, TAXITA11Y 28 , 1)00. ! ) TALES Of YANKEE ENCHANTMENT. s THE liUIlKLKSS CIIUSTNUT. ยง A Story of Twooftlic Luziust JJoys in the World. g Hy Charles HnltcM Loomls. * ( Copyrighted , by Clmrles Unttrll l.nomln. ) Mruioti nnd Jason Nn onvcro Just nbout cm lazy ns hoys could be. They really had enough lazlncsH to supply n whole family , tut they preferred to use It nil themselves. They were so lazy th.it instead of walking down hill to school Inwinter , a perfectly easy task , for It was only half a mlle straight ahead , they coasted down on their sleds , and as winter at Loudon Hill alwaft } eels In on the 1st of November and lasts until the 1st of April , with snow all the while , they , of course , coasted every day. Then , Instead of pulling their sleds up the hill again , they were BO lazy that they would wait for the mall Bledic ? , which ramo along Juat afl school was let out , nnd they would hitch on behind and ho drawn homo again. They were Just the same on the Ice pond that lay between them and their Brand- mother's thoroughly lazy. On Saturdays they always took dinner with the old lady , nnd Instead of walking over the Ice to her house , a distance of thrco sratit miles , these lazy boys would put on their skates and Bkato over. Now It is a tradition among the country folk of Loudon Hill that every fall tlu-ro Is ono chestnut tree loaded down with burrless chestnut * . Hut , us a matter of fact , nobody In the memory of the oldest inhabitant hns over happened to nnd the tree. Tim forests nro thick around Ixiudon Hill , which might account for It , but , then , the forests nro full of boys at chcatnuttlng time , so It docs eecm singular that no ono had ever como across the trco slnco Anderson Sanderson gathered flvo barrels of the nulB in 179 ! ) . Of course , any of the boys would have been glad to run across the tree , hut , bless you ! the woods were nlways packed with the ordinary kind of burry chestnut , and nftcr a sharp frcst there wcro not many that needed opening. Hut you may bo sure that the day that Mason nnd Jason bccamo old enough to go cbcstnuttlng alonn they determined to dis cover this tree and so save themselves the bother of opening any burrs. The morning nftcr the first hard frost. Just as soon BH It was light , they got out of bed nnd actually dressed without washing , they wcro so eager to begin the search for the tmrrlces tree. Forgetting to put on their blouses , although the air was nippy , they rushed out of the house with red worsted caps on their heads and their blue school Lags In their hands. "If there nro a lot , " said each twin to the other for they wcro both twlnn "wo'll get papa to harness up Ned nnd take a barrel down to the tree. " They were actually the first boya to enter the woods that morning. The squirrels were chattering orders to each other , for the win ter storing began that day and they foresaw n hard day's work to get ahead of visiting filantH In the shape of small boys. Mason and JnHon had not gone ton rods before they came on a great tree , almost bending beneath the weight of chestnuts. Now , boys who weren't so fearfully lar.y would have tumbled over each other In their eagerness to get the bushels of nuts that lay oipon the ground or clung to the open burr ? ns if they were afraid to drop , but these lazy bones both tsaid , "Shucks. Wo wouldn't htop for that kind. Fancy having to climb up a tree and shako It to get some of them " " needles In hands , " down. "And got your said Mason ; "or perhaps slip out of the tree , ' said Jason. So they pressed on. At first the squirrels snouted to each other when they saw them coming : "Look out ! Hero como two. hu mans , " but after awhile they seemed to un derstand that the boys weren't nfter squlr- rolp , but nfter burrless nuts , and they chattered - terod derisively at them as much as to say : "Wo'vo seen lazy people before , and they never got Just what they wanton. " After nn hour'fi fruitless or perhaps I Bhould say nutlews search the woods began to resound with the voices of other boys who were taking