Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1900, Page 8, Image 32

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8 OMAHA ILLUSTRATED 15J2J2. February 4 , 1000.
Pure Whiskey 1
Direct from
. . .rre iPal
Saves Middlemen's
Profits. Prevents
FOH wo
Iiivvo broti HAYNER'S
dlstllllnif the
host whiskey
that can ho
rnmlo. Ourrop-
illation for
making pttro 21
whlsltoy In ns 3
wldo IIH Ameri
thoiiHaiids of DISTILLING .
customers In
ovcry Htato In
the union.
Proposition :
Wo will Bend .
bottles ol llnyner' *
Seven Year Old Double Copper Distilled I
Hye for $ j.20 , Hxprciis Prepaid. We ship I
In plain packages no marks to Indicate !
contents. When you get It and test It , I
II It Isn't satisfactory return It at our I
expense , and wo will return your $3.30.1
Such whiskey cannot bo purchased else-f
where for less than $5.00.
No other distiller noils to conmimcra/ /
[ direct. Others who offer you whiskey I
I In this way nro ilciilrra buying and hell- '
Ing. Our whlNlcoy him the llnyner rcp-
utatioa behind lu
Beferencn Third National .Bank , any
builnen homo In Dayton , or Com-
Derclal Agencies *
HUTj-Ml West Fifth St. , DAYTON , OHIO. ,
P , B , ( ]
| Nev.N , Hex. , Oic. . Utah , Wash. , tl
I be for 20 qts. , by -eight , prepaid.
Wo Kuaratiten above'rm will ilo us thoynKreo. Ui
All the Iiidlea ICnt
Gold Medal
Chocolate Bon-bons
Hy Blzpre * * .
1 , S , a and R pound llaxai , < IOa piinn *
W. S. Balduff ,
tnUO Fur II urn St. , Omabn.
"The Bust of Beauty. "
( Mow to Secure it. )
This In the tltlo of an Interrstlnr ; lllus
trnted honk , which we will mall , sealed li
a plain envelope for the iiskliiK. It lulls how
( without the use of drugs ) nny lady mu >
possess n perfect und attractive llcure.
Plat Busts and Scrawny Necks are Oulcklj
Made IJoiind , Plump and Graceful.
Even the plainest H uro can IMJ transform
ed Into one of queenly bounty , suporh niu
fusclnutlnc. Wrlto today. cnclnsliiK two
cent Htnmp. Correspondence confidential.
Addreti , 0. PEAL MEDICINE CO. . Cleveland , 0.
Mm. WliiNlim'N SuolliliiK Syrup.
Hns been used for over I IPTV YI3AHS bj
Kl'X'T 8UCCH8S. It 8OOTII12S the CHIbD
80KTHNB tliu ( SUMS , AI.LAYS nil PAIN
CM'IUCS WIND COMC , and ls the best remedy
edy for PIAIMUIOISA. Sold by Dnmslsti
In every jmrt of the world , Ho sure and
usk for " .Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlnff Syrup , '
and take up other kind. Twenty-live cents
u bottlo.
The Hawaiian
Islands in 1900
( Continued from Seventh Pago. )
0,000-ton Htcamers under construction to
add to the line already plying between
Seattle and Japan and China , and the North
ern Pacific expects to add large shlpn to
lioso now sailing In connection with it from
Tncoma to the Orient. Glaus Sprcckels Is
Milldlng three new C,000-ton boats for his
liio to Atmtralla , and the Chicago , llurllng-
on & Qulncy Is said to have n trans-
mdflc line In contemplation.
The Incre.iHo In the freight is so great
hat It is believed that all of these ships
vlll have plenty to do. I was told at Port-
for residences and $4 for business houses ,
and every subscriber In the city has his
own wire. The electric light company Is
doing well , and so Is nearly every Institu
tion of a similar nature. The people aru ,
however , to a certain extent a close cor
poration. They believe In taking care of
their friends and thn outsider has hardly a
fair chance. There nro many trade restrlc-
tlonB , especially on commercial travelers ,
who have to pay $500 for the privilege of
selling goodti or taking orders on this Island
and $255 for the right to do the same on
each of the larger Islands of the group.
