Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Oitj Ctapnipa ii Fast AppmeMug tbe
FonaU Opeaia § ,
tnterettlnc nntch of > e n jGo lt
U thrrd llcrp nnd Thrrr In
All the ' \arl Q 1'ullt *
II 4or not i ea to aapu- well for Ibe
JackwalBB crew tbat A. Jackura alH > * al
naae to appear " ta oUporttHm delegation -
tion I * tbeT Bth ward , Th inltl * ! if
I laf lly rupEetlvc of the rlgtBal Anflrew
After careful IttTtwUgMioe , " re &r.f4
i uimally otburtnlf aemocrat. " 1 bVf
teaM > 4 tbe * onNu l a thai the j.eadlnK
demoeraUc r w ic tbe ouicropplap of a TOO-
mentous trnur It ft , to cVejuttufttrate to the
po ert , tbat be at Lincoln tbe Identity of
tbe of Omaha polities I learn tbat
fcome time since ootne one from Oraaba 12V1-
aaied t Ooiorser Poynter tbat Walter
Mol enan not tbe * boU thlnp in tbe fusion
jtilltlC5 of tbc rtty. C loae-l MolM' beard of
tbe &ft uH ur > oa bis prectlce and at oaer
deterniiBe4 to ihow tbc Roveraor that tbe
coloaelV swoHl and burl.ler bad not beta
Xin worthily bectowcd. Having callud to bis
ai ] tbe doughty Charley Fanaing be sallied
forth to do battle with tbe Herdtata broth
ers for tbe chieftainship of the deaocratlc
forces of tbe city , and that IK all there is
in tbe current fight as far as I can discover.
It is simply io ascertain nbolher bee Herd-
a.a or "WrittT Moise is tbe of
Oaiaba "
An admirer of R , L. Mrtcalfe * ends Tbe
Bee the follow lac autograph letttr us fur
nishing a possible explanation of tbe ardtnt
mpport * corded Walter Mols e and hie fac
tion of the local democracy by tbe "Woria-
Ucrald and its Kmgcrhm ealtor.
Walter Molse & Co ,
WMsl.ey , Wine and Liquor Merchant * ,
of Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
Bar Glassware and Supplier
OMAHA. Neb. . Due. 1. 1ESE.
My Dew Sir :
The fund towhich you have sut.crlb d
for Richard L. Metcalfe. editor-la-chief of
the World-Herald. Omaha , Neb. , is now
< omplete , and I take great pleasure In say-
dng tbat It has reached the sum we wished.
This will be presented to Mr Metcalfe by
the Honorable W. A. Poynter. governor-
< loct of Nebraska , Saturday eveaiag. De
cember the 3rd.
It Is the purpose of the promoters of the
fund to mal.o the presentation a very quiet
affair , which I am certain would meet the
r wishes of Mr M caUe more fully , b ° lng.
us he is , a man of modest inclination , indis
posed to bombast or ostentation of any kind.
As the chief spirit in this compliment to
Mr Metcalfe 1 thank you slncereJy for your
contribution and am certain that you could
never have parted trlth a donation , which
shown your admiration lor a better or a
noble-r man. A brief congratulatory letter ,
accompanied by the names of all donors ,
will be presented to Mr. Metcalfe. K > that
Jie may * e who of his mupi ardent friendt
contributed thU- token of esteem I am cer
tain you will never regret this art of gen
erosity towards Mr. Metcalfp , who we be-
lir\e is dcstine-3 to pave the way in the
councils of men. I rcmaij. yours truly.
OMAHA , ' Neb. , Teb. 5. To the Editor of
The Omaha Bee : I have noticed se\enj
mtides latelyas to the kind of a ticket
tbe republican party should put in the field
at the coming city convention , aad no two
agree , but all * ay "we should nominate a
clean ticket. "
1 might say 1 have never held offlce nor
am I a candidate , but I want to see tbe re
publican party "both " in Omaha and Douglas
county uphold the national administration
and not be a disgrace to it. as we were at
tbe last election ,
We bate too many factions In this county
Last fall the republican county convention
nominated an exceptionally strong tickta.
which with Judge Reese nominated by tbe
stale convention fwbo. by tbe way , could
not hate been bettered ! was I belie\e the
rtrongest and bctt ticket put In the field by
any contention or party during my twelve
years retidenco here. Not a man on the
ticket v ho was not thoroughly competent
to all the position be Bought , and no ex
cuse In tbe world for any voter who called
himself a republican Jo "knife that ticket , "
yet because the Webster crowd , if you call
them that , organised by holding seciet
rrectlngs did all tbej could to defeat the , with the result tbat three of the
best offices In Douglas county were turned
over to the fiiMonlsts. not tit-cause tbe candi
dates wtre not clean or capable , as they
were both , but because -we. Webster , Tay
lor & Co , could not run the convention.
1 tiellete the republican party Is greater
tban Webster , Taylor. Palmer , Mjers * Burbank -
bank , McDonald et al They organized tbe
Patriotic league and baasted openly iu their
meetings that they bolted tbe ticket be
cause the contention , as they saidwas
ruled by one man , which was not true , and
if it bad In en tbat would not hate been an
excuse lor a republican to have defeated the
ticket. Still. Taylor noldf a fat federal ap-
riointmrnt and Webster want * to be United
States senator
Be republicans and we will disband the
Patriot- ! league of bolters and go Into the
national campaign and put Douglas county
once more in the rei'uMlran column , where
It belongs We will elect an entire repub-
Slow growth of
bfiir comes from
_ leckof haiHood.
The har ! has no life. Itisstsrved. It
keeps corning out , gets thinner end
thinner , bale spots appetr , then
tctusl b&ldness. The only good
hairfoodyoti )
It feeds
tbe roots ,
stops starva
tion , and the
hair grows
thick and
long. Itcures
da n d r u ft" Keep
a bottle of it en your dressing
table. It's a splendid dresslne.
