Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Tba Grandest Olcmng Out Solo of Remnants
that We Have Ever Attempted.
Anil liiiiiiniiNc I.oli ofc r 'Mill Ili-tu-
JinillK Of All C'lllNM'M Of .NlMVVllNll
( illlllln , I'dlllx , ( . 'Ottllll ( ilMlllH ,
While ( imtiln , Ille.
rmnss noons AT cc HUNCH.
To rloro out all the Imported sample enta.
short pieces mid aiM lots of hlgli grndo Im
ported dross gooiM remnants , * o hnvo put
Jhcm up In bunchci from r. to 20 pieces In a
liunrb and glvo you choice today at Gc
To closa otlt nil the largo pieces of Im
ported sample ends , In Icrigthn from one
yard mid under , a fircnl many to match , KO
Ot TIP rach.
$2.00 IMl'OHTKD IlUiSS (1001)3 , D5C.
Today tlie choice cf every plucu of j
dress Boodn. Including the very finest timl- |
Hy , In lengths from 2 to 7 yard * * , tlint liavo
liccn Holllng nt $1.KO iind J2.00 , go at 33c
$1.00 nunss noons , ir.c.
Today wo olfor every plcco of dress
poods , in length ! ) of G yards and under , .nil
Classen of Rood * that wo Imvo been solllns'
nt JI.oo , KO at Ific yard.
$1.00 AND $2.00 SILKS , 1 C AND 300.
Today wp place on salt1 every remnant ,
nhorl end and odd plcco of fine rtllU , all the
Jl 00 finality , at 19c yard. All the $2.0u i
fiuallty at 3e ! ) yard.
AVe place on salu today fop the
time 10,000 small pieces of Kamplo ends nf
high grade silks , In all the very latest styles
nml newest coloiH , on sale today nt 3c ,
30r. Idc and 25c for entire remnant.
AND lfiC.
An Immense lot of hlijh grade mill rem
nants of fine whlti- goods , In plain and
fancy goodn. on bargain squintat 5c , "Vic.
lOo and 3Sc yard. '
Today we place on sale a largo lot of
COO pieces of new dimity , In the very latest
nnd newest spring colors and designs , nt
12' ' c yard.
5.000 yards 3fi-lnch percale In all the latest
colors and designs , none belter at any price ,
in short remnants , 3lie yard.
Thruo cases standard prlntH at 3'Ac yard.
1,000 yards outing ll.inncl. worth up to lOc.
FO as long a they last nt .1'ic yard.
10 cases lawns and dimities In all the lat-
rst aprlng colors and designs , actually worth
3Cc , In remnanlH 3'ic yard.
12c chambrny and Scotcli ginsham , In
long remnants , go at fil c yard.
19c corded madras gingham , In long rem
nant * ; , go at S'/fcc yard.
25c seersucker gingham , 36 Inches wide ,
long remnants , go at S'c yard.
C.OOO yards drapery swIss , In long rein-
rants , worth 25c , go nt lOu yard.
10,000 yards while goods , such as India
linen , lawns and nainsooks , worth up to 23c ,
go at lOc yard.
15c 36-Inch percales. In all the latest colors
nnd patterns , In long remnants , go at 816 yd.
All the romnnnts of table damask , running
In lengths from Hi to 3 yards , all grades
from the cheapest up to the very best , go at
Ibalf their real value.
N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts.
Thp "Twin < ' ! < > UmlliMl. "
1 Pullman Palace' Sleepers.
Broad Vestlbuled Throughout.
From Union Passenger Station , Omaha ,
7:20 : p. m. dally.
Note Also inquire about the day train.
Ituimlilluuii dull ( IHrM n Hull.
The VounR iMen'H lU'putillcan club of the
JFIrat ward gave < i ball Thursday evonlns : In
forest hall , SIxtih uml Pierce HtrectH. The
romrulttoo on arranccmeiita was eomnof-od
of < \ Mortonsou nnd Jack Konnew.ity.
