Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1900, Part I, Page 23, Image 23

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Wanted By clients who will par
rUaloV-nce In Went farnnm , dtrttlct
from HV rtl lo , W ; In Haiwcom Plare
from H.ftiO to fi.on ) ; on south lde from
K.o fl to Wflr ) : on north fMe we t of * lh
-treH. from K.W ) to .t * > J and from Jl.Srt
to . * .
1 > r Sale Fine colonial residence , a beaitll-
' il home perfectly planned , entirely tnod-
rn with ample round ! . located In the
mot dt-lrabl * West Karnam district.
Price. 1.W
1 , , r tHlf - \ > ry < le lrable modern residence
n Sottth 35th avenue , between Karnant
and DfxtKe. full lot. nice lawn and "hade.
his In a v ry tlnn property. Price. , ) .
Vr , SHle Mrxlprri reslrt nre In West Fnr-
Hm dl-trlct. Juct completed , owner built
f ir a home , will i-ell. an opportunity to
buy H new house Price. JJ.OOO.
pnr s m Lnr e modern houee , centrally
located. lar e Brounds , nice lawn and
. Price. J12.WO.
n ( " , burn , very chPHp.
Knr SHle Mmlern residence , barn and two
I..IH on I'ark avetme. In Hnnscom Place ;
\ rv desirable property ; secured under
nortgnge. can be bought for a low price.
' 4 cnnti. balance at 5 per c nt.
Per Sale I TRP. well built minlcrn resi
dence In Kountze Place , lower rooms : nnd
Htalrway In oak , must bo sold soon ; a
bitrRttln. easy terms.
For SHP ! Right room , two-story houeo on
N'orth ISth. clofp In. will net 10 per cent ;
1"ok this up at once. Price for it few
tlays will remain $ : , ( ) .
For Snip Sevpti-rooni hou. o and two lots
on Maple street ; can bo secured at a
htirgaln ; look this up. Price , Jl.'JW.
For Sale Dundee homes , all modern lln-
nrnvemPnt-s. only 20 minutes from bust-
nrs : pure air and breathing room ; house
md Inruc crounds for lees than cost of
l-'or Sale Finest ncrpage properties In A\ est
Fiirnnm district ; this Is the time to buy ;
prices are advancing , get price and terms.
Tor Sale Fine lylnu re . | dcnee lots in Han--
com Plhcp hnd West Farnam district at
lowest iirlccs.
I' you uunt to buy or sell cull on
fur RENT. First lloor. N. Y. Llfn Bldg.
IF i'OIT have a bargain to offer In real
estate see S. A. Brondwell. 501 N. Y. Life.
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans : nlbo fire
Insurance. Bemis. Paxton blk. RE 370
> SNAPS In real estate , money to loan. L. L.
Johnson Co . 311 S. 15th St. RE 374
Tr-ffi NORTH 17TH street , two houses , rent-
Init for tlfi per month , paving paid , pays
14 per cent gross , price , 51,030. John N.
Frcnzcr , opp. old P. O. RE-37S
FOR QUICK returns on bargains only see
S Broudwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg _
RE &i-
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also flre-
Insurance. Bemls , Faxton blk. HE 705
HOUSES , farms. R. C. Patterson. SfS N. Y
L. RE M312
A BARGAIN , four acres. tli and Pacific
two blocks from car line , on belt rail
road , JiSOO ; easy terms. McCaguo In
vestment Co. , 150G Dodge. RE M3
FOR SALE. J5.000 for 40 acre- * well Im-
prov d , on West Dixlge. macadam road.
J4 ( V i for so acres Improved , near Mlllard.
$ ) .tr l for 15 acres four miles from postotHce.
t'Vt for 23 acres , near Waterloo.
J1.750 for 5-room house nnd lot 50x150 ft. ,
S E. cor and Pacific sts.
li , ( 1 for 9-rtKim hout > c , barn , etc. . ! ! .
North ISth bt.
P.V ) for and lot an Uth St. , near new-
Jl.DOU for south front lot on Dodee. near
Mill st. Special taxes paid In full.
J1.23Q for 120x127'ft , N. W. cor. 2)tll ) and
$3511 each for lotr 3 and 4. block 2 , Potter's
add , Half Howard , between list and 42d
J250 for east front lots on South 13th st . on
crado. one block north of end of car line.
$3X ) for lot fi. block 11. Orchard Hill , south
front on Franklin , between 3Sth and. 40th
lEORGE & COMPAX1G01 Farnam St.
RE MS5 < U
BARGAINS wanted , bargains for sale all
the time. A. P. Tukey , Board of Trade.
FOR SALE , about flf'.pen Improved farms
and a large quantity of unimproved farm
nnd grazing land , partly under Irrigation.
located In the bountiful Cedar valley ; thl.s
valley Is one of the most fertile In the
west , growing both wheat and corn to
perfection , besides being- accessible to
some of the best cattle ral-ing country
that can be found anywhere For prices
nnd full description of property address
Plbel & Company , Plbel , Wheeler county ,
Nebraska , RE-300 14
Real Estate Rentals. Loans , Insurance
OWNERS of real estate willing to sell at
bnrgaln prices should call upon or write
FOR SALE. J1S.OOO for brick business block
In Jjood location , building finished ono
year ago and leased for 5 years to re-
sponslblo tenants ; rental J3.0W per year.
M.5W for well Improved property , original
cost of Improvements $6,000 ; rental J5.j
per year.
JJ.'M for proncrty No. 14S3 South IGth s > t.
storeroom. 6-room flat over store and
small hout.0 on rear of lot , rental J34S per
ynnr ; paving and all special taxes paid In
full : buildings in tlrst-ohiss condition.
JlO.OiX ) for 2- tory brick building- and 60-ft.
frontacn on Harney Bt. , near 20th St. ;
rnntal H.OW per year
} JOM for northeast corner C5h and Chicago
stK. . 107x103 ft , jiprrlal taxes ail paid
GEORGE & COMPANY , 1C01 Farnam St
FOR SALE Al a urent sacrifice a 3-story
stono-front bulldlni ; . well located , cover
ing IS.OiV ) sqtl.iro feet of ground , large
auditorium , editing l.MK ) ; large st.ico witr
oompU't Kcenprj' : three lodge halls , ter
ne v bowllnir alleys und blll.inl tables ;
li.imlcome buffet ; present income Sll.Wi ;
will brlnt ; JlS.flOO next > tar , for sale. In-
i hiding- ground , building , ill furnl ure am !
tlxttiriw ; pric J100KO. ( Henry A. Knott s
Co. , 110 Dearborn St. . Chicago. RE
CHICAGO , near 31st street , ( i-room modort
i-ot-tago. furnnco rental J3&2 per year , pav
tne paid , snup } 7,2DO.
