'I HE OMAHA DAILY 11 BE : SUNDAY , FTCBHUAHY I , 1000. 2'J run SIM : HHAI , I > T\TI : . NV. FAHNAM MftTH ft CO. I3W FAHNA.M ST IIYO WANT TO BUY A HOMB ' CAN SUIT * YOU. it ZCZ LIST VOIIU PKpPBHTY WITH US. \VK HAV1J TUB CUSTOMERS. I nt SAM- : Fine Colonlnl rei-ldenec , a jc.lutlful home' , perfectly plilnnnl. , ent trcly modrrp , with rltnple eround. L- .ilMl . In th * most dP ! lrntleVnt Fnrnmn iKtrlrt. Price. JlJ.on1) ) . lJitSALE / l.irse ihoflern brick residence nttd cromirK on South Tenth street. Uiaumil | home. L'nn ne ccctirol at u bur- SB n. ( Jot twins. . roil SALIvVerv drxlriible modern resl- 'it"ii P cin fifluth 31st avenue , between Far- i.am nnd Dodce. Full lot. nlre Inwn and tiinle. Thl ! Is n very Wne property. Price , iiOfo. 1'OH SALK Modern realdiyirp In"e t Far- turn district. Ji/dl completed , owner built for n homr. will poll. An opportunity to buy a nrrt.liiiim' . Price , J3.WO. 1 OH F.ALK Eight-room modern residence , " ' 11 ; nVonne. within oiic block of Farnrlni. \MniKCS , per - < * nt. Tenant will le.tre'fdr1 'erm of yearx. Prlre.tl.riOi ) . FOH SALE-N'Ine-rom modern house , 1311 flcof/.Ia iivoiiiif * , burn , nice lawn nnd shade , A Rood property. < ; hcap at I3j > 00. 1'OH 8\I > K Beautiful home 111 Kauntze il'luir for two-thirds of original eocu IBI-KI * modern house , oak Interior , fine large Darn , shade and two lutx. All taxes paid , f wm r n non-resident arxl wll dispute of till * VitliKiblo property nt a figures that wllrinterf HI you If you want n costly home at hiliiU > rnti > prim. FOR SALK-tlr. ldence at 1910 Blnnry. Mod- i-rn thlni-en-roorn house , well built , lower floor In oak. ' .Must < l > c sold. Small cash iiiiynicnt. A. xna . I'rlce , ta.WO. FOH SALI2 Nlie. ? new modern hnU e In walking dlr'.a'iK e. Seven rooms and large bnthroin and llnon closet , porcelain tub , siitlonary waslistand , combination gao and electriclljjhl llxturen , furnHce , ce- mcntivl cellar. Thoroughly built of best material. I-irgr lot. One block from Fnrnam. Mouse aluno If built today woulil cost all wo ask for thli nronerty. Prlr. . . n.K ) . FOH SALI-J Two Kood residence's nnd lot. ' , earn Ji > by US fift. cdinrr ISlh and Ban- cruft. elsht roonm and bath. These IIOUHPH roK'$2 , ( > ) oacli , would ro : t more ti build tnduy. < onvenlfiit to Sout'.i omaha. Eastern owner will si-ll nt a sac- rlllce Each Jl.fHiO rush. FuR SALK Hoiifu and lot on North ISth s : . i-lo < o In. rents for JZ1 per month. Can lihouchl if taken soon for J2.000. FOH SALE Seven-room house and two lata on Mnpit ? st. Can be secured at a bargain. Look -.his ilj.i. Price , SLifKC FOH SALE ElKht-roonl house , Xorth 25th iive. . convenient to car line. Knaterh owner will fx-ll nt a bargnjn. Price. { 1.C5D. FOH SALE Dundee homcH. all modern Im- pruvc/nentH. only 20 minutes from busl- ne F. Pure air and breathing "room. House and large grounds for less than < 'Ofl ! of hOlDH * . FOH SALE Finest Bcreace properties In West F.inmni district. This Is the time o buy. Prices siirito advance , fiet price and terms' . FOR SALIFlno .lying residence lots In Haliacom Place and In West Farnam dis trict. trict.If If you want to liny or sell call on W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. . m > Farnam St. RE-239 4 W. If. GATES. 18 N. Y. lAtf. 'Phone 1291. , A uocd Investment : J ti-rinim houses , model n and well 'built , reii$15.00 and water rent. In At order , near 27th & Dewev nve. , $ : , X.00. A nice home , new houcc. soiithwert corner OeorRla. Avi . and Hickory , S rooms , mod ern , lot nOxloO , paving all paid. tSSAW . in-rqimi modern. N. B. corner 23 & Chlcnpo , 7-room home and lot SfixllS , S. W. corner 2lti | and Emmet , owned by an e-unte. mu ; bo sold nulck. Make an offer. i-roorirlioustf'atHr.rtill ucro'Kroahd : NVV Corner 2 th and 8p nqor St. . Jl.SCO.OO. 'M. ' vacnnt. N. W. corner 24th and Wlrt. /2l / -i. ; NW. . . corner ISth and Wlrt. vacant. fx1 ! X south front on Dodge near lOtli. uant an offer. 2 lots on SpatiMitig St. , near 25th. Must be. Hold this Week. RE 174-4 roil SALE-The be'st farm In southeast Missouri ; good sthoolsj ,113 acres. 150 In cu tlvatloll : nearly all bottom land , bal- mice , .heiivllV tlmb'er6d ; Umber ytlll pay iorfnTnii .two . .stream * fed" liy springs JhroiiBh tntetni-roOm brick house nnd line barn and outbuildings ; Spring house3 - rooin frame tenant house and coed barn nil on tract , nnd 3' miles from DcSoto , n < * ! > ' < > f 6WO : choice place ; at only $21 pt-r full * In " thin " climate. stockj Thormopieter > astu ! > ° seldom " ' ' " > 'A 'i' ' ; ! ' ° H2ll > r not -trade : owner old. D. .M.-Park. DeSdto. Ho. RE 215 I * FOR SALE Two moflcrn homes within one inlltvof the nostoffleo. Rotli mo'dern in design ami Mulsh , one and two yearn old. Oood neighborhood and school facilities One has seven rooms , jxreclaln bath , cemented nnd well lighted cellar and laun dry , furnnee. water heater connected to funmce , gas" , asphalt paved street. The othor.'bullt last year , six rooms , all mod ern except furnace. Will sell either nt rt .bai-Baln and on easy terms. If taken be fore .March 1. Inquire , GPO. H. Lee ] ( HK Furnam. RE Zl'f t" FOH SALE At u great sacriMce a 3-storv stone-front buildlnir , well located : cover ing 13.000 square feet of ground ; larue auditorium , ranting1,200 ; Inrge stape with complete scenery ; three lodge halls : ton new bowllnff alleys and blllard tables- handsome bufTet ; present Income JU.CW wll | bring 13riOO next year ; for sale , In- cludliiK groiinil. ljullillnp. nil funilture and fixtures : price J100.0CO. Henry A."Knott & Co. . 110 Dearborn St. , Chicago. HE BARGAINS ADJOINING OMAHA : C holce acre , line , trees , etc. , for H75. B ncrcs rlgnt on macadamized street , JS50 10 acres , line place for poultry. 11.250 10 acres Jlncst land adjoining Omaha , tl.430. 10 acres , Slst nnd L , South Omaha. Jl 475 SO acrw close 10 Elm wood park , rnncad nnl only'l ' SiO ' hnl"lppme 8mide fees , etc. , 4U iicreH 'right adjoining fofr erounds , blc- iiffM-o1" ' ? 