Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1900, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    TILE OMAHA > AIlAr BEE : SUNDAY , JA TUABY 28 , 1900.
Bavls Rolls
Jflnc A. U. C. beer. NeumayerB hotel.
VVclsbach burners at Blxby' * . Tel. 19X
Uudwcjser beer , L. Ilosonfeldt. agent
Dr W. A aervals. osteopath , 301 Me
rlnm Mo < k. council Bluffs.
Gut your work Jono at the popular Eag
launch y. 721 Broadway. 'Phone 157.
W C. Esti-p , undertaker. ! S > nrl stret
Telephones : Office. D7 : residence. 33.
Sheridan lump coal , $5.00 $ ; Sheridan tv
coal Jioo. ronion it Foloy. solo agents.
Tin- place i hnvp your framing don
Alexander's Art emporium. KB Hroadwa
Jiulgi- . U. Heed if the federal court . lariil elating left yeMerday for Tu
con. wli"r IIP will hold court
Tinnli ! building ul Ids South Muln streo
lii"li < ligiig ) to M F. Itnllier. Is bring tni
l"ttn .mil Will be replaced by u brlrk
I. in lu-r U'lirrcn oT Omnhii will ilcllvor
f < i- l < * i tur < . next Thurcday evening nt O (
J'MimvfT hull on "The Judgment ni
tiau tunr ) .
The regular pllblle meeting of tile The
F'iphii-iil society will be held tills nftcrnoc
ill 1 o cluck ill the residence of Mrs. I In
rn'ti F ( IrlHwnld. TO'i Hazel street.
Ira F. llendrlcks , receiver of the defun
3'ltNt National bunk of Orlswold , In , \vi
In I lie city yeslerday. lie says he expec
1o wlnii up the affair * of the Institution I
I'Vluunry 10.
* Iir CriilR of Hoiitrlce. Nell. , was -In II
! v vestiTdav ou hl way to Sun Frnnclse
31" I" u coiixiti of ( icncrni Uiwtnn and w
f'.rm one of the party to ui-eompiiny II
lc/nl .ilIlci r'H remains to Washington. D. i
Mike Smlih , one of Hie three lads charge
wlt'i ' otenllng the plumbing from a llOU :
on Hmitift Tenth street , wnlveil exainluatlc
lier-ii- , . .liiHtlre Vlcn and was bound over
I lie grand jury. Ills bull \vas ilxeii at til
In default of which he was recommitted
thn cininly .lull.
Kpt'iu-cr Sinllh and Thomas Bowman , tl
ri'i-oiliilants a mlntcd by the Board i
Comity Superv worn to check up the a
countr. mid looks of former Sheriff Morga
luivo eoiii'ileK-d their work and their r
port , which will he presented to the boal
nex Tuesday , Is now being drafted.
T''o annual meeting of the Uounell Bluf
Ministerial association will bo held In S
John's English Lutheran church Mondi
morning at lfll.10 o'clock. Hev. .1. W. \ \ " \
lion of he First Congregational ohnri
will rend a pupcr on "The Minister Amor
Slen. " The eleetlon of olllcurs for the ei
Milng year will be held at thlp meeting.
( Jeorge and Tom Konkler , two small lai
Jiving a" 1120 North Eighth street , we ;
found about 2 o'clock Saturday morning 1
Hie pollen at the Northwestern depot. Th <
Kiilil they had come up town with a negi
l > oy who had given them the slip and the
were afraid to go homelalcme. They spci
the night at the police s'atlon and wo
taken homo afU-r breakfast In charge of ji
I 'ark PerkltiH , a freight brakeman on tl
( Milwaukee , became Involved In an argi
inejit with 'his working mate Prlilny nlgli
while making up a train. He tried to sir
port his side of the case by assaulting h
mate. Title deput olllcer placed him und
tirrcHt nntl turned him over to the police
cost > hlm J10 and costsi In court and he wi
forced to leave his watch and chain n.s s
curlty tor the line.
Tonight at t'he ' Dohauy theater Wllllan
niitl Ualker and their own big company <
Jlfly tipople will be seen In their new ar
original inimical farco-comcdy , "The Poll <
Players. " with alt now special scenery , ele
trio efleetfl and gorgeon * costumes.
Ciost of high-class spee.'altles ' will be Intr
AV.VI ? , " ' " 'ring ' the uciilon of the corned
W Illlamit and Walker , the "two real coons
will bo seen In nn entirely new ppecliilty.
The managers of the Dohany will on Moi
< lay evening present their patrons wll
what Is deemed the most Important attra
itlon of the season. "Tho Jolly I.lttle Host
with the brilliant and sprightly Corlnnu i
the magnet , supported by nn unusual
strong MiJWfll balanced company of a
tlsta undur tile direction of Manager Junii
aiowc. Mis * Corlnno IK well known to n
J neater-goers and has many admirers
i n i H cl t j * .
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250.
Sullivan , the grocer , makes a specially
oysters and fresh fish. Your order Dili
promptly and satisfaction guaranteed.
A.IAX Tablets A very popular nerve ni
vitalizing tonic. Dellavcn's drug store.
I'limx All ConiiliMl | ( it Miike Uie 1'ci
ell I'liNlierN Feel nt Home.
The committee appointed by the Merchant
nnd Manufacturers' association to orrani
for the entertainment of the visiting Illlnc
Central railway oillclals nnd newspaper mi
Monday morning mot Saturday ut the cl
building and completed the details.
The visitors will bo met at the depot 1
thu mayor and members of the city counc
the executive commltteo of the Merchant
ind Manufacturers' association nnd the men
hers of the local press. From the depot tl
visitors will be taken on special cars for
ido through the Imploinent district and bai
to the Grand hotel , where nn Informal r
ceptlon will bo hold , after which hroakfa
will bo served In the largo dining root
Covers will bo laid for 200.
