THE ( VMAITA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBKUATTV 11 , 1J)00. ) 121 Colder Weather Favorable for the Movement of Merchandite. MARKETS GENERALLY FIRM ON ALL LINES l < * ulnrp Prospect * Src-in In ! ! Hnllrrly It ) HlC I.IUIlIK "f 'I'llOMC MllHt Cloncly lilrntllH-il ullli Ilic ( if llllnllirXN , T.asl "week1 * cold wave nnd snow storm hriyo given a more favorable turn to local trade conditions. H Is of course too lute In. the season for a few days of cold WMilhcr lo have much Immedlale effect upon Jobberk' trade , for , ns fur as they are i-om-ertwd , wltvter trade Is over with , but It IH not so with retailers. A rood deal of complaining h n bron done wll winter be cause of the luck of sonconablo weather nnd the consequent curtailment In the vol ume of business. The fact that country more-hauls' shelves are. slllt well supplied W'tli winter goods would seem to show that these com- tlicro Is some JuMIIIcalion for I.lultitH and for that reason cold weather at oven this late ilnto Is very > - Ijors always dread lo see retailers carry over largo stook" , for. they say , it miiKtH them overcautious In placing orders for the coming yoir and the sentiment IH 4hat If stocks In the country can only be cleaned up close enough before warm weather sets In to put retailers In a good Tramo of mind next ycar'n business will lie secure. There Is also another reason for Jolibers wauling cold weather. When trade In the country Is slow It c.innot be ex ported that ilcctlons | will bo any lee good. For several weeks ipasl jobbers In all lines have hud more or less lo pay In regard to the condition of collections and it seems ithat , whllo there 'ha ' 'be ' n no great dlf- limit y experienced , therii lias noverlhelesB In Iho numlwir lieen a Hollo-able decrease of'bills ' jiald up promplly. An Improvement , however , In 'inls dlrcetion is looked for In the near future. Taking all things Into consideration , then , the outlook for future "business In this section is much better than It was a week ago. The wholesale markets ns a whole arc In much the same condition ithoy wore In a week ago and It Is to he noticed that whal- ever changes there are reported are In the ilroftlon < if higher prices. Firmness and n -tlvity nro the leading features and all Indications poem to point to this being the case for aomo tlmo to come. ColTuL' .Mi'.rUot KxcHoil. The most Important Incident In last week's grocery Ir.'ido. was the great excitement In coffees. The market liua of course been advancing rapidly for HOIIIO tlmo past , but Itho climax mi far was ie.icb.ixl lust week , as rei > orts show that , there -W.IH great excite ment ii > eastern marketH and that upecula- tion waH wild. It is mild that brokers are freely .betting that No. 7s will BO to J.V t > y July 1. The present , value Is ! H < - . which Is a4c higher than It 'Was ' ton ( lays ago. The excitement seemed to have been brought about by ipcoplu realizing that consump tion Is running far nhcad of production. Statistics show that at the prevent time there are only about 12,000OOH bags pro duced In a year and that 15.0no.000 are being consumed. The visible supply since Octo- lier 1 has < lecr ised by l.GOU.OlO bags and at that rate tlio- surplus , H Is said , will last only about a. year. Local Jobbers are freely predicting higher prices , but are cautious nboiit expressing their views as to Just how lilK-h the market wll Igo. TJio market on refined- sugar Is the. same ns It wias a week ago , but raws advanced a full > , tc. and Indications are thought to be favorable for higher prices on rellned as twell. Axle grease advanced again last week , the higher prlccn being caused by advances In oils , boxes , tins , etc. , as well ns by higher freight rates. Farinaceous Roods nro quoted' ' the same as they were a week igo. though the market Is llrm. In spices , pepper and cloves are higher than they - -were- . week ago and Indications are that still hlghor prices will lift seen on the former. SeA-eral articles In the woodenware line luive. Viocn marked up again , clothes pins , Vaittor dishes , tubs and palls being affected the most. The market on dried fruits Is In about the same condition It was a week ago. but higher prices are being predicted In the near future. Ilnrdwnre Hard < o Get * llardwnro Jobbers also report a good , nc- llvo market for last wec-k and are hojitng to reap BOIUO .benelit from the. recent cold wave In the way of better 'collections. It seems that general merchants have had no dllllculty In disposing of their stocks of hardware this winter , hut have used much of the money obtained ifrom that source to pay for unsold stocks of dry goods , boots and Bhoos. That Is alxHit the only way In which the mild winter hast affected bard- 'waro men. The market Is in 3ust about the. MI mo condition it wia a. week aeo and It is thought that it will not go any lower as Jong ua the present shortage In goods shall last. A. prominent jobber of this city in fllKMklng of the dllllculty In getting sup- riles said that some goods that were 01- riered a year ago for last fall's trade were Just coming In , so that manufacturers ar < ! from twelve to fourteen months behind. That of course does not apply to manu facturers of all classes of hardware goodH for some arc e.ven worse off than that , while others linvo not run KO far behind. Dry ( iumlN PrlecM Stiff. The situation with dry goods Jobber. " remains practically unchanged. They arc Ktill getting In their spring and .stlmmct goods anil shipping them" out into the coun try aw rapidly as possible. Traveling men arn meeting with good success on the road and are sending In heavy orders from mer chants who failed to place their order.s earlier in the season. A representative from a local house who lias just returned from the east reports stocks scarce and price * ntlff. Hosiery ami underwear In summer weights are especially scarce , but it seems that sellers In all lines have matters prac tically In their own hands. The volume of business In eastern markets is still un usually heavy , and Indications nro that the present scarcity of stocks will continue for some time to come. As far us the local markets are concerned there is not much tc bo said , prices remaining practically In tin name notches they wore a weolc ago. The coltl weather did not bring In any onion1 for winter goods , lint undoubtedly helped retailers to clean up their stocks , and In that way will help Jobbers In thl-lr fall trade. Shorn Travel Count rywnrd , Hoot and shoo Jobbi rs had nothing par ticularly new to report regarding th con dition of tradP. They are rushing sprint goods into Hit' country at a rapid rate