P TJ1E OXAIIA DAILY BEE : WKDXESDAY , FEBRUARY It , 1000. 1 I PEGIAL NOTICES . \fl\CTllNCMIIPIllN for lllCRC Clll Mill IIH Mill Inliikeii unlit 1HI. . for ( lie evrnlnu edition nml until Nilttl p. in. for iiiornlnu ami Sunday edition. Itiitex , I J-lc ! aor l llr.xt liinertlnnt le iv itiml tlu'renfler. > IIIIIK tulien for ICNM than - , * . ( ! for ( lie tlrxt Itixt-r- ( liin. 'I'heHiailverllNeineiilN iniiHl lie run ouiiHfoiitH < ! } , All * erllMTK , liy reiiicntliiK | n ninii- lipr - l eheeK , can linniiHMern nil- ilrenicil tit n iiiiinberrd letter In enre if 'I'lio Ilcts AnuMprH m > mlilronseil tvlll lie delivered on prenenlatloii of Ilir iliL-ik enl } . AVA.vrm'i SITI ATIO.NS. A STENoaHAPHUlt. When you want ono pleao call up the Remington typewriter otllce. Hla 'urnaip at. , telephone 15"3- WAM'IJI ) MAI.H WANTUD. Wo have Htemly work for a few good hustler * of good habits and appear- anco. C. ! ' . Adums Co. , 1 13 Howard 8t. WK TMAC'H the barber trade thoroughly In short time and furnish caeh graduate with u guaranteed position ut good wnces. There am moro than tun barber positions advertised to one at bookkeeping or short hand. Write tor free catalogue and par ticulars. Western IJarbirs' Institute , Omaha. 11-1)02 ) CASH for acceptable ideas ; state It pat ented. AddreSfl , The Patent Ilccord , Hal tlmore , Aid. H 003 WANTUD , manager and agontn ; salary or eommlsslon ; cheapest anil largest line. Hunter Tailoring- and Shirt Co. , Cincin nati , O. U-M14G A7" A YOUNO man attending school desires a plnc < v to work for board ; any honest work.Addrcts Boyles College. Uco bldg. ; tol. 19S4. B 1 % J picture agents ; expenses paid. 1SID Ioav. IJ AISS7 1' 28 AVANTKD , men to learn barber trade. We have a grand offer , special this month. SCO positions nt $ W monthly open soon. new Held , eight weeks' term qualities. Complete' outfit of tools presented each Btiident. Our gnidimtos1 mirccss Increases the demand for help and they arc iiuthor- t lze < l to work In any state. Can earn tui tion working for us. Illustrated catalogue explaining our new Inducement mailed " free. Moler Harber Collese , Chicago , 111. Tl 5I37B WANTHH. In nn otllee , u thoroughly ex- jmrlenciM Invoice entry elerk ; one experi enced In liind1l.nK railway claims pre- ferreil. Address X .TO. Dee. 11 5in WANTED , everywhere , hustlers to tark slgiw , distribute circulars , samples , ele. ; no canvassing ; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Hureau , Chicago. B M527 11 * WA > Tnn I'-nsiAi.u iint.1 * . WANTED. 200 girls. 1C24 Dodge. Tel. S7t ! . C SOS WANTKD. .competent young nurfo girl. Call at 123 So. S5th street. C 171 WANTED Thoroughly eon'pctcnt girl for general housework. 3202 Woolworth. C-357-11 WANTED. grl | for -ifenoral hoiUQWork , small family. Apply at 123 N. 31st ave. C W3 WANTED Experienced lady cashier In large dry goods store. State experience and reference ! ! . Address X 43 , Bee olilce. ' C 313 14 LADIES , lo call and learn how to get a silk waist or skirt for 2.V ? , made to measure , nivy nolor ; samples on exhibition. Devols Waist Co. , 435 Paxton block. q-M525 14 * WANTED ? three Urnt-class specialty Kales- men ; r < * ferencrH ' .Addns Manager , ' Room 100R , ' 1S , " > ' , Dearborn St. , Chk-afio. , ' B-M523 11 ? A'MIHTIOUS. ' man In each city .to , 'le.arn practical advertisement writing by mall ; big demand : good pay ; bright-future" ; iti- foriiintlonfrei - . , foriiintlon freiPagcDiivJs . Advertising School , Medlnah Temple , Chicago. B M520 ! ! FOR ItlSNT IIOUMKSJ. , . . . j j > . .n , i , a ; . . ' - . < ,2 . . t tf , . IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with Bt-npw & Co. . .D OOli C1IOIO3 houses. cottaKes , stores. Henry B. Puyn'e , 601 N. Y. LifePhone. . 1010. P-U07 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - HOUSES , stores. Bemis , Paxton block. D-D03 . _ _ MAOOAHD Van & Storage. IClO-Cap. Ave. Tel , 14'JC. . . . .D KO HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennun-Lovo Co. , 309 So. 13th street. - ' D-fllO _ ilOUSKS for rent. J. II. Sherwood , 933 N. Y. Life. ' Phone 3SS. D-l'll ' _ HXDUSES to-renl. ' 'll. C. Patterson , 305 N ; Y. . ' Life. , . - . _ D-913 2 TO-U rooms , $3 to $ oO. 3fi U. S. , B'k .bldjjT . , " ' ' ' _ ; . . . ' ' _ D-913 ' VOll KENT , desirable houses and flats. Illngwult , . Barker block. . . D 914 8221 CUMINO st. , seven rooms , modern ex cept furnace , has Just been painted and renovated ; will rent to desirable tenant , only J20.00. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. D 915 215 S. 20th ave. . modern seven-room house In good condition , J25.00. Omaha Loon & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas sts. D-917 FOU JIENT , modern steam-hented apart ment on second floor of Davldge building. JOHN W. ItOBBINS. Ib02 FAIINAM. D-C03 _ IF YOU need a tenant list your houses with W. V. Hedges , 609 Paxton block. D-ISO _ K2 SOUTH 2Sth. 7 rooms , modern. J30 ; 3007 Webster. 8 rooms , bath ; 2222 North 18th , G rooms , barn , large yard ; also lints. Itlng- walt Bros. , Barker Block. D C4a HOUSES , otc. K. D. Wead , 1521 DougiasT D-119 2227 SPRITCE ST. , 4'rooms. city water. . SJIO Sowar'l Phi C-room cgltnie , city water , $10.00. fo2 S Mni Rt. , 4 rooms , clly water , $10.00. 2302 N. 'Jntll St. , S-room house J1D.OO. 1107 Marcy ht. ) 8 room's , cjt y Wi/ti-r. $3.00. . . OM AHA I.O'AN A'ND'THUST co. , ' Hith and Donjjlas. _ _ . _ . l'6' i inu'll ' ' famlf y. .7-roonTcoU tago In uoOd repair ; city water Inside ; cistern : coal' filnjil ; 22nd and California Sts. . } 23.xJpqUlro. ( ffJ N. J9th St. D-313 ALWAYS movlrig II , II. ' Booih Otlk-o 15ll'a ' Knrniim st , Tel. 1K9 or St > 3. . D 301 $ -r HOl'SE , , 9 r. for'flxlng up. 30' f' . S. Bank bldg. _ 0-MBOO ID I'OH HUNT KI.'HXISIIKIJ ItOO.MS. FURNISHED rooms , modern. 25SO Harncy. E-168-lti THREE nice rooms for hous keopInK. 1112 South Eleventh. ' E-M330 DIMINISHED rooms , housekeeping. MS3 St. Mary's. _ E-MSSSJC * FURNISHED rooms for uentlcmen. 