Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Ilavli. sells gfass.
rin < > > \ . 11 , C.'liner , Neumityur's hotel.
\Vi-l lfarh burners at ISIXby's. Tel. 193.
IitirtWolRi.tyw ! , It. nosetifeliU , ngsnt.
Sheriff Ooui > lm wmt to Avocn ywlerday.
Or.V. . R Pierce of Cussotlvasi ill the
cltv yenterday ,
( ic-t your w'iirk done nt the poimUir iCaglc
laundry. . 721 Hroatfwny. M'hone loi.
Wanted Hey with jtony to cnrry loute.
Ai'ldy at BOP Olllco , 10 Penrl street.
W C. KBtcp. undertaker , 23 I'wirl street.
'Ii Uphdncs : Olllce , 07 ; ifstdencc , 33.
Mr * B. 11. Smith of Lend City. S. . , Is
tintfutwt nf Mlns Ueelie nf Glen avenue.
The lilHce to hiive > our framing done ,
Alfxnnilpr's Art Kmporlum , S3.1 Broadway.
. Welsh-of Pnrk avenue H
Mrs. Ulnnojie ; - >
r.mllniMl to iVMjidlWwJtlJ ( in attack of the
Mr . ll. I' . Harrotl nnd mother , Mrs. I , .
Merkel , luivp returned from their visit to
L'lllillBl ) . , .
Kdltll I lolls of 33P Henton street was rc-
to the Hoard ( if Health yesterday
ax suffering from measles.
Prof. F. \ - Tltomii * of tin' High school
fi. ulty wax lilnde hapiiy yOMerday by tno
iiirlviil of a leli-pounil boy at bis borne.
A meeting f thu Kconomlc league , now
organizing , v > ll | be hold next Friday even
ing .it thu ulty hall for election of olllccrs.
Tin- February number ol the Flower
Mission , the bright little monthly magazine
published ill this rlty by Miss Irene 'lest ,
baa made ItH azuiearanco.
William"1'robstle reported the | nss of nil
nvn mil and coat and vest to the police
VMlenlny Some sneak thief managed to
illi h I hem from bin room.
Tin. ri'ifuliii' miinlhly meeting of the
rnmmc-rolnl committee called for last night
. .I . tin- city hall failed for want of a quorum.
( halrman Test was the only member who
put In an appearance.
A spi'dal theetlng of White Hose Hobekiih
ludBi' NIL SS4 , will be held this afternoon
ntI o'clock at Odd Fellows' temple to
make arrangements f < ir attending the
lumral of .Mrs. S Golsteln.
nuiiity Attorney Kllpack stated yester-
< lithat be did not expect to try Mrs. 1' .
H ' Yati'S , charged with manslaughter In
i iiim > ctlim with the death of her daughter ,
Kthel Yates , at tills term of court.
The remains of James Hussell will arrive
from llarlan this morning and be taken
direct from the depot to Falrvlew cemetery ,
where Interment will be held. Mr. Uussell
V.IM formerly a resident of this city.
AltlintiRli Governor I'oyntcr of Nebraska
refused to grant the extradition of S. .T.
.I.imrs , the "divine healer. " the Indictment
will stand against him and If he Is found In
this state lu > will be subject to arrest.
M V. lugersoll , 17 South First street , re
ported to tin- police yesterday that boys ,
thought to belong In the nelKbborbood. had
r.msaeked his liousu durliiK bis absence.
Some toys were the only thliiRs found mls-
Tbe members of 'Company , Kifty-llrst
ivglmcnt , Iowa , National Guard , will meet
Tuesdav nlgllt next to complete their or
ganization' . The noncommissioned officers
will be appointed at this moetltiK by Cap
tain Tlulcy. The company has adopted a
constitution .uid set of by-laws.