nm are well satlsllcd with the prospects foi future trade. The fact that retallen cleaned out a few more of their heavy weight slioes lust week. It Is thought , wll put them In a bettor humor and make then inoro willing to jilftco liberal orders fm slimmer goods. Local Jobbers are a' ' present .looking at samples for next fall'i stocks , and Mud that while prices are goix and stiff they aiv not much different fron prices on summer uoodu. Htibhrr goods men are more cheerful thai they have been for several weaks , as the demand for rubbers was better last weel than It has been any time before this win ter. A local rutuiler remarked he soli more rubbers last week than during thi two months preceding , and it Is though that Iliii Hiimo holds trim with the inajorll ; of dealers. If that Is the case not nearl ; hs much stock will bo carried over ns wa contemplated , und will go a long way to ward doing away with the surplus of sloe ! In IhU section. Thu hide market Is not as unsettled as I was a week ago , and there N nu chang In quotations. It Is thought that the mnr IIP ! will be fairly stationary for some llttl time. I'riill iiml Produce , Not much of Interest took place hint wee ! TYltn fruit and produce dealers. The velum rif trailn was noni ? too large , but prices ill not llnetlmtp to any great extent. Th potato market Is still attraftlnu consldera bio attention. Local dealers arc uoiivlnrci that there are a good many potatoes left I Nebraska , and that Minnesota In full o them. The only thing that maintains th market al Its present position , they ray. 1 the demand from the south , and when Ilia U over wlih prices HI-C certain to lake i drop , ny the mli'dlo of March new potr toes will begin lo come on the market , an although they will In * In small quaiilltle at Ilivl. they will. neVertliPle.iH. have depressing Inlluonre on the market. Takln all things lulu conHlderaiiun tlio geneni opinion IH that thosi- who are holding DO laloes liavu cot their ideas to > high and ar apt to realize It tuo hit * . The egg market U Imnlly an high u | wan a week ago , and If r ceiptk tucreat-u I Is though ! that still lower prices will prr vail , us It will \ > t Decennary to eel dow to n shipping haul * . Th * poultry nmrkfi on I ho ylhiT hand , showed Mime improve ment under the Inllufjictt ( it a fairly goo demand and light receipts. Thu markc was ( wpaclallyti"inf the latter purt of th week , but with Incrtinueil recelnU lowc price * would probably prevail. There WH iiotchange In butter , and the bamo is tru Cf Jl nil"-- . Cnlltiirnin Dried I'riiln , NKW YORK , Kelt , > 0. 4'AUKORNI. raUITEvaporated apples quit ami nbnut stenrtv. with no mnterlnl chnnce In "uotntlon , " c.itlfornlH. drlnl frulta wrro f iri ; K. ! ! % n' d flf t nt former j > rl.-ps. Still" \ . , , . ] m Ira , common. o4fi6c ! prime , r , j ' „ . - . fiioi' , 7f- ' < ' % c ; fancy. Wt 4c. < a.lforma < ! rc | < l prunen. 3l4 * 7c pr > r Ib. . a. to nlze and cpinllty. Aprfbot * . Hoynl , ; Moor I'ark. lM lc , Peaches , peeled. unot-lcd. 7'.4 ' 0.1IAMA ( JUM3IIAI. MAUICHT. ( ( iiiillllon of Tr.idc and Quolnllotn ( in Slnplc nnil I'nncProduce. . HOaS Hecclpts Increasing ; fresh stock. weak nl 12c. nnussiCD Pori/TnV-Cholee to fancy turkeys , 9filO."j ducks. S'iUOc ; gee-'e , S',4f < 0o ; spring chicken ? , fUflOe ; hens. SOS' c ; roost er ? . < fiCc. MVB I'OL'KTnV Hens , 6',4S7c ' : spring chickens , fi'VU'c ; old and Mtaggy roosters , 3iSc : ducks , GV.c ; turkeyc. "e. IlUTTKH-Commori to fair , We : choice , lifllSc ; separator , 25o ; gathered creamery , PIOEONS Live , per doz. , 75c. VRALS-Cholco. 9o. CJAME-Duoks , mailnrds. $3.00fi3.25 : blue wing teal. $1.75 ; green wing teal , J1.2J51.60 ; mixed ducks , $ l.60j2.on. OYSTEUS-Medlum , per can , ISc : stand ard , per ran , 22o ; bulk standard , per gal. , 11.25 : extra selects , per can , 30o ; extra se lects , per gal. , ll.nxvi.7S ; Now York counts , per can , 37c ; New York counts , per 100 , $1.25. HAY Per carload lots : Upland , choice , $0 : midland , ehqice. $3.50 : lowland , choice. 11 ; rye straw , choice , $4.60 : No. 3 corn , 26'4c ; 'No. 3 white oats. 22Uc ; cranked corn , per ton. $11 ; corn and oats , chopped , per ton , $11.DO : bran , per ton , $12 ; shorts , per ton , $13. VEOETAULES. NEW Tl'tlNIPS-Per doz. bunches. 60c. SPINACH-Per box , $1. NEW l EETS-Per doz. bunches. 40 50c. LETTTCE Per doz. bunches , 40c ; fancy head letluce , per bbl. , $ .1. RADISHES Per doz. bunches. 40c. SWEET POTATOES-Por bbl. , Illinois , $3 : Jerseys , { 5 ; large bbls. , Kansas , $2.75. POTATOES Per bu. , choice. SOBlOc. CAHBAOE-Holhuid seed. 2c , CAULIFI.OWKn-Californla , per cralc , $2.tV ) . ONIONS Ilrtnll , yellow , 75c ; red , 85S90c ; Ohlos , per bbl. , $2.2.1. CI3M3UY Per doz. , 23g30c ; California , per bunch , 10 i7uc. ITUNIPS-Ilulabagas , per Ib. , I'.ic ; Ca nadlan. Hie : per bbl. , $2. MtTSHUOOMS-Per Ib. box. 50c. TOMATOES Florida , per ( i-basket cratft , $ . UllL'BAllU-Pcr doz. , DOc. FRUITS. APPLES Choice western shipping stock , $3. Mj3.GO ; New York stock , $1 ; fancy , $4.60 01.73. GKAPES-MuljiKn. per bbl. . $7.009.00. CHANHKIUUES-Qcll and Uugle. per bbl. , $ S. TUOP1CAI. FIIUITS. OUANOES-Mexlcan , per box. $3 ; Cali fornia navels , per box , $3.25fi3.50 ; Cali fornia seedlings , per box , $2.60ff2.75. JI ISCELLANEQUS. , HONEY Per 21-scctlon case , $3.23. NUTS-lllckory , large , per bu. , $1.25 ; shollbarks , $1.33. v FIGS California , layers , per 10-lb. box , $1 ; California carlen , per 10-lb. box , $1.10 ; Imporled figs , per Hi. . 13c. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Sc ; No. 2 green hides , 7c ; No. 1 salted bides , 9o ; No. 2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 H > 3. . 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . Sc . NEW YOHIC GI3M2HAI' MARKET. < lu tnUoiin for the Day nu Vurlooa ConimodlticN. NEW YORK , Feb. 10. FLOIIR-ne- celpts. 15,64.1 bbls. ; exports , 10,202 bbls. ; steady , but quiet ; Minnesota patents , $3.S5 04.15 ; Minnesota bakers. $2.S3@3.00 ; winter low grade , $2.23T2.40 ; winter patents , $3.601 ? 3.83 ; winter straights , $3.35@3.50 ; winter ex tras , J2.G5SJ2.90 ; winter low grades , $2.25fi ) 2.40. Rye Hour , quiet ; fair to good , $2.WCji 3.20 ; choice to fair , $3.23Q3.CO. Buckwheat Hour , easy at $1.50fl.G5. CORNMEAL Quiet ; yellow western. SOc ; city , SOc ; Hrandywlne , $2.20fi2.25. HYE Flrm No. 2 western , 65c , f. o. b. , allonf state , COQClc , c. I. f. , New York car- lots. lots.UARLEY Firm : feeding. 43'447c , c. 1. f. . New York ; malting , 51j&5c , c. i. f. , New Yorlc. UARLEY MALT Dull : western. 