Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE OMAHA DATLV TtETC : TFESDAT ( ' . , 1000.
Onusml Interest Manifested bj Enlarged
Attendance at Ward Meetings ,
Sltilil rmmlnir Connhlernlilr Apir <
' U'nril Urmo-
iH'iinlon AIIIIIIIK l-'lril
ffiilfllio I'i'iir riiNliiti Mny
I'lirci ? Him I'IMIII Till-in.
That republican * nre taking n deeper In
terest In the coming city campilgn than hag
miirked recent campaigns of the past Is evi
denced by the attendance at the many it-
f iMIran meetings nnd the enthusiasm that
Is manifested by nil In attendance. All of
iho meetings arc crovuletl , nnd there are not
so many present as have been noticed at.
former political gatherings who appear to
b. . present merely as lIstenerH and not as
pnriirlpantfl. A desire la everywhere ox-
JI.IBSCC ! for ImrmonloUH action and Iho facts
nre continuously kept in view that Omaha
is a republican city by a safe majority nnd
trat It Is essential that republicans should
rim their whole- ticket In view of the np-
prcnchlng presidential election.
S'rrretnryVhltchorn of the republican
ciiv roinmlttco IB cxpcclc < l homo from Dan-
illl ( 111. , on Tuesday , when steps will bo
ii.imcdlately taken for the establishment
of ippubllcan city headuunrters.
Through the efforts of Joseph A. Connor
} , hag been raised for the "lubrication" of
the county democracy wheels In the Eighth . primary next Thursday , of which
f'rloncl Connor contributed $25. The other
$ U > was donated by John (3. ( Urcxcl , al
though ho docs not live In the ward.
The Jacksonlnn delegation In the Sixth
vard comprises Prank 13. llroslus , Charles
13. Clark , \V. II. Chadwlck , Walter llorton ,
\V. T. Johnson , D. T. Murphy , I' . U Heaves ,
Joitph Sherry and QcorgoV. . Smith. The
printed ticket IH entitled the "democratic
fublon ticket. " It declares for "Frank Ilurlc-
Irj orV. . S. I'oppleton" for mayor , nnd
' for chairman of the city committee , some
\ \ ' J. Bryan democrat. "
The Jncksmilan delegation in the Ninth
war. ! is W. C. Iltillnid , Frank P. Eaton. E. C.
Kill , A. Hugh Hippie , James It. O'Hanlon ,
Mark W. Paine , Ocorgo F. Thompson , C. L.
West and 0. S. Wcgenor. The printed
ticket doc hires ngnlnst machine management
of the party , but does not specify which
imirlilnc. Democrats arc expected to under
stand that the .lacksonlan machine Is not
si spccted.
The nntl-Molfe democrats in the Fifth
ward huvu met and selected a delegation
ccmr rising Otto J. nniiman , Thomas Gentle
man. James Uaughton , J. II. CtiHick , Harry
12 O Nrlll , Martin Tighc , Charles H. Brown ,
,1 II. Marr and F. H. Cosgnne. Postal cards
tirtve been sent out to nil democrats of the
nnrd asking their preference for mayor , city
treasurer , tax commissioner , city clerk , city
comptroller nnd councilman , nnd also
whether or not In favor of fusion. The
query continues : "Do you bcllevo the men
who located the primaries half a block
fiom the south end of the ward and sixty-
four blocks from the north end did It for
any honest purpose and that they intended
to glvo every democrat In the ward a fair
Hhott ? Do you endorse such acts ? " The
result of the postal card canvass was made
known at a mass meeting at Sixteenth and
streets last night.
There is conslderablo exxcltcmont among
democrats of the First ward over the
Huspicion that Ernest Stunt Is to receive
the quiet encouragement of the Jncksoninn
croud In Ills aspirations for councilman.
