TJIK OMAHA DAILY 1JEE : MONDAY. rnunfAHV o , 190(1. ( Tin * OMAHA DAILY I3i fc H'/HC.AA : > . ! \A \ " , i RVKHt MORK1KO. MIl'IMK HIPTJOH. . on * Tar . IW or > orT T > r } < On * Hun/1 * , On I * Tear Tmr : ' ; : ; . ' : ? $ Tfi ! " < Owwba.x Cltjr IUII M fk ' ' mmwfilr M fi i r l tlnK an/I * * ! ltr Of/wh * I.BTTBHH an l f lN44r < > mHiI ! $ Com l > ahy , OMh * IlKMITTANCKH H mll by druff ord r , ; /ur bl < ' tft Th < * ! ) < PnMIhlttK ( inly J---fil Ktnmpii KM > > - < 1 In payment of imfl a/count * . I'irnwnal rh V 'xr pl on Ornnbn < ir B i rn > * ' hanif , " " ' TUB IIKK I ' " or ( IIH t i. vi i Btatn ot N'hmiVH , D'niKlHX C'oiinty. ( | -orK ' II TtiuIni'k. > iwr 'iary of TTi'15' " iMblli-Fil/Kf r'ninrmny , IxInK duly jwwn. riy that Hi'tuitl rnimtn r < f full " ' ! "rinlilitit "II < | B I 'if Tb - Dally. M'irnliiK. I.vliitu ? urid HufKlny It'- " , print'-d < lurln > ; HID iribttfh nf January , ! / / * , vn an follows . . an 1:1111 j.r mi : KII : I > - US , I HI an din ur sin a" rsii : anrir. U.- Hill ur nsd uu rtr. ; , KII Ultll u ? Ull Oltll , S7a 711 1 , ii i : t ar. nir. ( I , II TBHfllUCK. Hc--'y nnd Tr < if mf rllcil nrnl itworn Imfon trif thin ) i of Ki-liruiiry , A / ) IW ) M II MI'NOATn Notary I'uldlc Will now IIIM ! < ' Km L'l'I'M , Hlialu Call It cvi'ii mi tlic IIITDHtll' . Ki'cp ' mi I'lir ID flu * KT'iiind Tor lit ) porlniil III-WH rioin Ili't KIWI ! of war In Holllll ATili'ii. Tin * llnic IH tln | > forte to | | ' . A coliiijiniMiinry Inlinr nrKiin uiliii'in- | HII ! > H DlHtilrt. C'ourl Clcik MimnKsi'll "nnl. lo nionldiv wllli tlii' liu// KI\V. ; " Tluit i-xpn-HHi'M II In a miUlii'll. Tlii > iliiiinlliliiK Hlali' iall\\ay HIIIII | > IH iiilK'it ' IHIVC rloli'd llu > people- OIITK , Illll I IIIiJlllC IrlM pllHHCll NO KranilHlanil pluj will K < > at tliln lulc 11 ay. II IK In lie Imped IMIInr .Mctcnlf.ulll not fall In ii'luin Ilial pliiitoKrapli oT ( loin 1'iinl In Ilic ndilii'HH Kl\i'ii , UK Hie nwniTonld mil \\iuil in pail wllli It fin II IH to In * Imped icdpi'iiliiK ni' tin1 Ill-Hip pOllH III Illl ! I'lllllppllll-H Ulll Illll 1)0 ) Illlil'll IIH II HllllllllllH III Illl' lll'lllp mull * IIH a HiiliHllnili- Jiidlcliil i-.v- i-i-iilliiim In llii > xiiiilli. l > 'llli'i > ii inlli-H of iniii'ii paving Hllll iiniiiiiH-nl Ilii * Hlii-i-lH of Omaha IIH a ii'jiiliiili-r nl' lln * i-hi'iip paving na. Tin ! chi'iipi'Ml IhliiKK aniiHiially tin- ilcaii'Hl In Ilic IDIIU inn. .llni Dalilinan Hllll ImlilK tin- furl Imlh IIH i-lialniiini of llin ili'in irrallc Hlnli- < < ii- Illll roillllllllci' I'df Ni > liillHla ; Hllll UK ai Hi'-ii'laiy ol I tic ilmiolli- Hoard "I' TiaiiHpoilalluii. II IH.IIII . III uHid Hull liloWH nulioilv Kood , Tlic iilmt'iiii' of HIIDVX lliln \\lnli-r IIIIH HIIVI-I ! llin < > ll > Hi'M'ial IhniiHiind iliil- llll'H fill' Nlll'l'l ' ' I'll'MllllIK' Mild HIIIIW haul Int ; , lint Ilii'ill IH Hllll a fait pnmpi-ci lor a Illlk' Niiou-liallliiL' . \\liiK id' Ilic local ili'inoi'iai-y \viinlH to liiHlall a KciiliK'lilan lulu tin- IIIIIIIIIKCIIIi'lll ill Illl * rollllll i-lly enIII- palKiii , Wonder uliHln-r thin mi-aim llin lilliiiiliii-llon ill' Kt'lilllcKy ini'lhodH lulu NdliniHKii political \\iiifaicV ( iil'iil Ilillaln IIIIH Kl\cii up i'M > iy- Ihliik" II Hi'l/i'il In Ilic raiKi ) < d Auu-r- Iciui I'ooihdiill'H and mippllcH In Al'ih'il , ( iicat Ilillaln may lay claim lo dominion over tliV HI-IIH , lint II ulll In- wary almiil ( > X < < ICHIIK | | . on Anii'r- lean prnM | > n.\ . Omaha IH now IIHHIHI > I | ol' Hci'mlnj , ' a I'lillcd Hlali-H nppiopihillon lor an In dian Hiipply depot , lint ( hiat my mipply piuehiiHliin depul IIIIIIKH In Hie all , ihiinliH lo Caplaln 1'iilmi-r anil HID ulnn- IICICHvlio liiu\\'inoie ; alioiil Hitch mill- II'IH Hutu llinVir ; ilepailmeiil nllli-lalH. Tim ti'iHIhllciiii ' Hlati' cmnmltlci' mceln thin wi-i'lc ' In II\ llni lime anil place or Hlale ciniM'illloim and oidllne the en cull condiii'l of llin campaign. Tim need for WMI ! anil nlnond leadei-Mldp fill XehiMHliii leptihllcaiiHIIH mner iii'ire Hlionuly omphiinl/ed , anil II IH to lie hoped the ronimlltcemcn \ maUu no nilHtiilti'H. i\eiy : line Ami'ilcati ' ulll deploio Hie nnllinely death or l.'oehel , even HliillKll IMMIIJ IIIMN H'Ktud II an lelillin- Hun fur Hn < ih'Hpetale p illllcal inellioilH fur \\hli-h \ liu Hiood an tlio Inniination. Tlio nioril deploialdo pail ul II IH that It thii-ali'itH to mail , mil iln > end , Imt Hlinply 11 Ininlni ; point In HID numt hitter polllli'Ml fcilil Knoun lo leceiit lilHloiy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tint alineiico of I ho heavy ta.spi\\eiH \ ftoni llin piiollc meellnK failed try llin council to tllM'UHH HID 1000 lalev. . \ iliti'H not rolled any KH'at ahum o\er a hlih lav ratu nil Hie pun of tlio people who iHnally ilo the most complaining. 1'i'ihiipH ' tlii > y mi ! HiiilHiU'd Hint \\lth an cleclloit Impending \\hlchinosl ul' I ho meii uie hi'i'Mn luilher pollllcal Hie natnial dUpof-ltlon to hold OlO U'\y llUVMI Ulll b \r/f A lAl.lh L\ ' I S/ , III a KlKji i'tiritniiu''ftM''ii ' ' ' ' - ' ' V rk fii < ] < * | K rj'Utjt purr nine o tti fl ru'mtl * | MII V , William hi of for Yt ifnn prn i 4MM raU In the p rtr tan brlnttftK Ui roH ltnoer < i tark M l fln riHtbltciiirt to Ma , Md tb lt It tor tk * fty u iTi ) * t tb m * ore which ttrn tkIMII for tb - p < > l < n4 ti ! oW ln Ik * M rt < rf fifty w ll-m' fili > K rlllz < - 1 MTP tko nur-tfi , platform. lb ( th * 4- dltlim r > f n pl iiV toOT -r th * t , lH 4lnc a ntroof plcek * n < 9 munitirr \Vhnl r 'pfiblic rt n l wfio OJIJH * " * ! llrynn ii < I th > pint form in Wft lm nnr r < ti ifi t < l' ok for n I'xciiw to go l fk Hnil miptiort HrfHti nnil an migrnfrtt'tl OliJrfiei ) plHt- form In 1J/X ) ? I thorc ti > thljiK