1,1 1S ? mnrket. for r..C X . HICKS REAL ESTATE CO. , 325 BOARD THADE. . HR-2S7 ) l-'OH BALK-SO acres fj-iilt land on Colum bia rlvor : 15 miles above WenatCheV ; ! , house of 4 rooms barn ' , , chicken iinii n and tool house ; 7'neres In orchnn all" acrcH .puthldc orclmrd under cult vntlon- price. $ l.tw $ see down , balance n , my ! nieiitM nt 7 per fent Interest. y We would be elad to have people ownlnc ju-oiierly In the wholesale district for" . I ? to give u prices and termn. H. C. PETERS & CO , . - - 1702 Farnam St. . Telephone MIS. Ben litillilinz. _ RE-2)2 ) 1 I-'OH SALE , one of the very best farms In Douglas county for stock or for the Ki-owth of grain or needs ; well Improved ; for lees than J50 un iiero. P.OBIiJNS , POLIO AGENT , 1E02 FARNAM . HE-2I ( ] 1 _ „ _ _ _ PAYNE-KNOX CO. . HBAnQtTA UTBRf for HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS : LOW. EST HATES on LOANS ; KOt'ND IN. Ht'HA VB : HOI'SES. FLATS. STORES fur , RENT. First Moor , X. Y. Life Hg. | , ] _ . _ H I' - Ki7 IF YOl * have n bnrgaln to offer In ren ; e tnte tu'u 8. A. Uroadwell , 601 Jf. Y Life HE-9CS _ _ " A BARGAIN , four ncres. 40th and two blocks from car line , on bolt ro.rt. | IJ.50H ; easy terms. McCncuo In. vestment Ca.i HplfSES , lot * . 'farms. land . loans ; "niToliri liiMiraiu-e. Bemlo , Pjixton blk. HE 970 HENRY H. PAYNETcoi N'7 Y. MFElirUG Ileul K tiita HftntnlH. Loans. Insuram" _ HE ! )7ti ' ' nnd Insurance nM . . attcrnon.-OCX. Y. Llfo. HE-077 SNAPS In rcnl estate , money to loanTL L JOluison Co. . 314 8. 15th St. nB74 OWNERS of real ejtute willing to ell al luirKiiln nrlce * Nhiiuld cull upon or writ JOHN W. HOBniNS. IKS FAHNASI ST HE-C7S „ _ NEAR ISthMrtflr Jflolcson streets , C rooir house , lot 26x75 feet , ll.i W. S1v'\Wrteii ! ' \ curncr astl1 uve- " < > Jackson t. l2Cxl&9 feut , snap. nno. ft ) ucrc jvltlitn ton miles of Omaha uost 10-ruorn hoiiKt * . barn soxeo feet 11 * " " 11110 ' c . near iW , ° Veinnt" Worth $ ouo - John N. Freuier. opp. old 1 > . O. HE-979 * " 5H Or.K'lf muriM on bargains only Ti S A Uroadwell. 501 N y Life B'dp ' HE-972 KOH vu.r HIVL : KST.VTI : . 1 OTTEH-SI1OLK3 CO. , Jl N. Y. LIFK. As U5U/ WK COMK TO TUB WITH -I'HK BBST 1JAHOA1NS Or'FBn ; BD BY ANY AUBNT IN OMAHA. IV YOI ) PBNY TUB ALLKC.AT1ON. Wll WILL DEFY ItiM "ALLIOATOH. " No CIS No. 611 South ith Mreot. lot 45 * HO. 5-room hoitfr , strictly modern nnd well built , costln ? nearlr the price askfd , ! " ! . ( . OV"1 ! * ' ' > : if city nnd I * golnit to cell It. Yoi c n poy Jl.OOO cnsh. t\tt \ in 1. 2 i.ml 3 years and the btilnnro In 5 ye rf ( with Interest al 5 r > er cent. Thr property renlx for US TIT montli un < l thehoupp Inside U Al. No. 131 No. 2011 N. ISth. on the Boulevaid fnclnit cast , lot 44xH . ! t Al room ? nr < l as many elofet. . bosldec Inr t biith nnd imntrys. New Tutnai-c line Dorcelaln roll ton bath , bowl closet , jiorcelain Hlnk. mantel , nr water , cistern , etc. This- house wll surprise you to nt-e the rooms and Ooeoratlon. which Is ns tine nJ money can buy. If you are In tht market , all you have to do Is It xep It. You will buy It. Price , ctil from $ l,5w to $3CIO. No. 3SSNo. . IfflJ Hurdelto St. , Ifl.xllG , 7 room" water , cistern , gas , closet , etc. . wrl worth whgtvc \ylll sell for. 12.200. No. 117 Xo. r < v72 Sewnrd sir , 60xlJn , 7 room. , ull modern but .furnace , fl.SOU No. 201-Nos. HOD and iTll N. ISth , fiO.\140 , : houses ! , 4 and n room , Just the place tor I * . P. < thoi men. Sell one or both. For both we want Jl.C'JO. VACANT. No. COS 50x150 nnlist , nc r Poppleton nve. , n . nnp at Jl.fim ) . No. WO-ia.\12J. N. E. cor. 39th nnd Dodge , lying hlph and sightly , command ing an'elegant view and In the very best : mrt of Omaha. This price Is J13 iior foot less than the opposite corner Just sold for and It Is es pecially ns desirable In malty re spect ! ' . Price now. W.250. If you are looking for bargains or hornet do not fall to see what we nave to offer. We have the properties and we. are selllns more than at any time In years past. POTTER-S11OLES CO. . 310 N. Y. LIFE.- IlB-So ? 4 H. C PETERS & CO. , , 1702 Karnftni St. , ' Hoe Bldg. DWELLING HOUSES. No. 123&-3SO. N. 17tK. S room ? , lot 00x140 , barn , ono block from car , $2,500. No. 705-2tith nnd De.catur Ht. . 7 rooms , nl ! modern , 2 blocks from car , 12,509. No. 1213-IS1S Capitol nve. , "Dundee Place , " S rooms , ' ,4 block from cnr , barn , $2,100. VACANT LOTS. 50-foot lot on 2Stbi just north-of. Pncllk- . onut front , Jl.OOO. i , , . , . . . 40 ft > ei on Georgia av'e.THiuI Mason St. . $2,200 132 foot square , northwest cor. 37th ant Furnnm , $ S5 per. foot. . R. C PETERS & CO. . Bee Building. RE-243 4 FOR SA.LE , house partl > v burned , 13th nnc Boulevard ; to move. J. H. Parrotte s blk. , . ' , . , ' RI3 257 4 5-H. HOUSE' 42d and.Camden ave. , $300. 5-r. house , 3022 Lindsay five. , $409. 5-r. bouse , Slst and Eminett , $700. G-r ( hou.se , modern , 1703 Mnnderson , $1,000. fi-r. house , 1 ! > 03 Corby. $1.250. 9-r. house , 201S Dorcas. $1,550. 3 houses and lot. . 32d and Hurt , $1,500. 2 houses nnd lot , 103x145. bar onk , eucb $000 J. H. PARROTTE , Douglas Blk. RE-25S 4 S'bPTH OMAHA. PROPERTY. . . $750 IfOH 5 ncres on..16th St. . south of Q st $7f4for5 ncres unprp.voil 2V4 miles S. W. $2,250 for 20 ncres , with house , barn , etc. near South Omiilia. $150 for acre lots. $1OCO for-fi-room house and 1-acre near Al brlcht. $100 to 00 for lots G blocks S. W. of Ar mour'si on monthly nnyments. GEORGE & COMPANY , City Hall Bldg. South Omaha. Or. 1601 Fnrnam St. , Omaha. HE M25C 7 HENRY H. PAYNE'S SPECIAL BARGAINS. There Is'no longer n doubt In the minds o home buyers nnd Investor ! * who have lieei closely watching the real estate marke but what the tide now has n strong up wnrd tendency. This Is evidenced by tin large number of Inquiries In response t < my advertisement a week ago. Customer who want to "get In on the ground Moor' before .prices advance realize they mus buy. quickly. 1 have some genuine bar gains and will be pleased to show them ti you. Come. In , or call .me un by 'phone. DELIOHTFL'L COTTAGE HOME. An- east front , G-roo'm eottnge on pavei street and cnr line , ono block from Han scorn park , with eveo" modern conven lence. In splendid rcpnlr , delightfully pa pered and n real gem for the money Price , $2,100. Rentnl Is 6 per cent on twlc. . thnt amount. It must be sold this montl or It-will be taken off. of the market en tlrely on March 1. A NORTH SIDE BARGAIN. An S-room enst front house , In Mne repair city water inside , two Mne lotH , all fo : $1,500 ; only one block from Dodge stre cnr. Also n Inrge list of other Improved proper 'ties nt very low prices , from $8,000 dowi to $500 , nnd vacant lots from $50 up. HENRY B. PAYNE , HEAL ESTATE. .RENTALS. LOANS , JNSL'RANCB ROOM 601 N. Yv LIFE BLDO. Otllee 'Phone , 1016. Residence 'Phone. 