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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1900)
TIIJB OMAJQUV DA1LV HEE : TUESDAY , Jb"KWKUAllV ( ? , 11)00. ) I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MINOIt MIJVI'IOV Davli sells Fine A U C beer , Neuninjor's hotel \Velsbarh burners nt Hlxti } ' Tel 193. Uudvvelsi r beer. \ , Itotcnfcldt , agent. Miss DlHiirhi' Arkwrl lH has teturned from a visit to t'lildiuo ' Mr imd Mrs. Peter Klkk left vesteiday on n visit to Portl md. Ore Got your work done at the popular L'uglo laundry 721 Hroiurnay. 'Phono 137. W < IXop , undertaker , 2S Pearl street. Telephones : Oflki ! , 'Ji. iisldenee , 3.5. The Owl < lub N ! > laiinln i < > i'l\c an in- tcrlalnmmt \Vaxliln4Oii birth Iiy A llltln ilntiiiiilM 1m * li' i n ! lei to the family of Mr mid Mis lUnim M.uiln. The place to liuvo your iramlng done , Alexander's Art Emporium. J31 Hroadwny. The Hoard of Park Commissioners will hold its regular monthly muet'iu ' ; this even ing Fidelity lotinill. Roy il Atcanus , will give a rarcl nml dmn-lng riartv Tlunsday evening of this week County Recorder i : . L Smith returned yeptcrdav morning from alfclt f .several diivs ut Macedonia. Jack Shields , h-ntenced to two years In thp tenltenllary for blgliwav robbery , hjis lieeii taken to Tort M. Jltun by Diputy Sheriff Canning. .lames Norman , 12H ( Jraiium avenue , - ported to the police yevet.lnv . moriilng the theft of a wrlncer and a now nx from ins bara Sunday nlcht. At a mcellng of Compn iy I. . ' 'lf'y'lr"I- ! tonl'Sht regiment. Iowa National CJlurd. Captain Tlnlej will iinnounee bt * np ointment - ment of non-commissioned ofllcers. The residence of I'.uwirl Dav lex nt 2014 Sixth ( ivenue WHH quarantined yester.lay In the f > m- owing to i-aHes of searlet fever llv which liad been rejotoJ : to the Hoard of Health. Then * will be a K.vl il meeting ot Abe I.liuoln Relief corps lomoirow aftoinoon at 3 o clock In Grand At my ot the. Republic ball , nt which nil memoc'S uc reiiuoaieil to be ureaent. The hearing on the sevei U Injunction aults oroughl by the. tlvul motor oompinlcs set for today In the Mipo-lor court will have to be postponed iigiln , as JUd e a yica- ivorth is sllll In the east Aftlnp Police Judge Paul Aylcsworlli yes terday suspended the balante ot the * ' tcnco against Je-isle Hnvuns on condition that she keep away fiom the wine rooms and otherwise behave herself. Work on the alterations and repairs to tlici second Rtory of the city Jail were com menced yesterday The imttltions are be ing torn out and they and tlie wooden floors will bu replaced with steel plates. Owing to a dentb In the family the Twen tieth Century High Five c-lub will b" en tertained thlH evening l > v Mrs. G H. Crisp , 361 North Flr t street. Instead at the homo of Mr ami Mrs D. S Cjok , M prev lius-ly announced M W Maker died yesterdav mornlnrf at his rcs'dente on North IJIuhth .street fiom pneumonia need (17 ( vears He leaves on diitiRliter and three sons The funeral will bo held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o oloelt from the residence and Interment will be In Falrvlew cemetery. F K Titus , the le turer will give , the fourth of bis scries ot addresses this evening- the residence of. Mrs. Clnrl. , n ) Soutli First street The leetu.e will eom- meiico jiromptly at 7."M o'clock and Mr litus will take HH Ills subject "Hyinotlsm , UH Use nd Abuse. " The lectures t ro free nnd the public is coullally invited to n'tend N. O'Brien received word yesterday nurn- Inc of the dentb ot his niece , Miss Mary Gll- inore. In iPhoenlx , Ariz. , where she had gone about u month ago In liopo of obtaining re lief from lunc trouble Mls GUniore was the daughter of Mr and Mis. John Ollmore of Honey Creek and the r-smnltn are. ex pected to arrive here Thursday when the funeral will be held from the family home In Honey Creek. Fannlo Jtlley bus commenced suit In the district court against John M. Gnlvln , ad ministrator of the estate of the late Mich ael Hoyle , who was run over and killed by a train on the Terminal company a tracks In this cltv , to recover certain fuinl- iture , valued nt $1R ) , which she claims as her property. The properU In cjucstion was In Uoyln's house tit the time of his death and was taken possession of by Galvin as administrator. The police trot rid of W. Hamilton , a crlnnlo who has been mnklnj himself n burden at the elty Jail ilnee last Sat > div , by the rountv authorities giving 111- . $ ' < to leave town. Hamilton tit first sild he would not leave unless the county Kave him f.ii. He changed his mind , however , nhcn Super visor of the Poor Miller Hashed a { " > Mil nnd 1old Hamilton ho could have It If he would shake the dlist "t Council Bluffs from his shoos without further ilelav Mrs F. M CunnliiKhain and Miss A'lola Cunningham representing F M. Cunning ham , who bus a contract from the county to ferret out property not be.nliiR HH proper proportion of taxes , arrived In the city- yesterday and at onto commenced work on the books In the county recorder's office. Cunningham Is expected hero the early- part of the week Mrs. Cunningham Is the wlfo and Mls'i Cunningham , the sister of r M Cunningham. The Knovvles opened a slx-nlghta * engage ment nl tilt ) Dohnnv theater lust evening to n large-sized and well-pleased audience. As hypnotists both Prof and Mrs. Knovvles are high up In the profession