prom- In thf plHtform of 1 )0. ttpoti whlrli xlilcnt XlfKllili-y wa t-lwiwl , In i-Ji llio nupMjrti'p | < at Mi'Klnli'jMini Holiurt linnIwin ll npwlntoil | ? MrKlnJcy proiniii'tl tinparly uoiilil ntori' Hi ori'dlt of the imtlnti liy inaliitnlnltiK a notiml ; iim-ncy y ti'in , fiiHi-il Htati'Han mil ) tin' cri-illt ; if tli UK - lit circulation III-MT licltiT nor iniiiu-y tion iiiori * pleiillfully. M 'Klnly < awftiri'il tlic pioplitlml tin- ttlntnpli of tinti'pnlillcati tli-li't ; nnil Ihi' 1'inlorm'iwrit of the n-pnltllfaii jilat- form , Mloui'il liy a rfpiililli-an ailtnln- iMlidtlon of national iirTalrM , uoiilil n- open tininlllH , iPMlino i-inplojini'iit to labor ami btlim Kcnural pr Hpurlty to all. What man , then , cltlii'r n-piiblli-an or ili-moi-ral , ulio votcil for -Klnli'y and jiroHiHjilty In IKM uantH an L-XCIIHC for votliiK tiKiil'iHl ' prospi'ilty ' In IIKW by MiiiurUii | | ( ; Mrjan anil Uif ili'inofiatlc party ? If the ( 'liiftiijo platform , with ltn moni-y fallai-li'H , loiilil not \H \ > HW | - It be maile II-KH loui-il In WM how can oliji-itlonable by keeping all HH obnox- loim fi-atun-H and Hlmply mMliiB oinor tun new planliH ? ThoKi' who wonlil aiTi-pt an eVniiiMl | < ni of the ChlciiKo platfoim aH an CXCIIHI' fur KoliiK 'ivi-r to the ilcnioi-ratlc parly In 11XX ) would ai-iepl any | i'te\t. They le.tlly would not raie whrtl the iilat form IH , and Hii-li Hlmi'i'lty In leftiKln lo abide by the ClilniKo platf-nm In Ih'.K ' ! will he open to Herloim qui-Htloii. 'i in ; The plaiiK of the iiiioi'iin : ] ( powein for IncretiHliiK I heir niivk'H conti'iiiplale an enornioim expciiilltnre dniiiiK the ne\l few jeaiH and It i-annot be ronlldenlly pn-illi'led that naval expaiiHl n ulll ntop ulth thin. UtiHHla piiipoHi'H to Hpi-nd neaily $ ! tO,000 , < > Ol > In building' new HhlpH , uhlle Cieat ISlllaln will put IIH nnicli or mote than thin mini Into ad- dllloiiH lo her navy. The naval pi < - Kiani of Kmperor William , II' caiiicd out , ulll be mine e.xtiiuapint than that ol ItiiKHla , while tin ; naval budget of Kianre piovhli-H for new nhlpn and iiiiiHt del'eilHCH ln\olvliiK an outlay of to IhlH exliaoiillnary pio- posnl , a meinber of the I'lencli Clinm- bi-rn leinai Led thai Pi a nee had ne.nly n-aehed her limit ot naval ixpcmuie : | | | If nlie WIIH no ) to i enounce her obllnu- llotm an a i-onllneiilal mllllaty power. Me aiKiied that the two pilnclpal- Jei-lH which Hhonlil he Id-pi In view lor a naval war weielinl / , Hie ilcleiiHeH of ( hi ! coiiHt by meaiiK of toiiHt deleciHe vi-HHi'lH , and Hi'coudly , the war on loin- incur bj meaiiH ol' many taplil ernlnoiH , with IOIIK HlcamliiK ] iuuei. Ceimany IIIIH ICHH need ol a K'cat ' navy than Kianee , but the Ualnor IIIIH ik'leimlm-d lo cieali ! a nea power thai ulll com plement ( iernmny'H mllllaiy KtieuKth. nnil II' he liven IOUK eiliniKh he may. ac- c.mpllHh . thin. Cn-al Ilillaln , of i oin He , will o on liii-ieanln her niny an lonu IIH Ihn continental puuelH addle lo HieliK , HO thai a halt In mnal nm- Hlinellon b.s Hut Cin-ipi-an poweni IH not likely In the near futuii ) . ThlH bulhlliiK up of Hie niuli'H ol I In- old win Id cannot fall lo have an In- llneiir1)- ) upon the United Slati'H , lor IhlH eonnlry can haidly now all'oid to be at the tall end of Hie naval PIIWIMH. The nnw londltloim and enlarged ii-lalloim of thin country eieale a demand for a laiue inuy which cannot Hiifel.\ lie m-Klei'leil. \Vc IIIIIH ! maintain a nea power adeiliale | lo Hie pioleellon ol Hit ! new poHHCHHloiiH ami our C-DIIHIH , as uell IIH lor Hie Hi-einlly of our com meiie , whleh In the event of n HUM- ' pi'iin war would ieiiilie | naval protee- lion. To what extent II will bit III-CI-H- Hiir.N lo incieiiHo our nav.IH . a ipies- llon thai will havii lo be determined h.v the exl'enl lo which ICur'ijiean pou- ei'H enlaiue ( hull liaxli-K , but It uoiilil neeni lo be unite e\ldent thai ue' can not , \ei hall HID wink of building uji a navy , Hlnce lo do HO uoiilil In a luw yeaiH place IIH In a Miry Inferl'jr ' pml- lion IIH a HI-II : io\\er. \ nn 1:111 ; 'int ; nit 11 IHI i Aim n K.I/c Theie IH no limit lo bo fouml ulth the iniiK and Illo of the lliltlHh arm.v. The lommon Holdli'i'H have IIH much coimiKo and foillluili ! ami lenai'lty i\i \ thiiHo of an\ , oilier ciiuiili.\ . In Ihe. e n'Hpl'clH the Ii HIIH | In South Al'ilca have fully maintained the Iduli chaiacter of llllllHhSHoldlerM. The \\eal.liiiHH IH III Ihn uunl of n-ally ableoillceiHimn of Hiipeilor mllllai.N ability , thoioughly M'lxcil ' In the sclencii of uar Tlio Hilt- Inh commanderH In Smtlli Afilca ha\i ! won illHllnellon lljflilInK lul'cilor laics anil now that they ha\e uhlle men an a foe , commanded by men who him ) Hhoun lemail.ahle military capacity , they Ilitil that | lit > Umi\\leile } they ac- iiilit'il | In ilKhtln HinageH IH ipilleihe \ - Il'HH It.ihciis , Hiillnr , Kitchener anil NOIIIO of tlio otlieiH did u'oi'd ' Mtrvlci ! In tluht- IIIK people who Know imthliiK whatever nboiit military Ki'lence AKiilnnt micli I'oi'H. poorly eiiippeil | | for war and iKiioiant of > tiiit ( > K.Vi they woie able to aci'ompllsh whatever they under. tooU. Kill lluhtlnc White mon who do I.IDW HiimethliiK about HliateK.v ami tiic- I'-x. who have e\crv modem apjilhince for warfaio ami thorou lil.N uiulerxtniid hou to line them , wlu aio IIH bravo IIH any people. ID llin woihl and are per- hapi uneiynilled an iimiKmiicn , Is a very dllleivut inopoHltlou , as the Itrlt- l-ti Ii i < ) ' IMJI I ' i i ! r < Tfi l liinniliatt-ni ISu'l'- ' v.ix riKir < l > < I t fb" iini * * of lii1 * apt/'nntiii'-nt to th - /mmntid In Sonth Afrl'-a. n pnt No Hnjrll hman wontd ttm lw Mertlon I hut Iw find hi * match In .Ionbrt. Now. flltbonsh In * l rM lD l l l. trhr for the rwi n that It mltjht lnjnrl m ) to tlM * mornlp of th * iirnir lo ill'H'Idw him. ! > ! l c no mnMi'tivP In him. Much IK hp fl for fr-m Itol TtH null Kltch iMT. lint HI fft tl Ti' In iwthlnt ; to wamint any r i t faith In the" ; otllrer" Th'y m y Imvi ; formnlnleil a plmi of rnmimlsn ihnt Hill be ffftfllve. 