . . . S',1
St. L. & S. K. . . . 101' , Sugar mi ,
do 1st pfd. . . 6 < ! do pfd 113
do 2d nfd. . . . 351' Tenn. C. & 1 100U
St. L. S. W U. 8. Leather 17K
do pfd . 271 do pfd 75Ti
St. Paul . 1 2.W- U. S. Rubber 31U
do pfd . I71 i do pfd 951-i
St. P. & 0 . 110 Western Un'on . . 84. %
Ho. Pacific . : H Republic I. & S. . 25
So. Railway . 1S > do pfd 68 i
do pfd . 56 i P. . ( V , C & St. L. 61
Trust receipts ; llrst assessment paid.
Moislon MIllllll.V StocUa.
BOSTON , Keb. 14. Call loans , 3ifii ! ! nor
cent : tlmo loans , 4145J5 per cent. Closing
prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares :
A. . T. & S. K. . . . 20' ' 'Von End pfd. . . 1U
do pfd 63' WlH. CcnfiU . . . . IS
Amer. Sugar . . . .11 ! Uom. Coal Ills
do pfd IH do pfd ,116
Bell Telephone , . : :3/ / Alchson : Is 99
no'ton A'b'y.-42 Adventure 5
BcFton E'ovat.-d. 96" Al'ouoa Mill. Co. 3
Boston & Mo. . . . IflS'i Atlantic
C. B. & Q ISI''oiton * Mont..278
Kit. KinI" . . . .20" Ulltle it Boktnn . )
Kllchburg nfd . .I"1 "u'umot & H..760
Gen. Electric . . . .12'i1 Centennial . 19
Federal Steel . . . . 5V , Franklin . 15
do pfd. Humboldt . 1
Xh-x. Central I2"J Oscoola . 75
Mich. TVophone.lM Parrot . IS
Old Co'ony Sfi-l Qulncy . 14rt
Old Dominion . . . 50 Fo Cop. , . . 614
Rubber 31 Tamarack . . - . 19' '
Union Pacific . . . 5 ii Wlnona
Union Laud . . . . 2'i ' Wolverines . 41' ?
\\Yift End 93 Utah . 29i ;
Kuri-ltcti Kliiiinttlnl ,
LONDON , FJ \ H American fturllle *
after u Hrm opening , were quiet , with a dc-
vllnliiK tendency , but near the i-lono re
covered , ind loft off llrm. The demand was
moderate , fpunlfch 4s cUsed at U7.02i-j. Bul
lion to the amount if 117.COO was taken Into
thf Bank of England on balance today.
go ! 1 77s 9'id. ' Gold pit-mining arc quoted :
Madrid. ? 9. " : Homo. 7.30.
PARIS. Fi-b. | J. Buslnpi-s opened dull on
the > oure today and there waa a continu
ance of mle * . In view of thn approaching
rettlement. Suiisftquently the market l > o-
cam quirt and iirMlatlnc In the .ibitnre of
advices from abroad Inconsequent o of the
Interruption of telegruphU- and UlophuiiK-
communication , iluito the Ftoriuy weathfi1.
and closed dull. Kattli > were we.ik. but
Imprcn-eil slightly at th nnUh. 4 p. m.
Hirew per cent rentes , K fo71s.- for the ac
count. Exihanpo on 1 ondon , 'JOfSl.- for
checks , SpanUh to , 6S.47U.
BBRLIN Feb. U. Business on the boursft
today wan weak , owing to ihe absence of
war news , causing realizations. American
were well malntnli od. Canadian
Pat Hit K nnd lo. all wore woikT. Kxi hatipo
on London DO ni rl < il1"fas for checks.
Dlocount rate ? : Short bills.3ia per ioiu ;
three-months' 'bills. I per cent.
NIMVork .
NEW YORK. Fob. ll.-MONEY-On cull ,
steady nt 2772i. | per cent : last loan , at 2's '
per cent ; prlmo mercantile paper. 4fi.1 per
actual business In bankers' bills at ? I.S71sTT
4.S7 i for demand and at $ l.84UfM.SP * for
sixty days ; posted tales. $4.So and $ I.S&1 < i ;
commercial bills , $1.VUr I.S3'jj. '
SILVER-Cortlllcatts. M UJSlc ; bar , 59'j ;
Mexican dollar ? , I7i c.
BONDS Governinclit. stronc. slate ,
strong , tnllroad , Iriegular.
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds :
V. R. 2s. reg liC'i ' N . Y. C. ls. 109'1
do 3s. reg 1033j N. .1. C. g. 5 = , - . . . . 121
do coupon 103-1 ; , No. Carolina 6s. 127
do new 4 > , reg.131 Vr > . Care Inn 4 . .10H
i . .111 NO. Paclllc 3s. . . erf it
do o'.d 4. . rosr..lil"i do 4s . IOIU
do coupon 111 * < , . . .
do c.s. rog 1123i . W. c. 4s. . . . 9P4
do coupon 112-li do gen. 6s . 130
D. of C. 3 , 0-1..11T Ore. Nav. Is . 110
Atch. ceil. 4i . . . . .Iffi do 4s . 10H4
do adj. Is 82 % Ore. S. L. 6s . 127ii
Can. Southern 2s.lK > i'j do coil. 5s . 114'j
dies. & O. 4141. . . 9SM Reading gen. 4s. . S3' ; ,
do 5s US' ' * R. G. W. Is . 971 ! .
