r r > THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FERKUAHY , 1 ! ) ( ) ( ) . SPECIAL NOTICES A < Uer < li > ipnipnt ! for < lie c column * irlll IIP InUrn until IS ! i" . f"r tin- cipiilnir cilllliin nnil until Miltll p. in. for innrnlnir nnil .Mintliiy pilltlnn. ItntPM , I l-le ! n tioril llrnl Innorllont 1cn. iionl thrrpnflpr.iillilHK Inkcn for lex * Ilinn li..e lor lli < - llrM ln n- Hon. TliPKiMtlvprllnoMielit" liitinl lie run ooimoctitlt ely. Ailvprllnpra , liy rpqupstlMK n iium- lipreil olircU , run Imvp nii vpra ntl- Innrp ilrcniiril to a ntimltcrpil IrllPr of Thp HPP. AnimiTft nililrptnii-il lll IIP ilrlltorril on | ire piHiillon of tli < ; check enl > t WAXTED-SHt VTIO.NS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want olio plonsu cull up the llcmlnBimi typewrltur ofllie , 1619 Fnrnam st. . telephone. ' WANTED , a position l > y a mull of ox- tiorlonoo , to tuko charge of a stock or commission house ; bert goods In store or references Riven. Address X II. Hoe. WANTED , a place for a young girl to slay and RO to school. Call at 102. . H. ISMi HL - f WAVI'En-MAI.E HUM' . MORE POINTERS lent AND DOUGLAS STS. POINTER NO. 1. Two weeks ago wo chal lenged the proprietor of any other school teaching the Pitman. Graham or Muimon. with a numbrr of contest to on or Into M our students wlio ate now taking Gresz shorthand ' The contest wan to l > o upon speed ! ni , i-K ' " y- " ' } ; " . ' ' "i.,11"1 : ; mailer to bo un d.Vc , < .ffer to put up one-month students agalt'st two-mo th students , or two-month students asalnst four-month students. Th.-sehoo . losing the contest wn.s to pay . / > to the As- Kooliiiert Charities. Wo have not heaid a rlnglo word from anyone concerning this contest. Wo are willing to arrange the terms of tliu contest or leave It to Any committee. If the I'llmon. Graham of Shorthand an , or Munson Systems sunerlor to the Gregg why do these School- , which boast of doing such ox- ecllonl work , refuse to enter Into a con- tesl with some of our Gregg I11'1'1"-1 ' ' ' ! : 1'nless this challenge Is accepted welll take It for granted that the merits of the shorthand are admitted by i-verv rogg vropriolor of nil our western fvhnols. the contest and anxious Wo arc- ready for to enter Into it. We will accede to al most any sort of terms In order to nave It at the earliest possible moment. \ \ o want It public and are ready for t now. Wo nave abou : < sixty students taking the Gregg shorlhand at the iirpsent time and almost any mini- wo are wlllliiB to select her to enter Into this content. Mnnv ot thoHo students have been taking ( .rogg shorthand Just , olio month to the Jd of Fob They are able to write new matter faster than any other two-month stu dents In any other school teaching the Pitman. Graham or Munson. Ao. have three one-month students In l.rcgg sliort- hand who are ahln to write blindfolded from M to fiO wordp per minute of new matter on the blackboard. \ \ o are ready to have our Gregg students write for anyone Investigate this sys- one who may call CD 1'OINTER NO. 2 Wo have another new class In OrcRK shorthand this week. An other new class will begin tomorrow morning. Several parties have boon n during the week and arranged to boRln and study the Gregg shorthand tomorrow. People arc rapidly becoming convinced of the waste of time spent In trying to map- ter ritmiin , Oraham and Munson. GrcKtf Hhorthand can be learned In one-half the time. Is easy to write , is easy to read , lias ono position , one slant , no shade and very few word slRiis. It Is capable ot u hlKh rate of speed. It can be learned In one- half the time any other ays-Hem can bo mastered. roiNTIOR NO. ? . We are now prepared to give a thoroiiRh course In GrogK short hand by mall. All correspondence with reference .10 . this will bo nromntly an swered. POINTER NO. 4. Captain 1311 , the noted sea lecturer , will entertain the students of the , collcRO next Friday mornltiK from 10 to 13 o'clock. This lecture Is tree to the public. Visitors will be cordially wel comed. The lecture will be comic as well IIH Instructive In character. The students of the Omaha Commercial colleRc are en- joylns some rare treats In the way of lectures , entertainments , etc. POINTKIl NO.5. . The Grogs class in chorl- liand In the nlfiht school Is ra : > ldly In- creaslnc. If you cannot attend the day school you can learn GropR shorthand In the nlKht school In a few months. The rats is only $5 per month and you can take as many branches as desired.B237 B-237 I "WANTKD. Wo have steady work for a few Rood hustlers of Rood habits and appear ance. C. K. Adams Co. . 1C19 Howard St. 11-801 'i ' " \VM T13ACII the barber trudo thorouchly In short time and furnish each craduate with a guarantcoil position nt Rood WIIRCS. There are more than ton barber positions advertised to ono at bookkeeping or short hand. Write for free catalogue and par ticulars. Western Uarbtrs' Institute , Omaha. H-n02 CASH for acceptable Ideas ; state If pat ented. Address , The I'.itent Hecord , llal- tlmore. Md. It SOa AVANTI3U , maniiRer and agents ; salary or commission : cheapest and largest line. Hunter Tailoring- and Shirt Co. , Cincin nati. O. II M 146 A7 * tiAI < ISSM3N ! to i-ell olllce specialties ; line side lines ; used by all merchants ; catalog free. .Model MfR. Co. , Hex H. South Hcmi , Ind. H-.M2I1 n2 A VOUNG man attendlni ; school desires a plncn to work for board ; any honest work. Address IJoylcs College , Uce bldg. ; tol. IDS ) . U I9b 3 picture agents ; expenses paid. 1S1D I.eav. II-MSS7 K2S WANT13P. sober. Hit-around man to work In second-hand store ; no other need up- pll' . J. l.evlne , DOI N. IGth. II-Mltf ) 4 * THKATRIOAI. , wanted , man for KCnernl bnslne. 's and props , juvenile woman ; woman gen'l business and double piano. Horn ! program ; lowest salary. W. G. Cas- tlcton , I-o Sueur , Minn. n M12S 3' ASK quick for traveling job ; salary paid. Triumph Information Co , , Dallas. Tex. AVANTKO , experienced hands on hand and machine made clock saddles ; : ib > o bridle makers. Schcffer & Itossum , St. Paul , WANTKO , reliable man to deliver and col lect ; salary Tin per week and expem-es , Address Globe Co. , 723 Chestnut St. . Phil adelphia , Pa. II M1K ! 