Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Good Export Demand Overshadows Other
Factors in Stronj : Wheat Marked
Corn Mnrkrt AVn * SfrniiK nml Arlltc
1lcp < > rl llml Argentine Crop AVita
SufTi-rliur from llcnt Wan In
fluence for
v nn < < , . _ , , Peb. 7. A good export de
mand overshadowed other bullish factor *
In a Mrong nnd active market today , May
closing I'fcfi ' llje over yesterday. Corn
closed -"Sftlic and oats lie Improved. Pto-
vlslons ut the close were a shade better
than yesterday.
May wheat opened IsflHe over yesterday's
close at C7rifi 7ic. . supported by the Paris
ndvame and predlctlnn of a cold wave.
Thn markei touched fi7'.4e and then Iho as
cent hcgnn , which wa continued to the
nd Trade was ncllve and the market
broad. Liverpool turned strong and ad
vanced on reporls of weather menacing to
the crop In Prance and It was feared the
farnn tables reported that Argentine ship
ments would be delayed. The renditions
were a support to the local markei. The
most cheerful news , however , from a Imll
standpolnl was that the expert demand ,
which , day after day , bus been labeled
"slack , " had Improved. In confirmation of
< hls New York reported , " > 9 loads taken for
export , while 200,00 bu. were sold here for
direct export The price for May was
steadily bid up to BS ifi < 34c. ! nt which It
closed , mwl'lc over yesterday. Primary
receipts were'hit. ' , compared with 4 > S-
000 bu. last yenr. Minneapolis and Duluth
reported 3.V5 cars , against 274 1-jst week
nnd 25o a yenr ngo. Local receipt. , were 19
cars , none of which graded contract. At
lantic norl clearances In wheat and flour
were eiplal to 2S7.000 bu.
The corn market was strong nnd active ,
the greater part of ihe session. There was
n good shipping tlemand 80,000 bu. being
fold for exporl and shorts bought liberally.
The main Influence In the strength was the
rejiort that the Argentine crop was suffer
ing from extreme heat. Liverpool was
lilgher on this. Country offerings were
small. lxcal receipts amounted to filO ears.
iMay ranged from 33c to 33c and closed
Mi'i-e over yesterday at 3i',4f/33c. : Com
mission .houses led the. 'buying- ' , while
scalpers took profits.
The oats market was strong , but trade
was small. The strength of other grains
was the main factor. Receipts bore were
1"R c rs. May sold from 2Hifi 33141 ; to 23 %
< [ i23-c and closed lie up at 23c.
In the fare of heavy hog receipts nnd
lower prices nt the yards provisions showed
strength which excited thi > admiration of
traders. Liverpool was well up on product
and the stiength of grain was a factor. Of-
iferUg.s were light and iho demand exccl-
lcn - particularly from one Inlluentlal con
cern , which naturally caused buying by
lesser Interests. The market was lower at
the start , reflecting the- heavy hog receipts ,
but this was more thnn recovered. May
pork sold from $11.TO to $11.15 and closed 21Z
( ifov over yesterday at $11.1214 ; May lard ,
from JG.10 to JG.17K closing a shade down
at Jfi.l'.ili'iifi.i : ; , and May ribs , from JJ.tC'/.ff '
fiM to J8.ODfifi.02ij , . with the close 2U.ig6c over
yesterday nt JG.OOfi 6.021 $ .
Hsllmaled receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
" 0 cars ; corn. 700 cars ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs ,
8,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open. | High. ' | Low7 | Close. | Ye y.
' ' '
-.NO i.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUn Steady ; winter patenls. J3.40f ?
3.60 ; straights. J3.00fi3.35 ; clears , J2.DOjr3.10 ;
spring specials , J3.80ji-l.00 ; patents. $3.205)3.55 ;
straights. J2.GO < i3.00 ; bakers , J2.10ff2.GO.
WIIKAT No. 3 spring , C41ic ; No. 2 red ,
CORN No. 2 , 32'4c ; No. 2 yellow , 32',4c. '
OATS-No. 2 , 23-V < 23',4c ; No. 3 while , 2Jli
UYK No. 2 , 52c.
HAHLICY-No. 2 , 3S@43c.
SKBDS No. 1 llaxsced nnd northwest ,
Jl.fiO Prime timothy , J2.GOfi2.B5.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J9.90fi >
31.00. U-ird , per 100 His.5.90 < fi8.03. Short
ribs Hides ( loose ) , J-i.STiiiifi.10. Dry Baited
shoulders ( boxed ) , $5.75ft .00. Short clear
fcldrs ( boxeil ) . Jii.10iJiti.15.
WHISKY Distillers1 finished coeds , on
liasls high wines , per , J1.234. !
8UOAR8 Cut loaf , $6.05 ; granulated , J5.49.
The following arc the receipts and ship
ments for today :
Articles. , Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
Klour. bbls f.7,000 31,000
AVlieat , bu 33,000 21,000
Corn , bu 770.000 213.000
Oats , bu Ufl.OflO 277,000
Rye. bll 5.000 8,000
Barley , bu 101.000 KO.OOJ
On the Produce exchange today the but
ler market was llrm ; creameries , ] 9fi2l',4c ' ;
dairies , Iflfcffio. Cheese , firm at 12jl3c.
liggs , weiik ; fresh , 13',4c. '
M\V YORK < ; i\uu.\i , MARKET.
Qiiotalloiin for MIC Injon VnrliuiM (
( 'oniiuodltlcN.
, 7.-FLOUR-Recclpt ! > ,
1t1S74 bbls. ; exports , 0,171 bbls. ; firmer and
morn active. The advance In wheat en
couraged buyers to freely meet old
npklng prices. Rye flour , dull ; Mln-
nerota patents. M.So'iH.10 ; Minnesota
bakers' , $ l.SO ! < i.00 | ( ) ; winter patents ,
$ l."if(3.S ( > 0 ; winter straights , $3.10 3.50 ; win
ter extras. $2.60f2.sri | ; winter low grades ,
$2.t" > { 72. 10. Rye Hour , quiet ; Bales , ffti bbls. ;
fair to good , S3.IOfi3.20 ; choice lo fair. J.1.23 - Huckwheal flour , weak at $ l.SOfil.75. <
CORNMHAL Steady ; yellow wcslern ,
BOc ; clly. 7c ; Brnndywlne , J2.2mc2.2S.
HYIS Steady ; No. 2 western , ( illt-c f. o. b.
nllnat ; stnto rye , We c. 1. f. Now York , car
lotK.HAULKYKIrm ; feeding. I24f ! ) ! 5c c. 1. f. ,
Now York ; malting , C05i53o c. J. f. , New
HARLICY MALT-Dull : weslern , 55tC ( c.
Wl I BAT Receipts. 29.GW bn. ; spot ,
utrong ; No. 2 reil , C\v , elevator ; No. " red ,
J7Tho f. o. b. afloat , prompt : No. 1 northern.
niilutli. I'.l'nC > f. o. II. afloat , prompt | ; No. 1 I "
Jiard. Duliith , SITdc f. o. b. afloal , prompt. Si
Options opened firm at 'je advance and ex-
iierlonced a dull day. attended by broadenTI
Ing trade. The strength was started by
lilgher cables and Increased later on bad
crop nf-ws from Frjnce , a severe cold wavu
in our own belt , good export trade ami active -
tive covering ; prices advanced all day and
closed strong at Mrlc net rlw : March , TTiOt
Fi7iV. ; cloned at 7C.i < c ; May. 71 S-liiii'lV1.
closed at 71Tt c ; July , 74 l-liifiTl f , closed at
( N Receipt * ! . fA'OO bu. ; exports. Cl.- '
07 bu. ; siiot , firm ; No. 2 , 41Vf. . o. b. ' 1
nlloat ami 40'ic ' elevator. Options opcneil
linn on bolter cables and speculative de
mand Hubsenuenlly ruled strong with $
wheiit , coupled with higher cables , big
clearances and a good export demand and
closed strong at He net advance ; May. SHi
n'BtHe. clnced at : i'V ) e.
OATS Receipts. 7. < ; oo bu. : cxporta'i
f. !
k i
choice. 80ft & > c.
HOPS Steady ; stale , common to choice'
1SM crop , 6c ; 1S9S crop. 7fi9c ; 1S99 crop , \yf \
I3c. Paclllr cuasl. ! S9ii crop , 4foic ; 1S9S crop , 31c
7ii9c1SD9 crop , ifil3c.
IIIDKS Firm ; Oalvcston , 20 to 25 UIH. ,
19Hc ; Texas dry , 21 In 30 Ibs. . 15c ; Cali
fornia. 21 lo 25 llifl. . 2IUc.
LICATIIUH-Slcady ; hemlock vole. Buenos
Ayrcs light to lieavywelghts , 2off25'/.c ; aeld ,
"rif2.lAC. |
HICJ'j Sleiidjy lomestle , fulr to extra , 411 ? No.
Ue ; Japnn. .
MOLAS.SKS-Qulet but linn : Now Orleans
open k ttlo. goml to choice , 4J/55o. ?
IMSANl'TSSteady : fancy haml-pl leked ,
l'ic ' ; other domestic IHsfde" . " ' M
FHUHHITS To Liverpool , firmer ; collon
by steam. 3c. ! grain by sleam. 3'd. ' .
