Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Snows and Weak Gables Hara a
Effect on Wheat ,
llute I'lria In Spile
N In irnliiH Mnln Sup-
liiirt CoineH from Inlln-
entlal I'ac-Uer.
rilK'Ano. Feb. 5. Mild weather , nccom
| ) .ni .l by pome needed snow , heavy fe
< i , f ami the wcnkitrM of ealm-s had a de
j . . -MIIR effect on the wheat market today
.Vilosing "ic under Saturday. Ctrl
in ) .iiittf t-i | > oil > , Mlower. . Provisions al th <
it WHB a dull day In the wheat pit and r
. ' .ir > rirtlc s ono for the bulls. May nncnu (
' , iii wn nt ( mi SVie. Northwest receipt !
w. - . heavy ; thp weather was mild and 1
\ \ , , . i.'jiorted that enow , needed to protee
ii. winter crop , had fallen In portions 01
t M- ) > . It whire It him bun long wanted
I.U'rpnol ' eased off ifter an iij aaratii'C oi
K . > n.lines * iiiwl PatlR wa ilc-prr--wwl cnuiil t <
1 > j r hit. These ebullitions WITO the dnml
. Then- was !
11 mi Inllucm-eH of the dny.
? . stream of ll.iul.lallon and little dt-
K , n.l ftht-r for futures or cnsh. For i
Him- Pillowing the opening the mitrkrt mailr
a itnle struggle to hold. May rallying U
in i in l figures after touchlnc 6Sc. hut the
- . On the dt-
f mnulo was won ulv-rn un.
. n > e In the vlflble , which was a bit mori
! ! in cxpi-Hcd , May advanced from 67-Vic tc
iV" s < - , but held i'or only n moment. The
in irK.-t wild nfl from that point to 67"ic anil
, i , , i i weak. May -V under Saturday nl
'lVim.ii ' > receipts were 612,000 bu. . com-
l-ii < - . ! with S2A , ) i ) bu. a year ago. Mlnnc-
< ! < 'Im and Imltith reported 667 cars , against
i. . list week and 621 the corresponding da >
I 'i viir. Local receipts \\ere 211 curs , 2 ol
, .1 . it'.n-t grmlc. Atlantic purl clearances In
vn ni mid Hour were enual to "trt.diio hu.
'I > .iirn market was llrm early , but latei
i , - .1 . iilf In sympathy with Trade
tt i- .inlet , but an country offerings were
Hmill the market yielded only after a stub. . tight to the weakntf > s of Its neighbor.
< . -Mis were higher. Receipts here were SI !
< nrs. heavily over the estimate. May
rang'il I'rom'M'Mi.W'.o ' to smffSU've , closing
ni the bottom , " , fec , lower than Saturday. In
\ . vv of the heav.V receipts and the weak-
11. us i > f wheat the fact that the decline was
t. . -mall wns a .omfort to holders.
Tli" trade In oats was smalli The market
v n steady the greater part of the session.
i. . .1 cased olT near the end In sympathy with
i n Ixical rei elpts were 169 cars. May
. .Id from BJVso to 23"ic and closed at the
bf > " .im , Vic depressed from Saturday's close.
Provisions , In Kpltu of the weakness ot
wheat and heavy realizing ' ' longs , ruled
11'in Liverpool was higher tor bacon and
b un.The run of hogs was liberal , but In
tin- lure of this offerings ot product were
mi ill and the demand excellent. The main
t ipporl. It .with said , came- from an Inllu-
c' packer. Trade was fairly active
ihr.Mighout the session. May pork sold from
Jl"K7'2 ' to $10.97' , ' . and closed 10iil2',4c over
Sn : unlay at * IO.C.'x ! , ; May lard , from JG.05 to
Ji. . lIK. . ( . 12'i , closing " ' / siup at $ (5.10 ( , and May
rlli , from $5.K7Vj to Jj.lfllfcfyo.Sa , with the
ilo , 5'ii7' ' .c ImprovcHl from the previous fcs-
M.III at $5.92'.i.
K-iimatPd receipts tomorrow : Wheat , 33
< , ii < ; orn , LOW ) cars ; oats , 300 cars ; hogs ,
; iiv , . ) ) bend.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open.I High , | lxJwJCIo8e.Satj' | | .
Feb. 66 65U 601,4) ) 66
Mas- esgcs'A ' 67k
July GSTf. 6S'i
.ll'.i ni
M.iy SS-'iTl ' ,4 SlV'sfi U 33'/4 ' ( fi-H ,
July 3374 ( % at
-Oats- at23'j
May 2314 23'/j
.Inly 22V4
May 10 S7' ' < . 10 S7',4 10 97U. 10 S5
July 10 97'.i 10 U7'i- 10 91)
Ma.\ 6 12" " . 6 05 6 10 6 02V4
July 0 1'.4 6 20 6 12M- 6 17'i 6 10
AlTiy f > S7'i 5 9T 5 S7'/ . [ . 92'A G S7'/ .
Julv B 95 5 97'A 5 95 | 6 90
No 2.
t'ash quotations were as follows :
KI.Ol'U Steady ; winter patents , $3.40 ©
3.60 : straights , ft.001r3.35 : ; clears , J2.90ff3.10 ;
j-prlng specials , $3.90 < ji-I.OO ; patents. Jl.20lj3.63 ; } ;
Btralghts. $2.i0i(3.00 ; ; bakers , $2.10ft2.CO.
WHEAT No. 3 sprirg , 64',4iff66 ic ; No. 2
red. tWiiTOe.
CORN No. 2. 32c ; No. 2 yellow , 32Vio.
OATS-No. 2. 2Wi234c ; No. 2 white , 26c ;
N < i 3 white , 25W26V4C.
ll'YE No. 2. 51c.
HARLEV No. 2. 37'l4c. .
SEEDS No. 1 llaxseed and northwest ,
* 1 59. Prime , timothy , $2.45. Clover , contract
( -r.ide. J.S.IO.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $9.7513)
] 0.'iO ' lyiird , per 100 Ibs. , $0.87Ms'Siii.OO. Short
ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.7r > fti.OO. Dry salted
( shoulders ( lioxed ) , $5.75t(6.0D. ( Short clear
Hldos ( boxed ) , $3.90fiG.OO.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on
basis high wines , per gal. , $1.23',4.
Sl'GARS-Cut loaf , JG.V5 : granulated , $5.49.
Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
l-'linir bbls 43,000 27,000
"Wlii'iit. IU ) 22,00(1 ( 31,000
Corn , 1)11 Bt.i.'JOn 21S.OOO
Dais , bu . 211,00. ) 20'JOOi )
live , tin 2,001) 3,000
It.irlo. hu 45,000 12,000
On the Produce exchange today the but-
ti-i market was steady ; creameries , 19 < f(2lf ( ;
< lalrle > , M12f. { Cheese , linn at 12iiI13c.
I'lggs , weak ; fresh ,
( InoliiUniiN for ( he liny on VnrloiiH
NEW YORK , Feb. S.-FLOUR-Rccolpts ,
57.162 bbls. ; exports , 18,415 bids. ; held
Hte.idy on advices from the mills and showed
Jlitle change from Saturday. Minnesota
-intents. J3.5WH10 ; Minnesota bakers , J2.S05/ '
S. ' . winter patents , $3.M'iiu.SO ; winter
Btralghts , Jl.-10J/i.50 ; ; ; winter low grades , J2.25
Gi2 l . Rye Hour , steady ; fair to good. J3.10 ©
" 2il ; cholco to fancy , * : ! .25f < 11.60. Buckwheat
Jl iiir , easy at JL-al/
t'DUNMlCAIyiilet ; yellow western , SOc ;
cliv. 7Cc ; Brandy wine , J2.lWi2.25.
