Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1900, Part I, Page 24, Image 24

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Contact * Already Wade for Opsration of a
Mammoth Creamery in Omaha.
Sciinrnllim Slutlnn * lo UP Us *
tnlilUln-il hi .NI- | > IIIKM , limn ninl
.NorlliMrxf .Mlflffiinrl In Stiiil | | > '
, JliilliT-.MiiUlntt MntiTlHl.
Another Important Industry that promlecs
much for thp future Is just being established
In Omaha , rharlnrllnnllng , for many years
In the creamery business at Norfolk , having
ill l > 3Cd of his Interrais thrrc , Is preparing
to go into similar business on n largo ncnlo
liere. It will bo supplied with every advantage - ]
tago developeil In the wonderful evolutions
In the science of buttermnklng. Under
methods not long slnco deemed modern , each
creamery required a large number of cows
In Its Immediate vicinity , but the invention
of the separator linti revolutionized Iho buel-
Jicsa in that respect. I3y means of the
ucparalor the cream and fatty matter Is
Heparnted from the milk. The modern
creamery has sc-paratorH planted at nil sur
rounding towns , to which Hitfnrmcro In
adjacent territory carry the products of their
dairies dally. TliPro the butler-making
properties arc separated from the fluid urn !
ehlppcd in cans to the central station or
creamery , where they are converted into
butter , leaving the buttermilk In the hands
of the farmer or local station to bo fed
to hogs or used In any other manner to ad
Mr. Harding propcses to establish In
Omaha a central Htatlon , with tributary sta
tions locnlcxl all over Nebraska , Iowa and
northwest Missouri. Ho Is now effecting
contracts for the establishment of separat-
oni at BUI rounding towns and is finding
ready support for his enterprise In all tribu
tary sections. He has also made a contract
with the Omaha Cold Storage company ,
which occupies the old Krug brewery build
ing , for power , heat and storage capacity ,
nnd It Is there that the creamery will be es
tablished. Under his contracts with local
stations the butter-maklnc Induotry is to
begin In thirty days. Agents are now out
making now contracts covering a wide ex
tent of territory , and a business of great
rvolumo Is already assured. Mr. Harding
represents a company the personnel of
'which Is not stated. Ho IH posKcs ed of con-
cldcrablo means of. his own and can com
mand practically unlimited capital. Ills px-
jiericnco In the creamery buslmw In this
etnto has taught him that such an enter-
iprlso can bo handled to much belter advan
tage from Omnha than from any other point
In Nebraska , because partially of Its central
location In the section to be relied upon for
thn raw material , but more especially on
account of the superior railway facilities for
Teaching all adjacent sections nnd the od-
rantages In rates both on receiving the raw
material and the shipment of the proJuct to
Advantageous markets. The prospects that
confront this enterprise can bo best under
stood when It Is known that a similar enter
prise established several years ago at Lin
coln has become the leading Industry of that
city. H Is said that It pays out about $1,000
a day to farmers of Nebraska for the milk
products It uses. This enterprise was orlg
Jimlly established at Beatrice , but later re
moved to Lincoln. It Is said by those who
claim to knew that the Omaha enterprise
will possess many advantages over the Lin
coln establishment that promise big for its
BiiccpBS anil usefulness to tlio dairy farmers
of ft wide section.
A 3Vow Srrvlee by the Xe v York Con-
triil Kiillrnnil.
OeorgD H. Daniels , general passenger
age-lit of Iho Now York Central & Hudson
Kiver railroad , has added u steamship bu
ll can to the equipment of the passenger serv
ice of the road. Ho has engaged Captains
liouls Ingwersen and F. A. O. Schultze to
superintend the bureau and one of their
kluttcs will ho to meet all Incoming trans-
lAtlantlc and the principal coast wise steam-
chips to assist passengers who wish to leave
the city via the Vanderbilt system. Cap
tain Ingwersen will have charge of the
( American , Cunard , White Star , Atlantic
Trasport , Wilson , Anchor and Allen-Stale
lines and Captain Schultzo has been assigned
to the North-German Lloyd , Hambcrg
( American. French , Rotterdam , lied Star and
.Thlngvalla lines.