C. .t N.V. . e. 7'.141 St.L. .t l.M.c.5 .111-V ,
do S. K. deb. Gs.120 St.L. . < i S.K. g. U2U
Chlcngo Tor. 4s. . 93H St. Paul cons 107
D. & R. G. 1 102 = i St.P. . C. , t P. ls.119
do 4s 91 I do It 120U
E. T. . V. , < ; G. ! .10P4 So. Railway 5s . .10S = i
Erie ROII. 4. 71'i S. R. & T. 61. . . . 75
K. W. .t U. C. Is. 71 iTellll. II. s. 3s. . . . in
Gen. Elec. rs 117 ITox. * Pac. li..H3'i '
G. II. .t S. A. 6s. 107 do 2s 51
do 2s 107 Union Paclllc ls..101i
11. T. C. 3s..110 Wabasb Is 116 < 4
do consol 6s..110 ' do 2s 100
la. Central Is..113 AVest Shore 4S..1UU
K. C. , P. . < t G. Is. 72 w.s. Central Is. . 9114
La. new cnn. 4s.l06i ! | Va. Centuries . . S6
L. & N. mil. 4s. . 993J1o 'Inferred . . . 5
M . K. & T. 2s. . . GGH.Colo. . So. Is Sl',2 '
do 4s 91 ISo. Paclllc < s. . . . 838
V < MV York Mining Iliiolitllonn.
NEW YORK , Keb. ll.-Tlic following
nro the olllclal closing quotations for mln-
Ins share ? :
Chollar IG Ontario see
Crown Point . . . s Ophlr ,12
Con. On" " . & Vn..125 Plymouth 14
Dead wood M Quicksilver 175
Gould Currie. . 12 ! do Pfd 750
Hale & Norcros . 21 Sierra Nevada . . 45
llomestako 5001 Standard . .175
Iron Sliver 55 Un'on Con 21
Mexican 20 lYollow Jacket . . 15
London stoi-k < ltiontlon ( < i.
LONDON , Keb. II. 4 p. m.-Clostng :
Consols , money..100r ; ( N. Y. Central..13S14
do account. . 100'J Pennsylvania . . . . 69
Can. Paclllc ir-'S | Reading 9"-H
Erlo iu ; ; No. Pacific pfd. . 7Bai
do 1st pfd. . . . 381 } Atchlson 21 } i
IHInols Central. . 116-T. Louisville S3i
Union Pac. pfd. . 7SS4 Grand Trunk . . . . Sld
St. Paulcom.,127l _ : Ana ondji _ D'j
" '
BAR "siLVER-Stcads- "at 27'9-16d per
MONEY-C14ii3 per cent.
The rate of discount In the oncn market
for short bills i 3 % per cent and for three-
months' bills 34 < jT3 ? & per cent.
Dunk Cli-nrliicn ,
CHICAGO. Keb. 14. Clearings , $27,614,948 ;
balances , $2a .171. Posted exchange. $4.85 < g'
4.8SH. New York exchange. "Oc discount.
BOSTON. Feb. II. Clearings , $22,556.511 ,
balances , J2,429SS9.
PHILADELPHIA , Feb. H.-Clearlngs ,
tm.350.Sn5 : balanros , $1,769,7SO.
BALTIMORE. Feb. ll.-Clearlngs , $3,61S-
713 ; balances , $550,477.
NEW YORK. tVb. 14 , Clearings , $214,187-
72S : balanoee. $10,41S.)40. ! )
ST. LOUIS. Keb. J4. , $5.113,640 ;
balances , $452.681. Money , Ri { ? per cent.
New York e-xchanec , S5c discount blfl , 60c
discount asked.
C'unilltlon of theTronnnrj - .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 14. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
frhows : Available cash balance , $293,921,637' ;
gold reserve , $2'JO,63I,3S6.
' -'oiton V.nrkct.
Flrm ; sales. 8,150 bales : ordinary. 77-16o :
good ordinary , 7 l,1-16c ; low middling , S3 c ;
middling , S&ie : good middling S13-16o ; mid
dling fair. 91se. Receipts , 10.2SO bales : stock ,
434.0SS bales. Futures steidv : February.
$ S.W | nominal : March , $ > .GGfiS.G7 : April , $ S.F6
( fS.57 : May , $8.57 : Juno , JS.56ra8.57 ; July. $8.57
(98.59 ( ; August , . $ fl:42iS. : 13 ; September , $7.Slfi ( ?
7. S3 ; October. J7..E3'T7iG4 ' : November. $7.40fir >
7.42 : December. I7'.40fi7ll.
