20 THE OMATTA D.A1LV 13EE : SUN DAT , .TAiSTUAUV 28 , 15)00. ) S01IJI1ISC NEW Ltne of the Illiooii Central Railroad Comclclc. OMAHA-CHICAGO ROUTE Onmliii , .MlniiriipoIlN . SI. I'nul Miurl Mm- Upon fin- _ \c v I lei n liiiiient Throughout. Hoglnnlng Momlny , Jnnunry 2fl , from Omaha , tlm Illliiolrt Control Hallroail com pany will open a now , Hrst-class line be > - twccn Omaha , anil Council muffs ami Chi- rnjo ; over Us new roail recently built through Council muffs , Dcnlson and Ilock- well City to a connection nt Tnra with Its vvcstorn line throuRh Kort Dodge , Webster I CHy. Wulurloo , Imlopendciue , Uubuque. I'rtoport and Ilockfonl. \ first-class line , because the portion be tween Tara and Chicago , for years In line physical condition , hart been Improve * ! nt V&HOUB points , bringing the whole up to the highest standard of physical excellence , nnil because the now portion has been made from the outwt a thoroiiBhly-bulU. high- Htandard plnco of railroad. The roadbed of the latter Is twenty feet wide , Is ballasted with gravel throughout nud laid with clghty-nve-pouml strel rails ; Its grade In the e3le t of any reid of the snmo IciiRth In the state of Iowa and , In addition , Ha curvatuni IH very light , the maximum being but two and one-half degrccH. This now pleco of road , built between Council llluffs and Tarn at a cost of $1,000,000 , IH continued across tlm Missouri river to Omaha by the tracks and bridge of the Omaha Terminal Bridge & Hallway com pany. A first-class line , because over It will be maintained from the first u fast , cfllclent and convenient train service ( to bo re- Bfheduled In the near future to make the running tlmo between Omaha and Chicago the Bamo as that of other lines between the two cities ) , the equipment In connection with which will bo of the highest standard In every detail , and In points of elegance , convenience and modern luxury the same In general character ; w Is used by other lines. Included In It will be Pullman sleeping cars of the highest and most modern standard of design , elegance and convenience ; buffet- llbrury-smokltiB cars , finished In mahogany and carrying , as the name Implies , literature both In the form of a well selected library and a list of the leading periodicals , sta tionery and facilities for letter writing cn- routc , comfortable lounging chairs and a buftot well stocked with cigars and liquid refreshments ; now free reclining chair ears fresh from the shops ; new modern standard coaches , In mahonany finish , with decorated empire decks and with double windows , and having In them extremely comfortable , scats , complete toilet facilities , and u smoking compartment : and last , but not least , dining cars of the very latest pattern , they being chastely finished and decoratwl In light ma hogany and marquetry and having the new attractive arched dome-deck , which adds so much to the ornnmontal features. The through sen-ice to bo Inaugurated on thin nnw line will consist of "The Chicago Limited" and "Tho Chicago Express. " "Tho Umltod. " to leave Omaha dally at 7:35 : p. in. , will bo a solid wlile-vestlbulod train , making but few stops enrouto and running on fast schedule. ltn equipment will con- Blst of TMiffet-llbrary-Hmoklng car , Pullman Bleeping car , free reclining chair car and Olrlng car. "The Uxprcss" will also bo a through vestibule train , leaving Omaha at 1LMG p. in. dally and running on 'fast schedule , but doing moro or les local work. iprludcKl In Its equipment will bo a through sleeping car between Omaha and Chicago , with dining car service cnroutc. On the same date that this new through Omahn-Chlcago line Is to be opened there will also bo Inaugurated over the Illinois j j Central railroad between Omaha and Fort Dodge * and over the Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad between Kort Dodge and Minneapo lis and St. Paul , a now through Hbort line ( nlBo first-class In every respect ) between Or-aha and .Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over | i will be maintained two trains per day , of vHch "Tho Limited" will bo a fast dally vcbtlbulo night train , leaving Omaha nt 7:35 : p m. nnd currying- Pullman sleeping car and coaches through to Minneapolis nnd St. Paul. "Tho Express" will bo a dally except Sunday , train , leaving Omaha at 7 p. m. nnd carrying a through buffet-parlor car nnd conches between Omaha and Minneapo lis and St. Paul , The new Omaha city ticket ofllco of the Illinois Central has been opened at 1402' ' Fnrnam street , corner of Fourteenth. The Central Imp also opened a city ticket office nt Council Bluffs In the Grand hotel. Trains of the Illinois Central will leave Omaha from the now Union station , Tenth street , nnd will leave Council Bluffs from Its tem porary station , Broadway and Twelfth ptrrct. .Uleittlun. f.'roruo Crook I'u.it , < 7. A. It ! Yeiti are requested to attend the fun oral hcrviccB of Comrade Victor Koch at Burknt R Oodder'.i uiiJcitr'ing ' : rooms , corner of Twi-nty-thlr.1 and Cumlng streets , at ! o'clock sharp Sunday afternoon , January 28. OKOIiniO P. ( lAUI/ICIf. Commander. W. 8. ASKWITH , Adjutant. WILL CONSOLIDATE AGENCIES I nlon I'nolllinml Alllnl Iloiuln Coin- Illlllilllfrill ' 1'llNNfllKCrKflKICK In Tlii-on AVmlt'rn Clllrs. Advices from Salt hnko etato that the recent consolidation of the Union Pacific , Oregon Short Line and Oregon Hallway and Navigation company Is rcxponslblo for a I'lmngo to bo Inaugurated In the passenger affairs of these corporations. Heretofore , at Salt Luke City , Ilutto ana 1'ortlaml tliero have boon gonernl agencies of these companies. Owing to the alliance of the interests of these systems it has been decided unneccs- rary to continue the triple general ugonclea nnd they will bo consolidated. The agen cies of the Union I'aclllc and Oregon Short Line will bo withdrawn from 1'ortlund , uod the passenger Interests ot the allied roads will be looked after by representatives of the Oregon Hallway nnd Navigation com- iwny. In Halt Luke and Ilutto the Oregon Short I.I no will retain Us agencies , and the Individual representation of the other two roads will bo discontinued. This la in pur- fiiuinco of u plan to have the territory tribu tary to the throe lines covered entirely In jiassonger affairs by representatives of the respective passenger departments. It Is understood that the representatlvea at present located In Portland , Suit Lake and Hutto who will bo effected by the with drawal of tbo general agencies will be taken earn of by appointment In positions as good as the ones now occupied. The 1'iuiHlti nml Oriental Mull Leaves Orand Central station , New York , by the New York Central , every night In the year at 9lD ! , and the fourth night there- lifter this mall Is nt San Francisco , ready for delivery or transfer to the steamers for Hawaii , Aubtraltu , Philippine * . Japan and See the new "Round the World" folder JUbt Issued by the New York Central lines , \ copy will bo sent free , post-pal ; ! , on re ceipt of 3 ccuu in stamps , by Oaorge II , Daniels , General Passenger Agent , Oranu Central Station , Xe\v York. Correct quality ot fioods n"1 ' lowest prices guaranteed at Hubermaim's Jewelry cor , 13th and Douglas. _ A DAIM'V I.I XC'HKOV l-'IIUi : . Armour < V Cn.'n I\IIIT | AVIII llrnlii To- morrotv it Tire \Viok * I'rm-tlcnl DriiiniiNtriitloii AT IIOSTON STOItn. OMAHA , Showing how to prepare SAUCES. SOUPS. BOUILLON AND 11EEK TEA. nnd Incidentally servo a ilalnty llttlo luncheon to let you know by actual eating nnd drinkIng - Ing how good It all KiHtoH. COOK HOOKS GIVEN AWAY KIIEE. Ask the lady. ARMOUR'S EXTRACTS On sale In our Drug department. IIOSTON STORE , OMAHA , Northwest corner ICth and Douglas. Illuminating gas , 5 cents per 1,000 cubic feet ; can bo used anywhere ; no piping ncodcd. Agents wanted. 