RVH Quiet : No. 2 western , 61'fcc. f. o. b. ,
olloa ! ; state , Me , c. i. f. . New York , car l&ts.
HARLlCY-CJuk-l ; feuding , 42'.4 ' < jj I7'ie c. I.
f . New Yoik ; malting , Iifi51'i ! ( < - , c. 1. f. , Now
KARL13V MALT Dull j western , KWiCSc.
U I1HAT Retrlpts 32.SW bu. ; exports , 81.-
129 bu. Spot , easy ; No. 2 led , 7"V < c , elevator ;
No J red , 7i"se ( , f. o. b. , alloat , prompt ; No.
1 nnrthern. Uuluth. 71i'iif. . o. b. , alloal
prompt ; No. I hind. Dnluth , Sl'nc ' , f. o. b. .
iitloat , prompt. Options opened easy and
nubsciin | nlly made gte.iter dpi.lines on bear-
Iwh tallies from Liverpool and I'.irls , iu-
pinher with reports of snow in domcMIe
.wheatll. . I'ls Hlnt-o Saturday and therefore
-ire.-edlni ; iircscnt cold weather. Trade w.ii
narrow all diij , partly foreign selling.
Closf.l eiiny. 'v'li'ni1 nut decline. March , 755KC
asked ; .May , 7l'i , < ij74'i.v , closed at 7l'fcc ; July ,
7lil"4V. ( closed at 7Jc.
CORN-Rccelpls , 29,250 bu. ; exports , 39,101
bu. Spot , Htcady ; No. 2. 10c , f. o. b. ,
nnd 40'je. elevator. Optlonn opened steady
and advaiici'd on ij-ood Hpcculativo buying ,
I'ght country orferlngx and blither cahlcH.
Finally iMWtd off a little on big estimated ro-
t-elpis and chined easy , Vc ( net decline. May
SS'iil/i'.l'.ti'ic , closi-d at ; ii"ic.
tJATS Receipts. SI.Drtt bu. ; exports. 10,573
1m. Spot , quiet ; No. 2 , 29V.ii' ; No. 3 , 2Sc ; Vo.
2 while , 3KNo. ; . ; ( white , Wii ; ; track
mixed wostern. 2S'44iSOc ; track white , iM'tii )
34 > . Options , dull but steady.
UA Qultit ; shipping , 65'n70c ; good1 to
llol'S Steady ; state , common to choice.
isuu cr.ip , 6c ; ls9 > crop , 7 < ii'.itISirj ; crop. 125I1
li ! . 1'aclllc , 1MS ) 45)iic 1VJS
crap , ) ; crop ,
7il'.lc. lv.l crop. 124) 13c. '
l-'lrni ; Galvuston , 20 to r- It. q
' ' " ' ' "
lOiJi'T Texah'iir'y , 2l"t'o 'a'V'lbs. ' , "l5c ; Cull-
fornia , 21 to 25 lb.i. , 2l'c.
Ll-JATIIlOlt- > < uil > ; r.cmloL-k sole , Buenoa
Ayres , light to liouvywelithtM , 25fj.'SVjf ; acid ,
" " '
"l''ROvi.SHNS-Hei'f , dull ; family tll-OOffl
13.1W. mvf * . $10.ft1ll060beef ( ; - hams J20.50SI
SllW : iMCltel. J10.5UiH2.W ; clt > . extra India
mess. J&xtKntii'iuo. Cut mentH , llrm ; pickled
tiellles. ! ; pickled shoulders JU ; pick ,
led ham" . 19.80.ii 10.26. I ird. llrm ; wVitern
1.1 cum ' - ' ; February , $ ij.33 ; rellned.
RH'K-Steady ; domrxtlc , fair to extra , 45T
' " < - . Japan dfic.
MoLASSKS Qulut hut llrm ; New Orleans
opi n kettle , ifooil to choice , 4ljKc. ;
PKANTTS'-Stcady ; fancy hand-picked. 10
41 i , other domestic , 3'-ill k' .
FRKKJHTS To Llvornool. llrmer ; i-oltoij
by tftram , XU- ; grain by et ( < ami3Vbd.
lilvcriuiol ( irnln nnil I'rovlNloiiH.
L1VKRPOOL , Feb. 5.-WHKAT-Spot.
Nn. 2 red wcutern tt Inter , tlrm at 5s ll'.td ;
No 1 northurn , rprlng. llrm at 6s Id. Fu-
turos. qulot ; Muuh. 5u lo'4tl ; May , C 'Jid ;
Juh f > s lKl. (
t'DRN-American IMI | , mixed , new , llrm
ntt S'l , American mixed , old , llrm atE
ES'd | . * utmvr , vti.uly. Fobruury , 3 *
\ d , Mirili , , M ; kd. May : is 6 4d.
Tli Imports of wheat Into Liverpool last
week were Zt.firtO quarters from Atlantl
ports nnd "T.floo quarter * from other port :
The Imports of corn from Atlantic port
lust wwk were "fi.tOO ntinrtcm.
PROVISIONS-Lnrd , American refined. I
mils , steady al 32 * fd , prime western , I
tierces , steady at 30 * M. Ilnms , short cti
II to 16 lb * . , llrm nt ls 6d. Bacon , Cun
berlnnd cut , 2H to .10 Ibs. , llrm at 3I 6 <
short ribs , IS to 23 Ibs. . tlrm at Six.
ClIEESK-Amorlcnn finest while , llrm n
67 .
TALLOW Australian , In London , llrm n
27s ! 'd. '
Condition of Triule nnil llnotntlonn o
Simile nnd I'nttcy I'riiilnep.
EGGS Receipts , Increasing ; fresh stocV
weak at 12tfl3c.
DRESSED POULTRY-Cholce to fane ;
turkeys , 9c ; < lucks , Sc ; geese , 8c ; pprln
chickens , 7/7'ic ( ! ' ; hens , 75i7',4c ' ; roosters
If ? Re.
LIVE PofLTRY Hens , 6c ; sprln
chickens , fiVtfjGr ; old nnd stnggy rooster.
3c ; ducks , Be ; geuse , 6c ; turkeys , CfifiVic.
ill TTER Common to fair , 15o ; choice
liifjlSc ; separator , 25c ; gathered creamery
! 2-i < 23c.
PIGEONS-Ltvc. per doz. . 75c.
VEALS-Cholce , 9c.
GAME-Ducks , mallards , J..OOfT".2o ? : blu
wing leal , J1.75 ; grron wing teal , J1.25Q1.50
mixed ducks , Jl.roil2.00.
OYSTERS-Mr-dlum , per can , ISc ; stand
ard , per can , 22c ; bulk standard , per gnl.
SI.25 ; extra selects , per can , SOc ; extra se
It-cls. per gal. . Jl.60571.75 ; New York muni"
per can , 37c ; New York counts , tier 100 , J1.23
HAY Per eanoad lots : Upland , eholcr
! K ; midland , choice , J5.50 ; lowland , rholcc
J.i ; rye straw , choice , JI.50 ; No. 3 corn , 26V4c
No. .1 white oats , H'/jjC ; crackr corn , pei
ton , Jll ; corn ar.d oat , chopped , per ton
$11.50 ; brnn. per ton. J12 ; snorts , per ton , J13
. . ' " , 'rr"-N " ' * Per dozen bunches , 60c
SPINACH-Pcr box. Ji
NEW BKKTS-Pcr doz. hunches , 40050C
LETTUCE Per doz. bunches. 40c ; funcj
RADISHKS-Pcr doz. bunches , 40c.
head lettuce , jier bbl. , K.