NEW YORK , "Kob. 14. COTTON Future ?
closed steady : February , $ S.5S ; March , SS.56 ;
April , $8.61 ; .May. $8.60 ; June. ? S.60 : July.
$ R.G1 ; August. $ SG4 ; September , $7.94 : Oc
tober , $7.73 : November , * 7.59 ; December ,
$7. ,19 : January , $7.62. Spot closed quiet and
steady 'fcc higher ; mlddllnir uplands , STfcc ;
middling gulf. 91sc ; sales. R1.1 bales.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. U.-COTTON-Flrm. 1-Wc
higher ; sales , 1,100 bales ; middling , Sl c ;
receipts. 2.650 bales ; shipments , 2.S6.1 bales ;
stock. 91,672 bales.
at S9-6c
limited demand and 1-32 < 1 hlrher ; American
middling fair. 513-32d : good middling ,
G7-Jd ; middling. 55-32d ; low middling ,
51-32d ; good ordinary , 427-32d : ordinary.
4 21M. . Sales of the dav , 8,00) bales , nf
which SOP wore for sneculatlon and exoort
ard Included 7fX American. Receipts. 26,000
bale . Ineludl.ig 22.SOO American. Futures
anoned Hrm and closed easy : American
middling , I. m. c. , February. 3-GM , value ;
February and March. 4 C3-R4d , sellers :
'March ' and April. I tiP-Gld , value ; April nnd
Mny. 4 3i-Hli ? ( 1 57-Gld , sellers : May and June ,
t 63-i4cl ( , buyers ; Juno and Ju'ly. 1 51-6td ,
value : July and August. 4 48-61(7(4 ( ( 49-64d. buy
ers ; August and September , 4 42-61 4 43-61d ,
, buvors : September and October 4 27-C4d ,
srlliTs ; October and November. 4 17-64IT
' 4 lS-6ld , sellers ; November nnd December ,
411-6lf(1 ( l-64d ! ! , slellers.
BOSTON. Feb. II. The American Wool
and Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow :
The market has been very quiet , although
In the last day or two there have been
evidences of a slightly Improved Inquiry
nnd some sample bags have been taken.
Heavy cancpllatlons of goods are reported
but In many canes those are duo to thn
fact that the goods wore not up to. the
quality of lust year. If the .situation of Iho
manufacturers Ijaii been correctly repre
sented , however , they would welcome can
cellation , IIH they are so heavily oversold ,
The fact that there have boon cancellations
nnd that manufacturers' agents nro nppie-
honslvo of more , therefore , does not dis
turb the equanimity of the wool trade.
Consumers , however , are purchasing but
very llttlo wool and except for the sale
of two or thro. ' good-sized lots of carpet
nnd cross-broil w-ools. the aggregate busi
ness of the week would llguro small. Prices
are llrm on low woolc. hut line wools ar- >
dull. The suits ill' the week In Bouton
iimounted to 2,4i9OCO Ibs. domestic and 1.5S.1.-
nee Ibs. foreign , making a total nf 4i3ooi : ; )
Ibs. , against a total of ; ' , S13,000 Ibs. for the
previous week and a total of U67.500 Ibs.
for the corresponding week last year. The
stiles since Jimuarv 1 amount Io 25,851,600
HIM. , against 26DOl,5W ! Ibs. for the corre-
r tlmo hint year.
i t'oiroi * .Miirlt- .
I NE\\ YORK , | .Vb. ll.-COFFEE-Futures
! opened Ftendv. with prK'i-s uncliaiiRed , and
scarcely varied more than 5 points , trading
being small and all hands conservatively
following upsa'"raotory | European iidvlcea
and an abiMiio of the usual cables from
Rio and KantoH. The local filiation was
featureless" . The inarkt-t ch'sed steady at
G points higher to 11 points not lower.
Total saley woio 1B.250 basu. Including l-Vli-
ruary , $ ; Mimh. $7.2.VfS7.30 ; April , Ji.30 ;
May , $7.Sj ( > 7.40 ; July. $7.15 ; Aiicust. $7.50 ;
Septimbor $7.t5 ; Deci mbor , $7.65'f(7.70 ' : Jan
uary , | 7.7i > ii7.73. Spot , Hlo. xleudy : No. 7
Invoice , STfeo ; No. 7 Jobbing , 9 o ; mild ,
bti-Rdy : Coidova , 10i/iilK' ; .
lrv ( iouilN lurkt't.
NEW YORK. Feb. ll.-An active demiind
for print i loths anil brown Knodn nuti'ldo
of regular print i-loihs and pilci-K advanc
ing lu wld makiM < - brown sheotliiKS arc
Mleady , w'th modoral' ' ' InislneM ; drills
quiet ; adviimea of ' c war rfHrtcd | lu
xevoral HIIIM of ilonlme ami checks- nil
coaiyo-colored cottons tcii.lln uuward ;
'jloachod i-Jltoin , qulot but steady : po
change In iirlntf or { iuchamK ; woolen and
woiHted dri'ts gooilh ftrom ; and stuplu
line" of heavv sild for fall : leading llin-s
of fancies to bo o'icnod In a few days ;
fcllka aru quiet ul : ircvous ! prices.
