Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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P/lVIPPnPVPP IT P t I T 1 I 17 P
Officials of Union Pacific and Western Oorr
nections Are Now in Session ,
< : pti Tnt IIHIi-f Hint CtoMliiK of Omtcn
Ciiilc-uii > - Will H < - One of lin-
linrtnnt 'MiiltiTM ( JoiiHlilcrcd
Oilier I'lniiN Inilrr Way.
Speculation Is rife In Omnlia railroad cir
cles relative to iho conference of Union
Padn > . Oregon Short Line ntul Oregon
Hallway & Navigation company ofilclnls now
In progress nt Salt Lake. The general Im-
jiroswlon IB that the meeting will bo fraught
with much Importance , although any tjucs-
lions of moment which may bo solved by
ihn officials will parlnko of the nnturo of
reronitnc-ndatlons to the board of dlreclors ,
with whom rests the final power of accept
ing or rejecting the plans agreed upon by
tlir officials.
The presence nt tills meeting of the traffic
ofllrlalH of the thrco lines , Inrludlng ( Sen-
orol Manager Dickinson , Ocncral I'nBscngcr
Agent Lomax and Freight Tralllo Manager
Munroo of the Union 1'acinc , gives rlso to
thp belief that the principal business that
Mill ho taken up will have reference to
traffic relations ,
In this connection the rumor comes from
a well authenticated source that fiction will
hn taken looking toward the closing of the
Ogden RHloway and a resumption of condi
tions prevailing prior to thu segregation of
the Oregon Short Line from the Union Pa-
cillr The recent consolidation of tluwo
] lnrn leaves their Interests Identically as
they were , when the Ogden gateway was
( limed. Officials of the Union Pacific have
ndmlitcd that the closing of the gateway is
altogether likely to bo accomplished , for the
rensun that It Is recommended strongly by
the itlgenclei ) of the case. With the allied
Interest ! ) of the Oregon Hhnit Line and the
Oregon Railway Navigation company the
Union Pacific has the strong line to the
northwest from the Missouri river , and bo-
cauho of this fart officials are of the opinion
that they should receive the long haul from
Iho Missouri river through to Ogden anil
thence to the points of destination , rather
than that other roadw operating from the
Missouri river to Denver and the Hlo
Orando routes from Denver to Ogden should
enjoy tbo revenue of the Initial haul and
Icnvo the western connections of the Union
Pacific the little end of thp business.
Another matter which Is on the docket
SOT consideration Is the consolidation of cer
tain general agencies of the three roads.
This has already been accomplished In
Unite and Portland , where the general
agencies have been consolidated nnd the
representative ; of the Oregon Hallway < fc
Nn\lgatlon company placed In charge of the
affairs of the three roads. Thcro are other
cities In which the three lines have separate
apri.ileB , and the officials deem It unneces
sary that more than one general agency
bo maintained owing to the Identical inter-
estp of the companies. This Is the case ,
for Instance. , In Chicago , where both the
T'nlon Pacific and the Oregon Hallway &
Navigation company maintain general
agencies. It is likely that the latter will
bo absorbed by the former , since the policy
has been established In the consolidations
already effected to place the business In
el-arse of the representative of the line In
whceo territory the agency Is located.
Onivel for UitlliiHtinir.
Officials of the Burlington are much Inter
ested In the reports from Badger , Wyo. ,
stating that nn extensive donosit of gravel
\\ns discovered whllo the grading operations
for the Alllnnco-Hurtvlllo branch were In
juogress. Accurate Information relative to
the discovery Is not yet at hand , although
officials of the road arc not dlspoaod to
doubt the authenticity of the report. Such
u discovery will bo of great importance , ow
ing to the vnluo of gravel for ballasting pur-
pcsra. At the present tlmo the Burlington
i i compelled to use a great deal of slog from
thu Omaha and Denver smellers for ballast
nnd the long Iniul of this nlag will ho ob
viated If the gravel bed at Badger comes up
to expectations. Its location Is peculiarly
fi-rtunate , since most of the ballasting-
being done on the western lines of the Bur
I Ml n nd IN n Onoil I'liu'o for Invest
ment , but Knkc ConiuiiiiIfN
'Tuba is the best country on earth for
American Investors today , " said U. F. Hake ,
who has just returned from a visit of sev
eral weeks in the Island weeks which were
Bpcnt on the rail and In the saddle over the
western part of the country. "Hut pros
pective Investors , " ho says , "should steer
clear of the American Investment and col
onization companies which have sprung up
In Havana since the war \\lth Spain. A
man mutt look at what ho contemplates
buying or ho will be cheated.