1ml It will \x \ > HO un'rl ' ' IJ tb < 'y too Bhull find Hoer tmt ? y HH ( lllllctilt to tlml with as Huller lint found It. A hljjh cnlor of Keiifrnlshlp l tin' olitlotiH tiewl of ihc Hr1tl h nrmy. nnd In vlr-w of the fnct thnt nliiuty-nlne IMT rent of the olllcer arc from the arlu- tncniey this l not to be expected. I'ji- doilbt 'dly the war will develop i-oliie Kooil Mildler * . There nru men eni-'UKf'd In It who will learn a frrcat deal alntit the Hflence of war that will IH them for future commander * Hut If the Mount are beaten It will be due to the oicrwIiHinlni ; foin-t of tlie father than to Htijierlor generalship. < JUAllA"i I'LHUI ) IHK There N a tide In the affair * of cltH'H , aH well IIH of men , whleh taken at the Ikod leailH on to fortune. The Hood tide whleh ptomlHi-s to make Omaha a Xi eat dlNtrlbiitltiK nnd manufaiturlii ; tenter IH at hiHt In clght. | "or heveral yeaiH pant Omaha IIIIH ranked as the thin ! meal pncklnc center of the world , and in the no dlHtanl futtiie will next to Clih-aKO. I'p to this time. , how ever , the ambition of Omaha to become an Important niln maiket has not been gratified. The eHtabllHhmenl of Jai e Hour nnd ceienl mlllH during the piesent jear af- fordH a HiiliHtantlal hanta for eieating a ilemaml for raln that cannot fall to make Omaha a desirable market for the vast aKi'lcnltuial region tributary to tlilH clly. Omami'K inperlor ndvniiCiKfs aH a meat packing center ate derived by leaf on of the fact that It IH located In the heart < > f the uieat Ameilcan torn belt , which miiHt alwayn it-main Hie bent cattle feeding and entile riilKlnx' legion of thin country. The Bupreimicj of MlnncapollH an a Hour manufactuiln ) ; and i-xpoillti ( { point IH due to Hie appli ance of Hie water jniwer < if St. An- thony'H falln , but water power and even Hteam power IH Kiadually lieln Hup- planted by electrical power. It IH only a ijncHtlon of time , and thai pt'ihaps ICHH than live JCIIIK , befote Omaha will be In position to ilval any Ameilcan manufacluibiK city In the matter of electrical power. In the meantime , hovvcvei. the bnlld- IIIK of HonrliiK mlllH ami the election ermine mine olouiloin , lotipled with Impioved facllltlcH for the dlHdIliullon of xuln and K'laln pioduclH. either lo the I'aclllc roiiHl , the naif or the Atlantic HL-aboiud. ulll Htlmnhite and enlaiKc the niln Ijalllc , which op to thin time has bucn chlellv carried on by the bucket Hhoji. The Kiowth ol" all Kieat titles within the PIIH ) icnluiy IIUH been bioiiKht nbout l\ ) . the IndiiHliIal levolnllon 'which conceiiiiali-H the pioiluctlve en- er h'H of every cinnliy In the mnnufac- tmliiK and dlHtillmtln centers. Kveiy mill and lactory thai tillll/L-H Hie mal jnoduclH ol IhlH Kcctlon and af- loidH Htead.v employment lor labor be comes a factor In the upbuilding of the clly and not only helps to nuppoit an IncicuKcd population , bul enl.iiKeH the ate.t ol HH commeiclal acilvlly. Omaha IH pa.\ln deaily for Hie folly of UK I'oillldeiH who denlied to laj on I a clti lhal uould enable Ihem to H.'ll the larueHl number ol ( inner loin. The wide HlieelH and HIOI ! | blocUs have en tailed an enoimoiiH outlay for slice ) pavlnn , which alicady IIKKIelates over Ki.OOIMKIO , with one Ihlid ul the aiea ol the clly jet iinpaved and llfleen mlh"T of rotten p.ivlnu blockn to be icplaieil. The annual Inleii-Hl ihaiK < ) lor Hie p.iv- ItiK alieady laid exceedH ? . Ti , ( )0i ) ( and the COH ! of maintenance and ii-palrH vylll tun up the amount to at leant > 100 , OOO per year mine , uhhh maki-H II alto Kclller .flloO.OOO annually. The clly en gineer makcH ( he name mlHlake In hln per capita ealciilnll"iiK that IIIIH been made by Hie lax lommlsslouer , lie iimKcH bin omaha comiiarlsoim with St. I.olllH , , MlimeapollH , St. I'aul and KIIIIHIIH Clly on the hauls of Omaha's LOIIHIIH II IIICH , when II IH a mailer of notoilelv thai our CCIIHIIH llu1- IIICH do not icpioHeiil Hie Hue popnla- llon , and coiiHeiiienlly | cHlliuales hnscd on iclallve popuhilloiis me woilhlchs. In the matter of public Impiovemenls , an In the mallei ol taxation per capita , UKIIICH amount to nothing. The city of I'ails , with an aie.t Imt a tilth- larger than Omaha , IIIIH a population of neaily , ' 1,000,1)00. ) The pioposal to expedite the tiam-ac- lion of Hiipicme com I litiHliie-is by ahol- iHhluj ; vvillicit opInlotiH except In canes Involving new li'i al or coiiHtllullonal polulH mlKht afftiul a ceitaln nieiiHiiie of icllef lo Iho ovet Inn delleil docket , but II IH not a Hiilllclenl Holutlon of the pioblem. The ptesenl .Indies can hear and decide > nly a limited number ol CIIHCH , uhelher llie.v hand down vvillten or oial opInloiiH. What IH needed IH inoie .hidden , or In their absence the aHHlhiiime of advlhots or coiiimlsHlon CIH who oin hear canes and mnko rccommendalloiiH lor their determina tion lo be approved h.v the uvular couit. I'nlcHH Home hiich plan IH put Into I'oice , the IIIIIHH of IK cumulated IIHpitlon will conlliiuo rn xrow ion- Htanlly larger until a constllnllotial amendment IH enacled , for which at leant ( luce jearn will be icipilicd. UIIH Hit ! Impi-ndlnj : city election any thing to do with tlio raid of County Al lot ney ShleldH up'Ui ' the South Omaha Katubh'iHV The county attouie.v IIIIH time1 and apiln had evidence HiniHt Into Ids hamlH that his. filcnds In South Omaha were violating the gambllin ; IIIVVH , but htcadlly pi'iHinted