At the breakfast table there will bo
Fhort program of brief speeches nnd teas
to bo drunk In coffee or tea , according
the taste of the Individual. Mayor .lei
ulngs will deliver a short address of wo
'cime , to bo responded to by ono ot the vl
King pencil pushers. Threo-mlnuto speech
will bo made by Lucius Wells , V. E. Bendc
William Oroneweg , W. W. hoooils and Looi
nrd Everett. The visitors will bo given
rhanco to let go some of their oratory ale
If they feel so disposed , and speechmakti
will bo brought to a close by a short aildre
from Emmet Tlnley.
After brcaUfoBt cigars will be handi
nround and If time permits the visitors wl
bo given a ride around the Broadway lei
before leaving for Omaha. H Is expecti
that there will bo between fifty nnd six
jiowHpapor men In the party.
There Isn't anything In the market th
beats Berwick Bay or Solid Packed oyster
Sullivan , the grocer , keeps 'em.
Uniform Hank gives Its masquerade * br
next Tuesday night. W. O. W. hall.
Vmtior Sunn ; .Service ,
Another of the vesper song snrvlces whli
hnvo proved so popular will bo given at tl
First Congregational church at 4 o'cloi
this afternoon. The music will furnlshi
liy the church choir , assisted by Carl Smlt
accomplished cello player of Omali
The following program will bo rendered :
Orrnn Solo P < ? renalu Moszkows1
Walter M Young.
Hymn fome ui'lo Me when shadows
darkly gather
; iiartet O I-ove the Lord Sulllvii
HoMpoKnlvu Heading Twenty-eighth So-
'Cello Solo Hereunto Oodai
Carl Smith.
Offertory ( organ ) Intermezzo Muebel
Waller H. Young.
fVrlpluro Lesson
Solo ( with 'cello obllgalo To the Angels
' " " ' '
Hymn I Heard ( ho Volco of JPBIIK Sav
'Cello Solo Andnnto from Oolterman'a
A Minor Concerto
Carl Smith.
Bhort Sermon by Pastor Subject , "Hest
for the Weary"
Quartet Hearken t'nto Me Sulllvt
Organ Solo Festal Murrh Sma
Walter K. Young.
If you ent Sullivan's Berwick Bay or Sol
Packed oysters you will think that life
-north the living iwveral times over. Tbi
arc tlu > tlnost In the land.
Qo to Bell & Sons , 101 Broadway , for di
tocxls and premium stamps.
Negotiated In Eastern Kehrask
and Iowa. Jamea N. Cafagr. It
UO Main St. . Council Buna.
Last Site Ohoson for High School Buildi :
Likely to Stand.
U'lll nl Once lie Tnken to I'll
iiKo More ( iroutiil AilJiilnliiK
tin- Nile Sit MM In Provide
Adeiiniile KiilrnnecH.
"You can quote me HH saying that t
filio chosen at the Hoard of Education me-
Ing Friday night for the now High Belli
building will stand and there will
no rescinding of that action this Urn
Bald Member Hces yesterday , and he ndc
further that he was quoting the HCtitlmci
of the other three dlrectora who voted I
the First nvenuo location.
It IB understood that the board will
once take steps to secure an addltloi
twenty feet frontngo by cither purchasl
or condemning that amount of the Shugi
property adjoining on the east. With tl
extra ground there would be ample room
permit of the building being erected aecoi
Ing to the plans already drawn and npprov
Twenty-live feet additional would allow I
two approaches of ampli ; wldt'h to the b !
While Member 'Mooro does not approve
having the High school immediately opj
Rite his private residence , still It Is i
thought ho will actively oppose Its ercctl
there. Ho Is feeling more or lees pleas
that it wan removed from the possibility
being located adjoining the firand hotel.
Member Stewart Is still feeling confuU
that another alto will be selected at t
general meeting of the board In Fcbrua :
but the four members who voted to. loci
It on the Treynor and Doming properties
Klrnt avenue say otherwise. As far ns c
ho learned there Is no talk of anyone a
pealing from the board's selection.
DolliRH of Moillxh Folk DurlllK t
. I.iint Six llnjH ,
Young people of the Westminster leag
o the First 1'resbytcrlan church gave
Mjclal Friday evening under the leaders !
of Misses Maud McDonald and Wilson. T
rooms were made cosy with rugs , ea
chairs and pillows , nnd palms were used
decorating. A musical program was re
dcred during the evening. Those takl
part were Mlssoa Polllo Erb , Helen Hal
win , Nellie. Haworth and Messrs. Hlgd
and Fred Murphy. Two numbers were glv
by the Sunday school orchestra , direct
by Miss Maude McDonald. Luncheon
The ilegrco team of Council Bluffs lodi
No. 270 , Ancient Order of United Workmi
entertained Friday evening in Knights
1'ythlas hall. Dancing and cards were t
order of the evening. Refreshments w <
Mr. and Mrs. Van Do nogert of Avon
I ) were given a surprne ! Thursday evenl
.by a largo number of their friends. The cc
splrators came masked. The evening w
spent at games and music. Supper w
Miss 'Montgomery entertained at a han
scimsly appointed dinner Monday evening
honor of Mies Christie of Kansas City. Di
orations were In violets and lilies of t
valloy. Covers were laid for eight.
In honor of Mlsa Packard of Kansas Cl
Mrs. Qnlnn entertained Informally at hi
live Thursday evening.