They will meet all Incoming steamships
mid will bo prepared to furnish railway
tickets , parlor and sleeping car accommo
dations and to assist passengers with their
baggage and check It to points on the line
of the railroad , after Ithas - been passed bj
the customs Inspectors. They will also
furnish passengers with cabs operated by
the railroad company and furnish time
tables and general Information to passen
gers who como to this city with n vliw ol
Kolng abroad and such pafsengnrs will he
met At the. Grand Central station on incom
ing trains and conducted to the steamship
Their baggage will be attended to am
steamship tickets can be procured In ad
vance by communicating with Mr. Uanleh.
Prom the Now York Commercial Adver
DID YOU KNOW that you can get a
itolephnnu In your Residence for 10 cents
Jicr duyV Call Telephone No. 2.
A grand prize mnsqucnulo ball will be
fclven by Hickory camp No. 3128 , M. W. A.
nnd Kllwi I ) . Watt camp No. 1.V.IO , H. N. A
on Fnbrunry II ut Triangle hall. Twcnty-
Bccond ami Cumliig streets. FIuo prizes wll
iba given away for the following : Kor the
Uncut masked lady , for tlio'linost mnskc.
Kcntlcman , for the mcst comical muek H
Judy , for the most comical masked gentle
annn , for the best cake walk lady , for the
ticst cake walk gentleman. Good music ha
Jicen secured. All are welcome. Admission
C5 cents.
TinMlllnril ,
f'ominpnclng Monday , February 12. the
Milliard oufo will serve a business men's
tablo-d'hnto dinner from 12 until 1.30 Price
S3 rents.
Call telephone No. 2 for Info-matlan about
long distance , metallic , circuit , Hele-ctlvo
Signal Ui'sldonco Telephone Service ui only
10 cents per day.
Samuel Humes , 1318 Farmmi. Annual Fob-
injury reduction sale now going on
Best Dining Cat Seivice ,
\vnt.ii I ; < H run nt MM : . * .S.
Col u ill I ) In rirr litftiiritncf Coiiiiuiii ) l <
. Hiinii * Coni'i-rn
The Columbia Plro Insurance compnny has
opened headquarter * In Omnhn with elegant
offle < on the ground floor of the New Yorlc
l.lfe building. This company Is exceptional
In Its islanding and stnblllty. Organized with
J200.000 of home capital fully paid up , with
130 of the best business men of Kansas nnd
N'obraskn as tin stockholders , nnd being tin
der the management of experienced and suc-
cecsfiil underwriters. It certainly prevents
an opportunity for the pcopb of these states
to secure reliable Indemnity In a homo com
pany equal In every wny to nny that money
can buy elsewhere. H is a significant fact
thnt this company was organized with a cap
ital four times n largo ns that of any other
ever organized In the middle west. For the
present , al Irpst. Its business will bo con
fined to KnnsDH nnd Nebraska.
The list of olllcors which follows In a guar
antee of the success of the compnny : I ) . 12.
Thompson , president ; 1. M. Raymond , vice
president ; J. I ) . Dlnsmore , second vice pres
ident ; C. IX Mullen , secretary nnd treas
urer : C. O. Talmage. assistant pjcrotnry : 1) .
K. Thompson , Henry Rngntz , < ) . C. Olffcrt ,
I. M. Raymond , C. K. Yost , II. A. Wlsgen- I
horn , C. D. Mullen , directors. The compnny j
Is also well equipped for field force. * , linvlnt ; '
on ltd ftnff the following : 15. 0. Holmnan.
state ngi > nt , Lincoln ; C. II. Scarlc ,
ngcnt , Lincoln ; C. n. Roberta , special agent.
Reaver City ; Hurt \V. Rllmrd . resident
manager Lincoln office ; T. C. Callahan , city
solicitor for Omaha.
Mr , Mullen and Mr. Tnlmage come to
Omaha from Lincoln and Mr. Callnhnn from
Friend to make their residence here.
tiu-flnlM from Police Court AIM * Still
lit I.IMV Kllll ( 'Hull UllllllllM !
on Ilmnl ,
The ilntcwent prepared hy Chief Clerk
ohn Kcad of HIP city treasurer's ofllco shows
bat the Board of Kduc.itlon hn a cash bnl-
nto on I'rlirnnry 1 of ? 30,79l.iifl. It will V ,
otul that the receipts from police court
incs 522 dn not promise n m.itcrlal in-
rt-ase over last year. The financial state-
ucnt for the month of January la as follows :
ialancc. December 31. ISM $ ll.15iI.Sl
ax collections 2.IHG.37
Jijilnr | lecn < > i > s 139.00J.OO
State apportionment 20J1S.M
'olice court lines 22.00
Other licenses . 1,719.00
Total $171 , ! B2.03
A'arranlH redeemed ir SlG7.-G !