PllOVlSIONS-Hcof. dull : family. J11.007T
15.00 ; mess , J10.OOirlO.50 ; beef hanihiQ.UW tle
Sl.dO ; p.ickpl. JI0.5WM2.00 ; clly. extra India
tness , tUfcXi22. ( ( . Cut meals , llrm ; nlikleil
liellles , Jii.50l(7')0 ; nlekl l pluuliicrs , Jii ; pick
led hums , J9507(10.25 ( Lard , llrm ; western
steam clo cit J i.40 ; February. Jti.40 ; rrtlncd.
llrm. continent. JS.5.V South America. Jti.75 ;
roiiiKiund | , fj-ST'sliii-OO. J'ork meady : niens ,
JlO.f/Will.'o ; Hlmrt clear , Jll 75 (13.00 ( ; family. and
JU.Crtfil'i.M. ' 'lalloiv. iMrong ; city , 51 < c ; coun
try. 6' * i8Nc. ,
MI-7TALS Notwlthflnndlng a compara- tnr-
tlvoly small | IHH | tlemand , lln scoredi -
Blgnul gain today In sympathy with higher fui'l
i > rU'cs lu the L'nellfli murket , Whllu llrm
ahlf-s . rr\e. . ) to tone up the other depurtwoo'
men s , , r our mnrkft. UIPN fflllPd lorente (
an Im reused demand nnd at Ihe close buson
iiirs-i wa * exceedingly slow. The Metal ex-
fiiiiiRe rated pig iron warrmit * ns dull ;
lake ioppr. . uncminRetl nt JK3S ; tin , quiet
nt JiB So bltl and 123 V > asked ; lend , stendy
at J170 bid find $1.75 asked : . pelter , steady
at jt.J' bid and $ ! . * > nsked. 'The brokers'
pilcu for lead In Jl.l > nnd for copper 116.23.
O.MAII.V ( ; I.MII.\I , .MAMicirr.
Coiidllloii of Trnilo mill ( tnotntloiiN
on Simile nml l-'nncy Proiliice ,
BOOS Receipts Increasing ; fresh stock ,
Hit 12C.
Pori.TRY-Cholce < o fnncy
turkeys , 9fHfce ; din-ks. Re ; geese , Sc ; spring
chicken * " , 7'4c ; hen * , 7l4c ; roosters , 4f6c.
LIVE POPLTHY Hen. " . 6fiS4c ! ; spring
chicken" . > ii < > ' 4c : old nnd sUggy roosters ,
STilc ; ducks , filifi'ic ; turkeys. 7c.
HUTTER-Common to fair , 15c ; choice ,
17 lSc ; separator , 25c ; gathered creamery ,
PIORONS Live , per < 3oz. , 75c.
VKALS Clmtce , c.
OAME-UilPks , mnllnrds. W.OOffS.IS ; blun
wing leal , JI.75 : grten wing teal , SI.2531.50 ;
mixed ducks. Jl.roiJ2.00
OYSTI3RS Medium , per enn , 1Sc : stand-
nrd , per can , 22e ; bulk stnndnrd. per gnl. ,
JI.25 ; extra selects , per cnr , , SOc ; extra se'left '
leets , per gal. , JI.fiOftl.75 ; Now York counts ,
per cnn , 37c ; New York count * , per 100 , $1.25.
AY--Per canoad lots : Upland , choice ,
midland , choice , J.YdO : lowlnnd. choice ,
f.i ; rye straw , i linlcc , J1.50 ; No. 3 corn , 2CV4c ;
No. 3 white cnts , 23'c ; crnckr.l corn , per
ton , 111 ; corn nr.d onts , ehopnd. per ton ,
$11.50 ; bran , per ton. J12 ; snorts , per ton , J13.
dozt.n bunches , COo.
PPINACH-Pcr box. $ i
NEW REETS-Pcr doz. bunches. 40950c.
LETTUCE Per doz. bunches. 40o ; fancy
RADlSUES-Por doz. bunches , 40c.
liund leltuce , per bbl. , $ C.
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . Illinois ,
$3 : Jerseys. J5 ; large bbls. . Kansns. J2.73.
POTATOKS-Per bu. , choice. 30040C.
CABBAOE-IIollanrt eed. 2c.
CAtlLlPLOWER California , per crate ,
{ 2.50.
ONIONS Retail , vollow. 75c ; red , S5QOOc :
Oidos. per bbl. , J2.2f > .
CRI.KRY-Per doi. . 2530c ; California ,
per bunch , IOR75'1
TURNIPS-Rutabngns. oer lb. , IVloj Ca-
nndlnn. 1lic ; per bbl. , $2
MUSHROOMS-Pcr lb. box. EOc.
TOMATOES-Florida. per G-bnaKet crate ,
RiniBARB-Por dos ; . . COc.
APPLRS Choice western phlpplng stock.
$3.00 3.50 ; New York stock , $1 ; fancy , J4.50
GRAPES Malaga grapca , per bbl. , J7.00 ®
'cRANBERRIES-Bell nnd Busle. per bbl.
ORANOES-MexIcnn. per box. J3 : Cali .
fornia navnls , tier box. J3.2T < ft3.50 ; California
seedlings , per box , J2.G002.75. '
1 IONICY Per 21-sectlon care , $3.25. I
NUTS-Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , $1.25
shellbarks. $1.35. .
I'-IGS California , layers , per 10-lb. box ,
Jl ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.10 ;
Imported figs , per lb. , 13c.
IIIDES-No. 1 green hides. Se ; No. 2
green hides , 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c ;
No. 2 salted hides. Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to
12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc.
St. IOIIN | Grain it ml 1'rovlnlon * .
ST. LOUIS. Peb. 7.-WHEAT-Hlgher ;
No. 2 ted cash , elevator , 70 * < QTOTAc ; track ,
701 < ri71l4c : February , 70'Jc ; " " (
July , fiSi4ffiSsc ! ; No. 2 hard. CtVfTCSc.
CORN Higher ; No. 2 cash , 31c ; track ,
32Ti32lic ( : February. 31c ; May , 32H@32c ;
July. 32Tac.
OATS Higher : No. 2. cash and track , nnd
February and ilay , 2l4c ! ; No. 2 while , 26 ®
FLOUR Belter ; patents. J3.40fi3.B5 ; extra
fancy. J1.10f73.2S ; clear , J2.75g2.90.
HYK Hotter at B3c.
SldKDS Timothy , $2.0052.30. with prime
worth more ; flax , steady at Jl.fiO.
CORNMICAISteady at $1.7301.50.
BRAN Steady ; sacked , cast -track , Gl ®
( we.
HAY Steady ; timothy , $9.09911.00 ; prairie ,
$7.Wi ! < < .50.
WHLSKY-Stendy at $1.23'4.
METALS-Lead : Steady at , .
Spelter : Firm nt $4.75.
POULTRY Quiet ; chickens , 6Q7c ; ducks ,
Sc : turkeys , iVftti'Ac ; geese ,
PROVISIONS-Dry salted boxed meats ,
extra shorls. Jrt ; clear ribs. JS.IS1 ; clear <
Hides , Jti.2-3. Bacon. boxed exlra. shorts ,
JCi.fiO ; clear ribs. ? ii.f,2Vi ! : clear sides , $6.75.
Pork , steady ; Jobbing. $10.30 for old , J11.50 C.
for new. Lard , higher ; prime steam , $3.75 ;
choice Jj.SO.
RECEIPTS Flour. 2,000 bbls. : wheat , 21-
000 bu. ; corn. 91,000 bu. ; oats , 72.000 bu.
SI I'lPMENTS Flour. 7,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
9,00(1 ( bu. ; corn , 37,000 bu. ; oats , 23,000 bu.
ItilKer. Mntr anil Clivcnr ? Inrkc ( .
Finn ; good demand ; fancy western cream
ery. Cfic ; fancy prints , 27c.
EGGS Weak and ' , ac lower ; fresh nearby ,
lllse ; fresh western , HUe : fresh south
western. lie ; fresh southern , Me.
CI I EES-E-Unchanued.
NEW YORK. Feb. 7.-BUTTER-Rccelpts. K.
C.317 pkgp. : steady ; June creamery , 19123V4c ; L.
western creamery , 2KfjJtc ; : factory , Kj lSc.
CHEESE Receipts. 1.12S pkgs. ; steady ;
" "
fall made , fancy , largo and "small" , 12ft(313c ( ; ' ' '
large. late made , ll iS12c ; small , late made , I
12f/121ic. ?
KGOS Receipts. 1.319 pkgs. ; unsettled and 1 i i
lower ; western , Hfi'llic , loss off ; western i '
ungraded , nt mark , 13fllUe. (
.ST. LOUIS. Feb. 7. IKTTTKR-Steady ;
creamery , :0fi2ll4c ; dairy , lGfr20f.
KtSfJS Lower at
Creamery. 202S.dairy ; , ISc. N. N.
I'XSCJS Market ' .sc lower ; fresh Missouri
nnd Kansas stock , firsts , lOHc , cases re-
ICniiMnM CH > * ( Brnln fiiifl PrnvlnloiiN ,
fife ; c.iMi , No. 2 hard. 63ffffJV-c ; No. 3 , Mtp
SMii-i No. 2 red. GSftfiPc ; No. 3 , fi2ififi7c.