1119 Karnam at. ACCUSED OF LOOTING A CLUB Story of 11 llpliu Hull I * \ol Partic ularly rripfiit to tlio Mi I n of Jitnto. Has n man the right to force an entrance to his own club btho means cammonly employed by burglars ? This question has mtercil Into the filings of n complaint nt pollcu headquarters ngalnst a negro named Alonzo Helm , allaa Orummell. The evidence Is that ho unscrewed n lock from the- door of the Tuxedo club , Kourtcnth and Dodge streets , on the night of January 16 und stole an overcoat , some * cigarettes and beer. Helm IH n member of the Tuxedo club. Ilcnro the embarrassment of the police. j I The question was answered temporarily In . the afllrmntlvo by the city prosecutor Ignor ing the charge * cf burglary and Illlng a com | plaint of petit larceny , and upon this ar raignment Helm IK now undergoing trial lit police court. Helm is well known to the police of Omaha. A year ago he was tried cm n charge of burglary before Judge Gordon. | The evidence was to the effect that he had I entered n cigar store at 218 North Sixteenth ! street nfter the place wan locked up for j the night. In climbing In through the win dow ho had dropped from his pocket n mutilated nickel which several persons , in cluding his father nnd mother , nfterwnrd Identified as his property. The slot mnchlno was looted that night and several texts of ' cigars were stolen , but Helm was acquitted. Tin * Twin C'lly TJ Observation Parlor Buffet Cars , llroad Vcstlbuled Throughout. Via NORTH WESTERN LINE. From Union Passenger Station , Omaha , GCO : n. m. dally. Note Also Inquire about the night train. The storm signal Is flying. Prices on soft coal nro declining. See the South Omaha Ice and Coal Company. 'Phono 373. 1G01 Knrnam street. Morliillly SttitlMlcn. The following IVrths and deaths have been recorded eit the ofllce of Wie Board of Health ilurlnir the twenty-four hours ended at noon Saturday : Blrtlhsv Alfred Darlow , 627 South Twenty- llflh avenue , girl ; Fred Orof , 1S12 Military avenue , boy : Martin We-hrer , 42T. Center. twin boys ; Jotfm Peterson , S15 South Twcnty- liah , boy. Deallhs Ous Holmmilst , 130. South Twenty-HCtTi avenue , C5 years ; Mrs. Anna Dyhrburg , 1903 Lcuvcnworth. 48 years. on Fiirnifure. In speaking of the new freight classifica tion on furniture , Mr. Shlvorlck said it would not affect the carload shipments , un less the minimum was less than 16,000 pounds. "I , bought several carloads of the Orand Rapids factories last week and none of the cars contain less than 20,000 pounds. The small open shipments may be somewhat affected , but wo are buying almost exclu sively in carloads now and have not looked into the open rates. " \ot fiolnu : to Henley. PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 27. The rowInK authorities of the University of Pennsyl vania have abandoned the Idea of a Henley trip , and the proposed Paris trip will not bo acted upon until after the Hudson river regatta. The rowing committee reported that the crew could not be entered at Hen ley without losing nt Poughkeepsle. Tlic "Twin City J.niteil. " Pullman Palace Sleepers. Broad Vestlbuled Throughout. Via NORTHWESTERN LINE. From Union Passenger Station , Omaha , 7:20 : p. m. dally. ' Note Also Inquire about the day train. O. P. D. Trunks and parcels. Tel. 2031. A LESSON IN CROCKERY Our "Comparison Table" Provss that Wo Give the Bipgcst Valuos. NO "SECONDS" IN OUR STOCK Our ItrRiilnr 1'rlfpn on Crockery Arc llarunliiN Tltim "Illw Snlc" 'rU-rn of Any Other Hcnlor Sec Our "Cotiiimrlmin Tnltlc , " About every so often we find It necessary to open the eyes of the people on the sub ject of legitimate and Illegitimate method. ' ) | of Advertising and of doing business' | This tlmo our crockery department cornea to the front with n new feature * . Visit this department In our basement tomorrow and ECO our "Comparison Table. " U will tench you a leoson that will , be worth your while. Our stock IH made up of nothing but thu j most select goods that can be procured In 1 the different lines. Wo do not buy "sec onds" or "thirds , " nnd would not offer such goods to our trade. Our prices on crockery are simply "bed rock. " Wo have no com petition. Our bargains cannot bo duplicated In the weal. We buy