Thomas lialdwln arrived from Colorado
yesterday mornliiR , accompanied by his
brother. John N. Haldwln , and sister. Miss
Jj.ur Haldwln. . in crossing "the dlvldo
lie suffered n serious slnkliiK spell , but on
re.icblnir Denver rallied and stood the
balance of thy'trip well. Ho Is now at the
U.ildwln homo. '
The Natldnlil Uulldlng hssoclatlon of this
cltv has decided to go out of business. The
appointment of D..U , as receiver tu
wind up the affairs' of'the concern will be
nuked. The association . was organized
about elfibt yuars aso and ,11 , Is said that
with proper management thu'assets should
pay from ST > to flO jier cent of the liabilities ,
The remains of the late Hans Witt , whc
died suddenly a few. dayHajo. ( were burletl
yesterday iii 3to4vy.low.JI of mot cry. No re
plies have "b'ecli reOelvcU rfun 'the twt
Jirothers of tII6Tdflirt' mail"who" are .supposed
to reside , in Davenport.Tlie.ifunernl ex
penses wcro defrayed by money wluel
AV'Ht had In bl.H possetslon at the time ol
lilH deth. : |
Hartley Donohue , nt one time a familial
spectacle In 'the police court , was up before
Acting Police vtudec Ayles\Vortli yesterdaj
inornlnn on a charRO of drunkenness ant
received a .fifteen days' sentpnco In tlu
county j.iil. As he had not been In courl
for nearly a year Donohue thought the
peutenco ratbpr heavy and sp ex.presfec
himself , but tbo court rofusltl to reduce It
The funeral of Mrs. Molllo Goldstein , wlf <
df S. Goldstein , will be held tomorrow
inornlnp at JO o'clock from the family rcsl
deuce , C l Hluff street. The services wll
ho conducted by Hov. Simmons of Omaha
Mrs. Goldstein had been : i resident of Coun
rll UliiffH for 2i5 years and was a chartei
Inomber of White Uose Rebekali lodge , tin
members of which will iittond the funcra
In a body. ,
Jesslo Havens , u J'OUIIK girl who hai
given the police more or less trouble re
cently , w.ts commuted to the county jai
yesterday monilnt ? to servo out a sentenci
of 525 and costs.- Jessie has been frequent
Ing wine rooms lately and neglected to pa <
her line. She was sent to the county 1all
ns there Is uo accommodation at the clt :
j.ill to curtf for t'eniul" prisoners. Ho
board at tjiq-'coquty bastle ) will be paid b ;
the city , however , "
Mark Swan lii the notable sncces
"Ilrown's In Town" will be the attractloi
nt tbo Dolmn.v opera house tomorrow night
The favor with which tills play has beui
received In other clt Ins ensures It a ROOI
house here. The mannerisms and tricks o
Hpeeeh and action" of Mark Swan are sail
to bo Irresistible arid bis diollcry , jollit ;
and dash HIV the great features of th
jilay , one of the fiumleijt ever presented t
tin audience. The ccimpaiiy supporting bin
is said to be a geol ! one.
N. Y. I'lumbWfc Co. Teli 230.
Illil-'I'llilf HeHlilfill IU-H.
N. .Marchbanks. an old-tlmo resident o
lloekford-township , died yesterday niornln
nt his hcmo near Honey Creek. He w S
years old and death was duo to the Infirml
ties of old UKC. A wife nnd Jour grown u
children survive him , Thu funeral will b
bold tomorrow mornliiK at in o'clock from th
family reHldcncij .n'ud Interment will bo I
Allen cemetery. . . . ,
Deceased wns i veteran of the MeXlca
Und civil wars , ' 'lie was a member of Mnc
Uymaii post Not02 ? , Oiand Army of th
Republic , of Orescent City , the members t
which will attend thi > funeral In a body.
llenl , Ki ti'Je TrilHHferH.
The following U'au'fifprB were filed yestei
flay In the iihtiirust.Hlt' ) and lunn oillce i
J. WSqulroi 101 I'e-.irl street.
George U. Uluko to I'lorenVil'olsom
Kvereal , lot li > , blocki ) , Jtallrond add.
q c. d . ' . .i1 , $
&ivlng Loan and IHilldlupr Association
to A. Auuiist \Vixlxllandt , lot 6.
bloik 1 , Winianis' Mnbd. of Mill lot.
w. d , : . ' . . . 1,7
Slu-rllY to Thomas Oftlcer aid | W. H.
-M PllM > y , lut I blot ! ; 4 , und lot K' ,
'block 19. Howards iul4 , . sheriff's d. 2
It. W. MiKi'e and wife to Mary and
K M Piutt , lot I Auditor's subd. of
out lot 1 OufM'ii ' w d . i . . . . . 1.0
Bosooh' Hiilthaus .mil wile to Henry
Nlcolal. wS k\\ > 4 and nel4 sw't
10-76-40. w < l . . . . C..I
Klvo irjinrferH usK't satins
( Nets lllae
Hltutture ,
Negotiated In Eaitrn Nobrasl
ana luwa. James K. CnsaJy , j
UO Uulit Bt7 , Council Ularta.
Board of Supervisors Will Not Bo QoTornecl
by Action of Court.
Thorncll nixcUNien Mutter M Illi
rt iNorn reternon U'llt Inxlst
I lion Iteceltlnur ! ' > lit I'er-
inniieiil Hal 1111.
The Hoard of County Supervisors ad-
loiirned yesterday afternoon until March 6
without taking any action looking toward a
eettloment of the question affecting the pay
of the district court and grand Jury bailiffs.
At the morning session Judge Thorncll
called on the board and discussed the mat
ter with the supervisors. Ho told them that
In Issuing the order making the appoint
ment of the two bailiffs permanent he was
ictlng for the bc t Interests of the county.
He was also of the opinion that such of-
Icers wcro needed , but he was unaware that ,
aa claimed by the supervisors , there was
any agreement between the board and Sher
iff Cousins that the grand jury ballff | should
be paid only for such time ae the grand
jury was actually In session.
