Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1900, Part I, Page 24, Image 24

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    I TTT ! fWrATTA TlATT.'V TJTTiT ? . C2TV n V A' -0-V -i iinn
Meeting of Officials of Union Pacific ) and
Western Conneotions.
Uin < Union I'nrlflr ' MIIJ-
Clone Ottilrn < in < M ny lo Hlo
Urnnilc \ \ > UTH Plan < i > Ho-
move Aiiillllnir Ulllcf.
From Salt Uike comes the report that the
meet.OR of ofllrlals of the Union Pnclllc , Ore-
pen Short I.lno nnd Oregon Railway and
Navigation company to bo held In thnt city
next Wednesday will witness the consum
mation of several Important projects.
One of the questions which It Is lOportcJ
Will bo taken up by the officials of these
JIncs will relate to the recent order con ell
dating the general agencies nt Portland ,
Butte and Salt Lake City , whereby one gen
eral agent will represent the three lines
instead of maintaining thrco separate agen
cies ns heretofore. In discussing the out
come of this meeting a Salt hake paper says :
"It la said that nome officials of local rep-
\ltntlon arc uoiv within the zoiio of fire from
the big guns at Omaha nnd It la doubtful
Jt they emerge unscathed. Another thing
that Is being freely commented upon Is the
probability of restoring conditions exactly
iw they were previous to the segregation of
the Union Pacific nnd the Oregon Short.
Line. "
Such action , it Is understood , will Involve
Iho closing of the Ogden gateway for the ,
reason that the Union Pacific ban about con
cluded It should haul all the freight from
the Mlffiourl river to points west of Ogden ,
elnce no plaimlblo reason exists why It '
ohould help mvell the freight receipts of the !
Itio Orando Western and Its connections. I
This fooling has been strengthened recently |
l > y reason of certain hostile actions directed
toward the Union Pacific by the Rio Grande
In Omaha considerable Interest Is man
ifested In this projected meeting for the
reason that It Is bollovcd matters of un !
doubted Importance to this city may como '
up for consideration. H Is still maintained
Jn rcllablo quarters hero that certain dc-
ipartments of the Oregon Short Line are to
ho removed from Salt Lake to Omaha , nota
bly the auditing department.
t'ri'iK * nn t'oiiinilHNliiii Vnui'lior.
A few commission vouchers continue to be
received at the general headquarters of the
Union Pacific from ticket agents at various
points In the country. Although the agents
Bending In these vouchers live In cities
nprcail over the entire United States a coin
cident Idea seemed to come to most of them.
The vouchers , representing the final reports
of commissions , nro marked with exprcs-
Kions of farewell , Indicating In nearly every
Instance deep regret. The most original idea
was shown by a ticket agent at Nashville ,
Tenn. Upon the voucher ho Kent In to fien-
oral Passenger Agent Lomax was attached
a small bit of black crepe , expressive of
Kcnulnc sorrow at the domlso of the com
mission plan.
U < -VlNlIl Of COfll ItlltOM.
The lines operating 'between ' Omaha and
Chicago are arranging a new schedule on
coal , affecting the rates between Chicago
nnd all points west of the Missouri river.
The statement Is made that thcro are no
radical changes from the present rates. In
Home cases there are minor advances nnd
In others slight reductions. "It Is merely a
revision of rates , placing them upon a more
cqultablo basis , " Is the statement an Inter
ested official makes. It Is stated that the
most noticeable advance Is In the rates on
shipments of coke.
Ticket \\ttfiit \ IIiivc Iliifie.
! A prominent Omaha city ticket agent cx-
jirossed the opinion yesterday that the abolishment
ishment of commissions would not long con
tinue In effect , basing his assertion upon
this statement : "Tho Canadian Pacific has
refused to enter Into the combination for
the abolishment of commissions and thla
refusal , I believe , will force all the other
roads to re-establish the commission plan.