I'olltlcs wan excluded from tlie affair and
the evening given over 'to ' the pleasures o u
long- program of dance * Nearly \m \ couples
rwere present. The hall was appropriately
decorated with Uie American colors.
1IliineiiinllN anil SI. 1'inil Limited ,
via the Illinois Central , leaving nt 7:3"i : p.
m. , haw just what you want In the way of
equipment and fast tlmo. City ticket office
1402 Farnani street.
ii.tinnv it Hi ) " .
More IIIK Sliliin < 'iiN of > MV SIIKn nn < l
llri'Ki fiiioili.
510 pieces of high grade- black Japanese
sllkti Just received and will go on unto nt
once. Black Japanese , fine quality , 24-ln.
wide , on unlc at 49c ; black Japanese , extra
special , 27-ln. wide , on sale at f > ' .tp ; black
Japnnc f , best , 36-ln. wide , over 100 pieces ,
nt 75c ; Just In , 100 pieces of fine , all silk
wash plaids , bright snd pretty , on sale at I I
3ic ! ; new foulard made In Japan , 21-ln. wide , j
pretty coloring , neat designs , nt only fitic. | |
The new foulards , both Imported nnd those j i
mndo by Cheney Bros , are the handsomest j [ '
creations you have over seen ; 11 l not too '
etirly to buy , many have already selected '
their new spring foulard drops , and why
not you. Prlres , 7Cc , 8Sc , $1.00 nnd M.5. .
COO remnants plain J.ip silks , nil colon * ,
nt 30c ; l.ono yds. black taffeta , this price for
Prldny , only f.Oe ; COO yds. black velvet , $1.23
quality , for CUc.
New spring tlrcns goods nro arriving dally ;
10,000 new styles on exhibition on our coun
ters : 50 pieces of the finest challls that
were ever seen In Omaha : silk stripes , halt
silk , plqttot ribbon stripes , etc. Come In
and exnmlno them. Golfs In every style and
color.Vo will sell you as Rood n golf cloth
nt OSc ns any houo ? In Omaha can nt $1.25 ;
a golf rlolh at $1.25 as good as any other
houaa soils for $2.00.Vc have new reversi
ble plaid bark cloth for making tailor suit
ings without linings nl $1.25 , Sl.f.O. $1.75 up.
\ have satin-faced cloths of all dcscrlp-
lions for mukliu ; the new spring plain
drwJes In every shade of gr.iyn iind tan ! ! ,
modef , castors , etc. A new line of grena
dine crcpons , silk nnd wool gronadlnes.
ehcnllle striped grenadines , satin strtpcil I
grenadines , etc. Come In and examine bo- j
fora you buy. I.ansdonno In black nnd all '
nhndpH fur accordion pleating. |
See the new mercerized undersltlrto In Ihu .
cloak department.
A I'rl.-dil ,
who used the Illinois Central Limited to
( Chicago , says H's a "beauty. " Will toll |
you about It at 1102 Farnam street.
Dealer * mill I'ncUin IOIINI-H Sot lnrc < *
I'oi'i'i-N uVorU ullli 'Mixlern
Dun IH MI i-nt.
The remarkably mild weather which pre
vailed until a few days ago set the ice men
to gucssliiK where they would pet a crop
and for n time It appeared that only tin.1
artlllclal product would be In use next sum
mer. Hut now that the weather man has
sent a polar wnvo water has frozen to such
extent that the harvest Is on. This weather ,
howHvei , haa not been sutllclently cold to
make- what Is generally accepted as Rood Ice.
Might Inches Is about the maximum thick
ness and that Is on bodies of standing water.
Swift and Company , Armour it Co. nnd
Cudahy will begin work this morning
with large forces of men and all the modern
appliances for harvesting Ice. Plows and
steam elevators will be used. Swifts have
Cut Off lake , Armours have an artificial lake
of their own at Memphis , Neb. , and Cudahys
hnvo Seymour lake. Nearly 1,000 men will
be employed In the harvest. Work will be
pushed night nnd day as long as the ice
lasts , which according to weather Indica
tions may be only a short while. H costs
more to harvest eight-Inch Ice than Ice three
times ns thick. Thin Ice docs not keep as
easily ns thick ice , but it Is likely to be
equally good as to quality.
