Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1900, Part I, Page 21, Image 21

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Bniinesa as a Rnlo Entiraly Satisfactory to
Local Jobber ; ,
Some Linen < iliinv MnrUoil Inereime In
1'rlce , Othi-rn Ui-iiinlii Mndonnrj
I'ltturr ' -
I I'roxiiefl-i
UN Mont I'roiiilnlnu.
Trade condition ! ! last week were- not
matprlallr dlfferput from \vhnt they have
been for some tlmo past. Jobbers In nearly
all linen nro still busy Rotting In their
spring otockrt and arranging them for re-
Bhlpment. In a few case * they report that
they have made a good beginning on their
ndvaneo orders , hut arc belnR delayed by
the rush of Immediate business coming In.
Denlern In nil lines seem to feel very
much encouraged over the way the present
year ta staring out and are prophesying
an unusually successful season ? When
the volume of business transacted durlnz
last month Is compared with that of the
corresponding month of lart year Jobbers
In nearly all cases find that they are run
ning far ahead of last year's figures. It
la thought ! that thin gain Is not no much
dun tn Im-rr-ased consumption In the
territory tributary tn this city as It Is to
thn growing Importance of Omaha at a
Jubblnicenter. . Tlicre never has been a.
tlmo when the wholesale merchants of this
city WPIII carrying as large stocks as they
are this season , and It Is also true that they
never have worked their territory as
thoroughly as they nre doing at thn presi-n ,
time. Their Increased business enables
them to carry more complete lines' , ? o that
t ( e market H constantly Improving and
making new friends. The tendency then Is
to gradually crowd out of ' .hlM field the
houses not represented In this city , so that
oven If consumption were not Increasing
nt a rapid rate there would still be
opportunity for local jobbing houses to
enlnrro their business.
Market conditions are very similar to
what they were at last report , though prices
In nearly all lines are very firm , with an
upward tendency. Ixical retail trade was
not very heavy last week , ns the cold
weather rather had a tendency to keep
shoppers nt home. A month or more ago
a cold wave would have stimulated trade ,
but this la- < > In the season rcoplo llziire
fiiati the winter Is about over and that
they can go without many things that they
would not think of denying themselves
earlier In the .
( rororluM Ailvnnce.
Wholesale grocery report trade still mov
ing along at a good rate. Their January
business" thin year shows n Bond , sub
stantial gain over last year's llgures and
Indications are favorable for the uiiln being
fully as large In the future. There were
not very many changes In the market last
week , though a few lines have advanced
somewhat. The sugar market Is still In a
very strong position and refined sugars are
r.c higher than they were a we sic ngo.
Haws have alro been marked up uc and
Indications are. thought to be f.vvornblo
for still higher prices. Coffee Is also In a
very strong position and especially Is this
true of greens , which are sum" 1-lghcr
than they were a week sigo. though roasted
crffees uro being quoted the sain'j. M.iny
lines of canned goods nre very Ilrm. p. r-
tliularly oysters , which are a trill" higher.
Seme lines of small fruits and tom.itoo * nr < >
nUi minted n little higher than tnov w.'ie
a wi'rk ago. Farinaceous goods remain the
siime with the exception of domestic rice ,
which | q being held at a little firmer prices.
Lamp chimneys have advanced V per dozen
during the last sixty dnyp on account > if the
Im-icat-cd cost of labor and material. There
was little. If any. change In dried fruits
last week , as consumption at this lime of
year In very light. It l thought that as
FOOII ns the spring demand setn In con
siderably higher prices will bo seen ,
especially on peaches and prune :
Phi-noiiicnnl ( Zulus.
Hardware men spe.ik very fivnrablv of
the condition of trade and say they have
absolutely nothing to cf. One rt
the leading local honsrs n-ports a gain
over last year'n llgiuvs during : he month
of January amounting to about 50 ner cent ,
and when January of 1SH ! Is Mken Into
account It Is found tint Him year's busi
ness for January Is two and a half times
.larger than In1SDS. . Th ! pnln 'appears ! o
'bo approaching the miraculous and is
certainly far beyond the oxne'l.itlons of
even the mopl hopeful ones. It Is thought ,
however , that this .srojvth Is natural , ard
for that reason permanent and jobbers
Cgurn that thil trade is going to continue
to Increase just so long as prosperity shall
last. In other words , they do not Intend
to lose .the hold they have on ihc business
In this territory , but Instead tire rapidly
branching out and covering the ground
more thoroughly and mo" ? srt'ffactorlly.
There IH nothing new to be Mill' ' about the
condition of the market , ns values are
Jiitt about1 where they we e a V.IPK ago ,
though there Is tlio same feeling of firm
ness and tendency for higher tirices.
.SpriiiHT CoodH .Move Freely.
Dry goods Jobbers also have a good word
to say of trade and report thn best Jan
uary business on record , In spite of the
warm weather , which naturally had a
tendency to lessen the demand for winter
goods. A good start bos been made on
filling advance orders , and In fact spring
and Hummer goods are going out almost
as fast as they are coming In. Rsi llern
out through the country who failed to place
their onfers early In the season are now
exhibiting considerable anxiety to get their
stocks , HO that traveling men are having
little dltllculty In landing business. The
outlook for a big spring and sumnu'r busi
ness was. In fact , never more encouraging
than at the present time and jobbers feoi
confident that their expectations will ho
fully realized unless something out of the
ordinary happens to prevent. Tlicre Is no
marked shortage of stock so far as local
dealers are concerned , but reports from
eastern market * show that manufacturers
are running behind and jobbers who are
not supplied arc apt to have difficulty In
getting prompt shipments. There nre no
Hiangpt In the market to report , as there
Is simply a gradual stiffening process goIng -
Ing on , which Is not rapid enough to make
a uuotnblo chanse.
IItilil Di'iniiiiil for Slioi-H.
Hoot and shoe men seem to be less fortu
nate -han most other wholesale merchants ,
ns they report January of this year hardly
up with tile correspondong month of last
year. The falling off. where there him been
any. Is of course accounted for by the lack
of cold weather , which has materially les
sened the demand for heavy foot wear.
When spring and tnimmcr business Is taken
Into account , however , boot and shoe nii'ii
can also make a good showing. Without
mi exception local dealers report llv < best
llnu of advance orders they have ever had ,
t > < } | t looks IIH though the falling off during
the pant month or so IH t > be more than
made up. Stock Is now being shipped Intn
the country at a rapid rate to make room
for the rush of liustiicxs Liter In the Keason ,
Rubber goods men are etlll having a
pretty quiet time. The cold weather of last
week helped out retailers a trllle , but dl.l
jobbers no Immediate good. People as n
rule llguro that the cold spell Is of short
duration and for that reason not nearly
as many lined rubbers and , other artlc'es o. .
that class were sold as would naturally be
The hldo market U "till In a very un
settled condition and It Is Impossible at
present to tell which way It Is going. Quo.
unions at present remain about the same
as they were a wei-.c ' ngo. Receipts an
rather light , hut an Increase is looked foi
In thu near future.
I'rnll anil Produce.
There WHS some Improvement nolcd lasl
week In the lUniuml for fruit and vcgc.
tables. There was , however , no ypeolu
feature to the trade and but very few
changes In prizes wenrrpurtptl. . FresI
vegetables arc Mill coming In nnd are 01
the .Increasf , but there IM nu chanse li
quotations. CoiiKdi | > rnhc ! Interest Is lie
Ing intinlfexit'd Iji various part * of tin
country In the potato market. It sen in
to In. the opinion of a eoml ninny pouph
that there art ) more pulntoeti In the coun
tr > than hue been nt-koned on. Last yoai
the cold weather destroyed thousands 01
busnclH and prices advanced and fur thai
mi Mm It U said that farmer * are holdliu
thtlr mock IhU year In the hope of HI
advance later on , to correspond with UK
advance of last year. The tlmo when new
potatoes will lu nn the market In not fui
distant und for that reason It IH arguei
that thone who are holding for hluhei
prices Miami a good btiow of being forced ti
hell tit u lower figure than pn < i < ciit nmrkd
The cold weather last week ntlfYened tin
rgg market a triilo. though any great In
crease In recelpi * would duubtlati CUUKI ; i
drop. Poultry wan only In fair dcmem
lust week und receipt * wore tmtllcjent ti
meet the requirement * . The lattur part o
the week the dcmtuul Imi.rovtHl ttomowha
nd In some cas # * Htronger prtcen were oh
tnlncd than during tbo first week. Tin
butter market weakened somewhat In sym
p.nhv with eastern marked * .