Notice has been given by the Canadian Pa
cific that Itwill pay commissions on all
business destined to Canadian points. "
ItnlMinr TYoli'M mid I'lTHiinulK.
11. 11. McCulloimh , third vlco president
General Passenger Agent Buchanan of
the Klkhorn has gone to Sioux City.
mid general triUIlc rnanugor of the North-
KvcHtern , passed throUKli Omaha yesterday
tenroutu to the west.
Assistant General Freight Agent Phllllppl
ot the Missouri Pacllle Is In Kansas CHy
on ( i brief business visit.
Jame Thompson of Chicago , traveling
j > , iHHongor agent of the Canadian Paclllc- ,
1s in the city , consoling1 the ticket agents
u trlllcj with the Information that his line
still paying1 commissions on Canadian
A special car cnmn In on the Omaha &
St Louis ycMtt-nlay 'from ' Klrksvllle ,
Bio. , and went west ovi-r the Union Paclllc.
It contained a. party of osteopaths onrouto
from Klrksvlllo to Santa liarbara , On I. ,
\vhero they will establish an otttcouathlc
A. 1C. Outts , KoiH'ral passenger agent ot
Iho Minneapolis & St. Ixmls. will arrive In
Omaha today , accompanies ! by a party
of St 1'atll and ( Minneapolis newspaper men.
TJio visit waH arranged by Mr. t'utts In
iiixler to show off the now Hhort line be
tween 'Minneapolis ' und Omaha , via the
nilnnranolta & St. Ixuils and the Illinois
The KiMwrnl passenger department of the
HurlliiKton has received tor distribution
one of the handsomest and most ulnlxmito
calendars of the year. It Is of exceptionally
law xlzo nnd Its distinctive feature Is
twelve Immlsomo drawings representing
Bomo of , the Burlington's advantages. A
m'paruto shcot Is given each month In the
Quality Will Toll.
The business of the F. R. Itico Mercan
tile Cigar company of St. Louis has been In
creasing In a remarkable manner. The
company recently received nn Inquiry from
U California house for prices on Mercantile
clgarn In GO.OOO lots , which amount they ex
pected to use monthly , nnd Mr. W. C.
Bchutz , vlco president nnd general manager
of the concern , was compelled to turn the
order down because the company Is already
liuhlnd with Its orders ami did not huvu n
Jargo enough stock of clgarn on hand to fill
euch a largo ordur In addition to Its regular
trade. The company started ton years ago
with thrco hunclti , and has grown atcadlly
until now It has over 300 persons employed
In the factory. In the last four months
they have employed all of the Ural-class
clgarmakora that could he secured , hut nro
still unable to keep up with the orders.
The Mercantile cigar has grown ntcadlly
in public favor because the quality has been
maintained at nil times , und the cigar Is
fully as good now ns It was \\hcn Unit manu
factured , A large stock of fine Havana
tobacco was laid In by the Mercantile peoples
ples some time ago , the good qualities of
which will bo improved by ago , and will en-
nblo tbo company to keep up the standard
until the new crop of tobacco u available
tor use , which will not bo for about eighteen
months. The shop Is run on n htrlctly union
basis , and only the union labor Is em
ployed. All of the stack which enters Into
the manufacture of the Mercantile cigars
la carefully selected , aud nothing hut ( he
best la used. Mr. C. A. Halls-
back , who represents the Mercantile Cigar
Co. In thla city , says that all parts of the
factory are open to visitors nt all times , ami
that when lib * friends are In St. Louis the
company will bo glad to receive them at any
tlmo In order that they may eeo tbo clean
liness und care that Is taken In the manu
facture of thedo cigars und the flue grade
Of stock which U used ,
( A. U. T. Messengers. Tel. 177.