advantage of Saturday holiday to fill up their bags and baskets and palls. \ \ 'lj ' ONCrt TIII3V SAW A UKBIl. Dardwcll Suulucll , Stlllwcll Stockwell am IIowoll Newell eamo upon the t > vo boys I the coursii of their wandering. Knch of th trio had a bushel bag htilf full of the nittf utmost n K big a K the Italian kltid. "Hcllc Tioys , " said Ilardwcll Studwell. "Why nln' you picking up nuts ; ton hard work ? " " .Wo'ro huntlni ? for the burrless tree , ealil Mason and .lason. "Oh. chestnuts ! " sild : Hllllwcll Storkwcll "Kvery year some idiot kid does that , tin It's Just a hundred years this fall , my Brand- father say * ) , since the tree was found. " "Why , what more do you watit than all these nuts ? " said Howcll Newell. "I never saw so many In my life. Well , If you must go , good luck , but you'll find It easier In the end to get what nuts you see and not hunt for the other kind. " "Why , half the fun Is knocking 'cm out of the burrs , " said Unrdwcll Studwcll. "Work Isn't ever fun , " chorused Mason and Jason , nnd away they walked with eyes peeled for the burrless tree. They had foolishly como away without any breakfast and long before noon they be gan to bo awfully hungry , but If they wore lazy they wcro nlso mullshly obstinate nnd they wouldn't go back to get anything to eat. They nto a handful of ordinary chestnuts that they deigned to pick up , and , quccrly enough , each boy got a pricker In his finger , because those particular burrs were not quite open. This made them more than ever de termined to search for the burrlcss kind. "We'll make those boys look sick when wo come home tonight with several flour barrels full of nuts , " said Mason. "Why not sugar barrels ? They're larger , " said Jason. "Heavier to lift , " replied Mason. "Flour barrels will hold all wo want. " All the afternoon they wandered. They could hear the shouts of happy boys nud could see their playmates staggering along under heavy loads of the finest nuts that ever grow around Loudon Hill , but they still scorned to give up their errand and pushed deeper and deeper into the forest. Once they saw a deer , who fled In a fright , and rabbits innumerable leaped across the path In front of them , whllo partridges and quail Hew nbout In profusion. Finally the chestnut trees began to diminish. Oaks and pines there were In abundance , but they seemed to have passed out oi the chestnut belt. "Wo'vo come too far. Let's go back , " said Mason. "No ; It's moro likely that the tree Is not among the others , " answered Jason , so they went on. But they were so tired. And so hungry. And so depressed. They had not walked as far In their lives and their leg muscles swelled up In resentment of the task Imposed upon them. It must have 1)een close to 6 o'clock : cer tainly the beams of the sun were almost horizontal when Mason said , joyfully , "There It is ! " At tbo same Instant Jason uttered a cry of fear , .for crouching to spring at them was a panther. She had been lying on tbo out- strctchod limb of an oak , taking an after noon nap , and she had awakened just in time to see her supper coming to her. "Hero's lu'ck , " thought she and crouched to spring. Dut It the twins wore lazy , they were also plucky. And there were no boys on Loudon Hill who were such masters In the use of the deadly sling. Doth boys eprang behind trees and drew out their slings at the same time. They always carried n pocketful of bullets , and they lost no time In loading up. There was the tree , just laden , so that It bent and cracked .with the weight of nuts , all of them hanging by their Tcathcrly tails to the stem , nnd not a sign of a burr nn them. H evidently needed but a tap on the trunk of the trco to liberate them all. And , better yet , n well defined wagon path lc-1 from the tree out to the highroad , some miles distant to bo sure , yet still easily within reach of their hou c. Hut there was the panther still crouchIng - Ing and waiting for the boys to step from behind the trunks. I tell you that such plucky little fellows deserved to succeed , and as far au