The members of the board told the judge
that while they had no desire to oppose the
order of the court , they wcro of the opinion
that there was no need for the aervlccs of
Bailiff Peterson , except at euch times as
the grand Jury was In session. After Judge
Thornell retired the board decided to stand
by Its original action and declined to re
cede from Its position.
I'etei-Noii Will Ho in mill I'n.v.
Sheriff Couslr\s was in Avoca yesterday
and It could not be learned whether ho hail
entered Into any agreement with the boanl
whereby the bailiff of the grand jury wat
to receive pay for such time only as thai
body was In session. Bailiff Peterson say *
ho h"ad never been notified of such an ar
rangement and will Insist on receiving pay
as n permanent attache of the court. He
will rely on Judge Thornell making him
permanent officer.
The rules , of practice of the Fifteenth ju
dicial district , adopted by the judges Angus !
3 , 1S97. allow the sheriff to have three bail
iffs at all times at Council Bluffs and font
when the grand jury Is in Beaton. Huh
No. 8 , which covers this matter , is as fol
lows :
The sheriff shall , during the sessions ol
the court at the various points In the ills' ,
tirlct , have the assistance of not to exceer
the following1 number of bailiffs , viz : AI
Council muffs , four when the grand jnrj
la In session and three at other times. Ai
all other points , three when the grand jurj
Is In session and two at other tltncf.
Coimlns Han Tuo DnlllffN.
As it stands at present Sheriff Cousin :
has only two balllffa , one In the dlstrlc
court and one to attend to the grand jury
and It is the salary of the latter that tin
board seeks to confine to such time as thi
grand jury Is in session. In the aheriff'i
oillce It is claimed that there Is ample worl
to keep two bailiffs busy all the time.
The special committee appointed to effoc
a settlement with ex-Sheriff Morgan fallei
to make any report yesterday and none wll
bo made until the. adjourned eession It
March. The committee held a conferenci
with Morgan yesterday afternoon , but dc
cllned to make public the result.
After the noon recess the board vlsltei
the county burial ground , where certain 1m
provementfi are said to be greatly needed
TnK committee on poor was authorized ti
expend not to exceed $50 in placing the roai
In the cemetery In repair.
The board passed a resolution to the effec
that the county would not pay to exceed $1
for the burial of adult paupers and $10 fo
children , these prices to Include full burla
and digging of grave. Theee figures do no
apply to Council Bluffs , where W. C. Este :
has a contract for burying the pauper dead
NC-AT Co ii trill ! I for 1'rllitliie.
The board spent a considerable portion o
the morning session discussing a now schedule
ulo of prices for county printing and turn
Ishlng of blank books submitted by the Nei
Nonpareil company. The contract as awarde
to the New Nonpareil company at the open
Ing of the year was at the prices whlc
governed the contract for the previous yeai
This , however , appeared not to be satis
factory to the local organ , and Manage
Bender submitted a new schedule , whlcl
after considerable discussion" , was acceptcc
i Supervisor Matthews was the only one t
[ ' vote against it. In the n6w schedule th
1 price of the assessors' books , which ha
j been placed at $1.87l& , was cut down t
$1.GO. Official ballots In lots of 18,000 an
upward will cost the county $8 per 1,001
while the sample ballots In lots of I',000 an
upward will cost $5 per 1,000. Auditor Inue ;
when nekcd , stated that the prices In th
new schedule were greater tlmn In the prc
vlous one nt which the contract was orlgl
' nally awarded.
* The bonds of the various banks wblc
" I are on County Treasurer Arnd's bond c
1 $ ! iOO,000 were approved. The 'banks ' and th
a sums they qualify for are as follows : Fin
0 National bank , Council Bluffe , $100OOC
State Savings bank , Council Bluffs , $ SOOOC
Ernest E. Hart , baukor , Council Bluff
$40,000 ; Commercial bank , Avoca , $20,00 (
r Citizens bonk , Walnut , $20,000 ; Spnltl Bros
0 bankers , Oakland , $20,000 ; Exchange Sta !
f hank , Walnut. $20,000 ; H. J. Martin , banke
Hancock , $10,000 ; State bank , Neola , $20,00 (
Farmers and Merchants bank , Neola , $20
. . 000 ; Bank of Careen. Carson , $20,000 ; Clt
| ( zen's State bank , Oakland , $10,000 ; Ocnna
bank. Walnut , $20,000 ; Macedonia Stal
bank , $20,000 ; the Avoca bank , Avoca , $20
000 ; German-American bank , Mlnden , $20
000 ; Bank of QrUwold , Griswold , $6,00
Th < e banks are allowed to receive deposl
of county funds not to exceed half of tl
sum in which they qualify.
IS Davis sells jialnts.
HoweU's Antl-"Kawf" curew coughs , cold
I'lendH Guilty to ClmrKr of Ilolibln
jl i nine l''ov ' In a Saloon ,
. Jack Shields , indicted at the last term i
Iliu district court on the charge of robbli
i Mlko Fox In a baleen on West Uroadwt
of { 30. decided yesterday to save the coun
the expense of a trial and notified Coun
Attorney Kllpack that he was ready
plead guilty. He was taken before Judi
Thornell , who sentenced him to two yea
In the penitentiary at Fort Madlbon.
