OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED 3UXK 19 , 3871. OMAHA , THUKSDAY MOKNIN ITEB1UTAKY 15 , 1000 TWELVE PAGES. SING-IiE COPY PIVE CENTS. FRENCH ROUTS BOERS Ziord Roberta Heoorta Oapturs of Fire Eotr Langtn Along the Modeler , BRILLIANT WORK BY BRITISH TROOPS Gordon with Husuri Aids Oavalrr and Mounted Infantry of French , OPERATIONS IN BLINDING DUST STORM * English Lo3Jt Email , bat One Officer Being Killed , Another Wounded. EIXTH AND SEVENTH DIVISIONS MOVING Conimninl < T-In-C'lilcf TrrntN French' * I'orforiiiiinco a Ilrllllnnt Military Kenl > ' ( > wn lo CliniiBc ISnu- lund'x ( ilonin ti > Joy. IXNDON , Feb. 14. ll:3.r. : p. m. The \\'nr Offlco has Issued the following message from Lord Roberts , received this evening : "DEKIELSDIUFT , Feb. 11. S:10 : n. in. General Trench left this point at 11:30 : yesterday morning with three 'brigades ' of cavalry , horse artillery and mounted Infantry , Including several co lonial contingents , In order to selzo a. crossing of the Modder , distant about twonty-flvc miles. "Ho reports by dispatch nt 5:35 : p. m. that ho had forced a , passage' nt Clip- drift nnd has occupied the hills north of the river , capturing three of the ncmy'H laagers , with tholr euppllcs , whllo General Gordon of the Fifteenth Hussars , with bis brigade , who made ft feint nt Rondovaldrlft , four miles west , has solzcd It and a second drift between that and Cllpdrlft , together with two moro laagers. "General French's performance Is 'brilliant ' , considering the excessive heat nnd a blinding duststorm which raged during the latter part ot the day. "Owing to the rapidity of his move ments General French met with but Hllght opposition and his losses were email. Lieutenant Johnscn of the In- nl.iklllln Dragoons Is the only officer reported severely wounded. I ' "Tho Sixth division was last night on ' the north bank of the Rlet , at Watorval- ' Adrift , and Is moving to support the cav- jjtolry. The Seventh division Is hero and will go on this afternoon. "Four ofilcers und fifty-three men had to ho sent last evening in the returning wagons to the railway line , prostrated by heat and exhaustion. " According to later reports the casualties wcro two troopers killed nnd Captain > Ma- Jesndlo of the RlfloiEJeido woif led. lo has elnce died. Oqo trooper was wounded. INSIDE THE BOER FRONTIER Jjoril llobrrl * ivlth Forty Tliouimnd I n fa n try nt laiMt ISiitt'rn the i Illicitly' * < ! nnuCr > v * i _ | LONDON , Feb. 15. 4:20 : a. m. The Brit ish army , Tor the first time since the war be-gan. is insldo tbo Boer frontier. Lord J : lloberts , with at le-ast 10,000 infantry , 7,000 cavalry and 160 guns , has turned the JlagerHfontcln lines before which the British forces have been encamped for ten weeki nnd with halt of bis corps ho Is already operating on Free State territory , A battle has not yet 'beon fought , but large tactical advantages have been gained. The relief of Klmberloy Is wlthlu meawurablo reach and the way to Blooihfonteln Is appreciably easier. The dlspatrhos of Lord Roberts sketch tbroo days' work. The forward movement ibcgan on Sunday , when Colonel Hannay set out with a brigade' ot mounted Infantry for Itamah on the Riot , eight miles from Jacobsdal , ono of the Boera' supply sta tions. On Monday General French , with the cavalry division , seized the creasing of the Rlct river at Dekllsdrlft , south of Jacobsdal and eighteen miles cant ot llonoynestkloof. Ho skirmished with the Doers and cleared the way for 20,000 In fantry , who followo-,1 across. On Tuesday , with his three cavalry brigades nnd the horse artillery , General French rode to tbe Moddor river , a distance of twenty-five miles , and took three fords with high ground beyond tbo river , and live Boer camps. Ho bad a few casualties In brushes with the Boer horse. Krrnc'h on OrunJc'M Trull. General French ban now fixed himself on General Cronjo's main line of communica tion with Bloomfonteln , and 20,000 Infantry , with Bovonty-two guns , are being pu hi-d 4 tip to support , him then- . ' -v Lord Roberts' dispatches wired from In- 1'jf. Bide the Free State and on the Rlet river left him Wednesday morning. Ills advance liad not been opposed by the Boers In force. Tholr patrols melted away as the British moved forward. The Boer army IK likely to bo felt In a flay or two and battle IB con sequently Imminent. An to what .forces General Cronjo has now at his disposal and as to. whore ho purposes making a staml ( igalnst the Invaders , no ono here connected with the war office knows anything. The data fop concept tons are wholly wanting. Thu forces Immediately at the disposal of Lord Roberts a're placed at 50,000 In a gen eral way. These figures arc revealed by the commands mentioned in the dispatch j < ; having been added to the divisions known to Mm with I-ord Mcthucn. Quito possibly ! x > rd Roberts has 10,000 ar 20,000 moro. It IH now realized that the incidents at Konsburg have been seen out of all pro portion. Merely skeleton lines were ob tained there , while troops were being so- cretlyand rapidly concentrated on the Mod- dor rlvpr. ' " "The facility with xvhlcli 30,000 men have nlrcady been sent beyond the rail tor- jnlntiB shown that Lord Kitchener has been fully tuioressful In organizing transport. He U now supposed to bo down tbo line , fending forward more troops and getting together more transport. About live miles of ox and mule-wagon trains arc estimated ( for each division , so that Lord Kitchener , who U reported to have moro skill than n circus manager In handling field transport , has Immense laboro In hand , Tbo London morning papers toke rather sober views ot the situation , but are greatly Vleased und hopeful of what Is to come. They have been fed , however , on such n low diet of British fiucrcsaes that they art. disposed to euutlpu