" ( Jood land can bo bought within fifteen
tulles of Havana on government roads for
$15 per acre , and elf of the roads land equally
good will soil for $1 per ncra Land is
the best form of investment. Property Is
7)elng ) bought In the city of Havana which
is paying 20 per cent on the investment , nnd
farm land will produce oven more. 1 saw
oiui acre of tobacco land which will produce
u grons Incoma ot $5.000 , and land \\hlcli
npppears equally good can bo bought for
$20 per ncro , I urn going back as eooti us
1 can arrungo my affairs here. "
DeWitt'B Witch Hazel Salve Is unequalled
foi piles , Injuries and skin diseases. It is
the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of
all counterfeits.
'J'liri-e-CoriK-rcd FUtlputT dnlrtly
I'ulleil OIV A in < > n u.SluilcnlH ut
Dcnf and Diuiil ) liiNlltutt * .
Perhaps the most quiet fisticuff that has
occurred in Omaha for n long while was
"pullud off" at the Deaf and Dumb Institute
Turaduy afternoon , The battle was fast and
furious whllo it lasted , and there was utter
disregard for governing rules , yet it was
strictly pantomime ,
The combatants were Charles Hartman ,
Weldon Stover and ! 5bo | Osinan. The two !
latter wore against the Hartman boy all ! i
boliiK sturdy youths in good physical form. '
except the ouo ullllctlon that causes them to '
bo students ut the Institute. Young Hartman - '
man suffered severe contusions of ( ho face. t
JIu waa taken to his home , fortieth and
Hamilton streets. Ills mother , who Is a
widow , threatens to prosecute , it is bald.
llnii't "Worry
About your trip to Chicago. Use Illinois
Central "Now Limited , " leaving Union sta
tion at 7:35 : p. m. Solid vestlbulocj train
with sleepers and library buffet oars. Par-
tlculttis at City Ticket Olllco , H02 Farnam
Vran Jncol ) . February C , 1900 , aged
7i ! > rs , ti months und 4 days. Funeral
Friday afternoon. February 9 , nt "
oVlock from hlH Into i evidence. 211-1 South
nicyeiitli street. Interment , Laurel Hill
i imui'iy. The deeuitml was n i > romlm > r ,
nii'iiibcr of the Orand Army of the Ho-
pulillc and luia lived in Omaha over W
> earn.
1HBBAHD Miss Molllc. n. sister of Helen
< 'fUch\rll Hlblmrd , on Wcilntxiday morning
nt L n Vegas , Now Slqxlro.
' 1'it ' funi'itil fcurvlceB will 4 > e held In
Omaha ut All Silnt.s' t-hutch on Saturday ,
uCtcnloon at ; 30 o'clock , (
\vnr.v nuns ,
Mum * . \n > ( ioliit ; l.lvi'l.v nt I lie
Hlorc Tliln Wi-fK.
And in order to avoid the big crowds In
the afternoon , we would advleo jou to como
In forenoon If poMMble. Wo can then pay
you bettor attention. 66-Inch blenched dame -
o k , nil linen , reduced to 55c yard. Fast
colors turkey rcil dnmafk only IOc yard. 70-
Inch wide- heavy Scotch table linen reduced
to 35o yard. B8-Iiich bleached cotton dam
ask li'o yard. G yards of cotton toweling
for EC. 12 yards for IOc. 18-Inch glass
checked toweling Slfcc yard. 10-Inch wide
drapery Swlsi only Sc yard. Colored bedspreads -
spreads , a flno grade and fast colors , only
$2.25 each. Yard wldo flno cambric oc yard.
LL yard wldo shooting , 4c yard. Sis brands
of best brands of bleached muslin at 7'/4c-
If In need of muslin wo would advise you
to buy these tomorrow. See our bargain
In fringed and plain hemmed bedspreads at
Me each. The best $1.00 spread In this
country you get at the blc store , Where
you also find the big crowds and big bar
$1.CO and $2.00 S1I1KTS AT 73C.