In IKIIOIIII tlio fai'tb and pel milling tlio nnnk > o n < un IN < \j-H < I thf thffirv < f a i\ \ * a In the wi | | ) i | - Tno fu ion fi 1 may ) m JInp mo After tht > tK-lllfnrent * on l oth hare flnlhH mnu lnc thfinwlri * - troylns rnltrtrtiiJ * nd 1 rldjtP whlrh the r-n ny mlsht tt f In fonnwtlon with ft bfl-e of xnpi ll , n srent field fthotihl Iw ot nwl l nth Afrlcw for Anwr- knn rnllwny coMtrnrtors nnd lirldeo bnlhlefs In ri" ortnff lnui lport tlon fa- iHlltlw of the tonntry newled for the ptir-itltf of I'll to tlntithf Hfmrd of IMiicotloti 1ms not Htfnlfled what It prnpo'-C'g to do with the Ilhrh wheel btilldlns. All we know Is that II Ii not to be rein/veil nnd It Is not to be occupied In danger- otiK jwrtH. but as the entire Htrtictm-o 1ms been cnndetmiHl as dnrii-'fioiis the whole of It tmmt be vnrntod .oonor or Inter. Hut If our nmlable jiniiwiutlc contem porary wantu a formidable ll < t of the copperheads of history why go out'-lde the rankK of the iiresent fusion parly ? At Icithl one of the. KnluhtK of the Ool- den Clicle IH hihllnt : a blah olltce In the Htate hoife ns a reward from the fusion foices. The mole eaiidldatert before the re publican city convention , and the Kieater the choice , the more likely will the ticket be made tip llmill.v of the best men. TMO > lellio U tit Pit lute. I'hlludvlphla Times. At leant a II ) Ins qua < lrori at ea Is a plcaiiantt-r vlght for lirltalu than to tec lu Eijuadron llylnj ; on land. ( Inc .ViU iinliiu'it \oulli. \Vashlntton Star. Tlie nc * emperor of China hat a Kreat ailvanlflgc InaHmiKli as liln youth will cn- ahlo the empress dov\atcr to merely opank him Itmte.iil of having him ticliuadcd. I'l-rl I in-ill < 'iiinparlHiHB. 1ndlanaj > oH ! New If Much things an arc nnv. occurring In Kentucky bail happunul hi Culia wo xhoiil'l nil jump to the conclusion at oncu that the Cubann were not fit for Helf-Kovcrn- ir.tnt. And we should be prett > near right iUN 1111 I'ri-i-iliiin'K I'cri'li. fHob'-Ocmorrit It If not tortalu that the proposition to * .fleet United StatrH senators by a direct vote of the people , would be any Improvement upon the prcHtnt plan In homo of thu sljti-H the tuoplu arc not even permitted to thoofli- their own Kovernor. Caiiiiila'x C'liiMi-il Door. I'lillridflphla hcdec-r There IH a ik mn.nd In Canada for an ex port duty on nlU.u ) , which IH an Important product uf that country It IH In line with the prohibition of the export of lumber , and KOex to Htiovs that , tircat Urltaln'H free trade Ideas are not alvyayw followed by her tol- onle At the rate IhltiRH are now going , we Hhall Hoon be demanding an open door in Canad i. 1'crlxli tin1 Tliouulit. Plillildclphla I.e-ilgcr A curious dlhpatoh from Cincinnati Hays the project of InVltlng the demociatlc na tional 'convi-iitlcM tothil city IMS fallen through and IntfmatcK that It IH bocaiiHu "tho rallroadH favor Kansas City or Mil waukee. " Hut la not the democratic party titita ) on corporations , railroad and other- vvlHi- , and IH It going to let the railroads ilomlnato it In Itu own licidiiiartcrH. | ' VlnMi-r 1 I'HIc Ailiiiliilntrillloii. I'hlladcliilil.i Ilucord 'Iho military governor of Cuba evidently knows more about the nrt of puaec and the true theory and practice of civic admlniHtra- llon than bau been I curried by many IIHMI of wlili i fame and gn-att-r experience He has alrindy won golilnn opinions tinin all cl isses of Ciibaim by redeeming faithfully every pi ( inline of authority and i'ttlng \aluuhlu rxnmple- patience , discernment and dili gence In performance of prc-icnt duly. It Is fluch men as Ocncrnl Wood who when iivin ; Iho opportunity of power , ( re-ale * and rp-erealo wtatos and republics. I'l HIIIINIM ! Torrl li r > of Scwiiril. Ni > vv Vorl < Trlbinii- 11 Is proposed to cut Alaska In two , mala- a now territory and name It Heward in honor of the giuit. Htntesmmi who brought about tlio Alanka purchuHc It area Is largo enough for two territories , or .1 do/en , for that math r , and the name propcupd for the Jlrnt one | i > bo Hllced off , though Hevuio In Hi" nation' memory ulthniit. Much cclcbia- thiii. Is the moHt npproprlato Hint could ha solccti-d Hut what IH the need for two tei- iltoilcH , when ( ongicss line not > ct been able , aftei twenty > cnrn' conslddiatlon , lo divlte a full and piaetlealile te-irltorlal gov- lirnmcnt fr ono ? \IIHtlll-NH flf Olll' Hl-NOIII ( M'N. Hulilmotc Hun 1 he ciopti of I.S'l'l have not biokcn the Kcord , but have approarhc-d II ilohob The wl.i-at crop was G 17.301,811 ! bUHhols , . coin , a07Sin)1l ! ) laiHlioltt ; oattt , 7Ufi,177,7ii : bush els , liu Icy , 7.lR8lr(61 ( buslulB , i > c , 231,7I1 luiHlUila , iiiukwheat , ll.O'H.I" , ! hiiHhcIa , po- tnlooH , MS,783,232 biiihels , buy , nii.firiJ 'iB lens The average farm pilcoi rciioiiuil woo Wheul , fili.t ccntx , corn , 30.3 cents ; ontH , 210 ccntH. The llgim-a of prodiictlnn , tlioiiKh excocdcil tun i > or tvvlco before' , am onoimoim and HIOU | what a continent wo pospcbii Our nntUKil loaourccH urn nluicril uiillinltt'd mill on the Hlicngtli of thean wo Imvo built up maniifactuilag plants on mi iiNlraordlnaiy scale. No eouatrj Blioun Hiich lalhvay sjHluns , Hiich fninai'o out- pitlc , uuih loige < Hliom and mills and lingo tiinls If our Htali'Hiiinnghlp wcic on the BMine PC lie us our ni3tcilul icaourcc'H wo should occupy a moui enviable portion. I'IMIII TMIi : I'OIIliMITt 'I' ' AllluiKu Titu'ii NobraHUa hanks , an idiowa by the lust n-roilM , held $10,5J"i,771 f.O Individual doprsllH It Is not much wonder llrj.m Is hla/lng avv.i ) at aiithl ) < ig that hobs up. ( loihenburg Independent Tlio limt 1011- KOlldaled report of Ihr bmU of Nebraska show Hint thorr IB dopoHlted $ CO,3Jri,771 fiO Thin U $ riO aplcio