Oy : era an- quoted the name an they won
a k .IBO. though there ban been a utiuri
advance In the cist tnused hv cold weather
Local dealers sny that unless th" shoring *
l < relieved by Monday the price will be
advanced nt this point.
Condition nf Trnile nnd ( Jtiotntlium nil
Stnple nnd rntioy Produce.
EaaS Receipts , IncrcaslnB ! fresh stock.
turkeys. 9c ; ducks. "HQSc ; R esc , 7Viff
Sc : spring chickens , 7Q7',4c ' : hens. CHft'c ;
roosters , JQGc ,
LIVK POt'LTRY-Hens , SVjflGc ; spring
chlckeni. f.4fl6c : old and stftggy romtcr ? ,
3c ; ducks. 6c ; geese , 6c ; turkeys , & @ 6V4c.
Ht'TTKR Common to fair , 15o ; choice ,
17fl1Sc ; separator. 25c ; gathered creamery ,
PIOEONS-Llve , per doz. , 75o.
VHALS Choice , 9c.
QAMK-Dunks , mallardi. J3.00g3.25 ; blue
wing teal , $1.73 ; green wins teal , Jl.SoQl.SOi
mixed ducks , Jl.MifT2.00.
OYSTERS Medium , per cr.n , ISc ; stand
ard , per can , 22c ; bulk standard , per gal. .
11.25 ; extra selects , per can , soc ; extra se
lects , per gal. , $1.6091.75 : New York counts ,
per can , 37c ; New York counts , per 100 , J1.26.
HAY Per cniioad lota : Upland , choice ,
} 6 ; midland , choice , $5.50 ; Inwlnnd. choice ,
$5 ; ry straw , choice. $4.50 ; No. S corn , 20Hc ;
No. 3 whlto oats 22'Jc ; cracked corn , per
ton. $11 ; corn and oatn. chopped , per ton ,
tll.'iO ; bran , per Ion. J12 ; shorts' , per ton , $13.
, VT' ' ' NII'3-Por dozen bunches , COc.
SPINACH-Por box. $ t
NEW BEETS-Per doz. bunches , 40iJ50c.
LETTUCE Ppr doz. bunches. 40c ; fancy
RADISHES-I'er doz. bunches. 40c.
head lettuce , per bbl. , $3.
SWEET POTATOER-Per bbl. . Illinois ,
$3 : Jerseys. J5 ; large bbls. , Kansas. J2.73.
POTATOKS-Pcr bu. , choice , S0fl35c.
CARBAGE-Hollnml ecd. 2c.
CAirLlFIXDWER California , per crate ,
{ 2.50.
ONIONS Retail , vellow. 7Ce ; red , SG90c ;
Ohio" , per bbl. . J2.2&
CELERY Per doz. , 25Q30C , California ,
per bunch. wa v
TURNIPS Rutabagas , nor lb. , lUc ; Ca
nadian. Hlc ; ncr 1 > bl. . f2
Mt'SHROOMS-Pcr lb. box. 50c.
TOMATOES Florida , per G-basKCt crate.
RHUnARB-Pcr doz. . COS. .
APPLES Choice western shipping stock.
W.COW3.60 ; New York stock , $4 ; fancy , $4.50
{ J4.75.
GRAPES Malaga grapes , per bbl. , $7.00 ®
9.00.CRANBERRIESBcll and Bugle , per bbl.
ORANGES Mexican , per box. J3 : Cali
fornia navals , per box , $3.2503.50 ; California
seedlings , per box , $2.DO@2.75.
LEMONS-California fancy , (3.75 ; choice
California , $3.50 ; Messina , $4.
( liiotntloiiN for ( lie Diiy nil Various
L'ominndltlr * .
NEW YORK , Feb. J.-FLOUR-Rccclpts.
14,611 bbls. ; exports , 0,6ft : ! bbls. ; ( julet and
easy ; Minnesota patents , J3.83B1.15 ; Minnesota
seta bakers , J2.SOjJ3.00 ; winter patents , J3.53
(03.SO ( ; winter straights , J3,40573.50 ; winter
low grades. J2.25ff2.40. Rye flour , steady ;
fair to good. J3.10S3.20 ; choice to fancy. J3.23
fl'3.60. Uuckwheat flour , steady at Jl.75-8) )
2.00.CORNMKAL Quiet ; yellow western , SOc ;
city. 76c ; nrandywlnc. J2.15Q2.23.
RYE Qulot ; No. 2 western , Gl'Ac. f. o. b. ,
afloat ; state , SOc , c. I. f. . New York carlots.
UARLEY-Qulel ; feeding. li@47Uc. c. I.
f. . New York ; malting. 49@Bl'&c , c. 1. f. , New
RARLEY MALT Dull ; western. 55SC5c.
WHEAT Receipt ? . 28,000 bu. Spot , steady ;
No. 2 red , 75c , elevator ; No. 2 red , 775sC * , f. o.
b. , afloat ; No. 1 northern Duluth , 79c , f. o.
b. , alloat , prompt. Options opened easy and
RHC lower. The decline was Inspired by
weakness at Liverpool , Instead ot the
strength expected. Considerable unloading
took place In the early market here , trad
ers endeavoring to adjust accounts until
next week. The close was dull and easy at
% c net decline. March closed 7G'lc ; May ,
7l'.4fi74 13-lfic ; closed , 74 ic ; July , 74ViQ74Hc ;
closed. 74&C.
CORN Receipts , 41,850 bu. ; exports , 223-
633 bu. Spot firm ; No. 2 , 40 0. f. o. b. , afloat
and 40c elevator. Option market opened
steady ; Its subsequent strength and ad
vance were based on higher cables and In
fluential buying at the west. Closed firm ,
He net advance. May , 39Jf3DUc ; closed at
OA'TS Receipts. 27,300 bu. : exports. 615
bu. Spot , dull ; No. 2. 29'4c ; No. 3 , 2Sc ; No. 2
white , SIVic : No. 3 white , SO'.ie : track mixed
western , 2. > ' / - ! < i7 Oc ; track white , noV4B3lc.
Optloim Inactive nnd steady with corn.
HAY Quiet ; shipping , 63f70c ; good to
choice. SOSSSc.
HOPS Steady ; state , common to choice ,
IS'JG crop , Gc ; 1S9.S crop , 7fi9c ( ; 1SW crop , I2@
13c ; Pacific coast. ISM crop , 4Jf6c ; 1S9S crop ,
7t9c : 1S99 crop , 12ffl3c.
HIDES Firm ; Galvcston , 20 to 25 Ibs. .
19Hc : Texas dry. 24 to 30 Ibs. , 15c ; Cali
fornia , 21 to 25 Ibs. . 21Hc.
LEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole. Buenoa
Ayres , light to heavyweights , 2525'/4c ;
acid , 25iz25\c. (
PROVISIONS Deef , dull ; family , Jll.OO-iJ -
13.00 ; mess , J10.00 10.50 ; beef hams , J20.50fj
21.00 ; packet. J10.50ffl2.00 ; city , extra India
mess , J20.00ff 22.00. Cut meats , firm ; pickled
bellies , jev0087.23 ; pickled Hhoulders , JG ;
pickled hams. J9.50@10.25. L.nd , easy ; west
ern steam closed , J6.25 ; February , JG.30 ,
nominal ; rellned. quiet ; continent. J6.50 ;
South America. JG.75 ; compound , JS.VTViff
G.OO. Pork , steady ; mess. J10.50fjll.00 ; shorl
clear. Jll.75fH2.75 ; family , J13.00fjl3.50. Tal
low , strong ; city , 6 ic ; country , S'.iffn c.
RICK Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 4fj
Gc ; Japan. 3H05C. . .
MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans oper
kettle , good to choice. 4lfJ55c
FREIGHTS To Liverpool , strong ; cottoi
by steam , 25d ; grain by steam , 3' , d.
St. 1,011(11 ( Crnlii nnil I'rovlxloim.