700 dorcn men's fine now stylish shirts ,
with or without collars nnd cuffs attached ,
all the latest styles made , worth up to
$2.00 , on sale \l 7Sc. Men's fine $1.00
shirts , colored , laundered , with collars nnd
cuffs attached , at C9c. Men's 73c colored
laundered shirts , with or without collars
attached , at 15c. Men's dark working shirts ,
with double back and sleeve , regular 75o
quality , at IDc.
Another arrival of spring dress goods.
Como in and examine nil the new pastel
shades In Venetian , all the new pastel
shades In spring wool waists , nil the new
spring grenadines nnd grenadine crepons.
Venetians , 75c , OSc , $1.50 up to $1.50 yard.
Fonles In all the now shades , CO Inches wide ,
only $2.50 yard. Golfing cloth , 98c , $1.15 ,
$1.25 , $1.50 up to $1.50 yard. Homespuns ,
23c , 39c , ' 13c , 59c , 76c , OSc tip to $3.50 yard.
Sco our CG-inch extra heavy homespun at
50c. Plaids In all the now shades at 19c , 23e ,
Bc ! ) , 49c , 7."c , fiSe up. The handsomest line
of plulds for children's school dresses ever
on the market nt 19c. Cheviots more popu
lar than ever. Wo guarantee to sell a bet
ter cheviot for 9Sc than any house In Omaha
for $1.50. Cheviots , from 23c to $1.50 yard.
Cheviots also for men's suits.
Such Immense quantities of new silks arc
the talk of the entirecity. . What are you
going to do with all of them ? Do you over
expect to sell them nllV Are n few of the
many comments. You watch us , wo have a
wny of our own. 100 pieces plain China silk ,
nil colors , for 25c ; DO pieces plaid silks ,
bright shades , for 39c ; 25 pieces colored vel
vet on hale at 23c. Wo have opened up
over 73 pieces of the finest black grenadines
that ever have been shown In our city ; these
are the best and nicest imported novelties
and wore picked up by our buyer on his
tour of the foreign markets. Wo show the
new waist squares ; takes thrco squares to
make a waist ; per square , $1.00.
Look for big bargains Friday and Satur
day In black silks , an entire stock of flno
black taffeta , black gros-graln , black satin ,
black India , black grenadine , In fact , all
kinds of black silks , all go on sale Friday
and Saturday.
Major \Vlioelrr \ * Kept llnny Ansiver-
liia ; Letter * from Men llcslr-
Inc Appointments.
Major D. II. "Wheeler , who Is now duly
confirmed as supervisor of the census of the
Second Nebraska district , is busy answering
letters ot applicants for positions as census
enumerators. There will bo about 130 enu
merators employed , ninety of them being in
Omaha. The appointments are made upon
the recommendation of the supervisor and
Major Wheeler says that in his opinion they
will not bo decided upon until the middle of
May. The work of enumeration will begin
Juno 1 and must be completed , In nil cities
having 10,000 inhabitants or over at the time
of the last census , within fifteen days. In
the other enumeration districts the work
must bo completed within thirty days.
The pay of the enumerator is based upon
the amount ot work performed , the mini
mum being 2 centa for each Inhabitant or
for each death reported , 15 cents for each
farm and 20 cents for each nroduotlvo in
dustry reported. In some cases a per diem
salary Is allowed which is from $3 to $6. $
W. S. Phllpot , Albany , Ga. , says : "De-
Witt's Llttlo Early Risers did me more
good than any pills I ever took. " The fa
mous llttlo pills for constipation , bilious
ness and liver and bowel tumbles.
\BK- Short IJiiitu St. I'll ill.
The Illinois Central has Inaugurated mag
nificent double dally train service between
Omaha and St. Paul-Minneapolis. Leaves
Union station 7-00 a. in. and 7:35 : p. m ,
Vestlbuled sleepers , parlor cafe cars nnd
through coaches. Meals served n la carte.
Ticket Office , 1402 Fnrnam street.
Cnril of
Wo wish to express our gratitude to the
many friends who so kindly extended to
us thedr aid and assistance In our recent
bereavement , the loss ot our beloved
daughter , sister nnd wife.