Hulance $ 36,791.53
Paili-rt'WNUI. Lincoln , I'rlii'imry Ii ; .
The Burlington Houto will run a special
rain to hlnccln for the accommodation or
hos- desiring to attend the Padereswskl
concert. Train will leave Omaha 6:30 : p. m.
Returning , leave Lincoln 10:30 : p. m. , arrlv-
ng at Omaha in time to connect with street
cnrs on all lines.
Tickets ONLY will be accepted on this
Hound trip rate , $2.20.
Get tickets at 1C02 Karnam street , or at
Burlington station.
I'll Ul-lllllllll'llll VottTM < > f ( ll < > Sl\tll
Ayr. re ! .
To 'the ' Republican Voter of the Sixth
Word I am a candidate for the council on
Iho republican ticket. If nominated and
Icctcd I shall work for the best Interests
of the ward and the whole city. I am In
favor of municipal ownership of the water
works and strict economy In every depart
ment of the eity government. If jou think
.his way , turn out at the republican pri
maries next Thursday and give me your
vote. CAUll AXKOUU.
Ol-lrlltK ! It 111 ! s.
Don't forget we carry a fine stock of Turk-
leh and Persian rugs of all sizes and grades
and will guarantee to save money not a lit
tle money. Select rugs here and compare
them with any offered by others. Can be
returned If not wanted.
MnlliKMix .Jury Churned.
NKW YORK. Feb. 10 Recorder Golf
finished his charge to the Jury-In the Moll-
nelix case at 2:15 : j > . m. Ho then began to
read requests of counsel to charge the jury
on certain specifications of law. The charge
consumed three hours.
Expert plnno tuning , H. H. Rhodes , Som-
mer Plnno factory , 321 S. 10th ; 'Phone. 2039.
Drs. Lord & Rustln. G01 Paxton block.
Ii\\iil. ) : SALT LVKIJ , I'OHTLtM ) ,
fiMl V Ono "I-1" t" t'tnh.
IfllUI TWJ Nightr to I'ullfornla. Oregon.
City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St ,
Full T1U3 1'1'ULIC -
Swift's Kxtract Ucef t ,
Urtwu'H Trot hen uoc
40i- Hem ( . 'atar'h Cure- ! . . ! . ! " . . 401-
Kondon s Catarrh Jelly . - 'jji'
Carter Liver 1'lllc 1'
Uo Packer's T.r Soap T-
( X ) Itromo.Seltzer "oc
ode Hromu-Si'ltzer
fOc Dodd'H Kidney Pills We
DOu Diiild's O ; ) opshi ,
C'c ' Lltlila 'IMblots
M,00 Tjrtarllthlnp
U5o Chamberlain's Cough Cure lOc
11,00 Wine of Cardul. . 73c
J5Clltlcuru | S'i ;
$1 , 0 'Pe-'u-iin ' ' " - .
i" < .Mclllil s F.joil . 41 ,
Wr Point s ttxtrat-i ' . ' ' . / , ,
\Vo 'ire fie only si rp in the city k tln -
n leuli-ur . n in. .1 . a goml t mIn our
piaco all nlyht Nu\cr e-Io-.e.
11th uud Dousing St.
Famous Advertising Apency Celebrate *
Twenty-Fifth Business Year.
Inert-Hied I'njriill friini Tlirei1
i'tliiM-M In IST'I tit ff 'vi'ii y-
l < "lvc HxpcrlM In I1KKI It
vlciv of ( irutvtli ,
Last month Iho well known advertising
agency of Nelson ( Mimmnn fc't'o. ' complelod !
Its twenty-fifth year of continuous business.