SWEET POTATOES-Pcr bill. . Illinois
3 : Jerseys , f5 ; large bbls. , Kansas , J2.75.
POTATOKS-Pcr bu. , choice , 30ff33c.
CABBAOE llollam ) iped , 2c.
CAULIFLOWKR-Calltornla , per .crate
"oNIONS-Retall , vcllow. 75c ; red , SC390c
OiiloH. per bM. , J2.26.
CEI ERY Per Ao7. . , 25830c ; California
per bunch. IOff7T ' -
Tt'RNIPS-Rntnbagns. nor lb. , l',4o ; Ca
nadian. 1'lc ; per bbl. , J2
MUSHROOMS-Pcr lb. box , 50c.
TOMATOES Florida , per 6-basrfet crate
RHUBARB Per doz. . 60 = .
APPLES Choice western shipping stock ,
JS.OKKl.SO ; New York stock , Jl ; fancy , Jl.5 <
GRAPES-Malaga grapes , per bbl. . J7.00S
CRANBERRIES-Bell nnd Bugle , per bbl ,
ORANGES Mexican , per box. J3 : Cali
fornia navals , per box. J3.253.50 ; California
seedlings , per box , J2.50Q2.75.
LEMONS -California fancy , J3.75 ; choice
California , J3.50 ; Messina , Jl.
St. IOIIH nrnlii nnil Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 5. WHEAT Lower : No ,
2 red cash , elevator , 70c ; track , 70\4ff7114c \ ;
February , 70c ; May , 70Vdc ; July , 67c ; No ,
2 hard. 67fi6Se. Receipts , 21.S71 bu.
CORN lyower ; No. 2 , SO' c ; track ,
31 4i 2c : 1-Vbruary , 31c ; May , .Ilii'iTItic ' ;
July. : i2 c.
OATS Ixiwer ; No. 2 cash , 24c ; track , 2t' , <
( Ti2l'.ie ; February , 2IUc ; May , 24',4g2l'ic ;
No. 2 white , 26c.
RYE-Steady at 52'ic. '
METALS Lend. llrm at J4.62 % < ! 14.65 ;
sjiultt'r. llrm at $1.75.
POULTRY Quiet- ; chickens , 6fi7c ; tur
keys' , 6i6'Ac ( : ducks. Sc ; geese , 5'/.c.
FLOITR Firm , but dull ; patents , J3.405 ?
3.50 ; extra fancy , J3.10f3.15 ; clear , J2.75SJ
SEEDS Timothy , J2.002.30. Flaxsecd ,
nominal at J1.5C.
BRAN Steady ; siicked , east track , 64'iT65c.
HAY Steady ; timothy , J9.50ini.75 ; prai
rie. J5.OOTiS.00.
WHISKY Stoaily at J1.23'A
BAGGING 0"a6'/AC. ( (
PROVISIONS-Pork , steady ; jobbing ,
old , J10.37 ; new , Jll.25. Lard , higher : prime
steam , J5.70 ; choice , J5.75. Dry sailed boxed
meats , extra shorts , J5.S7 . ; clear ribs , J6 ;
clear sides. JG.12' * . Bacon , boxed , extra
shorts , Jtf.37',4 ; clear ribs , JC.50 ; clear siden ,
RECEIPTS Flour , 7,000 bbls. : wheat , 22.-
000 bu. ; corn , 22J.CKIO bu. ; oats , 61,000 bu.
SIIIPMENTS-Flour. 2,000 bbls. : wheat ,
11,000 bu. ; corn , 33,000 bu. ; oats , 15,000 bu.
Hotter , KKK nml Cheese Mnrkct.
Firm and good demand ; fancy western
creamery and prints. 26c.
EGGS Dull and 2c lower ; fresh nearby ,
western and southwestern , lOcj southern ,
CM I EESE-Unchnnged.
XJ3WYORK. Feb. 5. BUTTER-Recelnts.
,02-j pkgs. ; firmer ; June crwimery , KiliiSe ;
lViieTM'-air-.eamor > ; ' 21Cc : factory. I6fflSV4c. (
C1IBESI3 Receipts. 427 pkgs. ; steady , fall
nado fancy , large and small , 12-'K < gl3c ; large ,
ate made , UiflL'c ( ; small , late made , 12 ®
EGGS Receipts. 5,117 pkgs. ; steady at de-
llne ; western , 17c , loss off ; western un-
: nidcd , at mark , - - .
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 5. - BUTTER Steady ;
jrcamory. 20i72l'irc ( ; dairy , 16Ti20c
EGGS-Fresh. 12c.
dreamery. 20fi23c ; dairy , ISc.
EGGS Fresh , 12c.
f Iilfu\GO , Feb. C. BUTTER Steady ;
ireamerles. 19fj2lc ; dairies , 19S'JIc
EGGS Weak ; fresh , 14@14V4c.
KIIIINMM rif y nrnlii niul PrnvlNliiiiN.
& ; cash , No. 2 hard , 63c ; No. 3 59g 2'4c
N'o. 2 red. 6SSC9c ; No. 3 , 67J6Sc. ? Receipts
IOS cars.
' cashNo - 2 mixed. 29
' whlt. ? ' 29 ' 029c ; No. 3 , 29'ic.
ChO'C °
. , 23a ; dairy. ISc.
b rrcwh , 12c.
I'oleilo Miu-kel.
TOLEDO. Feb. B.-WHEAT-Lower and
° ' | 71c ; Mn > ' 73c asked.
, . VN. , , , ' -
CORN Dull but steady ; No. 2 mixed.
OATS-Qulet ; No. 2 mixed , 24c.
RYE Unchanscd.
CLOVEHSEED-Active and lower for fu-
IUI-CH ; prlmo cash , eld , J4.90 asked ; Febru-
iry. new , J5.70 ; March , J5.75 ; No * 2 , JI.BOfli
MliiiieiuiollH AVIient niul Flour.
< tore , No. 1 northern , February , 64'4c ;
May , C5e ; July , CC > i ? tii ( * c ; on track. No ? 1
liard , 6G'ic : No. 1 northern , 6lic ; No ' °
Hi'l-thern. 624c. '
FLOL'R-Qulet and lower ; nrst patents.
W.r/tfiS.W ) ; seond patents , J3.30(3.IO ; llrst
-lears , J2.60fJ2.70 ; second clears , J2 10
BRAN- Unchanged ; In bulk , Jll.25jni.60.
Dnliilb ( iriiln 'Inrkel.
DULl'TH , Feb. B.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard ,
M e ; No. 1 northern , cash , fi5'lc ; Mav ,
i7'ic : July , 60Hc ; No. 2 northern , G2re ;
S'o. 2 spring , 69'.ic. '
CORN20T'.i' .
OATS-2.i'2le. |
MIMvimkee Crnln .llnrket.
lower ; No. 1 northern , 67'.c { ; No , 2 northern ,
1/il C6c.
RYE-Stendy ; No. 1 , B."ic.
HARLEY-No. 2. I6c ; ample.
1'eorlit Inrl.el.
PEOIUA , Feb. B.-COR _ Stcady ; No , 2 ,
.OlH.01.C. | ;
OA'l\S--Sleady ; NO. 3 white. 23V4JI23 4e.
WHISKY Finn , on the basis of Jl.'ilHi for
Inlshed toods.
CiilVei.Iliirket ,
market for coffee futures opened llrm nt
> { | 2t' ' points advancK and ruled active on
general buying , largelbv spot traders ,
who took February nnd March. Foreign
buying orders were .ilbo a feature , with
local limitless supported by cables and
sreat strength In local spot dppnrtment
i'ho m.irket reacted later under realizing ,
lull ruled generally llrm. The close was
[ toady , with prices 5f/15 points net higher.