The Oratorical department of the Woman's
club will glvo a recital Thursday afternoon
nt 2HO : o'clock in the parlors of the Con
gregational church.
To live cheap. Bread 2c per loaf and eggs
9o per doz. Choice groceries at Wm. Gen
tleman's , 16th and Cass. Meat next door.
Ore. Lord & Rustln , 501 Paxton block.
Hy buying your tickets to
Salt Lake
. .
Los Angeles
.NO tll.V\nn. OOMI )
Ci'y Ticket Office 1302 Farnam ,
Tcihy Second Day of Krolik's S600.000
Detroit Wholesale Dry GoccU Suck.
0e SIIUi fur l.-c ? 1 SI IK 4 for : tl c
Jfl ! SIltiH for ! ir.c Ill-rax CooiU
for fie nee Drcnn
for -Tic.
2,000 yards 20-Inch checked glass toweling ,
I worth 7t4c , go nt 2' ' , c yard.
Ono big lot of toweling , including all
grades , such nn 20-Inch damask toweling ,
j I Stevenson s crashes , etc. , plain and twilled ,
bleached and unbleached , all go nt Do yard.
luc all linen bleached huck toweling 18
inches wide , go at SUiC yard.
? . " > c linen knotted fringe damask towels 15c.
500 pairs honeycomb and Turkish towels
go as long as they last at fie pair.
i 25c turkey rod tnblo damask 12 , fcc.
33c Indigo nnd white table damask 19c.
GOo oil turkey red table damask 25c.
GOc bleached nnd nan bleached table
damask , 25c yard.
65c nil linen cream table damask 3Sc.
$1.00 genuine silver bleached and Irish
full bleached all linen table damask , two
yards wide , go at fic ! ) yard.
OSc all linen largo half bleached napkins ,
uOc do/en.
$1.50 extra heavy nil linen , silver bleached ,
German napkins , 75c dozen.
$2.5074 slzo full blenched all linen satin
damask napkins , $1.50 dozen.
C5c large size crochet bedspreads , 39c each.
$1.23 10-4 eizo extra heavy crochet bed
spreads , C9c.
$1.50 12-1 size crochet bedspreads , fringe
nil nround , 9Sc.
$1.75 crochet bedspreads 2' , yds wide $1.19.
$3.00 satin Marseilles bedspreads , $1.'JS.
10,000 yards lawn , dimities and organdies
In nil the latest colors and designs , the
same goods ns wo have on display In our
ehow window. Thcso goods arc worth up to
25c yard , in remnants at 3V c yard.
10,000 yards white goods , such as India
linen , organdies , dimities , nainsook , etc. ,
worth up to lOc yard , on sale today nt
5c. T'/jC , " iLifcc ami 15c yard.
5,000 yards light nnd dark outing flannel
worth 121/ic , go nt Gc yard ,
12lc percale , 36 inches wide , In all the
latest colors and designs , go nt Gc yard.
5,000 yards drapery Swiss -worth 20c , go in
this halo at lOc yard.
All grades -lnch bleached muslins , Gc.
GOO pieces standard prints go at 3V c yard.
Everett classic nnd chambrny gingham ,
worth up to 12' c , go at GVfcc yard.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas.
At the- KlrintUcUioilIlt Clinrcli ,
Thursday Muht , Koliriinry 8.
1'ART I.
1. Organ Solo "Judox" ( Mora ot Vita.
. Gounod
2. Organ , Solo "Andante Religiose- "
( Theme ) . Gullmant
Mr. Thomas J. Kelly.
3. Solo-"Tho llolv City" . Adams
Hev. M. W. Chase.
1. Organ Solo-a ) " .Minuet" . Handel
( b ) "Gavotte" . Thomas
( c ) "Shepherd's Dance. . . .
. German
'Mr. ' Kelly.
5. Solo "A Bong of Thanksgiving" .
. Allitsen
OUss Gertrude Konntze ,
C. Organ Solo. . "Carmen , " Knntnsic .
. Arrang-ed
Mr. Kelly.
' Gallla" . Charles Gounod
faiitiK by the choirs of St. Mary's Avenue
Congregational and the the First Meth
odist churches Mrs. Kelly , soprano solo
ist ; Mr. Kelly , organist , and Mr. B. D.
