r THR fTMAHA TA1T/T ) REE : STTXDAV. JANUATIY 28 , 1000. SOCIAL PACE IS QUICKENED | I Devotees of Fashion Shako Off Lethargy of Last Few Weeks. IMPRQVE TIME BEFORE LENTEN SEASON Serlea of Kicnf * Knlhdi llmir * lle- fiiro SenNon of llt-nlnlx OrmiKC llliiNnninn Aluiont Ulnruitt a llnpiiy Ilnnir. I Siieltil Cuti-innr. ! MONDAY , Jnnunry 23-Omahn chapter. 'Dautfitura ' of "the Amcrlcun Hcvolutlon. ( Mrs. I , . P. Funkhoiise-r , ' . ' 701 Dotlea I ' street. 1 Omaha Guards' medal < 1rlll nn l dance. JJwi Ton club , Mr. and .Mrs. Johnson. tiouttiWMt Dnnclne club , Mornnd'm TUESDAY , January 30 A tea , Mrs. K. 8. Hood , < J. A. 1 * Kensington , Mrs. 11. Schmidt. Mrs. Jlcrnmn Koimlze , at home. .Miss Myrtle IloWnson , curds. \VEllNli5DAY , January ,31-Card party , Mlsi Irene .Sloan. Curds , Miss Helen Wachtcr. fully guild entertained by the Misses fitoniv THURSDAY. I.Vbntiiry 1-Mrs. W. A. Red- lek , u wJilsb lunrhcon. , , M. O. 11. club , u dance , CrclRhton hall. Fill DAY , February 2 Miss Margery Sulll- v.ui , a dinner party. .Mrs. Itoyce , dancing party for licr little son , Eugene. SATUUDAY , February 3-Mr. and Mrs. Euclid ( Martin , a dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. C.V. . Martin. There wan n slight improvement In the condition of Omaha society lust week. A few more dancing parties , where Informality rrlgned supreme , a reception under the snmo conditions , an engagement announce ment and the meetings of tlio various card clubs constitute the week's pleasures. Society folk , as well ao the musical con tingency , lire forming In parties to attend the I'ndcrcwBkl concert nt the capital city. Possibly the longhaired pianist would not enjoy the Hpcoch of a clover Otnnha society girl who expressed her wentlmentB , and I believe the sentiments of a number of the nonmuslcal clement If they had the daring of the aforementioned .young woman. Ono j dollar and forty cents of her admission ticket was spent that she might be eecn at the concert ; the same amount WUH for tt glimpse of the greatest virtuoso and the re maining 20 cents to hear the classic pro gram. The unfortunate part of that ar rangement In that no division was left for a sight of the new auditorium , which cer tainly ought to Inspire some enterprising capitalists with a desire far such a building in Omaha. The domestic felicity of n certain promi nent Omaha physician was nearly terminated by the doctor's iovo for a practical Joke , and If the fates had not been merciful the mill that grinds divorces might have stopped at the letter U. The doctor was enjoying the tempting viands of the midday meal when his little daughter came dancing Into the room with 11 bonboii box which she had taken from her father's overcoat pocket. "Gundy , mamma , " cried the little one , whllo hcpjfathor with a cry sprang forward to selzo the box. Hut the brlghtcycd elf eluded him with pcala of laughter for very joy at the pros pect of u romp. The doctor looked guilty , feigned anger and finally fell back In sheer despair as the lid dropped from the box and the perfume of orange blossoms filled the air. A note fell to the lloor which his wlfo quickly opened and read , with her mother reading over her shoulder. The wlfo turned red and then white , the mother- in-law was black In the face , but here Is the letter : "LOS ANGELES , Cal. , Jan. 11. Dear Philip : I t-cud you these orange blossoms as n reminder of the olden golden daya when wo both were younger. I wonder If you think of those days as often and as tenderly as I do ? "I nm spending the winter In this land of rcecs and there nro many loving couples hero on their honeymoon. I never see the poor young things without sighing and wondering If they have made- mistake , as I have. Poor , dear Jack Is kindness Itself , tut ho does not and cannot understand , "Thank you so much for your Ilttlo girl's photograph. I ran BCO she Is n little beauty , though fiho could not help that. And you named her Virginia ! I wonder If I could gneiss why ? Yours devotedly , as ever. "VlllGLNIA. " After sufficient agony the doctor burst forth Into howls of delight and began to search diligently In his pockets , while his wlfo wondered whether ho were not a fit subject for the feeble-minded Institute , and his mother-in-law know not whether to attribute his unholy mirth to hysterics , guilt or delirium trcmens. After the doctor had turned his pockets Inside out and found not the explanation , a look of blank despair cjmo on his face , whllo the righteous wrath of both wife and mother-in-law came thick and fast upon his head. Between sobs and stormy tears the wlfo declared her Intentions to leave the j ! "brute , " while the "brnto , " after cxplana- j ' lions In vain , left the house with the llrin determination of laying nsldo practical jok ing forever If ho got out of that scrape. At the ofllco ho ransacked his desk from top to bottom. Finally the coveted envelope emerged from beneath a pile of papers. Hut the letter explain- : the situation : "LOS ANGELES , ( Tal. : My Dear Dr. U. If your wlfo falls to see that this is n Joke J shall never forgive her. 1 Inclose un olive branch with the flowers In case you should need It. I do not know how well preserved ' the flowers will bo when they reach you , but hero they arc beautiful. We are having a delightful winter and I think thu clinngn Is doing my mother gcod. Wo have decided to Time is Life The father ? Gone for the doctor. The mother ? Alone with her suffer ing child. Will " the doctor never ' come ? When there's croup in the house you can't get the doctor quick enough. It's too dangerous to wait. Don't make such a mistake again ; it may post a life. Always keep on hand a dollar lar bottle of It cures the croup at once. For bronchitis , whooping-cough , hoarseness , asthma , pleurisy , weak lungs , loss of voice , and consump tion , there is no remedy its equal. A 25c. bottle will cure a miserable cold : the SOc. size is better for a cold that has been hanging on. But the dollar bottle is more econom ical in the long run. remain until April , as you suggested. My father and mother Join tno In kindest re gards to you and your wife. Yours truly , "DOllOTUY CAVE. " IlrnMilrlH-IMrlnuui , A very pretty wedding In Jcwlnh society took place Wednesday , January 17 , nt the homo of Mrs.V. . T. Hamett In Kos Angeles , uniting In mnrrlago her niece. Miss Lyc'-i ' Julia Edclman , daughter of U. JV. Kdel- rnnn , and II. Hugo Drandols of thin city. The ncrvlco took place at I o'clock. Kabul A.V. . Kdclman , grandfather of the bride , officiated , assisted by llov. Dr. Hccht ft H'tittl Il'rlth. Only relatives were present. The decorations In the drawing room were exquisite , being carried- out In green and white. White Eatln ribbon and emllnx , suspended - ponded from the chandeliers to the walls of the room , formed n canopy which was ttudclcd with numerous pink and \\hlto elcc- trie llghta , and whllo doves' nestled In the greenery. Underneath this canopy the beau- tlftil ceremonial of the orthodox Jewish faith was performed. The bride wore a rich gown of cream white satin , trimmed with ( iuchcsa lace. The long veil of tulle was hold In plrtco with n diamond crescent and slio carried a whlto prayer book. Miss Etta Jacoby , cousin of the bride , attended her an maid of honor. She were u dainty gown of accordion-pleated silk and mull , trimmed with lovers' knots and a glrdio of pink mirror velvet , adding touchcH of color. Her bouquet was whlto hyacinths < ind mnldbn- hnlr ferns. A. W. Kdelmnn , undo of the bride , assisted as best man. At the close an elaborate dinner was served at the homo of the brldo's atint , Mrs. H. . 'ncoby , In the house adjoining which the wedding look place. Hero the decorations were pink and green. A canopy was formed over the long table of tulle and smllnx , and cupld orna ments were conspicuous everywhere. After dinner n largo reception for the younger aet was held at the Uarnett home > from 8 until 12 o'clock. The affair was particularly bril liant , characterized with taste and olc- K.IIICO throughout. The wedding presents wcrp notable for their magnificence , attest ing the popularity of the bride , who was born In Los Angeles , where she has resided during her lifetime , and where she has al ways been a popular society favorite. The wedding tour will Include stops at Monterey , San Francisco and other northern points , and will also extend to Florida nnd Now Orleans , where Mr. and Mrs. BramU'ls will witness the Mardl Oras. After March 1 they will reside in Omaha. Dinner * nm ! IuncliionN , Mr.'and Mrs. James Hamilton gave nn elegant dinner party at their new home , cor ner of Forly-nlnth and California streets. Covers were laid for ten guests. Rod and white roses made an effective table decora tion. tion.Miss Miss Crounse and Miss Marie Croutise en tertained delightfully for Miss Avcry Mon day afternoon. The participants of the tea were : Miss Towle , Sllss Hlgglnson. Mies Peck , Miss Kllpatrlck , Miss Mlllard.ond Miss Webster. Mrs. W. L. Selby entertained n number of guests Saturday evening at dinner. The color scheme was violet. A largo bed of fragrant violets rested In the center of the table while a bunch of violets marked the cover of each guest. Violet shades cast a soft hue over the room. Mrs. David Ilaum gave a dinner Friday complimentary to Mrs. Deoscn , formerly of Lincoln. The decorations were artistic In green and white. The participants were : Mes- dEtnes Deeson , Low , Cowglll , Sprague , Wan ner. Qaum , Houtz of Lincoln , Miss Dennett nnd Miss Hooker. Mrs. Frank II. Turney cnleriMned n num ber of friends at 1 o'clock lunoheon In hcnnr of Miss Martin. The colors were pink and white , carried out in the beautiful , basket of carnations that formed the centerpiece , In the confections nnd Ices. The guests were : Miss Martin , Mrs. Kelley , Mrs. Polls , Mrs. Bird , Mrs. Porterflcld and Mrs. Tur ney. ney.Mrs. Mrs. John Griffith' entertained at a buffet luncheon In honor of her guests. Miss Hanna of Kansas City and Miss Tuck of Chicago. Thi > rcoms weru gorgeous In roses , palms and ferns. Those assisting were : Mesdames - dames Stlger , Council , Durns , Ives , Connor , Barkalow ; Messrs. Patterson , Page , E. L. Patterson ani Miss Bateman. Mss ! Florentine Sanford of Xenla , 0. , gave an elegant dinner party Tuesday evening at the Murray hotel. Pink carnations and roses graced the table. Mr. and Mrs. Wattles entertained at an elaborate dinner Wednesday evening. The table was lavishly adorned