53g 3c. " \VHEAT-Rccelpts , 6,600 bu. Spot , llrm ; No. 2 red , " ! % & ! & % , elevator ; No. 2 red , 78ic , f. o. b. , allont , prompt ; No. 1 north ern , Duluth , SOHc. f. o. b. . afloat , prompt. Options opened lirm at e advance , con trolled by higher Liverpool cables and a bullish Michigan report ; after a slight setback - back under realizing prices recovered In sympathy with a sudden jump in corn. Closed llrm on late covering by shorts at * 8 < 3c net advance : March , 76iQ76Tsc } : closed , 76c : May , 74Sj7&Vic ; closed , 75Hc ; July , 74 11-16P75C : closed. 74T4c. CORN Receipts , 28,275 bu. ; exports , 112 bu. Spot , strong ; No. 2 , 42'/4c , f , o. b. , afloat and il'Ac elevator. Options opened steady on better Liverpool cables and developed positive strength later on n scare of shorts and llrm position of cash property here. Closed strong , with a good cash demand and last prices % c net higher ; May , 40V8c ; closed , 40Ue. OATS Receipts , 37,700 bu. : exports , 00 bu. Spot , llrm ; No. 2 , 2SM'29c : No. 3 , 2Sc ; No. a while , 31c ; No. 2 white , SlVfcc ; track mixed western. 2SH < 530'ic ; track white , 3133c. Op tions quiet and featureless. HAY Dull ; shipping , 65Q70c ; good to choice , SOQkoc. HOPS Steady ; state , common to choice , 1800 crop , 6c ; 1S.1S crop , 7S9c : 1893 crop. 12S 13c ; Pacllle coast. 18M crop , 4IjGc ; 1S9S crop , 7fWc ; ISM ) crop , 12tfKc. ! HIDES Firm : Galveston , 30 to 25 Ibs. , 24 to 30 Ibs. I5c California lHjc ! ; Texas dry. , ; fornia , 21 to 25 Ibs. . 2114C. LEATHER Firm : hemlock sole. Buenos Ayres. light to heavyweights , 23iJ25Hc ; acid. 25JJ25M.C. METALS The brokers' price for lead Is J4.45 and for copper $16.50. PROVlSlONS-fieef , dull ; family , JU.OOfl bellle-s , C'ViS'tee ; pickled shoulders , Sc ; hams , O'AffilO'ie. Lard , steady ; wcstcrr steamed , $1.40 ; February , $ G.37'fc. nominal : refined , steady : continent. ? 6.C056.SO : S. A. $ fi.SO : compound , CffGUc. Pork , firm : mess J10.75Sni.50 ; sli ° rt clenr- W-W&Vi-M'- $13. 00013.50. Tallow , steadier ; city , domestic , fair to extra , / : Japan , 45iff5e. ; ( MOLASBES-Stcudy ; New Orleans , oper kettle , good to choice , 41&551. ' . FREIGHTS-To Liverpool , nrm ; cotton by steam , Md ; grain , by steam , 3'id. ' ll.CO ! bushi'ls. CORN lllfflifr ; No. 2 cash , , ' 2e ; ir.icl ; U.e ! ; February , 32c : May , 3Se ; July. TOic. OATS- Higher : No. 2. csi.di. iilHe : track ' . 'l iiT - ; Febnmry , 21V4c ; May , il'.ic ' ; No 2 white , 26TriiH4c. ( RYE Firm. 5lc. SKEDS Timothy , flmi , U.f m2.40 : prlm < more. Flaxweod , uomlmil , J1.55. CORNMEAi.Steady at Jl.757/1.80. / BRAN Steady ; backed , cast track , Gli C3c. llAY-Steady : timothy , JS.oOjJll.OO ; prai rie. JS.iWiS.25. WHlBKV-flteady nl SJ.IS'.i. IRON COTTnNTIEfi-S1.20. BAGING-5Ti. 6He. HEMP TWINE-Jto. PHOVIHIONB Dryalt meats , boxei fhoulderd. extra shorts. Su.UVi ; clear ribs tfl.JS ; clear * ldfi , JO. 37V ; . Itacon. boxec extra horls , iG.C2' ; char ribs , JO. 73 ; cleai f'.i\ff. \ Jli.S7'- ( ! . SH-rr.V US-Lead , qukl ; JI.COfft.621A Spelter , quiet : tt.tirt. POULTIlY-FIrm ; ciilckonv , 7ySc ; tur kevs. iMi'c ; duckii , ic : seese , C'-c. RKCEI ITS Flour. 3.0UO hblc. : wheat , 12 , OCW bu. ; rorn. S7.000 bu. ; oats , 3itoO ! bu. PHIPMENTFlour. . WiOO bbls. ; wheat 17.000 bu. : corn. Ifl.OCO bu. ; oats , SW50 bu. No sc-islon Monday ; Lincoln's birthday Under , KKK und Cliccwr MnrUcl. PHHJADELPI11A. Fob. lO.-Bl'TTEIC- Firm ; fancy western crc imcr > , 20c ; fane western iirlnti1. 27r. EGiS Steady mid fair demand : fres nearby and western. 15i- ; fresh southwest ern H'cfresh southern , 1"V'- O1IEESK1'iiclunecd. . Ni\V YORK. Feb W.-BUTTER-Rc eelpt.-i , 2.Mj'i pkg > > . ; ntcudy ; Juno creamery 19fl'tc / ' : wet-tern , SUjMe : factory , lfl (19e. ( < MH'M-SE-RrcelitB ! , l.ttSI pkg * . ; steady full made , fancy , large and mnall. Vj iQUc choice gr.uletIHjfilSHt - . l-atS-tece4pts. ! 7,035 pkgs. : weak an lower ; western , .it mark llifrlSc. ST. Loris. i-Vb. IO.-BUTTI-R steady creimiTy : 23 < )2I ) > < ' ; dairy. 16&20c. KfilS-L > wer at IHU. KANSAS flTY , Feb. 10. - BUTTER en'amery. S1 < u2c : dairy. ISe. UGGS Fl'm fotllmr on further de--reas in rrceli'ts ; fr 3bh Mltbourl and . lie , i.isos returned. ' 1'ole.lf TOLEDO , o. . F.b. 10.-WHBAT Hlfrhc . , and llrm ; XL 2 , 1.1 a. 7tle : May , "Z'Ac. i 'I'L'i.N ' \ < live and steady ; No. 2 mlxei " ' " i- 'ATd Dull. V . 2 mlIl'.c. . ItYE Quiet. No. 2. c h. BPo. fX | > VER8EBD-DuU and lower : nrim cash. o'd. Jl 83 bid. Mureh , new , $3.624 blc ' No. 2 seed , U.5 < Xtfl.90. COMMERCIAL AN'D FINANCIAL Center of Interest Shift ? to Corn Pitt th : t Market Being Strong. WHEAT FIRM WITHOUT BEING ACTIVE nlM Market In SlrniiK on n ( iood Cen- i-rnl Dpinniul MurkPt for I'rovl- \ol n III IT ( tne Weuli UOK -nt Oiiculnc. Feb. 10. The center of Inter est on the Hoard of Trade was shifted to the corn pit , that market being exception ally strong and active. May closing ? 4QTjc ( over yesterday. Wheat , Influenced by corn nnd belter cables , closed llrm , May He up. Oats closed 'Ji'flHc ' Improved nmlprovisions also u trifle better. There wilt be no morning session of the board on Monday. It was a sad session for short Fellers In the corn pit for iho coarse cereal , afler an early gain on which trad ers confidently sold more than they bad bought , failed to follow Its usual custom of reacting nnd climbed sllll higher. Trade was active nnd largo and Ihe crowd grcaler than In any other pit. The Influence of Its strength overspread the whole floor. The source ot the market's power was some thing of a problem. An enormous chipping business was claimed , but Now York re ported only fitly boatloads taken for ex port. Offerings from Illinois , from which Chicago has recently drawn most of Its supply , were very small und receipts 496 cars here moderate. The main Influence , however , seemed to be the large purchases made by moneyed speculators , whose ac tions were followed by a horde of lesser Iji- lerosls. Their maneuver lo fix a higher price for the cereal which they are sup posed to hold In good nuantllics was nt least for the day successful. May sold ' from 4ifi33'c ( at the opening to Si's Sl'so nnd closed ? iQTic up at 31 Vic. Wheat was firm without being very ac tive. Bctler cables , duo largely lo smaller world's , shlpmenls and Iho exceptional strength of corn , were the Influences. New York reported six loads taken for export and seaboard clearances in wheat and flour were 537,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 510,000 bushels , against. 464,000 bushels last year. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 437 cars , compared with 317 last week and 311 u. your ago. Receipts here were & 3S cars , none of contract grade. May opened at GSiijjSSVic , 4c over yesterday's close , sold oft to GSHQGS ic nnd reacted to GS c , clos ing He Improved at GSH9GSic. The oats market was strong on a good general demand. Receipts here were 272 cars. May ranged from 23V c ut the openIng - Ing to 23c , nt which the market closed , % @Hc over yesterday. The market for provisions was not a big one. A weak hog market was felt at the opening , which was lower for pork , but steady for lard and ribs. This was recov ered , the slrcnRth of corn being a factor. The demand was fair nnd offerings light. May pork sold from $11.02H to Ml.15 and closed 2V-C over yesterday at $11.12 < & ; Hay lard from J6.10 to $6.15 , closlm ? 2V..C up at $0.15 , and May ribs from ? G.Oi to $ G.07W. with the close a shade better at $ G.05fiG.07 < * . . Estimated receipts tomorrow : Wheat. 37 cars ; corn , 550 cars ; oats , ISO cars ; hogs , 39,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : XrtlcleaTl OpcliTl'lllghTrLow. I Cl6so. | Ycs'y. 'XFebat I GG J , GMil CS'J C6 | 'fW'j , May | 6SMiV4l GSH6SW@ | * CS < A0G ! ( ? ( fit * July ! feS'69Hfi'1il ( ! S6 "ifni ! GS I I I I I I Corn- ! 31 Feb. " " % May i3.w. i ii3Hifi4i33 < ! ; % ; ! 346 ! July- Oat ? M ay- 23H July Pork- May 11 021.41 11 15 U 02VJ 11 12 % 11 10 July- 11 10 I 11 17' ' 11 10 11 15 Lard May- G 10 I 615 G 10 G 15 G 12' July G 20 I G 22V G20 6 221,4 C20 Rlbs- May G 05 I fi O7'i G fC 6 ( C July. G 07 < i | C O7'i G 07Vi | G O7'i No. 2. Cash Quotations were as follows : FLOUH Steady : winter patents. $3.50W 3.70 ; BtralghlH , $1.lOff3..Tr. ; dears , $2.90fi3.10 ; spring specials , $3.80iM.OO ; palents , $3.2063.55 ; straights. $2.60 3.00 ; bakers. $2.1002.50. WHEAT No. 3 spring , 63S6Sc ; No. 2 red , e. CORN No. 2 , IWic : No. 2 yellow. OATS No. 2. 23023Hc ; No. 2 white , 25 ? ; < H26Hc : No. 3 white , K > S24iC. RYE No. 2. 500G6'.4c. BARLEY No. 2 , 3Siff43c. SEEDS No. 1 flaxsecd and northwest , Jl.CO Timothy. J2.45. -PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J10.03 ® 11.10. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J5.90a6.05. Short ribs sides ( loose ) , J5.WG.10. ! Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . JG.12V ? 6.37'Short ' clear side. ( boxed ) . JG.IOQG.UO. WHISKY Distillers' llnlshcd eoods , on basis high wines , per pal. , J1.23VJ. SUGAUS-Cut loaf , JG.05 ; granulated. J5.49. The following are the receipts and ship ments for today : Articles. Recplpts. Shipm'ts. Flour , bhbt ai.OOO 35,000 Wheat , bu 49,000 11,009 Corn , bu 514.000 359.000 Oats , bu 373,0011 139.0W Rye. bu 6,000 11,000 Barley , bu CG.OOO 36,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm ; creameries.19221l , < iC ; dairies , 19f22c. | Cheese , firm , 12S13c. Esgs , easy ; fresh , 12ViG13c. 3IOVBMBXTS OF STOCKS AXO I1OXDS. OiicrutloiiK Confined lo Cloning : ( if ( Vntrnctu liy I'rofcKHlonnlH. NEW YORK , Feb. lO.-The movement of prices on the Stock exchange had little significance 'today ' , as operations were largely confined to the closing up of con tracts by the airofesslonal clement. There was a continuation of realizing sales ut the opening. In spite of 'the ' tranquillity with which the latest news from South Africa seemed to be. accepted by the London mar ket. The rally in the market after the bank statement appeared made It evident that part of the selling had been for short account In anticipation of an unfavorable statement. The rally did not mean neces sarily that the statement was considered favorable , but simply that the bears de sired to cover their short contracts before the two holidays pending. There was ravhcr acute weakness at times In St. Paul , Missouri Pacllle , Western Union , Burling ton and Sugar. The movement of prices was rather erratic , but the net changes on the day are small and mixed , with the ma jority on the side of the losses. The clos ing of the market was strongat a rally on the short covering. ' As n matter of Jji-t opinion on the bank Htatcmenl was confined and perplexed. Thu cnormouj loan oximr.slon caused amaze- nunt. In no single week during all of last year did the loan expansion reach $16,000,000. In the week ending February-4 last year loans \\cre Increased $13,151,400. due to the active lloa-tatlon of now Industrial combimi- tlontf , then In full force. This compares with J'l,152,400 Increase this week. tSlncu Jami.iry 13 loans have been Increased $14- lihi , ! , comrwred with an Increase of J33- 197.SOO In the correi i > onillng period of last year , when speculation and company flota tion was In lull tide. It Is RUgge. tcd that some of the deposit account ) * which passed from the hanks to the newly organized trust companies during the course of hint yeat ate now coming back to the banks. There is nothlnir In the regular coursn Of busi ness or s-.ieculatlon to account for the. recent - cent Arvtit extension In the loan Hem of the clmrlnir liotmo banks. Returns of ban'n Icnrlnss by telegraph for live days to tin Financial Chronicle show a sharp i.iilint ; on at the four principal eastern cities and Increases - creases at Chicago and St. Louis In con siderable proportion , while at New Orleans the Increase over last year is nearly 46 pei cent over last year. The Increase In th < south is doubtless duo largely 10 the activity In the. rotten market and u suggestive i/ : future demand upon Now York for fundi from 'that ' section. 'But ' the clearing house let urns only servo to perplex the problem 01 the phenomenal Joan expansion of New York Ixink . The upward movement of pileea. whli-1 found Its Inception last week In the menu Blocks , broadened out this week so as u embrai-e pretty much the whole 41st of se curlticH dealt In on the New York Stot-1 exchange. By Hi * middle of the week tin advance had apparently reached Us cul mtnutlon nnd on Wednesday afternoon tin l ears siu'cecded In toppling over the over extended Ions account of speculators wit ) liiMiil/cli-nt resources and u reacllonarj tendency supervened Such reaction l'i i'vltubly dlftcourigc outside interest In tin market und buttings fell back Into ( hi bunds of professional operators or lm i moneyed Interest * ! who have to do with tin control and detailed knowledge of the uf fairs of the great corporation * . The movement of the market has bc 'i almost wholly duo to technical causes , th. . general news uf huidncHM being with l > u few exception ; ; favorable and availing ji , a little to maintain r. firm undertone to tli stock market , even while It Khowed weak ness due to technical cause * . The advanci . In prices WHB viewed with more or less dls J trust , owlns to the palpable manlpulatloi which ( u-companlcd It Professional ball