Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Fare Fond Lilicmains in t. Btatt of
Enspiadcd A&imation.
tnlim Pnrlflc Altovv * Itmiifi'tltiii < if
Ull Vloiiiiir liil Sfrt lc < for the
Lute : \ . > . llnrtTiioil
LINCOLN , Teb . ( Spcetsl ) The pure '
iood law It still huasins in " * bt balance ,
riotv. Itbtrthndlns the po crnor aofl EiHlHer
frevor&I moiftbt RO acned to have * til'tidly ,
null ttwUng Its etiimtltuilonalliy puninlt.eU
to thu KttTiretne court. Apparently no rflort |
1 iK'Ing fttadc toy the Joofl eomrnlMloner teen
en tort f the vnrlout provlnioas ot the act and
the attorney cenoral has hhown no
tlcn to lirlBg the tjuontloti of its
tlonslltv- the attention of the supreme
court. The ftlUre of Use Peed cororaUBlcn re-
ii'BliiB under the charge of Clerk Wrlphi , It
bavins been dwcrtud noae time KO by :
lt ) puty Hlbbsrd j
When quentinnea r to the condition of
the jtnjton'6 food IKY. cult Governor Poyntcr ,
this afternoon ( tald that the matter rec.ed
utth the imorncj penetal , all the neoensarj1 |
impcrs and Btipuluilont. having hccn signed ,
* o thut further foimultstlon with the state ,
nfflccrs intcrtBted In the matter was un- I
j I
Thn faJlurn of the proper authorities to '
Iiuth the case to a settlement has urotiBsd !
cum Iderahle complaint amonp the creamery I
end Imttorlno wen t > f the stnte > Nearly nil
o' thp fstalillBhnietitfc thai come under tht-
tiar. of the law huve cmplojed lanjcrs to
nthlBt In defcatlnc the measure , hut thej
can do nothing until the first Etrp Is talicn
by the atate , and In the mountlme they are
paylnc no att"ntlon whatever to Its pro-
\ Ihlons.
t'lilon I'nrlnc * Gl\r I | i.
Oil Inkpot-tor Oafflnvns notllicd hj the
Inlcin racltic railroad today that he could
proceed In the Inspection of oil In Its ware-
in Omnha without further trouble.
ptirmiFfiion VVBG tcfuscd no me time ape
nnd proreedlnss were tiesun In the district
tourt of DouplEE count } to jecover flncb for
violation of the law.
HIIIMI < > < > < l Mi-iuorlnl Jrrv Ic-fn.
Ecrvlfcb in memory of Nathan S. Har-
vcort , vvho dlnl In thlt , city a raocth HRO ,
v tre. held In the Unltod Stuteb circuit court
thin morning. W. It Kcllcy of Omaha. G.
M Lamherlton. L. W. Blllinpslcy and J. B.
Strode of this eitj paid trlbut to the dead
man and the following resolutions were
Whereas , Nailian S Harvvord one of the
oldest , ablest and most rc'jiertPd members
of tbe bar of this court has been suddenlj
uid prematurelv strlrken down by the hand
of death , then-fore be It
IlpFOlv pel. That while we FUhmiFvlvelv how-
to the will of an nll-wl .e Providence In His
dealings with man WP deeplv deplore the
untimely death t > f our brother Hurwnud and
our treat lm . "br his removal from tup
ranks of the ; > rofCR lon which IIP no much
Joved and honored For more than a quar
ter of a. centur.v he had prm-tlced before
ihls court Il ' WHS ever kind , eourtpous
nnd fair to his- brethren at the bar dlgn heU ,
lionnratile upright mm htlpfiil to the < ourt ,
painstaking , mn'.rlpnilmis faithful and true
to his ( lienIf. and in nil In" walkp of life a
most honored , uptight und exemplar } c.Hi-j
zen His in'egrltv was nrvcr fiuemioned , his
hnnor netv-cr tarnishd , hl devotion to prin
ciple evc'i linn hi1 * loyaltj to his i-ountrj
and government staunch nnd true from Tea
Rldgp to thp hour of hl death
Though strong phvshallv and Intollrc-
tuallv. IIP wns unobtrusive gentle kind ,
Fvmp theti < . tender and true with n charlt >
that was proverbial n "benev olenep un-
liounded. Not onb was he learned In the
l w , 1 > ut hp WHS Hn Industrious student in
all the sequestered vales of know U-dpe. a
zealous inquirer .af.tor 'truth- -oaneful. < cm-
f-ervatlve nd Independent thtnkpr. a imtton
of all thine * thai make for rlglitPouKness ,
good eovernment and Histlre M > that
wh'-thpr In hi * ehonen profession , In the
tiuslness Tvalkt , of life. In llteraturr. In art
or sclenre , he 'was at home and hU spntlp
jirp encp. kind nnd gnod nattirp and large-
npss of poul m > ) dp him a welcome visitor , a
ilpllchtful eompanlon at all times und on
nil oc-PHslons
In his death the Matp has lost one of its
noblpst citirc TIP , thifc 'bar ' one of lt for mo ; t
nnd iK'st led member1 ? , his family a inovt
unprtlonate and loving-husband , a Kind and
Indulgent father
In his llfp HO nohle and eharaeter FO le-
M > lpndent VP rejoice In his death co sud-
cipn und uriUrnelj we sorrow His memory
WP Khali ever cherish and revere for this
world was hotter for his havlnc bwn
Rpolved , That w most dieplj svmpathize
with his family in their hour of great uf-
tllction and sorrow
RpFolvpd , That thpie-rpFOlutlons be rpre.-id
unon the records < vf thlt. honorable c-ourt
und a copy sent to hlH familj
Lincoln Iorul Aofr .