175lli Leavonworth. E 307 K13 * FOR RENT , n very pleasant front room with brat and KUS ; unexcelled location ; rent low to desirable p.irty ; gentlemen preferred. Address X 40 , Omaha iu . E-MK3 13 uoo.tis AND HOAUD. THE Mcrrlam family hotel , U > th and Dodge. F-91S TO 2 gentlemen , In private family. 2020 St , Mary's Ave. F 919 > r TOR RENT , a nice south room. 212 8725 st. F-378 HANDSOME ntfam hnated , front room , with board. lOOy Capitoluvenue. ' F MSB 19 NICE warm room , modern ; board If desired. 616 N. Slrd. F MS20 IS "FiiiTTiisx' ! ' sToiuis " " FOR RENT , store In tlrst-clnsa location ; rent roanonuble. Apply R. C. IVtora & Co. , ground floor , Ueo bldg. 1 266 FOR RENT , brick warehouse , two floors each CtHlfO I1'1'1' power ek-vators ; I1 P trackage. Apply Haarmutm Bros , 191 ; Co. SDlh. I-SiO AIIKNTS "LIFE OF MOODY. ' 600 pages , 200 lltiw. . nuthorlzrd edition , best com , credit Riven. Hlxenbaugh & Co. , Ware block. Omaha J 147 AGENTS' BONANX.A ! THE IDEAL POL ISH : cienn * and pollings ANY metal. L-istlng luster , easy work. 417 South loth street. J Moll 16 HO. FOU. OAPE NOME ! Going ? Want to KO ? Want to make nome money In It without Kolnsc ? Artdrew ! for chance , Gold Coast Co. , Portland , Ore. Agentsi wanted. WANTED , agents for "U'ar In South AfrlfH , " or the story of a bravo people struggling for freedom , by William llnrd- Inc. the famous author nnd African trav eler , only $1.50. Contains authentic , up- to- < late history British-Boor war. BlgRest book. Hundreds Illustration * . Enormous sales. EiHlursoU by Kruger , Joubert , etc. Credit given ; freight pnw : highest com- mlSBlons. Outllt free. Enclose 6 two-cent stamps for mailing. The Dominion Com pany , Dept. 5. Chicago. ' M-530 20 WANTED , live agents everywhere to sell our new Ons I imn ; a gas plant ; brighter light than electricity ; cheaper than Kero sene ; hundred candle light ; cent n day : fully guaranteed ; polished brass ; retails $5 ; big money maker. Standard 1-amp Co. , 10J Michigan St. , Cnicago. J-M522 II * YOU HAVE THE WRONO BOOK It you haven't THE AUTHENTIC LIFU OK D. L. MOODY , by UEV. J. WILIJL'U CHAPMAN - MAN , D. D. Dr. H. M. Wharton and other most Intimate friends and coworkers ers of Mr. Moorly nay of Dr. Chapman- : "Of till men In tfio world I should .Hrlect you first to write th7 life of our dear friend , .Mr. Moody. " Hundreds of agents write us every day : "HAVE PRO5PKC- Tt'S FOR ANOfHUR LIKli OF MR. MOODY. BL'T PREFER DR. CHAP- -MAN'S TO ANY OTHER ; WILL TRANS FER ORDERS TO YOURS. " MR. MOODY'S SON WRITES TO DR. CHAP MAN : "I KNOW OF NO ONE WHO COt'LD WRITE WITH A BETTER AP PRECIATION OF MY FATHER'S LIFE THAN YOC. " Over 500 pases ; masnltl- 'eently Illustrated with exclusive photo- graphs. IF YOU ARE WISE you will send at once 'Xi cents lo pay postage on FREE OUTFIT. HIGHEST COMMIS SION : credit given ; freight paid. UNION BOOK AND BI'BLE HOUSE. Quliu-v Block , Denver , Colo. J M521 ! ! WAVl'CD-TO ItU.NT. TO RENT for term of years , 5 or 10 acres , suitable for gardening , with house and burn. X 43 , Boo. K Ml 14 WANTBD , room nnd board within walking distance of High school. X 47 , Bee. K M52I 16 * STou.vci2. PACIFIC Storogo and Warehouse Co. , 812- D14 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 021 OM. Van Stor. Co. , 1511' $ Farn. Tel. 15T.9 , SG3. M-3C5 WANTED TO UUY. ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 140C-10 Dodge. Tel , 2020.NS22 N-S22 WILL purchase a limited number ot Omaha Savlnws Bank accounts. Brenlian > - Love Co. , S09 So. 13th. N 823 STAMP collections bought , Mortensen , SOI Paxton Block. N-M5D F18 $3,000 TO INVEST In bargains. 1512 Daven port. N-M710 F25 AMERICAN dealer : tniy secondhand furni ture and stoves 1719 CUmlng. Tel. 1C73. N-291 ELK TEETH. Albert Edholm , jeweler. 107 N. IGth St. , opp. P. O. N M377 WANTED Good secondhand , fireproof vault doors. A. K. Smith , Bralnard. Nub. N-M425-17 * WANTED , .to buy , four 16-foot counters and shelving , suitable for dry goods. F. T. Tone , Citybldg. . , Council Bluffs , Iowa. N-4&3 FOU SAI.K IIOIISKS , ML'I.IS.S , 1VAOOXS. TOP BUGGY for sale , In coed condition. U 40'Bee. P-M190 FOR fSALIO. carload mules , Glen wood , la. ; weigh l.COO to 1.10O. fat , ready for mar ket. S. M. Estcs. 1' M355 M7 FDR SALE , 6-year-old horse , werght 1,500 Ibs. ; or would trade for' driving horse. 1717 Cass st. , Omaha. ' P 497 13 * SAMC I CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog fences. 901 Douglas Et. Q D24 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc- Conncll Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q 923 FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 ceiibTot druggists. One gives relief. Q 926 B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. Tol. 77H. Plants , cut flowers , bonnets- hall , resi dence , wcddlnc ; nnd grave decorations Orderu by mall or express promptly filled. Q-927 FOR SALE , all palms , shrubbery , bulbs and various plants from exposition grounds , liniulre at Apiary building. Ex position grounds. Q M161 16 INDIAN relics , mounted heads. 1116 Farn'm Q-92S 2DIIAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Fiinmm SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q-930 NEW bicycles complete. $13.50. Neb. Cycle Co. . cor. 15th nnd Harncy. Q-M071 F23 $185 WILL buy line Stelnwny upright : ensh or time. Address W 40 , Bco. Q MS3S STAMPS for colloctorp , albums , supplies. Frank Brown , 220V4 S. 13th. Q-MI2S-17 * NEW bicycle tires , $2.23 , 12.50 and $3.00. Good secondhand wheels , $ S , $10 and $12. Omnha Bicycle Co. , ICth and Chicago Kia. Ci-311 NOTICE , country dealers , 2dhand furnlttiro & stoves nt lowest prices , cnrlund loin or less. Chicago Furniture Co. . 1400-10 Dodge. R-932 FOR RENT , barn , nt 2026 St. "Marys' AvoT . . . R-T-3S.O . . fi.A'IKVO YAM'S. MRS. FRIT/ , clairvoyant , SOS N. I6th.S933 S-933 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1003 Dodge S-134 MASSAIil-l AM ) MATHS. MRS. BERRY , haths. m.vu.itjo. PARLORS bent In city. 110 N ICth. 2d floor ; opp P. O. T-170-M 2 * MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11SV4 N. 15th. T-MI7I 17 .MAY WILSON , bath , massage. ' 619 S. 16th ' T-.MIT7 K ELITE PARLORS. 615 So. 16th , upstTiTrT " T-5Q7 M MISS GYPSY , massage baths ; Hindoo treatment. 