Near ISth nnil Chicago streets 7-roon
house , lot 33x132 , pivlngpaid , .price $4.00(1 (
FIVo' acres on N. 21th rttre t , scuth of Mllle
ua'rk , * asK old Fort Omaha. fi.2M
M acres smooth , level land , stuurhwest o
tipnnlngton , fair linprovomunts , par acri
RK M 157
NIC'H lot , Parnam nftur list , only J1.173
Finn lot nittir llHiwcom park for J1.J60.
Nice oottJi'u and lot mwir the park , S1.3U )
lliimlwiin.i miHlurnn > oni hnuku only M.-M
l-room rt-rideiKM ! n ar Hanscon
tili'iidldh iinl hed , choice nttiglt
Hl. for to.fM.
S dcnw rlntn-t kin < i of snrdon. WT5.
to avr W H of rity , only J1.450
nur right Mjjoinnvt city. JiSSO.
RE ia > U'
_ _
A KINK r ldttnce , S room * , good barn
Konil ciftdrn. Jin trees. Jt.fiiW. Eus'
tertnti. H per cont. ln > t. I and J. un 10th t
ho.ivrul amall cottages to be void on l > uy
inorn * .
Sumu KU4M1 MQr age property cheap.
i' ter . Fitzgerald & Co , opp. P. O.
RE 4 ® U
A BARGAIN In cummlly locatwl Improve
r nl * Mtat * . four blocks fr > un N * v Y-orl
Life bulldliif lx > t SO by 190 fuel , frontln
( .yV ! > tt at . with two framn dw llingi > , u
wi nd ten roomn. a wer and water oun
iB D. und on tu l\ pi jm frame
nk. TV ami brick \Mk niiint houM will
anility water Spwlal taxtta al
SO1' .P SHUlnoome' " 'Mr * " " '
PfiivUs 0 : > * i < - n remain at < per c n
or cmn % pitid t ny time Balance ca li
'IV bultdlueg cau4d not tw r pl i-wl fa
York Life building RK Stt-ll
> * C"KASY termu Improved proper ! v In a !
i > 4rtj > of thi cttv taken under fort l > sur *
.ifft-reil ai 't ' ni'pramed a t. rms i
HUH ai reliable pur < liascr Se < < IIIM > >
1701 Farnara at RE-MUi i7
KOfl " vl.Kltl1 , BVT1TB.
No. 491 No. 2fll4 N Wh. on trip Boulevard.
fucrnic e t. lot Mxl4o. 9 AT room
nnd as many clow-is , besides targe
bath and iwntrjru. NPW furnace.
fln jx > rc taJn roll top bath. bowl.
< -lo t. pi > rwlaln sdnk. mantel. BW ,
water , cistern , etc. This hoiwe will
< urprt * you to fe thp roomi and
( iHfornlhm. wilch Is as tine as
money can buy. If you are In thp
market , all you have to do U to
ep It. You will buy It. Price , cut
from 4 00 to U. 0) .
No. SB No. 1S12 Burdelte St. . 40x116. 7
room * . watr. cistern. BBS , clo et.
flc. . well worth what we will sell
for , JI.30.
Xo I1T Xo. JS7S Sew-ard rt. . 38x150 , 7 rooms.
all modern but furnace , 11,300.
Xo. 3M X * § . IMS and 1411 X. Hth. 0xl40. 2
hcusca. 4 nd * rtmrns. jn t the
I ce for U. P. ! hop men. Sell one
or both. For both we want J1.6OT.
Xo. SOS oO.xlJO on 3l5t , near Poppleton ave. ,
a snar > at { 1.600.
Cholcn of 7 acre lots In Pratfs iiitodlv at
each , or ify acres for Jl.290.on.
If you are looking for bargains or home * ?
do not fall to sec- what we have to offer.
\ \ e have the properties and we are yelling1
more than at any tlmo In years past.
_ _ _ _ _ _
R. C. PETERS & CO. .
1702 Farnam St.
Xo. 703 MH Decattir modern , C
blks. from Hanscom park cur. Owner
will take vacant lot as part payment.
Xo. 1253-1721 X. 22 < l at. 7 rooms : nice loca
tion. Want an offer.
Xo. 931 3141 Mason St. , 7 rooms , modern ,
except furnace , with barn , J1.7W.
Xo. 1S4-.V02 X. 17th St. , S-rooms house , lot
tiOxl40. one block from car. Price , I2.r no
Will trade for farm In eastern Nebraska.
Xo. 1213 4glS Capital nvc. . in Dundee , S
rooms , ' 3 block from car. KVfl.
Corner lot on Farnnm and 37th , 132x132 ;
Hnest building site In Farnnm st. district.
2 south front lots on Farnam , Just west of
SSth ave.
Southeast corner of 39th nnd Dodge st.
30-foot lot on 52d. south of Pacific st. J2.000
4ft acres on west Dodge St. , well Improved.
Only * o.C"o.
50-foot lot on 2Sth , near Pacific , east front.
Only tl.OW.
19 acres 1 mile north of Florence ; well Im
proved , lots of fruit. J2.SOO.
1702 Farnam St. ,
Bee Bldg.
RE-4G7 11
Payne-Knox Co.'s phenomenal bargains for
this week. As evidence that we are ad
vertising great bargains three properties
WP advertised last week have been sold.
We now offpr-
No. SS4 A double hous-p on Miami St. . near
motor , bringingJ43 per month , building
all modern except furnace" , for JJ.t'00
No. 64S Thla Is a splendid little cottage ol
6 rooms , all modem excent furnace , lo
cated near 2Sth and Davenport sts , on
the highest ground in that part of the
city : tine sightly location. The owner has
Instructed us to take. J2.0Qo. Tills property
! worth every cent of J2.300 and should
be taken at once.
No. 1027 In Windsor Place , three blocks
from motor In good neighborhood , corner
lot facing east , we have an 3-room house
with city water : hous Is well built. We
can sell it for $2.0uO on easy terms. Just
think of Jt
No. 1107 Here Is another grent bargain. An
S-room house , all modern except furnace ;
rooms downstairs a joy forever , out in thp
north part of the city. l2 blorks from
JUh st. car line , In good neighborhood , for
No 1273 One block from car line on paved
street , with paving taxes all paid for , we
have a G-room house , all modern except
furnace : recently put In splendid repair ,
H Is IWxUE fet-t , south front , excellent
barn , well and cistern , as well as city
water , for the modest sum of $2,009. This
surely will take it.