.1. KrollU.t ( „ . ' , Di-trnlt ( .Mich. )
. ( KMIMtO ( Wliololll < - Dry ( ioiiilx
.Stock .Noli ] ,
Thursday , Janur.ry 2 , the entire whole-
inle Ktock of dry goods of A. Krollk & Co. ,
Detroit , Mich. , Inventoried value , JCOO.OOO ,
was sold In lots
and confuted of
J73,000. Prints nnd domestics ,
$60.000 ; dress goods ,
$ "i.fM ) ) ; silks nnd velvets ,
JCS.OOO ; while good ? , linens ,
curtains and draperies ,
$13,000 ; yarns ,
$10,000 ; notion ! ! ,
$10,000 ; Ihreau ,
$30,000 ; laces , embroidery nad ribbons ,
$83,000 ; ttmlonvcnr , hrMery , gloves nnd
furnishing goods ,
$30,000 ; Jeans cottnadc , cnsslmcre ,
$25,000 ; carpels , oil cloths , caps ,
secured some of the
This purchase In connection with nomc Im-
meiiBo bargains bought by cur buyers In
New York , will go
As thc > purchases are eo Immense we
cannot put them all on sale nt once , but as
flint ns the goods arrive nnd can bo ar
ranged wo will plnco them on sale , be
ginning Wednesday , Feb. 7.
Further particulars In tomorrow's papers.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas.
Police , All C. A. H.
You are cordially Invited to attend mem
orial servlccH to bo held by Garflcld circle
No. 11 , ladles of the G. A. U. , In memory
of our Into comrades , A. W , lirown of George
'A. Cusler post and Comrade Valentino Shell-
hart of George Crook post and members of
our order , services to bo held in lied
Men's hall , Continental block , at S o'clock
sharp Saturday evening , Feb. 10.
niKlilliVnril Itciiulillcnii Club.
Thcro will bo a meeting of the EUhth
Ward Republican club at Wolff's ha'.l ,
Twenty-second and Cumlng slreeta , Tucs-
day evening , February 6 , at 8 p. m. All
ward candldatcB and olhers are expecled to
bo present. R. C. ROWLEY ,
W. F. COWGER , President.
HIINII > NN Opportunity.
A largo wholesale and retail house doing
n most successful business nnd owned by
one individual with a stock value a little
over $30,000 desires to Incorporate. The
present proprietor Is desirous of withdraw
ing in part from active business and to
Rtlll retain a largo Interest In the busi
To a man who can control about $20,000
an exceptional opportunity Is offered with
n salaried position to look after the ofllco
management. No speculators need answer
nnd only a man who can give the best of
references as .to abilities need apply. The
entire details as to the business and profits
for the last ten years will bo at his dis
posal for a most thorough examination.
If you are Interested in this opening. It
you will send your name only , I will be glad
to glvo you all Information. Address X JO ,
Ueo olllcc.
SpirltmillNt Church or Omnlm.
Meeting this ( Sunday ) night at 7:45 : at
Continental hall , 15th and Douglas ets. Take
elevator on 15th st. side. Good speakers and
tests. Everybody welcome.
A Frlciiu ,
who used the Illinois Central Limited to
Chicago , says It's a "beauty. " Will tell
you about It at 1402 Farnam street.
The Now Short Mile to St. I'nnl ,
via the Illinois Central , leaves 7 a. m. nnd
7:33 : p. m. Solid , wide vestlbuled .trains.
Investigate this nt 1402 Farnam street.
O. P. D. Trunks nnd parcels. Tel. 2031.
Maniiou Water
Wo are agents In Omaha for the celebrated
MANITOU WATER and shall be pleased to
receive orders from clubs , restaurants , deal-
em or families. Slnco moving our retail
store to the corner of IGth and Dodge we
shall have Increased facilities In our old
location for the storage and caring for min
eral waters and shall give this branch of
our business special attention. Wo buy
our waters direct from the springe and thus
are in position to name the lowest prices ,
as well as guarantee absolutely fresh and
genuine waters.
Over 100 kinds mineral waters In stock.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co
S. IV. Cor. HUH mill IodKr.
Laboratory nnd Warehouse , 1513 Dodge St. .