the nanthpr was concerned they did. They watched their chance nnd Just as she clcsed her ey s , thinking she must have dreamed that she saw two little boys and wlsbjng to dream again , they slung their ' tiho'tK and the two bullets joined forces and penornted her brain nnd she fell off that branch K dead as a door nail or oven a window unit. And as soon ns she fell every nut on the tree dropped to the earth. Whether her fall jhrrrd them off , or whether who was the guardian spirit of the nuts nnd at her death they were at the tnrrcy of anyone who chcso t' ' to gather them , will never be known , but ffr 7 o o will be gladly paid to anyone who will furnish convicting evi o dence agaiiibt imitators and stibstitutors who try to' sell you U ) worthless preparations when CASCARBTS are called for , Ou < Don't ever take substitutes , but insist on having u CANDY CATHARTIC The great merit of CASCAKETS makes big sales everywhere. Therefore , now and then , dealers try to substitute something just as good. " It's a He ! Don't let them do it , and if thej- try , write us confidentially at once. Address STUKLiKr. RBMHDV t ( > > COMPANY , Chicago or New York. \U Druggists , lOc , 25c , 50c. Beware of Imitations ! 411 there Is no doubt that the hnya ran Rl under the trpo nnd filled their blue h s in lews time than It lakes to say boo to n red headed woodpecker , nnd you know how llt- tlo time that takes. Mnson nlways carried a ball of very line tbrnad In his pocket and ho took It out nnd tied ono end of It to the trco nnd then they Blurted for homo unwinding U nil they went , so that they could find their way back. Just as they got hnlf wny home the ball gnvc out. By a curious chnnco Ja on nlwnyn carried a ball of very fine thread In his pocket nnd ho tlod his to the end of the other nnd they ctntlnued their home run nnd met tholr CROUCHING TO SPRINT AT THEM WAS A PANTHER. father Just nbout Blurting to look for them with Neil and the big wagon. "Wo'vo found the burrlces tree , " said both together , "nud wo killed a panther. " Old Grandpa Nnson was standing In the gateway. "That's Just wbst Anderson Sand- AS SOON AS SHE FELL EVERY NUT ON THE TREE DROPPED TO THE EARTH. erson did the time he got the nuts. I've heard my father tell of it time and again. You're smart boys. " The barrels were soon put In the wagon and Mr. Nneon whipped up old Ned nnd fol lowing the thread they came in course of time to the three. Mrs. Nnson had thrown a few apples and a loaf of bread into the wngon , ns she thought the boys might bo hungry. She hail not worried , cs she had guessed what they were doing. The twins nto the food as if it had been a Thanksgiving dinner. If. didn't take Mr. N'ason long , with the help of a coal shovel , to fill seven barrels with the nuts. Ho left the panther , because Mrs. Nason hated cats of all kinds. On the way homo they met Kneeland Vreeland , and when ho saw the seven bar rels of burrleKs nuts he congratulated them "Although my eight barrels arc burrless now and I taven't a pricker to show for it , it's a great chestnut year. " The twins did not say that they had se cured any prickers themselves. They wcro really too tired to say anything. That evening their mother boiled ant ! roasted a lot of the nuts and they were verj good ; no better than ordinary nuts , but ex cellent , neverttilcHS. But. strange to say the boys did not care to eat any. They may have been too tired to eat or they may have UNWINDING IT AS THEY WCNT. St1 THAT THKY COULD FIND THHIR WA'i HACK. thought that such hard earned nuts deserved n better fate , but , \\hatovor the reaaon , the nuts went begging ns fur nn M.IKOII nm ! Jaeon were conccirned , and so , nftiv a few days , they were all shipped out w U to a tuctht'lces minister , to whom a box of good- Ira wna expressed every fall by the mUslon- ary society. It would bo pleasant to bo able to say that the boy were cured of their lazy ways , but , ns a matter of fact , they ntlll coast to school and skate , to grandma's as of old , en the lea- con of the burrloss nuts was lost on them. TOASTIMJ TUB < | I'IK\ . 