Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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    l2 TflE OMATiA TATLY lll ia s vrrTirA1 , rEBfTTATf' 10 , 1900 ,
, 1111-D DLC1ARES Ili11SIIC ;
At Rtqust of Republican Voters OonserU
to the of liia Name for Mayor ,
sal S. Streeter or .Inutrn r , llopd
inniriI nn I'rrhuhle ( : hide. of
' 1'rIiitiiUhelt1'10 of Ienm-
crallo In rty Mnrhluc.
Tim following documentn have just been )
Injerte4 Into the repubhcnn campaign for
the mayoralty , defining the nllltUdo of one
of the repubilcnns wboso name has heen frequently -
quontly beard in connection wltb discussions
of mayoralty timber :
OMMIA , Neb. , Jan. 31 , 1900.-11. J Pen
fold , 14sq. , Dear Sir : We , the undorslgned
renitent and republican r.t'rs of the Ninth I
wart ( , bring convineei that our nomimw
for mayor sheuld be n mmn of integrity ,
provn worth , of ( teat record , known bust-
, 2Ir 9 qualltications and trpresentnlivo of
progrosiye corn merrlaI IHterestH , re
spertftI ' request you to pormtt your
none to be II U d its a emundttiato fur mayor
nt the cumlu > cleetlau.
J. F. Baum , N. h , Guckert ,
] ) r C. F , Smith , W. S , .fardhle ,
F. If. Onhte s , 1 , 11. Dumont ,
3 , ' . 1' . 1Irkrndull , Ie. ,1 , , . lluileu ,
grorgo F. lBdwell , Gould Dk tz ,
] L M. IInward , IInry ! I'lsher ,
1. , C. Morehouse , ( ' . 1 : . Alipn ,
A. 11. Noyes , F' . It. I'nyne ,
1' . L. IltrriN , I. . \ . Johnson ,
\Vlltam ; II. Brown , P , N .ludMan ,
FI U. MeI ton , Dr , A. . I3. SamerN ,
and other ( ' ,
Vrbrinry l , 1)-Meaais. ,1 , F Baum ,
Dr C I : . Smith , t. U. Oalnes ,
full others , Gcntleunen : Al the rn
quust of yourselves and other re-
ptlhlloauiH , I Cons.nt to the use of my
name and will hccane a candid iito fur thu
iamluallott of Inn ynr at uhe city cunveu
nun nud If , In the Judgment of the re
pubill ao $ of Ihl i city , I can be of service
In Il a Uturty , x 111 do nil In my now er to
prove worthy of such 'on xlderatinii.
I um zealous for the elly's growth and
P1ospt'rlty , and ; olu with other voters of
ihn elty In thu hope that a tlekel w'III t
be phtrwl In noudnation nt the coming i
convention that will have thu endorsement
of nil the re tiblleut voters of the city ,
w'htt it can be altalned If the business Ii
tr'teats of 11W city are alive to the slittn
tton , 1111(1 lake nn interc it In the ward I
prlmurles , Yours truly ,
11. J. TENFOLD ,
Secretary Wldtehorn swill have his headquarters -
quarters at 1712 Farnam street , lice lmild-
inq , Paturday aid Monday to receive petl-
tlnue of candidatec nn8 delegatlons and to
attend to other busluess of thu republican
city commitleo.
Wliile It waa chiefly by placing at the
head of their tickets in doubtful wnrds a
declaration in favor of "Frank J. Burkh y
orV. . S , I'uppleton" for mayor that the
Jacksonian club carried the day agallist ( lie
County Democracy at the primaries , it may.
