Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE OKAIIA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEHlirAKV 11 , 11)00. )
D nug to French Crop and Otbar Factora
Make Wheat Strong.
Corn \Vn * StrniiK on ( Jiniil Cnlilc * nml
Smnll CiHintry OITrrliiKK Out"
.Mnrkrl l.nnKrrd Priivlnionii
Wont In the llotfoin.
CHICAGO , Feb. 13. Damages to thu
French crop and higher Paris and Antwerp
r.iblec were tlm chief factors In a strong
mul active wheat market today , hut tin ; i
-dgo was taken off by salo-f for profit. May
tlopc-d ( ; < over Saturday. Corn closed un
changed and onto tfco lower. The provisions * I
innrkft wi.s wo.ikMay pork closing 20r ,
MBV bird < A < - and May ribs 7'sl/lOo ' / down.
Some ml gulded traders sold wheat early
IIP nufc Liverpool cables wore not encotir-
nglng and statistics were regarded us bear-
lull. May opened Uc undrr Saturday at
l ' < f/GS ic , but repented for Us weakness In
short order when the big advances at Paris
and Antwerp were received. .May climbed
on an urtlvo market to Oc. At this price
thrpn-fniirths of the pit had wheat for sale.
Inn supiKirl was active enough to prevent
liny rocosslnn , reports of damage to I
the French crop giving an undertone o ( j
Mrongth to the market. May closed Mte up
Jit USVi'GS'jC. Prlmiiry receipts were M73.0UO
lii . against MS.nbO bu. last ycnr. Mlnne-
Hpolls and Duliilh teiiorted 977 cars , com-
jiaiod with U > 3 last week and 73X a year ago.
Loral receipts wore 113 cars , I of contract
grade. Atlantic port clearances In wheat
and Hour wore equal to 2I3,0.0 bu. Now
Vork reported 5 loads taken for oxoort and
' , ' I"ids wore sold hero to go to Paris , via
Giihoston. Shippers as a rule complained
of a slack rash drmand. Foreigners weic
KOO'I buyers of futures.
Corn was strong on good cables and snnill
tounlry oflorlngs , but was prnvcnted from
bolng ton aggressive by the prolll taking ,
feilcs ot soniclongs. . Tinaiivanco in lui n. !
nite-R which wont Into effect at the oloso
of trading Saturday was a clog to Hhlpping
foUHlnc.'H , hut It was assorted that enough
business had been booked under the old
tariff l i koc-p the roads busy for a month.
Roielpts here were 1,221 cars. May Hold
from 3ijo | to , 'll'jie and closed unchanged j
tit : i4'sr. '
Tin- oats markol lagged In spite of the
Hlrongth In the neighboring pits. Selling 1
was bv big linMers and the demand only
hcattorod. Roiolpts hero were 52S earn.
iM.iy ranged'from ISftKi c to 23f/2lc and
ilopod i r lower at 23A4c.
Prolll tiiklnc on a moderate scale , short
Helling and a slack outside demand sent
provisions to the bottom. May pork ranged
fiom $11.1-1" to $10. ! > 0 and closed 2l'c ' under
Saturday at $10.024 ! ; May lard' , from M.ISU
to $ i.n7l ; . closing 7sp ! d iwn at $6.07" . , and
ftliiy ribs , from $6.0i'1to $5.i7' ! , < . , wlfh the
cl sc i ! jif/-IPi' - depressed at $5.97'4. '
Estimated receipts tomorrow : Wheat OS
cars : torn , 7IG cars ; oat. , : > tX ) cars ; hos
: , OiK ) head. " '
_ The loadliiKjiitures closed as follows :
ArlljHes l Qpon'.l HlghTl Low.'l Close. ) Saf
' '
Whoa't f ! | f I
May ra BSU
.Inly GO'/i !
I'-eb. BK 32-lj
May 23TJ23TWf2l | % ( % 23i4 | 23i'fr ' U
July 229 l 22T < i 22HI2 !
' ' '
May | 11 10 | 11 ] 2U ; | 10 90 10 02 ! ! . 11 10
.Inly I 11 13b ! | 11 171/- ! 1097'/j 1097ii 11 15
May fi 121 , ! ! G 112141 f. 07',4 : fi 07141 fi 12' .
.Inly G 2-- ! ' : I fi 15 6 15 | C 20 "
Mwy G 05 G O- ' l 5 97H 5 97 W r or
July fi 07' ' ? r oo fi 00 " fi 07'.4
No. 'J.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , $3.101 ?
3.60 ; straights , J't.00'ti3.3 , ) > jcleurs. J2.9M/3.10 :
spring specials. J3.iWM.CO ; patentJ" . H.20fi3.53' '
ptraightK , J2.60J/3.00 ; bakers , J2.lWf2.50.
RYE No. 2 , fi5i.4c.
BARLEY-NO , a , ssff43c.
" " ' ' ' " ' ' "
malted shoulders ( n'oxp < lJB"i2UH6.37U ) ; ? [
phort clear fides ( boxed ) , JR.10fiC.15.
WHISICY nistlllcrs' llnlshed goods , on
lasls of high wines , per gal. , $1.23i .
SPOARS-Cut loaf , J6.00 ; granulated , $5.49
Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
3'lour , bbls 100,000 S2.000
wheat , bu 72,00ii S4,001
Corn , bu 933,000 S22.000
Oats , bu BSJ.OOO 839,000
3lye. bu 15,000 10,000
[ Barley , bu 107,000 87,000
On thn Produce exchange today the but
ter market was tlrm ; creameries , 19Jj24' < .c ;
dairies , 19fJ'J2c. Cheese. , linn at 12ff 13c.
U ggs , weak ; fresh , 12',4c. '
( liiotiiUoiiN fiir thp Day on A'nrloun
Cllllllll lllt > M.
NEW YORK , Feb. 13.-FLOUR-Rccelpts ,
17,799 bblfi. : exports , 2,311 bbls. ; held a little
higher on the advance In wheat ; business
ruled fairly active for the choice brands of
nprlng and winter ; Minnesota patents , $ , I.S5
< ? f4.16 ; Minnesota bakers , $2.85il'3.00 ; winter
low grade , $2.25f2.40 | ; winter patents , $3.COg >
T..S5 ; winter Htralghts , $ ; i.35f)3.50 ) ; winter ex
tras , $2.655)2.90 ) ; winter low grades , $2.25fi ;
2.10. R > - ( . flolir , iiulet ; fair to good , $2.Wf ) ( )
,20 ; choice to fair , $3.25fl3. 0. Buckwheat
Hour , easy at $ l.50(1l.G.1i.
CORNMEAL Quiet ; yellow western , SOc ;
city , KOc ; Brandywlne , $2.201i2.25.
RY1- ; Firm ; No. 2 western , ( Ke. f. o. b
nlloat ; Hlate , CiOftfilc , c. I. f. . New York car-
BARLEY Fir n ; feeding , 4'S47c : ) ' , c. I. f.
New York ; malting , GKfifSc , c. I. f. , New
BARLEY MALT Dull ; western. lu'uKic.
WHEAT-Rocolpts. 16,100 bu. ; experts ,
3Mi3 hit. Spot , strong : No. 2 red. 77Uo
elevator ; No. 2 red , 7i.ic ) f. o. b. alloat
In stoic ; No. 1 northern. Dulntli. Sltfcc f. o.
4 > . arioat prompt : No. 1 hard. Duluth. S3'4i-
t o. b. alloat prompt. Options opened llrm
and later advanced actively on exceedingly
trong Paris markets , counted with iv-
iiowod crop damage reports from Franco ,
foreign btiylnc and the strength In corn.
Prices were sustained llrmly all day until
near the close , when they yielded ii little
1o realizing and left oft steady at ! kfi'c <
not advaiuo , with near month * strongest.
March. 7ti77lt < ' , closed at 77aic : May. 751-1G
Ifiu-lGc , closed at ij'-'C- ; July , 74Tiiy7a ; ! c
closed at 70Uc.
CORN Receipts , ICS.G75 bu. ; exports , 20-
KI3 bn. Spot , llrm ; No. 2 , 4Hic f. o b
afloat , nnd t\\c \ elevator. . Options opened
tlrm on higher cables , whloh Impelled an
active speculative demand. There were
good clearances and a fair export demand
but near th closn realising brought a
Blight reaction. Cloivd steady at He net
advance. May , 4d-MT lOTdc. closed at
July , 41 3 > IKi4lli' , closed at 41lic.
. , ' < -
No. 2 , 2Uc ; No. 3 , 2iVic ; No. 2 white , 3l94c :
No. 3 white , 31 e ; track , ml.xcd western.
: : flfT30jc , track , white. 31'4y3JiOptions
dull Inn steady.
HAY Steady ; good to choice , SOiS7'ic ' :
HIDES Firm : Galvexton , 20 to 23 Ibs. .
19'c ' : Texas dry. 21 to 30 | bj. . 15c ; Call-
fornlii , 21 to 25 Ibs. . 2JV c.
LEATHER Klrm ; hemlock sde ( , Buenos
AyreH , light to heavyweights , 23W25Uc :
acid , aSiSG'ic.