2619- ! HE-251 4- WANTBD-iA GENUINE SNAP. I havr n inot cnsh customer -who wants i 3 to 7-room house qn .good lot in a Mrst class neighborhood. It does not matte about modern conveniences or repairs , pro vliled thei housp Is well built nnd owne will sell nt A OENUINK AHGAi : PRICE. Telephone 1016. or call nt once 01 JIENRY B. PAYNE , C01 N. Y. LIFE. HE-252 4 BARGAINS. . „ 3 LARGE frame houses 3 blocks from cour 'boiiKe , rentp for 6 per cent on $18,000. Prli- $6,600 ; $3.ivfl cnsh. balance to s ult. - Two full lots , 7-room bouse , Seward' Si. Jl.WO. 83-foot lot , 7-r. house , barn , fruit. He. California St. . $1,200. Two full lots , corner on Ames Ave. , S-r cottage. ty < $ . 33-fnot lot , 5-r. cottage. 22d , near Seward J900. Corner 3th and Ix-nvenworth , G-r. cottage very chuaji. Ono acre N. 3o.-h St. , well Improved. $1,00 < Qno aero In Belvedere , lays high nni flghtly , $20. . ) . 5-acie lots In Brookllne , lay Hue. $1,500 will cell separate. Corner lot on Sherman Ave. , 61x121 feet both streets paved , paving paid ; for $1.WK Two beautiful reitlrtence lots SSth ave. , nea Dodfie , $2.bOO : will fell separate. NIcu residence lot In Walnut mil. on cr.ulf Beautiful building cite , 21st and St. Mary' Ave. . very cheap. 100 acre. , 1 mile from city limits. 01 macadamize' ! road. $100 per acre. Well Improved 20 acres on mni-iidamlze road , half mile from city limits , $3,500 WYMAN SIIR1VEH-CO. . N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE-175 I SIX BEAUTIFUL LOTS at southeast corner of Lowe ave. and California streets at prices from $70) to $ lm -Full 50-foot lots 3 lots on California street , ALL TAXES PAID. AT $700 EACH. S lots on Lowe avenue , imvemcnt hnd stone sidewalk all paid for , $1.100 to JUOO EACH. The owner wants the cash nnd authorize UB to make this. PHENOMENAL OFFEfl TEHMS-One-thlrd eauh. balance quarter ! at 6 per cent within 3 years , Call and got n plut and further particular ; PAYNE-KNOX 'COMPANY. - Sole Agents. Tel. 17S1. First Floor N. Y. Life Lifec 1562 NORTH 17T1I street , two IIOUHCB. rcnl Ing for 116 per month , paving paid , pay 14 per cent crosa , price J1.S50 . .1hit > Frcntcr , opp. old I' . O. RE-37S FOH SU.K HI\I , FOR SALE. 20-are , fruit and gnnl n farm , adjoining S'Mnom park nnd In en y dis tance Omnhn nnd Pouth flmBhn. Thret ncred I eiir1rig Rrnpes nnd other fruit ! " Goo l 6-rnotn houfic : gowl well. li ! "lilp _ other Improvpnifnt' . Inquire Smltr Council Blurr ? . HB 1W < 1Wflr i HOUSBS. lotp. fnrrn * . lunds. lonns : nl o flr - ' " "urance. Bemls. Paxton blk. P.K > < * BARGAINS wanted , bnrcnlns for sole nl | the tlmi . A. P. Tukey. Honrd of Trade I HK 1 6 1 FOR SALE , inn feet front on Hnrney t. b > | 210 feet deep , romprlflng four s mall lot- the prnpertv lies Immediately west of the re'ldencc i-f f. J. Greene , near "fitli st. > price very low If tnken within the nexl week. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. lltll st HE-M1M 0 FOH SALE , lut 453-3 by IRS on JMth , neni Vlnton St. . paved , . pwered ; large shntlc trees : very ile lrable locntlon. Prlre , J70" Cottage and lot , street on grade nnc' ' sewered. Price , J1.200. part ensh. Owner 2715 S. 21st st. HE-MI57 4' HALLS KOI ! HKVI NEW FORESTERS HALL , new nnd nla < furniture ; very convenient ; rent low. T H. Huston. 1' . S. Nat. Bunk bldg.M253 M-253 G , Al'.M HV. OMAHA STEAM LAfNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SfPPLY. 1750 Lonvenw'h. Tel. 5tl -997 FfHS. H. E. & E. HVBEHMANN. furriers ; fur inndo to order and repaired. US So. 15h : . -990 FOH I.K.VSK. GfiXISi. with trackage , near heart of city W C5. Bee. 673 F23 FOt'XIJ. FOUND , gray horse at 3410 N. 15th st. Found-MlM 5 EXAMINK'Crescent , Tribune , Olive , Fow. lor , $25 to $50 ; * 1 down , nny amount i week. Flescher , 1622 Cnpltol Ave. 170 HOTELS. I ' METROPOLITAN. Wm. Bnrr. . Mpr. ; $1 tc $1.25. 12th nnd Douglas. 'Phone 244. 641 F22 imilSSMAKlNfi. STYLISH dressmaker will sew In fnmllles Address W 42. Bee. M-710 F4 100 Per CeiT IN IMPERIAL SYMPHONION MUSIC BOXES tii MONFY-DROP ATTACHMENT stati agencies open for responsible houses. Par tlculnrs from Symphonlon Mfg. Co. . 110-11 West 32d street , New York. LUG.VL > 'OTICI3S. NOTICE OF AMENDMENTS OF ARTI CLES OF INCORPORATION- . Notice Is hereby given thnt The Bee Pub Ushlng Company has tiled Its amended ar tides of incorporation In the oflice of tin secretary of state , and also with the count ; clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska ; tha by virtue of snld nmen'ded articles of In corporation it Is provided ns follows : AMENDED ARTICLES OF INCOR.PORA TION OF THE BEE PUBLISHING COM PANY. State of Nebraska , Douglas County ss : Articles three (3) ( ) , four (4) ) and nve (5) ( ) , o the articles of Incorporation or The Bei Publishing Company are hereby amendei ns follows : ARTICLE J. The undersigned do hereby associate our selves together and declare that we , to gether with our associates and successors nre anilshall IOT a corporation under an < by virtue o _ me statutes ol the state o Nebraska , by the name and style of Thi Bee Publishing Cc. ARTICLE II. The principal place for the transactioi of the business of said coruorntton shal be In the city of Omana. In t'.ie county o Douglas and state of Nebraska. ARTICLE III. The general nuture of the busin 2 tc be transacted by this corporation shall bite to print and publish dally , semi-weekly trl-weckl r , weekly newspapers aril maga zlnes , do general Job printing , book pub llshlng , book binding engraving , lltho graphing , stereotyping , s'iz'retyping ani purchasing and selling printing machinery- printing material , printing stock ana news paper press franchises. ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stock of said cor porntlon shall be live hundred Inousam aollars ( $500.000.00) ) , divided into shares o five hundred dollars i $ W.OO ) eaen ; provldei that no sioik s a ; ! ! < Usuc-il In excess o one , nurtd.