note ho stated with considerable certainly
that the placing of ihlrkley's name In such
n position wan merely a blind and that
neither Uurklcy nor Poppleton is likely to
ho lhu cholco of that organization for the
mayoralty. It is nolceayle ( that in the
wards where the Jaclomnlat crowd was as-
eured of a victory , notably the First , Second
and Ninth wards , no mention wait made of
Burhley or Poppleton , but in the wards
'where thin County Democracy was prepartd
to make a strong fight the Jnchsanlans captured -
tured their thunder by placing at the head
of the Jacksonian ticket the preferred cam-
dldato of the County Democracy , qualified by
the words "or w. S , Poppleton. " The leaders -
ers of the County Democracy have all along
contended that the Jacksonian did not mean
to nominate Rurkley. It was their firm be-
hlef that Gil Newell was to receive the support -
port of the IIerdman crowd and that the
placing of Burkley's name on the ticket w'ns
a bhhul. It now appears from statemcnte of
yprotnlnent Jaehsonlans that a portion of this
conjecture was correct. One of the foremost
Jnchsonlpns said yesterday :
"You may say with great positiveness that
It will not ho Frank B ukley. 'rho Jack-
eoulaus are sere at the manner to which he
tlim-fianmod then at the primaries and will
not stand for it. The nominee for mayor
Will ho either Ed S , Streeter , the Seventh
ward traveling maim , or James 1 : , Lloyd.
Frank Burkley is not In the race. No , Ed
Ilowell is clear out of It , and there ts no
thought aniong Jncitsontans of nominating
him. '
'l'ime total vote cast at time democratic
'primaries ran to 1,175 , being as follows in
the various wards : First , 17.1 ; Second , 308 ;
Third , 05 ; Fourth , 1117 ; Fifth , 201 ; Sixth ,
143 ; Seventh , 111 ; Eightlu , 161 ; Ninth , 127.
\\'ldin defeated , the County Democracy Is
not without hope of exerting some hulluenco
in the selection of the nominees of the democracy -
ocracy at Saturday's convention.
, \\e wihl have twenty-eight votes hn that
convention and I want to tell you that it
ivlli be a solid twenty-eight'said n Well
ltnoivn member. " \\o will probably have
'a twenty-eight' banquet befory we gel
through. That number will nmko a
pretty good showing ho a convention of
eighty-ono , and I avant to tell you we are
going to get recognition as a minority of
auflcient respectability to hnvo wishes that
arc worth respecting , Laylug aside all dis-
cusslon of the methods by which the Jack-
Foniaus secured control of the convention ,
'which were In ninny instances disreputable ,
I lcfi yet that the majority had better give
sonic thought in the coming convention to
the wishes of time ninority , or the victors
viii hour soanolbing drop before the cam-
palgn is over , "
ffI' 'Ps Ilnod red and Slxty prim .trr
cugtln Ire Wltlle the Cold
. .Ypalher Lasts ,
The tee companies of Omaha are taking
advanlugo of the cold weather and have
about 760 men engaged In harvesting the Ice
crop , The Ice now being cut is ten incites
thick-the Idea thickness for hnndlhng.
Throa ctmpnnles are at work at Cut-Off
lima-Swift aul Company , with 200 moo ,
dinmtnond , with nbnut 100 , and time Iteservoir
Ice couumpany , with 200. 'rho Cudahy company
Is eullutg at Seymour lake , running a crow
of 200 mcmm.
\\'Ith ( ho Immprovnd methods of handling
leo and the prospective duration of the cold
weather all fears ot1un ice famtno are dlssi
pated ,
neWltt'sWhich hazel Salvo Is unequalled
Icl' plies , injuries amid skit diseases , It Is
the original Witch hazel Salta Beware of
all counlerfelta ,
14ulrreiv.kl , llncnln , I'rhrnnry 1. .
Thu Burlington route svlll run a special
train Omaha to Lincohn and return for the
accommodatloa of those dalring to atteol
the I'aderowskl concert , provldcd 100 or
more persons signify-not later ( ban Thurs.
day , February S-their intention to patronise
The round trip rate 'viii be $2.20 ,
it interested , telephone or write Clement
Chafe , 1518 Farnam at. , from whom tickele
for thu concert may be secured.
IlundUtg 1'rru hl. ,
The following permits have been issued
from the o111cc of the building fnspactor :
\V hi. llussell , Nlneteentlm and Locust ,
frano dw'elling , $1,400 ; L , J , Rohrbaugh ,
7'went-tlrst and Sprague , frame dwelllug ,
il,0.U ,
JIiffARD-.Mss Mollie a sister of Ilelen
Caldwell tlibboed , \\'etlnesduy morn/mug /
at LaN Vegas , New Alextca ,
' 1'hio funeral service nv111 ho held In
Omaha at All Stints' rhumb on Saturday
afterauon at 2:30 o'clock ,
i'ntlirr Shuddrrn nt n Vllc1'ord ' : he
Cited nud Icrllnen In htr-
Uenl 11 lu Court.
