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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1900)
WSH 1'I 'I ILK OMAHA DAILY IJEE : THfKSDVY , PKBRrAKV 8 , 1000. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Ad rrllorniriU * fur Iliric column * trill In * tnl < rti tiiilll 1- in. fur tin- _ tiInit < MIIII nnil until SiIKI | i. in. for iiiornlnu ami siiinliiv < 'illllon. nnlc * . 1 l-Sc n M ir l flrM InncrlloiM li > n wiiril tlierctiftcr.otliliiK fur Ivitfi ( linn SSe for the IIrM ln i-t tlmi. TlicmndverllNrnietttH tuuxt ! > < run ( Miiiarcutltflv * . \ilt crllKTK. liy miiieMlttK n tttiiii- lirri-it cheek , can linvi * niiuwcr * nil- ilrcftM'il tn n iimiilicreil Ictli-r In on reef of Tit * ' Her , AIIHTXT * NO nihlrriNFil Mill IJP ( loll \orril on | irf eiitnlloii of tlio check only. WAVI'Iill SITl VTIO.NS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you w nt one pk'HM ) call up the Rcmlnptcn typewriter olll.e , liiia Farnam t. , telephone 1573. A-yW STENOGRAPHER of 5 yearn < xnetl nee wishes position ; can furnish machine. A 2i , lice. A 293 ' * FIRST-CLASS position wanted , ut otirc , by pjtporlnneed bookkeeper nnd account- tint , also stenographer. Address box 4SG , Omaha. A-M30t > 11' WANTED MAM : HELP. WANTED. We liaVe steady work for n few Rood hustlers of Rood hiiults and appear- unco. 'C. F. Artains Co. , lt > 19 Howard St. WE TEACH the barber trade thoroughly In Hhort time and fiirnlali each sraduate with a Kimrunteed position at peed wacss. There are morn than ten barber positions advertlped to one nt bookkeeping or short hand. Write for free catalogue anil par- tl'-ulars. Western Barbers' Institute , Omaha. H-MTJ CASH for acceptable Ideas ; atato If pat- ontt-d. Address , The Patent Record. Hal- llmuiu , .Mil. 11-603 WANTED , manager nnd agents ; salary or commission ; cheapest and largest line. Hunter Tailoring- and Shirt Co. , Cincin nati , O. B-MH6 AT' _ _ BAL.liS.MEN to sell ofllcc specialties ; line Mdp lines ; used by all merchant * ; cntaloe free. .Model .Mfg. Co. , Box U , South Bend , Ind. U-.M2I1 F12' A YOUNO man attcndlnsr school desires a plarn to work for board : any honest work. Address Boylcs College , Bee hide. ; tol. 19S4. fi 49n _ : picture agents , ' expenses pr.d. ! 181D l.eav. B-MSS7 F2S WANTED , men to learn barber trade ; 500 position * at JRO monthly wnltlns ; our KradilalcH : new Held ; cnn earn tuition ; two months complete ; all Information , with handsome 19uO souvenir mailed free. Molcr Ilarber CollcKe , Chicago. Jll. WANTED , a , Nn. .1. all-around butcher : > rood wa es paid. Call tit C. II. Huber & Hro. . 112 Kast Broadway , Counoll Bluffs. B-M333 D TK.MPERATK man to .travel and appoint In Nebruflu , JSO monthly , besides expenses and commission ; references. S. Kelly , 331 Dearborn , Chicago. B M323 S" EALES'MEN ' olicf. 2 Rood , active men for country or fwr city. Call or write , Rooms Ml-4.2 ! Pnxton block , Omaha. . . H-S39 7 ? "WANTED , ! n an a thoroughly ex perienced Invoice ) nntry clerk ; ono experl- fiirptl In handling railway claims pre ferred. Address X CO , Bee. B M332 10 D , a man who understand ? culti vating fruits ; steady work till fall. Give references and wages wanted. Addre'ft X 2 * . Rec. B-MK1 10 WANTED , n few good men to operate Motion Plftiiro machines and slv ex- lilbi-loiin In cMirrhex , Mhool houses and ball ? In your own locality. BlK money ran be made. ' Xo experience required. Send this ud and address Drawer HG , Chlcaui. ' . . Hi-MSIT S' WANTED , canvassers for our Rein-holder. Samples 20c. The Dycr-Rosers Spec. Co. , l jx sw. Detroit , .Mich. B MJlfl S' SA LKSMA' n oinTiicnT * and 'old-estab- llHhed CJili-UKo wholesale grocery hotMe wants r travullnff.representative , for oUIr established .territory 1n Iowa and Ne- brnsVa. To salesmen who are experi enced In'-the llnr and have a KOOI ! past rccoid an excellent opportunity will be offered. Address , stailnf ? full particulars H to cxi'erlenre. BRC. reference and sal ary wanted. X 2' ' ' . Bee. Communications fltrlctly conllilentlal. R M350 11 * WANTED FK3IAIK IIKI.I' . WANTED. 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S7 < ! . C-S05 WANTED , competeni young nurfe pirl. Call nt 125 Fo. 35th street. C-171 WANTED , good cook and laundress ; 3 In family ; second girl kept ; references re quired. 2240 t.andon Court , 1st street north of St. Mary's ave. olT of S. 21th st. st.C C M2CI IVANTRD , a filrl for general housework at once. Call 2539 California street. C M295 WANTED , a girl for general housework , family of two , peed wages. Call 1C04 N. Jlth. ' C-293 - 3IIU , for general housework. Wl S. 25th avenue. - . - C M307 S * EXPERIENCED girl ; must bo good cook iijid.launilrera : references required. 2U9 Dodco St. . . C 21G S \\'ANTED-aood filrl for general house work ; two , In the family. Apply at 123 N. Slst. Ave. ' C 312 BAMCS LADIES At the present time you can make from S3 to JIO a day ; wo have a position for two good sales ladles , ( . 'all ! > to 10 or 3 to 4. ropm 431-432 , Paxton block , or write for Information. C 310 7 FOIl 1IODSKS. IF YOU wunt your houses well tented place them with Benewa $ Co. D 9W HOICE houses , cottages , torefi. Henry R. Payne. C01 N. Y. Ufo. 'P 'hone. ' IDlti. D-007 HOUSES , stores. Bemls. Paxton block. MAGOARD Van & Storase. 1616 Cap. Ave Tel. 1ISC. D 109 HOVHEB for rent In all ports of the city. IJrcniian-lXivu Co. , SO-J So. 13th street. . D-U10 _ HOUSES for rent. J. II. Sherwood. D33 X\ Y. Ufe. 'Phone 3SS. D Dil JIOl'SES to rent. R. C. Patteraon , 303 N. Y. Ufo. . D 912 3 TO II rooms. J3 to fiO. 35 U. S. R'k bide. , D-81S _ _ _ FOR > RENT , desirable houses and flats. Rlngwalt , Barker bl6ck. D-814 1221 Ct'MINO st. . seven rooms , modern ex cept furnace , hat 'Just beenpulnted dnd renovated ; will rent to desirable tenant , only fsaoo. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. JVi)15 ) 15 S. 23th ave. . modern seven-room IIOUFO in good condition. J23.00. Omaha Loan .t Trust Co. , ICtb and Douglas His. D-917 FOR RENT , modern steamheated"apariu ment on second Moor of Oavldge. building. JOHN W. ROBBINS , ISO. FARNAM. D-COJ J _ _ IF YOI' need a tenant Hat your houses wlthiW. V. Hedges , 5(0 ( Parton block. D-450 _ _ _ W2 SOl'TH 2'th , 7 room * , modern. $30 ; 3007 Webnti-r. S rooms , hath ; 222-.1 North ISth. fl roomn. barn , large yard ; also llul Rtns- walt Rro * . ( narKvr Block. D C4' ; JIOVSES , etc1. V. D. Wead , 15l D-119 _ ? :27 SPRI'CB ST. , 4 rooms , city wrter SB W Sato 8 ward Bt. , S-roonrcoltase. city water , no oo. S3 ! S Mrd Kt. , 4 rooms , city water , J10.0) . ; w S. 13th Rt. . S-room house. $15.0J. 1107 Mnrcy hi. , S rooms , city water. J5.00. OMAHA lUOAN AND TRUST CO. . 