E. F. Denny of Palisade Illpd a petition
with thp secretaries of the Board of Trans
portation today asking that tbe Burlington
railroad be compelled to provide depot fa
cilities for receiving and delivering grain
in carlcad lots at Arapaboe and Palisade
Clerk D. A. Campbell and several attaches
of the supreme court went to Sew-ard th'fl '
nftcrnoon to attend the twenty-fifth wed
ding anniversary of Judge and Mrs Nor-
The supreme court will meet tomorrow-
morning at 10:30 : instead of at 0 30 the ueual
.line. Only one sitting will be held during
the month , consequently the session begin
ning tomorrow will probahlv continue until
Friday afternoon
The. body of General C J. Dilworth , who
lied Saturday in Omaha , was brought to
Lincoln today and burled in Wjuka ceme
tery. No church services were held , but at
The woman vvho
puts her head tn
the lion's mouth
peems the tvpe of
reckless \vomen
I ! u t she
isn't. The
reallj- reckless woman is the one who
braves Nature day after dnj , by neglect
of the health of the delicate womanly
organs. "Crime and punishnieiit blos
som on one stem " says. Emerson. When
tlie cvde of pelf-neglect is rouiplete H
includefc the pains and sutTcrinjjs which
tre the inevntable psiialties inflicted by
outraged Nature. The drain which to
day is counted ati inconvenience , be
comes in Micct-eclitiR dcys n horrible nnd
offensive stigma. The passing depression
of an hour grows into a iierinaneut mel
The timely use of Dr Piercc's Tavorite
Prescription will save voung women from
Buffering , as H will cure tho.- * who
through neglect have Income martyrs
nftcr mamage. Noyomau vvho suffcrb
witli backachr , pain in the Bide , bearing
down pains , debilitating drains , ulceration -
tion or inflammation , should delay an
other day the use of " Favorite Prescrip
tion. " its w-e i.etps evrrj woman and
heals ntnctei ; ht per cent , of M who
pivc it n fair trial , h contains no opium ,
cocaine or other narcotic.
1 wai trmptcd to in vnur nirdicinr * after
rcmc the cflect unon rcj motbcr ' wntek Mr *
1'Iorn Am of Dallak JncLbon Co. Mo ' At
1,0 rarK uacc of mcrricd life I was jrrrntl }
Ixithcrcu with luiiu'ul jtcnoiU nlko M truublr-
* nme dram winch reudcred nit vert weal ,
ead unfit for vrurk uf onv tiud I became
* o thin there wu uutbiUL' left o ( me but tkiL
end l > onc. Mr hustintid became alarmed and
pot me o bottle uf' Pavorur prescription Alter
lie saw tbe wouderiul rfiecttof thai our Iir cot
me two more > nil urtcr I usctl tliuie up there
was no more pain -tl4 ) 1 bcpuu iu Benh
erj' raiudl > J believe 1 vvcich IWILC n much
k I did then , mid can do nil of mv work. I
thiuk I owe nil prnue to Dr Tierce sud bu won
derful curative aedicules
Doctor iSerre's Pellets are specially
adapted to the needs of delicate women.
hp pi * c hf-f iv p be J'jo < j * t rro\
I'rttiO'Tc pRhhrii eis whr. me ; 'he
taKf a the uep. . nd Rfrompanied I" to !
the wawery * er H C Ra ll f 5ch -
ler. C B Adtmt of op rlor. W. S. Usury
or Piirntiiit and E. J Alexander a
Tmer of thlt city
l.A > 0 IIAV THOI ni.LC > IN I'l.UNTA.
TrntiMfrr if Ir | n-rl > of ll Wnril Srt
\xli1f In t ourt.
WACO. Nrt > . Kb t ( Special ) Dr. H
r Ling , the mpwlntrndent of the
tme for the Fpt hle Minded at Iteatrlce.
lh having trouble iu explaining hi * man
agement of that inntltutton. it h vlac all
klnflg of trouble in a real cittatr transaction
that he was mixed up in lief ore leavinc
'hero A ll'tle over a year E he was apPointed -
Pointed guardian for a minor child , llonay
Ttidd and as guardian executed H mongagc
on the only piece of property owned by the
child to Mrs Lang , the doctor's wife.
Jn a short time after thl * the property
was jwld to a Mr Brak-eman , who at onw
deeded the fame to Mrs. Lang , the doc-
tor'i , wife. Friends of the minor child as-
scrted and made Hffidavit that the transfer"
were Illegal and that the doctor had allowed
questionable claims agalnut the estate The
doctor tried to prove his innocence , but in
a recent trial in the district court here , the
Judge set atlde thp tratihfer. assessing the
costs of tbe trial to Lang nd made a few
remarks that were not the rnont compli
mentary as to the doctor's manner of Ht-
tending to the eights rf a minor child.
Nrn Trlcfitioiir roiiitinnj In Wn inorr.
WY.MOnn. Neb. . Feh u ( Special. ) It IK
nnnounced from uncjucrtlocable tuthorltj
that promoters will be here early next vefk-
for the purpose of soliciting subscribers and
capital for thr eEtabllithment o nn Independent -
pendent loral telephone exchange The rental
now paid the Nebraska people Is Jl.f.O and
1 J2 per month while the new company will
I charge SI nnd Jl BO
' The new plant will cost about JS.500 , hat
it Is the int'-ntion to start with a capital
of M.Olin. n.OOO of w hich w 111 be subscribed
b.v thp InterKtHte Telephone companj , and
the balance by lo-al capitalists Some of the
mofct piomlnent men hare alieady pledged
j themselves to take Etex-k In the company
i tnd J" flOO of the required amount Is al-
rcndj assured Sixt.v-two 'phone * are already
contracted for The long distance conncc-
I lions will bo with tba Interstate company.
t liiiru" ' of Wheat tt-nlliii ; to I'nrr.
