TITE OMAHA DA.ILV HE 13 : STXDAY , , ) AXfAltV L\S , 15)00. ) li ) run SAI.H HI\I , isT.\Ti : . H. PAYNE'S SIT.CIAL HAU- UAINS. That dfllslitfiil modern cottngo home near Ilnntipom park , udvortlsed Dec. 31st for 12.150 , wa nolil 'tixt ' three days after New Year's. Quick , wasn't It/ Want to know why ? Because purehaier found It even bettor than advertised , and pronounced It A OEM , ( inlckly paying the price nuked with out u murmur. Was his wife pleased ? You bet nhe was ! Him had traveled over the city four weary weeks looking up this and that , only to bo disappointed. Out on lookIng - Ing ut the rottnen nfoovo mentioned she was BO delighted that two days Inter she came with her husband , and the deal was closed on the spot. Just on nclvertlscd. that'8 Itl I don't nilvcrtlne for fun. nnd when anything In my nil Interests you come nnd eo mo about It. You will Ilud 1 . Just us represented. ANOTHER ALL MODERN COTTAGE HOME. NEAR 1IANSCOM PARK. Now. I have another cottage homo almost a twin to1 the one Hold above mentioned. It. Is tin east front , on paved street nnd car line , one block from HnnRcom nark , with iirolty lawn and shade trefs. There arc Blx living rooms , largo pantry , ohlim cupboard , large closets , bathroom , lint water , sewer , electric light , fins for fuel , rmuitel In parlor , furnace heat , fine ce mented collar nnd large garret all , floored. Everything In-line repair. , ltnn rented for two years at , J20.00 per month , without a clullur lost. Will be vacant Feb. 1 , but Rovcral good tenants nre ntixlOU1) to take It ( it once , nnd If purrhnscr. wantH pos- ruslon It nii'Ht ' bo sold iiulck. Price till Feb. 1 only J2.100. Rental Is ft per cent on twlco that amount. Come and sen me - about It Monday , sure. " " ' iiow"Ts"Tjhs ? An 8-rooin , cast front house In fine repair , olty water Inside , two line lots , .with sG f 5et frontngo fenced In. all. for JI.&OO , one- third cash ; only one block from Dodge st. car , north of Lake st. ANOTHER NEW ONE. A beautiful 7-room , brand new , nil modern house , south front on paved nt. , oak ilnimi , furnace , porcelain bath , combination elec tric and gas light fixtures , cemented cel lar , everything tip-to-date , and only 10 blocks from postofllce ; all for tf.200. Sounds right , doesn't It ? 'TIS right , too. Tou can't help but like It. A TEMPTING OFFER. A beaultfiil 9-room , strictly all modern , east front , north of Fnrnnm. . on 33d st. , nearly new , with line Darn , for U&OO. STILL MORE OF THEM. Another 'lino east front on Both nve. . 9 rooms , strictly nil nlodern , for $1.000. A 9-room , east frbnt , with furnace , gas , porcelain bath , etc. , In line repair. All for A "e'-room , east front , with bath nnd gas , near Hanscom park , for only $1,600. A 5-room. south front , on paved St. . Parker , near 27th , with city water Inside , for $1,000. An ucro tract , with 7-room house , good barn , well nnd cistern , In West Side , Kid nnd Poppleton , for only J300. A r-room cottage , city water nnd closet In side , on 25th ave. . near Pierce. Only $9oO. Other improved properties running down as low as $500. VACANT I.OTS. On SOth st. , just north of Fnrnam , nn east- front full lot for $1,2CO. On 28th St. , just south of Pnclllc , an rast- front 60x150 feet. Only $1,000. This Is a genuine snap ; four feet above grade. Kllby Place lots , Just north ot Dodge , for Hill for $250 and an other for $200 not In a hole , either. Call and see me. I will bo glad to show you any of these properties. ' HENRY B. PAYNE , - REAL ESTATE. RENTALS , LOANS. IN SURANCE , POTTER-SH'OLES CO. , 310 N. Y.LIFE. . ' - > ' TEL. 170. ' ' - . tfo CIS-No. Gil South 2Sth street , lot 45x 110 , 9 room ihoino. Htrletly modern ' . ' ; nnit well "built , costing nearly it he ' . ' price asked , JG.OOO. Owner left the . - t-lty , nnd Is Koirtg to roll'It.ou can pay * 1,000 cash , $1.KO In I , j and 3 years , and the balance In C 'years , with Interest nt 5 per cent. - The. property rents for JI5 iei month , nnd the house inside Is At * 'No.