A V JT A "V f A T V ! U 1 ( HIM T lephonca ii $ and 69 * Dec , Jan , 23 , 1900. New Black Dress Goods The stylish black goods are here with a new charm and tile assortment How is as good as it will likely bo this season. In scores 'of .exclusive olleets , rich , beautiful weaves. These are a few of the now coiners. Fiotny-i : > NOVci/riKS NKW IJI.ACK nnUVtOTS There are nnd beautiful , cxccllt'tu value for u Iwenly-flvo different grades ot black mcillum priced novelty , Cue , 7uC , 83c chpvlofa. Thin Is ono of the moat , tocvlceublo fabrics for all around wear a yard C5c , 85c , $1.00 n yard. NHW ruROkA NOVKtiTIUS a most NBW PARISIAN CRCPQNS A most popular fabric of the newest designs popular fabilo for separate skirls , the and weaves , $1 25 , $ I.GO , $1.73 a jard. blister handsome now offccla are very NKW MOHAItl CHKI'ON A comblnu- $1 73 , $2.00. $ $ Z.2B. tlon of mohair nnd wool , entirely new NEW TAILOR 81MTINGS Fashion do- tffrct--npoclal price 12-lnuh , | 1.75 a creci Ibal IhoHo goods vlll bo very yardwill wear beautifully. populoior ( tbo coming season , splen BLACK AND WHITU GOLF i'LAlUS nt did voluo nt 76c. 41.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , tl.25 a yard. , $2r.O ; a yard. \Vo Close Our Store SaturMnya nt 0 P. M , ron FosTnn ici'h ci.ovns A\D iicrAiii/s PATTHUXS. THOMP ONLY EXCLUSIVE GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA. Y. M'/o.'A. nwii.niNO , con. IUTU AND DOUGLAS STS. AN INDISCREET VICE CONSUL Brilisbir Attacks Ssnator Mason nnd Be littles tlie American People. SAYS THEY ARE MERCENARY AND FICKLE Fa\ornilc ) ( i > Uocrn When Tln- > Win Svoulil Fnvor IlrlllMh hionlifTltcy ! ' , Achlq r V | ' , lor > the Co ll Nil I. WASHINGTON , Jnn. 29. Senator Masou arose today soon afler the scnate'cOnvcned to a question of privilege and sharply at tacked the Drltlsh government and Ihe Drlt- lah vice consul at New Orleans because of an Interview in which the vlco consul had ax- gilled Mason for tbo position be bad taken In behalf of tbo Transvnnl re.v.ibllc in Its war with Great Diltnln. Mason attacked not only Iho consul , but ihe policy of Great Britain In levying w'ar upon au Inferior na- lion. lion.Mason Mason read a newspaper clipping of an In- lejyjpw wllh Iho Drills ! ) consul at New Or- l an naylng Ibat Ihotlsh | public was dlfi- gusied with ttib position taken by the Ameri can people' and KOUIO of the senators In con- gf ss on ihe subject of the Drlllsh-Trans- vaal war. That position was assuaged , the consul waff quoted BH saying , simply becaufee the American people were mercenary. To day they were favorable to tbo Boers be cause thljy hud achieved a little success ; to morrow they would be Just as favorable to the Brlllsh whpn they had achieved vlclory. The consul nlao attacked Senalor Mason specifically. Mason said the consul's utterance Was scarcely worlh''atlt'nOon , except lhat lie was bbe of the nctrcdlled representatives of a great nation to thfs country. fi 'y V f Aitnck * IJo Union Honor. "It Id not thcriflrst lime , " declared Bin1J"thatafJrJtUh dlplo.mit | has attempted' t9fun , , tt > /coutilru I . ) So1 fafais "nUJjcko upoi } mc. re concerne , ! ] I have no , ' { ffneefn , 5. They do me , h6nprj' ' < iThcimore [ 'vonouiona ho slacks by tlio British upon' Po ] and those \\M think like me ; the more we are made tbo subject o"f llrlllsh slupid- ' lly'Snd | , ; sooner wili-the Auier- leaa people get on he I'sht ' side of the Con- Irbversy. " * We declared that flij per ccnl of Ihe people of .America were In ayntpnthy wllh the Uoers In their contest with Great Britain1. I Want to say t fuld Mabdn , "I ask no special defense from Ihe 8Ute department In "this mnlter , for , with Ihe help of God , I'H , try to take care of myself. But , " aald .bo. "there Is one thing that I should like tp Inquire about. What has become of the nrbltration Ireaty that was submltled to the . senate ? I m told that the United States government cannot mediate In this war un- tlf that' treaty' has been ra'ffli-d. If lhal Is BO ? ; want- that treaty dltcovcrcd and rntl- fied-'so Ih3t. . tfid/barrlor'acalnsf mediation 'shall bo , rcmoyed. " , Masop then urged the committee , on for eign rolallons. lo which his resolution of H.y'm.p.ilhy with Ihc Iloors had been referred 'to , 'to mtfko a report on It , In order that a vole might be had upon It. "Don't take lhat child to the graveyard , " urged Mason , "for I give you notice now that there will bo n resurrection of It ovary day after this week. You'll have n chance to think about , ' It at least once every day unlcaa you go to tbo clcak rocui while I discuss It. " , Hoar regarded the iittciauco ot Ihe Brll lsh cuuNiil an very soilous , "an attack. In fact , upon the dharacter of n Unllcd Hlules smialor and upon the American people. " , May I'rovt' bi-rloun. It ueemoil to him that Inasmuch as the 'inkier had been brought otllclally to the attention of the senate , It ought to be re ferred to ( ho rommtlee | on foreign relations bo that that'toniuttcq ) ( inlght bring It to the attention of the president. He thought It Jiilflht bp tlu ) proper ground for the iovocn- , ( .Iqn , of the British'cbnsiiVB t-jxeiiualuY nnd pcrbapB It might properly be made ihe sub- { jcl of reprMentutloiiH to the government of : Great Bil.tnlu. Coutiiuing | , Hoar expressed liU regret that Mabon had niade his atttick upon a filendly uittlojip U Wdp qulle natural. tijt ( . .Maa ira Kindly .aympalliles shoulil , bp 3tjonily ; stlrreJ. bo bald , by the bravo linerj ( itruj- ; glln nparnbl u great empire , btij the een- Mto was d part of the dlplomatlp power ot ( thlfi government nqd If inch'ullcrnnccs vere made hre , hp doubted tbo t-dlcacy of nny' offers of mc'dlatlQii that mUH be unda by the United Stuteh. 