City .Attorney 13\prexnew Inipntlenee
> vllh the SeiPiith .Sllmnioil.s
lo Appear lu Court.
City Attorney Council , in behalf of the
city , received formal notice yesterday
for Iho seventh tlmo that John O. Yelser
would bring mandamus proceedings to se
cure a place on the city ticket for the In
itiative and referendum. The hearing will
occur on Tuesday before the supreme court.
Mr. Council expresses some impatience with
Yelecr's refusal to accept no for an
answer anil points out that costs are accu
mulating that will cither bankrupt Yelser
or prove n burden to the city. It Is his
opinion that after a series of defeats Yelser
should subside and ho announces his Inten
tion of himself taking the Initiative on the
next occasion. He < says that ho will apply
for an injunction to prevent such a multi
plicity of litigation when no justifiable end
Is in sight.
nvMiiiv nn ox.1 uiu SAM : .
'reel Krrel Free ! I.eltliiK Uimn the
I'rleen on I'lilnn.
Rend our grand free offers. Now Is the
time to buy your china. Tnko advantage of
the greatest sale In the history of the west.
Flno polished crystal spoon holders , 2c.
Fine polished crystal crenmers. 3c. Fine
polished crystnl sugar bowls , 3e. Fine pol-
lahcd celery trays , S'4c. Flno polished crys
tal water pitchers. ' ,4 gallon size , Sc. Fine
polished crystal tnblo sets , consisting of
sugar , creamer , butter nnd spooner , 13c.
Decorated butter plates , Ic. Real china
cream pitchers , gold band. In assorted tints
nnd decorations , worth 2."c. 7l c. Oatmeal
bowls , umlorglazed decorations , assorted
styles , worth lOc , 3c. Oyster bowls , elcgnnt
decorations , sold everywhere for lOc , 4l4c.
Ornulne china bowls , Jnpaucse undcrglazed
decorations , worth 35r , 9c.
Real china eggshell cups nnd cancers ;
tlieso would bo a bargnln at $1.50 per set ,
tomorrow C9c sot.
We have Just received another Immense
shipment < .f cups , saucers and plates , to wo
nro making the following marvelous offers :
Wo will sell a set of these beautiful dcco-
ratrd clips and saucers for 73c and glvo
away free a sot of elegant plates to match.
For tomorrow only ns a special Induce
ment wo will sell a act of underglazcd dec
orated cups and saucers , assorted decora
tions , stippled In gold , wolth $2.75 , for S3c ,
and make the purchaser a present of a set
of plates to match this for S3c.
X MV. IlrlKlit nml I'p-to-Dnte '
nro the Chicago and Mlnneapolls-St. Paul
trains via the Illinois Central. Partic
ulars at city ticket office. 1102 Farnam St.
Ian nt l.uiiiliin. Three nml n Half
Yearn Olil. COIIII-M from Mnry-
Innd lo Visit In Oiuiilin.
A wco child alighted from the Durllngton
train yesterday. She was alone , but
she was assisted to the platform by tho'
porter , who evinced as much alacrity In
his assistance nnd attention as though he
were aiding a passenger to alight who had
just tipped him handsomely. The child
was n girl , 3 three years , six months old.
Her nnmo Is Laura Lnndon , nnd she had
made the long trip from Hageratown. Mil. ,
to Omaha , entirely alone. Her aunt , whom
she had como such a long illstanco to visit ,
giasped her In her arms as soon as she
alighted from the train , and the two were
soon swallowed In the crowd that disap
peared through the big doors of the Burl
ington fetation.
