THE OMAHA DATTA" BEE : SATfRDAV. PEBTJUAUT 10. 1000. 5 WE SHOW YOU AGAIN THE GREAT OPPORTUNITY Tlmt llocuiii ! Others Can't It'No Reason \Vln We ( .nn't Sell Mimes Of the Whole Year to Buy Good First Glass clothing FOR HALF the PRICE They're Worth. We Do It Again Less Than Half Price TODAY. PVti/n / HgxKea BW&JWfcli & W J < W i 1 % 01 Overcoats and Ulsters at' Wo have selected (1000) ( ) one thousand of our very finest Men's Suits , Overcoats and Ulsters , from lots which are small and broken , as regards sues , and placed them ALL ON TABLES. They include Klen's Overooafs and Ulsters. ollars , Worth up to twenty dollars. ' , Youins , ana umiareirs Final wind up sale of entire winter stock in Boys' SuiteReefers and Overcoats , at almost your own figures Vestee Suit ' Reefers All the ' Every , Boys'Finest Boys' and livery Sailor Suit , ers , Boys' Finest Youth's Long Every Middy Suit , Overcoats , Pants Suits , in finest checks , , cheviots , stripes Every all wool Knee Pants Boya' Finest Clay , Cas- and worsteds , all and Suit , ages 't to ! . " > years sinioro and Woistcd kueo new stylish , 11 to 19 , north up to $3.50 pants suits , ages 8 to 15 , worth ages to $ . vr up j. goat worth up to S6 , go at go at WAITING FOR THE DECISION Attornays Conclude Their Arauraont in the Albyn Frank Mandamus Proceeding , COURT TAKES MATTER UNDER ADVISEMENT .Inlure KnU'lIp Announce * tlmt AVhf He llcndiTN n llcolHloii It AVI1I lie III Written I'oriii , So There Cim He .No .IllNiiniliTfitailtllliBr. Aigutnent by attorneys in the mandamus proceedings of the county commissioners against Albyn Frank , e\-elerk of the < district court , was concluded befoio Judge IJstellc shortly befein > 0 o'clock Friday afternoon Uvldenco had been closed tsventy-four hours prior , and the combat between opposing counsel was waged vlgoiously. When Judge KHtello renders his opinion it will eletc-nnlne , so far as the district court IH concerned , whether Alhyu Krank hhall nccsnnt for fees of the otllco of district clerk or whether the foe > law shall bo declared void , as Frank contends. Just when Judge Kstcllo will glvo out his opltilon Is an nn- peittled question. In response to a quoiy he said : "I do not say Just when It will ho , for 1 Intend to render a written opinion , over which there can be no misinterpretation. I Minll dictate Just what I have ) to say" Frank was In the ! court room at the con clusion of the argument If ho wab Intel - cstad moro than any casual spectator , his manner did not so Indicate Ho made .1 commonplace remark about tlio end of the agcny and vva'lked away from the couri hoimo with nn air of contentment. The county attorney occupied the > greatct part of the afternoon , but the attorneys foi Frank had tlio final argument The count j attorney pointed to the evidence he hai' ' In ought out and nKkeil how the legality o the fco law could bo questioned. Ho tulkci nt length on tlio theory of establishing mls ' ing recoidH by competent tcbtlmony , and cov e > if it in a gcncial way the sen oral phnsei of the caso. Frank's counsel read from a ponderoni airay of law books , citing what they tcrmci authority In parallel cases. Judge nstolli wab a patient llwteneir thiough it all TERRIFIED BY A "PEEPING TOM' Voiitl.tiil < : unti > ill mi I3Miln t I'urtj Si-o n hlrunuc Km'i < < ' " feast" In thi Thcrei was a "sUcleton at the pcrson-of a "Peeping Tom" nt a party In th homo e f .Mis. JainM Norton. l 0i ( Clilcagi nvonuei. Thureday night. A youiiR daushto of Mrs. Norton WIIB cntertainliiB the mom lieu e > f an amateur orchestra There hai been a re'lieargal , eomo refreuhme'iitn am gnn'OH ' and thu gue tB were about to elepurt whpn Mrs Norton saw a strange face peer Ing through n window from the outside. Sh 1 ft re amcd. t Mrs. Norton recognizer ! thn face as tha of a prowler who several tlmra of late ha been scon sneaking about the premUtH : i iilput looking through w Unions Into t > nl Hinina and bkulKIng through alleys. In < mrment thu gue'sts , many of whom vver y Brnrcedy moro than children , were In i pcnle. The face remained at thei window Mr * Norton ran to get a revolver , hut who ; she ? returned the face had disappeared. Sh pn\f thei weapon to youni ; man. ono of 'h f p t . Hii cocked It and stopped outsld ' ) In tlmo to gee the "I'eeping Tom" rui t-ruil ! li the back yaid and climb a fence F < air ahots wcro ilrcil at the lle-elng form. Thei police wore notified at oneu and a Investigation followed but no traipa of th wretch were visible YmU"-tlay Iwoctlvc Sav-uge and Dunn wire ? deluded on the casi MR. BAXTER HAS HIS TURN In ( lie IIl llin > Cn i on Trliil In 1'ulli-p C < iur WKiii-HNf-M Te-Nllfj In Ilc- lialf of DoriMitlaiit. The hearing of the Eugene Baxter blgamr case was resumed in police court Friday afternoon and several witnesses testified foi the defense. Chailes E. Bascherv driver of a laundry wagon , had collected and dellvored Baxter's linen once .1 week for seven years , always making his ntops at the homo of Baxter's father and mother on Seventeunth street and later at Decatur street. During this tlmo the defendant 1'uil lived with his pirentn. The witness would nearly alwajt see. him there when ho called. Baxter's laundry had Included enl > such garments OK are worn by men. Ilonry Christopher , a clerk in the olllco of Hradstreet & Co. had been friendly with the Baxter family for three years. Ho would upend evenings occasionally and once or twice he stayed all night , Ergeno Baxter , ho said , was alwajs there. The fitato will attempt to prove that Baxter has negro blood , though evidence ot It is not apparent in his appearance. Wlfo No 1. coloied , has attended all the hear ings thus far Wlfo No. J , Caucasian , has been pipsent nt but ono session. The .Motlirr'M Pn orUr , Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy Is the mother's favoilte It Us pleawant and safe for children to InKo and always cures. It is Intended especially for coughs , colds , cioup and whooping cough ami Is the brat medl- elno made for those diseases , There is not the least danger in giving ; it to children for It contains no oplnum or other injurious drug nnd may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. THERE MAY BE AN INQUEST uiiii'H ri'iiiiin , "voniiifiii vii'iiin of a Trolli > 9 Cur , sin'iMiiuliN to u huruloal Oiipralliin. Charles Fcnton , the 7-ye-ar-old boy who was inn down by a htre'ot car nt Thlity- ciBhth iwid Harpoy stievta 'ast Wednesday , died at the ( "l.irkson hospital nt fi 30 p. m I'l Idny I'arllor In the forenoon ho under- \ve-ut a surgical operation for the lemoval o' hl.s right ln , In which there were ovl- I'.tncM of gangrene , and ho suivlvod the opciatlon only n few houis. Hr. Summer ! ) , vho performed the ncrvlce , Bald ho had doubts from the first of the patient's ro. covi-iy , but that amputation aftordcd the only possible ) chance e > f hiving his life. Ooioner S\vnns > on sayw there may bo an Inquest oven- the body to place the re sponsibility for the hoy's death. This morn ing hei will coiihiilt with the child's par ents ami will bo guldeM largely by their wishes. COMPLAIN OF THE DRIFTS I'atrniiH of Illuli ' cliool Olijri't lit- , iSunn llfiunliiH WliiTf \\lnil tins IIIiMMi I ) . The parents of tl'B pupils of the Omaha High hchool have entered a protest with be ! W ) of ( ho members of the Heard of edu cation becaiitio that body has taken no steps to icmovo the snonelrifis from the walks leading to the entrance * , of tbo school grounds. "My daughters. " paid ono of the patrons josterelay , "havo to wade through snow tvu foot deep te > reach the Bteps leading to the school house It Is bad enough for thobo gills to have to climb the stain * three ) or four tlmtw n 'lay to nay nothing of having to wade through the drifts. If the board has IKI power or force to roaiove the snow tht btroet eoininKsloner fehould gwul a streel gang out , for the present eondltlan Is r eoui-co of lolels ami poaslbly pneumonlu and cuiibumpuon. " HAS HIT RESPECT FOR LAW Albyn Frank , Ei-Olerk of the District Court , Neglects to File Expense Bill. HE IGNORES THE CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT Attention to the Iav " \Vlili-li All ( "niKlldllU's , i\rn hoiiKli DrfeutPil , to Siiliiult 1U liort ol CiiiiiimlK" I3\pi'iiNri . If