It always restores color to feded
or gray hair. Mind , ve ssy " si-
ways. "
Sl.DO t ttlc. All
"I hare fnaml jota- Hair Vlpnr to I *
tbr UM t rruwdj 1 lure etriud for tUe
tair. Uy t-ir m inlUcruut rrrv lc.d ,
I4 > I tliuucbl I ouU try u liottle of it I
iud UMM oatf uce butUr , ku4 tujr hair
FtoWttMi fallicp out , &ud it Is ow real
tiilct und lone "
J\'x : r J. SlnrsTrArn.r ,
J uly 5S , ISM. \ oU-trt , S. T.
villM 4 rc IK > I t -
lit , J. C l. Lo lt
c3 be
JL& toner to tlx" party me rrrwnt
P rtl * * oT i > t lor rlcattnrw to tk * ,
pttltlon of Bora M < > r for rMKimln tlrii to
tbat hit nomination It demanded by The
Bw. Tbre It a truth wbataever la this
aioertioB. OB tbe coBtrary Mr Barjnrtr
bM b < # a adviMtd by tbe e4ltor of Tbe Bee
not te pre * bit caodidacy la tbe face of {
tbe recent rote tbowtac tbat be bat aide i
offwrtlre to a larpe atraber et re-
wbo rKuw d to rote fcr him for
sheriff , a D-d ar * cot likely to rote for hlsn
for any otber laportast office at this time.
flttte tbe Prter Cooptc d b has over-
lb * provision of Its roBMItutloa re *
tbat an applicant for aieeibershlp
anrt be UK-aiber f f tbe popotlft party tad
l's ' decided lo iBvlt * all jcwfcstlag to be j
Abrahaa Liaeota ie ? ub1lca to
members , one of Its an-mbeis has
bis latentioo of aMriag all the charter
bers of the Patriot ! : lesgne to > ola.
Attention has been dlrpctei to tl ?
rpecucle of & colored mun tpplrlac : for
tsptrr before Jadpe
r. thea ; > plicai > t belnp teorge X.
residing lo the Third ward , - bo
czvc hit Wrthiafe ) us Canada and cald be ,
bad never before tal : a steps to fepioas
naturallit . Tbe unurual feature of It tba *
has tit-en overlooked , however , it that John-
I-OB. altbouch not a citizen futitled to rote. I
i-a.s one of tbe charter member * and eaecu- ]
tlve coraaoittee aen o ! tbe Patriotic * " )
league , -whose destinies be has * een helping I
to guide ar the league's representative of
the Third ward colored forere.
Quite a ntunber of the delecatef chofen
on both sides of the dcmosratlc controversy
will be found to be not registered a's demo
crats oa the reglrtratlra bcoks and will aot
be able , therefore , under 4he law , to vote
lor theatelvcf.
About the time the populists have nomi
nated Stuht for councilman and undertake
toiorl : his atme late tbe fusion program ,
fusion will fall with a dull thud over In tbe
First -ward. AB that -ward constitutes
about haJf tbe democratic docaain of the
city , the democrats over there will doubt
less fee ] that the populist representative oa
the fusion should come from some
ward that doss not offer so fair a possibility
The contendlag factions of the democracy
have actually agreed upon tbe date for a
meeting of the county central committee ,
aad from this time oa the best efforts of
pr-lltlcaJ prestidigitation will b > exerted by
both to i-c-rure coatrol of that committee
and the ensuing convention.
pc nil AVnrd ncpnlillran * Do Not
Allu v Hie Storm to Chill Thtlr
Notwithstanding the blizzard which swept
Omaha Wednesday night , a meeting of the
Second Word Republican club was largely
attende-d. Every seat in the ball at 1443
South Sixteenth Kre-et was taken and in
cluded in the attendance was a notable
representation of pirneer citizens who of
late years have seldom ben seen at po
litical meetings. < 5e-veral candidates were
'Speeches were made by W. W. Bingbam ,
candidate for mayor. Charles Saunders and
George Heimrod , candidate's for city treas
urer : John N Wertberg. candidate for city
comptroller. Be-ecber Higby. candidate for
tity clerk. Fred Sackett , candidate for tax
commissioner , end Mike Lee , Fred Hoye ,
C H. Kessler and John Behm. candidates
for the city council from tie Scona ward.
Each candidate spoke briefly , dcelaring har
mony , and soliciting : support 'without de
tracting from tbe merits of .heir respec-
tUe rivals. . Harmony prevailed throughout
tbe meeting
General speeches were made * by men
who are not candidates as follows John
Rush. John Butler end A. C Harte. Each
one spoke of tbe good work that has been
accomplished by tbe republican administra
tion and Mr Rush especially dwelled upon
the prosperity that has come since the last
presidential ele-raion Hepharacterized It
as a "rapid transition from poverty to af
fluence "
Parllnl Retnrnrr -oeltrrt from
tli t Cnni-u - Hrlil for tinSr -
lection of Dclrcntf * .
As far as could be learned in the midst
or tbe blinding storm the silver republicans
held their caucuses AVednesday night in the
various wards to select delegates to tha
cr/unty convention to be be < ld Saturday
Chairman James AV. Carr rennaineJ at his
offlce- until lat to receive the returns , some
of whlti did not get In , possibly because tiei
wires , may have be-en down. With - allowances
ances for errors in names due to telephon
ing the lists as reported ere as Jollow-s
First AVard-R- AVIlllams B H. Vail.
J P A. Buc-her A Johnson. H Andrews.
Second AVard-J. E U arren. H. A Jell } .
Paul Krakow. E. Na\a < b Ren Durham
Third AVard James Cc.nnell. D B. Brookf ,
J O Adams H. R Gree-n t4d.
F urth AA'areJ Dr. S P. Towne. Harry E
Buri.bam. Mel H Redfleld James AV. Carr ,
AVilllam GrBtiB'C--
Fifth AVurd Not ioporte < l
Sixth AVard-W. M. Maunin L R Jamet.
S O UaniplK E. E Fre > nc-h. T F Sturges *
Seventh JAA'urd-D M Jobnf-ton D D
Grp = orj , J B. Piper Graham Park , J. G.
' Eighth AVard J. J Bavllle , Arthur W.
Allen. Thomas Green , Dr C. G Sprapue.