Minnie K. Welland , 15-year-old daughter
of A. ILelland , baker , 121 Alason
aueet , was tried in police court Friday mutt-
ernoon on a charge of lneorriglbhllty and
was acquitted. The court foam was crowded
with neighbors of the Weiland family ,
nearly all of whom were in sympathy with
the girl. Sane of them testified in her be-
half. She will be detained in custody of the
police matron for a few dnys until a honme
can be fond for her. The humane society
is not disposed to Interest Itaelt in the case ,
as the girl refuses to go to the house of time
good Shepherd ,
tier father teellfied that his daughter
runs away , uses bad language , goes out
nights , dances In an obscene manner and Is
a haul girl generally , so ho wanted to send
her to thin reform school , Miss \Vellnnd had
many' witnesses who te3tlled that she
Is nttsused at home nail that her stepmother -
mother , is'ho is also her aunt. Is cruel to
her. The father admitted ( lint the humane
society has Ind hint arraigned for cruelly
to his young emus. Time girl pretty , modest-
rtppearing and undeveloped as a chill , was
defended by dity Prosecutor Miller.
"You say time girl is wild , " said Attorney
Miller. "What do you mean by that ? "
" \Vell , " answered the father , "she dances
the can-can , sings and kicks up , and uses
language that I can't repent here , "
"From whom n does she learn this profan
Ity ? Don't you use ball language yourself
sometlnes ? "
"Ycs ; I have to , to snake her mind , "
" \Vhat's that ? " demanded Judge Cordon -
"Your honor , I have to say ' - - it ,
I won't eland no more of lids ! '
"Tell the court what profane or obscene
words she used , " resumed Attorney Miller.
" \Vell , silo used one awful bad word that
I can't repeat. "
" , 'lmisper it to the court in hearing of
only the county attorney and myself , "
"No , I can't do that. "
" \\'ell , write it , then , "
"I-I-I just can't. " And the father
All attempts to get the epithet Into cvl-
deneo failed. The attorney gave it up , and
this prodigy of a word-thnt there Is reason
to betievo would wither the tongue and
curdle rho Ink-remained unFpoken ,
Yeti won't regret the day you commenced
to trade' with us , for we' w'lll always look
after your wants and asaure } au that everything -
thing you buy of us will be of the best.
Read our ad on page 7 , Ilayden Bros ,
Voruter Chief 1lxeeutlve of lhnalum to
tbrund for the I'Irst 'I'huc
lu Fh'c 1lonths.
R , C Cushing , mayor of Omaha from ISS9
to 18J1 , unw a railroad contractor of Chicago -
cage , is in the cIty , accompanied by his
wife , Mr. Cushing is walking with crutches
as the result of an accident last October In
widei ho snstainetl a broken leg , lie has
been out of bed only a short time , and this
trip to Omaha is the 11rst time he has been
abroaa stnco time mishap , lie gives this account -
count at his misadventure.
"It was October 21. In a double-seated
rig , with an aee'etant and driver , I started
out in the morning to inspect a survey for a
new line of road in Wyoming not far from
Cheyenne. We hud driven about forty miles
and toward oveuhmg were returning to Badger -
ger , a little station where we had estab
Iished temporary headquarters. We were
within about five minutes' drive of Badger.
Time driver had thrown the lines over the
dashboard to light his pipe. The read lay
through a cut , a steep bluff being on either
"As the driver picked up the lines I think
ho must have got tlmem crossed , far the
team suddenly turned to the left and started
to plunge up the Incline. The vehicle overturned -
turned and nil of us were thrown to the
ground. The old maim who was with me was
badly shaken up and was unconscious for
some time. Time driver was practically unhurt -
hurt , but my right ankle was broken , and
I w'as almost helpless. We hind a time getting -
ting loaded up and started. It the team had
run away we'd have stayed there all night ,
perhaps , os the road Is little traveled , "
Mr. Cushing w'111 rennin In the city abed
a week , when ho will return to Wyoming
and attempt to resume work.
t'olnt. U Pistol sit Lone ' Vonuui In
n Store laid tk'nuuuls Ilcr
3 ! o u , s ,
A negro entered the grocery store of A.