'x" ' "ll c"9i not seoni to mo , " e'f > h\ \ Hear , 'Jo "be a lcgli8l ; pdfjpnn lo jifsume I have jiopcj that the tuio | ytolild COLIC when cither mediation butwecn ( ircnt Brit Jin aud the Tran vuHl should be off c ml by Iho govern ment or thai the position of the American JKCJ.II | -would bo m do to clear as In lirjns about peaie. I suppose the attitude of the Pi-jOple flf the Unllei } Stntfis for thdie of Great Britain Is one of almost utluchrnent nud Int. rt . " ' Hoar ad ! tbnt U Urc.il Ilrlialticre , ) * 'Keep to Your Place and Your Place will Keep You , ' ' Without good health tue ctnnoi keep tituJithns nor enjoy life. Most troubles originate in impure blood. Hood's SurfA- pjaillA nukes the blood rich And pure , and that p WOfs } good health , which ti > M help yo * "keep your place , " wrong In Iho present conical she was re garded by ralrlotlc Americans precisely na ihey would rcaard their own Government It It uevo Wroni ; . Ho did not believe , be said , In the doctrine , ' 'my rounlry , r'Bht ' or nnd did not tbtnk the pcbplc be lieved in it. a Ci-ltlolnrn ( 'oiU , l. Lodge In n. brief fpcoch also crltlclBod t'ir ' Uritish consul's remarks na highly Im proper Miieon replied briefly , but so vehemently to the points made by Hoar that Tlatt of Connecticut said : "I do' not want to let this occasion paw v.lihout entering my protest against the abusb of free speech In the United Stales fienalc. " The matter was then referred la.iho com mittee ou foreign relations. The rcBolutlon of I'cltlgrow dcc'aring food products not 'to ' be contraband Of war was refericd to Iho eommitleo on foreign rela tions nfter a brief speech by Pettlgrew. Caller presented a conference report on the census administration bll | and It was agreed 'to. ' A joint resolution granting permission tor the ercctlpn In Washington cf a monument In honor of Samuel Hahnomann was ra'scd. In accordance wllh prcvioun announce ment Tlllman delivered a forceful and quite characteristic speech on the Philippine quesllon , In whltih he maintained lhat this government ought to extend to the Filipinos pines the right to govern themselvep , the United Slates guarding them against the aggiesslou of other tuitions. SAMOAN TREATY TO STAND Iljn Mnjorltyor Fifteen VotCM Seii- nte Vote * Not < n llecun- Hldcr It , v WASHINGTON , Jon. 20 , The eenate In executive session tf > day decided bj * unvote of 21 lo'38-nol lo fottnslder the vote by which the Bamonn treaty was ratified and tbe.n re- m'6v'ed thd jujube-lion of Secrecy > trom the vole. ' , 'TJiq votejn dfctall waa.'aa 'follows : Allen , Kenne\s f . Y.MeKnciS Hurry. „ . .Martin.N liutler , Money , ' Ohilton' - , rettlcrew , rjlurtc ( MojiL ) , Haw ins , Clay , Ta.llafeno . , Dunlel. . - , Tlurntiij. Hellfcld , Turner 21. Jones ( Ark. ) , Nays : Aklrlcli , ' McComas , Allison , McMillan , UpUcr , . . Nelson , „ . Ueverldge , Penrose , Carter , Perkins , Chandler , „ . . , \ Ulu-tt ( Conn. ) , rullom , ' r Prltchnrd , Onvlc , ' ' " ' "T'ltrefor , " Fairbanks' , ' Qunrles , Kotaker , Ross , Ft ye , Scett , GII'linger , Hcwell , Hiinna , * Shoup , HniiHbrough , T Stewart. Haw-ley , Tenner. Keiin , ' ThursWn. Kyle , U'nrren , McUrlde , \Veitmore-3S. Before opening" fi ' t tWf door ? Senolor Uavls , | chairman ot the foreign relations committee , replying lo Senator Mason , eald he would tomorrow nik ! the senate to lake up Tlie Hague peace Iroaly. i'nT'rnnmV i.THIS VAX AJAI > . tit iCnu v If .SninoniiN AVere ConnnHcit Aliout t | > r Treaty. WASHINGTON , Jnn. 29. After i.omo routine'buMriees | n the'senalcjoday I'elll- grovv ef South Dakota presented" K lesolutlon calling on Iho president , If not Incompatible with public Interests , to Inform thp icnato If tbo r < - ' ° po ) of Sauica had been ccnsultcd wilh fefm.ica to the ; ccont treaty regardIng - Ing tha Sampan l litnds. Tie } resolution went over. The jcnnto tlidn ndoiitcd nn order jire- Bontcd by , AII ( on deciding to proceed to Ihe election of a i/.c.nU.u-y and HDrge.int-nt- ( irma of ilv } ccnai ( ; , TliUaa > .tho uccond stop In thu rcoreaulzntlcn of the < < r.uatei whlrtiVbus bcei ) pnndlni ; for beveral weeks. AJjli'ou tliLii lu euccee | on presented roso- lutloni , dt ti 'lUa > ( Ohar.lf.-s. , 0. pnnu.ctt of Now Ypik he elscjed ; sct-relary of the seu- ale , iiiul , second , ' tfiat D'jnlnl 'M. Hahisdcll > .I In' i tia bo elccved scrgeKiit-at-onnti. Afternn neiueMint v.is reached that Iho otllccra v\tio \ nut to Ul.c tlclr piacee yntll Fubliinry 1 i ; : u-ijolullona VL'lo adopted without dlvlMiPH , \VlTlinitA\V TIlOOl'H PIIOM UL'IIA. i of Alnli.iiiiii l'l\c * Dale o/ \Vlllur ! < i-i- | July I. 1000. WASHINGTON , Jan. 2 ! > . Clayloi ) of A'a- ( oduy lutruliue.1 the tojlav/lng les lu- tlpn : , "Hwolved , Tint on July 4 , 1,00 ( , , the cill- { lary and naval foucs of iheUnltoJ KUito tie withdrawn ( uni tjic ) jan4 | of Cuba r.n 1 that thu cQvcrnucr.1 thereof to left to the Cuban people. "Roaolved , farther. That ihe prcbUenl of ( ho Uulfcd Stales be and ho hereby | < Ul- icoted lo make proclamation of thU roio- lutlon and at ) piopcr ' orders for tlie e\ccu- llou Ihereof. " I.l l of Ki > lflrv | for llurlnl. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2' ) . Gener.il Shaf- tor ha tcI srAphcd the War dt'fcrlmcut a LompUto list of 1C $ soldiers brousht to ca-i KrancUco from the rtilllrplncs en the traiu- ' | pert City cf PH la All of these bodies that are not cUlmcd by relatives or ( il > nd | I for private Interment will be burled In the National ccmet ry nt the Ptcoidlo of San Franclbco , , , Several day * ago The fife > iubllshed a complete list of the soldiers from Nebrnuka and olitb Dakota rcglmenu whdse L'odles ' ' were brougfit'on'the ciiy of Pekln. . 