MADISON , Neb. Feb T. ( Special ) Two
young men , aged nbcut i0 ! vears , nnd sons
of respectable parents , living about twejve
I miles , wcht of MadiRon. were arrested by
! the- sheriff of this county ou Saturday last
on the charge of larceny of n load of wheat
from the granarv of John Ambroz on the
night of Februdrj 1 Mr. Ambroz noticed
i in the morning that someone had been to
his granary and spilled a lot of wheat. He
followed the trail to Tlldpn , about twentj-
fivp. miles , where- the wheat had been sold
Qnn of the wason wheels wat > dlthed so
that H would not track , making a trail that
wsB raslly followed The men eluded Mr.
Ambroz at Tllden and were arrested later at
Throrrn Tlilrtr Fcrt hjTrnln. .
BRAINAHD. Neb , Feb. ( Special ) - -
Anton Felan , a farmer living east of this
place , while returning home in his wagon
i from Bruno this evening and crossing thp
j I Fremont. Elkborn t Missouri Valley railwaj
j was struck by the westbound passenger
i train The wagon was knocked into splln-
Iters Pelan was thrown about thirty feet
and when picked up by the train crew was
unconscious He was brought to this place
by tbo train and medical aid summoned
His recovery is verj doubtful.
Itollrr Mill * IrnNrhrnokn. .
PAWNEE CITV. Neb . Feb S ( Special )
Thp roller mllle erected here last hummer -
mer by Marshall & Miller have been closed
down and sold to parties nt Clyde , Kan , to
which place they will soon be removed. The
plant cost about $12,000 A bonus of a lew-
hundred dollars contributed by citizens of
the county will be refunded. High prices
and hcarcity of wheat is given as the cause
of removal.
Hrmj Trnln Through Hdiiej- .
SIDNEY. Neb. . Feb S ( Special Tele
gram ) Engine l.'iOl arrived here this morn
ing from Cheyenne with ninetj-sU cars of
coal , with a net tonnage of 3.JI34 : total
weight of train 7,8K4ono pounds This is tbe
heaviest train that anj railroad In the world
has ever hauled and the railroad men here
have duhbPd it a "Buckingham Special "
The train wah in charge of Conductor " \Valsh.
Ilecrn T Ilrci itiro.
BEEMER , Neb , Feb S ( Special ) A
team of horses being used to haul icp broke
through the ice and was saved with dif
ficult } .
George Sullivan had an arm broken by
bping thrown from a horse.
Hevlval meetings have been commenced at
the Methodist Episcopal church.
Ilulltllnc Benin n < * > t. Bdnnril.
ST EDWARD. Neb. , Feb. . " . . ( Special )
I Harry Icgrow will at once commence the
j erection of a brick buniness block on his lot
Ion West Beaver treet. Work will also
I be commenced on a new flouring mill and
pcveral dwelling bouses in a fewdays. .
Evciything points to a busy building season
for this place.
fince Morlcncr Rrrnrd.
WYMORn. Neb. . Feb. r. ( Special ) Fol
lowing ir tnc record of mortgages hied and
released In Gage county for the month endIng -
Ing January 31. Farm mortgages filed , 40.
amount. Hfi.4iO. ! released. "iS , amount. fOO.-
S18. city and town mortgages filed , 10 ,
amount , HO.CSC , released , 44 , amount , $30-
llolTinnii TnUfN n t oiitlnnnnrr.
HASTINGS. Neb. , Feb 5 ( Special Tele
gram ) Charles Hoffman , vvho is charged
with having secured money under false pre
tences by duplicating ( .ales of his corn and
I mortgaging property which he did not own ,
I was brought before Judge Bowen today.
HP took a continuance until next Mon-
daj '
Sitifcon'M Hod ? on Ilond lloinr.
ST EDWARD. Neb. Feb. B. ( Special. )
Word WB I received bete today from the
I assistant quartermaster at San Fran > .isi.-o
that tbe body of Lieutenant Sisson hud
hern shipped for this plac-e via Wellh-Fargo
express It will arrive here Wcducbduj.
The funeral will be held Februarj 8
Tlioiuni. Sin'i-rcilx l.iiiuli.
NELSON Neb. Feb & Special Tele
gram ) The Board of Education hni elected
George H Tbanuu of Harvard to the po
sition of principal tn our schools in plae
of Ira Lcmb. who rt'hlgned a wtek ago. Mr
Thomas will assume charge Wednesday
rinttfcitiontliotliiu CiniK-Kl.
PLATTS.MOUTH. Nob. , Fub L ( Special )
The Platumoutb Evening Post gives the
following as tbe clcelng voie of its coupons
for ma > or T E Parmelee. 207 , A W. At-
wood. 150 H D Travis. 116 J p Battler.
ST , J A Gutsche , 25. W L Plckett , 10.
li-r Men Arr Ilu > > .
NORTH LOUP. Neb . Feb 5 ( Special )
For the Crsi time this season the weather
has been cold enough to make Ice thick
enough to put up and the ice men are ruth-
lug tbe harvest night and dav
] l < > ricrk ! lr lcu from I'liktiidlrr.
WVMORE. Neb. . Feb I ( Special > Fred
Itodgoif. hut severed hie connection with the ! und hU place bar been filled b >
S D Cole , until recently emplojefl by the
Rice Mercantile company
Utiriird to Di-tith.