Muchneck , 121 North Twelfth street , about
5:30 : o'clock Thursday night , and drawing a
revolver from his hip pocket pointed It at
Mrs. Muchneck , who worms behind the
"Give me all your money , " he demanded ,
"and don't let moo hear a peep out of you
or 1'11 ' shoot ! "
But the woman , who was alone In the
store with her two young sons , dropped
beldnd the counter aid began to scream ,
her cries for help were refumforccd'by ' those
of the two bays. A moment later , when
help arrived , the negro was gone. The boys
say he ran the first time time woman
screamed ,
A negro named John Molls was arrested
glmarged with the attempted holdup , but
there is a question whether lie Is the right
man , A son of Mrs , Muchneck called at the
police station yesterday , but failed to idou-
tlfy hhn. The boy says the negro who oa
tered the store Is much larger than Dolts ,
We are now making prices that w11l oh-
meet stop the wind from blowing , Read our
Saturday offerings on page 7 , Hayden Bros.
t I
There's only one quickest ,
shortest , best line to Seattle-
time Burlington Route , via BII-
It Is several hundred canes
sbortor and half a day quicker
'than any other ,
Through tourist sleepers
twice a week-Tuesdays aid
Thursdays ,
Tickets and berths a t
Ticket Olfice , Dudington Station ,
Ito ? FARNAM ST , 10th a MASON Sta.
Telephone 250. Telephone 310.
O,11AI111 TO lltlVE t1UDIlOR1U l
- - - - - -
Men Who Are Qualified to Conduct Such
Project Successfully So Declare ,
Ilan rd of 1)1rerlorn of Iluutitn .tndl-
Urlunt .tnatt'lalion Ileld rutltunl-
nstit 1trelltig nod Appolnt
Neeennars' CnnunI Iccs ,
df the character amt standing of the nmeu
who nro manifesting on interest In the
project and the enthusiasm with which they
have taken hold of It anew is any measure
of its prospects of success Omaha is destined
to soon add an audltorlum to its ninny
metropolitan advantages. At a called meeting -
ing of the board of directors of time Omaha
.ludttoriunm association at the rooms cf the
Commercial club there was practically n full
attendance and comisiderablo thane was spent
In an enthusiastic discussion of the project ,
the result of which was that comnuttees
were appointed looking to time carrying Into
effect of time purposes of the association ,
whlch was Incorporated seine time ago.
It was decided that a most desirable been-
ttots would ho Kounize park , a traot of eleven
acres lying between Nlnetcenth and Twenty-
first streets , 1n time very center of the Cm and
Court of honor of ( ho exposition This
tract has been set apart as n public park
and as soon as means me available will ba
beautified as ouch by the Board of Park
Couuinissioners , if permission can be secured -
cured to locnto an auditorium thereon it Is
the Intention of the auditorium association
to expend senlething like $30,000 In the
erection of such n bulling at the same time
that. the vorlc of parking time tract is undertaken -
taken ,
A committee , comprising A , P. Tultey and
Fred Abets , tens uppoluteil to confer with
the Board of I'ark Comudssioners with a
view of oblalning such pornlisslon. This
property was given to the city by Mr ,
Kountzo upon condition that ht ho auntie a
public park and beautified nit such , but it is
thought that the donor would not object to
the building of an auditorium upon one end
of it , especially when such a strictut'e need
not Interfere vlth the general plan of 'the
park and can he made to atugment rather
( luau eurtoll ( ho benefit of such a park to
tutu pnbllc ,
Anotimer committee , comprising Messrs. R ,
C. Jordan , J , 11. Evans and Harry Lawrie ,
was appointed to Investigate and report upon
the plans and cost of a suitable building.
Among time meu who appear to be manifesting -
festing limo dcepcst interest lit this project
are C. II. Pickuns , chairman of the executive
committee of the Commercial club ; C , F.