> " "
'N m""w r < 5 Frank T Ransom. S A
tnif. S Mrofb > S D Mercer , Wil
Itc . r. C. CUkrll Tnlkn In llnn c iin
r rl M. K. Cliurch I j > in "Th -
liiuxirlniit-i- Tlnir. "
The special rei-ivsl services at Hanscom
Part Methodist Episcopal church are prov
ing to t very interesting and proStable.
The congregatlonr are Increasing with every
er i e and tbe chorus singing under the
j rtire-tion of Mr Will Stevens Is expected to
I IK onie quite a popular feature of the meet-
I ii * >
1 The official board of tbe church Invited
1 P.ri CaBSlus C Clesell. pastor of Berr }
| Sireet MftlioaiH Episcopal church. FortY
Ya > . .t In ! , to ibtltt in thpse special strv-
J j cs and he tpoke WMntsday night on the
lrr.i > ortmice f Time" His text wa *
E , lus.niif v. 16. Tbe preacher faid la
par Man is the most Important creature
cf Gal * rroaticn. It was His plan that man
tbould make bis peace , calling and election
r-r * The arioMle at the time of writing
> hsj"file was imprisoned et Rome and bwird of tbe fctrife among his
rt thern be write * them tbat time is fleet
ing and opportunities are passing aw < iy He
o.lions them to buy up their oppenuoltltfc
and to husband their precUiuc time Tirot1
bat wxu dnidod into dispcntztions and we
are now Hnag in tbe last Therefore we are
exhorted to improve time We can da this
by working out our own Miration with fear
aad m-jaWinc No man if qualified to outer
IE to tb s rric of Jesus Christ until be ba
torn * urder ibe blood When we arr re-
doemvii by this prceieui blood we arc then
I anxious te rodeea tbc time la tbe a Doom-
1 r'lUbffleBt of cpl Bdi < ! results. Whee w e
i cc'cvidw tbal sin ie abroad and the force * al
I evil always alert we should Milve u
I couoteraci their isflwficpc by makiatr us oJ
our valuable tiaae IB tbe service oi Christ "
1 Forty > ears a hat need the IPM Coo-
' raoisit-urt proB < > uncr it tbe beet Cook' Jin-
] > rntl Obuxapaccti Bitra Dry
Dsispt of i Daj it tie Mtdc CHty Obrea *
Jo1e3 for Bte Eetden.
Jnnnnrr n Ilnnnrr Month fit Ofllre
f HIP Cltr Tre nrrr Hnnld
I'd men ! of Tn\r n Hood
Jaauary was a banner aonth at tie city
treasurer's offlc the total collect ion E
aaxwnanp to l .6t.b $ . Regular Ul * Ml.
It-tied aawmato * to MS.ftU.Tt , Mle tie
revesue frosa ether wmrces , Includiag 11-
censet. etc. . auMated to JS1.MS.KS. la
January. ISW . th total collections
amounted Jo only M7.MS &ad the yew be
fore that to M4. SL DuriBg the HrK. nteoth
of the yew 1 7 tbe receipt * were only
tr > , Mt. The eoaft nt growth oi tbe re
ceipts at the cre amrer's office t&trjis a
healthy condition of affairs here , and t :
is exjverted that tbe same will continue
Oae feature of note is the rapW iwymenj
of persona , ! and back taxts. The collecMc-ns
last month of taxes long since overdue
amounted to a great deal more than ever
paid la during tbe same month since the
organization of the cltj. Property owners
paid last month taxes assessed In 1K ! 0 and
for a numl er of years following. Tbe re
ceipts from other sources lor January vcre
about J12. ( > 00 in excess of the amount jiaid
in during January. 1899 , and about J5.000
In excess of ithe receipts for the same
month of IWR As far as tbe treasurer's
office IE concerned the city's finances were
nerer in better shape , as more people are
paying taxes than ever before and more
back taxes are being'paid. The rapid pay
ment of tuxes at this time Is considered to
be an indication of tbe fact that property
owners have money now and are paying
taxes in order to avoid aa accumulation of
Hoonlinl Mnnntrcri * Active.
Mrs D L. Holmes has bc-ea chosen presi
dent of the South Omaha Hospital associa
tion , and the selection IB considered a poad
one. The new president has the time to
devote to the work and is entering upon
her new duties with considerable en
thusiasm At the present time the hos
pital Is in need oi help , and It is probable
that a ball may be given for the purpose
of raising funds to meet curre-nt expsnses.
Su-ch a movement will undoubtedly have
the undivided support of all South Omaha
citirens The hospital is doing a good work
and cares for a larce number of charity
patients each month. All tbe money de-
riie-d for the support of tbe institution
comes from voluntary contributions with
the exception of the amount allowed by the
city each month Charitably inclined per
rons are requested to contribute to the hos
pital association Clotblng. delicacies and
money are needed
Itotimx Urtnsr Pnmtcntcd.
Sanitary flnspecffor Montague is paying
especial attention to tbe smallpox cases , and
up to yesterday afternoon everything was
in the best of shape. The two colored men
are nicely domiciled at tbe Maxwell cot
tage. at Thirteenth ind O street , and a
guard patrols the premises in order to see
that a strict quarantine is maintained. Yes
terday afternoon and last evening the inspector
specter fumigated all the city offices with
a formaldehjde generator. Tbc priscners
in the city jail haie been vaccinated and
the jail and the jail office have been fumi
gated to that there is really no danger of
Infection now from contact wih those IB
the city building. 'Inspector ' Montague ou'c'
proVing bis worth in this trying time , and
Is working night and day to prevent any
possible spread of the disease.
Lttvrrtv for Ihf School Jionrd.
Quite a number of the republicans are
talking of placing the name of Jay La erty
before the people for member of the Board
! of Education. Mr. Laverty is prominent in
republican circles and is exceedingly pop
ular. especially in the First ward , where be
is best known Three members of the board
retire at the coming election , and as far as
known only one of 'hose whose terras er-
pire will be a candidate for re-ele-ction.
Charle ? Scan- was appointed to fill tbe va
cancy canted by the resignation of W. B.