with American Beauties. The same flower marked ihe cover for Mr. and Mrs. Whltmore , Mr. nnd Mrs. Hltchc-ick , Mr. and Mrs. Charlton , Mr. and Mrs. Wllhelm , Mr. and Mrs. Wattles. An IIiiKuzrciiH-iit Aiiiionnocniciit. Mr. James Wallace entertained his men friends at a dinner at the Omaha club Thursday evening. Covers were laid for Mr. Will Durns , Mr. Dwlght Swobe , Mr. Frank Haskell , Mr. Samuel Durns , Mr. Ar- 'thur Coolcy , Mr. Thomas Crelgh , Mr. Henry Allen , Mr. Harry Llndsey , Mr. Hess Towle , Dr. Crummer , Dr. Harry Lyman. At the same time Mies Eva Kcnnard wan entertaining her girl friends at her home- . Her guests were : Miss Neally Kennard of St. Joseph , Miss Wilkinson , Miss Peck , MUs Elizabeth Allen , MUs Swensburg , Mists Wea sels , Mies Drown. Miss Towle , MUs Smith nnd Miss Crclghtou. AH ( ho coffee was served the announce ment of the engagement of MUs Kennard and Mr. Wallace was made. Laler the gentlemen repaired to the Ken- mini home to Join Miss Kcnnard's guests. The house woo beautifully decorated with quantities of pink rcfos. The table was particularly effective In Us colorings of pink. An immense bed of pink roses formed the centerpiece , from which extended brand bands of pink natln , which terminated In largo bows at nach end of the table. A pink ro.se , pink , rose garlanded cards marked the guests' covers , Dainty pink shades and tapers added to the urtlmlc beauty. Miss Kennard Imo been ODD of the most popular young women In society slnco her debut , two winters ago. Ait n I ve mil ry Celebration , Ouo of the very pleasant affairs of the last week was the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Edholm. Some of I the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edholm having ; In mind January 25 , 1875 , planned a sur | prise. The moc-tlng place waa at Mr. An derson's residence. When the guests had I all assembled they took the Edholm place 1 by storm. The kitchen was turned over to 1 the caterer , a number of women 'took pos- rcBflan of the dining room , while others ' had charge of the parlors. In a short time ' huge bunches of spicy carnations , fragrant Amorlcan Beauty rcsos and Chinese lilies ' guvo an artistic appearance to ( ho rooms. Ex-Marshal C. J. Westerdahl made a speech [ full of congratulations and In the name of the assembled company presented to Mr. and Mrs , Edbolm some exquisite solid sll- vrrwarc. Mr. Edholm thanked the friends | for their kindness and bade them a hearty \\olcqme. At 11 o'clock the dining room ; ddors were thrown open and a sumptuous supper was served. After the toasts "Auld , Lang Syne" was uung. lo IlcVt Lower. A very pleasant social event was the re . ception tendered Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs , decree W. Lower at their homo , ' 2011' North Nineteenth street , to their son , llov , William Barnes Lower , who IB hereon i on a visit from Bridgeport , I'u. U was also , the anniversary of the twenty-sixth birth , day of their younger eon , Mr. Edwin K , , Lower. Mrb. I ) , W. Merrow and Mrs. Falw i rendered several piano duel ; and selections , , .Ml SB Cora Hoyer eang with much expres sion tbo "Flower Song" and ucrvcr.il rc- Prof. ( Jlllesple , accompanied by Mrs. Morrow , piano , and Miss Hoyer , voice , sang In the deaf mute sign language the old familiar hymn , "Jesus , Lover of My Soul. " Refreshments were nerved nt the usual hour , after which nhort speeches were made. Dr. Coulter responded to "When Doctors Disa gree , " Prof. Glllcsplo "The Humorous Side of the Mute School , " Ilcv. Mr. Patton "The Pulpit , the Preacher , the People. " and At torney John Cithers "Law as a Profession. " j i ; The Fpeechrs wore filled with humor nnd ] well adapted to entertain and Instruct. ! i i I'lonmuit Sur'irlRC I'nrly. I I Tbo mcnibcrfl of the ( Jrand Army , together ! with the Women's llellcf corps , numbering about fifty , surprised Mr. and Mrs. Adam- sky at their homo. 1133 North Eighteenth , stuol. Tuesday evening , on account of their leaving Omaha to make their future hame , In New York. The evening was delightj j i fully spent In playing cards nnd In a guess- . j Ing contest. Later the K. 0. D. C. ManI j I I dolln and Zither club played several sslec- ! 1 j tlcns. Mr. nnd Mrs. Adamsky received ] i many beautiful parting gifts. Ono Interest- j ! Inn gift was nn autograph thumb album , I In which each member wrote a few words ; and left Ilia print of bis thumb. All IJvcilliiK nt lllKh 1'Mvc. Ono of the pleasant events ot the week was an entertainment given by Mr. nnd Mrs. P. D. Halght nt their residence , 2020 Lake ' street. High five was the game of Uio evening , Interspersed with muslo by Prof , j Gellenbcck's Banjo nnd Mandolin club. A ! | very Inviting luncheon was served to 'the ' forty guests. Carnations and smllnx were j piofusely used In the different rooms. The I ' prizes were two beautiful photo-colored pic-1 | lures , which were awarded to Mrs. Adams and Mr. II. A. Haskcll. Mr * . IlcMttnn'n itl Home , Mrs. Alfred Beaten gave a charming nt home Thursday from .1 to C. Although no cards were Issued the house was thronged with elegantly gowned callers during the ap pointed hours. The rooms were exquisite in pink colorings. Bridesmaid roses nnd pink carnations were profusely used , ns well as candelabra with dainty'pink shades. Shu was assisted In receiving her guests by Mcs- dames Cudahy , Counell , Van Nostrand , Swltzler , Towle and Misses Towle , Orcutt , MoShano , Nelllo McShane nnd Stone. CllllllllC UlNll SlIlMHT. I Miss Rowenn Hlgglnson gave an enjoyable able- chafing dish supper Wednesday for Mien A very of Buffalo. Those who enjoyed the' i ' templing viands were : Mrs. Winchester , Misses Avcry , Kllpatrlck , Allen and Pock ; Messrs. Crelgh , Bums , Cooley , Powell , Millard - lard , Dnuman and Dr. Lyman. 