pools , known to be long of stocks , were < > b- sfrved to be ( lidding up prices of thflr holding. In BCI ordHliep with a well rei-ojs- nlzed prim iplo of a"ilr > n iimonR profes sional operators. It I * one of the strongest propencltles of human nature to dcolre to possess BomethlnR that Is > een to be nrl- vanclnt ; in prices. So that a pool of slock operator ? , after buying thousands.of Miarcfc of a stick and then advancing the price by bids for smaller amounts of stock by suc cessive stages , may find sullk-ient demand for the stock aroused among the outfldc view to nhporb all of the pool holdings at the lllBher level. Needless to say such nn operation Is niwlstrd by any authentic good news regarding the particular stock af fected or regarding the general speculative prospect , as well as by rumors and "tips" of good things to come , the latter belns even more effective with a , reckless class of speculators than the sober nnd reliable business fuels. But , however true the news may be which accompanies n Me , the com pletion of the operation above described leaves a m.irket In n weakened condition technically. Stocks held by compact , well organized pools with skill and money re sources to buy up the supplies offering and thus maintaining the price , have passed to weak and scattering holders , who have bought them with borrowed money on a narrow margin and who have no resource but to sell out when prices decline. Then comes the bear operator In stocks , who ( \clls large blocks In a buoyant market nnd bor rows them for delivery until he ha * offered prices down and wiped out the margins of the unfortunate speculator , forcing him to sell out al u lower llRtire to the prollt of the bear. The outside Interest aroused In the stock market early In the week by the manipulated advance nnd the favorable news developments WIIM so considerable as to absorb the holdings of speculative bull pools nnd also , according to current report and Indications , some large holdings by banking and large financial interests , which bought stocks In the December panic nt a level of absolute safely. Conservative in terests of this class take a certain prollt on such holdings rather than bold for fur ther rise on prospects of future value. The rather violent collapse in prices of the midweek and the steady stream of realizations later show conclusively that a considerable proportion of the previous buying was for purely speculative account by weak Interests. But In many slocks Ihero has been evidence of large and per- slstcnt demand nt all price levels touched , which Is a good Indication of an absorp tion going on for Investment purposes. The motives of this kind of buying were sev eral , Including the declaration of new or Increased dividends , both on railroad and Industrial slocks , the high level of earnings maintained by the railroads , the large volume of their trallle In spite of advances of freight rates now In force and the pros pect of advances tp come In olher classes of frelghl , notably In bituminous coal. Plans for consolidation of control of com peting1 railroad systems weie also In pro cess of completion. The numerous ramifications Iron Industries show a tions of the great healthy tone for the future contracts , which are all that caiv be considered in that busi ness , owing lo Ihe full engagement of pres ent capacities. Large < 1mnk clearings out side the money centers of Ihe easl show the. continuance of general biislneos activity above lust year's high level , notwithstand ing the falllns off In purely speculative ac tivity. The. high price and the active mar ket for < otton are believed to assure future prosperous condition und potential demand for merchandise and products from a large portion of the country. Money continues of renewed absorption easy , but the prospect tion by the. t'nlted States treasury In taking up Hie revenue surplus nnd the reduced In flow to New York , owlnp to renewed use of money In business at interior points , nd- monlRhc.i to caution In Inflation of credits on ur.uound speculative values. The business in homU has been on a fairly large pcale andi the tendency of prices has l-oen somewhat mixed. I'nlted States ; u advanced H , the old 4s and 5s ' ,4 and new Is \ - In the bid price. ' The Commercial Advertiser's l ondon financial cablegram says : The markets hero opened dull on general business and the retirement from Vaalkrantz , hut there was tv general recovery later , the market Inclining to tlie view that the movements of General Duller and General MacDonald are Intended cliletly to occupy the attention of the enemy so as to .facilitate the ad vance of the central column directed by General Roberts. Consols wore steady nt lOl'.B. Americans began a shade under par ity and then. . Improved with the rest of the list , although most of them were lower on balance. The bank bought 11.000 gold In Scandinavian coin , ar.d received 6OW from Australia. Silver was 27 9-M. Short loans were In leSs demand than yesterday , but loans for longer periods ar& wanted. Bills were a shtido firmer. The following are the quotations for the leading slocks on the New York exchange today : XMV Yorli Money Market. . NEW YORK. Fet > . 10. MONEY on call. steady , at 2 per cent ; prime mercantile uaper. 4 < fif per cent. STERLING EXCIIANGE-Hteady , with actual business in bankers. ' bills at JI.S7si 4i > 1.87'i ! for demand , and at S1.SIU for sixty days ; posted rales , , N.bS'at.sS'i ' ; commercial bills. JI.S3VifH.SI. , , . SILN'EIl-Certlflcati-s , .VJ iQ Oo ; bar , 9'4o ; Mexican dcllal-H , 47 > ' .e. BONDS State , Inactive ; railroad , Irregular ; government , weak ; 2s , rig. , JOJ'-i ' ; 3s , rcg. , 1U9')8 ) : coupon. 109V-J ; 4s , rc . ami coupon , 134 ; old 4s , rcg. and coupon , 1114 ; 3s , rt-j. and coupon , 112 ? ! . The following are the closing quotation : on bonds : _ _ _ _ " _ u. s7 : . rcg . i 2'rN. y. c. is" . . no" do 2f. re , . lfoJJ' ? JVC- FunKS.123M do coupon . lOSH'lNo. Carolina Cs.127 do new 4' . rog.131 No. Carolina 4s. .100 . . . } 3 . .iNo. Pacific 3s. . . . G7 do old 4s , res .IH" ) ' do 4s . 10i | ( do coupon . .114 N.Y..C. & St.L. 4S.107V do to. reg . . . .112 iN. | , _ & W. con. 4a. . 91' ' , : do coupon 112i do geti. 6n . 130 D. of C. 3 Cos..117 Ore. Nav. Is . 110 AU'li. gen. 4 * 101 do 4s do adj. Is . M'.i ' Ore. B. L. ( is . 127' ; Can. gouthtrn is.lWU do COIUD ! Gd _ 114 Cho " . & O. 4'i * . . . 9S\i Rending gen. 4a. 853 < do"6s . . . . . . 119'iiR. ' U.V. . Is . ' . ! ' C. ft N. W. c. 7S.140U St.L. & I.M. o.Sx.lllTj do S. F. deb. 