( Old location. )
By buying your tlckotn to
. .VIA .
Salt Lake
San. .
Los Angeles
xo ciiAMii : . COMKOHT.
City TicketOffice 1302 Farnam ,
Our QL'ICK SHOT Cawcia. size
4.\3. for $5.7.1 , holdliiK 12 plates
without leloadlng , gets the best
snapshot pictures of nny In the
market. AVe have all' other
makes at lowest prices. Piemns ,
I'ocos and Kodaks.
The Robert Dempster Go , ,
1512 1'nriitun St.
Developing and Printing Done ,
Wrlto us before purchasing ,
j Nciv PnUorn of Arc Lump \ci\r HrltiK
Inilnllfil i\ir < -cil ( in I'riMc *
.Illicit .Mort Siillfnrtor ) ,
Under the dlrwtlon of City Klcctrlctrtn
Sfhurlg the Thomson-Houston Ivleclrlc
Light company la substituting for the nro
IHWPS now In common use the Hnrlfoi'd
system , which la expected to provo much
mortjmtlflfactory. . The annoying dicker
chararlerlstlc of the old lamps , It In snld ,
will bo entirely done nwny with. There nro
now 333 arc lights on the public streets and
a Inrgo number of them have ntrcudy boon
provided with the nllcred model. The now
lights nro now In place on Farnnm street
fjoin Eighteenth street , west ; on Cumins
street i , from Twenty-fourth street , west , nnd
on Sherman avenue nnd Twentieth street ,
fiom Cumlng street , north ,
The new nrcs nro enclosed with'nn ' alter
nating current. While the rnys nt certain
angles i nro less brllllnnt thnn the old style ,
the i general radiance Is much strotiRer. In-
slifld i of throwing Its maximum ray nt IS
degrees i , ns on the old basis , the present
lump 1 gives out Its beams horizontally from
the i nxln of the lamp. It costs no shadow
underneath i , as In the cnso of the former
pattern. 1 The lamp Is guaranteed to bo
cheaper In maintenance ! nnd more satisfac
tory I In service.
AtliMttluii , Mnlti AVnril Itcimltllrnitn !
At a meeting of the republican voters of
the Ninth ward it wan decided to hold a
meeting Thursday evening , February S , nt
the headquarters of the Ninth Wnrd club
to select delegates to the city convention
to bo voted for nt the coming primary elec
tion. A motion was unanimously adopted
that every republican voter In the ward be
not only cordially Invited but urged to at
tend. P. J. HAim ,
EDWARD F. SCHimiG , Chairman.
Mortality Stnl lit Ion.
The following births and deaths liavo
been refortlfil at tlu > otllco of the Hoard of
llualth during- the forty-eight hours ended
tit noon Saturday :
nirtlis : Adam Ilverly , 1"OI ! Farnam , ulrl ;
W. I. KnrlKht. HOiS North Sixteenth , boy ;
1. . Jncobson , 2 , " > , r > l earning , boy ; John Mor
ris , 1136 North Seventeenth , girl ; Charles
Davis. 1C07 Howard , girl ; Jumes K. lirown ,
2ofi4 Douglas , girl.
Deaths. Airs. Mlnncttn Fancher , Kansas
City , 85 years ; Hose Kllen McCnbc , Ben
son , 1 year ; Kleanor JleKonzle , 4SOI North
Twenty-fourth , 5 ! ) years ; Silas Allen , Jleth-
odlst hospital , 50 years.
I'mli'iMMVxkl , I.liu-oln , Felirunry 1" ,
The Durllngton route will run a special
train Omaha to Lincoln and return for the
accommodation of those desiring to attend
the Pndcrowskl concert , provided 100 or
more persons signify not later than Thurs
day , February S their Intention to patronize
The round trip rate will bo $2.20.
If Interested , telephone or write Clement
Chase ! , 1518 Farnam' . , from whom tickets
for the concert may bo secured.