Attorney General Smyth or the county atttoiney would glance through the archives In the office of County Clerk Haverly they would find a cnuau of action against Albyn Frank , ex-clerk of the- district court , who was defeated for renomlnatlon on the re publican ticket last summer Frank has violated the coirupt practices act. which provldcB that all candidates for public olflce , either In a convention 01 at a primary or general election , shall , regard less of victory or defeat , file In the nfllco of the county clerk an itemized statement of their campaign expenbes , The law savs these statements shall be filed within ton dajw after the holding of a convention or primaries Many times ten days h.uo elapsed , and still the statement of Frank has never reached the county clerk's olllce. Other defeated candidates , in perhaps eveiy Instance , complied with the law In this request , nnd of courtw the win ners have complied , or their olllccn would bo contested. Even the overseers of high ways and constables comprehend the law nnd hurried to obey It. Thi.s is shown by the documents on fllo In the county clerk's ofllco The law on this subject Is oo plain as to permit of no ambiguous Interpretation , and it IH the duty of the attorney general or the county attorney to bring action In the naino of the state against any violator , so the compiled stalutns prescribe. Ti-xt of tlio Iim. Section 3 ot the Laws of Nebraska , 1S)0 ! , page 119 , says "Every person who shall be n candidate brforo any caucus or convention or nt any primary election , for nomination for any ofTke which under the laws or the constitution of this Miito Is to he flllod by popular election , or for the olllco of rep- iLScnlntlvo hi the congress cf the United States , shall within ten days nftoi the holdIng - Ing of such rauctiB , convention or primary flection make out a statement in writing and file the MMIO with the clerk of the county In which ho resides and make out aud file n dupllcato thereof with the bonrd , ofllccr or olllcerh. If any , empowered by law to i1- sue the ceitllleato of election to such office- Such Matimcnt thall net forth in detail rach and all sums of money and other things ot valno contilbutoJ. disbursed , expended 01 promised by him , mid ( to the brbt of his knowledge and belief ) by any other person or perhons with his procurement In his be half , wholly , or In pail , endeavoring to bi > - cure , 01 in any way In connection with his nomination to mich cfilco or plaao , or in en deavoring to gecmo defeat , or In any way , In connection with the nomination of nny other person or persons at such caucus , con vention or primary election , and hhowlny the dated when , nnd the persons by whom and to whom , and the purpcsss for vvhlcli each contribution , payment , expenditure 01 promise was made , and uuch candidate uhal ! subsciibe and ewenr to ouch statement anO biich duplicate before any oftlcer authorized to adminlstei oaths " Then follows the form of oath to whlcli thu candldato nliall 8uU > crlbc The penally prescribed for violation , sot forth in section 5 of the Laws of Nebraska , page 151 , it. a Duo not oxcceding $1,000 , tc bo recovered with costb. In action uroughi in the namu of the Mate by the attorney Kfneral or the count } attorney of the Another Shoe Sale , Another Shoe Purchase , A New Shoe Wonder. A Fresh Shoe Excitement Today , Saturday , In addition to all ( lie sensational Shoe Bargains from the Executor's Sale of Shoes of the Wallace Elliott , New York , We place on sale Thousands of Men's , Women's , Boys' and Children's Welt and Turn Sole FINE SHOES , from the well known Chicago Shoo house of Guthmati , Carpenter 6c Telling , and from the stocks of Thos , McFall of Paris and Charleston , Illinois At Prices Never Bargain Squares Piled Up t Higher Than Ever0 Both Shoe Departments are Sights to See. ALL GOOD , FIRST CLASS SHOES. Men's Fine Shoes * in the newest and best styles , in blacks and tans , in single , dou ble and triple soles , leather lined and drill lined , made to retail this season for from three to six dollars a pair , all sro at < fjtj /p * & & all sizes the