The qurrtcr of n century during which It hns '
grown from mo'lest proportions to Us present ,
tnagnltudo has marked HIP evolution and syt- j
tcmatlzlng of tUo ndvortlMni ; ngctiey busi
ness as n science , and It Is dllllrult to realize I
what few precedents the founder of the
firm had to puldo himself by when h , In
partnership with Mr. Ocorgp 1' . llowrll , rn\-
niencul btisliieia In St. Lv-uls on November
1 , 1S74. To Mr. Cho-mnti Is largely due the j
credit of having Inaugurated what may ho
described as systematic advertising. Ills
film started out > vlth tlio flxed 111 fa Hint
advertising pays , whether local or national ,
nrovldul the rc-qulre-nipntH nnd policy of
each Indlvlilunl advpiii pr are catefully
filudled , and proper care exercised In the KO-
lertlon of mediums. 1'a policy was to con
vince not only the occasional advertiser , but
the non-advertlper nsrll , of this fact.
In 1S7S Mr. Ilowell retired from the flrm
v. hlch then became known as Nels > 3ii C'hes-
nian ft f'o. Kor ten ycnts It c'ontlnued to
rx'eml tl'cacopo r.f . Us oppratlons. In Keb-
ruary , tSSS , It , was Incorporated under the
sanio name , and a brnnch was opened In
New York City. Three years later the Chicago
cage branch waa added. A fp\v months ago
tlii ? New Voik olllce was disposed of. and a
branch Started In I'Htsburg , I'a. 'All of the
olllces have bren phenomenally successful.
The absolute necessity of newspaper ad
vertising has never been more generally
recognized than nt the present moment , and
no agency has been' more successful In dl-
ri'ctln.g enterprise Into proper and prolltablo
channels. A canvass of Nelson Chtsman
iSCo.'s customers and clients would yield
nn almost unanimous response In the
alllrmatlvo to the oft put question "Does
advertising pay ? " and the linn's experience
and system of doing business Is directly
responsible for this. More than sixty expe
rienced persons , exclusive of plght or ten
printers who set up advertisements anil
other matter on the premises , are on the
permanent staff of Nelson Cheaman & Co. ,
ns compared with three or four In the llrm'a
early days. To keep pace with this phe
nomenal growth the lloor space of the head
olllce alone has been Increased from GOO to
more than 7,000 square feet. More than
$25,000 was spent for the building and for
remodeling It for their oillces at St. Louis.
They are ono of two of the agencies that
New first-class line between Omaha and
Chicago , over new road recently built
throUKh Council Bluffs , Denlson and Rock-
I well City to Tara , Iowa , to connection with
I the Central's western line through Fort
, Dodgp. Webster City , AVaterloo. Indepenrt-
i cnce , Dubuque , Freeport and RockCord to
] Chicago.
A fast wlde-vestlbuled train making prin
cipal slops only , and with new equipment
throughout , consisting of llbrary-buffet-
smoking car , Pullman sleeping car , free re
clining chair car , dining car.
A fast vestibulPd train doing more or less
local work. Included In its equipment is a
through sleeping cur between Omaha , and
Chicago. Dining car service enroute ,
In Aililitloii it Fort DiulKO I.ocnl
T rat ii I.mvi'H Council llluffH ntl..O
p. in. dnlly oicrjil Suiiiliiy.
Through trains from New Union Station ,
110th St. , Omaha. Tickets and reservation at
U'lTV TICICHT OKF1CK , 14O2 Fnrnam
' Street , for 1-lth Street.
ThH lb Just the weather to got
gooil out-door pictures. Get
n good , reliable
Wo have them nt lowest prices.
Kverythlug for the amateur pliotoc
The Robert Dempster-Go , ,
1215 Kiiniiim rit.
Developing and Printing Done ,
Write us before purchasing.
' . > „ > In'luss new proof that our
I'ri-s riptlun y.irtim-nt i , i winner , and
that Iho prlilti appreciate * afeiy and sav
in ; . A e-areli.hs drug * lerk ii > diinserous
lot you'll not find'o don't keep
that kind , uwl wo don't mi.ko mistakes.
Wn don't makii a bin .prolit on prescrip
tions either n'hen wo advertise cut prices
w mean cut prices right through HitHtoru
nnd that inuoiM a uavlni ; to you on every
j > urih.- < c-no mater what It ! . You mvtl
not ivint over town fur burwalus In Unit ;
Sundrlep or Toiler artle-ha-nut < UV the at Sixteenth and F-irnam anil you'll
nml iv bargain pvny day in tiio week.