The performance was the bent of Its Kind , possibly , ever FCOII In this city The entertainment , while amusing Is at the same time Instructive nnd affords a npluidld opportunity of studying the methods employed in producing effects upon subjects Mrs Knovvles , who also takes a prominent part In the enleitiln- inent , is com eded to be the best woman hypnotist In the country Chuiles Lantrdon will hive a heailns lu > - fore Justice Vlen this mot mug on the eharge of stealing an overcoat , the properly of 12 D Baker a barber l.iiKilon was \lsltlng at the Baker home Sunday c < en- Ine when the theft Ix alleged to luvo oc curred , l mcdon as = ertH ho 'ook the rout and pawned It to secure money to "rush the urowler" with and that he did m with Baker's cognl/.inee Mis Baker also se cured the arrest of John A KlrUliind , a pressman , on the charge of IntOAlcatloa Kho pays that KlrMand tame to thn hnui-o nnd attempled to foiee an entrant by kick ing In the door Klikland , over whose head a number of suspended sentences me h ing- Ing , will have a healing this morning oetoro Justlcu Vlen. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Davis sells paints. IMonly of Troulile fur \Vllnon. L. H. Oreer , agent of the Mlhvaukoo railway at this point , ( lied an Information In Juatlco Vion's court yesterday charging Charles Wllbon with the crime of forgery. Wilson Is the ninn who is alleged to huvo olened on a Milwaukee pay roll the nanio of Mahnus Ivorson and drawn the hitter's chock , which ho subsequently cashed at the First National bank of this city.VII - fen , who completed u sentence In the city jail yrgtordny morning for drunkenness , was taken bcfoio Vlen , uhcre lie admitted his guilt and gave aa an excuse that ho was under the Influence of drink at the time ho committed the foigury. Ills hear ing haa been net for this afternoon. Tbo Rock Island railway also has a com plaint against Wilson. It la charged thul about ten dayn go he broke Into thu com pany's toolhouso and stole n number of shovels and other goods. Blind Boonu will give a concert In the Broadway Methodist Kplucopal chinch Wednesday evening , February 7. Ho will lie DhslMed by MU * Josephine Rlvcis , t > o- lolst , Admission 2."i cents. Kfnl llxlule TriiHHfern , The following transfers woio filed yester day In the abstiact. title and loan ofllcc of J W Sauire , 101 Pearl street James I * Lovett and wife to Charles J Barber , lots 9 uud 10 , block ' , ' . and mid U It'lx 13 i" > d Ii ; ' Hryant & C'lnrk's HiitHilv. < i u d . < 1 t/JUlHii Peidval et al to Pottawatulmlo Investment oompanv' and Thomas no-wmnn , und 'i of tto lots In CllncVs add und p.ut nw in * S-7MI , d . . OO M C , Burton to J 13 Holleiibcck. vv 25 feet t > f lot 10 , block . Hull's add to Council Bluffs , vv d . SO Total , three transfers , , FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. James K. Tabady. Jr. , v Utt Molti Bt. , Council SlaCfa. GREGORY TRIAL COMMENCES Indicted for Thre * Separate Offenses Under Three Different Nomw , H4S DECIDED EXCEPTIONS TO A JUROR I'rotoMn to Ills Ciituiii * ! VKIIIIH | ( .VI- I'd It to Ser e I'nrnier Admit" He Wn * Senrod. J. A. Gregory , the desperado and horse- thief , was placed on trial yesterday morn- I UK In the district court on the charge ot shooting at Chief ot Police Sam Albro with Intent to murder him. Albro , who at the time was a patrolman , assisted by Harry James , then patrol driver , effected the cap ture of Clrcgory after he had shot Con stable Moss nt Lovcland and escaped In Moss * wagon , taking with him Jon Morgan , whom he compelled to drive the team under penalty of having bin brains blown out. The Intention of County Attorney Kllpack had been to first try Gregory on the charge of shooting Moss , but young Morgan , one of the principal witnesses for the state , could not be In attendance until today. There Is still another case against Gregory , that of stealing n team of mules belonging to n man living at Ashland , Neb. U Is the present Intention of the otate to try Gregory on all three indictments. Gregory's attorneys filed a motion for a continuance and In support at It submitted affidavits from their client In which ho al leged that the testimony ot Frank and Joseph Sharp , living near Papllllon , and Cal Smith , living at Jackson , Neb. , was ma terial , and that ho had made diligent ef forts to secure their attendance , but had failed. The affidavit also contained a statement to the effect that the night be fore ho was ariestcd Gregory had called on Hardin Moss to doctor a mule , but that Moss waa in such an intoxicated condition that he could not do the work. What bear ing on the case this allegation had was not shown by the affidavit. The st&to elected to admit that the witnesses named In the affidavit , If present , would testify as set out , nnd because of this election Judge Thoinell overuled the motion and the work of securing a jury was commenced. Trouble CrtMtiir 11 Jurj. There was considerable trouble in securing - curing the requisite number of Jurors , both sides challenging for cause , and the regular panel being exhausted , by agreement It was decided to complete the requisite num ber by taking from the bystandeis In court. In all twenty-six men were examined before the jury was secured. The jury finally se lected is as followsW. . II , Wallace , L. Dunlap , J. S. Smith , C. S. Hubbard , Lafay ette Brown , W. A , Wilbur , Henry Blumer , A. H Smith , Clark Petit. Henry Clark , Thomas Eaton , G. C. Taylor. Juror Clark Petit was a member of Com pany L , Fifty-first Iowa , and for some reason Gregory strongly opposed his being put on the jury. He told his attorneys he was sure he had met Petit somewhere , and oven after Petit had stated that he only re turned to this city last November , several weeks after the shooting scrape , Gregory would not be satisfied. When his attorneys passed Petit for cause and the latter took his seat In the box Gregory expostulated ve hemently with his counsel , and for a while It looked as If there would be an open breach between the prisoner and his legal advisors. The first wltncfB called for the state waa Chief of Police Albro , who graphically de scribed the capture of Gregory after a run ning fight on South avenue. Harry James , the patrol driver who was with Albro , was tbo next witness and his testimony was about the same ns the other officer. Henry Tlarks , the farmer who was driving Gregory into town at the time the officers overhauled them , caused considerable amusement by his description of the en counter and the court was compelled to rap for order several times during the giving of his testimony. Tlarks detailed very graphically and minutely the encounter be tween Gregory and the officers and how he , when the first shot was fired , jumped out of the wagon to bold the horses. As the bullets commenced to fly pretty fast ho de cided the safest way was to lie on the ground , which ho did , wrapping the lines around his waist. ( iiiarilliiK the I'rlxoiior Carefully. Gregory , when handcuffed at the county jail preparatory to being taken to the court room , olfercd no resistance , but Instead assisted She ) iff Cousins In placing the cuffs on his wrists , His familiarity with the hand cuffs showed that ho was no stranger to such oinanients. Special precautions were taken In the court room to prevent any at tempt at escape on the pail of the prisoner. Sheriff CuiihlnH sat in close proximity to him nnd Bailiff Peterson was stationed at the doors in tbo northeast corner. The trial Is attracting more than usual ! attention and the court room was crowded > all day , among these in attendance being j many of the residents ot Lovcland and vi cinity , where the shooting of Hardin Moss took place. In this case Gregory Is being tried under the nunio of A. J. Gregg , under which be I was Indicted. In the Indictment on the I' charge of stealing tbo mules he Is named ns A . ' . Williams Gregory has persistently refused to tell what his correct name In. Jofi.c Thompson , Indicted on the charge of stealing a quantity of Jewelry and other articles from the residence of L. P , and A. I P. Klopplng , near Neola , entered a plea of I guilty and Judge Thornell set Saturday | morning for passing sentence. The case against Thompson for breaking and entering the Klopplng residence will be dlemlsscd. Judge. Smith , before leaving for Glcnwood yesterday moinlng , handed down his deci sion overruling the motion of thn plaintiffs for a continuance In the ease of Lulu Ran dall nnd other hclis of the Into Mrs. Bal- Innl against the Woman's Christian acsocl- atlon Judge Smith has exchanged courts with Judge Green , who will preside ! at At lantic In order to be nearer his home , Mrs. Oreen being seriously 111. Iloucll's Antl-"Kawf" curca coughs , colds. Dolmen In the Cnurl * . A number of creditors ot Lewis and A , II. Felts , merchants of Dunlap. la. , com menced pioceedlngs In the 1'iiltcd Klatea dlrirlct court hero yesterday to have them adjudged bankrupts The creditors filing the petition and the claims nro7. . T Llnd- sey , Omaha jrill.70 , H. A Jandt , Sioux Clt } , $1.43 ! ) bS , II. I ! Glover & Co. lu- biiciuo , $21620. Mjers , Cox & Co , Oil- buquc , $ . ' 00 60. David G. Kvana company , St. Louis , $ 1O. 1 . Scbiiwroth Shoe company , Buffalo. N V. $72 , L'nlcn Shoo and Leather company. Stlllvvatcr. Minn , { 51,00. These creditors allege that L. and A. B Fella com mitted acts of bankruptcy about January 7 , 1900 , by traiibfcrrlng their property to pre fer certain other creditors. The bull of Mrs Mary K. Fay , adminis tratrix of the- estate of Charles Walter Fay , against the Chicago & Northwestern Rail way company was transferred to the t'nlteO Stales circuit court here frtxn the district court of Carroll county , Mr . Fay sues foi $15.000 for the death of her husband , who was yardmastcr at Carroll for the North western October S , ISflS. he received In juries vvhllo coupling a car by the train suddenly backing down on him , from which he died nn hour later i'iiociii > iMJS or TIII : CITY cot .VH , . Acv Motnr l.lnc Io lre ( o llnvo Oio Cunt of Certain Pnv Inur l'l\eil. The regular monthly session of the city council was held Monday night nnd con siderable business transacted. Secretary Tlnlcy In a communication noil- fled the council that the Council Bluffs , Lake Manavva and Uast Omaha Construc tion company had on November IS , 1S90. assigned to the Omaha , Council Bluffs K. Suburban Railway company nil Its rights under the franchise granted by the people at a sreclal election held December 6 , 1S07. Following this notification came the follow ing request from the Omaha , Council Bluffs ft Suburban Hallway company , signed by W. S. Heed , secretary. "To the City Council of Council Bluffs , la. Gentlemen : You arc hereby requested to determine nnd fix the value cS the pav ing upon the streets hereinafter named , upon which the. undersigned proposes to lay down Its street railway tracks under the provisions of an ordinance pasocd by the city council of the city of Council Bluffs , en titled , 'AH ordinance authorizing the Coun cil Bluffs , Lake Manawa & East Omaha Construction company to construct and operate a street railway In the city ot Coun cil Bluffs nnd defining the powers nnd duties of said company. ' Approved December 7 , 180" . "Tho streets for which wo desire you to fix and determine the cost and value of the paving are as follows : Broadway , from Thirteenth street to Main street ; Main .street , from Washington avenue to SU- tcenth avenue ; Sixth street , from Washing ton avenue to Eighth avenue ; Washington avenue , from Eighth street to Main street ; First avenue , from Ninth otrect to Main street , Including all intersections with alt streets named , the same being streets named in section 2 of said ordinance , which nro at this time paved. This you are requested - quested to do under the provisions of sec tion 833 of the code. " The request waa referred to the com mittee of the whole , which will meet tomor row morning at 10 o'clock to go over the streets named and ascertain the value of the paving nnd the amount that the com pany shall pay for some If it elects to lay He tracks on such streets. The ordinance regulating- the placing ot water gas or other stop-boxen In the pave ment was passed with a few minor altera tions. The introduction of an oidlnancc regu lating the election of park commissioners came as a surprise to the aldermen , noth ing have been mentioned about Its prepara * tlon by the city attorney , who had drafted it at the request of the mayor. The code provides that the city council may regulate the election of park commissioners and In order to Insure the election of one commis sioner every second year -when the city election Is held , it was found necessary to have such an ordinance. Two of the com- miEsIoncra go out of office this spring , leav ing one , whoso term will not expire tot four years. The ordinance provides that ono commissioner , to be elected this spring , shall be elected for a term of two years and the other for six years , the regular term. By this arrangement one ot the com missioners will have to be elected every two years. Alderman Chrleteuscn alone objected to the ordinance , which was passed on the suspension of the rules. The report of City Solicitor Wadstvorth recommending that the city settle with James Henry bis claim for damages for In juring his foot against a stop-box on Broad way for $30 was referred to a special com mittee consisting of Aldermen Casper , John son and Metcalf , On the application of a number of Inter ested property owners , City Engineer Et- nyre was directed to erect the necessary dams In Indian creek between Bryant ami N'orth Second streets to prevent the wash ing away of the banks. The report of Chairman Test of the com mercial committee for January was read. Among other things the committee suggest ed that the real estate men of the city form an organization , that the city make an ef fort to secure at least ono of the four state conventions to be held this year ; that Ad miral Dewey bo invited to include Council Bluffs in his western trip this summer. A petition signed by tl" officers of all the abor organizations of the city , asking that : ho council pass an ordinance prohibiting the opening of barber shops on Sundays was referred to the committee ot the whole. August Lotz , a member ot the Barbers' Pro tective association , spoke in support ot the ordinance. lie said that while there ore [ orty-ono shops In the city , there are only four which persist In keeping open on Sun days. Ho referred to the cases brought by the association against the Sunday working barbers , and that In every Instance the judge of the superior court had fined the defendants $1 and costs , and that the county imd not been ono cent out by such cases. These cases , however , had been appealed to the district court , and there were now feovcnty-eight pending , Jt was to stop this litigation thai organized labor requested that the council pass an ordinance prohibit ing the opening of barber shops on the Sab bath , said Lotz. In answer to questions from Alderman Casper , Lotz said he did not believe the closing of the barber shops on Sunday would Injure the trade of the hotels , or that trav eling men would prefer to stop in Omaha where the shops are allowed to bo open , Lotz said further that n move waa now on foot to close all the shops In Omaha on Sundays , and that It would soon bo carried Into effect , Lotz also said that the asso ciation had nothing to do with the bill that Senator Hazelton had Introduced at the present session of the legislature providing for a state law prohibiting the opening of barber whops on Sundays. The council passed K resolution accepting the three fire escapes which J , C. Bl\by had erected under the ordinance on the Shugart , Everett and Masonic blocks. Chairman Atkins of the fire and light rommlttco had objected to the escapes an not being accord ing to the specifications provided In the or dinance. Ho and Alderman Brough alone voted against the acceptance ot the es capes. Bids for the city scavenging were re ceived