PROVISIONS-Beef , dull ; family , Jll.OOO
J2.ft ) ; mew , JlO.OOji 10.50 ; beef hams , j0.50f < )
Cl.OO ; packet , J10.501(12.tiO ; city , extra India
meaj , $20.00 22.0. Cut meats , llrm : plckU-d
lillles , $6.2f/7.50 | ; pickled shoulder * . JO ;
pickled hams , $3.0fi 10.23. Lard , dull ; west
ern steam clo. cd $ fl.S5 ; February. J6.32 > ;
reilneil. llrm : continent , $ ij.55 : Soutli Amer-
lea , JG.KO ; compound. $6.X ( | ii.l2' . Pork
quiet ; IIHS' . J10. iill.2J. thort clear , $11.73
jiTJ.OO ; family , $ n.(0 13.SO. ruliow. tnms ; I
rlty , 6\4c ; country. 5 < ii/5s / c.
MllTAUJ Thn niotnl market showed no
radical new features today and displayed
roinpurutlvoly little animation. The for-
rlen new was quite In line with expecta
tions , while that from the ut'st lacked Im
portant Inniience. At the HOM > tin- Metal
rxi'luniKK call ml pig Iron warrunln very
riull ; lake cooper unchanged nt $16.25 : tin
quirt at J29.75 ; lead unchanged , with $4.70
lild and $4.75 asked ; spelter easier , with
J4.70 bid and $1.75 asked. The brokers'
price for lead Is $4.45 and for copnor Jlti.23 ,
Liverpool ( iriiln mul l'r < > vl l < iii ,
Ko. 1 northern , spring , llrm at o * IVid. Fu.
tiircs , Kteady. March. 5s ll'fcd ; May , Ss IW d ;
July. tolO'id
CORNSl > ot. American mixed , new , Hrm
< : U&'td ; American mixed , old , llrm at
SsM Future.H Htcaily : February and
llanli. Jsfc .d , July. 3s i' d
J'HOVJSIOXS Bat-on , lone clcav middles ,
llRht. firm Ht Wi 3d. long clear middles.
hen\y. tlrm nl : ; s
t'linilltloii nf Trnilr nml ( liintntlonn
in Sliiplc nnil' 1'niu-y I'roiluoc.
EGGS Receipts Increasing ; fresh stock ,
weak nt 12o.
DRESSED POri.TRV-Cholce to fancy
turkey * . 9loo ; ducks , S' t'Oc ; geese. SH99c ;
aping chickens , WuQr ; hens , SjJSHc ; roost-
cr * . ITiSc.
LIVE 1'om/rilY-Hrns , G',4c ' ( ; spring
chickens , 6',40'c ; old nnd staggy roosters ,
35160 : ducks , ti' ' c : turkeys , "c.
BUTTER-Common to fair , IGc ; choice.
KftlSc ; scpanitor , 25c ; gathered creamery.
22H23C- .
PIGEONS t.lvo. per rtoz. , OOciffH.OO.
VEALS Choice. HfllOc.
GAME-Ducks. mallards , $3.0003.2 : : Muo
wlt'g lent. $1.75 ; green wing teiil , Sl.S'Ql.GO ;
mixed duck ! ' ,
OYSTERS-Medium , per can , ISt : stand-
Mt , . per ( an , 22c : bulk standard , per gal. ,
$1.25 : extra selects , per can , 30c : extra so-
lec.s , per gal. , Sl.iinfn.7n ; New York counts ,
per can , 37c : New York cnuntii. nor 100 , $1.25.
IIAY Per carload lots : ' . 'pland , choice ,
Jfi ; midland , choice. $3.W ) ; lowland , choice ,
$5 : i'yo straw , choice. $ I.GO ; No. 3 corn. 26',4c ;
No. 3 white outs , 22140 ; cracked corn , per
ton , $11 ; corn and oats , chopped , per ton ,
in.Oo : bran , per ton. $12 ; shorts , per ton , $13.
NEW TURNlPS-Per doz. bunches. GOc.
SPINACH-Per box , ? 1.
NEW BEETS-Per doz. bunches , 40ff50c.
LETTUCE Per doz. bunches , 40c ; fancy
bend lettuce , per bill. , $ , " - .
RADlSHES-Per doz. bunches , 40c.
HWEET POTATOES-Per bill. , Illinois
$ ; ; ; Jerseys , $5 ; large bbls. , Kansas , $2.75.
POTATOES Per bu. , choice , 30H40c.
CABBAGE-IIolland seed. 2c.
CAl'LIFLOWER-Callfornla , per crate ,
CELERY-Per doz. , 25030c ; California ,
oor bunch , 401775C.
TURNIPS Rutabagas , per Hi. , 1Uc : Ca.
ONIONS-Retall. yellow , 75c ; red , SS90c ;
Ohlos. per bbl. , $2.25.
MUSHROOMS-Per Ib. box. 50c.
TOMATOES-Florlda , per G-baaket crate.
RIIUBARB-Por doz. , 00075c.
APPLES Choice western shipping stock ,
Sl.invri3.50 ; New York stock , $4 ; fancy , $4.50
y 1.75 ,
GRAPES Malaga , per bbl. . $7.0D&9.00.
CRANBERRIES Uol ! and Bugle , per
bbl. . JS.
ORANGES Mi'xleun , per hox. S3 ; Call-
fornliv navels , per box , $3.25fi3.GO ; Call-
fnr"la soi-dHngs. per box , J2.BOfi2.7r > .
LEMONS-Callfornla. choice , $3.00i3.GO ;
per box , $ : l.oo ; fancy , J.1.GO ; Messlnas , Cali
fornia , choice , S3.SOffftl.75 ; per hex , 13.00 !
fancy. SI.K ( ) .
BANANAS Per hunch , medium , J1.75Q )
2.00 ; fancy , S2.fKmB.23.
HONI3Y Per 21-soctlon case , J3.25.
NUTS-lllckory. large , per bu. , J1.S5 ;
Hhollbarks. $1.35.
FIGS California , layers , per 10-lb. box ,
90o ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , Jl.OO ;
Imported Hgs. per Ib. , 13c.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Sc ; No. 2 green
hides. 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ; No. 2 salted
hides. Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , DC ;
No. 2 veal ealf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc.
SI. I.oulN ( irnlii null Provision * .
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 13. WHEAT Strong
No. 2 red cash , elevator , 70He ; track , 72ViSi >
73e ; February. 70'/-o : May , 71c ; July , GMic ;
No. 2 ha'-d , ( ! SfiC9c.
CORN Irregular ; No. 2 cash , r.2e ; track ,
.T/.c ; February , 32c ; May , 33U < 333c ; July ,
OATS Strolls ; No. 2 cash. 2c \ : track.
2IV4fi2lc ; February , 2IV-C ; May. 2IHc ; No.
rush , 26Ui2fii,4c.
RYK-lllcher at5l' ' < .c.
Fl.OUIl Quiet and unchained.
SBEDS-Tlmothy. llrm , I2.0002.-10. Flaxseed -
seed , nominal , $ I.5S.
CORNMEAL Steady at S1.75f/l.SO.
BRAN Firm ; sacked lots , east track , 64
HAY-Hteady ; timothy. J8.onjfll.00 ; prai
rie , JC.CO'dS.oO.
WIHSKY-Steady at J1.23U.
PROVISIONS I'ork : Lower ; jobbing ,
JlO.rfor ) old , SH.37V4 for new. T > ard : Nom
inal ; prime nteam. Jj.75 ; choice , $ . > .SO. Dry
salt meats steady ; boxed , extra phorts ,
JG.12' > ; clear ribs , $6.25 ; clear sides , $6.37 % .
Hiiroii , steady ; boxed , extra shorts , JG.62Vi ;
clear rlhs. $ fi.75 : clear sides , | 6.S7'.fc.
.METALS 1 ead : Quiet at 14.60W1.65. Spel-
ttr : netter at * I.62',4'S4.C5. '
POULTRY-Steaily ; chickens ,
turkevs , ( W7e ; ducks , Se ; pecse. S'/iQGc.
UBCBIPTS Flotir. 10,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
34.00.1 Ini. ; corn , " ( M.OOO bu. ; oats. 110,000 bu.
SHIPMK'NTS-FIOur. r.,000. bbls. : wheat ,
25,000 bu. ; corn , 219.000 bu. ; oats , 9,000 bu.
Iln < T , \ > 'KK mill C'lKTKo Mnrlcrt.
NK\\f YORK. Feb. 13. nUTTER-Re-
cclpts , 13,550 pltBS. ; steady at decline ; Juno
creamery , 19S23c ; western creamery , 21@ >
VHBESK Receipts. l,70r pkRS. ; steady ;
fall made fancy , larce and small , 12i@13c ;
choice grades , llign2Mc.
BC5OS Receipts , 17COfl pkgs. ; steady ;
western at mark. l.V45713'/ .
Icnn finest white , llrm at 57s Gd ; American
lineal colored , llrm at 59s Gd.
Creamery. 20 < R23c ; dairy , 18c.
KCIGS Receipts more liberal ; trade ac
tive al ' , * c decline ; fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock , firsts. 10'fcc ' ilozen , cases returned.
ST. I.OPIS. Feb. 13. BUTTER Steady ;
creameries , 20fi2l'-c ' ; dairy , 1620c.
Firm and Rood demand ; fancy western
creamery. 2fie ; fancy western prints , 27c.