OH | : irl.f < .
OIL CITY. Pa. . Keb. H.-OILS-Crfdll
balances fl.iiv i urtlllcate.4 , no bid ; i "ilp-
monti * . fli.'V)7 iilili ; . avcrnyo , U.M'I" bbls. ;
runs. 1U7.779 bb ! . ; Hvernt'o. 3I.M7 bblH
NEW YORK . Kc'i. It.-OII.K-Cotton-
weed , tiadvirlmit ; ctudt.TUfiSIc' yel
low , S7' , ; i2SVtiPotroleiim , llrm. I'odln ,
llrm : siralndl.ommoi : tn good , $1.70. Tur-
pontlno. Ktoaily.
I "VERPOOI " Kob. ll.-OILS-Cotton eed ,
Hull rollncd. May nml Aunupt , easy nt
22 9d. Turpciitlno niilrll iitonily < it Us Cd.
1-ONIJPX. I-'i-b IIiLS Turpentlni !
tplrlt , 40 < 2 i
Illvldfiul on llni-lliiKloii.
BOSTON. K b. Jl-Tlie directors of Hit )
Chicago , Burlington & Oillmy railroad to.
du.v declared a regular dividend of 1'j per
Stcadj Fnll of Snow Dalays Trains to a
Considerable Extent.
Cnttlo Sell In Aliont Sninp Noti-lien n *
on Tno dny MORH Show Ueclhir < i (
l-'lvo In Toil Cents Slirrii
Stonily nnil l.ninbM Sinn.
Receipts wore : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Olllclul Monday 2,731 3.4SU 'MM '
OMlolnl Tuesday 3tTB 5,662 fi,3vi
Estimated Wednesday . . 2.3M S.37S 10.620
Tinco days this week. . . . 8,509 17.H9 26. IM
Snmo days lust week. . . . 9.125 15.151 11.B7S
Same days week before. . 7.WI 11,460 IB/iMi
Same thro ? weeks ago. . MIS I 1 ! > ,093 10,711
Average pi-Ire p.xld for hogs for the last
several dn > n with comparisons ;
.11:08.11597.Ug' : |
Indicates Sundav.
The olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In todoy by each road was ; _
Cattle. Hog ? . Sh'p. H'r's.
C. , XI. & St. P. Ily. . . . 7
O. , < t St. L. Ily 1 1 . . . .
Mo. Paclllc Ky 12 3
Union Pac. System. . 12 21 22 4
C. & N.V. . Ily 4 I . . . .
K. . E. & XL V. R. K. 17 27 1
S. C. , t P. Ily I 2
( ' . , St.P. . XL & O. Ily. 1.1 7
R. * XL R. R. R. . . . 2ii 5J ! 11
C. . R. & Q. Ry t is ; ;
K. C. & St. .1 2
C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. . E. 1 4 . . . .
( ' . , R. L .t P. Ry.\V. 6 2 3
Illinois Central 1 2
Total receipt ? . . . .100 US 45 4
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs , Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 233 S57 'US
G. H. Hammond Co. . . . 174 1,137 601
Swift and Company 421 1,552 2.91U
Cmlahy P. Co 610 1,856 711
Armour & Co 227 2,619 200
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C 160
Swift and Company ,
from country 1,600
G. II. Hammond Co. ,
from 1C. C . 2t
Armour it Co. . S. C 23S
R. Hecker & Dcgan 12
Lobman ft Co ; ;
Hill lluiitzlngor si
Huston & Co 3
Livingstone KSchallor. . 4
Hamilton & Rothschild. 2
Other buyers 139 259
Totals 2,156 S.GS9 S.525
CATTLE Trains were late In arriving ,
being delayed by the pnow , and the market
was accordlnclv late lu opening , and was
prolonged during the most of the forenoon
by the occasional arrival of additional
stock. The market ns a whole was In
good shape and reasonably active s-o that
the most of the cattle changed hands with
out very much delay after they were ready
to be. shown. As to values , there was very
little change as compared with the day
I'uyors seemed to have use for a con
siderable number of fat cattle nnd the early
arrivals for the most part changed hands
very soc-n after the market opened. The
prices pnld were just about steady with
yesterday and no new features of any
Importance were developed during the day.
The quality of the offerings did not average -
ago very high , so that the sales do not
make any too good showing on paper.