-ea tnouaar.u uouurs UluO.OuO.OO uincss authorrzpd by a. two-tnlras vote o the outstanding stock of said corporation upon ten days' notice to all stockholders nnd provided , further , that no share shal be sold or issued for less fnan par. _ , , ARTICLE V. me time of commencement of said cor poratlon shall be the Mfteenth day of Jan u.ary , A. D. 1S7S , and the tlmof termina tlon of the same shall be the Mfteenth da ; or January. A. D. 1950 , unless renewed o dissolved sooner by a vote of two-third ; of the capital stock thereof. _ . . , ARTICLE VI. . .The highest amount of Indebtedness o liabilities to which said corporation can n any time subject itsttlf shall n t exccei In the ngtfregnta onehrra lijj of thi nmount of the capital stock. Issued by sail corporation , and no bonded or mortgngi indebtedness shall ever be contracted bj said corporation. _ , ARTICLE VII. The business and a ft a Irs of said corpora tlon shall be conducted by a board o ulrectoif , live In numner. who shall bi chosen by the stockholders , ot their annua meeting , each share of stock nuvlrig oni vote , which election shall be hld on thi first Monday In Mnrch ot each year , am they shall hold otrico for one year or untl their successors are elected. A majority o the board of directors snail form u quorun for the transaction of buslm > I'acancle In thu board shall be filled by the remain Ing directors for the balance of the un expired term. term.ARTICLE ARTICLE VIII. The officers of said corporation shall bi a president , a vice proslden' , a pecretar and a treasurer , who hall be chosen b' the board of directors In suca manner , am perform such dutlen UB the by-laws of sal < corporation may prescribe. ARTICLE IX. Whenever one hundred and sixty share or more of stotk shall have been sub scribed for the association shall be dccrhei organized as u corporation and thereupoi any subscriber or subscribers ror over om hundred shares may call a mt-eting of thi subscilbors at some suitable place In tin City of Omaha , for the election of ntjlcers by giving notice thereof for nol less thai threii days In one of > lh dally newspaper published In the City of Omaha. ARTICLE X. By-laws may be made by the corpora tlon not Inconsistent wltn law or wltl these nrtlck'H. nrtlck'H.ARTICLE ARTICLE XI. These articles of Incorporation may bi amended by a vote of two-thlrrts of thi stock , upon notice by the board of director ; to the stockholders of not less than 101 days , published in some dally news-pape In the City of Omaha. In wltnes * whereof we have hcreunti set our hands and seals this 9th day o January , A. D. , 1900. EDWARD ROSEWATER. President. GEORGE B. T/SCHt'CK. Secretary. Slate of Nebraska , County of Douglas ts On this 9th day of January. A. D. , 19 personally appeared before mo Edwart Hoscwater and George U. Tzschuck , win ore personally known to mo to be th Identical persona who signed tno abov Amended articles ot' Incorporation and the- severally acknowledged the Instrument t be their voluntary nci and deed. ( Seal. ) FRANK J. SUTCL1FFE. Notary Public J15120t RECEIVER'S SALE. Notice Ia hereby alven that on Thurs day , the 15th day of February. 1900 , 1 will pursuant to an order of the district cour of Douglna county , Nebraska , dated Janu nry 6 , 1KOO , offer for sale to the highest bid deltherefor for cash at my ottk-e 106 North Flftevnth str < tl. In th city of Omaha. all tha unrali aeseU of the German Savings banl Said sale will commence at 10 o'clock u r > ' of snl-1 day , and continue from 10 o'cl'ic ' ! ; n. in. . ) ! o'clock p. in. of each day untJ ! all tha nsccf * - - said bank have bap ) i offered for cale. The real estate herein 1 nfter mentioned and described will b offered for sale nepnrately All bids ar subject to the nfProval of the c"ur' an < mun In ull vmes be aocompar.-'ed by m m- or certified checks for twenty-Mve per cen of the amounts thereof Said bid * will b reported to the court after all the asset I l. MITKH. lin\ < - been nrfrrpil fur le nnd t"c > t > nlii t of the | > urohn * ( i r-o of nny * nlf ap r > \ i nnrt conr.rmed by h" ontirt will i c ji'y.ibc tuipon wild eonfirn ill" . " . Tindmcrlntlon ( .t in ? fronrrty TO l-r offered for onle by th - umlewtttnpd nt au ! . time nnd place nnd upon conditions above I mentioned. Is follow ? : ! The cast 506 ft. of the west S5C ft of tn- < lot , In the S W cor. we. IP .tp. 15. rg U ! fd and Yates ; Sub let X In tnx lot 7. In N. 15. of P W of fee. 27. tp. IS. rr 33. liHh nnd Martha Sub lot 14 of lot n , Cnpltol addition ! Parcel of ground In N. E cor. of tnx lol Ifl , In ! - . in. tp 15. re. 13. 200 by T3 ftir - . 30th nnd Cnmlng ' Lots * . and I , block 550. city. ' Lot : , block 3. Bowery 111 ! ) addition. Lots G. 7. R. ? . 10. II. 12 nml 13 , block t\ , Dundee Plnrt 1 Lots 11 1C , anil 20 , block 1M. Dundee Plarc. i Lot r > , block 100. Dundee Plnee. iKit 14. block llfi Dundee Plnee. 1 Lot C , block 117. Dundee Place Lot 2. block 124. Dundee Plnca. ! Lot fl , Hnsenll anil ItOKfr's sub. of .56. o , ' and 5S , Oknhomf. . I Lot 9. HnM-nll and Iloijnti' cub. of fi , i' , nnd i" > 5 Oknhomi : I Lot 12 Hascall and lloper s stlb. of 50. 5 ; ' nnd M. Okahomr. . 1 Undivided one-half of lots 7 and S. blorli 115. I nnts & Spiilon's nddltlon. i North Iitlf lot ; . ftiio soutts hnlf lot n blo-k 14. Kountze's Sri3 Addition Lot in. KlnOsny E addition. Lots 5 and fi. block i , Muyne Plnec. Lot 7. block 2. Mnync Place. West SO ft. of south hnlr lot f. block 1 Pnrk Place. Lo 1C , block 2. Rc-dlck's sub. East 95 ft. lot I. Oknhoma South S2 ft. lot 56. Okahoma. West 120 ft. of rnst 210 ft. of south 12' ft. of block "C , " Shlnn'n nddltlon. i Lot" 4 nnd B. block B2 , South Omahn. Lots 5 , 5. 7 , 8 nnd 9 , bloek 3. Thomnsot nnd Goo * ' addition. Lotn 2. 3. 4. 5 , li. 7. S. 9. 10 , 11 and 12 , blocl 5 , Thomnson fc Gcos' nddltlon. Lots 1. 2 r. , 4 , block 11 , Thomnson . * : Coos' nddltlon. "Reserve" In Thomnson & Gons' addition South 80 ft. of north S3.5 ft. lot 4'blocl 12. West Omaha1 nddltlon The north hnlf of northwest quarter sec 14. tp. 20 , rg. 13 , Vnllcy county. Neb. One i.-rtlllcnte of rnernVierjhU ) In Umnhi Board of Trade. Together wlih any other property be longing to the German laving ! " bank o ; Omaha. Douglas countv. Nrbrnsku. no above enumerated. THOMAS I1. MrCAGUn. Re-elver of German Saving ? isnnl : . Omnhn Neb. J 12-d-T n t c PROPOSALS FOR PCIluOL BUILDING Notice is hereby given thnt srnled pro posnlsv111 be received by the Roiml of l-.du cation of the School Dlstrk-t of the City o : North I'latte until 12 o'clock in. , Fobrnan 17. 1W3. for the erection of n thlrtecn-roon brick school building. Plans and specKU-a tlons tan be seen at the olll.