Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE OMAHA DAILY IlEE : SATt'UDAV , FISBlUTAT-tY 3 , 15)00.
Paris Gables Potent Ball Influences i
Fairly Active Wheat Market.
Shipment * Inillrntc Kvport lltinlnrp
If .Nut llrliiir Cnrlnlloil ( Jrrntlj
Corn nnil On Ailvnni-o I'ro-
, ' vlNloiiK Mui.'li lliuhcr.
{ < CHICAGO. Feb. C.-Reoclpt of Paris cr
t ' bits reporting French crop prospects 1m
' I were thp potent bull Influences In a falrl
, j | ncllvo wheat market toJay. Mnyclosln ,
' i 'litfrtie over yesfprdny. Corn closed % c an
. f oals UfiKc hlglier. Provisions were falrl
> | Bctlvo nnd strong tin light roeolptc of lion
, 'J nnd a. reduction In stocks. May pork close
' * 20c. ' May Inrd 13c and May ribs 10B12U
i higher.
Mny wheat opened a shade under yesUei
f ' . day nt 67-'Uf1G7'i o. Cables were bare !
i i neatly Paris 10 centimes lower nnd Arger
tlno shipments Indlen od that the plagu
1 was not curtailing the export biiHlnesp to extent. 'i'ho market soon lurne
tirm , as Paris at the close showed Homo re
f , ' covety nnd apprehension wns felt for th
, ' ' domestic crop. Tpon the arrival of prlvnt
V cables announcing a serious prosper : ffi
the French < -rop , tilt1 advance , wlilch ha
t been rather Irregular , received new Impour
[ v which carried May to CSHi * . The close wa
t- J lv ' & -c higher at f S'4(6S * > io for May. Th
f. ' last hour of Ihe session Ihide , nrovlousi
( ' rather quiet , was active. Foreigners wer
t credited with buying and local Interest
"bought freely. Primary receipts were "IS ,
OW bu. , compared with 640,000 bu. las-.i yeai
Minneapolis and Duluth reported 311 cars
icaln * * ! 362 lart week and 110 a year ng <
Loi-nl receipts were 24 cars , none of whlc
graded contracl. C'loarances In wheat nn
Hour were ciiual to IS6.000 bu. Now Yor
U reported 30 loads taken for export.
U Small country offerings and n good cas
business were factors In the strong cor
market. Liverpool was higher and olear
nnces were heavy. The cash bushier
amounted : o 3"0.000 bu. Trnde wns falrl
ncllvo during the latter part of Ihe ses
slon. lyocnl receipts wore 476 cam. Ma
sold from 32-Ho to iUMiftS-l'io ' mid dosed a8
up at 33'Ao.
Oals were llrm In sympathy with othe
grains and small country offerings. Th
shipping demand vas fair and both shorl
nnd people 1 > ought futures. Receipt
hero were in > > cars. May ranged from 2.1'i
to 2314o nnd closed'ie over yesterda ;
nt 23140. Trade was quiet.
Provision market was stremg , due to smal
receipts of hogs and the fact thai stock
Increased much IOSP than last year. Ther
wns a good general demand. Muv per
ranged from J10.7714 to tlO.95. closing 20
over yesterday in JIO.K ; : Mny lard fror
to.)7'i ! ) to * i > .lf > . with the close lee up n
JS.0714. and May ribs from $ > . < ' 21/2'5S. ' ' > "i t
$ . * > . ! ) : , doling 10fM21jc higher nt Jii.sofiri.621
Kstlmated recelpls tomorrow : Wheat. !
cars : corn , 090 curs ; oats , 195 cars : hogs
21.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Artlcler.l Open. | Hlgh.'l L'ow7'Close.TfYcs'y |
Wheat I I I | I
Feb. | | . ' . ! . / | 05141 *
Mny l67a4fTJii " '
Feb. soul
Mny il
"OatH- I I I
Mnj > JI 23 1 23U | aS'-I
July ; 22 % 22111 22V
Pork- I I I
May in .7161 in M i in 77141 in m in
July 10 90 I 10 ! )74 ) ! | 10 S71S : 10 97' , < ] 10 1
May r. 07141 c 10
July 6 076I ? 17',6 , fi 07141 fi Ull !
Rlh - I I I
May 5 S2'A ! 5 US | fi M'4 | 5 92'i : ! K W
July 5 ffl | 5 fli',41B ' ! K ) | G ! i5 , 5 S3
* No. 2.
Cash quotations wore as follows :
KIATJK Stimly : winter patents. f3.40j
B.Cn ; sti'alghls , $ : i.OO'rr3.S3 ; clearrf. J2.SO'a.i.ll : (
tprlng specials , f3.ROfl3.9n ; patents. J3.20S3.CC
Btralshts. t2.finti3.00 ; bilkers.
WHKAT No. 3 spring , fiSc ; No. 2 red , tBi
70c.t'OUN No. 2 , 3Bc : No. 2 yellow , 31ii
32cOATSNo. . 2 , 22W22 < c : No. 2 white , 25U'i '
IfiWc : No. 3 white , 2IM(23y.c.
H VIC-No. 2. 64140.
HAHU3Y No. 2 , SS.Z42c. (
SBRDP No. 1 llnv. efl anil northwest
$1.59 ; prime timothy , JH.fiS ; clover , contraq
trade , } S.4n.
PUOVISlONS-Jless ) ) ork. per bill. , J9.601
30.M. hard , per 100 Ibs. . .S5 Khor
ribs sldeK ( loose ) , fS.75l7fi.On. Dry saltei
shoulder * ( boxed ) . J5.75 { ? .0) . Short elea
Bides ( boxed ) . J5.Daft6.05.
WHISKY Distillers' nnlFlieil goods , 01
basis high wines per gal. , $1.23 < 4.
SI'iAIlS-Cut loaf , $6.03 ; granulated , J3.4J
Following arc tne receipts and uhlpment
for today :
Articles. Hecoln's. Shlpm'ts
Flour , bbls SS.OOf ) SO.UC
Wheat , till 18,001) 10,0(1 (
t'orn , bu 291.0ft ) 2tSOC
Oats , bu 171,000 :37,00
Hye. bu 2.00L1 11,00
Unrley. bu 63.IMX ) 17,00
On the Prsduce ex'hanso ; today the but
ter market wns steady ; creameries , 19fi24c
dairies , infi22c. Cheese , steady , 12tiiic :
Kggs , steady ; fresh.
( Imitation * for HitUny on Vnrlon
NKW YORK. -FLOUR-Rocopls :
3fi,7 4 bblB. ; export" . 10,137 bbls. ; sales. 6Sfl
pkgs. ; neglected and unchanged , closln
fcteadler with wheat ; winter stralghtf
W.40fl3.M ; winter extras , J2.60ftl > .S.r > : win
ter low grade , J2.2ryri-2.40 ; Mlnnesot
patents , $3.'JOif4 } 15 ; Minnesota bakers , $2.8
frfS.OO ; winter pap ( > its , $3.B5fi3.SO. Hyti notu
llrmer ; sales , 600 bbls. : fair lo goml. JJ.KXi
3.20 ; choice to fancy , $1.CVi3.60. Huckwhea
Hour , steady at Jl."MCJ.dO.
CORNMKAL-Steady ; yellow western , SOc
city. 7Sc ; Urandywlne , J2.15U/2.25. /
KYU Steady ; No. 2 western , 61'fcct. . c.
b , afloat ; state rye , F6c , c. I. f. , Now York
f , car lots.
, UAH'LKY ' Dull ; feeding. 421ifi471i < - , c.
t f. , New York ; malting , r 0fi53c. c. I. f. , No\
RARLKY M'ALT Dull ; western , fwffiflSr.
WIIHAT Receipts. 30,200 bu. ; exports. II ,
777 bu. ; cales. lf,0ODO bu. futures ; 240tCO bi
oxporl ; ppot , llrmer ; No. 2 rod , 7lc , eleva
tor ; No. 2 red. Ti r f. o b. atloiit ; No.
northern. Dnlut'h. * 79Tdc if , * o. b. alloni
prompt ; No. 1 hard , Duluth. M'fce f. o. I
ulloat , prompt. Options opened steady an
nhortly Improved on cable news , di-veioiiln
later Into positive streng'h and ponslelorabl
notlvlty ; iho demand wn * Htlmulnlcd b
renewed bulllKh crop news from Franco an
complaints as well from our own bell
closed flrong at "iiM " o net higher : Maritl
TMifiiTBV , closed at Tfi'-io ; May. 71 1-161
74 16-lRc , closed lit 'il'iic ; July , 7l'M(7l ' ( ! > ii
closed at 7l o.