The trade mlg > ht bo summed up as a good ,
Bteadv and fairly active market.
fiw * and holforn seemed to be In nulte
Rood iloinand nnd the market on that kind
of c.irtle was fullv steady. The early
arrivals changed hands In good season and
the l.iior train's iccelved a fairly coed
reception on arrhal. so that the market as
n whole was f-'rlv ' satisfactory to the
sellers. Hulls colt ! In about the samri
notches n * ycstciday and I ho same vas
true of veal calves , which are scarce nnd
high , as will bo noted from the i. p-
Aa might bo expected on n stormy day
there was not much doing In the r > tookor or
feeder market. Speculators all" seemed to
have cattle on hand and were not anxious
to load up with many more and stand t o
shrinkage of the storm. The rocult was
that the forenoon parsed with very little
ir.idln ? In thct hint , of calle. Fortunately
fi.r "Oilers there wen : rot mnnv cattle of
that kind on the market Representative
sa ios :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 6SO $1 M 11 120S 115
1 S0 4 00 2 1230 4 .11
1007 4 10 15 1013 4 50
B 1015 I 15 S 1063 4 r,0
2 SOO 4 15 61 12SO 1 50
, 10 um i : o 1 1160 1 50
S 936 4 20 15 1261 4 & -
I -1 KB 1 SO 21 114) ) 4 60
10 G7S 4 25 9 1205 ID"
1 937 125 11 1135 t 60
! 45 100 < ) 425 42 1201 4 C,0
22 951 25 7 1215 46.1
G 10S6 135 21 1191 4 C5
G 104G 4 40 13. 1139 1 65
1200 4 40 1.1 110S 170
1 930 4 40 4 1285 4 75
C 94G 4 40 39 1-J37 4 75
4 . .1055 4 40 12 1241 4 SO
41 907 4 45 36 1.'iS1 4 90
20 1036 ) 45 9 ISO ) 4 90
1 710 22.1 11 1076 355
1 920 2 40 16 1093 3.15
1 740 2 40 G 1111 3.15
] SOO 2 .10 2 935 3 60
1 950 2 GO 3 116G 3 GO
4 920 2 KO 6 12.0 ! 3 GO
] 980 2 75 3 1300 3 60
1 920 2 75 r. 1296 : ; ' ; i
r. 1000 2 S5 2 91fl 3 61
2 890 2 SI 3 1323 3 G.1
2 910 2 So 21 1073 3 G5
S . , . .992 2911 1 1090 3 05
4 945 290 7 1140 370
1 920 2 SO 31 1203 3 70
916 : : oo S IOC' 3 70
0 850 : ! 0) 1 12SO 3 70
1 10CO 300 9 1117 375
] 1110 3 IH 17 901 3 75
2 1010 300 10 1069 3 7.1
9 104S 3 10 12..1 1181 3 7.1
1 1290 3 10 8 1018 3 ft )
5 1010 3 10 G 1171 380
2 10S.1 3 10 S 1160 3 SO
2 975 3 10 6 106S 3 SO
12 929 tl 10 3G 916 3 SO
7 1001 3 1.1 3 1203 3 SO
1 1000 3 1.1 1 1120 3 SO
1 840 3 25 19 1000 3 85
3 1066 3 25 2 950 3 85
3 S73 3 25 17 1012 3 8,1
1 1140 3 25 3 1123 3 S.1
1 1150 325 22 1129 3 K
1 1WO 325 1 SOO 3 S.1
5 120S 3 21 17 117G 3 8.1
1 960 3 2.1 5 1074 385
7 1010 3 30 .1 1076 3 SI
1 1170 3 ; u > 18 1136 3 85
15 1070 : i : ; o 4 mo ; : M
1 13.10 3 35 37 911 3 90
1 1310 : i 31 7 1171 390
i 1110 a iii 6 123' ! 3 90
3 IW ! ! ! 10 35 119S 3 95
32 99.1 3 40 4 1025 1 00
9 111S 3 45 2 1260 4 l l
12 1058 3 45 14 1162 1 ( l
10 130(1 ( 3 1,1 1 1030 4 10
s 943 ; : no 4 1182 4 15
r , 820 3 50 30 920 4 05
3 1270 3 50
14 1159 450 3.1 1200 460
13 891 150 3 1190 460
13 HW1 3W 43 970 38,1
2ft 920 ! i S'J ' 4 940 4 ( l
1 . 660 225 2 . $15 40. . )
1 . 730 2 . ' 0 C&j 1(1 (
3 . 9M ! ! 21 XC,0 10
i . 720 : ; 25 : i iotu is
710 SSO S J13. 15
775 370 12 905 20
19 895 II 75 21 . ClS 20
710 S 7.1 llj . MS 4
770 : i 75 MS
9W 3 M 1 730
9IJ-J 395 9 .10 ' !
77S 4 Wi 4 1212
Cf.O I Oil
3 . 850 345 3 1070 100
3 . 1010 4 M
2 . 103) 395
3S . 321 4 30 415 ( C5
1 1150 3 .31 1 . ,14V ) H M
3. . 16X5'i : \ 3 1540 3 50
1 1420 3 15 1 ICSO 1 M
1710 323 2 1UO SSO
t'nder the Influence of the lower
provision mniket of yesterday and the
ewer nig market reported today from
t hlcaso the market at this point wa 65r
JOc lower. Sellers were \ Ihli-g to take off
6c , but were backward .ibout making any
inoio couceMlon than that , so that the
market was not pai-tL-ularly active , though
the demand was good it the decline. However -
over , the ho s kept moving toward the
scales so Ont a clearance was finally
effected In lensonablo season.