\\'eller , J. H. Evans of the park commission ,
A. I' . 7'ukey mud it. C , Jordan , Speaking
of lima project Me , I'ickens said :
"I have favored such an enterprise for
some years , but It has been thought best
during the two years just closed not to
push It. Ot course It could not have been
successfully done during time Transmississippl
exposition year , as Omaha people had about
all on land that they could profitably attend
to , and tine recurrence of too exposition ,
with its unsatisfactory financial results ,
made it itnpossiblo to talk Auditorium last
year , There Is no good reason why the
enterprise should not now be pushed to a
successful conclusion. I think the location
now under discussion an extremely advantageous -
vantageous one , if it - n he secured , When
Kountzo park is improved by the park commission -
mission ht will be a model location , The
evening attendance at the exposition has
demonstrated that it is not so far out that
it wealth not ho easily accessible with the
street railway facilities it possesses , "
Atttention has been called to the fact that
in many titles that possess Audltorhmm
buildings they are located away- from the
business centers. The Kansas City
Audltorutn is said to be fully as far away
from the center of .travel and tranrc as the
proposed Omaha location , while the Chicago
building that did service as an Auditorium ,
wns located away out at the old World's
Fair grounds.
Drs , Lord A : Bustin , 501 Paxton block ,
DoYou Suose
'rhat s'e would spend our time continually -
ally potmdllg on ( RAMER'S KIDNEY
CURE unless we were satisfied tat there
w as merit in It and that it is the best
nreuarnliou fir the market for kidney
troubles ? We have established a record lu
this overgrown country 4oivn for veracity
and ive don't pt'opuso to lose It , If you are
in doubt about our record ask nay of the
defunct 53 pill makers. We mean that
gong that wnntnl to knock us out. ( 'RAM-
ER'S KIDNEY CURE has boon ( tied by
Omaha's lending clUzens , who have cheerfully -
fully teslilled to the benellts derived by
uslig it ,
'ri [ : , can bo hud at thin following leading
drug stores :
Sherman .C McConnell Drug Co ,
Boston Store Drug Deportment.
Max Becht , 720 South 16th street.
Deutscher Apolheker , u-'t North 10th St.
t'nr , 10th uutl Chlcagu .
Ihy buying your tickets to
SAN Flu.tNCISC ( AND O'1'IIi It I'A-
, .VIA „
Sait Lake
San .
Francisco 1 W
Los Angeles qt S P CTOAtP y
11AKliS 'l'ulls I'OSSIIIIE.
No C1l.tNGr , S01.ID COMP'Olt'r ,
City Ticket Office 1302 Farnam ,
Distemper - -
Mange -
Just the kind of weather to make your
dog sick. Coughs , colds , fever , distemper
are now prevalent. They can all be cured
by the timely use of
Clayton's Distemperine.
Ceo , II , Moore the Lake street dog fan.
cler says : "There Is ncthing better. "
Dirty dog houses aad bedding this time
of year cause scratches and mange , Take
( lien In time and they can be speedily cured
each 50e per bottle.
Send for book on the dog ,
10th uudloti lmis St ,
l'ollrelnr llnute ltnkra nn ituportnnt
t'erhnl Itulhtg en Iu ( turn-
Iluu of Itci rune ,
Collector Houtz has made a verbal ruling
in a case under the tear stamp act of time
internal revenue law s'imlch will he of great
interest to county oflelals throughout the
Nebraska echicetion dietriet. The matter
came up on the persunnl application of W.
C. Phillips , clerk of time district court of
Lancaster county , tinder the precedents es-
tabllshed Mr. Phillips has dcpcslled in a Lincoln -
coln bank the stoney which carne into his
hoods by virtue of ids office , and lute Issued
checks for limo amounts due partles to suits ,
witnesses and others , Thursday he applied
to the collector for a ruling as to whether
these checks requirctl a stamp under the
provision excepting legal processes amid other
oilkial pnpers.