CORN Receipt' ' , 31.209 bu. ; exports , 40K
til.- sales , &oitf > bu. futures ; MO.dW hn. e >
port ; spot , flrm : No. 2 , 40V f. o. b. allou
nnd 40c elevator. Options opened stead
with wheat , hut bninclipd out later Into In
< lnpt > nde.m Htrength on better speciilatlv
* liiyliif , higher < nblps. loss pressure froi
roe-fivers nnd o big export demand ; close
Jlrm at 'ic advance ; Mny , SS'iftS'ie. close
lit Mo.
OATS Receipts , loj.300 bu. ; exports , lU ! :
bu. ; Hpot , steady ; No. 2 , 24c ! ; No. 3 , 2Su ; Nt
J white , 31'4c ; No. 3 while , 301Jc ; true
xnlxtMl. western. 2Si,4J(3iV ( ; track white , soiii
Sic. Options quiet 'but steadier.
HAY rtteaily ; shipping , ti5M70c ; good t
choice , .SOfiMe.
HOI * ! * Quiet ; common to cholco , 1808 croi
f.c ; 1S98 crop , 7W > e , ll-0'j cron , 12Tfl3c. Pacltl
coast : ISOf , irop. 4g e ; K9S crop. 7@9c ; IS :
crop. 12CT13C.
inDKrt Firm ; ( lnlvfston. SO to M Ibs
3914o ; Texas dry. 21 to 30 Ibs. . 15c ; Callfornli
Bl to 25 Ibs. . 21r.
LKATHKR-StcHdy ; hemlock pole. Rucnc
AyrcH. light to heavyweight , 20 25140 ; acli
nr i ) J,1 i.i- .
HICK Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 4' '
r.'lc ; Japan. 4iQ c.
KfOI ASSKS Quiet ; Now Orleans ope
kettle , good to choice. ( { 5o.
FIIKIGUTS To Liverpool , llrmer ; cottn
l > y steam , 25o , nominal ; grain by stean
I' BAN UTS Steady ; fancy haml picked , 4
I've ' : otliitr domestic , 3Mf4c.
PHOVlSIONS-Hcef. dull and < sisy ; fun
lly , $11.00Til3.ft > ; lnes . JlO.Civj ) 10.25 ; nacke
IIO.60iM2.00 ; clly uxlra India mess. J20.l > 0
K.OO ; beef 'hams , | ! .60fi'Ji.K ) . Cut meat
flrm : pickled bolllrti. J8.O > Si7.23 ; pickle
nhouldorii. W : hiinif. } 9.Si > fl 10.23. hur
Inner ; western uleum clomsl at JG.3
February. V3.32j ! ( , nominal ; rellnwl. weal
continent. fc.50 ! : riontli America. M.73 : con
round , * 3.87'-fti.OO. ! ' Pork. dull ; muss , J10.6C
11.00 ; short i-Jenr. Jll.50 < 12.60 ; family. J13.
ti\Z.W , Tallow , eusy ; rlty. 6c ; country , S
MI7rAI4 ? IMg Iron , dull ; northern , JJO.Oi
Cl.tM ; Houthcrn. JI9.WIii4.Oil. Copper , iiul ?
brokerti' , Jlii.23 ; exchnngo , JI6.S5. IAU\
< liilrt ; brokfrs' . J4.4S ; exchange. ) ) .70i4. ;
Tin , unsettled ; xtralghtti , J27.75 , nomlna
vlalcs. steady. Spelter , quiet.
lilvrrpiiiil ( irnln nnil i'rovlnluiii ,
red , 'western winter , steady , 9 11 Hid , No ,
northern , spring , sloady. 6s Id ; futur *
Mnrch. Ss 4'1 ; May , Rs 10id ; Jul ;
Spot. Amerlcati mixed , now , flrn
7d. Amerlciin mixed , ( < tiot , old. firm , "
7'4d ' ; futttreH qulpx February , 3s 7d ; Martt
.1 ( P il ; Mar. 3 0d.
rilOV1SIONS-I.nnl. Amerlcnn renned. I
pallK. llrm , 3-.H W ; primp western , In tleroei
llrm , 3fH 3d. H'ams. short cut , 14 to IB Ibs
llrm , I7p fill.
PKAS Canadian , Sn G',4 ' < l.
llecclpts of wheat during the la t thrc
da > s. so. ' " ) centals , all American , nc
relptt of Amerlcnn corn during tic la ?
three daiTt. 7n.1ftl centals.
Cniiitlllon of Trnilo nnil Qtiolnllon * o
Slnple nnil I'nncjProduce. .
EOOS Receipts. Increasing ; fresh stool
DRESSED POULTRY-Cholcc to fane ;
turkeys , Oc ; ducks , 7140Sc ; geese , 7141
Be ; spring chickens , 7-fl7',4o ' ; hens. f,147c
' roiKters. tf/fie. /
LIVB POILTRY-llens , iVjffic ; sprllii
chickens. > 114'iJ6o ; old nnd slaggy roosters
"c ; ducks , fie ; gccso , 60 ; turkeys , 6fjfi'4o.
lirTTKR-Common to fair , 15c ; uholct
nuiffc ; separator , 25c ; gathered crenmerj
"iMOKONS-Llve. per doz. , 75c.
VKALS Cliolco , ! ) c.
GAMK-Duoks , mallards. J3.OOQ3.2n ; bill
wing teal , JI.73 ; grii'li wing teal , $1.25Q1.5fl
mixed ducks , S1.no02.00.
, OYSTERS Medium , per onn , ISc ; stand
I nrd , per can , 22e ; bulk stnndaril , per gnl.
, J1.23 : extra selects , per cnr , . : tie ; extra PC
| lect , pr Bnl. . JI.rai571.7i i ; New York count'
per cnn , 37c ; Now York oounts , ner I'M ' ) , J1.2 !
IIAY Per onnonii lots : Upland , choice
J6 : midland , choiceJ5..V ) ; lowland , choice
J.1 ; rye straw , choice. JI.50 ; No. R corn. 2'Uc
I No. 3 white oats. SS'jc ; crncVc.l corn , pe
ton. $11 ; corn nr.d ont * . choptid. per tor
lll.FO ; bran , per ton. J12 ; snoits , per ton , Jl !
i ' T. ' ' " ' ' ' ' . ' .Nil' ? Per dozen bunches , 60c
SPlNACII-Per box. Jl
NKW HKKTS-Por doz. bunches. 400Mc
LETTrCE Per doz. bunchc * ! . 400 ! fane ;
HADISIIKS-Por doz. bunches , 40c.
| head lettuce ! , per bbl. , J5.
SWEET POTATOER-Fcr bbl. , llllnolt
$3 ; Jorseys. J5 ; large bbls. . Kansas. J2.73.
POTATOES Per bu. , choice , 30fi35c.
CAHHAGK-IIollnnd ecd. 2c.
CAT'LIFLOWKR-Callfornla. per crate
"ONIONS Retail , vcllow. 75c ; red , SG390o
Oiiloa per bbl. , J2.26.
CEI.KRY-Per tlo7. . : 2330o. California
per bunch. ! 0'Tf7.--
TrRNIPS-RutobaKas. oer lb. , Itfc ; Ca
nadlan. Hie ; per bbl. . K
MUSHROOMS-Pcr lb. box. 50c.
TOMATOES-Floridn. per C-basKCt crate
HHUBARH-iper doz. , 60.- .
APPLES Choice we-stern shipping stock
M.r'tii3.50 ; New York stock , { 4 ; fancy , S4.5
< QI.75.
GRAPES Malaga grapes , per bbl. , J7.00I
CRANHERRIES-ncll and Bugle , per bbl
1 SS.QO ,
ORANGES-MexIcnn. per box. J3 : Call
fornln navnls , per box. J..25iJ3.BO ! ; Callfornli
ncedllngs. per box , J2.50 ( 2.73.
LEMONS -California fancy , J3.75 ; cholci
California , J3.50 ; Messina. J4.
IIONKY Per 24-scction cose. J3.25.
NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. . J1.23
shellbarks , J1.35 ,
FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box
Jl ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , J1.10
Imported flcs , per lb. , 13c.
IHDKS-No. 1 green hides. Sc ; No. :
green hides , 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c
No. 2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal naif , S ti
12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc
St. I.nuln ( 'ruin nnil I'rnvlnlons.