Total sales were 01.000 bags. Including Feb
ruary. J7.2'J ' < 7.25 : March. J7.251i7.30Muv
7.40 < Ji7.45 ; June. $7.40f(7.0 ; July , } 7.45Jf7B5 : J7.505i7.60 ; September. J7.55fi7.70 :
October. $7.60 < V.63 ( : December , J7.70fi7R5.
Spot , Rln , llrm : No. 7. Invoice , JS.G2'iNo
I. Jobbing. J3.I2',4. Mild , firm ; Cordova ,
f0 ! 004j 13.50.
Colluii .Murkel ,
demand fair ; prices hardening ; American
middling. 46-32d : sales of day were 10,000
ImlvH , of which 5,000 were for speculation
nnd export and Included 9 , ! 0o bales Amr. .
lean ; receipts , balcsi , Including "on
bales Fiilurus opened easy and
closed barely steady at thu decline. Feb
ruary. 441-Glii-l { 2-G4tl ; February and Mnrrh ,
43s-Cj5i43y-6ld. March and April. Ii5-Uljii ;
IM-GUI. April niul May , 43S-6ld. May and
June. 42i'-6ld Juno and July , 4 27-Hil bid ;
July and August , 126-Cld ; September and
October , lio-owIll-old. October nnd N.
vembor , 4 2-fild , November and Decembp
3 00-0103 61-01(1 bid.
Stuck Iliirket Snbjeclril to n Nolnbl
I'roeen-i uf Dlucxl Inn.
NEW YORK , Feb. B.-The stock mttrki
was subjected to a notable process of d
gestlon today and en me through the 01
deal remarkably well. Stocks which wet
loaders In activity nnd strength during tl
movement of last week wore heavily sol
to take prollts. The profit-taking wns mi
by so considerable nit outside demand thr
offerings were absorbed with little dill
cully and without any material concesslo
In price being niaile nece.-sary. Indeed , an
approach In prices to Saturday's lovi-l K
suited In n notable htirdgnlng In the mat
krt. the surface becoming practically til
yielding at Saturday's level. Offerings
slocks fell tn n minimum and buyers , I
nnler to secure slocks , were obliged t
raise their bids Io a point to yield prollt
to thp sellers on their lu t week's pin
While professional operators were thu
taking prollts at some points In the Us
they were replacing their funds In othc
stocks which had not moved thn lust wee
or In which the movement had been mil
Inaugurated. Tim * , with trading procecil
Ing on an active scale and llin moveincti
of prices taking on a considerable degrc
of Irregularity the market presented a !
the charach rlstlcs of a true bull move
ment. 1'pwiird mnvpinents in pi Ices wer
easily achieved and the spi-ciilatlve sentl
ment showed Itself quick to respond t
nny news developments regarding sprclu
stoeks. Tims a number of railroad slock
responded quickly and emphatically to re
turns of earnings for the fourth wepk I
January , showing large Increases over lit
high level of last year. Thp leaders o
the railroad list were the Norfolk . < t Western
orn stocks , the fourth week's slaletnen
showing an Increase of J122.351 over las
As this Is one ot the roads which , b ;
reason of previous heavy outlays , Is nbl
to deduce the current rate ot opcratlni
expenses , the showing was doubly elTectivi
The common stock advance 3aa and th
preferred Hi. Louisville , SI. Louis Sal
Francisco , Denver & Rio Ornniln and i
number of other railroads responded ti
good statements of earnings. St. Paul am
Burlington showed renewed strength on re
phrts of an Improvement In the movemnn
of grain over western lines , In nddltloi
to the extraordinary movement of genera
merchandise. The Iron and steel stock ;
continued very ptomtnonl nnd the leader
ship here was shifted also , under the 'In
lluence of realizing In American Steel am
Wire and some others.
The new leader of the group was Na
tlonal Steel , which was very heavily bough
on Hunting reports of enormous earning !
for the last year to be shown by the forth
coming report. Reports of n similar kliu
have bepn unheeded for months past Ii
Wall street , but toilay the slock shot u |
under their Inllucnco an extreme 37 < i
Other members of the metal group closelj
allied by Identity of ownership moved It
close sympathy. American Hoop and Tin
plate are In this class. Republic Steel
the smelting stoeks nnd Anaconda wen
ulso strong. Speculators are inclined ti
discount to some pxtent the Increase In tin
circulation provided for In the llnancla
hill before congress and in t-onaequenct
Ignore some of the Indications ot encroach
ment of the money supply on other ac
counts. The market closed active ant
strong at best prices for many stocks.
The bond market wns Irregular and nol
* o active as of late. Total sales , par value
52,708,500. United States old 4s , new 4s am :
is advanced U In the bid price.
The. following are the quotations for the
leading stocks on the New York cxchangt
loday :
B. & Q . 123"i"A'ls. Central
Jhlcago , 1. & L. . liiU Adams Express , .115
do pfd . 4),3Ani. ) Express 117
Chicago & E. I. . 91 AVells-Furgo Ex.121
Jhlcago & N. W.lGStt U. S. Ex . 47
J. , R. I. & P..109s ; Amer. Cot. Oil. . . 3t'i
J. . C..C. & St. L. 63UI do pfd . 93' ' $
Colorado So . 5'/4Amer. Malting . . 6
do 1st pfd. . . . 43V.I do pfd . 2"W
do 2d pfd . 15 Amor. S. & R. . . . 42W
Jel. & Hudson. . .114 do pfd . 90' '
Jel. L. & W . 170 lAmor. Spirits . . . . 3JS
Jen. & Rio G. . . . IP'i1 do nfd . 17
do pfd . 703'iAmer. S. H . 491'a
Jrle . 11 " 4 do pfd . 84
do 1st pfd. . . . 31" > ; Amer. S. .t W. . . 57'-
It. Nor. pfd . ICOtt do pfd . OIV4
locking Coal . . . . 17 Amer. Tin Plate. 35V1
locking Valley . . 34'4 do pfd . S2
Illinois Central . .112 .Amer. Tobacco , .1017/4
; owa Central . . . 12'6 do pfd . 135'4
do pfd . 53 A. Mining Co. . . . 424
C. C. . P. & G. . . . 7'i'Brk. ' Rap.'Tr . 7515
r - E. & W . 20'A C'olo. _ F. & 1 . 47Ta
do pfd . S5 Con. Tobacco . . . . 3I' ' (
' .ake Shore . 191 do pfd M',4
, ouls. & Nash. . . SO } ; Federal Steel .
Manhattan L . . . . 99U do pfd . 7ts ; ;
ilet. St. Ry . 17J Gen. Klectrlc . . . .12S
Hex. Central . . . . ll'ti Glucose Sugar . . 58
Ulnn. & St. L. . . . Bl-s' ' do pfd . 100
do pfd . 93 .Inter. . Paper . 24'/ .
ilo. PacllicI6W do pfd . 69
iloblle & Ohio. . . . lOULaclede Gas . . . . . . 7Sii ,
. , 1C. & T . IbV , Nat. Biscuit . . . .37 = i
do pfd . 3'Hi ( In pfd . ' . ' . " . " i
< J. J. Central. . . . 117'xi National Lead . ,27
* : . Y. Central. . . . 135'ii do pfd . 1013' ,
s'or. & West . 20'J National Steel . . 52.U
do pfd . 721 ! do pfd . W
> Jo. Paclllc . 535 , N. Y. Air Brako.130
do pfd . 75 % No. American . . . 14 ? !