1'lciiHiireN I'li.xt. Mrs. Maud Burgess entertained delight fully at cards Friday evening. The Friday club was pleasantly enter tained at the homo of 'Mrs. Kennard. Mrs. Jensen of the Drcxel hotel enter tained her friends at a coffee Wednesday afternoon. Mrs , S. D. Barkalow gave a luncheon Wednesday afternoon which was enjoyed by a few friends. IMrs. James McCullough entertained In formally Thursday afternoon a number of friends. Floral decorations and tempting refreshments added to the pleasure cf the guests. 'Mrs. ' Frank Parmelee entertained a num ber of friends from Kansas City Thursday evening at a sumptuous supper. The gueat of honor was Captain Money , the champion shot of the world. IMrs. W. L. Coakley entertained at lunch eon Thu red nv In honor of Mrs. Fraser of Manltowoc , WIs. Covers were laid for ten. The 'table was handsomely decorated with pink nnd white roses. Mrs. Copley and 'Miss ' Collett entertained delightfully nt cards Thursday afternoon a number of guest * The prizes were espe cially admired. 'Mrs. Ochlltroo was the for tunate winner of the first prize. The J. M. L. club met in the pleasant rooms of Miss Lena A. Slmmerman , 831 South Nineteenth street , Tuesday afternoon. Lunch was served at 5 o'clock and the ladles ad journed until their next meeting , February 6 , which will be held at Mrs. Chariot Dy- ball's , 213 South Twenty-fourth street. The All Saints' party given at the Wlnona club rooms en Friday afternoon was a suc cess , both socially and financially. Credit Isdue the commltteci of five women which had the party In charge , consisting of-Mrs. J. Hahnm , Mrs. B. F. Wcnvcr , Mrs. L. A. Welsh , Mrs. John Grossman. The parties will continue until Lent. Friday evening the K. of A. club was en tertained at the home of Mr. Herman Lehmer. Progressive high five was the pastime of the evening. Miss Trcsu Keys nnd Mr. Jayues won the most games. Miss Keys was presented with a silver-handled , mother of pearl paper knife engraved K. of A. and Mr. Jayncs with n silver bat mark , also engraved K. of A. Mrs. Michael Greeley entertained the Wis teria Card club Wednesday afternoon at her j home on North Nineteenth street. Ten j games of whist were played , after which a j i very delicious lunch "waa served. The first ' prize , a handsome Japanese vase , was won | by Mfs , J. F. Schmelzer ; second prize , by Mrs. John Tanner of South Omaha ; third prize , china cup and saucer , by Mrs. W. B. Fordycc. The lA. to S. club was delightfully enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stockham Saturday evening nt tholr home , 1712 Dav enport street. First prizes were won by I Blr. and 'Mrs. J , Itossnzwlg , whllo ( Mr. and 'Mrs. ' 'E. ' D. Skinner carried off the consolation lation prizes. After rcfrshments a flash light was taken by 'Mr. II. E. Bush. Mrs. Bklnner will entertain the club at Its next meeting , 539 Park avenue. Mrs. Jusson-Donnolly gave a most enjoy able recital for the pupils of the Lake school Monday afternoon. Miss Fitch being una voidably prevented from taking part In the rnMtnl , Hubert Owen , one of Mrs. Jusson- Donnelly's pupils , took her place. The en joyment of the afternoon was very greatjy enhanced by the vocal selections of Miss Uoedcr nnd the Instrumental numbc-rs of Miss Kcarns and Miss Harrletto Smith. A railroad party was given by Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Peters In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Price Wednesday evening. The hall was converted Into a railroad station , where the guests assembled to check their baggage , j The parlors were In representation of coaches , where the newsboy nud conductor nnd brakeman held full sway. The dining room contained the typical lunch counter , , where coffee and doughnuts were served. | The Southslde Whist club was entertained 'by Mrs. Taggart last week In u mcst dt- lightful manner. In addition lo the regular club members several women who were past members were present , helping to make the 1 occasion n mast pleasant one , The first prize , a pretty china plate , was awarded to MM. Bryson ; the second , a lovely piece of wcdgewood , going to Mrs. Hall. At 5 o'clock dainty refreshments were served from most exquisite bandpainted china. , MPM | Jennie Phllbrook celebrated her 1Kb birthday yesterday by giving an afternoon party to her Ilttlo girl friends at her liomn , 1C21 Losust street , After spending the aft ernoon with dolls and games a dainty lunch was served ut 5 o'clock , The birth-lay cake was surrounded by eleven cnndlca ; UK each | was blown out the gurats made a wish , and ' of good wishes Mies Jennie got her share. She was also the recipient of many pretty birthday remembrances from her Ilttlo friends. 