Wyman. and it is more than likely that he
will consent to be a candidate on the demo
cratic ticket As for the other vacancies , it
is the intention of tbe republicans to select
well known and trustworthy business or
professional men for tbe positions
Protection for KJectrlrnl Worker * .
At tonight's meeting of the city council a
petition from tbe electrical workers will he
read asking for legislation in behalf of thee
doing elertncal work in the city It is de
sired that those doing electrical construc-
ion work be required to pay a license , the
proceeds to go Into the fire fund , all work
I done to be In accordance with the rules of
the National Fire Underwriters' association
and to be inspected by tbe city electrician.
It is further requested that all parties doing
contract work be required to pass aa ex
amination before a board competed of the
city electrician , the chief ol tbe fire depart
ment and one practical electrician. This
petition has fourteen signature * and the
council will be urge-d to prepare an ordi
nance as outlined by tbe petitioners.
Million Llrrnkr Jllnttrrk.
Yesterday morning tbe attention of Secre
tary Ryan of the Board of Education was
called to tbe fact that several saloons In the
city were operating without a license. Mr
R > an asserted thut the school fund was low
and that the additional license money would
come in tery handy at this time. He
promU-ed to investigate tbe matter. In ad
dition to tbe two saloons mentioned in JCE-
terday's Bee , which are running without a
license , may be adde.d tbe place at SC1S N
street With the Il.f.00 to be derived from
these three licenses the school board will
be able to pay quite a number of bills before
it has to issue warrants against account * In
which there Is no money. By oollertlng thin
license fee the city will be richer by fCOO If
tbe usual occupation lex is assessed.
W > omlnc Miren > lrn Irnkteron .
E P Snoiv of Cbeyerue , secretary of tbe
j Wyoming State Board of Sheep Commit-
sionerB , wata business visitor in tbe city
{ yesterday. He say * tbat tbe ehe-ep men in
j Wyoming are enjoying a period of great
prosperity Docks ate putting on Ceh
| daily and with tbe continuance of fine
.weather . It is almost impossible to buy
' 1-he-ep. As a sbe p mate Wyoming ranks
, teoond of tbe states of tbe union and it is
, estimated tbat oier i.OOO.OOO ese-ep are now
being fed > n tbe confines of tbe state. Very
little disease among sheep U apparent and
th * wool clip for this jear will be something
Pritntr Slnnnn Injured.
Private Henna of the Tenth infantry it
at the Sr-uta Omaha hospital Miffering fron
injuries rpcehed in the railroad yards yes-
t day. HU left foot was rut off by UM
wbeejb af a train and it will be Mttic- time
before be rill J * able to return lo Tori
t Cioek. Haaan wai riding on a freight trait
, at tbe titae of tbe accldwit aad in soae naj
1 lull bMRmi tbe CAT * Ac Keen at
1 after the aeci4 o < the Injured mca
takco ts tbe bovpital , where be U
the lieu of
I'runoirri ) Itrml > llrau Hallt.
It if pr pafr i > > tbe Young Mtc t
lieaa dub to bold a piauj rally at Mod-
; era Woodiiifc ball on PrHiay eit-c a ; Ftt < -
i ruirj it Oae or more tpeaL R Irea ou'
c' 'be JtyHi , b * ! ti'd a1 ar eT ! ' I
i * * a. Je to gei on tae full f reas'b
of tbe < ) ub Tb * near approa-b of be > str.s ?
catnpalm H oanflnc eonpldprable ititerc * *
* d It It fWMtfbte tbftt tli * do * may et > -
dorw orae oo * for mayor Aa end-ori-
ajnt of tbhj kind wHl nadoibtedjy carry
weicbt. M ( be < 9ub b s a hirce
and tbe members appear to
be willing to * .taad tecethw i
\Vnnt l ° t > tnlr Gnmltllni : Onlj.
There i * considerable complaint bere
about first floor pfimWInt : . Many mtctoa
keepers bold tbat gambling in tbe rer of
RBtoons U bad and th y ar/nie / tbat all faro
and roalette tables should be movt < d to
tbe i x > Dd story. A j tition to the coun
cil on this subject is being talked of and
It is pebble that . oaje ( uch ftef may
b * taVea. If gambllag mu be carried too
bre & majority t > eis te want It confined to
up er roomt and not in tbe rear f
ballr. as at present.
Iliibfmlnn Mctit
Tbe Bohemians of tbe Second ward bave
in tituted a night * bool for tbe teatbltie
of tie Engllth language and ether braosbt-s
J Kostorj-z i * * be teacher employed and
sessions are hed nightly at Tranek's ball
The school Is no : intended especially for
ehlldren. as a great many grown .jnople
are attending and are profiting by the In
struction. The das * now numbers twenty-
five and It is expected that It will grow
to fifty at least within a short ticne.
nooil 1 > inplnr InMnll
At a meeting of the Good Templars held
Tuesday night thes-e officers wtre Installed
Burton Rice , chief twnplar. Miss Ella Heb-
doa. vice templar. Robert Rice , secretary ,
Miss Mabel Hebdon , assistant secretary-
Earl Birge. financial secretarj . G H Spoils ,
treasurer. William Pwtit. marshal. Miss
Nettie Rice , deputy marshal ; Henry Loose ,
guard : AndrewLocan , sentinel. Paul Birge ,
past chief templar.
Mnclc Clt ? Go * li > .
A meeting of ihe city council is billed for
On rrldav evening tihe Ideal club -will
Five ft poverty ball at Odd Fellow ? ' hall
The Tallow Trimmers' union will give a
dance at Koutsky' * hall on Saturday night
The nominations of the labor partv are
not serkrnstiy considered by local politi
Extensive repairs to wooden sidewalk *
will be made as scon as tbe weather -will
: > ermlt.
The Kinc'B Daughters meet with Sirs.
McKee , Twenty-fifth and E streets. Thurs-
I day afternoon.
1 Friday evening the Christian Endeavor
society will give a concert at the First
Presbyterian church.
Clover Leaf camp. "No. R. Royal Neigh
bors of America , will give a dance at
Woodman ball tonlcht.