Mrs. C. II. Tyler entertained charming
at tea Monday for Miss Christie of Knns
Mrs. McAtco entertained Informally
whist Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Drulngton ontertalned
dinner Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Estop will entertu
at dinner Monday evening In honor of
nnd Mrs. Arthur Sweeting of Chicago.
Mrs. I. C. Uontmm ontertalned Tuesd
Mrs. D. Watts , who 1 enrouto from h
homo In Chicago to Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Schnorr wcro the vl
tlms of a surprise Thursday evening. Abe
twenty-four conspirators gathered at theme
homo of Mr. and -Mrs. W. 13. Dawson , r.
rayed themselves In shcctH and pillow cat
and In this gulso descended upon their hi
and hostess. After unmasking games wt
played. An oyster supper was served lal
In the evening.
In honor of her nineteenth birthday , Ml
Kntio liolnn of Avenue II entertained ve
pleasantly Thursday evening. The ovonl
wns spent at high five und other games , aft
which luncheon was served. The guests woi
Mleses Anna Dall , Noan Wlcklmrn , Liz ;
Midnight , Katlo 'Midnight ' , Mary and Kal
Hnltzfaster , Morris , McAndrews , Maloi
Wardlau , Oullfoyle , McKlnlcy and Mcssi
Maloney , Hyrncs , Miller , Nicholson , Duff ,
Cnuley , Klllon and McKlnley.
A qulot home wedding wan celchrat
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock nt theme
homo of Mrs. T. W. Lamb on Madison av
nue. Mlsa Oraco Lamb nnd Mr. H. II. Arnc
of niulr , Neb. , were united In marrlaf
The bride was attended by nor sister , Ml
Lulu Lamb , and Mr. 11. D , Kennedy
Omuha acted as best man. Mr. and Ml
Arnold are nl home to their friends at t
Lamb residence.
The Twentieth Century High Five cl
was entertained last Tuesday evening '
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Hall at their lion
359 North First street. About forty we
present. Among those from out of to\
\\cru Mrs , C. Coy and P. H. Cook of Omal
The parlors were decorated. Ilefrcnhmei :
werti served during the evening. Mrs. T.
Darker and .1. A. llooth were awarded fli
prlzoa and Mrs. A. H. Cook and T. A. Ili :
krr were the recipients of the conuolatl
On Thursday occurred the wedding of Ml
Mac Knolt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Kuott. and H. Hulger I < arson at the hot
of the brldo'H parents on Second aveiu
Hev. H. Venting otlldaU'd und relatlv
only wltnetwed the cereuiouy. Mr. and M ;
Larson left , the same evening for a she
trip In the eaet.
The O. M. S. Whist club was entertain
Thursday evening by Mrs. John T. Mulquee
James Mulquwn and Mrs. Murray made t
greatest number of points north and sou
and Mr. Scannel of Omaha and Miss Mi
queen the greatest number east and we <
the latter winning the prizes , 3. silver spo
and a silver-handled shaving brush. R
friohments w ro served.
The Jolly Forty High Five club was e
tcrtalnol Friday evening by Mrs. E.
Han and Mrs. Victor Bender at the hot
of too former. The rooms were decorat
In pink roues and carnations. The 111
prizes were given to Mrs. W. P. Sapp a
Mr. Merrlam , while Mrs. Stubbs and J.
Drown were awarded the consolation prize
Luncheon -was served. Friday of this we
the club will br entertained by Mrs. M
Kino : and Mrs. I. M. Treynor at the homo
the latter.
The women of St. Paul's church were c
tcrtalned at tea Wednesday afternoon I
Mrs. I. M. Treynor. Vocal selection ! we
given by Mrs. Mullls and Mlt Key co
trlbutctl some Instrumental numbers. Mi
Ar.nls won the ( Iret prize In n guessing co
test , while the consolation prlzo was glv
to Mrs. Walk. The next tea will bo glv
February 7 by Mrs. Walk nnd Mrs. Stll
man at the residence of the latter.
The class In whist that has been stmlyli
under Miss Moore of Denver met Friday nl
tcrnoon nt the homo of Mrs. Drlnsmal
The next meeting will bo with Mrs. W. >
Loom Is Friday of this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. U. 11. IJIoomor cntcrtnln
Saturday evening at cards. A cour
luncheon was eervcd.
A very pleasant surprise was tender
John U Mablo of Oakland nvenuo lost eve
Ing by Mrs. Mablc and a Inrgo number
their friends.
County Attorney nnd Mrs. W. H. Kllpai
entertained at dinner Tutndny evening
tholr homo In Neola In honor of their lit
wedding anniversary. Covers were laid f
Itov. nnd Mrs. Walk are entertaining Mi
M F. Huyward und Mrs. J. H. Thompson
Kansas City. The latter Is a sister of Mi
The U and I Card club had n plcasa
meeting Friday evening with Mr. ami Ml
W. C. Estcp. The trophies of the evening ,
dainty hand-decorated cream pitcher and
Bllver-handlcd roller blotter , wore won 1
Mrs. Klilon H. Lougeo nnd Mr. .1. C. Ml
chcll. Mrs. Ned Sliepard and Mr. Lucl
Wells sc-curcd the consolation prizes. Tl
meeting next Friday will bo with Mr. ai
Mrs. Ilohrer.
. Mrs. T. E. Casndy entertained the Ilaml
ton Whist club Tuesday afternoon nnd t !
prizes for the month were distributed , Ml
Woodward Allen winning the first nnrt Mi
Lymnn Shugnrt the second. The club w
meet Tuesday with Mrs. Douglas N. Grave
The Euchre club was entertained Tucsdi
evening by Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shepard.
The Woman's Whist club was entertalni
Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Drayton W. Bus
noil. The , meeting Tuesday of this week w
ho with Mrs. Montgomery.