ST. LOUIS , Fob. 2.-WHKAT-Hlghor
No. 2 red cnsli. elevator , 71c ; track , i\ic \
February , 7014c ; May , 71ji71Hc ; July , 680
No. 2 hard , CTfiilSo ; receipts , 16fil bushel * '
CORN IIigh r : No. 2 cash , 31c ; track
32c ; February , 31'vc : May , 32c ; July. 32Vi = .
OATS Hotter ; No. 2 cash , track am
February , 2iAc | ; May , 24ic ! ; No. 2 white
RYK-FIrm nt 52it ! ; .
FLOUR Firm , but dull : patents , $3.401
3.V > ; extra fancy , J3.1003.15 ; . clear. J2.75tf
2.90.SKEDS Timothy , easier , J2.00B2.30. Flax
heed , steady , $1.56.
CORNMEAL-Steady at Jl.7oiiM.fO.
HRAN Firm ; sacked , east track , 64c.
HAY-Steady ; timothy , S9.0 > gi2.W ; pral
rle. $7.00JJS.OO.
WHISKY Steady at I1.2314./
HAOGING STdtfifi'lic.
PROVISIONS Dry saloed box meats , ex
tra shorts. J5.S7H ; clear ribs , J6 ; clear eldes
$ ti.l21 * > . Hacon ( boxed ) , extra shorts , J6.3714
clpar ribs , J6.nO : clear rides , J6.6216. Pork
steady ; jobbing1 , old. J10.25 ; new , J11.2C
Lard , higher ; prime steam , J5.63 ; choice
K.TO.MKTALSLead. . flrm nt J4.6214iSM.63. Spel
ter , Ktronz at JI.6. .
POULTKY Slfiidy ; chickens , 6 7c ; tur
keys , 7c ; duckw. Sc ; geese. Be ,
RECICIP'lS-Flour. 4.COO bbls. : wheat , 17 ,
0V > bu. ; corn. OO.KiO bu. ; oats , 26,000 bu.
SHIPMKNTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat
15,000 bu. ; corn , 53,000 bu. ; oats , 15,000 bu.
I'lillor , Kcir nnil CIIPCR * Inrkpt.
Flrm ; fancy western crearnory , 23V4c
fancy western prints , 2 < ic.
EGGS Firm ; fresh nearby , 19c ; fresl
western , lc ! ) ; fresh sotithwestorn , ISc ; fresl
i'uuthcrn. ' 17c.
CIIBBSE Unchanged.
NEW YORK , Feb. 2. BUTTER Receipts
3.6S1 pkgs. ; flrm ; June creamery , 20tit'3c
western creamery , Slfj cr : factory , 16 < iil8V > c
CHEESE Recelptn. 2 , T 1 pkgs. ; steady
fall made fancy , large and small , 12iig'13c
largo late made , llSifllZe ; small late made
KGCiS Receipts. 9,021 pkgs. ; firm : west
ern. l ! > c. loss off ; western ungraded , a
mark , Mf/lSlfcc.
CHICAGO. Feb. 2. HUTTEiR-Steady
creameries , 19fj'4c ; dairies , 19f22c. |
EGGS S'rong ; fresh , 16 16110.
ST. LOl'IS. Fob. 2.--HtTTEiR-Slea < ly
creamery. 20z241-c ! ; dairy , 16fi oc.
RGOB Lower nl 12V4c :
Crenmery. 20ft23c ; dnlry , ISc.
EGGS Shipping demand liberal , loca
tr.ulo good at steady to strong prices ; frosl
Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts , 12'/4c pe
dozen , e-iises returned.
Kn ii RON Clt > - f'rnln nnil I'rnrliilnns ,
KANSAS CITY , ! > ! > . 2. WHEAT Mav
64'iic ' ; cash. No. 2 hard. 63fi < * .14t ! * ; No. 3. ( Vj
32c : No. 2 rod , esflfigc ; No. 3 , 62ifi7c ; re
celptK. 4 > i earn.
COHN-Mny , 2.'i 4c ; cash , No. 2 mixed
2fli > ! i29Ho ; No. 2 white , 'ja WJOc ; No. !
OATH-NO , a white , 2s
RYK-No. 2. 51Ho.
IIAY-Clioloe timothy , J9.00G9.GO ; cholc
prairie. Jii.WVffi.7fi. / .
riKCBtPTS-Wheiit , 27IV bu. ; corn , 35 ,
70n bu. ; oats. 13,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Wheat , 1UOO bu , ; corn , SS ,
con bu. ; oats , 11.000 bu.
Toll-do 3lnrl < rt.
TOLEDO , O. , Feb. 2.-WHEAT-Hlghe
and llrm ; No , 2. caph , 7114o ; May , TS ic
July. 721io.
CORN Dull and llrm ; No. i-rslxod. 33c.
OATS Dull nnd sn ady ; No. 2 mixer
UYE Vo sales.
CLOV15RSEEH- and Mendy ; prim
cash , old , JI.'JO ; February , new , J5.77V1
March , Jj.iO bill : No. 2 seed , J4.83.
.11 1 n n i-a tin Ho AVIiriit nnil Klniir ,
rtoro : No. I northern. I''obruary , fiu ic
May. fi3JifC5Hi ( : July , C7 te. On track : Nf
1 hard. 871 c ; No. 1 northern , G.Vse ! ; No.
northern , .l vc.
FLOUR Firm and nulet ; llrat pnlontf
$3.GOjf3.70 : second patents , J3.4&U3.BO ; ttTf
clfars , J2.C3fi2.75 ; second clears , J2.10fi2.2C
HRAN-ln bulk. $11.25311.60.
MIUvitiiUr ( irnln SlnrUcl.
kt-t steady ; No. 1 mirihern , 67Vatl i'ic ; Nt
2 northern. Ki'.jfyiWc1. '
RYE-Stcady ; No. 1 , Kl'-c.
HARLEY Quiet ; No. 2 , 4Co ; sample , 31 !
3 } I3c.
I'oorlii ,
PEOR1A , Feb. 2. CORN-Sleady ; new N (
3 , 30c.
OATR-Stoady : No. 3 white , 23"ifiS3 ie.
WHISKY- Firm , on the basU of J1.1SI ! ! . fo
llnUhrd goods.
Iliilnlli ( irnln AlnrUcl.
DULUIH , Minn. , l Vb. 2.-WHEAT-No.
northern , cnth. Cfic : Mny. CSc ; July. C9cN ; (
2 northern. tUVto ; No. 3 spring. COc.
OATS-23V5 24c.
NKW YORK , Feb. 2.-COFFEE-M.ukt
optiiuul Htendy. wl ih prices unchanged to
points lower and clotvd firm , with price
potntu hlKhor to f > points 1-jwer. Totu
I aliroriiln Dried 1'rnlli , .
DRIED FRl'lTS-Deslrable grades of evaf
orated upploa were In fair demand nn
steady. JtcceUus were lig-ht and uUvIci
' from rounlry frtvorablt In buyers. ( V
! jfornla. dried fruits , dull , but not quotiih
i lower. Stale evaporated apples , comm"
! CtttUtp ; prime , 6i4fi % ' ' ; choice , 7Vi17\
fancy. 'fuSc. Cnllfornln dried prune * , s
' AprUots. Royal. Mfiloc ; Aloor Par
. Peaches , period. . .inJc ; unpocle
liicrpnnril lull-rout of Ilic Pulillc I
tlu > MnrUct Mnnlfrmtoil.
NEW YORK , Feb. 2.-Toda.Vs sto <
speculnllon furnished adequate proof th
Increased Interest wan being manifested 1
the public In the market. This supposltli
was based on the oxlenslvo trading In rnl
road fitocks. which comprised propcrll
Im versing n wide area. Professional oper
lors perceiving that support from o ir
mission houses could be rolled on In nn 11
ward movement In the standard slocks , d
voled their energies In this direction , oiut
Ing the speclallles to occupy n M-condni
position In the market. This chnivto
front wns In a measure duo also to the fn
that some of the Industrials , which hi
sustained a substantial rise , showed ov
donees of good realizing.