18th and Douglas. . D-M1O _ _ 2 HOl'SES for llxlnii up. K U. S. Bank bi's. U-MM1 S 711K only lioii rarnnt on WeK Farnam Hill. 3 > lh St. , ni'urYi3i. . Omalui m hool. mudern ; will overhaul new f r gooh teM > ant. ft ! V , S. National Rank bldg I ( lit lll'.N'f 11(11 sis , It IVtcru & > ' < > . Ree liMs DM Wl 10 Foil RENT-To n H family. 7-m < im cot- tnge in RtKKl rn lr : city water Inelde : flstern ; coiil shed ; 22nd nnd California 9t . m. Inquire nt fffi N. 10th St. D-3 HI : > T rfit\i. iiKi > ROOM * . FOR RENT One or two nicely furnished front room" , reasonable. 821 9o. IGth , top Mat. E T.7 7' ONE large room nnd one smnll room ; good hcut ; private family ; gentlemen preferred. 2J17 Half Howard St. JB-31S 12 Ft'RNISHED rooms , modern. 25M Harnpy. I3-168-1C * THREE nice rooms for houtekPeplne. 1112 South Eleventh. E JIJ30 FURNISHED rooms. housekeeplnKTlHIS St. Mnry' . . E-MSJS 1E PI RMSMHI ) IKIO.MS AMI 11OAUI ) . THE Mt-rrlnm family hotel , 25th and Dodge. NICE , warm rooms , seed board ; rensonn- blc rates. The Rose , 2020 Hartley. F-M fi 10' TO 2 gentlemen. In private family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F 919 FURNISHED rooms and board ; references. 11G S. 2Gth t. F-M1I ! S A FURNISHED room. 2019 California st. 5' F-M133 610 N. 3d. nicely furnished ; modern. F-M313 & HANDSOME rteam heaterl front room , with board. 1909 Capitol avenue.n CAN accimmodato a few nice people with room and board reasonable. X 2i. Bee. F-M3I3 11 * I'OU RENT r.VrrilMSIlIill ROO.MS. FIVE unfurnished chambers for housekeepIng - Ing to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. G CSS 3 ROOMS , for small family. iS month , over 2 01 Dodge ; Inquire upstairs. Q JI3W 11 FOR REXT STORES AXIJ OFFICES. FOR RENT , store In first-class location : rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. . ground floor. Rco bldg. 1 2CO FOR RENT , brick warehouse , two Iloors , eao'i ' OlftOT feel : power elevdtors ; U. P. truckage. Apply Haarmann Bros. , 191t So. 20th. 1 920 WA. > THI . "LIFE OF MOODY. " COO pages. 2(10 Illus. . nuthorlzed edition ; best com , credit given. Hlxcnbaugh & Co. . Ware block , Omaha. J-747 WANTED , agents to sell lace curtains ; hlK prollts ; sample and terms for sliver dime. Oliver Potts , Indtanola , Neb. J-M304 12' AGENTS WANTED for the bestsellhlff Life of Moody , containing over 700 pages ; a real life of Moody covering 300 Daces ; sermons , addresses In logical order , the best work of his life 30) paged : anecdotes and pithy riylngs lO i pages. Beautifully Illustrated. Do not waste time on Cheap- John books hastily put together with paste-pot and shears. OUr celebrated Life of Moody possesses peculiar features of excellence and will outsell all others. Beautifully Illustrated. Rig terms. Pros pectus sent 'on receipt of ten 2-cent stamps for cost of packing and mailing. Freight paid. A wonderful opportunity not only 10 make money , but to do a vast amount of good by circulating a noble book that will be everywhere recojmlzcd as a work of standard merit. Books ready for delivery. R. F. Johnson Publishing Company. 1-01-903-903 E.Main St. . Richmond mend , Va. J M3I5 S * RELIABLE man. several counties , special work. No book scheme or canvassing business : llrst-clans salary. Standard Phar. Co. . BInghamton. N. Y. J M34S S * AGENTS. Welsbach mantles. 15c. 2.c ; 1 urnera. combinations" ; , 6c ; canopies , 5c. Send JOe for licensed' ' mantle 'and catalogue. Vanhouten ; 74''Park ' Place , ' New York. " J M3I4 S' WAXTI3I1 TO I113XT. WANTED To rent a large house. 12 to 15 rorms , close In. Dr. Shephard , N. Y. Life BMg. K-319 7 STORAUK. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 921 AVAXTRO TO Ill'Y. ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. . In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 140C-10 Dodge. Tel , 2020.N N ! > 22 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan- Love Co. , SKI So. 13th. N 923 STAMP collections bought. Mortensen SOI Paxton Block. N 159 F1S ? 3.000 TO INVEST In bargains. 1512 Daveii- port. N-M71G F2S AMERICAN dealer ; ouy secondhand furni ture and stoves 1719 Cumlng. Tel. 1R73. N 291 GOOD cow. F. D. Wcad , 1521 Douglas S SECONDHAND safe. Inrlde measure , 24 Inches hlirh. IS Inches wide and 13 deen ; Hall or Mosher preferred. Address X 25 , Bee. - N 321 S * FOR SAM : JEFFERSON Square 2ndhand store. Fur. lilturn & stoves bought & sold.110 N. IGlh. O-150 f-7' FOR SALK IIOL'SES A\D AVACOXS , TOP BUGGY for sale , in coed condition. U 40 , Bee. P-M190 CHEAP , top phaeton. 2203 North 1'Jth st. P-21C FIO * FOR PALE , carload mules , Olenwood , Ja. ; weigh 1.C09 to 1.10O , fat , rendy for mar ket. S. M. Estes. P MS3G M7 I'Oll .HAI.IJ CHEAPEST and best oik : cribbing and hos fences. 901 Douglas el. G 821 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Me- Connell Drug Co. . 1B13 Dodge St. Q 32' > FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q 92C U. HAAS. Florist. 1S13 VInton St. Tel. 778. Plants , cut llowers , boqticts. hall , residence - dence , wedding and grave decorations Order * by mail or exprdos promptly lllled. FOR SALE , nil palms , shrubbery , . bulbs anil various plants from exposition grounds. Inquire at Apiary building. Exposition - position grounds. , Q Mllillfi INDIAN relics , mounted heads. J116 Fnrn'm Q-92S 2DHAND cafe cheap. Derlcht. 1116 Farnam -0929 SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q-930 NEW bicycles complete. J13.KO. Nf > b Cvcie Co. , cor. 15th and Harney. Q M071 F23 J1S5 WILL buy fine Stclnway upright : c slier or tlmtAddres * W 40. Bee. Q Mra HIGH crade sferllnu bicycle. $ . ; vood 2nd- hnnd wbeeln. $ s. S10. J12- repairs nnd nip. pllo . Omabn Bicycle Co. Q Ml NOTICE country dealers. 2dlmnd furniture t stovtw at lowest prlcow. carloiid 'ot ' - or loss Chicago Furniture Co. . 