The Progressive Whist club will me
Thursday evening at the home of Mr. ai
Mrs. W. A. Travis. .
Council Bluffs chapter , Daughters of t ]
American Revolution , met Thursday ovci
Ing at the homo of Miss Anna Ross. A Dei
jamin Franklin program was given. Mi
Montgomery was elected to represent tl
chapter at the "Continental congress , " to 1
held at Washington next month.
AB an outcome of the visit of Mrs. Put
and Mrs. Townsend of Omaha and Ml
Minnie J. Campbell ot Malvern , national vl
president In Iowa of the General Federatli
ot Woman's Clubs , to the Council Blul
Woman's club last .week , a d
partment of household economl
has been added to the club. The
are twenty members in the department ai
the Hret meeting will be held Friday. Mt
P. J. Montgomery was elected as leader ni
Mrs. Woodford secretary. The line of stui
outlined la "The Evolution ot the Home
At the iteeling Friday Mrs. McLafferty w !
read a paper on "Tho Model Home , " Mr
Morgan on "The Model Kitchen" and Mr
Forsythe , "Interior Decoration. "
The Council Bluffs Woman's club has r
celved an Invitation from the political ai
social department of the Woman's club
Omaha , to attend the lecture to bo given 1
Booker T. Washington before that club Moi
day afternoon , on "Tho Colored Woman
Part in the New South. " The women of tl
club will go In a body , starting from tl
clubrooms on Broadway at 2:45 : o'clock.
The meeting of the city Improvement d
partment of the Council Bluffs Woman
club that wns to have occurred Mondi
under the leadership of lire. McCabe ai
Dr. Susan Snyder , has been postponed uni
The English and American literature d
partment of the Council Bluffs Woman
club will meet Tuesday with Mrs. E.
Smith ao leader. *
The New Century club met Wcdnesdi
afternoon of last week with MUs Woo
The next meeting will be at the resldcii' '
of Mrs. John Temploton , 308 North Slxl
street. Mrs. Stavely will lead the hlsloi
IcEoun and Mrs. Swalne the geography. Tl
discussion of current events will bo 1 (
by Mrs. Bray.
The Oakland Avenue Heading club m
Friday nt the residence of Mrs. Blanchar
The next meeting will occur nt the hon
of Mrs. Orcutt.
The Matinee Musical club was ontcrtatm
Monday afternoon by Mrs. W. L. Dougla
The next meeting will occur Monday , Fel
ruary 5 , with Mrs. E. 13. Hart.
Mis. C. H. Bowers Is visiting friends :
Mlsa Maud Cavln has gone on an extend *
visit to Washington.
Mrs. McDonald of Kansas City Is tl
guest of her sister , Mra. II. L. Curalngs.
Miss Arkwrlght has gone to Chicago
study china painting.
Mrs. A. W. Casndy Is 111 with the grip.
Mrs. Koupal of West Point , Neb. , la tl
guest of her father , Mr. Harry Beccroft.
Mrs. John Schocntgcn has been on tl
sick list during the last week.
Mrs. George Rudlo IH visiting at Clilcnf
and Miss Lula Iludlo Is visiting nt Slot ]
Mrs. F. W. Osborn and son , who Imvo bee
making nn extended visit at Chicago , at
home. The family will shortly tnko up 1' '
residence In the Italian ! house on Fir
II. B. Sowing of Hartlngton , Nob. , Is vlsll
Ing the family of Henry Paschel on Wlllo
Mrs. William Brown of South First stro <
left Friday for nn extended visit with hi
parents , Mr. and Mrs. James Nowlond , :
Hello Fourche , S. D.
Henry Stevenson loft Thursday for Porl
land , Ore. , with u view to locating there ,
he found a business opening.
Mrs. J. II. Atkins IB homo from a vis
with friends at Neola ,
Henry H. Van Brunt has as his guest hi
brother. W. K. Van Brunt ot Langford , S. I
Mr . H. P. Bqrrott and mother , Mrs. I
Merkel , are visiting In Chicago ,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Smith ontertalne
last week their sister , Mrs. N. L. Ttlgdo
of Portland , Ore.
Mrs , E. Ensedalo Is visiting friends t
OUth" , Kan.
John N. Baldwin Is at Washington. I ) . C
Miss Cora Hohns la homo from n. visit wit
friend at Shenandonh.
Mrs. J. N. Casady left Wednesday fc
Chicago , where stio joined her husband. The
will visit in ts'cw York before ruturnln
Hev. Thomas E. Green , D. I ) . , of Cedu
Hnplds , la. , while In the city last week , wn
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Jackeon i
South First street.
Mr. and Mrs. Jumos Bono and family or
entertaining n. J. Carey of Montrea
MFS | Bcsslo Harding of Minneapolis I
visiting friends In Council Bluffs and Omalu
The slstcra of the Danish Brothcrhoo
gave an enjoyable and well attended map
querado dance lost night at Grand Army c
the Republic hall. Tlu'ro were many ham !
some and unlquu costumes.
J. A. T. Bates of Oakland , la. , IH vlsltln
the family of his son-in-law , W. C. Cueyni
on Madison avenue.
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. H. Jones of Mynstor utroi
uro entertaining Mr. and Mr ? Otis Sanfor
and turn of Worthlngton , Minn.
Ed Duquette , formerly of this city , mv
tt resident of Chicago , Is here visiting ri'la
lives and frlcudtf on hl way to Toxus.
Mls Marian lleulon U vlaltlng Minn Ihv
slo Brno at take Forest seminary.
The degree team ot Council IllulTa loJt >
Ancient Order of United Workmen , gave
drst annual entertainment nnd dance Frld
night , which wns attended by n largo crov
After an Interesting program of epceck
and music , refreshments were served a
then the floor was cleared for dancing.