-431-No. MM NV Wth. on the noule ; lo44x140 , ! vard. facing east , - At rooms , and ns many . -losets besides large bath nnd pantrys New furnace , line porcelain rol " top bath , bowl , closet , porcelalr ' sink , mantel , gas , water , cistern otc. This house will surprise yoi " > ' ' to s-eo the rooms and decoration ' ' - which is im tine us money car ' bur. It you are In the market , u\ \ you have to do Is to sec It , Yoi will buy It. Price cut from Jl,50 < - ' to * 1GOO. < ( No. S2S-Xo. 1612 Burdette St. . 40x110 , ' rooms , water , cistern , gas , closet etc. , well worth Wiiat we will sel for. $2,2SO. No.,117 No. 3S72 Seward St. , 50x150 , 7 rooms all modern but furnace , Jl.GOO. ' _ _ _ _ _ ' No. 204-Nos. 1109 & 1411 No. ISth , C0xl40. ! houses , I and G rooms. Just tin place for U. I' , shop men. Sell on < ' or both. 1'or both wo want $1,600 VACANT. No , 303 50x130 on 31st near Poppleton Ave. ,1 Hlian at $1GOO. -No , 660 125x125. N. 1C. oor. IXHh nnd l"odge ) ! ' lying high and Blg'htly ' , command Inir an eleeant view , itnd In tin < . very best part of Omaha. Till price. IK $15 per foot lew fSinn th < upposlto corner just sold for , am In Is especially 'as desirable li many respects' . Trice now , $ .6,230. If you are looking for bargains or home " do not fall to t > ce what wo have to offer Wo huvo iirnper'lcs and we are sell Inpr nioro than at any time In yciiis past tPOTTKH-SllOI.l CO.-illO' N. Y. I > 1KK , R1C 7TC-2S ROHBIN81 Sl'EC'IAI.RAROAINS : R-ROOM modern hou.xc on Mfliilo St. , fc'.fidf n-room eottHRo unrt barn. I'ark Av > . , $2,0V ( 7-room almost new hoirne , Ilanst'dm Placr , . 7 > roOm cottiiRo on best part of Clcorgi. AVI- . , $3,2W. Kimt front lot on 31st- St.olobi > lo linns > com park , i only $2,2CO. KIIBL front on 30th near Farnam , $1,150. Corner 30th and Marcy , Jl 200. East front on 32ml St. , $501. JOHN W. ROBH1NS. 1S02 'KARNAM 87 RK 779-23 FOR SAIE , night hundred-aero farm In Nance count ' Nebraska , well improved land laya wel and best of neil ; trtrro hundred acres I mlllva'loii , four hundred acres paimirt iino hundred acres hay land ; ono of th best farm * In the county : offered for few iluyn for seventeen thousand dollar ( n bargain 'at twenty thousand dollars , 11. C. YOl'Nll. RKMIARDS UI.OCK. Lincoln , Nebraska.R1' R1'S72 2S IN LAND ADJO1N1.\Q OMAHA AND SOUTH O.MAMA. .Oholcn acre , line trees , etc. , for $175. 5 UCITH rltiht on macadamized street , $ S5i .1(1 ( iicrow , itno place for i > oultry. $1.'JX ( 111 acrea llneat land udjnlnintr Omaha , tl.ln ( Id .icro.s , 51st and I/ . South Omaiu. $1,47 ! 20 acrep close to Elmwocd park , imuadan Ueil KticctH , handsome shhtlc trees , etc only $ JSoO. (0 ( acres rl lu adjoining fair grounds , big sesc Bunn on lint market , for $ . ' > .COO. 101 acres niu'xi kind of I'applo valley lam Jut. ! nest of South Omaha , for quick sal at fsfi an ncre. If you want land for liivestment imrposc irardent1 , dairy , poultry , suburban homei yliee ) ) or cnttln feeillnsr. call timl see tli ' ciholrii places we can offer. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO. , 325 HOAR : TRADE. RE-S61 2S _ KOR 8AI.E- HO.aw.Ul for 2-rttory brick bulldliiB. with I feet f roiilngi ) on lliirney nt . two bloeV from courtlmiiM ) ; n-ntal , tl.osn.0i ) per yea 120,000.00 for brink block and 60 feet frontaj on eood business hi. ; rental , $3,004.00 pi yeur. J3,5Woo for property renting for $573 00 p < ( „ , . uth ; B ( . property ; rental , per year. OKOROE & COMPANY. 