John C. Drexcl Is the only candidate of the
democracy , and he IH allied with the County
Democracy organization. It ia suspected
that the JncksoniaiiB are not disposed to be
friendly on that account , and that they would
not discourage any movement that would
jilnco Stuht In the field against him , In spite
of their declaration In favor of democrats
for candidates. H is understood that Stunt's
clforts to break Into the populist party
means that bo Is to bo placed In nomination
by the populists , and by them crowded down
the throats of the First ward democrats In
tbo process of fusion , oven though the First
'ward ' Is esteemed a democratic ward. This
is what is bothering a great many democrats
who have been friendly to the Jacksonlan
crow and is threatening to carry thorn over
Into the County Democracy camp. Tills ques
tion will come up abruptly at the tnoeting
of the Firet Ward Democratic club this
OMAHA , Feb. C. To the Editor of The
Uoe' I do not know exactly where you
stand in the present city campaign ns to
candidates , but I will avail myself of your
offer to print the vlcwn of republicans who
liavo an interest in the party success.
Let nm cay at the outset that I am not a
candidate for any olllco and have no nxo to
} ; rlnd in tbo city hall. I do not propose ,
cither , to tell you what candidates I would
prefer , but I want to warn republicans
against making mistakes by telling what
kind of candidates they do not want If they
hope to win out.
First , Wo do not want any candidate * !
who have to bo defended. Without reflect
ing on anybody I can safely assert that wo
nro not in position to muko u campaign of
npoIogicH and explanations.
Second , Wo do not want any bump on n
log or a corporation dummy for mayor. Wo
want a man who has the backbone to stand
up by himself nnd the ability to carry out a
Volley In the Interest of the taxpayers , no
matter what pressure IH brought.
Third , Wo do not want to fill the city
Jiall with thlrd-tormcrs. Wo want rotation
In office and owe no ono n llfo job. In this
hhould bo Included candidates who want to
bo transferred from the court hoiiho to the
rlty hall without Intermission of salary-
lira wing.
Fourth , Wo do not want as councilman
men who want to make a living out of
politics or tncn who do not own themselvrw.
Last and not least , wo do not want any
turncoats or renegades who nro not nblo to
pay whether they are republicans two years
In succession. This n'fcra particularly to
< ho o who knifed thn republican ticket last
fall without any excuse except that they
wanted to get even with somebody. Yours
for BiicccFfl , II. A. J.
At the last meeting of the executive com
mittee of the Patriotic ( ? ) league the treas-
nry exhibit showed a balance of $4.35. with
several bills unpaid ami a salaried secre
tary piling up further claim * It was de
cided to make a call at once for 60 per cent
of the donations that were subscribed on
paper with so much bombast by patriots
whoso zeal only waked up after the last
election , but which up to date had not ma
A ISftflit nt Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of
the bravo General Durnhnm of Machlas , Me. ,
when the doctors said she would die from
pneumonia before morning , " writes Mrs. S.
H Lincoln , who attended her that fearful
night , "but eho begged for Dr. King's New
Discovery , which hod more than once saved
her life and cured her of consumption. After
taking she slept all night. Further usn en-
tlrely cured her. " This marvelous medicine
Is Guaranteed to euro all Throat , Cheat and
Lung Dlsenaas. Only DOe and $1. Trial
bottles ftce nt Kuhn & Co's drug store.
Drs. Lord and Ilustin. 501 Paxton block.
Octroittolcftnlr Dry Unoil * Mock
of A. KrnllU A Co , CKCH on "ntf ,
It will bo thf Rrenlost sfnintlonal dry
Reodc snlo of joora. Ai the first nhtpmont
from this purchase has already arrived , and
another shipment Is expected tod.iy every-
thins ; that gets In by tomorrow night will
bo plared on n le Wednesday and we expect
to oflcr some of the most sensational
bargains ever known.
This wholrnalo dry goods stock of A.
Krollk Ft Co. , Inventory value was $800,000 ,
nnd was sold in lots and consisted at
? 7f > ,000 prints and domestics.
$00,000 Dress ( loads.
$55.000 Silks nnd Velvets.
JCr.,000 White Goods , Linens , Curtains and
$35,000 Yarns.