1'rcnllnr ninllnctloii Knjcijril liy One rirlllxli llriclinriit. There Is only ono regiment nmonr ; all those who swear fealty to Queen Victoria which docs not toast her majesty nt mc-s. This la the Seventh Fuslloors. and the regi ment la extremely proud of Its distinction In ) this respect , that 11 Is never expected to toast the queen. It seems that upon ono occasion. In the long ago , some king of England was dining with the officers of the regiment and sail alter dinner ( h.if the losnl'y of dip Povrnili Wflrf Miniflrntly well jisMirnl without ihclr drinking ( he sovrrHgnVi health. It Is n curious fa.'t the origin of which Is not known that the. queen's health , on ship board , Is drank by tbo officers sitting , In stead of Htandlng , ns Is customary elsewhere. Every night. In every ship which carries thy Hag of the British umpire , her majesty Is toasted by the clllcers. Of all her majesty's regiments the Welsh Fusllcers have the most curlotis nrmy toast. It forms part of the ceremony of the grand dinner given annually on St. David's day. After the dinner the drum major , nccom- ] utiled liy the goat , the mascot of the Kual- eers , bedecked with rosettes of ro.l mil ilup ribbon , mnroluw around the table , carrying a plate of leeks. Every otllror or guest , who has never eaten ono before Is obliged to do so , standing on his chnlr , with ono foot on the table , whllo the drummers > cat a roll behind his chair. Ho Is then coll' Idored n true Welshman. All the toasts nro oupled with the name of St. David. It In In ntich this way that the toast with "Hlgll- nnd honora" Is drank. Knch guest Htnnils vltli ono foot on his chnlr , one on the table nnd the pipers a-plptug pnrado the rojm. Toasting Sir Francis Drake Is nn Interest- ng ceremony. The town of Plymouth , Hug- and. consumes fi,000.000 gallons of water par lay , nnd Its Ilrst regular supply was given o the town during Sir Fr.incls Drake's nnyornlty. Annually the town Indulges In ho quaint ceremony of toasting his memory , vhlch Is done In this way. The pious ncmo/y of Sir Francis is drank In water nt ho hcnd wclr. Hut then the company Irlnks In wine to the sentiment , "May thy Icscemlants of him who brought us water never want for wine. " As to the word Itself toast. This Is Its origin , which dates back to mediaeval times , vhen the loving cup was a feature of every janquet. The cup would be filled to the > rlm with wine or mend , In the center of which floated a plcco of toasted bread. AJ'.cr putting his lips to the cup the host would mss It on to the guest of honor ; nftcr going : ho rounds the cup finally came back to the lost , who drained what remained and swal lowed ' .he toast In honor of all the friends assembled at table. IMIATTM3 OK T1IK YOtJ.\STI2US. ! First Little Girl I'm never going to speak to you again ; your father keeps a saloon. Second Little. ( Jlrl And I'm not going to speak to you any more ; I saw your father go Into It. "Freddy , did you see the rubber man at the museum ? " "Voa. Uncle Bill , but ho ain't nc- good ; ho dldn' squeak when I punched him. " The mother was examining the proof of her little J-yoar-olil daughter's photograph. "Why didn't you smile , Nellie ? " she asked. "I did smile , mamma , " she replied , "but I "spcct tha man was busy an * forgot to put it In. " "George Ellison ! why didn't you wipe your muddy feet ? " "I'm showing my deep sympathy for the Boers , mother. " "In what way ? " "Making treks. " "Johnny , " said the mother of a precocious youth aged u , "I told you to give your little sister the lion's share of your candy and she says you didn't give her any. Why didn't you do as you were told ? " "I did , mamma , " answered Jonny. "You see , lions don't eat candy. " "Beeslp , " said a mother to her little dmightw , "you ought to be a himed to spwk to your ffllhrr so Impertinently. I'm sure you nrvcr heard me talk to him In tr-nt manner. " "No. of course not , " rc pllrd the rebellious little mlw , "but you chooscd him nnd I didn't. " "What la a furrier. Tommy ? " asked Ida teacher of a pupil In the Juvenile class. "A man who deals In furs , " answered Tommy. ' That's right , " said the teacher. "Now , Johnny , you may tell ma what a currier l . " "A man who deals In curs , " was the utHNpcctcd but logical reply. 