The diminutive passenger came from her
homo In Maryland over the Baltimore &
Ohio railroad to Chicago , and thence to
Omaha via the Burlington. Trainmen on
the latter road stated that they never had
a inoro satisfactory passenger. The little
girl enjoyed the novelty of the railroad
journey Immensely and won favor with all
the passengers. Her charm of manner com
pletely won the admiration of the porter
and she lacked no possible attention from
that source.
Local Ilriuicli < if tin * AiiK-rlcnn Kcil-
orndoii Approve * ) Ill.s Ciniillilnoy
for llo-I ! uctioii.
At a regular meeting of Federal union
No. SOD1 , American Federation of Labor ,
Wednesday night , the candidacy of Frank
E. Moores for mayor was eudorsed In a
resolution offered by H. S. Hell , unanimously
adopted by the members present. The reso
lution was as follows :
Whereas. The present mayor of the elty
of Omaha , the Hon. Frank K. Moores , has
always Hho\vn himself , both In private life
and as a public olllclal , the consistent
"rloml of the laboring people , and especially
has he ever championed the cause of or
ganized labor ; therefore , be It
Resolved , By Federal union No. S091 of
the American Federation of Labor , that
wo endorse the candidacy of the Hon.
Frank K. Moores for re-election to the
honorable position he has so acceptably
tilled for the last three years , and hereby
pledge the unqualified support of this union
to accomplish the desired end.
1'lffj AViiril Itoinilillcillln.
The Fifth Ward Republican club will
meet nt McKenna's hall. Sixteenth and Lo
cust streets , at 8 p. m. , Friday , February
2. All republicans of the ward should at
tend. W. T. NELSON. President.
The hotisewifc will find the Royal Baking Powder indispensable
in making finest foods. It makes the hot bread , hot biscuit ,
cake and other pastry light , sweet and excellent in every quality.
Royal Baking Powder is made from pure
grape cream of tartar , the most healthful
and pleasant of all fruit acids , and adds
anti- dyspeptic qualities to the food.
Many low-priced imitation baking powders are upon the mar
ket. These arc made with alum , and carcbliould IK : taken to
avoid them , ns alum is a poison , never to be taken in the
t M-iMsiiti > sKiHT.s9u.iiH.
Snlnrdnj- MoM i\iriiorillunry llnr nln
liter 1'lnriMl llcfuri * ( lie l.aillra of
Hero Is how wo came to buy these aklrts
In their unfinished comlltlon :
One of tbo larger ! , beat known nnd most
widely advertised skirt manufacturing Ilrms
In the United States being unable to ngroe ,
dicldod to dissolve partnership nnd turn
their entire assets into cash.
I Wo bought their entire slock of PIKCU
made skirts nt a terrible wicrlficc , with the
distinct umleratandlnR that wo were not
to mention the name of the firm.
Hut , as they manufactured for the finest
retail trade in Chicago , you can sco the
, firm's nnmo on each skirt.
Jlemcmber these skirts KO on solo Satur
day at $2.08 each.
Thcvo skirts nro all ready to wear except
they must be hemmed at the bottom and a
waistband put on.
They are mndo of all wool Scotch plnlds ,
double faced Rolf suitings , heavy twilled
wool cheviots In all colors.
The material nlono la' worth as high ns
$2.00 a yard , but remember Saturday wo
glvo you the choice of the entire lot of
oklrto for $2.98.
Sco some of them In our window.
N.V. . Cor. ICth nnd Douglas.
I'ollcr Intervene mill Huiloly Sliiilier
lloitiiinee of n Ctrl anil Her
Xetv "MiiNli. ' *
Katlo Wclshartlnger , a pretty little 14-
year-old girl , pat in the parlor of a house
nt 1402 Cass street , Wcdncfcday afternoon.
waiting for the arrival of a mail for whom
she had recently taken a fancy a French
man named Augusto Mnlllnrd. Pho had
met him first only a few days before In her
father's restaurant , Tenth nnd Howard
streets , where she worked as a waitress ,
and ho had made a favorable Impression.