Xo. 1221 Four beautiful lots. 30xl2S feet ,
on Mrtnderon st . near TOth st. car line
for J200 ea .h. oneasy * terms
hfse are but a few of the manv bargain ?
we are offering- For further particular.
regarding- property anywhere in the cltj
call on
( Formerly Payne-Harder Co t
Telephone 17S1. lit Floor X. Y Life Bldg
RE 35G 11
Highly improve * ! 20 acres , adjoining Rus.
el's , on macadamized rood , $ .1,500.
NX ) acres on macadamised rood , one mll <
from city limits , only $73 p r acre.
Ono acre lot near North 32nd street , layi
high and slg-htly , * 225.
Improved acre lot ntnr 21th and Spencer
can 1)e suodividc-j , J2.UOO.
One of th > finest places In Kountze Place
modern , J4.500.
Nice residence lot on West Cumlng , or
sradc , 30.
63-foot lot , east front on 25th , near Parker
Six-room cottage , large barn , etc , Spruci
near 20th , tl.SA
52-foot lot. 7-room house , barn , etc. . Call
fornla street , near 35th , J1.2W.
83-foot lot , east front on 24th and Emmctt
7-room house , tiarn , J2.0&0.
WVMAX. SHRIVER CO. , X. Y. Life Bldg
KE 3S9-11
330 ACRES , Quechce , Vt. . 13-room house
1W acres , fruit farm. Placer Co , Cat. , .C l
60 acres , farm and Hour mill , York Co , pa
, .
73 acres , Chester Co. , Pa. , fine stone bldgs.
147 acres. Lyon Co. , Kan. , flnp place , J3.145
104 acres. Mllllln Co , Pa. , cheap at I4K 1
1K2 acres , Chester Co. , Pa. , a bargain. C.SW
SU acres. Muske on Co. . Mich. , well lo
cated , J3.2oO.
ICO acres , Mecosta , Jllch. , a big bargain
120 acres , Bcnton Co. . Ark. , Invcbtigate , J2.
105 acres , Co. . Conn. , a snap a
S22lfl ) .
4 acres. Astoria , III. , line fruit , JI.soO.
SO acres , Mucosto. Co , Mich. , good house
S3 ncrus , W Mt. Vernon. Me. , 0-room bouse
HO acres. Douglas Co , 'Oregon , a blu bar
gain. Jl.wX ) .
Small farm , Los Anseles Co. , Cal. . J250.
Write Oatrander , Heed bldgPhlla. . , Pn.
if yon want to buy or bel | a farm. Os
trandor tlnda buyers. RE 139 11 *
1S X Y. Life. 'Phone. 1234.
10-rooin. modern , N E. Cor 23d nnd Chi
citfii. H.V'i.
S rooms , modern , new. S. W. Cor GeorsI
avp. and Hlckorj' . lot 3ujciso. pavc-d on tw
lilB , fully paid for * 6.2W.
7 rooms and lot MtollS S. W. Cor. 21th nn
JCmrnot. Jldio.
S-room , well built cottagp. gas. watei
* ew r , lot fiOxMO , at 2S21 Patrick ave Ver
uheup at nGaO.
UrtxlS7 N E. Cor 27th and Woolworth ave.
lays nice. J1.300. RE 47o U
A 6-room cottage and lot with city wale
Ini-iile hoube. good barn. ate. , on Daver
port. Dam al Wth ; just a cosy homo fa
jtomeomi with a modem puree , only Jl.
and turuib to suit.
A bwiutlful tf-room strictly All mml rn ur
lo-dute cottage , close ui Honsoom part
for only C.10Q.
I have a largn llfct of utitur genuine bar
galiw , but the "ad man" won't wait fa
more oopy now , no oome In and see m
und I'll tell you the met.
1 wi x v LIFE BLDG „ PBON-B , me.
I R.ES-&S 11
I'i'R SALK. T4'i < r' farm. TSaver r < mnt %
Nebraska , srmimpr \ < i\emerts and dp-
1r t > t * . at ffr acr
4fl acr , XrmMia county Kan. : Inwro ed.
4W cre in swmttini t corwr of Johnwn
cotinty , XebnwHa. ifood term * .
S7frcre farm , Adam * county. Netmwka. J1S
wr acre.
1m acre * , Adams county , Xer eJca , US per
avr *
1 acres , Rkrrmrd-fin county : very nlre.
4 Oat ran , RlotMrdMn. Xo 1 , near Falls City.
"W acrw RlrhitrdMm county. * * . * 9.
l S acre j no r FHIIn CKy. fc-.onu
ft ) acren. Xemahn. eountv. X oratta. J1.9W
Mi acrm" . Cnst ronnty ; 9TO acres cnod
nlf ! fa land : food term * . IOHK tune.
hou. e. barn and doitblf corncrtb.
Otihf-r Inrwls to ell and exchange Writ"
me what you have and what vnu want
Money to loan.
RE-TS * n
ONB million building brick -brjskn
Brick Co , South Omaha. Telephone ! 4' ' >
HOTEI.1 * .
METROPOLITAN. Wm. Barr Mgr . Jl to
J1.35. 12th and Douglas. 'Phone 244.
tM4 F22
EXAMINE Crescent. Trlbun . Olive. Few
ler. J2fi to STiO. $1 down , any amount a
week. FIcscher. 1G22 Capitol Ave. 47D
66X132. with tnckase. near heart of city
"W 35 , BPP S73 F23 *
TOWEL SUPPLY 1750 Leavenw'h. Tel S47
FOIT.M ) .
FOt'XD , black and white doc Owner cail
SOS Howard. Found 37TI 12
TAKEN l"P. one fawn-colored Jcrs. .v cow
about 3 years old E. S. Jostpr. 2712 Burl
st. Found 43 * II *
PACKING , upholstering mattro s. feather
renovating Tel. 1331. M. S Walklln. Jill
Cumlnc St. 33
GOOD stables and gooil oarc Phone Ii64
J. W. Phelp.J07 X Y Life 225 Fll
BEN COHEN , artistic tailor. 404 X isth St.
OM Van Star Co . 1511U Farn Tel. 1553 S63.
THTE Weltmer ma.l c ourse. absolutely free.