for ovrij man , wc < iiaa and child What Is thn USD of talking calamity ullli such oxlstlng rlrcumstaiiccs as this Ilcatrkn ixprcna The Pom Holt con tains snvrrnl Interesting conuuunk-atlons from NcbrpMlta faii'iiors who were as poor au Job n few years ago , hut who , by tilling advantage of their opportunities , aic now piospcrouu nnd fu-o from divlit Thcic Is no state la the union thnt affords the honest man a bettor chant n tluui can be found In Nebraska \Va > no llcrad ) The iiKgiegatrit ImiiK ilcpoHltu In Nebraska , amounting to | 5 ( ) per capita , or $25 pop fiunll ) . la hard to boat In the west Nebraska M-UIUU to ho get ting nlot.K pri-tty well with the gold etamlnrd of values , The crime of ' 73 may still op- pri'fcs tbo Jawsmilhi. . but II doesn't seem to bo iiuirli of u burden on the farmers and inauufucturcrH and laboring men L'i'tt * it , M' / ' Mf > t , "fff % 0 ? n m | x U'tn < h" frr < ] u Dt < r rblftt hi poult Ion on o ) l om Tortc Ttm f PwWtt cwtM i * for tke tke Mpten wH flMr * I * Mlw , b t kk r * ltl b * t to fetrii to ( MkUnd R miMic n Senator Allen b * Ukcn lk trmM # to tanounce ttet ht I * not pre ld ntl l If ll iht < men who would like to form the tail of the democratic ticket should ask Colonel Brysa to dinner , he would rrl h of Indigestion. Albion News ( Jdltor Hitchcock places th i > rlc < > which the democrats will demand for supporting th fusion ticket this year to be one United States senator and two place * on the state tlcXet Monroe Kepubllcan Aided by the World- Herald Secretary of State Porter Is ROlnt ; to try his hand on the congressional law firm of Allen & lloblnson And. Incidentally , the "sting of Ingratitude" te gelling in its work. Beaver Clly Times During the approachIng - Ing campaign , the more than 70,000 farmers In this state ought to wake up to the fad that six lawjcrs represent Ihem In con gress where six farmers oughl lo bo In ihelr place * . York Times An octopus Is all rlRhl with the pops. If It Is their octopus. After all , thplr fight IB not upon octopuses in gen eral , but upon those thc > do not train In their crowd. If any old octopus , even An drew Carce lc" , bows Us knee to Baal , from that moment II be-omes whller than snow. Osmond Republican Congressman Uob- Inson had a great spasm over the pol > ga- tnouH entanglements of the king of the Sulus In the Woodman hall in this place during the recent campaign , but when It came to seating Brlgham Kobcrti of Utah his vote was In favor of poljgamy. John Ii a hot duck , anyvvnj. Clay Ct-iter SunU Is said that llr.van closes some of his political meetings with prajer asking , wo presume , the blesslngg of deity upon himself , his remarks and the democratic party. If heaven enter's upon the business of blessing the work of Tammany , Gocbcl and Bryan It will be about time for Its Inhabitants to take to thu woods York Times Where the sting of Ingrat itude rankled most was iu the fact that Mr. Hitchcock had furnlshfl Mr. Bryan thou sands of miles of railroad transportation ho was not entitled to before Colonel Br > an 1 ad tufllcient prestige to get It for himself. Now ho has no use for World-Herald mileage books and can Knap bis fingers at his < old benefactor. Wayne He-publican Our fusion brethren iu this congressional district are having some trouble-H of their own. Secretary of State I'ortor of Mcrrick county has shied his castor Into the political ring and is after thu nomination for congress , while the demo- erata as a matter of course and the firm of Allen , Robinson & Co , political brokers of Madison , waut the present incumbent , John S. Robinson , to have the nomination. Porter ter Is bidding for popularity with the , masses by prodding up the secretaries of the Board of Tranhportntlon to take action in regard to rates , and his friends point out the fact that RobliiHon cannot claim the preccdert of a second term because It re- ijulreK but a very short memory to recall the EC' ting aside of Samuel Maxwell after Just ono term by Robinson's friends. Taking a leaf from the book of hli pale- faced brother , Ell Jlmcrson , full-blooded Indian treasurer of the eneca nation , Is 11,000 short In his accounts. Ooobe-J , It Is said , was never known to drink , but after IIP was shot he indicated where a draught of ivhlsky might be found In a ( lask In one of his pockets. The Kansas City Journal gives a column o' "reason why Missouri should go repub lican " The effort Is praiseworthy , but reasons do not rapture votes In Mlabouri. Lord Albc-marle , the colonel In command of theIxmdon Imperial Volunteers , is thu third holder of that title within nine jearx. Ills grandfather was an ensign at Waterloo at the ago of 11. The -publican campaign managers and numcious other lovers of peace and har mony are greatly agitated at the announce ment that Oeorgo Pied Williams ot Massa chusetts IK taking Hinging lessons. President Iladley of Yale IH an admirer of President Oilman of Johns Hopkins. "I never saw a man with tUch a capacity for work , " he i-ald the other day. "I think he Is the hardest working man In Ameilea" Mm. 0 O Hall , who has bought tbo fin in on which William Henry and Benjamin HairlKon weru born , paid $15,000 for the property , and proposes to place In the wall of Iho dwelling house u tablet telling of the two presidents born under Its roof- trco. \ > iiitirHOOKS or INIIII. Cui'loilH mill Iiilrn-Nllnu riuuiKi'N In ( he lloiiU Truilc. C'hUago Trillion' The Publishers' Weekly has Just issued Its annual siimmaiy of the previous year's books and the llguicH show some rurlotm and In- toiostlng ( hangcs According to tbo tally shoot of tlilH trndo organ the total number of books published In the United States dur ing 18'J'i was n,321 , which