'u.119 St.L. & B.F.B.Cs.123 Chicago Ter. 4s. . MISt. . Paul consols. Hi79i ! /"R. d."Ys..l62I ; St. P. . C. & P. ls.119'1 I do 4 1)3 ) i do 5s 12ili ; 1 E. T. . V. & O. lfc.10H.ilSo. Hallway 5 . .l'i Erie gen. IB 71 IS. U. .t T. 6 * 79 ! , I F. W. f : T ) . C. la. 71 ITenn. n. u. I * . . . . 9) toiiiMIIou of the WASHINGTON. Feb. -Tn-lay s state ment of thu condition of the trcasur : I j-'iowt. Available cm-h balance , 1054 ; old reserve , jao.Ct'.ire , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Receipts of Stock as Usual en a Saturday. KILLING CATTLE MOVE VERY SLOWLY OUM SnfTcr u\SllKli > Henotlon , tint Week ClitHCN Illuhor Tlmit It Olielird .Sheep Sell II l.lltlv Illuhcr Th nit oil I'rldny. SOUTH OMAHA , Feb. 10. Receipts wore : Cattle. Hogs , rfhccp. Ofllclal .Monday 2,507 3,061 4,177 Official Tuesday 3,561 0,213 .1.53 Official Wednesday S.SM rMi n.irn onielal Thursday 1,30,1 n.oto 1.15'J Otllclal Friday l,7Cti 3.074 4 S19 Official Saturday fil ! fi. 122 1.1M. Total ! this week 12.S1S 27,317 1S..JOJ Week ondlns Feb. 3..12,753 31,313 21.913 Week ending Jan. 27..13,165 35,901 17.1SO Week ending Jan. 'JO. . . . 11,593 13,612 13,771 Average price paid for boss for the last several duyy with comparisons : Indlcales Sundav. The ofllclal number of cnrs of stock brought In today by each road was ; Cuttle. Hogs. Sh'p. HT's. C. , M. & St. P. Ry . " > O. & St. L. Rv 2 Missouri'Pnrlllc ' Ry. . 10 Union Pacllle System 3 11 C. * N. W. Ry 2 3 F. , K. & SI. V. R. R. G 18 C. , St. P. . M. & O. . . 1 4 H. & M. R. R. R. . . . 3 11 C. , ( H. & Q. Ry 2 12 C. , R. I. .t P. , cast. . . 6 C. . R. I. .t P. . west. 1 Illinois Central Total receipts . 2S 7S n 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hoprs. Sheep. Omaha 'Packing ' Co . -IS C65 . f ! . H. Hammond Co . f-55 . Swift and Company . 7t 915 405 Cudahy Packing Co . 153 l.Olfi 103 Armour & Co . 1SM 611 Cudahy 1' . C. , from K. C. 211 . H. L. Dennis & Co . 5 . Cther buyers . 2J . Totals . 517 5,304 1,152 CATTLE As usual at the close of the week , there were very few cattle In the yards today , and not enough to really make a. market , had they all been on sale , but as It happened , just about half of them , or ten cars , were conslRiied direct to packers from Kansas City and were not offered for sale. The market was abput what sellers have come to expect on the last day of the week , that Is , It was slow and Indifferent. Soinp of the buyers did not BO up into the yards at all , and those who did as a rule wanted the stuff at low prices to pay thfm for their trouble In carrying It over to next week. The tendency of the cattle market seems lo bo downward , and there is no doubt but what buyers are working to net It down on thu supposition that there are a good many cattle on feed. T'heiiefforts have been greatly aided by the large receipts at most market points , though South Omaha has not had anything very extra of a run. The market here has been , If anything , better than at most points , but It , too , has gone lower. The low day of the week was Wednesday , when the market was In bad shape , but on Thursday and Friday It re covered a little , and at the close of the week Is only 15Ji20c lower than last week. Cows and heifers have not been In very large supply at any time during the week , while the demand for that kind of cattle has been very good , with the result that the market has not suffered as much de cline as the market on beef steers. Cows and heifers arc not to exceed lOc lower for the week. With fat cattle going down rapidly the market on stockcrs and feeders has fol lowed the' downward course , and for the week the general run of cattle of that de scription Is fully 25c lower. The amount of trading In that kind of cattle Is small , as the country does not seem at all anxious to buy under the present C9ndltlons gov erning the fat cattle market. Representa tive sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 . 8105425 20 1235 470 1 . 1270 430 IS 10SO 470 2 . 10S7 4 GO 5 1101 4 75 COWS. 2 . 825 150 3 1070 3 3.1 ; > , . 773 260 1 1100 3 33 7 . 10.-.0 260 5 IHO 3 40 1 . S50 275 Si 1100 3-15 1 . 940 280 1 1270 350 1 . 1250 300 9 1191 350 1 . 990 301) ) 14 1179 335 1 . S 0 3 00 1 830 ! ! GO ' ' ' " . . . . . . . . . . IS 25 1. . . . ; 10CO 3 GO J 970 325 2 1230 : ' , 75 1 1210 325 1 1010 400 13 10S9 330 COWS AND HEIFERS. 9 1193 I 15HEIFERS. HEIFERS. 1 SCO 350 20 831 410 3 430 390 3 SSO 423 2 735 400 10 101G125 STEERS AND HEIFEHS. 2 1250 4 30BULLS. BULLS. 1 SOT 290 1. . . . . .1590 350 1 135) 3 25 2. . , . . .1040 353 1 12(10 S25 1. . . . . .1)30 ) I ! GO 1 1310 3 25 1. . . . . .1920 3 70 1 799 3 43CALVES. CALVES. 1 3BO 423 1 110 725 STOCK COWS AND HEIFEHS. 1 820 350 3 723 370 4 787 3 GO 1 GOO 375 STOCK CALVES. 1 420 4 00 1 310 4 10 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 5 816 415 1 720 433 2 8201 S3 HOfJS The market this morning opened Re lower under the Influence of the reports from other markets nnd the lower provision market yesterday. Later on , under the In fluence of the very good demand , the mar ket firmed up and closed with half of the decline regained. In other words , the hogs today sold 2'ii/5c lower than yesterday. The hogs sold today very largely at $1.77'- f-4.82'i. ( ' with $4.SO quite a popular price foi good loads and $4.85 for a few of thu best , Yesterday the bogs sold very largely at $1. * ' - ! : . < & I.S5 , with a $4.90 top. This ban been the high week In the hop market so far this poison. The woeH started out with a good advance and the market was higher again on Tuesday. Or Wednesday there was a Hllght reaction , bill the market went still higher on Thursday nnd on Friday touched the highest polnl reached HO far this season. At the closn ol the week there was another slight reacllor but the market closed wiui the endlnt : ol the week 15f/20o higher than the close ol the previous week. A Klanou at the table of average prices will nhow the lluetualloni from day to day , as well ati the gain In ilu market price since the first of the mouth Representative sales : No. 74. . 4 SO S-2. . 4 SO 4 M M 4 RO 4 SO 4 ! > ' ) 4 SO SO 4 SO 50. 4 M f.9. 4 SO 74. 4 H ) . ' 4 SO 77. 4 RO ' . 4 SO 62. I S' ' ) ,79. 4 W J7I. 4 SS i ! &V . . . 4 S2' 91. 120 4 SSVS . . . 48215 2's 4 82 ! $ C5 4 S2VS 4 S'M 4 S216 4 R2V4 4 8214 4 S2U 1 S2\5 4S2'i 4 S2'J 4 S2I.J 4 S2U 4 sr > 4 M 4 85 4 Ki 41 . . . .83S . . . 1 80 59 . . . .275 . . . 4 85 74SHEEP SHEEP There were a. few loads here am the market was active and a little hlghe nn sheep , rn th.-vt evrrythlnp liiml : * In ji"ul : VH < IM The sheep market thl week 1m * been In rxreodlnnly oed shape nd entirely to the llklliR of nrlicr * . Buyers bnve wauled the stuff , ami though there was n fair run It wn . If anylhlns , smaller than the requlrc- mentu of buyer * , so that the market wns strong every d y. Sheep for the week could safely be quoin ! 