sumo W > M 1 * 9 grfi fiom price , § S' U B jsJy XB # 5 1-2 to 11 All on bargain squares , each size on a square by itself. wherein the candidate roslHcs. The amount of the ( Ino to bo fixed within , such limit bv tbo Jnrj and to be paid Into the school fund of the county ADMITS RIDINQ ON BUMPERS Coiixplciu-e-StrirUoit Montnun Mini AnKs I'oryrU cni'SM for stoalliiK Illdfi < m ( ItiirlliiK < uii. fienernl Passenger Agent Francis of the Imrlington Us engaging in conespomlence now with a lepentant sinner who lives in llelc-na , Jlont. , and thi letters which have pntsed between them so far have been pro- iluctivo of much amusement to the attaches of the general passenger office. Recently Mr. Francis received a postal card on which ho Montana man had scrawled a tonfe&Mon hat ho had been guilty of stealing rides on 'reight tiains. Ho stated that ho had em braced the religion of the- Seventh Day Ad- \cntist faith and wanted to make his peace with all men before ho should bo called into the hereafter Ho continued "I find It utterly Impchslble to calculate the indebted ness nnd I humbly ask jour forgiveness nnd promise it hhall never occui again. " Thief Clerk J. n Ilucldnghnm decided to Investigate the sincerity of the man's pur pose and replied to the flibt postal , htating in pail "An honest confession is good for tfio soul , but I think a sincere repentance would urge your making an estimate of the value of the rides that you have stolen from us and remit us for bame. " This reply was evidently somewhat ot a stunner for the new eonvett to the Seventh Day Adventlst faith , but jesteidny , nfter n lapse of several wocKs , another card , re plying to the letter forwarded , v\as received , In substance the repentant Mnner st.ited that his conviction had been in accordance with thn suggestions undo by the pabfaenger of- flio "but , " ho wiote. "there is no standard bj which to rfetlmalo tha value of a rlilo on tlu bumpers , nnd n I cannot tell how muc.Ii it has been of value to me , nnd as I never iodo on the H. k M. . but on the- Chicago , llurllngton S. Quincy. j may not hnvo any linlebtodness to you , but thought you repre sented the whole road. " f'hlef Clerk Buckingham replied that there VVITO no discounts offered for riding on tlio bumpers and sent a folder to , the Montana conHtlenco-striokeii ex-box , touiiht cur , ask- Ins him to dcHlminto the towns between wlilth ho Ktolc lll rides , \vhcroupon an ne- . count of his Indebtedness to tlie Durllngton will bo forwarded him The pacsengor men will have morn fal-h In the sincerity of their correspondent's pmpcao | f they hear from this last lottor. GANGS OF SHDVELERS AT WORK TiHMili-l'ltn 'Mnilth TCIIIUN lieu In Tim ! . if llfinov Inty UrlflN from the Stri-clH , A force of tweaty-flvc men and twelve leans under charKeof Street Commisslonoi DontKkcn began yesterday the task ol clearing the elo\\n-to\vn streets A small squid wab employed Thursday , which con- fitted its efforts tri sliovollng pabsageways ni the Direct crobslrgs In ninny places the drills , reached a depth of boveral feet , caus ing a serlousi Interfeienco to trafllc. If ( hn wcithor should nmderato the bun's rays vsll Epo'dlly relieve tin bhovclcrs of their duties On the other hand , the drifts might remalr for a considerable tlmo , and the street conv mlbilonrr consldcied It wlto , to IOHO no tln In Clearing the t rMtb. The ) gangs of Idle me which have inatlo the city hall rotundr their headquarter * duilng the last few week * HOI 11 therefore tlven the dcalied employ moi t. Tao snow -.hoveled into wagons nm trat sported to vacunt lots or sew or basins In iomo cnneB It it cvon hauled to the dump The shoveling gangs will find wnploymcn1 for over n week if the proteut temperature con Imu'H. Ladies' imported hand turn kid button shoos. Louis XV heel , worth 86.00 Ladies' Finest Vici Kid Patent leather Shoes , Ladies' Mannish Shoes , Ladies' Cloth and Kid Top Shoes , Ladies' Russia Calf Shoes , Ladies' Fine Box Calf Slices , in turns , welts and Fine McKay sewed , worth thrco dollars , woi th four dollars , worth five dollurs , worth six dollars same price - < S0 H a s * W from