H. B Yates. Shenandoah. Id
mantle- tile llonrs grates , repair work
M 140 M10
Notice ts hereby given that The Bee Pub
lishing Company has tiled Its amended ar
ticles of incorporation In the otllce of the
secretary of state , and also with the county
clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska , that
by virtue of said amended articles of in
corporation it Is provided as follows :
State of Nebraska , Douglas County ss :
AinHcles three (3) ( ) , four ( .4) ) and. live (3) ( . of
the articles ot Incorporation or The Bee
Publishing Company are hereby amended
as follows :
The undersigned do hereby associate our
selves together and declare that we. to
gether with our associates nd successors.
ire and afiall > < a cornorsUon under and
by virtue o , . tne staviites ol the state of
Nebraska , by the name and style of The
Bee Publishing Cc.
The principal place for tha transaction
at the business of said rorDorai'.on snail
be In the city of Oman * . In ttie county of
Douglas and state of Nebraska.
The general nature of the busln < - = ! : to
be transacted by tli.s corporatlun shall be
to print ana publish auiiy. &eml-weeUl > ,
tri-weeklr. weekly newspapers ai'J maga
zines , do general joe printing , -jook pub
lishing , book blndin ? pneravnuf , litho
graphing , stercoypn&- . eTec'rotyplr.g and
purchasing and selling priming machinery
printing printing stout ana news
paper press fram hlses
The authorized capital stock of said cor
poration shall be live hundrert inourand
dollars ( JSvO UOO 00) ) . uividi d into shares uf
nv" hundred dou rs < MO& ) eacn. provided
that no s'.o a s.i. ; UB iraucu In excess ol
ont nundrsa tnou tr.a uouars UlW.OyO' ' >
tiiiicsz authorirrd by a iwu-tatrOs vote of
the outstanding stock of said corporation ,
upon ten days' notice to all stockholders ,
and provided , further , that no share sha.l
be sold or issuei' for less man par.
me time of commencement of said cor
poration shall be the fifteer-.U ia > of Jan
uary , A. D 1S7S , and the ii-r- ri 'srmma-
tion of the same shall be the fifteenth da >
of January. A. D. 1550 , unless renewed or sooner by a vole of two-thirds
of the capital stock theraof.
_ , . . ARTICLE VI.
11 JJS.i 'S eai amount of indebtedness or
liabilities to which said corporation can at
any time subject its lf shall n-i exceed
in the aggrcgats one .nrra i"j < of the
amount of the capital stock , issued by bald
corporation , and no bonded or mortgage
indebtedness shall ever be ( .ontracted by
said corporation.
. .The business and affairs of said corpora
tion shall be conducti-a b a board of
director ? , live In nuinuc. . who snail be
chosen by the siockholders. at their annual
meeting , each share of stock having one
vote , which election shall be held on the
nrst Monday in March or each > ear. and
they shall hold office tor one year or until
their successors are elected. A majority of
the board of directors snail form a quorum
for the tranbaction uf buslni1 ; Vacancies
In the board shall be fllltu by the remain
ing directors for the balance of thu un-
expired term.
The officers of said corporation shall be
a president , a vice president a secretary
and a treasurer , who nall bo vhosen by
the board of directors In sucn manner , and
perform such dutle ? as the by-laws of said
corporation may prescribe.
Whenever ono hundred and alxty shares
or more uf stock shall h.ivt been sub
scribed for the association shall bu deemed
organized as a corporation and thereupon
any subscriber or subscribers tor over one
hundred .shares may call a muutlng of the
subscribers at some suitable nlnoj In thn
City of Omaha , for Iho election at nlijcers ,
by giving nollce ihereof for not less than
tnreo days in one of the daily newspapers
publlshod In the City of Omaha.
By-laws may bo made by the corpora
tion not inconsistent witn law or with
these articles.
articles.ARTICLE XI.
These articles of incorporation may bu
amended by a vote two-tnlrrtg of thu
stock , upon nolico by ine buuru af director *
to the stockholders of nut It-ss than ten
days , published In some dally nev. spapei
In the City of Omuna ,
Inwitness whereof we have hereunto
tct our hands and seals this 9th day ol
January , A. D. . UHw-
GEORGE B T2SCHUCK. Sf-cretary.
State of Nebraska , County of Douglas ra ;
On this 9lh day of January. A. D , lXiO !
personally appeared before me Edward
Rosewater and George B. Tzschuck , who
are poriMinally known to me to be tJu
Identical persons who signed tno above
amended articles of Incorporation and the )
severally acknowledged the Instrument tc
be their voluntary act and deed.
Xotary Public
Notlc * is hereby given that the regulai
annual numilng ot thu Atocknolduni of thi
South PUute Land company will be hek
at thf ollU' of said company in Lincoln.
X b. , at H 01 lock 4 m , on the firs I
Wwlniwday In March , A. D IflfO. bins thi
7th day of ihu month
By order of the board of dlret torn
A. B MINOR. President.
Set retarj
Unjoin. f > b . February 5 ,
tit. VL fOTK U.
Board of Park fomml loner . City of
omaha. Nch Sed | pr po aln 111 be re-
ielTp. | at tila ofllce 'intll U m. F4 . V.
IWW , fnf erndlnir Central bowlrvard from
aa AVP to tne. rtadurt at tlwi I * . P Ry.
A a 2uantee of frurulth ] that ttl
contract will be entered Into with peed and
rufllclent bond * for faithful p rforniar c
each ? ro ral shall be act otnntnlfd bv a
certified -hecK for at lea t 2 per cent of ths
nr rolm te cost of the worH.
The rl ht I * reserved to reject any or all
bldn J H. BVAXS.
. I'rssldent.
Rn ln * er
iri Rl\er Mullrond
hp D irllntrton Ronta"
lor ' 1 Otflce. . N. W.
t .rncr Tenth and Farnam
S's Ticket olllce. 16 1 Far-
.m street Telephone , 360.
Lepot , le-.i 4j Ma oStreets. . Tele-
pl re , Leave. Arrive.
Lin v > i" Has i'XT' and
Moi ook a S.W am a 7W : pm
Linolii Uenvei Colorado -
rado Ct ih i aiifornia.a 4.25 pm a 3S pm
Lincoln. BMck Hills.
Montana .t Paget
Sounu . . A I .is pm u 3oe : pm
Lincoln Lai i. a 7'0fl pm alO.36 nm
Lincoln Fa t Mail a ICO : pm aIOJ5 am
& i if a C : 0 am
a Dallj
& V ) 'ircy Railroad "The
Tur ington Itoiltc Ticket
IVP 1303 Farnam St.
Tel :30 Depot. Tenth &
M is n Sireeta. Telephone.