5 * WANTI3D. men to learn barber trade ; ; .nc positions at ff/t monthly waiting out Rraduates : new Meld ; can earn tuition ; two months complete ; all Information , with handsome. IflOft Mmvrnlr mailed free. Motor Harber College , Chicago. 111. H-M15I S _ WANTKD , an Al young man stenographer. Apply to the Smith-Premier Typewrllei Co. . H-.MIU3 I _ VANTI3D. Kalesman for long established baking powder , extracts , etc. ; wo offer ex ceptional opportunity ; give fully your ex. perlence. X 7 , Ilee olllce. 11 J1K ! > 5 * 'WANTI3D. nrft clu1 * jiaper ruler at once. Carpenter Paper Co. U 107.5 TAKI3 CAP13 NOMH-Transiiortatlon in Mining companies and information bureaus are alwavs exposed In "IN- IJt'BTHV AND MINING. " It Is the of- llclal paper of the Alaska Minors' ass'n ; better Hiibscrlbe. for It for three months and keep posted on the mining Industry out west ; It will cost you only { flo and II may HHVO you dollars In ynur Invest ments. Industry & Mining , No. 623 New York Block , Seattle. Wash. n BAILSMAN wanted In Iowa anil Nebraskn to sell our nobby tnllor-madn elothiug elegant sample outfit free. . Twin Cltj Tailoring Co. , 1600 Karnam St. , Omah.i U- _ _ _ BAhKSMHN Traveling or local , who ear carry hide line , make- big money handllnc our advertising fans. Hetail dealers of ill klmlH order them on sight for future do < livery. Ordinary salesmen nro making $ - to K > " weekly < ! urlng IrlMiro hourx. W ( p.iylargest fommlssi | > n and tnuko prompi settlements. American Novelty Co. , I'iiv clnnatl , O , II- WANTHD An experienced hotel man do. . Hires a position cither as clerk or Htewan In or out of city. Address X 21 , Hoe. . H-2M ) 4 HUKillT. oncrgetlci mun as salary and commlssluns. Cull 515 Paxloi blk. , 11:30 to 2. U- ! WAM'HII-JIAI.B IIP.I.P. Personal attention and Instruction Is one of the dl.'tlniuWilnc charncteristlcs -of- JS' COMMI3IICIAI. AND SHOUT- HAND COLM3G13. Kvery Individual student receives personal nld and oncournBemcnt from the proprie tor and teachers. This college continues to be endorsed and patronized by Omaha's host business men. There lias been no cessation In the domain ! for stenographers and bookkeepers. Kvery gradualo occupies a Get advertising matter. H-177-1 WANTI3D TravelliiB nnil local salesman for high class specialty line ; references required : advances for expenses. Kern Co. , advertising dept. , Chicago , III. WANTK.D-Hrlght energetic traveler ; slate age alid references. 131. Padre Cigar Co. , St. I.oul.4. Mo. H-1SI 4' SOI.ICITOHS. corporation want successful Held men ; something good and striking ; iiulck money ; references with Inquiry. Address 13. .lonos. Hex fiCfl. H-192-1 * AN excellent opportunity for a good solicitor to make money. 520 Hamge blk. B-101-P WANTHD , a western man wltli capital , push and enterprise , that understand * town booming ; a bonanza. Address "M , " Moles , Oa. P. O. Box 13. B-190-1 * WANTI3D , men to deal with school boards of Nebraska and Kansap. We loan libraries to public schools ; new : good term ! ' . Miller , the Parmelec Library , Chicago. III. B-21S-1 * G(3V13HNMUNT ( POSITIONS : where they are , how obmlnod , salaries paid ; particu lars free. Write for circular 115. National Correspondence Institute , Washington. 1) . C. B-21D-I * WI3LI. digger to dig wells nnil take pay In house rent. 38 U. S. Bank bldg. B-M2CO C GOVKHNMI3NT POSITIONS Don't pre pare for any civil service examination without seeing our catalogue of Informa tion ; sent free. Columbia Correspondence College , Washington , D. C. U M1R9 C * 1U3MABU3 men to handle our line of high grade lubricating oils , Rreases nnd specialties ; salary or commission. Ad dress Mutual Hellnlng Co. , Cleveland , O. B-1SI 1 WANTI3D Young men to learn engraving by mall ; acquired In four months ; tooln , metals , designs , clc. . furnished ; tuition to bo paid W days after a position Is se cured paying not less than $13 per week ; for particulars address The Buffalo Cor responding School of Engraving. Mooney BldR. , Buffalo , N. Y. B-1S2 4 * ASSISTANT secretary for corporation , gilt edge references , competent to manage otllce ; Invest W.509.00. Address J. Cryan , 143 I.a Salle Si : , Chicago , Illinois. B 223-4 * SIDI3 line , pocket , free samples to live man on uncovered ground : many with us twenty years and earning over 525 weekly. Factory , P. O. 1371 , New York. $3 A DAY painting signs , no experience re quired with our method ; samples , instruc tions , etc. . lOc ; guaranteed. City Sign Co. , Springfield , Ohio. B 220-1 * WANTED , live active men , well Informed , as salesmen : best Income ; applications considered only when accompanied with best of references as to experience , edu cation and general address. X 17. Bee. B-265 4 WANTED , experienced gents' furnishing man ; only those of years of experience need apply. X 20. Bee. B 270 4 WANTED , experienced men to roll country and state rights for a valuable patented article needed In every household nnd store ; state experience and terms. Ad dress X IS , Bee otllce. B-26S 4 * WANTHD , live salesmen to establish local agencies for our "Perfection" self-gen erating gasoline lamps. Perfection In candescent Gas Lamp Co. , 1119 Fnrnnm ft. B-2C7 4 * WANTED 'Men to advertise and Introduce our soaps and specialties , tack sgns ! , dis tribute circulars , samples , apnolnt subagents - agents , stc-ady work , SI' ' weekly and ex penses. Marvel Mfg. Co. , Chicago. B-1S5 4 * I WANTED Everywhere , hustlers to tack I signs , distribute circulars , samples , etc. : no canvassing ; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. B 185 I * WANTED Man over 21 to travel in Ne braska ; $50 monthly to start and all expenses - ' penses : permanent position If satisfactory : self-addressed envelope for reply. Man ager Stoll. 