Mr" , and Mrs. W. U. Beach of Telluric
Colo. , were the guests last week of Mr. n
Mrs. J. T. Beach of First avenue.
If there Is one thing more than nnotb
that Sullivan , the grocer , likes to do It
to plcaso his patrons. Leave an order I
some of his celebrated Berwick Bay or So !
Packed oysters and sco It the result Isi
Church Note * .
St. Paul's Episcopal Church , Ilcv. Geor
Edward Walk , Hector Holy communion
8 a. m. : morning prayer and sermon
10:30 : o'clock ; subject of sermon , "Tho Me
Dtlllcult Duty ; " evening prayer and scrm
at 7:30 : o'clock.
Services nt Grace Episcopal church ted
will be a follows : Sunday school nt 0 :
n. m. , morning prayer and sermon at
o'clock , cvcnlnc prayer and sermon nt 7 :
At Trinity Methodist church , the pasti
Kev. W. H. Cable , will preach both mor
Ing and evening. The morning service w
bo of a special character for the now met
hers. Claw meeting will be at 9:45 n. r
Sunday school nt noon , Junior league mee
Ing nt a:30 : p. ra. , Epworth league meet !
at 6:30 : p. m. The midweek prayer servl
will be held Wednewlay evening nt 7 :
The First Church of Christ , Scicntli
will hold services nt 10:4Ii : o'clock this mor
Ing in the Sapp building. Experience mec
Ing will be held Wednesday evening nt
Ilov. Alexander Lltherland , pastor of t
Second Presbyterian church , will take
the oubject of bis morning sermon "Lul
the Beloved Physician. " At the cvcnli
service the pulpit will be occupied by He
Stephen Phclps , D.D. , of Omaha.
At the First Baptist church this mor
Ing Hev. H. Venting , the pastor , will prea
on "Tho Work of the Ministry. " In t
evening he will deliver bib second serm
on "Spiritism. " Sunday school will bo
noon , meeting of Junior society at 3 p. i
in the chapel , meeting ot Young PeopU
union at 6:30 : p. m.
At the Bethany chapel there will bo Su
day school at 3 p. m. and preaching at 7 :
P. m.
At the Twenty-ninth street Baptist ml
slon there will be Sunday school at 3 p. i
and preaching at 7:30 : p. m.
The principal feature at St. John's En
llsh Lutheran church today will be the le
turo this evening by Hev. J. N. Lenk (
D.D. , of Danish college at Blair , Nob. , i
the subject , "From the Missouri to the Jo
dan. " The pastor , Hev. G. W. Snyder , w
preach at the morning service nt 10 :
o'clock. AH services will be held at ti
usual hours.
At the First Congregational church th
morning the pastor , Rev. J. W. Wilson , w
preach on "Patience , nn Essential Chrlstii
Grace. " Sunday school will bo at noi
nnd boys' and girls' meeting at 3 p. m. Ti
vesper service at1 p. m. will take the pla
of the usual evening service today.
Rev. W. S. Barnes , pastor of the Fir
Presbyterian church , will preach this mor
ing at 10:30 : o'clock on "Progressive Piety
Ills subject at the evening service at 7 :
o'clock will be "Gain and Loss In Religion
Sunday school will be hold at noon , Junl
league meeting at.1 p. m. and Westmlnst
league prayer meeting at 6:30 : p. m.
At the First Christian church this mor
ing at 10:30 : o'clock the pastor , Rov. S. :
Perkins , will preach on "Paul'B Experien
In Paradise. " His subject at the evenli
service at 7:30 : o'clock will be "Power
the Spoken Word. " Sunday school will
held at noon , Junior Christian Endeav
society meeting at 3:30 : p. m. and Chrlstli
Endeavor Hoclety meeting at 6:30 : p. m.
The third annual meeting of the DerthI
club will bo held Monday evening , Janua
29 , 8:15 : , nt the Royal Arcanum hall. T
meeting Is open to the public. Admlsslc
25 cents.
Nothing more nutritious than oystci
Sullivan , the grocer , keeps the best bran
to be had , Berwick Bay and Solid Packed.
Derllilclr Club Program.
The Derthlck club has arranged ithe fo
lowing program for Its third annual op <
musical , to bo given at Royal Arcanum ha
tomorrow night :
The Derthlclc Club
, , , , , strsp - JMontgomery. .
Uridnl Chorus ( from "Tho Hose Maiden )
' ' '
Jlrs. Treyiior'Mlss'MeIiityre'Mrs. ! Mul-
Us , Miss Porterllold , Mr. Treynor ,
Mr , nigdon , Mr. Slmms , Mr.
, , Altehlson.
"The Wings ot the Storm".W. L. Thlcksti
. . . , Clyil ° nAltehlson. .
" "
"Gondollera" Moszkows
Miss Ellis.
"Tho Forbidden Song" S , Gustaldc
Mrs. William W. Sherman.
Hungarian Ithap.sodlo No. 13 LIs :
Soxtetto ( from "Lucia" ) Donlzct
Analysis ( Upton ) : Mrs. P. J. Mont
gomery. Performance : Miss Mcln-
tyre , Mrs. Miillls , Mr. Treynor ,
Mr. Jllirdon , Mr. Slmms , Mr.
"Romance" Uccthovc
Charles F. Steckelberg.
Nobll Slgnor ( from "Tim Huguenots" ) . . .
Meyerbe <
Mrs. Robert Mullls.
Fantaslo Polonaise , op. 106 Ra
Charles H. Keefer.
"Serenade" Marschm
Dudley Buck Quartet.
Accompanists : Miss Tulleys , Miss Kill
Miss Porterlleld.