-e of the Peure thry at North Pintle , Nebraska , and nt tin olllce of R. W. Grant , Lincoln. Neb. , n ccrtl lied rhjvk of $ VK.00 ) to accompany each bid The siiccessfi'l bidder to give bond for thi faithful performance of the contract In thi sum of $20.000. The hoard reserves the right to reject anj and ull bids. bids.LE.M LE.M B. ISBNHAHT. Secretary. B L. KOHINSON. President. J26 dlOt 2.ECAI , NOTICES. HA1IAVAY TIJIE TAUM : . . iFREMONT. KLKHORN & Missouri Valley Rnllrond- ' The Northwestern Line' General Otllccs. Unlte ( States National Bk. Bldg. S. W Corner Twelftl - and Farnam Sts. Ticke OMice , 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone 561 Dope po . , 15th and Webster Sis. Telephone 145S Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Deadwood , Hot Springs n 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pn Wyoming , Casper and Douglas d3:00nm : e 5:00 : pn f' Hastings * , York , Duvid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Sexvnnl b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pn Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : an Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : nm blO:23 : an Fremont Local c 7:30 nm a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Sun day only. d Dnlly except Saturday , i Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Thi Northwestern Llno"- Clty Ticket Office , 140 Furnam Street. Tele phone 561. Depot , Tent. and Mnson Streets. Teh ! phono. 629. Leave. , Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am all:55 pn Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm alO:10 : nn Eastern Express. Des Molnes , Marshalltown , Ccdir Rapids and Chicago cage alO:55 : am a 4:05 pn Eastern Limited , Chicago cage and East a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 pn Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pn Omnhn-Chlcago Speelnl.a 7:30 : pm a 8:00 : an Fast Mail - a 8:30 : an a Daily. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL Minneapolis & Oninh : Hallway "The North western Line" Genera Olllces. Nebraska Dlvi slon , 15th nndVebste Sts. City Ticket Olllce 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone 561. Depot , 15tl and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger..a 6:00 : am a 9:00 : pn Omaha Passenger all:20 : an Sioux City & North east Nebraska . . . n 3:40 : pm a Daily b Dally except Sunday , SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" Genera Olllces , United State ; National Bank Building S. W Corner Twelftl nnd Fnrnam Sts. Tlcke Oflice. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 5G1. De pot , Tenth & Mnson Sts. Telephone 623. Leave. Arrive , Twin City Express .a 6:50 : am alO:50 : pn Twin City Limited . .a 7:20 : pm a 8:15 : an Sioux City Local. . . .a S:00 : am a 4:20 pn u Dally. CHICAGO , ROCK ISL and & Pacific Itallroui "Tho Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick et OMice. 1023 Farnart Street. Telephone 42S Depot , Tenth & Maboi StreetM. Telephone , 62S Leave. Arrive. Res Molnes and Davenport - , port Local a 7:05 : am bllS5 an Chicago Express bll:15 : nm a S10 an Chicago Fast Express..a 5 : ( ) pin a 1:25 : pn St. Paul Express a 5:00 : pm bllS5 : an Lincoln , Colon-Jo Spgs. , ' . Denver , Pueblo nnd Wesv a 1:30 : pm a 4:25 : pn Deri Molnes. Hock Isl and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 5:10 : pn Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5 55pm a 9:20 un a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. UNION PAOlFIC--WEOVER land Route" Goner.-il OtMceH N. E. Cor. Ninth uml Farnan Streets. City Ticket OMlco. 13U Farnam Btreet. Telephone 31C Depot. Tenth niitl Masoi Streets. Telephone 6 i. The Overland Limited..a 8:50 : am n 7:20 : p'n The Fast Mall a 8:00 : nm a 325 ; pn The Colorado Special..all:55 : pm a 0 : 5 an The Portland Special..a 6:50 : nma 4:40 : pn Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Express..b 4:10 pm-bl2:25 pn Pacific Express a 4:25 : pm a 0:35 : an Grand Island Local b 5:30 : pm b 9:3j an a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTIIAI Uallroad. City Ticket oMice 1402 Farnam street. Tele phone. 215. Depat. Tentl and Mason streets. Lenve. Arrive , Chicago Expre. s . . . . a 12:10 : pm a 4:05pn : Chicago Limited . . n i:15pm : a S:15an : MlnncnpollB and St. Pnul Express . li 7:0) am b 9:40 : pn Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7:35 : pm a Sl5on : Fort Dodge Local from Co. Bluffs b 4:3iiiii : ( ) 1)10:15 : an Dally , b Dally except Sundays. MAHA & ST. LOUISRUL road-Omaha , KaiKa * ' cit ? .t Lantern Itallroud "Tlii yuiiuy .Houto"-Tlcl t Ot M"c. nio l-arnam Street Telephone. XS. Depot , Tentl and Marry Streets. Toe | piionc , C2S T-t > ave' , St Cannon Ball hxpr.-ss a 4:4. : pm aSXiin : i Express a4ljpm : a S 35 an Kats > a * City and Qulney , 1-0 } > ' aC:10nm : a $ dO pn d Dully. V ABAS H RAILUOAD- Tlcket OMice. ij&j Faimu ; Street. Telephme s1. ' . ' , . De pot , Tenth ami Mare bir < etc. Telephone IK > . ' Leuvf. ' Arrive. Si I.ouU "Cannon Ball" Exnrres . . . , a 4.J5 pro a t.10 ar a Dally. H \IL1VJY TI.MP. TAtll.K. CITY. ST .10- Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burlington - ton Route" Ticket Olllce , r . Farnnm Street , Tele- j hone , 350. Depot , Tenth . . MTOII Streets. Tele- -s ( uv Ni i.t Kx..nlO:15 : pm lit HL1NOTON & M1S- * > ufl Itlvcr Hnllroad "The Burlington Route" ncnornl OIIKOS , N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnrnnm ns Ticket onieo , 1502 Far- n.un street. Telephone , 250. Depot , 'Icntti and Mnon Streets. Tele- I phone Leave. Arrive. llneolr , Hastings nnd i MrOook . nSIOam : n 7:40 : pm Lincoln De-n-cr. Cole rado. riiii. ( allf'irnln.n ' 1:25 : pm n 3:55 : pm Llnroln. nl.i.k Hills , , .1 , v Puget Soiltu. . . A 4:20 : pm n 8V : ( ) pm * I In oil ) Iy il . t7:00 : pm nlOOfi : nm 1 Lincoln Fi ' Mail . n 3:00 : pm nlO:33 : nm I cnver oi r 'o Utah < f : raiir > rni . a 6:20 : am CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ft Qulnc'y Rnllronil "The Biiilinpa Burlington Ilouto" Ticket OlUco. V'02 Farnam S.t. TeJ. , 250. Depot. 'TcnUi ft Miion Streets. Telephone , 310. i . . Leave. Arrive. Ijjvllsht Chicago Spc- > uxl . a 0:19 : am ] Cble-.igo Vc.'tlbnlcd Et..a7i:0i'pm. : : n SK : > nm i Chicago Express . n S:50 : um ' n 4:03 : pm Irhloigo & St. L. Ex..n 7:15 : pm n S:05 : nm Pnellli- Junction Local. .a10)5 : ) nn. Fast Mnh . ' . n 2:45 : pm n Dnlly. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & St. Pnul Hallway City Tlckft Olllce , 1501 rnrnnin Street. Telephones . Depot , Ti'iith and Mnson Strort . Telephone G23. _ Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex..a 7:35 : pm a S:30 : am Chicago .t Omahn Ex..bll:00 : nm I ) 3:55 : pm Sioux City nnd Des Molnes Express Iillo0 : am b 3:5a : pm a Dnlly. b Dnlly except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road Genernl Ollk-cs and Ticket OJIlcw Soutbe.