3ron * tlin Couch 1 nfiil JViifli" < n ( bo Cold. ' I.axatlvo'ilromo-QulnlpD Tablets cure a cold In one day , No cure , no pay Price 2uc. j CAGE INFORMS TIIIrSENATE Secretary Makes a Rosponsa to the .Second R'solution of ' ' Inquiry ! . LITTLE TO ADD TO THE FIRSJ'STATEMHNT III * .VI ii I n Itl rn | o Kcop 1'itlillr Motir ; \VlllioiM Illuk nml I'riMCnl Klnun- Confuri.iii.cDvulcit. . WASHrtVqTO.V , Jan. 20. Secretary Gage today transmitted to the Bulmto his reply to thu rcjolutlotift of January 2J , cnlllne for further Information aa to his ttenllngtf wllh tbo ofllclals of the National.City bank of New York. The- secretary quotes In full _ the icuato resolution and adds that It might bo couldorcil ; a fully answered by his. com- 1' ' munlcatlon of January 10 , In reply to the fcnatc's first resolution el inqtilty of Jnn- unry 3 on the same Subject. lib ndda. how ever , thnl he will endeavor to supply to the heal of his ability whatever may hava been .lacking In hW first nnswci' . < The secretary then lake < ) up the ben- ntts resolution of January 23 by paragraphs. His rcp'ly In brief Is ns follows : "Flrsi 'That , the secretary of the treasury - ' ury be and he to hereby directed to trans mit to the Ronalo copies of all letters nml the substance of any ccnvcrjallon or , agree ment.fie may IIHV.C wrltleu or had wjth A. H. Hepburn of the National City bank.ot New York , , In reply to , n letter frpm Mr. Hepburn to him , dated June C , 1897. ' "A careful search of the department files docs not show any nnswer'to the letter of A. D. Hepburn , written by. him to wo , dnted Juno 25 , 1S < )7 ) , nor do I bcllcvo that any answer was over made to-said letter. Neither do I recall any conversation had "with A. D , Hepburn In reply to such letter. , Nor w-a- ? there I At tbut time , or now , any'agreement mudo I or expectation of an agreement to be mndo I by the secretary of tbo treasury or y of the officers of the Treasury dcpnit- mont , with any person or persons Hvllh'rcfcr - enco to the subject matter of said loiter of A. H. Hepburn. The rec6rd transmitted with ray" communication of Jnnuaty 10 , 1900 , contains all there Is or o\er was , so far na I Know , concerning tlie said Iqttei1 of A. B. Hepburn. "Soconfl 'Also copies of any lettere , com munications , agreements , papers und docu ments between the Treasury department and the National City bank of New York within the period embraced between June 5 , 1897 , nnd October 27 , 1897. " "H does not appear from any record of the Treasury department , nor | s It within the recollection of the secretary of the treas ury , that the department or any of Its offi cers , had any rotations , either official or pri vate , with the National City bank of Now York within the period embrrrod between Juno 5. 1897 , and October 27 , 1897 , so that there are no letters , communications , agree ments , papers nnd documents In the posses sion of the department which passed between the Treasury department nnd the National City bank within that perlqO. " To , Prevent Flimiiclii : Ulnnntpr. The secrelary calls attention to Iho ne cessity which irose late in October , is 7 , of disposing In some way of the large &um of money ( $58,448,223) , ) which was realised from the settlement of the Pacific railway debt without drawing this money out of active channels and thus precipitating a financial disturbance. He refers to his letler to A. B. Hepburn , printed In full In his first reply. In which he told Mr. Hepburn that H. W. Cannon of the Cliatfc National bank had already been requested "to ascer tain how many banks would qualify as de positories lo lecelve n portion of Ihe $30- 000,000 of the ; raltway futfd .which1 waf to bo dlsbdlBed In the "redemption of-govern- me'nt alxei'nbout January" 1. " ' ' "The- National * Clfy bank * coiild" " "loa'ally , . qualify by the deposit of public bonds to , receive njurge amount. It-was necesnary that should" he' . this theroi [ In. instance an original recipient and the dlslrlbulor of the fund , because -ono check alone wag drawn lu the amount of $13,645,250. U ought to occur readily to the minds of the most In- e > perlence < l In banking affairs that It re quired an Institution of some considerable magnitude to handle such a check. "As shown In Ihe communication of Janu ary 10 , 1800 , the National City bank dM become the original recipient and dUtrlbu ' lor of Ibis fund , nnd that as fasl as certain other banks qualified , it ( the National City bank ) , transferred to the Institutions" as follows : To the Chase National , $2,000,000 ; to the Hanover National , $2.000,000 ; to the Fifth National , $200,000 ; to the Amprlcon Exchange National , $200,000 ; to tbj ( Na tional Da nit of the Ropubll : , $500,000 ; to the Senboard National , $600,000 , and to the Western National , $1,000,000 , all of which sums , together with the amount held by the National Clly bank , secured by dopoBlta of bonds of the United States , were subse- fluently withdrawn nnd paid Into the sub- treasury at Now York. The treasurer bo- lloves.tbat he accomplished by such transac tion what bo bad taken j > alns to do since , namely , the Avoidance of that soil of dis turbance In the money market which af fects not merely speculative affaire , but which as sad experience has itco often demonstrated spreads throughout the whole commercial and Industrial fabric , bringing ruin and disaster BUCU as close the doora of factories nud mills , throw labor out of employment and Invite years of business stagnation , the like of which was wit nessed during the -period 1895 to IS ! ) " . Ki-pp I'uhllc Money Without HIM. . 