H will be noted from the sales below
that the hogs today wont largely nt f4.70Ti >
4.SO. while the ranee yesterday WIIP jl.T.Vir
4.90 , The big bulk yesterday went nt 1. 0
5T4.85 , as against JI.72V45i < .77K for the long
fttrhn * today.
Today's decline wipes out nil the gain
made In prices this week and loaves the
mnrkil at the lowest point touched since
Thursday of last week.
SHKEP There was a pretty coed show
ing o-f all kinds In the pens this morning ,
but there wn at the same time the same
coed demand so that tnc situation was
fairly favorable for sellers. The tride was
reasonably active on nhepp and yearlings
nnd most everything In that line c-hnnged
hands In good scison at just about the
same prices as prevailed ve'terday.
The lamb market , which closed weak to
lOc lower yesterday , was slow again today
and buyers were backward about taking
The sales below will clvo an Idea of the
kind of prices paid for both sheep nnd
Quotations : flood to choice fed voarllngs ,
J5.W,1.75 ; fair to good yearllmrs , $5.S5gE.i10 ;
good to choice wpthors , J5.2UjG.40 : fair to
good wet horn. $4.75fio.OO : good to choice fed
ewes , J4.f-WH.75 : good to choice fed native
lambs $6.701Tfl.90 ; cond to choice western
lambs , ; fair to good fed western
lambs $ G.10ffG.,15 ; feeder wethers. J4.2M4.75 ;
feeder yearlings $5.00 S.fO ; rood to choice
feeder lambs , JL7555.75. Representative
sales : _
2cO western owes 89 f4 S.1
Sculls 70 500
200 western sheep 117 5 15
412 western wethers 112 G 40
440 mixed 107 555
2S2 western yearlings 99 570
15 cull lambs 57 600
257 lambs 72 650
232 woMorn Iambs 70 G 60
247 lambs 72 66214
I2S westorn. lambs SO 670
8 western ewop 96 4 65
S western ewen 96 4 6T
221 western ewes 9.1 4 70
1 western owe 60 I < 0
2 yearling bucks 170 .100
214 western v.-i-thors 122 .12.1
ISO western wethers 121 j > - >
425 western wethers 12i 5 . .i
210 western yearlings 106 ( > < o
210 western yearlings 10. 5 0
10 buck lambs 116 625
22.1 yearlings and wethers 99 G 60
416 yearlings and wotherp 102 G 60
212 western yearlings 101 o <
626 western wethers I'-- ' ° 4-J
127 western lambs S7 5 M )
Cnlllo Ut-Hl rml 'n Sli-onK H"K
\VfiiU Slioc'i Slonily nnil Ai-Hvr.
CHICAGO , Keb. 14. - CATTLE - Rest
grades strong and others dull to lOc lower ;
Texas steers , strong and active ; Texas
bulls , higher ; butchers' slock and cnnnors ,
steady ; choice fed westerns In good supply
at easier prices ; good to choice , $5.00J6.0 < ) ;
poor to medium , JI.OOS'1.70 ; mixed Miockers ,
M.2,1f(0.80 ( ; celccled feeders , JI.OOiH.SG ; good
to choice cows. UOfVTil.40 ; heifers , * 1.2ofi 1.75 ;
canners , $2.20fl2.t.l ; hulls. J2.llOij4.40 ; calves ,
15.00ft7.50 ; fed Texas beeves , $ | .uOfi | > ,00.
HOOS U'f.ik and 5-rj71ze lower ; top , f5.00 ;
fair clearances : mixed and butchers , J4.75ff
4 'i7i - Kood to cholco heavy. $4.fiOij5.00 ( ; rougn
heavy , JI.7G4i-l.85 : light. J1.70i4.'J2H | ; bulk
of sales. J4.So < fcl.95.
g'HEKP-Strong anil active ; lambs , weak
and 10W15" lower ; native wethers. $ I.SOiiG.7.1 ;
lamlis , $5.25 7.10 ; west.rn wethers. JI.S5W
G.65 ; western lambs , $ h.00f7.10.
RECEIPTS Cattle. JG.OOi ) l-.oad ; hogs , 36-
COO head ; sheep , 17(00 head ,
\c v TurU Slot-k.
NEYORiK , Kob , 14.-REEVES-Rc-
eelpts 3.272 head ; 61 cars on sale ; Moors ,
slow and lOo lower ; bulls , steady to firm ;
cows lOidoc higher ; 9 cars ulcers unsold ;
htcer'fi , JIt5f5.W | : bulls , RGOfH.CS ; cows. 12.00
< a10 \ - stockers , $3.257(3.75 ( ; cables unchanged ;
exports , SSO head cattle , 1,012 head sheep
and 5,300 imurtcrs of beef ; tomorrow , W
' ' ' '
'cALYE'S'- Receipt * . 1.RE2 head : utoady ;
about all sold ; veals , 5.0CKf < 8.5u ; tops. IViS ;
lltllo calves , Jl.Wli'l ' d ; Foiithorn calves.