2Rc higher and lamb ! ! 15c hlsher. , , Quotations : Onod to cholcn fed yearlings. J5.HOW6.75 : fair to good yearling * . $ o.S : ! i.W ) ; Rood to choice wethers , J5.1Mf5.40 ; fair to good wethers. $ l.7M < fi.OO ; Rood In choice fed ewes , Jl.BW4.7i ) ; good lo choice fed native lambs. jn.7T.1T7.Oii : Rood to choice western lambs , Jfi.rtMifi.90 ; fair to good fed western lambs , jo. IWtifi i ; feeder wethers , $ ! Wffl.H' ' ; feeder yearling. Jt.5nfT3.00 ; Rood to choice feeder Iambi' , J4GOGG. . Representative sales : No. AV. Pr. } > 2 western ewes 102 JI H ) 43fi western wethers Ill f'3j 332 western wethers 107 fi 60 219 western yearlings M 5,0 1 lamb GO B W ruicuio u vi : arm-ic MARKKT. Cullle Alnrliet rlit < icd StrotiK H w \vernu . " l.imer Miecn Finn. CIlICACiO , Feb. 10-CATTLE-Wlth 5.&OU head Increase this week the market closed strong , values partly recovering ; Texan receipts. 6.200 head , cln.Mng tlrm. 1.600 head Rood feeders on hand , steady ; good to choice , J.V2f/M'i.lO ( ; poor to medium , Sl.tVGf inn ; mixed sloekers , J3.25ff3.XO ; selected feeders. J4.25TI I.W ! ; good to cholco cows , S1.25JM W : heifers. J3.5Jji4.75 : canners , J2.251f 2. ft ) ; bulls. J2.7Mil.fiO ; calves , JI.60IiS.OU ; fed Te\as beeves , Jl.00ji5.0i ) . HOGS Average Go lower than yester day's average ; top. J5.03 ; Rood clearance ; Wi oil's Increase , 6,000 head ; mixed and butchers , JI.SOfl..02is ; good to choice , heavy , J4. ! i5.05 ; rough , heavy , Jl.sosii.w ; light , J4.75'if4.l5 ! ; bulk of sales. $ I.93I , T'3.0U. SHEKP AND LAMBS-FIrm : lunibn. steady : native wethers , JI.tiWJ5.75 : lambs , $5.005)7.00 ; western wethers , Jl.601J3.40'west- ; ern lambs. J6.00'u7.oo. RECEIPTS-Cattle , 100 head ; hogs , 1S.OOD headr sheep , 2fA ) head. For thn week : Cattle , 51,000 head ; hogs , 191,000 head ; sheep , 67,000 head. ( 'llv Live Stock , KANSAS CITY , Fob. lO.-CATTLE-Rn- celpts , 200 head ; pi-Ires nominal ; severe weather caused a shortage In supply , the receipts for the week amounting to 32,000 head , which fact caused last week's de cline ; -prices today showed very little change from last week's quotations ; heavy native steers brought J5.001iri.iW ; light weights , J1.5d'i5.35 ; Mockers und feeders , $ .1.23iin.dO : butcher cows and heifers. $3.HW ( 1.50 ; dinners. J2.5Hfj3.00 ; fed westerns. SI.WHT 5.10 ; western feeders , J3.GOTfl.GO ; Tcxans , $3.60(5r4.fiO. ( 11OOS Receipts. 5,000 head ; packers and shippers Were Indifferent buyers : prices ruled steady to EC lower : heavy. J1.75ft4.S7lO ; mixed. JI.70ftl.SO ; light , $1.5084.75 ; pigs , $1.10 (21.40. ( SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts for the week , IS.noo head. The supply was the largest for several weeks ; lambs sold shade lower early In week , but advanced the last two days ; muttons and feeders sold steady to shade stronger. Lambs. JI.75Tio.75 ; year lings , $5.Xi5.u ( ) ( ; muttons. JI.5UTr5.25 : stoek- crs and feeders , $3.25 4.50 ; culls , Ji.Bi St. l.oulM I.lvc Slock. ST. LOUIS. Fob. 10. CATTLE Receipts , 100 head ; market rteaily ; native shinning and export steers , $ I.Gj5iC.25 ; dressed beef iiml butcher steers. J3.9CJf5.25 ; wteers under 1.000 lb ? . . J3.50.-&I.W ; stockera and feeders , $ -.755(4. 75 : cows and heifers. J2.001T4.Gl ) ; camiers. Jl.25Ti2.S5 ; bulls , J.2.2073.f > 0 : Texas and Indian steers , $3. 25111.55 , with the best worth $5.10 ; cows an. . ! heifers , J2.GCHt3.75. HOGS Receipts. " 00 head ; market steady ; pics and lights , jl.'offt.Si ; packers , $1.758- 4.90 ; butchers. JI.90Ji3.00. SI1E10P AiND LAMBS Receipts 200 bead ; market nominal ; native muttons , ? 4.00f 5.30 : lambs , $5.5087.00 ; cullsi and bucks , $3.5004.75. X MV 1'ork Ilvo Stock. NEW YORK , Feb. 10. BEEVES Re ceipts , 174 head ; no trading : nominally steady ; exports , 2CO head cnttle and 1.900 quarters ot beef. CALVES Receipts , 113 head : very little trade ; prime veals , $5.23 ; southern cnlves hold over. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 151 head : shco-p , quiC't and steady ; lambs , very dull , steadyto 10p lower ; s-heep , medium to fair. $4.7 < JifS.12Vfc ; lambs , prime to choice , $7.37'ify 7.CS. HOGS Receipts , 2,481 head ; steady at $5.25 Q5.40. Stock In Slitlil. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for February 10 : Cattle. Hoss. Sheep. South Omaha . . . (123 ( 5.422 1,1 = 2 Chicago . 10D 18,000 2,500 ' Kansas City . . . > . 200 5,000' St. Louis . 100 300 20) Totals . 1,023 28,722 3,852 tVonl Market. LONDON , 'Feb. 10-Tnullng was dull In .the wool market during the week , pending developments In Austrnlln U Is reported frm tnere that the1 IVfl clips will show n deficiency estimate at nonily 110.0skins The arrivals of wool for the next series of auction sales amount to lus.ftWl bales , In cluding SM.fiOO forwarded direct. The Im ports during the week wore : New South Wales. 1.841 bales ; Melbourne. 106 ; South Austrftlln. 107 : Brisbane. 4. 32 ; Tasmania , wo : Albany , W ; Capo of Hood Hope and Natal. 1,530 ; Chltm , 747 ; Bremen , SJ1 , else- \\lHTf , 511. Liverpool Crnln nnd rrnvl l ( > n , LIVERPOOL. Feb. lO.-WHEAT-Spot. firm : No. 1 California , 6 I'.fcdflfls ' M : No , J red western , winter , stock exhausted ; No. 1 northern t > prliig. fe Id ; futures closed tlrm ; March , bs 10\d ; .M > ' . 6n 10'id : July , f'S 10id. CORN Spot , firm : American mixed , new. 3i Sd : American mixed , old , 3s SKjd ; futures tlrm : February , 3 * 7'id ; March. 3s 7Hrt : May , 3s 7Hd. PEAS-Canadlan. Ss 7id. ! HOPS-At London. Pacific coast , dull , 3 lOiSf-Cli FLOUR-St. 1.0111s fancy winter , firm , 7a 3d. PROVlSIONS-Beef. dull ; extra India moss. S0.i ; prime moss , 72s 6d. Pork , llrm. prime morw , western , M 3d. Hams , short cut. 14 to Ifi Ibs. . firm. 49. fid. Lird. llrm. prime western. In tierces. 31s 3d : American rnllnrdIn iiills. .Vv 3d. Bacon , tlrm : Cum berland cut , 2 < to 30 Hn. , 37s 6d ; short rlbp. IS lo 23 Ib * . . R.Vs Od ; Ions clear middles. Ill-Ill , 30 to 35 Ibs. . 36s : long clear middles , heavy , 35 to 40 lb . . .Tis lidPhort clour backs , n to IS Ihs. , 33s Gd ; clear bellies , 14 to 111 Ibs. . .Tds W. Shoulders , square , 12 to 1 * Hi. . , llrm 31s. WTTER-FlncBt and good fulled Stale * , nominal. CHEESi : Firm : American llnesl while. 57s ; American llnoii colored , 59s. TALI.OW-Strons : prime city , 29s : Au : - Irallan , In London , --s Gil. KIIIIMI * City Cirnhi nnd Provisions , KANSAS CITY. Fob. 10.-WUEAT-May , C4c ; cash , No. 2 hard , G3a63' ' . c ; No. 3. SSViW KHe ; No. 2 red , GJffTOe : No. 3 , ( W ! GSp. CORN May. 31Kc : cash. No. 2 mixed , 30-io : No. 2 white , ailie : No. 3 , 31c. OATS-No. 2 white. 