TEriMSEH Nrb Feb S iSpenal Tel-
ccratn ) During a moment's absence of the
tro h r ' n. to l.r u P U t'f -g h'
r-io-h nc of tht ' aitr'hJi ojd be' of > lr art i
| Mr * Peter Imvrv tauch * fire and hfforc
didcovcrrt the child was ao hndly burned
It died this moralng The clothlnf : war
from th bahj't bach an Itc ) wck
hc d wert trrriblr cburre * .
Miot-U I'roMr.nto. thr Tlnnchtcr.
WAHOO. Neb . Frb B ( Special ) Mrs.
Qwn-ge H. Stock-Ing , eldent graoddanchter
] i i of Mrs Phoebe Slglf r U 111 at her home
' here from the Knock of the sudden death
of h r mother
Cottnur to He Unlit for SliorlfT.
TQCt'MSEH. Neb. . Feb o (9 } > lal )
Th County Commlnslonem have decided to
build a , larcr cottage on the county Jail lot
to be u ed b.v the shtilff and family.
iX-Wltfs Witch Il zel Salve Jfe uncqualleil
fet piles , injuries and Bkin dlceascfi. It Is
thr oriRlnal Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of
I all counterfeits
( Continued from Tlrst Papc )
j | i elected to mand on the Icgalltv of Gov-
etU'jr Tajiors proclamation thouch the
' abatement to some extern of the belliger
ency of the authorities at Tranlfort wan
jrelir-it-d ! In hcit arrumcntfc This had bcun
expected , since the release of Alonzo Walker
i afi'-r Governor Tajlor's military ofllccrs had
i refuRcd to recognize a writ of habeas cor
pus iu his case and the Intimations thrown
j I out todaj that the military guard placed
' upon the state buildings at Frankfort Teh-
jruary ! would not bo BO rigorously enforced
> hereafter.
I t The ie-ce > tab'fhment ] ' of the civil authority
I and the suppression of the military seemed
the > mcst promising ground to work upon
and the eflortn of the conicecs : were turned
In this direction.
When the recess was taken at 10 o'clofck
j all the participants were very reluctant to
'talk \ ' about what had 'been ' done The ne-
! ] gntiations. It was said , had not progressed
I j far enough to make expressions of opinion
i as to their probable outcome ol value , while
! a public discussion of the matters under
consideration might endanger the success
of the peacemakers. That progress had
been made , however , was freelv admitted
and the participants in the conference were
all hopeful that the object of the meeting
would bo attained
The mftlng between the representatives
of the rival administrations of Governors
Taylor and Beckhum WHS the center of Iti-
itcrcbt in the political situation today. This
I conference , which was begun last night nt
Frankfort w ith such promise of n peaceful
j result , wao resumed shortly ncfore 0 o clock
at th ° Gait house
Lieutenant Governor Marshall nnd At-
tornev David Falrlclgh came down from
Frankfort on an early train nnd spent the
morning In consultation with legal advisers
of the republicans Later they were joined
by General Daniel Lindsaj and T. H.
Edeliu , who came from Frankfort about
noon. Judge Robert Barr nnd Postmaster
T H Baker of this citj. This six repre
sented Governor Taylor at the conference
For the democrats there were present
Senator-elect Blackburn. ex-Governor J B
| McCrcary , Judge Robert Bieckinridge , demo-
j cratic candidate for attorney general , and
Colonel Phil Thompson Immediately upon
arrival in Louisville , each delegation with
drew for private conference.
Stimclk 'ItiUrii I'nr Ajmrt.
Thp joint conforrme was begun shorlis
before 5 o'clock. Attorney Farlelgh of the
republicans , who was understood to be the
direct representative of Governor Taj lor ,
and Senator Blackburn did mcot of the talk
ing. The stands taken 'bj the two parties
were found to be so far apart that it was a
difficult matter to hit upon a basis of com
mon agreement on which the negotiations
could proceed. Four hours were spent In
thlt preliminary work and discoUYaglngly
i little progrcfs made. Finally a stage > was
I reached .where propositions were submitted
j by both sides and things began to look more
I hopeful At ! i o clock the conference ad
journed for an hour.
Events of the dnj leading up to the con
ference were not at all exciting Acting on
the understanding ri\irhed last night In
Frankfort by the representatives of the rival
governors , the democratic managers suc
ceeded in reaching most of the democratic
members of the legislature who are expected
to attend a sesfcion of the general assem
bly In this city today and got them headed
for Frankfort. No session of the legis
lature was held here , but a formal meeting
was held at Frankfort by the democratic
members , who , without transacting any
business , adjourned until tomorrow Mean
while Speaker Trimble. President of the Sen
ate L H Carter. Clerks Cromwell and
Leigh and Sergeant-at-Arms Halej re
mained In this ritj awaiting the result of
the conference which was expected to bring
some older out of ithe present condition
of affairs The ) remained here over night ,
but can casllj reach Frankfort tomorrow
morning in time for a session if that course
is thought wise
At 10.SO o'clock Governor Be khacji started
for the residence of Colonel James Fetter
to see his mother. Mrs Julia Bcckham , who
came down from Chicago this morning It
was the first meeting between mother nnd
son since the latter had become governor
Each was greatly affected After returning
to his hotel numcious Important conferences
occupied the remainder of the daj A large
number of telegrams and letters of con
gratulation were leeelved by the governor
today. Among them were the following
( ifTi-r of Vic n from \ ircriiiln.