1 In bohor of Miss TIlllo Meyer's birthday ' a pleufant BurjirUo party was given ut her homo Friday evening by a few of her friends. Music and dancing were Indulged in until a late hour and refreshments were ( served. Everybody bad _ u good tloiu and It w&s a success all around. Those prea- ' ent were : Misses Taylor , Unit , Meyer. Don- 1 ahtif , Jenkins , Shelmcr , Pine , Barnuin. t Meyer nnd Pine ; Messrs. Ilarnum , Thresher , KliiR , Xcal. Hnymur , Slutter , Slevors , Hall and Snowdcn. iA surprise party was given In honor of Mrs. 1) ) . E. Chnpln. 2,180 Harney street , last Wednesday nftcrnoon by her daughter , Mls3 C. Mldgloy. After playing nine games of 1 whist pretty prizes-wero given. Mr * . Fred 'Metz , sr. , won the first prize , which eon- I slstcd cf a very pretly Daltonbcrg doilcy. The second prize , a prelly plato , wns won by Mrs. Chris Lehmnnn. The booby prize , n little drum , wns won by Mrs. Fred Hall. After flic prizes had been distributed dainty refreshments were served. | I Friday evening n second of n series of j meetings of the. Excelsior club wns held at | the residence of Mr. nnd Mm J. A. Burster. | 11020 South Twenty-third street. High five ' wns Indulged In for the usual length of time , when cards were Inld nsldo for lunch. After counting the scores first honors were awarded to Mre. William Wlgman nnd Mr. E. L. Hoot ; , whllo the consolations were won by Mrs. Jesse Ilooycr nnd Mr. George Mlttauer. The next gathering will be nt the homo of Miss Pantile Fruehnuf , SIS South Twenty-first street. The Hnnscom Park Card club was de- llghtfully entertained by Mrs. H. F. L. Eckcrmann nnd Mrs. L. N. Gondcu Friday afternoon nt the residence of the latter. An abundant nnd dainty repast wns served nt the luncheon hour , nfter which cards were Indulged In. The first prize , nn antique teapot , wns won by Mro. Debols , the second , n unique rose bowl. Mrs. Arthur secured ; the third , n doll , dressed daintily nnd to be utilized for n pin cushion , wns won by .Aprs. Danker , nnd the fourth , n jardiniere , wns captured by Mra. Elllngcr. The club will next meet with Mrs. Jones nnd Mrs. Schrndcn , .MoviMiienlM unit WliiTcnliouli. Mr. C. C. Boldcli has gone to New York. Mlco Laura Morse Is visiting In tioston. Mrs. M. C. Peters has gone lo St. Louis. Mr. W. E. Clarke left for the Black Hills Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Voss are homo from their wedding trip. Fred and William Lnucr went to Los Angeloa on Saturday. Mr. Robert Sullivan has gone to Kansas Clly , his future home. Mr. Samuel Burns has gone to Pueblo , Colo. , for three weeks. Miss LouUo Tukcy last week visited Miss Hclen Welch In Lincoln. Dr. B. F. Crummer leaves tonight for Pasadena to vU lt friends. Mrs. E. L. Lomnx returned Saturday from an extended eastern visit. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo A. Joslyn have gone cast to be absent ten days. Mr. A. Harris has returned to the city after a brief visit In Denver. Mr. Simeon Bloom has returned from Cin cinnati , where ho spent two weeks , Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wlthnell leave Monday for a two months' visit In California. Miss Llllio Dort left Wednesday for south ern California , to be 'gone otireral months. Mrs. Edward Sondhelmer Is visiting her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Schrnm of Chi cago. cago.Mr. Mr. Harry Anderson leaves Omaha today for St. Louis , where he will make his future homo. General Merriam , commanding the Depart ment of the Missouri , returned to Denver Friday. Mies Almeo MncDowell has gene to the Obcrlia Conservatory of Music to study on the organ. Mr. Frank Rosuwnter has returned after nn absence cf two weeks spent at his home ln > Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crandall spent the weekat Chapman , Nob. , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McCormlck. MUs Edith Smith Is home from a pleas ant visit Nebraska- - City , where she was the guest of SIB | ? Hayward. Mrs. J. D. Hiss left last week for a two months' visit with relatives and friends In Indiana , Ohio and Michigan. Mr. and -Mrs. C. M. Foster have taken a trip to Seattle , Wash. , where Mr. Foster may engage In the drug business. Mrs. J. S. Sykcs and Miss Marlon Reed are spending n couple of weeks In Chicago visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Charles H. Swift arrived from Chicago cage yesterday to Join her husband. They will be permanently established at tbo Her Grand. Mr. and Mrs. Terdlnand Adler have re turned from Cincinnati after a pleasant visit with their daughter , Mrs. M. Alex ander. Mr , and . Mrs. W. Ernest Johnson and daughter left Thursday evening for St. Paul and the east , to be gone a month visiting relatives. Mr. 