Kvory man who sells anything In Honolulu
has to pay a yearly sum ranging from $31
to some thoimands of dollars , according to
the character of the busInotH and tin
amount done , to the city , w ) that no one ca >
land the other day that thuro were II ur
mills there which wore running day and
night to supply the Chinese demand foi-
American Hour. On hoard the China there
lu the representative of one of the largest
milling machine companies of the United
States. lie in en his way to Shanghai to
put up there a modern 300-harrcl flour mill ,
which will cost nioro than $100,000. The mill
Is being erected for a Chinese company ,
and It will probably grind American wheat ,
though the Chinese say they can get wheat
In China.
Aiiirrlcii. In the Mlil-l'iielflc.
The Increased trade of the Pacific Is In
evidence hero In Honolulu. I have never
boon In a town of this size which showed
HO many Hlgns of prosperity. It Is a town
of rich men and no beggars. The streets are
full of business , and the stores are as fine
: is these of a city of four times Its size In
the United States. Everything hns an Ameri
can air. The names over the chief stores are
more American than those of our American
cities , where there are so many Gorman and
Jewish names , and the faces you BOO on the
streets are chiefly of the American typo. I
refer , of course , to the whites , and not to the
largo Asiatic and native element.
Honolulu , in fact , Is so rich and so lively
tlmt It makes mo think of a cross between
n now rich mining camp and a wealthy sea
side report.
I luu ! a good chance to see something ( if
the crowd while I waited at the postofllco
for the mall to bo distributed. The islands
have , you know , their only communication
with the oulHldo world by stcnmer , and the
China had brought In the latest Intelligence.
Thorn wore a great number of men at the
iHHlollice , making up as cosmopolitan n
row 1 as you can find anywhere. There wore
whiles of every nation of Europe , mahogany
browns from the Islands , sallow-faced
I'ortuguese and yellows of all shades from
Chlim and Japan. Among the whites the
\mi > rf-iiH | ! predominated , although all the
whiles were apparently of the better classes
mil well off. Good-looking men they were ,
iml no-iriy all young. Many were Panama
hills anil suits of whlto duck. Many wcro
lullhoul vests , their pantaloons upheld by
\\lili' silk sashes or gorgeous bells , and not
a few were Indian silk pugnrles or sashes
uboi't Ihrlr hats. The language used In
most cases was English , although the signs
over the pratolllro windows were In five
liinguugcs - Hawaiian , Chinese , Japanese ,
I'ortugurtio and English.
1 llnd that every store nas employes who
speak all of these languages , although the
chlnf buslneHs of the larger stores Is done
lu English. The goods are largely Amer
ican , and the show windows of the bigger
establishments nro ns tastily dressed a *
thcfio of the United States , Everything
that you can buy In any town of 100.GOO
people in the United States Is sold hero.
There are largo hlcyclo stores , book stores ,
clothing stores and groceries , There are
nlrctr'cnl establishments , gun stores and all
sorts of hanks , Investment companies and
i-iifo deposits. There Is n stock exchange ,
which has memberships crating $5,000 apiece ,
and there the hulls and hears meet daily
and speculate In sugar and other stocks. Of
Into sugar has been going up , and a large
number of men hnvo made money In stock
speculation ,
Then are four savings banks In the
Islands , and the postofllco has n savings
hank connected with it which has ilono a
great deal of good. It will , I suppose , he
discontinued as soon as the new govern
ment | H supplied by congress.
The Honolulu Telephone company Is said
to ho making money. It charges { 3 a month
start into any kind of business without
some cash at the beginning.
As to all such matters , however , and also
a to the resources and condition of the
islands , I will write fully when I visit them
on my way Lack from Australia.
At present the great question with the
people of the Hawaiian Islands Is what the
United States is going to give them in the
way of a government. They don't want to
bo under any colonial bureau , but think
they should at once bo admitted as one of
the territories of the union and should be
given territorial ofllcers. I have met dur
ing my stay in Honolulu the chief officials
of the present regime and have somewhat
looked Into their government establish
ments. They already have a far better or
ganization than most of our territories , and
It would , I think , bo an outrage to put
them under any other form of government
than that awarded to the best American
cltl/eno tinker similar conditions. They are
not to bo classed for a moment with such
people ns these of Porto Rico and the
Philippines. They have a high grade of
civilization , and in Intelligence , wealth and
good order will rank with the people of nny
part of the United States ,
A Chat ivlth I'rcNlilciit Dole.