355 Dearborn , Chicago.B . B 1S7 i * I TRAVELING salesman wanted for estab lished house. No technical knowledge nec essary , hut simply all-around hustler of good appearance and address. Klrst class line ; special contract. Entlro time re- ouired. References. Box 3&3. Detroit , Mich. B-1S9-4 * . WANTED , men of energy and ability to placn our goods with general merchandise traJe ; permanent position to tlrst clasf salesmen : bond required. Box COS. St. 1-ouls , Mo. B-224-4 * MEDICAL students , twelve seniors for this scale , good pay ; give college nnd when you will graduate. Peters & Co. . Stn. U. , Chloaso , 111. B-22J-4 * M1CN and women to appoint agnnts ; $75 monUi. expen es ; steady nosltlonB. But ler & Alger , New Haven , Conn. B MA 1,13 III3I.P. DAY AND EVENING SKSSIONS. THE ' .MOST POPULAR Bl.'SINESS COL LEGE IN 'NEBRASKA. ' FACl'LTY. Expert accountant teaching bookkeeping. Professional penman ( caching penmanship , Court reporter teaching shorthand. Practical operator teaching typewriting. High School graduate teaching grammar. Lawyer teaclilns commercial law , etc. Before deciding where to go It will pay to personally Inspect and critically Investi gate BOYLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE. Bee Building. Get a Catalogue. C 17S I WANTED. 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S78. C-S03 SO girls wanted. Canadian olllce 1622 Douglas. C 915 K3 WANTED , first class cook In family of three people. Good wages paid. Apply between 9 nnd in a. m. or 7 and S p. m. Mrs. J. L. Brandele. CC20 Dodge St. , omnhi C-lll-3 WANTED , competent young nurro girl. Call at 125 So. 35th street. C 171 LADIES WANTED , ladles to do plain needlework for us ut home ; wo furnish material and pay $7 to $10 per week. Send stamped envelope to Standard Co. , 42-19 Indiana avc. , Chicago. C 1971 * WANTED , bright lady to travel In Ne- braxka ; VV > monthly and all expenses to mart ; position permanent. Self-addressed envelope for particulars. American L. & M. Association , S5S Dearborn , Chicago. C-19l- > * WANTED. llrHt-class girl for general housework. Ml S. 40th st. C 2IS 4 WANTED , girl for general housework. 2212 Mason si. C 247 4 * WANTHD. competent girl , general house work ; 2 In family ; reference. HOt ! S. 32d ht. C 283 1 WANTED , good rook and laundress ; 3 In family ; t-ocond girl kept ; references re quired. 2240 Landon Court , lut street north ot St. Mary's avc , off of S. 24th st. st.CMMt C-MMt WA\Tt n FBMAI.B IIKM * . WANTED , young Indy til learn halrdr'-sx- Ing. Including all Its brnnehrs. reasonable rh.irges for teaching nnd position after. Apply 15IS Knrnnm ; take elevator 2d Moor. C-M2S ! ) 6 * OIUL wanted ( or general housework. 2107 Spencer. C M137 6 * roil itK.vr not sr.s. IK YOU wnnt your houses well rented place them with Benewa & Co. D 906 CHOICE houses. cottnEP ? , storM. Henry U. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , lOlfi. D-907 HOUSES , slorea. Bcrnls. Paxton block. D-93S MAGGARD Van & Storage. 1616 Cnp. Avc. Tel. 14 % . D-M9 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennan-Lovo Co , , 309 So. 13th street. D-910 HOUSES for rent. J. II. Sherwood , 939 N. Y. Life. 'Phono 3S8. D-.Ul HOUSES to rent. Patterson , 305 N. Y. Life. D-912 2 TO 14 rooms. W to KO. 36 U. S. B'k bldg. D-913 l''OR RENT , desirable , houses nnd Oats. RliiKwnlt. Barker block. D-914 3221 CUMING St. . seven rooms , modern ex cept furnace , has Just been painted nnd renovated ; will rent to desirable tenant , only $20.00. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th nnd Douglas. D 915 215 S. 29th nve. , modern seven-room house In good condition , $25.00. Omaba Lonn & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas sts. D-917 FOR IU3NT. modern steam-healed apart ment on second floor of Davldgo building. JOHN W. BOBBINS , 1S02 FARNAM. D-609 IF YOU need a tenant list your houses with W. V. Hedges. 509 Paxton block. D-ISO ON WEST Farnam Hill , 3Sth street , very choice , S rooms , al modern , large lawn , corner , east front , $30. 36 U. S. Nat'l Hank BldR. D-B95 552 SOUTH 2Sth , 7 rooms , modern , $30 ; 3007 Webster. 8 rooms , bath ; 2222 North ISth. C rooms , barn , large yard : also flats. Ring- wait Bros. . Barker Block. D fi9 ! UNSURPASSED , central , steam heat ; all modern , seven-room house. Tlzard. 22.1 N. 21th. E-M&90 T. HOUSES , etc. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. D-119 3 OR 4-ROOM ( lat , modern. 2S2I Farnnm. D-131 5 * ' 2227 SPRUCE ST. . 4 rooms , city water. $9.00. I 2910 Seward ft. , 5-room cottage , city water , I J10.00. R52 S. 23rd St. , I rooms , city water , $10.00. 2302 N. 25th St. , S-room house , $15.00. 1107 Mnrcy st. . 3 rooms , city water. $5.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 16th and Douglas. D Ml 43 12-ROOM modern brick detached residence , near High school , large lawn , trees. Ad dress X 15 , Bee. D-16S-1 * FOR RENT , good , convenient , 4-room cot tage , 2601 Blonde St. , $ S. Inquire nt C07 N. 19th st. D M25'i 5 29 HOUSES for fixing up. 36 U. S. Bank bl'g. D-M261 S FOR RENT. 33th and Howard , 7 rooms , modern , $30. 262S Capitol Ave. , 7 rooms , modern , $22.50. 2903 Dccatur , 5 rooms , city water , $12. : ' 2d an-J Maple , 7 rooms. $20. Near Park Ave. line , 9 room ? , modern , $25. Sec our list for others. R. C. PETERS & CO. , Bee Bldr. D-172 1 FOR RENT , furnished house , near Him- scorn park : all modern conveniences , In cluding hot water heat. X 16 , Bee.D2IC D-2IC 6 * 3-ROOM cottage , $6.00 a month. 1407 S. 16th st. Inquire Jos. Goldsmith , Murray hotel. D-250 4 * TO LET , a large 9-room thoroughly modern - orn dwelling with barn ; large yard ; cen trally located , $45 per month. TO LET , a 7-room modern cottage with barn : nice lawn : 02 South 29th St. , $20.09 per month. TO LET a 9-room modern house with barn , line lawn ; 32d and Pacific streets , $40 rer mant'-i. V. FARNAM SMITH & CO. , 1320 Farnam St. D-240 4 FOR REXT FUIIMSIIED HOO.MS. FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2623 St. Mary's. E-M79I F6 * LARGE , warm , well lighted rooms : modern house. 1906 Capitol Avc. E-S78 4 * FURNISHED rooms , modern. 