4 . Mc4hcr Stop pounding your llltlo brother , .Margie.Vlint do you mean by treating him In that manner ? Margie Well , mamma. I told him we hail btttcr piny wo were engaged , but ho would play wo wcro married. tJuolilonS Arnlcn Miltp , Has world-wide fame frr marvellous cures. H surpasses any other salve , lotion , ointment or balm for Cuts , Corns , Hums , Holla , Sorrs , Felons , Ulcers , Totter , SnU Hheum , Fever SOTS , Chapped llnn.la , Skin Eruptions ; Infallible fi-r Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 23c at ICuhu it Co.'s tlrus store. HO.MH I.ATII : xvtyno.\s. Motornu'ii will npprcrliilB n now car liruko iittarhment , which has u ratrhot working vertically Instead of horizontally , a pin lioItiR Inscrttvl In the iloor to lift tile ratplu-t Into contact with the toothed wheel mounted on the brake rod. A Mnryliind mini | < n Invented n machine for till' mixing of sand , cement nnd crushed sitono to form concrete , the materials bi'liiK plnccd In a homier In layers , with a sinnll opening at the bottom , through which the Ingredients full on n lovolvlng cone to mix them. DustlcsH roads can lie rapidly made by n California ! ! ' * machine , which hns n plurality of dust-rtlrrliiR lingers , which are adjusted to stir uji the enr.h In the road , a scries of pipes extending ut the rear of tbo fingers to sprinkle oil from n reservoir mounted on the machine. In New York u man bus patented a collar button which will save trouble In fastening u HtlfC collar , the sliunk of the button being telesconle , with nn Internal eirliiK : which prevents the shank extending too far out and nlso locks It in a contracted position after the collar Is fastened. Horses can easily be controlled with 1111 Improved bit attachment , which comprises two L-Hlmiicd levers pivoted on the ends of th ( ! bit , with looi.'i ; for the reins and straps which pas.s around both jaws , a pull on tbe rcln.s drawing the straps together to shut off the animal's breathing. To Insure the complete closure of n. RUH key when turning : out the light an Im proved lock has been designed , vomprlMlni ; a siirliiK vvlre formed Into a double loop , which Is pivoted in the fixture nnd prespej- aBiilnst ho slilu of the key to force either side back against Its shoulder. A Pennsylvatilnn lias patented an Im proved coal bag and unloading .arrange ment , comprising- central sustaining member , surrounded by a. bag , which has a gatherlnp cord ut the top , the bags be- iiiK stispendec by the stems on a wooden support for niHns from the chute. Runaway horses can be brought under control by a new dashboard attachment which lias n bao bolted to the dashboard , with u lip pivoted to clamp to rein against tbo base when nulled from the front , n backward pull releasing It for tightening the reins when u new bold Is taken by the People struck by a new car fender can not ro I under tbe wheels , the fender bo- Iriff held in a vertical position In front of the car and pivoted In such a. manner that a blow on Its face causes It to fall back ward and nssiimo n horizontal position , with the. front od cs raised to hold the person. Tbo Imlr can be rapidly dried after washIng - Ing by the use of a new comb , which has conrso teeth , formed of porous material capable of withstanding great beat , whereby the moisture absorbed by drawIng - Ing the comb throuch the 'hair la evaporated by holding' the comb over a flame. those who know what Catarrh really is , the old-fashioned way of treating it , still used by thousands who cling to old methods , seems a woeful waste of good energy. Catarrh is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nostrils , throat and air passages. It needs soothing , not irritating. The constant hawking , the chok ing , plugged-up , disagreeable sen sation of tightness troublesome BEST FBEE , POSTPAID. especially