CORN -May. : :0f : ; cash : No. 2 mixed. 29Vi ©
29'ic : No. 2 white , 2S ifi29e ( : No. 3. 29'&c.
OATSNo. . 2 white , 2lI,4Sr21-ic.
RYE-NO. 2. sic. K.
HAY Choice timothy , J9.00U9.50 ; choice
pralilc. Jfi.fiO ifi.73. St.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 27,000 bll. ; corn , 52,600 ,
bu. : oatf. 1H.OOO bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 30,000 bu. ; corn , St.
35,100 bu. ; oats , fl.ODO bu.
lilvrrtiool Cirnln nml I'rovl.iloiiH.
LIVERIPOOL. Fob. 7.-WIIEAT Futures St.
-losed steady ; March , lislOUd ; May , Ss9Tid ; So.
July. 6s 10d. So.
CORN Spot. American mixed , new ,
steady al : i' 7-d ) ; American mixed , old , "
sleudy nl "nS' d. Futures , steady ; Febru
ary. ; March. 3n7d : .May. Ks 7Ud.
PROVISIONS-Hacou , Cumberland cut.
firm at 3is ! ; short ribs , firm at 31s Od ; long
clear middles , heavy , firm at 33s.
I'EAS-Canadlan , Bs 7'id. per
Tolciln AlnrKi't. .
TOLEDO. O. , Peb. 7 WHEAT Higher
nnd ' llrm : No. 2 cash , "Hie ; May , 731Jc. .
CORN , , lilgher and steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS j Dull : Xo. 2 mixed. 2c. (
RYE-Nomlnal ; No. 2 cash. 57'4 ' > .
CLOVKRHEIOD Ixiwer for futures and
active ; prime cash , old , $1.9" ) asked ; Pebru-
nrv , new. J.j.fi7'.s ; March , $5.70 bid ; No , 2
need , $ I.574Q ! I.SO. on
Miniirii'mllNVliinl nml I'lonr ,
Ktoie : No. l northern , February , to-lie ;
'May , 05'ic : July , WdfjWc. On track : No.
hard , OflSn' : No. 1 northern , C5c ; No. 2
northern. KiHc.
I'LOl'Il ( .Milet nnd lower ; first patents ,
$3.tW3.riO | ; second patents , f3.30Q3.40 ; first
clears , J2.iWi2.70 ; second clears , $2.10. D.
BRAN Unchanged ; In bulk. JI1.25rn,50. {
Mllunulirc ( iraln .Marlift , '
MILWAUKEE , Feb. 7. WHEAT-Hnlf C' . .
cent higher : No. 1 northern , - . , . „ - .
northern. filliiifitV. . . . . _ ! t1.
liy-T-FirmT\r ! ; No. 1. 6S14Ji5Ce.
HARLEY-Flrm ; No. 24ik'wimple. ; . 37ft1
. f D.
I'l-orln Mnrkrl. E.
PEORIA , III. , Feb. 7.-CORN-Flrm ; No. 2 Erl
OATS-FIrm ; No. 3 while , 23-5ic.
WIIISKY-Flrnijl . ; : for finished goods. G.
Duliidi ( irnln Marki- ( . .
DfLUTll. Feb. 7. WHEAT No. 1 hnrd.
cash , KS c ; No. 1 northern , cash , f 3c ; In.
May , triTdc ; July. fiSTsc : No. 2 northern , GIK 'i K.
. 3 fearing. 69' c. . .a.
Suicar Mnrkol , M.
NEW YORK. I-'cb. 7.-SUC.AR-Raw .do
strong ; fair refining. 1 13-lCc : centrifugal ,
test. 4 7-liVfj'izc | ; molasses sugar , 313-lflc ;
tviltw. 12,00.1 baes centrifugal ; rellm > < l , firm.
Strong ; ojien kettle. riV | 1 3-lGc ; open ket ican
, centrifugal. 4U < M 9-lt > c ; centrifugal , and
plantation granulated. 4T c ; white. 45 worn
yellow. I'ifMV : seconds. 2TM(4 ( 3-ltfc. In
MT'LASSES ' Qulel : oiH'nkrttle , . < r.'fi40c ; and
centrifugal. SfiOSc. Syrup. Hteudy at 3J. ' . are.
BOSTON. Feb. 7 The American CoUon d.-i-
Wool Reporter will say tomorrow : The
feature of the market has born the con
tinued demand for wools graduating ouar- 4s
tnrlood and below and us-ldc from this de- firm
m-ind the markft ha > been qnk't , ipiletcr In on
' than durlnt ; th nrevlous week. Cus- but
toincrb aru chlcny after the low-priced on
I wools. ' Although ome biRh-prl-ed > !
have been tnken for some purp.x' Prices
on lower grnde words have > rulMrry
exMen < . Tnere
Is absolutely no sper-nlail > h
mt present an-l puiehases wholly for rent
sumption The sales of ihe week In Boston
. nmo ' ' ' "I to 3.1I7.0CO pound * domestic nnd !
I . ifi.ov ) pounds foreign. totnl of 3.H2.0O
pound * , nsalnst 4IM.O')0 ) poiimls for the pre- i
vloii week nnd n lolal of 4MO.-inO iHiunds for
the corresponding week last year. The
sale since January 1 amount In Sl.421,00)
pounds. against 22.142,000 pounds for the cor-
rc ! > p0'-Hng ' time lart yenr.
rcil lij- Advance In I'rlccn.
NEW YORK , Ffb.The stock market
offered a striking demonstration of I
j the weakness engendered by a sudden and
j violent advance In prlcci nn 1 the recklessP.
' .
'speculative . venture * thereby Invited. The
professional bear operators found an easy
prey In th" sw irm of speculators who have
been 'buying ' so | < - ] < ! i for a week past on mnrHo.i.
gin with -borrowed money. In the latter
part of the day the bears swooped uion ;
the market , offering prices down with upGen.
parent recklessness nn.i . playing havoc
with speculative accounts held nn narrow
margins. : / The amount of these margins '
'left no alternative to the holders but lo
throw thrlr stocks In order lo avoid losres.
The bull leaders of larger callbrr had
either realized profits at the lils'ier level
and were \\lltlng to pee a react Inn In prices 1
to get Into the m.irket again , or withheld
support from the market with a view lo
shaking off the undesirable following of
speculators with small resource * , which
constituted a menace to the further ad- ;
vnnce In prices.
It was this class that was the principal
sufferers In today's shaking out. People ,
who control large capital and who bought
In the panic of December and started the
bull movement Inst week have taken profits
on a very large scale. Their selling was
mel by so large a demand up to today in
to keep u ; > the level of prices. There was
evidence during the morning of continued
large absorption at some points In the list ,
notably In Sugar , said to be covering for
the bear account , and Pennsylvania , Union
Pacific and Tobacco. Some stocks of minor ,
Importance also continued to advance , but
It soon ibecntno manifest lhat the selling
pressure was grealer Ihnn the new demand
could absorb.
It was then ulnt the bears made a fierce
raid on the vulnerable spats ; they cllppc.l '
5',4 ' points from the price of Tobacco and In
a number of the metal sto.-ks , conspicuously p.
Nallonal Sleel and Sleel Hoop , and In SiiRar
and Iho local traction stock they drove
down prices from 2 to 4 points. In ihe miltt
ronil list Baltimore < t Ohio rom-trxl 3's ; ' i
Rock Island nearly 3 points and Pennsyl- '
van'a. New York Ceniral , St. Paul.Bur
lington and Missouri Paelllc from Hi to 2',4.