'I may add ( he solo purpose which has animated tle ) RCCIclary In these iounec- llona wan BO to use the bankif , nnd.to . t'ecure , preserve and kpop the publjq.juunejp'with - out irlskr or tvtuunl , of JOBS nnd lii such foim ; vvthlo | the lnJt/Upn3cimfl | ] | require- inontfl pMawj- would bnit ccndu.to , lp tbo prcnurvatlou. and. probation- the gen.qi.il interests of the people * " ; ; relates to tbq request for letters ami telcsiurnn bearing on an alleged "con- fwraJice. with Mr. Mui-Ran tti rcliitlan. to the i treasury deposits In the national InnU doI I .jonl'.orica In New York. " Secretary Oago re- | pllw : "There nre no letters , a roonentB , papers or dcutiuir-nta OD ) llo In the Tuai ur > dopartmcnt beuvt-cn the fccwV | taiy of the treasury or his . .uboidliuM gill- jcru or oflicl.ilE , nud the ullltlae : ! nf thf Nu- tl'ir.Hl I'lty bank of New York or ll'O ofn.'lalu i > f the National City bank and. IJio t'ccreUry of the treasury or bis ctibordliutcH In raftr- encn to a letter from thu secretary of tin' trea ii ! ) to Jumes lUlllniuii , prtaldpiit of the National City bank of Now York , pf Ueuiiii- bsr SI , JS97. In which th seretar ) wrote 'I Imvo yourt , of the 20ih Inut nnd nor | your suggcftlona as to n ejnfi-rence nlth Mr. Mpf- g&n In relation to the ticusury depunltH In tjitNntlonul City bunk -dcpoaltoiiei ! of Now \Vrk ' Vtbrr than' v.'cru trnnsmllted nlth my xommunlcatlon ( o tbo president pro trniporo of tbo Fetintu under date of Jauuaiy 10 , 191JO , i' i Npr MI ) It be i .H-alleil tliat there wnu fyur ' ait ) ccnvertatlon had bclv.n-n the scjri'tar > I of the trujsury aud ether any man concernI I Ing Ihe said letter. " I ThejfoiH'th scsjilon of the uppnte inquiry h 1 cjiiotcij au follov.H : * I i " " \id the se tctary of tbo trtasury Is fur- ' of any letters , agreements , , ccromunliatlonj , papers , documents or other luforiuat'lon In 'bin possmlon or fn the pcrstBiiou of the Treasury department rccpoctlnz thu conference - ence between Ihe secretary of Iho treasury i and James Stlllman , president of the Xa- ] tlonal City bunk. J. I'lor pnt Margin Of' New York and any other 'person or p t" spnaYlth whom $ e con.ffj-rinlj in J'hlladcl pbla as mentioned In bis letter to Jaine * Stlllmnn , pretldtnt of the National Clly bank , Of New York ( of l cember 21 , ISdT , anil nlio whslhcr of not ihe conference resulted In any agreement or understand ing In regard to depi siting government moneys In the national bank depositories In the" City of New York ! vvhelher or not any iccord vva * kept In the Trpawirj department ot telephonic or telegraphic communications between the secretary ot Ihe treasury or his subordinate ofllcqfs and Ibti offlclnlo of the NailonAI Clay b'niiK qf N'ow York , and , If so , what agreement and understanding was arrived nl by meantnf those telephonic , telrgraphle on other communications. " To this the secretary replies : No Snuli ConferenceHold. . "It should be n aufflclcnt answer lo all that Is requested on the subject of thin con ference between Mr. ytlllnian. Mr. Morgan nnd myrelf nt I'lillfliiolpjila lo eay lhat such n conference never I6ok place. Mr. Still- man and \Mr. Morgan , for xvliat reason I know not , did not coble to Philadelphia lo "sec me , bill on December M , ISOf , Mr. Still * man placed the hiattef about which ho nnd Mr' Moragn wlahcil to talk wllh mo before mo In a letter which appears on page 77 of ihe document w-herofn l prlnled my communication lo the president pro tempore 6f Ihe senate of Jaiitiary ' 1ft , 1POO. " Wllh especial regard to lhat part of the Inquiry which raises the quontlon whether or not the aemotaiy pf the treasury know or had reason lo believe lhat Iho gov ernment fundfl dcposllcd In Iho Nallonal City bank of New York 'wore' need wllb n view of causing n HqUlttaUon nf speculative stocks , as mentioned In Ihe Iclter of James fe'tlllmari to Hfih.'L'ymnn J' dage of April 8 , 189'ety. ' , rmaftc nntjwe'r aa folldws ; ' "The tSVo letters referred lo In the In quiry are fccjinralcd by a. period of 'lilxlcen mdnths ; blft all knowcygo | 'or belief tie ) Kccrellrj' of the ( reasul-y haU ntf lo Ihe uses Id which Ocn"cAltif In file National Clly bank were to bo pti't at cllhbr period or nt any olhrr period bstncen UV eiribcr 21 , 1807 , nnd April S , ISSVtvtiB Tbta\nelT $ \ from'tlieso Idt- lers , which have already been1sfibmltted lo Ibc sennte In an-.wcr to former Inquiry. "Beyond thf Information conveyed by tbcee two letters Iho aecrelury has no Itnovvl- edge whatever. They w'ere not supplemented by perconnl Ihlcrvlcnn or telephonic com munications. " ' "Mr. Stlllinaii's letter la a request lo allow as much as Y > oaslble 'of the 1'aclflc debt nioneyto rciimlu In the'New Vorlc banks , so nu lo secure 'htr crfay money market wllh a uniform rate Wf Interest , ' which Mr. Slltl- man silkl would avoid to panic and aid In the icorsanlzallon. plans 'of ' various railroad companies then In proftMsfr. " 'Sixth And 'vthothci- nol Ihe secre tary of the treasury or any of his .subordi nates had nnjcori'esiondenco | , telegraphic or lolnphonlc , or olherwlee , or any agree ments , documents ; papers or conversation wilh Iho olHclals of the National Clly bank of Now York , between the- period embraced from April 28 , 1898 , to June 2 , 189S ; Septem ber 19 , 1898 , to October 28 , 1S98 ; August 26 , 189P , to December 19 , ISJW , and If BO let him accompany bis response to this resolution v.lib copies thereof. ' "The senate has already been furnished , as stated In my communication of January 10 1 , 1900 , with , all correspondence , letters , telegrams , agreementsdocuments , and pa- perb In the possession of the Treasury de partment with reference to deposits In the Rational City bank of , Now York from March 4 , 1897 , to January 4 , IflOO , the date of the previous senate resolution < ? n this subject. For thai renspn there haye already been fur nished lo the senate copies of all correspond ence of every Rind ratfd essrlpllon from April 28 , 1898 , lo June ' 2 , 189S ; September 19 , 189S , lo Odlpber 29 , 1898 ; August 28 , 1899 , lo Decembeh 19 , ,1899 : ConicmnilpjiN Ary Xot Jtjrc crveil. "The deparlmertt iB'-wItbOut the means of jireservlne1 eerfversatloti alid for that r a- son'ls tfol nblt lo comp'ly' vt lib 'Ihe eenale's request for cojiles of t'oiWewatlons , If any were h'ad. "H . 