) ntnrlo & W . S3" . Pacific fonst . . . . Biu
) re. Ry. & Nav. . 42 , do IM pfd. . . . KJ
do pfd . 76 do 2d iifd. . . . 61
'ennsylvanla . . . .130-14 Paclllc Mail . V1'4
tejidlng . 1M $ People's Gas . . . .lOSTi
do 1st pfd. , . . 57' Pressed S. C . 57V- :
do ,2d pfd. . . . 29 do pfd . S738
Ho G. W . 40 PuT man P. Car. .187
do pfd . 82 Stand. R. & T. . . S-U
it. L. & S. F. . . . lOTt Sugar . 114-T4
do 1st pfd , . . . 69 do pfd . 13 ! ' .
do 2d pfd. . . . 33UTcnn. | C. & 1 . 99Ti
it. L. S. AV . 11 % U. S. Leather. . . . 17
do pfd . 2 > . % l do pfd . 763' ,
it. Paul . 12S.U. . S. Rubber . 39
do pfd . 171 " 21 do pfd . 1011J
5t. P. & 0 116 Westprn Union. . .
! o. Pacific 40 Republic I. .t S. . 26-1 "
io. Ral'way 12'i do pfd 6P"i
do pfd 57 P. . C. , C. & St. L. 6S
X -\v York Jloney Iliirket.
NEW YORK , Feb. 5-MONEY-On call ,
steady at 2tfi2'A per ce-t ; ; last loan at 2'4
ler cent ; prime mercantile paper , Ift3 per
; enl.
STERLING EXCHANGE-Flrm. w'th ' ac-
ual business in bankers' bills at JI.87'/jfT '
! .S7-Vi for demand and at S4.SlU4.f < > 2i , < , for
ilxty days ; posted rales , SI S5 and Jl.Sb'i ;
lommorclal bills. $ l.6n : .fI.Sl. |
SILVER Bar , We ; Mexican dollars , 17'ic ;
: ertlllcatcs , 59'ifj60'ic.
BONDS ( loverniiu'iits. strong ; state. In-
icllvo ; railroad , IrrcRiilnr.
The following nro the closing quotations
in bonds :
K.C.I1. & G. Is. 72'S WH. ! CV.ilr.U IM. . 01
, a. n.'W con. 4sUi ' 1.Vn. Centurion . . . . SI
, . ft X. "ni. 4i. . M | do deferred . . . 5
,1. , . 1C. it T. 2 * . . . . 67 Polo. So. 4K Kl"i
do 4s 00" . So. Pacillo 4 Sis'
> ! . & O. 6s fO-'i ! do lut Income. . . IU',2 '
, ' . of O. con. C * . f | . . ' ( ' ° 2J incning . . t ! ' ,
Offered. "Trust receipt ? .
London Stock UnolnllniiM ,
LONDON. Feb. 5.-I
uraiill l ruilK . . . . i--t
Anaconda Sr i
HAH SILVER-Dull at 27ftil per'ounce.
MONEY 2 per cent.
Thi' rate of dUcount In the open market
'or short bills Is 3$3'i per cent ; for three
minths' bills , 3'a pt-r cunt.
Koi'clirn l-'liiiiiiulnl ,
LONDON. I-Vb. 5.--Tlie market for Amor-
i an pt'Rurlllce wn tlrm from the oienlnir.
mt buslnes * was rather restricted owing to
ho vttU'ini'nt absorbing the mombt-rn. The
! nal tone wiia llrm. Hold premiums : At
UIHMIOH AyrcK , 12S.OO. Madrid 2 .00 ; Lisbon ,
12.50 ; Rome 730.
HURLIN I-'tl ) 0 , Exi luingc on I ondon ,
m 52pfB for i-heckB , Discount ratc-a : Short
I blllo. 1' ' , per cent ; throe months' bill * ,
' tier i-ent.
PARIS. Feb. iV-Threc per cent rente
1v'r.70e ' . for the account ; Spanish 4s clo.'f
MAIiRiD. Feb. 5-The weekly statomei
of the Hank of Sjialn chows the followln
hnnees ; Silver In hand , decrease , S1I.O
pwptas : nntra in circulation , Increns. .
i l,2oS/TO iH-etns ; gold | n imnd , linchnnged.
Moxtoit Stock ( Itiotiilliin-i ,
| HOSTON. Feb. 6.-Cnll lonnf , 3Ufl4iA pt
cent ; time Umns. 4J75 per cent. Closin
prices for slock- , bonds and mining shares
A. . T. .t S. F. . . . ow West. Electric . . 43' '
. do n M RI ,10 ) ) fd 61
Ainer. Sugar . . . .nii' , WIs , Ci-ntral . . . .IS' '
, , do pfd in Dom. Coal 42
Hell Telephone , .3 | j do pfd 115 ;
HoMon * A 212 'Atchloon ' 4s m
lloston Elevated.iniij , Adventure 5
Ho.ton ft Me..IBs A. Mill. Co 2'
f. . U. & Q 12- * ; Atlantic 275
Htchhurg pfl , , . : | ( . Hostoti & Mont..273
Hen. Electric . . .Us Hutte , t Boston. . 51' '
, , 'I" l > fd \A \ fal. & Heela..7l5
I'cderal ' Steel . . . . 57 ( "entennlal 17' '
do pfd 76U , Frank.ln II
" IPX. Central . . . . 11'tOsceola ' 74 !
Mich. Telophoni.100 Parrot 45 !
R/ } S-010iy ! , 203 qulncy 141
Old Dominion . . . ] SU Stnta Fe Cop. . . . 5'
} non Paellle . . . . 47'iTamarack , 1S9
IJnlon Land 2'4 ' Wlnona !
ANest Knd 92H Wolverines 40
_ do pfd Ha viah 2S !
trunk < ; ienrlniN.
PHILADiLPIlIA. : Feb. B.-Clearlngs
$ IO,5IO,2)5 : : balances. $1,74S,375.
HALTIMORE. 1-vh. 5-Clcarlngs. J2CSI ! ,
! ' 2S ; balances , TRSfl.1l2 '
flllCAOO , ! , . 5.flearlngs.22.S56.321
bahinces. J2.230.27S. Posted excluingo. $1.8
( ffl.SS ; Now York exchange , 25c premium.
riiiiillllnii of Hie TreiiMiiry.
AVASHINOTON , Feb. B.-Today's state
ment of the condition of the trrasur
shows : Available cash balance , * 2i3,606,277 !
gold reserve , J217,3i5ia.
Cnllfoi-nln Drleil l''rnlR. (
DRIED FIUMTS-Tlie market for cvnpn
rated apples developed consldurablo firm
ness today , owing to good country advice
and large receipts. Primes , however , re
main unchanged. California dried fruit
moderately active nnd llrm , but not iiur.t
ably higher ; state evaporated apples , com
mon , 6i ' , < .c ; prime , ( iWjSifiHr ; choice , 7U * !
ri' ; fancy , S5i9'tc. ' California prunes , 3'
f(7c per lb. . as to slzo and quality. Apr !
cots , Royal. 13f-5c ; Moor Park , 15Q1SC
Peaches , lS 22c ; unpeeled , 7Q9c.
Oil Market.
NEW YORK , Feb. B.-OILS-Cottonsced
strong ; prime crude , 33'-jc ; prime yellow
37'.ifi3Sc. ' { Petroleum , llrm. Rosin , firm
strained , common to good , $1.62'A. ' Turncn
tine , strong at 66T56'Ac. ,
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 5. OtLS-Cottonseed
Hull refined , February and April , firm a
21s 9d. Turpentine , spirits , strong at 41s.
Sn un r Market.
NEW YORK , Feb. 5.-SUGAR-Raw. mar
ket lirm ; fair rcllnlng , Ic bid ; centrifugal
M test , 1 7-16c bid ; molasses sugar , 3ftc bid
refined llrm.