25SO Hnrney. E-1G6-1U * FURNISHED sul'.o of rooms for rent ; molt-ni conveniences , on Haincom pa'lc car llnr ; references. M. Darre'.l. KB Park Ave E--19'- ! ! * TWO or three furnished front rooms , si.lta- Iilo for man atd wife or three genrlomen 315 NorthISth St. E-Mll5-6 ! > TWO furnished rooms for rent at 31S S. 26th st. E-276 4 * DESIRABLE furnished south rooms , mod ern. Apply at 2222 Farnam at. 13 279 4 * Ktll.MSHKI ) ROOMS AMI IIOARII. THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge. F-91S NICE , warm rooms , good board ; reasona ble rates. The Rose , 2020 Hnrney. F MS25 10 * TO 2 gentlemen , In private family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F 919 ROOM and alcove , with'board. 2102 Cass st. F-.M837 5 FURNISHED rooms and board ; references. 316 S , 26th St. F Ml 42 8 A FURNISHED room. 2019 California st. F-M133 8 * 516 N. 21RD , nicely furnished , modern. F-M21S 5 * FURNISHED rooms and board. 205 S. 24th F Mlf-7-5' FOR HUNT IJ.VFURM.SII 1311 ROOMS , FIVE unfurnished chambers for housekeep ing to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. O CSS FOR ItlJVr STOItl.S AXD OFFICES. FOR RENT , store In first-class location : rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co , , ground floor , Bee bldg. 1 266 FOR RENT , brlclc warehouse , two floors , each 60fi90 feet ; power elevators ; IT. P. trackage. Apply Huarmann Bros. , 1911 So. 20th. 1-920 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 3 or 4 desirable rooms left. Inquire 36 , same bldg. I-2H2 4 TWO unfurnished front rooms for rent ; Miltahlo for'man and wife. 318 H. 2Hth Ht. tJ-375 I * AGENTS WA.XTEIJ. "LIFE OF MOODY , " 600 pages , 200 IIIUH. , authorized edition ; best com , credit given. Hlxenbuugh & Co. , Ware block'Omaha. J 747 AGENTS on tnlnry or commission : tbo greatest agents' seller ever produced ; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight : 200 to W > per cent profit ; ono agent's sales amounted to $620 In six days ; an other $32 In two hours. Monroe Mi's. Co. , X 16 , Ui Crosxo , Wis. J-M15S 4 * AGENTS MatchleHS mantles light them- Kclvm : no match needed. Send r.V for Kt u > la and terniw. .Matchless MimtV Worki1. GO Stony Island. Chicago. Rival mantle * . $1 dozen. J i . ' I * AGENTS To sell Reynold's Diamond Stone ; sharpens razors and edged tools In ten second * . It also cuts glass same as a diamond , Reynolds & Co. , 123 Clark St. , Chicago. Sample. 15c. J--20I 4 * AGENT45 wanted. The wonderful calculat * Ing < pfncl ! ; 'best ' selling novelty out : 1(0.000 ( * old In Chlcaeo In two week * . Leader Card Co. , 2936 Armour Avc. , Chicago. AOU.NTS 1VrBll. . LADY cleared J < each day In January In troducing our ple'trl < nl medlial garter ; you can do It ir we pay salary $7. ) n month and expenses : clreulnr free ; agents want ed everywhere , ospe. lully In Omaha. Eire- Irleal Medical ( Sartor Works , Cincinnati , O. J-2n5-l * AGENTS Complete life of Mmily ; among the line engravings Is Convmtlon hall , Kansas City , where ho preached his lust sermon ; also a full account of those meet ings ; Just the bok for western stales ; now ready for delivery ; over 500 pages. Write us at once. KniM | > & C > . . Publishers , Kansas City. ilo. .1-206-1 * LADY cleared $ 0. man JI.1K2. lasl six months Introducing llolladay's Marvel Waterproof Minn polish ; solf-shlnlng , russet and black. Why not you ? Dem onstrated samples free , llolladay .t Co. , Room . .JO. iss Monroe Strcol , Chicago. . ole MaiifP. J-I9M * PORTRAIT agents everywhere. quit "crayons. " Try wnsliablo cnaincllnos ; no glass ; don't nil ) ; cheap. Family Portrait Co. . Chlea-ro. J 19S-4 * WANTED Agents In every town to take orders for Kosher Sausages , SmokiMl and ! Pickled Mc-als , Tongues , Pure Rendered ! Hoof Fat , etc. , for "Chicago house. Will , nllow liberal commission. Address , stal ing experience , reference * , etc. , D 3.1. Care Lord & Thomas Chicago , 111. J-KM-1 ! ' AGENTS WANTED , to sell the Improved "Best" Incandescent Vapor Gas Iximps ; Intent out ; largest variety of styles ; largest factory ; prompt shipments. The Best Light Co. . Canton , Ohio. J-201-1 * AGBNTS wanted for most brilliant and strongest BBS mantle manufactured ; great Inducements to good salesmen. Harrison Mfg. Co. , Rnhway , N. J. J 200-1 * JUST OUT New Pceness gasoline lamp ; easiest lighted , most satisfactory , knocks all competlilon ; agents coining money. Peerless Lamp Co. , 241 Railway Exchange bldg. St. Louis , Mo. J AGENT'S bonanza ; buy direct from manu facturer ; wo make K2 new fast sellers that sell to everybody at Bight ; largo profits ; frco sample. Factory , 22 Mechanic St. , Newark , N. J. J AGENTS , "The Endlcsa Wire. " myHtilles everybody. The best selling novelty over offered. Send ten cents .for samples and circulars. Ray Novelty Mfg. Co. . 301 Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111. J 225-1 * LADY agents , wanted. Custom corsets , bustles and skirts , .from linen to llnest silk. Splendid profits ; samples free. J. 13. Wood & Co. , 312 South Warren St. . Syra cuse , N. Y. , ) _ 20 ; ! _ | NATIONAL gaslight .burners ; nt all lamps ; brilliant light ; no chimney ; no wick ; just out : phenomenal seller ; sample free to Icgltlmale agents. National Illuminating Co. , Cleveland , O. J 229 4 * AGENTS Frying pan covers : prevent greasy stoves ; steam escapes freely ; big seller ; 'big .profits : freight and sample al lowed. Kitchen Mfg. Co. , Reading , Pa. J-22S-1 * WANTED District organizers to re-present largest alck. accident , death benNit as sociation In America. Big renewal , choice contracts and territory. American Benev olent Ass'n. St. Louis , 'Mo. ' J 27 I * LOCAL agents In every town In the United States ami Canada to sell the Columbian Quick Generating Vapor 'Lamp ' , adjustable nlr feed ; no smoky mantles. Incandescent Light & . Supply Co. . Sole Manufacturers , Council Blurts , la. J 22J 1 * AGENTS WANTED 1,000,000 will be sold the first year ; agents of generating gaso line lamps are all coming our way ; no generating lamp will sell alongside of the "Perfeclion : " It Is