'Henry ' M. Nester , cashier of the Omaha branch of the Hammond Packing company , left for Atlanta , Go. , Saturday afternoon. Dr. W. II. Hanchett has returned from Chicago , whore ho went to deliver a lecture before tbo graduating class of the Chicago Homeopathic Medical college. Dr. and Mrs. George S. Nnson have re turned from their wedding trip and will b < 5 nt homo to tholr friends at 1S21 Douglas street , after February 1. No cards. Mrf. H , A. Lalng has arrived In Hie city from Davenport , In. , nnd will reside hern In the future. Mr. Lalng l.s connected with the freight department of the Omaha & St. Louis ralhoad. mill Mr. John C. Nelson and Mint Cora Swim- eon were united In marriage Wednesday afternoon at Kountxe Memorial church. Rev. Edward Trefz performed the ceremony | In the presence of n few friends. Mr. and Mra. James H. Parrotte have Is sued Invitations for the marrlago of their daughter , Miss Elizabeth , to Mr. Clayton Holmes Goodrich , Tlio ceremony will take place nt All Saints' church , February 14. Mr. Franz Adelmanu of orchestral fame was married Thursday to Miss Marie Lnmpo ; of "Minneapolis. After the ceremony a largo reception wns held. Among the gucstn prow- ont were the members of the Theodore Thomas orchestra. Prof , nnd Mrs. Adclmnnn left Immediately for their homo In Omaha. The marriage of MU DaUy Trostler and j I Mr. P. J. Whlto was quietly solemnized at I ho home of the bride's parents , 4216 West Farnam street , Wednesday al 4:30 : p. m. MUs Ella Gambia acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Chnrlc * ! Wlllo as best man. Only the families of the contracting parlies were present. The bride was attired In a brown traveling suit and curried American Ik'-i.i- UfH , After n wedijlns supper the bridal party left for an extended eastern trip and will i bo "at homo" to ( belt1 many friends after Fctjruary 15. Mr. Whllo IH the second ' Tluiraton Illllo to marry slnco the return ficm the Philippines and It Is rumored that there are more to follow. ' Ono of the prettiest home weddings of the j pcason was solemnized last Tuesday oven- , Ins at the residence of Mr : nnd Mrs. A. ' Marks when their daughter , Anna , wan united In marriage to Mr. Victor Gladstone , 1 I'.fiv. Dr. Simon of Temple Israel officiating. ! The house was tastefully decorated with choice flowers , The marriage took place , under n beautfful canopy of mnllnx and car- j nations. The bride , a tately brunette , was 1 handsomely gowned in white ellk batiste made entrain with lace bodice nnd elceves. Her long tulle veil was held In place with a diamond ornament ( he gift of the groom. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's rcaes. The groom has long been a resident ' of Omaha nnd Is one ot the most popular business men. The numerous presents attested - I tested to the esteem In which the > ounR couple arc held by tholr many friends. Dalnly refreshments wore served and mirth nnd gnyety held awny till a late hour. Wednesday nftcrnoon nt the residence of the brldp's uncle , Mr , E. P. Swcelry of Mnd- l oti avenue , In the presence of the family and n few Intltnnto friends , occurred the marriage of MUs Grace P. Chapman to Mr. Enrlo V. Austin of Mnnknto , Kan. The ecrcjncny was performed by Hrv. C. Hover , who performed the mnrrlago ceremony ot the brldo's parents twenty-four years ago. The brldp looked very pretty In n simple dress of whlto nnd lace\ The rooms were dainty In n garniture of green nnd white. The bride nnd groom , nttended by the nun ) and undo of the fonncr , nnd Master Ralph Sweeley bearing the wedding ring , Mitered the front parlor to the strains of the "Lohengrin Bridal Chorus , " rendered by Mrs. A. W. Flanders. After light refresh ments Mr. nnd Mrs. Austin left for their future homo In Mnnknto. ( Hit of TCMVII Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Rnndnlt of Topekn are visiting In the city. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P. Morgan of Chappell are vlsltlnc In Omaha. Miss Eleanor Dewecso of Lincoln wns nn Omaha guest last week. Mrs. S. M. McCammon of McFnll , Mo. , Is visiting Omaha relatives. Miss Nenlly Kennard of St. Joseph Is n giKHt nt the Kcnnard mansion. MUs Holbrook nnd Miss Houtz of Lincoln vlf-ltcd friends In Omaha the last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Bloom nnd Mra. C. Holler of Denver arc guests In the city. Mrs. James Ayrus of Washington , D. C. , was tbo guret of Miss Blnncho McKcnna. Miss Wilkinson of Knlghtstown , 1ml. . Is the gueot of her sister , Mrs. F. D. Kennard. Miss Hanna of Kansas City nnd Miss Tuck of Chicago are Mrs. John Griffith's guests. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Drisklll , accompanied by their two children , are here from Spear- fish. S. .D. Mr. Will Shrader of Los Angeles la the guest of his cousin , Mrs. Edward V. Lewis , on Wlrt street. Miss Avery of Buffalo , X. Y. , who baa been the popular guest of Miss Kllpatrlck. returned to her homo Tuesday. -Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Woodnrd of Water- town , WIs. , are In the city , sojourning at the homo of Mr. nud Mrs. D. M. Woodard. Mrs. Allen T. Rector , formerly of Omaha , hah spent the last week visiting .Mrs. M. M. Hnmlln , 1820 Spencer street. She leaves for her home In Chicago Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rend of Denver were visiting friends in this city during the last week on their way to Chicago and wilt relurn lo thla city In a week or BO , to be the gi-ests of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Rogers , OMAHA summits. U ll ll doe. A eon wns bom Thursday to Mr. nnd Mrs. George Schrlber. Mis. James McCullough entertained a num ber of ladles on Thursday afte'moon. Mr. James H. Parrotto lost