Uon't forKCt wur HOT JODA It also Is
u winner.
Gut Price Druggists ,
222 South Kith St. Omaha.
own oillrlRlit nnd on-tipy their own build
ing. The head ofllce today Is one of the
l > es equipped In the country , and both
branch ofll.-oa nro complete In every detail.
A department for ndvertlslng In papers
printed In other than the Knsllidi languaRf
waa reeetltly added. This department places
ndvertlslng In papers printed In more than
twenty-live different languages , translations
being made from Kngllsh copy nn.t the entire -
tire work executed with the usual care
shown In nil the eompany's business meth
ods. No other advertising agcgey In the
country attempts this clnss of advertising
as a specialty.
Mr. Nelfon rhcrmnn has always been the
guiding spirit of the house during Its long
nnd uninterrupted career , mid Is still Its
president. The vice president and treasurer
of the company Is Mr. Conrad Iludkc. He
secured n-posltlon with the llrni In 1877. nnd
when It was Incorporated was elected sec
retary mul treasurer ami placed In charge
of the St. I.ouls oinco ns general manager.
The secretary of tlio company Is Mr. Hlch.ird .
Vondcrgast , another grnduato In the adver
tising business who 1ms been directly con
nected with the company since tlio year 1881.
These three gentlemen const Unto the board
of directors of thn company. The Chicago
odlco Is tinder the able management of Mr.
Arthur A. Wilson , also a stockholder In
the company , who has held the position
sllicn 1S93 , and has been largely Instrumental
In extending the sphere of Its operations In
the west , northwest nnd north.
Snld an old timer , as ho stood In' tha
pnlnttnl new Union depot last night : "I
can well remember when there wns only one
train a week to the enst from the Missouri
river , which was via the North-western line.
Sen the wonderful change now. The North-
Wcstcrn line alone Is compelled to run live
trains per day to Chicago and two to St.
Paul and Minneapolis to accommodate Us
business. Wonderful ! Wonderful ! "
Klfihdi Wnril It
Regular meeting of Klght Ward Itepiib-
llcan club Tticsday evening. February IS , at
S o'clock , Wolff's hall , Twenty-second and
Cumlng streets. All candidates Invited.
Hon. Henry C. Hromo will address the meet
ing. All republicans of the Klght ward
earnestly requested to be present.
II. C. UOWM3Y , President.
W. P. COWOBK , Secretary.
Double Sleeve and Double
Back , black and white
striped Working
Bosom Checked Bib
First-class white Drill
Waiters' Jackets
Guarantee Clothing Co. ,
Capitol Ave. , Near 16th St.
Close to Hcnnctt's.
Cashartt's Union Made
Pants am ! Overalls.
run uti-i I'.vr
A Mlulit.v Snlr of VnlonMnpn for Mnn-
ilnv anil Tucoilnj.
Our entire whrlesnle stock at retail nt
one-third less than wholesale prices. Kv-
crythlng Iho newest ! Everything the best !
Everything the cheapest !
5 comic valentines for le.
1 for novelty card vnlentlnes , worth at.
2c for novelty curd valentines , worth Sr.
Se for novelty card valentines , worth lOc.
Be for novelty card vnlentlnes. worth ISo.
lOc for novelty card valentines , worth 23c.
Wo have the largest variety of new up-to-
ilate noveltlca In the city nnd our prices arc
inin-2t Douglas St.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. . eclectic ami
magncf.c physician , has moved his oIDcc to
709 North Ifith ntrcot , room 13. Special at
tention to all long standing or lingering dis
eases nnd to dlsenoes of women and children.
Kor 10 cents per day you can secure a
Long Distance SelectIve Signal Telephone
in your residence. Per particulars call
Telephone No. 2.
To < lif Voter * of tlu > Xlnlli AViu-il.
WARD I hereby annonnco myself ns a re
publican cnndldnlo for councilman and re
spectfully solicit your support at the primary
election. PRE11 U. DUPRENE.
Have Hoot print It.
Ulank liool ; nnd magazine binding. A. I.
Root , ICO ! ) Hnrncy street.