and given to measuring development * wllb considerable reserve. They fully reallzo that serious flgbtlng la yet to come. Lord Roberts' announcements make tbo roluor operations In other parts ot the field shrink. I , . .dyVIUun Wouiiilril at Mnfi'KliKt LONDON. Feb. 15. The Dally Chronlclo publishes the following dispatch from Make king , dated January 2 "Tbo Boers shelled the women'i laage tar two hours on Saturday , January 27. Bee women , warned by spies evidently , went Into the trenches , clapped their hands and hurrahed when the shells fell near the Eng lish women. Lady Sarah Wilson was slightly wounded. "Major Gould-Adams and Captain Wilson received contusions from shell fragments. " OPINIONS OF THE EXPERTS .Mllllnr.v Wrltrr * TnUiHenri nt Hie Oonil \ < MVH from HIP Moililcr Itlvi'r ( Copyright , 1MO , by I'rc. s Publishing Co. ) LONDON , Fob. 14. ( New York World Cn- Special Telegram. ) The Leader "Hoberts" advance began on shifted his headquarters to .el Hannay having a brl- ado of'iTnftH M tep' , on that day m a re li ng from Oroffl | | Hr camp near Orange liver station to jBlmdam , engaged the riemy who occupied the hlllc , cleverly hold- ng them with part of his brigade. Ho got ho main body of troops mid his baggage hrough to tbo objective and lias therefore ho credit of the flrpt part of the big opcrn- lon that Is to relieve Klmborley and Invade ho Orange Frco State. The next day French lelzcd with his cavalry division , consisting of Ilrabason'ti and Uablngton's brigade and lomo mounted Infantry , an impo ant cross- ng of the Modder river , clearing the way 'or the Sixth and Seventh divisions , ono of which had encamped on the Modder and the other upon the lllot. Ilamdam we toke to been en miles almost duo south of Jacohsdal and lokllfldrlft , the main crossing of the road cadlng from Fauresmltb by the Koffyfon- eln diamond diggings to Jacobsdal , with wo divisions and u cavalry division , thus hroatcning the Iloer left on the position stretching from Spytfonteln and Magorsfon- ein to Jncobsdal. "Roberta has put the question very iruaquely to Commandant Cronje , Will he go or stay ? If ho elects to go ho will bo able to stand another day. nut then Klni- berley will have been relieved. If bo chooses .o stay bo will have to entrench bis rear or ils works will bo carried. If his rear Is entrenched ho will be held while Klmbcrlcy s relieved. But It looks as though French'ts activity had enveloped him and made It dif ficult to break away at all , while with the whole division of cavalry under a leader like French on his tracks bo may have a good deal of difficulty In making himself scarce. The Ideal thing Is that ho should be brought o battle In an open country. Ho will avoid hat If ho can. for the Hocrs hnvo no for- nntlon that can be used on anything like evel ground. "Methuen has apparently been loft to hold his entrenchments on the Modder river and f the Uoera break away from Magersfon- ein to advance by railway to the formal ellef of Hhodcsund beyond the city. But ho real work will have to bo done by Lord lobcrts' Immediate forces. It Is a puzzle whether Kitchener Is with his chief or not , . nil wo am told that Kitchener Is still down I he line organizing tbo transport service I nd forwarding reinforcements about Zouth- pandrlft on Orange river , which Elliott would have seized Monday. Is It held merely o prevent the Boer force from coming down n our linen of communication south of the ) range River station ? Hardly. Then , por- laps , it IB to bo a second line of supply , ho first being by the Klmberley railway as ar as Graspan. Possibly , but wo still think t means the advance of a third column di- ect on Faureemlth. " The Poet export soys : "There Is gcjjd 'now ? oday , for tbo now campaign baa begun. On 'iicsday 20,000 British troopa were cn- ampcil on the Boer side of the Riot river and 20,000 more perhaps a march away from hem , possibly In the old camp at the Moil- ler River elation. The prcBcuco of the Sixth division Is the first surprise to observers at ionic , for this division or part of It have ately been heard of at the Ebus and at Jolesberg. " The expert suggests further lines of a campaign on about the same lines as those suggested by the Leader expert. BOERS ] PUSH BRITISH BACK Mttlc AITuIrciir Sprlnnlii-ld nrldftc 111 Which I Qiioeil'x Troop * Are * .Vur.ited. ( Copyright , ] ! i ) , by Press Publishing Co. ) CHIEVBLBY CAMP , Feb. 13. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Par- tics of Boers varying in strength have irosscd the Tugela , occupying our old camp ing ground at Spearmans. This morning at Murdoch they attacked the outpost beyond Springfield bridge- , compelling a squadron of the Royals to retire , but on prompt or- rival of support. Including the Fourteenth Hussars , the Boers were compelled to re treat. The British casualties arc Captain Hamilton Russell and five men wounded and Lieutenant Pllkington and six men miss ing. ing.This This morning Dundonald conducted a re connaissance to the hill east of Chlovcley. By 10 o'clock the South African Light Horse bad taken possession of Hussar hill , firing on the Boer pickets and wounding two Boers and one horrfo. The Boors kept up a desultory musketry tire with our outpost lino. At 1 o'clock tbo return to camp be gan. The Boers pressed tbo rearguard of the South African Light Horse , who weie rather slow infalling - back , and there was a tiharp musketry duel rnrrled on at 2,000 yards. Tbo Colt battery under Captain Hill , M. P. , came into action with excellent ef fect , checking the Boer fire. Our artillery and mounted Infantry under Captain Gough co-operated. The Boers abandoned tbo pur suit and were soon content to permit the troopx to contlnuo their retirement unmo lested and the whole force returned safely to camp. The ease and comfort with which the regular