wan several hun dred nioro than in the preceding jear , but still Htivoral hundred less than In 18 % The number of copies Bold , howevci , probably ex ceeded the alCM of any piovious yen , whllo the proportion of falily meritorious worKu was unusually large rietlon continues to lead all other ilcpart- monlM. Including Juvenile works the llctlon constitutes 23 per cent of tlio total An In crease over tbo preceding year Is shown In nil departments except that of religion and that of political and social science , In each ot which tbc-io Is n slight decrease Law books come second In point of numbers , as lofoie , bul the tlilul place. Is hnhl by Juvo- nllis , wldlo icllglotin wnikd liavo dropped fiom the I bird to tbo llftb place , with educa tion and language * In tbo fourth place , as be fore mlscolluay , poetry , biography nnd hlbtoiy follow In the order named At the foot of the Hot of nineteen dopartmontH htnmlH that of humor and Hatlro with u to'al of only tvviint-Heven books dm In ; the jear Evidently we are not running lo humor , whatovi'i Iho dccrcaso in religious works may Hlgnlf ) No II.SH Inlorentlng Is the tiblo allowing t'te iclatlvo number of American and of Iuio- ! pcaii bnol.B , Of the ft.121 hooka handled by Aineilran hookEo'lcrH 3 CCO weio by Amor.cii i authors , as against onlj 2'iOS In the you- preceding Thin maiked Increase In Amer ican booliH wax ( din men I I'd upon by the Tilb- line a month ago when II WIIH alsn remarked that the most popular Union of the limir was all by American uutliorH The llguira of HIP Publishers' Weekly Indliatc that Iho change applies not enl > lo lU-llon lint to all the other departments During ISU'J there weio only ! i71 books by English or other foreign authors manufactured In the United Sta ( < s j as against F34 In Ib'JB Of thcoe rcprlntH 311 were fiction The books Imported , both boun 1 j and In hheets , numbcicd 1,121. as against 1.141 In the prciudlng > cjr. Nearly threo- fourtlm of our bookti me now vviltten by our own authors , while four-fifths arc iiinnu- farture-d by American printers and binder. ' . There would bo no particular iciiBau for tongralulatlng Iho public upon thoae facts If It could not bo added that the moral anj artistic btandarda of the books of IS'jIl aie n ii high ait those of any previous > eai The mechanical work done by American prlntoiB and blliderH Is al o such ; u to clulleliRiM-oiii- parUou with that of any Imported ho ! ; The Uultod States has arrived at Iho place In Its literary career where It can paJdlo Itn own canoe i ( noi , ( ii 01 u \n r l.l il JD t' < li' M * * n > hntram * of tb n > erIBri tit bluf ( bat > * ft t up to pn r ita n Ai tm tm with tte Manila * * * * e4Hlot It will b * rtmeiBlKTCd wall * otlr roluatwr * ww ftolng tbioagfc n dlc l * a tatlMit ( a 4 ftiln op drill * * ! all MTU of Mt9at0 > ; procaat > the ranch rldm wr k tlir a - wbl * < l from To b o , I * rni-t. liar- rant unlr ralty. the X * T rk | llr lore * nd a great variety of ourc * Tb organi zation ra rapidly recrvlted , horriwllr mounted , rtrorted ftt for anything and niched to the front at 8anllax > with U e rcRiilsrx Ref * TeH 4r tip 4 his dalle * aulttant gvcretary of the nary one day. ( started that nl ht for the rendezvoua o { the regiment In tbenouthweat and ten < J r * later WAK in the saddle "The colonel ar rived one day am ) hadn't btea In camp an hour when he nenl out an order for a coun cil of ofllcera , ' MT * Llewellyn "We all hurried up lo headquarter ; , not having an ? Ideit what wan meant Uco CTeh addrmaed UK sharply. He tald 't am going to have regimental drill In thp morning al 9 o'clock. Hero are the movements you will be pre pared to execute , and 1 want them done not enl > accurately but with a snap * I'll never forget how the rolonel got out that word 'snap ' ' He said no more , but dlsmlved us with all the manner of the strictest disci plinarian I went off with the cold chills running up and down my bark for 1 wan conscious how rusty 1 was In all the tactics We carried off the Hat of movements the colonel had given us and studied them until tnpa At 9 o'clock the regiment was out. nnd until 12 o'clock we pounded away under the hot sun at the program Colonel Roosevelt velt had given m. The most exacting \Vcst I'olntcr ever turned out couldn't have put us through a more severe trial than Hoosc- velt did When we got to the end of that regimental drill we were covered with dust ncd sweat and used up worse than If we had been riding the range all dny A little later I had washed andwas passing the head quarters when Colonel Ilooscvclt saw me and beckoned to me to come in. He was ly ing on a cot and laughing to himself gle-c- fully He said to me 'We got through that regimental f drill pretty well , but do ) ou know- , captain , that those movements were every blessed thing I knew of the ladles' I studied them out on the cars coming from Washington. If Wood had ordered an > other movements I would have been In a bad flx. ' After that , " said Major Llewellyn , "I knew that the thing to do In the rough riders was to put up a bold front and go ahead , nnd wo did. " "When a woman wills s > he will. " Lest -we forget that truism , the experience of a lov ing daughter of Iowa brings It to the fore Her soldier lover was In Ihe Philippine army. At least she claimed him as her lover , and poured out her soul In frequent letters to her soldier boy. But the soldier boy was not stirred by the sweet muslo of the girl he left behind him and failed to answer She wanted to know what be came of him and clamored at the post- office department and -war department for information. Finally the congressman , de siring peace , -went to the war department and , at the rate of ? 