Keck , conductor.
Explanatory programs furnished free of
Cramer's Kidney Cure . . . . 75c
Listerine . SQC
Brome Quinine . isc
Ayer's Hair Vigor. : . 75c
Hood's ' Sarsaparilla . 69c
Miles' ' Remedies . 75c
Hosteller's Ditters . 75c
Wine of Cardui . 75C
Castoria . 25c
Kilmer's Swamp-Root . 75c
Cuticura Soap . 20c
Juvenile Soap .
llui ciiIviiRu St .
Why not via Denver and
Salt Lake City through the
Heart of the Rockies past the
most beautiful scenery on the
globe ?
Join one of the Hurllneton
Overland Excursions which
leave Omaha 1:25 : I > , M. every
Thursday and you can see it
Porter , Excursion manager
In charge , Through to Los
Angeles without change.
Ticket Ollice , Burlington Station ,
1502 FARNAM ST. 10th & MASON Sti.
Telephone 250 , Telephone 310.
That tooth of yours. Doesn't It ? It prob
ably needs extracting. If go , by the use of
Vitalized Air we will remove It and no pain
to jou whatever. Possibly it can bo saved.
If so , we'll tell you.
Extraitlng 25o
Vitalized Air 50n
Gold Fillings $1.00 up
Taft's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms ,
Of Krolik's Detroit Wholesale Dry Goods
Stock is the
.Such IlnrKiiliin , Siii'li ( Itiilntltlc * , Such
Viilm-1 , Siu-li CrintiN llnicNot
Upon KIIOMII ' lU-rore Anil the
linn Only .Just Sfurtcil.
In connection with the nalo of the Detroit
stock wo will offer the balance of the fine
silk mousscllno de- solo that arc wortli t > 0c
nnd 7fic , in short lengths , but any amount
of pieces to match' ' , they go on bargain
square today at 13c yard.
Most sensational suit offering of the sea
son. $3.9S for a line man tailored suit ,
worth Up to $12.00. The cloth nlono is
worth more. All inndo in good styles and
of nobby up-to-date cloth. The Jackets arc
sllk-llncd , nnd In omo the Jacket nnd skirt
are both lined with good Roman silk. On
sale today at $
All the narrow torchon lace and insertion
from the Detroit stock , le yard.
All 10c Detroit lace stock , 3c yard.
All kinds silk and Oriental lace from the
Detroit stock , worth 25c , go at tic yard.
All the 25c embroidery and Insertion from
the Detroit stork , S'Ac.
All .the embroidery from this stock that
sold up to Hoc , go at laVfce yard.
? 2.60 plain nnd fancy silk velvet In hro-
cadcss and stripes for wnlsts , ! ) Sc yard.
Dress trimmings from Detroit stock , worth
up to 25c , go nt 2',4c yard.
Dress and all other kind of buttons that
sold up to 25c doz. , go nt le doz.
Ladles' , misses' nnd boys' underwear ,
worth up to 23c , go nt lOc each.
Ladles' seamless fast black hose , 5c.
Ch'lldren's derby-rib fast black hose , 2c.
Hoys' and girls' flno nnd extra heavy
ribbed hosiery , worth 23c , go nt lOc and ISc.
Ladles' muslin underwear , regular prlco
up to $1.00 , on sale at 4c. ! )
Ladles' perfect fitting corsets , drab and
black , all sizes , worth $1.00 , nt "inc.
N. W. Cor. Itith nnd Douglas.
I'ebrnnrjSill. .
Many artists In Omnhn and lovers of pic
tures generally have an opportunity on next i
Thursday , February S , from 2:30 : to I p. at. , I
to visit the gallery of Mr. G. W. Llnlnger , |
southwest corner of Davenport and Elgh- !
tconth streets , and hear him explain some I
of the leading pictures in his studio. Mr. I
Llnlnger wil Iglvo an Informal talk whllo' '
standing before his selected subjects , a kind
of running commentary from one study to
another , as ho takes his visitors round the '
beautiful gallery. No adlmsslon is charged ,
but a collection will bo received for the
benefit of an old soldier , Icng resident In
this city , but now in financial straits nnd
enfeebled health. Mr. Llnlnger's explana
tions will bo interspersed with some musical
selections , vocal and instrumental.