$10,000 Notions.
$10,000 Thread.
$30,000 Laces , Embroidery nnd Hlbbons.
$85,000 $ Underwear , Holsery , Gloves and
Furnishing Goods.
$30,000 Jrans. Cottanadcs , CoFslmeors.
$25,000 $ Carpets , Oilcloths , Hugs.
Secured some of the
This purchrsc , In connection with KOIIIO
ImmciiHo bargains bought by our buyers In
New York , will go
Sco tomorrow evening's paper for further
particulars nnd prices of this sale.
N. W. Cor. ICth nnd Douglas.
Si-lu-dnlr .for NIMV Trniioroiitliiriiliil
TrnlUN .Vnon to lie In-
General Passenger Agent Francis of the
Burlington has returned from Sati Francisco ,
where ho was In attendance upon n con
ference of otllclals of the Burlington , Rock
Island , Denver & Hto Grande , Hlo Grande
Western nnd Southcin Pacific , relative to anew
now through train service between Chicago
nnd San Francisco. The Burlington was also
represented in this conference by General
Manager Brown of the Chicago , Burlington
& Qtilncy at Chicago.
Mr. Francis substantiated the reports
which came from San Francisco by wire
after the conclusion of the meeting as pub
lished in The Bee. "As a result of this
conference , " said Mr. Francis , ' there will
be added after February 23 two new through
lines to the coast from Chicago , via either
the- Burlington or the Rock Island to Denver ,
thence to Ogden over the Rio Grande routes
and from there Into San Francisco over the
Southern Pacific. Our No. 3 , the Denver
Limited , will run on Its present time , except
that the time of Its connection with the
Southern Pacific nt Ogdun will bo changed.
The time of departure from Ogden will be
10:15 : n. m. , Instead of 12:30 : p. in. , and San
Francisco will bo reached at 4:15 : p. mi. , in
stead of 8:50 : p. m. The only material change '
affecting Omaha necessitated by this through
train fcervlco is on our No. C , eastbound
train , which will leave hereafter about mid
night Instead of at 6:10 : in the morning.
"Under the new arrangement our trans
continental sleeper westbound will leave
Chicago nt 10:30 : p. m. , i passing through
Omaha at 4:25' : p. m. nnd arriving at San
Francisco at 4:15 : In the afternoon of the
third day. Eastbound we will leave San
Francisco nt 6:30 : p. m. , pass through Omaha
at midnight and reach Chicago In the after
noon of the third day at 2:15. :
"Wo do not contemplate operating a now
through train between Chicago and San
Francisco , ns some people have been led to '
believe. There will probably never bo sufI I
flclent business to warrant this. Wo will
have a standard sleeper , however , operating
between tbo two cities nnd passengers will
not have to make any change whatever from ] i
the time they leave Chicago until they reach
San Francisco , or vice versa. "
The Rock Island will have a now schedule
for its transcontlnentnl trnin nlmoat identi
cal with the Burlington's. Westbound the
Rock Island will leave Chicago at 10 p. m. ,
pass through Omaha at 5:55 : p. m. nnd reach '
San Francisco nt C:50 : In the afternoon of
the third day. Eastbound the Rock Island
will leave San Francisco at S:30 : a. m. , pass
through Omaha at 5 p. m. and reach Chicago |
at 7:51 : in the morning of the fourth day.
13Ic'i > trlu Itonil III lowii.
C. M. Searles of. Sidney , la. , is In the city
negotiating with the Commercial club and
others for the constructor , of nn electric
railroad with a southern terminus nt Hum-
burg , la. , connecting the thriving towns of
the southwestern part of the state now said
to bo at the mercy of the Burlington. The
proposed road will run from Hamburg
through Tabor , Sidney , Glenwood and prob
ably to Sliver City , the eventual intention
being to connect It with Council Bluffs and
Omaha. Mr. Searles says that the merchants
and property-ownero of his locality are dis
satisfied with the present service and nro
ready to back hlo enterprise with siilllclent
funds. The road as planned will be about
fifty miles in length.