TTLPEPPER. Va . Feb & To Governor
Buckbaen We deplore the death of Governor
Goebel Offer 900 men to see justice meted
out. Answer C E SMITH ,
"Colonel Virginia State Guard "
"IOLA , Kan. , Fob. 5. Governor Beckham
The democrats of 4he nation are at vour
back , stirl : . J G. JOHNSON.
"Drroocratic State Genual Commitlecman. "
A peed deal of interest centered about ,
Adjutant General Castleman and his now gcjid The general was not et all
well and confined to hie bed all dav
g for the battalion of the First
. whiDh It has been decided to laUc ,
was actively c-airied on but hevoiid this
thorn was out much doing in this branch
of the dunosratle state EO.-crcment , the
moic i oa eful trend cf events having
chocked prepaiatlous of this kind The gen
eral , however , expressed a purpose to avail
himself. In case It should bocorae necessary ,
of the services of separate companies which
linif been or arc being irganizod In a uu'.n-
ber of Kentucky towns to support the- dem
ocratic fctuie otlicurs. In addition arrange
ments have been made to utilize city po
lice end Jcputy thorlCt. if they should he
Aiiti > | i ; on norbt-1'n Iloilj.
rRANKFOP.T Ky. , Feb. D. A po nior-
t vn of tbe bed ) of Governor Goebele ,
held tonight under < be direction of Dr. E. E
Hume Tin' brothers ol the dead men o :
firot objected strenuously , but finally gave
way when it was renrowwlud to them thai
it was nciMititury in order to procure evi
dence in the event of the murderer evar
being brought to trial Dr Hume refused to
say what vvae learned from the examination
Hookrii'lt Mill.a CorrrrlJon.
ALBANY. Feb 6. Governor Hoosevelt
said todav that he had been misunderstood
In bU statement concerning the GoebcJ-
Taylor manor He had made no allusion to
tbr death of Mr Goebel. but ulmply desired
to BUJ tba : if further bloodshed IB to comt-
| It must litat the doors of those who con-
eplrej to ar ! force what they
tailed to accomp ! sb I ) fraud.
Hi h Wflliac to Lem the Eentnckj
Dispute to Arbitration.
HP Will Al.lilr lj thr Dcflftlou [
An * Three Urn > nmc-il Cnnfl *
dent of tlir Trliiiujth of
rn\NKFORT , KJ. . Fcb ; , -i win leave
the settlement of this controversy to any
three fair-minded men on earth " said Gov
ernor Taylor la nn Interview this afternoon
with the Associated Prets correspondent
"Let three men be selected by the fnlted
States supreme court and I will , with all
confidence , submit the caw to their ar
bitration and v lit cheerfully abide b.v their
decision In the matter.
"I wan elected governor of the Mate of
Kcntuckj. not by a majority of 2.200 hut
I" a majority of 40,000 , and on that de
cision of the people I propose to stand "
This announcement he made to a corre
spondent of the Associated Press .at f > o dock
tonight In the governor's ofScr In the execu
tive building The declaration made by
Governor Taj lor ns to arbitration was at
once -wired by the Associated Press to Licu-
tenant Governor Marshall nnd Li utcnant
Colonel Falrlelght tonight nt Louisville
Chaotic is the onlv word that will describe
the political situation us It existed today
In Frankfort This condition resulted not
so much from anything thnt was done bv
either side as from the countless stories
and rumors spread broadcast during the
SrnMlonJo Or IIrid nl London.
narlj In the morning It was positively as
serted bv the democrats and confirmed by
a few republicans that the legislative ses
sion In London wnc- about to be called oil
The democrats claimed to have had the
highest possible assurances that Governor
Taylor would take such action , and that the
next sc.shlon of the legislature would be
held In Frankfort in the capltol building to
morrow morning. Governor Taylor in the
] late morning altered the situation entire ! }
by declaring that no order had been issued
I revoking the meeting at London , and that
It would proceed as original ! } intended by
lie denied m the most emphatic manner
that there had been anj Intention on the
rsrt of the republican party to abandon
the London tcsslon. Thib was a bombshell
to many of the democratic members of the
legislature , who , acting on the advice of
their attorneys , had left the cltj Satur
day night and Sunday caorning in order to
be nway from the capital in case It was
decided by Governor Tavlor to convey them
to London for the purpose of helping out
a quorum The } hud left the citj as di
rected and thlt morning a large number
of them were return as everything
had been settled and an agreement reached
which would allow the session to
bf > held in the capitol building.
They came infrom all directions
and on erery train and by noon fully
i thirty of them had arrived They knew
nothing of the situation except what had
been contained in mcssaccs received by
them and these were found to be misleading -
ing when thevwore confronted on their
in Frankfort by the btatcmrat of
I Governor Taylor.
nrmorrntN l.rni e I'rniiUfortiriiln. .
They Immediately began preparations to
leave the city and nt nightfall democratic
members were as scarce as they were in the
morning before the first train arrhed.
Late in the evening word came that an adjustment -
' justment favorable to the democrats might
be made at the Louisville conference , -which
I was expected , however ; to last through
the greater portion of the Bight. By this
time the democratic members were pln-
1 nlng their faith once more to legal advice
and were beyond the reach of reassuring
| Today in Frankfort was county court
day. which comes on the first Monday of
ever } month and brings to the city any
where from 2,000 to 5.000 outsiders. The
number today was Bmaller than usual , for
many assurances had gone forth from here
that there was a strong possibility of
i trouble
I "No nets of the legislature in regard to
i my case have been legal , because no meet-Ing
| of the legislature has been held according
to law , " said Governor Taylor tonight
"The constitution provides that the legis
lature shall consist of two bodies , the senate -
| ate and the lower house , and shall sit at
the seat of government That scat of gov
ernment is at Frankfort , unless the gov
ernor convenes the legislature at some other
i point I have convened the legislature nt
London , where it will continue to sit for the
present at least , and no action b } the demo-
1 cratic members of the legislature can , there
fore , have any legal standing
M > > otic - of 111 * DcpOKltlnn.