Councilman Trainer is nill aa active
candidate Tor mayor In spite of the tact
that tbe labor convention turned him down.
The smallpox scare has caused a boom tn
vaccine virus and all the physicians are
bury vaccinating those who fear an epi
Holes are appearing In the Twenty-fourth
street pavement and repair ? will have to be
! made as froon as the weather i - warm
I tnougii
A meetlnc of the directors of the Com
mercial club will be ( held Friday evening
Considerable business of Importance Is to
be transacted.
Chlfkrii Thief ArreMed.
Nel = Christiansen , said 10 be the most
notoriou" wultry thief In all Omaha , was
arrested about C.3H p. rn Wednesday by
Detective * Drumray aiid Mitchell a.s he WHS
l avinc nhe premises of a Mr. Swift , resid-
inc on North Sixteenth Mreet with twent ?
pigein * in a stirk The det "vtl\es had foe n
ia > ing for him for the UiM two night * and
he intended to leave for -Sioux City as f-oon
as he had dlrt'osed of the nlcht's- haul
Christiansen has quite a criminal record.
having served a three-year ? term in Uit
Kansas rrK-niteniiarj. He is a tirother-in-
law of McKenna anothe- sack chicken
thief recently arresu-d.
M = nd Goiine Will Come.
The executive cvnrnlttee which ha * t > een
in c-orresprindTjee with "Maud Gonne. the
IrlFh "Joan of Arr.V on Wednesday con-
cluti'-d arrangements fnr- her appearance
plea for ihe Boers She i < now in New
Tori : and ha .1u ° i completed a tour of the
New England states The committee in
c-harge is makinc efforts to i-biure one of
the principal iheaiters for the evt-nt.
R. S Herrirl ; of Topeka is in the city.
R C. Hall of Peoria is at the Murray
H B Dlxon of Fort Rile > is In the city.
r M LJbl > e of St. Joe is in the city.
E P. Ixicke of Kansas City is in Omaha
C D. Reed of Crawford is at the Mer
Will Logan , jr , of Chicago 1 ? at the
H J Robinson of Mlnto. N. D. , Is al the
Georce A. Mc-Nutt of Kansas City is in
W L Du Rerner of Cnlcago Is a guest ol
the MtllErd.
E. M. Norris of Quincy Is registered at
the Murrar.
James C. Hartley of Toulon 111. . Is at tbe '
H. B. Fleharty of Lexington is at the
Elmer Martin of Kansas City Is registered
at the Millard
Geneial W. T Clark of Washington. D.
C. is at the Millard.
E. D Hamilton at Julcsburg , Colo. . Is a
jrutsi of the Merchants , .
Frank L , Wishon of Kansas City is frans-
attinK business in Omaha.
E G Soenger of Albion was a Wednes
day guest tit the Her Grand.
N J Deesan of Red Lodge , Mont. , is
registered at the Merchants.
Edmund Vance Cook , a noted lecturer of
Cleveland , O , was a Millard guest Wednes
day.P B Doadrtdgc , general manager of the
Missouri Pacific , is registered at tbe Her
R F. Kloke and wife and Mrs. W. C.
Cobb of West Point were at the Millard
j R. Barker and wife of Johnston , N. D .
are at the Millard. Mr Barker is In the
cattle tousintf > .
Alf Magnus traveling pafisencer agent
of the White Star line of steamships. Is In
the t-ity from Chicago
i E M. Calkins of Fremont , C S Rane-y
I and E 1C McKenzle of Hastings regis
tered at the Murray Wednesday.
I J E Jenkins of Schuyler. E. M Laflang
1 nf Ix-sington and J J Bartlttt of Kear-
I ney registered Wednesday at the Millard
; H. S Ferrar. manag r for the American
I Beet Sugar ooropan > at Grand Island
i transacted business in Omaha Wednesday
I C C S'lauldinc , a banker of Ord is ut
! the Her Grand. He came to Omaha to
| meet his wife who ban betn visiting in
B F Hake , lirother of H H Hake
, proprietor of the Merchants hotel , returned
| Tuesday from Havana , Cuba , -wflrre he hut.
been for the last two months
I Secretary Utt of the Commercial flub hat
re-turneid Iruai St Louis , where he has Jon * - n
on buFlne'f-s In tonnt Uen with one of ilie
frrtghl rate oojnpJicutiprifi now under dls-
O II. Noye. of Jardlne , Matheson t
Co . ten exporters of China wid Japan.
at oomp < uiie'd b > Mr Man all Kensie Sher-
wc > od. the wefcU'Tn fcale mun of the Chicago
branch , are at the Murray
Fred Jewt-11 and AV. R- Gaylord of Lin
coln , C C McNlsh of Kremont. Henry
Gerinc of Plattsmouth and Morris Mtyer
of Norfolk we-re arnotiK the Mate- guests
at the Merchants Wednesday.
J S Glbw > n , e > ne of the early settlers of
Omuha. who fa ? bren absent for tbe j > at
few years from ( .be fit ) . bK JUH returned
to reside hwrf. and > iu > at. iriaiw3 bimM-lf
with Jctin W Robbint in tbe real -tate
and Incunince t ukln - *
Jodre Albert W Criten. late rweivtr of
) theVniti d States land > 4Bce at Cba4r n.
' N4 > . * nd dlHrict judge of tbe F1tt0fnib
jixJicial district , and hie broc.hrlnlaex -
Dtftrkt Judge BH S Hamt-ev of Wat-
n .iMh. Net > . . VKTC t r.tMUiliitnJ by Juliut > S
OiK.le > of Omaha } w > terdn > Judrt Crite *
n-o * on hie WKJ borne frooi Lincoln , wibtire ;
be bar btrn en iear > ortuiit bui-tbaae before
ihtfupr oie i-oun. Judxe * Criu * und
KaiDM' > tufd Attorne > Coole- } all wert lor-
mfi1 > readmit of PtetuaKiutb. Cace
< -oun.iy a 3 Mr C\'oi- > attttiidod Jixlpt
IUuu e > t n-iJCKil wiien u vaa boy Hon
J M Marqutrtu new dtfcaK.d formerly
c n sral roun * < 4cir of thf Bunlmcton.