They had flirted in a mild way. The father ,
with a keen sense of duty toward his child ,
had reproved her severely for returning the
Frenchman's smiles. So Katie became
angry nnd said she would run away.
"Dear AugUBto : I will meet you at 1102
CasS street at 5:30 : today. Don't fall me.
Katie. "
Thus read the note she Bent to him , but
the hour of fi:30 : passed , and It was nearly
6 o'clock when Kntlo went to the door In
response to a knock.
"Is Kntlo Welshartlngcr in ? " asked a
big man , whom she had never seen before.
"I nm Katlo Welshartlnger. "
The big man opened his cent , disclosing
a star.
"Tho captain wants to see you at the sta
tion. Katie. "
"Hut , I'm waiting "
"Yes , I know , but Auguste Is there waitIng -
Ing for you. It wasn't , his fault that he
didn't keep the date. "
So the city Jail was the first trystlng place
of this couple. The Frenchman had been
arrested upon complaint of the father , and
In his pocket was found the note Katie had
written. Detective Dempsey was' deputed
to keep the appointment at 1402 Cass. Both
Katlo and Augusto spent several hours In
jail. Then Augusto was released under
Dond , but Kntle , because her father wanted
to punish her , remained lu the cell over
night. She was defiant lu the morning when
her parent came to ask her release.
Council IN EIIKIKCI ! in IMceMlnir the
VarloiiH CIiilniN UN I'renciiteil In
The council mot in special session yes
terday to pass -abrovlated appropriation
ordinance includlng pthe following items :
Library fund , $038.80 ; park fund , | 0i5.20 ! ;
road fund , $302.80 ; fire fund , $1.300 ; total ,
$2,934.SO. The payment of official salarieb
was necessarily deferred until after the fix
ing of the new levy. The ordinance passed
through three readings and was approved.
The city comptroller reported a slight ir
regularity which had come to his notice in
the employment of personal tax collectors.
Ho slid that the city treasurer had been
authorized to employ two collectors , one at
$75 and ono at $100 per month. When the
items were submitted to his inspection they
amounted to $87.50 in both cases. The mat
ter was referred to the finance committee.
After adjo1nment the councllmen dis
cussed Informally the new levy. It was the
general opinlou that the Hoard of Educa
tion had treated Itself generously In de
manding mills nnd the editorial paragraph
In The Bee was commented upon that a sim
ilar increnso In other departments would
send the levy skyward. The city is con
fronted with the necessity of making up the
$159,000 judgment secured by ibe school
board in the district court and feels that
its demands are not marked with notable
modesty. The problem , of mooting the judg
ment is a difficult one , as the judgment fund
can only bo increased ] / mill under the con
The council is now engaged in digesting
the various claims ns presented in the
mayor's message. It Is the general senti
ment that the now levy must bo larger than
the old , but no councilman has as yet veni i
lured to express a deflntto opinion as to
what Its slzo should be. The council hopes
to nrrlvo at a solution nt tbo meeting for
that purpo&o on Friday night.
I > onal Antliorlilen Ilolil Up Hull of nn
O in u It a Colleetlnc
The Van Alstlne , Cliff & Co.'s collection
agency , with offices in the New York Ufo
building , Is in trouble with the United
States postal authorities and mail sent out
by this agency haa been held up under in
structions from the department at Washing
ton. The trouble Is In the wording of the
return envelope , which In calculutn to In
timate that the person addressed Is in debt
and will not pay his bills.
C. P. Searlo , who Is advertised ns the
manager of tbo company , was called beforu
Postmaster Crow yesterday nnd told that no
mall would bo received for traimmlsalon
in the offensive envelope. Searlo denied
any responsibility for the wording nnd said
Ills principal had Informed him that
the form had been approved by the 1'ost-
olllco department and under these clr-
rurustaiicffl ho did not think that he
was breaking the postal Ian a. Ho was told
that if the Omaha branch of thu company
perl led In uolnc the envelope It would bo
thu Omaha agent who would sulfer , and hi )
promised to discontinue. | tu use.