'hasnof'be6n the practice o'f the sscr'ct'ariea o"r-'lh'ehjlV asury 'to prew olrve c6nvcrsRtT6n' 'l1l'1niay be sald in feenerai , however } fbal'lif ' th& trnhaactioil of the bualness of this department with the National "Clly bhuk , 6r with'ahy olher bank , no conversation' has be'eii had. tlther by tefcphopp or face to face' , which haa had reference , to any''relatl6ns , ofllcl.-il or private , otherwise than &ir fufly , set forth In my communication to the senate , daled January 10 , J906. , No a'sreeme'nt ' , past , piesent or | n contemplation , haa ever been had with the National dlty bank otherwise lhan h literally pt forth , In my co'mmunlchtlon lethe the president pro sifitapore of the senate ' of January .10'pOO. " The flnal auction of ( the senale Inquiry reads , "And the secretary of the treasury Is further directed to Inform the senate of ' ( ho amount of Unltfd Slal'es bonds held In trust by the Treasury department for the Standard Oil company of the City of New York , to securp goycrpmont deposits for the National City bank of New York City , and upon what dates these bomls were aaslgnod and the amount thereof , or at any time held by the government of Jho United Stales for Iho Standard Qfl company. " This Inquiry , the secretary sayp. Is based on a misconception , Induced 110 doubt by re- qucHts from the National City bank to trans fer certain lot * of bonds to the Standard OH company , and to other patties. Secretary Gage explains that when registered bonds nro deposited as security In the treasury they are camcelod nnd freull bonds lepuod to ( ho credit of the IronBurer In his name "In Irusl. " When 6ucb bonds are surrendered by thn treasurer Ihey may be iclssuod to the depositing tank , ot on the banlt's formal request - quest tboy nuiy bo rrlfBUcd to any other party or luniluiion. In conclusion , he says ; "Tho records chow that Ihc ireasurcr has assigned and dcllvoicd upon ( he urdcra of the Nutloit.il City boult to fjuiloun dlfforcnt pHitleu a tolal of $7ia4,000 : , and of these $1,014,000 was tranifrrrpd to thq Standard Oil f'-npan > . The TreaBury depaitnicnt has nt no tlmo held nny bonds In irust for the Standard Oil cumpifny. % nor. . for ntiy Inlercst Oth r tlwii f.r ( the depoaltlng ballk. " ItAl'ID CITY , R , D. , Jtui 29.--Special. ( ) Ilev J. U. Ketllii ani family have urrhcd in ) thip city from PoutnporJ. t'onn. Kov. Kpttln ] Jus fukcn tharflr of the Congrega tional pastorate In Ihls city V She Criticises .VS the Way'of ] ] B' Serving iic Grape-Huts. u w p "I tMnl. > ou nuike A miEUt.0 la your ll llrt-1 | , rccjpi on the Urjljiv-Nuto ijaiKase , vU , c to I put Ihu.foud , Ur > . Inlo a fcaucer and pour ricam < m.-i to It , "Wo like 1' jiiuch bourr liv eovt'rlng It with rlrh milk or cr ? arn and net on tlio bauk | ijari of tUs' raiiKO to luat , nsd bull. IhU i.jlls ( be gratiulc,1) , nud , It 1 ? itally ( b Thin IllutjiaU' * .llle usil | < 1 y la hunuu t.ihtcSmito'llko Qi pcula trUp , dry and 'shettubjc. " Oljiers uoflj hoi ' nd almct m'uuhliI'Jtlier | | ( , , vvay , ijio'/ood / can be de pended upon a > ; llioiouahly conl'.fJ ut i * C fnctoty and rcaJy for .lutaiu u ivie , hot or cold. Hot by puurlii ? h > t cioam , jjfik or water ° vcr MTba healt-b value of Qrape- Nuto la beyond computation. TIIDKSTON HAKES DENIAL Senator Sijs Ho it Not in a SclictnB to Boojt Pchneider , PUNCIURES STORY OF AN OMMIA PAPER Coiiurt'NNtnnit ItolilniMiit Hint * * lo 1 lulii Hint HP Volril to 12xirl | IKih crt SIUK lie Will lln n fnmll- for llciiiiiiiliinllon. WA8I1INUTON , Jnn. ' 20 ( Special Tc\o \ * gram. ) The compact' between Thurstori and Schneider which a local Omaha paper 0,15 ban been signed and scaled , whereby U. 11. Schneider Is to become 'republican national coiuuilllccman from Nebraska and Thurstbn Is lo receive Schneider's help lo be dele- gnle-al-largo lo Ihc national republican convention . . , had a Jolt lodayvhlch knocked It Into smithereens. Senator Thurstqn , epeaklng as ono of Ihc parlies lo Ihe com pact ! ' , nald he knew of no deal between Schneider and himself whereby ihe former was In succeed lo membership In the na tional committee. "I am not going around asking the up- port of my friends lo be retained ns na tional coinnilllccinan from my stale , " ( Wlil ho , "but If elected you may rest assured ! I will serve. All Ihls lalk nboul Ijelng. ptjr- nianeul chairman of the national ponvontlpti Is prcra&turq. That will wholly depend i upon the action of Ihe slate oonvenllqn in selecting delegates nnd alternates. 