0. P. n. Trunks and parcels. Tel. 2031.
A. I ) . T. Messengers. Tel. 177.
In our new location at Sixteenth and
Dodge streets the prescription department
is in the r.ASEMENT , uway from the tmstto
and confusion of a busy store. Hero we
have men whose whole time and attention
ix devoted to compounding physicians' ! '
scrlptlons and the manufacturing of such
preparations ns are needed In " "r store ,
thus Insuring promptness and accuracy In
our prescription work. Our laboratory
and warehouse will remain at our old lo
cation , occupying all of the three lloors
with the exception of the front sixty or
eighty feet , which Is for rent.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go
New Locution , S. IV. Cor. Kith mill
To close out the balance of our Immense
stock of
wo make these prices. All the
lOo and 13c Chamois Skins Go
20s and 3e Chamois Skins H > c
: ! 0i : and -I0u Chamois Skins ffie
50e and T.'ic Chamois Skins -tOc
$1.Xlymmolti ( Sklnc " 5c
COUNCIL BLUFFS. Oct. 1 , 1S9S. Now ton
Proprietary Remedy Co. : Sirs For the
past three * years my hair has been falling
out very badly and I began to think that I
would soon bo bald. I had tried all kinds
nf remedies with no good re'siilts. At last
a friend of mine recommended your Hair
Tonic , and after using less than ono bottle
my hair hns stopped falling entirely and a.
luxuriant growth of new hair started. I
cannot wiv too muci for thin wonderful
rmnedy and 1 heartily recommend it to any
ouo for falling hair and restoring the color.
Yours very inily. . MISS JI. J..UHBKN.
Making Room for One of the Biggest Stocks of Shoes
Ever Brought to Omaha Just Purchased
From the Largest Manufacturers in
the East , by Our Shoe Buyer.
Closing Out 53c
All Ladies' fine
50c Beaver felt
Closing out
cloth Overgaiters
a92 pairs boys' satin calf Shoes , with
7 button high at
full double lair HI Itched
Closing Out soles and tips , worth $1.C > 0- 90c
48c 15c on sale at
Closing out
Closing out
136 pairs of men's genuine mi tin cnlf
All boys' buckle and lace can Uico and Congress
vas at Leggings , worth $1.00 Shoes at -regular $ - ' ( > < > ShooB 1.15
Closing out Closing out
! 298 pairs ladles' line Chrome kid lace
200 pairs men's heavy "Ilattery" calf L.lci'
! Street Shoes , with heavy double f > J gj *
soles and kid tips , imulo to \.t JL t5 Shoes , with full douhlo soles
and extension 1.65
eel ) for $3.00 , on sale at edges a regu .
lar ? 2.50 winter ulioo at. . . .
Closing out | Closing out
IDS pairs ladles' line velour kid Ltue Shnss ,
with silk vesting tops , flexible I 190 pairs 'boys' '
soles and new kid tips , regu $1 00 Huckle Arctics-- 53c
lar price $2.50 , on sale at. . . . . u1
usually have fine teeth for part of
the attraction. Youth or age
eithei , nf'4-d this equipment for
pleasing , as well as 1'ur use.'o
makea Hpeclalty of tilllnt , ' ihil-
ilri-i'M tppth .
: and fiirnlshitiK na.-
ural looking ones for older folks
BAILEY , the Dentist
at' ' I'ailiin IIIU. KlUi A. ruriiain.
J.iiil ) ' AtlfliiliuM , 1'liiiui ! lllSTi.
L.e Dr. It.V. . ll.illi'i. . Ton III
I'oivUer. All
We Certainly
Inerrnne our prescription luislne. * * C.i per
coin If we would rail on the Rrattort ni l
"whonit 'em up" and then raise the com
mission. That would compel ns to < huruo
J'oii extra for the "whoop" and al. < o thn
iimmlsilon. Hut our present system of
not isiylnt ; n commission ami "wlmoplntt
'em" hit" been so successful that we dun't
propone to chungo It.
Cramer' * Kidney Cure
J.ncle Sum's Tolwrco Cure . . . . . . . . f > > '
] KtuH Cream V'r '
re-ru-ii.i 75o
Wine of f.irdul 7m-
1'jrninlil riin cure . | 0o
< irni C.ilarrli I'ure . . . . . . . _ l e
fr .S f
I'lnkhiim's' ' 'oYn'nI inii" .I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i -
Hr. Mllrs' Iti > nu < dle4 7Se
f.irtcr'H l.lvcr l l | | If.-
P.I oiiio ( Jiilnini * lf , ,
C'or. Kith mi , ! i-iiloiicn Stn.