' ST. LOUIS , Feb. 3. WHEAT Lower ; No
2 red cash , elevator , 70c ; track , 71ifcS72Hc
February , 70c ; May. 70' : July , 6S',4c ; No. :
hard , G7JTGSc. Receipts , 9.50B.
CORN Strong ; No. 2 cash. 31c ; track. 32c
February. 3Ue ( : May , 32ft32'4c : July. : % c
OATS Firm ; No. 2 cash and track. 2l'.c
February. 24c ; May.24s c ; No. 2 white. i >
RYE Firm at 52Hc.
FLOl'R Firm , but dull ; patents. J3.40fj
3.50 ; extra fancy. J3.10ff3.15 ; clear , J2.73f ,
" W
WPEEDS Timothy , J2.00fl0.30. Flaxsced
nom'npl at J1.5G.
CORNS ! BAL J1.76il 1.80.
HRAN Steady ; sacked , east track , 6lc.
HAY Timothy , steady , JS.751(11.15 ; pral
rle. firm , JG.50BS.2G.
WHISKY-Steady-nt J1.23i'j.
METALS Lead. firm nt Jt.G2HfJ4.Go
Spelter , higher nt JI.75.
POt'LTRY-Steady : chickens. 6Q7c ; tur
keys , Gli7c ; ducks. Sc ; geese. 5c.
PROVISIONS Dry salted boxed meats
extra shorts , jr.S7'i ; clear ribs. JO ; clcai
Hldef. JG.12V ? . Bacon , boxed shoulders , exn :
1 . ? ! ribs , ja.50 clear wldes
i-horts , JG.S1/ ; ! ; ceir ;
! fi'.C2i . . Pork slendy : jobbing , old , J10.37'j
now , JI1.15. I urd , steady ; prime oteam
J3.G5 ; cb"lce , J3.70.
RECEIl'TS Flour. 6,000 bbls. ; wheat. 10 ,
000 bu. : corn. 133 Oft ) bu. ; oats , 49000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Fleur. 4.UOO bbls. ; wheat
21,0)1 bu. ; corn , 13.09 ? bu. ; oats. 38.0JO bu.
l.lvcriiiiiil ( irnln "nil I'rnvlklniiH.
1 Hteody : No. 1 California , Gs 4dff'3s 4'.td ; No
I 3 red western winter. 6s 11'.id ' ; No. 1 north
i cm spring. 6s Id. Futures , steady.
CORN Spot , firm ; American mixed , new
3sGd ; American mixed , old , 2s 7d. Futures
1 nulet : February , 3s7Hd ; March , ! ! s7d ; May
3s GKd.
PEAS Canadian. 5s G".d.
FLOl'R St. Louis , fancy winter , firm
7 3d.
HOPS-At London ( Tuellle i-on > < l ) , dull
BROVISIONS-Hecf , dull : extra Indli
mess , 30s ; prime mess , TJHGd. Pork , steady
prime western , tWa 3d , Hams , short cut. 1
to 10 Ibs. , ilrm , 4Ss. Bacon , ilrm ; Cumber
land cut. 2S to 30 Ibs. , 31s ; short ribs , IS t
22 Ibs. , 'JoHOd ; long clear middles , light , 3
to 3 , " > Ibs. . S5s : long clear middles , heavy , "
to 40 His. , 34 : < 6d : short clear hacks , 1G to 1
lb * . , 33s Gd ; clear bellies , II to 10 Ibs. . INK Gil
BhonlderH , square , 12 to 11 Ibs. . firm. 32s r.d
Lard. Ilrm : prime western , tierces , 30. 3d
American rei'ncd. ' In polls , 32s 9d.
Ill'TTER-Flnfiit and good I'nlted Btatef
CHEESE Firm : American finest whin
J6sGd ; American finest colored , 69s.
Toll-do Mill-lift.
TOLEDO. Feb. 3. - WHEAT - Dull an
Htrndy ; No. 2 cash. 7U4oMay. ; . 73'i'1.
CORN Dull and higher ; No. 2 mlxtc
" (5ATS Higher and firm : NO. 2 mixed. 2lt
, RYU Unchnnuwl ; No. 2 caBh. 57c.
I CIXVERSK'BD - Dull and easy ; prim
cash , old , Jl : February , new , J0.75 ; Marcl
j J5/0 ; No. - . ' feedi J4.60JH.W.
' I'corln HurlU'l ,
PEORIA. Feb. 3.-CORN-Flrmer ; ne\ \
No. S. SOUc.
OATS-KIrm : No. 3 white , 23c.
WHISKY Firm , on the basis of J1.S3 !
for finished iioods.
Uululli ( Jriiln MnrUpt.
IH'Ll'TH. Minn. , Fob. S.-WHEAT-Ni
1 hard. cash. OTic ; No. 1 northern , carl
C5Ti ; May , 67T.c ; July , GSTje ; No. 2 nurth
cm , ' : ! ' . No. 3 spring , & 9TC.
Serenity of tbo Wheat Pit Not Disturbed
Throughout the Session.
Aliltri'licnilmi Over UnimiKc Done to
PrcuHi Crop IN Pell dim l't | ,
III < N I Ho lilt n u oil , 1'riMl-
MlotiN Lou or.
CHICAGO , Feb. 3.--Wheat was early easy
on disappointing cables , but some buying
by foreigners , a somewhat better cash de
mand , apprehension over crop conditions
and sympathy with corn counteracted this ,
the market closing ilrm , May Uc under yes
terday. Corn wati up on llg'iit country of
ferings and damage reports from Argen
tina , May closing Uft ic higher. Oats
closed unchanged and provisions ofMOc
The serenity of the wheat pit was not
disturbed throughout the session by any
thing startling. Early IIOWP Liverpool and
Paris both lower and the export demand
tame was disappointing to rhe bulls , May
opening 'jo under yesterday at GS'.dW-GSHc.
Traders sold and the price quickly receded
tn O fjGSHe. This was followed by a reac
tion which gradually worked May up to
t > Sc. That foreigners In the face of lower
cables were buyerr here was retarded as
sign llcant. Apprehension over the extent
of the damage done ( he French crop was
felt and many were uneasy over the condi
tion of domestic llelds after the cold snap.
The visible was expected to decrease nearly
1.000.000 bu. There was some cash business
done and the strength of corn was ln plr-
Intr. The result of this array of Informa
tion was that early short sellers were com
pelled to buy back early lines a' an ad
vance In price. The market closed firm ,
May only Vic under yesterday at GS fiGS'sc.
Primary receipts were 407,000 bu. , compared
with 610,000 bu. last year. Minneapolis and
Duluth reported 317 cars , against 2S9 last
week and fift ! a year ago. Local receipts
were 26 cars , none of which graded con
tract. Atlantic port clearances In wheat
and flour werc equal to 310.000 bu. New
lork reported live loads taken for export.
I-rom early ea.slncsH Induced
, by large re
ceipts 6Co cars here and the sympathy
with the opening decline In wheat , the corn
market turned Ptrong and held Its calns.
Small country offerings and a report that
the Argentina crop had suffered for want
of moisture were the chief factors. There
was no selling against the liberal receipts ,
which also aided the price. Trade was
fairly active the greater part of the sesflon.
Local Interests were good buyers and a
good shipping business was transacted.
May ranged from 33e to SS c and closed < 4
( fi'Uc up nt53 0333 .
A good cash demand nnd sympathy with
corn held the oats market steady , but trndo
was rather quiet. Local receipts were 203
cars. May ranged from 23ic to 23 > fJ23Hc
and closed unchanged at SS' c.
The provisions market opened lower , as
hog receipts were 9.000 over the estimate
and prices nt . ( ho yards depressed. Liver
pool was higher for products , however , and
there was some outside/ demand , which held
the market steady to the close. May pork
sold from J10.90 to J10.S5 and closed JOc
i'PJfi" ' , Rt , * ,10-S ° : May lard from JG.05 to
Jb.02H. closing Sc depressed at JG.ft > i > . and
May ribs from J5.90 to Jo.Ki. wifh the" close
5c lower at JS.S.V53.S7H.