At the low level the ru.'h of the bears lo
cover caused some violent rallies. Melro-
.polltnn being pushed up 3'4 points , in Third
Avinue , Sugar , Tobacco , National Steel ,
'Baltimore it Ohio and
Rock Island the le-
coverlcs ran from 1'i .to . over 3 points ,
Them was a very heavy absorption all day
of Union .Pnclllc . at all -levels - an.l lu thu
final rally It was .pushed . up tl , Ihe close
.being rather feverish at a notable , lecovery
from the lower level and at not mixed
The market for bonds continued active ,
ibut prlco changes were Irregular. Total
sales , par value , $ ! ,2H5,000. United States
old 4s , coupon , advanced ' 4 In Ihc. bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's London $
financial cablegram yays : The markets
here were very confident nil day on the war
development ! ) . Business Increased and con-
tangoes wore , very light. Bankers asked 3'
ff/'tVi Per cent. Americans were llrm nnd
brisk 'throughout ' the session , St. Paul leadIng -
Ing- , although Berlin ceased buying. The
contango on Americans opened at S'/jtM ' and
closed at 2',4 ( < T.'J' * . On St. Paul the rule wns
2'i ' < f73M : . closing 2R3. Paris was Inclined lo
sell Kafllrs. Money was more useable. No
gold was engagMl and the bank lowered Its
buying price for German anJ French coin
Vfed. Paris cheque , 23.19 ; Berlin , 20.51. The $
trade returns for January show Imports in
creased S.I , although American wheat ami
cotton values were reduced from 50 to LO $
per cent. Exports Increased 13.9. Textiles
to the United States were well up. i
Tno following are Ihe quotations for the
leading stocks on the New York exchange -
Atchlson . 21'4'Tex. , t Pacific. . . . 1GH
do pfd . Gli Union Paelllc . . . . GO } , ! S
Baltimore & O. 42'do ! pfd . 77' * , ,
Can. Paelllc . . % 'i Wnbauli ' , , ,
Can. Southern 4i : I do pfd . 21 u
Ches. & Ohio. . . J9YW. & L. E . 11U I
Chicago Ot. W. lt' ' do 2d pfd. . . . 2S > i
C. . B. & Q . 123TsWls. Central . . . . 19 >
CI. I. & L IS jAdams Ex US i Dcf
, dp pfd IS IAIII , Express . . . .HTU I I
& KI I--- . 3 U. . -
- - - - - - . | Express . . Tin
Chicago & N. AV.KCl Wells Fargo 15s. 12J I X'sc '
C. , K. 1. & P..100'bAm. ' Col. Oil . . . : ! l = i
. , C. , C. & St. L. G2'i , do pfd . 93
Colo. Southern . . 5'sAmer. Malting . . ( i'4
do 1st pfd . 43'si do pfd . 27
do 2d pfd . 13 lAmcr. S. & 11. . . . 42 ,
Dei. & Hudson . .114 | do pfd . 91141 , . ,
Del. L. & W . 17S 'Amer. ' Spirits . . . . 1 i
Den. & Rio G. . . . 20'd do pfd . 17 ! I i and
do pfd . 72i4Amor. S. H . 4S i "c
Erie . 12U , do pfd . SB. ,
do 1st pfd. . . . 35'Amcr. ' S. , t W. . . . 57'i ,
Ot. Nor. pfd . ItiO p do pfd . 9l4 and
Hocking Coal . . . 17 'Atner. ' Tin Plate. : ! 3'.B May
Hocking Valley . 3H . do pfd . S !
Illinois Central . .112' ' , * . Amer. Tobacco . .10514 July
Iowa Contra ! . . . . 12 i do nfd . 133 gn
do pfd . BI 'A. ' Mill. Co . iri'nml ,
. C. , I' . & G. . . . S4 Brk. Rap. Tr. . . . 71 %
. 15. & W . 20 % Colo. F. & 1 . 4i-'i ( . ber
do pfd . SI Con. Tobacco . . . . 3l'i '
Like ' Shore _ . . . . . . 191. , ! do .1 > M. . . . SIJ
Lou.'A & Nash M % Federal Steel . . . .
'Manhattan L . . OSfl't do pfd "i !
V'p {
Met. } St. Ily. . . . 17 ! ) Gen. Electric . . . .127
Mex. Central . . 12'4 Glucose Sugar . .5714
Minn. . & St. L. . Gl l do pfd 10014
do pfd 93 Int'n't Paper . . . . 24' * .
Mo. Paelllc . . . . -17 l do pfd Cl of
Mobi.e .t OhioI2'4 ' Laclede Gas . . . . 70
. , 1C. & T 10)4 Nat. Biscuit SSifc to
do pfd II ! do pfd
. J. Central..11734 National Lead . .27 * . * \
. Y. do pfd 1P-H4 . ' . '
Nor. .t AVest. . . . 2"i National SteelIflls . V/il't
do pfd 71 do pfd -Hi 1
No. Paelllc r,5 = 4 N. Y. Air Brake..131 ! ; size ; '
do pfd 7516 No. American . . . 1I'Mom ' !
Ontario . . & . . . West. . 21 . . % Pacific. . . Coast . . . . . : d'i ' j-- ! <
Ore. It. & N . 42 | do 1st pfd |
do pfd . 7fi ' do 2d pfd . Kl'ii ' \
Pennsylvania . . . .133'i Pacllln Mall 42',4 '
Reading People's Gas . . . .10S % sale"
do 1st pfd. . . . rG Pressed S. C : , fide mm
do 2d pfd. . . . iS do pfd runt.
. O. AV 13 Pul'man P. C..irS
dp pfd S5 s. R. firm
. L. fi S. P. . . . 10 % Sugar 112" low
do l.'t . pfd fiS'41 ' do pfd 112
do 2d pfd Sfi'4Tenn. C. & T 9 > U 1.70.
. L , S. W 11'iiU. S. Leather. . . . 17
do pfd 2S',4 , ilo pfd 7fi % seed
. Paul 12l'iU. ' H. Rubber . . . S14
do pfd 171--4I ! do pfd lf'2
. P. & 0 117 Western Union . . Sfi'/j ' -
. Paelllc 3D-- * Republic I. < t S. . 25 i
. Railway . . . . l A do pfd ffl'.s '
do pfd 57' ' . ! . I' . C. C. & St. L. . 63
\o - York .llniipy MiirKct ,
NEW YORK. FeK 7.-MONEY-On call ,
steady nt 2//2'z per cent ; last loan , al 2',2 '
cent ; -prime mercantile - .
paper , 47/3 / pet-
actual business In bankers' bills nt $ I.R7'ifi'
4.87V. . . for demand and at $ l.S4Ufll.M'i for Ion "
sixty ilavs : posted rates , $4.S5'f(4.S3' ' > ; com
mercial bills , $ t.F3' ' .
SILVI5R Certificates. KHi-QeOUe : bar ,
1' ; Mexican dollars , 47' ' e. [
BONDS Strong for government ; state , $17
llrmer ; railroad , Irresular. E :
The following arc the closing quotations
bonds : liam
i ? 102Vi N. Y. C. Is Inal
do 3s , reg ! < ! ? > ! X. J.c. K. r,4 per
do coupon 10J ? No. Carolina CM.127
do new If , reg.131 iNo. Caro'lna ' l.loii
do coupon 134 'No. ' Pacific 3- . . . . G7
do oil 4s , , reg .115 | do Is 104'i '
do coupon 115 N.Y.C. ft % park
do Cs. reg 112 % N. & W. c. Is. . . . 91 % them
do coupon ; ; } } ' % ' l * ° fe- ° .3 J ? ' one
of C. 3s ( os..US , Orc. Nnv. .
Atch. gen. 4f > 101 do Is 101 ger
do adj. 4 > S3 O. S. L. lis 127' &
t'nnail i So. 2i..HO do eon tis | ] 3
& _ O. 4'is , 9S Reading gen. 4s. . S3U
do 5 < . 11S',4 R. ( J. W. "is. . . . toil.iy
AX. . W. c. 7s. IKrti St. L. Sl.M. . e.fix.lllii It i
do S. F. dEb. f.s.119 Sl.L. , * i S.F.g.Gsi.l" : !
Chicago Ter. 4s. . 3 St. Paul coi-r..lirru ,
& It. G. ls..lft2'tSt. P. C. & p. ls.120- %
do 4s . M'.J do "is . llii ! )
T. V. ft O. 1H..100 , Bo. Railway r , . . .10S %
? . gen. Is . 71 8. R. , t T. Gs _ SO
W. ft D. C. Is. 71 iTenn. n. s. Is. . . . O" for
Gen. Ulcc. 5s. . . . 117 Tex. ft Pacific ln.ll,1' ' ' > Iho
H. & S. A. Gs.101 do 2 . i l" liirgi
do 2 . lifi Union Pacific 4s. . lOITi
& T. C. 5s. . . . 1101 WnlHHh iHls . . . .110 largest
do con. Ps . 110 do 2s
Central Is. . . . .115'Wf ' , t Shorn 4S tiodi
C. P. ft (3. is. 73'i Wls. Cent , is
. I'IMV TniiV 4h.lf iyj Va. Centuries . . . &V , : . j
& N. linl. 4 . . . 93/j | _ do deferred . . . and
, K. ft. T. 2s. . . . iWl-j Cole So. 4i. . . . . . Sl ' , free
4s . 91 So. Pacific 43 . Ki mall
I'ori'lun Kliuinrliil ,
LONDON. Feb 7 The market for Amer
fecurliies advanced al the opening
remained steady lo the close ; prices
mainly Influenced 1iy the movements The
New York. The demand was moderate
the closing tone firm. Gold premiums ports
. quoted an follow * : Buenos Ayrc * . Drown
.4C ; Madrid. 2S.POLisbon. . 42 : Rome. imry
' * . . India consol bills were allotted to-
d.iat 1" 43-32d.
BERLIN. Feb. 7On the Inurse today a
International securities were qulc-t ; Spanlnli wires
weakened on realizing ; AmcrlcnnH wcro there
and Canadian Paclllrx cafccd sllghlly
protlt-taklng ; local shares were strong ,
closed with a Hllght setback Exchange trying
London , 20 marlu 61 pfus , for chocks , eulijcct
MI ; nunf r.-i . if s. Short bllla : ' per ( ' " ' -
PARIS. , . '
. j Bit lnrAM slnrtrd good on
MI . . bniirne I l.dny oti f ivor.ible Ixindon ad-
JICPS | ; Inter thcr.wns
loeni - wns a reaction , owing : lo
oenl renllzailoiis , bur the market after
ward recovered on Ixindon buying In consequence -
sequence of the easy settlement ; Brazilian ! )
roxp rnpldly on iho advaneo In the rate of
exeiinnpe nnd co ni easier on prollt-t.ik-
HK ; Rln tlnicv , iluetllnted. dortng ex-
iremelr firm on the froth advance In the
' ! , ' ' "rr"l1P' , < f : K'allirs were strong. Three
per crnl retiles ir f fi'Hc for Ihe account ;
S iV'0'f ' ' ' We for checks ;
F.nnl' ! . 4.n ! .