Shields IE the eamo man who was indlcti
for passing a , forged check , but escaped co
vlctlon , as It was shown at the trial th
I he check bore a proprietary instead of
documentary revenue stamp. Judge (3re <
held that the check was not a valid o
In consequence and accordingly could n
bo an instrument subject to forgery. Tfc
lullne of the court will be appealed to t
supreme court.
Leo Kills , Indicted on the charge of r
Hlstlng arrest at Neola , applied to the cot
to have his wltnemea subpoenaed at t
etate'e expense and the request was grant *
County Attorney Kllpack yesterday Issu
lubpoenas lor witnesses in the trial
Gregory , the horse thief , which hns been set
for Monday. Gregory's attorneys * were no
tified yesterday that there would bo no fur
ther continuance.
Judge Thornell will withhold his decision
In the oleomargarine case to permit of tlie
citation of authorities by State Attorney
Gt-iieral Ilemlcy , who hr.s handed down an
opinion holding that the state law prohibit
ing the sale of colored oleomargarine Is con
K. P. dance , Hughes' hall , tonight. Ail-
mlfwlon 25 cents per couple.
May He Coiiipelleil to Ilenellnl Action
SeleetliiK ltl ll Seliool Site ,
Complications have arisen which may
make It Impossible for the new High school
building to be erected on the site recently
selected by the Board of Education on First
avenue. The site selected has a frontage
of only IfiO feet on the avenue , while the
building at present planned has a
width of 162 feet , with two side en
trances , which would require a passage
way of nt least ten feet on each side. When
the board selected this site , being the prop
erty occupied by the Treynor and Doming
residences , It calculated on acquiring either
by purchase or condemnation about twenty-
five or thirty feet of the Shugart propctty
adjoining on the east.
E. L. Shugart. the owner of this property ,
has , however , declared that he will not sell
one foot of ground ami will resist the build
ing of the High school there. His former
residence , which Is now occupied as n family
boarding bouse , stands at the corner of First
avenue and Sixth street , and the erection of
the High school Immediately west of It would
render the property practically worthless.
The Shugart residence Is a handsome brick
and stone building nnd the damage to the
property In general would have to be taken
Into account should the School board pro
ceed to acquire a portion of the lot on the
west by condemnation.
The property Is a valuable one ns it stands
at present and appraisers would , It is con
tended , place a value on It that the School
board would be unable to pay In addition
to the $10,500 , the sum naked for the Treynor
and Demlng lots.
It is not believed that the board will take
any further action in the matter before the
regular 'monthly meeting , Monday , February
in , when the action selecting the First
avenue site may bo rescinded. This , at
least , Is the opinion of one of the members
of the board who voted for tnls location.
Member Stewart , who voted against the
First avenue site and who stood by his vote
on the Ballard property , Is of the same
opinion. The feeling Is growing among
the members that the best course to pursue
will bo to let the matter rest until the
school election , which takes place the second
Monday In March , and give the voters au
opportunity to express their preference.
One of the members of the board , who nt
first favored and voted for the Oakland avenue -
enuo tract , expressed himself yesterday as
being tired of the whole business nnd that
It appeared to htm futile for the board to
attempt to select any site , as objections oi
some kind or another would be raised nc
matter where they would locate the school.
He said he was now In favor of building
the school on the old site on Glen avenue
and he believed that If this was urged the
other members would accept this alterna
tive. He was In favor , ho said , of expend
ing what money it would cost to purchase
a site plHowhcre In grading the old site nm !
then erecting a building that could bo
to at any time when found necessary.
K. P. dance , Hughes' hall , tonight. Wha-
ley's orchestra. Admission 25 cents.
Fnrmei-H Kile Hniikruptey Petition *
Charles H. Wise and John Will Wise
farmers of Vllllsca. Montgomery county
filed voluntary petitions In bankruptcy yes
terday In the United States district cour
' j here. Charles H. Wise haa unsecured debt !
' I amounting to $3,828.55 , and assets onlj
1 i worth $30 , which he claims ns exempt. H (
I also owes $20.53 taxes. Hla liabilities coiv
sifet chiefly of notes given for borrowei
1 money and for the purchase price of stocl
and horses. John Will Wlso has debt <
1 amounting to $111,923.80 , which arc unsecurci
L and which he Is anxious to get rid of. Hi
' also owes $10fi.8G tuxes. He lists his asset !
nt $35 , but claims them as exempt.