I' AND LAMI1S - Ilw-rlpt
head ; 2. ! enir on Hale ; wni'i-p , cloudy ;
llrm and HV higher , hut not many wanted :
poor to KOOI ] sheep. $3.Wf(550 ( ; lainbH. J6..VI
5I7.M ) ; culls. JS.OftTdi.OO ; yoarllngx. ri.ftWj'i.W
IIOGS-IU'celptH , 6,017 hiud ; nlow at f..l' ' > a
KniiNiiM Clly l.l < - "tiii-l. ,
IvANHAS CITV , I'Mi. HV > TTI'l' : ift"
' . Im-
i-elpts. 5fiOO nsttvon and 6.iO 'loxiinit.
uroveil domund for all 'iamiii ; ai udv.iii.-'B of
GMlOc ; heavy natlvo ntcorH , I.Mn5.0 ! : IlKht-
welghlH. J .S.Jfi5.iO ( ; siorkciH and tee'tftr.
J3.Srt(5.25 ( ; butchPr cows and lirlfi-rn , ' ] ' ! '
S.CO ; cam\er \ * . UWiiiM ; Mwer ' ; , J' ' ; , i'
4.90 ; westeni fr-fdfrs. | IMf4OT | : 'loxani !
Khude lower at 'loe : lu. . . . . . . . - - - , - . . .
Ilnv . I5COri5.W ! ; mutloiis. < 1 MW : stockeij
and feeders , .t 5ji < ' ' " " WXi3.y > .
> < . l.oiiln l.lvr Hi ( rU.
&T I < I/IS / Keb U CATTLE Ret-olplH.
head Tt-xans :
2.6WMiaii , liu'ludliig Rf
ket Pleudy for natlveh and 10t- higher for
Toxann : nutho nhlp lii and export Hteern.
I751 .20 ; dnwed l.rof find hiiti hjr f'eeitj. '
flSJtiS.S' Htooi-i * under l.oOO lb * . JSK l.M ;
Htockers and feedersK.fM4.iS. ! { . COWH nnd
hdfem 2. ( > a4 70nnner * . H J5as.i. bull * .
SP'tSiiSGJ Texas and Indian ulcers , D.Oi'if
4,71 row * and heifers Vi 603 | 75 ,
HOGS Kcvclptii 7WW head , market SfilOo
lower ; pigs nnd llcM * . $ I.SOH.S.i ; packers ,
$ l.7ifl..W | ; .hutchcr. . M.lMfS.fO. . .
9IIKKP AND t .VMBS R"CtlpK 1.0
head ; market active nnd stronger : nntUo
muttons. $ l.7Sfid.75 ; Iambi , $5.I017.10. i-ullt
nnd bucks. $ .l.2fifji10o.
I St. .Innt-plt I , I ic Sdu-k.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo. . Kob. 11
( Special. ) The Journal quotes as follow-
CATTLE Receipts , 1.000 head : market
nctlvo nnd stonily ; natives , $1. 10j(5 ( SS ,
To.tatis and westerns , $ .1.25515.25 ; cows nnd
helfor , $2OOTH.50 ; bullnnd stags. $2 H"ii
4.S5 ; yearlings and calves , $3.90ff4. ! > 0 ; ftn.K-
ors nnd feedorii , $3.2504.65 ; veals. $1 'O'.i'
HOGS Receipts , 4,100 bond : market & ,
lower ; All grades. $ t.70yt.S5 ; bulk of fairs ,
$4.724f4.SO. ;
SMEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts , l.i |
hood ; yearling ? . lOc lower ; others pr-id.\ | ,
western lambs , $7 : Mexican yenrllngs , $ .190.
Sltu-k lit SI bt.
Kollo'.vlng nro the receipts nt the four
principal western markets for Kebruary if
Cattle. HORS. eheep.
South Omaha . 2.300 S.37S lo.iuo
Chicago . 16.UOO 3tin > ) 17-ui
Kansas City . .1.350 ll,7i > ) 4.5i )
St. Louis . 2.500 7H ! > I l.nhi
Totals . . . . . 25,350 63,978 KUW
Strong ; open kettle , 3'fcfil 3-lGc ; open ket
tle. centrifugal. lUTTI 9-16f : contrlfiiKiil ,
yellow. 445f4'jio : econds. SftiiJUr.
MOLASSES-Quli-t ; contrlfiiRnl , SfTMc.
llrm : fair lotming , 4c bid : centrifugal. P
test. 4' c bid ; molas. cs sugar. 3\f3 ( 13-li5c. ;
twenty bags Cuba centrifugal at above
ba . | s ; refined , llrm but quiet.
Nntnrnl AilvnnlnKO of
NolirnnUn llnpldly tcvrloilnu. |
WALLACE , Neb. . Koh. 5. To the F.dltor
of Tha I3cc : If you' will permit mo to use
a little of the space of your valuable paper
1 will undertake to explain to your ninny
readers some of the natural advantages ot
this , the southwestern part of our state.