The collector lucid that , as the expense of
stamping the check would be borne by the
county in cane 1t was requlrcd , the check
neetleti no stamp. The clerk was requested
to file his question In iv'rilbtg and tine matter -
ter , togetlmer with the ruling t f time co1
lector , would be sent to R'asidnglon far final
decision , but pendhmg the decisiat alVash -
ington no stanps are required in the Nebraska -
braska district on chocks issued by time
clerk Iii his official capacity ,
- -
hiruug Slnre Iturglitry ,
Through n basement window btuGtnrs en- t
tem'etl the drug store of Atyers , l' Dillon at
Sixleeumtlt and Ftu unm streets early yester
tiny mornlug mad rlilrd time cashu rt'gister of
$10.90 stud cu : riel au'ity a feu- articles of
nierhmdlse Iii their haste to get nwny
the i Isilors dropped sei'erit small coins
upon lime floor , viuIch they did mint stop
lu recover. Soma two w'celcs ago the store
wait vlsitetl by hurgiars , ivho gttlned fur en-
ti'anco tlu'nugh the snnie w'indow , but they
did not effect rum entrance Into the cnah
box ,
"I hail dyspepsla for years. No medicine
ivas so effective as Kodol Dyspepsia Cute.
It gave Immediate relief. Two bottles pro.
duced marvelous results , " writes L. 11. War
ren , Albany , Wis. It digests what you cat
and cannot fall to cure.
t r
t' ' ' \
Several styles ,
Spring styles.
( lade as good
As they can be
] ion the money , SG. 50 to
58.50 ,
o &SI 0 ,
1510 Uoii las Street ,
Soap haper
Dirt !
We have put on smile llmis week 1,000 boxes
Toilet Soap , wbichtw'o will close out at a
sacrifice. Just notice our window and sec
the bargains we arb. offering ,
this week only ; regular price 25c.
Juvenile Soap , Lc and lOc a bar.
Imported Castile Soap , 25c , lOc , 5c per bar.
Packer's Tar Soap , 15c cake ,
Cutlcura Soap , 20c cake ,
Pears' Soap , scented , l5c cake ,
Pears' Soap , unscented , 12c cake ,
Out Price Druggists ,
St , Onlahu ,
222 South pith - -
Ilnden Itrnr , .lrc yrruiii huts lllnn
front Armour' . lit It'nrt of Ilrrf.
It's just a blle nail a sip , but It's de-
Ilclnuls. It Is tree and we tell you nil about
how to use Armnour's Ixtraet of Incf In
uaking palnlnbio anti toothgnnme dishes ,
Try It tomorrow , IUVbRN I31tOS. ,
See bargains on page 7.
'I'Itca Arm' 'I'Irrd of the , lulu ,
May Ynger'ipm ! stint August 11. Vacer
for divnree , alleging that he Is tan lnz > I , ,
worst. Site dots not nuncr w ertis , bit
spenka right out nail says 'lazyq'li , '
were man rrird In CounclI Iliufis , , Mitre ] C , ,
4'atherine curry wnnts to be Fcparated
from John 11 , Curry. She alleges thin t lie
Is an habitual drunlamrd timid ( lint he w'ns
guilty of rxitoni' r ruelty.
1i i 1
In our nesv lotalout ( at Slxtentim nu(1
i 1)udgr th „ prescriptimt departnmcnt
1a ht the 1t.\SDMEN'1' , zt vui ( rein the hustle
and cnnfuslou of a busy- store , ilere we
lutve teen whose wiuoie time and nttentln
Is devoted ht coot poundhag physicians' prt'-
seriptlous anti the nuunifactamitug of such
preparatlous ns are needed In ntu' store ,
dams Insuring prtumpluess and it ceuuu'y to
tuur prescrlptInn wank. Out' luhoratnry
and warrhuuse i lil rcnudti at oar old location -
cation , uccupyiuig all of this three ( lours
tvtth the exceplhit of time h'ont sixty at'
eighty feet , wldch is for rent ,
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co
Nen Locmuthum , SV. . ( 'or , 1l iii nud
Iudae ,
5c , IOc,15c , and 25ct
75c , 95c and 51150.
15c , 25c , 45c and 75c
55198 , $6(90 $ , $7175 $ and $9t5O. $
lOc,15c , , 20c and 25c.