Date of ( InCiilf Itonil'N Sale.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Feb. 5. The Kansas
City , Plttsburg & Gulf railroad system will
bo sold at auction March 19. The sale will
take place at Joplln , Mo. , at the company's
depot at 10 o'clock In the morning. E. H.
Stiles , who has been appointed by the
United States court special master In chan
cery to conduct the Bale and make delivery
of the deeds of conveyance ot the property ,
set the date today. The dccreo made by
Judge Thaycr In St. Louis Satutd.iy , orderIng -
Ing the saio of tbo railroad , was signed by
United States Judge Phillips today and filed
with the United States court clerk.
Union I'm'I Ho Iiuprovciiu-ntn.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. . Feb. 5. ( Special Tcl-
rgram. ) President Hurt and other leadIng -
Ing oniclals of thn Union Pacific passed
through hero today. It [ a announced that
tbo contract for the1 Sherman hill cut-off ,
also the double track from Cheycnno to
Huford , has been let. to ICIlpatrlck Bros.
& Collins and that work on these project.1)
will bo begun nt once. Another concern
Is reported to have been given the con
tract for construction of the tunnel through
Sherman hill.
Aoti'M nnd I'crnannln.
Superintendent H. AV. Huxlor of the
Union Piu'ltlc has returned from a Bhort
trip over the line.
General Charles F. Mnndorson of the Bur
lington legal department has returned from
a visit In Chicago.
President Hurt , ( icnernl Mnimgrr Dickin
son. General l'u nenger Agent Lomnx and
Freight Trafllo .Manager Munroo of the
Union I'aclllc have ROHO to fult Lake City
to attend u conference of Union I'nrllH1 ,
Oregon Shoit Line and Oregon Hallway and
Navigation company otllclals. I'rt-Hldont
Hurt was accompanied by Luther Drake.
I'liilcriMiNlvl , Lincoln , l < > l > riinr > - It ! .
The Burlington route will run a special
train Omaha to Lincoln and return for the
accommodation of those desiring to attend
the Paderowskl concert , provided 100 or
more persons signify not later than Thurs
day , February S their Intention to patronize
The round trip rate will bo J2.20.
If Interested , telephone or write Clement
Cbae , 1518 Farnam St. , from whom tickets
for thu concert may bo secured.
1)1 lilt.
HKlXI-Hnrry \ \ ' . , Jr. . son of Harry W. and
Mnudo K. Helm , February 4 , 1900. ngfd 2
lean , , ii ( days ,
Iho funeral will bo hold from the family
residence , L'iSG Charles street. Tuesday ,
I'obruary ' 6. IHX ! > . at s p. in. Interment at
Mount Hope cv-matrry.
HHOWN-Davld ] , \ , February . 1900 , niwd
v ? ? ! . Ku"e'-'il ' from the residence.1102
North Ud Htroot ( Druid llllll at a o'clock
Wednesday February tf. JMO. interment
1'ori'st ' Lawn cemetery Friends Invited.
See Tlirno Splcnilli ! Mior * ! > > Hit-
Tltotixiiitil * ! on liiiini'iinr
Men's $ ii nnd $1 shoos for $1.9 < i.
j Ladle * ' $6 , $ : nnd $1 shoes , $1.08.
IJwh size on a bargain square.
Hundreds of mrh sire.
| Hundreds of each width.
} C , $5 , I , men's box rnlf shoes , $1 < 9S.
$6 , $ . " > , $ ! , men's horse hldo shoes , $1.98.
$0 , $ : . . $1 men's vlcl kid shoes , $1.DS.
$ C , $ . " > , $4 men's willow cntf shoes , $1.9S.
Black nnd tans , large double and triple
poles , Oocdjear welts , worth $4 to $6 a pair
all gn at Jl.'JS.
LadlW $6 patent leather shots , $1.0S.
Ladles' $5 and $ fi beaded slippers , $1.98.