Lstlmatod iccelp'fi Monday : Wheat H5
: C73 CarS : ° atSl f 0 cars : h"BS'
000 head
The leading futures ranged ( is follows :
Artlclos. | Open. | lllgh.'l LowT"CloscTrY | sTy' .
Feb. C6 66' ' i
May OSHfi
July 63'i
'May ' 33 r %
July 43I'
( May
May 10 5,5 | 10 ) 10 So I 10 S3 10 93
10 S7'iil 10 OJ',41 ' 10 S7U | 10 90 10 y7'J
May 02' , $ ! G 03 I 6 02 fi 02U fi 074
July G 10 I G lay 6 10 G 10 " 6 15
May 5 85 I ft W I fi S3 f. S7 > BfCVfc
_ July _ 5 90 | 5 0 00 5 M ' | 5 M
No 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
. R Steady ; winter patents. 11.407
3.GO ; straights. JS.OOfi3..r ; clears. J290JJ310-
spring specials. J.1.SOSH.OO ; patents. J3.20Ij3.55 ;
straights. tt.GOf3.00 ; bakers. J2.10Ji2.50.
WHEAT-NO , r spring , esfiesc ; NO. 2 red
R.TE No. 2. .
BARLEY No. 2 , 3S43'ic.
S.DS i'Xo- ] " " "seed and northwest.
, .
$1.59. Prime
timothy , $2.60.
. . . NS-Mess pork , per bbl. , $9.00 ®
10.S ) . Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $5.SO'o'0.92Vi. Short
rltos sides ( loose ) , $3.70fi5.93. Dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) . $3.73fC.OO. Short clear
sides ( boxed ) . $3.5i.Vi6.n5.
WHlSKV-Dlstlllers' finished goods , on
'basis ' hlcrh wines , per jrnl. . $1 3314
SUGARS-C'ut loaf , $6.03 ; granulated , $ S 19
Oato ton . 20),000 279000
gyo. bu . 4000 'Goo
B rley , bu . S9.000
On thp Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady ; creameries 19fi2lc-
' 080' S'eady ' at I2S13C'
Tendency to IIcnll * < > After ICxci-ptIon-
ally Fnvni-iililc Hunk Sdilfincnl
NEW YORK. Feb. 3. S : > eculatlon In to
day's short session of the stock maiket was
swayed by long ventures , encouraged by
the statement of the St. Paul railroad for
the fourth week of January and a dlf.posl- .
tlon to take profits. A level of prices had
been early established which Indicated a
hanrtfome rise on securities purchased earl
ier In the week. The tendency to realize
was manifest after the publication of an
exceptionally favorable bank statement.
Although the downward movement as
sumed come force near the end , owing tea
a violent 'break of 3H i > er cent In Sugar , the.
earlier advances gained by the St. Paul's
showing and that of minor roads were not.
entirely cancelled. Interest was revived tea
a marked extent In a number of the Iron and
steel Issues , National Steel moving up 2
points nnd receding fractionally. Tennessee
Coal fell Into comparative dullness and , al
though It covered a range of ,1 points , ter
minated unchanged. Some comment was
excited by a rise of 5 points In General
Electric , which was generally attributed to
reports c.f ciuouraglng earnings. Sugar's
plungu downward was ascribed to cossln
concerning the trade war. Third Avenue
occupied a less conspicuous .position in the
market than of late and moved In some
what narrow limits. A tendency to cover
In some direction * , coupled with free pell-
Ing in spots , caused a very Irtegular close
to the daj-'H business. Transactions weiu
unusually heavy for a short day anJ the
number of stock * dealt In almost equalled
that of yesterday.
Whatever may have been the Incubue
that rested on the stock 'market ' nctlvltv
the last few weeks , It was qulto effectually
lifted during the present week. DenllngH
have averaged nearly 000.000 shares of stocks
a day nnd on one day ran up to 750.00C
shares. The earlier repressive Influences
were not the military Hltuatlon to South
Africa , for the symptoms of Indifference to
that , which were Indicated lant week , werc
emphasized on Monday , when the London
stock market was In u semi-panic and tht
local market , though mil ! dull near to stagnation -
; nation , was distinctly wtrong.
i As for 'the money market outlook the
i conditions have been no easier than during
i the recent period of neglect and the courts
of thn foreign exchange market and of
operations with the nubtreasury have given
i Intimations of a renewed dram on the Ncu
York money supply. Hut whatever ilu
1 cause of the previous dullness , the moat In-
. tluentlal factor in arousing the market from
i Us lethargy was unquestionably thu nctim ,
I nl the annual meeting of the American otec
I and Wire company. The melting aside ot si
i full year's dividends on the common slocii
.at the r.ite of 7 ; ior cent , to bo paid quar-
I tcrly , wa not more than had been fore.
! told In tump of the numerous rumoru thai
had been disseminated In vain atlemplH tt
( awaken spiv-iilatlve interest In the stock
: liut the publication of a balance sheet , ( ert | .
fled to hy chartered accountants , was ; u
answer to much t > kc : > tlclsm that has ax
I milled tills company and from the S'uni
I causes the whole group of Industrial HOI k.i
! Mystery lias been the main ch-truotcrlslli
1 of the. Industrial corporations. The umouni
and nature of nct > ots , of obligations , of earn
Ing * , of expenses all ihet > o were sealed frun
tu > knowlt-dgo of the public and of the aver
age operator In the securities.
The statement : ii'.blUlux ] by the Steel am
Wire company did not answer all the qin-i ;
tlont.which Invest.TH . would want to know
but It nerved to dl&sliiate some of th (
i cuuplclona which have luin around the Iroi
ur.J nUel Mocks , The resulting rubounc
- was correspondingly resilient , owing to tin
extreme depression from which they havi
suffered This depression was due. to liberal
promise * regarding dividends and very
moderate performnni-e thui > far. A lenal
ohstfli-le devPloiKd last year tn the iviyment
of dividends on thp common stock of corpo
ration * before the full yonr's dividends on
the preferred hud been dlMwr ed Uui the
non-forthcoming of the r'lvldcnds hud never-
thflew exrltwl suspicion and dlMfuit. The
of thee wntlments made the
inars very bold and when Steel nnd Wire
.shot upward early In the week nnd other
metal stocks followed In sympathy a heavy
hort Interest WB * caueht.
The bears piuleavored to recoup their
losses by some rcr kless plunging on th * Imll
side. The market In consequence , was
feverlfh and uneven nn < d Incllneil to become
very Irregular toward the latter part of the
week. A fairly Inrpe demand for thp metal
stocks , largely from western sources , per
sisted to the end of the week. Hut the
larger part of the operations wore still con
ducted by professional operator * . Prices
have plain ! ) bcc-n subjected to manipula
tion by operators long of stocks , \\lth the
object of Inviting renewed outside buying.
The ease with which prices advanced shows
how nearly denuded the market had become
of a floating supnly of stocks. The higher
level of prices brought out Increased offerIngs -
Ings , showing that -onsldernble volume ot
stocks Is overhanging the market , llnllrnad
stocks have moved upward , Out not as
widely as the Industrials , and the volume of
dealings In them IIBF been much smaller.
The week's events In the stock market
maf be said to mark a distinct Increase of
confidence from the Wall street standpoint
In the conitlnunnce of the nros-nerous con
dition of the country. liven the South Afri
can war has come to lie looked upon as
making demand for this country's products
and feats of heavy liquidation of Ameri
can securities by foreign holders In the
event of further military reverses are no
longer an Influence.
Honda have 'been ' well absorbed during the
week , but there 1m * been some Irrecularlty
In price movements , t'ntted States old 4s
advanced V the SH 'v and new 4s % In the
bid price. The 3. * deollned Kc.
The' Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : The markets
here were verv quiet till mien today , when
a report betame public that the Free. Sinters
were asking peace terms. This gave prlcis
a slight tllllp. Americans showed the great
est activity , following New York's spurt ,
but there was little Initiative here. Paris
bought Unto * sparingly. Money was easier.
Discounts werc unchanged , but bills were
The following- are the quotations for the
leading stocks on the New York exchange
today :
do 1st pfd. . . . 33-VAmer. S. & W. . . 37U
( It. Nor. pfd In9'r. | do pfd 9IU
Hocking Coal . . . . ! 7 Umer. Tin Plate. 33H
New York Money Mnrltrt.