EGGS Dull and lc lower ; fresh nearby ,
14c ; fresh western , 14c ; fresli southwestern ,
lie ; fresh southern , 13c.
City Ornlu nml 1'rnvlnlonn ,
file ; cash , No. 2 hard , 63fiGlV&c : No. 3 , GO ®
63e ; No. 2 red , G3J < 70e ; No. 3 , GIQGSc.
CORN May. SlV e ; cash , No. 2 mixed , 31c ;
No. 2 white , : ! H4W3U4c ; NO. 3 , 3Ic.
OATS-No. 2 white. 24i/2lic. (
RYlO-No. 2 , 51c.
HAY Choice timothy , J9.00S9.CO ; choice
prairie , J7.0Mi7.2. > .
RBCEIlTS-d'wp days ) , wheat , 70,200 bu. ;
corn. S2 SCOInt. , ; oats , 32,000 bu.
SIIIPMUNTS Wheat , 33,600 bu. ; corn ,
5,800 bu. ; oats , G.OW bu.
Vlxllilr Supply of ririiln.
NEW YORK , Feb. 13. The statement of
the visible supply of Brain In store and
alloat on Saturday. February 10 , as com
piled by the New York Produce exchanKC ,
Is us follows :
Wheat , 3:1,901.000 : bu. : Increase. 437.000 bu.
Corn , 14.7C9.000 bu. ; Increase , 12G.OOO bn.
OatH , 5,9SCX ) < ) bu. ; Increase. 192,000 bu.
Rye. 1.123.0CO lm , ; decrease , 9,000 bu.
Hurley , l,30ii,000 bu. ; decrease , 184,000 bu ,
MliiuiMiiiullH 1Vlu > nt nml Flonr ,
more : No. 1 northern , February , 63Uc-
May , fifte ; July. Kl\c. On track : No , 1
hard , G7'4c ; No. 1 northern , Gn'ic ; No. :
northern , G3 ic.
FLOl'R-Qultit and steady ; first patents.
J3.Cfj3.70 ( ; second patents. J3.30tjM.40 ; ilrsl
clears , l2.GOfiB.70 ; second clears , J2.10.
AX-IU.OOi > H.2JJn bulk.
'I'oli-ilo . InrUfl ,
TOLEDO , O. , Feb. 13.-\VHEAT-Actlve
and weak ; No. 2 cash , 72e ; May. 734c bid.
CORN ; Active and weak ; No. 2 mixed , 33e.
OATS-Dnll and easy ; No. 2 mixed , 2IU- -
H.YE-Nomlmil : No. 2 cash , 59e.
CLOVERSEED Aotlvo and steady ; prime
cash , old , JI.Sj ; February , now , J3.62'J- '
March , J5.CG ; No. 2 seed , no sales.
Uiilulli ( irnln .Market ,
OATS-2lHlil24c. :
Milwaukee C nil n Alnrlict.
higher : No. t northern , GS069c ; No. 2 north
ern. ( AfiC.'ttjc.
RYE FlrnNo. : . 1 , SSc. |
BARLEY-Stoady ' ; No. 2 , 4Gff46i/.c ; sntn- .
jile , 33I15c. |
'iilT ( > < .MnrUcl.
NEW YORK. Feb. 13-COFFEE-Futures
opened barely steady , with jirlces lOJilS1 '
polnta lower.In . sympathy with European i
wi'ukni' > H unil an absence of spcculatlvii '
Hiipport. The market rallied partially later j i
on coverliiB. but Bt-nerally showed hesita
tion , with the volume of speculative trans
actions moderate. Tim close was Kteady
with prices net unchanged to 10 points
lower. Total > * alcs were 22,000 baga. Inrlud-
IIIR : February , J7 20 ; March , J7.20Ji7.23 ;
Drv ( iiiiiilM llnrkfl.
Doiininil for Ke.lorul run of cotton goodx
liicreaPlnv and fair liu lnrs done today.
TliB tendeiuy of prices In brown flicetliiKH
iiiul coarse colored cottons upward , ad-
Viiiu'cs of 'jiIn fonie makes of plaldri and
' c l'i son > cherka mul .slrlpvs. Bleached
cotlonr. more doing ; prices without chanter.
About lon. ( .o iilcces reRuUr print cloths
t-old at full pr'.ce ' c Demand for irrcKii-
'AT print ciotlm good and tendency ailnt
bu > era , Prints In fair demand and steady.
sirontr turouRhotit Men s
! woolen and worsted fabrics quiet , without
I chance of tone or price * .
Miif rnipiH to Tnkc I'rotll *
ln Hull UN Course.
NEW YORK. Feb. 13The stock market
Rave evidence today that the sellliiR movement -
ment to take prollts which developed about
the middle of last week had run Us course.
Thft professional operators In stocks who
hesitated i to'reiume operntlonji on the eve
of a double holiday were hu > ers at the
opening today. Theie was no evidence of
renewal of outside demand , nidcr * throitsh
commission houses belnp on a very small
scale and not showing a notable Increase
as prices made ptosress upward , but the
protefslonnl traders bought with confidence
and maintained prices < | Ulte llrmly , appir- :
ently with faith that outside demand would
Idevelip. There were quite notable advanc'fs
In the local traction stock * due to Individual -
dividual causes , the prlmlpai one belm ; a
rumor | Unit Metropolitan was about to take
over ( Third Avenue. There win a heavy dei
niniul | from shorts In tills uronp. driven to
cover by the streiiRlh of the stocks , thus
afl.'rdinK material nlu to the advance. Oth-
erwl. e HIP strenKth of the market was due
t0 the geiural lavorable outlook for busi
ness and Industry.
The day's returns of railroad earnltiRS
were all extraordinarily favorable , even
those of the cotton-carrylni ? roads Knowing
lecuperatlon from the recent low level , on
account of the Increased movement of cot
ton Induced by the high prices for that
staple and the sharp foreign demand. Some
of the western railroads , which suffered
severely from last year's snow blockades ,
are showing larfio Increases nnd the In
creased Brain movement mused notable
strcncth In the KranRers. But the trunk
line railroad stocks showed the most con-
splcilous eflccts of the Improved condition
of the rate situation and the continued
law volume of merchandise traftlc. I no
southern Kroup of trunklines. . In which the
Influence and control of Pennsylvania are
'becoming ' dominant by larRe puichases of
stocks of thu competing companies , \\ere
all markedly strong. Pennsylxanla leading
with an extreme rise of 5U- Baltimore .V
Ohio preferred rose over 2 points. liphiK
greatly affected by the January statement
of earnings , whlcli showed practically all
of th j Increase In cross earnliiRs saved for
net , with the resultliiR Increase In the latter
of over Sftil.WM ) , or nearly IBS per cent. HIP
Iron and steel stocks were all notably
strong on the growing evidences of a con-
tlnuance of lait year's larpe < lemand for
all grades of Iron product. Considering that
last year's high prices were made by the
urgent demand of belated bidders tor u
comparatively small part of the year
product. It Is estimated that the contin
ued high level of prices , for the total
product will yield largely Increased returns
in th.e aggregate.
The eager demand for cotton Is also taken
large account of as assuring prosperity to
the southern section of the country. 1 ho
rubber stocks broke sharply without ex
planation. Not much account was taken of
the money outlook and of the opinions of
careful observers that a period of higher
rates Is likely In the near future , owlnir to
the renewed absorption of funds by the
Ireastirv and the cessation e'f ' the move
ment of funds from the Interior to New
York on account of active business. Specu-
ators are Inclined to discount a probable
nllatlon of the currency by the pending
llnunclal bill.
There was a good business In bonds at
mixed price changes. Total sales , par value ,
> 2.230 , < x > i > . United States bonds are un
changed In the bid quotations.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
Innnclal cablegram says : The markets
icre were stagnant and dull today except
Americans. Operators are afraid to deal
mill detlnlte news Is received from Lord
Roberts. Consols touched 1005-1G and closed
it 100 % , or 5-16 down , dreading the llnan-
clal statement and a fresh Issue. London
bought Americans slightly and the close
was at the top prices on New York pur
chases of Erie Ists and Baltimore & Ohio
ssues. Paris Is selling Egyptians. Dis
count houses raised rates today > ( , to " 1A per
cent. Silver was firm on English mint and
continental demand. Paris cheque , 25.19'i ;
Berlin , 20.51.
The following arc the quotations for the
leading stocks on the New York exchange
tod.u- ;
Atchlson . 21 [ Texas & Pacific. Ifi'/ ' .
do pfd . 63 % Union Paclllc . . . 50Va
Baltimore & O. . . 65-V do pfd . 717J ,
Canadian I'ac. . . . OB'.llWnbasli . 7
Canada So . 19 do pfd . 'XVi
dies. & Ohio. . . . 29'iiWheel. & L. E. . 10-i
Chicago G. W. . . ] 3' . l do 2d pfd. . . . 27
C. , B. & Q. . . . . . .12.V > j , WIs. Central . . . . IV.-i
Chi. . Ind. & L. . . IGH'Adams ' Ex . 115
do pfd . 45 American Ex . 147
hi. & E. Ill . 91' U. S. Ex . 47
Chicago & N. W.1G1 .AVells-Fargo Ex.123
C. . R. I. & P. . . .109 Amer. Cot. Oil. . . 39V ,
C. C. C. & St. L. Gl ! do pfd . 9.1M ,
Colorado So . 514 Amcr. Malting . . G'/ &
do 1st pfd. . . 13 do pfd.
do 2d pfd 1G Amor. S. & R. . . . 11 %
Del. & ! Iud'on..l1f > do pfd 91 i
Del. L. & W I1. " . Amer. Spirits . . .