W. I , . niioiuli-H , WnnlPil In More Thin
One S < nc , IN Caunlit nt
MARSHALL/TOWN , la. , Feb. 2. ( Specia
Telegram. ) W. L , Ilhoades , a much-wantei
. j land swlpdlcr , was brought hero this morn
r I ing from Chicago , where ho was arrested b ;
the sheriff of this county. Hhoades oper
' atcd here two years ago by giving a bogui
j j deed to Cherokee county ( Kan. ) land , 01
, I which he realized $1,000 la cash. R. W
j Melllck was his victim. At that tlim
Rhoades went by the name of David Martin
j When confronted by his victim and rea
estate ageuts ho confessed. Rhoades hai
J been sought by officers from various statei
I where he operated In a similar manner undo :
the names of Kills and Spencer. Ho Is 6 ;
yeais of age.
"WnmlrrliiK Willie * " IMntl n Unveil n
u .NuI u ml ( in * Well.
CLINTON , In. , Fob. 2. ( Speclal.- )
Tramps have struck n soft snap on th
. Huyes farm , near Mount Carroll , across th' '
' river. About two years ago a hole wa <
' ' drilled for oil. Lately gas has been issulni
' ' In largo quantities fiom the well and thi
winter tramps have taken possession o
the place , nocks have been piled around th
c | well , on which a piece of sheetiron ha
' ' been placed and this Is used as a Htove , o
' ' which they cook food. They have built
| Bhanty , in the renter of which Is .the rud
stove , heated by natural gas. . The plac
n haw betomo a favorite rendezvous , fo
! tramps and they have a largo colony there
I _ _ _ _ _
' ' KxnluHloii of OMNidliie Di-Nlroyn Hex
8 , iilcniManil One of ( lit * limiiili-n ,
< ? MARSHALLTOWN , la. , Feb. 2. ( Specie
Telegram. ) Fire this morning rtwtroyc
the residence of Levl Shettel. William Shot
tel , 22 years old , was BO badly burned thp
he died at noon. The lire was caused b
the explosion of a t'asallne cnn , and th
burning oil was thrown over the man's beds
The property lows was $1,600.
( inventor -Slunv nt Oiumn.
ONAWA , la. , Feb. 2. ( Special. ) dQverno
R Shaw Is In town In consultation with th
y Monona County Board ol Supervisors o
y the Woodbury-Monona county ditch problen
y The ditch was ordered In Woodbury wlthou
° opposition. Monona county , however , un
; e many people who make nerlou objections t
's i the ditch , even threatening injunction pro
. i ceecdings.
d I
1- Sioux ( ' ! < > llnx .M > Ntei- > - Solved ,
it SIOUX CITY. Feb. 2. The Sioux City bo
a mystery haa been solved. The body , whir
n ' was supposed to bo that of a murdered mai
10 ' woo the corpse of a German tramp who we
H fatally Injured in naltlnioro by being truc
Is by a trolley car December 29. The corps
ie was sent to Sioux City for medical purpose
F. p. TclrUlPia , health inspector of Chicago
cage , eayu : "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure canm
bo recommended too highly. H cured m
of severe dyspepsia. " It digests what yo
rat and cures indlgettlon , heartburn u
all forma ot dyspepsia.
Nine Bepnblinn'j ( ' Vote Against the Cole
nel's ' Confirmation.
lIltC ( ) ! . ! ItCKIltllllllll Dc l'lHIlt IlltO
ii UlttiT Coiitcnl Votf I'Mniil
Vlftory for Aliolltlon f
theOlltou. .
D13S M01NES , Feb. 2. ( Special Tclo-
gram. ) Aa had been expected , the senate
today turned down the nomination of Colonel
II. H. Hood for the Hoard of Control appoint
ment. Twcnty-ono votes wete cast against
nls confirmation , twelve democrats and nine
republicans. The republicans Include lloaly ,
Garst , Cheshire , Smith , Hopkins. Hub-
bard , Craig , Crofsley and Klnch. Doltcr ,
democrat , was ulsent or he would have made
the twenty-two votes predicted against his
confirmation. Hall and Young were the
only democrats who voted for Colonel Rood.
The action was taken In executive session.
There was no discussion.
A majority report , favoring confirmation ,
signed by Ulancliard. Trewln and Young ,
was brought In by the nomination com
mittee and n minority report against con
firmation , signed by Lambert and Klnch.
Persistent effort was made upon the part
of the Hood people to delay consideration
of the matter until next Tuesday , but It
was defeated by the opposition and those
who wished to get the matter settled at
The house hus refused lo elect a state
printer and binder. Hy a vote of f > 2 to 13
that body this morning turned down the resolution
elution of the senate culling for n joint
convention for thu purpose of electing a
state printer and binder. The debate over
the resolution covered the entire two hours
of the morning session aim developed Into
n bitter contest. It Is generally conceded
that the defeat of the icsolutlon this morn
ing Is a final victory for the opposition and
that the abolition of the odlce Is only a
question of time.