the only gasoline pas lamp that does not require generating ; no torch , no alcohol , no pump , no watting to get up steam ; lights instantly , Just like gas : can be turned up or down , as desired ; a brilliant 100-candle power light nt a cost of only 1 cent per night ; this Invention gives people In the country advantages of city gas at practically no cost , and en ables people In cities to cut their light bills down to almost nothing ; live agents wanted everywhere ; send for circulars. Perfection Incandescent Gas Lamp Co. , Omaha , Neb. J 269 4 * WANTED , reliable agents everywhere to take orders for our Immense spring line of moJIum-prlcvd , genuine , made to order clothing ; no capital required ; outfit free ; write Immediately for particulars and ex clusive terrllory. giving references. Eagle Tailoring Co. , 212-21S Franklin St. , Chicago cage , 111. . J WANTED , agents to sell the new Im proved Harding Gasoline lamp : con structed on most modern and Hclentlllc principles ; makes its own gas ; most bril liant and durable Heht on the market ; agents can earn big money ; exclusive territory now given. Address Cosmopoli tan Incandescent Gas Light Co. , 173 ISast iladlson St. , Chicago. J WANTED TO RE.VT. FURNISHED housx ; or flat by man and wife ; no children ; references. Address X 5 , Bee. 'K M127 4 * WANTED , by young couple , 3 or 4 rooms suitably furnished for light housekeep ing ; must be good location nnd In good condition ; no children. Address X 6 , Bee. K-M133 I ONE or two rooms , unfurnished , central location. Apply J. Drlnkwater , 1924 Far nam. , K 211 4 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 921 WANTED TO IHJY. ALL kinds of household goods , hrttcls , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1400-10 Dodgo. Tel , 2020.N922 N-922 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brrnnan- Love Co. , 309 So. 13th. N-923 STAMP collections bought. Mortensen. C01 Paxton Block. N-15 ! ) F1S $5.000 TO INVEST In bargains. 1512 Daven port , N-M7I6 F25 TRACKAGE PROPERTY WANTED. A client wishes to build factory and ware house. Parties having well located central trackage property for sale please advise Us , giving price. location , etc. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY , Tel. 1781. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. N Ml39 fi WANTED TO BUY , a good second hand safe , must bo cheap for cash ; state slzo and make. Address X 11 , Bee. N-169-U * WANTED First , cocom ! and third volumes of "Tho Philistine , " bound or unbound. Address , slating price , X S , Bee. N-207-1 * A CLIENT wishes n modern home , west or southwest : must be a bargain : will pay HB high as $7.50A. . I1' . Connell. Ronm 309 New York Life. N 2)9 ) 4 * AMERICAN dealer ; buy secondhand furni ture and stoves 1719 Cumlng. Tel. 1673. N--'Jl I'Olt SALE FI'IIMTI'IIE. JEFFERSON Square 2ndhand store. Fur niture & stoves boucht & sold. 416 N. 1iith. O-1BQ F7 FURNITUHE for live-room house , cheaji. JEnjN-0"- ' O-2I5 4 * KOIt SALE IHMSKS AVI ) WACiO.VS. TOP BUGGY for sale , in good condition. U 40. Bee. P-M190 CHEAP , top phaeton , 2209 North 19th si. P-216 FIO * FOR SALE cheap , a good horse. 3111 Webster SI. P-161-1 * A KIN 13 trolling bred stallion for s.ilo. Very fast. Box 297. Geneva. Neb. P- I'Olt SAI.i : IIIM'EI.I.AYEOr.S. CHEAPEST and bent oak cribbing and hog fences. 901 Douglas Ht. < . ' WM CUTTERS of drug prices. Kherman ft Me- Connell Drug Co. . 1513 Dodge HI. Q-W5 FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists. One given relief. Q-920 B HAA8 , Florist. 1813 Vlnlon 81. Tel. 776. PlantB. cut flowers , boqucli ) , hull , rei > l- donco , wedding and grave decorations Order * by mall or express promptly filled. Q-927 FOR SALE , all palms , hrubbery. bulbn and various plant * from exposition grounds. Inquire ut Aplury building. Ex * pobltlon grounds. Q M161 16 FOR S Mi : MtS ( Kl.l/VVKOl S. INDIAN relics , mounted bonds. 1116 F.irn m 2D1IAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Fnrnnm SAFES , buy. sell , exchange. Ill S. ISth St. Q-MO NEW bicycles complete. $ I.1."A Neb. Cvcle Co. . cor , 15th and Hiirney. Q Mf.71 F23 $ | SR WILL buy fine Stelnwny upright : casher or time. Address W 4fi. Bro. Q-MW HIGH grade Sterling bicycle. & ! : good 2nd- hand wheels , $ s. $10 , $12 ; repairs nnd sup plies. Omaha Bicycle Co. tj Ml ONE MILLION building brick. Nebraska Brlrlc company. South Omaha. Tol. 310. ON MONDAY. February . * . wo will sell thn following ni'ichlnos. evorv ono In thorough tndltlon. Think of buying n sewing MM- rhino for $1.00. Former Price. Moudav. Union 2.00 l.fti Rrmlnglon 4.0) ) 2.00 Plnser I.Oil s.fo Wheeler & Wilson .W 3.0) ) Union rt.fti n.2'i White 7.00 s.TiO While 15.011 7.TO Domestic 10.00 fi.M ( hltiRor , hlfih arm 15.(0 ( 7.0 Howe R.OO 2..VI Sinner , shoe-makor machine1. 10,00 so.ft ) Drop Head Machine 30.00 IS.ft ) Now machines from $ IS up. Repairs nnd parts for eveiy nniehliin manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCU13 CO. . 15th and Hnnioy. Q-179-4 MISl'EI.I.A.MJOVS. NOTICE , country dealers. 2dhnnd furniture & stoves nt lowest prices , carload tot * or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , HOiMO Dndno. 11-H32 SEWING machines to rent , 75c per week. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Humpy. R-M217 Fll FOR RENT. 29 acres bearing fruit and . garden land , near Council Bluffs. In- nulrn of Mr. Krettck , on Crescent rood. Good buildings. R 293 5 CLAIRVOYANTS. "THAT WONDERFUL WOMAN. " So nil Omaha speaks of the famous MME GYLMER. PALMIST AND LIFE READER. This marvelous woman IIIIH the power to lift the mystic veil from off the future , to expose the hidden mysteries of tho. past. In the simple lines of your hand she sees your entire life ; can tell you things that have been , that are and nro to be. Her advice , based upon this knowledge , Is of Incalculable bonelH. Consult her in strides ! confidence. Mine. Gylmer has been hero throe years ; the public knows her , the press Indorses her. She Is no stranger. Money refunded If not salls- faclory. Hours , n to 7:30 : ; Sundays , 10 to I p. m. Parlors , Ifin5 Dodge , opp. new P. O. S 2S2 I JIM 13. PALMER Is conceded by all Omaha people lo be Ihe most wonderful clair voyant who has over visited this city. Few equal and none excel this woman , with power higher Ilinn human the prob lem of life becomes as an open book. Her advlco on all affairs of life , business , love , lawsuits , speculations , etc. . Is Invaluable. She Is a living connection between the unseen existence and this world. She can nld you. What she has done for others she can do for you. Com" nnd be con vinced. Readings dally. 