3 a word , sought Information mation regarding the young man concerning whom the young woman was eo anxious. He was found with his regiment , in good health. He confessed the reception of tnlrty odd letters , which came to him in packages , but he had not acknowledged their receipt because the weather was so hot , and further excused himself on the ground that he had told the young woman before leaving that he was no hand at writIng - Ing letters. Rev. Peter McQueen writes In Leslie's Weekly "I saw Lawton wade the N'or- zagary river where other men were swept away by the current. At this point ho had been two days without food He had a wet sandwich In his pocket and sat down on the bank of the river to eat his humble fare That night I sent him down a chicken which I had picked up in my foraging tour , and the British consul , who was with him , told me that he paid the natives full price for It. This shows that Lawton was \ery careful in his dealings with the natives. Major Edwards , the adjutant , called us re porters up one day and asked us If we had receipts for all the chlckena which we had. There was a twinkle In hl eye as we told him that the owners ot the chickens had gone away before we were able to get a leceipt But all these incidents show how htrlct General Lawton was In his endeavors to have the natives treated kindly. He had great hopes for the Filipinos The last time I saw him he eald to mo 'I have met men nnd women among the Filipinos who would grace society In any country In the -world. I predict that when peace comes nnd the liberal government which the Americans will give these people they will be one of the most peaceful , prosperous , thrifty races on the globe ' " Brigadier ( Kneral Hawklno , U. S. A , who comma'ided the brigade In which was the Seventy-first regiment of New York at the battle of Santiago , has at last found time , now that he IB relieved , to come forward and say that the Seventy-first showed no cowardice during that engagement nnd con ducted Itself commendably. Ho also says that some of the Rough Rldero were seen running nvvny. oiT MUTIIOII. nn'orlH of tiniliiNH Combine lo Slriinulf C petition. Imlltmaiiolls Journal Last December the window glass com bination reduced the price 33 1-3 per ( cnt without notice. It woo done to compel a number ot manufactuiers outside the com bination to Join it or so out of the busi ness. Tlio cut In price did neither , con- wqupnlly n few days ago the combination made anothei cut of 5 per cent. The com- hlnatlcn is uf opinion that this last cut will bring tbo Independent competitors to ternm by Jolulug the trust or suspending opera tions Is this an example of "tho ruinous competition of which tbo champions of combinations toll ut > so much ? If It Is , who made It lulnoiih9 The publlu has n light to Infer that thu cut cf 381-3 per cent In prlca would In volve n great loco to the producers , but an export friendly to Iho combination , with moro ical for the cause than discretion , Is reported IIH saying that "whllo the combina tion could not miiku much profit nt the re duced piicctt , on the other hand there will bo no low. " Thl opinion leaves the In ference that the 3Sl-i : per cent representing the two cuts In prices Is clear profit. Munv people who are consumer * nil ) legard auch ii profit , obtained through an unlawful com blnation , iiH a degree of extortion that do- nerves Iho term robbery. Thin Is not the fiti-t Instance of a trsoit to the fiec nilt method The competition In trade known n rutting under IH its old as trade Itself It was practiced yeais bn- ( oio manufacturing ( oniblnatlons wcro known The practice has often resulted In temporary succcrs' , bul It Is doubtful vv bother It will In tie | production of glas * If the combination , hy thlo cut In prices , should ferro those now outside to comply with HH ilrmniulR , and thereupon n-stoio prlccH. new foinpetliorn would pprlng up , so that uftor , i few months nt moat another Hat of ouisldo plantM would bo pulling win dow glam upon the market at a reasonable price , and would either compel the com bination to buy them up ni attempt an- rither fnvzogut The ii'Milt would be that Iho manufacture-in would have facilities to put upon the market two or three times a > much KIUBH an | nei-ded , and only those could Kliinit the procure who can produte cheapen The thing for the Independent I0t < < r 4 b * a that ibr * ui ' ail Ion MlT 'bf ! i i CB tlMrir < rU It It robaMt that * mr tttt * h wblck tea a MOM ? ; ) ? Tfc * taraaa ooca a- u- ttao4 ta Mrt rM * of tJw aa ltratio- law * Imt t * r < < H a f * lt ttat 'b * j 4OM or ko M r r n ! rath KMlkodt irary to tb * pubMc lfir * art pr * , a | Wialiy T e MtiottoMt * prlw w ruch a cvinblnafloa w 4c ? to * rtab ! > better callad robbery tkao aartblni ; r t while Ike cutting of price * to r t p tltor It no b tt r than coa&ie ttbi : t ettate rt - < ION Tltoi Mll . Arrr kncli 1'lnKrniil llo * Uni n Thnt In tli - llrnmrrntlr l'nrt > . San Kmnrloco C ll Recentl ) a grand conventicle WIP be i In N'ebratka , In which Colonel Bryan a > certain Nebnii > ka Populist leader * rn * a 1 made a treaty. Involving a fusion tbi * t. on th presidential ticket and a dl % > of the ipoll * A to the lattf-r there n .1 llRht upon the ratio , whether 1 $ dec cratl : to 1 populist , but It was decldel tha- the populist national convention will * < held a month In advance of any other ac * It will doubtless nominate Colonel Jlrya i for president It U believed that isuch a , tlou will placate the popullut vote , a large I section of which in 1SS5 objected to taking him pccond-hand after he had been notn. , nated at Chlcaso U is expected that the democratic taste has become so vitiate 1 that It will take any