Denver & R. G. . 19'i do pfd I' '
do pfd 72iAmer. ( S. II 17
Erie 12 % do pfd S4i
do 1st pfd. . . . MiAmcr. S. & W. . . BSi !
Gt. Nor. pfd 159H do pfd 93'J
Hocking Coal . . . 17Vs Amer. Tin Plate. 34i !
Hocking Valley. . 34 do pfd SO
Illinois Central..113H Amer. Tobacco. . . 1091 ! ,
Iowa Central 12U do nfd 13314
do pfd 53 Anac. Mln. C'o" . . . 4V %
K. C. , P. & G. . . S Brooklyn R. T. . . 7I' .
Lake Erie & W. . 20 Colo. Fuel & I. . . 4C-5
do pfd S3Vi Con. Tobacco . . . 34
Lake Shore 194 do pfd R5 i
L. & N 81 Ji Federal Steel . . . 5G3i
Manhattan L. 93Tt > do pfd 7fi
Met. S t. Ry ISlHGen. Electric . . .12G'i
Mox. Central Glucose Sugar . . 57
Minn. & St. L. . . . r.3' . , do pfd 9SH
do pfd 93 Inter. Panor . . . . 23'/ <
Mis. Paclllc 4 ( do pfd G9
Mobllo & Ohio. . . 44 Laclede Gas 7R
Mis. , K. & T 101.4 National Rlscillt. 3K'/-
do pfd 32-v , | ilo pfd TO
N. .1. Central . . . .117 National Lead. . . . 2
N. Y. Central . . do pfd 10W.
Norfolk & W. . . . 29 Natlonn' Steel . . 50 %
. do pfd 73H do pfd HI
No. Pacific. Sli-i N. Y. Air P.ral < p.r.2U
do pfd No. American . . . 14'4 '
Ontario & W. . . . 21 PaofiQ ! Poa. t . . . . BlVi
Ore. Ry. & Nav. 42 do 1st pfd. . . S3
do pfd do 2d pfd. . . . M
Pennsylvania . . .ISW Pacific Mali in ;
Reading 1fi8 People's Oas
do Is'l pfd. . . SIVi.PreHsed R. Car. . .r %
do 2d pfd. . . . Wai do pfd S7U
lllo G. W IS iPullman P..Car.lS8 ,
do pfd SI ( Standard R. & T. Rni
St. L. & S. F. . . . lOUSuprar ll !
do 1st pfd. . . OS I ilo pfd 113
do 2d pfd. . . . .WiTenn. Coal & I. . W
St. L. Southw. . . 11 , U. S. Leather . . 17'1
ilo pfd 2"W do pfd 75'i
St. Paul 12.W.U. . S. Rubber . . . 3"i
do pfd 171il do pfd ! )7'J )
St. P. & Omaha.llG Wertorn TTnlon. . . W < *
So. Pacific rn'/4 Republic T. & S. 25L' .
So , Railway 12 I do pfd W.-b
do pfd 5C % P. C. C. & St. L. C2
Xew York Money Market.
NEW YORK , Feb. 13 , MONEY On call ,
steady at 2fi2li per cent ; last loan , at 2 per
cent : prime mercantile paper. 4fiV ( > per cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at $4.87mff
1.87 % for demand nnd at $4.841,4-.841,3 : ! for
sixty days ; posted rates. $1.85 and $ I.SSVj ;
commercial bills. $4.S14.834.
SILVER-Certlficates , C9 > 40filc ; bar , 59Tic ;
Jlexlcan dollars , 47V4c.
BONDS Government , steady ; state , eas
ier : railroad , Irrecular.
The following arc the closing quotations
on bonds :
U. 8r2sTreff 102'A'N. Y. C. Is liO
do 3s. reg 109 ; N. J. C. gen. Bs.12.Hi
do coupon 109 % No. Carolina Gs.127
do new 4s , res.134 No. Caro'inn ' 4.1W (
. . , . 'infill . . . .1:11 : No. Pacific 3s. . . . GMi
do old Is. reg..H4v | do 4 10IU
114 J * . V * n p et r * _ /w > i
do coupon N.Y.C. & SI.L.4S.10S I
do E , rB 112 i N. & W. con. 4s. 94'4 '
do coupon 11274 do gen. Cs 130
D. of C. 3 r,3s..118 Ore. Nav. Is 110
Atchlson gen. 4s.lOHi ( do 4s > 10H ,
do auj. 4s o--.ii.wri : . 8. L. Gs liit ;
Can. Southern 2s.K"J' ; | do consol 5S..114'/ ' ,
dies. & O. 4'fes. ' . . 9Sj ! Reading gen. 4s. 85 = 1
do 5a 110 TI. G. W. Is G
C. & N. W. c. 7s.l40USt.L. & LSI. c.Cs.lll'.i '
do S. F. deb. Cs.120 .St.L. . & S.l-.g.G'i.liS -
Chicago Ter. 4s. . 93'4St. ' Paul coiiHols 1G7U
D. & R. G. is 10 : iSt.P. . C. & p. 1M19H
do 4s 99 i do 5S 120U
R. T. . V. & a. Js.lOl'iSo. Railway 5.1CSU
Krlo gen. 4s 71 = 18. R. & T. Gs. . . . SOU
F.V. . & D. C. Is. 7i'/jTenn. n. s. 3s. . . . 9' .
Ocn. Elec. Bs 117 , Tex. K Pac. Is..ll3i4
U. II. & 8. A. C8.107 I do 2s SI
do 2s 107 Union Pacific 43.1015 ;
II. & T. C. BS..UO .Wabash Is it :
do coiiDol CH..HO do It.
In. Centra ! H..114 Went Shore 4s.mVi ;
K. C. . P. & O. IH.72si W'.s. Contra I Is. . ! ) ! l4
La. n"w con. 4 .1W" . Va. Centuries . . S'lV ,
L. & N. mil. 4s. . 93 i do deferred . . . S
M. . K. & T. 2s. . . GGUiColo. So. 4s .
_ d o 4j. . . . . . . . 91 ? iSo. | Paclllc 4s. . . . 83 j
I-'ort'lurn Financial ,
LONDON. Feb. 13. Gold premiums are
quoted UK follows : Uucno * Ayrex , 127.30 ;
Madrid. 2S.87 ; Lisbon. 43 ; Rome. 7.29. Rar
silver closed llrm at 27Hd per ounce.
American securlllch on llm Stock oxcnanuo
opene < l lit about parity level nnd remained
steady all day. with operators rather Inac
tive. The llnal tone was llrm. Spanish Is
closed at 677 * .
ilERLIN. F b. 13. Exchange on London.
20m tlpfs for checks. Discount rates' :
Short bills. 3U per cunt : three months bills.
37 per cent Business on the bourse today
waa Irregular. Canadian Padllca were
animated and Amerlcimti were ijulct. ! i
Bjiunbih if were easier on Purls udtlcon. I
Local shares wern llrm. but later declined. j
PARIS , Feb. IS.- Three per cent renter. I
IbOf tjc for the account Exchanee on '
London , C5f 15c lor check * , Spanbh is
tloscl at h < W . . PII-M | oprned fnlilv linn
on the o tbdnj. tun subsequently r-n d
nn the drulne In ill" price of ion V.111.1
varlom vague rumor * r icnr < Iii ! the up-
proarhliiT settlement. T < war < l tin- < ! < >
the market bo < nine steadier , but undooldfrt.
Spanish 4 and Rio tlnlo" n-actcd on prolu-
taklti'- . The biilne s In KnIIIrs was unfa
[ Mutton MlnlttU SlocUx.
| BOSTON , I-'eb. 13.-Call loaim. S'.Vflr. ' pel-
I cent ; time loans. lfif > per cent. Closing
| prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares :
! A. . T. & S 'I-7201 ; \VP < | End pfd..Ill
i ' do pfd G1'4 Wpst. HIPP. | ) fd. . C.l
Amor. Sugar , . . .lll i WIs. Central . . . . 19'i
< do pfd Ill . Ciwl 4:1 :
' Bell ' : do pfd Ill-
noston * Alb'y..242 Atchlwon I. ' 9H
Ro'Vou E'fvuted. JS lAdveiltnro
. Boston & Me 19S AVouos ! Mln. Co. 3
c. B. tt Q ISi'4 Atlantic 21
Ed. Elec. Ill 20 ? BoMon & Mont..2.S
i Flli-hbnrg pfd..12.1 iHullP .t Bc-'im. M
! i Gen. nice. pfd..l.1 < Calumet .1 llcc.nj
Federal Steel . . . .W4 Centennial IS'a
1 do pfd 7.VJ Franklin ! ' '
iMox. i Central . . . . 12Ai nsceola < ; > ( i
i Mich. 'IVophone.10) Parrot 4j i |
-Old Colony 205 Qulticy 1W '
iftd , Dominion . . . 2'iHSant-i ' Fo Co ; > . . . . ( i'ti ,
Rubber 35 Tamarack in. ,
Union Paclllc . . . 50H AVInnim 3 3 ,
Union Land . . . . 2'i Wolverines 41' '
West End 93 Utah 30
\IMV YorlJ Mining ( tiintntlonn.