Ladles' $1 nnd $5 Vlcl kid shoes , $1.93.
Ladles' $ . ' nnd $4 , mannish slices , $1.9 $ .
Blacks nnd tans.
Cloth tops nnd kid tops.
All sizes.
All widths from 2 < < , to S , from AA to EE ,
all en barRtiln squares. Each slzo on a square
by Itself , nil nt $1.98 a pair.
Its no use talking or nrgttlng , hero are
the plain facts nnd figures. In our store
you'll sco these shoes by the thousands Just
as wo advertise thoni.
Wc'vo added thousand * of these shoes to
' the lots already on sale and you'll see them
piled ns high ns your head on bargain
] | squares.
Northwest Corner 16th nnd Douglas.
Shorl 1.1 lie ( o SI. I'llill.
The Illinois Central has Inaugurated mag
nificent double dally train service between
Omaha , and St. Paul-Minneapolis. Leaves
Union Htatlon 7 00 n , in. nnd 7:3. : p. in.
Vcstlbttled slpepers , pnrlor cafe cars nnd
through coaches. Meals served a la carte.
Ticket Olllce , 1102 Farnam street.
13 * er > tinily N HiiNy nt Present Alurli
liiiimrliinl llnnlne Itepnlr-
tiiK It Hi-Ing ; Done.
A scene of life nnd activity unusual at
this tlmo of year presents Itself to the vis
itor at the Union Pacific shops nowadays.
Everywhere and lu every shop many men
are working a full regiment In all. Though
j the total output of this small army Is great ,
there is much unfinished work always In
sight , for the Important mechanical work
of all kinds for the entire system Is done
This -week opened with , much Important
engine repairing on hand. Four engines are
being rebuilt in the roundhouse and eight
in the machine shops , with more in the
yards for minor repairs. AH business on the
road is quite slack now , the most is being
made of the opportunity to get the motive
power in the best of condition for the busy
season soon to come. Day nnd night shifts
are worked In machine shop No. 2.
The iron foundry Is another busy place ,
employing more than sixty-five men. A
heavy demand for brldgo work has been met
recently , but now the call Is for general work
of all kinds. In years past , especially under
the receivership , It was customary to lay
off many foundrymen during this season ,
but this year there Is work for all.
Car builders and repairers are not having
any Idle moments. In the carpenter shop
two coaches and two combination baggage
cars are being rebuilt. The painters are
finishing a half dozen chair cars , three
coaches and a sleeper. Much more pas
senger equipment Is on the track ready for
service or receiving minor repairs.
Conslderablo rebuilding and repairing Is
bcnlg done on bcx , fiat , coal and refrigerator
cars , as well as on other freight equipment
Outfit cars , tool cars , dining cars nnd sleep-
irg c.irs nro being fitted out for the various
brldgo and construction gangs , preparatory
to a busy season of Improvement. The
smaller shops are equally busy , nnd every
Indication points to n continuance and an
increase ot the busy times now on at the
.V KrlnUtfiil liluiiilcr
will often cause a horrible burn , scald , cuter
or bruise. Hucklen'o Arnica Salve will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures fever
sores , ulcers , bolls , corns , all skin eruptions.
Best pllo euro on earth. Only 25c a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Kuhn & Co. ,
Senleil lllil.s for PrintIIIK
Nebraska State Fair premium Hats will be
received. Parties desiring to bid apply for
specifications to the secretary ,
Brownvillc , Neb.
Han't Worry
About your trip to Chicago. Use Illinois
Central "Now Limited. " leaving Union sta
tion at 7:35 : p. m. Solid vestlbulcd train
with sleepers and library buffet cars. Par
ticulars at City Ticket Ofllce , 1402 Farnam
If it Isn't convenient for you
to call at this ofilce , telephone
or write , and our agent will
go to your house and give you
full Information about the
Burlington's rates nnd sen-Ice.
Unequalled service , Omaha
to Chicago , Denver , St. Louis ,
Kansas City , St. Joseph , Lin
coln and the Black Illlla.