I'nrterrnikl , Lincoln , Wlimnry I- .
The Burlington louls will run a special
train Omnhn to Lincoln nnd return for the
accommodation of those desiring to nttetvl
the IMdcrcwskl concert , provided 100 or
more persons signify not later than Thurs
day , February S their Intention to patrouUo
The round trip rate will bo $2.20.
If interested , telephone or write Clement
Chine , 151S Farnam St. , from whota tickets
for the concert may bo secured.
Snni'l. Burns , 1318 Farnnm , annual reduc
tion sala Is now going on.
Several styles.
Spring styles.
Made as good
AP they can be
For the money , $0.50 to
§ 8.50.
CLOAK &surrca
1510 Douglas Street.
Olio package only to customer and for
CASH only.
50c Syrup of Figs ( Genuine ) 20c
$1.00 Llstorlno ( Lambert's ) 50c
25c Listerine ( Lambert's ) loc
flOe HIrney's Catarrh Cum "iOo
GOc Morrow's Kid-no-olds 29c
The front fiO or SO feet of first floor at
1513 LJodgo Street is for rent at a ver >
reasonable figure also counters and show
cases for sale.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go
In Store lit tilth mill Undue.
In new and used Pianos. This
v > oek you can make n largo saving on Pianos
of the following makes : Stcinway , A. B. Chase , Vose , Emerson. Packard and
Ivers & Pond. A few bargains of other makes :
One BillingsUpright $75.00
Ono Lyon & Healy Upright $110.00
Ono Story & Camp Upright $150.00
KIrnball Upright $185.00
Hallett & Davis $223.00
Stelnway Upright $285.00
New eastern made Uprights only $105.00
Square'Pianos' and Organs
$15 , $23 , $36 , $48 and up.
Wo sell on easy monthly payments , rent , tune , exchange , move , and store
Plonce. Telephone 1G23.
You are cordially invited to Inspect the SELF-PLAYING PIANOLA , THE
WORLD'S GHEATKST MUSICAL INVENTION. It plays any piano ; any one can
play it. Write for catalogue , prices and bargain list.
. . .
Steinway & Sons ) 1313 farnam Street.
Representatives. j 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
To the Ladies
We Have Opened
A new department in the line of ladies' fine Mercerized
Underskirts. The new spring styles have arrived and they
are beauties , every one of them. All in new shades , styles
and patterns.
Bargains , Yes , Bargains
This-Is the most effective , forceful noun In our vocabulary. Always striking ,
telling. For example , learn its significance in relation to our cloak department ,
For the next ten days our Suits , Jackets , Waists and Skirts will bo the lowest
priced In town. The statement is honest nnd conscientious. The present reductions
elmply mean that we are anxious to empty the cloak detriment In order to make
place for the now stocks ithat will bo rolling In by carloads In the near future.
You know our stock of Jackets' , A great many of them are
Imported garments. They are made by the vary best man
tailors. They arc worth up to $30.00 your pick of any In the
house for $7.39. ( Worthy your attention. )
Ladles' Jackets , inndo of all wool kerseys , silk lined through
out , jackets worth up to $12.00 , for only $1.US. ( Worthy your
attention. ) , ,
500 Jackets , in boucloa , Persians , caterpillars and other
rough materials and plain black kerseys , every garment silk
lined throughout they are worth up to $10.00 all go In one
grand swcop at only $2.98. ( Worthy of your attention. )
300 Jackets , no lining , at , each , 9Sc. ( Worthy of your at
tention. ) ,
Ladles' Plush Capos , Thibet trimmed , at $1.50 ,
Ladles' Douclo Capc-s , 30 Inches long , worth $5,00 , for $1.98.
Ladles' Crushed Plush Capes , 30 inches long , Thibet trimmed ,
for only $3.75.
Wo have Just 239 Suits le-ft. We dlvldo them in two lota
and they go nt two prices
LOT OX13 In colors and black , Jackets silk lined through
out they ore. worth up to $15.00 your choice for only $5.00.
( Worthy your attention. )
LOT TWO Ladles' black nnd colored Suits , in Venetians and
homespuns , some silk lined throughout , ) our choice for only
Ono lot of Mlsscfe' Jackets , In two-tone bouclcs , that sold
for $7.50 , on sale.