Expert piano tuning , H. H. Kliodes , Som-
mor Piano factory , 321 S. 10th'Phono ; 2039.
Just the kind of weather to make your
dog sick. Coughs , colds , fever , distemper
are now prevalent. They can all bo cured
by the timely use of
Clayton's Distemperine.
Geo. H. Moore , the Lake street dog fan
cier says : "Thero Is nothing better. "
Dirty dog nouses and bedding this tlmo
of year cause scratches and mango. Take
then In time and they can bo speedily cured
each BOc per bottle.
Send for book on the dog.
14th uudDougla Sts.
Atinnnt .Spring ; t'llurliiinui- Coun
try .Mcrrhmttn Is llrmlcil
til In 1Vn > - .
The burcnu of the Commercial plub oper
ated by the Jobbers and manufacturers of
Omaha to encourage the pntronnRo of coun
try merchants In several tributary stales la
bearing fruit. Thin work last fall resulted
In the sale by this method of something Hko
( $120,000 of goods'by Omaha Jobbers , and the |
movement promises to bo more effective
this spring. Among the country ( Inns who
have visited Omaha during the past w-cck
and have purchased poods In sulTlclcnt
amounts to Justify the bureau In remitting
to them their railway fare were : C. C\
Huckncll , Alvo , Neb. ; Whiting & Korney ,
Albion. Neb. ; H. Koss. Soldier , la. ; C. T.
I'eteraon , Creston. Neb. ; A. K. Jona. ? . CornIng -
Ing , la. ; Hoffman Dros , Ashland , Neb. ; A.
Kry , Norcalur , Kan. ; C. F. Calk. Plalnvlow ,
Neb. ; Lodcr & Son , Waverly , Neu. ; Hobbs
& Nlelson. Haucroft. Neb. ; J. J. Williams ,
Monroe. Neb , ; H. H. Suing , llartlngton ,
Neb. ; A. Prank. Clatonla , Neb. ; Rich & Can-
field , Onlarlo , Ore , ; S. A. Luca , Nellgh ,
Neb. ; J. A. Halburg , Dclolt , la. ; Ocorge K.
Moles , Randolph , Neb. ; 0. C. Buckley ,
Mcnlo , la. ; K. 0. Spielberg , Hooper , Neb. ;
Plank & Youngstedt , Wahoo. Neb. ; John
Anderson nnd H. M. Cramer , Missouri Val
ley , la. ; Charles Wllle. Klkhorn , Neb. ; O.
W. Rogers , Woodbine , la. Their purchases
ran to about ? 10,000.
Sam'l Hums. 1318 Knrnam , Is selling a real
wcdgcwood dinner sot , JS.75.
Von Arc InvKcil.
You are respectfully Invited to attend
an exhibit and sale , of
children's Imported and domestic wnsh suits
In our parlors , February ( i , 7 and 8 ,
nineteen hundred.
MlimrnpoIlN nml s < . I'nnl Miuld-il ,
via the Illinois Central , leaving at 7-35 p.
in. , has Just what you want In the way of
equipment and fast time. City ticket office
1402 Farnnm street.
R. R.
41 Miles the Shortest
To St. Louis.
28 Miles the Shortest
Trains leave UNION STATION dally
for St. Louis , Qulncy , Kansas City aud
all points east or south.
Home Seekers Excursions
Feb. 6th and 20th.
All Information at City Ofllco , 1416 Ffcr-
nnm St. ( Paxton Hotel Block. )
Cures Grip While You Sleep ,
BROMO LAXATIVE is prepared 4-om the
private formula of one of Chlcago'vbuslest
physicians , who , during the great grip epi
demic of 1S92 , successfully attended over
2,000 cases of the dread disease , using Brome
Laxative In 90 per cent of his cases.
Regular Price Our Price
25c lOc
Gut Price Druggists ,
222 South 16th St. Omaha.
The Useful and the
Beautiful should go together.
is both , and easily the best coal mined in Wyoming.
