OMAHA ILLTSTHATHD I IE I MX ) . A Most Successful Western Institution Tlir Iloo IB pleased to devote n portion of Its space today to n worthy and successful local corporation , thu Bankers Hcsorvo Llfo Af-Miclntlqii of Oiniiliii. II wnfl organl/.cd In the Into spring of 18)7 ! ) ; Issued lt first policies In Juno of that year , nnd hits just hold Its third nnnunl meeting. MB nnnunl statc-menls show over $1,250,000 ItiHiirnnco written during Its brief career , a record of which Ihu management IH ilmerv- odly proud. During the your ISfly more than olio-half million U-IIH added to its ilsks The trying purled of the organization has 1'iifrHod and the AHHO-lntl n Is a HUI-I-CHH lo- yoinl a noradvonturo. Dcllllt I.IIHMI-M I'lllll. It sustained nnd promptly paid ten thou naml'dollars for death claims during the first fifteen months of Its history , and hm had only two death claims , each for $1 000 , dur I UK the past eighteen months. The testl monlals of lift claimants are the strongest possible ondorscment of the Btaljillty of the ' ompany. HH llrst one thousand appllca tloiiH written were for $1,000 and $2,000 on n f-iiiRlu llfo , which limited Us volume of 1 UHlnoHH , lt lluhlllty and Its Income from premluniH. The llrst years of Its existence the Dank ors Hcsorvovas somewhat lumpered hy the laws of the Htnte of Nebraska and coqld not adopt , modern politics The legislature of 18fl ! ) amended the Insurance law enacted In 18I5 ! , under which the company Is Incor- E K VALhN'llNE. GliN L ArTOilNEY. porated. The amundod luw gives to stipu lated premium companies of Nebraska every advantage of safely , and enabled the asso ciation to Lssuo the bust and most modern policies , excelling any policies now Issued by the suit-styled "old lino" companies. UN 1'olIulvN Ar > Xttt K\ctlli > il. The Bankers Reserve's policies contain ill thn late liberal options , which after thrci yearn are available , HH automatic oxtcnded or paid-up Insurance , or for cash or Ibiu values , with other equally liberal features thus making these policies popular with tin public and attractive to agents. It ropre senls the no\\est and best in llfo insuranc and is the "lightning express" comparci with the "old lino" staRO coach. TinKxi'tMillvt * OllluvrN. Air. II , II. Hoblson , the president an founder of the company , Is ono of the bes known anil most successful life Insuranc men In the country , llo baa devoted hi energies and tlmo to llfo Insurance durln the past twenty years , IIo Is a of gro.n organizing ability , of splendid health and untiring Industry. With years of experi ence as an olllrer of one of the largest In- iiuranco companies of the United States , and as an underwriter , ho has been n pronounced success. Ho Is a man of property and de servedly stands high In the ranks of Omaha business men James P Latta , vlco president nnd trens- 11 II ROI1ISON , PRESIDENT uror of the Association , Is ono of the oldest citizens of Nebraska ; a staunch , upright skillful financier , llvo stock man and capi talist. He has built up a largo fortune , owns broad acres , herds of cattle and stands among the best known hank olllclals of the state. Ho Is the president of the First Na tional Hank of Tckamah and his name Is Known. In every financial center of the United States. John S. Postal , secretary , has had years of experience In Hold work throughout the United States for leading life Insurance Companies , nnd has a record as an Insurance writer second to few men In the business In America. Skilled as a solicitor , ho is also well Informed concerning all the details of llfo Insurance , and is able to meet com- 11 J S. POSTAL , SECRETARY o a petltors upon any ground whore ho is chalK - K longed. it E. K Valentino , general attorney , has re- The Hawaiian Islands in 1900 ( ( CopyilKhtod , 1'J'JO ' , by Frank G. Carpenter. ) HONOLULU. Jan. 2 , 1'JOO. ( Special Corro- Hpumloneo of The lleo. ) At the crobs roads of the Pacific , 2,100 miles from San Fran cisco , U , 100 mill's fiom Japan , about 4,000 miles Horn Australia , and an almost equal dlstanco from our now possessions In the 1'hlllpplno Islands , I bi'gln this torles of letters for my American readers. 1 am In the United Stales of the eastern Paclllc. The ( American ilau lloats from the palace which was not long ago occupied by King KalauKaua and In It sllu the president of Iho republic of Hawaii , ready at any mo ment to glvo place to the now government has been do- im noon us Its uMicl form lurmlned by congress. 