Ticket Ollice , Durlington Station ,
1502 FARNAM ST. 10th & MASON Sis.
Telephone 250. Telephone 310.
Hy buying your tickets to
SAX I'll.lM'IM O AM ) ( ITU lUl I'A-
Salt Lake
. ,
Los Angeles
urn UIST TI.MI : nv si i.vv nouns
\KIS : THIS I'OMsnii.i : .
1'AliU'i : HMJHPEllS.
MI niA.Mii : , .sni.iii COM TOUT ,
City Ticket Ofilce 1302 Farnam ,
r.K ( SII.K Mt i .SHIMM ; : ms sum mt MI
Tomorrow HoMon ! < toriPln -c on
Suittic ( Moil Itriiuirlifitili- -
Over 10,000 yards of the highest grade ,
finest qunllly and Intent designs of plnln
colored , fancy figured , corded , dotted , em
broidered nnd fancy , open-work silk mous-
sellne dp sole. Goods In the regular way nre
nellliiR nt BOc and 76c. These come In short
ends , but any amount of remnants that
match , so that you ran get enough for a
waist or drew. They * o on front bargain
square at 15c ynrd. Do not mlsfl this grand
opportunity , but como nnd look at them , ns
they will be on snlo for one day only at this
$1.25 KID GLOVES. 23e.
One largo bargain square with all kinds
of odds and ends In kid glovrs , black , whlto
nnd all colors , some slightly soiled , all gent
nt 25c pair , regular price $1.25.
20c DRESS LININGS. 3 < 4C.
Big lots of all kinds of drcffi linings , In
cluding black and colored silk finished taf
feta skirt lining , worth up to 20c , In this
sale at SlAc yard.
1,00(1 ( dozen sheer India lawn , Initial hand
kerchiefs , all letters , very neatly hem-
Btltchcd , In this sale nt 2V6c each.
Sixteenth and ifntglos streets.
SI. I'niil unit Mlntieiuiull * VNItori
Oonernl Piis&eiiKor Agent Culm of the
Mlnnenpolli * St. Loul * and the Illinois
Control brought In u party of ton ne\\s-
impiT and railroad men from St. Paul ami
Mnnoin11 ! : < 4 Sunday morning. The nnrly
nirlvt'd hoio ( it Sl" : nnd left at 7-3V They
Hlrnlled about tinrlly. . had two Rood meals
and a tvndi < 1 tl-e m.itlnep at the Hojd
theater in a bmly. Hotli the journey and
the visit Vvciiiileiuant and much rnjovod.
Tlmso In the pal ty were : A W. W.irnoek ,
i.iltronil reporter , Minneapolis Journal ; W.
A. Frl. ble ilty editor. Minneapolis Journal ;
J. H. Biitinan. railroad reporter , Min
neapolis Trlbntip ; T. J. Dillon , rnllrnnd re
porter , Minneapolis TimeJ. ; . I1. Kdmlson ,
railioad reporter , St. Paul Pioneer Press :
A. W. Culdwell. railroad reporter. St. Paul
nitwntch ; A. It. Femvlek , city editor , St.
Paul Globe ; W. L. llulluway and F. P.
Rutherford , city ticket iments of tin- Min
neapolis it St. Louis nnd Minneapolis &
St. Paul , respectively ; A. H. Cults , itonrral
passenger agent ot tbo Minneapolis & St.
Absolutely pure and delightful to the
taste is Cook's Imperial Champagne Extra
If There Were 76,524 ,
Persons In Omaha suffering with a cough
and every ono of them would try a bottle
would bo 70,521 persons that would net bo
troubled with a cough. Try ono bottle and
be convinced of tills fact.