corps can deal with Boers In these llttlo affairs are very satisfactory. Only four men we-ro wounded , moat of them of the South African Light Horse , Including Mr. Garrard of the Colt battery and Lieu tenant John Spencer Churchill , brother of the special correspondent. South African Light Horse , shut through the right leg. WINSTON CHt'IUMIILL. AnKOi'lllli'd I'ri-MH Ycmion , LONDON. Feb. U. An official dispatch from General Duller nt Chleveloy un- ncum-fs a reconnaissance at Springfield , re sulting In no gain of ground on diner side. Captain Hamilton Rut-tiell , Lieutenant G. Churchill mid ten men were wounded and Lieutenant Pilklngton and six men were captured by the Boerx. Tha dispatch contains detailed accounts of what appear to bo unimportant operations. They only lend lo throw light over the sit uation by proving that the Boers a're actively following General Buller's every move. \ General Duller'u dispatch from Chleveley , dated Monday , February 13 says : "Tho commanding officer at Springfield re- portr. this morning that a squadron of the 1'lrst Dragoons , moving to the outpost line covering the right flank of the camp , met a party of Boers near Fustcnberg. The Boers , reaching the cn t of a hill IIret , opened a heavy IIro on the squadron , which retired , Ho tsent out supports and the Boers retired. " Thu dlepatch then gives the casualties ae already cabled. Continuing , the Chleveley dlipatch says "Duudouabl , with TOO mounted men , a field ( Continued on Fourth Page , ) ANIl-TROST MEN DISAGREE Stormy Soenis Mark the Glow of the Don- fei'enca at Chicago. ADJOURNMENT TO STOP THE DISORDER .Mlilillr-nf-tlic-Ilonil I > oinllNt Sllrn Vp Jlr.vnn'n Supporter * liy n Hcnolu- i MomxMI TrlcN (11 OITxct rnrtlnnii IJITcct. CHICAGO , Feb. 14. Stormy scenes char acterized the sessions of the national anti trust conference preceding the final adjourn ment tonight. The climax came when Dele gate Joseph larker , a middle-of-the-road populist , surprised the conference with a resolution pledging the delegates to vote for no party that does not stand for gov ernment ownership and the principle of di rect legislation. The democratic leaders Interpreted this as i on attack on W. J. Brynrnd were on their I feet In an Instant to blocK the move. A score of delegates took the floor and all tried to talk at the same time. "You must not stifle free speech here , " was shouted. "Everybody must bo heard , " was the warning that came from a delegate In the gallery. Chairman Monnett was In doubt as to , what to do. Disorder reigned for ten mln- | 1 utes und then Chairman Monnett used the gavel and temporarily adjourned the con . vention. I Another whirl of excitement took place after the reading of the report of the com- _ mltteo on resolutions , when Delegate Qulnn i of Illinois offered an amendment to the declaration of principles , calling for the repeal of all laws sustaining the right of citizens to private property , with a view to giving every citizen n free home. A ' ' long wrangln ensued over the disposition of the amendment. Captain W. P. Black , Tom L. Johnson and others appealed to i , Qulnn to withdraw the amendment , but bo refused. Mourn of Dlnnitprovnl tit Hie Clinlr. After much discussion , during which Qulnn was denounced as a disturber by delegates on the stage , Chairman Monnett put the resolution to adopt the amendment. Two ballots were taken. Finally ho de clared the report of the committee adopted and the ruling caused a thunder of dis approval. Delegate Qulnn , during the uproar , appealed from the decision of the chair and his motion was seconded. The vote was put and Chairman Monnett was sustained by a largo majority. A strong effort was made at the confer ence today to offset the partisan effect of the resolution adopted yesterday denouncing the currency bill. Monnett made a speech In which he declared that the movement for public ownership of public utilities was being carried on by the republican party as well as the democratic party. "In the republican northwest , " said .he , " 60 per cent of the public utilities are owned by the public , whereas In many southern democratic states less than 5 per cent are BO owned. "I vould rcm'nd the c'mvoitlon tbat Ohio , which Is the state of the president. Is also the state of the Sherman anti-trust act. If we have an Attorney General Grlggs , we also had an Attorney General Olney. " AttaokN Trimt Kiulowments. Thfl convention was enlivened also by an attack by Prof. Bemls on "universities whoso endowments come from trust mag nates. " The professors In these Institutions , said the ex-professor of political economy at Chicago university , "do tholr best , but cannot overcome this handicap. " As a. remedy be advocated the establishment through the state legislature of chairs In state universities devoted to the study of the trust question. A number of set speeches were heard at the morning and afternoon sessions and the ' night session , which wound up the three \ 1 days' conference and heard as many of the ! ; remaining speeches as could be read In the ; time that was left. Upon reconvening at the afternoon ses sion Chairman Monnett ruled that the re port of the committee on national organiza tion Is privileged business. He called on the chairman of the committee , General J , B. Weaver of Iowa. General Weaver stated that the report bad been unanimously agreed to in committee and asked the convention to adopt It In the same manner. General Weaver moved the adoption of j thereport. . I. G. Donnelly got the door and pleaded with delegates to do something tangible. The desired movement , he said , j could not bo brought about by leagues. He j i i called on the conference to now form a new party and call for a national convention. Unless that was done , ho asserted , the con ference "would not amount to as much