& Council Bluffs
Railroad "The Burling
ton Route" Ticket Office.
C02 Farnam Street. Tele-
t nom 230. Depot. Tenth
a ul Mason Streets. Tftle-
Leave. Arrive.
Dn E . a S 50 am a 6.17 pm
Kar . > ' i N 4tu CalO 13 pm a 6:13 am
jj . - . s F j r f ir ? t
Joseph ar j Si Louis , a 4.53 pm all:13 : am
Missouri Valley Rallroad-
I The Northwpstprn Line"
IriiernI Offices. United
Siatc National Uk. Bldg.
S \ \ Corner Twelfth
and Farnam Sts. Ticket
e uoi arnm St Telephone 501 De-
3th an 1 Webster Sts Telephone 143S.
Leave. Arrive.
Bl \ Hih' * Dp.dwood.
. . jk Spring"a 3.00 pin a 5:00 : pm
Woming , Casper nnd
Douglas d 3:00 : pm a 5OD : pm
Hastings. York. Da vie !
City. Superior. Geneva.
Exeter and Seward . .b 3:00 pra b 5:00 pm
Xortolk. Verdlgre and
Fremont . .b 7:30 : am blO:23 am
Lincoln Wahoo and
Fremont . . : u 7:30 : am blO:23 : am
Fremont Local c 7:30 am
i D.nlv H Dally except Sunday c Sun-
lav om\ d Daily except Saturday , e
T'aiKL ' * PT Monday *
western Rdllwa\ 'Tno
Northwester : : 'j.i. . . _
Clt > T.cket Office , 1401
Fa-n-m Street. Telephone -
phone 561. Depot. TentT
anil Ma. on Street * . Telu-
phone 1,29 Leave * Arrive.
DajiigV I'hingo Spe-
. . . .i 6 10 nm nll:5j pm
Chicago Pa--enger . .a 4slo pm alO:10 : am
Eastern KprPSDes
Molpe M irsnalltown ,
fed ir R i" d * and Chi-
casi > . alO j am a 4:03 : pra
Eastern Lim'ted. Chi.a
. .a pm a 4:03 : pm
Fast Mail Chicago to
Omaha a 2:45 : pm
nm I'-T-C I Special.a 7.30 pm a S:00 : am
Tist M ul . a S.30 am
a Dn 11
Minneapolis & Omaha
Railway "The North
western Line" General
Otlii-eb , Xebr.iuka Divi
sion , 13th and AVebstor
Sf City Ticket Office.
1401 St Telephone 561. D pot 35th
and Webster Sis
Leava. Arrivp.
Twin City Passenger . .a 6:0(1 : ( Am a 9:00 : pm
Omaha Passenge. all.20 am
Siuux 'lty .t Xorth-
eist N , braska a " :40 : pm
t > ailb Daily except Sunday.
Railroad "The North-
wstern Line" General
ntfices United States
Ni-.ional Bank Building ,
S W Corner Twelfth
anil Farnam Sta. Ticket
office i401 Farnam St. Telephone 561. De-
pui Tcnia A. Masnn Sts Telephone G2D.
Leave. Arrive ,
Twn i"1 tv Exprtss a 6 30 am alO 50 pm
Twin 'y Limited a 7.20 pm a S:5 : am
Siuux i"l y Local a 9:00 : am a 4:20 : pm
a l-'ut i
" and & Pacific Railroad
"The Great Rock Isl-
aJid Route. " City Tick
et Office , 1S23 Karnam
Street. Telephone 42S
Depot , Tenth & Mason
Streets Telephone. C23.
, , * . _ Leave. Arrive.
Des Muim-s and Daven-
jxirt Lo. al . . a 7:03 am bu 3D am
Chicago Express . . bll:15 : am a S:10 : am
etatato B = t Express a 5 W pm a 1.25 pm
St Paul Expn ss a 5:00 : pm bll:35 am
L'ener Pueblo and
Uesv a 1.30 prft a 4:23 : pm
Des Moi"es Ru. k Isl
and and Chicago .a 7 23 pm a 5.50 pm
Colored A : Texas Flyer.a 5 35pm a 9 : ° 0 am
a Dai i b Daily exceat Sunday
* T" "
road -Omaha. Kansas City
.t Eastern Railroad "Tho
g Jiiu-y _ Route ' -Ticket Of-
fl > e 141i Farnam Street.
fejephone. u'22. Depot , Tenth
and Marcy Streets. Teje-
pnonp , b29
, , . _ Leave. Arrive.
St L uis Cannon Ball
Express a 4 ! . ; pm a S:25 : pm
Express . .a 4:45 : pm a S 35 am
Kansas Cii > and Qulncy
Lei i. . . . j. 6.JO am a 5:30 : pm
a Daily
land Route" Gpneral Offices ,
X E Cor Ninth find Farnam
Streets City Ticket Otllce. 131C
Farnam Street. Telephone Sib-
Depot. Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone 629.
Leave Arrive.
The O\er'i"'l lamltpd n S 50 am a 7 20 pm
The Fast Mail a 3-00 nm a 3:23 : pm
The I'olunid" Special .all.53 pm a ti:35 : ani
The Por'iand Special .a S.50 am a I0 | pm
Lincoln giatrlru and
Suni burg Express b 4 10 pm 1)12.13 pm
Paullc Express a 4:25 : pm a 6:35 : am
Grand Island Local b 5.30 pm b 9:30 : nm
a Daily b Dally except Sunday.
Railroad. City Ticket office ,
1402 Farnam street. Tele
phone. 2t Depot , Tenth
and Mason streets.
Leave , Arrive.
Chicago Express . . a 12:10 pm a 4:05 : prr
Chicago Limited a 7:35 : pm a 8:15 am
Minneapolis ana
Paul Express b 7Wam b 3 : 0pm
Minneapolis and St.
, Paul Limited . . . . a 7:30 : pm a S-15 ama
Fort Dodge Local
from Co Bluffs b 4:30 pm b 10:15 : am
a Daily , b Daily except Sundays
St. Paul Railway - City
Ticket Office. 1601 Farnnm
Street Telephone 2W. Depot ,
Tenth and Mason Streets ,
Telephone 828
Leave. Arrive
Limited Ex a 7.SS pm a 8.30 an
& Omaha Ex bllOQ : am b 3 K pir
Sioux city and Dea
Molnea Express . .bll.OO am b 2 : 5 pn
a Dally b Dally except Sunday
Ticket Office , 14i > 4 iTarnan
Street Telephone m In-
Str < els. T lpphone flHB
Ball'T Arrive.