Recognlllon of the i-ncouruqlng Kcncr
situation and Indlfrt'renco of the local inn
ket lo foreign compllcnllnns wns the pr
mary cause of the revival of outside lute
cst. Important movements appeared to 1
under way by substantial Inlercsts , as I *
day's slrenglh developed In first one groi
of railroad stocks nnd then another mil
Ihc list showed gains runnliiR from 1 '
3's ' points. In connection with the ono
mous buying df the Halllmoro fi Oh
stocks n statement thnt the maimgomoi
had sold JS.GOO.OOO 4 per cent bonds of ll
road and JD.MKj.tini ) of that of n mibMdlai
line to provide Improvements accounted fi
their buoyant rise.
As the tendency of prices bocnm.i iir
nounccd arbitrage bouses took ndvnnt-ii
of the level to unload , tint their offerlni
of 10,001) shares presented no effeelunl ch t
to the current. Long stnndlng shorl llni
In some of the middle grade railroads wei
covered and blocks of 1,000 lo 3OM whan
figured plentifully throughout the list , ll
lerost wan diffused Into a great variety i
stocks and nt times some of the usual
neglected ones vied with the rccosnlzi
leaders In point of nnlmallon. "Ear
operations Indicated that powerful Into
ests were ( Mignged In the metal stocks , i
prices of the minor securities followed
jump of S points In Tennessee Coal lo 1C
This slock suffered nouloly from ronllr.i
lion as the day progressed and ended wll
n gain of but 3H points. Prices of klmlrt
proportion were bettor Fiistnlnod , but n
relapsed from the best n uros. Fluctimtlol
In Third Avenue continued to be of a FCI
national nature , nn early rise to 101 bell
followed by n break to 97 on liquidation I
Interests disturbed by the mcasurou tir
Jrcled to llnnnce the company's Indebtei
ness. A rally to 99S ( ( occurred In Hympnll
with the pronounced rise of the Koner
market in the Into dealings.
Olhcr local utilities lacked feature nrli
fronv the gas securities , which , howeve
did not fully retain a substantial rls
Western railroad stocks gave the llrst Ind
, 'atlon of strength and although Interest
these waned somewhat ns the other iroui
became prominent they ncvortholes he
their extreme rise. Among the high-price
industrials Amerlcnn Tobacco. People
Gas and Sugar achieved n commanding lor
occasionally , but ended with narrow n
changes. Predictions as to the eharncli
of lomorrow's bank slalement were 1111
formly favorable , but the advance stall
tics show that the gain In cash from tl
receipts from the Interior nnd subtreasui
operations were placed at J2.S71.11S , cot :
pared with a net gain In the previous wci
of $6,489,175.
A reflection of the stock market
strength was observed In the bond open
tlons , where the absorption was vei
heavy of the low and middle grade Issue
The market was broad and active , transa
tlons aggregating a pur value of J2.3SO.OC
United States new 4s nnd 5s advanced
nnd the 2s declined 14 in the bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's Londr
financial cablegram says : The e.xtren
Idleness which has characterized the ma
kets during the week was again In evUleni
today. Prices began flrm on yesterday
rumors , but sagged In the absence of new
Americans were dull until midday , whc
they became strong on German buying in
closed at the best under the influence <
purchases by New York and Berll
nt the best , mainly of Atchlsc
preferred. The bank lost GOOCO gold to tl
Argentine. Money was ea-sy with the tnr
of the month and release of Mexican fund
The following are the quotations for 11
leading stocks on the New York cxchans
today :
Atchlsdn . 20 % Tejcas it Pacific , lli
do pfd . G3H Union Pacific . . . . 47
Baltimore & O. . 62Vii - do pfd . 75
Canadian Pac. . . . 9'ii ' Wabash .
Canada So . 491JI do pfd . 21
Ches. & Oh'Jo. . . . 29'i Wheel. & L. E. . . 10
Chicago (5. W. . . . 13U' ' do 2d pfd. . . . 27
C. , B. & Q . 12-li"Wls. Central _ 18
CM. , Ind. & L. . . 15 Adams Ex . 115
do pfd . 4S | Aintr. Express . .14l >
Cht. & B. Ill . fS'i T S. KK . 47
Chicago & N. W.1G1 Wells-Fnrgo Ex.121
C. , H. I. & P . lOTIJAmer. Cot. Oil. . . ill
C. C. C. & St. L. G114 , ilo Pfd . 9H
Colorado So . 68 Amor. Malting . . 5
do 1st pfd _ 44 I do pfd . 25
do 2d pfd. . . . 15U Amer. S. & R. . . . 41
Del. fir Hudson. . .114 I do pfd . on
Del. L. Kz W . 377 Amer. Spirits _ 3
Denver & R. G. . 18'tl do pfd . 17
do pfd . ti93i Amer. S. Hoop..4G
Erie . 1MI | do pfd . Ml
do 1st pfd. . . . 33VAmcr. S. & W. . ' . 57
Gt. Nor. pfd . 157 I do pfd . 94
Hocking Coal . . . 17 'Amer. ' Tin Plate. 3:1 :
Hocking Va'ley. . ! ' , i > do pfd . S3
Illinois Cenlral . .112 Amer. Tobacco. . .103
Iowa Central . . . . 1211 | do pfd . 13i !
do pfd . 52 'Anac. ' Mln. Co. . . 40
K. C. . P. AG. . . . . 7i Brooklyn n. T. . . . 73
Lake Erie & W. . 21 Co'O. Fuel & I. . . 4fi
do pfd . 81 Con. Tobacco . . . 34
Lake Shore . 191 I do pfd . , So
L. & N . 79HFoderal Steel . . .53
Manhattan L . S51j do pfd . 73
Met. St. Ry . 1721) ) > Gen. Electric . . . .121
Mex. Central . . . . lli Olucose Sujfar . . . 5ii
Minn. & St. L. . . . Gl i do pfd . IK >
do pfd . 93 Inter. Paper . 24
Mo. Pacific . 4SV do pfd . GS
Mobllo & Ohio. . . 4DV4 Laclede. Gas . 79
Mis. . K. & T . 10 Nallonnl Biscuit. 30
do pfd . 3t : : do pfd . 91
N. J. Central . . . .117 National Led . . 2G
N. Y. Central . . .13IH1 do pfd . 105
Norfolk & W . 25 % National Steel . . 47
do pfd . 71 i do pfd . 91
No. Pacific . 53 N. Y. Air Rrako.12S
do pfd . 75ri No. American . . .14
Ontario & W. . . . 23 Pacific Const . . . . 51
Ore. Ry. & Nav. 42 | do 1i"t pfd. . . . S2
do pfd . 7G ' do 2d pfd. . . . ( H
Ptnnt'y'.vnnla . . . .130" Pacific Mall . 4 ?
Reading . 18 I People * R Gas . 107
do 1st pfd. . . . ffiK's Pressed S. Cur. . . 5G
do 2d pfd..2 5i | ' do pfd . 87
Rio G. W . 40 'Pullman P. Oar..lKO
do pfd . SG'fc Standard R. & T. S
St. L. * S. F. . . . 10 % Sugar . US
do 1st pfd. . . . f9 ' do pfd . 113
do 2d r.-fd _ 35'4 Tnnn. Coal & I. . 9S
St. L. Southw. . . . llljU. ( S. Leather . . Ifi
do pfd . 2M , < , do pfd . 75
81. Paul . 119' ' , U. S. Tlubber . . .3S
do pfd . 171 do pfd . 101
St. P. AOmaha. . 112 WfEtorn Union. . RG
So. Pacific . 39'i Republic I. & S. . 21
So. Railway . 12U do pfd . fin
do pfd . 56UP. C. C. ASt. . L. 70
" "
York Money .Miirltot.
Hary , 2j'H3 ! ' per cent ; last loan nt 2'4 ' pi
cent ; prlmo mercantile paper , K/S / per con
ao'.ual business In bankers' bills nt JI.S71-
t.S7-i for demand and at $ I.SlUfM.i& | fi
sixty days ; posted rates , J4.S3 and 54. ss
J1.8SH ; commercial bills , J4.Sl'4f ( l.SSVj.
SILVER Bar , COo : Mexican dollars , I7' > . '
sllvnr certificates , MMfCOVie.
BONDS Governments , Irregular ; slat
firm ; railroad , firm.
The following nrc the closing quotatlor
on bonds :
LONDON. Feb. 2. Amerlcnn rallvu
shares ruled fairly steady throughout tl
entire session , with biuln 'Ki > rebtrl'tcd ai
almort limited to professional tra dors Tl
clotc waa quiet but steady Gold to t !
amount o 60,000 was withdrawn from tl
Hank nf KiiRlaiiil on liilanco today Ool
bars. iTj. n'td ; gnld promlums qunted I
Madrid. 2S.HO. nt LlMton. IJ.SO ; at Rnm
722U ,
HKHL1N. Keb. 2. Prices were qulet > .r (
the opening of the bourse today. .Mil
fhnres declined on reports of n strike In tt
River \Vurt illstrlrl ; Inter there nns a goc
recovery , especl.fllj In coal shares.