a valuable horse last week , death following a day's sickness. Mrs. W. L. Selby gave a dinner on Satur day evening to several friends from town. Violets were used for the decorations. On Friday of last week Mrs. J. W. Hamil ton entertained a number of town people at dinner , the color scheme being In red aud white. Rev. John Shenk preached at the Dundee school house last Sunday evening. These Sunday evening services are well attended aud appreciated. A new vestibule car was added to the Dun dee motor line last Saturday and between the hours of 5 and 7 the trips are made every fifteen minutes. Dr. nnd Mrs. VanGleson , with their daughter , Mlso VanGleson , are at the Mer- rlam hotel. Miss Louise VanGleson will board at Brownell hall tbo remainder of the school year. year.Miss Miss Ella Long , a graduate of the Ralstou School cf Physical Cullure , gave on Illus tration of that system nt the regular meetIng - Ing of the Woman's club Wednesday. Miss Long is he guest of Mrs. J. S. Pyke. Mrs. Potts , a sister of Rev. Lcavltt , has taken the Attrldgo cottage on Fiftieth street. The property known as the Cavanngh house has been sold to Mr. McBrlde , who will put it In thorough repair. January 23 Mrs. Ivans received a letter from her son , who is with the Thirty-ninth United States regiment In Luzon. The letter - ter was dated December fi , from the tent provided by the Brothers of St. Andrew for the entertainment nnd comfort of the sol diers. lieiiHon. Miss Maude Low has been quite ill for two weeks , but is now Improving. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Sorensen Monday , January 22. , The midwinter examinations were held In all the roams of the school last week. T.he quarterly conference of the Methodist church wns held last Thursday evening. 0. 11. Williams , who Is well known here , Is Berlously 111 of appendicitis at his home In Elkhorn. The Ladles' Aid foclety will meet nt the homo of Mrs. J. Keller next Thursday after noon nt 2 o'clock. Presiding Elder Jennings conducted the communion service at the Methodist church last Sunday morning. Services will be held nt the Methodist Episcopal church today at 11 u. m. , conducted by the pastor. Rev. Luce. The M. 1C. L. S. club met at the home of Minn Ethel Morgan last week. U will -moot ngaln with Miss Morgan Friday of next week. The drama , "Tony , the Convict , " will bu given nt the town hall Friday and Saturday nights , February ! ) and 10 , by members of the Rcbekah and Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodges , REPLENISH YOUR COAL BINS Weather Ilureaii < ilvcxViirnliiK of aCe Co 111 AVave lleiiileil III ThU J ) I rue 11 n n , At 2 o'clock yeuterdny afternoon the gov ernment weather bureau hoisted thn culd tvavo falgnul , and It WUH prophcclrd that the next twelve hours would bring to Omaha the first breath of real winter that has been ex perienced thla season. Observer Welsh Is of the opinion that the i' cold will continue for several dnja. He pro- j' diets thai the mercury will drop oaveral degrees below zero a rude contrast In com parison with the Pasadena balmlness that has characterized the ntmcsphoro thus fui during the winter months. Government advice * nro lo the effect that the temperature reglutercd zero yesterday , at Mrorhead , Minn. , and at Huron , S. i I ) . , while nt Wllllston , N. I ) . , Uio figure * ? nlood 12 degrees below zero , with Indlcu- tiers denoting a still greater drop. | For the last two or three days the weather has been slightly cold lo Omaha , but nut : such an lo csmparo with the genuine wlntor blasts that are usually encountered In tail- ' tudeu this fur north. It Is said that the present cold wave la EO widespread and Is < traveling with fciich force that It will probn- bly extend In more or lens severity to the < extreme couth coast of the United Suites , ut ' It did during January uiid February lust ] year. i i A Btidden cold wave , If particularly revere , . would find many Omaha families poorly prepared - i pared lo encounter It , for the mildness of i the weather thus far has caused , many to be negligent about providing coal upply , I Mrs. J. Benson New I'rices on cotton and embroidery luivo advanced considerably , but wo have bought our new stock so early that we are able Jo sell prettier goods for the money than ever before. Pretty hemstitched and lace trimmed suits of night dress , skirt , drawers and corset cover for $8. f > 0 up. Handsome Drawers , with cambric rnillo , hemstitched , 95c up. See the handsome assortment of Night Dresses for fiOc , 7f > c , 85c and 98c. Handsome lace trimmed Skirts fiom ยง 1.00 up. A Grand Special Piano Is now In progress nt Hrlnnollor & Mi-oiler's , 1.11.1 Knrnnni street We carry the liircos't stock of Pianos In tlip west and will nave you JIPO on a single pur chase. STK1NWAV. A. 11. O11ASK. 1VU11S & POND. VOS13. KMKHSON and PAt'KAttD PIANOS to si-led fn m. Also a line oleceit ( stuck of PACKARD AND WATERLOO ORGANS ami SELK-1'LAVINO PIANOLAS. Mason & Ihuiiltn Organ only $1 * Fine Sterling lllull Ton Organ $1S Estey Organ , good condition $2.1 Two Sohonlnger Org.tns , line < tnne.