1 am In Iho city of Honolulu , the capital of the Islands , ono of the most beautiful cities of Its blzo on the globe. ItH wldo avimuos are lined with palm-shaded gardons. fenced with hedges of oleanders and other beautiful ( lowers. Its vclvoly lawns are at their greenest now. in the heart of mldwInter , and the boft ozonlc airs of the Boml-troplca uro over washing It clean , Behind mo rises the Punch Bowl , an extinct crater , largo enough to hold the drink of all the g > ds of all the nations , uinl not far below it urn the vast plantations on 1 which la annually raised enough sugar to sweeten 'tho ' punch of all humanity. riiTiinK in I'ni'iHf. Hut before 1 wilto moio about Honolulu at ; I BOO it In passing , lot mo give you the ( intllno of the tour which I am making In i the Interebts of thin I'upor. ' H will comprise - miles of qut-of-tbo- prise moru than 25,000 way travel through the countries and Islands Of the Pacluo ocean , Including Japan , China Malacca , the Dutch East Indies , the Philip pines , Australia , New Zealand , the Samoa * and the Fljis. It will bo n circle of the Pacific , ending after another visit to tlicet Islands at San Francisco , where It began I shall spend some months In each of tin above count ! lea , describing the present coiv dltlons , Invebtlgnting the chances for Amorl can trade and picturing In pen and camon tbo wonderful changes which are going 01 In the far east. I want to dewcribo Japan under the nov tieatles , by which Americans can now d business In any part of the empire ; to travc over China , making my way Into the In tcrlor ; to look Into railroads and ether nn dcrtaklngs which are now there under way to describe how the English munago thol colonies at Hong Kong and the Straits Set tlomenls and to visit the wonderful Islanl of Java , a colony or Holland , which suj : ports moro than 24,000.000 people on an arc about as largo as the state of New Yorl From Java I way possibly visit Sumatra an llorneo and thence make my way down t Australia , the greatest of England's colonh possessions. Australia IB a continent In II Belt and Is fast being opened up to Amerlc.i trade. . It has vast cities and Is a worl of Its own. My first Hold of work will ho the Phllli plno Islands. I shall leave tomorrow f < Japan , where I remain long enough to pn ' pivp a couple of letters and thci push e > rapidly via Shanghai nnd Hong Kong i Manila , so that I can bo there n month fro today. From Manila I expect to make oxpedltloi s from Island to Island , as the etate of fightlt , will permit. I want to look into the n \V. O BRIDGES , MEDICAL. DIRECTOR sided In Nebraska for moro man thlrt , years. Ho Is an attorney of acknowledge 1 ability , nnd was judge of the district court , congressman three terms , and sergeant at arms of the United States senate for four years. Piobahly no man In the central west Is better known throughout the coun try than Judge Valentine , and wherever ho Is known he Is respected for his high stand Ing and ability. C. L. Roblson , second vlco president and assistant sei retary , is an underwriter of acknowledged strength and largo experience. J. P. LATTA , V. P. AND TREAS. Few men In the west have developed more skill In the field or have been more success ful. IIo Is strong in his personal acquaint ance and has expert knowledge of the life insurance business. T. W. Illackburn has been Intimately as sociated professionally with the management since the organization qf the company. He Is a piomlnent member of the Douglas county bar , has resided in Omaha for twenty-four years , and is well and favorably known throughout the west. Dr. W. O. Bridges , medical director , has been prominent In the medical profession In the state of Nebraska for ten years and pos sesses the highest professional qualifications He Is a man whoso experience has given him technical knowledge of life Insurance pos sessed by few physicians anywhere. W. F. Milroy , assistant medical director , and state medical director of the Royal Ar canum for Nebraska , Is a physician of high standing In Omaha and well known through- hourccs of the country , to describe the plan tations , the mines and the forests and give you j.toiurcs of tnc custom- * habits aurl character of the people as potvsiblo Amorlcar g citizens. I go without prejudice and will Q the one aim of ascertaining ami writing the truth as It Is. < luui > r Filipino TrllifN. ' Ths undertaking is no small ono. Tin i Filipinos are , as the commlhslon tent out b ; the president has stated , rather an nggrega tiou of tribes than ono nation. Each Islam < ut the state of Nebraska With Dr Bridges , ho Is a member of the faculty of the Omaha Medical college , one of the leading lucatlonal Institutions of Its kind west of Chicago. John A. Dempster , superintendent of agents , was for many years a prominent business man In central Nebraska , a mem ber of the Nebraska legislature , nnd nn organizer of fraternal