Maxwell * o6 IU\ * . t > ( * tb tx-bu-
t * of Xtsbraaka. and juauo'.iitr
lawtc-rg r i ons tht-lr thinslt-
< i ihe N. brt iii bli&aru * at I'lattgu > c > j' > >
Judff H J * > arriMO in the tuvin ij li"
aiKi JuOtt I'l ilt- ) the > * iir of le * whn h *
wa > In kr.ttktruo ker UL.U wut ciurnrj 10 raovier t
. . .
jrood-s r"d iuoim < roicjK'x1. ma nl >
o ! ib11 frjitir r > g fr --i''v stid ' ( .llotift-j of
ilif" patir vr-r B. B < 3 j tbia' < r
aai a tbio 'iie tbp it tit ) pro
duction in Omaha t > ! be nnira lalkpJ about
liiograpb pi turrt of tbf JeflTiw-Sbarker
pMttflibt. . vbicb took place a ff ntmbt
ape at CoMy Island.
Tbt Mctsict ar * * icll t and If It vttt
aot for tbe lack of Rpplau * * and other et-
thtwiaMic dfwonrratloc irbidii naturalr !
weald lend intern ! to tb miwt one might
easily imaglar himwlf at the ricclfe looV-
lac at tb re l flcbt. At , it is tbc pK.uraa
give un a ) > lM > did Idea of tar Me flbt ; anJ !
the fellowtrc of Micb of th * pludlaiors vbo ]
MW tlM-ai W 4a Aay albt vpnt airay with
tkrir own opinions as to wbciacr thf Of-
cislon of Rtfert * Silt-r vas Just or not. j
Wblle U plctnrw are aoreor l s vltaat 1
an is bound to alwayc b ? the oa * witb mo- j
lion picture * , tl y are aura bptttr tban i
-boee sboicn of ti * > Corbc-tt-ritcaiaimons ,
Scbt. bring inurb dearer and sol nearly so
trying to tbe cjesifbt. It had been an
nounced tbat Jtefpref Gewpe Slier was to tx
ire rnt to lecture upon tbe ploturw and ex-
ilkin ll tbe important points of tbe fight. | '
fie did not put In an appearance , bowerer.
and anuounci'sacm of tbe different rounds I
was made by an unknown. ho ali-o called
jittenUon to * * veral different ones. In vblch
mportant blows were struck. The pictures
will continue to be tbe attraction at the
9oyd every afternoon and ctealai ; dnrinc
tb * balaiK-e of tbe vreeK. A sprinkling of
vonrn M&S noticed arnonc thf audlea e an < l
tbey seemed to tn oy tbe jierformance us
tnucb as tbeir male esrorts
He . .loll 11 1\illlniu ni-friulft Ili
inill > n In tlir I'rt-M-nt I tuilrn-
< In Mintli ATrlcn.
Quoting the words of en eminent Irie-h
Oetbolic priest in South Afrtca , Ret. John
Williams , re-ctor of St. Barnabas' Epis
copal churci. concluded an address on tie
Boeff war Wednesday night by saying. "In
my opinion. England lhas seldom , if ever ,
aad Justcr cause for war than has lie-en
afforded her in the present conflict 'by
reason ol the narrow , prejudiced tyranny
of the Boers. "
Father Williams delivered hie address
in the chapel ol Trinity cathedral. It was
listened to by a small but appreciative
audience. The speaker covered the sub-
jec1 exhaustively and bis address showed
that unusual care h d < beem given Its
preparation. In ils introduction he called
attention to certain reasons advanced by
Boer sympathizers for American sentiment
and bympathy In laver of the Boers. He
stated tiat in advancing the-se reasons
comparisons have been made with fios !
conditions existing in the United States
during the progress of various wars , the
aim being to ehtablie-h a kindred relation
between tbe Boeis and the Americans when
they were struggling for independence from
England. "It is characteristic of human
nature. " he said , "to sympathize with tbe
weak , but this i . not always wife , es
pecially should it be demonstrated that the
weak are in tbe wrong. In order to arouse
prejudice against the Britons in this present
struggle Englaad'e approval of Indian bar
barities toward the Americans many yeas
ago has been brought forward as an Issue
This matter , however , has no place In the
present conflict "
In consideration of the subject Re-v. W1I-
liaais deHed deep into the ancient history
of England He brought to light tbe ani-
moKitj 'toward ' that country of the Euro
pean nations and stated that now , at alwavf
in the past , their sympathies Jor the an
tagonists of the Bnttms were giie-a riot be
cause of their belief In justice out because
of their intense hatred for England. In
point be cited France's belated aid t-- >
America during th9 revolution. This , be
said , was given not so much because Frame
sought to aid America in securing it ? iad < -
pendence , but because it hated England eo
bitterly. The address was replete with hi -
'crical information After minutely c ! -
scribing the early history of England and
tbe resins prompting many of her war ,
Rev. Williams traced tbe history of Souta
Africa from the time of its discovery Con
tinuing to more modern times he gave an
accurate recital of political conditions in
tbat country , showing tbe vacillating policy
that has existed In the government of tbe
diHerent sections of South Africa.