NEW YORK. l'-pli. 13.-Tlip following
are the olllclal closing quotations for mln-
1ns shares :
Chollar l5 o"Titnrlo .SOi )
Crown Point . . . S Ophlr R
Con. Cn\ & Vn..lS Plymouth 13
Don d wood 50 lOtllcksllvo175
Gould * Currle. . 17 I do pfd > 0
Hale fi Norcros . 2"i Sierra Nevada . . 50
Homestako 5009 Standard 200
Iron Silver 57 .I'lilon Con 2'
Mexican 21 I Yellow .Inckcl . .15
l.onilnn Stork ( liintntlniix.
LONDON , Feb. IP . I n. m. Closing :
Consosr ! iivoireyTliiOH N. V."Central" .135
Conn. , ncct..100 11-1G 1'eniK.vlvnnia . . .f.Si
Canadian Pac. . . .101H Reading ! K '
Erie IS No. Paclllc pfd. . 70VJ
do 1-t pfd. . . . r.7" > , Atchlson 21r-i .
Illinois Central..11R Ixnilsvlllo S.VJ ' ;
Union Pac. pfd. . 7S4 Grand Tnmk . . . . R'H
St. P.common..12C'j _ Anaconda O''t '
RAR SILVER Steady al 27 7-1M per
MONEY-2'i ' per cent.
The rate of discount In the onen market
for short blls ! Is 3 per cent and for three-
months' bills r.H''i"s4 per cent.
Hank ( x'lr
I'lllLADlOLPHIA. F 'b. 13-Clcarlngs ,
fl2.bW,172 ; balances. J1.5B4.133.
BALTIMORE. Feb. 13.-Clcarlngs , J2S9fi-
731 ; balances , J6ISltt,1.
CHICAGO , Feb. i : ! . Clearings , M0.772.-
2il2 ; balances. $ l,90li,130 ; posteil cxchttngp ,
Jl.srifi-I.SSU ; New York exchange , 30o dis
NEW YORK , Fob. 13. Clearings , J131-
259.2S9 ; balance ? . $7.079SS.
HOSTON. Feb. 13.-Clcarlngs , J17,55D,5o2 ;
balanceti , W.270.4S1.
ST. LOT'IS , Fob. 13. Clearings. $ . > .213.-
% " : balances , $515,131 ; money steady al 5ff
" per cent.
ConilHIfiii nf < hc Tronmiry.
AVASIUNGTON , Feb. 13 Today's state
ment of thn condition of the treasury
.shows : Available cash balance , $293,353,022 ;
gold reserve , $220,703,070.
tlint TrniiKncllnim U MH-1ioil
CliiKiIn SIID.UOI ) Hall-- .
NEW YORK , Feb. 13. The wildest ex
citement prevailed on the Cotton exchange
throughoul the entire session. No olllclal
record -was kept of the transactions , but II
Is estimated that they reached close on to
SOO.ODO balers. This would be near the record.
The nendulatlnns of prices were frequent
and violent. From the closing of Satur
day's market t < > the highest polnl today
tncre was an advance of 21 to 29 points.
The upward movement , however , was by no
means steady. Numerous periods of r- ac
tion gave the market at times the appear
ance ot going to pieces under liquidation
and efforts to secure prollts. From the
highest to the lowest point of the day thorn
was a difference of 10 to IS points. But In
the main the feellns was very strong. The
advance was based upon a fens.itlonal ad
vance at Liverpool ; the English market
made a net gain of ( flfctilOd on the closing on
Saturday. Orders" from Great Britain and
the southwest \voro fbr enormous quantities
of cotton , chiefly .tp.cover short contracts.
Southern buying orrters were also numerous
and southern spot market reports came as
strong as at any time yet. The local mar
ket for spot cotton , was officially reported
as being 3-lfic higher , while Inter pelleis
were scarce at > 4" advance. The. market
was very active up to the close of hublnuis
and llnlshed very Hrm at an advance of 17fa
C'o on Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 13. COTTON Futures
closed very "Hrm ; February , $ S.CO ; March ,
SS.5S ; April. JS.C3May and June , $ S.C4 ; July ,
JS.OS ; August , SS.C3 ; September , $7.71 ; No
vember , December and January , $7.5D. Spot ,
strong ; middling uplands , S sf/S ll-13c ; mid
dling gulf. STWiSlS-lBc ; doped steady and
3-lilc higher ; middling uplands , fc'Kc ' ; mid
dling gulf , 9r : sales , 2,897 bales.
ST. LOtUS. Feb. 13. COTTON Higher ;
middling. s7-lCc ; pales , 1,250 bales ; receipts ,
7,221 bales ; shipments. 7,752 bales ; stock ,
91.1S7 bales.
tures. steady ; February. $ S.C2 , nominal ;
Jlarch nnd April , $ S.o9iS.OO ; June and .Inly ,
JS.5SlfiS.59 ; August , JS.4 li .49 : September ,
} 7. & < ) fi7.SS : October , $7.5I > { 57.5S ; November
and December , $7. | ( Vf(7.S. Opened steady
and closed llrm ; sales , 10.200 bales ; ornlnary ,
7stgood ; ordinary. 7Tiic ; low middling ,
85-IBo ; middling , S9-lCc ; good middling. 8ic ;
middling fair , ! ll-lGc ; receipts , 14 , : S bales ;
stock , 434.S29 bales.
quiet and l-16d higher ; American middling
fair , 5d ; good middling , 53-liid ; middling ,
5V d ; low middling , 5d ; good ordinary ,
4 13-lfid ; ordinary , 4d. The sales of the day
wore 7.000 bales , of which 000 wore for specu
lation and export and Included O.WX ) Ameri
can ; receipts , 23,000 bales , Including 15,003
American. Futures opened llrm and closed
Irregular and easy ; American middling , 1.
m. c. . February , 51-Cld , sellers : February
nnd March , 401-Gld ; March and April , 157-61
< fH &S-Gld , sellers ; Ajirll and May , 4 fri-Glf/ '
4 51fifild , ( eller. " . May and June , 150-filJf
4 51-t4d ; , sellers ; June and July , 4 4S-G4r
449-Cld ; July and August , 4 45-C44 4tld ! ,
"buyers " ; August nnd September : < 9-G4Ti ( <
U0-fi4d ; September and October , 4 2l-C4d ,
value ; October and November. 4 15-Cld ,
value ; November and December , 4 10-Gld ,
Oil Mirlio < .
OIL CITY. Pa. , Feb. 13.-OILS-Credlt
balances , Jl.tiS ; certificates , no bids , offers
or sales ; shipments , February 10 , 11 and 13 ,
RT.3,143 bbls. . un average of 92,361 ; runs , Feb
ruary 10 , 11 and 13 , 237,297 bbls. , an average
of S3.5M.
NEW YORK. Feb. 13-OILS-Cottonseod.
firm ; prime crude , US'/fee ; prime yellow , 381
SSVjc. Petroleum , firm. Rosin , ' tlrm ;
strained , common to good , $1.70. Turpcn-
tlno. steady.
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 13.-OILS-Cottonseed ,
Hull refined , May and August , steady at
22s 9d. Turpentine spirits , steady nt 41s Cd.
California Ilrlnl Friillx.
DRIED FRUITS-Dull and featureless ,
Trading was not active In evaporated ap-
pies , but , as receipts were light and Kellers
scarce , thrro was a tolera'bly ' steady under
tone ; country advices about a standoff and
priors remain unchanged ; state , common ,
fifK'io ; prime , G'iSfi'.o ' : choice , 70T.ii' : fancy ,
SftS'Ac. Prunes , 3',4iT7Vsc. Apricots , Royal ,
IMi-lSc ; lloor park , lofdSc. Peaches , peeled ,
16fi'J2c ; unpeeled , 7'XfjOc.
Strong : open kettle , 3T 'ff4 ' 3-lGc ; open kettle ,
centrifugal , 4141110-160 ; centrifugal , yellow ,
4'ifNTic ; seconds , 2 ! { TUic.
MOLASSES Strung ; no open Uottle ; ecu.
tllfUL'ul , '
I'uorll' Slnruct ,
PEORIA , Feb. 13.-CORN-IIIsher ; No ,
2 32c.
OATS-FIrm : No. 2 while , 2IV4Q24ic.
WHISKY-Flrm. on the basis of $1.2314
for llnlshed goods.
Cr < - v liot-lliK-H to Conn * Ulf.
CHICAGO , Feb. 13. A siieclal to the Now *
from Norfolk , Vu ,
cays that tlm schooner i
C. A. White , hound from Boston to Daltlj j ,
more , with Captain J. Connor and a crrw
of ten on board , went abhore thlH morning
north of False Cape. A gain of forty mlh-s
an hour wan blowing ul the time , accom
panied by dt-iiKc fog , ind rain. A
wus M.-IU to the rescue , but Dm crew re
fused to dftH'rt the vessel. The vcHhol may
pound to plect'H unless soon rt-llevcd , and
a wrecklti ) ; tug Inu been sent.
AKRON. O. . I-'eb 13. The combination of
three large pulterlox was perfected today.