NBW YORK , Feb. 3. MONEY Call
loans , nominal ; prime mercantile paper ,
VS6 per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills nl J4.87U ®
4.S7J for demand , and J4.84UJF4.S4H for slxiy
days ; ported rates , J4.83 and J4.S8@4.SSH :
commercial bills , J4.S3HS'4.S4'i. '
SILVER Bar , 60c ; Mexican dollars ,
47 > , ic ; certmcalcs , 59MfCOHc. :
BONDS State bonds , Inactive : railroad
bonds. Irregular ; government bonds , steady ;
' . reg. , 10i4 ; 3s. reg. and coupon , 109U ; new
43 , reg. and coupon. ISIVi : old 4s. reg. . 115'i ;
coupon , 11414 ; 6s , reg. , 113H ; coupon. 112 > { , .
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds :
U. S. 2s , reg 102V4I N. Y. rr ls 109'i "
do Ss. reg 109" N. J. C. gen. 5s..121
do coupon 109V4 No. Carolina 6s.127
do now 4s , reg.nSH do 4s 101
do coupon ISSVi No. Pacific 3s. . . . G7
do old 4s , res. .115'i do 4s 103Ti
do coupon . . . . . . .Ill' * N.Y.C. & Ht.L.4s.l07M ,
do 5s , reg 113't N. & W. con. 4s. 93 %
do coupon ll-i do gen. 6s 129
D. of C : 3 G3S..119 Ore. , Nav. Is 110
Atch. gen. 4s 101 % do Is 102
I do ndj. 4s S3 Ore. S. L. Gs 12ii
, Can. So. 2s 109 do coiunl 5s 112'- ' .
i C. & O. 4'/.s 97 ; Reading gen. 4s. . & . " >
do 5s. . . . . " 11714 Htn G.V. . in' . . . . 9G
C. & N. con. 7s..l4fl > l St.L. & I.M.c.5s..ll2
I do S. F. del ) os.lSHi St.L. & S.F. g.Gs.120
Chicago Ter. 4s..93'i St. Paul consols.1G7U
D. & R. G. Is-.102 % St. P. . C. &
i do 4s 99W do fis 120
13. T. V. & G. Is..100 So. Railway 5s..lOS',4
Erie gen. 4 70U H. R. & T. Gs. . . . SO
F W. it D. C. Is. 71 Tenn. n. B. 3s. . . . 91
Gen. Electric 5s.117 Texas & P. ls..H2 i
1C. . H. & S. A. Cs.103 * do 2s 52
do 2s 105 Union Pacific 4 . .102'-i '
III. & T. C. 5s..llO's WabaMi Is 116
I do con. Cs 11U I do Ss 101
'la. Central lK..113's ' West Shore 4s.,11.1
' K. C. . P. & G. Is. ro Win. Central Is. . 90i
'La. ' new cnn. Is.l'f.-Va. ' Centuries . . .Mi
L. & N. unl. In. . 9i'ii do deferred . . . 3
M . 1C. & T. 2 * . ' . . . . G7 Colo. So. 4s S4U
1 do Is 0''t Sp Paclllc 4H. . . . Si'.j '
IfiiHluii .Stock ( lunliitlniiH.
HOS10N. 1-Vb. 3. Call loans. 4fJ3',4 per
cent ; time loans , 403 per cent. Closing
prices for stocks , bonds and mining
| shares :
i A.7T.'srFrrT20iiWestrElectrlc | 43
i do pfd 6I'il ! do pfd G2'4
Amer. Sugar . . . .11314WIs. Central . . . . IR
114 , Dom. Coal . . . . . 44'/i '
do - /
uu pfd ' * - utit. u < t4 .it.ii
Bell Telephone..315 do pfd 116
HoHton .t Adi'y.:40 lAtchlson 48 93
Boston Eovated.lW 'Adventure ' 5
Boston & Me 1)7' Allouez Mln. Co. 2'i
C. , B. & 0 12I',4 Atlantic 25
Fltchburg pfd. . . . 121 Boston & Mont..271'4
Gen. Electric . . .12S Butte & Boston. . 6"
do pfd 11' Calumet & Hec..710
Federal Steel . . . 55'v Centennial lU'l
do pfd 73' . . Franklin 1 Hi
Mex. Central . . . . ll'.s Oweola 71
Cild Colony 2 )2 Parrot 43'J
Old Dominion . . . ITTiQulnoy 110
Rubber "iH Sinta ! > Cop. . . , ' 3'j
t'nion Paclllc . . . . 47'iTamurack 1ST
i Union Land -4 Wlnona
, West End 9'Hi Wo'verities 40 J
, AVest End pfd..112 t'Mh Mining . . _ . . 27 _
( \i- > v Ynrk . Ilnlnu ; Stnck ,
NiW YORK. Feb. 3. The following
are the olllclal clo&lnu quotations for inln-
ini : s hart's : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cliollar 30 Ontario ? S23
.Crown Point . . . . ! Otdilr ' ! 7
Con. i'al. it Va..1IO Plymouth B
DMdwrod 0 ° Quicksilver 175
, Gould & Ciirrle. . au do nfd 7 n
i Halo & Norcro2 Slcrrn Nevada . . ' - ' ?
1 lIomcHtake 55U > Standard 2.VJ
. Iron Silver M Union Con 21
; Mexican 30 Yellow Jacket . . . 10
London Slock ( tuof atliiui > .
LONDON. Feb. 3. I p. m. Cloning : _
i Coriw > liT moiieV. .VfZ N. " Y. " Contra t .7TiS ! *
! do account. . . 1W Penniyh-anla . . . . 6 ;
Camidlan Pac. . . . 99'4 Hoadliw . uj
.Erie . . 11 % No. Paclllc pfd. . 77 > !
do im pfd. . . . ? IV. Alchlrton . 21
1 1 lliiols Central. . . 115 Louisville . Sl
Union Pac. pfd. . 77 I Grand Trunk . . . 7 *
St. P. common . .122j Anaconda . . . . . . . . SM
BAt ! SILVER tjulet at 2794d jier ounce.
MONUY-8 I er ccni.
The iutp of ditwount In the open market
for eliort bill * U ; mnt \ cent und for three-
months' bills 3 C per cent ,
Not Oattle Enough of Any Kind to Mnbe n
Test of Prices.
Cut lie VnlncJ. I nuliiitiKfil Miei'lt Score
u Uccldcil Ailtnitce lit Slv DII.OM
flomVlicrc ' 1'liey
Wi-ro u Wei'U Au
were : Cattle. UORS. Shcop.
OMlolnl .Mondny l."W 3-bt3 U-WJ
Olllolul Tuwday 3.I1S ft,9UI 4,33D
Olliclal WcdneRdny 2,717 4.S9S 4i31
Olllclnl Thursday 2.141 3,510 2.3S1
Olllclnl Friday l.W.I 5.B12 3.4M
Olllelul Saturday 71S " .70S M )
Total this uock .12.763 31.343 21,913
Tolnl Wk i-'d'g Jan. 27..13.4CS aj.POl l .lj
Total w'k e'd'B Jan. : ! U..llf a 4o. l2 IS.c.j
Tola ! w'k e'd'B Jan. 13..12.-2 ! 43.103 11.0.17
AveruRu price paid f ! > r hoga for tlio last
Bovcral days with comparisons ; _ _
Indicates Sunday.
Tim olllclal number of curs of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. ll'scs.
Total receipts 31 110 a 3
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of hoiul Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.
Omaha Packing Co 1.142
G. H. Hammond Co 1.3S3
Swift and Company 10 l.affi
Cudahy Packing Co . ' . . f . > 2,1)0 ) ! ) .u
Armour it Co 47 1,1.3 6Ui
Omaha Pack. Co. , K. C 131
Cudahy Pack. Co. , K. C 213 . . . ;
Swift & Company , country. . . . 'Ji
L. F. Ilusz 3
Other buyers < 3
Totals . G22 7.4S4 557
CATTLE There were only thirty cars of
cattle reported in the yards today. Of that
number there were twenty-one cars which
were not offered for sale , sixteen of them
being cattle from Kansas City consigned
direct" to packers. There were on sale three
loads of steers and two loads of cows , be
sides a few odds and ends. There was not
enough cattle here to make it any object
to the buyers. Those who had cows paid
that as usual on the last day of the week
buyers tried to steal the few here. It
seems surprising that shippers should con
tinued to send them In for the Saturday
market when they have been warned tlmo
and asraln that It In not to be depended
upon. Once In a great while there Is a
good cattle market on a Saturday , but It
Is seldom. As a rule there is so little that
no one tries to buy It.