VICTOR WHITE , 1605 Farnam St. TELEPHONE 127 ,
Another demonstration of
the double values we offer
in shoes. Our buyer is now
in the east , has sent us in
several big lots , purchased at 50c
on the dollar. In view of the re
cent big advance in shoes , this
purchase gives ns a decided ad
vantage over competitors.
See the Ultra
and Stetson Shoes E
200 pairs ladies' vici kid shoes , regular
$2. GO values , at $1.75.
NYomen's wine satin and felt slippers ,
fur trimmed. $1.50 , § 1.75 and 82 values ,
all in one lot at $1.00.
Ohildren'H vici kid heavy welt soles ,
leather counters and soles , former price
$1.50 , at98c
Women's felt lined , also i'olt slippers , to
close out at 38c
Men's satin calf lace or congress shoes ,
leather counters and soles , regular price
$2 , now $1,15
Children's vici button or lace , sizes 5 to'
8 , sold for 85c , now only 60c
Boys' satin calf shoed , bals , sixes 12 to 2 ,
regular price § 1.50 , on sale at 90c
Mon's satin calf bals , all solid , regular
$2.50 values , for Monday only $1.59
IlciiuiliiN of rirxt Mmt I.oM li > Thnrn-
tnn Illlloi lo lie HurliMl
In Otiinliiii
On Tuesday the body of Hnlph W. Kclls
will nrrlve In Omah.i from the Philippines.
Private Kells was the first member of Com
pany \ , of the Klrst Nebraska the Thurs-
ton Rincs to fall In battle. Ho was killed
nt the battle of Santa Meal , nenr Mnnlln ,
February 6. 1S)9. ! ) In the first engagement of
the company , a Mauser bullet passing
through his brad. > llo enlisted In South
Omaha , where his mother now resides.
Upon the anival of the body It will be
taken to the undertaking rooms of llurket
& Dodder , Twenty-third and Cumlng
streets , where 11 will remain until Suiidav ,
February 11 , nt which time the funeral will
take place. The funeral will be conducted
by the present members and veterans of the
Thurslon Rifle * . Rev. Wheeler of the First
Presbyterian church of South Omiiha of
ficiating , assisted by the choir of his church.
Interment will be In the lot of the
Thurston Rlllcs nt Prospect Hill cemetery.
Drs. Lord and Hllstln , C01 Paxton block.
\IMV , HrlKlit mill Kp-to-Diid-
nro the Chicago and MInncapolls-St. Paul
trnlna via the Illinois Central , Partic
ulars nt city ticket olllcc , 1102 Farnnm St.
Have Hoot print It.
ninnk book and magazine binding. A. I.
Hoot , 1G09 Howard street.
Isoause They Owe ioc
There tire some people who ilon t | j.iy
Hoe as promptly us they ought to nndli.n
One- writes a proeiIptlon for them they
feel Doe would bo offended did thov not Kti
to the druggist ho asked them to KO to.
And Doe's right for he knows It will be a
luiiK tlmo before hi1 will got his pay fur
willing the prescription , while the pill
makers settle wlt'h ' him the llrst of on eh
month. .No use talking , Doc Is a "foxy
Buy. "
Lotus Cream 10e
I'yiamld Pile Cure . lOc
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets . .i lOc
Trainer's Kidney Cure 73o
Vine Kolafru Soc
Wine of Cardtil 75e
liromo Quinine l" u
1 dozen H-graln Quinine Capsules 7e
1 dozen : i-gnilti Quinine Capsules lOo
1 dozen 5-Kraln Quinine Capsules ] 5o
Plnkham's Compound 73c
Hood's Sarsapaillla 7 c
Pnlnc's f't'lery Compound 73o
llood'P Pills aic
Carter's Liver PUN ISc
Uncle Sam's Tobacro Cure Sflo
West'tt Nerve and Uraln Treatment. . . . ' > c
for. Kith nml Chicago Six.
1)11:1) .
