M1J' , OMAHA DA1LV J-SI-JJ-Z : LI ) ! s .IANUAISY IM.OSKHh .1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Ailverlliriiiriilo for tlimn column * will lit : tnkrii until Itt in. for the evcnlnu cillUiin nml unfit HiBO p. in. ( or niornliiK mill Sumlny" edition. Untc i I 1-1u ! n lyuril II mt liincrtlon ; le H ord , IJio.rnftor. . .Nothing tnketi lor ic * tllhn b."e 'for tin ! 11 ml Inser tion. Themnilrcrtlncincntft mn t be run rnimceullvely. AdvvrtlNprn , l > ) rcfticfi < liiu n iiiiin- l > crril check , cnn hnve nnnivrm nil- ilrvimcil to n npilibcreil letter In enre or Tin ! lice. Ahmtorn no nililrexNvtl will be ilpllyeroU uu urcucntiitltiii of the ChVek only. WA.Vl'UU SITUATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER. . When you want one pltaso cnll up the Remington typewriter olllcc , 1C10 Farnam .et. , telephone 15 < 3. A 635 HUM * . WANTED. We ha\'o steady Vork for n few good hustlers of-good , hitblts and appear ance. C. l-\ Adams Cp. , 161D Howard St. B 36 WE TEACH the barber , trade thoroughly In short time ana . furnish cnch graduate with a guarantciM position dV good wages. There ore mc-rd'than ten harbor positions advertised to one nt bookkeeping'or ! hort. hnnd. Wrltn for free catalogue and par ticulars. Western Barbers' Institute , Omaha. ' > . . . . B C-i CASH f ( Ideas.Btoto ; It , , pat cntcd. I'aicttc Record , Hal. tlmorc. . - " B-633 ' ' AN IntcHIKent'-yotinf : irtmn to take n short- hnnd scholarship and pay for It when . .IN * hint llnlnlml th course-and , secured a po- eltlon. "Address T32 , Dee. B M41S WANTED , paint salesmen to work on commission basisiroalyfthofo with experi ence nnd references need apply. 1212 tar- nom St. U-602 WANTKD. manager nnd ngcnts : salary or commission ; cheapest and largest -line. Hunter Tailoring anij Shirt Co. . Cincin nati , O. - < r ' * - * ' B-M146 A7 SALESMEN to pell , office specialties ; line side lines ; used by all merchants ; catalog free. Model Mfg. Co. . Bo B. South Hend , Ind. ' ' -B--M2U Fi- A YOUNO" mnti'nUoni'fnprschbol desires a plncn..tu-worliifor brtard : any honest worlf.AtMws BqyJv College. Bco ' ' ' ' WANTED. bright , active boy ; , .npply nt once , with refernhrfc.- ? . The Ronert Demp- Kter Co. , 1215 Fqrnnm.- . " . ' . ' ; B MS81 31 3 picture ngents , cx'p'ens'c's fn.1'1 ' , 181 ! > Leav ' ' B-MSS7 F2 * WANTED , moir \ vli6can' lenve the city. No Koo < 1iittiiJ : ! < p.llTrcif > oxperlencu required. About J2T to , KP. needed , but you retain control of It. , tinnd. . Oils nil , address Drawer 1J6 , Chicago. . . - U MlftJ 31 * AVANTED , briglltri XOttng man tp learn nice , clran business ; must bo good pen man and nccuratu.'ut-figures. References. WANTKD. pfvnar. all-around man to work In second-hand' store ; lib' other need at > plv. J. Ixn-lnc , 301 N. 16th. B M10. ) f WANTKD , everywhere , hustlers to lack signs , dlstfUiufo ecoAtai7.saniples ) ; < " . no canvassing ; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau , , Chicago. . , . _ B-M107 31' VVAXTBI ) FUMAJUIS III3LP. WANTED , 300 girls , ,1521 Dodge Tel. 87G. . C 630 „ jf - > * , AN Intelligent lady to take a shorthand scholarship nnd nay for It when she finishes' the course and secures it i > ol l- -flon. Address T 3S. care Bee. C M41 ? SO girls wanted. Canadlaniofllce 1522 Douglas. C-r-93s Fi WANTED , ynrp'nj ? ind , t&.jrtssist "in Mental otnf1. Apply ovir,12 ( penr ) .street. Coun cil Bluff ' ' C-MS67 31 WANTED , a goqjj.'j'cxp'grfe'licecl. cook | n smrill-fitmlly ! R ted wages paid ; references required ; Gorman or Bohemlatr'iir6feTed ; call between , " street. FOR Ben'era1'hons rwofk ) " a"1 goon'Blr1. * ' 1024 iPark .nvenue. . . , . , . . - . . - . , C MS92,1 * IF YOU want-.jvoitr' bouses well rented place them wUh-Uenewa' " & Cov p 610 CHOICE houses , ' co'ttU'ees , * stores. Henry B. Payne. 601 n" N. 'T Y.-Llfa. 'Phone. 1016. - " ' S D-641 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block. . . D-643 MAGGARD Van & Storage ) 1616 Cap. Ave. Tel. 1430. f , . . D 641 HOUSES'for rent In hll-parts of the city. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 303 So. 13th street. HOUSES for rent. J. II. Sherwood. 909 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 3SS. -.D.-6I7 HOUSES 19 rent. .Pattfcrso'n , 303 , N.'Y. Life. J TO 14 room- * * to $50. t6 ! U. S. B'k bldg. . D-354 FOR RB > ( T , deslrnblq. houses and flats. Rlngwalt , Barker block. D 6IS FOR RENT. S'-roprn/h ° use. ill niodern.con. venlenccfi , bppUVito "Hanseom pnrlr. , 153 Park Ave. Inquire 2130 S. S3nl or tele phone -Igf7. D-M167 2221 CUMING KF..FCVCH rooms , modern ex cept furnace ; haa .Just been painted nnd renovated ; wlU rwit to. desirable tenant only J20.00. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. J6th and Douglas. " . D 2s" 2521 N. I4th ft. , 3-room modern' flat. J7.00. 2227 Spruce. 4 ropniH ; city lyater , JO.OO. 2310 Snward. 5 room cottage , city water , $ lff. M2 S. 23d St. , 4 rooms , city water , $10.00. I.tfi2 N. 2oth nSroom \ house , J15.00. F23'"j S. ISth t. . l-room cottage , n.OO. 1111 Miircy Rt. , 4 rooms. clty > wator.j7.00. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. D-219 21i 8. 13th' nvo.i inodonv se\i > ii-room house In good condition. J25.00. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. . ICth-and Douglas sts. 'D-24S FOR RENT , modern stenm heated' apart ment on BOCOIK ! lloor of Davlilco building JOHN W. ROUIilNS. 1S02 FARNAM. . , .t D-603 IF YOU "nWd a tenant list your houses with W. V. Hedges , 509 Paxtorf block. M * J3' 80 ONVKST Kn.rnam' Iflll , 35th street , verj- choice , 8 rooms , pll moilern , largo lawn , corner , eat 'front. ' KV * S6 U. 8. Nitfl nnntc bldc ; > 1C95 652 SOUTH 2STH. 7 rooms. nioJeui.,130 : W \Vebstcrr S , roam. ? . baJ-h ; 223 Npcttj } } > . fooins. barn , larife yanl : alEo.tlata , Ring- wait Rros. , Barker Ulook , D-043. FOR RENT J22.DO for 6-rqom flat ; IISO'Kflrnam t. $22.50 f6rroom honse'Ji62 S. Jfith Kt. 510.00 for small xton-room , 2I23H Karnam * ot. 25 ncren iMiKt of vSouth Pn > i < liii to acres , Improved , Jolnlnu Benson , north west of city. GEORGE & COMPANY , 1601 Farnam 8t. D MS42 31 T'NSl'RI'ASSHD. central , Htrnm heat ; all miMlrTiai | < > Vftq. > roum houner Tltanl. 