1406-19 Dodge. SEWING machines to rent. Toe per week. Nebraska Cycle Co . lEth and Harney. P.-M217 Fll CI/AIRVOYAXTS. MRS. FR1TJ5. clairvoyant. SOS N. 16th.S833 S-833 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1013 Dodge S-931 MME , PALMER , medium , removed to 1707 Cass , S 155 F t I. Mil' OY V\T ? . HAND feadmp - > nJ ustmlnjty Just nr- rlvd from Europe , will remain short timr ; It4\t \ t > different ways. f etU * fnmlly nunrrelc ; brlriKf * separated together. Sail- ! ( notion KU rante > d or mnne > refunded. Price , J200. Will on Indies ot their homo. Adrtre * at once , Mrs. Delia E. Hft7.zard. Omaha. Neb. . P. O. S-MM6 S' MASS.Uin AMI IIATSIS. MME. AMES. R. 2 , W7 S. 13 ; mnxMBf baths ! T-931 FA * MAY WILSON , bath , massage. 619 S. 16th. T-M1SO Fil ELITE PARLORS. CIS S. 16th. upsTalrs ; T-MSC2 11 MRS. RERRY. baths , mawace. PARLORS best In city. HO N IGth. 2d floor ; opp P. O. | T-170-M 2 * MME. SMITH , room 2. 11SH N. ISth T-M2SI 10 FURNISHED rooms for centlemen. 175IH Leavenworth. T SC7 F13 * MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; mawMKo batlisT T-M33I 13 * I'llllSIJXAI. . VIAVI , woman's way to health. 3i6 Bee bid. U-936 SHAMPOOING 23c. hair dteating 25o. hair | and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , 151S Farnam. Tel. 2333. U-937 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement : babies adopted. 1130 N. 17. . . U-910 PROF. LUND positively destroys corns , I bunions , warts moles. 611 Karbaeh Blk. U-426 FIG MONHEIT. leading chiropodist. 151S Far nam , 2d floor. Tel. 2333. U-93S PLEATING nnd pleated s'klrts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co. , 203 Douglas block. U-231 Fll J. E. DIETRICK , architect nnd structural engineer , 540 Ramgo Rlk. t ; Sfil F12 * RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain , no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure , S'32 ' N. Y. Life Bldc-i Omaha. , TJ-941 GOOD large barn for rout In north part of city. Inquire 2121 Locust. U 103 LIEBEN. costumer. 1313 Howard. Get catalogue. U 642 ALL diseases of the feet skillfully { rested FREE for the benollt of students. Miss Mayer , 400 Paxton Blk. PupllB wanted. U 130 2S NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. Our clients who built the Sherman. Nor- mandle , Wlnona and Albion contemplate erecting anothtr house whenever the people ple of Omaha want it. Wo deslrt * to obtain the Ideas of prospective occupants relative to location. de.-Ign , etc. . and will thank them to communicate with us by mall , 'phone or personal call. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY , Tel. 17S1. 1st Floor N. Y. Life 31dg. U M140 11 LADIES' free harmless monthly cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. Milwaukee. Wis. U- MOXKY TO LOAX HI3AI , ESTATE. Jl.OOO & upwards to loan on Improved city property & farms. AV. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fanjam. W 943 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and. Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 303 S. 13th. Omaha. W 944 PRIVATE money. P. D. Wead , 1524 Douglas W-945 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. - R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W 94o JIOO.000,000 TO invest through Bankers , Brokers , Promoters ; send for circular. Investors' Directory. X. Y. W 94S 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton block. W-919 MONEY to loan on llrstclass improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Knox Co. , N. Y. L. ' \Vr-i'39 B. 5V4 , G per cent loans on Omaha. S. Omaha. W. II. Thomas , 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1G4S. W 951 MONEY to loan ut E and 5' < - per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle , 401 S , l&th. \ \ JO.- FIVE per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson. W 933 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 30y So. 13th. W--J54 PRIVATE money , low rnto , no delay. Garvln Bros. , 1G13 Farnam St. W 033 PRIVATE money. $100 to $1.000. J. H. Sher wood , 933 N. Y. Life. W-S5G $100 to $3,000. 1512 Davenport.W W M715 F23- MOM3Y TO LOAX CHATTELS. I-F-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y S-E-E-US We have a large amount to loan on house hold furniture , pianos , organs , warehouse receipts , horses , carriages , etc. You can get the money within a few hours after making application. WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. We give you as much time as you need nnd you may repay the loan as soon as you choose and you need not pay for It ONE DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . Tel. 22S5. S06 South IGth Street. S-A-L-A-R-Y-L-O-A-N-S From $10.00 up made to people permanently employed In OMAHA , SOL'TH OMAHA and COUNCIL BLUFFS. You can borrow of us on your own name , without endorser or mortgage. We ar range the payments as easy BH is possible , allowing you to pay ALL or IN PART AT ANY TIME AND YOU PAY FOR THE MONEY ONLY WHAT TI.ME YOU KEEP IT. Our business Is confidential. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. Room 119. v 300 South 16th Street. Board of Trade Bids. Tel. 2293. X 357 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortgage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATES. No enijulrlen made of em ployer or friends. You cnn borrow any amount and repay on easy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing pee us. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , suite 023-520 N. Y. Life Bldg. X-U3S MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , diamonds , watches , on easy payments , un known to others : you keep the goods , each payment lessens the cost of the loan ; no charge for papers and we make no In quiries ol your neighbors. BERGERS' LOAN CO. , 1501 Farnam , over B. & M. ticket ofllce. X-939 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , covVs ; , jewelry. Duff Green R. S.Barker blk. X &GO MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent posluon with lesponslblo concerns upon their own names without security ; easy payments. Tolmon , 700 N. Y. L. Bldg , MONEY loans on furniture , rls * . bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known lo friends. Omaha Loan Rank. 1410 Fa mam , tipfetalrt- . X > 32 LOANS made salaried people on personal note without security : rates reasonable. J W. Taylor , 21S 1st Nat'l bank. , 12 to 6:15. : X-9J3 MONEY loaned on ulanop. furniture. Jew elry , horfcH , COWF , etc. C. F. Reed , 315 S. 13. X Pffi LOANS TO SAL..RIED PEOPLE > m- ! ployed In Omaha. Sotuh Omaha and i 1 Council HluiT * . hcldlne good posltlonf. on their own names : NO MORTGAGE : BEST TERMS : everything prlvnte : money can he paid biek In nmal ! weakly or monthly ixiymfntv American I/oan Co. , Room 601 , BetBldi. . X MS i MONEY to loan on furniture , nlanos , horseg. cows. etc. J. W. Taylor. 