, St LouU Cannon Ball'
Expr > s i-tS Em ft S.fff as
9 Dally
OJwf.Stnga Views of tha Nathes at Their
Own Plresides.
Thrlp Home * IMiu-oil n ( tllf
< if Stnturpr COM of l.ltl
Tliclr I.IMP of Millie
nnil thrVrtn. .
Americans of prominence In public affair ;
who have vfelted Manila during the last
ywir , have described the Filipino * as a trlbo
or race of "Mml-Mvncet ) . " unclean and un
couth , without a home life worthy of the
name , or mental traits Indicative of mode
rate civilization. Sometimes tho'e sweep
ing characteriiatlons were qualified , but lu
such a gingerly fashion an to leave the
general condemnation unshaken. Yet they
are not substantiated by Americans who
have equal opportunities for observation
and who have lived among the natives a
longer time. In the holiday number of the
Manila Freedom , an American publication ,
are several special articles descriptive of
the home llfo of the Filipinos , their cus
toms , hospitality , their love of music and
the art * The writers ( urnlsh a true mir
ror ci native life. It should not be
ured by the American standard , but when
allowance IB made for environment and
former conditions It will be seen that thu
average native Is well grounded In the vir
tues that promote happiness and content.
rt'.liilno Home l.Ue.
Sketching the homo life of thu Filipino * .
Freedom says.
"Tho home of the Filipino Is more than
bin castle. It Is the place where the verv
host In his nature comes to the surface. He
Is not the same Individual that Is met
with in the ordinary walks of life.
"A visit to tJio homes of tha Filipino poor
Impresses the visitor with the courtly man-
ne ? in which the native can play the host.
Hospitality of the highest order is at once
proffered. The visitor is told that the house ,
the owner and his family are at his service.
The women of the household bring food and
the host produces cigarettes. H may be a
dish of boiled rice , but it Is offered with
that desire to please and entertain that can
not be mistaken.
"This trait in the Filipino character was
taught and nurtured among them by the
early missionaries , ami centuries have made
It a'lmost a second nature. There Is no
difference between the poor or rich In this
particular. Their homca are always placed
at the dlapcsal of the stranger , and there
he feels that he Is welcome and can rest
assured of protection as long as he wishes
to remain.
The writer can remember an experience
at Santa Maria , in the province of Bulcaan.
that Illustrates very strongly that even the
desire to entertain
poor arc permeated with tne
tertain all strangers , and to what incon
venience they will put themselves to with
out any other motive than their desire to
do the honors of the home
It was during the campaign in that prov
ince Ipst summer , and the rebels had been
driven from that vicinity. Before the reb
els retreated they had either destroyed by
all the subsistence of
flro or taken away
the poor industrials I stopped at one of
these poor native huts to get a glats of
water. The old Filipino woman dlil not
understand a word of Spanisn. out I finally
. She secured
made her understand my wants.
cured the water , and then gave me a talk In
Tagalog. of which I understood but a few
words. She invited me to take a seat in the
shade , and. as I was tired , I consented. She
then disappeared.
In about ten minutes she returneJ witu
some boiled rice and a. native drink. I
could not refuse to taste the food and the
old lady seemed overjojed. I found out
later In the day that she had gone and bor
rowed the food from a neighbor , for she haJ
. I w-as walk-
not a bit to eat in the house.
ins toward camp the next day when an old
lady stepped up and asked for aim * . When
she saw me she shrank back from "the" path
as if ashamed. It was my Filipino friend
of the day before. I had to force upon her
and 1 accompanied her to
a piece of money
her shack. I made bold to search for food
In the home , but failed to find the least sign
of anything to eat. She had done the honora
when perhaps she had not eaten anything
herself for a day.
The hour when the Filipino gathers his
family around at meal time Is the most
sacred of the day in the Filipino household.
To disturb a Filipino while he Is eating la
considered the very worst form. If the
home is disturbed at this hour you are In
vited to join them. It you refuse rudely It
is ? a grave offense. They must be thanked
as courteously as If it was the refusal for a
prince's invitation to dine. No matter how-
Important the errand , the visitor must wait
until the family has finished Bating. Then
the host will immediatein the most
courteous and extravagant language , place
his horae and himself and family at your
disposal. This Is the custom among the
very poorest classes.
Around tinTable. .
The native Is not particular regarding the
outflttings of dining rooms. As a rule tht
Industrial clauses have little use for chairs.
When they dine a rude bench serves for a
table and the family squats around on their
"haunches" on the floor. The dishes are
kept on separate plates and where plates
are not used large banana leaves are sub-
Btltuted. A bamboo cup contains the drink.
They all dine freely with their hands lr
the same dishes and pass the cup around
from one to the other for a sup of the
board Is a pleas ,
The scene at the Filipino
ant one. It Is the one hour of greatas !
enjoyment. I have never ei-en a quarrc
' Is the cxtrcrm
stan at a native's table. It
socialistic Idea of distributingfood. . Al
hive an equal chance at the dishes on tin
rude table , and only those with the blssm
appotltes have the beat of it.
There are a great many dlfches that an
composed of fish , rice and a native beai
that come within the radius of tha pooro
ciarecs. Senlgfing la the name of a dial
made from fish and native beans. The flsl
Is thrown Into a pot of boiling beans. Thi
whole is taken out and pounded up , whei
U IB oaten with salt. When this preparatloi
u roasted it is called inibao. and has .
delicious flavor. The flhh Is sometimes pre
pared for the table by boiling it In gingei
root and then serving It whole- The rice ii
used with different kinda of fruit to maki
the different kinds of native bread. The rici
Is flr ground by diminutive millstone :
that are worked by hand. Then it i :
stooped in water and fermented. When I
gtuys in this condition for a day it 1
pounded well and cut Into loavea. Thi
Is strained and served hot under the naim
of pcto. By adding cocoanut In equal per
tlcn < with the rice flour and cooking tbi
same way , biblnca , another fancy dUh , ii
Cunt of I.lilllir.
It was with the greatest difficulty that
could arrive at the actual cost of Ilvlni
road General OttHe ? an < !
Ticket Offices Southeast Cor.
ner 14th and Douglas Sts
Telephone 104 Depot , J5U
a-iu rt t-bbter Su. Telephone ,
. . . Leave. Arrive.
S Louis. Kansas &
X--u I mite ! a ! : JO pm a 12.35 PIT
K i'S L. Exprebs a 9 50 pm a 5.60 an
Nel/raska Lo < ul Via
Weeping Wa'cr b S 05pm a 3 15 an
a Daily b Laity except Sunday.