PA HIS. Kob. * " . Htflness was less nctli
on the bourse toda * . : prices openoi * llrm , hi
1 "Ul-s : reaciod. Hentevero mil
ported nnd Spalilih 4s nnd Italians wei
I rji ler ; Hrnzlllin ndvivnced' the rise I
the rate of exchange and on rumors of
treaty with Franco regarding the Imiio !
i duty on i-oftoe : Hlo tlnto > were harder i
the Ifsunnco of favorable slnllstlrs nnd tl
' advance In copper : Knll'.rs wore in good < i <
mand. The innrktt clo.icd easier. 'I tin
! per cent rentes , 10\-.f fCc for the account ; o )
charae on London , 23 f IS'ic for check ;
f'innlsh 4s clofed nt
I'o tilll StocU' ditotllt lolli.
. HOSTON. Fob. . Call loans , 4Q5H t
i cent ; time loans , 4i/5 | ier cent. Closln
prices for stocks , bonds nnd mlnln
shares :
A. . T. & H. > 7T7T7 204 West Uml pM.TT.112
do pfd . K3 < i Wost. Knctrlc . . I : !
, Amer. Sugnr . . . .IIS I do pfd . Ill
do pfd . 114 Uom. Coal . \l \
Hell Tele phono. . . 310 I dtt plil . 115
i.i on AA. . ! ) > . . 240 'Atclllson ' 4s . 113
Hoston Klevnted. M 'Adventure. ' . ft
Ho ! on It. Mo . UT'iAlotioi ! M. Co. . . . 2
C. . H. & Q . 12l'i Atlnnllc . 25
I'ltchbnrg pfd . . .1B.1 . Hoston & Mont. . .217
ticn. Kloctilc . . . .123'i Utitlo & Hoston. . SO
Ho pfil . ir Ciilumot .t lIcc..7Vi
Kt'dernl Stool . . . M',4 Centennial . 17' '
do pfd . 7IS FrnnkKn . II
Mex. Central _ ll'j Ostvota . 71' '
Mien. To.ephuno.Kni Parrot . It
Old Colony . 2)2 Qulncy . 110
Old Dominion . . . 17" - iiita Fo Cop. . . . f >
Hubber . , * ! 7U Tamarack . ISO
Union P.u-lllc . . . . I7 i " " -omi . I !
im n Laud . 21' , Wolvcrlno. . 10
I West linil . 92C Utnh . 2 > ;
Xciv Yorl Illiilnt ; .StneUn.
NU\V YOIIK , I-Vj. 2.-Tho followln
nro the olllclal closing quotations for mlr
Ing slinros ; _ _
Cho Inr . --o Ontario . see
Crown Point . . . . 10 Ophlr . r 5
Con. Cnl. .1 Vn..1IO Plymouth . 20
Deadwo d . t"i Quicksilver . 175
Gould & Cttrrlo. . 20 I do nfd . 7JO
Hao ! it Nororo" . 27 K.'errn . Nevada . . * ) "
llonipstnke . SOOO Standiird . 225
Iron Silver . ro Union Con . 25
Mexican . 2S Yellow Jacket . . . 17
I.onilon iStucl ; ( luolntloni.
LONDON. Feb. 2.- 1 p. in.-Closliu :
'Conso1 ! , money . . .liX)1N ) YT l'entral..l37
I do aci'ount..iroVi Pennsylvania . . . .C6
Canadian Pac. . . . 05 % Heading . fl
, Krio . 11'i.No. Paclllc pfd. . 77
do 1st pfd. . . . IP ; Alchlson . 20
Illinois Central . .1144 I-oii'svIllc . 81
, union Pac. pfd. . 77aH Ciraml Trunk _ 7
& : . P. common. . . 122'j AmiconJii . ii
" "
HAH SI LVBH-Stondy"ht" 27 1 per ounc
MONKY 2 per cent ; the rnto of dlscou !
in nho open market for sliort bills , ! D-16
,1-H per cent : for three months' bIKs , 33-16
I S--s per cent.
: * ntil CIonrliiKM.
NKW YOHK. Feb. 2. Clearings , $207,617
SSG ; bnlaiices , Jin.561.ISTi.
HOSTON. Feb. 2.-CIcarlnjjs , f23,437,03i
balances. , f2,0:2.IOJ.
citlCAOO. Feb. 2.-Clonrlngs. $23,615.401
balances. $ l.n7 ,518 ; pos ed exchange. J4.S5
4.SSVNow ; York exchange , SOc premium.
PiriLADKLPHIA. Feb. S.-Clearlncs Jl ! >
242.023 : balances , K,3 G,17I.
HALTIMOHK. Feb.Clearings , $ ) ,77S
SiO : balances. $ , = 07,766.
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 2.-Clearlngs. j : > ,79S.SOi
balances. $420.Soti ; money , fill" per cent ; Ne
"Tork oNchangc , 40 ? premium bid , 50o pr (
"nlum asked.
CiiiidUlnii of tlif Trcnwtiry.
WASMINOTON , l-'cb. 2. Today's stat <
ment of the condition of the"trensur
shows : Available cash balance , $292,436,76'
gold reserve , JJlS,9s3,7fl9.
' - ' < > ( ( on ilnrUt > < .
NKW YOIIK , Feb. 2.-COTTON-Futurt
Spot , closed steady. > fc advnncr ; mlddlln
uplands , t , < sc ; middling gulf , S'4c ; sales , E !
! Firm ; sales. 4.300bales ; ordinary , Wt <
| good ordinary , 7'icl low middling. 7 Il-liif
I middling. 7 15-16c ; sootl middling8Vfe ; mle
! dllng fair. R7-16c ; receipts , 7.7P3 bales ; ntocl
30S.037 bale ? . Futures Htoady ; I-Vbrtmrj
J7.61 bid ; March. May , June nnd July. $7. '
(57.7.1) ( ; August , $7.63'ii7. ' < ! 7 ; September , $7.20 !
7.21 : October. $6.S3ljV7.00 ; November. J6.9S
G.ttl : December , Mia > - n
ST. LOUIS. Feb.- . COTTON Klrm an
higher ; sales , none ; middling , 713-lCc ; r *
celjits , 3,912 bales ; shipments , 4,265 bales
stock , 94.S14 bales.
moderate demand , prices 3-32d hlghei
American middling fair , 5d ; good mlddllm
413-16d ; middling. 4)id ; low middling , 4H < 1
good ordinary. l16d l ; ordinary. 4'id. Th
salen e > f thtv day were S.OOO bales , of whlc
500 were for speculation and export nnd It ;
eluded 7,700 bales American ; receipts. S.X
bale's , no American. Futures opened tlrr
nnd dosed unsettled nnd Irrecuiar ; Amei
middling I. m. c. , 439ld , sellers ; Marc
and April. 435-64d ; April and May. 432-6li
sellers ; May nnd Juno , 133-Gld. seller.
June nnd July , 1 * ' 2-64d , Hellers ; August an
September , 4 20-OIft'4 ( ' 21-64d. sellers ; Scptom
ber and October. 111-64 4 124d , bid ; Nr
vember anel December , 3 62-61d.
" '
Strong ; open krttlo. 3fi I S-l-io : open kettli
; ocntrlfitgnl. lU" ? ! H-lGc ; centrifugal , plantn
i tton granulated , 4Tiic : white. I'ii'&l'ic ; ye !
low. 41ifil 13-K < * ; Heoands. 2Ti84 3-18c.
JMOLAS3KS Open kettle , 32f7IOc ; centrlfi
gal. 36c ; syrup , steady at " "K- .
NKW YORK , Feb. 2.-SUGAR-Rnv
strong ; higher prices demanded ; fair re
fining , Ic ; cenlrlfngal , 96 test. 4 7-16c bid
molapHcs sugar , 3io. bid ; reflncd , llrm tin
LONDON. Fob. 2. SUGAH-MliPoovadi
11s ; centrifugal , 11 I'd ' ; beet sugar , Febn
nry , 9s 9d.
Oil .I'lirUot.