our goods direct from the factories , cut out the middleman's profits nnd give our customers the bcne- , fit. I Extra largo Jnpnnese bowls , genuine porcelain , underglnzo How , blue decorations , worth 35c anywhere , our regular price , 17c. See our "Comparison Table. " Genuine Imported semi-porcelain cups nnd saucers , decorated and undcrglazcd. Set of G cups , G saucers and U plates at S5c sot , Wo do not offer a set of fruit plates worth about 30 centa , given free with a set of cups nnd saucers worth about 45c , and say the whole Is worth $2.75. Not us. Our nrlco for the genuine high grade goods nt lower prices than any old kind of crock ery Is offered , Is not for one day only , or for one dozen only , but nro our regular prices every day In the week. Hut see our "Comparison Table. " Wo do not sell , or offer for sale , a 1-gal. crock than can be bought for 3c. Such goods as a one-gallon crock for 3c wo would not and do not handle. Why ? See our "Com parison Table. " If there ia any place In Nebraska -where you get your money's worth , It Is In our crockery department. See our "Comparison Table. " "Nuff said. " W. n. BENNETT CO. , 15th and Capitol Avenue. lliilver.oltsCliili Mrellnjr. The Nebraska University club will hold a. meeting in the parlorw of the Young Jlen's - Christian association on Monday evening. February 5. All member * of the club and former students of the * university nnw In the city are Invited to bo present. Several mutter * of interest will be brought before the club for consideration. Size doesn't Indicate uuaitiy. Beware ot counterfeit nnd worthless aalva offered for DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt's It the only original. An Infallible cure tor plleo and all skin diseases. Expert piano tuning , H. H. Rhodes , Som- mer Piano factory , 321 S. 10th ; 'Phone 2059. CRAMER KIDNT3V CO. : Gentlemen For years I have suffered with kidney uivd liver trouble 'believe I tried every medicine I saw advertised , but pot no results , till a short time ago 1 saw your remwly advertised and concluded 'to ' give. It a trial , w'hllo ' 1 must admit I had very little faith , but aiftcrtnklnir one bottle I concluded to try anot'her ' , anil by the times I finished uny third 1x > ttle 1 fen like a dif ferent man and now I um entirely cured 'have-no ' symptoms w/hatevor / of kldnpy cim- pl'.ilnt nnd I write thin that yfta may publish it broadcast and I hope It will moot the eye of some fellow workman who ha tried In vain , 'to Hud a medicine that will cum Yours truly , Vf-lulf - RON.AN , At Cudahy's Retail Market. "We. sell the $1.00 size of Cramer's Kidney Cure for Toe. I CUT PRICE I DRUGGIST Cor. IQtli anil Cbteava Sta. BEGINN ING- MONDAY JANUARY 29. New first-class line between Omnlm nml Chicago , over new road recently hullt through Council Dluffti , Denl.Hon and Hock- well pjty to Tarn , Iowa , to connection wltli the Central1 ! ) western line through Fort Dodge. Webster City , Waterloo , Independ ence , Uubuque. Free-port and Rockfunl to Chicago. LEAVES C pM - OA1AHA fg fy DAILY A fast widc-vrstlbulcd train making prin cipal stops only , and with new equipment throughout , consisting' of llbrary-huffet- Hinoklng car , Pullman sleeping car , frco 10- cllnlng chair car , dining ear. GHICM EXPRESS LEAVES IA | ffft P.M. OMAHA J Jy DAILY A fast vcstlbuled train doing moro or less local work. Included In Its equipment la u through sleeping cur between Omaha and Chicago , Dining car service en route. Nnw short line between Omaha and Min neapolis ami St. Paul via the Illlitols Cen tral n . U from Onialiu to Fort Dodge , and the Minneapolis & St. Louis R. it. from Fort DoJgo to Minneapolis and St. Paul. LEAVES 1 n R P. M , OMAHA f BJ5J § DAILY Arrives Minneapolis 7:30 : a. m , St. Paul 8:00 : n. m. A fast vostlbulo night train , carrying through Pullman sleeping car and coaclieB. LEAVES "V ( jA A.M. OMAHA | BHJU ) EX. SUN. Arrives Minneapolis 7:00 : p. in. , St Paul 7SO : p. in. A fast day train , carrying through parlor car and coaches. In Addition