nu to co. All on bargain squares , each size on square by itself. WOODS DISLOYAL TO TAYLOR One Black Man Turns State's Evidence Against Another on a Jaint Charge. RACY DEVELOPMENTS IN A COMMON CASE Cliarlen "VVooil , Otic of tlio DefeiulniitM < ui Trlnl lor teullnu llranH I'l.v- tureK , SjirliiKn n Siiriirlwe in Judire llaUei-'n Court. When Charles Woods and William Taylor , colored , were taken Into Judge Halter's court two dajfi ago to answer the charge of steal ing $55 worth of brass valves from the Pa- cltlc Kchool building , court house opcctatois sneered in disgust nnd said there would bo nothing In the case worth waiting to heai 'I ho en or of this prediction was shown later when Woods turned stnto'b evl- denoo , as the lawyers say , and made a con fession , Including his co-defendant , Taylor , In the plot It was not the Impoitance of the case on trial , but the diplomatic somersault turned by Taylor that gave interest to the proceed ings. Woods may have lived In the north a long while , hut if so ho has failed to absoib northein ways , for his manner Is typical ol the southern negio. To look at his great , white eyes , largo at saucers , ono can easily Imagine himself on the levee nt Memphis oren on board an Ohio river packet Just out of Louisville The southern negro's suscepti bility to conscience and the belief that he will burn forever In a bottomless pit If he to a lie , must have had a parallel in the- case of Wocdo , for ho exhibited a de- Biro to toll all ho knew. When originally arraigned , Woods entered a plea ot not guilty , the same as Tnykr did. but IIP mitc'c an anabatic switch and landed on the side of the prosecution. It is bald that ho han not bean promlonl Immunity , but n plea ol guilty will bo accepted , and the penalty will bo coriospondlngly light The alleged Hlolcn braps futures v\oio on exhibition In Judge Maker's court room. Woods shuddered every tlmo the brakes vvcro brought to view In itspon ° o to questions pertaining to the theft , ho was nervously prompt In reply , and when the I.S3UO of guilt v\us under discussion IIP rolled out n string of "yes n-a-h-H" that brought hick momoiles of old plantation days , "fl-a-vv-d knows , " "as 0-a-w-d Is . " "I hopes I fall d-a-i-d " my jedgo. may - - - , and a founders volume of ether character istic expressions * are a part of Wood * . ' vo cabulary. The ease as to Taylor wan suhmlttenl tc fie Jury Filday afternoon and after bilci delibi ration a verdict was declared flndinp t'io oceuped guilty of grand larceny Judgi I'plicr ordered the Jury discharged nnd with. 1-old sentence for the convicted prisoner MtarrwhilcTavlor wn'i remanded to the mttoily of the nherifl' SUING THE UNITED STATES 1lriiilnT oT IliinliH I'mill 1,1 li-Nlr < ItCl'Ollllll hill CM IlllllllllN III lilt * . \oIIILMll ! ( of l.illlllN , In the United States circuit court , Annie M. Hankf. Waltei H JJanl.8. Lewis A. llanki and Tracy K. DariKa have liiKtltutcd s'll ngaliiBt thei United State-n government foi the purpreo of oetabllbhlng their light t < pcitlclpate in the allotment of the Ian I- sot npait for the members of the Sac anTe < To\ tribe of Mlsboui ! Indiana residing | i the fitatcM of Nrbiaikn nnd Kansas undci th terms of a. treaty made between the gov urr.ment and tribe Mime ycara ago. In their petitions filed I'rlelay the com plalnnnts nv < > r that they are children o one William IlanUs xon of U'llllam Hank. , who married a woman of the Sac and FOJ Small sbes ladies'shoes $1 * )0 to $ ' * ' MJ t ff fegU . go at Misses Shoos ffttf Hi to 2 , Ml worth $1.35 . . . s' ' * Child's Shoos | g 8) ) toll. fr S worth SI. 15. . . . w V Child's Shoca 5 to 8 , worth $1 Infant's Shoes 1 to 5 , for Infant's soft solo fancy boo- tcos , A-oi'th 50c Infant's fancy Moccasins , for tribe , known as Jane Obce ; that the meim- bersblp of the grandmother In the trlbo never questioned , but that she wn.s Granted full privileges or trlbiil members , as was atao the father of the complainants , w p was educated at a government Indian scbool la Iowa ; that ( ho first tlmo the mem bership of the complainants in the triba was denied was when tho. Department