Anyone hf * iuv al la - ' * Ti > - p"or
o' them rp eemlnflv ( . , romlc. I m < vir
tnuld pin a Filipino down .u tell the mith
abom hlmerir. The tendency to f l rtooi
and deceit I * rer ? ftrenft in th me * , and i
they all wtah to appear In Jwttw cumin-
ntancrs than Uiey an really In. Xon
would artmH thai they * * lived on l e
than 38 cents Maxtcan a day. Tbe look
of dltuan * and Injure * ! Innocence en their
face * an I n I temp IH to get at tile truth
crawl so sincere that I commenced to f * l
ashamed. My friend , the Chlno. eatno M
my aaslxtance here. I told John thnt the
Tacalr-j round the corner wer * > going to
boycott htm , and ho soon ( tare we all tJie
Information I wanted. I stotnl behind the
cot nter. and the greatest amount of rice
bought by any one during the day wa 30
cents -worth. I finally followed a Klllplnh
who had spent S cents In rice and fleh. and
found him , ten minutes later. harlnK his |
bt < kfnst alcne. He had divided his pur
chase Into three parts , ami wa rspldlr mak
ing away with one of the thirds. Irn \ .
back to the Chlno and told him that I could
flx the boycott wtth the Filipinos , bought a
packaga of cigarettes and left him In good
hurror. It was the only way I could get at
the truth. It proved that a native could
live , not very luxuriously , on S cents Mesl-
rail. or 4 centn gold a day. Thla is Jtnt
twice as much as the same day's purchase t
cost before the Insurrection broke out. !
rtllplno Cvnlu- " . i
Art and talent can be lounil srnnctlmu )
among the most Ignorant peopled of the
earth , from the land of Tasmania In thu
south to the furthermost point north that
n-an has ever attempted to live. But wills
them the savagencas of their genlus shows
in every line. With the Filipinos all Is
different. The people are not savage , al
though a great number of them are barbaric ,
bu : whether In thu barbaric or clvlllzcvl
state , the Filipino Is possessed of genius.
In Negros one may hear the music of a
svcct-ehorded instrument , and a stroller is
Immediately brought to a halt at the. . sweet
harmony of the sound. The Instrument Is ?
Let us take a look at the manufacturer In
his shop. He Is seated , cross-legged , under
a cocoanut tn- > with the imphunwus of his
tr.'idu about him a large bolo and a baby
bolo that's all. His material several
dozen of halved cocoanut shells , a pile of
x\hat looks like fleecy , white firewood , a
ball of hompcn string and a glue pot.
Seeing you regarding him at his work ,
he will turn to you with a pleasant "May-
ung a bl , senor' . ' ( "Good morning , sir" )
end continue at bis work. Let us watch
him. Ho takes the cocoanut In hand , divider
the shell to a nicety , smooths the edgw
so that a rude straight edgt > may be moved
freely back and forth over them , lays It
nthlo and takes up a piece of the whfu <
ftood , which is exceedingly soft and mushy.
He hacks it a few minutes until thu bow
takca a rough sh.ipe. He then lays Uiu
larger bolo abide and the smaller one moves
quickly over the roughened wood , curving
ant' giving perfect shape to it. until In a
miiiUte It is completed except for the ten-
s.on screws. Taking a few of tha chips he
pllo3 them on top of a smoldering heap of
ashes over which his glue pot Is resting ,
reicoves the latter , and In the * shaving i
places a pointed piece of steel with a
wooden handli ? at one end. This is his drill ,
which I forgot to mention in the category
of his tools. When It is red hot he quickly
rciL'ovus It. and. bringing his muscular arm
and shoulder Into play , burns the required
holes for the screws. After several re-
heatings of the Iron , he persplringly turns
his attention to whittling the required
screws , which are quickly in place.
Xow comes the hardest part of the work to
put the bate board in and attach the how-
to the shells. A round , or sometimes
square block of the white wood is at hand ,
and with his bolo he skillfully cuts off a
thin slab , which he carefully cats and
scrapes until It Is perfectly level and free
from roughness of any sort. Laying it over
the shell , he gets the exact periphery and
chips and cuts until it is ready to put in
place. A few more touches are given to the
bow. When it fits snugly he lays it aside
and makes a rude bridge , which is nothing
more nor less than a llttlo blok with a
very wide base , with the tipper edge quite
thin , and which Is cut in such a manner
| that strings may rest in the four Inter
stices , through which the knotted ends can-
1 not. slip. All is now ready for the glue
| pot. Stirring the lire a little , he waits
j grively until the glue Is at the right
consistency , then qulcKiy gums the base
board in place , after which the bowl fol
lows , then the bridge. Laying the all but
complete instrument down , the ball of
hemp is unrolled and he cuts four lengths
therefrom , grimly knots the several ends ,
looks at tbo baseboard critically , then makes
several small holes in It near the bridge-
Then the strings are attached and , with a
satisfied air , he commences to tune It. After
several moments of this he suddenly
astonishes mo by drawing forth from the
crude little instrument chord after chord
of sweet , wild music. ' "Tis finished , senor
un'peco' " and the old workman Is highly
gratified for the sum paid for the result of
hib rude handiwork the gultanta.
In Cebu regular guitars are made and
are of much more finished workmanship ,
and anv kind of music can be plavcd on
them which , with the guitarita of Xegros , In
concert , make beautiful melody of the fan
tastic Spanish and native airs of the
Nearly every pueblo has Ita musician and
takes great pride In him , as ht Is always
In demand at the balles. and Is as of much
Importance as the local presidcnto , and if
nor , is much more popular with a great
In painting , Nemeslo F. Pablo and Follz
Martinez perhaps take highest rank among
the artists of the Philippines , though the
ripr 'in > < n t iiml > t < l K herrli'irvnHnx /
lt > nn I IK n K pi in ! ' * * unflnefnent lit
rti t > raullful riomr
Pfibio. fton-ever a yonn * Filipino ot
K tne 24 ream , hl hy ! intelligent nn l a flc
representative of hl race. HI * rtudio la
a little mmped-up affair , but Sited with :
splendidly executed cwenlc work. He has
painted manr portrait * of prominent men ,
bnth in th Stmntoh and American rcRiraa
and had a. plrtnre hung in tne Manila rx-
ponlHrn of ISM. Hto father before him wad
a ureat artist , and the sem comes naturally
by hto Ktnttts.