45c , 65c , 90c and $1.25.
uardote e I ofh to9 Co. ,
Capitol Ave. , Near 16th St.
Close to Bennett's.
Q I 19A S T. LOUIS R. R.
41 Mlles the Shortest
t ®
2B Miles the Shortest
® UiHCyr
Trains leave UNION STATION daily
for St , Louis , Qnlney , Kansas City and
all paints east or south , 1
Home Seekers ExcorSlons
Feb. 6th and 20th.
All Information at City Otllce , 1415 Far
earn St. ( Paxton Hotel Block. (
AYE Without Fedr
Cotrdfflction s
We openly state that we will give the greatest bargains
in Jackets , Suits , Capes , Skirts and Waists for the
next few days that were ever ofiered by any ( louse in Western -
ern America. This is no idle boast but a conscientious state-
ment. '
When we give you the choice of any jacket - \
' : ' et in the house for $7 , 50 , we give you a1 i as
4 sortment that is unequalled for quality ,
, , ' style and value. Your choice for only $7.50
Another lot of 297 Jackets in elegant na-
terials , garments that would grace a queen
O -our American queehs can buy them Sat. \
a urday at only $2.98. t
A mixed lot of .Jackets , worth 55,00 and
SG , ooI on sale at 98c ,
' Our suits-what we have left of thorn , ,
' ' there are only 2'10-must be sold no nuttier
the price they bring. \
Suits w o have been selling as high as $25.00 $ , are now only , $10,00.
\\'o have suits ivlllt jackets silk lined thmcuglmout , only $5.98 , t
Theu two bargains urn unapproachabho.
375 Children's Jackets on haiid and lutist be sold.
Not one garment of any description will ho carried over. All go in two lots : About
an equal division o1 the regular price at $1.98 and $2.98.
We have sold iii the last two months more sllk su'aisls than all the houses in Omaha
combined , We have a lot left hr odd sizes odd colors ; handled considerably , ivill be
sold Saturday at $2,50 ,
lit ladies dress skirts we have n very neat assortment. We have one lot 1n
plaids , stripes timid checics that sold up to $5,00 , for $1.98.
Wu bavo a lot of erepon skirts which are as good as gold this season. They are
'worth up to $9,00 , on eaio at only $5,00.
OUR UNDI.tSICIIT DEPARTMENT-We pride ourselves on. We have all the now
opting styles hl all time new spring shades in ( ho merceriznl materials , We have the
cerise , cardinals , hellos , wine colors , grays , blacks and all other desirable shades , We '
ivlll ho more than pleased to have you call and Inspect them ,
There arm a few odd fur garments-jackots and capes-that we arc anxious to close
out at half price.
OUR WRAPPER BUSINESS always successful boeause we give you excellent values.
A price surprise unheard of-Ladles fleece l hmgd and Ilanneletto wrappers , worth $1.50
for 6Oc ,
0 0
0 We can't
0 I J . C
oo I y ht : save ott CC j
o z . a. / C
, , t , Fromil a water grave if C
0 - - ; , yell don't keel ) away from C
the wfltei' . „ 'll C
nlvOt'tice (
. . , .