"Ultimately , " he said , "all of South Africa
will be either Englitb or German. In this
struggle with the Boers England stands fcr
what is just in government and primarily
for personal liberty No de oper wnse of
justice can be found with any other people
in the -world. American pympatbizers with
the Boers lay the blame for this present
deplorable conflict to the accursed des'ro '
fcr goW of tbe English This is claptrap
It is reasonable to believe that tbe Boer
is aa human ac the Englishman , the Irish
man or the American in this respect and
that he is Just BE greedy for gold. Tb'i
conflict JK purely and simply one that has
been instituted to establish the supremacy
of either lie Dutch of tbe English. It ii
shallow to assert tbat the English are Sgb'-
ing for gold in opposition to tie Boers in ,
their struggle for liberty. England ln" "
that the cost rf tbe war will be more- than
the revenue from tie gold and diamond
mines will amount to In a century's time
"England will tie victorious. The- only
possible reason for doubting this is. the pof-
i'lblllty ' that the attention of the military
may of nccesity be directed elsewhere b < -
fore tie Bser conflict is cnde > d It Is , as
I have B ld. a Cg'bt for supremacy In South
Africa If Enrland wins there will be equal
riebto and ] ibenlelor everyone. If tbe
Dutch win. the English will have to leave
tiat continent and the natives wil ! be left
10 the mercies of Ibe tyrannical Boerr ,
s tRBtiBp " - > " fr * ' * . a-5
, i fr b > r c ; irta * in - : > t- > f
'her have oV.a ned ve-s-e3 r fi
MinrrlinlilcT * nt Ihr ( Imfthn 1/onn nnd
ItnlldlniE A * orl tliin Innnnnl
The reWBtewith * MU1 H > et.tiC of 'tr
har bc < Merf et tb OflMta Ixne and Buiif-
ins fcMt > cl tl ft * 11(44 in tbe * * KKIS-
Uof * oCUoe. Bee rmtl4lnp , Wednesday cret ,
tag. BtUlMlag for three emlrs. o : UP
directory l iau hV C o'clock and CODS nuei
tti hour * The retiring dlrwto-f H J
Ptufold , 4war4 A. Farmwlef si a T J
r.tmwrl * . xrre utmatmou'h rr-cle f J
I n.'nvorable wettier presented A la'-pc u-
teodaare tit the aitttlag. Tlrsjd' a
has ben * cb A freqmrt annual orjr-ft
tbat < i pfearcfeoltarr derided ; c > < b <
tlaw of tbe annual sneetlne frvm 'be C t
WvdaMidar in February te the fi * * . v 'ius
day in May. txrlnnlnp iilth ] u
Reports of tbe offlews fbowcj lie asso 3
tier to tip la a .ItmrUhlap ccsa = S r e
tbe orpiultuiKn f the asftcn.a- a May
If-KS. it has handled. 1n roun ' f lu- *
tl.KOW > at a very aodrc-ate rtprtw aj
made 1.SWI bomwtead loans A1 Irnv ere
fcurtb. c f this number were for new bu ; *
There arc 1.100 mtaibc.-s IB tb assori i a
carrying T.SW shares. The rcc p' * for " ' "
amouatdi to JlSS.fTS , an increase owbf
preceding ye r of KM.OOO. Fonj-tno tu id
inp loans requiring JSf.Sf'P. vere made flu--
1n ? the > ear. Earalags Increased SI jxr
cms and expenses were materially reduced. (
Tbe facts and figures prewnted by tie of- ,
fleers wrre greeted with ajvlauso and a ris
ing oe ; of thanks.
Sco on it Annnnl ttnJicnrt I * to HP
Hrlil Prlilnr Mirlit nt tbe
Mill fir d Hotel.
The Elumcl of Dartmouth college resi
dent In Omaha , will give Its second annual
banquet at the 'Millard ' hotel Friday tvcnI I
| ing. Elaborate arrangements have teen j
1 made and it is expected that tils function
will be one of the brightest of its kind
ever given la Ornaha The old college jell
will IK- given and many reminiscence's will
be brought out.
Frank Field , now of Lincoln , is president
of the Alumni association , nnd J. Irving
j Ree 3 of this city is secrpt < ary. Tbe local
I membership Includes E. J. Bodwell. Rev.
| Dr C S. Sargent , J. Irving Reed. Nathan
1 Bernstein. Dr. W. H. Pollard , He-nry H.
, Hllliard , Dr. S. R. Towne , Frank Field and
.Mnrrlncc blcenn-n. licenses were issued Wedsefrday
as follows :
Name nnd Residence Ace.
] Gewrge B. Haynes , Omaha S'
! Grace Carter , Omaha iS
JGeorce Richard" . Benson -3
I Maggie Dunn , Benson n
i f r W ller has called a meeting of the
' Budiiorium committee ut the c'omaiprcinl
| club this noon Mr Weller manifests
new e-uthusiasjn In the audi-.orium project
and declares that the pe-oplf of Omaha
mu t Umlld one without delay.
The Ladies Auxiliary of Omaha Typo
graphical union will meet nex : Monday to
oomTlPt > plan for Mpjvr < o t > * > give-n a
fortnight to the 7 > rinters and their families
This supper i i to If tie flirt of a series of
entertainments which will tie gixen by the
' auxiliary tilp. winter
The executive. ccKm-mitte-c of tn Nebraska
Reitail Liquor Dealer- ' Protective a . .ocin-
1 ticm met Tuesday afternoon at President
John ' Tierney's saloon and purchased hit -
t land and business of tile Nebraska Liquor
Dpalr : from AV. H. Weeks. thP former pdi-
tor Tbe name will bf chance-d to the Protestor
tester and publication will be e-ontinued at
tbt , f4 > o\e location.
Minnie K. AVeilajid. 37 ypars old.
' ter of A H AVt-iland , 1214 Masr.n
wa arralcned In pollc - court AVednesday
on ii charge of Incorrigiblllty She plpad-d
not pullty and her ca e wa set for trial
, Fndav The plrl run awav from home two
, days ape und was found Tuesday night by
Dete-alve Mitchell t the h"mf of a rela
tive two miles t-mith of Council BlutTs
AVI11 Taney. the negro who confps ; ed to
havinc assi'.t'd in n burglary on the wet
bide a week ago. is now under B oth r
cloud that of chicken stealing Pei ctixe
Mitchell on AVednesday filed a complaint
against him on this charge It is believed
that be ih a mt nber of the pane vhic-h
has been devastating the feathered tribe
in the- north and west portions of the city.
j Omaha lodc . No IK. A O U. W . at a
meeting on AVedncsday evening ronMderefl
, the qupMion of lodge dues , finally amend
ing the by-law P so as to make the dues , S5
a > -ear. but if jinld In advance rvery quarter
a discount of ID per cent will Iv allowed ,
thus really keeriing tbe pii > ment at the
i same amount aat present H a > ear The
per capita tax w-.ll be paid out of the gen-
era ! furwJ as heretofore.