-it Cor ner 14th anil" Douglas Sts. Telephone , 101. Depot , loth nnd Webster Sts. Telephone , 1133. Leave. Arrive. Si. Loul.o. Km'.i1 ! & Neb. Limited . . . a 2:30 : pm n2:55 ! : pm K C-St L. Express . .a9:50pm : n 5:50 : am Ne'irnskn Lar-nl Via Weeplnp Water . b r:03pm : n 9:45 : am a Dalli b Daily cxcep' Sunday. f ONEW New Mrst-class line between Omahn nnd Chicago , over new road recently built through Council Bluffs. Denlson and Pock- well City to Tara , Iowa , to connection wltl the Central's western line through Forl Dodge , Webster City. Waterloo , Independence ' ence , Dubuquc. Frecport and Rqckfor'd tc Chicago. LEAVES M. OMAHA 7,35 DAILf A fast wlde-vostibuled train making prin cipal stops only , and .with.new equipment ' ' throughout , consisting of llbniry'-buffet'- smoking car , Pullman sleeping car , free re- dining chair cnr , dining cnr. LEAVES P. M. OMAHA 12.10 DAILY A fast vestlbulod train doing more or less local work. Included In Its equipment Is s through sleeping car between Omiiha anc Chicago. Dining car service enroute. In Aililltlon n Forl IoilK < * Lotitil Train lenvc * Council lllufTH at 4 , : ! ( I > . in. daily except Suiiday. Through trains from New "Union-Station , 10th St. , Omaha. Tickets and ressravtlou al CITY TICKHT OPFK'IC , 1-loa Fnniiui Strt-ft. Cor l-llli Streel. OflSAN \VI-2YAIU ) . .liINt AVIicre SnbliiNliinil Ix UN I'ltili Ali.-iltiNl I InSen. . "Sable Island belongs to Novla Scotia , I ; 115 miles from Halifax and eighty-five mile1 east of 'Cope Canso , writes Gustnv Kobbo' It AInsIec's for February. "It Is a treeless Ehrubless wnfite , seamed by wind'and wave and of ever changing aspect. A cone-shape * ' hill near the east end , once a mere unJnla- tion of sand , ' Is now over a hundred feel high .and Is still growing. Other hillock : are gradually being mowed a-.ay by storms The hillocks am liable to be undermined sc Ewl'ftly and swept out of existence that thej nre-carefully watched from the various sta tions on the Island , there being "no cer tainty how far an inroad of the sea will ex tend after each successful attack. Even tin coarse grass of the Island grows In a dif ferent manner from that of the mainland It docs not bear seed , but Bhuutsup frorr roots' which run along under tbo ean.d. Dur- j liij ; the winter the sand Id blown over tin gracs and buries It sometimes three .or foui feet deep. But the hardy blades grow ni next'fceas.011 as if the Inland sands had pid teeted them from the cold of winter in oidei J to make them nil the stronger. "the island itself Is fiRhllnt ; for self preservation. It seems as If It drew ship1 Into.Its fatal embrace as rallying points f.Ji j Its looeo and Khlftlng sand , thus to protec I itself by a Tiulwnrk of wrecks against an- ( nlhllatlon by the sen. Tradition sayn tba' ' [ when'Sable. Island was dlscoverc. ' . by Caboi In 1417 It was eighty miles long nnd tor miles wide. In 1S02. when a rcscuo Etatlor was established there. It was only fort : miles long. Since then It has shrunk to Im ' little more than twenty rail ? * In length and In width It U only a rnllo at Its widest t Within twenty-eight years the western em j lost seven miles. Shoals over which tin ocean now surges aic pointed out as formei sites of llRhthousis. One of these was s < I swiftly undermined by the sea thnt It hat I to be abandoned v , lib the greatest precipi tation. The spot where once stood the sti- I porlntcmlcnt's house Is now under tw < ' fathoms of water. "Tho Island , rapidly diminishing at Hi { wecteni end , U slightly gaining at Its east- - ern. Slowly , like a ship dragging Its an- ! char. It U moving eastward. Will It cvei t reach the edge of the blioalf , stand totterin ; ! tin the bring of the abyss till It receives Iti coup de ra ? and plunge over the subma- I rlno' bank forever Into the-depths ? Unfor- ' tunatuly its tmil will probably be IOIM drn inatle. There 1 good groun ; ! for bellevln ! thai this gray sandbar will slowly weai ayay until It becometi another submerge' 6lio-4l n < Med to an ambuscade already Knm < sixty mll In length for a line of break ers extend * btxtecn miles from one end o the UUnd and twenty-night wiles from tbi other. " I RCSRIN IN YOUTH AND ACE Sidelight ! on tbo Character of th Great English Writer , PRECOCIOUS INFANT AND LOVESICK BOY Fcnlnroi of 111 * I.Iff n Critic n l Author llelntlon * wllli Three- Cnrorr ni Col- ProfenMir , Precocity was the distinguishing note ol all Ruskln's childhood. It was In 1S2G , nt the ngc of 7 , says the New York Tribune , that he produced that first poem of his which has been preserved. H wm like him to \vrlte It from beginning to end In ft flue , painstaking hnnd , with no vlslblo erasure * and only one misspelling like n mediaeval i author 'scribe anil there Is something very ! mediaeval In the absence of capital letter. ' and stops : Among the rushes lived n mouse with n p.retty little house made of rushes tall nnd hlcli thnt to the skies were heard to sigh while one night while she wns sleeping comes n < loR thnt then was iweplng uml hnd found her out In spite of her good wnll Jor there his sight was letter thnti our mouses HO she was obllced to yield to foe when frightened wns the dog Just then at the scratching of n hen u of In- ran and little mouse wns left In safety with her house. Altogether , he must have been ono of the most extraordinary children that ever de > lighted and puffed up the heart of n parent Soon after the poem of the .Mouse , ho began keeping a diary , which , however , was onlj half n diary , taking the form of a serial story. John himself being the principal char acter , under the name of Harry , and enjoy ing the. comradeship of a Muter , who wns nl that time purely Imaginary , for It was nol until later that the girl cousin came to share the Ruskln home. Then he took n keen de light In his Latin lessons. Moreover , he be came Interested In geometry from almost th ( llrat lesson , which wns the more remarkabli because his mathematical teacher did not as his Latin teacher did , make htm laugl : with funny Illustrations and remarks ot the subject. All this , though , seems more consonant with the popular Idea of the maturcr Rusklt than does the story of his early affair o ; the heart. The lady , Miss Adcle Clotlldc lomcc ( ] , was l. > and John Ruskln was 1' when she. with her parents and three sis- tcrs. visited the Huskins. Her father was the elder Huskln's French partner In tin wine business. She was a bright , fair haired bnlf-Fjencb. half-English , convent-bred girl who found the solemn , precociously learned awkward youth prodigiously "drole. " Iti tin * Hole of