as a last year's bird's nest. " The middle-of-the-road populist faction In the convention cheered these sentiments wildly. Jerry Simpson of Kansas followed. Ho challenged the statement of Parker of Ken tucky , "that this convention has fallen Into tlio binds of a lot of cowardly politicians. " lie declared that no delegate bad aesertcd party preference , but every one was en tirely unselfish. Ho demanded that Parker apologize for his statement instead of at tempting to align the conference In partisan movement. Simpson was cheered repeat edly. "This movement , " ho declared , " | H solely educational. When the pcoplo understand the purposes for which wo ere hero they will stand by the party that stands for their principles. " Donnelly Oi'iioiinrod liy Sulzcr. Congressman Sulzer of New York was then recognized. Ho called on the delegates to adopt the report verbatim. Ho denounced Donnelly as seeking personal support , HayIng - Ing thin conference stood for principles and not for men. Ho faced Donnelly and shouted : "You are doing more than any man here to help Mark Hanna. " Delegate Parker was then recognized on a question of personal privilege. Heyltterly disregarded the opinion of Jerry Slmpfcn , ho said , and be did not propose to take back a word he had uttered. Anyone could sou j the hand of the politician in the hall. This 1 statement was greeted with mingled hoots und cheers. After live minutes of disorder. Mr. Parker was permitted to prcce'Cd. Ho defended his position at length , concluding : "I.e.l us all unite for the people and let the old , ballotbox titufllng parties go to the devil. " ( ii-niTiil WeiivtT hrnrm n I'ov , General Weaver scored Parker and his resolution aa "an evident attempt to hind the delegation to support the middle-of-the- road platform. " Judge Cannon of Chicago followed on the same line. Parker appeared to be rapidly losing tbo affection of the delegated. A delegate moved to have u vote of thanks for hU "attempt to enlighten the confer ence. " ilayor Jones of Toledo followed. Ho hoped ovcry delegate would be true to bU own best principles , The resolution already adopttxl was the best that could be framed. "In the word education , " he said , "Is our only hope. ' At the close of Mayor Jonca' remarks the report of the * committee on national organ ization was unanimously adopted. M. L , Lockwood ot Pennsylvania was unanimously elected president. Franklin Wcntworth of Chicago was chosen secretary. C. T. Bride of Washington , 1 > . C. . was elected treasurer , and W. 1J. Fleming of Kentucky , financial secretary. * Thlscoramlttce wan appointed to bear the protest of the convention ogalnot the pas sage of the currency bill to Washington : W. B. Fleming , William Sulzer , George Fred Williams , Mrs. Helen Cougar , F. U. Hldgo- loy , Willis J. Abbott , T. Carl Spelling. Judge William Prcntlss. J. 'B. Weaver , J. II. Sov , erclgn , W. H. Harvey , J. B. Uomans. J. W. Wilson , John J. Lenta , M. C. Wctmore and C. A. Towne. The committee decided to meet at Washington next Monday afternoon. ALL ENGLAND IS SNOWBOUND Street Tralll ? In Cltlrn Klllirr IllneUril or ( trcalljInipoilcil Jinny LONDON , Kcb. H. The effects of the hllz- zord which started Tuesday arc felt through- out Great Britain. Great Britain la snowed | up in all directions. Street car traffic Is blocked , telegraph and telrphouo wires are [ down , delaying communication In all dlrccI I tlons. There have been a great number of ' accidents duo to falling chimneys and roof slates and similar * causes. Mall vans and pfcple traveling by the In-country districts i are reported mli&lng and several persons i have been found frozen to death In exposed I places. The streets of London are In a fearful condition from the snow and sltet and many pedestrians have sustained fractured llmlm | from falling on the Icy pavements. Tho' i horses have suffered greatly , many having to be shot after breaking their legs , Severe gales have swept the coasts. , Snow 1'rcrnlln In Krnner. PARIS , Feb. 14. A ecrlous storm pre vailed throughout France last evening and today. Telegraph llni * urn broken everywhere - where and communication by wire with Great Britain , Italy , Spain , Switzerland and part of Germany Is Interrupted. Consid erable damage has been done and a number of fatalities have occurred , due to falling roofs and trees. The seaside towns have suff ered , badly and shipping casualties are feared. PARIS , Feb. 15. Great damage has been douo to shipping along the French coast. Many fishing smacks have gone ashore , especially near Dunkirk , Cherbourg and Brest. Near the last named port ten wrecks have occurred. Several fatalities are , re ported. CHICAGO STRIKE SPREADS Men EuiMloyeil by Ilullillnt Contrno tor * ' Council In Oilier CltlCH Will lie Ordered Out. CHICAGO , Feb. 14. The Building Trades council today announced through Us secre tary that the National Building Trades council would bo called upon to call striken In other cities upon all buildings being con structed by Chicago contractor who iavo .locked out union labor. A commltteo was appointed today to as certain what work was being done by the contractors outsldo Chicago. Its Informa tion will be presented to tbe national organ ization , which has already ntig ? " * * - It ? do- &lro to aid the local men la crur 4'u , and etrlkcs will be ordered. Buildings in New York , Boston and Philadelphia , as well as In many other cities , it is believed , are In course of construction by firms which are members of tbe .Building Contractors' coun cil. cil.A A sorlous blow was dealt tbe contractors today by the Independent Brotherhood Build ing Trades council. This organization was recently organized , announcing that the con tractors could , by applying at the now head quarters , secure men to replace members of the older union , who