The discussion was opened by the author
of the amendment , who was strongly supported -
| ported by Dlako of Webster. It wns held
by Dyers of Shelby and Katon of Mitchell
that the election at this time would not pre
vent the abolishment nf the ofllccs later In
the scfslon and that In deference to regu
larity anil to pledges made In the republican
caucus the election should bo made. Tem
ple of Clark said that not only were the re-
i publicans in duty bound to elect the men
i named In their caucus , but that the abolish
ment of the olTlccs wns not a necessity 01
would not prove a wise thing.
Kl > fy Speech liy lllnko.
In the most fiery epccch of the morning
Blake of Webster , a member of the Investi
gating committee , said :
"What ban obligated this house to carrj
out the wishes of any caucus ? Is this house
the tool of any political organization ? An
we partisans or arc we legislators ? I hp >
lleve , gentlemen , that wo are not here t (
accept the dictates of any member or an ;
caucus. If we elect printers and binders to
day we make- coutni6t with them for twi
yeare and are then morally bound. H is put
ting the cart before the liorse to nil tin
offices first and abolish them afterwards
There are things of gjqntej- ; weight than Idea
' . ' "
of 'regularity.
The hour for the joint caucus had arrlvei
and amid great excitement Prentlss o
lUnggold moved the previous question. Thi
motion carried and the clerk was ntoppei
while Clarke availed himself of the tei
minutes allowed to close the debate.
The substitute for Hoyward's medlca
school bill passexl the senate this morning
It places all recognized medloal schools o
the state on the same plane ; ithat is
whereas heretofore medical graduates hav
been compelcd to come to DCS Molnes am
take examinations at their own expense ai
examining committee from the state bean
will bo sent to each school to examine It
The Titus bill to grant free publl
libraries the right to extend their clrcula
tlon Into country precincts was also passei
by the senate ; also Blanchard's bill pro
vldlng that election contests in the dlstrlc
court may bo decided by the court wlthou
the verdict of a jury.
Three new bills wore Introduced In th
senate this morning. One Is by Harrlman
for the establishment of a department o
agriculture in the state. The bill propose-
to consolidate the state , district and count ;
fairs , the weather and crop service , dalr ;
commissioner and state veterinarian in i
single department with oillccs at the stat
MIINOIIN to Convene nt Clinton.
CLINTON , la. , Feb. 2. ( Special. ) Fror
February 13 to 1C , inclusive , many Mason
the food supplies warmth
and strength ; without it the
digestion , the muscles , the
nerves and the brain are
weak , and general debility
follows ) But fat is hard to di
gest and is disliked by many.
supplies the fat in a form
pleasant to take and easy
to digest. It strengthens the
nerves and muscles , invig
orates mind and body , and
builds up the entire system.
< nc , and , til druggist ! ,
SCOTT & IlOWNE , CtiemUts , New York.
Constipation , BEEGWS : !
; Indigestion ,
| Diliousness ,
Get the genuine I ( you '
.SicU . Headache , want to bo cured ,
| la men , women or 10 cent t& 23 cents ,
\ children , cured by at drug stores.
# * * * " -M"W- * j-i-HI-K-H-frt-fr
Bubbling HriK'i ' t music ,
over Citi-hy songs ) ,
with 1'ietty dances
Sunday , Feb. 4.
V Toriiiuln nf MerrliiifiitIollilu
run Hlfin lli tun 1ILT TIMU TU
will nssprnblp In this city , the oPr nlon be
ing the thirty-first nnniinl reunion of ihi-
Ancient and Acceptetl Scottish Hltp Mason *
of the vnlloy of Clinton. The meeting will
be attended by Mnsons from the mljolnlni ;
ftntes who are member * or the consistory
here. At this convention the deRreos ranc-
Ing from the fourth to the thirty-second will
bo conferred on n large clni
SiiircniiCourt ItnNi'n Kinlini-Ro on
iuiM I ntll II fun IJoi'ltlf
.11 ii 11 n n for Itrl
DCS XI01NES. Feb. 2. ( Special Tels-
Kinni.At ) noon today the supreme court
mndo na order suspending Ha recent opinion
In the saloon cnso until u motion which has
been mailo for n rohcarliiR may be decided.
The probabilities arc tin ? final decision upon
rehearing \\111 not bo made before the May
term of the court. The order , therefore ,
means tlmt the saloons nuiy run until that
time and they have opened now , nild If the
decision handed down recently Is not a < l-
hercd to the saloons may then run on the
strength of their old petitions. Upon the
entry of the order suspending the recent
opinion the saloons were notllled by the at
torneys anil In many Instances ro"pened. as
the suspension of the. opinion eariled with
It the suspension of all proceedings under It.
In short , the situation with reference lu
he saloons Is now exactly the niuna as K
as before the doclalon ngalnst thorn was
mile. The now order ntTects forty.three-
ountlcs. The decision of the court was to
he effect that the taloons had no right to
tin on the strength of the petUlone secured
flor to eighteen months ago , because , the
ourt held , the Hoard of Supervisor must
anvass nil petitions of crnscnt. The poll
oolts having been destroyed eighteen
lonths after an election , It would
o Impossible to canvass any petition se-
ured prior to that time
The supreme cotiit today handed down the
ollowlng opinions : Knima Holmiin , nppel-
nnt , against Omaha & Colinell Illnffs Itall-
vay and IJrldgo company , I'ottawattamlc
llstrlct , A. H. Thornell , Judge , alllrmed ; T.