The ( ItildUi'Nt Wny lo llrriiU Up n Colil.
"I have nand many makes of patent medi
cines and most always with HOIIKI good re- (
suits , " says Mr. Henry Hoover of Sha- !
mokcn , 1'a. , "but the most tntlsfactory nnd
most wonderful In results for cold.i and
relights Is Chamberlain's Cough Itmr ! | y ,
H will break up a cold in lost tlmn than
any other remedy I ever used. " Thin fa
mous remedy Is for sale at 25 and CO coma
per bottle.
Tim "Tnlii Vlly IJirr . "
Observation Parlor IHiffet Car. ! ,
llroad Vestlbuled Throughout.
From Union Passenger Station , Omaha ,
C:50 : a. m. dully.
Note Also Inquire about the night train.
Thu .Nrtv Hhorl I.liif In St. 1'iiul ,
via the IIIInolK Central , leaves 7 a. in. and
7:35 : p. m. Solid , tsldo Vestlbuled trains.
Investigate this at 1402 Farnam itreet.
ifM > 1511 suor.s VT
1.SOO More of Thone l.mlle * ' 151. ir ami
811 Shoe * nml Slipper * .
J5.00 beautiful beaded French heal black
kid , Z and 3 strap sandals. $1.08.
I $ "i.OO patent leather oxfords , $1.98.
| $5.00 nnd $0.00 patent leather and vlcl kid
1 plain nnd French heel full dress shoes , kid
( and cloth tops. $1.JM.
$3.00 , $4.on and $5.00 ladles' fine black and
tan turn nnd welt shoes , all sizes , all widths ,
go at $1.08.
MOIIB $5.00 MHN'S SHOES. $1.98.
Wo throw 600 more of the men's fine $5.00
blark nnd tan shoes on the bargain counters
at $1.18.
12.000 pairs men's , women's nnd boys' nnd
chlldron'n shoes and slippers nt
15c , 23c , 39c , 4c ! ) , 59e , 79r , S.'p , 9Sc , $1.23.
Toiin , OMAHA.
ICth and Douglas Sts.
Urn. Lord and Rustln. 601 Pnxton block.
Here's Why They Clash
At this meeting a resolution by Otto wa
offered to appoint a committee of two to
BO to St. "l.ouls to rail on the Jobbers.
Hvcry olio of the 69 pill makern wanted to
KO , nml when It was unmmnriNl that
"Cooney" had Helrrtcd the president and
1C. K. K. you would have thought you
were mingling with a bunch of Kilkenny
cntf. Afn-r this they passed the hat and
they nil chipped In $2.00 each.
( To bo continued. )
Pyramid I'llo Tine -tOc
llood'H Sariap.trllla 75e
Syrup of Kiss lOn
llu-Can Uyepep la Tablets SOo
Optn Catnnli Cure -lOe
Hivttetter's Hitters 75o
S. S. P 75o
Wln < of fnrdul 7Sc
Plnkhnm's Compound " > c
Pierre's Favorite Prescription i 7oo
Barter's I.Ivor PUN 1oi-
Ulrney's" Catarrh Powder 40c
Uromo Quinine / Ilic
Cramer's Kidney Cure 75r
Steam's Cod Liver Oil 7or
Pond' " Extract 40o
J'e-ru-lla 7 ! > r
Kilmer's Swamp Hoot 75c
I'or. llllli anil Chlc-iiKo Stx.
He EM Popular Line
Salt Lake
Superb New Equipment.
City Ticket Office , l302Famam.
TEL. 31G.
We are now In our new lo
cation and when things are
"straightened up" a bite ,
\o shall , perhaps , have the
most commodious drug
plant In the United States.
Our prescription and com
pounding department Is In
the basement , which Is
large , light and supplied
with every convenience for
quick and accurate dis
pensing. Wo shall speak
of other Items of In
terest later.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co ,
S. W. Corner of
Kith anil Dodge.