21S First National bank building ; 12 to 6:15 : p.m. _ FOR K.\iilA\Cii : ; , I | CLEAR vacant .ot near 27th and Chicago. 66x140. Jl.230. Will trade for good rental properly and pay cash difference gp Q , Wallace , 313 J , J. Brown block. Z-UZ i-'on \Ln-itt3.M. . KKTVTI : . PAYNE-KNOX CO , HEADyUARTF.RS fcr REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Lo\\- EST RATES on LOANS. SOUND IN- SI RANCE ; HOUSES. FLATS. STORES , for RENT. FlrM floor , N. Y. Life Rldg. HB-987 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estate see S. A. Rrondwell. 5" ! N. Y. Life. UE-WS HOUSES , lots. farm * , lands , loans ; nlso fire Insurance. RemK Paxton blk. RE-9T" SNAPS In renl e < tMe. money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co. , 14 S. loth St.RE 974 NEAR ISth and Jackson street * , e-room bouse. lot 23x73 feet , $1,800. Southwest corner 3Slh nve. nnd Jnckson ft. . 12CxlW feet , snap. * ! > X > . CO acres within ten miles of Omaha post- office , 10-room house , barn 30x00 feet , i some fruit tree , tine place , near Dodpo ft. paved road , improvements worth $2,000 ; price. J4.000 John N. Frenzer. opp. old P. O. RE-973 1302 NORTH 17TH street , two houses , rent- IIIK for JIG per month , pavlnc paid , \rnys \ 14 per cent erois ; price , Jl,3oO. John N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. RE-DiS FOR QUICK returns on barsalns nnly see S. A. Rroadwell , Wl N. Y. Life FOR SALE. S3.000 for 40 acres well Im proved , on West Dodfe : macadam road. H.UIO for SO acres Improved , near Milliard. $1.0io ( for 13 acres four miles from poBtoillce. $730 for I.I acres , near Waterloo. $1.750 for 5-room houfe and lot 60x160 ft. , S. E. cor. 2Sth ami Pacific fit. $2,000 for 9-room houtc , burn , etc. , 1133 North l th st. SXO for house nnd lot on llth st. , near new boulevard. $1.500 for south front lot on Dodge , near 2r.h st. Special taxes paid In full. J1.2.V ) for 12oxl27',4 ft. , N. W. cor. sttth and Franklin. J/KO each for lotn 3 and 4. block 2 , Potter's add. . Half Howard , between 41st and 42d streets. $230 for east front lots on South 13th st. . on qrnde , one block north of end of car line. f2 < X ) for lot fi. block 11. Orchard Hill , south front on Franklin , between 3 < th and 40h : ! < t reels. GEORGE & COMPANY , 1C01 Fnrnam St. RE-M334 11 FOR SALE. 100 feet front on Harney st. by 210 feet deep , comprising four t-mall lots ; the property lies Immediately west of the residence of C. J. Greene , near "Cth st. : price very low If taken within the ne t week. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th st. RE-M1CO ! C. F. HARRISON , FARMS. FARM LOANS. RE 397 Flo' _ _ HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; nli = o fire- insurance. Bemls. Paxton blk. RE 706 BARGAINS wanted , bargains for sale all the time. A. P. Tukey , Board of Trade. RE 745 FOR SALE , about fifteen Improved farms and a largo quantity of unimproved farm and grazing land , partly under Irrigation , located In the beautiful Cedar valley-this ; valley Is one of the most fertile In the west , growing both wheat and corn to perfection , besides being accessible to some of the best cattle raiding country that can be found anywhere. For prices nnd full description of property address 1'lbel & Company. PIbel , Wheeler county , Nebraska. RE'iO 14 HOUSES , farms. R. C. Patterson , 303 N. Y. L. RE-M312 A BARGAIN , four acres. 40th and Pacific , two blocks from car line , on belt rail road , $2.500 ; easy terms. McCnsue In vestment Co. . 1506 Dodge. RE 9G9 HENRY R. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE-976 OWNERS of real estate willing to sell at bargain prices should call upon or write JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. RE-67S FOR SALE OR TRADE-Three-quarters of clear land ; some improved : trade for city property : good bargain. Mrs. Annie Oberff , 133S So. 23th Ave. RE 33S 9 * FOR SALE , $1S.OOO for brick business block In good location , building finished one year ago and leased .for 5 years to re- spcnslble tenants : rental J'l.MXJ per year. $3,503 for well Improvcflvproperty ; original cost of improvemcriljfi.K)0 ! ) ; rental $573 per year. " - . ; > $2.E"JO " for pronerty No. 14W South IGth fit : storeroom. G-room lint over R'oro and small house on rear of lot ; rental $34S per year ; paving and all special taxes paid In full : buildings In llrsl-clas.5 condition. $10.0DO for 2-storr brick building and GO-ft. frontage on Hnrney St. , near 20th St. ; rental $1.0. > fi per year. $4OM for nnrtheast corner 25th and Chicago Kts. . 107x109 ft. : special taxes all pall. ( GEORGE R. COMPANY , 1C01 Farnam St. RE M333 11 SIIORTIIAM ) A.M ) TVIMiAVIUTLXO. A. C. VAX SANT'S school. 717 X. Y. Life. 9SO AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Douglas. -951 BOYLES. college court reporter prlnelnal. Ree bldr ' -9S2 NEBRASKA Business & Shorthand col lege. Boyd'a theater. 93 , TV1'E WRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1G25 Farnam St. TelephoneVJS4. . - I'M ' REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and suuplles. 1G19 Farnam. 9S8 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing ; heaviest manlfolder and cuts the llnest stencil. Tel 2279 J S. Stewart , Special Agent. 31E > , i S. 15th St. Omaha. SS7 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Fnrnnm. flSS SPECIALIST. DR. DAVIS , leading specialist , cures all nrlvif. nervous and chronic diseases of both sexes. Including syphilis , gonorrhoea , gleet , blood an-1 skin diseases. IDPI man- hnod. nervous debility , piles , rheumatism , I kidney or bladder troubles and kindred i cMsease. . One month's treatment free In | all ehrdnlc cases. Call or write t'yrr.p- tums of your trouble ? . All correspondence strictly confidential. Consultation free. Privnte entrance. 