317'i No. 15th. Fl'-t ' F T-ME31 20 BEATRICE IIARLOU' , olcgant mtaso tub bath ; Arabian treatment. Flat D. 70J 8. 16th. T-M532 20 PUUSO.WI * . VIAVIi woman's way lo health. 316 Bee bid. U-P20 SHAMPOOING 25c. hair drpaslne ioe. nnd toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , 1E1S Farnam. Tel. 2333. U-937 MONHEIT. leading chiropodist. IMS Far- nnm , Id floor. Tel. 2323. ' f-938 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur. Ing conllnement ; babies adopted. HSU N. 17. PROF. LUND positively destroys corns , bunions , warts molea. 511 Kurbach Blk , U-426 F16 RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain , nc danger. Send for circulars. Empire Hup. turo Cure. 932 N. Y. Life Bldjj. . Omnha. GOOD largo barn for rent In north part ol city Inquire 2124 Locust. U-1W ri2H.SO.VAIi. . . . LIEBEN , costumcr. 1313 Howard. Get t catalogue. Uj-012 ALL diseases of the feet skillfully treated FREE for the benefit of student * . Miss Mayer. 400 Paxton Blk. Pupils wanted. u - 1363 YOUNG man desires to Ret acquainted with some respectable young lady. Object matrimony. X 31. Bee. U M361 _ 15 _ 113 S. 1STH ST. . superfluous hair , birth marks and wrinkles cured. Mme. M. True. 13 LADIES' . ecret to enlarge your bust six Inches free , /.ftnicmetto Co. , Milwaukee , Wly. U- _ _ JIO.MIV TO I.OA.-V KU.VI. USTATE. Jl.OOO & upwards to loan on Improved city property & farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 943 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. lirennan-Lovo CO. , 303 S. mil , Omaha. W 914 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad , 152J Dowlas WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W-340 $100,000,000 TO Invest through Bankers , Brokers , Promoters ; send for circular. Investors' Directory. N. Y. W BIS G PER CENT money. Bemis , Paxton .block. T MONEY to loan on flrstclnss Improved city property or for building purposes , Payne- Knox Co. , N. Y. L. W-50 B , 5H , C per cent loans on Omaha. S. Omaha. W. II , Thomas , 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. U4S. MONEY to loan at G nnd fi'i per cent on Omaha property.V. . B. MeilUc , 401 S. 16th. FIVE per cent farm loans. CJms. E. llumson. W MONEV to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Urcnimn-Lovo Co. , 309 So. 13J.li. . PRIVATE money , low rate , no delay. Garvln Bros. , 1013 Farnnm St. W 95a PRIVATE money. $100 to $1,000. J. It. Sher wood , 939 N. Y. Life. W-9J'J J100 to J3.000. 1512 Davenport.W W M71o F2o MOXKY TO LO AX CHATTELS. I-F-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y S-E-E-US We have a larjje amount to loan on house hold furniture , pianos , organs , warehouse receipts , horsesicarriages , etc. You enn get the money within u few hours after nmhlnsr application. WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR KIM NO PAPERS. Wo RVO ! you-ns much Unio as you need and you may repnv the loan as soon as ynu choose and you need not pay fv.r It O > hi DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . Tel. 22l > 5. SOS South 16th Street. S-A-L-A-R-Y L-O-A-N-S Prom $10.00 up nmilo to people permanently employed In OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA and COUNCIL BLUFFS. , . You can borrow of us onyour own name , without endorser or mortgage. We ar range the payments us easy as Is possible , allowing you to pay ALL or IN PART AT ANY TIME AND YOU PAY FOR THE MONEY ONLY WHAT TIME YOU KEEP IT. Our business Is confidential. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. Room llfl. 300 South llith Street. Hoard of Trade I31dg. Tel. 2293. X D57 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own narnn without endorser or , mortgage STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATES. No enquiries mad.e of em ployer or friends. You can borrow any amount and repay on easy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing pee us. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , suite 523-326 - N. Y : Llfo Bids. . . v. X 058 MONEY TO LOAIsf ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , diamonds , watches , on easy payments , un known to others ; you keep the goods , each payment lessens the cost of < ) ie--loan ; no charge for papers and we make no In quiries ot your neighbors. ' MERGERS' LOAN CO. , 1501 Farnam , over B. & M. ticket ( illlce. ' X 033 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , . Jewelry. Duff Green R. X.Barker blk. MONEY loaned salaried people holding- per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security easy payments. Tolman , i06 N. Y. L. Bldg. ' . 3tl MONEY loans on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1416 Farnam , upstairs. X 932 LOANS made salaried people on Tiersonal note without security : rates reasonable. J W. Tayloe , 218 1st Nat'l bank. , 12 to 6 P. m , X 963 MONEY loaned on nlanos , furniture , jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 _ S. 13 * * Otiii LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE em- ploved in Omaha , South Omnha and Council Bluffs , holding good positions , on their own names : NO MORTGAGE ; BEST TERMS ; everything private ; money can be paid bnck In small weekly or month ! ) payments. American Loan Co. , Room 001 , Bee Bldg. X-8fifl MONEY to loan on furniture , nlanos , hor. 0" . cows. etc. J. W. Tayloe , 2IS First National bank building ; 12 to 0 p. m. m.X M VOll KXCIIAVUE. CLEAR vacant .ot near 27th and Chicago 60x11' ' ) , $1,230. Will trade for good renta propurty and pay cash difference , oorso Ci. AVallace , 313 J. J. Brown _ block S.VLI : j PAYNE-1.CNOX CO. . HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS : LOW EST RATES on LOANS ; SOUND IN SURANCE ; HOUSES , FLATS , STORES for RENT. First lloor , N. Y. Life Bldg. 1115-907 IF YOU have n bargain to offer in rea estate see 8. A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Llfo HOUSErf , lotfl , farms , lands , loans ; also tire Inhiirunce. Bemis , Paxton hilt. ' RE 9TO SNAPS In roiil estate , money to loan. L. L Johnson Co. . 