OIL CITY , Pa. . Feb. 2.-OlLS-Credll tin !
nnces. Jl.GG ; ccrtKlcates , no bid ; shipment !
BG.03I bbls. ; average , 56,031 bbls. ; runs , ? 2
524 bbls. : average. 82,515 bhls.
LIVERPOOL , Fob. 2.-OILS-Cottonseei
Hull refined , February nnd April , Urn
JlsSd. Linseed , 21s.
NKW YORK , Feb. 2.-OlLS-CotIonspe (
llrm ; prime crude. 3.Tjc ; prime yellow , 37'/2i
Petroleum , steady. Hosln , flrm ; Klralnfi
common lo good , .fl.621 ; ; . Turpentine , stroni
SS'H.-SVic. '
LONDON , Feb. 2.-OILS-Llnsoed , 21
Dry < inoilH .llarKi-f.
NKW YORK. Feb. 2.-DRY ( lOODS-Co
ton goods market without change In price :
Domain ! quiet In staples , fair for prints nn
ginghams at llrm prices ; print cloths coi
tlnuo dull , prices unchnngeil ; lincnn ar
very flrm and still Friiroo ; burlnps quiet f
prevloliH prices : business with jjbbers I
MVP : Homo good orders taken by Importoi
for dro.i good : * this week , roccnl advance
In domesllc woolcris and worsted dros
goods giving thorn a margin In some ptapl
Condlllou of l.rnllior 'I'rnilc ,
CHICAOO. Ffb. 2.-Tht > Shoe nnd Loathe
Ro\ low tomorrow will nay : There has bee
n oondderablo inovcmenl of nn ilvn slot
hides at IT/ic. Some buyers predict thti
thi' nrlco will decllno to 13'io. The enslo
feolliIn hides linn had no adverse ! offet
upon leather , which retnalm llrm. lioltln
and h.inif.HH lentherp are especially Ktron ;
l.oniliiii Nlipi'iiHldn Snlc.
LONDON. Feb. 2.-A rule of sheepskin
wns held In Mincing I/ano today , the offei
luxs nmountlng to Ki,3l2 , nil of which wer
lold. The attendance wa good. Coarf
woolcd Hklns were ' .id , inmlw Ud and nhoi
parcels U l'-ad lower.
: : c.s of > vi Nil Dm.
Harper's llazar : To cure an evil do IK
make It dangerous , but unprofitable.
Man's oxperlenco of sin may ho Ihc deser
lion of a hold'cr of truth ; but repentance I
( Jod's spy in tlio camp nf the devil.
To make a friend don't do him n goo
turn , for he will bo ungrateful ; let him d
you one , that lie may enjoy the antlclpatlo
of gratitude.
According to pagan aullior'ty MID day I
niasi'iilliip. iho night feminine ; but 111
Psalms tell us. "Day unto day iittcret
speech nml night unto night showeth know !
edge. " Tin ; application lacks gallantry , bu
David knew the uses nf rhetoric.
A ruxHllilr .Motive.
Washington Star : "So they decided yo
ucro not entitled to n scat In congress. "
"They did. "
"Yet they paid you n congressman's sal
ary all tbn tlmu you wcro In Washington.
"They dlil. "
' Yet yen make IC'.IK sperchc ? protestlri
that you have been unjustly tieMied. "
" 1 do. The mor lime I spend makm
Bpccclics and fotiterlut ; argument tbc lougi
my lalary runs. "
Offcringa of Oattlo Are Light and Marks
Closes Slow nnd Lower.
rlee of lions t- 1-- Cents
'I'linii n Work A o l.lhcrnl Hun
of Slieen , > vlll ( nil Ai'tlM * l > c-
111 n nil nt nn Adviuioo ,
Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs. Shccii
Olllclal Mondny . 1.7.K 3.HI3 6.49
Olllclal TueJdnv . 3.4IS 5,919 4'S !
Olllclal Wdlncsdny . ; ' ,7I7 4sns 4,7.1
Olllclal Thursday. . . 2,111 3.519 2,30
Olllclal Friday . iKfl Bcr,2 3,12
Flv0 days this week . 12.05T. 2.1,011 51.35
Same days last week . 13,31' 3illii 15.15
Hnmo days week before. . 11 , 3s 3 : > , S79 11.4 ?
Sumo three weeks ngo. . .12.333 : . & 73 10.S6
Average price | , nld f'ir hogs for the las
several days with comparisons :
15. . . . 4 5S | 3 47 | 3 201 t 11 | f. 1
Jan. 1C. . . . 452 33 > | I 3 L''j 3 > i
. Jan. 17. . . . 4 4S 331 | 3 19 3 72 | 3 Sfi | 5 - 1
Jan. is. . . . 4 55 . > 3 51 3 231 V2 ! 3 93 _ 1
i Jan. 19. . . 4 El 3 3 54 3 201 J S& 5 2
j Jan. 20. . . . I 5I | 3J MI 3 50 | II 26 3 93 |
. Ji'n. 21. . . . * 3 591 3 541 3'2C 3 G | 3 93
'Jan. 2i. 4 C3 591I I 3 571 3 23 3 01 | 3 S3 53
"Jan. 21. . . . I 59 3 RI I 25 : i sr , 3 SI T. 3
Ji'n. 21. . . . its ! 3 Gli 3 02 ; 3 93 | 3S2 53
tJ.ui. I 1SI 3 UO 3 Ii3 | 3 M I 00 | 3 "it ! '
Jnn. 4 55 3 37 3 72 | ,1 33 3 Sal n -
! -Inn. 27. . . . I l2 ! | 3 ca 3 7 | 3 SO ] '
Jnn. 2S. . . . 3 IIS 3 G. I 10 3 97 *
.Inn. 29. . . . 4 G2 II G4 I ! 27 | 3 H3 , : i ss : r , 2
Jnn. 451 370 2 29 .1 9l ( co B i
Jan. 4 55 : ; GII 3 ( A 3 DS 3 IS r , ( i
Fob. 4 B7I I ! 64 | 3 64 3 27 I 01 3 fi4 5 1
ivb. * : : : : : I GS | 3 67 | 3 IB 3 19 5 1
* Indicates Sunday.
Tinotllclal number of cnrs of stocl
brought In today by each road wns :
Callle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'sos
C. . M. & St. P. Ry. . . . .
O. .t ft. L lly . 1
Ml . ourl Pnclllo Ry. . 7
I'lilou Parlll ( systuin. 13 IS 11
F. , E. * M. V. R. R. . 19 21
! S. C. .1 P. Ilv . 2 2I
I C. , ft. P. . M. & O. R. 11 I
It. & M. R. R. R . 13 15
C' . . H. , < i Q. Ry . r 5
K. C. & St. J . 14
C. , R. I. .t P. Ry. . E. 1
C. . R. I. .t P. Ry. , W .
Illinois Central
Total receipts 80 7S 1C
The disposition of the day's receipts wn
as follows , onih buyer purchasing the nuni
bor of head Indicated :
Buyers' . Cattle. Hogs. Sh * *
Oninlui Packing Co 11 ! ) B7t
G. H. Hammond Co 20D WO
Swift and Company J3S 1,049 lt
I'udahy Packing Co ISO 1,250 II3t
Armour > t Co 551 1,551 3t
Omaha Pack. Co. , K. C.9 <
Cudnhy Pack. Co. . K. C. . 202
Swift and Co. . country 916 . : .
Armour & Co..Sioux City . . . . 276
H. Becker .t Dogim 39
J. L. Cnroy 21
Lobmnu & Co 5li
W. I. Stephen fi
Hentonvt Underwood IB
Hamilton & Rothschild. . . 21
L. F. Husz S
Dennis 72
Oilier buyers 105 1SG
Totals 1.940 5,60.1 3.1C
CATTLE The packers hud fourleen load
of eattlo from Kansas City direct , so tha
the actual offerings on the market wer
small. At the same time the dt-mand wa
pretty fair , s-o that the. most of the cnttl
rhanged hands In good season.
Not far from thirty loads of corr.fci
steers were offered for sale. Chicago re
ported u slow and lower market on tha
| kind of cat Mo nnd the general market nr
was slow nnd very uneven. Sellers wer
calling the market anywhere from steed ;
to lOc lower and In some cares more , , jus
at they happened to ! > e fortunate .or un
fortunate In catchlnw on. Some of the buy
er.s were apparently determined to bu ;
their cattle lower and others seemed to hi
willing to pay steady prices for the 'fev
that suited them. For that reason som <
cattle sold at good , steady prices , whili
other cattle < * ihich falleel to find favor ! i
thn eyes of the 'buyers sold lower. Thi
market clofcd slow and lower on r.ll kinds
even the good callle.