. nt rl.50.
BOSTON. Feb.7.-CnTl lo.ilis"juiffj . perl
cent ; time loims. 41i6 per cent , closing'
I"00' ' for slocks , bonds nnd mining slnrcs ;
A. , T
, ] O
noli '
Ro .
C. . B
Hid (
Old 1
do i
> p - YorU 311 u I nir diiolat loni.
NEW YORK , Feb. 7.-The following
In" " si ( . ' " - " ' cla'llns nuotallons for mln- i
Cholli . . . . ' .7rr.7rz9 0iitarlo Sio"
Crow Point . . . . 9 lophlr GO
Con Cal ft Va..l3.- 'P.yniouth ' . s
Dead wood ' .r iQuleksllver 17P ,
Ooulr ft Ciirrle. . 17 I do pfil . . 7W > '
Hule & Norcro. . 27 Sierra Nevada
Homestake 50-10 Standard 250
Iron Silver 57 .Union . Con 2- >
Mexican 25 'Yellow ' J'U-ltet.J8 _
l.oiuliin Sloikliiiilntliint. .
LONDON. Feb. 7.- ) p. m.-Closlng :
Cons. , money.100 13-1GN. Y.
' - Central..ism |
Ci0' account..101H Peini'yiviiiila GSU i
. . . .
Can. Pacific 99 Reading o' < , |
Erie , 12-14 No. Paelllc pfd..7S
do 1sl pfd. . . . 37 Atehlson 22' '
Illinois , , Centra.117 ! Louisville SI'l '
V. , P. pfd 79 'Grand ' Trunk . . . . 7-
St. Paul , com..l2S''i'Anaconda . . . „ . . . _ 91i
BAR SILVER Quiet til 275-10.1 . per ounce.
iMONE-Y 2 per cent.
The rate of discount In .the . open market
Tor short -bills N 3Vi/7-li : ! ! per cent and for
three-months' bills : t < < i'if.l ' % per cent.
Hniili ClfiirliitrN.
CHICAGO. Feb.Clearings , $22,507.95) ) ;
balances , M.Gi ( ; , Ifi1) ) ; posted exclmnge , $1.8.
fjl.SSU ; New York exchange , fie discount.
PHILADELPHIA , Peb. 7. Clearings. $21-
391.SI7 ; balances. $1,7S5G.r > < i.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 7. Clearlllgs. J5.21liaT ;
balances , $179.319 ; money , f > (37 ( per cent ; New- I '
York exchange , 15o premium bid , 25c pre
mium asked.
NEW YORK , Fcb. _ _ " . Bank clearings ,
$199.SGrt.4Gr ; "baYiiiices. $7,329,907.
BOSTON. Feb. 7.-CIearitss. ! $23G5SG24 ;
balances , J2lG3,7yo.
Condition of Hie Treasury. .
WASHINGTON , Peb. 7. Today's statement - '
ment of the condition of the treasury
shows : Available cash balance , $293,423,299 ;
cold reserve. $21G,43GG23.
Cotlon Market.
closed steady ; February , JS.22 ; March , JS.20 ;
April , $ S.2fi ; May. JS.27 ; Juno. JS.2S : July ,
$8.29 ; August , $ S.2fi ; September , $7.72 ; Oc
tober , $7.57 ; November , $7.47 ; December ,
$7.47. Spot closed quiet lie higher ; mid
dling uplands. S9-lfic ; middling gulf ,
Sl3-1fie . : sale * . 110 bales.
Very . steady ; sales , 14.300 bales ; ordinary ,
: good ordinary , 74e ! ; low middling ,
715-lGc ; middling. 83-IGc ; good middling.
e ; middling fair. Sl-lGc ; receipts , 12,000
bales ; stock , 407,919 bales ; cotlon fulures
quiet and steady : February , $ S.1fi nominal ;
March . , $ S.13fJS.ll : April , $ S.13 S14j _ May ,
' "
December , $7.22T7.21.
ST. LOUIS , Feb. " . COTTON Market
l-1fiu higher ; sales , 214 bales ; middling.
; receipts. 3.S20J bales ; shipments , 3,503
bales : stock , 93,551 bales.
LIVERPOOL , 'Feb. 7.-COTTON-Spot ,
good business done and prices ' .fee hlcher ;
American middling : fair , 5d ; low middling.
415-1Gd ; good ordinary , 4r-i < d ; ordinary ,
-lfid. Tlie sales of Ihe day were 12.0JO
bales , of which l.COO were for speculation n
export and Included 11,000 American.
Receipts : , 2OVt bales , no American. Futures
opened llrm and closed nt an advance : February
ruarj and March , 4 49-filfi4 0-Gld ; March
April , I Hi-Glfrf l"-G4d bid ; April and
, 143-fild Wrl ; May and June1 10-fild.
seller ; June and Julv. 4 37-GHM IS-GId bid ;
ail'i August , 4 35-iJHi-l .Ifi-CId bid ; Ali as
? t and September 30-Cld bid ; September
October I IS-lllfi I 19-C-ld ; October and
November , I t-fi4W4 11G4Jollors ; Novcm-
and l December. I fi-C4ffH fi-Gld bid.
C'nllforniii Dried FruItN. 1
DRIED PRUITS-Tradlng In evaporated 1
apples was slow and no new fealure of Im 1
portance developed. Allhriugh prices were 1
reduced still further today , the undertone 1
the market was steady. Offerings were 2
liberal and country advices unfavorable 3
buyers , who In turn were conspicuously 22
absent. California dried frulls dull but 13
steady at unchanged prices. State evano- 7
raled . ' apples , common. Mitie ; prime , ( I14W 12
' ; , choice , fPiff/'lsc ; fancy , S-iiKUc. - Call- 27
fornl dried prunes , 3i4"l"c per lb. , as lo 21
'zo nnd quality. Apricots , Royal. lfIr ! ! ( > e ; ]
Mom Park. litfilSc. Peaches , peeled , IS ® fi
: unpeeled , 7' i9c. 14
Oil Mnrk.-l. 12
OH CITY. Feb. 7.-Credit balances , $ l.f ; 10 49
" , 5.HObbls. ; . cash oil at $1.GS'shlp ' ; - 13
mrnls ! , 121.ESSbbls. . : average. S7 , ) : bbls. ; 11
. 11G.73I bbls. : average , 7G.1S1 bbls. 3
NEW YORK. Feb. 7.-OILS-Cottonsced , 20
; prime crude , IS'S' c : prime crude , yel 21
, 37'i < fi".Sc. Petroleum , llrm. Rosin , 9
llrmur : slralncd , cuinmon to good , $ l.G3'f ; >
. Turpentine , llrm a I fitWiofi'Ae. '
LOXDCiX. Feb. 7. OILS-Cnleutta. lin 1
, upot , -i : ; > 3.1 : linseed , 2ld lO'fol. Tnr- 2
lenllne spirits , 40s , 4
Survivors of lh < > I'M-ll AVar llcincin- 4
licri'il liy ( lie Covcriiiiicnt. 1
WASHINGTON , Peb. 7. ( Speslal. ) There 1
peiiHlciiH have been grnnteil ; , 3
Issue of January ! . ' ! : 1
Nebraska : Inei rase Ambrose Blckert , S
P.lmwood , J1 ! to $17 : William II. Plnley. 1
Franklin , JS.50 to $12.75. 1
Iowa : Original John K. Cooper , Council i 2
Bluffs , $ 'i ' ; Eugene P.iicliln , O.i.-ige , $ fi ; Sill- ! ; 7
Reynolds. DOF .Molnr-p , $12 ; Allen c. . 3
' ' Sioux city. K : ( .corge W. Weeks , 2
Creston , W. Restoration and Increase 1
Charli'.i Preston. Munmouth. $ S to $12. In- 1
reuse William F. Wells , Indlanola , JIG to i
: Frederick C. Frllvs , Stuart , ffi to $ ? ; l. {
liralm Collins. DCS Mollies. $ G to $ S ; 11 -
Mlihai-l N. Slsler. Andrew , $ < l lo $ S ; Wil ;
Kugeno Bncklcv , Alliintlc , JH to $17 ;
Henry lliirluiif. l/inslng , $ fi to f2. ! Orlg- I 1
wlilow Margaret Clar.ihan , Har
, $ S. 2
llnl'roii' ! .ti'clili-iit l.'nlnl. 9 1
CHICAO. ( ! Feb. " . Two tnvllch engines 1
collided on the Wl 'on.Jln road In l.'ranklln 1
today , Injuring four trainmen , tv.-o of 7
nrobably fatal. It was reported thai 3
of the engines was drawing a jmsurn- i
train , but OiU proved untrue. i
Itolnnil Ucofl lu Mi'Hcr. i *
NEW YORK. Feb. T.-RoIanil Reed was 2
. reiinrteil to be much linuroved nn , | l ' 1.
ias Kiild lhat he ha-l good jirohpccta of 2 ,
ultlmalo recover- ' . j 3
_ | 19 ]
U'n 1,1 UHVC I-rlc - : t mini llonulil. I 1.