24c. RYE-NO. 2. sac. HAY Choice timothy , J9.OOJi9.iV ) ; choice prairie , fil.751/7.00. / RECEIPT8-\Vheat , 33.400 bu. ; corn. 62.TO ) bu. : oats , bu. SIHP.MKNTS-Wheat. Itt.&OO ml. : corn , 2V 3X ( ) bu. ; oats , 4.0i bu. MlmicuitnllH Wlieal nnil I'lonr. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. lO.-WHEAT-ln store : No. 1 northern , February , tVi-c ; May , r Wio ; July , tH'ko. On 'track : No. 1 hard , il'e ; No. 1 northern. 65'ic ; No. 2 north ern. 62Vsi' . FLOl'R-Steady ; Ural patents , $3.60153.70 ; second patonls. J.1.3Ufi3.40 ; first clears , J2.60lf 2.70 : second clears , J2.IO. URAN-Qulot ; In bulk. J11.005T1I.23. Duliitli Crnln .Market. Dl'Ll'TII. Feb. 10. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash. W"8c ; No. 1 northern , cash , Wtic ; May , GC.HC ; July , raidc ; No. 2 northern , 63Hc ; No. 3 spring. noVjc. OATi3 23 > 4if 2le. t'OHN 32'e. Alllivnnkeo Crnln > lnrkel , MILWAI'KHE. V > b. 10.-WHEAT--.Mar- ket steady : No. 1 northern , GSJIfiSUc ; No , "i northern , CSls iOfio. RYE Firm ; No. 1. 57Ji5Sc. ( HARLl-Y Firm ; No. 2 , 45817c ; sample , 3Sj29c. I'enrla .Mnpl < i t > PEORIA , Feb. lO.-CORN-Steady ; No. 2. 311 ' , c. OATS-FIrm ; No. 3 white. 23ifi24c. WHlSKY-Flrm. on the barts of J1.23'j for finished goods. f-CI" 1953 H.RPEMMEY&CO. BOOH4Hr LIFE ELOO. BSAMCH 1030 [ Uit CVAHA f-T UtltOLN JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone 1039. Oinolm. Ne'j COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS HOARD OF TRADE. Correspondence ; John A. Warren & Co. oirect wires to Chlcaco and New York. 2 ° | 0 MONTHLY on moneys Invested in California Oil iFlelds. Dividends payable 1st of each month. Cali fornia's o'l production is valued' ' at several million dollars yearly. To more quickly develop our rich oil lands we offer a limited number of shares to the public. Allotments motlu in rotation as applications for stock are received. Ehares , $10.00 oach. Address New Centurv Oil Co. , Stlmson Block , Loa Anjfcles , Cal. Ltd , Certified Net Earnings , 22 Per Gent Per Annum , 'I'lit IrenieiuloiiH prolllH realized by In holders by Harrow. Wade , Guthrle & Co. , vestors In this company are hc-st shown by who supervise the comoany'H accounts. the ccrtllled reports of the Public Accountants Thlj. li a unique feature among zlne com ants , who have examined the books of the panies , enabling shareholders to verify reg mines and certified to the' net earninss asset ularly the enormous earnings of their com set forth in the company's prospectus. pany , vhleh would otherwise sef-m almost The eariiiiiKx tlniN eerlllled to as cor Incredible. rect hv Harrow , Wade , Guthrlo & Co. , the \o liiveslor can nfforil to let pass the ' offered for fcrure In- Chartered Acountants or New opportunlt ; ' 'bus a well known veEtrnent with probably the greatest profits and San Francisco , wore Yoik , Chicago ' poeslblo from any zinc mining company In from bul Ihicf ; of the company's mills , and the United Stales. those running on single shift only , yet showed actual net profits of $1,512 per week. Including the new mill on the Mnyni * Mine property , which was started December 1 , J 1K90 ( subsequent to the examination byv the accountants ) , the IIP ! profits at present , are now offered for public BUbscrlpllon at running on double hhlft , are ov < r Ui ! | icr cent per annum on the unllro capital stock of $1.1100,000. 85e PER SHARE \Vllli I lie riiiiipletloii of tile four new , mills now In course of conRtriu-tlon. these present earnings will bo nearly doubled , to complete the balance of the purchase ini-ro.islni ; the net profits to over -I- JUT price and pay for the new mills now being- -iii per annum. built. The coliipmiy HIIIN nlTerN InvthlorH The shares are of ' .ho par value of Jl.OO an unequalled oppiutimlty for largo \-eturiiit each , and arc fully paid and non-nsFcea- on a very small Investment at the piesent ublc. low price of KhjruH , and with the jiraitleal I'oit pitosi : > i-tTiK. ; ; f-oi'tnlniy of a rapid Itu-reusi * In the value of their holdltms. Applications for stock , accompanied by The actual ( iirnlnun of these uropoi- remittance , received at cither of the fol tlcs will be certified quartoily to stock lowing ofllceti of the fiscal ugents , JOSHUA BROWN & CO. , Bankers , 409 The Rookery , Chicago. ( V 47 Wall St. , Now York. 421 Chestnut St. , Phlhidolphiu. 80 State St. , Boston WE ARE WONDERING if you made .my money during the past ten days while stocks were so active. Wo will venture to say you did not. not.YOU ARE GUESSING the market , wrong im doubt , and * o you will conllnuci. To make money In Wall Street \ou musl elllu-r a < t upuii iho advice of pocplo whoso business It Is lo oblaln Inalde in formation or place your ai-cnunt under the management of those who are closn to tint market unit In poslMon in take advantage of shrrp fluctuations occur ) hit ; dully. Wo „ „ .niched . , n . pROF.TSNot LQSSES of our customers , heiw e It Is to our Interest to make your account profitable. Wo will lake charge of your a < - < ouni of One Hundred Oollarc , which we will opcrato entirely In our own discretion If you bo desire for which wo will crhargo you ONLY 5 ° I0 OF THE NET PROFITS during the first month , and Ten per'cent the second month. Susar WILL MAKE MONEY FOR YOU between now and next dividend day If yon will but cot on the right Hideof this Htofk We fan post you , and , as an inducement. If you are In position to direct your own a.- counl , will furnlHh you a Iwo weeks' ulal of our dally advisory service lor Ten Dollars lars , this Includes a copy of our cipher code. To Code Holders : " " "CRAB"-SUGAR. fiend us One Ilnmlrcil Dollars and allow us to pill you Into Sugar or'fomo other ciially ( | good Htiu'lt. The market never offered such opportunities for prollt-muklng ns It tlocn at pio.ii-nt If you kiiuw when to get In It and 'when to get out. You probably do not TAKE YOUR PROFITS wl ii they artIn sight , WE DO. Get your remittance- uur hands as early as notsl- ble that we may tuKo urUnntueo of Ihc opportunities ptoscnllng. Send Now York Ex. chanjjo if r&fivfiilonl. If nol wo will norept your personal check. Hi-bi bank , .Mercantile Agency and customers' reference * furnished. JHO. H. KIMBflLL & GO , , 50 BROaDV/AY , NEW YORK , If HO , speculate successfully. Bend your orders to a reliable house , where they will be placed In the open market. Wa can make for you In one month more Interest on your money than any bank will pay you In a year. Send for our book on spec ulation. U Is free , J.K. Comstock&Co Kooiu3 Triidem' . , Chicago.