The market on cows nml heifers did no
show much chanvc as ccimcarcd with yes
lerdny. The demand was fairly good am
thei most of the offerings changed handi
in good season. Hulls , stage and othei
rough stock sold at just about stendj
prices , the market showing no quotabli
Stockers and feeders sold In about lh <
same notches as yesterday. Although 1 :
was so near thr end of the wr < * k , huyori
fosmfel to have use for feeders of goer
quality. In fact good feeders have befi
good Rollers all the we-elt , sis has been not or
from day to day , nnd holders of such have
had no dlltoilty In celling Out to good ad.
vantage. Representative pales :
. 1 . . 14V ) " , M
1 90 325 1 H50 3 85
1 1 < > 0 3 ! 6 1 11CO 3 ST.
1 ISfrt 3 1 10W 4 W
1 mn 3 SO 1 1150 4 00
1 IRXt 340 1 1170 I ( V )
1 14W 310 1 1660 100
1 2KO ( 340 1 W ® 40) )
2 17Sft 340 1 1420 4 ( D
1 ISM 3 JO 1 . . . .1730 4PII
1 1610 350 1 2000 4 ( > >
1 1B ) 380 2 PS'i 4 W
1 17M 353 2 6.10 (00 (
1 10To , 300 1 2200 400
1 1670 3 OR 1 1KIO 4 2-3
1 410 4 0 2 93 7 M
1. . . . < ! . . . . -PO HM 1 130 7 0 >
1 130 7 OJ 3 160 700
11 ISftft 430 2 103 335
1 ] ( V ) 3X ) 3 MO 3fiO
1 ran 32. * , 1 1120 375
9 692 310 I 2 SIS 3 S5
1 73n 313 1 910 440
1 4:0 : HIV ) 19. . . : SC6 440
21 f > V ) 370 3 733 440
I H ) P.75 16 S60 4 Ii
2 715 8 S3 1 900 445
" 426 40) ) 1 oW I 5'1 '
7H"i 415 1 970 160
. M ? I 35 19 96S 4 60
.1010 t 10 22 7S5 4 65
No. AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
22 feeders. . ( ,24 $1 60 3 bulls 110. ) M 70
? f n"1 " ? sn ' r l'"w W"0 " 3 23
H. | ) Ull 1130 a 2J 7 feeders. . 5S2 3 10
b he fers. . . .V.M ; ] y ) ] 0 cows 931 3 WO
? . / ' " . " : i" ° ' l'alt -lo Sfl ( )
HOt.--lho market this morning oponoi
steady wlh : yesterday's general market am
was tnlrly active nt pro-vailing prices , bu
eased off , a little and then closed steady
The market wa > < more even than ycstei
day nnd not so wild. Yesterday some Ugh
hogs sold very hlglHirlni ; the most nctlv
time , but loday buyois discriminated mor
closely anil for lhat reason sellers wh
happened to got In on the wave yesterda
with their light hogs were unable to do a
well today. Tile market ns a whole wa
not jy > very much different from the aver
ngo mnrkol yoslcrday , ns will bo no.o
frim the reprosentallvo sales below. A
was the cnso yesterday , the hogs sol
largely at tl.t 7j4.U7ij and JI.7D , with som
of the best heavy hogs nt H.7-JHi ( ( 1.75 , an
sc rpo of iho commoner and trashy load
below $1.65. The top wnp JI O , ns ogalns
Sl.n'.i yesterday.
U will bo nou-d from Iho inblo of nverat ;
prlcea that the hogs today sold 12V-0 hlghe
tliiui a week ago. Representative sales :
SHEEP--Thero wa % a fairly liberal nil
today , but , as uailal at this point , ther
was a. good , active demand and the suppl ;
was soon exhausted. AVotherF and ewe
sold at s'oady price ? , bill good yearling
nnd lambs were lO'ffl'M ; higher , nnd Hie mar
ket nctlvo nt the advance. . Some wester
lambs sold at $6.70. Sellers were we ]
pleaded with the results of the day's opera
QuotationsOood to choice fed yearllnci
$3.Si"f(5.45 : fair to good yearling's , $5.1. > 33.23
good to choice wethers. $4.SOC3.15 : fair t
good wethers. $ : : goo l to choice fei
ewes , $4.inT4.25 ; peed to choice fe/d nativ
Ininbs , SG.'Wffi.SO ; fair to good fed westori
Iambs. fG.15fi76.50 ; feeder WBthers. J4.00'f4 ( 25
feeder yearllngH , $4.25' < J4.60 : peed to rhold
feeder Iambs , $4.50W > .00 : feeder ewes. $2.25t
3.03. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
2 < W western ewes 105 $4 35
4 owes 100 4 35
19i western wetherfl 129 4 60
219 western wet hers 122 I 63
: ( ! cull lambs 59 fi 00
JM wethers 100 510
2 western yearlings 75 5 25
401western yearlings 106 543
110 native yearlings 79 550
IT. native lambs C6 6 M
122 western lambs 67 6 IB
24G western lambs ffi 665
2.T9 western lambs 94 670
Unlit Hccplnt-1 ! > 'n lvr Slrcrs-
rnlven IIIclieN ( nn Itecord.
CHICAGO. Feb. 2.-OATTLE-Lght ! re
oelpts In native steers ; about steady ; oth
crs nlorw ; Toxann , firm : bulls , higher ; butch ,
ers * stock and cann rs , strong and active ;
calves , highest on record ; feeders about
steady ; good to choice , S5.106.23 { ; poor 'tc
medium. M.COfiO.OO : mixed stockers , J3.23'j
3.S5 : selBotrd feeders. $4.25R'I.55 ; good tc
choice cows. $1.(01H.tV > ; hflfers. $3.30ffC.03 ;
canners. $2.25f2.90 ; bulls. $2.75 7-1.60 ; calves ,
$3.30 8.75 ; fed TPXOR beeve , J4.00fffi.20.
HO(7S-\Vrak to 5c lower ; top. fancy , } 5 ;
fair clparanci1 : mixed nnd butchers , Sl.&Vti ; good to choice heavy , $4.EOi73.00 ; rough
heavy. $ l.W/4.75 ; ll ht. $4.COiT .67',4 ; bulk of
sales , $ i.8WjM.S7U.
SHEEP AND LA'MUS ' Strong to 10r
higher ; native wethers , $ t.7'i'fTrt.40 ' ; lambs ,
fci.OO'f ? ? . ' * ! ; western wethers , $4.76f73.25 ; west
ern lambs. $5.00'S7.10.
RiECEI'PTS-CaMle. ' 2,500 head. Includlnir
515 Texans ; hogs , 21,000 head ; sheep , 7,000
ICnnnnH CKr l.lvt' Slock.
ceipts , 3,200 natives. 400 Texans : unchanged ; hoavv native steers , $5.CO'B5.'JO ; llsh'- '
welirhls. $ l.60jj5.0i ; slockors and fcertors.
ji.rx ; > i/G.OO ; ( Jiitcihers * cows nnd heifers , $3.10 r
4.45 ; canners , t(2.wnn.10 ( : fed westerns , < iv
4.70 ; western feeders , $ .1.50T4.60 ; Trxans , J3.Cn
"irOOS Receipts , 11.2CO head ; active nnd
ut'-ndy to 2' c lower ; heavy , $4.6&iK75 ;
mixed , $4.60fj4.70 ; light , $ l.45TM. 2'.ti pigs ,
SHEE.P AND LAJMBS-Recelpls. 3,000
head ; steady : iHinbs. $6.KW6.45 ; yearlings.
S.'K'iiri.eO : muttona , IG.OOfl5.2i ; stockers and
feeders , $3.2 5.00 ; culls , $2.W(3.50. ? (
Slooli In SlKlit ,
Following are Ihe receipts at lh four
principal western marked for February 2 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 1.9m 5.632 3,423
Chicago 2.500 21,000 7i )
Kansas City 3.600 11.200 i/M
St. Ixillls l.M X.3M 400
Totals 9,393 46,132 13,823
SI. l.oul. l.lvr Stiiuk.