"I. Doyer against Commercial Building In-
estment company , Woodbnry district , re-
Ilnl > > SulTm'iitfMl nl n I'lrf.
HAMUUlia , la. , Keb. 2. ( Special. ) Word
jas reached here that the home of Charles
Thornton , nboul twelve miles northwest of
his place , was partially destroyed by fire
last Tuesday nftorncon while the family
wns at dinner. A baby of 10 months was
on the bed In an adjoining loom. Hearing
n noise the members of the family in
vestigated and found the celling of the room
In which the bab- lay In flames. The
mother rescued the child , but not until it
had been so overcome by the heat that It
tiled Thursday. Mr. Thoiuton , In attempt
ing to s.ive some of the furniture , was
badly burned about the head and hands.
A si. for Another , lnilK < * .
SIOUX CITY , Fob. 2. ( Special Telegram. )
The Sioux City Bar association has de
cided to nsk the legislature to allow one
more Judge for the Fourth judicial district
and to cut off Harrison county. The locnl
lawyers now will do all In their power to get
the measure passed by the legislature.
Mrs. May Hawkins Will Help Every
Woman Save a Drunkard.
A Trial Package of Her Marvelous
Home Treatment pfg E E i or the asking- .
Any true woman might well be proud to have
saved one'poor soul from the shacldes of drink , but
Mrs.Han tins has redeemed thousands by her noble
and practical work amonp thoav. Rho Dave been
victims of Intemperance. Mrs. Hawkins for yearn
suffered the irrlcf and anculsh shared by BO many
true and faithful women o ( America to-day , who
havedrlnk-afllicted lathers.hubbandsorbonh. She
determined too\ercome this fearful evil K potable.
Her search fora harmless , perfect and secret home
curewasatlast rewarded when an old friend came
to her and pave liar a remedy hich had ne > er tjccn
known to fall. Mrs. Hawkins gave the remedy fccc-
retlyandinafewweekitoherRTiat joy.her dearest
relative was entirely cured ol his appetite for drink
and wasatraln restmed to health and manhood.
After this wonderful result , Mrs. Hawkins de
cided to devote her life to the work of helplnj , ' her
sistcrsevery wherew horn she found BunX-ring' as the
had suffered from the effects of alcohol upon a hus
band , father or son. With the assistance of others
she perfected the original treatment and now
offers tohcnd this treatment free to any distressed
wife , mother or bister who will write for It. Mrs.
Hawkins has means of her own and no chaice
whatever Is made for the treatment , because her desire Is every woman who needs this
medicine will write at once to her and get It.
A Or-nteful Womnn.
MRS. MAY HAWKINS , Or il ; Ilrplda , Mich. -
MrUenrl'rlenil : Ycu IIRTB been tlia imnn of bring.
JnitMirwlmiHinto in ) home. Last Auuunt I pot jour
remg > lyuodb ian eiviiiK It toiny liubliunil , and from
tlinttlmouiitilthoiiroHont liolmi&attRkrn a drop of
nrklmlotalcoholfo drlnkn. I cannot ; ny too much for
wlmt your remedy tins 'lone for run und I uriiu It nn a
helper to any niothor , BUtr or wife yl'O ' shall nywllit.
Your * ulncerelr , MltS. ] l , A. LANli
East Hararton , 51o , i'ob II , im
Thousands lm e bH\ed thi'ir hcmes and loved
mes by thlb remedy and you can lieamontfthenum.
6or If yea only wish It. Mr . Haw kins treatsevery
letter she receive sacredly confidential and you
need have no hesitancy whatever in writing her for
assistance. Daunt delav.writehert' daj. Address
Vira. May Hawkins , hurl ; . ! OrundKuplds.Mlch.
Shange of
* * Mi
These Women were Helped ThrouRh Woman's Great Crisis ;
by Mrs. Pinkhnni All AUddlc-AgecI Women
Should Rend Their Letters.
Nine Years of Suffering
" DEAH Mits. PINKHAM i When I iirst wrote to yon , 1 wns In n very bad
condition. I was passing through the change of life , and the doctors said
1 had bladder and liver trouble. 1 h i in i
hnd suffered for nine years. Doe-
tors failed to do nic any good.
Since 1 have taken Lydin H. Pink-
huin's Vepotablo Compound , my
health has improved very much.
I will gladly recommend your ined-
ieino to bthers and am sure that it
will prove as great a blessing to
them as it has to me. " MIIR. GKO.
II. .Ir.NK , 001 DoKalb Avc. , Urook-
lyn , N. Y.