The cattle market at this point has been
In very good shape all the week and values
upon the whole have shown but little
change. Until Friday fat cattle were fully
steady with the previous week , but on that
day the market was unevenly lower. There
has. In fact , been but little change In the
market for two week ? , the receipts being
moderate and hardly up to the require
ments of buyers. As compared with other
markets prices have been very high here.
Cattle all this week have sold right close
to Chicago prices and on an average 25e
higher than Kansas City. Ixtcal packers
have been shipping cattle up from Kansas
City all the week , and cattle from there
laid down at South Omaha cost lesn than
the same cattle can be bought for on this
market. In fact the weakness developed
In this market on Friday was due cn'lrely
to the arrival of a train of cattle from
Kansas City and the noising about among
buyers of the price.
The market on butchers' stock has not
experienced much change for tlm week ,
cows and heifers Evlllng In about the same
notches as last week. The market on
bulls , stags , etc. , has shown but small
chanore. Veal calves have been scarce all
the week and very high.
Good fecdlnsr cattle were active sellers
all the week and buyers could not get
enough as the supply was small every day.
Prices In consequence were fully steady
and that kind of cattle sell as high as any
time this penson. On the other bund there
seems to bo but little demand for -.ho
commoner kinds of slockers and thin cat
tle of all kinds. Little , scrubby yearlings
are poor sellers and have been neglected
all the week , with the result that the mar
ket has eased off. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4 647 $1 50 20 1191 ISO
10 1230 IK . C 13S3 5 20
1 SOO 2 00 1 1140 350
3 90'i ' 2 IV , 1 S60 350
2 910 263 1 770 S .10
i lone 275 s 1 12 ; : 60
2 1100 283 2 H ro .163
4 1047 .100 1 1120 375
2 112T. 300 5 1122 I ! 7.1
1 1110 315 1 1SGO : ifO
3 11SO 320 1 1200 I ! 90
1 S30 320 1 1200 415
4 M2 3 SO
1 750 3 2fi 1 5SO 4 ! 0
1 W 3 M
1 1400 310 1 12 ) 340
1 1340 320 1 11SO 310
1 1170 325 1 1030 345
1 1030 32. 1 H50 350
1 910 3 30
1 130 7 00STAGS.
1 12V ) 4 15
1 630 210 1 610 320
6 1000 2 85 1 1060 3 7'i
1 650 2 S5 2 605 3 65
2 385 4 S.'i
2 620 3 40 3 776 4 33
1 710 370 13 SCO 445
3 6SO 4 00 7 578 4 60
1 550 4 00 2 92.1 4 CO
HOGS There was n large run. It was tha
last day of the week , and as a rtlll further
bear Influence Chicago and other selling
points reported u lower market. In consequence -
. quence the market hero was a big 5c lower.
I some would say 55T/ie lower. The demand
Fceined to be good In cpltc of the fact that
It was the last of the week and the move-
I ment was as active as could bo expected
i on a down market.
The prices paid ranged largely from $1.00
I & 4.G3 as against $1.6301.70 yesterday. It will
be noted from the sules below that the
I good hogf sold lower today und that the
decline was fully us much. If not more on
' that kind.
! The hog market this week has been ! >
I cldedly In rcliers' favor most of the time.
During the middle of the week price * broke
I a little , but during Thursday and Friday
the loss was more than made up und
hogh sold on tliotin two days at the highest
, point of the season. The decline at ill1
close of the week left the market i-lmut
' where It was at the close of the nrrvlous
wuek. The sales for the week , however ,
averaged considerably higher than for the
prtivloiw week , and thu highest of the
1 hcnxon KO far. The demand on the' ' o"
' local pat-ken * was good nil the week and
1 the offerings changed hand * ax a rule quite
readily at current prlccn. The table o (
average prices will how the exact fluctua.
| tlon.s from day to day. Representative
74 220 40 4 0 n y 1 W 4 R2'i '
71 JrYi * > 4 0 f * .244 40 4 24
72 215 1W 4 0 73 . 1 SO 4 2'4 '
6i . -a . . . 4 no n jj 110 ia ( < t
82 215 . ' . . I flO JR. . .141 80 4 W ,
! W SIS 40 4 ( W M .110 111) 4 8't
w 191 . „ 4 6 ! w io t em
S 115 1 I M 245 1W I ( B'4 '
67iBg ! ! ! ! ! ! wo 4 flo ! ! ! " . ' . ' ' . 4 i vt
71 an SO 4 W M 257 . . 4 8 *
s jio inn 4 o oi tv , 4f 4
SS WS 1 4 W 71 392 . . l
M 270 W ) 4 ( W M ! 313 . . . 4
34 MS ISO 4 00 [ > B . . . 4 IT
75 105 . . . 4 76 345 . . . 4 R >
81 201 . . . 4 W SI S . . . 40- ,
(10 ( 21(1 ( 120 life 12 JTO . . . 4 ( Y ,
Jl 280 . . . 490 flO 3fl" HO JiW
f.7 2J9 40 4 90 Gl SS3 49 I fti
7S 191 . . . 1 ( W & ) ! Sl 50 4ir
m 2js . . . 4tw M nia sio ion
f,2 25.1 . . . 4(10 ( 55 ? S2 120 I ft"
< si isi so i no 0.1 zr. so 4
74 233 SO I 00 71 2S3 40 4 Ki
< a 2is . . . 4 co r.- . r * > i . . . 4r *
M 247 . . . 41 M 510 J2il if'
Kl 227 . . . 4 flO ff , 2ft ! SIO 4
RJ tK 4ft 4 fiJH 52 SW . . . I (
CO 270 10 4 ( S > % 71 SST. 10 4
00 KS . . . 4 fi2Wi SI 2M 40 "
fifl 231 1BO I B2H GO 3rtS 40 4 ( V.
S.1 IH VQ 4 ( ! 7" . (17 ( SKI . . . 4 fl'H
0,1 271 10 102V , T2 247 . . . 4 67 > f |
73 . . . .2-11 40 1 ( UK , K 271 . . . 4 c H
70 221 . . . 4 Cm V , 2 : . . . 4 ' ' ,
fit. . . . 27 ! > . . . 4 fiS" . ft ? 372 . . . 4 f.7' .
TO 247 SO 4 C2H 74 SSS . . . I G7 jj
SH 211 40 4 ( ,2 . 77 240 . . . 470
SO 211 I80 I fi'U fi ! 267 . . . 470
G2 2,11 . . . 4 C21& 42 Ill . . . 47'
SUHKP-Thoro were two load * of lamb"
In the yards sold to arrive , sn tluxt there
\vns nnthlnc offered and nothing to make
a market or establish quotations today.
The Hlinep market has been In good shape
this week nnd of a character to ple-ise
sellers as the lendcncv of values bus boon
steadily upward. Huycrs have wanted snn-
lille < of both shoeii and lambs nnd arrivals
have met with ready sale. It must be
borne In mind , however , that It Is the
handy weight stuff that Is wanted , while
big heavy sheep have not been so active
and have not shown much advance. Th"
most Improvement has taken plnei ; on
lambs which can safely bo quoted ? ai'3c
higher for the week. Yearlings are l.ii 2fic
higher , light or handy weight weth rs 104T
20c hlcher. and beavv wotbers and ewes
gencrallv nlioni Hc higher.
Quotations : ( lood to choice fed vearllng < .