You need not como down town to ordi
your oysters or fresh llsh. Just ring i :
'phono ' id , that's Sullivan , the grocer. Ho'
: lo the rest.
IIowcll's Antl-"Knwf" cures coughs , coMi
tvltli Inccnl.
James Vance , a barber living at Sovent
sticet and Avenue F , Is bohlnd the bars i
the city Jail on the charge of Incest wit
tils 17-yrar-old daughter. Rose.
According to Iho girl's story , her ur
natural father compelled bor to submit I
111 in when she was only 13 years of ago. Sli
Imd been afraid to tell any ono about It , t
her father threatened to kill her If she dli
Driven to desperation yesterday by he
father's conduct , nho confided her story t
tier aunt , Mrs. Adams , who at once hastene
to Chief of Pollco Albro. An Informatlo
wai , Died against Vance and ho was take
Into custody. Ho refused to say nnytnln
about the charge. Vmico has several chll
Iron , the youngest being a baby about
months old. The mother la at present I
Iho Woman's Christian Association hosplti
suffering fro > m InlUmmiitory rheumatism.
If you eat oysters buy the best. Get tt
relebrated Berwick Bay at Sulllvau'i , th
? roccr.
Open meeting Dorlhlsk club , Monday ever
Ing , Itoyul Arcanum hall.
x In I lie Court" .
I.ovlno DeJiirrs and Plillene Gibbons com
inonced null yettcrday In the district coin
o close IIio saloon operated by LouU Wink
er at 01(5 ( Wont Broadway. They allege tlw
Iho saloon U liolnn conducted contrary the
ho mulct law and Is n dUreputubln plan
Uury and Paul Bouquet. n alleged owner
if thu promise * , are ulvo defendants In th
ii'tlon ,
Mm. Krletlna Prdcmou commenced sui
or dhorco from Chrlet I'txlcreon , whom eh
married In Denmark. She alleges th
Christ IB man of ungovernable temper ni
that In 1SR2 he forcibly ejected her from t' '
hotifc while she was carrying nn Infant
her arms and threatened to do her bodl
Injury If she re-turned.
The transcripts In eighteen of the barb
cases appealed from the superior court we
fllcd In the district court yesterday ,
Judge Smith held ft night nosslon yesle
day to hear the arguments In the suit
William Price against H. Olsen. The si
li over a dam between the two propcrtU
Prlco asserting that It causes the water
overflow on his land. Evldenco In the co
was taken before Judce Smith n few da
When you buy get the best. That's t
reason Sullivan , the grocer , has such n b
run on his Berwick Bay and Solid Pack- -
oysters. They beat all other brands.
Seliool Iviiterlaliiiiient.
The concert given last night at the Oi
Fellows' hall under the auspices of the Illi
School Athletic association attracted n lar
and fashionable audience. A pleasing pr
grcm wns rendered , each of the numbc
receiving n well merited enrore. The fe
lowing took part : Mrs. W. W. Shermn
Oscar Garclsscn , C. S. Steckelberg , the S
torlus quartet and the Dudley Buck qua
let. The proceeds of the entertainment ate
to ho devoted toward defraying the expcns
of the track meet to be held hero by the 111 ]
School Athletic association next May.
ItiMiiovnl Notice.
The Co-operative Premium association w
bo found In larger quarters , nt No. 5
Broadway , on add after Monday , Janua
Si ) , with newer and bettor goods than cvt
Call and BCO us.
MnrrlniiP J.lecnncK.
Licenses to wed wcro Issued yesterday
the following persons :
Name and Residence. Ag
George Dcnton. Poltawattamlo
Annie Dowil , Pottawnttamlo
Clmrlps Way. Herman , Neb
Carrlo Mae Monroe. Teknmah , Neb
You can always find the best selection
fresh flsh nnd oysters nt Sullivan's , tl
grocer , 343 Broadway. Telephone Ifil ,
Davis snlla paints.
DcMperntc llnttlr * llptvrccti Ilctrollvi
niul u Mint Who Iloblied 111 *
DES MOINES , Jan. 27. ( Special Tel
gram. ) Two detectives had a despera
light with Charles H. Nowhousc of Alt )
on n prominent street corner hero todi
noon. Passing citizens saw two men otrui
gllng with a third , who had a roll of bll
In his teeth , and , taking It for a holdup
broad daylight , Interfered , but Ts'ewhou
was finally landed safely In jail. The Alb
man Is charged with having robbed h
mother-in-law of $ GOO. He was arresti
on the morning Wabash train. The prlsom
and the officers walked from the union dcpi
to Walnut on Fifth street. As they turm
the corner Nowhouse made 'a desperate e
fort to escape and the flght ensued. I
took the money from his pocket and tried :
tear It up. Falling In this be put tl
money , which Is In largo bills. In his moul
and began chewing It. When the polli
station was -reached he * was searched ni
$202 was found on his person. It Is bellovt
that on the way uptown ho threw son
of the money away or else succeeded :
swallowing It. He was taken to Albla th
The wholesale millinery house of Leden
& Strauss was broken Into last night ar
from $500 to $1,000worth of silks carrl (
away. The burglars gained entrance 1
jurying open the Iron shutters In the rej
of the building.
Today's supreme court decisions were :
J. H. Patterson against C. V. Pllts , exci
utor , appellant , Harrison district : ulllrme.
A. R. Utirnsi. against Chicago , Fort Mai
Ison & Des Molnes railway , appellant ; a
Sioux City Stock Yards company , a ]
pellant , agalnnt Sioux City Packin ? con
pany , Woodbury district ; afllrmed.
Henry Born , appellant , iigalns ; Homo li
suranco company of New York , Cedar dl
trial ; 'reversed.