311 S. 15th St. KI3-D7I 1562 NORTH 17TH street , two houses , rent Ing for $16 per month , puvliiK paid , pays II per cent gross ; price , Jl.ii ) . John N Frenzer , opp. old P. O. RE-97S FOR QUICK returns on bargains only see S. A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. RE WJ C. F. HARRISON. FARMS. FARM LOANS HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also lire Insurance. HemlH , Paxlon b'k. RE 700 HOUSES , farms. R. C. Patterson. 303 N. Y L. RE M312 A BARGAIN , four ncres. 10th and Paclllc. , two blocks from cur line , on bolt rail road. $2,500 ; easy terms' . McCnKiio in vestment Co. , 150(1 ( Dodge. jlE-560 BARGAINS wanted , bargains for sale all the time. A. P. Tukey , Board of Trade. Rk 745 OWNERS of real estate willing to sell nt bargain prices should call upon or wrlta JOHN W. ROBBINS , 1W FARNAM ST. KE-67S FOR SALE , about fifteen Improved farms i and a lareo quantity of unimproved farm , and grazing land , partly under Irrigation , located In the beautiful Cedar valley ; this | valley Is one of the most fertile In the , west , growing both wheat and corn to , perfection , besides being lucesslble to gome of the best cattle raining country . that can be found anywhere. For prices and full description of propurty address Pibel & Company , Pibel , Wheeler county , Nebraska. HE-3UO 14 CHICAGO , neur 31st street , 6-room modern cottage : rental 252 per year ; pnop : 12250. Near 18th and Chicago Mrcctn. J-room house , lot 33x132 , pavlni ; paid , price $4.000. Five acres on North 2Uh street , south of r Miller park , east old Fort Omaha , $2.2T.O. ICO acres smooth land , noutlr.vest of lien- nlmrton. fair improvements , per- aero $15. JOHN N FRENXER , OPP OLD P O KUIl SALF. IttSAL IJSTATi : . . j - I ON EASY terms. Improved property In nil part * of the city : taken under forcclo.arf offered at 1 * appraised value ; terms t > pult any reliable purchaser. Set ? olsc , , _ 170I J'-arnnm st. HE-M436 17 A FINE STOCK KAIIM KOU BALE Oil EXCHANGE. We litive a 430-nero fftrm 2S miles frnni Omaha , near ArltiiRton. Noli , The owner will take JSC ) or t6ou0 In Omnha property ns part of purchase price. This is worth Investigation , as the property will be sold at n great bargain. 'rice , $3fi per acre , or $ I5 , . 'ayne-Knox Co. , solo agents. 1st floor N. Y. Life bldg. , Omnhn. RE-Mo.'B 16 1ENRY H. PAYNE , C01 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate Rentals , Loans , Insurance , i RE-970 ' R. C. PETERS Si CO. SPECIAL BARGAINS. room , nil modern house , only three y arf old. near Hanwom park , to bo sold tins week nt a bargain ; oak Ilnlsh downstairs ; everything up-to-date. 9 acres , one mile north of Florence , on main road. 15 acres under cultivation , bal ance In timber and pasture ; good 6-ronm house , barn , rove , nlctv grove , good water ; lots of small fruit bearing. Price , $2S * . 0 acres , on West Dodge st. ( well Improved , iv.ived street ; some fruit ; good 9-room house. 'Price , Ju.OCO. R. C. PETERS & CO. , 1702 Fnrnam St. . Telephone S95. BCB Building. RE-M51 ! ; " . SltOIlTIIAMl AXIJ TVI'UWHITIXO. V/C. / VAN S A NT'S school. 717 N. Y. I.lfci -9SJ AT OMAHA Bus. College. 16th & DoueliiT -031 BOYLKP. college court reporter prlirl-nl. Bee bids -SJ NEBRASKA Bu lness & ShorthanJ en { . " lego. Boyd's thtviter. nt ! IIA.VCINC : SCHOOL. SPRING TERM Mornnd'-j .liiv-ln ? --h.v-.l begins this week : ehlldr Wcd'ie3.iys and Saturdays ; adults Tuesday and rrMav S p. in. ; attend the [ i = .aeiiTbll * > K , ( "rrlghlu'i Hall Wednesday and Saturday. S1) : ) i > . : n. and learn the new diincpp , salute v.-nllz , cake wnlk two Ptep , and Cuban waits. Admission , couple , CO 'cuts. SSO-F ! S OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute. CIS N. Y. Llfo Bldg. , Alice Johnson , . O. , ladles' dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , Ostoopathlst. mgr. -933 M. E. DONOIUIE. D. O. . of Still school , Kirksvlllo , Mo. . COI Paxton blk. Tel. 1307. ' -J9J. "RESULTS THLL. " O = ter.pathylms cured where otlur methods have failed. Albert T. Hunt , D. O. , Pultn : ! i Karbaoh blk. , 13th and Douglas. Tel. C.V2. 320 M , " > TYl'BWUITKns. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625 Farnam St. Telephone 1284. yst REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and supplies. 1019 Farnam. 9S6 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible , -writing ; heaviest manlfolder and cuts the finest stencil. Tel 227 ! ) . J S. Stewart , Special Agent , 3\&M \ S. 15th St. Omaha. 9S7 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1110 Farnnm. -BSS PAWM1IIOICKHS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 418 N. 16. 991 EAGLE Loan Ofllce , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 9D2 1 > OH HUM' Ij'i.VD. ' 10 ACRES near Omaha , . 53i 36 V. S. Bank bldg. , - , ' , -M301 16 XICKEfc. CYCLE PARTS-Ali'klndR.-platlng. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Bldg. , Tel. t2535.Ill TRlfXIC FACTO11Y. TRUNKS , traveling- bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1209 Farnam -936 STAM.MKHIXr : AXU ST CURED. Julia Vaujrhan , 430 RnmKC Bldg- , 993 Minns AXI > STOCK'S Bird s-torc. 1C03 Leavenworth. -920 QUICK. ONE million buildingbrlok. . Nebraska Brick Co. , South Omaha. Telephone. 340. -K5-M-7 * MOTKI.S. METROPOLITAN. Wm. Barr. . Msr. ; 41 to J1.23.12th and Douglas. 'Phono 244 , 4t F22 JIICYCMJS. EXAMINE Crescent , Tribune , Olive , Fowler ler , J2.1 to J50 ; Jl down , any amount a week. Flescher , 1622 Capitol Ave. 479 FOIt l.KASE. , 06X132 , with trackage , Bear heart of city , W 23. Beo. 673 F23 * IjAI'MIIIY. ' OMAHA STEA.M LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 17M Leavcnw'h , Tel. 547 -937 Forxn. FOUND , black and while dog , Owner cal SOS Howard. Found-37 ! ) 12 FOUND Small cum of money , Owner eal , ut Slmonson & Norcly , 1C2J ) Capitol Ave Foima- 13 * itii'Aiiti\a. : PACKING , upholstering , m.ittross. feather rcnovatlnc Tel. 1331. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cumliic St. 2S9 Fl HMTl Ri : \CKI.Vi. . OM. Van Stor. C'o. , 131HFarn. . Tel. 1539. 563. MAXTIM.S , TILES , GHATI3K. WELSHANS & HOLBROOK , 309 S. 17th st. mantles , tile Doors , grates , repair work. M-410 M1Q _ TAU.OIIH. BEN COHEN , artistic tailor. 