I.ovor. Ut.skln's mother was terribly afraid o an alliance between her son and a youni woman of alien religion , training and na tlonallty. But there was no real danger for the boy's very earnestness and persist tncy ruined his chances In the wooing He wrote "Leonl , a Legend of Italy , " li her honor , as well as several other levi pi ems "to her eyebrows. " Thcti he trlei Jo win her favor by distinguishing hlmsel In the only field for which he was qunllflei by nature. ' Adele Clotllde Dcmecq was tin Immediate Incentive of Ruskin's first pub llshed .literary efforts , but his brilliancy when it censed to make the girl laugh , woi him only , her reverence. In 1840 , after i second -visit to England , she returned to he own country and married the Baron Du quesne. Such was Ilusktn's first and grea love. It was characteristic of the man's over strung nervous temperament that his dls appointment In love resulted in serious 111 ness. At thnt time ho was an undcrgraduat of Oxford a fellow commoner of Chris church but this Illness compelled him t quit the university. In his later life Illnes often resulted from cntich less serlou ( roubles. Mr. Jowett , In writing of his asso ciatfot : fa n printer with the publishers o Hazcll's Magazine , tells how Kuskln tool to heart a piece of clumsy typographlca work the printing of the syllable "stock1 at the end of Part II of the author's "Ulrlc' ' and the other syllable "Ings" at the begin ning of Part III. After one protest frorj Rusk in there was a silence , followed b this note : "My Dear Jowett : That unlucky extn worry with Ulric was just the drop toi much which has cost me a month's palnfu Illness again. " Of course , it must bo borne In mind tha the writer of that note wae then , as a mos always , an extravagantly overworked man But he was nlso the enthusiast of fine manu scripts and glowing Illuminated prayc books of the middle ages who , having bough a fourteenth century "Horace" at some stal "In n back alley , " compared its possfssioi to "carrying about a Gothic cathedral li your pocket. " In 1S45 , when he visited th < Grande Chartreuse , the whole place build Ings and all the Immediate surroundlugs- wns a disappointment to him. But thin was the period of hl wrltlni "Modem Painters , " and the mountain round about were no disappointment. Hi tells , In "Praetcrita , " how , as ho was belm shown through the monastery by a monklal cicerone , "leaning on'a window sill , I sail something In the rtyle of 'Modern Painters about the effect of the scene outside Upon ro llgioiiB minds' . " The monk severely told bin that the brethren "did not come tbero ti look at the mountains/ which rebuki Ruskln boweJ In silence , 'out Inwardly h wondered , ho says , "What do you come hen for at all ? " HN null ! fur Turner HI-KIIII. Ills career as an art critic had been be gun In some fashion when , in his under | gradunte days , ho flrat publicly took up thi I cudgel In behalf of Turner against n crltl In Blackwood's Magazine. Ruskln's fathc took the manuscript of his son's defense o Turner and sent | t to the painter for hi Inspection and approval before It should bi sent to Blackwood's. The article never go to Blackwood's , however. Turner cooll ; packed It off to the purchaser of the Ve netlan scene which bad provoked the un favorable ecmmcnt. And neither that nor any of his eubse | iiant championship of the great Ensile ! ! Ir-ndscaplst ever Induced the painter to "tak ] u ; > " the young critic warmly. They met li j n matter of course social way and Join Kuskln EO far succeeded In his advocac ; of Turner's art that the older Ruskln be cuir.o a convert to Turncrism and bough freely of his works. But the proud , eolf reliant English painter Is nnv.-hero records as having cxprcbued even perfunctory thank to his advocate. Ruskln'g enthusiasm wns Turner's work not the man. Ho showed this In most char acterlmlc fashion at his firm escape from th condition of pupilage. Ac the eon of n rlcl nmn , bis father gave him at the cloao a Ms Oxford career u separate bachelor OK tabllshmcnt of his own , with an allowanc of Jl.OOO a year not on Illiberal allowanc for an English youngster In the early for lien. His father , although ho himcclf like , to buy Turners , was not a llttlo shocked perhaps grieved , being a canny Scot , a j John's extravagance In devoting a largo par of his first year's Income to the purchus j of Turner's "Harlech Cnstlo , " to adorn J.I own rooma In London. This exploit , how e\er , was no meio youthful squandering g money , but a fair exhibition of the man' deliberate beliefs as to the right use o worldly wealth. I Iti-latloiiH ullh Throe Stali-Hiiion , I Thu more systematic exploitation of hi socialistic tbcrrlcs In wealth -belonged to much later period. Then ho was throw ; into contact wth | the practical etatesrae of his time and country Palmcrston , Die ruell and aiajfitone. 1114 np'tirccloilcms t > E the three strikingly recall ntul bcnr out the opinion ot Mrs. Hltchle , ThackerAy'B daughter , th.it "Mr. Uuskin ought to buva been n novelist ; " nt least ho ehows th "Rcnlua ot characterization" In quick , lu minous touches , 1'almerston , ho * nys , "dls- pules no principle with me. but orlly feasi bilities' ' . " Gladstone dlnputrs nil his prin cipled before discussing their application and then disputes "tho nppllcntlon of nil thnt get beyond dispute. " But Disraeli "makes a Jest nllko of principles and prac tice. " This period of Ui'ekln's ' llfo verges upon the noonday glory of his Slado professor ship of the fln6 nrt at Oxford , whore he spent his health upon fiipererogntory labor * and his money upon benefactions to the university art gallery and the beginnings of the St. George's guild. The Idle , or at most merely ornamental , life to which so many of the young meu there looked forward with complacent resignation grieved him. DrawIng - Ing , of course , was In his view not In nny sense n merely ornamental occupation. To n promising undergraduate member of his drawing class who came to tell him that the pressure of university "schools" would oblige him to discontinue his art studies , ho said , with nn expression of profound horror : "And for that. Mr. L , you ro resolved ii | > on moral suicide ? " 'The HlnUc > - Dlnulnu' . . " "Tho Hlnksey Diggings" still remains and will long remain among the liveliest Oxford Huskln traditions. For some rcnfion con nected with parochial red tape , n certain road In the neighborhood of the university city was allowed to