J3.inri5.r,0 : fair to good yearllnm , J3.15Ti5. , . . > :
goivl to choice wethers , M.MHi".l& : fair to
good W'-thor * . SI.GOTj-i.RTi ; good to choice fcil
ewes. JI.10ftl.tO ; good to choice fed native
lamb.n. M.fiiWifi.W : ijood to choice western
Iambi ) , M.aVfffi.M ) ; fair to ijood fed western
lambs , SG.23-iJG.fiil ; feeder wetherK. J4.00WI2i ;
feeder ycitrllncs. Jl.25fll.50 ; good to clinlce
feeder Iambi. J.50fG.Ofl | | : feeder ewes , J2.'oti1
3.00. H ° : ) reHentatlve sales :
No Av- ' 1r-
Tuncl ; S < 0 M60
Cntlliiniiliinlly Stenily. HIIKN Active
CIUCAOO. Feb. 3.-CATTLB Nominally
sloudy ; good to chol- . ' , J5.2. > 5 < > .25 : poor to
n.odlutti. J4.iWi5.00 ; mixed stot-kers , J.t.23tr
3.S3 ; sel'cted feeders. JI.2.Vi4. ! < i5 ; K0d _ to
choice cows , J3.40ff4.60 ; heifers. J1.2 > 'fi. > . ( > ii ;
canners. $2.2C > ii : ! . i : bull * . $2.75-i , l.(0 : calves ,
$5.Walt.00 ; fed Texas beeves. $1.07(15.20. (
H'OOS Active. nverimlUK 5c lower , clos-
inir strong ; .top , Jl.Oi'i ' ; good clearance ;
ni' . < el ami buu-hers. J4.fi01i-l.tV ) : good to
. - . roug'.i heavy ,
choli e heavy. J4.75.-irl.821i ;
Jl.601il.70 ; light. J4.Ovfl4.S2iA ; bulk of salon.
J4sTn-KP AND LA M US-SI ro".g ; . .lainbs
steady to slow ; native wethers. J4.ioa.K40 ;
lambs , J3.Oii7.western ; wethers , Jl..55f
5.25 ; western latnbr1. Jfi.tvfi7.10.
Heccliits : Cattle. 2 < l bead ; hogs , 30,000
lunil : sli"e2,500 head. . For tl.e week :
Cattle. 43Gl < ) head ; hogs , 156,500 head ; sheep ,
77,600 head.
St. I.ouls l.lvi' Sliii'K.
3.CATTL1Henlilts ,
gT IXriS. l-Vh. -
20) head ; market steady ; native shinning
and export steers , J4.f-0-ii6.IV > : dressed bocf
and butcher steorn. J4.20if .r > 0 : .stc < rp under
1X ( J llw. , J3.50Ji-3.00 ; stockers and feeders ,
J2.7.tVTH.S : co'vs and heifers. J2.0Mi4.S3 ; can
ners. J1.23ii2.S3 ; bulls. $2.50-rT4.00 : Texni and
Indian s-cors. J3.(5TT-I.SO ( ; cows and heifers ,
market steady ; native muttons. . .
lambs , jri.00fi7.00 : culls and bucks , { 3.50 ®
4.50 ; stockcrs , f2.50 i < ! .50.
IvtiiiNiiN rily Live Stuck.
KANSAS CITY , Feb. : ! . CATTLF. He-
ceints. 05,000 for the week ; heavy native
steers , ; llghtwelcbts. $ l.i > 0 > Tii.40 { ;
J.t.lO-'dj.lO bulrher
i'tockcrs and feeders. - :
cow und heifers , S'l.lOfrl.50 ; canners , $2.40
( ii3.10 ; fed westerns. $4.VMr3.30 ( ; western
feeders. $ : : .25'i ' { > l.fi3 ; bulls , $3.50ffl.63 ; receipts
today. Ifi head.
HOGS Receipts , fi.oin ) head ; steady to 2'jc
lower : he.ivy. $ l.flti4.771 ( ; mixed. $ I.C01/ )
4.70 : llcht. $4.10fl.CO : pigs. $ l.20fM.IO.
PIIKKP AND LAMBS-necpIpts. ll.fiOO for
the week- market closed with advance of : c ; lambs , $4.7Vfifi.7o ( ; yearlings , $ o.2oj )
5.0) ) ; mutton ! ' . $4.755o.2o ; stockers and feed
ers , $3.25f(5.nO ; culls. $2.5ftfl3.50.
XPIV York l.lvo Slfiolc.
celpts , SI head ; no trading ; feeling steady.
Cables quote refrigerator beef firm at lOffi
lOUc : exports , 150 head of cattle and 2,460
quarters of beef.
CALVHS Receipts , none ; 0 head on sale ;
good veals , 9c.
SHKEP AND LAMIlR-Recelpts , 2.01. .
head : sheep , steady : lambs , Ilrm to lOc
higher ; sheep. $1.00ff5.7. . ; lambs , $7.G2l7.Wi. ( .
HOGS Receipts , 4,221 head ; none for sale
Slot'U In Slight.
Followli'ir arc 'he receipts at the four
principal western markets for February 3 :
Cattle. Hois. Sheep.
South Omaha 71S 7,705 .ira
Chicago 200 SP.OOT 2.500
Kansas City .OCO , ; ; .
St. Louis 200 4.SOO 500
Totals 1.118 43.50S 3,569
CofTi'e MiirUi'l.
NB\V YORK. Fob. 3. COFFB13 Futures
opened quiet and with prices unchanged m
S itolnts lower and ruled tame In the nb-
BOIICO of Hrazllliin cables. Rio and Santos
being closed on account of holidays , while
Kuroitcan ea'blew ' fulled to respond to yes
terday's advance here. Trading on either
I side of the account was'checked pending
I oll'.clal slatcments aw to the world's visible
i supply , now due. The market rallied just
before the close on < 'overliv- ? . following bet
ter late French cables. The close was Ilrm
with prices net unchanged to 1) points
higher. Sales were 12.5(0 ( bags , Including
'March ' at $7.13 ; May. $7.2.Vf/7.30 ; July. J7.30f (
749 ; September. $7.10i7.00 | ; December. $7.63.
J73M17.W ) ; December. J7 * MJ7.7 < U J.ininrt ,
J7.79n7SO. Spot cofTre , Hlo. nominal No .
Invoice. SV , No 7 Jobbing , 9c , mild t. a H .
( 'ordovn > * iJT14\c
Kullrr , Kuu unit Clieeve Mnrkol.
Firm , coed demand ; fancy western < r > .nn-
eiy , i' i 2 c ; fancy print : " . 2c
ROOS-Dnll nnd 1c lower : fresh nnrbx
l e ; frerh western , iso ; fren i soulhwc-iicrn ,
17c ; fresh
XK\V YORK. l > * . .l.-lU'TTiil HP-
oi'lpts , lJ7f pkRS. , troiin ; Junr < ri' < tH'T\ ,
20ff43o , wpflpriu 2I 3.H1 ; fiictoiisnivji
CIlBKSK-Hooplpts. STiJ pkK . sto.idj . full
timilp , fancy. IIHKP and mnnil , I5\'fii" .
Inrpo. Into in ilp. H\fll2o ; mnnll. Into imi < i \
. Rft9l pkBft. ; .lull „ , ,1
, wi" tprn. unsriulpd , at mail. . II i ' 7
OlIlt-AOO , 1-Vli. .T-HfTTKIl
rrenmcry , IMWIr ; ilulry. lOfJOMo.
KiaSVnk : fro < h , KMUBWr.
ST. i.ons. i-vb. 3.-Hrvn-ii-sipn-iy. :
creamery. 2WS4 e : tlnlry , HlflaiV.
KOOS Lower lit 12o.
ry , 20i23r ] ; Oalry. ISc.
'ao lowrr on Inrroiiseil s ipt > U .
iloinaiul : frotli Missouri nml Kiin <
HtOiU. llrsls. 12r dozen , cili'i''i retnrnnd
KntKKN Cllj ( irnln und I'rovl liiu .
64c : cash. No. 2 hard , ai'tc ; No. 3. COMiti. ! , ,
No. 2 red. G < > n < IV ! ; No. 3 , 62 M' * . < -
COHN-Mny. 30c : carh. No. 2 mixed 29'- ;
No. 2 while. ItHjji'Js'- ' : ; No. 3. 291 'u-J91w ,
OATS-NO. 2 whit . 24\c.
UYH-NO. 2. r.i'ic.
IIAV ChoIro timothy. : chnl.'o
. , .
UKfBII'TS Wheat , I2.0 i > Im : corn. 71 Ti
bu. ; oat . 12.000 tin.
SUIPMKN'IV Wheat. 2J.SOO bu . corn. 20.-
son bu : oats. bu.