1003 Podge St. , cor. Kith and Dodge. Omaha. Neb.M12D 2S IJANCIXfJ SCHOOL. SPRING TERM Morniid'e dunrlng school begins this week : children Wedm-sdays and Saturdays : adults Tuesday and Friday R p. m. : attend the assemblies , Crt'lghton Hall Wednesday and Saturday. 8:30 : p. m. and learn the new d.mres. saline waltz , cake walk two rtep. and Cuban waltz. Admission , c ouule , 50 cents. SSO F 28 OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Osteopnthlf Institute , 013 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. . Allen Johnson. D. O. , ladies' dept. ; Old E. Johnson , Oateopathlst. mgr. -533 M. E. DONOHUE , D. O. . of Still school , Klrksvllle. Mo. . COl Paxton blk. Tol. 1357. 931 "RESULTS TELL. " Osteopathy has cured where other methods have failed. Albert T. Hunt. D. O. . Suite 303 Karbaeh blk. , 13th and Douglas. Tel. 2352. 320-Mo 'OR HEXT I.AXD. FOR RENT. 440 acres of flue pasturage and corn land , well Improved , lying on West I Q street , east of Seymour lake and wi st I ! of Sou'h Omaha. Apply to The Byron Reed Co. , 212 So. llth St. . Omaha. Nob. SSO 11 10-ACRC tract , 2 miles N. W. 30 U. S. Rantbuldc. . M 3U 10 .MEDICAL. LADIES , Chlchester'H Engltbh Pennyroyal pills a/e the best , safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c. stamps , for particulars. "Relief for Ladter , " In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlcheater Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. FUR.MTl'Ri : KUP.MIll.VK. PACKING , upholstering , mattrc ? ? . feather renovating Tel. 1331. M. S. Walklin. 2111 Cumins S' . 3S3 PAW.MIKOKEKS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 41S N. 16. -991 EAGLE Loan Office reliable , accommodat ing , all business confidential. 1301 Douglaa , -Wi TRl MC P 1C TOIIV. TRUNK ? , traveling buff * . Mill , IK * Trunks repaired < > m. Trunk Fiu-tmy , 1 9 Furnnm SCHOOLS AMI l.lMUMGli. FRENCH. German. Spatiich , $2 per month. I Prof. Chatcldln. Sol Uoyd theater. 99S STAM3IKR1M5 AMI STfTTURINii. CURED. Julia Vauphan , 430 Ramge Bldg. 993 MIIIDS AMI TAVIIIIJIIMY. STOCK'S Bird Ptore. 1 03 Leavenworth. 990 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. Wm. Bnrr. . Mgr : $1 to $1.35. 12th and Douglas. 'Phono 241. ( M4 F22 UlCYCLKh. EXAMINE Crescent. Tribune , Olive. Few ler. $2i1 to $30 ; $1 down , any amount , a week. Fleseher , 1C22 Capitol Arc. 479 FOR I.K1SE. G6X132 , with trackage , near heart of city. W 33. Bee. 673 F23 * LAl'.VORV. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 l.cavcnw'h. Tel. 517 -997 HORSES bD stables and good cnre. 'Phono 1054. . W. Phelpp , 207 N. Y. Life. 225 Fll LOST. BLACK water Spaniel. Return to 302s Cass nnd receive reward. IxiPt 322 S * XICKEI. IM.ATIXCS. CYCLE PARTS All kinds plating. Omalia Plating Co. . Rrc Hldg. , Tel. 253J. 441 FOR RENT FAR.MS. FOR RENT Improved 0 nnd 1KO aero farms. L. L. E. Stewart , U. S. Nat. Bldg. 335 S .MERCHANT TAILORS. BEN COHEN , artistic tailor. 404 N. KHh St. iJ F2S 1'OSTOFFICE XOTICI' . ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Forf-lgn mails for the week ending Febru ary 10 , 1WKI. will close ( PROMPTLY in all cnics ) at the General Postotllce as follows : PARCELS POST MAILS clorc one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels Post Mulls for Germany closet 5 p. m. Monday. TrmiNntliiiitio THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY , SPAIN , POP.- TUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA , per s. s. La Champagne * , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Cham pagne" ) . SATURDAY-At S a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct , per s. s. Statendam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Statendam" ) ; at 1) a. m. for ITALY , ppr H. s. F. Bismarck , via Naples ( let ters must be directed "per s. H. R Bis marck" ) ; at 9:30 : a. m. ( supplementary 11 a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Lucanla * , via Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. Herman steamers sailing on Tuesday ? take Printed Matter , etc. . for Germany , nnd Specially Addressed Printed Matte" . < ? to. lor oth"r parts of Europi. American and White S'ar Fieamers on' Wednesdays' . Gerinou steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , French and German steamer- Satur days take Printed Matter , etc. , for all countries for which they arc advertised tw carry mail . After the rloslnir of the ' Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named -move addi tional supplementary mall ? are opened on the piers of t : e American. English , French nnd German steamers and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamers. Matin for Sontli nnd Central Amrrlcn , \Vet inillfs , Etc. THURSDAY At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia ; at 1 p. m. for GUANTANAMO and MAN2AN- 1LLO , per s. F. Santiago de Cuba. FRIDAY At 1 p. m. ( Mippemenary ! 1SO : p. in. ) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMI NICAN REPUBLIC , per s. s. New York. SATURDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NASSAU , per steamer from Miami , Fla. ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary ] 0:3U : a. m. ) for FOR- TUNP : ISLAND , JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTHAOENA. per s. s. Alleghany ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Aileghany" ) . ai ] 0 a. m. ( .sup plementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for HAITI , per H. s. Alps : at 11 n. m. for CUBA , per P. s. Mexico , via Havana ; at 11 a. m. ( sup plementary 11:30 : a. m. ) for NASSAU and SANTIAGO , per s. s. City of Washing ton : at 11 u. m. for PUERTO RICO , per s. s. Ponce , via San Juun ; at 11 a. m. ( supplementary 11:30 : a. m. ) for CURA- COA. VENEZUELA , SAVANILLA , and CARTHAGENA , per s. s. Hlldur ; nt 11 a. m. for BRAZIL direct , per s. t > . Capri , via Rio de Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil nnd La Plata Countries must be directed "per s. K Capri" ) ; ut 2 p. in. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s. t = . Xewlyn. Mills for Newfoundland , by rail to North S > dney , nnd thence by steamer , close nt this office dally at 8:30 : p. m ( connect ing close hero every Monday Wednes day and Saturday. Mails for Mlquelon , bv rail to Boston and thence by Ktoamer , close at this ofllce dally at SSO : p. m. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , ! pln. . and thence by steamer , close at this ofllce dally ( excep' Monday ) nt 7 a. m. ( the connecting closes are on" Sunday , Wednesday and Friday ) . Mails for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fla. . and thence by steamer , close ut ( his ufii . < < r cvt-ry Monday - . day , Tuesday and Saturday at 2:30 : a. m. ' ( the connecting closes are * on Tuesday uud Saturday ) . Mulls for Mexico Cily. overland , unless specially addressed for dispatch by uleamer. close at this olhoo daily at 2:30 : a. in. and 2:30 : p m. Mails for Costu Rica , Belize , Puerlo Cortez and Guatemala , liynil to New Orleans , and thence by bteamer. close at this ofllce dally at ' * * 3:00 : . . p. m. ( connecting closes i hero Sundays and Tuesirayfa for < eau I Rica and Mondays for Belize , Puerto Cortez - i tez and Guatemala ) . Registered mail closes ut G p. m. orcvIouB da - . "Regis- | torcrt rrall closes ut G p. m. second day before. 'iilfla Mnllh. Malls tor Hawaii , China , JApan and Phil ippine Inlandvia. . San Francisco , cloco hero dally at 0:30 : p. m. up lo February 4th , inclusive , for dispatch1 per s. B. Nippon Maru. Mails for China and Japan and Philippine Islands , via Seattle , clo e hero dally at G:30 : p. m. up to February * 3th , for dispatch per . s. Tosa Mnru ( registered letters must be directed "via Seattle" ) . Malls for Hawaii. Japan , I'hl'n ' and the Philippine islands , via Ban Fran cisco. close1 here dally at C:9) : p. m. ui , to February I2lb , Inclusive , for illa- patch per s. K. Rio de Janeiro. Malls for Australia ( except West Auslraliu' ' New Zealand. Hawaii , Fiji and Sumoun IslundH. via San Francisco , close hero dally ut t:30 ! : p. m. after February * ' 31 and up to February " 17Ui. Inclusive. < ir on day of arrival of n. n. Cumpunlu , duo at New York February " 17th , for dl-- putch per n. H. Alamedu. Mull.- ; for China and Japan , via Vancouver , cloxe hf-ri daily nt 0:3' : ) p. m. up to February "Mth , Inclusive , for dispatch per H. s. Empress of China ( registered mall must be di rected "via Vancouver" . ! . MuiU for So- clbti Islands , via San Francisco , dost here dully at 0:30 : p. in. up to Februaiy " 23d , Inclusive , for dispatch by ship tJall- lee. Mulla for Huwall , vl i San Fran cisco. close here daily at G:30 p. m. up to March " 2d , Inclusive , for dispatch per h. s. Australia. Malts for Australia ( except West Australia , which | < ot-H via Europe. and New Zealand , which oo via Han Francisco ) Hawaii , and Fiji Islands , via Vancouver , clone hero dally at 6y : > p m. up to March * * Sd , Inchulve. for dispatch per e. e. Aorangl. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of galling dally and the schedule of dob- Ing is arrunecd on the presumption of their uninterrupted overlcnd transit , "Registered mall clofea ui 6 p. m. previ ous day i CORNE ! U'S VAN COTT Pustmas er I I'ostoffl. e. New Y'irk. N Y February 2. ' I.IK M. MiTH I : " . NUTlCK OF AMFNtiMKNTS OF ARM- CLKS OF INCOKIVKATt.'N Notice is heieby Riven tlmt The I'r Pub- 1'shlng Compflnj hs HIM ltd nmfnl'il ar ticles ol Incorporation In thr oltlrp < > f it\c secretary of stnte , and alsvi with the count > clerk or Douglas county , Nebraska , by virtue of said nmcndpil article * cf In corporation It l. provide * ! if follows : AMENDED ARTICLKS OF INCORPOHA- T10N\OF THE BEE PUBLISHING COM- Plate of'Nebraska. Douglas County- ? * : Articles three ( J ) . four (4) ( ) and tlve (5) . of the articles of Incorporation of The Rre Publishing Company are hereby nmcnded as follows : _ . , ARTICLE ; . The undersigned do hereby associate our- pelves tcerincr and declare llmt we. to- Bether with our n'socmtesA \ * .ucoe sorj are nd jhall i > corjior'tlon under and by virtue o. tie statutes ol the state of Nebraska , by the name and stMe of The Bee Publishing Co. _ ARTICLE II. The principal place for the transaction of the ljufine. i of sold roruoraiion snail be In the city o ? Omaha. In fie cntinty of Douglas nd slaK > of Ncbraski. _ ARTICLE 111. The general nature of the buslno s to be transact ! * ! by th.s corporatiun shall be to print nnd publish dally , semi c ll > . trl-wreklr , weekly ncwspapeis arM ma .i- lines , do general Jo'j printing , iiook pub- llshliifr , book liimlinp ensrnvlnij , litli' - graphing , "tercotyplnfr , - : ( : 'roi ! > ! ' ! S and purchasing and sailing prln'.It-.B ni.n-liim-r > . printing material , printing stock anil news paper press franchises. _ . ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stuck of salJ i-or- poratlon shnll be live hundred inoumnd dollars ( f5UiooO.M ) ) , olvldo-.l Int.-i shares of live hundred dollnrs < .V. > > .p01 c.liu ; piovldej that no 9'a , kfai ; be ii > aue l Jn ov.'t-ss of one nundrea tnoufur.u uonurs ( M w.n > J. ( ) linlfs authorized by a iwo-tnlra vote of the out.tundlnR sto'-k of Mid corpoiatlon , tijion ten days' notice to all stockholders , nnd provided , further , that no share sha.l be sold or issued for less f.inn pai. _ . , ARTICLE V. i IIP .line of commencement of said cor poration shall be the nftecnth day of Jan uary , A. D. 1S7S , and the. tintof termina tion of the same shall be tn > iUtee'itli day Of January. A. D. 1930 , unless r-new a ur ds ! ovuu sooner by a vole of two-thirds of the capital stock thereof. _ . . . . ARTICLE VI. ii iiS.i slcst amount of Indcbiodnrss or liabilities to which said corporuUon at any time subject llswlf sh.ill n .t exceed In the aggregata enc .hird Ub ) of the amount of the capital stock. Issued by saiJ corporation , nnd no bonded or nioriguse Indebtedness shall ever be contracted by said corporation. _ . , . ARTICLE VII. I he business and affairs of said corpora- tlon shall bo conduct * * ! by a board of directors' , live In numoei , who snail bo chosen by the stockholders , ut their annual nicotine , each share of stock navlng ono vote , which election shall be1 held on the Ilrst Monday In March ot each year , and they shall hold otllce lor utiu year or until iliv.r sui-ctis-ors are elected. A majority of the board of directors snail