in the early morning , To any iwder oi tlit/i nujwr when the cold air contracts the air 69ndlnfrnlRani4ilnd fullandmu no will forward atubool OzoJeli passages and irritates the inflamed OZOJEI.L by mail , prepaid CUBE. T * mrl Ct , K. V , membranes is relieved immediate ly by the simple application of Ozojeil is like a healing ointment applied to a troublesome and angry Bore it Soothes. Relieves , Cures. The ciitarrhal discharge is like the pus from a running sore , and everyone knows that washing a sore is not sufficient to make it heal , Ozojcll , a delicious , pleasant emulsion or jelly of great cleansing , healing , preservative , gennicidal properties , when once applied , remains on the raw membranes and gradually draws out the matter and heals up the wound by promoting the growth of new , healthy membrane. Ozojell is put up in a patent Ozojell tube , easily carried in the pocket , easily applied to the parts as needed , in the office , on the street , without attracting attention , and with no irritation , trouble or waste of time. ! t is sold by all druggists in 50 cent patent Ozojell nasal tubes. Prepared from the formula of the celebrated Vienna physician , Herr J. Muller , the great specialist in diseases of the ear , throat and nose ( Physician in Ordinary to the Emperor of Austria ) . Thousands of letters from those who have been cured attest its virtues. its efficacy , wo offer to send/m * lyinail to nil readers of Inis paper a tube of Ozojell and a book on Catarrh and Its Scientific Treatment. Simply write , giving name and full address , when this treatment will be sent you absolutely hce , postage paid- Address OZOJELL CURE , 219 Temple Court , New York. P 1 wears away the coating of your lungs. From this mry result Pneumonia , Bronchitis , Consumption and other quickly fatal diseases , Soften and cure your cough with the new scientific remedy for Coughs , Sore Throat , Hoarseness and all respiratory diseases. A positive , permanent , harmless , perfect cure. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Eaay Homo Curs , Painless , Permanent , We will send nnyono addicted to Opium , Morphine , J-imlan- imi , orothrr drug hnUt uTrlalTrciitiiient . Kr 'o of rimrcr , of the roost remarkable remedy ever dlwomrd. Con- tains tirent Vital I'rliirlpla hiTctolnro unknown. Hffrm-loryCa ; p solicited. OmHrtcii- tlul c/rre mi"lpn invllwl from iili , cbidully : I'lijelrlann. BT. JAMES bOClKTY , 11S.1 lUlOADWAY. 'JEW VOUK. OUR GUARANTEE F WEAK MEN iirceived f Air . . KlVo Dollars ii 00) for full treatment of TitrliiHi L. 11 I'Bi. , vi I'll fire sold i- him \i th a Euaranteo to our cx..ai wuakncsb etrcncfhen sexuil power , oun , chrurkrn parts and stop all unnatural dlscharcu or cmuslon. < uro nervu and brain weaKnosj ; or mor.ey to bo re turned This Kuarantfc holds yood tor thiea y..ir ' Should a weakness return , mtdtclnti will a aui be furnished tr ce of chgrsc. Hilin's Pharmacy , Uth and I'arr.atn SXs Neb. N. 13. U'o ctvc t bis Guarantee to our customer * . All tuckered out scarcely energy enough to get homo in the evenings no rest nftor you do got homo As tired in the morning as you are at night Back so lame that you can scarcely bend it Aches and throbs and pains even when you lie atill. Kidneys are to blame They are not taking the poison out of the blood need help and need it at once. Other Omaha people have been in the same condition Hundreds of them They've taken Doan's Kidney Pills And they've been cured Cured so quickly and permanently that they could scarcely believe their own senses. They'll telliyou about the goodness of Doan's Kidney Pills Tell you with a glad earnestness that you can't hnlp believ ing Kead what one Omaha citizen has to say. Mr. A. H. Weber , 1120 Jlartlm street , shipping clerk at Hardy & Co.'s , aays : "I was troubled with a latno 'back ' for nearly twn vearH. During the winter montlin when I eausht cold It always settled in my kidneys and caused sharp shooting twinges across the small of my back , particularly after siooplng , when It was dlltl- ctilt to