1001 Kanwm St RK-5ISII31 ! 0 ACRES miven miles west , touring fru trees , Brapest good li-ronm houxit. burn etc. , n nlcr pliicP , all up In coed oroe for r.Mixt.v U. Uatcs , CIS v 'I'houc , 1251. HU-i4i IS rnii s.vi.i-itEAi/ W. l-'ARNAM SMITH & CO. , 1MO FARNAM ST. I UAIKAINS ; IN PUH'KS TO SUIT THE Pfm'MASBR LIST YOUR I'RUPIiRTY WITH TS. WE HAVE TIVI5 CUSTOMKHS. roil SALE : Kino rosldenee In the ileMrnl bio Wist Kurnam district. Beautiful homnfl , excellent locations ; $5,009 to $14,000. FOll SALE : Desirable modern reMdetico I8nd & Pacific , north and east front. Nice lawn and trre . Valuable property. Eastern owner will ell on ensy terms nt a bnrsaln. FOH SALE : Largo hotife. entirely modern , nnd largo ground * on S. 10ti ! St. Very fine property. Will make low price. roil SALE : Larpi- residence In Koiintzo I'lace Well built , three slorles , largo cemented collar , furnace , laundry , porce lain bath , gap ; lower floor In oak. Kv- tfillcnt location , must be sold , small cash payment. 1'rlce , $5,600. roll SALE : In Hanicom Place , modern liomeM ; strictly flr t class nnd desirable. At prices that will Interest lti < purchaser. FOll SALE : Residence lots In Hanscom I'laco nnd In the. West Farnam district. Arro property In very best locations. roil SALE : Hutdness properties , vacant lots , trackage Ge' prices nnd terniP. If you want to buy or pell , call on u. Farnnm Smith & Co , 1120 Fnrnam at. Foil SALE : Yon can buy n modern eight or nlno room honso and large grounds In Dundee , for less than cost of house. ThU property Will advance Oet list and ni'lces. OH HALE : Elrfit-room modern real- donee , 35th Ave. , within one block of Karnnm. Will net over S per cent. Tenant will lease for term of years. Price. $1f.OO. 'OH ' SALE : New modern six-room cot tage on West Dodge St. , M-foot lot , only 2.600. "OH SALE : Oood residence , corner , 19th & Bancroft , eight rooms nnd bath. HOIIPO cost $2,0 . would cost more to build today. Owned by eastern party , must bo old nt once. Price , $1.500 cash. OH SALE : Cottage on S. 2Uh St. . clore In. Can bo lipught at a bargain. Owner needs money. Price , $1COO. nE-S2T-2S HEAL ESTATE FOH SALTS. 'ATfXE-KNOX CO.'S SPECIAL BAH- GAINS FOH THIS WCEK : 'O. 1151 This IM a beautiful home of 7 rooms all modern ; Is located jusf ono block from the street car , on Klrd Htrcot In Uemls Park. Enst front , line largo lot. Hotireis well built nnd has every convenience. A most desirable home and very cheap nt { 2.700 , on easy terms. Vo. 1155 This house has 7 fine rooms , largo elorets , marble wash stand , riorcelaln bath tub , hot nnd cold water plumbing , oementcU cellar , excellent furnace , every thing In llrst class order and should betaken taken at once for $2,900 , on easy terms- . * o. 1153 This Is one of t'he ' best houses In Omaha. Contains S rooms , hot water he.iit , very convenient. Beautiful mantel , elegant nttle , high , nightly locntlon , B'fuated ' on Hawthorne Ave. , just across the street from ono of the llnest houses in the city. Wo offer this for $ .1.800 , on easy terms. This should bo taken at once. With the tire limits extended 'to ' 41st nnd 130 feet on either side ot Farnam will make other property In that part of the city moro desirable. SEE HRRK : S'o , 750 We offer this beautiful holme of 8 room ? on aTJO-foot lot and containing city water and gas , located on 36t i & Jack- Hon Sts. , worth $3,000 of any man's money , for $2,500 , on easy terms. Here l a. great anap for nn investment. \Vo have over 1.000 other propurtles on our books and can sut | home-seekers any- viero ; in the cfty. For further particulars call on. PAYNE-KNOX CO. . Formerly Payne-Harder Co. . Tel. 1781. 