41 Miles the Shortest
To § f , Louis.
28 Miles the Shortest
Trains leave UNION STATION dally
for St. Louis , Qulncy , Kansas City and
nil points enst or south.
Home Seekers Excursions
Feb. 6thand 20th.
Alt Information at City Office , 141G Far-
cam St. ( Paxton Hotel Block. !
In buying TOOUS tlicrr urc always
> two things to bo it.ikfii Into f'li.sldera- '
, tlon viz : Quality nnd prii < > .
' You r.iiiot buy u Dlston high grade
. , Saw for tn ! > snniu price you i-nu a
sl'cot Iron nffair.
, We make quality the tlrst considera
tion and as low a prlro as GOOD
T'OOIS ' are . < ild anywhere.V are
making a .specialty , if Tools for the
> 'Mt.ionter an-J machinist.
lUvMK'MBlCK ' Any warranted tool
b sold by us that proves defective we
will cheerfully replace.
1511 Dodge St.
Tool llcm
Cures Gonorrhoea , Gleet or unnatural dis
charges in a few days. Full directions.
Price $1.50. All druggists , or mail. D. Dick
ii , Co. . 133 Centre St. . New York.
WANTED Case of toad health that
H-I-P-A-N-S will not beiiotlt. Send 5 cents
to Rlpans Chemical Co. , Nov York , for 10
samples1 and 1.000 testimonials ,
t Follow
Because you wear nice shoes
in nice weather that you
should wear sloppy shoes in
s'oppy ' weather.
We have nice shoes for
nice weather , and we also
have nice shoes for sloppy
weather. They arc made
to keep your feet warm and
dry and to look well at the
same time.
The sloppy weather is
here ; if you need the shoes ,
we have them and can
please you in every way
style , quality , fit and price
and would like to show you.
N. E. Cor. 10th
and Douglas Stfl.
Means a great ilcal when it comes to llxlug
teeth. Our work IB strictly llrst-rla&s mid
wo use only the brat material and employ
none but expcrlenciil dentists. Your work
will bo fully warranted to give 6atlsfactinn.
Silver Fillings 7T > o
Gold Fillings $1.50 up
Gold Crowns $ . " > . ( H )
Set Teeth $5.00
Tail's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms ,
Now on sale at half and less than half regular price.
Men's heavy ulsters , made of reliable black frieze , OK
formerly sold for $5 , special for only &B 3Jty ?
Men's fine suits of worsted and cassimere , from small lots
which sold for $7.50 to § 11.50 , K flil
Special for only pnUtl
in the Bouse is
for SS
No matter the previous price , no matter the big values that
sold up to $22.50 take quick advantage of this the best
bargain in Omaha , any one in 1he house | "fjS
for only t wg fl'O' ' '
Of 1SOO men's finest winter suits and overcoats , for $1-1.75
former prices iM'7.50 , $2r , $22.50 and $20 they are high
grade odds and ends and broken lots , from a big business , all
winter stock , must be closed out at once. There is no offer in
Omaha that will equal this one , AM * E
Select a suit or overcoat for H ffo $ S
Big Bargains for I5ig Men.
'J200 men's linest tailored trousers , in from . ' 58 to 54J
waists and il'.i to ! U > lengths , not a pair of pants worth loss
than $ .fiO and up to $7.50 , bargain for only $1.75 ,
$2.50 and $3.75.
Mothers of Boys
Take your choice of any double breasted knee pants suit ,
vostee suit , top overcoat or reefer , all from . ' 5 to H5 , suits ,
top coats and reefers worth from $ . ' ! .50 to § 7.50 , choice for
$1.75 and $2.99. All styles.
" Rough integrity is better
than smooth deceit. "
SHERIDAW COAL fights its own
battles and is easily the best coal mined in Wyoming § 4.50 ,
$5.00 , $5.50.
VICTOR WHITE , 1605 Farnam St , TELEPHONE 127 ,
1 r. H , nirn . . ( ' . , UAXTKH'TI mus , ST. 1.01 is , .110.