Citizens' Bank against Whlnery Bros
appellant , Ilardln district ; tidlrmed.
Sioux CHy Illnclcniiiitli Unen a Kvillii
Iron nn n Sword.
SIOUX CITY. Jnn. 27. ( Special Teli
gram. ) Andy Kean , who was stabbed wll
a red hot poker by his partner , Mll (
Ilalncs , a blacksmith , Thursday aftornooi
died nt Iho hospital In Sioux City this morr
Ing. It had not boon supposed the man wj
seriously Injured.
At first physicians expressed the oplnlo
that the man died of pneumonia , but a
autopsy revealed the .fact . that the hot poke
had ' " "iplftoly perforated the abdomlnr
wall rwtcad of merely having burned a hoi
In the flesh as supposed after the first e.\
amlnatlon. After this discovery a wnrras :
was Issued for the arrest of Halncs , wh
now Is locked up in jail ou the charge c
The men had trouble In their shop and I
Is declared by Halnos that Kcnn attackc
him and accidentally ran against the pokci
with which the latter was lighting his plp (
Following the row the Injured man pro
cecded to get very drunk nnd slept out I :
iin alley for some tlmo before , going to ;
room. Then It was his groans attracted at
lentlon and nn Investigation followed.
Kean's home was In Waterloo , la. , but h
lias been working for some time In Ne
hraflko , mostly at Emerson.
I'rrHH Afmoi'lnHon to Mec <
IOWA CITY , la. , Jan. 27. ( Special. ) Th
Iowa Evening Press association will hold It
Irst annual session' hero February 15. San
I' . Clover , managing editor of the Chleag
evening Post , will make an address. Wll
lam H. Conant , editor of the Iowa City He
mbllcan , will rccvlvo the visiting ncwcpa
ler men an his guests , and a reception ain
; annuet will b'J tendered them by the citl
: cns. The association Is composed of re'pre
icutatlves of twenty-Ovo afternoon dalllei
> f the Btato that furnish each other will
'lileiitco Oilierr HHIevc They llnvc
Iliirkc- , Who llolilx-il ( he
llne PoHtolllcr.
SIOUX FALLS , S. 1) . , Jan. 27. ( Special , ]
-Federal authorities here are keenly Interfiled
-filed In the result of the attempts If
dentlfy James Francis , a Chicago ualoor
( eepcr , who was arrested on suspicion o
jcliig John Burke , who In 1S93 robbed tin
KHitofllce at Efltelllnc , this state , and whc
ifterwurds fwcapt-d. Court Crier F. L. Wad *
ia returned hero from Chicago , where IK
vent for the purpose of Identifying the mar
inder arrest there. Ho had no dlfllcult )
vhatovcr In picking out the man In a part }
if six and is confident the prisoner U
Jurkc. Potitotllce Inspector Fotnes , who wai
itatloned hero at the time of the Kstclllm
obbery , was also In Chicago and Identified
'ranclH as Burke , although ho won not ai
loslllve as Wade , and accordingly the hear-
ng was continued until next Tuesday U
irder to have Peter Neory of Spirit Lake
a. , the ofllcer who arrested Burke In 1S93
dentlfy the man. Ncary was sheriff ol
} | cklnenn county. Iowa , at the time of the
irrent. liu tblnkis ho will have no trouble
n identifying Burke.
Burke and u pal were arrested after the
obbery and both escaped from the Sioux
lls jail.
Anollier Shi-i'ium-ll'it oelulloll.
HOT SJ'IUNOS , S I ) . , Jan. . 27.--Speclal ( )
Sheepmen of the northern part of the Black
,1IIU have organized auothur
Every man who would know the grand truth , plain facts ,
the new discoveries ofmcdicnl science .is applied to
married life ; who would atone for past errors
and avoid future pitfalls , should secure
the wonderful little book called
ami How fo
" Here at last is information from a high medical source
\VORKWONDKRSwiththlsRcnerationof men. "
No Pfoney The book fully describes a method by which to attain
full vigor and manly power.
in Advance. A method to end sill unnatural drains the .
. * i > is-uii > L vw v mi ui uiitiiiiuuu ultima on me rtysicni.
TocurenervotisHsslaclofsclf-controldespondcncvctc !
To exchange a jaded and worn nature for one of bright
Treatment ness , btioyanry and power.
To give full strength , development and tone to every
on Trial portion and organ of the body.
ARC no barrier. K.iilurc impossible.
am ! The book , is Pt'RliI.Y MHDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC ,
useless to curiosity seekers , invaluable- MEN ONLY
Approval. WHO NEED IT.
We send one full month's Remedies of wonderful power , and a marvelous
Appliance to strengthen nnd develop , on trial and nnnrovuL without nay ,
deposit or obligation. No exposure , no "collect on delivery " scheme no decep
tion of any kind.
A despairing man who had applied to us , soon alter wrote : "Well , I tell you
that first day is one I'll never forget. I just bubbled with jov. 1 wanted to hutr
everybody and tell them that my old self had died yesterday and mv new self was
born today. Why didn't you tell mu when I first wrote that I would find it this way ? "
And another wrote thus : "If you dumped a cartload of gold at my feet it would
not bring such gladness into my life as your method has done. "
In answering be sure and mention this paper , and tin- company promises to send
the book in sealed envelope without any marks , and entirely free"of charge.
Write to the-JBRJE MEDICAL COMl'AXV , liiiffalo , N. r. . and . ask
for the little book called "COMPLETE MANHOOD. "
jLJr JT& . JL Jk 1 Jl H < &J BLUFFS.
Have for sale choice Fruit , Farm and
Garden Land near Council Bluffs.