$2S $ .13 Gilbert Square Piano $15 Kmerson , rosewood IMSC $25 Solimor and other squares at $15 , JftT , $ Hrlllngs Upright , ebony case $9J Jlallct & Davis , Klmbiill. Lyon it llo.ily Uprights , Story & Camp Uprights , ut $105 , $125 , $135 and up Kvory Instrument guaranteed as ro | ii > sonted or money refunded Wo soil on ensy monthly payments , rent. move , Mine and cxclmiiKc piano * Telephone 1ES. Write for vatalogucs , jirircs and terms or pay us a visit of Inspection. It will pay you. .Scfamoller & Mueller. . . . . . . THU IjA 1MAXO 1IOCSI3 IN Til 15 WI2ST , Stcinway & Sons } 1313 farnam Street. Representatives. j 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Important to Gas Users- Welsbach Lamps Must Go Renewals of Tassels Made by the User De Lery System of INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHTING Perfection of Brilliancy , Radiancy , Durability and Economy. Cheapest Known Method of Illumination. Lights Placed on Gas Fixture by Anyone. No Explosion ! No Mantle ! No Chimney ! We also wish to state that we carry the largest line of gas , electric and combina tion fixtures , including glassware , that was ever displayed In the city and wo beg to Inform our friends that wo do not claim to manufacture our own fixtures , as some of our competitors wish to annko people believe. Our fixtures are most elegant In design , dur able In construction and artistic In finish , and money savers for the purchaser. In con clusion wo wish to announce that wo are the leaders In flno plumbing and have the largest jobbing trade of any shop in the city. WE DO NOT employ union labor and for that reason can give our customers better service i and more prompt attention. Wo want It distinctly understood that we run our own < business and are not by any means dictated to by "would-be" delegates who haven't bralnfi enough to start a headache or manage a business If they had It. Metropolitan Plumbing & Chandelier Co. 319 South 15th Street. JOHN MORRISSBY , MANAGER. Successor to J. Morrlssey Plumbing Co. -SCOFIELD'S ' MONDAY- "UST Wo nrnno o to close out t'hu ' balance of our i Ionic rtock uulelf. 'ihoHo acn.u'.iliue < I with our Ktock know thai our cloaks are all llnad made of best materials uml Uie liiti'St style . TUonduy our Clonks will bo divided Into tin co lots At $2.50 you'll got choice of Cloaks that sold UP t" * 7.50 eai-h. At $3.U3 tomorrow you'll got 3 Choice of Kertioy C'oats and Golf foals Hint wild up to J12.00. in HO At MO.OO you set pick of tlio bent 1U.UU cloth Cloaks In our Klor" In cluding JuiKutu , Cup'1 * arid Newmarkets. CLOAK &SUIT CO. 1510 Dou his Struct. nnd unions their bliiB arc replenished Im mediately . there Is likely lo bo 'fomo suf fering. ART DISPLAYS IN SCHOOLS Cliltili'en U lillil ( I'letiireH In Oriler In Secure llccoriitlnitx for ( lie > Selinol U'allH. ! ' i Principals of thn piibll schools arc mal- ; Inj ? an effort lo rover their unbroken \\\ll \ i up : CCB w'th copies u ( old mastfrj , photo graphs and almost any tort of worthy | Uca rat on. With this object In view urt exhibi tions have been given ut dlffcunt schoolM duilnR tbo luet few wreku to accumulate fui-db for the purchase of plcturnu. Parents of gchool children and residents of the nclgb- borhood In general have been Invited to In- opect the exhibit for n nominal fee , the pro ' ceeds being added lo the plcluro fund. The i pupils attend to ncitlng ( ho dlspluyu In place I and securing the attendance of their frlenda. Ab a result of the exhibits many excellent . copies have been added to the mural decora tions of the Hchoolu. Yeutorduy exhibits were In place frotn up i i to 0 p m. In the Lcthrop , Farnara and Come- I Arthur Delmore Cheney Basso-Baritone tea ! Instruction Special Attention Given to English Oratorio. Suite 3(5 ( Ramge Bldg , , Omaha On the above named dale at 7 a. m. wo ex pect to commence business nt our new lo cation , S. W. Cor. of 10th and Dodge. Wo shall be eijulpptxl to handle nil vlaKseM of drug business without the Hllghtust In terruption Incident to tlio change. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co Now Middle of lllock. nlus schools , there being a good attendance In cjcli ciiKo. The display \VIIH under ihu ill rfctlon of MI < H Alyra Lalluo of the * Comrnlua Kchool. who fiocurrd tlio loan /if the colloi- from the Prang Publishing company The fcorlea Includrn faithful reproduction * ) nf I lie best art workn of thr world and also many excellent pholographu of famous pio- lo anil places , "I am Indebted tt Olio Minute Couph Cur * for my ueaiih and life. U cured .T.Q of 1 .ng trouble following grippe. " Thousand ! oivt their lives to the prcnpt action of tills never falllnc remedy. It cures coughs , colds croup , bronohlt' ' ? , pneumonia , grippe and throat and lunc troubles. Itu early tuc pre vents coimumi.'llon. U Is the on'y luvmlcn remedy that gives luuncdlato OnuiliuVnHcrn' I nlon Or. II. The wcond annual Ija'.l of ri ! < Waltcri' ' union-No , 23 , wax bald Huttml.ty evening In Cipltftton bull. 'I lie larsc bull wan rroxvded to Ji jiolnt nlino'it uncomfnrt- alilo for ilancliijfi aif conpiiM IIPJIIK preiru Mm raivJ niu n vi led liy L. J. I'liitai , prmldcnt at tlio unldii , and Ills u < t Twenty-four daru'e ' * were mjoyed. ' 1 < > committee on irnnivemciil V.-.IH coni'Mi l of MfHurH. I'ut.'ul , Ne..ion. DoU7la' . Pen nlnkton , Tyler , Dudd , Alelicr , Hurvcy unU hmllh.