It Inclndea the Whltmoro-RobliiKon com
pany. Markln & Son and the E. II Merrill
company. Deed * transferring the plant *
to the Robinson-Merrill company wen : ( lied
today Thu company Is capitalized at JOOO-
000 ,
Libenl Rccsipls of Live Stock of All
I Kinds Today.
lloui OIM-II A'tlmul ( 'lime n l.ltllo
Mi-oiiuer tin All Kliid sln > i > | i
mul l.ninbi Avl\c ill A limit
Mllltllllj'N Prlll-N.
' SOt'TIl OMAHA. Koli. ID.
Recells | ) Were : Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep ,
Olllclal Monday . 2.7CI ; 3.C-U ! ' , K-j
Oiilclal Tutsimy . 3.I7S f.u.J fi,3iti
Two , days thl- > week . fi.2Kl U.131 ir..M)0 )
Same days lust , vee ! < . . . . t.131 ! ! i.SU7 S,3W :
tfnmi' ! days week before. 5.1SI 9.3(12 ( ltiNl.i
Same tlneo weeks ago. . f-.NM ll.fiOl I'.Uoi ' number of UTS of stock
brought I In today by road was.
Cattle. Hoga dh'p. ll'r's.
l ' „ M. * SI. P. Ry. . f , 1
O. ( St. L. Ry . 2 1 . . . .
Missouri P.irlllc Ry. . . I 2 . . . .
Union Paclllc System. 3 < i 21 10 1
C. K N. W. Ry . I
I' . , E. * M. V R. R. 2U II 1
S. C. & P. Ry . 2
C. , St. P. . M. & 0 . 10 3 1
B. ] * M. R. R. R . ll ) 12 tl
C. , II. AT Q Ry . S ! 1 , .
K. C. K St. .1 . t
C. , It. I. .1 P. Ry. , E. 7 2 . . .
C. . R. I. A : P. Ry. . W. 1 1 . 3
Illinois Cuilral . 1 I * . .
Total receipts . 151 79 27 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buycts. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep ,
Omaha ( Packing Co . -39 f.K > tail
C ! 11. Hammond Co . 25l ! ! & . " > ' . ' 6.1
Swift ! and Company . 110 1,119 2,155
Ciidahy I Packing Co . iiMl 1.2of l.llo
lAimour .t Co . til 1.3S3 1,665
Omaha ( P. C. , from K. C. 73 .
Swift , from K. C . 21 .
R. Becker & Dcgan . SIC .
Vansant > > t Co . 2 .
L. L. Carey . 3 > i .
W. 1. Stephen . Si .
: : & Iluntzlnger . E > 3 .
Benton A Underwood . 41 .
Huston < t Co . 2 .
Livingstone & Schallcr. . . 1"S .
Hamilton & Rothschild. . . ( ft .
L. F. Hiisz . 77 .
II. L. Dennis . M .
Other buyeis . 10 ! .
Totals . 3,027 5,316 G.10J
CATTLE Today's receipts were the larg
est In a number of days , though no larger
than had been anticipated. The general
market was In n good , healthy condition ,
and In the main of u satisfactory Character.
The offerings of all kinds of cattle were
taken In reasonably good season.
The market on cornfed steers opened a
little slow at yesterday's decline , and for
u time it did not look very encouraging.
Later on it developed that buyers really
wanted the cattle , and the market livened
up and closed strong , everything being dis
posed of pome time before midday.
Cows and heifers were In good demand
right from the start , so that the market
opened strong and active and everything
sold without much dllllciilty. Sellers re
ported that they found It n good deal easier
to get the price than yesterday , and the
whole market seemed to be In an Improved
condition. Bulls sold nt just about steady
prices. Veal calves were strong , the best
bringing $7.25. I
Only a few feeders nnd stock cattle were | !
In the yards this morning , In first hands ,
as compared with the total receipts. There
were enough , however , considering the con
dition of the market. Speculators had
quite u. good many cattle on hand. Still
there was u fair buying demand and the
most of the offerings changed hands in
good season. The market on feeding cattle
Is ir > ( JT20e lower than last week. Rcprcsentn-
tlva sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
] . . . 910 375 38 . 1240 430
li . 950 375 17 . 12S5 450
> ' ' . . . . H 1 ! X ) 20 . 1161 4 50
S. . . . 857 390 12 . 1150 4 5
01 " " fli ) 3 93 34 . 1203 4 50
V" " . 1000 4m IB . 1140 4 .V )
Si. . ! . . . .900 400 38 . 1227 4 f.1
1 ' ' . . . . 940 I ( 1 16 . 1121 4 55
24' . . ; . 1052 103 40 . 1077 4 ( V )
23. . . ; . 10S7 t 03 22 . 1131 4 fiO
2. . H70 403 1 . 10T.O 4 fiO
12 . 875 4 10 33 . 1 I 4 60
6 . 11H8 425 23 . 1275 4 V >
6 . 1003 125 20 . 1311 4 fl. }
1 . . . .1210 425 21 . 1273 40. ,
1 ' . 900 I S3 02 . 71312 4 70
IS' . 1026 425 2 . 1245 170
17 . 1011 I M 20 . 1090 470
11 . . . .1381 4 : r 7 . 1220 170
. - , . 1130 4 35 35 . 1473 170
6 . 893 4 TKI 18 . 1292 I ifl
22 ! ! . 1077 133 20 . 1203 4 7 | )
47 . 1107 4 40 35 . Itol I m
39 . H2S 410 34 . 1352 475
1 . 050 440 G . Hu 4 , . >
19 . 1100 440 22 . 119T 175
40 . . . . .inr.t : t 10 12 . 1223 4 73
6 . . . . . S4S 440 f.0 . 1131 4771.4
M . . . .1135 143 15 . 1292 500
20 . . .1115 443 21 . 1077 510
> . . . . . 935 225 1 . 1190 8 30
.7 . fir , 251) ) 2 . 9 0 3 50
i . . .1040 2 U 1 . 1080 I ! 50
i . . . .870 2 50 . 1026 330
] " " , . . .900 2 r,0 , I * . 9S7 S 5-
i" . 740 2 fiO 4 . 1190 3J5
1 . , . . .1200 2 73 2 . 570 3 55
i . . . .1120 275 11 . 1101 360
i . . . . .962 275 3 . 900 300
i . . . . MM ) 275 i . 10iO 300
. , . . 990 2 75 1 . 12SO 1 CO
. 1040 285 : : . 1220 : t co
7 . .1220 : : no i . 1070 .too
i . 920 3 00 1 . 1150 305
- . 1..101S 3W 2 . 1315 305
i . . . .lOSii 303 : . 1070 305
: , . ' . . .1040 3(0 2 . 1320 3 IS
1 . . . . .1003 300 11 . 1131 303
4 ; ; ; . 1092 3 10 7 . 774 3 05
n . . . .940 310 2 . 1220 . " , fii
. " " . . . .1030 310 1 . 1009 303
T 9 < ; o ,110 1 . 12SO 3 Oj
10M 3 10 ' 2 . 1190 375
n ' . . , .1041 315 9 1131 373
o'i K90 315 15 108S 375
9 . . .001 315 IS 1107 I ! 75
o . .WOO 315 3 1290 3 SO
T .930 315 20 1153 383
, .1154 3 20 2 1120 II 85
1 1JSO 325 11 1124 385
1 MO 3 25 10 937 383
4 ; . .ir > v > : : 25 s 9S p. S3
J . .W5 325 5 1034 355
i.lOSO 330 5 1202 385
n .mo ? 30 i low .I S3
r . . . .1115 3 V\ \ 1 080 390
! 1 . . . .1001 335 1 8SO 3 ! > 0
11 . . .Ill ) 340 5 W ) ; t90
{ , ijnij : ) 40 6 1002 390
; ; . 750 340 10 1K.S r. 90
i " " " . . .1160 It 10 44 113 ? 190
14" . . . . . 7R5 340 30 1095 3 95
" , . . . .105340 2 10W 195
> .1085 340 2 1130 400
' " ' '
l' . . . . .1070 340 1 1110 400
J 123ft 340 2 8SO 400
? . . [ .BIO 3 40 1 10X0 400
4 . . . .1100 341) 2. ' . 10M ) 400
J . . . .1150 340 13 1087 4 )0 )
' " ' '
G' R60 345 3 117.1 4 O'i
1 1110 350 4 1207 410
1 800 n 50 1 1140 425
7 ' . .1001 3 35 14 982 3 S3
11 . . . . .1090 380 3 99.1 390
V 1H8 380 21 900 401
on 877 3 SO 18 1012 400
' "
il' 980 3 R5
2 . . . . filO 3 13 fi 71fi 4 00
4 " ' ' , . . .722 325 2 890 410
? , . . . G60 3 40 2 901 4 10
. . . . . . .1037 303 fi 1201 420
11 " ' , . . .917 370 10 1007 420
! . . . . .K > 50 375 7 1114 420
V . . . . 780 3 M ) 1 750 4 20
5 . , . .828 3 SO i 12.10 41"
1H . . .978 391 1 1210 4 r.