1707 Cass st. S-2S1 4 * HAND rending and astrology. Just ar rived from Europe : will remain short time ; tells 6 different wavs ; settles family quarrels ; brings separated logelhcr. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. Price. $2.00. Will wait on ladles at lh"lr home. Address nt once. Mrs. Polio. 13. Hnzznrd , Omaha , Neb. , P. O. S JI2S.1 7 * MRS. FRIT/ , clairvoyant , SOS N. IGth.S933 S-933 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1C05 Dodge S 931 MME. PALMER , medium , removed to 1707 Cass. S 155 FS MASSAOE AXD I1ATI.S. MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths. T-931 F. > * MAY WILSON , bath , massage. 619 S. 16th. T M1SO F9 MME. SMITH , room 2 , US'N. . I5th. T M822 3 * ELITE PARLORS , 615 S. 16th. upstairs ; T MS62 11 BEATRICE HAttLOW. elegant massage tub bath ; Arabian treatment. Flat D , 70.J S. ICth. T-.M132 7 * MRS , BERRY , baths , marsage. PARLORS liest In city. 119 N 16th , 2d floor ; opp P. O. T-170-M 2 * MM13. SMITH , room 2 , 118 % N. ISth. T M254 10 FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 1751 Leavenworth. T 367 F13 * 1'MRSOXAI. . VIAVI , woman's way to health. 346 Bee bid. U ! Kfi SHAMPOOING 2TC , hair dressing 25c , hair nnd toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , 151S Farnam. Tel. 2333. U 937 J1ONHE1T. leading chiropodist. 151S Far nam , 2d floor. Tel. 2333. U-93S PRIVATE hospital for ladles before .t dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. . U-910 PROF. LUND positively destroys corns , bunions , warts moles. 511 Karbnch Blk. U-120 FIG RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain , no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rupture - turo Cure , 932 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha. U 941 GOOD large barn for rent In north part of city. Inquire 2124 Locust. U-10'1 ' ALL diseases of the feet skillfully treated FREE for the benefit of studenls. Miss Mayer , 100 Paxton Blk. Pupils wanted. IJ13'j ' 2s PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. JI. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas block. U-S1I Fll J. E. DIETRICK. architect and structural engineer , 610 Ramgo Blk. U 261 FU * L1EBEN , coslumcr. 1313 Howard. Get catalogue. U SI NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. Our clients who built the Sherman , Nnr- mamlli' , Wlnona and Albion conlcmplalo erecting another hous-c whenever the people ple of Omaha wi/nt / It. Wo desire to obtain the Ideas of prospective occupants relative to location , design , etc. , and will thank them to communicate with us by mall , 'uliono or personal call. PAVNIMCNOX COMPANY. Tel. 17&1. Ut Floor N. Y. Llfo llldg. U MHO 11 LADIES Your bust enlarged fi Inches ; f.ill- ure Impossible ; harmless ; $100 cash guar antee ; ; ioof | fiee. Leonard Medicine Co. , City , Kan. U 211-1 * AM tG ; wealthy , hut lonely ; will make homo happiest rpot on earth to nppri'ctativo wife. . "Dale. " 9' 7 E. lth St. , Chicago. YOUNG wrinnn , alone In hn world ; father left $ IO , w In property which she cannot m na"o iilono ; ileMlres kind and honest husband. Addict ) * . Box S'l. Ht. Louis , Mo. MIDDI < E-AGED widower would marry wo man who would approt'lato kindness ; nice- home ; rood 'business ' ; worth $ IO , ( . Mr. Wood , box 216 , EnglowooJ Station. Chi cago. 111. U-211-1 * LADIES' free harmless monthly regulator cannot fall. Jlrs. B. Rowan , .Milwaukee , WIs. J - _ _ MARRY lovely womun and honorable intn ; many rich ; win ! 2o for big list. Mutual Exchange , Kansas City , Mo. U SUPERFLor.S hair , warts and mules per manently removed by electricity ; consul tation free and confidential , all work guaranteed. .Miss Allendcr , 1613 Doug.nH. FREE Success in life can only be obtained through Influeive. Will * end absolutely f- i > uni" ) book which exolalns all the Focrett ) of hypnotism , personal inayni tlwin and magnetic healing. Tells how to uuie instant nnd bad halills , t-nuhlcii > ou to win and hold the love anil respect of others. Anybody can learn in a few ili > > i. Wo guarantee suecehd. Willn today. Ad- ( Irons' , New York Institute of Hi lence , liept. till1' . Barry Building , lluchextcr , PKHfJOXAL. 1 PERSONAL Your stars toll ; send 10. ' and olf-addro . fd stamped envelope. HO\ . date and hour of birth ; If latter not known send form and features ; prompt reply ; full muling } l. Dr. Dorolll. P. O. Box is4. ; Boston , Musr. U .MORPHINE , Opium , Laudanum , Cocnlno habit : myself cured ; will Inform you of harmless home-cure. Mrs. Baldwin , box 1212 , Chicago. U ITALIAN taught In class or private les sons by unlive genllomau. 301 Boyd s theater. U-26H 4 * MO.MJV TO LOAN- HIM It ESTATE. Jl.omi & upwards lo loan on Improved city property * farms. W. Farnnm Smith & Co. , 132U Farnam. W-913 MONEY to innn on Nebraska and Iowa t rms ; lowest rates. Hrclinan-Love Lo. , : : OJ S. 13lh , Omaha. W-9II PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad , 1524 Douglas W 915 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also nds and warrants. R. C. Peters A : Co. . 1702 Farnam SI. , Bee Bldg. W 9li $100.000,000 To lnvest tiTrougii Hniikers. Brokers , Promolers ; send for circular. Investors' Directory. N. Y. W SMS 6 PER CENT money. Bcmls , Paxlon block. W-919 MONEY to loan on tlrstclass Improved clly jiropcrly or for building purposes. Payne- Knox Co. , N. Y. L. W 950 R , fi',4. 