i Richard Berlin and Tom Healey , charged
I with conducting a gambling resort nt
Twentfourth and N streets , Soutb
I Omaha , were discharged from Justice Alt-
Madt's r-ourt AVednesday on account of "no
prosecution. " The case had be-en SPI fcr
trial at 3 p m. and Assistant Prove-cuting
I Attorney Dunn was eighteen seconds latt-
' HP met the men at the elevator and they
very- generously agreed to ppe-ar for trial
1 ag-ain at 1 p. m. Saturday. I
i ThP * erpentpzs' and Joiners union is !
i angry and the members ' are looking lor ihc | who had the temerity to jiretPrnJ to ,
rpprespnt the < irjranlr.aticn in an intt-nit-w
in an afte-rnoon paper and ha\p pone s.o far '
LS o inMirt an advertlefment in The i.ct i
askinc for his name TJip. all * red inifn-i w
placed the organization us upon ohe imlnt of i
inaugurating a Hrlke againn non-uni > n
made mill muff , -n-h n in fact no bu h i
action was oontprnplateid and the fpellnp l - j
twptn the union ar d tbe contractors ; . '
friendly \ |
Captain AVe < bb. of thp. governme-ni SP < in i
pen-ice ha ? returned from an exte-ude-i iri ( .
through Iowa , wb re he hap he-en p--lnrii ;
atqualntf-d with hi' new territory He i -
iporiF that there is an unu _ ia"h small
amnum of counterfeit money in rlrv-u'.siion i
in thih diKtrlct ai the prpnt mm Thc-
IEM 'ounte-rfelt re-ported was n.rm-3 into
tlip 1 nne-d Ktatcs mar.xhal s oflkt- from u
Nebra-ka town ItWBF a peed ln-.lta.tion nl
a M-hil ; , but was of a series wt-11 know i ,
and about exhausted , n * the j.laie-s Iroin
whifh it wns made have l&ng tippn de-
strojed I
The Famous Uhrlaub Collection of
and Bric-a-Brac
Will be on Exhibition and Sale
Friday , February 9 ,
at 1612 , Farnam St.
No such collection has ever been
seen in this city and no such opportunity
to buy at their own price art gems has
ever been afforded to lovers of Eastern
New flrst-cliss line between Omaha
Chicago , over new mad recently t < ui t
throuch Council Bluffs. I > pnison and Rcn -
well City to Tara Iowa , to ci > nne > ctK > n wih
the Cmtral's western llriethrouch 1rt
IXidceAA'eliMer f tv. AVa'PTloo I'ue i-j-
e > nce Pubuque Fn-eport and Ilocl. ' < u o
A fast i ic-J ' i" maklt s r-T"'T- '
CipaJ Mop" : , r , i wrl -K w t-qi i-n. -t
thrciuctui t B 'brnrj ' t " ' t-
smokir B t r 3 . ' t 'i'-s 'ar f rc ic-
cllning chuir < . -i <
7.I EX.SUN ,
A fast vps-jb , l d jrain i 'irg ' m"rc nr le s
local wcirk .irUuu-d in us tquliim-n- ia
through Me i > ! riB < .ar betwitn Omaliu. and
Chicago L inire tar . > .ervK < ( nr ute
Inftdllii > ii n Fort I > o < li ; < - l ocnt
Trnln Lx-ittcs ( < iiiH ItlaHK nt -l. " . (
Ii. in. dnll.irtin SiindMj.
Through trains from New Union Station.
10th St. . Omaha. Tlckcte and resenau > D tt
CITV TICKET OKI'irK. 1-Htt Piirnura
Mreft , Ce > r 14lh tre-pf.
"Phone 4S.
A ( t 1 1 - L , * V-i- F
< ] Jt * -s t TT iliw A cnis *
npu-M ' hard < augli. l < ifr e
l nc ill. ' jt * pain ana tichttn , p
, /rv. , ht wuin > ou of La
Dr. Kay's
Lung * Bairn
ban < > ip . -IIP tvrrible La Grlpf-
boi il'i trom : our tyMe-m and c-u-f-
ibr < bsdbv re'achinjT and re-
nrvi'ir 'tic CJUSP
Btwarv- ' ] > , i Grippe is fc-arfullv
whilr this cera-laden uir o !
, prevails :
Irrefutable Proof-
Rev. H. B. Dye , l > astr Presbyter
ian chu'ch Ivlfirnson. Iowa , wniPt
- "Mr1lic , who has had an B'.t d.
of ] i Grin nnd Mnbtonrn. (
iiKtli.g tironi 'irti'findi , : hat n"i'
ing ! sn j > rom ; . ; anl poultne : n if-
effe-ctir as PKa'f. . Lung Balm '
REFUSE SUBSTITUTES-toiue-di. , . .
"Jun af G.rfirt' . a * l r. Kay's Lunp
Ba'm ' are- NOT msdp or > .ol ( ° r
jinj'eme a.Tnur > < Al nriost drup-
! " or J-nr.i u--or 3 ( > arid 3 ,
i pnt" = A'n"tc's ti - 't- 1'rff Me-fl- !
ih. Ad\ib < S m i' ' and iJook
Saratoge Springs , N.V.
Like the
Eternal Rocks
It is liut't. ' not for today , but
for the ue-xt cf-ntury.
If you mcie- Into
The Bee Buildino
yon can rest Hfsun-d you vtill
never wish to move out asaln
Many of our tenants iiave
bt-cn In it slnpe It was luillt
When you laore move to
R. C , Peters & Co ,
Rental Agents ,
Ground floor , Bee Bujiding
DR ,
: \ i-M.jjr-r.t ;
c -r. ]
. , .fwj Uu aaMj
rrcrsnrtmvTir.D. Ch.rprtjow. nosi :
TRLOSI.VT. J . i. ioivU. , , , ,0ar(3 ( I'mm-
inn , , n Tre-f a or * . B re oj. ; 7u.fci n.
i Suniiai 9 .15 1- < > 1 . i T.t. ( . f'ffc , h r.
t o- . Ute sa 1 jro m S itris C'MAHA ' ; F.I
t bitu It , , 41.1 kii.ra
Anf t-Kawf L : j