from John Nelson and Sam Dobson. Nelson bid as follows' Removing cattle and horses , $1 ; dogs and horsis , . ' .0 cents , cats and fowl , 5 cents ; refuse and manure , per load , $1 , gaibage from residences , per trip , 15 cents , cleaning privy vaults , per cubic foot , $4. Dobson's bid was as follows- Horses , 75 cenU. no charge where city 1ms to bear expense , no charge for removing dead tattle , hogs and dogs , M ) cents ; cats , 25 cents ; fonl , 15 cents , refuse matter anJ manure , per load , 7u cents ; household gar bage , per trip , 25 cents ; cleaning privy vaults , per cubic foot , J.t.JO , cleaning cess pools , per cubic foot , f..DO The bids wcro referred to the finance clerk for tabulation. The council then adjourned to meet Monday , February 19 , nircctnm of Ciulil Mining ( 'oniiiin > . At the annual meeting of the stockholder of the Portland Gold Mining company of Colorado Monday the following directors were elected1 James F. Burns , Irving How- bcrt , Frank G. Peck , W , S. Stratton and John Hainan. The Stockholders present ) were Thomm F. Burnt , James K. Burns and A T Gunnel ! . The reports showed that the company hail done a prosperous buMncts In isnn , the net profits being $ < i70nof17 A dividend of 2 per cent per month was paid on nil stock. The total receipts for the year were $ t)727S.2'.i ! : ! n id the expenditures $1- 101 171.32. The company starts the new- year with $802,676.10 In Us treasury. The officers will be. olcctcd nt n mcctlni ; of tbo directors to bo held In Ihe near future In Colorado Springs. The present officers arc- President , James F. Burns , vlco pres ident , Irving HoNvbert ; secrctaiy and treas urer , 1G. . Peck. PITS IP v yrirp TIGHT. O Ml ecr nml Court lvep < Itn.i.v PiittliiK llnmtiMifTH tin Mini. Justice Vlen's coutt was the scene yes terday afternoon of an exciting scrimmage between Constable Albcrll and a prKoncr. IM Jackson. Inwhich the 'squire himself nnd several bystanders wcro called upon to lend n hand. Jackson was arrested at his home on Sixteenth street between Ave nue A and Broadway to answer to a charge of brutally assaulting J. O. Kelly. At the house ho showed fight , being somewhat under the Influence of liquor , but was finally per suaded to accompany the constable to Jus- tlco Vlen's court. Justice Vlen , when ho saw the condition Jackson was In , ordered him taken to the county jail to sober up , saying he would hnvo him brought Into court Wednesday on the assault charge. Jackson became ugly and refused to ac company the officer. Ho made a desperate resistance when nn attempt to-Omndcufl him waa made. Seeing that Constable Albert ! alone was no match for Jackson , Justice Vlen decided to take -hand , He caught Jackson by the leg nnd threw him to the floor. Ho then knelt on the prostrate man while the constable succeeded In placing the handcuffs on. 'Squire Vlen weighs In the neighborhood ot 230 pounds and Jackson strongly objected to htm kneeling on his stomach. "Get oft my stomach , 'squire , " ho called out "You are crushing the life out ot me , " but the justice kept kneeling on him until the cuffs wore on. This did not end the fight , however , ns Jackson refused to go down the stairs with Albcrtl nnd braced himself against the ban isters. The ofilceis were obliged to drag him head foremost down the stairway onto the street , when they picked him up and throw him into a , buggy. At the county- jail ho again showed fight nnd had to be choked before the officers could get him into a cell. Fiank Jackson , a brother , also wanted for the assault , managed to skip to\vn on a freight train before the officers reached the house. He has only icccntly completed serving a sentence In the penitentiary for complicity In the minder of "Texas" Baker. The Jacksons are regarded as a danger ous outfit by the authorities. Kelly , the assaulted man , was badly beaten up and but lor the timely arrival of neighbors would probably have been Killed The wlfo of Ed Jackson , who tried to interfere and save Kelly , was badly beaten by her hus band. Wanted Girl for general housework. Family of two. C07 Mynstor street. Marrliiur LIcciixcH. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following nersons : Name and rcsiJence Ace. Abraham Lewis * V > mnha . 40 Jennie. Gorman , Cleveland , 0 . 24 Frank Miller , Omaha . 33 Ernestine llnusce , Omaha . 33 Andrew A. Larson , Pottawnttamle . 25 Carrie JI. Hanson , J'ottawattamle . 19 Inwu Siiiireine Court DCS MOINESw Feb. 5. ( Special Tele gram. ) The famous Polk county court house site case argument began before the supreme court today and will be finished tomorrow. Today's decisions were : State against William Glover and Frank Ward. Des Molncs district ; affirmed. Tone Bros. , appellants , against J. M. Shankland , Polk district ; reversed. E. C. Howard against C. A. Pratt , ap pellant , Sac district ; reversed. D. L. Stewart and Mrs. C. Godwin against Equitable Mutual Life association of Waterloo lee , Black Hawk district ; reversed. Petorsborough Savings Bank against DCS Molnes Savings Bank , Polk district ; af firmed. Incorporate 11 NeiIlonil. . FT. DODGE , la. , Feb C. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Ft. Dodge & Southeastern rail way was organized In Ft. Dodge Saturday by A. R. Loomls , G. W. Mason , J. B. Butler , O. M. Oleson , S. T. Moservcy. E. G. Larson , J. C. Cheney , G. L. Rich , Webb Vincent and E. H. Rich , all prominent capitalists of Ft. Dodge. The capital stock is $250,000 , and the company , It is announced , means busi ness and will build a line forty miles long from Ft. Dodge to connect with the Iowa Central at Story City or the Noithwestcrn at Boone. It\\ii People lit him PriiiielNeci. AMES , la. , Feb. G ( Special Telegram. ) A telegram from Pi of. and Mrs. Blsscll of the Iowa State college , who have been spending their winter vacation In Honolulu , announces this fact that they have arrived at San Francisco , having been fortunate enough to bo iclcawd from the strict quat- antinc which Is being maintained In the Hawaiian Inlands on account ot the preva lence ot bubonic plague there. MitttlilNNOit Hool.ell li.v Hour. RUTHVCN , la. , Feb. D. ( Special Telo- giam. ) G. II. Matthlsscn was hooked In ono of his legs by a mad boar while feed ing cattle today. The tusk cut Into the bono. Ho Is In a dangerous condition , PIVSIO\S KOIIvivri3it > VIT Survivor * of the Civil \Viir Ueineni- liereil l > > Hie tiov eminent , WASHINGTON , Fob. 0. ( Special , ) These pensions have been prantcd ; Issue of January 22 : Nobiaska : Rufus Slaughter , Crawford , M , William Hughes ( deiid ) . Lit eh- Held , $ U.illlum A. Net-bit , Soldlors' and Sailors' home , Gt.uid Island (6 ; Thomas D Uolxing. Normal , $3 Renewal Cornelius A. Cohee. Boomer , } ij Reissue Paul Stein , Omiihii , $11 Iowa : Uilglnal John Griffin. Oskaloosa , JS , ( special Jammiy 21) ) Oreenbeiii pri son. Crescent , $ G Ite.stniatlon and fix rejro Tinman N Williamson. Shonundoih flO to $11 , OtlK Blekford. Creston , $ . ! to $5 , Uooige W Ktuele , DCS .Mnlnct. fJ to $ t ! Re newal Alfred I * Kin * ; , Cambildso , $ In crease Samuel W. Mnllln , Alleiton $ ' 5 to $ U ; John Richard" , Cotter , JS to $12 , Elnioio R Drlf Idll. Uunonl , $0 to $3 Eugene Hook , WlnHlou , $17 to $ JO : Jam' ) Uutlur. VllllHi n $ < j to $ > , ( t > pcctul J.uiuaiy 21) ) George I ) Van Nest , Clrrpln , $ S to $11 Rolbsilc Georo LlvlnuBton , Oskaloosa , $17. I'rlv lle ev I mler Hie linn , CHICAGO. I'cb n n > a vote on the Ilo.iid uf Tr.ido ti.ullnjv li 'UlU and illu was alHillbbed ThlH in lion IB Mm final one In a war aualiisl pllvllegc tradlni : lii'siln a month ago. when Ihe new administration fur 1UOO ciiniu line : > ovvci The vu'o vvaa on rn iimen-Jnunt to the rules , making It "dlEhonorable conduit for any member of the board to trade In puts and . allw cither on the boupd or el owlieie The icHtilt of tbo Imlloiinc was expected , as the dire loratn bad do lured against , the eusium tiiul all tbo bis commlusoii | I.OIIS-OH bud hound themselves to abide by , ho lullng ot tlu > ofllicrs llorsftml's ' Acid Phosphate ) It soothen nnd strengthens the nerves , relitves the severe pain in the temples and depressing sickness at the stomach Cenulna beats name H sro o's oa wrapper. in SHAW KEEPS A CLOSE MOUTH Has Offered the Vacant Position on Boird of Control to a Dark Horso. IS LIKELY 70 MEET THE FATE OF ROOD Men Delrriiilnril to Turn Hint ii \nj Mini Niiineil li > Ilir ( iu\- crnor I'lnltiiN of ( lie Anrl- etilliirnl t'ollcuo. UKS MOIN'KS , Tob. 5 ( Special Tele gram ) ( io\crnor Shaw lias tendered n prominent man of this stntu the appoint ment of chairman of the Slnto Hoard of Control , to succeed ex-OoNemor l.nrrabcc. Ho b.ii written the gentleman and aunlta hl-i acceptance. Today tile governor rcfuncd to dlvulgo the nanio of the appointee , but slated that ho expected to hear from his candidate within twenty-four hours. It an acceptable answer Is received his name will KO to the senateWednesday. . Krom the ntrfti'iit Indications It matters little who the governor nnpolntw. The opposition , or the Cummins faction , will line np with the democrats and defeat Shaw's man. ThlH li generally conceded. The Cummins forces , nlth the democrats , have It In their power to tnko the appointive pone. ' from the gov ernor and place. It In the hands of the legis lators tbemsches. Whether or not they will do this dcpcndn on a bill now pend ing before the house. If the nomination Is not accepted , the governor utnnds ready with another man , to whom It will bo tendered Immediately. This much the- chief cxecutho Is willing to state , but refuses to disclose- the Identity of the person to whom the second nomination haa been offered , thereby Indicating his deter mination to carry out the policy which he announced last week of making his second nomination without the assistance of the press of the state. There Is much specula tion an to who the person may bo who has the appointment under consideration at the present moment , but no one seems to bo ready with acry good guess , further than that It has gone outside the ranks of these mentioned prominently In connection with the appointment heretofore. The Sweet bill In the house , to take the nppolnth e power for this position from the goNcinor and senate and place It In the handn of the general assembly , Is still a topic of general discussion. .Mr. Sweet de clares that the bill is his own , and was In troduced by him with the avowed Intention of taking the entire Board of Control ap pointments out of politics. \IIIL-M I'resoiilM UN Claim. , . At 2 o'clock this afternoon President Hcardshar ot the Stale College of Agricul ture and Mechanic Arts at Ames and a num ber of the trustees of the institution ap peared before the senate ways and means