6 per cenl loans on Omaha , S. Omnlm. W. II. Thomas , 503 1st Nat. bank. Tol. 164S. W 951 MON13Y to loan at 5 nnd Mfe per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melltlc , 401 S. I5lh. \ \ 9.- FIVE per cent farm loans. Chas. 13. Wil liamson. > 9 , > MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real ostnlo. Brcnnan-Love Co. , 309 bo. 13lh. PR1VATI3 money , low rate , no delay. _ Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. \ \ w- _ PRIVATE money. $100 to $1,000. J. II. Sher wood , 939 N. Y. Life. _ _ li * ! _ $100 to $5OitO. 1512 Davenport.W W M715 F2o MOXEY TO 1.0X CHATTELS. I.KYOUNEEDMON13Y S-E-E-US - - - Wo have a large amount to loan on house hold furniture , pianos , organs , warehouse receipts , horses , carriages , etc. You can gel Ihe money within a few hours after making application. WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. We give you as much lime as you need nnd you may repay Ihe loan as soon as you choose and yon need not pay for It ONK DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . Tel. 2295. 398 South 16th Street. S-A-L-A-R-Y-L-O-A-N-S From $10.1/1 up made to people permanently employed In OMAHA , SOUTH OMAHA and COUNCIL BLUFFS. You can borrow of us on your own name , without endorser or mortgage. We ar range the payments as easy as Is possible , allowing you to pay ALL or IN PART AT ANY TLM13 AND YOU PAY FOR THE MONEY ONLY WHAT TIME YOU KEEP IT. Our business Is confidential. Oinnha Mortgatro Loan Co. Room 119. 30G South 16th Street. Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. X-957 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortgage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATES. No enquiries made of em ployer or friends. You can borrow any amount and repay on easy weekly or monthlv payments. Before borrowing see us. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , sulle 525-52C N. Y. Life Bids. X 95S MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , diamonds , watches , on easy payments , un known to others ; you keep the goods , each payment lessens the cost of the loan ; no charge for papers and we make no In quiries ol your neighbors. BERGERS' LOAN CO. , 1501 Farnam , over R. .t JI. ticket office. X 95T MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , jewelry. Duff Green R. S.Barker blk. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon Ihelr own names wlthoul security ; easy payments. Tolman , 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. X 9G1 JIONEY loans on furnllure , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank. 1416 Farnam , upstairs. X 962 LOANS made salaried people on personal note without security ; rates reasonable. J W. Taylor , 21S 1st Nat'l bank. , 12 to 6:15. X 953 JIONEY loaned on olanos. furniture , jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S. 13. X 9Cfi LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE em- ploved In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs , holding good positions , on their own names : NO JIORTGAGE ; BEST TBPIMS : ovcry-hlng private ; money can be paid biok In small weekly or monthly payments. American Loan Co. , Room 601 , Bee Bldg. X 966 "MONEY io loan on furnllure , nlanos , " horses cows , elc. J. W. Taylor. 218 First National hank building ; 12 to 6:1B : p. m. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE Pcrmrncrtly engaged with responsible cm- corns , on an good terms as It Is possl'ilo for any one , nnd without mortgage , en dorser or security of any kind other lhan Ihcir own names. Money can be paid back in easy weekly or monthly Install- inenls lo suit convenience of borrower. CHATTEL MORTGAGES PAID. Persons momentarily embarrassed who de- slro above everything else to avoid pub licity nro the class wo especially deslro OI"RSC"IOANS ! ARE CONFINED TO SALARIED EMPLOYES. You can deal with us quickly and satlsfac- lorlally. All applications treated confi dentially. It will bo greatly to your ad vantage to call nt our olllce before bor rowing and get our terms. Questions cheerfully answered and you will receive courteous nttcnilon whether you borrow 01 "Ot < AJIERICAN LOAN CO. . Room 601 Bee Bldg. X Ill'SINESS CIIAXCES. GENERAL merchandise stock ; business es- lahllshed Iwenly years : best growing town toiithwostern Iowa : stock clean ; am re- llrlng. Lock Box 25 , Carson , Iowa. Y-M 34 NEW. clean stock of merchandise , $3,500.00 ; good town ; prosperous community. W. C. Vaughan , abstractor , Stanlon , Nebraska. Y-M 148 7 * OWING lo sickness will sell a good paying produce 'husliioKs. Address. X 12 , lice. Y-210-1 * FOR HALE , complete restaurant outfit. Peoplo's Store , 16th and Farnam. Y-273 I $10U for $10-lnvcst $10 to $100 In stocks and got $ l. < fiO to JIO ! ) sure ; safe as a bank. Win. Hood , 137 S. Bill St. , Philadelphia. Y-26D-I * - - DRUG slock for sale til big discount : In good locution ; or can be removed ; cle.in stock ami line llxlures. Address , X 13 , Bee. Y-20S-I * ENORMOUS fortunes are being derived from HIP cultivation ot coffee , rubber , oranges and other tropical proiiucln ; ! < ' us send , you free a little book showing how you may participate In these profit t without lonflletlng with your regular bu l- neSH. The Oax.u'a Co. . 620 Fullerlrm Rldx . SI LoulH , Mo. Y- CASH' buys millinery stock and fixtures , lively town , HP.OHO ; central Nebraska ; well ciilnhllshcd trade ; also offoro good op-n- Ing for dressmaker ; cheap rent ; only two other millinery stores : selling on ac count of pour health. Address U SOBee. . YOU ran make plenty of money and DIHkl ) It ouslly and nulckly In a leglllmuio , wii.\ wlthoul gambling In grain , mocks , how races or building lots ; small Invoitmenti ! ; Immense return * . Wrlle lo C. W. NorrU. Stock Exchange Bldg. , Chicago. FOR SALE , complete ruHtuiirunt outfit. People'n Blore , IGth und Farnurn. HIMVESS CIIAXrl3S. ANY good patent can lie madealunti.t f properly handled. Write for p.ullcnl ir > our now plan Is placing .md solllnc ao > quantity of them. Intern.illonal IMIcn : Exchange. 