WAS11INC.TON , Feb. 7. Ileprcsentatlvo ' JIJ-
MrOlollan of Now York Introduced a hill ' ri'
II'O i act ] n I re incut of the Erie canal by ! Ifi !
United States povornment and Its en-
liirBenient lo a capiiclty BUfflclcnt for the V
i !
vessela of war , at a cost not ox- j Ti
' . $75,000,000. Other horse bills In- 1
tinilureil were : i
& 0
Llltlc of Arkiins.-if , to prevent monopolies IM4 i .
trusts by placing trust rrtlclen on the > l 3
list ; Achcsnn of Peninylvanln , for free ) 1 ,19 , 1
delivery along star rontcfi ; Neville of r. 22. ; ' ;
eNbruaka , for iin addltloniil ccmraltteo on In-1 I 2i !
penfloiiR to deal with pension bills. 12 4
NC VH froin Hieorlli , 3 1
AIIKUDHEN , S. P. , Feb. 7. ( Special. ) fi
Coo & Howard Abstract company re 23
that the total t rails fern of land lu
county during the month of Jan- 2
wns (1.920 ( ucres. 1
Prrd Dei'htold. who was reported serving i
three years' senicnro In a Itiitslan prison , 1
tram New York Ihnt Iw hns arrive 1 ' !
In i-hai-Ro of two carloads of HusH < nn 3
ImmlgrnnlK. Dechtold was charged with l | 1
to imlur-o men lo emigrate who wcro 11 1 1
to military duty , hence his arrest. 1
Moderate Receipts of All Kinds of LTO
Stcoi for tb Day ,
HOB Self n Simile Lower , Iml ActUe
Trnilc llenvjU'cllnrn lOc Higher ,
' Oilier Sliccp mill
Stcntlj Keetlcr * Slow.
Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Ofllclal Monday 2.5B7 3,0fil 4,477
Olllclnl Tuesdny 3,5'il ' fi.243 3.S5I5
Ofilclnl Wednesday 2,9fi5 5.S4I 3.3IS
Three days this week . . . 9XH5 15.1M 11.G7S
S.tme. days last week. . . . 7.9i)1 ll.4fiO IR/itt ?
Sanui days week before. S.nM 19.095 10.741
Same three 'veeks ago. . x.359 25,757 S.502 ;
Average prlio paid for hogs for the last '
several dayn wltn eomparlFons :
> " " W .1 4 55 | ! l 57 ] 3 721 3 3.M * I 8 SSI 5 21
"la" ' 'i 4 fjl ' ' n f'31 | 3 l71 ! 3 301 ' 1 111 ' * | 5 17
* I 3 G.SJ 3 C2 | 3 27 I 19 3 07
Jan ! 29 4 f2 | 3 G4 | 3 27 : I ! f'3 ' , 3 SS 6 21
Jan. .I- ' 4 f.l | 3 70 I 2 | , ' 391 | 3 60 B 11
Jan. 31 i B3 3 Gil 3 CSl 3 9S t. OT >
Peb. 1 , 4 07 3 G4I 3 Gil .1 27 I 0,1 3 fiij r , n
Peb. 2. I ( IS 3 G7 | 3 fill 3 191 3 rr , r. in
Feb. 3. 4 GJl G9 | i 73 3 M ] ya
Pel ) . 4. , 3 5.11 3 72 ! .1 M 3 M 3 fS !
I GC | 3 72 | 3 211 19V 3 7fi | fi M
G. 4 70i 3 fit ! ! * 3 19' ' 4 Wl 3 S2 fi 01
1' eb. 7. | I CS | 3 GG 3 I I 01 3 9" . I SI
* Indicates Sunday.
The ofllelal number of cnrs of stock
brought la today by each road wns ;
. Cattle. HOKP. Sh'p. H'r's.
C. , M. ft St. P. Ry. . . . 10 8
Mo. P.teltlc Ry II
Union Pac. Systran. . 17 13 G
P. . E. 1 ft M. V. R. R. 13 2.1
S. C. ft P. Ry . .
C. ' St.P. , M. ft O. Ry. 12 2
B. ft M. R. R. R. . . . 39 23 5 1
c. , B. ft Q. Ry 9 10
K. C. ft St. J fi
c. . R. 1. ft P. Ry. , E. 4 4 . . . .
C. , R. I. ft P. Ry. , W. . . . .
llllliolH Cenlrnl 1
Total receipts . . . .125 S3 15 I
The disposition of the day's receipts was
us follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of bend indicated :
Buyers. Cntlle. Hogs. Sheep. |
Omaha Packing Co 5.1KS . . . . !
O. If. Hammond Co 219 1,031 131 -
Swift and Company S2 < > 1.271 f > 2 '
Cudahy Packing Co 515 1.122 1,209
Armour ft ( "o 7I ! 1,552 515' '
Omaha P. Co. . K. C 125 !
Cudaliy P. Co. . 1C. C. . . . 131
Swift and Company ,
from country.
R. Becker & Dcgan 193
Lehman ft Co 100
W. 1. Stephen 72
Hill ft Huntzlnger 15
Benton & Underwood 15
Huston ft Co.
Livingstone ft Schaller. 47
H'anil'.ton ft Rothschild. S3
L. P. Husz . " .
H. L. Dennis ft Co 1 . . . . ' . . . .IKS.
F. ' ft S W'Bl.
Oilier buyers 260 . . . . 4
Totals 2.9IG 5,517 3.313
CATTLE There were a few over 100 cars
of callle In the yards today , which was not
a large run and none too many for the re-
increments of the market. The way the
market was. however , It was n great plenty.
Chicago reported a decline of fully lOc
nnd a slow market. 1'nder Ihe influence of
the advices sent out from other selling
points buyers here starled out bidding way
lower , anywhere from 10 ? to 25e lower , and
Ir wax .a mean market from start to finish.
Sellers were backward about making all
the concession ruiked and the callle moved
toward the scales slowly. When buyers
found that they could not get the entile nt
th < Mr first bids they raised their hands In
many cases , bin still the general market
was lOc lower and In some cases buyers
thought they took off 15fi20e. It is safe
to ftty that the market Is 25ft35c lower than
the good time last week.
The market on cows nnd heifers was In
bettor shape than the market on fat steers
for 1'ie simile reason that there were not |
mnny on sale and buyers seemed to want.
nil of them. The maiket opened slow , but |
finally developed Into a steady market and ,7G. ,
most everything that could be called nt all j
desirable sold In good season. Hulls , stags ,
etc. , have all' sold lower this week under
the Influence of the decline on fat catile.
Stockers and feeders were in moderale
supply In first hands , but speculators had
good many catile on hand carried over
from yesterday and Monday. The country
demand so far this week has been light , and
that fact , taken In connection with Iho
lower beef markei , has rendered Ihe market -
kot not only slow , but very weak and
lower all around. The feeder Irade al Ihe
prefient lime really cutf very lltile figure f
few r-ntlle of that kind are coming and
few are wanted. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. fi 9CO 4 15
No. Av. Pr. 1 IHO 1 41
1020 375 25 992 450
330 375 1 1220 450
S20 .IS" 10 1151 50
1090 ion 55 11G7 50 201
1000100 47 90 > 5 50 US
fi/l I 10 5 S70 50 2.11
1190 I 10 2 SIO .V )
fi25 f 15 3S 1214 fiO 2 <
SIO I 15 Ifi 1113 fill 203
1011 I 2. ] IS 1117 fi.1 170
1005 4 30 10 1141 fir , 203
10(12I ( 35 22 1194 fi.1 .19.1
1159 I Ti 7 123S fil 222
1151 I 10 2 1090 fi , " 134
100S 1 10 1 1200 fi.1 2(13 (
1070 1 10 fi 113S 115
991 I 10 1 13CO 70 49
109S $4 I 10 117S 70
101. ! 1 I y > 114- ' 70
1110 4 I 1 1120 70
1294 I 7 24 11S1 70
lOfil I 1 15 1318 75
11S2 11 15 1100 75
M1 I I 1 S90 " .
91.1 4 1 38 131(1 ( m
1333 I f 31 13IK 5 10 ]
11GS i I IS 129G 5 15
1042 4 4
9)0 22 11 S2S 3 41
955 2 : 5 Hfifi : : i.- G.10
937 2 r 20 1011 3 SO
S71 2 Ki 1 1010 3 W 'n
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
50 . . . . . . . . . . Vi
' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' = 3
' ' . ' . . . . . . . \ 250 I f : : : ; ; ; ; " ! . -iHo
1010 2.-.0 4. " nn "w
W KfiO 2 "j Oft ? $
1110 275 5 J2 1 3 fin
9fiO 275 fi. . . . nW 3fiO and
1110 275 10. . . ' R7 n m
1100 275 3. . j'on 3fiO 4.75
9-,5 2 W . 1 1010 3rn 4.
1000 290 14 .1173 ri
1070 290 Jl I- - , -n
fi73 30-1 2 'jfifB 37-
1000 : tno s..3 ? h-fi
nsn 300r. POO ern
10W 300 1 K10 p.-fH .