FANCUnu-Mrs. F. It , of Knnnnsi City ,
-Mo. , dnuBhler of Mr. ntvd Mrs. H. . '
Filnernl nl 3:30 : p. in. Sumlay nt their
roMdenrc , 4 No. Kill St. . Omnlm , Ntb.
Friends Invited.
Mrs. Lenorn Lnke of St. trials , well known
to Omaha people , will lecture In Metro
politan ball Fob. IS , under the auspices of
branch No. 1 , C. M. H. A. Her subject will
i be , "Frntcrnnl Christian Charity. " Mrt
Lake In nn eloquent , entertaining speaker
Some four year * ngo she addressed a public
meeting In Uoyd'o opera house In behalf of
the ( lood Shepherd's Home , and those who
heard her wer < charmed by her earnestness ,
eloquence and practical Rood sense.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic nnd
magnetic , has moved his office to
T0 ! > North 16th street , room 13. Special at
tention to all long standing or lingering dis
eases nnd to dlso.iHcs of women and children.
We Are Headquarters for
Cooks' and Waiters'
Jackets , 45c.
Aprons , 15c.
Cooks' Caps. lOc.
Ours is the only place
in town that carries a
complete line of
We nrc nolo nurcnln In ( ho
city for
Garhardt's ' Union Made Goods
Guarantee Clothing Co. ,
Capitol Avc. , Near 16th St.
Close to Bennett's.
P. S. Linen Collars , 7M-C. Rubber Hoots ,
$2.'JO ; IJrown Chucked Overalls , lSc ! , etc.
Still Greater Bargains.
Men's heavy ulsters , made of all wool black frieze , formerly
sold for § 6.50
reduced for Monday to
Men's fine all wool , black , blue and brown kersey overcoats ,
perfect fitting , well made , cut down from 88.50
find 810 , to only
Take Your Pick ,
Choice of any man's suit , overcoat or ulster in our great
slothing department , none reserved , garments i A
worth up to § 30 , cut to only. ITT.
Big Bargains for Big Men.
E)00 ) pairs fine trousers , in sizes from 38 to 52 waist , made and
fit equal to custom made pants , real S3.50 to
§ 7.50 values , cut to § 1.75 , § 2.50 and . . . . . . . . .
Men's fine worsted cassimere and cheviot . -suita ,
odd lots from our $9 and $10 lines , reduced to" (
Great Bargain in Boys' Fine Suits ,
Top Coats and Reefers
lake your choice Monday of any vestee .suit , double breasted
suit and 3-piece suit , also any top coat or storm collar reefer ,
all sizes from 3 to 1C , not a suit , reefer or top coat -
worth less than § 5 and up to $7 50 , Monday only
3eao ecia0 a * 0 * c e ® 15
Why purchase one of thoss Cheap Pianos ® X o
Of no Htnnillnir or r pntatlon that nro KOSTIOIIKD upon the. I'I'llLIC MJ oftiMi 0'T
lit LAHC11I'HICKH. . Ill order to make them llrnt-i'luns , "OKi'bUMJ AT A
ORKAT SAC'lUrK'H on $5.00 11 month payment * . " that arc alwuyn netting out
of order and a CONSTANT KOiirco of BXl'KNHK , nnd over present misery.
Wo aio mire you do not wish an Instrument that would cause you lo bo mis-
eruble --M.arelHl ' . or j valu
out IIH nn Inducement
The Mueller Piano & Organ Co.
lllil .Miiln SI. , I'iMiiii'll HIiilVH , III. -I l-Hl-IN So. IMIi , Omnlm , Ni-li. ! '
I'lunort limed nml repaired C'liurnm icimonnlile. 'J'rls101f 11. -Omalia ! >
You Can Smile
If you have good tcoth. Arid If you |
haven't seed teeth , plcabo don't smile. ,
You could do better by yourself nndt
friends by coming to BCD UH. Wo are |
the foremost < k > ntstB ! In Omnhn.