1 will bo guided entirely by the wishes ojt , tlio republicans of the slate as to membership In Ihe national committee. " Congressman Koblnsnn of the Third Ne braska district said today thai sqmebody was In error In his state regarding his vote on the Roberts case. "According to news paper reports I was counted with those who voted to retain Kobcrln In his scat1- JMld Mr. Knbtnson. "The fuels are and the congressional record will bear me out In the statement , that I voted with the mau Jortty oh standing Roberta aside until his case could be hcnrd nnd after careful In vestigation I voted with the majority 'lo exclude him. Mr. Robinson of Alabama Voted with Ihc minority nnd It may be his name nnd mine have been confounded. ' 1 have nothing lo oiy as lo Secretary of State Porter being a candidate for congress In my district. 1 heard some time ago'ho would be a candidate. Of course there Is no law which prevents Mr. Porter from enlorlhg Ihe race and If he Is successful In securing the nomination ho will emphasize the preced ent which Ihey say I am responsible for In giving bui one lortil lo Judge Maxwell. So far ns I know now I will be a candldalc for re-election. Mr * . Hiortnril GclM tin * Alonej. Financial Clerk K. D. Nixon of the senate 1ms pent lo Mrs. Hayward al Nebraska City vouchers lo be properly cxeculed thai will permit her to draw $3,730.59 , Ihe amount of snlVy and mileage due ex-Senator Hayward - ward m the time of his death. Bills were Inlrodueed loday by Ihe fol lowing wcslern meinber : Mercer , granting Increase of pension to Charles Clausjen ; McPherson of Iowa , to correct the military record of Palmer G. Percy and James A. Somcr- vtlle , to Increase pension of Stephen H. Sanders nnd Mrs. Joseph Lymart nnd grantIng - Ing pcnelora to John Denny and William Peudor. Congressman Mondell introduced bills for the relief of John F. Ciawford and James J. Hutchln. Senator Peltlgrew offered a suballlulc bill for his measure supporting Ihc schools of mines In public land states. His substi tute provides lhal each of the public land otatea shall receive 50 per cenl of all moneys > paid lo the United States for mineral lands' within said states , provided that the sum received shall not' be 'more 'than tS.tXJrf , ' which shall 'be used to maintain a actiool of mince , in which all * branches usual1 lo such technical school shall'be' taught. Senator Thurslon will be ojiefOf Ibe prin cipal speakers at the banquet df the Bo'arrt of Trade and Transportation at the Wal dorf Aslorla , New York , " \Vednesday \ even- Ing. His toast will be "Our Foreign Policy. " lit > ntlonal UniiUn. The comptroller of the currency has Jjoon advised of the .following changes in Iowa National banks. The First National bank , of Centervllle , no assistant cashier ; the First National bank of Waterloo , J. B. S. Heath , assistant cashier , the Osage National hank , Osage , A. I. . llrtiKh , assistant cashier ; the Cty | National bank of Clinton , A. C. Smith , assistant cashier , the First National bank of Nevada , J. A. Fltchpatrlck , president in place of William Lougbrldge ; James DllUn , vlco president In place of J. A. Fltchpatrlclt , Frank II. Oreenawault , assistant cashier ; the Merchants' National bank of Rrlnnell , S. A. Cravath president In place of C. It. Morse : no second vice prcsldont in place of S. A. Cravath ; the Union National bank of Ames , Daniel McCarthy vice president In * place of E. W. Slanlon ; Ihe First National bank of Perry , II. S. Taylor rsslstant cashier ; the Crundy County National bank of Grundy Center , no assistant cashier ; the i , Jonn State National bank of Sioux City , j John McHugh cashier In place of F. A. Me Cornack ; no vise president In place of John McHugh ; W , S. Gllman astlstant cashlc.r , the First National bank of Dunlap , GcOigo G , Cronkleton assistant cashier In place of A. N. Jordan ; the Flrnt National bank of Charter Oak , F. W. Kammann assistant cashier In place of F. L. S. Shumakor ; the I.eavltt and Johnson National Jiank of Waterloo , no assistant cashier In place of William C. Logan , tbo First National bank of Rldor'a , W. B , Ilathbone nssUtant cashier ; ' the Hertford National bank , Bedford. Chhrles f G , Martin casjilcr In pjaeo of 13d E. Casfl. South Dakota The Pierre Nallonal bunk , . Pierre , A. L. Fuller assistant cashier. _ The Merchants' National bank of Ouiaha. was today approved as reserve agenr fpl1 lh ? Flrql Nntlona ) bank of So ward , Neb. Judge A. J. Cornish of Lincoln and n , J. 11 CornUh of Omaha left for the west loday tl after several days' slghl seeing about the capital. Oil. ! anil UiMl of Now * . The commltleo on Invalid pensions of'thd house reported favorably today Congress man McPhcrsou'H bill for the relief of Kodak F. I'erklnh at $30 per month. Senator Allen's till for the relief of Mrs. .Mary Stolcnsberg widow of ( he lalo Colonul Stotcnsberg , pu&toil the senate today for $50 It ' was the hlghoit amount the senate vroud ) give hei. K. 8. Neillt'ton. cx-r.talo englnt'pr of Colorado rado , lias nccn ajipolntcil agant and expert In tha irrigation pxperlntrnU bureau , nt Cheyenne tinder Plot , Klwood Mc-ad. Ho will uatu.-tio the duties of the position at once. The publlr lands -ouimllteo of the senate today ipportcd favorably Senator HellfrtcTs public land bill providing for n-puymrat to ontrymrn f fees iwld on" homestead , Ocsert land , timber culture and coal land cntrlra canceled py lh ( ? ovrrnmcnl or where put- cnls have been refused. CoiiEriBBmen CJomblo and Hurl e have recommended Mra A. U. Sanders for posi mlaticts ut lirlndstonr , Nowlln touiuy , H. n. fonprcsiinian dambli' also recommended tlie rc-ettabllshnicnt of the podtolllto at Center , Mcfool , county. 