Slmcfor's Cough Syrup :0c
Palno'tt Celery Compound 75c
Hood's Snr.sapnrtlla 75c
S. S. S. , 75c
Unity's Malt Whisky SSL-
West's Nerve and Hraln Treatment. . . . 29p
Uncle Sam's Tobacco Cure 5ilc
Poiuna 73c
Wine of Cardul > . . . 7Se
Syrup of Flga 40c
Carter's Liver Pills ] 5c
Hromo Quinine 13o
Cramer's Kidney Qttre 75o
Hosteller's Hitters 7Bo
Plnkhum's Compound 75c
Cor. Kith nml CIilcnKO Sin.
Illu : SHI < Ui-imrlni't iuiilnnnonniri
( hiIrrUnl of MoriI M - < m < .
Jiiil received , new Crrpe doChlne , "Ac.
now Pongee Silk 21 lu. wide , for Mo , nR ln
I more new Fouland on snlr at fiir and 7Sc ;
100 pieces now silk ilwpory worth JI.OO , fir
i f > 9o : 2S pieces fine black Ores Grain * on
| n1p , 50c : our black ( Hffctn values have
1 never been equaled , lO-ln. for ROr. 27-ln. for
SSe , 38-ln. for Jt.Sft ; big sale on fine black
Jap. wash silks , 2Mn. wide for 43c. 27-ln.
for 89r. 38-ln. for C9c ; 10 pieces of 4fln. .
wldo Impoited blaek grenadines worth
$2.00 , to close out , 9Se.
i Sniireme Court.
The r'erk of the supreme rnnrt tflp-
plianon from Lincoln that In order to ne-
I ( nniniiid ito Omaha ln rr tie c mirl will
convene Tuc dniiMrtilns at in 30 Instead
of 0 30. In .eti.fore.
Ono package on ly to customer and for
CASH only. > i
50c Syrup of Figs ( Genuine ) 2Dc
Jl.OO Llsterlnc ( Lambert's ) 5flc
25c Llstcrlnc ( Lambert's ) 15c
BOe Illriioy's Catarrh Cure 30c
fiOo Morrow's Kld-ne-olds 29c
We cannot fill mall orders for moro than
ono package of the above goods at prices
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co
In .Neu Store lit Kith mill Uiiitue.
Just the kind of weixthor to make your
dog sick. Coughs , colds , fever , distemper
are now prevalent. They can nil bo cured
by tuo timely use of
Clayton's Distempcrine.
Oco. H. Moore , the Lake street dog fan
cier says : "There Is nr thing better. "
Dirty dog nouses and bedding this tlmo
of year cause scratches and mange. Take
then In time and they van bo spcodlly curet
each tiOc per bottle.
Send for Doolc on the dog. ,
14th and Douglas St.
? aaan
In new and used Pianos. This week you can make a largo saving on Pianos
of the following makes : Stelnway , A. D. Chase , Vose , Emerson , Packard nnd
Ivors & Pond. A few bargains of other makes.
One nilllngs Upright J75.00
Ono Lyon & Jlealy Upright $110.00
Ono Story & Camp Upright $150.00
Kkuball Upright $185.00
Hallett & Davis ' . . . , $225.00
Stelnway Upright $285.00
New eastern made Uprights only $163.00
Square Planqs and Organs
< , $15 , ? ! 25 , $36 , $4S nnd up.
Wo sell onYeasy monthly payments , rent , tune , exchange , move , and store
Planes. Telephone 1623.
You are cordially Invited to Inspect the SELF-PLAYING PIANOLA , THE
WORLD'S GREATEST MUSICAL INVENTION. H plays any piano ; a .iy ono can
play It. Wrltfc for catalogue , prices and bargain list.
.Schmoller &
. . . Dueller. . .
Stcinway & Sons ) 1313 Farnam Street.
Representatives. j 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
of high grade
offered below are Bargains ,
and are Stylish , Durable
and Comfortable , all are on
bargain tables in our big shoo
Men's patent leather , reg
ular price 83. . for Tuesday ,
only , $1.89.
Women's vici kid lace
just what you want for this WE ARE GIVING THIS
weather , only $1.48.
Men's satin calf lace or
congress , a regular i3 shoe , AWAY TO OUR
only $1.98. CUSTOMERS.