en the Interior refused to lesue them deals for the land which they had entered under terms of the treaty. BAPTISTE LOOKS FOR BLOOD AVoiiliI He AieiiKi'il AKilnxt lite .Neuro AVIio hliot Him , mid IH A til1. Ill lioeUeil I i > . Lou Uaptlste , the wrestler , v\ho was shot through the leg by the porter ot the Windsor hotel ten days ago , Is again In trouble. He end his pal , M. Landon , were released from jail Thursday , vvhcro they had been held for trial on a charge of robbery. They re turned at once to the Windsor hotel , where the shooting and lobbery occurred , and de clared their intention of "putting Lo Stone otf watch. " Lo Stone Is the poiter who filed the shot , OftlcorH were callul and the pair , after a freedom of about eight hours , vxero again locked up. In his report on the case to Captain Her yesterday Desk Sergeant Havey ot the night shift says- "Haptlsto wants to bo shot again. It would ho well to 'can' this fellow before ho makob any moro trouble. " "After doctors failed to euro mo of pneu monia I used Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure and three bottles of It cured me. It Is also the best remedy on earth for whooping cough. It cured my grandchildren of the worwt cr.fps , " vviltos John Ilcrry , Loganton , Pa. 11 Is the only harmless remedy tha' gives Immediate irHUlts , Cures coughs , colds , cioup and throat and lung troubles. Moth ers cndotso it. Mortiilltv .SttitlntleH. Tlio following blrtliB nnd ilcatlm wcio re-ported nt thn olllco of theHoaiel of Health during the twonly-tour hiiur.s ended at noon Friday : Illlth.s-Hullv UoWItt. Twentieth nnd Kim , lieiy ; Plorro Sanders , 11)11 ) South Fif- tecntl ) , boy , Mlchanl Tlgho , mi North eighteenth , boy ; John K Potter , 70' ) Pa cific , lioy ; IJurncRt A. IJlncr , WIN North Twenty-ninth , girl ; Christ n lineke-H , lillB finite , hey ; Tliuddmn Irwin , Sil'j Ohio , lil DesitliH Chnrlcs Anderson , Unst Omaha , II years , Frank Oscar Dle-Hon , 1897 .Mason , uj are dangerous ; they weaken the constitution , inflame the lungs , and often lead to Pneumonia. Cough syrups arc useless. The system must be given strength and force to throw off the disease. will do this. It strengthens the lungs and builds up the entire system. It conquers che inflammation , cures the cough , and prevents serious trouble. joe and f i co , ill dnittUtl , SCOTT & . UOWNL , Uicinliti , New Verk. ladles' CKforel foi 1'iulles' L/uro Shoes for . . . . . . l.adle.i button ulioca CIl- for OlJC Ladles' HOUSQ OC Slipper * QG Ladles' House OC Slipper * u3C Ij.idk'.s' HouseinA Slipper.- , tJaC Ladles' House ) RQn Flippers 3 fw Boys' extra jjraelo IUPO Hhocs Youth's ' ex tra , yrado lace shoes. . . Men's shoes $ Jj Ladies $2.50 boxed calf hhoes Thete atid lots moi-o will prove ho.v wonder fully great this shoo sale is. Peremptory Auction Sale ON TVEDXISSDAJT ANU U'JIUnSDA Y. F.UU 14 AND 15 , 1900 , Wo AVI1I Sell IVrvmtitorlly nt 1'rilI.IC AUCTION for Account ] "lr > I iiil < > rirltiTM AT 181 AND ISO tMONUOK ST. CHICAGO , THE ENTITE WHOLESALE PAPER STOCK OF j. AV. m TI.Kit pvi'Kii co , , CHICAGO , Inventoried Value $300,000 , , CONSISTING OK Hook , Uoml , Print , Covei , Writing , Lodger , .Manlll.iH nnd Paper oC c\ery < lescriptlon Hristol Hoard , Hnvelopei , Cut OurdB Twine , etc In fu'-t l.u ge quantities ot c-verj thliifj In'tho ' paper line Nlnetv per out of. block is perfect and will be ho jjuaratitcev ] The damuge'd .stock will 1 > o sold separately Stock on exhibition MONDAY , K13IJ. J2TH. S Mil 111. CVi\S , Maiiiittfr. \VEST13IIN SAbVAUE WKBOK.ING VGCNC1. CHICAGO Ueo , Fob. 10 , 1300 Is the regular wash day , when > ou nto WASH A- LONIJ SOAP It is only about two hours work that tlmo , fuel and labor. ntafto IIfo living ? care Bilious and nervous Disorders , JO rrnli anil 3R c'oiiln , nt drug vtorei. { ? Eterna ! K IH Inillt not feir today , but for the nc.\t contury. IT you move- Into ( The Bee Buiiding jou can rct nsBiiroil you will never ulwli to move out nxiiln. Many of our tenants have hern In It filncc It vvn built. When you itiovi- move to htiiy. R. C , Peters & Co , dental Agents , Ground floor , Bee Building , ,