H 900 390 7 952 4 2i
1 . . . 7fO 390 ' 1 410 473
1 1410 310 1 1230 300
i . . . .1(00 ( 323 1 1450 300
j . . .1SOO 3 S3 1 1200 .1 BO
j . . .1220 n r.o i nso 300
i . . .1020 n : i MOO 3 or
f . . 7Si | 340 1 1300 30.1
i . .1100 34 1 1300 375
i . .1270 ! l 13 fi 1470 375
i . . .1950 350 1 1410 375
1 . .1510 3 W ) 1 IKO 3 8i
j . .930 3 W ) 1 ICfO : i 90
1 . .HCO 350 1 15CO 390
1 1720 3 50
ill < I WCALVES.
1 ICO 5 50 1 250 G 70
j . . . 110 00 1 200 7 00
1 ' 1 ! . . . 70 8 ) 1 IM 7 2.- .
l' 210 fi SO 1 ICO 723
1' . . . 200 7 00
i 1170 3 CO 18 1371 4 25
g UBS 4 20
18 1C23 3 83
1 360 2 90 5 HIS 4 25
3 fi4ft 323 20 90S 125
1 700 3 40 1 BOO 4 Ti
1 ' MO 3 SO 3 S90 1 2\
4' 611 3 SO 2 900 4 K
6 SS3 363 SI 97 } 4 SO
1 109U 37 : . R TUG 435
1 1100 ! l 75 IS S77 435
1 MO S 7R 1 970 I 10
2 ISO 375 34 IPW 140
1 S50 3 75 1 ' . 'OS 4 4 > 1
| ft HCS 400 * Z ! > 00 44rt
1 1000 I 00 TO 110 I M
1 010 ICO 3 } rSO 4W
3 O.M 4 00 i * . m I .15
f.JS 100 . . . . . . . . . . ICO
I OJ 2 1M5 4 00 I
1 . POO 115 47 . 1291 I SS
9 . S72 42(1 ( 15 . 12 2 I S3
1 . 740 am 2 . 703 3m
1 . 700 3 M 1 . 710 375
i . no ri 2 . 1195 373
I . Sfi ( 3 3S 1 . V0 ! 110
1 . 10.10 n S3 2 . 7SO 4 S3
1 . COO fl US 1 . f.10 1 30
] „ . 1110 nso 4.1. . 7cs 3to
. S90 3W ) 4S . S9J 340
1 . 700 S SO 12 . 771 3
3. . . . . . . . . 12,13 30
llOtiS- There was nm a very large run
or hogM tin * niornliiB , considering that It
t.i lliru < > ! ' < ' "i'Hut there was tup usual
fni"m- 'I01"1'- ' ' ' " that the conditions were
raxornhlii for nP , sellerr. The market
. ti. a s''de ' ' stronaor. but It was not
i.t..i. ' ! ' ' 'rll ( > ' " 1 hail their Ideas prolty
i , , "i Wl'ri > " "IdliiK i.n fur all the ad-
Jjitro Mull was to bo Buyers seemed
, , , , " the ' " " ' " m" l ] y ' 't'1 ' " ° ! "kt % lo
' iil''i ' , y " 1" . " " Unit the milling was
11 Illllo flmv. still the hogs kept going
oward the scales and the market. .If any- ,
thltiK , grew a little stronger , so that the
general market could , perhaps , be best deaf -
af jCd .MM 2'AC ' higher. The hogn sold very
largely lit JI.SO. $ | .S2' and M.S5. iw against
Sl.n'4. ' $ I.SO ami JI.S214 yesterday. Today
n few right choice heavy hogs inlrt ut
JI.9) . the top , as against Jl > 5 , tin- top
H will IIP noted from the table of avfr-
ngo prices that while the market today
was not quite o high as on Friday of
last week , It was I0fj)21. ) < .c nl Tr than on
Tuesday a week ago. Ropre < ontiitlveiles :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
14 . Htt . . . 410 72 . 231 . . . 4824 *
100 . 147 40 400 01 . 212 . . . 4 Si' ' ,
70 . 215 10 t 05 77 . 217 80 I S2'2 '
i S7 . 170 SO 1 72'67 ' . 2S1 SO 4 82' '
,75 ' . 190 M ) 475" 75 . 2IG 40 4 '
Ml . IS' . . . 4 77'i ' 51 . 250 100 I S2' ' . .
I Si . 191 . . . 4 77' ' < " f > - . 20.1 100 I S21-
till . Si't . . . 4 SO1" 112 . 2.19 SI ) 1 V2"- " "
, . 45 . 2iil SO ISO. 57 . 237 . . . 4 S2' ' ]
I I 77 . 20H SO 4 .SO 57 . 28.1 SO I VJL ,
I 77 . 202 . . . 4 .SO 71 . 211 . . . 4 s2'-j
ffl . 2ii : . . . ISO 01 . 2S5 40 I SJi. . .
| 09 . 192 10 ISO 7S . 228 120 I S2' ' .
i M . 17K . . . -ISO 09 . 241 40 4 S2N
SI . 211 10 4 SO 35 . 27S . . . I S2' ' -
f'i . 220 SO I Si ) 70 . 2IS . . . I S2'-
r > > . 211 80 4 SO m . 250 40 1 82' ' , j
SI . 19.1 . . . I SO 81 . 251 . . . 4 S3
92 . 201 40 480 fil . 2X0 . . . 4 S3
70 . 211 . . . 4 SO 09 . 250 . . . I M
7S . 209 40 4 SO 71 . 278 . . . 4 S3
78 . 230 . . . ISO 51 . 27S . . . I S3
1 . 200 . . . 4 80 77 . 2.11 . . . 4 S" .
< l . 20U 40 480 00 . 204 . . . 4 R5
27 . 220 40 I 0 72 . 2.10 . . . 483
41 . 22rt . . . 1 S2K 70 . 211 . . . 185
. 219 . . . 4 MIM . 25 ? . . . 485
119 . 201 SO I S2W. 58 . 322 . . . 1 S3
10S . 227 SO I S2'S ' 47 . 2SI 40 185
" 3 . 250 120 1821,4 78 . 210 120 1 S5
T-0 . 231 SO 4 821,4 n . 2,11 . . . 4 85
91 . 223 40 I S2'J 03 . 273 . . . 490
ft. . 205 SO 4 82 > A 50 . .351 . . . 190
fil . 270 . . . 4 82 < A 40 . 412 . . . 490
< J1 . 247 . . . 1 S2 > 5 Cl . 200 . . . 490
GO . 2.1) 200 I 82VA
SHEEP There wns a fair run of sheep
hern today mid the market as a whole was
In gosd shane. Buyers wanted supplies of
all kinds and the trade was sunk-lentil-
active to clear the nens In good season.
The trade could be summed nil as a good ,
steady to strong market. The sales given
below will show the prices paid for the
different kinds of Fhecp and lambs.
Quotations : Good to choice fed yearlings ,
J5.00fi5.75 ; fair lo good yearlings , $5.35115.50 ;
good to choice wethers. f5.2Tifiri.40 ; fair to
good wethers. $ l.75fii.OO ! ; good to cllnlcp fed
ewes , JI.C5fi-1.75 : good to choice fed native
lambs , J6.9O&7.00 ; good to choice western
lambs , JG.75fJ7.00 : fair to good fed western
lambs , Jfl.50S6.C5 ; feeder wethers. J1.25fT4 75.
feeder yearlings. J5.OOfi5.Cfl ; coed to cholre
feeder lambs , JI.75Jf5.75. The market closed
weak to lOc lower on lambs , nnd the pens
were not cleared until after midday , as
sellers were very backward nboul making
any concessions. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
3 ewes . 100 J.1 00
1 cwo . 100 150
S3 1 wf stern wethers . 115 5 35
210 western wethers . 101 f , 10
210 western wethers . 101 5 to
3t tailings . 85 5 f/l
241 western lambs . (5S 0 35
219 westerii yearlings . 100 R 05
rt77 western yearlings . 99 5 fin
241 western Iambs . 7.1 fi 70
67 lambs . S3 075
1 lamb . 90 075
10 owes . S4 350
02 ewes . 9S I 00
'ISO western ewes . 11.1 4 00
200 wefitPrn wethers . 120 5 25
190 westerii wethers . US 5 25
210 western yearlings . 117 5 40
205 western wrthers . 110 fi 1.1
2011 western wethers . 110 5 45
222 western yearlings . 104 r , C"
218 western yearlings . 10S 4 67la
200 western yearlings . 100 5 G7'i
.17 lambs . , . 63 675
Fairly Ac-five HORN Averaeo
Shade lllclier Sheen Strong.
CHICAGO , Feb. 13.-CATTLE Fairly ac
tive and generally steody , including Tex-
nns , butchers' stock and canners ; calves ,
lower ; lop , $7.50 ; stockprs and feeders ,
about steady ; good to choice , J-'OOQti.OO ;
poor to medium , $1.00574.S5 ; mixed stockers ,
$ .1.25513.SO ; selected feeders , $1.20 4.85 ; good
lo choice cows. $3.105(4.30 ; heifers , $3.25 {
4.75 ; canners. SM'Ofta.SS : bulls , $2.605(1.40 ( ;
calves , J5.0IJ5J7.GO ; fed Texas beeves , $1.00 ®
HOGS Average a shade higher ; top , $5.05 ;
fair clearance ; mixed nnd butchers , J4.S017J
5.05 ; good to choice heavy , Jl.95ff5.05 ; rough
heavy , $4.S05il.9u ; light. $ I.75J IM1 * ; bulk of
sales , $1.901/5.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Strong ; lambs ,
lOc lower ; closing weak : native wethers ,
J4.G5S5.75 ; lambs , J5.005J7.30 : western weth
ers , JI.fi3iJ5.50 ; western lambs , fS.005J7.30.