80 acres , mostly in fruit , ad joining city with 2 sets buildings.
83 acres 4 miles east , with buildings and fruit.
4 acres , house , barn and fruit , 2A miles from post-ofiioe.
1 acre , with 7 room house , U miles from post-oliice.
85 acr farm at a bargain.
Office 39 Pearl Si , Telephone 344 , Council Bluffs
Then buy 150 pounds of any other stoclc food and 1,000 pounds of oil cnko or
meal , divide your Htock and make a soalc teat , anil yon will find the ones fed on
MOOItK'S superior to others , or the food will COST YOU NOTHING.
December 15 , 1S9D : Enclosed flnd check for an order of Moore's Food , received
November 1. Will want more In a few days.
January C , 1900 : Send mo at your earliest convenience f 00 pounds of your stock
food. KURD BEEBKE , Bcebectown. Iowa.
Mr. Beebec has been feeding Moore's Food for some six years nnd at ono tlmo
made a gain on 100-head of 41-3 pounds a head per day and in that time han lost no
1,000 Oil Cake S12 50 Moore's Stock Food Co.
101) ) Pounds Moore's. 8 00 . ,
Difference 4 50 Council Bluffs
I will guarantee
that mj Kidney Curt
will cure 80 per cent
Of all forms of kldncj
oomplalnt and U
many Instances thi
most eerloiis forms o :
might's disease. L
the disease Is com
plicated tend a four
ounce vial of urine
TV will .analyze' ' 11
end advlie you fro <
what to do.UONTOK.
At all < Jruic1iU. Z3 . vl l. Guide to Heoltl
TJie vrorit onie can be cnrnl br V *
lusr Muffitet Tile Killer. G rnute i
91.OO per box by runll.
Weiteru Depot , Omaha , Mefe
with headquarters at Belle Fourche. It In
eludes Hhecpmcn of western South Dakota
northeaatern Wyoming and southern Mon
tana. Preliminary feteps were taken atthli
meeting toward erecting a wool wnrehousi
at Bcllo Fourche , which question will hi
fully determined at the next mooting Fcb
ruary 20.
Another sheepmen's organization was ef-
reeled nt Edgomont In December , with i
largo membership , but this last orgunlza
.Ion takes In a different territory.
I'lii-V 'Meet nl YiinUtiin niul l'rrfeu ( i
Stale OrKiiiilr.ufIon.
YANKTON , S. D. , Jan. 27. ( Special. ) Tin
South Dakota State Beekeepers' ' assoclatloi
V.IH organized In this city yesterday after
noon. The meeting was attended by repre.
sontatlves from all parts of the state , prln.
clpally from the eastern and northeaster !
BCctldn. Those oHlcers wore elected : Thomas
Chantry of Mcckllng , president ; S. J. Hume-
Ing of Marlon Junction , vlco president ; Join
) uffack , treasurer and ccnerul manager , unil
3. F. Atwatcr of Yankton , secretary. It wai
leclded to dlvldo the Htatu Into districts am !
ppoltit vice presidents for each district
vhoso duty It should be to form local or
ganizations. J. M. Hobbs was appointed vice
ircsldcnt for the Yankton district , Thomas
Chantry vlco president for the Cloy county
llslrlct and S. J. Harmellng for the rn-
nalnder of thu state. The organization will
alllllalo with the National Beekeepcri ) ' os-
lliu-U TmmiliinvU May lluDriMViieil. .
PIEIUU3. S. D. , Jan. 27. ( Special Tolo-
Kiam. ) Heports from Fort Pierre are that
Mack Tomahawk , an old Indian , has gone
hrough the ice on the river. His team was
lotlccd tied to u tree on the bank for two
daye. The owner has not been seen for sev-
ral days und Is supposed to bo dead.
Tomahawk waa the Indian , who , after a
eng light before the Land department , HO-
cured as an allotment 320 acres of valuable
and lying within the town of Fort Pierre
und only lust fall obtained final title from
ho government. A case had just been commenced
menced 'in the United State * court to set
usldo thu allotment ,
( IIIOlNoil lit PrenMtMil.
YANKTON. S. D. , Jan. 27. ( Special. )
'ha.Farmers' Co-operutlvo Creamery com-
iuny of Murindahl bus been organized. Its
capital stock is to be $4.000. A building will
JB erected and equipped at u cert of about
2,500 and will be louitnd nour thuVash -
own church In Kant Vankton county. The
oflircrs are OIo P Olson , president. Philip
temp , vlro president , Iver Stone , secretary ,
lenry Schucffcr , treaaurcr.
T olinny Theatre
* - * Stevenson & Kennedy ,
Monday , Jaiiunry 29.
In Edgar Smith nnd Louis Do Lunge's Merry
( Musical Creation
The Jolly
Little Host
Assisted by u remarkable assemblage of
famous people Including.
II. I ! . ( ilt.VIIAM.
i.oi'is ' III ; < AK. ; .
.IOIIV .1 , It M'TAKI , .
1:1111 : , v i - \\ci.s. .
A sprightly crop of Choristers. The Key
stone Qnartottc. Novel .Specialties.
STNVHXHO.V A ici\\ii > v ,
i > . \iiiin.\i roit NIX M
And their own Hlg Company 60 CLHVKU
The show that kept New York laughing
Six Months.
1'IIK r.S-Urie , : t.-e , ami T..e.
For r > ycirtilia only wfcanj rclUMc Kruiftla
llrKuliilorr r < illii ublet. Ktltavctuiiiiit
< rt. Aidructlitj. cr l > > mill. Price. WJ.
, u < J4C l r"tt'.io-n'iSiferujid. " llllun
JI alculCu.,3. N. islUiit. , ttiU.,11 * .