8 D . with A. Sund- bers poHtnuHter. The older wai ias-ued today ebtabllublnK a poatonico at iJojper , Ofefc. ' couniy , Neb , with Henry Schwendener postmaster. f > | il Jl > | 'o ' > 't Hllllmc of WA8HINUTON. Jan. 29. The secretary pf stpls U In receipt of a telegram from Upltoil States Consul Klndrlck at Juarci , Mex , re- portlne lhat kix. Americans have been tfhot Their nnmrnr * Dan tfusack. Jaik KldrcdgC , George I.unt , Charles Durni. I ou Webster and' Henry Williams. U Is said lhat they were shot by order ot General Torres ntnr GuaymnA on the ground that , they wore found wli ti Yaqut IrtdlnnK. The conRnl bo notel been nblo lo confirm this report , but the ' secretary of state has suitably instructed our ambassador In relation lo the aHcgcd shoollng ' and ftloo Instructed Consul Kin- drlck to ascertain and report to the ambas sador all particulars. KASSON RETURNS TO CAPITAL from Ailnck nf l-'rcneh. Trc-iity. WAS111NOTON , J n. 29. Mr. Knssou , the special plenipotentiary charged wllh the ns- gotlatlon 'of reciprocity irentlcs , returned today from Florida completely rccomcd from a oevefo attack of grip" . His return will mark the resumption of the efforts of Iho friends of the pending French reciprocity treaty to secure Its ratification by the sen- ale. Until very teccnlly only Iho Inlrreels that fjollo\etl thbmselvca to \infoVorably \ nf- fcelcd by the i-hangcvi In tariff rates con tained Inthe treaty had been hcanl from I and the effect'was to give ride to the gravest doubts MS to the trcaly. However , ihe nianl- fold InlertstM thai expect to profit by the substantial reduction In duties -to bo col- IcOtedon' American goods etiterlhK France under the treaty are coming to the front nnd are sending letters lo member * of he(8Qtia' " aria The iioimb Urging prompt ratification. . Attention Jp being directed , fo the fact Ibat , , ) ' wcnt thd J-V.cnch government has aUmUt iIHt ; the minimum- rain ofv tariff , pf trpleum AtiiJ. collonsced oil In anticipation pf the rnlin'cutlon of the treaty. wShdud ) ( t .fall the , concession would 'have to bo .vvlth- ilhn\n nnd the maximum rates Imposed. .Mcan\yilculth ) ( the exqcntton , at one ar rangement practically completed , all ot the olher projected treaties hayo becn.nllbvved to. remain In a stage ov negotiation that cpiumUp ' flpltber parly lp any ve'ry ' deflnllo p'ropp'salg. It * Is realized by. the. diplomatic representatives of Ihe other European poiv- ters that If France falls to secure thq rail- 'flcatloti of.'the ireqly Ihero 1 ! lib .hope tor favorable acilon oh others. pitaiT TMB ria > sib.v 'Ct.AiiHi ' : . Wentlior Ilnronn Bill Ilrt-clrex Illni > k M > e Httlerr'n Itmolutlon Ilofei-rcil. WASHINGTON , Jon. 20. The bill for the reorganization and Improvement of the we/ithcr bureau , which Includes piovlnlon for ' pensioning disabled and aged 1'inploycB 6f the ffcrvlco" received a black eye In the IIOUBP. The 6111 was bitcrly fought by the opponents of civil pension rolls 'on account of the life tentlrp prbvlslons It contained and It was sidetracked on a test vote 6f 57 'to C : : . Although the Gpeukcr ulled that It rcmulned unfinjslicd bnslncKB rtlicu the house was ngalif In. comjnlltce of the whole the orponenlB ot llic measure believe Ihe action today kills It. The early portion of the day w'as devoted lo a Ihcly Bcrlmmnge over Ihp Sulzer rfao- Inllon to investigation Secrctaiy G pe wlilcli the committee en rules recommended sb'ould be sent to the wnys and means comniltiee , ns the latter committee has the response of the secretary In Its possession. There wasf no opposition' to the proposed action , but Itlchnrdson nnd Bulz6r used It as a text for renewing tholr attacks upon the secretary. nge was defended by Hopkins of Illlnolo , Hll ) of Connecticut and Ualzell of Pennsyl- vanla. A bill lo require pilots and offlceis of steam vessels to make path to Ihelr appll- callons for licenses was passed. OAOll' \K13S AISOrilHU IlKI'OHT. Tell * of Coiml mill Ceodetlu In M-tv Colonlt'H. WASHINGTON , Jan : 29. In answer lo a senate 'resolution Secretary Gpge toilsy sent to' the senate a report on thn jcoast and' 'gBOfletlc1 stlrvoy with cspeulnl refereireoi'to Ihe new Islands pos osslonsof thp Unltp.l ' States. Ho saje the resources of'ihe survey n.re i'natlequnlb lo cbmplete Ihesiif vey of tlawnil nnd Puerto Hico. Ho saya the problems of the Philippines nre muqh larger aiid recommends the establishment of a sub- oflfce nt Marilla. The house Insular commltlee today ordered favorable reports on the resolutions Inquir ing of the secretaries of w'ar and' nayy for detailed Information of the expenditures on account of military operations In the Philip pine Islands from May 1 , 1S)8 ! ) , lo November 30 , IS'JU. * ftepreiscntatlve ijatdy of Iowa today Introduced - j duced a bill lo resulatc mining In the Cape Nome district , Alaska , which wilt give min ers the right to operate In the Ud6 lands of I tbo territories. ' A fnvornblo report was made from thq house naval coinmllleo loday on the bill lo ri e. restore thn historic frigate CoiiHtltuUon , Ihe cost to be borne by patriotic socfttlea of Massachusetts. CiHEAT AIMlV KOHVIKl ) I ! A MO.Vl'll. HnplilM ' ; of .lloblll/nllon nt the Oiil- hrt'iik of the S'liinldli "War , WASHJNGTON , Jan. 29. Suigeon Oenoral Stcrnberg has compiled some figures as a bnsls of mortallly calculalloiis In Iho Span- loh-Amerlcan war which Incidentally de velop ; ho Inlerastlni ; fact that the moblll/a- Uon 'of the army during the Spanish-Ameri can war was accomplished In only a frac- linn of the tlmo to assemble an equivalent i number of troops In the civil war. In May , 1861 , the main strength of the union arm/ was 16,101 and In one month It had In creased to only Ofj.OIiO. In tle ) 'IrAt fnonth of ihe Spanish-American wnr the United Rtntca army , starting with n3,726 ; , Had in- crnnscij before the close of the month to I. 1'02,52C ( . This Is regarded