404 N Kith St S73 F2 > , IlAll.AVAY TIM 13 TAIll.i : . UNION PACIFIOr"THEOVER. N E. Cor. Ninth und Fnrnam Btreiita. City Ticket Ofllco tt'/i Farnam Ptreot. Telephone 31ti" f Depot , Tenth and Mason Birctts. Telephone CiO. i Leave. Arrive The Overland Limited..a 8:50 : am n 7-20 nm The F.m Mall a 9:00 : am a 3:20 : pm ' The Colorado Special..all:55 : pm n ti'j5 : am The Portland Special..a 8:50 : am a 1:10 pni Lincoln , Bcatrlco and ' HtroinHburK Express..b 4:10 : pm b2:23 : pm ' Pacific Express a 4:25 : pm a 0:35 Jim i Grand Island Local b 0:3) : pm b 9:30 : am i a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , MILWAUKKE A fat. Paul Railway - Clt.v Tlckct Olllco , iwi Farnmn Street. Ttlepli jiio 2 4. Depot Tentli and Mason Struct * . Telephone 6.i. Leuvi. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex . . .a7:3. : > pm a S:30 : are Chicago & Omnha Ex hllUO : am h SK : pm Sioux City und DPS I Molnes Expresn . .bll00 ; am b 3:55 : pn u Dally , b Daily except Sunday. U \IljW\Y TIJIIJ UL1NOTON & MIS- url River Rnllrou 1 - The Burllnrton Route" - Iviu-ral Offices , N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Fnrnftm St * . Tlckct olilce , 1502 Far- n.iin street. Telephone , ! M. Depot , Tciuti and Maces Streets. Tele phone 'o Leave. Arrive. Lin n , Hastings and McCook aS:40 : m a 7:40 : pm LI Droln Denver Colo- r.uln X't.iii. ullfornla.il-t'SS pm n 33 : pm Lincoln. Black Hills , Montana & Pugct SOUIK' . .x 4:25 : pm n S'.OO pm Lincoln I/j > * i a 7:00 : pin nlO:35 : am Lltn-oln Fast Mall a 2W ; pm nlO:33 : uin tune- . , rod . idu Utah Ciilf-irnL. . n 6IO ! am a Dally. j CHICAGO. BURLINGTON " Qulticy Railroad "Tho ! lliiBton Routo"-meket Oniro , 1302 Famnm St. , Tel. , 210. De-pot. Tenth & Maven Streets. Telephone , 310. LcaVo. Arrive. . . . . . a SOS : nm KxproU' ' . < t SidO nm n 4Vj : ( pm hi. , ice & St. L. Ex..n 7:4S : pm a S:03 : am 'aunt Junitlon Local..nlO:13 : an. KANSAS CITY , ST. ,1O- . enh ft council Bluffs IMIIroad - "The Burling. t n Route" Ticket Olilce , ' " ij Uarimm Street. Tele- , -Mie , tyt. Depot. . Tenth ' nid Mason Streets. Tcle- ; .u.nc , S'U.Leave. ' Leave. Arrive' . . . . . . S.0 : ; am . MRht J\.al0:15 : : pm a 6:15 : am . ons yer for St. Joari > h and St. IxUls..ii 4:53 : pm alll5'am : a Dally. OMAHA ft ST. LOUIS HAIL- road Omaha , Kansas City K. Eastern Railroad "Tho Qulncy llouto" Ticket Of fice. 14ir. Farnam Struct. Telephone , 32. Depot. Tenth nnd Mnrcy Streets. Telephone - phone , 629.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St. I. ui Cannon Ball Express a4iripm : rt S:3G : pm a" 4:45 : pm a 8 33 am City and Quincy ' .a 6:10 : am a 3:50 : pm a Dally. ILLINOIS 'CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket olilce , 1402 Farnam Htre < H. " " Tole- . pnoii" . 245. Depot , Tcntu and Mnsbn streets. ' Leave , Arrive , Chicago Express a 12:10 : pm n 4:05 : pm Chicago Limited a 7:33 : pm a S:15 : am Minneapolis and SI. Paul Express b 7:00 : am b 9:40 : pm Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7:33 : pm a S:15 : am Fort Dodge Local from Co. Bluffs . . . . b 4:20 : pin b 10:15 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sundays. 11 * A B A S II RATLROAD- Tkket Ofllcc. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone SM. Depot - pot , Tenth and Marcy Sirects. Telephone G23. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis 'Cannon ' Ball".a Express .a 4:45 : pm a 8:40 : am a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Ofllcos and Ticket Olllces Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone , 101. Depot , luth nnd Webster Sis. Telephone , 1433. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis , Kansas & Neb. Limited a 2:30 : pm a2:53 ! : pm K. C.-St. L. Express..a 9:50 : pm a 5:50 : am Nebraska Loeal Via Weeping Water b 3:03pm : a 9:45 : ani a D-.lIy. b Dally except Sunday , FREMONT. ELKIIORN & Missouri Valley Railroad ' The Northwestern Linn" General Ofllces. United States National Ilk , Bldg. , S W. 'Corner Twelfth - , and Fnrnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farnam , St. Telephone 561. Depot - pot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 1453 Leave. Arrive. IfKik HIUs , Deadwtfod , ' , ' Hot Springs a'3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper jind Douglas d3:00pm : o 5:00 pm Hastings , York , DuviU City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Seward b 3:00 : pm bC:00 : r Norfolk , Vcrdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Walioo and Fremont b 7:30 amb0:33 : am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Sun day only , d Dally except Saturday , o Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH , western Railway "Too Northwestern Lino" City. Ticket Office , 1401 Firnam Street. - Telephone - phone aCl. Depot , Tenth and Ma'son Streets. Tele phone. (129. ( Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am all:55 : pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 : pm all > ; 10 am Eastern Express. Des Molpes , Marshalltown , Ced'ir Rnplds and Chicago cage alO:55 : am a 4:05 : pm Eastern Limited , Chicago cage and Kan : a.4:33 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omahii a 2:45 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:30 : pm n 8:00 : am Fast Mall - a S:30 : am u. Dally. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , Minneapolis .t Omaha Railway. "Tho Northwestern - western Lino" General Olllces , Nebraska Divi sion , I5th nnd Webster Sts. City Ticket Ofllce , 14ul Farmim St. Telephone 561. Depot , 15th und Webstar Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger..a 6:00 : am a 9:00 : pm Omaha PnssengeL all:20 : am Sionx City & North east Ntbrnski a 3:10 : pm a Dully , b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Llne'x General Ofllces , United States National Bank Building , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnam Bts. Ticket Ojlicc , 1101 I'arnam St. .Telephone C61. - Depot pot , Tenth & Mason Sts , Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Exprcsa..Y.n. 6:00 : m nlftiO'pm Twin City Limited a 7:20 : pm a 8:15 : am bloux City Local a 8:00 : am a'4:20 : pm a Daily. . ' CHICAGO , ROCK I8L- and & Pacific Ralltoad "Thu Great Rock Isl and Route. " Cty | Tick et Olilce , K23 F.irnan Street. Telephone | Dupot , Tenth & Maion Slieetp. Telephone , 623 Leave , Arrive. Oes Molncn and Daven- purt 1/ical a 7:03 : am bll:35am : Chi uo Express b11:15 : am a S:10 : am C ) . .utu Fast Exprusi..a 6:00 : pm a 1:25 : pm St. Paul Express u C:00 : pm bllJ5um : l.iiu'on. . Colorado Spg3. , Dtnvur , Pueblo and Wcs > a 1:30 : jim a 4:23 : pm Dc-u Molnes. Hock Isl and nnd Chicago a 7:25 : pm aDCO'pm : Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5 65pm' ' 'JSO : am u Daily , b Dally extent Sunday. PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. Hoard of Purl : Commissioners , City ( if Omaha , Ni-b. Hc-ilul propojaU will bo re- rrlvcd nt tills oiilfo until 12 m. Feb. 20 , ISOft , for KLuliiiK iVntrol boulevard from 32d Ave. to the viaduct at the U. P. Ry. AM n cunrantco of BOIK ! faith that the rimtiact will I"-1 enterc-d Into \vjth good qnd fiilllck-nt hondx for faithful performance uuh : > ro'o.il shall be aucomtKinleil hy u ccrtllled check for at least 2 per cent of the approximate cost of the work. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. J. II. EVANS , President. CH'ARLDS G. CARPENTER. Enulneer. ' February 10 , 1900. FlldlOt STOCKIIOLDERb MEETING. Notice IH hereby given that the regular nnnuiil meotliiK of thu stockholders of thn South Platte I < and company will be hold at the olilce of talil cumpany in Lincoln , Ntb. , at 11 o'elopk a. m. . on UK llrst Wi-dnejiduy In Jlarc-h. A. li. 1900 , being the 7ih ilay of thu montli. By order of the board of director * C. H. MORRILL , A. B. MINOR , President. Secretary. Lincoln , Neb. , February 5 , 1300. Feb. 5-d30t on xvin h. ( Should be rend DAILY by all intcrestt-J , ; ns > haimes may ocmr at uny tlmr. ; Korflgn maljs for the - 'rk enditiK 1-Vbru- nry 17 , ui , will i-loso. ( IMIOMPTLY In nil rnscs ) Rt the ( icr.cr l rostoltlce s follows : | PARCELS POST MAILS clew one hour enrder than c ( using UhU > shown belnw. PnrrclR 1'oxl Malls Mr Ofrnmny clojo * t 5 p. m. Wsdnpsday : for dlsputch per s. s. II. II. Meier Thursday. Trninatltiiillo WEDNESDAY-At 7 a. in. ( supplementary 9 n. tiU for EUROPE , per * . s. New York , via Southampton ; nt 10SO : a. m. fur BEL GIUM direct , per i . s. Kensington , via. Antwerp ( letters must be directed "per S. P. Kensington" ) . THURSDAY-At 7 n. m. for FRANCh. SttTrXERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR- . TUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA , per s. s. La Gascogiie , vln Havre ( letters for other purls of Europe must lie- directed "per s. s. La Gasj j cogue" ) ; nt 6:30 : n. m. for A/.ORhS ISLANDS direct , per s. s. Peninsular ; nt 9 a. in. for ITALY , per s. s. Columbia , via , Naples ( letters must be directed "per s. B. Columbia" ) . . , SATURDAY At 4:30 : n. in. for EUROPE , per H. s. Elrnrla , via ( Jiieetistown ; nt .s n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Workondum , via Rotterdam ( letters | must be directed ' per H. s. Werkendam i ; nt 9 n. in. for ITALY , per a. s. Trave , vln. Naples ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Trnvc" ) ; nt 11 n. in. for NORWAY direct. UT s. s. Island , via ChrlMlanla ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Island" ) . PRINTED MATTER. ETC. - German steamers salllm : on Tuesdays take Printed Mutter , etc. , for Germany , and Specially Addressed Printed Matter , etc , for other ' parts of Europt- . American and \\hlte S'.ar steamers Wednesdays , Herman steamers on Thursdays , ana Cunard. French nnd German stcamar- Satur days tiiko Printed Mutter , etc. , for nil countries for which they are advertised to carry mall. , . . . After the elolns ' ' . the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named imovo addi tional Fiipplementary malls are opened on QIC piers of tr.o Ameiiean. English , French and German 'steamers and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of of steamers. Mall * for Mititli and Cent rat America , WEDNnSDAY-At 2:3o'a. : . " ni. for NAS SAU , per steamer from Miami. Fla. ; at 9:30 : a. in. ( stupplenientnry 10:30 : a. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per 9. s. Alllanca , .vln Colon ( letters for Guatemala must be directed "per c. s. Al- llnncn' ) ; at 10 n. m. for NUEVITAS , per s. H. Yarmouth : at 10:30 : a. in. for PORTO RICO , per U. S. transport , via San Juan ; nt 11 n. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per s. s. Silvia ; nt 12:30 : p. m. for LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEME- UARA. per s. s. Carlbbee ( letters for Grenada nnd Trinidad mli'st bo directed "per s. s. Carlbbee" ) : at 1 p. m. for CUBA , YUCATAN , CAMPECHE , TABASCO and CHIAPAS , per s. s. Yucatan , via Havana and Progreso ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Yucatan" ) . THURSDAY At 1 a. m. fur JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia ; at 12 m. for RIO DE JANEIRO , per s. s. Capri ( let ters for other parts of Brazil and La Plata Countries must be directed "per s. H. Capri" ) . FRIDAY At 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per s. s. Orlgen ( letters must bo directed "per s. s. Orlgen" ) . SATURDAY At " 2 p. in. for NASSAU , per steamer from Miami , Fla. ; at S a. in. f'or BERMUDA , per 8. a. Trinidad ; at 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. n > i fnr J'XJRTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA , SAVAKILLA. CAR- THAGENA nnd GREYTOWN. per s. s. Altai ( letter's ' for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. P. Altai" ) ; nt 11 n. m. for CUBA , per s. s. Havana , via Havana : at 11 a. m. for PORTO RICO , per H. H. San Juan , via San Juan ; at 11 a. in. for GREN ADA and TRINIDAD , per s. H. Grenada ; at 1 p. m. for NORTHERN BRAX.1L , per s. s. Dominic ; at 1 p. in. for NUEVITAS. GIBARA. VITA. PUERTO PADRE and BARACOA , per K. s. Lauenborg. SUNDAY At 8:30 : p. 111. for ST. PIERRE- MIQUELON , per Kteamer from Halifax. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close at this olilce dally at S:30 : p. m ( connect ing close here every Monday. Wednes day nnd Saturday. Malls for Mlquclon , by rait to Boston and thfence by steamer , close at this : ofllce dally at S:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba , by rail lo Port Tampa. Fla. add thenue by steamer , close at this office dally ( except Monday ) -if * < * 7 n. m. ( the connecting closes nro on Sunday , Weancsday and Friday ) ' . Malls for Cuba , by rail' to Miami , Fla. , and thence by steamer ; close nt this ofl'.cc every Mon- ' day'tuesday"find Saturday at 2:30-n' : . m. ( the connecting closes are on Tuesday and Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially ndcressed for dispatch by steamer , close at this olllcp ' dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. in. Malls for Costa Rica' , Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , nnd thence by steamer , close at this ofllce dally at * * 300 ; p. m. ( connecting closes here Sundays and Tu Srai' ? for ' , osta Rica and Mondays lor x5cii o , Puerto Cor tez and Guatemala ) , Registered mall closes nt 6 p. m. nrevlous day. Regis tered trail closes at 6 p. ui. uecond day before. TrniiN-I'iicIlla Mnlln. Malls lor Hawaii , China , Japan and Phil ippine Islands , via San Francisco , close hero dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to February 12th , Inclusive , tor dlppatch per s. n. Rio de Janeiro. Mulls for China , Japan and Philippine Islands , via Tucoma , close here dally at 0:30 : p. m. up to February 13tl ) for dlspa'nlcir s. s. City of Dublin. Malls lyr china and Japan and Philippine Islands , via Seattle , close here dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to February 15th , for dispatch per s. 8. Tosa Maru ( registered letters must be directed "via Seattle" ! ) . Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI nnd Samonn Islands , via Sun Fran cisco , close here dally at 6SO : p. m. after February * " 3d and up to February 17th , Inclusive , or on day of arrival of K. H. Campania , duent New York February 17th , for dispatch per s. H , Alameda. Malls for China and Japan , via Vancou ver , close here dully at 0:30 : n. in. up to February " 20th , inclusive : , for dispatch per s. B. Empress of China ( registered mail must bo directed "via Vancou ver. Malls for Hawaii , China , Japan and the Philippine Islands , via San Fran cisco , close here dally nt li-3u p. m. up to February 22d. inclusive , for dis patch per H. 8. Coptic. Mulls for Society Islands , via San Francisco , close here dally at B:30 : p. in. up to February ' 23d , Inclusive , for dispatch by nhlp Galilee , Malls for Hawaii , via San Francisco , close here daily nt 0:30 : p. m. up to March * * * 2d , inclusive , for dispatch per K. s. Aus tralia. Malls for Australia ( except \Vest Australia'- which goes via Europe , nnd New Zealand , which gooa via San Fran cisco ) Hawaii und Fiji Islands , via Van1- couver. close hern dally nt CSO : p. m. up to March > * * ! , Inclusive , -for dispatch per u. a. AonuiBl. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of Hailing dally and the schedule of clos ing iff arranged on the presumption of their unintorruplcd overland transit. " Registered mull closes nt 0 p. in. prevl- CORNI-JL1ITS VAN COTT. IVistmaotHr. Postofllco , New York , N. Y. . Feb. 9 , 1900. A 1'AIUIO.V ( JRA.VrEl ) . Hoiiinno * SprliiKM frinu n CriiMlieil Tlicaler llnl. She has bis ha/el eyes and a charming face. Ho has a eoft voice and a Oreelan cas.1 of countenance. Ho was a little Into and fate wouM have It that his scat wan next to bora In the theater. Ho glided In quietly , relates the ' Detroit Kreo Press , and watt In his chair b'oforo she noticed him. "lies pardon , " she exclaimed sharply. "IlcR pardon , " ho echoed , while ho looked Inquisitively embarrassed. "Ileg pardon , but that seat Is reserved by young gentleman friend of mine. II war detained , hut Is coming later. And , bet : pardon , " treezlngly. "my bat U In the ecat. " "Ob , I beg pardon , ' aa ho went up In tht air. "Awfully Borry. " "Don't mention it. It IB not worth It , " and pho inaJo It plain that this opinion re ferred to the bat. which looked as though .an elephant bad waltzed on It. Then her better nature aborted Itself , for ho looked as though ho would go rlsbl out and shoot himself or drown Ills Bor rows. "Heg pardon , " and her tone was gentle , "forget It. It was only a made- otcr bat anyway , you know. But what o fright It looks , " and she laughed happily , for up to that time she'bad not appreciated his Grecian features. "Beg pardon , " he stammered , "but in ) coupon corresponds with this seat. " "So It does. I beg your pardon for order , ing you out , " and her laugh wag continuous i. "Somo mix-up , I suppose. Tom probablj i.d i.y won't como noyv. Tom's our brother. " and the girl In the next Beat unities a tilatcrlj y si.'Up Tom 'll.ln t tofiii The hal rrtmher pillAi'tly did 1 > M uorK In gfltiiiR them home , mid now ihe t o prlm'lpcts In the Unit- episode frequently go and come to gether. rol.ONK.I. Ul | | > \ A l.'U.Utl.r.SS MAX. Why II.- linn l.lttle Unllli In Clt-eiini- tiiiillnl liIdrnei - , Mcgnrgc relates in I'hllndclphla Times the following etory Illustrating the fear lessness of ft noted Kmtitckhin and his op position to otinp judgment where human life U Imolved : Lalo one night Jack Chltm wa reluming 10 bin botiH > In llarrodsburg , mountoil upon a very tleet thoroughbred horse , \\htn. as ho aproachcd the residence ot hl.i brolhrr- In-lnw and partner , ( Icorgo Morgan , ho heard filgns about It ot unusual tumult and excitement , which caused him to bring his hort'o to n walk. At that moment tbo uolso of someone moving In the brush nt oho side of the ronil caused bint to turn quickly , and , as ho did so , by the light of the moon he saw a colored man with a pistol pointed at him , and that Instant tbo weapon wa exploded , hut tbo bullet \\lilfllcil harmlessly past bin hoad. Ho rccognlr.ed In bis nssall- 11 nt n negro well known In the neighbor hood , and whoso features were thorough.lv familiar to him , knonu as Dick Hcndrlcks. Chlnn's response to his assailant's lire wan very prompt. He drew his revolver his ivjrlto ktilfp wan of MO use under such rcunifitancc.s and ilriVl repeatedly Into thu rush at nnd about tbo spot where ha had ecu the man. Ho spurred his horse for- ard , but saw no nlgns of lite woulrt-bo nurdorcr. Ho tbotlght quickly. Hcnilrlcks' welling was one mile- and a halt away , nml 0 that spot tbo man , not knnwlni ? he had cen recognized , would naturally Ily. With- ut going to thu Morgan resilience and seek- the causa of thr tumult , ho put cpiiM 1 Ma licet steed and with n rush of wind n bla cars sped to the Hcmlrlcks cabin. nowlng full well that ho could reach them n advance of the criminal and expecting o catch him as ho endeavored to seek the afcty of his home. Jack Chlnn nnd his panting racer reached heir goal. The thoroughly aroused rider , vlth bloodthirsty revenge fixed In his mind , necked on the dnor of the dwelling with ho butt of his whip , expecting to arousn omo member of thu family and be enabled 0 Ho In wait within for" his Intended vlc- Im. In response the head of Dlok Ileii- rlcks emerged from an upper window and ho negro , recognizing below the figure of \ man whom all Harroclsbitrg both loved nd feared feared only by these who did ilm wrong tremblingly Inquired : "Is tint ou , Massa Ohlmi ? " To say that the visitor was surprised at lulling the man he sought ahendy in lilt ionic Is to express his feelings faintly. Kor 1 moment ho doubted the speed of his steed. But quickly giving a brusque alllrnmtlvo eply to the colored man's query , he nald : 'Come down yar. I want you. " "Yu won't hurt me , Massn Chlnn ? " nskeil ho negro , still trembling. "No , " was Chlnn's torso reply nnd tun larkcy knew that Chlnn'a "no" meant no , ust as his "yes" means yes , for nil Krn- ucky Is aware that hl word Is not or > i ircakablo kind. When IJondrlcks opened he door of the cabin ho was found to Im ittlrcd only In a nightgown , and Chlnn knew hat Itwas a physical Impossibility oven f ho could have reached the house in ntl- anco of the horse , to have divested lilm- clf of his clothes. Perplexed beyond menH- ire , ho rode slowly back to the Morgan Iwolllng , and tlier he found that It bad be-on entered by a robber , who had escaped , nml he tumult that Chlnn had heard wan caused by n search for the muraudqr , who , evi dently thinking that the rider was In pur suit of him , had discharged his pistol tit Chlnn In order to 'escape. Next morning li | luntlng through the ibrush opposite . Ilia ousc for traces of the thief the searcher * found tbo dead body of a negro with a biil- ct through his brain. Quo qf Jack Chlnn'H missiles had struck him anil hohad fallen n his tracks. That incident made a pro found Impression upon the man from llar- rodHburg , and ho has often said since that If he had not acted upon tbo Impulse- that carried him quickly to Hendrlck'n house the latter would unquestionably have been found guilty of the robbery and attempt to kill , notwithstanding the finding of the dead body , because Chlnn would have pos itively sworn' that the face back ot the pistol tel was that ) ot Dick Hendrlcks , and ho would bnve looked upon him as a confed erate of the man who was killed. HOW M'TAOL'IS OT i.VKFXEY. Itiido by Whlrli n SlirrlfT Sceuroil ( he Droll oil : i Hud Mini. Lot It bo said In the llrst place Hint there Is nothing of the white- feather about Tom McTague , avers the Anaconda Standard , Ho Is cool , ho Is brave. , ho Is Intrepid. Many a daring exploit has ho bad In which ho ex hibited tbo highest qualities of courage. Once it was back In 1883 Jim McMusters was sheriff and Tom was under ( sheriff ; there was a gang of horsotblovcH operatliiK along Flint Creek , In what Is now ( Iranltu county. They would steal anything from a horse to a telegraph pole. Everybody knew who they were , but wasntrnld to nay -a word. Everybody realized If he made coin- plaint ho would bo burned out of house ami home , his cattle and property confiscated , all his property either stolen or dcHtroycd , and ho and bla family left hopelessly ruined. The leaders of this gnng of "bad men" were Mark Ryan. Chris Gnffneyand Jerry Qulnlan. Tom McTnguo got after them. Ho landed Qulnlan all right nt New Chicago. Ho traced OalTncy and located him nnd a mnn named Pat Dooley In a charcoal house nt Lion Mountain In IJcavorbead county. Tom left blH horeo a mlla .below and went Into thu charvonl hou.ao all alone. "I want you , Gnffnoy , " said McTague. "Iam not Gatfney , " said ( luffney , drawIng - Ing bin gun , "and you hnd better get out of here. " fiaffnoy had the drop on McTague , and there was no ueo parleying. "Oh , well , " salt ! McTdgue , "If you are not ( luffney I don't want. you. I bnVo made H mistake and beg your fmrdon.You lookpd BO much like him you deceived pco | > te and they put mo on to 'you. AH n matter of fact , you deceived me , .myself . , for I have ween ( InfTney mynelf once or twice. Put come to inflect you more closely I sco well enough that you nro not ( laffney , tbo man I am look ing for , and that's nil right. " McTaguo turned to go. At that moment nnffnoy dropped bis gun. Quick as a flatli MeTuguc , who had his own gun la hlfi out- sldo coat pocket , drew It and had the drop on Gnffnoy. "Now , " Bald McTague , "no more monkey ing , Onffnoy , or you are a dead man. You march and do as I tell you. " McTnBUo compelled both ( laffney and Dooley - ley to march outside the house , threw tlmm a pair of handcuffs with his dlerngagcil band nml compelled them to put ttho hunil- cutfs on themselves. Then bo marched tlmai down to bis conveyance und took them safely to Deer Lodge. Ryan waa caught at Olcu- ilalu. Unfortunately , howrver , the people who had suffered from the depredations of the E&ng were etlll too terrified lo testify against them and all were acquitted. A year or two later OafTiiey wan uhot dead In u Deer Lodge saloon In n barroom dispute. CASTOR ! A For Infants and Children. HID Kind You Have Always Bought . Bears .hi Signature i i