a Fort Dodge Local Train Leaves Council Bluffs 4:30 : Through trains from New t'nlon Station , 10th St. , Omaha. Tickets and reservation at CITV TICICKT OFPiri : , l-IO'J l-nrnum tit. , far. Mill SI. 1'lione a 15. He who rises late , trots after his business all day. MORAL : Send your orders early for Sheridan Coal , best coal mined in Wyoming. VICTOR WHITE , 1605 Farnam St , TELEPHONE 127 , ALLIED PRINTERS PLEASED I-'cNtnor I'rlntlnu toniinii-'n Still .lunlnxl Ciiiiunlxnlniifrn IllK 1 , allotolrn. . The union workmen of the city nro con gratulating themselves on the result of the CBPO of tl'o Kestncr 1'rlntlns company ngalnst the cominlsstonorrf of Douglas county. The etilt was the result of thu action of the commissioners In awarding the contract for Job printing fol the county. The Fcstner company \\ns the lowest bidder , but s they nro not authorized to use tlio Inbcl of the Alllrd rrlntlng Tt.ideH council the bid waa not considered nnd the com pany brought mandamus proceedings to compel the board to award It the con- i tract , The trial was bosun In Judge Key- i sor'a court yesterday and the taking of evidence had only begun when It tnxnsplrcd that the plaintiff had made no demand upon the board for the contract nnd. as this Is n necessary proceeding before mandamus pro- I ccedlngs can bo maintained , the case was dismissed. There will bo a meeting of the Central Labor union Monday for the purpose of taking action upon the roo.uoat of the retail clerks for assistance in thnlr effort to Re-cure the employment of none but members of the union by the local stores. Martin Lawler , who has been In Omaha for some tlmo In the Interests of tbo In ternational Hatters' union , left for Denver yesterday to continue the work there. A. D. T. Mcssengerp , Tel. 177. The Ameri can Dlst. Telegraph Co , hns moved Its main office to Western Union ofllce , 212 S. 13th st. Hamilton Waircn , M. D. , eclectic and magnetic physician , has moved his office to j 703 North 16th eitrcet , room 13. Special at tention to nil long standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases of women nnd children. If our tlxture manufacturers do not further delay In shipping our show ca.'ses , we Ahull be doing business at our new drug store , nl S W Cor. 16th and Dodge sis. , next Tuesday morn ing. fAREWELL BARGAINS. 70 or 80 'bottles ' Perfume In cut gloss bottles tles , the regular price of this perfume waa 75c we smill close out for ISo per bottle. Dig long bars green and white Castile poan , 2Sc each 75c bottle.s California Port or Sherry 35o Dozens of styles of Hand Brushes , worth 50o tie 75c , for 25c A few bottle.s of IllcksecKcr's Violet Water , 25c size , to be closed out nt 15c TOc (2 ( oz. size ) .Marshall Hoof Kxtract. . 1V ! CJood , fresh Belladonna Plaster 10' Good Morllcated Talcum Powder , prr box..5c 1'lno Porfumttl Talcum Powder , per box. lOr Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go , Middle of Block , Omaha. Golnc to move Sl'RK. Denver Salt Lake San Francisco Portland Superb New Equipment. DINING CARS PALACE SLEEPERS BUFFET SMOKING AND LIBRARY CARS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAKS. NO CHANCES. SOLID COMFORT City Ticket .Office , l302Farnam , TEL. 316. mm & ST. LOUIS R. R. 41 Miles the Shortest Tft Sifl | Qjj $91i 28 Miles the Shortest Trains leave UNION STATION daily for St. Louis , Quincy , Kansas City and all points cast or south. Home Seekers Excursions Feb. 6th and 20th. All Information at City Ofllce , 1415 Far- cam St. ( Paxton Hotel Block. ) Distemper Mange Just tbo Itlnd of weather to innko your dog Elclc. Coughs , 'colds , fever , distemper are now prevalent. They can all bo cured by tbo timely use of Clayton's Distcmperine. Geo. H. Moore , the Lalto street dog fan cier says : "There Js ncthlng bettor. " Dirty dog nouses and bedding this tlmo of year cause scratches and mange. Talco then In tlmo and they can bo speedily cured with CLAYTON'S MANGE CUHE. Trice of each 60o per bottle. Send for book on the dog. J. A. FULLER & CO 14th and Douglas St. UAIN. . . RACTICAL. 