St. .loxeiib Mvc Stock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , Feb. 5. ( Spc
cial. ) The Journal quotes :
CATTLE-Rocelpts , 1,400 head ; markel
weak to lOc lower ; quality poor ; natives
I.OOfiS.lO ; Texans nnd westerns , $3.40TT5.2i
IIOCiS Receipts , n.900 head ; markel
strong to 5c higher ; all grades , J4.60ffl.75
bulk of sales , J4.6504.70.
SHEEP Receipts , SCO head ; market slow
Stuck In SlKlit.
Following nro the receipts nt the foui
principal western markets for February 5 ;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep ,
South Omaha 2,567 3,064 ( ,47i
Chicago 18,000 38,000 24,00 (
Kansas City 8,900 0,500 4MK
St. Louis 4,500 10,900 50 (
Totals 33,967 61,464 33,777
Xortliivesterii 'I'mIn Itnlibery Sunned
1'lnced In Ir n-i Upon HN Itu-
tiirii Io tlint City.
CHICAGO , Feb. fi.- Patrick Crow , sus
pected of being Implicated In the darlnj
Northwestern train rbbbery between Maple
Park and Do Kalb , , oil the night of Octobei
13 , was arrested today in. Chicago and has
been spirited away o/'the police. The place
af his confinement Is kept secret.
Crow's arrest Is the result of a chase ex-
lending over a period ot three months and
embracing a territory of a thousand miles ,
Ho arrived In Chicago this morning and
Inspector Hunt and Special Agent William
Relly of the Northwestern railroad were
nware of his presence within half an hour.
About 2:30 : p. ni. a. closed carriage contain
ing four officers drove up to a hotel across
the street from the Northwestern railroad
station and the officers arrested Crow In
the hotel. With Irons around his wrists
lie was carried bodily by the ofllcers to the
carriage , kicking and struggling.
Thrco months ago Chicago officers went to
Dmnha and located Crow and would have
irrested him then hut for ithc Omaha police ,
who believed the Chicago officers were on
: ho wrong trail. Shortly after this Crow
ivas located in Kansas and ho was placed
inder an espionage ho never suspected. The
lectectlvos followed him through Kansas ,
] tit to Deliver , through Iho state of Colo-
ado and hack into Kansas. Crow continued
Ills travels until today , when he arrived
In Chicago.
CiineeNNloii Made in Alnnkii In
Itcliirn for One 111 Central
NEW YORK , Feb. 5. The Journal and
Advertiser's Washington correspondent
statco that In return for the British re
nunciation of rights under the Clayton-
Huhver treaty the State department has
promised a free port In Alaska for Canada.
II. A. DlilillebiieU , lliiNplinll
PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 0. After an 111-
ncds of less than a week Harry A. Diddle-
bock , well known In sporting and local
icwspaper circles , died today at his home
in this city. Death was primarily duo to
i heavy cold contracted last Monday night ,
rhls developed Into erysipelas , which nt-
ncked the heart. Mr. Dlddlehock was -lii
r'oaiK of nge. His first venture. In the basn-
liall line was as manager of the famous old
Uhletlcn , iinil Inter ho served through suc-
-esslvo years as president , secretary and
.reuHurcr uf the Eastern HaBohall leaguu.
In 1S9C lie removed to St. Louis and assumed
ho management of the St. Louis baseball
Kxnlorcr < illder.
N'UW YOUIC , Kcb. B. William Henry
illder , tilt explorer , n brother of Richard
iVatson lilldcr , died at hl.'i home , Morris-
own , X , J. .toilay , aged 62.
Di-tvey Io VlHll Dclroll.
WASHINOTON , j-Vb. C. Admiral Dewey
IIH : ' 1'jdlcalort to Congressman Corliss of
Michigan his Intention to visit Detroit with
drs. Dowry during the early patt of the
lummer. This Is In acceptance of an Invf-
atlon to visit Detroit conveyed by Corliss
m behalf of the Kalian-craft club , the non-
press organization of the state ,
by that of thecity. . It Is
ho admiral's wish nlro to visit other big
sltli's In the northwest , Including St. Paul
md Minneapolis , If the opportunity offers ,
rho trip to Detroit will ho separate from
hu cm Her ono to Chicago , St. Louis and
Invi-nlor KillHint Scrlonxly III ,
AKRON' . O . I'Vb. 6. Th.itmis A. Edison Is
iorloiibly ill In this city. Thu great Inventor
MIS boc-n atlfiidlns thu funeral of a sinter at
Milan. O. , and arrived In this city Sunday ,
; akiiK | linmudlatelv to hits bed. Tha physl-
lan.4 proclaim his ullment to bo acute
aryngltls. but umuphenJ no serious conse-
i\'re n Itiinx Into 11 I'reltlil.
TOLIC1K ) . O , Fib. 0 , The night express
from t'olumbu-i , due heru at 11BU : on the
Hocking Valley roud , ran Into the rear of
; i frelgh train at Curey. south of hero to
night , A braki-man wtis killed ,
Onrnfctl Steers Sell Considerably Lowe :
with Movement Stow.
Him * SlitMV Snine Aitvntieo Over la <
WeekN I'rloen l.nmlm 'I'mieli I ho
lllftb Point for Thin MarUel
Sbcep About Mcaily.
Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs. Shcci
. ' . ooi 4i ;
onicini Monday 2f.r-7 : ,
One week ago 1.73H : i,613 6.41
Two weeks ago 2,011 : t. l < i fi.S
Three weeks ago 2.17.1 6.4S7 4,01
1-our weeks ago 2.MO 5SI2 3,41
Average price paid tir : hogs tor the las
days with rompailsons :
-'Indicates Sunday.
Thy olllclal number of cnrs ot sloe
brought In today by each road whs :
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'scs
C1. , M. & St. P. Hy. . . . 9 .
IT. I' , system . B 11 1
C. & N. W. Uy . 2 .
K. , 1C. & M. V. U. R. 30 12
S. C. & \ > . Hy . 2 . . 4
. . St. P. , Jl. & 0 . 29 4 2
H. & M. H. U , K . 16 19 3
O. , U. & Q. Hy . . . .
C. , H. 1. & P. Hy. , K. . 2 .
Total receipts . Ill 41 20
Thp disposition of the day's receipts wa
as follows , each buyer purchasing the ntim
bur of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co . 184 3S1
G. H. Hammond Co . 1S2 53rt 40
Swift and Company . 322 G2S 92
Cudahy Packing Cc . 497 6tfl : 1,41
Armour & Co . (195 ( 1,075 1,15
Swift , from country . 40
H. Hocker & Degan . 174 .
Vatmint & Co . 25 .
J. L. Carey . 3 .
Ixibinan & Co . 13,1 .
Huston & Co . 41 .
Uvlngstono & Schaller. . . 45 .
H. L , . Dennis . 97 .
Other buyers . 1,11 . . . . 151
Total . 2,432 3,259 4S
CATTLE As was noted hist week , valuei
on cattle at this point were high as com
pared with other market points , and whei
that shipment of cheap cattle arrived froi :
Kansas City on Friday It was very uvldeni
from the actions and words of buyers thai
they Intended to pound this market at tin
very llrst opportunity. Today seemed to hi
their chance and , with Chicago and othei
selling points sending out weak reports
buyers took the bear side and , while sellers
were slow to give In , they succeeded Ii
taking oft fully 10e and In some cases 13e
Jii-5vh9r words. t c fat cattle today soli
10 20o lower than the middle of last week
hero were quite a number of pretty fait
cattle in the yards today and It is a notice-
ible fact that the cattle are getting bottei
nil the time. While the trade was slow , a
might too expected under the circumstances
the most of the offerings changed hands Ii
reasonably good season.