societies of acknowl- 'dged ability. Ho possesses executive ability ind does a largo personal business In nddl- lon to the stimulus his presence affords the orps of agents who work under his super- tslon. Prominent among Its eastern reprcsentn- Ivea Is Dr. W. P. Goff , manager and state xamlner for West Virginia. He Is n mem ber of one of the most distinguished families T.V. . BLACKBURN , ATTORNEY. ot the country and Is nn active worker for the company. President Robibon makes favorable men tion of Special Agents G. L. E. Kllngbell , A R. Ferguson , John Davis , C.V. . Hamllt n , and M. C. Woods. UN AilvlNorv Hoard. The Advisory Board of the Bankers Reserve servo Life Is ono of the stiongest in America It consists of several hundred leading bank ers , business and piofessional men , selected from the several counties of the state. No life Insurance company of the country new C L. ROBISON , 2ND V. P. & ASS'T SEC'Y or old has ever shown a stronger orgniil/a- tlon at Its ago This combinati n of insur- unco nnd business men cannot fail to win. . has Its own peculiar savages and there an 3 parts of the country which have never beei I explored. This is so even in Luzon , wher < i the Spanish Inlluenco has been the stiongcat i There are said to bo eighty-three dlstlnc 3 tribes , who speak sixty dllforent languages There are many religions. Some tiibcw ar naluro worshipers , who live In the trees , 11 ) huts built In the branches bigb up fiom th y ground. Olhers are Mohammedans , who ar - moro Inlolorant and fanatical than th il dervishes of Turkey , and others are Bud \R \ g. ONE -OF THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN HONOLULU. J A. DEMPSTER SI PT OFGENTS. . The Board of Directors Is harmonious hrougliout and forms an able corps of i\orKevrs for the best Intere.-ts of the associa tion. The company challenges the closest In- vestlgatlon of Its affairs and defies any com petitor to offer better forms of policy con tracts. It also invites parties interested to Inquire as closely as they sec fit Into the personnel of Ihe management. The BanKois Reserve Llfo At-soclutlon is engaged In the legltinialo business of life in- 1 W. F. MILROY , ASS'T MED. DIRECTOR. } surancc. It has no warfare to make upon competitors , but it will take care of itself under all circumstances. I N Kli-jiiiiit Home Olllcc. The elegant homo offices of the com pany are situated in the McCaguo block , nt the coiner of Fifteenth and Dodge streets' . There are not finer or bettor equipped In surance offices in the entire west. What UK- People Want. The Bankers Reserve policies afford ex actly the kind of insurance the people want , are easily understood and retiull satisfactor ily. This is a western association which should receive the coidial support of the people most interested in the financial futuio of this great section of the Union. It places In our midst another Institution through which will pass for Investment In western securities lingo sums of new capital. e Utibts , Cunfucianlsts and Taoibts. Tlieie n are Christians of various kinds , and , alto- u e gother , a strange conglomeration of different t. bellejs. it The customs of some of the people are 5. strange. The Callmlancs islands have faav- e ages who wear gowns of bark and who eat 'j ' n their moat and fish raw. On the Island e of Palawan , In the same vicinity , are fierce o Dyako and pirates from Borneo and on o Mindoro Island , which Is ns big as Con- - ncclicut and Is , I am told , only 130 miles from Manila , the men go naked and the women wear only cells of bark aiound their waists. Those men are head hunters. They are wild to eat monkeys , snakes , crocodiles , . and lizards. On other islands slavery ic , still rl.'e. There Is a system of debt slaves and women and children are actually bought and , sold. It IH said you can buy a girl for ? 8 and that a lri-year-old maiden can bo pur chased for five bushels of rice. If this is BO I shall buy a girl and photograph her and the slave dealer , In order to tell you just how the business It ) done. I shall , of course , give the y.oung lady immediate freedom at the close of the purchase , In addition to the savages , I shall do- scrlbo the civilized Filipinos ; they have a character of their own , nnd they will bo the * , ruling class in case the Islands are given over to native government. The real value of the Islands anil their possibilities as an Investment field for Americans will he another matter Into which I shall look. I want to tell you how business Is done , the methods ot buying and selling , the questions of wages and the money to he made or lost In tbo various enterprises com mon to tbo country , Some of the Islands ( Continued on Seventh Pace , )