ST. IX UIS. Feb. 3.-CATTLE-Itcreptfl | ,
\.M \ head. Includlnir 7W Texans ; market
steady ; native shipping nnd export steers ,
\ , 'Wfl.t { > , dressed beef and ibiitohfr steers ,
( i.l&SS.SO ; steers under 1,000 Ibs. , | 3.75fi 1.1)0 ;
slockors nnrt freders. $ . ! nnrt
heifers. J2.K 4.7& ; c.inners. Jl SfttM.OO ; bulls ,
j.l.vW4V > ; Texas nml Indian Mcerf. J. < " > ' < /
4.70 ; cows nnd IIP I fora , $2.6Mil.9V ( (
HOOS Receipts. 8.SOO head ; market
opened sternly and closed Sc lower ; pU ! * ana
lights , Jl.70ft . ? 0 ; packers , ) l.70iflMii btilch-
ers , JI.S.VfH.fH'V
head ; market strong ; native muttons , KZoff
B.7S : Iambs. J5.f < fvfJ7.fl : rulls nnd bucks. J3.SO
04.7.1 ; stockers. $2.K > fjfl.2.1.
r v York l.ltr Slork.
celpls , 3.252 head : steers nnd fnt rows shidf :
lower , others steady , ono car unsold. sorr ,
JI.95-Ti5.60 ; bulls. SMKlff'.fiO ; cows , { 2.50IJI10.
Cables steady ; exports , none ; tomorrow , 150
liend of cattle ami 2JI quarters of beef
CALVKS-Recelpts. 740 head ; firm , all
grades ; vonls , J7.HOjfJ.00 ; barnyard e-alve" .
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rocrlptn. B.527
bead : 23'cnrs on sale ; sheep , steady ; lambs ,
steaily to Ific lower ; 4 cars unsold ; sheep ,
$4.MKifi.7o : latntiH , J6.2MJ7.25 ; yearllnj-s. J6
HOOS-HocelpIs , 3.J.V. head ; half a rur on
snip ; market higher ; stale pigs , J5.30y5.V > .
St. .IiiNftili I.lvo * SnoU ,
. JOSEPH Mo. Feb. ,
SOPTH ST. , , 2-iSpe-
clnl.-The Journal nuotos :
CATTLE-RecelptP. 1.700 head ; market
steady to lOc lower ; quality poor : natives ,
$ I.OOfi5.40 ; Texas nnd westerns , M301JBSO ;
cows and heifers , $2.25fi4.G3 ; bulls nnd stnv.
$2.23'i4.73 ? : yearlings and calves , $ l.XiJ)5.Ki ( ) ,
stookc-rs nnd feeders , $3.23ftl.75 ; vonls , $5.00
IIO15S Receipts , 4,700 bend ; market rhndo
lower ; nil grades , $ l.60Jfl.75 ; bulk of sales ,
$4.tSW4.72 < 4.
lioad ; market 10o higher ; western lambs ,
Sliliorr of Activity Itunn the 4'niiiiit
of 1'nrfitliionn ,
The "hnndy woman's" power Is universal.
There Is no limit to the things she can do ,
from decorating a dinner table to mending
clothes and darning stockings. Whatever
needs to be done she cnn do , and flic Is al
ways rcndy for work.
Women send to her at the eleventh hour ,
and It Is rarely Indeed that aho fnlls them.
On ono occasion she wan wired at noon
to find a poor little woman almost In" tears
Intending to give n dinner party thnt even
ing and finding five or six of her most neces
sary china and glass tnble decorations
There wns no good china shop within
rcnch and the unfortunate hostess was con
templating the dismal failure of her fcs-
llvlly. But the hnndy woman had her wlta
about her. Searching Ihe depleted china
closet she found enough lo make an nrtlsllc
In the middle of the table was plncod an
oblong piece of brocade of a ( * afl grayish
green tint edged with a fluffy frill of chlffpn
to match , nnd on this was a Wedgwood
bowl In thnt soft shade of powdery blue for
which this ware Is famous.
On the four corners of the table were four
small bowls to match. These five pieces
wcro filled with white Jnpnneop anemones
and their dark green foliage. Sonic sninll
heart-shaped trinket boxes purloined from
the drawing room cabinet were used ns hon-
bonnters. A special messenger to a gocd
stalloner's shop brought back a packet of
\Vedgwood menu cards , just to give the fin-
Inshlng touch.
On ono occasion the handy woman hnd lo
crntrlvo out of nothing nn elegant table.
She waa busy in a new house , helping the
tenants get "settled , " when a telegram cntno
nnnoiinclng that a Bovcre , critical and
wealthy maiden aunt proposed dining with
her dear nephew and nlcco that very day.
To refuse her would be suicidal nnd to let
her sit down to anything but a well ordered
dinner would put her Into the worst of tem
The handy woman promptly marched out
Into the fields ( the house was In the sub
urbs ) nnd collected an armful of scarlet
berries , some tinted blackberry leaves nnd
feathery grasses. With these and six soup
plates , two champagne tumblers and rome
orange-colored pongee silk she KOL to work.
The silk was rudled up to form n center
piece , then two soup plates , containing the
tumblers , wcro placed nido by side In Ihe
mlddlo and lightly" filled with berrlrs ,
grasses and tinted loaves. Ono long bramble ,
its leaves nnd berries , was "bent " over to form
an arch from ono tumbler to another. The
other four soup plates were piled high with
apples , pears , plums and mils , the rims of
the plates being hidden with leaves.
Shiilii ( \riTHiinper r.rnflfrn.
ALBANY , N. Y. . Feb. 2.-In the assembly
today the bill making It a misdemeanor for
anv person to solicit from a candidate for
nny otllco money or other property t * n.
consideration for a newspaper or other pub-
llntlon supporting any candidate for nn
elective ofllco was nasscd.
Priceless information In s
scaled euveloic. | Marvelous
treatment , 'eiuedlei and ap
pliance , furnished on trial
audapprovnl. Ifnotuflrnnd
8ucce , return them at out
expense and I'ny Nothing.
We trust you. Vigor restored ,
lo.suci checked. Ko C.O.1) . ,
nor other deception.
Use IMifO fnr unnaturei
( Hnchftrsfft , ( nflnm/na-Jfins ,
frrltationa or tJlcorntln&i
of m u cou ft nfrabrannt.
PnlnleM , am' r.ot aitrlc *
ft Nit or polnvjuiii.
fioltl by Dranrclt * v'i , or ' ! Vot'Jl2.r5.a ? !
t/ircuiiir jcnt ou reQti/
OMAHA nta uncout MZR
Telephone 1039. Omnlit : , Ns j
Correspondence : John''A. Warren A Co
uirect wires to Chicago and New York.
International Zinc Co , , Ltd ,
Yields 14 Per Cent on the Present Cost of Shares ,
This U tli < only /Inc-MlnliiK Com Ing accounlH It furnlahen absolute security
pany m Ihe. I'nlted giving logularly to Its stockholders' Interests.
to lt Htockholders exat-l reports and full
knowlctdiiu of Ihe condlllon of Ihnir prop
erly. The wnll known chartered Account-
< ; ( . of New York and Hoston , supcrvlnu thn are now offered for public subscription at
company's accountH nnd issue quarterly to
the stockholder * stalemonts of earnings and
net prollts , certified by them as correct.
It IH i IUMV cnriilnu - - > MT Ofiit
on Its capital and will nearly double this an lo complete the bnlanco of the purchase
soon as the four new mills now under way prlco uml pay for the new mlll now being
are completed. built.
II | H IUMV iiiiylnir dividend * cfual | to The shares are of the pur vuluo of Jl.Crt
ihiwe paid by the highest capitalized com each and are fully paid up and non-aasess-
panion In the zinc lleldB , yet on a much alilo.
Minullcr invoHtmcnt. which allows even the SUM ) roil I'llOHI'l-.CTl H and nolo
BinaliMt Investors 'o participate In the rich carefully the detailed ftceount a 'l ' HAR-
return * from zlii' ' ' mining. HOW , \VADB. OUTJnUB & CO.'H reports
Tin * IIMV firlri * < > ! I IN Him rex also nf- on ttid proportles.
furds InvostorH uniisiiul opportunity for Appiica-Ions for ATork , accompanied by re-
in jilt by t in enhancement In valun of their mlttnni'o , received ulxelther of the follow-
holding.- ! and ihiough Its plan of Ins oii.ces of the ( laciil agents.
JOSHUA BROWW & CO. , Bankers ,
409 The Rookery , Chicago.
47 Wall St. , New Yo , k. 421 Chestnut St. , Philadelphia. 80 State St. , Bjston.