223 N . ' 4th. < > . * . - . | 3-MS OS' FOU iinxr Kim M fill mi noosis. NICE rooms at 314 So. 26th street. E-MSS2 F2 FURNISHED room * , lioussekrBpliie.t'a St. ilury'H , E-MTi'4 ' F6 _ _ " r-URNISHED rooins , 315 North ISth StT" LARGE , warm , -.well lighted roomsmoderr p. 1906 Capitol avV. ES7S 4' Fl'RNISHKU 'rooViirt nultabio . for smoT family , or rooms for -cent leinoi ) . ( ! Purl avc. - ' * 2 * NICELY ' frofit room' ' ; bay win. I't'llMSllii ' > itOUMS AM ) JlOAHI ) . THR Mcrrluu faii.il > - ' hotel , iith and Dodze F 652 RObM and board-Jl and & IU2 Davenport - ' K-MSSS Feb ? TO t nontuMen , to ilrlvattffainlly. VKO St Alan- AVC. F-M59S I'lllVISUnn ROOMS VM > 110 VRI ) . IIi'E , warm room * . BOO.I . board , rpusori. bio rates. The Rose , 2020 Hartley , F MiW ! < " . * FURNISHED rooms and board. Refer ences. 816 So. 26th st. F M72S Fl VERY dpilrnlile front room with second floor. 212 So. 36th St. F-742 FOR RENT-Two parlors with board : suit- nblo for four ! * tp in h at ; very reason able.205 S. 24th SU K-SM ROOM and alcove , with board. 2107 Cns ! > t. F-MS37 5 rou IU\T t MM it.visiinn HOOMS. FIVE unfL-rnlshed chambcrc for housekeep ing to man and wlfp. 319 N. 17th. O SS3 FOR RH.\T STORES A.MI OI.'FICIJS. FOR RENT , Rtoro In llrst elaFs location ; rom reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , sround lloor , Bco blilg. I 26S FOR RENT , n ground floor office , specially suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , , ground lloor , Bee Building. 1-2G7 ! 'OR RENT , Tarlck warehouse , two .Moors , each 60x30 fret ; power elevator ? ; U. P. trackage. Apply Haarmann Bros. . 1914 S. 20th. 1 Got OFFFCE FOR RENT- IIP olllco. ground floor. 302 S. 16th sL GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St. I-MS43 31 A E\TS , AVANTKI ) . 'LIFE OF MOODY. " 600 pa f > . 2i"1 illus. . atithorlzeil edition ; best com. , credit given. Hlxcnbuugh & Co. , Ware blk. . Oinahu. .1-747 AGENTS. "Life of Moody. ' . bv his son ; only nmhentk' bonk li < . uvil ; millions want It : sells at sight : highest commissions ; oittlltB freer freight paid ; credits given ; write today. Chicago Bible House , 50 Sth Ave. , Chicago. J M10I 31 WANTED , live ncents everywhere to sell our new Gas Lamp : u KII plant : brighter light than electricity ; cheaper than kero- * eno ; liundrr-d Oftndle'light : cent a day ; fully KUiirantPod : polished brass : retails JS : blp ; money maker. Standard 1 amp Co. , 102 Michigan St. . Chicago. J M103 31 * WAXTKU TO IlKXT. WANTED Room ; modern ; tor two young men ; vicinity ot 2oth and Farnam. X 1 , Bee. . K 591 M * SToii.vt : c. "PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse. Co. ' , 312- 914 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 1VAXTKI1 TO BUY. ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. . In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1106-10 Dodge. Tol. H)20 ) N-030 WILL purchase n limited number of Omaho Savings Bank accounts. lirennnn- Love Co. , 303 So. 15th. . N 637 STAMP collections bought. Mortensen. SOI Paxton Block. 439 F1S t3.000.TO INVEST In bargains. 1512 Daven- lK > rt. X M716 F25 FOR. SALIi Fl'HMTUHK. JEFFERSQN Square Sndhani : store. Fur . niture & stoves bought & sold. 416 N. 16th. O-150 F7 * FOR .SAL.K I10RSI2S AXD WAGONS. TOP UU.GGY for sale , In good condition. U 40 , Bee. . , . . P M1SO CHEAP , top pheaton. 2203 North 19th St. . P-216 F10 * COLUM-BUS phaeton ; newly painted ; leather , top ; bargain. Jackson's barn , 2Sth and -Harncy. , . P S27 J30 ONE bran now trap for single horseu trimmed English Bedford cord ; a epecial 1 bargain , JiJ. . . - Abe ' one second-hand top Concord buggy- ; . ' Columbus _ Buggy Co > make , mewiy " painted. Ji. > . Drummond Cgc. Co , , ISth and' . Hartley Sts. P 823 J30 FOR SALI2 MISCIjlIAXEOUS. CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing nnd hog fences. 501 Douglas St. Q 6C2 CUTTERS of drug prices. .Sherman & McConnell - Connell Drue Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q 660 FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q 661 B. HAAS , Florist , IS13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi dence , wedding nnd grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q-665 INDIAN relics , mounted heads. 1116 Farnam Q-660 2DHAND safe cheap. Deright , 1116 Farnam Q-66T . . SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. I3th St. Q 63 . WANTED , to sell buildings Nos. 1514 , 1516 and 151S Dodge St. ; purchaser to clear the . lot , 66x120 , of all material- and rubbish. Apply 1624 Capital ave. ' Q is NEW bicycles complete , J13.50. Neb. Cycle Co. . cor. 15th and Harney. Q M671 F23 J1S3 WILL buy Jlno Steluway Upright : cash , or time. Address WID , Bee. Q MC3S i HIGH grade Sterling bicycle , $33. Good 2nd ; hnnd wheels , 18 , J10 , J12. Repair ? and . supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q M559 FINE family cow must be sold at onro. A. Carlson , 1712 B or Canton Sts. Q S95 31 * . ONE MILLION building brick. Nebraska Brick company , South Omaha. Tel. 3ip. . NOTICE , country dealers , 2dhand furniture & sloven at lowest prices , carload lot * or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1403-10 Dodge. 'R-670 SEWING machines torrent , jSc pcr week. , Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney. R-M217 Fll LODGE rooms , nhcapcsf , best ; fur'ntahed most desirable. T. R. Hustnii , U. S. 'Nnt. Bank Bldir. S70 30 - CLAIRVOYANTS. S. FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th. 16th.SH71. S-H-71. MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1C03 Dod.ro S-673 - MME. PALMER , medium , removed to 1707 Cass. S 453 FS 3IASSAKI3 .AND UATIIS. . Franxes De Seutortous of 1C. C. 197 N. 12th. T-M670 MME. AMES , R. 2 , 07 S. 13 ; massage baths , T-931 F5 MAY WILSON , bath , massage. 619 S. 16th. , T MIS ? i"3 MIS3 MACK , bath ? , massage , 21SW N. 16tli. T-367 F13 MME. GENE , masi-aire and cabinet baths , 1701 Leavenworth st , 2nd lloor.T . T M721 Fl MME. SMITH , room : . HS > i N. 15th. T-MS2J 3' ELITE I'ARLORS , 616 S. 16th. upstairs ; tlrst-clusB baths , magnetic treatment. _ T-MSS2 11 I'KRSOXAL. H VIAVI "Is woman' * way to health S46 Be1 Bide. . SIlA'MfOOINQ 2So. hair dresslnir ISc' ; hair nnd toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , 151S rarnam. U-674 MONHEIT. leadlnc chiropodist. 