'llOTOGRAPIIIC OINTERS. . . NVo give full instructions FUEE on If you intend iniruhasing any- thinyr in this line it will bo to your advantage to call on us. Wo are up-to-dato in everything portainino to photography and our prices arg right. . 1 The Robert Dempster Go , I 1 1512 Far mi m St. , Developing and Printing Done , ItON'N'KK Thomn . nt residence , 1323 CATS street , Saturday morning. . January I" . t 2 o'flork , agoil 73 years , 1 month ntid S KumTnl services on Mnmlny. January 2 , nt 2 p. in. , from Klr t Haptlst , ( formerly Iloth Ktlen > oliuich , Park avenue. Interment - mont In l'ro. pprt Hill cemetery. Friends Invltrd. I'lnorM 1'nltli In ( litiitliii Hrnl IXati' . Mr. Jf M. llolnls of Uoston , owner of lha Ilcmls Umnha Hag Co. , while In Omaha the first of the month Instructed his manager , Mr. M. C. T'cters , let purchase a lot In the j buslnern district , on which their company will erect a bain to bo mcd for their r.ipldly growing business. The dcrd wa filed yesterday for the 6C. feet next the National Cracker rompnny OH Jackson nnd Twelfth elrcels , the sale htiv- ' Ins bcpii ncsoll.itod through the 1'otter- | Sholrs Co. nscnsy. This firm repot ts Imlns j closed some nlno sales In the past thirty day ? . They nro now negotiating with an outslilo pnrty who will erect n largo apart ment house. Have Hoot print It. lllank hook nnd mngazlno binding. A. I. P.oot , 1600 Howard street. I i ! i it makes no difference where you buy your Shoes ; that you get just as good shoes one place as another ; that they're all about the same ; but you are mis taken if you think so. There are shoes and shoes , and some are not worthy the namebut ; they are sold ; some body buys them and then they are sorry. We sell you the other kind of shoes high-grade goods that are made of the best ma terial by the best factories in the land of the highest standard of style the most comfortable ani satisfactory and the most economical. N. E. Cor. totii and Dougloa Sta. Waiters' ' Jackets , 45o Waiters' ' Aprons , ! 5c Cooks' Gaps , lOc Brown Check Bib Overalls38c Wool Gloves , I5c Duck Coats , 75c Duck Ulsters , $1,98 Silk Four-in-Hands , I5c Double Sleeve Work Sliirt 50c Men's ' Arctics , 75c Fur Overcoats , $5,98 Lots of other snaps away down cheap , Guarantee Clothing Co. , Capitol Ave. , Near IGlli St. Close to Bennett's. A Fresh Supply 50c size 40c. $1.00 size 75c. $3.75 si/e $3.15. AlNO Iiiini'h Tn 111 i-IN nii'l llorllck'H Kooil ill miiiit : Cut 1'rlrox. WALDRON & CAMPBELL , Guf Price Druggists , 222 South Kith St. Omaha. This Tooth was removed absolutely without puln by the USD of vitalized air. given by IIH only. 1,1-aves no after efftctH , and can bo taken by any one. Always frenli. Kxtracting 23 < ; Vitalized Air f.0c Hllvor Filling 75c Teeth Cleaned 75" Taft's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms , 1017 UUUUL.AS ST. TAKE YOUR PICK I Of any Suit , Overcoat or Storm Ulster in the House. We do not even reserve our $2f > and $27.50 11. , S it M. and llacket , Garhart 4fe Go's , finest ivady tailored suits and overcoats in America. We give you your pick of a $100,000 slock of tlio best made and trimmed , and the best lilting clothing in America. A mild winter and a largo fat ft TT j stock have made the small price of iM Ti I u Your second choice includes suits and overcoats that retail for $1'J.50 to $18 an inspection will ( ftQ " 7C convince you choice ui B J Yom * third choice includes suits and overcoats that are worth and elsewhere for $10 to $12.50 , goat s Pants Your choice of our entire stock of jinen's line t ready tailored pants , all new nobby patterns , regular - ular § 5 to $7.50 values' 13 , Second choice , values rang- ng from $ -1 to $5. 