.AIIiiniMi.ioIlM Wheat a nil I'lonr.
store : No. 1 northern , February. G5't , ,
May. ( risi ? < ; vv. July. 67c. On track No
1 bard , fifi'fcc : No. 1 northern. 6iVac. No 2
northp" ! ! . 63-Sc.
FLOl'R Firm and quiet ; llr. t pa' 'nl- ,
$3.f/Ji3.70 ; second patents. $3.403..Vt ; nr t
clean * . f2.635rJ.7"i ; second clears , K.10M2 20.
- bulk. J11.231711.BO.
> llli\iinki > f i ; i-ii I n Alnrkel.
MILWAt'KKU. Feb. 3. - WHICAT No t
northern. 67iffisc ; No. 2 northern , eJ'iTjfiSc.
RYK-l''lrm ' ; No. 1. K c.
UARLUY-Qulet : No. 2. ICpie'tc. sample.
NBW YORK. Feb. S.-Clearliigs , JliS,331- !
121 ; balances , $3.467,133.
11OSTON. Feb. 3.-Clcarlngs , J22.S26.MS ;
balances. $ lOS6.2T > 3.
HALTIMORB. l-Vb. S.-fMearlngs , M.3I9.-
' . M ; balances. $3SI.2si. ; For the week : Clear
ings. $20.15' ! , | 7ij : balances , $3,203,16' ) .
CHICAGO. Feb. n.-Clearlngs. $20.SSr.Kl ! ;
balances. $1S30,01S ; posted exchange , J4.S51i >
4.SSH ; New York exchange , 20c premium
ST. LOTIS , Feb. y. Clearings. $4.254,50 ! ) ;
balances , $487.835 ; money , fiTi'7 per cent ; New
York exchange , 25c premium bid , 50c pre
mium asked.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 3.-Ciearlngs , U-
46D.OSI ; tialanccs. $2,056.61 : . . For the week :
Clearings , $ 'i3Mii,4tiO ; ; balances. fll.729.C32.
Ull AlnrUcl.
OIL CITY. Pa. . Feb. 3.-OlLS-Crcdlt bal
ances. $1.K ( ; certificates , no hid ; shipments ,
102.0S ! bbls. ; average , 7nO.VS bills. ; runs. 73.6S2
bbls. ; average. 67.171.
NI5W YORK , Feb. 3 OILS-rottonsecd ,
steady : prime crude. 33'ic ; prime yellow ,
37' c. Petroleum , steady ; rellncd New York ,
$3.(0 ! ( ; Philadelphia and Baltimore , $ ! ) .S3 ;
Philadelphia and Daltlmore , In bulk. $720.
Rosin , Ilrm : strained , tommon to g od ,
$1.C2V.Turpentine , strong nt frS'/sTifiSc.
LIVBIVPOOL. Feb. 3. OILS Coltonfced ,
Hull refilled , I''ebruary-Ai-rll. strong at 2H |
! > d. Turpentine spirits. Him at 40s fid. Rosin ,
common. Ilrm at 4s 3d. Petroleum , rellned ,
7Hd. Linseed , 24s 3d.
V.'oo !
NBW YORK , Feb. R. WOOIStoaily ;
domestic Ileecc , 21J2Cc ; Texas , l.ltiinc
ST. LOUIS , Fob. 3. WOOI > Hetter for
medium grades. lS5i25c ; light line. 17iT2lc ;
heavy line. 14RlSc ; tub washed. 23r25r.
LONDON. Feb. .l.-WOOL-Tbc arrivals
of wool for the second scries of auction
sales amount to SS.117 bales. Including
forwarded direct. The Imports of wool dur
ing the week were : New South Wales. 210
bales ; Melbourne , 5.14 ; South Australia , 1.10 ;
West Australia , 166 ; New Zealand , 3.2ii.r > ;
Tape of Good Hope and Natal , 673 ; Singa
pore , 1,630 ; elsewhere , 676.
SiiETiir .MnrUrf.
NEW YORK , Feb. 3. SUGAR Raw. firm ;
fair refining , 4c bid : centrifugal. M test ,
4 7-lfic bid ; molasses sugar , S ic bid ; refined ,
Ilrm : mojild A , $3.45 ; standard A and con
fectioners' A. $3.00 : cut loaf and crushed ,
$3.60 ; jiowdcri.1l , $3.30 ; granulated , SG.20 ;
cubes. tf > .33 >
kettle , ST itl-lCe ; open kettle , centrifugal ,
43-16c ; centrifugal , plantation gianulated.
ITie ; white. % ; | - ; yellow , 4'iff-t 13-16c ;
seconds , 27WH 3-Hie.
MOLASSKS Qulot ; open kettle , 32i&40c ;
centrifugal , 8fieuc. Syrup , steady at 39c.
California Drleil'I'rnltn. .
DR1BD FRUITS Evaporated apples quiet
and about steady. State evaporated apples ,
common , 6 < fiCi < , c ; prime , fi'.ififi-'Sic ; choice ,
"UfvTVie ; fancy , XViftac. California dried
primes , 3'if)7c. ) Apricots , Royal , 13ftl5c ;
Moor Park. 15fTlSc. Peaches , pcclud , lSQ22c ;
nnpeeled , l TiUc.
Xevf'Vorlc ) | niiorlM niift lC\torlN.
NBW YORK" , Feb. S.-lmports of dry
goods and merchandise at the port of New
York this week were valued at $13.0111.514.
Imports of specie this week were $437.122
gold and $19,037 sliver. Kxports of gold und
silver this we--k aggregated $1,13S,7S1 silver
bars and coin and J7S.OOO gold.
! oH
JAftlES E. BOYD & CO. ,
Telephone 10I5 ! ) . Oinnliu. N i
Correspondence : John A Warren & Co.
jJircct wires to Chicago and New York.
Rn I fri
yili ; Llui
Yields 14 Per Gent on the Present Cost of Shares ,
ThlN IN tin- ( inlyIncMliilng ; Coni-
Slu'.cs giving regularly
imiijIn the United
to Its hiovkholders exact reports and full
knowlc-dso of the condition of their prop
erty The well known Chartered Account-
an. > s , iiARitow , w.vniai'Tiium &
CO , of New York and Boston , supervise the
company's accounts and Issue quarterly to
the stockholders statements of earnings and
net prolHfl. certllled by them us correct.
It IN IIIMV i-iirnlnir - ' - iier cent
on Its capital and will nearly double this an
3on as the four new mllld now under way
are complo-.ed.
It IN IKMV iinylniT illvlilcmlN equal to
thOEo paid by the highest capitalized com-
panUB In the zinc llelds , yet on a much
j smaller Investment , which allows even the
mnal'cjt Investor * u > participate In the rich
. returns from zinc mining.
1 The IIMV | irc < > nf UN NIIII-I-N | nlHn ( if.
| fji'ilu Investor ! ) unueual oppurtunity for
i prslH by tii enhancement In value of their
holdings and through Its plan of supervis
ing accounts It furnishes absolute ( security
to HH .stockholders' lnfcrcsta.
are now offered for public BUbscrlptlon at
to complete the balance of the pun hm ; >
price and pay for the new mills now being
The shares are of the par v.iluo of $1.00
each and arc fully paid up and iion-axfcsH-
SICM ) I.'OII I'llOSI'i : ! " ! ' ! S and note
carefully the detailed accounts and BAR
ROW. WADE. OUTH'RIE & CO.'S reports
on t.'o . propertlK.
Appllr-uMonx for hlock , ncrompunicd hy re
mittance , received at either of the follow *
Ing ofllcCH nf tin ) fiscal agents
1 JOSHUA BROVra & CO. , Bankers ,
4O9 The Rookery , Chicago.
Hi & 47 Wall St. , Now Yo < h. 421 Chestnut St. , I'hHiidolphia. 80 State St. . Boston.
If HO , Kpcculale xuccessfully. Bend your
ordrru tn n reliable hoime. where they will
bo placed In the open market. Wo can
make for yon In one month moro Interest
on your money than any bank will pay
you In a year , fiend for our book on spec ,
ulutton It U free.
J. K. Comstock & Co
llooin ; ( Ti-nderii' Illilti. , ( 'liluiiKo.