9 > J Hrondwny. N. Yvi i 2 111 PROFITS In stoclf , wheat and cotton. Mackoy's Modern Methods M k Money. Write for our free book. C. E. Maekoy & Co. . C9 Broadway , New York. Y FOR PALE , complete rertaurant outfit. People's Store , Ifilb and Farnam. Y-274 I WANTED-A LARGE ! "wKhi7 KSTAn- LISIIHD OHIO CORPORATION COM POSED OF MEN RATED UPWARD OF TEN MILLIONS HAS A PROFIT-SHAR ING OFFER TO A BUSINESS 01AN ABLE TO INVEST $2,0 < m TO $5,000 AND TAKE A POSITION WITH THE COM PANY PAYING $3.r > l PER ANNUM ; THE HIGHEST COMMERCIAL REFER ENCES GIVEN AND REQUIRED. AD DRESS. THAYEL1NO AUDITOR. 710 FINE ARTS BUILDING. CHICAGO. ILL. V2MI * BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-Will sell my complete Motion Picture Public Entrrt.tln- mom outfit wlHi largo advertising bills anil everything needed cheap for cash. Ad Mrs ! class nnd will show motion pictures natural as life. No experience required ID operate U. Have made $69 to $301 pel- week. Best of reasons for solllnc. Send this < * drind address Drawer 146. Chlcauo. Y-2S-I * WANTED to invest J300 nnd services In business ; give particulars. Box 23i , oily. Y-27S 4 * FOR SALE , complete restaurant outfit. People's Store , 16th and Farnnm. Y-272 4 FOR EXCHANGE. CLKAR vacant lot near S7th and Chicago. 06x110 , $1,250. Will trade for good rental property and p.iy cash difference. George G. Wallace , 313 J. J. Brown block. 5S-4I2 60 ACRES in Greoly county , clear : KM acres In Perkins Co. . clear : 160 acres In Jlorrlck Co. , clear , lo exchange for .in equity In an Omaha , residence , or tlrst payment on a small homo. Wymitn , Hhrlver Co. , N. Y. Llfo Bldg. X-176-1 EXCHANGE for clear farm land , well as sorted general country slock , shoes , fur nishing goods , staple clothing , notions. Imls , olo. ; Invoicing about $2,200 ; must have about $ .650 cash , balance clear land ; stock can be removed or business con- llnucd. J. W. Yatcs , Superior , Neb. X.-M277 5 * I HAVE Iwo Omaha dwellings to exchange ; want California ranches or Los Anuoloa property. W. V. Hedges. D09 Pnxton block. 21 A SHORTHAMl AMI TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN S A NT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 9SO AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douclas. -9S1 BOYLES. college court reporter principal. Bee lilcljr. ! ) S2 NEBRASKA Business & Shnrlhsnd col- logo. Boyd's Ihcalcr. 9S3 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $1 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625 Farnam SI. Telephone 12SI. 9M REMINGTON Standard Typewriter nnd supplies. 1619 Farnam. 96 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfolclcr nnd cuts the tlnesi stencil. Tel 2279. J S. Stewart , Spec'al Agent' , .118V4 S. 15th St. Omaha. 9S7 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnam. MS SPECIALIST. DR. DAVIS , leading specialist , cures a ! ! nrlvatc. nervous nnd chronic diseases of both sexes. Including syphilis , gonorrhoea , gleet , blood and skin diseases , lost man hood , nervous debility , piles , rheumatism , kidney or bladder troubles and kindred ( "Iseasnp. One month's Ircatmcnt free In r.ll chronic cases. Call or write pyrap- t-ims of your troubles. All correspondence strictly confidential. Consultation free. Private entrance. 1605 Dodge St. , cor. Ifith and Dodge , Omaha. Neb , M123 2S DAXCIXfJ SCHOOL. SPRING TERM--Morand's dancing fcohool begins this week : children Wednesdays nnd Saturdays ; adults Tuesday and Friday S p. m. ; attend the assemblies , Crelghton Hall Wednesday and Saturday , S:30 : p. m. nnd learn the new dances , salute waltz , cake waltz , two-stop and Cuban waltz. Admission , couple , 50 ccnls. SSI ) F 2S MEDICAL. TO MEN. TO MEN. Physical Decline , Nervousness , Premature Decay , Blood Poison In either stage , Old Sores , Swellings , Seminal Weakness. Vnrlcocele nnd nil other chronic , nervous and wasting diseases quickly and perma nently cured or no pay asked. Consult-i- tlon nt office or by mall , absolutely free anil confidential. Write for our pnerl.il Symptom Blank. AVe guarantee to cure you at home. 'Hood ' Medical Institute. 4S Van Burcn St. , Chicago , 111. 217-1 * LADIES , Chlchcster's English Pennyroyal pills arc the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamps , for particulars. "Relief for Ladlis. " In letter by return mail. At druggists. Chichester Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. PAWNimOICEHS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 415 N. 16. -991 EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 9D2 FURXITURE REI'AIRI.Vfi. V PACKING , upholstering , matlroas. feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln. 2111 Cumlne St , 9S9 : iIRDS AND TAXII1EIUIY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavcnworth. -900 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Ostcopalhlc. Institute , SI5 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. , Alien Johnson , D. O. , ladle * ' dcpl. ; Gld E. Johnson , Osteopathlst. mgr JI. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school , Klrksvllle , Mo , , COI Paxton blk. Tel. I5 i. -991 IAM > I'OIl RB\T. FOR RENT , 4)0 ) acres of line paMnrnse nnd corn land , well Improved , lying on West Q filreet , east of Seymour luke and west of Hou'h ' Omaha. Apply to The Byron Reed Co. , 212 Ho. 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. - " &G 11 MEIU-'ll 1XT TAII.OHS. BEN COHEN , arllsllo tailor. 401 N. 16th 81 , c7 < ) I * i SCHOOLS AND IA.VIUIE. 'RENCII , Gorman , Spanish , $2 per mo Prof. Chalolaln , 301 Boyd theater. 9 HEALING. TII'I3 Wolliner mall course , absolutely free H. B. Yatcs , Hhcimndonli , la. LOST. LOST. 11 Seo' 'h Colllo dog , answers to niiino of "Jerry ; " return to 42S 8. 3Slh Kt for reward. Lost 17H-I STAMMEUIX < ; AMI STU'J'TERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan , 4W Hamge Bldg. -995 HOUSES WINTERED. GOOD stable i and gooil earn. 'Phono 1051 , J. W. Phelpf. 207 N. Y. Life. 2r Fli * TIIIJXIv FACTORY , I'llUNKH , traveling bag * , suit rnri. r n.is repaired , Oni. Trunk Factory. 1209 Farnam MCKEI , ri.ATIM , ' . OMAHA PLATING CO. , Bee building. -1000