"Another thing , I have never been given
formal notice that I had been deposed by act
of legislature. When such notirc of the
act of the democratic members of the legis
lature is given me , 1 will either Ignore it
or veto it. "
Governor Taj lor then sta'ed that he was
willing tn leave the snttlement of the con-
fovorsy to three men selected by the United
| States supreme court
"The case of the ejection board Is differ
ent from that of the legislature. " continued
Governor Taylor "Tho law special ! } pro
vides a room for them in the state build
ing , .where they shall bold their sessions
Of course I was declared elected by Inn
j former board , BO the present board has notb-
j ' ing to do with my case Ths courts enjoined
the gentlemen appointed b } me to ftll the
vacancies caus-ed by the resignation * of
Commissioners Pryor and Ellis from taking
their scats on the board and It is useless to
| submit arguments to the present board when
i nt least two members of that board have al- j
I ready eommitted themselves In regard to' '
! the contests before them. H Is simply a
I farce to bring the case * of the other state i i
1 officers before the board '
Governor Taylor this morning gave to the
Associated Press n denial over his own
signature of the report that the legislature
would convene in Frankfort tomorrow and
i that he bad telegraphed the republican meTi-
IHTB at London to return. The statement
reads as follows
"No trder has been made revoking the
order convening the legislature at London I |
"W. S TAYLOR Governor"
"At this present moment thwe is no turn
ing hack " raid Governor Taylor. "The
legislature will convene at London , where
i' will continue to hit unices there Is a
change of policj In the future , not yet de-
tormtued upon "
Cainum In Cnjillol Ground * .
The crowd , however , was sufficiently large
to throng the streets and thie. coupled with
the fact that the democrats wore return
ing to the city in numbers and that during
the morning at least political excitement
ran high , induced Adjutant General Collier
10 make more ample preparation for the
I suppression of possible trouble than he had
i done at any previouc time A three-Inch
! rifled cannon watt brought from the armor }
1 on the hillblde and placed In the capltol
I grounds pdintlng directly down St. Glair
street Ammunition v as placed heelde It
] and beside the Galling guns , which were
! on both tides of it. commanding the ap-
| preaches to the capital building from the
sautbweet and &ouiheat > i
1 When afaked wh > be wag making more
eitensue preparations than had exibted > cs
icrdav General Collier rcpl'ed ' The old
has been 10 Led up for a long time and
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt.
After 30 \ cars of success in the
treatment of disease by clectric-
itv I am pleased to be able to
offer mv famous Electric Belt on
30 days' trial to any one in any
part of the world who is sincere
and honest. All electrodes cov
ered. No burning or blistering.
Improved Aug. 15111 last. New
and scientific appliances. Cures
without using drugs all
Weaknesses of Hen.
, Kelt . - With its acw scientific s-uspcnsory
I will srve i ooo for anv Electric suocnor t < mint- -
CAUTION. The new and improved 1 - . . , ,
a-e of old date , 20 years ago. Cure yourself and pay me af icrwards My little book , a guidt to meu. seat free
DR. F. G. SANDEN , 183 So. Clark St. , Chicago , 111.
we Just brought It out to give i1 a lit'i *
air '
The State Board of Elec'ion Commission
crsmet todnj In the Capitol hotel for B
short section and then dedded 10 make ai
attempt to visit the ofllce of the commis
sion in the capltol building. The members
reached there after considerable dlfllcultv
with the sentries nnd promptly adjourned
until 10 o'clock tomr.rrow morning , to meet
nt the Capltol hotel Although ever ? leader
of the democratic part } is now away from
Frankfort. It is understood and believed
by such of thc * > ? who remain here that thr
democratic party In cose of a failure TO
ngree with the lepubllcans In Louisville wi'l
at once proceed to organlre a state guai > 1
In order to do this w Ith the letist poseibU
delay It Is neccssarj that the contents foi
the minor positions on the state ticket fihall
be determined Immediately
ISx'icct OnlI'llrtlHim lrcllon > . .
Governor Beekham has at the present
time no secretary of state , no treasurer and
no auditor It will not be possible , o'
course , for him to transact state business
until these officer * are selected , and It i
with the object of facilitating mutters in
this respect that the election commission
ers arc now at work All these contests are
little more than matters of form cvervone
of them resting upon the same evidence
which caused the legislature to decide the
Taylor-Goehel contest. The contests w 111
be decided by the e.lectinn commissioner *
and their decision Is already a foregone
Among the arrivals today was Colonel
Thomas C Campbell of New York nnd
formerly of Cincinnati. It is ntatcd thnt bo
had previously been working on the con
tort as the counsel for the dead contestant
Hp was jn confcicncp tndav and tonigbt
with the friends of Governor Goebel , in
cluding the brothers Arthur and Justus
H is stated that Colonel Campbell is as
sisting in w01 king up vigorous prosecution
and that there bus already hern much In
formation gathered b > detectives on w tilth
arrests are expected soon
Clrt-nmntnncpn AVhleh Tend 1o Con
firm Bi-llff lie i Godx-r *
Aftin until.