Cows and heifers were In fair supply thb
morning and the market. In sympathy wltli
he decline on fat cattle , was generally 5fi
lOo lower than the close of last week. In
i few Instances sellers who happened tfl
nave something that buyers wanted sold al
prices that were not much different from
There were not .enough stockers or fefil
; rs in the yards to do much with and the
market did not Present any new features
3f Importance. Good feeders would prob
ibly have sold at just about steady prices
Representative sales :
. .1401 4 SO
3 15
3 50
3 50
3 60
3 60
3 Gl )
3 65
I 00
4 no
I 05
t 05
.13 > 0 3 Ml . .11.VI
. . . .1700 3 tot . .1360
f'\ ' \ 1570 I dO
0 420 3 75 fl . . 720 4 50 ,
1 710 375 3 . , . 1CkV > 4 50
Z 710 3 75 29 , . 1101 4 SO
HOGS Moderate tvoc-lptf\ good loci
demand and a more favorable outlook nether
other market points caused the mnrkc
here In advance as a general thing S'.si
Hogs that sold at } I.62H on S-iturda
brought * l.65 and In some cases It Is poM
bio that hogs that would not have brougli
ovt-r JI.60 on Saturday brought $1.65 lodiij
However that may be. tin- popular prlf
totlny was J4.G5 for good lomls. while o
Saturday the mile * were divided belwee
Jl. ( ! ( } i-4.a ( 4 and $4.65 with the smaller
number at the hist mentioned prlre.
Today's market was aeiive nt the advnnc
anil the most of the hogs changed hand
In good season. Some right good IIOR
sold at JI.75. which was the top on Situi
ilnv. It will be noted trnm the table c
nverniMi prices that the hogs today as
whole POM a shade higher than the llrst i
last week. Represent.-ilive sales :
SHB13P The wppk starts out with a lib
eral run , both hr > re and at other points , hu
the local demand was right good , so tha
there was not much change. In the markel
The situation could best 'be described b' '
calling It a steady to a little easier markel
Most of the offerings sold In about th
sanu notches as last week , but the marke
was not ( inlte so active on some days ; stll
It was sttlllclently active to effect a rea
somUily early clearance. Western lamb
sold at JG.23ii.7-j ( ! and a bunch of right gooi
native lambs brought $7.00. Snmc heav
yearlings sold as high at J5.IO.
Quotations : Good to i-holcp fed yearlings
$3.40ri5.50 ; fair to good > earllngs , $3.15i5.r,5
good to choice wethers , Jl. ; fair ti
good wethers , $ l.nOffl.65 ; good to choice fei
ewes , $ l.lOi/4.4fl ( ; good to choice fed natlvi
lambs , il > .75ji7.00 ; good to choice westeri
lambs , $6.65fiG.SO ; fair to so : > d fed weslen
lambs , $6.25fi6.CO ; forder wethers. $4.00J7'I.25 (
feeder yearlings , $4.25ff4.50 : good to choice
feeder lambs , $1.505)5.00 ) ; feeder ewes , 52.25
3.00. Keprcscntatlve sales :
No. Av. Pr.
209 western ewes 97 $400
2SO western ewes 97 410
233 western ewes 97 4 25
413 western yearlings 107 fi 35
237 western lambs 82 675
250 western lamba SO 675
32 native lambs SG 7 m
13 cull ewes 73 1 75
5 ewes 91 4 20
14G western wethers 129 4 60
131 western wethers 131 4 60
60 western wethers 131 4 60
75 western yearlings 110 500
I3G western wether ? 109 fi 00
71G yearlings and westerns 95 525
40lwestern yearlings 150 : > 5
46 < ! western yearlings 104 540
219 western lambs 69 G 25
cclpts. 10,000 ; market steady to GfilOc lower ;
native stePi-3 , $4.00r5.t0 ! : Texas steers , $ < l
( /-t.Gfi , Texas cows , $3.00 < ? ( -t.OO : native cows
iinil heifers , * 2.00@4.25 ; stockers and feeders ,
$2.25f5.30 ; bulls , $3.00J/4.10.
HOGS Receipts , 8.000 ; market steady ;
hulk of sales , $ l.fiOfi4.70 ; heavy. J4. 001 ? 1.75 ;
packers. $4.G2'i.i4.73 ( ; mixed , $4.60fr4.70 ; light ,
M.41MI1.G2& ; Yorkers , $ l.60fj > I.G2H ; pigs , J4.20
-SHEEP Receipts. 2,000 ; market weak ;
lambs , J5.00SC.60 ; muttons , J3.OOtIC.CO.
"little I'nlrly Active , ( Jeiiernlly Lower ,
llou-H Active nnd Illiilier.
CHICAGO , I'-eb. B. CATTLE Fairly ac-
Llvo ; generally about lOc lower ; Texas
steers 5c lower ; bulls about steady ; 10-
: elpts , 1,300 head ; butchers' stock and din
ners steady to lOc lower ; feeders steady ;
teed to choice , $3. 5'i0.10 ' ; poor to nu-dltini ,
SI.OO&4.90 ; mixed stocke.s , } 3.25f(3.95 ( : se
eded feeders. $4.20fl,90 : good to ehojco
'own , $3.41)1(11.10 ) ( ; heifers , $3.15 1.75 ; canners ,
52.20fi2.90 ; bulls , $2.60ji3.50 , calves , $1.501(8.75 ;
Ceil Texas beeves , $ l.lXW/r .I5.
HOGS Active and 2'(5ihigher ; top ,
SI.95 ; good clearance ; mixed and butchers ,
> l.il5fil. ! > 2' , & ; good to choice heavy , $4.SOfj >
I.Ki ; rough heavy , ; light , $ l.00' >
I.S7' ' , < j ; bulk of Kales , $ l.bOfi 1.90.
SHEEP Market weal ; to lOc lower ; na-
IV" wethers , $ l.50ri5.35 ; Iambs , $5.00f7.I5 ;
vcstern wethers , $ l.40 i5.25 ; western lambs ,
HICOKIPTS-CaUlp , 18,000 head ; hogs , 3S-
00 head ; sheep , 21,000 bond.
Noiv Yuri ; llve Mod. .
'clpts , 3.617 head ; . " 1 cars on sale ; mar-
tPt steady to llrm : about all sold ; steers ,
I.SOf(5.20 ( ; oxen , $3.0053.25 ; bulls , $3.00 1.20 ;
'ows , $2.Wf4.20 ; fat western heifers , $5.60.
'ables quote llvu cattle llrm at lUfcfflS'XiG
> cr Ib.i refrigerator bepf , higher at 10c
ler lb. : exports , 350 cattle and 4,200 iiuartcrs
if beef ; tomorrow , none.
C'AIA'ES Receipts , 1,125 head ; market
iteady ; all sold ; veals , $5.5nfi9.oO ; llttlo
alves , } 2.00f ( 1.00 ; barnyard stock , $3.60 1.25 ;
outhern calves. $1.00(51.50. (
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccclpts , 12,611
load ; 4S > / . cars on sale ; sheep llrm ; lambs
hailii lower ; 8 cars unsold ; sheep , $1.00ff
.75 ; lambs , "G.50f(7.SO ( ; culls , $1.00TG.OO.
HOGS Receipts , 13.0M ) head ; 2' cars on
ale ; market llrm at $5.15/5,25.
KIIIINIIN Cllv Mve Stock.