were locked out. To- day a atatement was Issued declaring that. It was the bellcif of thu Independent council j that the Contractors' association was uslngl [ thpm as a means to their own ends tbe subjugation - [ I jugation of all union labor. In view of this t it was stated the brotherhood had decided t to stand by the Building Trades council. I SAYS MAUD GONNE'S A BRITON Mrx Ailnlr , IVIio COIMCM lo Worlc for j Mn I nc HoMiltnl Shin , ' Conic NEW YORK , Fe'j. 14. Mrs. Cornelia Adalr , who comes hero as the head of the hespltal ship Maine commltteo , seeking > American subscriptions in aid of the nick i and wounded In South Africa ' , was a passenger - senger on the Oceanic which arrived hefro today from Liverpool , Mrs. Adalr said : "I shall bo hero three weeks and during | i that time I expect to visit Philadelphia. ' , Plttsburg , Chicago and possibly other west- , crn cities. H is my Intention to hold drawIng - j | Ing room meetings In the houses of my J i friends hero and In the other cities , nt i which I will explain tbo work and set' | ' I forth our need * . The money which I expect I to ralso at these meetings will not eomo in tbo form of a collection. I am not hero on a begging expedition and I want whatever is given to eomo OH spontaneous expressions of sympathy. " It WHS pointed out to Mrs. Adalr that whllo she In her appeal to American women , which has been publlHlicd , called upon Irish men to help her cause , Miss Maud Gonno ' was hero to stir up Irishmen against KngI I land. She said he had nothing to say on the subject , though she added : "Why , Miss Gonne Is not even Irish ; Bho IH English. " START BIG BLAST FURNACE li'lri-n Mclilfd In tlie J.iirK'-M One In Ihr AVorld CaniuKSix Hun dred TOIIH u DIM. YOUNGSTOWN. 0. . Fob. II. The largest blast furnace In the world was lighted last night when stack No. 1 at the Ohio plant of the National Steel company was put In operation. Tbe furnace la 100' feet high , fifteen-foot crucible und twenty-two-foot bosh. The capacity of the furnace la GOO tons every twenty-four hours. Two other furnaces of similar dimensions are under I construction and will be- completed In two or three montlm. The output of these furnaces will bo used by the National Steel company. I.'riiiiiiiuKiTM III f. Trim ! , PITTSBURO , PH. , Feb. II. The leading U > rat i manufacturers of the country are In .session burn for the manifest mifrwu of forming a combine. 'lVn proceeding , ) (1ro secret. It is known that twelve of th < largo brass Industries In thu country nro rcprenented. A combination which vll ! probably bo k'lown as the- American llratn company was < l cldi < < l uppn. Another meetlnK will bo held within the next two weeks. Franela J. TOrrencit Is one of the principal local parties Interested Oeorco F. Row of C'hlwiBo. WT. . Doyle of MVl- waukeo and H. SI. Urewstcr of Springfield. Mass. , aio among the promoters. f'liliiiiliilin'H VerdlrtKiillmt ( lloml KANSAS C-1TY , Slo. , Feb. JI.-Mon Finiir Young , a Ohlnoac doctor , was awarded 8tOT by ii Jury In the circuit court today In a verdict against iho Kansas ( 'lty , SI Joseph & C'onn. II Bluffs railroad bceautte u negro portrr of the railroad company -nould not permit him to rldo In thu parlor car of thu train. Young bued for 3)xw ) ( damages. THAT OMAHA SUPPLY DEPOT OonmlEsioner Jonai Oppose * thn Project Be * fore Senate Indian Committee. SENATOR 1HURSTON SETS HM RIGHT Aincnilniciit MnUlim nn Appropriation nf * S.IH > 0 for KntnbllnliliiK tlir Ilriiot In Allnuril to Stnml In the Mill. WASHINGTON , Feb. It. ( Special Tele- , gram. ) Tbe Bub-commlUeo on Indian affairs of the senate , Thurston , Platt of Con necticut , CJtmrlcs , Jones of Arkansas and IVltlgrew , having consideration of the In dian appropriation bill , heard Commissioner of Indian Affalrn Jones today on certain features of the bill. The subject ot the Indian supply depot nt Omaha came up during the course of the hearing , when the j commlreloncr somewhat astonished the com- j mlttee by stating that he had never heard that the city of Omaha had compiled with the provisions of the law relative to the tender of u building for depot purposes. Ho said an agent of the department had gone to Omalm for a number of years and had received bids for supplies far delivery nt cither New York , Chicago , St. Louis , j Kansas City , Omaha or St. Paul ; that so far i as ho was concerned ho wna opposed to the erection of an Indian supply depot at Omaha. Senator Tburston stated to the committee that the provision In the Indian hill was simply carrying out former legislation ; that the bill creating a supply depot at Omaha passed congress In 1897 , but that both Sec retaries Bliss nnd Hitchcock had found It Impossible to carry out the provisions ot the act because of thu failure of congress to ap propriate money sufficient to maintain such a depot. Ho read a letter from Secre tary Hitchcock recommending an appro priation ot $3,000 for the establishment of n supply depot which greatly disconcerted the commissioner , who frankly stated that he did not know the matter had gone this far. The amendment was allowed to stand. There Is considerable opposition devel oping to the confirmation of Dr. McChesncy as Indian agent at Rosebud , the assertion being made that the Indian office dominated the appointment two months before McChcs- ney's term expires. Colonel Clapp of tbo Pine Rldgo agency , who was In the city on matters connected with bis office , said today it would be a great mistake not to confirm McChesney. Said he : "There are so many conditions at present operating ngalnst the Indians at Rosebud that they are growing Just a trifle restless and only some such competent man as Dr. McChesncy has proven himself to bo able to control turbulent spirits. " The Rosebud Indians are close to the "Bad Lands" of South Dakota , a tract