CO . .
Wo give full instructions
If .you intend purchasing nny-
thinsr in this line it will bo to your
HI ] vantage to call on us. Wo are
up-to-dato in everything' pertaining
to photography nnd our prices are
The Robert Dempster Go , ,
1512 Farmuii St.
Developing and Printing Done ,
l.ravo Omaha G 40 a. m. on ,
the Uurllngtoirs Chicago npc-
i Inl and nl S 10 p. m. fUMK
DAY you are In Chicago. '
A delightful ride through ,
Iliu hlKKi'it towns and most j
illicitly iiultlrd porlloim of Iowa |
and Illinois iiciotw the Mis- ;
bourl 80 mlloM an hour all '
dm uiiy In the most luxurloiu :
tinln In thu wcuteru states. I
TIcUl Olllc * . Burlington Stitlon ,
1502 FAItNAM ST. 10th & MASON Sti.
Telephone 260. Telephone 310.
friends first-
That's the way wo figure in our shoo soiling.
Friends first money afterwards. Once this
house gets your confidence , always this
house gets your trade. Why ? Boca use wo
keep faith with the public , when wo fail to
sell the best there is lower than anyone else ,
then we'll reverse things.
Such Men's Shoes as These
makes friends for "The Nebraska. "
Men's J > ov ; Calf Shoot with genuine Good
year wells , patent English backstay , good
winter weight soles also
Men's Jtussia Calf Shoes.
with genuine Goodyear
welts , tan and heavy so.los ,
these quality shoes are s'pld
elsewhere for $8.50 , our
price with guarantee
only pair.
Any man will compromise his best inter
ests who disregards this summons of econo
my. There's a dollar in every pair of men's
ehous you buy hero. Ask the shoe man to
show you where it is , You can't go wrong in
your shoe buying if you buy them here. De
mand a comfortable fit and bo sure they are
long enough and they'll be comfortable and
wear you a long time.
HIE greatest opportunity to buy
Pianos that has been placed before
you for years. We have just re
ceived one of the largest shipments of
Pianos that has ever arrived in Omaha.
Among this large stock is found the
Ohickering , Fischer , Lester , Behr Bros. ,
Franklin , Doll , and twenty other makes.
Anyone thinking of purchasing a piano
should visit our piano department and
take advantage of the extraordinarv low
prices we are making. Our terms are
so arranged that it is very easy for you
to own a piano. Every instrument guar
anteed to give satisfaction or money
cheerfully refunded. Catalogues fur
nished to out-of-town customers on ap
plication. Pianos tuned , moved and re
paired. New pianos for rent. Tel. 1683. ,
The most complete line of new , stylish underwear ever
exhibited in Omaha. Special sales ior Friday and Saturday.
100 dozen ladies' hemstitched and
lace trimmed drawers , worth 50c , at 2fc
100 dozen ladies' gowns , made extra
wide and well made , worth 75c , at 39c.
Ladies' line drawers , at 35o , 50c and
P io2.50.
ladies' fine gowns at 49c , 75c and up
to $3 , Ob.
Ladies' chemises , at 50c , 75c and 98e.
Children's drawers , at lOc , 15c and
up to Y5c. '
Children's gowns at 50c and 75c.
One special lot of ladies' gowns , worth up to § 1.50 , at 75c.
Corset covers at 15c , 25c and up to .72.50.
Special on Corsets.
Ono lot of ladies' corsets , in
pinlc , blue , black and drab , in all sizes ,
fioin IS to . ' 50 , worth up to § 1 , at 4ic. )
Wo carry a full line of American La
dy , Kabo , Warner and lloyal Worcester
Complacency of Manner is a Negative Virtue
The virtues of
are POSITIVE. coal mined in Wyoming. Lump $5.50
iS'ut ' orK 'g § 5 Peanut § 4.50.
VICTOR WHITE , 1605 Farnam St , TELEPHONE 127 , I. .