LOUISVILLE , K > . , Fob n The charge of
murder , which it was expected would be
the accusation after Mr. Goebel's death , has
not yet be ° n substituted for that of ma
licious shooting against Harland AVhittaker ,
the prisoner brought here for safekeeping
on account of the excited state of the peopl °
of Frankfort on the day Goobel was shot ha , developed a pullrn dipt > -
sltion He even refuses to talk to the deputv
I jailers and will answer no questions from
| reporters Chief Deputj Straus mated to-
1 da > that a man named O'Brien from LaGrange -
Grange had ealled at the county jail for the
purpoho of speing Wnittakcr. O firien said
that a man answering Whittaker's descrip
tion had stopped at his home in LaGrange
over two weeks ago to get a drink of water.
"After drinking several glasses of water. "
said O'Brien , "the Btrangcr began to talk.
1 thought he was a mountaineer He told
me be war on his waj to Frankfort to see
that his friend Governor Taylor was not
robbed of his right * ; . He had three revolvers
and several tlmee in his convereation he
hinted that Goebcl was in danger"
O'Brien was taken to Whittaker's cell.
"Thats the man , " he said , when Whittaker
var pointed out to him
The behavior of J. L Button , tbo Whltlcy
count ) sheriff , under confinement for alleged
con-plicltv In the assassination of Governor
Goebel , leads thc < .e vvho come In contact
I with him dail ) to believe he IB mentally
I I Chief of Police Haager received a telegram
I from Corbin. Whltlcy county , late last
i night asking him to arrest a citizen of
Torbln , now In Frankfort , in connection with
the shooting. The telegram stated that
Button could give information as to the
man's guilt if he could be Induced to talk.
Sutton , however , appeared to be utterly
ignorant on the subject Chief Haager has
M'nt two dcttctlvcs to Frankfort , to work
on the case.
LOMION ivRi.cciwHi. LIGIM.\TOH < I.
An Animuklti nt lli - 'IVinjiorn r ? Scut
of Miito ( .in criinicijt.
| LONDON Kv . Fob 5 There was no dis
play of animohitv among the citizens of
London when It bet-ame a certainty to3a >
that the legislature was to convene here
There it. hut one democratic member here ,
Senator Hayes from Jefferson count } , nnd
he U of the anti-Gocbel following Alto-
getber twcntj-seven rfprcBentatives and
nine senators have arrived There Is oae
more train to arrive before tomorrow noon
and possibly the number oiny be Increased
before the time for convening When the
citizen * this afternoon learned that no
democratic members wore aboard the train
disappointment was freel ) expreesed.
"Whs , we are more than anxlou * , for the
democrats to come. Just to show thorn that
they have no cause for fear and that they
i will be perfectly free from trouble of any
, kind. " was. the consensus of the remarks
I made on pvnrj hand
I The company of militia from Barhours-
vllle Hood at attention before the Laurel
I county sorninarj building the London home
of the legislature. v > hen the members walked
, past from the railroad station to the botcln
'The ' piebenct > of the soldiers did not provoke
I any comment , but was placidly lu-ctptod
a a pun of the regular legislative program
A telegram was rwelvfd from Governor
Taylor at Frankfort , stating that the leg
islature would positively convene here to
morrow and pvcrjbod ) exproeked the great-
tfct satisfaction.
THjlor to Guirruiir llooko ell.
I ALBANY N V Ffib t Ooveroor KOOBP-
vtlt has revived the following telegram
ficra Govrrnor Ta > lor rf Kcn-u kv
' rRANKPORT K > - Ftb . ' To Go -
Reolstcrcd bj "ESPEGlftlLY
a S. Patent Office
of Virginia. "
AM >
P'twItS ' e * ! F § P ? < S < 3i ( J * ©
i iEm S Utia ffi
Samuel O. L. Potter , A.M. , M.D. , M.R.C.P. , leaden , P > rfc * n of
tke PtiniifilCT. . and Fiatiie r' Mrdnine < n t/ir Collrgf < i Fin ? < tan\ and
. \u > gren.f > an ftan , ic , a recopni/ed atithontvvhcrcvermedical science
m known in his handbool. of rhnrmarv Matcrm Medica nnd Therapeu
tics , under head of ALBUMINURIA , pape 600 , yth edition in the citn-
tionofreme. r > _ . T of V'nrinio is hijrhly
dies , sn E- recommended.
fnder head of CHRONIC BRIQHT'S DISEASE , pigc 601 , same cdiUon , in
the citation of remedies , he ws "Mineral \ \ aters ,
of Virginia , which has many advocates. "
"A Veritable Antidote
For &ibuRunuria & Slight's Disease , Ohronic and Acufe , "
Dr. William H. Drummond , Piotcwi of Vraafuiiprudrncr ,
L ntvctstti. Monti ecu , Canada "It ) the Acute nnd Chronic Nephritis
[ BRIQHT'S DISEASE' , of Gouty and Rheumatic OriRin , as veil as
Dr. E. C. Laird , Resident Pkvtinan , Hot T/.rz \ c
" Bright' Disease in . . In
* every f WrtVCT
n BTWrn ?
OUrffkLO LUKEA l Jfcttr
stage and form is benefited bv manv
cases large amounts of albumen , epithelium , hyaline and granular
casts entirely disappear from the urine under its action , while in
those whose kidneys are too far gone to hope for permanent benefit.
all those distressing symptoms are ameliorated in an astonishing
degree. In Albuminuria of Pregnancv i know of no remedy at all
comparable to this water. "
BUFFALO LZTKIAWfeTER lBforBai < " ' ' ' .rocerennd Druggists generally.
Testimonials which defv all imputation or questions sent to nnv address ,
crnor Roosevelt Ml lilieru lovrap jiror-ie
in Kenturkv honor and line youV c B"
fitruEfillng lot fieedom
' \V F T < Vi L , < > Ii.