as a fpninrkBljlo feat oi military organization , fnr surpawlng the [ best results obtained by the Irtf ) | | h goy- ernmenU' ' , ( i-iiiiiic folp to ' lle/urii / HOIIIP. IfI WASIIINfiTON , J'nn. ty. The. term of I I.oid Pauni-cfole , the Diltlsh ambassador to * Ihla eapiul , .will pxplre in April. Komo time ago , In vloiv of his lon an < | l-wnornble career ftero , Iho nrubassiiilor's t nuro was extended to Atfrll , nnd Inasmuchup no ofll- E tlal Intimation basr brcn received , hers of a further'ifMfhiilofl , ll U supposed he will re- tli'e after another mnnlh'ii servlco , " The PI dale of the ambampdcr's departure for Kng- land will depend entirely on his own vrlslie.ii " M " often develop into weak , delicate , backward children ; undersized , nervous , feeble , adults. Lack of nourish ment is the cause. Jan. is the remedy. A little of it three or four times a day Feb will do wonders. The Teb pinched , sad faces become round and rosy ; the wasted limhs plump and firm. If your baby is not doing well , call try this great food-medicine T ni joe. and | l.oo , all drtlczlsta. , i j nnj comfol-l 111. r tirnmni x lii in ko 1 Uaron Kava , th6 luillan nmba adoilrj < i ofthe illploiiiallc corps of ItnlirM * ' Vllli-iiKc- . WASIIINUTON. Jan 29 The house i > m- nilllcft'on inllrnno today dlsoilfspd thr tlnltit of Itrlgham ll , Ilouortsfoe - , mlleago , whi < h | amounts to $1,000. A majority of the com- mllleo arc of Ihe oiliiton | that he In tint entitled lo this money r.u he was not gnoro In as n member of the house. Uoberinll be heard by ihe committee en WASHINOfON , Jan 29. The of the navy revolved the following cable gram today from Itearilmlral SchlP ) . < om- mandlng the South Allnntlc quadion , uotv nt Puerto KnuciiHdn "Bubonic plagno Is ofllrlalb u ported to bo ppldcmlq nl Jlosarlo , nl a dtsiancc of ] ! > 0 miles. Sqiiaifron tutlA fnr Monioviilco " I'rrpililPiil .MoKlulojV Illrlliiln ; , WASHINGTON. Jnn. 29 PrraMrm Mr- KInley la 57 yrhrs old Indav , having b"oti born at Nile , Trumbull county , ( ) . . January 28 , 1S43. llo received many congr.ilul itlLiu from VIsttrtM and a larco number rf c-anlo. graiim and tclcgranut felicitating him upon the ocrasloi ) . Many floral tcniotnliiati e were sent him. Sun mmCiiiirl llcrrm. WASHINGTON. Jan. 5 ! . In lh. > I tilled States supreme com ! todav Chief JiiHtltn Fuller nnnuitllced lhat n rcttci * for three weeks would' be taken from next Monday. WHERE IS MAjTSjCKEFELLER OtlM It iilirln T " l inlili OllhTi-n Sn.r Tlu-j Mn > UJiii nl Oniinxllf IIiulM ' < lf bllZUII. WASHJNtiffjN , JauT 9. This eableginm has been received al thd War department "AIANIIjAi Jan. 20. Adjut.mil licncral , Washington : ' , 'llceciied Spanish major re ported ) } iat'uo sa Majbr lloekefcllcr In norlheqi' Kalbnles ' , Uccembcr Ii. Auothcr Spanish ofllc'cr In bouthein Luzon ttales Unit ho saw him l ere a sborl time ago. No satisfactory co'ucltieioii can be i cached. " " "OTIS ISoiiornl < IM' | | llnrrlnmInun , WASHINGTON , Jan. 2i. ! Sccrclnry Root today received from 'Manila ' ii crpv of Ilia _ marriage law laid down by ( ienoral OtlB. Up to Ihe dale of Ihlrt order. December IS lasl , only Calh'olle niHrilnges were eele- bralcd In the { 'hlllpplne.i or iccognlzed as legal. 1 ( To meet he peculiar conditions In the islands General Oils laid down no specific ceremony , only providing that nny prescribed form \ \ \ lsufllcc \ , piovldlug Ihero IK au open ncknouledgmenl of Ihc mnrrtaKo by Ibe parties thetcto. The form of u certificate Is prescribed and this may bo nt- le&ted by a priest , rector or Judge. Citvltr Cannon u < nrnil"ml. . DEAbWOOn/S I ) , Jan. 2'.i. ( Special. ) - City authorities have had the Spanlah run- non , which was" captured .it the batllo of Cavltc ami presented lo Dendwood by Iho goveminent , mounted upon Iron In the front yard ot Ihe High school ground * . A largo slonc was obtained from the KvaiiH ntonu quarry at Hot Springs , which was carved Into a pedestal. This cannon Is the ouly one of flic kind In South Dakota CONDENSED Borden'e Condenccd Milk Co. , H. Y. UOCUTA. SASDAI.WCIOIl C IFSVMSS. Cures Conorrhoea , Gleet or unnalural dl - ohurgfK In n. few days. Full directions. Trice J1.50. All dmsglBts , or m-ill I > I31cl . Co. . 1S3 Centre fit. . New York WANTRO Cane or oad lieallh that U-I-P-A-N-B will not 'neneflt. Kcnd 5 cents to llluins Chfmlca ) CQ , . New York , for 10 sampler nnd 1,000 testimonials. AMUSHME-NTS. ifvi-IIA KIM HTH III" AJI\'I'I3J IMIIiroilMAXt'U JMIIDAV MfJIlT FIJUHI.AHV 1 ! . Mil. HUOII STANTON. Moilcnu In TIIK CHHAT i.v svi.i'iin. ( ir.HTiu in : HUTI.ICDI.I : . IIAIIV HUTU UOI.AMI. . \IIHIl.V AM ) l A'l'IU'li. I'rlcri-Kvetilnps Resf rvcil Ki-otH SJf "ml fiOc. KBllory , 10e MHiii | 'c'H UVdnuhdjy , f-at- tifJuy nnd fiuiiiiJy I0o "jid 2Sr _ f-y. j v - 7 jr > w I Wood wa ill BO YD t Mm - * * - * * * * * \ Tlo.honr | . Ifll'l EUGENE and nn I&iiJlriil Slninoil ntm , HfcWUgj ® * * * U1"I < "A LADY OF QUALITY. " fle-iiKry ? 'lC\ < | iil lto CoAdunei , Nnxt A'ttrat-tlon-r . , Friday nnd Hl ' < Ul I-'rWaj tyat- "TUB IIKAIT 0I' 'IVca't. Blind Boone , PIANIST IJy STELLA , MAV , Vocalist. . 31Orant fltfcct d'hrlslian Church Feb. l-Frst | Mt K.Church. . 2 Hanncom | 'ar | . M K fhuirl. Frb. 5 Trinity M , H. Church 6 Flr t M. J2. Cburi'l ) . South Omaha Feb. 7 Broadway M 1) . f'lim di _ ! tIII Illinil. t.'hen ' in ni'i d of UAIMIIAiiS : < lll < 'OI I'KS tn the Unuiliu HucUtiieiiH union , iUtrnllollivea | I" vvviluli'ff , fti- theatft' "nil iwrty i lli Tcli-pliortq * - cliillynuliliaillr'd vehicles- my uervffv Ofll r ( iprn duy wnd lilght 'JVI 177 770. Wi. .Main oltli-u. A t > . Co. . sti Bo ; W , at Ilranuh. ISHVi Far- nam.