OIT OP IIIH oiiiim. . \
Old Kenturkv nrvrr tlro Kivellp .
ban produced the ormmplfm knk < T ml
kteXer HI * venerated narm > In H ' uel er.
he la . farmer and he rmi Iwn arrested for
threatening to Rill the county lmnrd and ,
blow lip the new court house In t.oxinRtou
beoBU ! e his * taxe were Im-rpa eil Jt i * i
Andrew Carneitle hplli-ve * thnt the trul\
helplw . the iwhn live liv bi-RKlnu of lmt
or who are mentally or phjir Jly incapa
ble. should be rnrnl tor by the xtuti > mil
not by the Individual , und thnt while rliey
hould b > clothed , fed and ediintw ! ihi-v
should be isolated and not allow ml t
Temperance orator * IIHVP n great t-xt In
the story of the N > w York ninn. now 75
venrs old. who drank 100 hotheads oC
whisky before ho WMM 71 mul then l > o ; m
a teetotaller. One hundred ho < r hpiid H
6.3W jcallons" . and thl.x horrible example.
must have paid more than ? 2&.i i for thn
whisky hp ronanmed.
William French Merrlam "f MlnncanolH
Uowev at iv
was a suchoolmute of Admiral
little leif school IIOUHP In Vermont Ij ti > r
he served In the War of the Rebellion woa
wounded In klrmlKh lit Somervllle. \ : . :
loft for dead before a line of charglnc
confederates , and ri-u-ucd at Rreat rink by
a private In the Thirty-third Olitollllum
Irian Oyde "ullpn of Warren. Vu . luia
Invented n Kim for the tiring of large pro
jectiles in which tin- spiral groovct In tha
boltof the piece arc tilted with ball bear-
Ings. This cuusoo ICIM friction in the pass
age of the ml silc from the mm since it
moves over the balN Instead of xlldltiR
nlotut the Interior surface , nnd it IK claimcjl
that the projectile , being thus less retardpil.
will go further and fa ter It Is prnbnbla
that the Invention will be examined and
tested by the government
The Art Amateur h.i * an inti-restliiK nrtt-
cle on the mainifacture of old COIMMT Ini-
nlements. One factory Is situated In belie ,
London , where old inccn-o burners , ire
hiunmerpd out. The copy Is then coated
with aiqiluiltum. through which the de
sign would be traced , when It would then
be eaten out In an add bath. snMfig the
time which would be rwuiln-d to cut nut
The bath.
the pattern with u piercing saw
leaves thin edges , by which Hitch work , may
be detected. The work would then be an
nealed. and would be permitted to . .xldlzo
and scule. Pickling with muriatic u.-ld and
\-nllBrt3. .
a good coutlng
salt , to produce
completes the Job Sometimes t u-e an
tiques are purposely broken , and climiHlly
mended with solder People * ho collece
antiquities have troubles of their own.
The Amprlean Tract society nrpachps the
gospel Dy the printed page lu 153 liiiiRiuiges
and dialects.
The Christian churches of California arn
for tax.i-
orsantzini ; .o resist the
tljn of church orojjerty which has for so
longhung - over their heads.
The Episcopal churches of New York ar
making opeciul efTorts to Interest their , -h I-
dren in all kinds of mission work wltri
promise of marked success.
Miss Helen M. Gould ha ? given fS.W ' J
towanls a building for the are of the
branch of the Young Men's Christian as
sociation. near the entrance to the Brook
lyn navy yard.
The discovery of papyri In Egypt pro\tr
haV do shupnurd kings reigned In Kgypc
when the l lebrews were there. Tills dis
covery brings the chronology of Eu > pt and
the chronology of the bible into harmony
Rev J. Milton Green. Presbyterian mis
sionary to Porto Riio. on his tlr-U Sabbath.
them had a congregation of o\er ! < > na
tives He renort- them e-agcr to hear A
cnurch will soon bo erected at San Juan
The number of the Catholics in t Trans
vaal are roughly estimated to reach front
1503(1 ( to 20.000 , for the most part < ng.ise < 1 in ,
mining business or mechanical pursuits.
They are centered mostly around Johan
Kev Charles M. Sheldon , the suithor ofi
"In His Ste-ps. ' who is to try and run an
ideal Christian , paper , was educated at
Phillips' Andove' academy. Brown univer
sity and the Andover Theological seminars
His social studies were chlelly pursued In.
Rev DrVllton DoWitt Hyde , president
of Bawdoln college. In a recent sneech on
trusta said he favored a church trust tt >
prevent ruinous competition of
of the same denomination In small commu
nities , und hu described such a trust that
hns been in operation in Maine for nearly ,
ten years.
The Buddha , that was stolen from Henry
B. Foulke. tlleosophtst , at On--et Bn > .
ilass. , in 1 97 , la to be restored this wet'te
through the Cour.tcsi Constant \Viic-h-
melhter , and a. shrine built for it in Worcester -
cester , Mas * . Thin Buddha is
of stone , ubout five fee- tall , and was In
the possession of Mme BIavatsk\ , who b -
queathed It to Annie Bcant , und it after
ward came Into Mr Fotilke's keeping- .
i , A no it .w\n IMII STHV.
Xew York has 4.0 5 union painters.
Panama , cnnnl now employs 3,000 men
L'nitwl States conalns 12.50J union paint'
ers ami decoratorr.
Peru produces practically nil the raw co- <
vuino that the -world consumes.
The physicians In South Framingham ,
Mass. , have agreed on a schedule of ratea
for their Cervices.
An. Iron mine on Bell island. Newfound
land , which was in 1S33 bousht for J11M.OW.
was sold last year for ll.OtO.un.
It Is rumore < l Uiat Samuel Gompers , presl-
dent of the big American Federation of
Labor , will go to Cuba before the winter Isj
over to investigate the condition of UborA
In the .Pearl . of the Antilles.
The ConnellsvillM ( Pa. ) seam that sup
plies tt.u material for coke Is about ninn
feet thick on an average. Thousands of
men are employed as miners alone , wherpos
twenty-live years ago .ill this reglou was
undeveloped. In ISOo there were but four
coka ovens In all the United States In
1MO thpre were twenty-one In the next ten ,
years only four were added. In ISM ) tilers
wore 7.211 ovens and this number was morn
than doubled ry lis'jO. In 1S37 , wh n th
la. ! report was made , there were over
Ifc.fO ) o\ens In operation , which put out
about " .OlO.ow ton a year at an nvpragw
price of J1 bi a ton , or more than JlJ.OftO.OWJ
in gross revenue The ovens at present ;
number full > juX ( J and are still increuslnff.
Jiss I jim met tbo tall en man I ever