Skirts Included in the Grand Sale.
Ono table of plnlda , stripes nnd checks , as shown In our window , for $1,98 ,
Ouo table of large all wool golflni ; plaids , plain blacks and fancy mixtures slilrts
worth up to $7.00 , for $2.98.
Ono table of ladles' Silk Waists , In colors and black , worth $000 , for $2.88.
Specials for Thursday.
Infants' Eiderdown Cloaka , worth $1 fio. for 75c
Ladles' heavy lloeco lined Wrappers on Bale for 'J8e regular price $1 75.
Ladles' Percale Wrappers , in blues , blacl , and rtds , worth $1 00 , for only 49c.
see ( he
Don't you think it 'ibout time to got in shape for
the blizzard y weather ? Wo can conio nearer than any
other houso'in America in attending to your needed
Most of you men folks have Overcoats Most of you wo
man folks have cloaks ,
To thee who luivn't , no\v is your lime to got into
shape for the blizzard y weather. You men folks can
get good warm overcoats for $4.50 , 80.75 and up aa
high in quality and price as you faro to go. .
In ulsters from 88.75 and up. Ki-gardless the price
you pay , each garment is the best for money that
money can buy.
The women folk eau start in as low as 81.90 for
a good , well made , warm kersey jackotand for § ! U)0 )
we can sell yon a jacket that will cost you anywhere
outside this store , not leas than 80. Wo want you
to como and see for yourself. Such values as our
women's cloak department are ottering , should bring
every woman who isn't properly cloaked , here at
once. There's a big slice nipped on" thu prices for
your benefit.
TODAY , prices cut regardless of cost
to make room for the immense stock of shoes
just bought in the east by our shoe buyer.
We must have room , and bargains like
these were never offered before.
360 pairs women's fine kid lace shoes , with
silk vesting tops , new coin toes , kid tips
and single flexible soles , regular " | t7 JS
83.50 values , at . * - * &
236 pairs women's fine velour kid lace shoes
with kid tips and heavy single soles , worth
every where § 2.50 t 4Q
on sale at 1 rr O
320 pairs men's fine patent calf shoes , with
full double fair stitched soles , all leather
counters and insoles , regular 82 * J
shoes , on sale tomorrow at.- l.
230 pairs best satin calf lace shoes , full
double f air stitched soles and double -
. ble tips , reg 81-50 shoes , tomorrow
410 pairs child's fine dongola kid lace and
button shoes , with turned soles and kid
tips , sizes 5 to 8 , regular price
81 , on sale at
if you can in the artificial
wo make quality , finish , nt , and yes ,
prices and you can have your money
The work Is of such superior quality
that wo have no hesitation In making
this statement.
Killing or extraction Is done ultlirmt
pain , nnd the durability of the work
is guaranteed.
BAILEY , the Dentist
1'ni.lon IIIKJllfll A ; Knrmilii.
. - . ' . - .
I.lllljAtlcliiliuil. I'llouo 10H.-
I < Dr. II.V. . Hullo' . Toutb
I'omler , All
Just the kind of weather to make your
dog sick. Coughs , colds , fever , distemper
ire now prevalent. They can all bo cured
ly the timely ugo of
Clayton's Distcmperinc.
fieo. H. Moore the Lake street dog fan
cier says : "Thero IH nctlilng better. "
Dirty dog nouses and bedding this tlmo
of yeor cauao scratches and mange. Take
hen In time and they can bo speedily cured
Bach KOo per bottle.
Send for oook on the dog. u
14th aiulDoiiKlas St
41 Miles the Shortest
To St , Louis.
28 Miles the Shortest
To filuhiey.
Trains lenvo UNION STATION dallr
for SI. I'OiilB , Qtilnc } ' , Kansnu Oity and
all points oiiHt or
Home Seekers Excursions
Feb. 6thand 20th.
All Information at City Office , 1415 Far-
"i-a St ( Paxton Hotel Block. )
WANTKUCUHO uf oail health that
H-I-I'-A-N-S will no : ncnnllt Send 5 conta
to Hip-ins Clitmlcai Co Nov ; York , for 19
a anil J.'Mi testimonial * .
P. it. men M , t. < < MAMi"Timn ! , hT , j.otisi , MO ,