RECEIPTS Cuttle , 3,000 head ; hogs , 34,003
head ; sheep , 10,000 head.
KitiimiN City l.lvo Sto.-l. .
oelnts. C.SOO head natives and 500 head Texans -
ans ; market shade bettor for best grades
and other active and steady ; heavy native
steers , JI.75fif..lO ; llghtv.-eights. $4.40JiO.OO ;
stocktrs and feeders , $12.251(5.00 ( ; butchers'
COWB and heifers , $ 'l.0itfi 1.50 ; - . aimers , f.2M
( f/3.03 : fed westerns. fl.OI'-i-i "iestern feed
ers. $3.50rj-l.25 ; Texans. $3.7057-1.30.
HOGS - Receipt * . l2t * < head ; packing
grades active and a shade hlgni-r ; nuicliu-
weights. 5c hltfh.'r ; heavy , Jl.75fj4.87'/i ; .
mixed , $ I.7V&I.S5 ( ; light , tl.5W.SO ; pigs. $1.10
head ; market steady to lOc higher ; supply
of killers short of demand ; lambs , $ G,40Jj.S5 ( ;
yearlings , $5.2i" > 5u.40 , ; muttons , $ l.75'i ' < 5.25 ;
stockers and feeders. J3.50fO.CO ( ; culls , t'J.OOfc *
_ _ _ _ _ _
St. l.ouU Live StouK- .
ST. LOL'IS , I-'eb. 13. CATTLE Receipts ,
4.100 head ; market about steady ; native
shipping and export steers. , $4.755iG,20 ;
dressed beef and butcher steers , $4.00f/3.M ;
steers under 1.000 Ibs. . $3.f/ > Jfl.SO ; Ktockers
and feeders , $2.7 0.00 ; cows and heifers.
t2.fi03l.fiS : canners. tl.SOfi2.R5 ; bulls , , $2.20fr
400 ; Texas and Indian steers , M.Sjfyl.iu ;
cows and heifers , $2.45'd3.75.
HOGS - Receipts. 10.SOO head ; market
strong ; pigs and lights. $4.SOfj4.W ) ; packers ,
$4.i > 0i4. ! < i ; butchers' t1.05fG.06. }
SHEEP AND LAMBS - Recclnts , J.ft'fl
head ; market strong ; demand exceeds sup
ply ; native muttons , $1.005(4.75 ; lambs. tJ.Wif
I.Hi : culls and Inicks , JlDOfil.OO ; utockers ,
X w Yorli Live .Stock ,
NEW YORK" , I-V-b. 13.-ni3I-VK8-ni-
cc-lpls , 350 head , all for exporters except
one car ; no trading : feeling steady ; cables
steady for live caltln ; refrigerator beef
easier at IQ'.iQlS'/fep ' ' per Ib. ; Hhlpm-iiits to
day , none ; tomorrow , fcW ) cuttle , 1,050 sheep
and 5.3GO iiuartnrs of beef.
CALVEH-Recelpts , 102 head ; quiet but
steady ; medium veals , $7.25 ; southern
calves , tl.75.
head ; llftccn cars on sale ; bhi-cp , firm ; I
lambs , slow but holding tlrm. 10'/a ' ours unsold -
sold ; sheep , $4.25ftG.OO ; lambs , JG.I5O7.50. i
HOGHReceliits. . 3,911 head ; one car on
eale ; market weak at $5.15i/530. (
St. .loHi-nb IHe Hi IK-I. .
SOUTH BT. JOSEPH , Mo. , Feb. 13.-Spe- (
clal.j Th Journal quoto-i :
CA'fTLERiclptH , 1.100 head : market ac
tive .ind llrm ; quiillty fair ; natives , J4.15f (
5.10 ; Texas and wosti-rns , $ l.tof ; < 3 M ; cow *
and hf-lfciB. J2.25ft 1.50 ; bull and RU e.
$2.5f(4.75 ( ; yeqrllngs and calves , $ I.OO' < i. < . < X > .
tocker and feeders. $3.49f/4.7i. .
ilOUH Recclpts. B.OO ) head ; m.irhpt Ci-
hltther ; all grades , $ l.7if/4.W > ; bulk. M.Wi >
SHE AND LAMIW-Rci-cljitfl. SlMlir-ud ;
market strong : lambs. J .00i7.00 ; yt-arllnK .
$5.001(5.7 ( : sheep and yearling" . tl.i uN"w :
ewes , J3.S5tH.Mi.
Kfoe.k In Sl lit.
l-'ollowlng arc the rwclnts at the four
principal western market * I"r l-corujry i * :
San til Orauha 3. ITS Su3 ; ii.S46 ,
r u * . ! t . . u.O ( > J 2IU < W 1IOO ( .
' .WO 12t > rt 2.CW '
Totals 17.570 S3.W2 19/.IW
AxMMnnt Secretary Mrlklrjiilni Tnlk *
on llu- Philippine
fiUANl ) llAl'insfllioh. , reb. 13. Nearly
1,000 ' people attended the ntimmt Joint ban
quet I of I IIP Lincoln club and Young Men's
Republican cluh. Among the speakers were
Assistant Secretary of War Xlrlklcjohn ,
OoliKri' Dolllvcr of Iowa , Congress-
mnn Fowler of New Jersey. Congressman
Taylor of Ohio and Thomas S. Htrtler of
Pennsylvania. Secretary Melklejohn. speakIng -
Ing of the Philippine ltuntlnn , snld : "Shall
we keep the Philippines ? It Is not for nm
to answer. It Is for the sovereign people
of the nation , and 1 believe you will think
t\vlre before returning n verdict that \ \ \ < \
Philippines shall ho surrendered from under
our llac. "
Congressman Tayicr , In his address , made
an argument In support of the action taken
hy the house In expelling llrlgham 11.
Roberts of t'tnh.
lr\ ! < < for Opening KnvHiMipn ,
For opening envelopes nc.itly and rapldlv
a I hnmly device Is formiMl of rouml
handlv. vlth a steel blade projecting from
the end , whlrh Is guided across one end < > r
tlip eiivpiip. | < b > u parallel strip of Kteel
which enxagcs the edgeof the letter and
sleera the i utter.
Siomach-Distress ?
Sour dtomach belohlng of ga < <
roa lei I tongue -sud.len. . darting pahm -
Mild feet anil hands palpitation of the
heart Irritability or ro.irliiK In HIP
head ? Are any of these VlH'R trou
bles. If so , ymi nerd
Dr. Kay's Renovator
It removes all sm-li lrnulili- i un -
all dlso.isos nf the Ktniintoh.r | | and
biweU l-ooaii- < II ronov.ilos and In-
vlcorates the ENTIRE svsl.m. .ird ,
reaches and remnvrs ALL the w.iMo I
and poisonous partlrles whli , i foul the |
body , i
Urn * * * iiroofi "For 20 years 1 have
hail stomach trouble and somcllmcs
! : u-e not been able in work
The ) ialns In my stomach be
came . i , severe that iiplalptofo
ms- only relief. For sl\ weeks I did
not lo.ivo my bod. After oonsultlnir
fovc-ral sneolallsts without benefit. I taking HiKay's Renovator
and am now completely CITRED. Mv
appetite Is good and I freely eat such
thlng.s as ououtnliprs , oulnnn , cahbagi1 ,
etc. M" . Charles Ooppo. nne of tlie
most iiromlnont men In this oonnlr > .
was oured of a bad stoniarh trouble
by Dr. King's Renovator. "
Richard FnrraKiit. Triilllncor. la.
dies "jii" ! as good" as Mr. Kav's
Renovntof are NOT MA OK or SOLD
ale by druggists or by null. pcir > t-
lald. from tis-25ct .ind Jl Six for
} 5. Addrres us for free advice , sample
and book.
nit. ii. .1. ic\v .Minif\i : , co. ,
Sumlouii Sprint- * . \ . A.
Wfaen otbors fail consult
op MEN
Wo puarmtee to cure all eases ournbla of
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Emission * , Lost M nho < v1 ,
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Consultation f rco Cull on or address
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Digests what you eat.
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Best Dining Car Service ,
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rnbVcN I IFlt all .K < ; rms. tonoHjtp to
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Agents Wanted fcmalo c.implalnls . ( 'oni-
iileto tri'iitini-nt. HOiilod. $1.25. lioidt , 4c.
VIIALIIlllullly In 21 heHarmlc > < .
sure. Mniiliri ! supply , scaled. $1.25. llouk 4c.
Itl-nilloril , > | ii-i-lllll } Co. , ClilciiKO. III.
WANTED Cafio ui i > a& health that
R-I-I'-A-N-H will not ncnellt. Si-nil 5 cciu
to ItlinnH Chemical Co. . Now Yorlt , for 10
ample and J.O'iO ' testimonial * .
Telephone I03J ) . Onmlia , N.-j
( iKAIN , 1'KOVISIONSaiul hTOiv'J ( ;
Correspondence. John A Warren & Co
Direct wlrts to Chicago and Netv York ,