of country which whllo it is mostly unknown Is Inac cessible to white men , offering fine induce ments to rebellious Indians should they de cide to rise up against the Great Father because ho has decided tb cut down their rations , annuities , etc. AH n lllacklcir Vnceliic. The dclegaticD In congress from Nebraska has been receiving during tbe last month from all over the state inquiries as to the rumor In < circulation in Nebraska that the Department ot Agriculture had decided to impend the J89imof Macklfjn vaccine. Thcro seams to bo but one opinion among faraieVB' and cattlemen that blackleg vaccine , as is sued by the government , has done untold good for herds and instead of abandoning the issue it should be enlarged. A cattle man , writing -to Senator Thurston , says that ho had a bunch of young cattle last spring which commenced to die with the blackleg. " 1 at once made a request from the department at Washington for vaccine , received It and after using it' lost no more. Since then I have vaccinated about 550 head and In no instance have I mot with a single loss after using vaccine. " A. G. Hagadorn of Curtis says : "I pro- test against doing away with government vaccine. Protect the pcoplo In preference to the monopolies. Lot the government fur- nlsh free vaccine to every ono who will use it for blackleg. Go farther ; try to find a remedy for hog cholera. " These reports having been shown Secretary Wilson ho stated today that a new rule had been established , as follows : All persons' desiring blackleg vaccine , by writing to the bureau of animal industry will receive a department blank , which shows the num ber of cattle to bo Inoculated and owner ship. This blank-when properly filled out ; Is then to bo sent to the senator or mem- her of congress , who will'countersign the application for vaccine , which will be sent at once to the applicant. 'Senator Thurston today Introduced a pe tition of the Farmers' institute of Dodge , Washington , Saunders , Douglas and Colfax counties , protesting against any modification * of existing tariff laws whereby the products of Porto Hlco and other tropical Islands shall bo admitted to the United States on any lower duties than those now Imposed. Congressman Sutherland Introduced a bill to Increase the pension of Horace P. Smith. Congrcwiiian McPherson of Iowa intro duced a , bill for the relief of John Patterson of Pottawattamlc county. I'l-rimiiifiit I'ONt Nfiir Sheridan. Congressman Mondell today , was Riven permission by the committee on military af fairs to call up his bill establishing a permanent military pent at Fort McKcnzlc , near Sheridan , Wyo. Senator Lodge introduced today during the consideration of the financial bill an address of the National Unslnefs' Men's league on maintaining the gold reserve be tween national banks and the government. The following Omaha firms arc. signers of the address : First Notional hank , Carpenter Paper company , Lee-Olass-Andreescn Hard ware company , Paxton-Gallagher company , M. K. Smith & Co. and Rector & Wllhcliny company. Andrew McLood was today appointed po t- muster at Molngona , lloone county , Iowa ; also K , L. Huglna at Blxby , Chateau county , S. I ) . , and Ethel Shc'dd at Rcdfern , Pennine- ton county , S. D. An order was Issued to day establishing a postofllco at Kits , Craw ford county , la. , with Benjamin F. Klls as postmaster. John W. domiciling of Ohio was today appointed teacher in tbo Rosebud ( S. D. ) ' Indian ncbopl , nt $60 a month. Mrs. A. J. Keller of Hot Springs , S. I ) . , state representative of the Daughters of the American Revolution , Is In the city. Ultimo I'ciiNloii Hill Ainrnili'il , WASHINGTON. Fob. II. The benato com mittee on pensions today reported the pen sion appropriation bill. The committee In creased the total appropriation as made by the hoiifo bill to the extent of cnly $16,000 , and struck out the house proviso making It discretionary with the commissioner of pen sions to refuse to pay the fees of attorneys In pension cases. Aliullxli Small I'ui'r.nKi'n. WASHINGTON , Feb. H The ways and means committee of the house today ngrrcil to report n. bill of much Interest to the brewing Intermits abolishing what are known to the trade as sixth and eighth barrel ? , making quarter-barrels the small est packages of this character authorized by CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fnlr ami Cold ; Brisk Northerly Winds. Toniiicrnturo at Oinnlin yonlcrilnyi Hour. OCR. Hour. r n , in. . . . , , -I 1 | i , in It n. in I - | i. in 7 ii. in t : t p. 111. . . . . . S n. in t -t ii. m I ) n , in t r. p. in 1O n. in i u p. nit It n. in t 7 ii , in : i 1 a in i > s ti. n - ii. in congress. The small tlzos have .been vastly lost , n ml as tlio commissioners ot Interim ! revenue reported that no denomination of lovctiup would ensue from tlio change , the committee decided to yield to the request of the trade In this particular. Mr. Dolll- vcr was authorized to report n substitute which differs from the original only In phraseology. ' GORMAN is FOR BRYAN NOW i SIIJ-H UP IN ronvlnoedIIIIIR | ( "nil i I'revcnt Ni'liritnUnn'n Hcnoinlnn- llnii ! > > Dciuiiurnti ) . WASHINGTON , Feb. 14. Former Senator Gorman , who was at the capital today for thu first tlmu since thu present session of congress assembled , In an Interview with a Test reporter eold that all his efforts here tofore had been directed against the ro- nomlnatlon of W. J. Bryan as the demo cratic candidate for the presidency , ho be lieving It would not ho wise , but that ho was now convinced "that nothing icnn pre > - i vent his selection an the head of the demoj j cratlc ticket. Ho certainly , " added Mr. Gor man , "has the people behind him 'to a ro- murkuhla degree. " Asked If ho would support Bryan If nomi nated , ho replied ; "Certainly. I supported him In 189G and