151S Far- nam , M floor. U 675 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before idur - Mnc conflncment ; babies adopted. 1136 N. II U 76 . . RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain , no dancer Scud for ilrtulars. lira pi re Hup- ture Cure , 3J New York Life bulldlnir , Omaha. U-M8I2 I'KHSOXAL. SCALP & hair treatment. Mine. PoM , V1. ? S. 15th. U 677 LIEBEN" , costumer. 1S13 Howard. Oet catalogues. T fii' GOOD large barn for rent In north P rljpt city. Inquire 2Ui Locust. U-103 PLRAT1NG nnd pleated skirts of all kind * . M. Goldman & Co. , 100 DotiBla ! " block. U 231 Fit ROF. LUND positively destroy * corn' . bunions , warto moleg. 511 Karbnch blk. J. E. D1ETRJCK architect and structural engineer , 640 Ramee block. U-tfil Fit * ! MRS. BERRY , bath ? , massage. PARLORS best equipped In city ; porcelain tub. 119 No. 16th , 2d floor. U-M5S1 Feb. 2 LADIES' secret to enlarge your bust six Inches free. Xanzemetto Co. , Milwaukee , AVIs. U- JIOXIIY T4 l.OAX Ri\I , IJSTATIJ. Jl.OOO and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms.V. . Farnam Smith A : Co. , 132iJ Farnam. \V-6iO JIONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd Iowa farms ; lowes1 , rates. Brennan-Lovc Co. , 509 B. 13th , Omaha. W-6M $1W TO , ( M ) . F. D. Wcad , 16th and Dnuslu . W 1 > WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bond * and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1 02 Farnam St. . Bee BIdt ; \V-6:3 : WRITE UK It you want n loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony LO.UI & Trust Co. , S15 N.Y.L. W-6S4 $100,000.000 TO Invest through .Bankers. Broken" , Promoters ; fend for circular. Inyt'Htora1 Directory , N. V. - W fisS j ' 5 PER CENT money. Bemi * . Paxton block. W-C.M5 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for hulldln ? purpose.Payne - Knox Co. , N. Y. Life. W-637 G , Jtfc , 6 per cent loans on Omaha. S. Omaha. W. II. Thomas , 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 16IS W-6SS I MONEY to loan nt 5 and B',4 per CPIH on Omaha property. W. B. Melklc , 101 Sn. 15tll - FIVE per cent , farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson. W 091 I MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 303 So. 13th. W-C20 PRIVATE money , low rate , no delay. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W 143 PRIVATE money , $100 to Jl.CO ) . J. H. Sher wood , 933 N. Y. Life. W-660 J100 TO * 3.0W. 1512 Davenport.WM7ir W-M7ir F23 3IOM3Y TO LOAN CHATTELS. - - - - - - - - - - - - S-E-E-U-S We have a large amount to loan on house hold furniture , pianos , organs , warehouse receipts , horses , carriages , etc. You can Ret the money wlthlil n few hours after making application.WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. We give you ns < much time as you ncnd and you may repay the loan as soon as you choose nnd you need not pay for It ONE DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . Tel. 2293. 3W South 36th Street. S-A-L-A-R-Y L-O-A-N-S From J10.00 up made to people permanently employed In OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA and COUNCIL BLUFFS. You can borrow of us on your own name , without endorser or mortgage.Ye ar range the payments as easy as is possible , allowing- you to pay ALL or IN PART AT ANY TIME AND YOU PAY FOR THE MONEY ONLY WHAT TIME YOU KEEP IT. Our business Is confidential. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , Room 119. 308 South 16th Street Board of Trade Bide- Tel. I MOK'EY LOANED SALARIED , PEOPLE 1 holding permanent positions- llrclr-nwn name without. endorser ormactsaK . STRICTLY , CONFIDENTIAL nti < I LOW EST RATES. No enquiries made-'of'em ployer or friends. You can borrow 'tiny amount and repay In nsy weeklyor monthly payments. Before borrowing- us. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , suite 525-526 N. V. Life Bldg. -'X-701 JIONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , diamonds , watches , on easy payments , un known to others ; you keep the goods , each payment lessens the cost of the loan ; no charge for papers and we make no In quiries of your neighbors. BERGERS' LOAN CO. . 1504 Farnam. over B. & M. ticket olllce. X 491 MONEY loaned on piano ? , furniture , horfos , cows , jewelry. Duff Green , R. s , Barker blk X 693 JIONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without securltv : easy payments. Tolman. 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. X-693 MONEY loans on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1416 Farnam , upstairs. X 031 LOANS made salaried people on personal note without security ; rates reasonable. J. W. Tayloe. 21& 1st Nafl bk. 12 to 6:15. : X69S MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jew- ery. norses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S.13. X633 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE employed - ployed In Omaha. South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs , holding coed positions , on their own names. NO MORTGAGE ; BEST TERMS everything private ; mpney can be. Paid back in small weekly or monthly payments. American Loan Co. . Room , , . . . _ . _ C01 , Bee Tll.ln. . X-700 MONEY to loan 0:1 : furniture , pianos , hors < es , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor. 21S First Nat'l bk. bids. 12 to 6:15 : D. m. X 702 HUSIXI3SS CHANGES. FOR SALE , the Metropolitan hotel. Coun cil HluffH , doing a good business ; reasons for soiling. Y-M740 Fl RESTAURANT for aalc. doing good busi ness ; will nell cheap. AddreiM Mrs. O. Huysell , Fremont , Neb. Y SIS20 2 * FOR SALE , stock of shoes In good county seat town. AddrcsnV 56 , Bee. Y-MS73 F3 FOR SALE , stock of furniture , and utider- taking ; Invoice. tJ.OOO ; good business ; best location , toivn l.OU ) and coed territory ; onu competitor ; must sell. For particulars ad dress F. H. Sear ? , Trustee , Anita , Iowa. Y MHO 31 WANTED , chemist or pharmacist with sj.'JGO cash to invest and take active intercht In good paying business. Addre.su X 3. Bcv. roil uvriiANrii : . CLEAR vacant lot near 27th and Chicago 66x140 , J1.2 ; < / . Will traJe for good renta property and nay cash difference. George u. Wallace. 