form n quorum for the transaction of buslnc t. Vacancies In the board shall be fliH'il by the remain ing directors for thu balance of the un- expired term. ARTICLE VIII. The ofllcers of salt ! corporation shall be a president , a vice prcslden. . a secretary and a treasurer , who hall be chosen by the board of directors in such manner , and perform such duties as the by-laws of said corporation may prescribe. ARTICLE IN. Whenever one hundred and slvly shares or more of stock shall have- been sub scribed for : he association shal ! be deemed organized as a corporation and theieupon any subscriber or subscribers lor over one hundred shares may cnll a meeting of the pubscribers ut some sutablr : V'EL'In ' the City of Omaha , for the eleciior. of .iijicers. by giving notice thereof for not ICES than three days In one of the daily newspapers published In thu City of Omaha. ARTICLE X. By-laws may bo made by the corpora tion not Inconsistent wiln ; aw or with these articles. ARTICLE XI. These articles of Incorporation may be amended by a vote of two-thlrris of tin- stock , upon notice by the bi'uro of directors to the stockholders of not less than ton days , published In some dally ncwrpaper In the City of Omnna. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 9th day of January , A. D. , 1900. EDWARD ROSEWATER. President. GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Secretary. State of Nebraska , County of Douclas SB : On this 9th day of January. A. D. . WOO. personally appeared before me Edward Rosewater and George R. Tzschuck. who are personally known to mite bo the Identical .persons who L'lsned tile above Amended articles or' incorporation and they severally acknowledged the Instrument to be their voluntary nci and deed. < Scal ) FRANK J. SUTCLIFFE. Notary Pubir- ! JanlG-D3ot STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice is hereby given thai the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Ixind company will be held at the olllco of said company In Lincoln , Neb. , at 11 o'clock a. m. , on the first Wednesday In March. A. D. 1900 , being : the 7th day of Hie m.inth. By order of the board ' of directors. C. II. MOP.RILL. A. B. MINOR. President. SecrotHiy. Lincoln , Nub. , February 0 , 1500. Feb. G-dMt ( i O V Kit XM UXT .N OTIC US. PROPOSALS FOR LAUNDRY MACHIN ERY United State. " Indian School Service. Pipc'itC'iH1. ' Minn. , Feb. 7. 1900. Sealed pro posals , endorsed "Proposal for laun dry Machinery. " etc. , and addressed to the. . undersigned at Pipestone. Minn. , will Lf received at till ! ' school until 2 o'clock p. m. of Monday , March G , ISrn. for furnish ing steam boiler , engine , extractor , wood washer , rack drying-room , all necessary tlttlnga , etc. , to Install and ' -ompletf Inun- ( ! : at the above school In strict accord ance with plans and speclllcations on file at the school. The right 1 reserved to re ject any and all bids , or any part of any hid. If deemed for the best Interests of tlie service. C'ertlfleJ Checks : Each bid must lo accompanied by a certified check for draft upon some Unlled Stntcii depository or solvent national bunk , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indiin Affairs , for at least 5 per cent of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will be forfeited to the United States In case any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fail td promptly execute a contract with go'od and nulllclent Kuivtles , otherwise to be returned to the b'dder. Bids aciomn.inlej by c-ayh In lieu of a certified check will not be considered. Fir any additional Information apply to DrWItt S. Harris , Superintendent. 110131 1 j-17-20- - BURLINGTON & MI3- Rourl River Railroad "The Burlington Route" rjciie al Olticts , N. W. Curuer Tenth and Fnrnam ft' * Ticket ollicc , lr/C Far- iniin street. Telephone , 25'J. Jjepot , 'i'enti. ' and SInson Street ? . Tolc- pbone 3iu Leave. Arrive. . , , . . ; . HaEtlngs aid ! Mci'ook a S:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Llni'oln Ijenvti. Cole rado. I'.uh. I'ulitornla.u 1:23 : pin u 33 pm Lincoln , Black Hills. Montana te Pugct Sound A 4:23 : pm n 3OD : pm Lincoln IMi-tt > a 7:00 : pm alOS3 : am Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pm altt:35 : am lic-nvr-r. Colorado Utah & California a G20 ; am a Daily r-HICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burllnston Routo" Ticket OIIU-e. U02 Farnam 8t. Tel . 230. Depot. TcnUl & M.IHUD Stre < 3tB. Telephone , JIO. Leave. Arrive. Chuago Spe- . . .a U:40 : am a 2:15 : pm KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- Fi-iih & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Routo" Ticket OIllcc , 1'Crj Farnum Slret t. Tele- i-hone. 2oO. Depot , Tenth MoiKin Street ) ! . Tele , pnonr , JIO , Leave. Arilve. Kunras I'lty Day Ex..a h:30 : urn u 6:17 : pm Knpsati City Niijf.t Ex. alO:15 : pm a 0:1L : am St Louis Fljer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:53 : pm all:15 am u Dully MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- ri ad General GllUm ) and Tukft OltlcUi Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas sin. Telephone. 104. Depot , 15th m'l Webster Sts. Telephone , 1433 , Leave. Arrive. S Ixiulti. K.uisaa & Neb l/miteil a :39 : pin al2.53 pm K C-SU L Express . .afl50pm ; a 5:50 : am Nebraska Liral Via Woeplng W.'i'er li 503pm ; a 9:45 : am a D-s iv b Dally except Sunday. It \ll.\\ 1 MII.KS. Hi ' ! l MT nl.KHORN Jt Mi - MI I v ni < y Kmirn.til < ncrni Ofllen , unltet r National Ilk. Ride W Corner Twelfth , .1 ul Fnrnam Slfc Ticket CMln-e. ll"l U.irrnm St. Telephone M1 ! De- | H > ' . . 15th and Webster St * . Telephone 143S. Rlnek Hill * . Deudwood. ! Hot Springs n 8:00 : pm n 5:00 : pm i Wyoming. Casper mid i Douglas it 2:00 : pm e 8:00 : pm Hasting * . York , Diivid I I i City. Superior. Geneva , i Exeter nnd Peward..b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm ! , Norfolk. VcrdUre nnd I'-renviiil . . b 7SO : Bin blO:2B : am Lliuoln , Wttliiin and Fremont , b 7:30 : am b0:2. ! : ' . am Fremont Ixirnl . . . .r7:3iinm : a Daily. l > Dally except Sunday , c Sun day omy d Dall > except Saturday , o , Daily except Monday. I i CHICAGO * NoRTif- w.