straighten. When I saw Doan'a Kidney 1'Ills advertised I r wont to Kuhn < t Co.'s Drug Store and procured a box. I only took them a few days , when I noticed their benefit. The pain In my back t-oon passed away and my general system was invigorated , " You can buy Doan's Kidney 1UU at any drug store 50c a box Foster-MilburnCo. , Buffalo , N. Y. ONE TRIAL BOTTLE This Offer Almost Surpasses Belief. An External Tonic Applied to the Skin Beautifies it as by Magic. TOE DISCOVERY OF THE AGE A Woman Was the Inventor. Thousnndn have tried from time imme their parlors one trial bottle of tholr Com. morial to discover same cfflcncloufi rumedy plexlon Tonic nbiolutely free , and In order for wrinkles and other imperfections of tha that thee who cannot call or live away 'complexion , but none had yet succeeded un from New York may be bonnfltod they wilt til the Mlescs Doir , tbo now famous Com Bond ono bottle to any adrlroao , all chare * * plexion Specialists , of 78 Fifth nvcnue , New prepaid , on receipt of 25 cents ( stamps or York City , offered the public their wonder silver ) to cover coit of packing and rteflrer- ful Complexion Tcnlc. Thu reason BO many Ing. The price of this wonderful toulo U ( ailed to make this discovery before Is plain , $1.00 per bfittlo and this liberal offer nhouM because they have not followed the right be embraced by all. principle. Balms , Cream : , Lotions , etc. , The Mkses Dell have just publlchcd their never have a tonic effect upon tbe BUIn , NEW HOOK , "SECRETS OP BEAUTY. " V bonce the failure. This valuable work Is free to all doslrlnc It. The MISSES BKLIVS COMPLEXION The book treats exhaustively of the import- TONIC has a most exhlllaratlng effect upon unco of a good complexion ; tolls how w tha cuticle , absorbing and carrying off all woman may acquire beauty nnd keep U. Impurities which the blood by lie natural Special chapters on the care of the hair ; tctlcn Is constactry forcing to the surface of how to have fiinirinnt growth ; harmless the fkln. It is tn ths nkln what a vitaliz methods of making the hair preserve Ito ing tojilc Is to the blr-od and nerves , a kind natural beuuty and color , even to advanced kf new Ufa that Immediately exhilarates nnd ng * . Also Instructions how to banish itrengthena wherever applied. Its tonic cf- uupcrfluous hair from the face , neck and toct Is felt almost Immsdlatfly and It speed arms without Injury to the skin. This book ily banishes forever from tbe akin freckles , will bo mailed to any oddrens on request. pluiples , blackheads , moth patches , wrinkles , FREE TrUl nottlca of Wonderful Com Ivvrapots , roughnasc. olllness , eruptions and plexion Tonic free at parlors or 25 cento accelerations of any kind. ( cent of packing and mnlllns ) to these at In order that nil may be benefited by their distance. Great Discovery tbo Mlssos Half will , during Correspondence cordially solicited. Ad ing the prfient month , civo to all callers at dress , THE MISSES BELL , 78 Fifth Av. , New Yon : City. The Misses Bell's Toilet Preparations are for eale In tbla city bf KUHN & COMPANY. The Reliable Prescription Pharmacists , Cole Agents. i5th and DoiifrlfR Streets , why physicians don't proscribe silk underwear for every E body is , that it is too dear for the average purse. * It is anti-rheumatic ; soothing to the nerves ; warm , light , pleasing to the touch and eye , in a word , it pre uC sents every desirable attribute , save that of low codt. ( C a is within reach of moderate purses. The wearer for the first time reali7.es luxury in underwear a Men's Shirt * , 34-44 , each . . . . . . . .52. 0 Ladles' Vesti , Z6-40 , e cb . . . . . .J2.50 a Men'n Drawers , 28-44 , each . > 2 SO Ladlof Drawers , 20-40 , each _ J2.CO H o Men's Union Suits , 34-44 , c-ach .JS.OO I.adl s Union Suits , 26-40 , aach . . $3,00 4 > Men's UndervvstB , 34-44 , each . 12.00 Ladtri * UnderwaUti , 26-40 , each.72.0) 4B B Ladles' Short Underskirts , 24waist ALL LEADING STORES. 0K If your dealer can't supply you ve will. Kxprrss prepaid. * KOTEDSSL& UNDERWEAR CO. , aH MILI.nUKY , MASS O