313 J. J. Urown Blork FOR SA1.13 RI3AI , KSTATK. PAYNE-KNOX Co. . HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS : LOW EST RATES on LOANS ; SOUND IN SURANCE ; HOUSES , FLATS , STORES , for RENT. First floor N. Y. Life Illdg. RE 404 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estate see S. A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Llfo RE-704 A BARGAIN Four acres. 40th and Paclflr ; two blocks from car line , on belt rail road , $2.500 ; easy terms. McCacue In vestment CO. . 1500 Dodge. RE 703 HOUSES , lots , farms. Iand , loans ; alco fire , insurance. Bemls. Paxton blk. HE 705 - I OR BARGAINS everybody coea to S. A. Uroaduoll , 501 N. Y. Life Bldif. R12-704 HOUSES , lot * , farms. laiidH , loan * : also lire- Insurance. HrmlB , Paxton blk. RK 706 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only lee ; 8. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Life Hide. RE-701 1M2 NORTH 17TH street , t-wo liouses. rentIng t. Ing for $16 per month , p.vine paid. pa.s 14 per cent groB price , $1,350. John N. Frtnzer , oty. old P. O. RE M600 roil si.i : iiiiAti iyr.\TK. NOTHING but b.ircsln * bundled by S. A Urondwell. 50 ! N. * . Llfn l < lg. .ul ' .t _ I SNAPS In real estntp'f money to lonn. U L f Johnson Co. . 314 S. lt at. llK-710 FOR 1 SALtv-Btircaln * In ftnill : . fi. A. U-oaihvelf , 510 N. Y. Llfo' Bide. i RE M407 - HKNRY H. PAYNE * )1 ) N. Y. LIFE BhDG. Itcal Estate. Rentals. IXMUT * . Insurance. RB-712 - HOUSES , lots , farms. InmN an l .Intntranre. I | R. C. I'attirnon. e X. Y. Life. RK 713 I OWNERS of r il estate willing to fell at j bariraln price. * ahcmM cnll uvon or write 1 JOHN W. ROBIJINS. 1MB FARNAM ST. 11K-C7S NEAR isth nnd Jnekiion sts. , 6-room | house , lot 23x75 feet , Jl.aK ) . Southwest i corner SSth a\e. nnd Jackson St. , 126x150 feet ; . nnp300. . CO 1 ncr s within 10 miles of Omnha post- oHlco , 10-room IIOUKC , barn aOxfiO foot , some fruit tree ? , flno plncp. near 10050 et. paved rond. Improvements worth $2- 000 ; price , $1,000. John N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. RE SiO FOR SALE Jlo , ( iO.CiO for L'-story brick building , with" W feet frontuce on Itnrney si. , two b1o < * ks . from cottrthou.'e ; rental. $1,030.00 per year. $ M.ooo.OO for brickblock , and 60 feet frontage on good business ft. ; rental , $3,000.00 per year. Ki.riOO.Oi ) for property renting fqr $575.00 per venr $2)500.00 ) for Ifith st. property ; rental , $115.00 prr year. GEORGE & COMPANY , 1001 Faniam St . , RE M844 31 C. F. HARRISON. FARMS , FARM LOANS , RE 397 Flo * BARGAINS wanted , barjjnlns for prtlo , nil the time. A. P. Tultcy , Hoard of Trftdo. < - RE-745 FOR SALE , peed iottatr. ; to be removed from lot on Sth St. . near Bancroft St. A. P. Tukey. Bonrd of Trade. RE-7r. 23 'OUR choice farms In Douglas county ; Knnuln < > bargains. R. C. Patterson. 305 N. Y. Life. RE-MS41 SIX BEAUTIFUL LOTS , nt Foutheast corm.T of Ixiwe.nve. nnd California streets at prices from $700 to $1.'JOO. Full SO-foot lots 3 lots on California street. ALL TAXES PAID , AT $700 EACH. 3 lots on Lowe avenue , pavement and Htonn sidewalk all paid for , $1,100 to $1.2W EACH. rhe owner want the cash and authorizes us to make Mils PHENOMENAL OFFER. PERMS Om-thlrd cash , balance quarterly nt 6 per cent within 3 year * . ; all nnd get a plat cind further particulars. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Sole Agents. Tel. 1761. First Floor N. Y. Life. HE Mill C 'OR SALE , 2'1-acre ' fruit and garden farm , adjoining Seymour park and In easy dis tance Omaha and South Omnha. Three acres bearing grapes nnd other fruit8. ! Good 6-room house : good well , besides other Improvements. Inquire Smith Sounders , Council Bluffs. RE M70J SHORTHAND AXD TVPKWR1T1XO. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 71U AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. 720 BOYLES' COLLEGE court reporter princi pal. Bee BldR. 721 NEBRASKA Htislncis and Shorthand col lege. Doyd's theater. -722 TYPEWRITER * . TYPEWRITERS for cent. $4 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , ItHo Farnam , St. Telephone 12SI. 714 WE RENT and sell tlja bpst .typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far " " ' " ' nam. . . " ' 713 REMINGTON Sta'ndaiMufTypewrlter aid - supplies. 1619 F.alrcvn\'t11 „ - l . - - Tib . THE Oliver Typewrti'rV1 | ilWe writing ; heaviest mnnlfolder ajia , cuts the tlnest stencil. Tel. 2279. J. B. 'Stewart , Special Agent , SIS' * S. 15th St. . Omaha. 717 TYPEWRITERS , second hand' . 'lllO Farnam. . " -71S uAxcixa SCHOOL. SPRING TERM Mornmfs danclnt ? school begins this week ; children Wednesdays and Saturday : adults Tuesday and Friday S p. m. : attend the assemblies. Creighton Hall Wednesday and Saturday. S:30 : p. m. and learn the new dances , salute waltz , cake waltz , two-step and Cuban waltz. Admission , couple , M cents. SSO F 2S FURNITURE REPAIRING. PACKING , upholstering , mattress nnd feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Wnlk- lln , 2111 Cumins St. 22'J niRDS AND TAX1DI3RMV. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. 733 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. Wm. Barr. mgr : ; $1 to } 1.2o. 12th and Douglas. 'Phono 244. C44 F12 PAWXHROKERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 41S N. 16. 725 EAGLE Loan Ofl'.ce , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential , 1301 Douglas * . LOST. LOST A child's gray fur boa between 16th nnd Douglas nnd 2"20 Webster.I.o I.o < jt S97 SO OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathlc Inntituto. 515 N. Y. Life Uldif. , Alice Johnson. D. O , , ladles , dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , Osteopathlst , mgr. -723 M B. DONOHUE. D. O. . of Still school , Klrlcsvllle , Mo. , 601 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367. t + \ STA.M. .IURIX AXIJ STl'TTBRINfi. CURED. Julia Voughan , 430 Rnmgo Bldg. 727 HOUSES wivii-nni ) . GOOD stables anil cooil cnro. 'Phono 1054. J. W. Phelpn , 207 N. Y. Life 22S.F11 * Till .NIC FACTORY. TRUNKS , traveling bags , null cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. 1209 Farnam -i2J OMAHA HTEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1751 Leavenw'li. Tel. 517 -M25S SCHOOL VM ) LAXUl.Uii : . FRENCH. German. Spanish. $2 per month. Prof. Chatelaln. Ml Boyd theater. 