I bellevo that n great many farmers , me
chanics nnd stockmen In the overcrowded
east would glntlly avail themselves of some
of these advantages If they could bo brought
to see them as they exist. The recent
Orouths through which thla portion of the
state has passed have had at least ono Rno.l .
effect. They have brought tha farmer fiico
to faeo with the particular Industry for
which this locality is certainly fitted , via. :
The pasturing of stock of every description.
I have lived In Lincoln county for fifteen
years and have raised some good crops , hut ,
while drouths sometimes visit UP , thcro has
never been any drawback to raising stork.
The altitude being about 3,000 feet , wo
have , as a rule , very pleasnnt winters.
This winter all kinds of stock nro lookliiK
well , roaming almost at liberty , feeding
only on the nutritious grasses for which
Nebraska Is fast becoming famous. It
seems strange to some that sheep , horses
and cattle can grow fat i tinning ou the
prairies from January 1 to the next New
Year , but such Is certainly the cafe.
More attention than ever Is being paid ( o
the raising of rattle , as the market Is In
such good condition and bids fnlr to remain
so for an indefinite period. A great many
farmers have quit farming nnd moved a
few miles to where they would have more
loom for grazing purposes , taking along n
dozen or twenty head of cows. Some have
already as many as 100 head of cattle and
they arc looking exceedingly well. There
has not ; been ono day this winter that cat
tle and horses could not get plenty to cat
on the pralrlc.
nctxveen the Platte and Republican rivers
there Is room for thousands of head of stock
and grass for all. This district is not the
home of the extensive "cattleman , " who
monopolizes everything In sight , but only
a comparatively small portion of It is
stocked by small bunches.
Thcro are thousands of acres of land
known as the "Sand Hills , " south of the
Platte river In Lincoln county , covered
j with splendid grass , many a quarter so-
tlon of which has not had so much ns a
hoof on it since the grass started to grow
last April. Hay can be cut nearly every
where , although much heavier on the
creek bottoms , which have long since been
taken up.
A good windmill and two or three thirty-
five or forty-barrel tanks are sufficient for
the watering of from fifty to seventy-live
head of stock , as we have comparatively
few days when the wind doesn't blow. In
Bomo cases cisterns or reservoirs have been
constructed , which removes all danger of
insufficient water.
, As a sheep country this part of the state
cannot bo excelled. The only trouble IB
that there should be more sheep pastured
hero to utilize In some degree the nutritious
grasses. SUBSCRIBER.
According In f ovprninnl Klisuwi
Auinlicr In Snuilli-Nt SI ore I SMI.
Government statistics show a constant de
crease In the number of horses and mules i.
In the United States , the decrease from .Inn- .
uary , 1893 , to January , 1899 , is said to ho
about 3,000,000 head , hays the Horseman
and Stockman. When it Is berne in mind
thnt both our population and export trade In
horses and mules arc rapidly Increasing
each year , it Is easily understood why prices
should Increase , as they are doing. The total
number of horses In the United States , ac
cording to government figures , on January 1 ,
3899 , was 13,665,307 , the smallest number
since 1889. The number of horses and mules
reported In the United States In January for
the last fourteen years were an follows :
Horses. MIIO | .
1899 13,63.1.307 2,131,21:1 :
1S9S 13,960,911 2.257.665
1S97 14,351.667 2.215,611
1896 15.124,057 2.2S.9I6 ?
JS9 | . ) 2.X12.:3I
Una . 16,206,802 2II.I2. !
1R92 . 15.195,140 2.HI4.6' ' " )
] f,91 . 14,0.16,760 2.2if.M-
JK90 . 14,231.837 W
] X8 < ) . . 13.fcVt.2H 2.2 > 7. fi7l
IMS . . . . . 13.172.916 y.191.727
S7 . . . . 12.4f i.744 2.117.111
' ' ' ' ' ' '
. . 12,077.657 S.U52 5i3 :
1SS6 . . . . . . . .
Considered In all their bearings the ills -
urc indicate much to the horso-broodlng in
of the United State *
tercut. The population
Is now estimated at 75.000,000. agalnM 60-
000,000 in 1893 , a gain of 25 per cent. The
demand or necessity for horses grown with
the Increase In the population. Thus wo nnd
that'In six years the population ha In
creased 25 ror cent , whllo the percentage
of horses has Increased 16 per cent. Some
may agree that the. growing popularity of
growth of Iho ueo of electricity
the bicycle ,
automobiles and the
tricity In street cms ,
than offset the docreiiso in
like has moro
horses. Still the fact IH horses are now
gaining In value dally and the breeder lus
Indeed a moat encouraging outlook for
many years to come.
i ip'uionaiH Commander Calkins of the
olvmnlH lectured her last nl ht. his nul > -
inci liflng "Cromwoll'H Quest of Colonial
i-'mnlro " Although Iho Philippines weio
iiiciil'onod 'but once In Iho course of Iho
" . Mr. Calkins made It evident that
his subject wan an analogous case. The
olllcor Is evidently not In favor of expansion
althnunh ho was conservative In his te-
Telephone 10 , ' ) ! ) . Ouialu. Si'i
Correspondence : John AVarren A Co.
uirect wires to Chicago and New York.