-stern Ri > llway-"Tnn Northwestern Lln " - C'li > Ticket Olilue , HOI Farni.m Street. Tele phone itil. Depot. Tent i tun ! Mason Streets. Tele- phone. C23 Leave. Arrive , Daylight ' 'hlrngo Spc- Cli a 6:40 : am allr.i : pin \ > - ! etiser u4lopm : aiO:10 : inn Kasltni Expr < - . Di- Moll > oa M.irshnlltown , Ceci\i Itni'idji and Chi- tago ulOM ; am a 4:03 : pm Kustrin Limited. Chi- oago : in < l EBB a 4:55 : pm ft 4:05 : pm Fn t Mall. CliK.iRO to umahu a 2:43 : pin iiin.'hn-Chicagd Special.a 7:30 : pm a Sn : > am Fast Mall a S:30 : ar.i u Dally . I CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. I Minneapolis & Omohii i Railway "Tho North western Line" General Olllces. Nebraska Divi sion , 15th and Webster Sts. city Ticket Otllco. 14i'l ' Farnam St Telephone CGI. Depot , 16th and Webs'-'i- Sts Leave , Arrive. ! Twin Cltv Passencer. . .a 6:00 : am n 9:00 : pm ! Onuiba PassenKer . ull:20ain : ; Sinn. I'lty A Norlh- I eiist Ni-lirn ka . a .1:10 : pm i ' a IWIIv except Sunday. . sioux CITYT t"PACIFIC Rallrnnd "The Nortli- I wt-stern Line" General l Olllces , United Slut CM ' National Bank Rulldlug. S W Corner Twelfth nnd Fnrnam Sts. Ticket Olllce , 1101 Furnam St. Telephone 561. De pot , Tenth & Ma on Sts Telephone G29. . Leave. Arrive. Twin Cl y Express a C:50 : am nlO:30 : pm ' Twin City Limited . . . a 7:20 : pin u S:15 : am ' Sioux Cily Luial . . .n , S:00 : urn u 4:20 : pm a Dally. CHICAGO , ROCK ISL- . end .t Pacific Rallroul I "The Great Rook Isl and Route. " City Tick et Olllce , 1523 Farnam Street. Telephone 42S Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone. O. * Leave. Arrive , bes Molnes and Davcn- I l > ort l oial a 7:03 : am bl 1:35 : am ' Chhaso Express bll:15nni : a S:10 : n i t hlcaeo FHM Express .u 5:00 : pm a 123 pm St. Paul Express a 5:00 : pm 'bll:33 : am I llntoln , Colnrcdo SPSS. . | Denver , Pueblo and I Wen. . a 1:30 : pm a 4:23 : pm i Dts Molnes Reek Isl | and and Chicago a 7:23 : pm n 5:50 : pm Colorado & Textu * Flyer.a 5 55pm a 9:20 : am o Dallv b Daily extent Sunday. i .1 ST. LOUIS RAIL. road Omaha , Kansas Cltv .t Eastern Railroad "Tho Uuincy Route" Ticket Of- I lire , ] 4I. Farnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tcie- p-onc. : 023. Leave. Arrive. . . Ball 31. Louis Cannon 4J.all Express a45pm : ! a S:35 : pin Express a 4:45 : pm a S 33 am 'Cansn. ' ! City and Qulncy Lora G0 : ! am a S:50 : pm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket ollicn. 1402 Farnam street. Tele phone. 213. Depot , Tenth and Mason streets. Leave. Arrive , Chicago Express . a 32:10 pm a 4:03 : pin Chicago Limited a 7:33 pin a S:35i Minneapolis and SL Paul Express b 7:00 : am b 9:10pm : MInne.ipolls nnd St. I'aul Limited a 7:33 pm a S-l3 amA Fort Dodge Loral from Co. Bluffs b 4:30 : pm b 10:15 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sundays. A II A S II RAILROAD Ticket OflUe. 1301 Farnam Street. Telephone & 5. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone R29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" " Express a43pm : ! a S:40 : am a Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAI'ICFJE & St. Paul Railway City > t , Ticket Olllce. 1501 K.irimm IMlLWA"1fEEt Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot. " I1" , ' , , Sr I Tenth and Mason Streets. * * - " , , f- / Telephone C29. - S ; < i/ Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex..a 7:35 : pm a 8:30 : am Chicago .t Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:53 : pm SIM . . . . ! : , am b 3:55 : pm a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. UNION PA 'iFIC-"THEOVER- land Route" General Olllces. N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce. 1302 Farnam Ptnct. Telephone 31 < i. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 829. LeaveArrive. . The Overland Limited..n S:50 : am n 7:20 : pm The Fast Mall a ! i:00 : am a 3:25 : pm The Colorado Special..all:33 : pm a 0:35 : am The Portland Special..a 8:50 : am a 4:10 : pm Lincoln , Beatrice and StroniKburg Express. . ! ) 4:10 : pm 1 > 12J5 ; pm Pacillc Express a 1:23 : pm a C:35 urn Grand Island Local b 5:30 : pm b 9:30 am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. TALKING OF INTERVENTION Report AiliiillilNlrnCluii Will Ti'mlrr limit ! OI1U-CN to Sellle IIIWill' . NEW YORK , Feb. " . A special to the B from Washington s-iys : It Is learncJ that under the terms of The HORUU treaty , which has Just been ratified by tbeaenalp , an effort will be roado before lone to.txeri . such olIlccR as may piopcrly bo extended 10 tlio 'belligerents ' to bring about a termination of the war In South Africa BeforetbU " onty was adopted It was maintains ] thai the United States could not , without expou- Irg this government to the suspicion of uu- Prlnndly motives , venture to bUKgnU the use of Its good olllrcH to both pnrtleB to tfif xvar. Even no'v , there may be some licMt.i- t'r.n ' about rttclarliiK. by advances nmdo even wltl1 the bcHi Intention * , that the Transvaal li or Is not a vassal state , but it IB begin ning to bo apP'wlB'i1' ' ' ' licro that tlic sym pathy for the Hoers is wldcgpriMil finl In- crrailiiB and that it may not bo WBI ! > 10 de fer too Ions the offer ot Jrlendly Interven tion to siive life on both Bides. II has been discovered hero that while there is no lors of appreciation of the nt- tltudo of Great Britain to.vnrd the United States during the war with Spain -anti a. ctione Inclination to let the British go en and settle their own dllllciiItlcB In their own way. there Is ranking for the Hosts u etrong feeling of sympathy , bucauko they have at least e nominal republic. On the republican tide the feeling IB'no' BO strong an It in on the Jeraocrutlc tldt , where almo t every man In u Boor ( sym pathizer. This situation undoubtedly arltes from a duslro on the part of Iho republicans to avoid prcsiitig a course that will conflict with \Jr. Mcl > lr.l ( > > ' polity. The democrat ? may take ailvantanu of this knowledge to pia the Hour Hide In order to einbarrasu the administration. \lKlit mill laj. The busiest and mlghtl n llttlo thlog thnt ever W..M made in Dr. Klng'tt New Life I'llle. The o plllH change weakness Into Btrength. lUllesHnccc , into oiifrgy , brain-fan Into'men tal jiovvor. They'reontlerfil \ in bulldlns up the health. Only 25c per bx. h'o.J by Kuhn & Co.