723 ! FtRS. H. 13. & E. HUBERMANN. furriers ; furs made to order nnd rejtaliYd. US 3o.l5th. FOH LI-.VSI ; . f I 66X132. will ) trackage , near heart ef city. j W 33. Bee. 672 F * TAILOIIS , I BEN COHEN , artistic tailor. 401 N. 16th St. i 870-F iS , ( FT RATE railway 11'keU evt-rywhere. P H. Phiibln 150J Farnara. 'Phone 764. me * . ( Mis. KXAM1MOrient. . Tribune HIFvw - It t' . 125 to JW ; )1 down tiy iin oniit , i . wyk. Flesoher. 1 22 Capitol ave. 473 STYLISH dressmaker will sew In families. Address W 42 , Bee. M 710 Feb4 * XICKKL PLTI.XI. . OMAHA PLATING CO. , Ue . bulldlnsr.M20S M-20S LEGAL > OTICIS. : NOTICE OF-AMESDMKNTS OF ART- CLES OF INCORPORATluN. Notice Is hereby given thnt The Bee Pub lishing Company has tiled Its amended ar ticles of Incorporation In the otllce of the secretary of state , nnd also with th * county clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska ; that by virtue of said amended articles of In corporation It Is provided as follows : AMENDED ARTICLES OF INCORPORA TION OF THE BEE PUULISHING COM- Slate of Nebraska , Douglas County ss : Articles thrt'o (3) ( , four (4) ) nnd > c (5) ( ) , of the articles ot Incorporation of The Bee Publishing Company are hereby amended as follows : ARTICLE . The undersigned do hereby associate ourselves - selves toeelhiT und declare that we , to gether with our associates am ! riicccssor. ' are nnd shall ' * a corr > < ir . ' .lort under and by virtue o. trie stauitcs ol tne stiitt ? of Nebraska , by Hie name and style of The Bee Publishing Co. ' _ , . ARTIPLE II. The principal T > lac for the--transaction of the business of said corporation shall be In the city of-Oman.i. hi Uits county of DoushiB and j'tato of Nebraska. ARTICLE 111. - Tha general nntiire of the business to be transacted by fh.R-corporation fthall bo to print nnd publish daily. puml--iv ekly , trl-weekJr. Weekly newspapersnnd IIUIBII- Klncs , do general -Jo'j printing , .Iwolt pub lishing , book binding engraving , llthor graphing , j-wrcotypinir , rlec'roirplns and purchasing and selling prt'il'.r.s nuiclitnury , printing material , priming stock uim news * , paper press finnchlses. - _ . , ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stuck of said cor poration shall be live huudrui' rnousand dollars ( J500.000.00) ) . Ulvldefl into Bharcs of , live hundred dollars ii5l > " ' . ) cacti ; provided that , no sto. a. sraJl be issued In.excess of oiib nundrc-il ihousur.a doiuirs , rf , : < rJ.CiW.OD ) uniOKs authorized by a uvo-tliirflb vqte gf the outstanding sto--k of said corporation , .upon , ten dajs1 notice to all stocklioldertt , ; md nrovldod , further , that no ahare shall be sold or Issued for less fnan par. ' _ . . ARTICLE V. The time of commencement of saidcor poration shall be the Ilfteenth day ot Jan uary. A. D. 1S7S , and Ute tlt'i" of Jermlna- tlon of the sume shall be thr lifteenth day of Jiuiutiry. A. D. i5ou , unless renewpil or dissolved sooner by a vote bt two-thirds of the capital stotl : thcr or. _ . . , ARTICLE VI. .The highest amount of indebtedness or liabilities to which sold t-orporai-Ion can at any time subject ItsJf shall n .t exceed in the at's'ri'satD enc hrrd3) ( of the' amount of the capital stock , Issued by said corporation , and no bonded or mortgage Imlebledness shall ever bo contracted by said corporation. _ . , ARTICLE VII. The business and affairs of said corpora tion shall be coinluctfd by a board of director ? , five In .number , who shall be chosen by the stockholders , nt their annual meetlnc , each share of Mock having one vote , which election sllall be held on'the first Monday In March ot each year , "ami they shall hold olllce for one year or until their successors are elected. A majority of the board of directors s-nall form n iniorum for the transaction of buslneitV'acancle's in the board shall be flllcu by the remain ing directors for thob'alance of the un- explrcd term. term.ARTICLE ARTICLE VIII. The officers of said corporation shall be a president , a vice president , a secretary an * a treasurer , who shall be chosen by the board of directors In sucn manner , and perform sueli duller as the by-laws of said corporation may prescribe. ARTICLE IX. Whenever one hundred and sixty shares or more o.r stock shall hiivo been sub scribed for the association shall bo deemed organized a # a corporation and thereupon any subscriber or subscribers tor over one hundred shares may call a nic-utlns of the subscribers at Komesuitable place in the City of Omaha , for the election of ofljpers , by giving notice thereof for not less than thrco days In one pf , the dally newspapers published In the Cltx of Omaha. „ , , ARTICLE X. . - , . By-laws jpay be.pia.de by. the -cor.pora- tlon not InconststetU wiyj- Jawa'r'nwUh ( heSOiacttcleS.-- ! ' ' r' - " VitflaiJ' " -ARTICLE'XL' n ' : V , " - These rrticles of incorporation may bl amended by "ote o twotnlrduor the .stock , upon notice byjt'ie bosvrd of-dirertdrs to the stockholders' oC not- less - than'ten days , published li ± some daily ncwrpaper in the City of Omaha. , . j In witness whereof , we have hereurito set our hands anu seals this-9th day of January , A. D. , 1SOO. EDWARD , ROSEWATER , President. GEORGE B. T2SCHUCK. Secretary. State of Nebraska , County ot Douglas ss , On this 9th day of January. A. D. . 1900 personally appeared before me Kdwarc Rosewater and George B. Tzschuck , who are personally known to me to be the Identical persons who signed tne above amended articles of Incorporation and they severally acknowledged the instrument to be their voluntary net and deed. ( Seal. ) FRANK J. SUTCLIFFE. Notary Public. Jlo-d20t PROPOSALS FOR SCHOOL BUILDING. Notice is hereby friven that sealed pro posals will be received by the Board of Edu cation of the School District of th * > City of North Plattp until 12 o'clock in. . February 17 , ISO1) , for Uie erection of a thlrteen-room brick school building. Plans and specinca- tlons can be seen at the ottice of the Secre tary at North Platte , Nebraska , nnd at the ofllce of R. W. Grant , Lincoln. Neb. , a oertl- llod check of $300.00 to accompany oa"h bid. The successful bidder to give bond for the faithful performance of the contract in the * um of $20,000. The board reserves the right to reje-ct any and all bids. bids.LEM LEM B. ISENHART , Secretary. B. L. ROBINSON , President. J2fidm NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. TJi plans and speclllcations for eroc'tinn a Catholic church nt Templeton. la. , will be placed In the olllfe of The Omnhn Bee , also at St Louis with Architects Conies & Sc'itfe-fer. and at TempItHun , la. , for In spection. Bids must be sent In by the Stli of February , lOOa Bids received by Frank Schnlttor , secretary of building committee , Tomplnton. In. J24 dSt m POSTOFFIOB XOTICK. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , ns changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign mall * for the week ending Febru ary S , 1MO. will close fPJIOMPTLY ill all cases ) at the General Postoflice its follows : PARCELS POST MAILS clofe one hour earlier than closing limn shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany closet D p , m. Monday. TrniiH-AIIantlo Mnlln. ' ' WEDNESDAY At-7'u.'in. ( supplementary 9 n. m. ) for EUROPE , pur s. s. St Louis' , via Southampton ; ut 10SO : n. in. for BEL GIUM direct , per B. 't < . Southwo.t % via Antwerp ( letters must b directed "per s. B. Southwark" ) . THURSDAY-AL 7 a. m. . f r FllA'NCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY. 8PArlN. PORTUGAL - TUGAL , TURKEY. EGYPT nnd BRIT ISH INDIAS per -B. * . Lu Normandle * , via Havre ( l tter.s for other parts of Europe must be directed "per H. s. IVa Normundle" ) . SATURDAY-At S a. m. fur AX.ORES IS LANDS direct , per H. K. Tartar Prince , at S n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Mnasdam. vlu Rotterdam ( let- tors must be directed "per K' . "H. Maas- dam ) " ; nt ! ) n. m. ( supplementary 10:3' ) n. in. ) for EI'ROPK , per H. H. Tunlonlc * . vlu Quecnstown ; at 9 a. m. for ITALY , per s. s. Wcrr.'i , via Naples ( letters must be directed "per s < . H. Wtirra" ) : at 10 u. in. for SCOTLAND direct , per K n An- chorla. vlo Glasgow flctters mii'it be di rected "per M. s. Ancliorlu" ) , ut 11 u m for NORWAY direct. , | wr s. f. Hekla , vl.i Chrlstinnla ( U'ttcM must be directed "per v. s. Hekla" ) . PRINTED MATTKC. ETC. - German i steamers sflillnc on Tuesdays lake Printed ' Mutter. oc. . for Germany , and fipviially Addrch'od Printed Matter. > . > ( or othr parts of Europt. American nnJ White Star steamers on Wodnesdajs , German steamers on Thursdays and Cunurd L French and German atoamPri on .Satur day * take Printed Matter , etc , for all countries for which the } arr advertised to carry mall After the rloslns of the Supplementary Tranratlantlu Mails natneu utiuvc addi tional rupplementary mail ar1 opened on the piers of tht American. Ensllsh. French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour oi r.s of steamer. for South nnd CrnlVul Auirrlca , ° > VuNt luilI.-N , Cic , .WEDNESDAY-At 2:30 : a. in. for NAS SAU , per Mcamer from Miami , I'la ; . , t ! i:30 : a. in ( Kupplcmc-niary Vi.'pi a m i for . CENTRAL AMIiRU * * . exrou * C.M % Rita I and SOITH PACIFIC PORTS jn-r . a. FJiiMif * . vlu ( 'olon ( letters fir G-iat- emala must be directed "oer s , a , Fl- I'OSTOKI'U V XOTHl : . t nnnn t. HI lii.Su .1 in for 11 1'1'TO HICO. per U. P. Trnnsport IJ .Ui J. in f > .r ST. THOMAS' ST. CHOIX. LEK- WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , pel s. s. Fnnlnbello : nt 1 p in. for CI'llA. YUCATAN. CAMPKC.I1K , TABASCO uml CHIAPAS , per s. s. Orizaba , via lln- , vaiiR nnd ProRreso ( letters for other parts oT Mexico must bo dllrrtrd "I > T f. . , Orizaba" ) ; at I P. in. for PUKRTO RICO. , per s. f. .Mao. via Ponce. THURRDAY-At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA. per stpnmer from Philadelphia ; HI 10 . ' m. ( supplementary lOulO n. m. ) for IlKIl- ' MUDA , per s . Orinoco ; al 1 p. m. ! > plementary 1:30 : p. m. ) f ir NASSAU. N. P. . OUANTANAMO anil SANTIAGO , per . . . . ji. m. for BELIZE , PUERTO j CORTEX nn l GUATEMALA , per s. s. lIiuiFH ( lottfrs must be directed "per s. s iinrim" ) : nt 1 p. m. foi- JAMAICA , per s. s. Erna ( loiters must be directed "per s. s. Erna" ) . . , . SATURDAY At " 2:30 : a , jn. for NASSAl . per" stPamrr from Miami , Fintit ; 0:9) : n. m. ( supplementary in n , m. ) for ST. THOMAS. BT. CRO1X. LEEWARD inul WINDWARD ISLANDS , and DEMER- ARA.'per si. s. Madlnna : nt 10 a. m. isup- plojnontnry 10:30 : .11. in. ) for. FORT UN'E ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANI1.LA. CAR- THAGENA nnd GREYTOWN. per s. s. Alone , ( letters for Costa Rloa must be directed "per s. s. Alone" ) : n * jO .11 n. in. for HAITI , per s. s. Dean , via Port au Prince ( letters for Curncnu. Trlnl Ind. Venezuela. Hrltlsb nnd Dutch Guiana must bo xllrcctod "per s. H. Ofnn"t ; at 11 a. m. for CUBA , per s. s. Havana , i-ln Havana : at 1 p. m. for NUEVITAS. GIBARA , VITA , BARACOA nml PUERTO - ERTO PADRE , per s. s. Ollmln. SUNDAY-At R30 P. m. for ST. PIERRE- MIQUELON , per steamer from Halifax. .N. S. . , , . - . . „ for .Newfottndlttnd. by rail to North Sydney , ami thence by stenmrr , close at this ofllce dally at S:30 : p. m. ( connert- Inz tlo. e licro eVery Monday \ \ odnes- day nnd Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon , bv ra'llto Boston and thence by steamer , cfosc nt this olllce dally nt S:30 : p. m. Malls'Tor Cuba , by rail'to Port Tampa , Fla. and thence by steamer. ' close at this ofllco dally ( except Monday ) at ' " ' n. in. ( the conticctlnc closes art. on Sunday , Wednesday'nnd Friday ) . Mulls for Cuba , by'rail to Miami , Fla. , nnd thence by steamer , close at this ofri.r rvery Mon day. Tuesday and Saturday nt 2:30 : a. m. Olio connecting closes arc on Tuesday nnd Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer , close nt this olllce dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. in. Mails for Costa Rica. Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala , by rail to Now Orleans , nnd thence by steamer , close nt this olllce dally at 3:00 : p. m. ( connecting closes here Sunday ! * and Tin-strays for < " * osta RIcU and Mondays foe Ilr-llzc , Puerto Cor tez -and Guatemala ) . Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. "Regis tered trail closes at 6 y. m- second day before. Trmin-1'Jii-lllc MnlU. Malls for Hawaii. via San Fran cisco , close here dully at 6:30 : p. m. up to February Ml' , inclusive , for dispatch per a. y. Australia.Malls for Australia ( ex cept West Australia , which goesvia Eu rope , and Now Xenlund , which goes via San Francisco ) Hawaii , nnd FIJI Islands , via Vancouver , c'lose heru dolly at 6:30 : p. m. up to February * * " 3. inclusive , for dis patch per s. s. Mlowera. Malls for Hawaii , China , Japan and the Phil ippine Islands , via San Francisco , close hero dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to Feb ruary " * 4. inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Nippon Mnru. Mails for China anil Japan and Philippine Islands , via Se attle , close here dully at G:30 : p. m. up to February " * 5 , for dispatch pur s. K. Tosa Mnru ( registered letters must be directed "via Seattle" ) . Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China and the Phil ippine Inlands , via San Francisco , close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to February 12 , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Rio de Janeiro. Mails for Aus tralia ( except West Australia ) . New Zea land. Hawaii. FIJI and Samoan Inlands , via San Francisco , close here dully tit 6:30 : p. m. after February * * * 3 anil up to Febru ary * ! " . Inclusive , or on day of arrival of t > . s. Campania , dttp at New York Feb ruary ' " 17 , for dispatch per ss. . Alameda. Mall's for China and Japan , via Van couver , close litre dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to February " ' 20. inclusive , for dispatch , per s. 15. Empress of China ( registered mail mUsfbo'dlrccU'fl "via Vancouver" ) . Mails for Society Islands , via San Fran cisco , close lien ? dally at 0:00 : p. m. up to February * " 2" , Inclusive , for dispatch . by ship Galilee. [ Transpacific mails are forwarded to .port . 'of sailing5 ally and'the schedule trf clos ing Is jirr7ifiKc.d'-o"n rthe , presumption of ' 'their \iuiujerrupled' 'overlnnd transit. " Registered mall closes .at'6 p. m. urcvl- . ' ous day. , CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofllco. 'New York , N. Y. , January 23 , 1900. RAILWAY TIME TAIIL12S. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad 'The Northwestern Lino" General Ofllcon , United States. National Uk. Bids. . S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sty. Ticket Ofllce , 1101 Farnam St , . Telephone 561. Dee - o , 15th and AVcbster Sts. Tflephone 143S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Deadwood , Hot Springs .a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pm Hasting * . York , David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Sewiird b 3:00 : pm 'b B:00 : pm Norfolk , . VerdlBTe iiind . Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:23 : am Lincoln , Walioo nnd Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:23 : am Fremont Local o 7:30 : am a Dally , b Daily except Sunday , c Sun day only , d Daily except Saturday , e Daily except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH- wcstcrn Railway "Ttio Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farnuin Street. Tele phone 661. Depot- Tenth und Mason Streets. Tele phone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . . , a 6:40 : am al:5j : pm Chit-ago Passenger a 4:15 : pm ui/lu ( : um Eastern Express. Des Molpes. Mawhnlltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago - . cage alO:55 : am a 4:03 : pm Eastern Limited , Chicago cage and KIIBI . . . .a 4:5a : pm a 4:0j : pm Fast Mall.'Chicago to Omaha ' a 2:45 pm Omaha-Ohlcnso Special.u 7:30 : pm u S:00 : am Fust Mall a 1:30 : am a Dally. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omnha Railway "Tho Northwestern - western Line" General Olllcea. Nebraska Divi sion , 15th and Webster S ( . City Ticket Olllce. 1101 Farnnm St. Telephone Ml. Depot , 15th and Webster Stc. Lenvc. Arrive. Twin City Passenger..a G:00 am a 8:00 pm Omnha Passenger . . . . ull:20 : am Sioux City ft Nortb- I east Nebraska u 3:40 : pm a Dally , b Dully except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & . PACIFIC Tlallroad "Tho .North- wt-itern Line" General Olllces , United States Nuvi'inal Hank nulldlng , ipr22 - al ) ( ) j , nrniinl { jlH- Ticket , Olflco. 1401 Farnam fU. Telephone 661. De- I pot. Tenth & Mason Sl Telephone 623. Leave. ' Arrive. ! Twin city Express . . . .a 6:50 : am ali:50 ) : pm Twin City Limited . . . .u":29pni : n 8:15 am Sioux City Local u iw : am u 4:20 : pm a Dally. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLand - and & Pacllic Rulho.id "Tho Orfat Rock Inl and Route " City Tick et OHce | , 1323 Furnain Street , Telephone , 42i. Depot. Tunth & Mucon Leave. Arrlvo. Lt-B Molncs and Daven- ixjrt Local a 7:03 : am 1)11:30 : a in fill ago Kxpre.v ) . . . .1)11:15 ) : am a $ :10 : am i l.k-asjo Fant Express u 5W : pm n 1:25 : pin St. Paul Exprt-HH . . .n 5:00 : pm bll'Xjum 1 Incoln. Colorado Spgs , Denver. Pueblo und West a 1:30 : pm u 4:25 : pm DtMolnes Rock Island - and und Chicago a 7:25 : pin. a 5M : pm Colorado & Texan Flyer.a 5 50pm a 9:20 : am rt Dally , -Dally cxceit Bunilay. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS.1 . , road Omaha , Katua city , .t Eastern Railroad "Tbo Qulngy Route" Tickoi Of- tice , If" ) Farnam Street. Teleiihond. 3 . Depot , Tnnih and Murcy Streets. ' Ttio- p.ioiie , CO. . Leave. Arrive , Si Louid Cannun Ball K'vpr st . . . .a 4:13 : pm a S:3G : pm . i\ : > rrr . . a. 4:13 : pm u S 35 am Ka-isaa I'lty and Qumry Lei il . .afirtOam a 8:50 pin a Dallv. I.WAY TI.MI1 TAUI.n. Mi iN PACIFIC "T11KOFlf i.l R.i'itt ' tlrnei .1 Oil' ' f- ' N i : Cor Ninth mill V.irr . .M , Streets City Ticket Oflirc 1 2 ( Fnrnntn Htr < > t ; Telephone S16 ] Depot. Troth and Mas.u Streets. Telephone ItS. Leave. Arrive The \ ovrrU'id Limited..a SSO : am n 7 M pm The Fast Mnll n 9:00 : am a .ZJpm The 1 Colorado Special. . .all : ! > S pm n t.ifl AID The ] Portland Special . .ft S:30 : ntn n 4 40 pm Lincoln. Hcntrlco nnd Stromslnirg Express..b 4:10 : pm 1 > 12 2S pm Pfn-lllc HKpros a 4JS : pm a 6-.X5 am Grand Island I iuil b 5:30 : pm b 9.30 am n Dally , b Dally except Sunda * . . CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway - < il < . . . - * . Ticket Otllce , 1501 l..irn.im 'ML\\'A"lEEi \ \ Street. Telephone 2 < 4. Depot Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone 62' . _ . Lonve. Arrive Chicago Limited Ex..a 7:35 : pm n S > ) nm Chli.igo .1 Omahii Kv..blIWnm : b 3' * . pm plo < i\ City nnd O'f Molnt' Exiiress bll:00ani : li pm n Dall. . b Dally except Sunday \ ad General Otll'-os anil Tli kot I'ltlrm Soutlieast Cot- nor 14tli and Douglas S" Ti-lfph. > no. 104. Depot , loth nnd Webster Sit. Telephone. 