committee and presented the claims of the Institution for a one-tenth of a mill buildIng - Ing tax for the nc\t Ihe > ears The repre sentatives made a strong showing of the needs of the college and it Is generally be lieved that the report of the committee will be favorable. The senate held a forenoon session today at which several new bills were introduced and several passed. Jenkins' bill to require a detailed statement of the wheelage of fcleeplng and dining cars on each division ot the different roads over which they are operated , so as to enabio the executive council to make a more suitable distribu tion of the taxes than can be done at pres ent , was passed without opposition. Lewis' bill making township clerks cus todians of all township funds , including the cemetery fund , was passed , as was one by Garst appropriating $1,100 for deficiency In pa > ment of state express and freight bll'a and $100 for such bills during the remainder o ; the 'period. Among the bills Introduced was one by Smith to appropriate $8,000 for putting new elevators In the state house ; one by Cross- ley , the principal provision of which Is to give the superintendent of state power to print the leaflets be hpd been In the habit of piloting before the new code went Into effect and which the executive council held that ho could not print ; one by Gorrell , to define specifically that the life ot Judg ments shall be twenty years ; one by Harrl- man , providing that a year after a man Is adjudged bankrupt past Judgments against him shall be strlckou from the records. The house met at 2 p. ni. today and held n shoit session. Tureo new bllla were In troduced , one of which proposes to prohibit state officials and representatives of the gcueial assembly fiom accepting mileage. Thp house also concurred In the senate's amendments to the bill allowing notice of evidence In criminal cases to bo served on attorneys as well as defendant. n.Y.VMIXD WVO.MINU CO All \\IJS. . or tlu HoeUefrllerN VIMt Diamond ! II- ! . DIAMONDVILLE , Wyo. , Feb. 5. ( Spe cial ) A party composed of hit prominent mining and railroad men of New York and other eastcin points arrived In Dla- mondvlllo Thursday and spent a couple ot days In a careful Investigation of tiis coal mines. They were driven out into the coun try and brought back samples of coal. None of the gentlemen would talk for publication as to the objects of their visit. but from a local representative of the coal company , who was with the visitors dur ing their stay here , It was learned that the Now Yorkers arc the repicsentatives of the Rockefeller oyndlcatc , and were sent here to make examinations of the coal de posits , with a view to Investing money in thla part of Wyoming. The visitors wrro highly pleased with what they saw , and It is probable that some big purchases of coal lands will bo made during the present year. Another big mine has been opened here 'and ' Is now shipping coal to market mine Is called the 00. The prodtrt In quality nnr jet discovered In this se tion ( IHTTIMi AKTKIl HA.MK MIUM'MIIS TrniiMiortnllnit Conilinnlrnlll llrtl ( Jnineiirilrnn , CHKYKNNi : . Wyo , Ken. 6 ( Special > - All npenu of the Union I'.iclflc railroad am the 1'aelllr Kxprcss companies In Wjomlni ; have been notified that they must carpfullv Inspect fish and game shipments offeree them for transportation If neeetf.iry , the ) must open boxes or packages and. If founi to contain trout or any other llsh or game coming under the state game laws for Il legal fishing or hunting , then the package * or boxes must be refused. Owing to tht Illegal hunting and fishing now going 01 In thp state the game wardens have unltei and with the assistance of the transporta tion companies , will wfge war on the law breakers. It is said that thousands o pounds of fliu and game are uhlpped out o the state every month The fish are caufih by setting "tip-tips" In the Ice. Ill no K Hill * Pioneer * Meet. DKAUWOOI ) . S I ) , l > b. 5 ( Special ) The twelfth annual meeting of the Soclctv cf thp Dlack Hills Pioneers was held It this city last night. The report of the RPI rotary for the jcnr papt showed that then were 203 members of the society , nUieij four of whom vvcro In good standing There had been two deaths In the jcar past thoho of Captain Thomas 11. Russell , the pioneer newspaper correspondent and mining man and John J. Thlers. The society Is in gond condition financially. The now ofllccio elected were : President , Jamca Conzett Dcadwood ; secretary , 11. P. Lorey , head treasurer , D. M. Olllott , Ucadvvood , dlrec tors , K , A. Hornbcrgci , George V. A } eta and J W. Allen of Ucadwood ; J. W. Me Donald , Lead ; James Wilson , Ccntial fit } marshal , William N'uddy , Lend ; btnndim beater , G. W. Simpson ; historian , A W Merrick , Deadwood ; vlco presidents , James Hallorau , I > awroncc county ; II. U. Tallcnt Mnade , J. R. Brcnnan , Pennlngton , 12. K Pierce , Tall River ; F. C. Thulcn , Uutto Hanlcy AHlon , Custcr. 