I fahall support him again thin year. I do not prcposo to desert my party. " LUDLOW ON CUBAN AFFAIRS MIIKury Control of he IMnml Should Continue fnr u Number of NEW YORK. Feb. 14. In the course of nn Interview with a Commercial-Advertiser reporter today Brigadier General William Ludlow , military governor of Havana , who arrived from Cuba last night , said : "After the municipal elections , which arrf set ifor May , have been held und the new elective districts have been organized , I think It quite possible that the expense oT maintaining United States troops In the Island can be materially reduced. " As to the probable , duration ot American occupation of Cuba General Ludlow said : "I do not think that at this tlmo anyone believes tbo population ot this Island , with Its entire Inexperience and a formidable percentage ot illiteracy , to bo capable off hand of maintaining a stable and responsible government. All , I believe , assent to fho present necessity for the continuance of the American occupation , but wcy want this whllo It shall continue to bo fundamentally a military control and not a civil control. "In Havana It Is recognized that eomo tlmo , several years , will bo needed to or ganize a complete Insular government , and I have heard five ymre spoken of a a rci- eor.t-b'c ' : ; v'B'l-f ' : 1hl3 1 i'JV . I. H < ! . , pcnda upon the Cubans themselves and upon the aptitude and conscientiousness .hey shall exhibit In the untried and perilous Held ot political administration. " LEE FOR WAR WITH BRITAIN South Tnkota'n Governor Annrrl Treatment of Conitnl Mncrum ! Kitoucli KXOIIHC for It. CHICAGO , Fob. 14. "War with England should bo the policy of this government , " said Governor Andrew B. Lee of South Da kota tonight , "If tbo facts set forth In ox- I Consul Macrum's open letter issued to j 1 : the American people are found to be cor rect. I I "Tho action of the British authorities at Durban In tampering with mall matter ad | dressed to Macrum Is damnable and an out j rage against the rights ot neutral powers. ! ' If the facts as stated inthat letter are true , tbe American government Instantly should call Great Britain to severe account. That 1 may mean another war on our hands , I know , but war Is preferable to national dishonor. The spectacle of an American cit izen , bo bo In private or public life , having to sit Idly by and see his mall opened by an official of a foreign power Is lee humil iating for American blood to stand. " Almnot equally as radical comments \\ito made by several of the lenders In the anti trust conference who were shown the dis patches from Washington tonight , setting forth the experiences of tbe ox-consul. All were emphatic In saying that the rights of citizens of neutral powers should ho pro tested and that Kngland should bo con demned strongly for her high-banded methods. DIRECT VOTE FOR SENATORS IViiiiH.vlvaiiln LealHlntlvc Comitilll : e l'roiiiNPM it Niitliinnl Convrnllnii to Work , tot It. PHILADKLPHIA , Fob , 14. The Joint committee of tbo Pennsylvania legislature appointed at the last esslon to consider the election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people with a view to I submitting an amendment to the national j constitution has cunplcted Its work ami to day forwarded copies of iU resolutions to the secretaries of state of New York , Now Jersey , Ohio , Massachusetts , Tennessee , Maryland , lowe , Kentucky and Mississippi , where legislatures nro now In session. The resolutions refer to the national houeo . of representatives having on three occaelobH pasted bills favoring the change and the defeat rf those by the Hcnato nonconcurrlnir , and nUo to various state legislatures favor ing the change. The provUlon of thu na tional constitution requiring the calling of a convention tor proponing amendments on the application of two-thirds of the states Is quoted and the rctolutlonn ask that the several Icglslatuics make- this request. I'lHuri-H All Sold , XKW YOHK , Fob. 14. The Hale of the Hilton i-ollfcllon of ploturt'S wax llnlnlicil In- nlKhl ut Ohli-kurlnir .hull. The total Hum roallwil tonight was Jitf.tao , making n gVund total of JIIS.'IJ for Hie IC'j pictures noli ! , The gem of the collection Wan .MelH , ciiiler'H "l/Aun om . " " which -'OBt A. T. Btnwart > 'lt/W. Tonight It brought JltUW , J. W. dales bcliiff the ptirclniHer. "Slieon In the Wood * . " by C. K. Jacquc. was sold to II. fc'prltwr for J7.MW , AS a rule thu prices were low. .Mot riiii'iilN uf tlvrnii' VrxuHx , i < Vi. | M , At N 'w York Arrlvi > dlariiue'tto , from London ; l ahn , from Ilremen , via Sotithani- ton ; Oceanic , from Uveryool ; Noordland , from Antwerp : Uarmstudt , from Ilremen. At Philadelphia Sallod Switzerland , for Antwer.i. At Southampton Arrived Saalc , from New York , for llreturn. Sailed Alter , from Ilrcrncn , fop Now York , At Liverpool Arrived 'Mlchlrun , from Iloiton. At Nice Arrived Auguiito Victoria , from Ni'w York , via AlglerK ion Oilimtal cruise ) . At Plymouth Hulled Pennsylvania , from Jlamlmri. . for New York. Al Antwerp A rrlviv ) , January 1 ! ! Boulh- v.'ark , from New York , POPS PASS THE HAT Call for Blood Money from Officeholders for Political Purposes , EDMISTEN KEEPS THE LIST OF EMPLOYES Calls on Every Mother's Son of Them for Liberal Contributions STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE IS HARD UP Chairman Tries to Touch for More Oosb the Feeder * at the Trough , MAILS JOB LOT OF BEGGING LETTERS I'lrniln fnr Dticntn for CnmpnlKtt I3\- pciifico , lint tlio 1'lc Cfuinumnm Simply llrNponil with n Loud , llenrtrcmllnirVnll. . LINCOLN . Feb. II. ( Special. ) A loud wall Is going up from tbo ranks of office holders and employes under the popullit dispensation because of another assensment that was recently niudo for the campaign fund by the pdpullst state central commit