50 for _ Third choice , values ranging from $2.75 lloSa.75 , for . Fourth choice , ; ill wool black and blue cassimeres , pants worth 82.50 at Choice of our line vealee and double breasted knee pants suits for boys of 'J to 1(5 ( years that are worth from § 3.75 to $7.50 , at $1.75 , $2.50 and $3.75. All our odd knee pants at 20c , 40c and 75c. ys lore [ A Bi ' Lots of Ludie * ' and Children's * Fine Shoot , on Bargain Tables. LOT NO. 1 On Bargain Table. Children's 'Heavy ' Vlcl Kid Lace Shors. with coin toes , kid tips and double fair stitched soles , regular $1.50 quality , on sale at LOT NO. 2 On Bargain Table. Ladies' Fine Surpas Kltl Lace Shoes , with patent calf tips , double fair rtltched soles nnd outstdei back stay , a splendid shoe for street wear , worth $3.00 sale price LOT NO. 3 On 'Bargain ' Table. Ladles Fine Vlcl Kid Ixico Shora , with silk vesting tcps , single flexible soles and kid tips , shoos worth $3.23 , nt LOT NO. On Bargain Table. A special lot of Ladles' Fine Valour Kid "Rochester 'Jlado" ' Shoes , with double ex tension edge soles and kid tips , j Q worth fully $3.50 , on tmlo at Rl < U > v The present standard of these famous snoes is the high est that experience , perfect material , and careful making can produce. We shall maintain this "standard of per fection " in every "Ultra" we make. "OUTOFTHEORDIIIARY" No woman's shoe selling for less than $3.50 the price of the Ultra is as good as the Ultra. No shoe selling for more can be any better. Big sales and small profits are why Ultra shoes are both good and cost less than shoes sold for high prices and fancy profits. IN 7U.L STYLES. ONC PRICE , Per pulr. Ashamed of His Teeth Many men urc. and yrt It In neither imlnfiil , troulpHmit | > nor cxpc'iislvn to have tlioHc Unit nro prmslhlo to suvn jmt In perfect condition , anil thovn tlmt are not oxtroctcxl and replaced 1 > y ARTIFICIAL TEETH which will do everything required of OlM DENTAL WORK IH Hcc-onil to nniin In the city. We make tc-otli on jilatcu or crowns , and brldgo work. BAILEV , the Dentist IIIK- . & vr \\n\\\ , l.liiAXimlanl. ! . P ho u i1OH. . ' , . INC Dr. II. U' . Ilnllcy'o Tooth 1'oirdi-r. All iDoor Springs f and I Door Checks The ono shuts the door : the , other prevents slamming. There are several kinds on' ' the market. Some wo can ro- < commend. Let us tell you about them. ( j JAS. MORTON & SON CO. , | > 1511 Doil u .St. , .J , Agcntii for Wm. T. Wood & Go's 4 celebrated Ice Tools. WANTEO-tne ot oad health that H-l-I'-A-N-H will not ocnt-tlt Striul & cent * to lUp-tns Chemical Co. . New York , fur 10 and 1W ) ttstlmonlaU. A Biir " Lots of MunV and Hoys' Fine Shoes nu Bargain Tables. LOT NO. G On liargaln Table. A special lot of 'Men's ' "Huttery Calf" Shoes , with full double extension eolos , wide coin toes , heavy tls and coat tops , a good ? 2.CO value , at LOT NO. C On Bargain Table. In our Annex Shoe Dcpt * llen's Kino Sat ed solcw , plain or tip toes , bpaas3vcarr ; in Calf Lace Shoes , with double fair Btltched soles , 'plain ' or tip toes , worth everywhere ) $2.00 , Oil BUlo at LOT NO. 7 On Bargain Table , tin Annex Shoo Dept Hoys' Heavy Vcnl Calf Lace Shoes , with double stitched soles and goat tops , worth $1.50 , J dTUfft sale price flidJKjJ LOT NO. 8-.In Annex -Shoo Dcpt. Youth's Heavy Solo Veal Calf Lace Bocs. with goat itops nnd wide tipped toes , worth $1.35 , at Commencing Tomorrow. AVu will li.ivn a Krnnd unloading : xala , ThoiiEiiiulH of dollnfH worth of ilrugx , | iat < rut r.l'u'.i-lncs , HpaiH and JVrfumory will lin sold out at 11 , ireal nui-rlllco to inak room fnr 0111 mammoth uprlnj , ' .stock wlilotl IH ilall1 airlvliK. J.OO1)aiH Talcum Powder . . . . 4o W ) caiiH Tooth 1'owdcr . .in i , Xj ImttluK Liver J'lllH . Uu \V havii loft about 10,000 hair , nail , tooth , Hluivlng and liuby linulipK ( Hunijilud ) which w < < will Ki > ll you at about half prlco , lOc liottlo 1'crl'iimu . 5u ' > < hottlu I'crfiimu . H > u CramiT'H Kidney ( "urn . ftfo KIlmer'H Swamp Hout , 40 and . T5o HooilH' Huraaparllla . 7Do 1 dozen llcllotropo Boap . : : tiu 4711 Suap DEPT. yjr DIM I T.I HAMJAI.AVCWn ( 'U'.Hl'I.HS , Cures ( ionorrlioeu , Olret or unnatural dis charge In a few days , Kull dlr i lions. I'rifo (1 to All drutfulHl1' ' . or mall , O , Dlctt & . Co. U3 Ctntro St. . New YorK.