101" 300 1 .117 375
9io 300 is joU ; i head
930 : ioo i. . . . ; nn " 75
" ' ; 7so ; i ir , wn , i
" ' 1050 310 19 107J ! 3 SO
" : ' 510 " nit 35
95. 310 9 1in-i 3t- ( slow
1010 315 5 ] > % p t- bulls
92,1 a 1-1 IR ni ? : w four
10SO 3 15 2 Nil.I'M oxen
1010 315 1. . . . . . . : nn ; 300 4.30
llfio 315 R inss ; MO
11M 3" .1 1070 390
990 320 3 Line n 90
1120 . " , 25 7 12(11 ( n 9,1
1117 325 2 1CT | a 9-
107fi 3 ti'i 2-i lOfif 4 fK )
f sn 32" ; i 9in 400
JJM J'j ii ID- 1 m
1170 3 2 > 2 US' ) tOO
. lion s ? i n 1112 i no
1010 3 ? S 4 110. 4 m
mn n > - , 4 iign 4 on
91i 3 2i fi. 12Cfi 4M
901 P 35 1 144n ) jo
HOi 33" , 2 1001 410
1010 " T 2 910 110
iisi 3 in i ioo : : 4 10 corr
loti : i n i i4n i < n
sso 301 2j. . . , . K > S 3 nn HllprTl
S5o.n i low ; j w
9:0 am 2 S7r , ro by
JOV > 3 5n 2 Mfl f { | IIIICI
't'O sis i wn on lliii
970 370 1 10SO 00 Vi
. 900 370 11 1125 oo
. - R73 375 l lion on Mill
. ' R > t 375 2 f,10 4 IV ) Kilo
. G2ft 375 " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' of t
! . ' . . . . . . 927 n so .i" . , . . . . . . ; ; 4' $
. 775 3 W 3 90T 4 ft- III
S15 3 SO 4 1102 4 05 II IN
f07 3 SO 17 7i ( 4 10 10
fi70 3 SO 20 lin 4 i'O
sss 3 fo 1 nsn 4 r Of
74S 3 K5 fi 12W 440 prlci
1011 3 85 22 1133 440 I nve
HULLS. linn
12)1 ! 273 1 " -
1790 . , fi.-
1190 3 Oi 2 1505 3 fi3
1420 3 10 1 . . . . .1710 a 3 Hecu
isn : iai 2 . . . . 3 iS hurl
1110 321 1 1S50 3 63 iiblc
1510 325 1 itrti 370
1 < 3 ' < 2-'i 1 ldO ! S 70
1150 3 33 1 1310 3 70
1270 23' , 1 JWtt 371
119n 310 I j22 3 T
1310 340 3 1313 375
1510 315 1 1350 3 7S
1 Uf.i1 * V > S . . . 1M..1 . ? 7 %
1 SW 350 1 ift2rt .1 J5
I - MJt > f . - > ' ! i i 20 .1 7S
1 14.VI 3 : rt 1 1J50 3 SO
V H 1 10 .10 1 1BO ! J W )
1 ' ' 1280 3W > 2 HIS 90
I i' 1 . IG70 S HI 1 70 I 75
' 1- 14 < 0 S 0 1 770 175
is. 1 1047 3W 7 950 S 75
21. S71 435 S 11M 400
21.i. STAOS.
i. . . 9W 3 SR a IttM 415
I . Sli ) 325 1 . 79" 1 fiO
J . V < 0 3 J 3 . rid 3 75
j . J ) SSO 2 . M5 375
1 . S7it 3 W 1 . SrtO 4 J.-
STr ) i : 8 AND KEEDEHS.
2.1 lo ) \ 20
'yT ' J9 10 G 2 42i
' > 350 1 910 4 2,1
SpjJ 3M 2 BSD 4 2.1
3SO 3 W 19 S35 I 33
lllfi 355 2 S'5 I OS
: : : : : : : : : : JJ8 8 ? J : : : : : : : : : : Si i g
? . . : : : : : : : : : : | jg .1 $ IS
M. " : : : : : : : : : $ 38 24 : : : ; sri IM
. 7.9 4W
Juv iiV ? . W I S
2ii. . . S T . J ' , %
, . , . Sr" ! In V ? . 751 ! I firt
Vfi . ° M Vi" i\ \ . MJ ( ' m
5 . hi \ \ 3J. . 710 170
! > . I" . " , t 1,1 3s. OTI 17-
73. - - - - - .
8 . ,
1116 ' ' - ' " " * 4 W
? : : : : : : : : : : 'S ' 8g ! : : . ! ? 7TK
1 SO fi 50 1 150 700
i 313 4 25 4 227 475
I I' ' " ) I 1M 4 310 500
i 310 i no
HO < ! S-OJilcngo reported the market 5filOc
lower , but i hero were not enough hogs here
o admit of that much being taken off while
llie demand , was good. Buyers , however ,
slat-led out bidding prices lhat were de-
cdedly lower , hut sellers held on nnd In
tlio end Hut hogs sold only a shnde lower I
than yesterday. Some hogs sold at Very !
r-carly steady prices , and the close of tin- '
market wnsi stronger than the onenlnu.
I lie general run of good mixed loads went
at Il.biijj , as against $1.70 yesterday. Hood
butcher weights s-okl - at $1.70 , and some right
good heavy loads brought $1.75. Buyers
scorned to want ihe hogs In spile of the
unfavorable reports from Chicago , and ihe
markei at this point was fairly active at thu
decline. . Everything was sold and weighed
np ' in ' good siMium In the morning. Rep-
H'sentative sales :
3fi. .
HI. .
GO. . .
. . .
. "
W > .
U ) .
f > 2.
" 9.
72. .
14. .
75. .
70. .
79. .
fil. .
S3. .
27. .
7(1. ( .
25. .
71. .
. . .
SHEEP Receipts today wore light at
this point , but heavv - < t Chicago. The
result was that the icports from Chicago
Imllcnted a weak and lower markei , bill at
this point the market was fully steady.
Moro than that , medium weight to heavy
wethers were lOc hlchor. The market was
fairly active on all J..mis and everythinu
sold In good season at price * that were
entirely satisfactory to the sellers.
Quotalloiis : Good to choice fed yearlings ,
J5.COft5.75 ; fair lo good yearlings , * 5.25fi5.50 ;
gaod to choice wethers , J4.90 < ri5.25 : fair to
good wethers , $ l.ffifi-l.S5 ! ; good to choice fed
ewes , $4.35771.60 : good to choice fed native
lambs , $ .1.73fJ7.00 ; good to choice western
lambf. Ji5.GrrfiG.SO ; fair to good fed . western , . . . .
lambs. $ G.40'7G.GO-1 ! feedervetherfi. . JI.03ftl.iiO ;
feeder yearlings. Jt.5ft' < 73.00 ; good to choice
feeder lambs' , $ I.50J5.23. | Rcprescnintlvo
sales :
No. . Av. Pr.
weslern ewes . 111 $1 50
western ewes . 101 4 50
western ewes . 105 430
2 stags and ewes . 12j I Go
fl weslern wethers . 121 4 75
western wethers . 12-1 I 75
western wethers . 131 1 NO
western wet horn . 107 5 00
. weslern wethers . 11S 5 10
western wethers . SS 5 .r ,
weslern lambs . 74 G 70
western lambs . 7 * il 7ft
I cull ewes . 85 25ft
weslern ewes . 9.1 I ( )
1 lamb . _ . 60 fi 25
Cuttle rii'iKTiilI Y l.nvor Tf\oiin Are
About Sternly Hoi ; ; * liOi\rr.
CHICAGO. Feb. 7. CATTMS-Generally
OJ715c lower than Monday , Including
butchers' stock and dinners ; Texans about
steady ; receipts , 70ft head ; choice feeders
steady , others quiet ; good to choice , J5.10f/ >
; poor to medium , Jl.nOfr l.&fl ; mixed
Stockers , J3. 2 If ; 3. 90 ; selected feeders , $1.20
1. 85 ; good to choice cows , $ : t.251.10 ( ? ;
heifers , J3.25fi4.75 ; dinners , $2.1 < W(2.SO ;
bulls , J2.GOfi4.Gft ; calven , $1.507 } 8. 73 ; fed
Texas beeves , $1.001/5.11) ) .
llOOS-Oeiierally lOc lower ; lop , $ l.92'i ' :
closing stronger ; good clearance ; mixed
butchers , Jtl.G5fil.90 ; good to choice
heavy. JI.MKfi4.92' ' , > . . ; rough heavy , $ l.fi5fi >
; light. Jl.GiJfrl.S5 ; bulk of sales , JI.SO ©
SHEEP AND I.AMHS-Stroiig to 10n
higher ; lambs steady to lOe lower ; native
wethers. Jl.50fj5.50 ; lambs , J5.OnfiG.90 ; west
wethers , $1. 10(55. ( 10 ; western lambs ,
. .
Receipts ; Cattle. 17.000 head ; hogs , 43,000
; Mieep , 15,00ft head.
STi'W YorU llvf > Stock , ' '
NEW YORK. Pell. 7.-IlEEVES-Re-
celpts. 3.050 head ; 41 cars on mile ; steers
; top grades steady , others lOc lower ; (
llrm ; fat cows easier : others sternly :
cars cattle unsold ; stcerx. $1.157(5.70 ( ;
and wings. $1 2J74.75 | : bulls , $2.fO { ?