11 < for in 1'renn lluroau Ormiiilr.eil. UKAUWOOD , S. D. , Feb. 5. ( Special ) - The Reform Press bureau of the Ulack Hills Is now a permanent organization. A ma jority of the reform cdltorn of the Blnel Hllla papers came to Ucadwood josteiday and completed the organization of an as iociation , which was commenced at Rapii City a few days ago. The officers clectei yesterday were : President , A. W. Gird editor of the lllack Hills Union of Rapid City ; vice piosldent , W. S. Monkman , pub lisher of the Terry Record ; secretary , A P Potter , editor of the Lead Dally Call : treas urer , C. Von Wohrmnn , editor of the liar- ney Peak News of Hill City. The next meeting of the association will bo held at Lead February 19. at which time the by laws and rules of regulations will be con sidered. \e\i Totrn In Throe t'ountlcn. SIOUX PALLS , S. D , Feb. 5. ( Special ) The voters of Irene , at a special elec tion , decided to incorporate , and another special election has been called for the 13th inst , to select town officers' . The town is constructed at the point where Yankton , Clay and Turner counties join and extends into the three counties. As this would complicate matters , the residents of the town who live on the Yankton and Cla > county sides of the line will take immediate steps to have the land occupied by them detached from Yankton and Clay counties and annexed to Turner county. "Hunt HIMC Their Fn > orHe Drink. SIOUX TALLS , S. D. , Feb. 5. ( Special. ) A bitter saloon license war Is In progress at White Lake. The town has had one saloon , but because It would not exclusively handle a particular brand of liquor , efforts are being made to establish another which will handle liquor of that brand. The requisite number of signatures were se cured to a petition , but those opposed to another saloon have circulated n remon strance , which has been fieoly blgned , and the matter will be fought to a finish beforrt the town council. Pneumonia AflllctN a rniiill- . RAPID CITY , S. D. , Feb. 5. ( Special. ) The little daughter of Rev. J. B. Kettle , the new pastor of tbe First Congregational church of this city , died yesterday of pneu monia. Rev. Kcttlo had Just airived from Connecticut and had preached his first ser mon. Ho Is dangeiously ill with the same disease which took off his daughter Rev Darien of Deadwood will preside at the fu neral exercises of the child. 1 out h fill rirebiiun CnnfcMN. CHBYCNND. Wyo. Feb 5. ( Special Tel egram ) Two youthful firebugs were appre hended today when Georgu Sehrcns and Johnnie Scrlbor , aged 5 and 0 years re spectively , confessed that they set flic to the Great Western stables a few nights ago just to see the fire horses run. The bojs say this was their first fire. Dim won Tl - riiih U IrcM. snATTLU. Wash. Feb. 3 The steamer Tees is nt Victoria fio-n Hkacway it is .stated that the Dawson jiollci > are Investigating gating- the Hy.steniutle tuttlnjr of the D.ivv- t-oii tnlegrnph wire , iiic.sumably ( n connee- tfon with the holdups on the railroad Sir- Scant Allan cnme through fiom DUUFOM on his vvnv to South Africa , his wlfu aieoTi- ji.mvlnir him She hns volunteered as a Red Cioss nurse , while Allan will bo a mounted hcout. Woman 1'reclleln Her Death. MAIlYVIMji : Mo. I-'eli C ( Special Tele- pram ) Mrs. Kittle C'lark ageil SJ , < ] | P ( ] . her homo near Skldmon ? hint evening Mis Plark had been sick three yeais. Hlx months ago she predicted that aho would die on Kebiuary 4. u prediction which wan fulfilled Mrs Clark WIIH a native of Indiana and ono of the oldest residents of Nodavvay county Kho and her husband tumu to thin country lift * i cars uao and she. lived all this time on the place on which she died. 'H ' EAGLE BRAND ! APERFECT INFVX.NT1 F-OOO. We not Only do crown and budge work , but we fill teeth , make new ones and extract teotii as well as doing everything eleo that they may be in need of. If your teeth are not in perfect condition wo can fix thorn for you at a very moderate cost. H. A. Woodbury , D. D. S- , Council Bluffs , 30 Pearl St , d Hotel. Genuine Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Pac-Slmllc Wrapper Btlow. nranll anil as our/ to tnlio Cfl nfnr. ran HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOB JAUBW SKIH. rDR THE COMPLEXION CURE SICK HEADACHE. When others fall consult SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. mm CRROH13 & PRIVATE DISEASES op MEN SPECIALIST \7o cuaranteo to euro ull oases ourablo ot WEAK MEM SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured tor llfo. Klubtly Emissions , Lost Manhood , Ilydrooola Verlcocolc , Gonorrhea , dloot , Syphilis , Strict ure , Piles , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers and All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men. STRICTURE AND GLEET Consultation free Cull on or oddrosa DR. SEARLES & SEARLES , oio so. nth st. OH A HA. BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Rest Dining Gar Service , The vrorit cnne cnii bo cured bjr ni ( OK Sine net t'llcKiller. . Gnarauteed. 91.0O i > cr box hjmall. . IV ] AC MET CHEMICAL CO. , V/catcrn Depot , Omaha , ? fetri On Trial nnd Approval , no Money In AiHumc. Al > | > ll.iiiu and runcJIcs that bullish uvaLmtd , re. I I stole Mrui th , clicc.kltul \uiMr , ilc\cloi > nnd tustuln No t O 1) ) , nn fiauil of uny nature \\rlte for our new book ( under n-nl to you , fuel 1'nlly explains ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO , N.Y. TRY ONE JOHN G.WDODWARD a CD WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLVFFS.IOWA DOHAHY THEATER S S > , * SlMt.llTS t > \l.\ . loiiiiiieneliiK W iiiln > f Koliruary . " . . A Huii'lmd Mtia tlon III H DBUi lAUUti ? Utf KuU W > FAMOUSI'rcsentin I'rcsentin , ; Hyfinofism Up- 1'rlfun lOu , illle , ItOc. f J.ada-b admitted free flrDt night only.