Relief Came Promptly
"DKAtiMus. I'INKIIAM : I had
been under treatment with the
doctors for four yours , and seemed
to get no hotter , 1 thought I would
try your medicine. IMy trouble wiu
change of life , and I mustsuy that
1 never had anything help me so
much as Lydin 12.1'lnhlmm's Vege
table Compound. Relief came almost immediately. I have belter health
now than 1 ever had. I feel like a new woman , perfectly strong , 1 give
Lydiu K. Tlnklmm's Compound all the credit , and would not do. without
your medicine for anything. 1 have recommended it to several of my
friends. There is no need of women suffering so much , for Mrs. 1'ink-
hum'rt remedies arc a sure cure. " MAHAI.A ltuTiKii , Uriilgwater , 111.
No woman is so healthy but at this crisis in her life she needs
advice and help from the most competent source. Mrs. Pink-
ham will advise such women without charge on request.
Experienced Great Benefit
"DKAii Mns. I'INKHAM : I took Lydla 12. I'inhlmm's Vegetable Com
pound during change of life and derived great benefit from its use. "
MAUV E. JAMIS : , 130 Coydon St. , Dradford , 1'a.
Mrs , Harrold Relieved of Pain
"I had pains in my head and back and could not stand on my feet with-
outcaiisingterriblepsiinsin abdomen , Iwasshortof breath and could not
sleep. I tried several doctors but none helped me. 1 read of Lydia E.
) 'inlfham's Vegetable Compound in a paper and before 1 had taken half a
bottle I felt better than I had for months. I have taken several bottles
ami am now well. " Mils. 15. E. HAIUIOLD , Clinton , 111.
The medicine that has cured a million women of serious
female ills an incomparable record such is
To Readers of The Bee.
A Spirited THE
Battle Picture
Which wns awarded ( lie prize modal in the harvest Held we for thu llrst
in HIP Paris Salon. Cost ? ( iO.OOO. time a balloon in the sky.
This Hue picture , in H i-olors re
produces line for line and color for This Famous Painting ,
color , every detail of the original.
owned by ( he Metropolitan Art Mu
Famous Oil Painting seum of New York , reproduced In
Is 'Jii.vlSO inches and is lit to adorn color and effect , IB IJUxIlO inches , Is
the art gallery of a Vandurhllt. handsome and bcaullltil.
You can have either or both of these famous paintings for 10o each and
t ! consecutive coupons cut from this advertisement In The Dally Hee.
These beautiful pictures have never been .sold for less than $1.K ( ) each.
The Hee lias purchased several thousand as a special subscription feature ,
thus'making ( he price very low for Hee readers only.
THE BALLOON-By Jtilien Dupre.
The subject treats of n group of peasants In the harvest-Held. The peas
ants have'spent ' the morning raking nnd slacking hay , the sun Is at its zenith ,
not a breath of. air is ntliTiug , you can almost hear the bees as they bu/.y. from
( lower to flower , and away off In the distance Is seen a balloon limiting ma
jestically in thu clear , blue. sky. Kvidcntly the villagers are holding their
country fair , and a balloon ascension Is one of ( lie features. The group con
sisting of ( lie peasant and his family are In the picturesque costume of ( ho
country. They have all stopped work and stand with their rakes In their
hands 'gazing intently at the distant balloon. Wonder , a wo and admiration
are blended In their expressive faces , and revealed In Ilielr attitudes. The
subject has been treated with those soft , mellow lints which Its artist knows
so well how to paint , and recalls to the mind many just such Incidents In our
childhood life. H Is Justly popular , both on account of Us artistic quality and
deep human interest with which it has been clothed.
' ' I'lilnlliiR. Of ' MiirvrliMiN ' .
Of .11. nrtnllln'M l''ninoHH Duiirc'N I'aliidiiu.
"The Defense of " THE
rori'ov KOII rmmiAUY : i. rOIIPO.V FOR KISMIlt/'AllV .
Tills coupon , with two oil Kirn of This coupon with two others of
consecutive' dates mid 10 centn , pro- consecutive dates and 10 cents , pre
KoiitPil at tlic JJco olllro cntltlub any sented at the Hee ofllco entitles any
reader of UK * N ' < ' ° l'1' ' ' * iM'iuitlful reader of ( he ISco ( o ( his beautiful
lili-lui'i' . U'JxItO liiclius. If you want plclure. 2'2x'M Inches. Jf you want
It mailed , sund 10 ueiitH extra for It mailed , send 10 cents extra for
tube , pontage , otc. tube , postage , etc.
If you send part or all In two-cent postage stamps bo careful ( hat ( hey do
not stick togodier. Address all letters to
Have for sale choice Fruit , Farm and
Garden Land near Council Bluffs.
30 acres , mostly in fruit , ad joining city with 2 sots buildings.
83 acres 4 miles east , with buildings und fruit.
4 acres , house , barn and fruit , L 4 miles from post-ollico.
1 acre , with 7 room house , 1A miles from post-office ,
85 acre farm at a bargain" .
Office 39 Pearl St.Telephone 344. Council Bluffs