14" Arrive K i1St U Express . .a9:30pni : a 5 0 am Wtl.or .Va.b ! CgSpm a WS am a Dally b Dall > except .Sunday. LLINOIS CENTRAI Railroad. City Ticket ofllco M 1412 Farnam street. Tele phone , 245. Depot , lentil and .Mason streets. Leave. Arrive Chicago Express . a 12:10 : pm a Cy P > Chicago Limited . u 7:3opm : a 815am Minneapolis nnd St. . Paul Express . b-7Wani : b 9:40 pm Minneapolis nnd St. , Paul Limited . a 7:3o : pm a S.lSnm ironi i. o. uini ? i " T.WV , . . . . b 10'15 am a Dally , b Dolly except Sundays. TcANSAS CirYT ST. .10- frciih < t Council Rluns RtUlroad - "The B-'rlJHB- ' ton Roulo" Ticket Olllco. 1502 Furnnm Street Telephone - phone , STiO. Depot , Tentli and Mason Streets. Tele- ullonc , 310 310Leave. . A'Tlvo I > I JVlJt * x * - - - - - : , sottrl River Rallro.nl "Tho Burllng'ton Route' General Ollloes. "N Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts. Ticket otncc. 1502 Far , , „ . . nnin street. Telephone , 2.V ) D"epotT"Tcnth and Mason Streets , lelr- 310. Leave. Arrive. i S:40 : am a 7:40 : pm . . 4:25 am a 3:55 pm Lincoln. Black Hills. . . . . . . . . . . Llm-oln l > o il . a7:00pni : alOIS : > am Lincoln F . "t Mall . a 3W pin alO:3o : am J envor Colorado Utah & r-.aifjrnui . C:20 : am a Dally. _ . = ; CHICAGO. BI-RL1NGTON & Quincy Rallroad-"The Burllnston Route" Ticket onice , 1502 Famam St Tel. . 200. Jit-pot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone , 310. _ Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . a fiMO am Chicago Vestlbuleo Ex. . a i:05 : pm n SCfi ; an ) Chicago Kxprcs > . . a SCO am a lns : pm Chicago & St. 1 * . Ex a 7:4i : i > m a 8:05 : utrt Pni-lllf Junction Ix > cal..alO:45 : BIT. Fast Mali . a 2.40 pm a Daily. W A H .V S H RA IL.ROAD- Tlrket Olllco , .1501 ir .rnnm , : Strcet.iTelanton6'Ml , " i > ot. jTcmii . .una . Morej' Ci" streets.ATcIeiiJ > o > ie .029. . IAve. AVrlvc. i I , fit. Louis "Cannon Ball" I Express . a 4:50 : pm a SS5 : am a Daily. IMI'HSTOXH ( lUAHRIKS SOLI ) . Property 1'iirclinnoil from the Indian * liv ( Covrrimu-nt. . The famous plpestono quarrJca o/ Minnesota seta have been sold bj .the Indians to tht ; national governincnt. These qunrrlea < have been in possession ot ttic Sioux Indians for a period long antedating any written record of their existence , nnd are the subject of legendary lore nnd tradition as rich and Interesting as any that are related of the North American Indians. Longfellow wle- brated them In "Hiawatha , " nnd their prod uct is popularly known in the form of the red soapy clay used by nearly nil the In dians for pipes and sold quite extensively throughout the west among ivhlte smokers for that purpose. The surprising thing in connection with the successful negotiations for their -K- quirement by the government Is that the Indians liavo been ! .Induced to relinquish the quarries In view of the almost religious nwc In which they are held. According to the legend , a great battle wna fought on HIP site of the quarries in the dark , misty ages of the past between two warllko tribes of red men. Every warrior WUB. slain nnd their bloodv turning Into Htone , produced the red clay substance which , when , hard ened , produced the sacred pipe tlone of i ' which the quarry furnished an Inexhauat * Ible supply. It is related that whenever hostile Indians met on this ground , nil atil- mcolty was forgotten , and while they re mained within the limits of the quarry they were brothers. The negotiations for the sale of the quar ries to the government were' conducted by | Mnjor McLaughlln , Inspector for the In- tcrlor department , nnj the price to be paid I to the Ynnltton Sioux U given at $100.000. Of this sum SL'j.OOO IK to be paid tbo In- ' ( liana In cattle. The quarries are located In the southwestern part of Minnesota The Indians reserve certain rights within a tract of fotty miles for the quarrying of pipe- I stone , nnd the agreement further provide * for the sequestration of the grave of Pretty Boy , one of their chiefs , -who Is burled there. His pcoplo are desirous of preserving thu grave from violence nnd will erect a monument ment over his burial site out of the money realized from the Bale. The Immediate tract reserved by the Indians U marked by two roks known as the Twin Virgin- A MAV OK TlicTiAn - \o ( Many Who Would Do 1 \\linl lit. 1)1.1 , I "A man of the real courage , thnt in courage - ago as courage goes In politico. " said a man , of experience In political matters to ttjo I Washington Star. "Is Solomon Illnich of i Portland , Ore. , and minister to Turkey under i President' HarrlHcn. Ho Is a cnllllaualre , thereby being eligible to the Unltol States I fenaki and WUH a swiatdrial candidate before , the Ori-gun legislature In 18S5. Matters were ' badly mixed , as they are likely to bo at ' times , and there was a deadlock for sixty dayp. Hlrsch was a member of the stale 1 ' senata and president of the Ijody and the vote WUB a tin between himself and bin op- P ient during the whole time. And herd is where the courage , or heroism , of the man eaniu in. He had cast his vote for the other man and would not change | t. His friends urged him with every argument In thulr power to vote for himself , break iho deadlock and get tbe penatorshlp , ) > rt he f did not bullevo li was the right thing to I do , and notwithstanding the great prize and the perfectly legitimate manner by uhl h he I might have secured It , he let a principle lead 1 Mm In another direction and In u roinpro laUd threw his forces to John H Mlt hell who ! was elected , i don't know of au inifan"i > j where srwlcr moral courage in | ) Oliti < - < wat evpr shown than that and I think n wa * more of arcdli to Mr Hirsrh ihan to havp been a fulled States Kenator , "