tee. Several nt alehouse employes have re- timed to contribute uny more to the fund until thu campaign opens , and IIB a similar disposition has been exhibited by other popocratlc employes and ofllcoholdcrs In various parts of Nebraska , the state central committee Is reduced to sore straits. Chair man J. H. Kdmlsten has a list containing the name of every person In Nebraska who holds oftlco by virtue ot the party now In control ot the state government , and all have been asked to contribute- their sbaro toward defraying tbo expenses of the next campaign. At the eamo tlmo an effort Is being made to clear up the existing In debtedness of the committee , which now amounts to considerable. The populist headquarters In tbo capital building have been practically dcourted since The Bee called attention to the fact that one of the 'best ' rooms in the statehousn was being used by the. populist state central committee. By keeping the outside door locked. Chairman EduilBten hoped to keep from the public the real nature of the busi ness transacted In the room , but thcro ru many leaks In the popullnt machine und the secrete soon became common property. The room occupied by Edmlstcn was ono of the best on the lower lloor of the capital find It has been much In demand , owing to tbo overcrowded condition of the building. Sninplr IlruvrliiBT Letter. The following Is a sample of the assess ment letters that are being sent out from thu capltol building by Chairman Kdmlsten : "LINCOLN. Feb. 10 , 1900. Headquarters of the People's Independent Party of Ne braska Mr. . Dear Sir : Your assess ment for tbo la t campaign Is In part un paid and our committee finds Itself with n number of debts , yet on band , which were made for the benefit of * h party during the tainpalgn , In eavtl jtiltl i\d - ; ; . obll- i feuiluiis are'-aupuW iLfa. < - i hin > V iiilfu , . it F the payment of the nssessmentB by thoiio who arc drawing salaries by virtue of our party in power. "Wo have , therefore , hcnt out letters ask ing for money and have received no re sponses from tbo same. I sincerely hope that It will be unnecessary for mo to have to repeat this request In order to raise funds from these who have boon recognized by our party and who are drawing salaries at the present time. "Tbo committee Is acting in theeo mattera with the- full belief that when reasonable aBsepBmonts arc made that they will bo com- pllexj with at once , and that the Interests of the party would not bo permitted to euffnr on Account of _ the failure to make such pay ments , I , therefore , urge upon you to re- mlt the following amount which Is | the balance duo from you and which Is noeefi- sary in order to place UH In n position to clear up' the obligations of the committee which now exlfltH. A prompt reply and re- mlttonce will bo highly appreciated. . I am , respectfully yours , "J. H. EDMISTEN. Chairman. " NECESSITY OF THE CANAL SeurcdirlcM I.OIIK mill WlUon Write Tlu-lr VlewM "Invnlnnlile for Commercial NBW YOHK , Feb. 14. On tbo "Necessity of tbo Isthmian Canal , " Secretary of tlia Navy Long and Secretary of Agriculture Wilson have written their views for the next IBBUO of the Independent tin follows : Secretary Long : "I am heartily In favor of the Nicaragua canal and of a I'nclllc cable. They urn both necessities In this pro- greHslvo ago and they are mirb to conic. Without having madn a thorough Htuily of the question and holding my views subject. to further light , I think they should be con- ot muted and controlled by tbo government of. tbo United States. " Secretary Wilson : "I believe In the. Isthmian canal. It will bo Invaluable for commercial purposes. It will greatly leiwon the uxpeuuo of transportation from ocean to ocoan. When I was at Tuconm not long slnca I saw In tbo harbor a veetiel of about I ! , MO tons burden loading for the China trade , It had railroad ties and flour , which It got on the 1'aclflo coast ; Milwaukee had sent , I should eay , 1,000 barrels of beer ucross the country ; Chicago bad eent canned beef and olcomargarlnn ; Philadelphia had hunt sugar- making machinery clear iicrcws the country : Virginia and Kentucky had 1,200 hogsheads of tobacco In that vessel going to Japan : Alabama had sent Iron and steel away north Id the latitude of Turoma und went to reach that port on the Pacific ; North Carolina had boles of cotton goodn going to Shanghai ; Now England bad boxes of notlonH and bi cycles ; all tlu'Bo In a single VCSHO ) . Now when I reflected on the expense of shipping all tla-Bo goodB to put them on to a boat lit Taccmu I concluded that wo ought to have that ditch dug across tbo IttlnmiH. The trip pf the Oregon converted the nation , " I'orlii Illi'ii Sllll OiilNldr , XKW YOHK. Feb. H. The Hoard Of ( 'luptfilleutlon of the ITnltri ) fttates Koiirral nppralher i today announced it derision In the I'orto Hlco CJIKO of MOHC ! lirothvru iiml John II. Ooetz & C'o , . protestants , who claimed that Porto Hlco In ulrcaily a part of the United Stutf ami that no dutlm run I tip. lovleri on gooda from thorn. Thu bourd j unanimously overriileH their elulm no far an It rolutcrt to KoodH Imported wlillp the mill- l.iry Kfriipatlon laxtx. The opinion of the board U written by Oi-noral Appraiser Hon- < ler on II. Homervllle , who WHH for many ycitrn a mwnliur of the Alabama miprrmo court. _ Inliorlfiiiirc Tax l/mr Valil , ST. PAUL. .Minn. , Feb. H. The unr n court tblH afternoon In a ease brouKht up from 'Mflx.'od county , declared the M'l'iif. ' ftiita. Inheritance tux law to be unconstitu tional. buliib' contrary to thn foimlluitloiml provUloii requiring eqilftl taxation hecatiHo It oxonijita real property and nuscsteo Much u tax on personal property and herautip of other exemptions ) , The law wan paswil In I .i7 lifter the adoption of a constitutional amenlwnt jttrmlttliiK iuch a law ,