Among the other officials whom I have
met was President Dole , the head of the
Hawaiian republic. My Interview with him
took place In h's ofP.ce In the palace , a
great two-story building , which now be
longs to Uncle Sam. It lo surrounded by a
ten-acre park filled with many varieties of
palms and other tr-plcal trees , and alto
gether Is liner perhaps than nny state house
west of the Mlsslmippi river. Just op
posite it , In another largo park , are the
government buildings , which alfo come to
Uncle Sam , and which are likewise a mag
nificent possession.
Said President Dole , In response to my
question as to the effect the annexation of
the Islands had had upon business and
property values :
"Tho Islands are In a good financial con
dition. Iluslness of all kinds Is better than
It hns over been. Our Imports are increas
ing and there has been a rise In the values
of real estate and sugar stocks. Property
In Honolulu hns gene up , and many new
buildings are being constructed. You must
remember , however , that this Is not a new
country. It has had Its established institu
tions for ninny years. Wo nro , in fact ,
older than nny part of the United States
west of the Hocky mountains , and for the
last fifty yearn nnil more our resources have
been steadily developing. The business of
tha country has already been worked up by
the local firms , and there Is not the chance
for n , boom such as you would expect In one
of the newly opened up territories of the
west. "
"Hnvo you had much increase In your
population slnco the annexation act passed ? "
"Yes , some , but not a great deal , " was
the reply. "You see , It is only a few
months slnco our annexation was consum
mated. Wo nro still unsettled as to Just
what our government Is to bo , although wo
hope it will bo as n now territory of the
United States. When all Is settled , I look
for n considerable Immigration , though not
of the character which usually rushes Into
n now country. "
"Will the Hawaiian islands ever become
a state In the sisterhood of the United States ,
Mr. President ? " I asked.
"I hope so. " replied President Dole. "But
I do not think that tlmo will como for
many yenru yet. "
This Whiskey la absolutely pure. It is good for medic
inal ns well ns other puriroses. Wherever it has been introduced
it habeen royally received. In order to prove it to you by actual
| use wo offer It at cost-$2.OG. We defy competition nt this
ice. WE ARE DISTILLERS. All our output is distilled by our/ /
own plant and every drop is subject to our personal inspection /
before it leaves our warehouse. In buying from us you *
do away with the middleman's profit. This '
accounts for our low cost on the whiskey. If you don't
think we save you nt least 50 per cent , on your purchase
send the whiskey backntourexpenseand we return the
money. That wenre good fortlilsoffcryoucanascertain
through the Commercial Agencies or nny Chicago Bank./
Vnoiln Kent Immediately on rceclpt of
order. We ulilp In plain piU'LnccK.
MaUo Kemlttunec * to
I'.S. Orders for Ariz. , Colo. , Cal. , Iilnlio. Jtonlnna , Nov. , N.
Jlcx. , Ore. , Ulnli , Wash. , Wyo. , must call for 80 quarts , by
fulfill , prepaid.
( He guiriDlet lt iprr i Dlilllllni : Co. will do m Ihej igrcc. Kdllor. )
which unlocks the best opportunities in the Business World
is the skilled use of the
because the chief demand is always for Remington operators.
Beautifies , cleansespre
serves anil whitens tin *
tootli , etrenKtlieiia tint
'iimH nnd sweetens tlie
The World's Standard
Dentifrice for 30 jears.
Uued In u million
tinmen , rut up In iienl
janil Imnily boxes tin'
. I Ideal iJickiiuu for
, I tlin traveler. Nil
4 dust , no ponder , no
< ( llciuld tn Hiii'tc , or to
elaln or toll KiiriiientK
* / ItDo ut all HriiftvUI * .
f. II. STIIIIMUUI.'rop | > . ,
( Llc.ju , lll.l'.h.l.
You Cannel Sleep ? Your nlghls are restless ?
Uwanta Snow White Mattress ,
MsJe from t'ollon llown. Host raattrewi on earths
pure , Miiltam ; ofti never packis Juxlu a HUM I me
frelalit preiiaiif If not lee illitont , money rrfuniled II
.lenlrBd after ! W daj.1 trial. Can he lia'l oiil > of UK'
+ + + + * +
removes hair from face , arms ,
or any part of the poreon with
out tuo ellglitcfl' Injury to tlio
delicate ekln. Absolutely
aruiless. ItuBulUsuro. Agents
iwuntcd everywhere. AddrceB ,
Tim Iteyuru Co.
23 Mb , VullJittff , UiMlnaatl , 0 ,