\diuittrtl to Stfilc lloucc
FRANKFORT , K.v . Fcb S Mrmhrr t'
the State Board of Election ' 'ommihn' t f- > -
were this afternoon admitted in thr r"
huilding. the firbt civilians allowed hfrc
elnce the legislature was barred ou
Rain or Snoir itPrrdlrtrd for
rMliij. " Mm InMrnil of
Ttll-Mlnj .
WASHINGTON. Teh S Forei ast for
Tuesday \\cdneBdav
Tor Nebraska iincl South Dakota Turt v
cloudy and warmer Tucrdav southern
wlndB , rain or snow and c-ooler 'ttcd'rieB
For lo\va Ilain or enov. flurrle : in puf
ern portion , lair and warmer in WCB'P' r
portion , rain or snow Wednesduv rat. erl\
Tor Missouri Pair In western portion
rain In eastern portion Tucsdaj 'Wednrp
day fair and warmer , casterlj wlndK be
coming variable.
Iiitriil Ili-noril.
C MAHA , Frb 5 Omulm it-cord of tein-
jicratuie nnd precipitation , compared with
the rorrefepondins ( luy of the laht tlnet
years :
J nn : BBS UK
Maximum U-mpenitwo . 3S ir4 ! , n
Minimum iprnperaturc . IK -4 : ' . . r.
Avernce temperature . . IS I lift
Piocipltatlon . . . . . 00 < K > T
rtpcord of temperature and preelpltation
nt Omaha for this ( lay and ulnce Mulch
1 , ISltS
Normal for the day . . 'U
UxctiB for tlie Any . . i
Ac-euniulated oxt-oss hlnce March 1 G7k
Normal rainfall for the day . .02 Inch
Dt-fic-lency for the dav 02 Inth
Total -ulnfull feltice March 1 . 20 11 Incline
Duflclency jlncMarch 1 4.Ml inches
TXiilcloncy for t-ar period , 189i . 4 3 ( . inches'
Deflc it-ncy for cor. period , 1M7 1U.C7 liu lion
Ileiiort from Mulloni. in h | i , in.
.2s 3
Omaha. narUy oloufly 1 * %
North Huttp , oldfir , ytt
Halt Lul , < < , clour
Chej tmne. clear .Ml
Kai > id I'll ; , tltfcir , . . . , . li I
Huron , clear 1 * ' T
Wlllibton , c-loar is Illl
C'hlu ? o. miuwlnp isc IlllT
Si IxjulK. cloudy
St Paul , clw r
Uav inpori , Miavvtiie
Ilnlfiici.ioudy J4. : u , <
KKIIHUE Cit ) , dMr J4.4I > i.4 Hi \
Havrf clear 3. , . . ( M ,
KUmurck oleur . . . . 4 H ( Hi '
GOv tOI ) . fOCKf 4ah Hb < > T ,
Balovv zorii
T Indlc-utcB tract < > f iirocliiliaii'in
I.fflVS \VELFli
Ivtcul r < ir < - < a t offir al
Al I 111" 'I'll I'M I T ' 1 < I11 > .
O'lhcum * uUi i Ir-n
are i < rin eO on
one of the "v\
A-LONE Soap wrap
pers its good for the
Baih Toiiei or Lai/n
dr\ nothing equals
it for u hharcpoo
A < Uln of Hen n I j In n .Toj Per M - rim
im 'i rni ic.ot \iii-s oiii : < vT\b
CHCAW. Oil MiU.H * L III : Al TiriKR.
Hen trh Tun rimil
iK't , Motli J'ute l
IcttHh und KIiin ( hi ,
* nht-h und v * ry
oli-mlHli cm txniiM
ano di-fli-n rtpti-p-
t'OIl II hUK HlODd
and In HO ImrmloBH
uilaHUi it ir ne
htire It lh iirojioi-ly
lliuur Ac upi no
t udTiti rf ili 01 ml
lu' iiuiriH Ir I ,
HUJI-C E.I I ( I to u
inn cif the huui-tnu
> iiullrul Ah you
lllClll-H W" ! II kH
ilium I -
* kuii. ri-coimndid
( lOuraiiU t- ain uh tlif It-aHl hurnifuJ uf utl
Scmiin ) i..lutiuuh Tut bun DA all iJrucriHlh mid
FJII'-V OuaUh Dnult-rH In 'lio lliutttd Matut > Cauudu
bud Kuroiii
J-'KUDT HOI'EINS Propr S7 .lonrB Ft J'
.aii Wmo Wrrld FaniDin Toaic
It Improve * i h < iiiirilt ) | < nnd also tint , a
r nidtl.Hln < in ud li itr < rintlK iiinj ; Hie
\oni und malt mining lib KMK i""i 'hi
la'Ul II < 1 )1 ) ! l < fi With 'l ( ' 0ll ! < li -
lion i > t thi iitnBtfin it It l rp < l >
i nip ) vc'l ti\ ( lirgiiiKi ldw > urt > ,
Sf id l\ ll IflUEBIhtk HftUtt Sub-
JitltU lh
FtfcGREW ,
22V cart txpenencr
12 Yran mOmiha ,
rU.CTKiriTT nnd
ttl.UlClL 'Jreatmrut
- _ c mhlnefl % sricticele ,
& nc C'- ' rph it.L'SiiirordCOVaulity. .
rritrs nrjinAVTi rn. nrpeg JDW. JIOJJE
TiiAlM.T. : J i.tin'u' ' u < cmand Pn.iu.
liia'i'-n I < - Huurt. Bu ni 'ot : 7toUi > m
f-uiid-- ) ' : J i I x , , n.
ifflltuai.u 1 . . .rnatafccc't , OM/.tiA NfJ ,