Women's vesting stay vici
A shoe Hint misfits at the
kid lace , for Tuesday , $1.75. start will fit worse by wear ,
Ask to see the NED YAH Ultra shoes fit like made-to-
order shoes , because they are
the best shoo made for $3. modeled on lasts formed from
Women's ' vici kid vesting the human foot. That's why
top , with a flexible soles , a they nre always comfortable and
regular $ , ' 5.50 for Tuesday , retain fail. their shape when others
only , $1.90. I
are otforlng for Tuesday a youth's Satin
Calf , all leather , for 90c. sizes 12 to 2. NEW SHOE
Men's Shoes cf game quality , only $110
Mcn'H Butlli Calf Lacu Shoes , a regular
fZ.OU vaUio , for f 1o. 1 .
'Mall ' orders filled on these prices.
I .Hoyden . Bros.
There's Q something
About , a "Nebraska Special" man's hat that
popularizes it among our customers. JMaybo
it's the genteel designs and proportions ,
; maybe it's the excellent quality , maybu it's
I ! the superior trimmings ; anyhow it's
' A Real $3 Hat for $1.50
, You can have your choice of either stifT or
soft and in the
latest styles.
Yes , wo keep
and § 3 they
are the same
thing yon pay
.from § : ) .50 to
§ 5 for elsewhere
Then , again , wb've a
line of men's hats at 75o
and $1 , and if you'll exam
ine them closely you'll find they are the same
quality that most stores pay $1.50 and $2.00
for. They are correct and colors.
It's a wonderful hat store here. More hats ,
perhaps , than two or three other stocks com-
bincd. The windows give you hint.
400 Jackets , the cream of anything in our
stock , the liuest made your fJ ESjTh
choice Tuesday & * - ? \-f
500 Jackets , in all colors , silk lined through
out your choice Tuesday for
275 Jackets in boucles , both colored and black ,
nearly all silk lined on sale at
A mixed lot of Jackets , Avorth § 5.00 and 86.00
on sale at
No matter what the price they bring.
All wool lined throughout worth
§ 15.00 , at
Ladies' suits made of line imported materials , tight fit
ting or box jackets at $10. each.
Jn this department we have al
ways something new this
time it is the new mercerized
skirts. The latest spring designs in all the new
shades , including black at
500 Children's Jackets , ages 4 to 12
at only , ( I
250 Infant's Eiderdown Cloaks underskirt'I
§ 1.75 for
Wo have a few choice fur garments to close out at Ies than half price In fur
capes and jackets. See our beautiful line of ladles' underskirt'
Eternal Rocks
It IH built , not for today , but
for tlio next century.
If you move Into
The Bee Building
you can rest ( issurcd you will
iicvor wish to more out again.
Many of our tenants lnivo
liL-cn In it since It was built.
Wlicn you move move to
R. C , Peters & Co ,
Rental Agents ,
Ground Floor , Dee Building
mm OF
Gn Lard , on Ham , on
Bacon is a guarantee
of purify.
Swiff and Oompany ,
Chicago , KOHHIIB City , Oiiiuhu.
St , Louis , St. Josepli , St. Paul ,
Tlinl looth of you . DocBti't It ? It proh-
ilily iKcdH extracting If fao , by the UBO of
\ Halldeillr \ii > will remove It and no pain
to tnu uliaioviT. I'osalbly It can bo Buvcd.
If . . \\e II tell you.
n.\lurtltlK . 25o
Vitali/"d Air . GOn
( iulll KIllilIRo . $1.00 UP
Tail's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 S NT.
furea Gonorrhoea. Qlret or unnatural dl -
rharni-s In n t vf days. Kull directions
1'rito it tu All dniKglstn , or mull U. Dick
& Co KJ Contru St . Ntw 1'nrk
1 i
\ it. mm M , r. ro. . MAM \rri HUH * , ST. i.ous , MO.
' . A. HAII.SII.MK , UMA11A ,