dote that Colon * ' Bryan will choose to admlnlMer It will be seen that this plan for fusion Is familiar II was followed In California In 1S9S Judge Magulrc was nominate ] for governor by the populists first signed their platform , partook of their communion found a family strawberry mark on Ihem , and then hw was taken second-hand by the democrats. and thcu he was beautifully beaten bv the people. Only a politician who be lleves ho Is n man of dc tlny , born with a caul , and having a horoscope that nothing can knock out , would follow the example of such a plan that had such a result The Incidents of the Nebraska conventi cle were characteristic of the spirit Bryan has put Into a politics that affects his In terests. H is the spirit of Intense intel erance. His organization docs not permit the discussion of plans or policies. It adopts them , and then excludes all who wish discussion. In the call for the Bryan pop ulist meeting at Lincoln , Issued by the Ne braska member of the populist national committee , he Bald. "Those supporting Barker and Donnelly should not be permit ted to take part in the meetings of our committee or in the convention. " Barker and Donnelly are opposed lo the committee concluding the action of Iho con vention in advance of Its meeting. They dcelre the gathering of a free convention to discuss the policy of fusion and of Colonel Brya.n's nomination , upon which th com mittee has already decided Therefore be cause they wish the convention to be a de liberative body , to discuss principles and policy and decide after examination , rather than merely record a decision already reached by the committee , they are calmly ruled out by Colonel Bryan's dictation , and only those who favor bis nomination and the fusion will be admitted. It le doubtful If bosslsm ever went to greater extremes In American politics. The populist national convention will meet. All opposition will bo excluded. Colonel Bryan will be nominated and the country will bo called to admire the unanimity of ascrip tion to bis great talents and popularity. And ho sits down with the populist committee and deliberately plans bis pun nomination and Indorsement and excludes from the counsels and conventions of Ihe party all who oppose him ! It is strange that any man of sufficient sense to find his own mouth with his food should expect to fool the country by such artifices. It Is perfectly well known that California , New Jersey , New York and Maryland would send to the democratic na tional convention , under the regular call , solid gold delegations , opposed to the popu list fusion and opposed to Bryan's nomina tion. But it Is equally well known that If this were done that convention would give such delegations a dose of the same medi cine Colonel Brjan has prescribed for ob jecting populists. Thej would be excluded from the convention. Just ns the Dakota , Nebraska and Michigan delegations were In 1S9C , and their scale would be filled. If neces sary , by men who were not candidates In the state conventions. So It is recognized as useless to try for a hearing , even. In the democratic convention. Colonel Brjan will bo nominated by the fusion , and eelf-re spectlng democrats and populists will see to it that his kind of bosRbm Is killed RO dead that It will never have an imitator. MiHT AMI MVni.A. Detroit Journal : Svvpot are the iihPs of adversity , particularly If we- happen to bo on the bear side of the market. Hnltlmore American : Editor All , lipro H a contribution from u poet of the right stamp ! AHsHtimt Oood stuff , ohV "No ; but he Incloies loturn po-jt.ige. " Chicago Post. "After ull , " slip wild , "women have to bear the burdens of life" "How so ? " ho .Hiked "Why , JiiHt look lit HIP time LmbHintth IK having , while HiirrlHinlth is taking It e-asy Buffalo Commercial. IJllii To think It IH two ypiirn since VVP met mid jou know me nt once ! Then I haven't changed iniiili , after ullV Holla Oh , I knew jou by vour bonnet Who would have thought thc-io was so much wear Iu If Philadelphia Hoconl. "My visit , sir , may ho u llltlo Ill-llmcd , " leirmiked I ho poet , "bul I tiUHt you will hoar nie out " "Of com HO I will , " replied tbo editor graciously , "In fact , you can bo wire of it if you Jont bung the door a Ilttlo IIH joe go ' Detroit I'rcp Prons : IJncIo What nalnry do you gef Nephew Norn1 Uncle You're not working for nothing , are you ? Nephew Oh. no : I'm only vvoiklnir for vvnge'H. I get JTi a week. Cleveland Plain Oeakii , WiittH I HCP Hint Mix -Keiidnl H/IVH / the iriilnlli ( | > of n mieocHftful mlrp-n IH Imagination PotlH Who his to hiivn It tin ) nctrp < s or hei pieHH agent' ' Indliinnpoll * PKISH Tim Managing I'd ! tor Mow Innu will It Inkc vnu to get up an rdlloilnl on the llliifHH of Ihe Kcntucklans fill * oif-l-0' ninnieiil' Thu IMHoiiniVrllPi 'lloul half , i min ute , All 111 have lo do IH to ( Imimii thn immiM of thl * turr i hnvo JUKI written about UK ( 'iiliani' ' . WWIAVlJ" Y.DVIJ. A wiiman'H love a little thing , A gift , u louder offering. A fflOHin , n mileKolden r.iy To pierce HIP diirkriHH of a iluy ; AH fair nh wins of miovvy dove ; A woinnn'H love > A vvonmii < love-on n vve but know It in our ow.ii , what Joyous plow Of rapture then our Kind IK an lilts ; Wliiit ( c-stucv our being thrlllHl A prlcelcfH plft frmi i calms above A vvomun'H love LOL'IH KIJKDINAND OIJHNHAHDT Omaha Neb TIIic IIH.iiiVii "ui'u. llnw full thin world IH of ( leu It Thin vllu < TtmnlPr dnlly niotl. Who with his Hlllili ring tiuiKiK del xpeaK To polison mhUs | of mortal ! ! vveiilc I.el'H npp the portals ol the Hkle * < , Thai ull may view the paiadlce. And thus Kave poulH fiom ( Ur fate. Hro It'H toq mlP , ere It h too Into ADAM IWECD Hastings , Neb.