? . , , C
, 1 1 l S l 1 OlllalicJ ; d10h , , C
0 0 U"r o slake you the best cC
0 : Aloe prices of any house wo know ol' , llre've c
0 shoes t'or both nleh 1u w oillen , rood , well C c
0 made ouos , rood , thick soled , they keep you
0 0 oat of iho wnttir , and away l'ronl the clan ] 1 ) , ° 0
0 cold groulut. it's a dangorotls . of busi- 0
0 ilSN ( ! , this ileglt.'etlll h your' shoe wants , but 0 t
0 7 0
0o wllat's ills use of r + von . know what's ' 0
o the best for you , and we know YOU know of it. 0
0 0
0 'Frio only question is whore ago you going to 0 o
0o buy your shoes ; ' .flits store ] hakes a sti'on r o
0 ptlll for cone bnsinesS by giving you the best 0 0
0 0 fbe the 1cast , Your chanch for getting pleased o
0 lit i" is better ilan illost st01'e5' ' because of large 0
o toeli to sLlet.t from , rIhL moreL buy the ' 0
0 0 Cheaper We buy. The More we sell the chea1r o
0 or we sell , 0
0 0
0 1iroff ? ) ? ' s Shoes ( flf $1.90 , ffnlltless fitters , per- o I
0 0 sect in construction , style aucl sizes. You'll pay 0
o , ? . 50 for suiio ; shoe if you don't buy tcut here. 0 0
0 , 0
0 11en s , So s at $2.JO , gums of artistic shoo 0
0 0 making , well matte , goolyeaevelt shoes-lots 0
0 of you have been paying ti ) . 50 aid didn't get 0 o
0 aS 6 rood a shoe. 0
0 0
0 , ® 0
0 0
0 0
D I e' ' 0 0
0 0 1
rah e Piano 9eS ® ®
In new and used Pianos. This week you can make n large saving on Planes
of the followIng makes : Steinway , A. II , Chase , Vose , Emerson , Packard and
leers & Pond , A few bargains of other makes :
One Billings Upright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00
One Lyon & Ileals Utprlsht , . . , , . , , . , . $110.00
Ono Story .C Camp Upright . . . . , . , . . . . $150,00
Kienball Upright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $155.00
Hallett 6 Danis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225.OD
Steinway Upright . , , . . . . . . . , , . , . . $285,00 ltt > F it
New eastern made Uprights only . , . . . $165.00
Square Pianos and Organs- -
$15 , $ u , $36 , $18 and up.
Wo sell on easy monthly paymedts , rent , tune , exchange , move , and store
Piance. Telephone 1625.
You are cordially Invited to inspect time SELF-PLAYING PIANOLA , TIlE
WORLD'S GREATEST MUSICAL INVENTION. It plays any piano ; any one can
play it , Write for catalogue , prices and bargain list.
c mo er tie er. . .
, ,
Steinway & Sons 1313 Farnam Street.
Representatives. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
B ar ains
AYE S a a
l'ien's heavy ulsters , made of reliable black frieze , 95
formerly sold for 55 , special Saturday for only . . . , p '
lllerl's fine suits of worsted and caSSimere , from elnall lots- k
which sold for ,57,50 to ,511.50 ,
Spccialfor Saturday only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a
Ps e r in a House is Yours e
for S91115
No matter the previous price , no matter the big values that
old up to $22.50-take quick advantage of this the beat
bargain in Omaha , any one in the house 9.15
for only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . -
Of 1800 men's Guest winter suits and overcoats , for $14,75 ,
former prices 827 , 50 , $25 , $2,5O and 520-they are high 'A
grade odls and ehds and broken lots , from a big business , all
vinter stock , must be closed out at once , 'I'her'e is no ofree it i
O maha that will equal this one , 4 7 5 .
SeILLt a suit or overcoat for , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Big Bargains for Big Mcrt.
g200 men's finest tailored trousers , in sizes from 38 to 52
vaists and 29 to 36 lengths , not a pair of pants worth less
han r3 , 50 and up to c7 , 50 , bargain Saturday for only
i1.75 , $2.50 and $3,75.
others of Boys
Falco your choice of any double breasted knee pants suit ,
'estee suit , top overcoat or reefer , all sizes from ; 1 to 1G , suits ,
op coats and reefers worth from $3 , 50 to $7 , 50 , choice Sat-
lyday for $1,75 and $2.99. All styles ,
On Lard , on Liam , on
Bacon is a uarantee
of purity.
Swift and Company ,
Chic.tgo , Kansas City , ( Anuhu ,
St , Louis , St. Joseph , St , Paul ,
r r ,
- 9
That tooth of yours , Doesn't ' it ? It jurob
ably needs extracting. If so , by the use of
, Vitalized Air ive ivlll remove it amid no junto
to you whatever. i'ossibly if , can be saved ,
If so , vu'll tell you ,
Extra'ting 25c
Vltallz d Air 5Ua
Cold Fillings . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . $1.00 up
I Taft's ' Philadelphia Denial Rooms.
I 1G17 IOVULA9 S'1' .