KANSAS f'lTY. Feh. B.-f'ATTLE-Re.
elpts , G.SftO head natives and 2,100 head Tex-
ns ; market slow and steady to lOc lower ;
oavy native steers , $1.70fiG.CO ; lightweights ,
I,40fi0.00 ; Btockers and feeders. $1.oay5.03 ;
utcher cows and heifers , $3.10fci.03 ; cnn-
ers , $2.40f/3.10 ; fed western , $1.007(4.95 ; west-
rn feeders. $ : l.65f(4.10 ( ; Texans , $3. IOQ 1.65.
IIOOS Receipts , 9.MO head ; good demand
nr all grades a < steady to Be hlglipr prices ;
eavy , $4.65Sll.77 > ,4 : Jnlxed , JI.TOQ4.70 ; light.
. .
end ; liberal supply of good killers , which
ill ] freely at strong -prices ; Inmbs , $3.75fi
lki yearlings , $5.10f(5.30 ; muttons , $4.GTii/ '
10 ; stockers and feeders , $3.50fj6.75 ; culls
SI , IjOiilM llve SloeU.
ST. LOUIS. 1-vii. B.CATTLEReceipts :
500 head. Including 3.SOO head Texans ; mar-
el Htcady to easier for natives and 15c
IWCT for Texans > : native Hhlpplng and rx-
ort Hteers. $ l.7-3fi < J.3) , mostly $5.40fi3.,0- (
HOGS Ri-ccl'itH , I'O.tOO head ; market
iUdy ! ; pigs and lights. JI.BWji.70 ; packers ,
l.70ffi4.W ) ; butchers. Jl.Tofi'US.
SHEEP AND LAMIlS-RecclpIs , 500 head ;
larkct steady : millvo muttons , J5.00fr3.45 ;
imt > ! > . $5.&fJ6. | ! i ; culln and 'bucks , J3.25J/4 50 ;
r . - > n-'Otrt tICR
'cleplioiie 1 Oil ! ) , Oiimll.l , X ;
no A n n or '
Correspondence. John A Wurren & Co
uireci wires to Chlcuuo and Hew York.
Read v
The Bee.
. , ,
Here is Where You Will
Find It in the Principal
Cities :
ICInibnll lloiine Xe Stniiil.
Pnlille ' .Slirnrj.
Venilnimllolel. .
llnntnii I'rrm Club , 14 Ilnnwortli St.
Ocnescp lintel \IM-N Stntnl.
Ilnrvnril rnlvernllv Llbrnry.
13. A. l.nnnn. BIS Wrul Jdth St.
flub.CHICAGO. '
Auditorium Annex \ < MIH Klniiil ,
Aiiilltiirluiii Hold Ve-TN Slnuil ,
tSrnml I'ni-lllc llnlrl Xeivn Stnmt.
( irtMtt "tortbern lintel VIMTK Slnnd.
1'nliiKT lliiun , . - , . „ „ .Slnnil.
I'iKloflli'p : \ - . siumi , Xo. BIT Dcnr
liorn .S | red.
ANxnelnteil AilvrrtUrr'n Club , Pnlincr Vi
SnrntiiKii Hotel.
\Voililell HIIH-I- .
TinHnllrnilen. . I
Commercial Traveler- ' . \h-oelntlon ,
Mnnonlc Tcni'ilc.
Printer * ' Home.
HrlNcor llrun.
nroivn lliilrl .NPVVJI Slnml.
llninlltoii , V Kciulrlek , lMn1B 17th t.
Mcl.nln , IMM .V Co. , Sit. , Sixteenth St.
I'rntl MITCH n I lie Co. . 1BI7 l.nrliner SI.
Tlip StntlniieiCo. . . jr.Mi niul I.nvrrence
Street * .
Windsor Hotel XIMVM .Sliiiul.
KUlipl , fc Co. . Dciuluniiil. i
Miix Flfthel. Dcnilivonil. j
MOICN JiivoliN. Hook Iilnn.I
Witt A Itennett. HM w. Superior St.
In rt iimu Hi rollcKc lillirnrj.
IV. A. Moore , ( till avenue mid Mnln St.
CJeoree Clbsoii.
IS m 1 1
C. II. Weaver A Co.
I , . 1) . Cooper fc Co. , lli ! ( ) Central Ave.
ItoliiTt Held , 1OBS Meee St. '
Coatew HOIIMXtMva Slanil. \
Mlfixnurl Iteinibllciiii Club , O05 Haiti- L
marc Ave. !
rulllle Library.
ntckNcckrr CiRnr Co. , ntb niulVulnnt , (
oninNlte i . o. i" '
Itnlliviiy v. M. C. A. , room U7 Union ( f
IJeiiot , KIIIIBIIIH City , .Mo.
1'iilille Ubrnrj- .
V. M. C. A Itonilliur Room.
A. .11. I'-rll-oii. ll a o Slrt-ct , Deliv
ery Airent.
Oliver t Ilniiirn , 1OU S. Spring St.
r. B. IlniiHenni , .IBB s. .Mnln St.
Clinrlen A.nilllR'x American ISxclinnRe
B CocUnnnr St. , TrafalKar S < i. , S. W.
Public Library.
WcMl llotol NriVH Stand.
r'rniik .MiilUern.
Arthur Ilrenturo.
Peeper fiilou I.llirnry.
I'Mftli Avcnut * llolel X < MTH Stnnil.
riflb Avenue lloU-1 Itriiillnc Hoom.
l niplrr Hotel.
E'rooiiK * Sired I.lbrnrj- .
llollanil Houne Ilcaillnur Hoom.
llulTniiiii lloiiNL .
liniiorliil Hotel \ < MVM Slnnil.
I'rt-KM Club , I BOtiNNiin St. I
VVeNtmliintci' Hotel Iti-aillnir Itoora. \
Hold Ciriiiinblo.
V. 31. C. A , , B.n l anil 4tli Avcnup.
IV. IVrhb , B-IO. IViiNbliiKtnn Ave.
Vow york ll.-rilil Heailliur Room , 4.T
Ave. tie I'Oiiera.
t'lioH. Cooli .fc Sons , 1 Ave. le Popcrn.
IV. K. J < n. SIM Aliler St.
'oi-tlanil llolel Ne n Stanil.
ileromntllr I.lbritry.
nlilln Library.
1 iiblle Library ,
alaue Hotel ,
ianta Ana Free I'ulillii Library.
, . K , llainniel , Lyeriini Tbeiitrr.
alt LiiUi- Neon Co ,
'ublle Lllirnry ,
Jiintera NUIVH Co. , : tll 1-B I'lUc St.
I , T , LuiidberK.
Jeorpji ; I"VariI. .
: arrctnoii Ioi-l .Ve T Slnail ,
loudamlii llolel > etrn Stanil ,
lotfl Vi'iiilonic.Veil * .Sinml.
'iiinvny \ ; ICiil l > rtMiukrr <
nblle Library ,
Irralil ( | flbboa , TIKI l/"urtli St.
toy Allen , UBI l.'enlrr St.
r. Jll , C. A. IlenilliiK llooni ,
lolia IV. ( irnilnin , 7Bi-7Br : Illvrmlilit
Icni'X Court ,
IrnniliMv'n Ve > vn Slanil , 7B1 Kilmiiml
Hlreet ,
unetloiieVM Slanil , 5(11 IMinond St. ' ,
' , .11. C. A , llrnillnu Hoom. ,
'rr ' N Club
V'lnilHor Hotel ,
[ yaii Hotel
! . .1. Jolt , HOI ! Ollvo SI.
'lantern' ' Hotel > ev H Stand.
ulillii I.llirnrj- .
ulnn .VeitN Coinniiny.
I'lllanl'n lintel N < - v Slanil.
rllnnton Hotel.
iinurrHNloniil Library. '
IllfU" HoiiHe.
IcptiSillritu .Natliiiinl Commit lf > * .
Results Tell.
The ee
Want Ads
Produce Results.