, cows , $2 007j3.SO ; no later cables ; whip-
infill- . Ill r.ittlr. 450 sheep < iml J.9IC itinr- |
trrs of beef , none lomnnow
CALVES lUcclifM | , I.H27 henil ; slow and
3V" off ; some salci 4i'c lower , nil s. . < ld.-
ve l. , M.PWS.7R ; exlrn , J9 ; little enlves ,
Jl.notM.W : Imrnynrd slock , M.oCWI.W.
SHEEP AND I , AM US-Receipts. 7.r2
liwid : 27 c.-irs on sale : nheep sternly ; lambs .
puiernlly KV- lower ; few early oales slroiiK ; \
three curs uiiimld ; sheep , $ i.HM ( fi.M ; culls , Jl
tt. 0fla.75 ; Ininbs , Jfi.5o * < 7.75 , nmlnly J7.2S/ ( \
i.ffllt ; wlntir larub . JG.fiO each.
Hons-Hecelpt. , 9,117 head ; 251 on sale ;
firm nt J5.25fl5.lfl : utate pigs , J5.IOfTft.50.
KnilKiin 'lv ( t.Uc Slock.
eelptH , head natives and I,1W
Texans ; choice steers and butcher cows
nnd heifers slendy HIM ! all others easier ;
heavy unlive ( fleers , $ l.7r > fV ? iO ; lightweights ,
$ I.S.Vn ( > .sri ; slockers an-l feeders , } 3 SOfifi rt ) ;
biitcner cows and heifers. J.t.lOUI.W ; can-
Here , $2.5f > fiii.10 : frd westernl. . JI.10WIS5 ;
western feeders , J3.5WI.riO ; Texaiis , $ .1.751 ?
4.30.HOfiS - Receipt ! ' . 13.IXX ) head : tnnrket
fulrly active and 2'f5I5e ' lower ; he.ivy. $ l 70
dll.Mi ; mixed , J4.GMi4.75 ; light , $ I.IOf4.fi7's | :
pics. JI.Sifil.r- .
SIIKUP ANM 1.A.MHS - Receipts , 3500
head : -lamds nnd feeders steady ; good mut-
toiii' , lOc lilgher ; lambs , $5.G07i ; .riO ; mutton" ,
$ l.fiWifl.2 , " > : stockers and feeders , J3.W > fl5 in ;
culls , J2..OTi3.f.O. .
St , l.oiilllf < > Stoeli.
ST. I.OIM8 , l-'eli. 7.-CATTUE-Recelpf.
4,100 ' head , Including 2KXi Texiinc ; market
lee lower fdr natives , 10 nSe lower fur
Texntis ; native shipping and export sleors ,
Jl.fiil'iiil.35 ' ; dressed beef and butcher steers.
JI.iiOfift.25 : steers under lKHi Ibs. , $3.50ff
l.f.0 ; stoekers and feeders , Jit. 507(1.75 ; cows
nnd heifers , J2.i 1i l.M ; dinners. JI.255i2.S5 ;
bulls. J3.0071 1.25 ; Texas and Indian steers ,
$ .1. Will. 75 ; cows nnd heifers , J2.ixW4.iiO.
HOC.S-Recelpts. 10,1m ) head : market C.7f
lOc lower ; pigs and lights , $4.70ff I.SO ; pack
ers , $ l.fi5ff.SO | ; butchers. JI.MHf4.90.
SHEEP AN'D l.AMIIS-Recelpts. l.n
head ; market slrong ; native millions. $4.75
( fi5.75 ; lambs , $ G.OO < ! | 7.00 : culls nlld bucks ,
$2.Mfil.25 ; slockers , J3.W1T3.63.
M. Jociih l.Uc Slock.
SOl'TII ST. JOSEPH. Mo. . Feb. 7.-S.e- ( | .
clal. ) The Journal iiuntcs :
( CATTLE-Recelpts. l.lOcl head ; market
eaoy lo 10o lower ; quality poor : natives.
* l.oOfi5.25 ; Texas and westerns , $3.40fjr , 25 :
cows and heifers. $2.23571.50 ; bulls ami
slags. ' $2.25J3'I.7.1 ; yearlings nnd calves , Jl.o. )
( ii.nn ; stockers and feeders , $3.40fM.75 ;
veals , SI.MIJ7.BO.
HOC5S Receipts , fi.200 head ; market wenk
to Re lower ; all grades , $1.60311.75 ; bulk ,
$ ) .fi.Vi-.72 | ! < s
SHEEP-Reeelpls. 1.900 head ; market
weak on lambs : sheep steady.
Slock In Sluht.
Following are the receipts at .the four
principal western markets for February 7 :
Cuttle. Hoes. Sheep.
South Omaha 2..W7 3nfil 4.477
Chicago 17,000 43.000 15.000
Kansas City 7.100 13.00-1 - n.WHl
St. Louis I. IW 10.100 1,200
Totals 31,0(57 ( B9 Ifil 21,177
Coirec MnrU.-l.
opened steady , with prices 5 to 10 points *
lower In symn.itliy with the weakness In
European markets , but soon rallied on local
support and light foreign demand. Fore
noon operations were not extensive , hut
speculation -picked up later In the day when
Investment buvlns became a feature. Sta
tistical conditions were not sulllclentlv
chanced to have special weight upon local
sentiment. Consumers bought sparingly In
Ihe spot department. The close wits stonily
and net unchanged to 10 points lower. Total
sale = were 19.750 bacs , Including February
at J7.05 ; March. $7.05fl7.10 : > Mnv. J7.20ff7.25 :
September. $7.45 ; December. J7.5W7.fiO ; Jan-
uary. J7.fi077"7.70. Spot. Rio , steady : No. 7 Invoice -
voice , S sc ; No. 7 jobbing , 9'dc ' ; mild , firm ;
Cordova , 10fi13ic. !
Dry ( IIMIIN .Murknt.
tone of the market Is Improving for staple
cotlons under Ihe Inilucnce of the mark11
for law material. Demand about recent
average , hut considerable more Im.iilry . in
brown and gray goods. Sellers slmxv
greater reserve In quoting prices In forward
deliveries. Illeachcd cottons-firm , with fair
sales. Coarse colored cottons strong. Sotnn
leading Hues of denims advanced ' ( !
anil of hickory strlpex ' ' < per yard.
Prints anil ginghams without much change.
Dress goods for fall strong In staple Hues ,
but not. much doing In fancies yet. Silks
are oiilet , bill Hie lone of the market is
stead- .
WSzcn otbe a fall con null
op MEN
VTo euaranteo to euro ull oases ounvbla of
SEXUALLY. cured for Hfo. I
Nicbtly Emissions , Lost Manhood , Ilydrocela 4
Verlcoccle , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syphilis , Strict-
ore , Plica , Flbtula and Koctnl Ulcera and
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men.
Consultation free Cull on or addreu
119 Se. Htb fit.
HRpEJiHgra co.
OMAHA nr.n. uticcut
& QOYD & CO. ,
'I'clcplioim 10H ! ) . Oiiinhii , Xi'j
IIOAltl ) OK Til \ DIC.
Corrcspondencf- . John A Wurren & Co
uirect wires , to Chicago nnd New York.
Large Profits-Absolute S8ciirlly--Miillily ) Dividends ,
N nml nel proIIIn i M tilled , n tlr.H wlni-ii- \ . .iln.lias been alUstcil by thf
rnct by C'linrtcrcd Afciiuiitnnts , HAIt- cx.imlniitlon "T Hie Public Accountants , HH
\V. WADK , urn MUM & CO. , of New i per Ilidr i-iTlllicil i-ppnrtM.
rk. ! ChlciiKo ami San l' . SI3MI KIHI I'HOHPKCTI S conliilnliiK
irrvlse Its accounts. lhf"c npurlH In full , with delaili'il Hlnle-
Tin * opportunity ofTi-rcil InvcMliirN inc-nlH nf .ii-piingt ! , cxpcnsis and in t prollla
this I r'ompany Is unexcelled , we b.-lli vc from I Inwirlmirf niiiu-
equalled , by any other zlm : company In
Culled Stales.
tnl iinly the opportunity for IIKIU-
llccul profit , but the opportunity i > lowing l
now offered for publli subpcrlptlon at
owing nt all lliiir-H thu exact condllliui
tliclr compiiny.
HvldciiiU lire iinlil proniptlj nn Hie
( of each moiilh , one per cent on par ,
all I stockholders of record on tin- Will
to complete the Imlatico of the purch > t
Iho I pn-cedlng nioulli. At the present
prlco uud pay for Iho new mills now b.lis
co of nlmres till * means a return to thu
ester of nc.irly I I IM-P ccnl per 1111-
iii In cash monthly payments. The nh.ircH are of the value of JI.-O
ea < h iind ait- fully paid up and nnn-a i > udi-
Kitmiii IIM cMlinciil dcpcndx , llr t , < m uble.
urliy ; second , on profit. Tinprufll of Applliu IOIIM for Block , accompanied by ro-
h nn liivrHimc-nt an this l mum -nilon-
inllinnce. -
rei-clvcd ( it cither of the follow
; nnd itn h'-mriu i uhsuieil b > pr-ipi-i- ing .iilli-i.i nf the lineal
JOSHUA BROWW & , CO. , Bankers ,
4O9 The Rookery , Chicago.
i -17 Wall St. , Now York.121 Chestnut .St. . 1'hilua.eljiliia. 6'J State St. , Huston.