remnln almost Impas sable to wagons , much to the Inconvenience of the farmers and cottagers thereabouts. Prof. Ruskln resolved that , ns so many undergraduates were prevented from attend ing his draw'lng ' classes by the Imperative nccerslty of open nlr exercise In the nttcr- ncon. they mght and should tnko their ex ercise with benefit to their neighbors. Ac cordingly , ho laid In n supply of digging Implements and set an example of rend mending Invhlch many of his "disciple * " among the gowned youth were ashamed not to follow. So , after much tribulation the Hlnksey road was eventually made lit for use" and Oxford learned n lesson. Though perhaps not an accomplished fore man of a. road gang , ' Uuskln was , according to his own account , still less an accomplished courtier. When the princess o Wales visited the university the Slado professor of the fine arts wne , of course , presented , and was expected to give her royal bigness much In teresting information on his own ppeelHl topic. In the drawing room of the deanery of Christ Church , after a dinner given by Dean LlilJell. when the princess stopped to say her appointed "few words" to Ruskln. he. In characteristic fashion , burst Into lam entations about the Indifference of the under graduates to the holy art of drawing n few girls really forming the strength of bis classes , he said. The princess could not well either dispute the professor's position on art at Oxford or cordially sympathize with his strictures on the university Just then and there. All she could do wns to smile and pass on to the next "don" on her list. And the effect wns somewhat embarrassing for Ruskin and for everybody. But among the "few girls" of whom he had made nn hon orable exception were the daughters of the denn Alice ( "Alice In Wonderland" ) , Edith and Rhoda. Very soon after the professor's somewhat unfortunate Interview with the princess. Miss Rhoda , the youngest of the three , entered the drawing room , fresh from the skillful bands of the nursery tiring woman. All eyes turned to the door , where this vision of adolescent feminine loveliness appeared , and Disraeli , who was In attend ance upon the royal party , stepping toward her with one of his own DIsrncle < que gest ures , took her by the hnnd : "This Is , 1 un derstand , the young lady In whose art edu cation Prof. Ruskln Is so deeply Interested. " That .brought . laughter to the rescue. From about thnt time , through the last twenty years of his active life , Ruskln went on working , metaphorically speaking , more and more with a pickaxe for the ends he held sacred , and thereby made , with many en thusiastic disciples , many half-contemptu ous enemies. Punch had this versified com ment upon one of Ruskln's sharpest reproofs to indolent wealth : To the Heavy Swell : An- you what Huskln says you are The parasite ot your own cigar ? The H. S. : I don't think much of Wuskln's Joke. Old WuFkin has no need to simoke. For weeds Ills mouth's not wnjim enough ; He's always got himself to puff. ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM ( Continued from Page Fifteen. ) guide ; Mrs. Hnttle Boyle , first worthy censor ser : Mrs. Laura Glllesple , second worthy censor ; Mn . Cecilia Youngstrom , first maid of honor ; Mrs. Carrie Skiff , second maid of honor ; Mrs. Georglna Grothnn , first lady manager ; Mre. Hattlo Boyle , second lady manager ; Mrs. Nellie Marshal , third lady manager ; Mrs. Georglna Grothnn , pby lca ) examiner. Fraternal I'nloii of Anii-rlca. Fratcr Bailey made a epeech to Ashland lodge Thursday evening aroused the mem bership at that place to the fact that the Fraternal Union of America Is not resting on Its laurels. Benson lodge No. 11C doubled Its member ship the first year of Its existence. Omaha lodge No. 311 bas jnado n record for January , having received the largest number of members of all the lodges In Omaha. This lodge will give Its first enter tainment for 1900 on the evening of Febru ary 14. An excellent program , refreshments and dancing will bo the attractions. Mondamln lodge No. Ill will give another of Its Hoclal dances tccnorrow evening. Banner lodge held an interesting session Thursday evening. Four applications were received. After conferring the degree on one candidate the lodge was favored with a good program. Banner Lodge Guards arc encour aged over the outlook. Arrangements are being made for a hall for drill purposes and for uniforms. This lodge will entertain next Thursday evening , February 8. A program has been prepared consisting of music , reci tations , refreshments and dancing. Fraternal Note * . Triune lodge No. W , Knights of Pythias , will confer the second rank Tuesday night. Gate City hive No. 9 , Ladles of the Mac cabees , will have nn afternoon at the home of Laura Hunt. 1423 South Sixth Mreut. A lodge of the Modern Brotherhood of America was organized on Saturday evening 'by 'Manager ' W. E. Stegner of Sioux Falls. Omnlm lodge , No. 18. Ancient Order of United Workmen , will hold a special btiHl- ness meeting Tuesday night to consider pro. posed amendments to the by-laws provid ing for nn Increase of dues. Tha absorbing topic among the Woodmen of tlm city Junt now IK the tuu-of-wur con test to be held next Friday evening between teainH representing B. K M. camp No. 2722 , Modern Woodmen of America , and Omaha tent No. 75. Knights of the Maccubeeu. Thu content will take place In Woodmen hull and Is lo be followed with a. social dunce. Btn Hur Carrom club No. 1 met at ttie home of Frank Johnson , 933 North Twenty- i fourth street , January 2 ? . After u game and tlalnty refreshments prizes went awarded ax follows : Hey Lucas and Mm. FredrlckB , Mrst prize , and Theodore Fredrlcks and Mrs. Kelly. HobHon'H cholco. Thu club will meet February 7 at the homo of Hey LUCUB , 1920 Wlrt street. Lillian temple No. 1. Hathbonc Slaters , U 1 now ine.ellns wit-h Mondn : ' evening in Myrtle hall. They Initiated linns candidates ! last iiu'i-ling ami will have work at ihclr next' meeting. Last Monday evening the I member * surprised Ml * . C' . H Forby by ' torvlng a nice lunt-li ut the clone of tliu I meeting In honor of her sixtieth anniversary and by presenting her -with a number of | useful present.- . | Killed In Uuiii-rel Over ( uri ! , 1 WHLINOTON. In. . Fob. 3.-Dr. Frank D.ivl * wim flliot and killed at Hull' * Summit , near nere , lam night by Frederick Denliurt In a quarrel over a guine of cardH. Den- hart and S. O. Hill , who wuro present , were arrested.