Hrldgo , Ciown and Killing work lu the
bent htylo. Your teeth may bo uuvcd.
Nn need to l.avo them extracted
BAILEY , the Dentist
.111 : I'a\tiin 111k. llllh A Fnmnm.
. . ' 1OS5. , \T
l.niljAMiiulnn ( I'lioiiu
line Ilr. It.V. . Ilnllcy'K 'I'milli
I'omlcr. All ilrtilSKtt * .
i't !
II. HICK M , ' . CO.MAM KtrTl IIUHS , hT. 1,01 IS , .MO. '
For Winter
Wo have evoryUting in
mon's shoes' that can bo
Heavy tan French kip ,
\\aloiproof and warm ,
1 o.ivy double soles
lllack box calf and
winter weight vlcl
medium heavy soles. ,
Hhick winter weight vlcl ,
vlcl llne-l. heavy soles-
toft and comfortable
Heavy Russia calf ,
suillum tnn heavy
English Enamel Hills-
heavy double soles-
warm nnd btyltsh
All the above me made up In the
latest styles and iic-nest shapes.
N. E. Cor. 10th
and Douglas Sta.
Your Door Hardware perhaps It
neeila SHINING onre in a while
J1KTAL , POLISH , nid a little tub-
bine , all that Is necessarj.
We have
.Genuine "Pntz" Metal Polish. !
Rurnisliiiic Liquid Metal Polish ]
.Diirnisliinc Paste Metal Polish. ]
"OkEIT12" for nrsvcnllng rust and <
1511 Dodge St. 1
Your Prescription
filled hero Is filled exactly as ordered by your
physician. Wo dispense just what bp writes
for. This department In our store Is uu-
dei the control of graduates In pharmacy and
full ii'glisloivd pharmacists , making it Uin
best equipped , the most complete , the most
rcllablo of any. Your proscription filled
here Is filled to glvo results. Let us nil
your prescriptions. We back up our say
with thi' goods und with the prices.
1'yiumld Pile Cure -10
Hood's Sarsaparllla 7.
S. S. S To ,
Wiiiiof Canliil 7.M
Hnklmm's ( . ' ( impound " . "
I'lctcci'H Kavorlto Pioscrlptlon 7. > r
I'nrter'a Pills lf > r
Uromo Quinine jr
"iiumr'H Kidney Cure fil'i- '
Pet . "
una > <
Kilmer's Swamp Hoot. 40 ami 7&c
That tooth of yours. Doesn't If It prob
ably i needs oxliaellng If BO , by the nsu of
Vitalized Air \\e will remove It nnd no pain
jou whato\f > r Possibly It can bo saved.
tie , uo'll tell you ,
ExtHiJlIng . I1.1
Vltallz.d Air . > <
Gold Fillings . $1 "f > "I )
Tail's ' Philadelphia Denial Room ;
1517 NT.
Crockery , China and
. Glassware.
Removing to
1417 Douglas Street.
Peremptory Auction Sale *
AVi1VIII Soil l'i > ri > iiiitiirll | > - ill
IM Al ( "I'lON fiu- Account
Flrr I iiilrru rllcr *
J. W. Ill TUMI , I'AI'KH < ; o. ,
Inventoried Value $300,000 , ,
Hook. Honrt , I'rliii , CuverViltiiiK , LfdKer
MulilllaH liud l > ui > iT of every ill Mcrliillon
Hrlatol JicMid. Knvi'loptM , < * ut < 'iirilti , Twine ,
c In Iiict , lurKu ( luuntltk-a of t-viTythliiK
'the ' paper iliu * Ninety pir cent of jstor k
ii > > iftH't ami will hi.KI > uimiMntocJ ,
'J'Jif dHUiaKi-il Hlock will bn.vrjd | M-iaralely |
Sto.k . on 'xhlbltlo ( | MONDAY. IHCU. 12T1I
SMii : , ( JA.NH , Miiiinui-r ,
AO13NOV , C111OA(3O.