1st Floor N. Y. Life. RE-823-IS : 'AYNE-KNOX Co. . HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS : LOW EST RATES on LOANS ; SOUND IN SURANCE ; HOUSE'S , FLATS. STORES , for RENT. First lloor N. Y- . Life Bldg. RE 404 I HAVE a cash customer for a modern residence worth from $7,500 to $10,000 In fhe West Farnnm or Hnnscom Park district. Also for a. $3,500 to $4,000 dwel ling1 close to Farnum car lino. What have you to offer ? JOHN \V. ROI1UINS , 1803 FARNAM ST. RE 773-28 F YOU have a bargain to offer In real estate see S. A. Broadwcll , 601 N. Y. Life RE 701 A BARGAIN Four acres. 40th and Pacific ; two blocks from car line , on belt rail road , $2,600 ; easy terms. McCngue In vestment Co. , 1508 Dodge. RE 709 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also fire- Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE 70S FOR BARGAINS everybody goes to S. A. , 601 N. Y. Life Bldg.RE RE 701 1OUSES , lots , farms , lunds. loans ; also lire- insurance. Demls , Paxton blk. RE 706 FOR QUICK returns on Bargains only see 8. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Life Blcfg. RE 70 * NOTHING but bargains handled by S. A , Broadwcll , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-701 SNAPS in real estate ; money to loan. L. L Johnson Co. , 311 S. 15th st. RE 710 KOR SALE Bargains in small residences S. A. EroadwelC 510 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M407 HENRY B. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIKE BLDG Real Estate , Renta'.g , Loa-ns , Insurance. RU-712 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands ami Insurance R. C. Patterson. 305 N. Y. Life. RE 713 OWNERS of real estnto willing to sell ai bargain prices nhould cull upon or wrlli JOHN W. ROBBINS , 1802 FARNAM ST. RE-078 NEAR ISlh nnd Jackson Bts , , G-rootr house , lot 25x75 feet , $1,600. Southwest corner 3Sth ave. nnd Jackson st , 126x150 feet ; snap ; $900. GO acr-is within 10 miles of Omaha post' olllce , 10-room house , burn 30.NGO f.ent some fruit trees , fine place , near Podgi Et. paved rend , Improvements worth $2 , < COD ; price , $4,000. John Ns Frenzer , opp , old P. O , RE 370 C. K. HARRISON , FARMS , FARM LOANS RI5-397 F15 * BARGAINS IN FARMS. Wo have two big bargains In farms neai Arlington , Ne.b. 101-acro farm at J35.0 230-ncre farm ut $30.0 Pnynti-ICnox Company , First floor , N. Y. Life Bldg. . Omaha. Tul. 17S1. RE-1S7 23 A GOOD HOMESTEAD. 5-room hoiiHP and lot , renting for $1000 pe month , 21st. ne1r ; Bancroft ct. ; port cafl nnd part tlnm at G per fiMit. Price , $ ' ! 00. ] OLSLN. 1701 FARNAM ST. RE-M719 2S 174-10 PER CENT INVESTMENT 3 houses nnd lots , renting nl $23.00 pe month , In Rood nelcrhborhood ; taken unde foreclamire price. J2,0 < M 00 : part cash , bal unco on tlrm at 6 per cent. OI.SRN , 1701 FARNAM ST. RE-M718 2 ? 3vU2 CALIFORNIA nearly opposite St John' * , just the place for homo for memlie ot that church ; chono for u few days George G. Wallace. 313 J. .1. Hrown Ido'k P.E-M717 28 8 COTTAGES at 13ftS So. 12th nt. nm1 lo 2r.xJ40 for only $ r.W W. It. Gates. filK N Y. Life. 'Phone 1291. RE M733 20 BARGAINS wanted , bargains for sale nl the time. A. P. Tukfy , Board of Trade. IIB-7I5 FOR SALE , peed cottage , to Im remove from lot on Sth St. . near Banc'Mp SI A. P. Tukey. Board of Trade. RE-713 ! KOR SALIC At n crent pacrlfico a 3-s'or ; stono-frnnt bulldlnir , well located ; cover lug13,000 square feet of ground ; larg auditorium , rvnt'ng 1.209 ; large stairo wit complete Hce'iorv ; three lodeo halla ; to nov bowllnir alleys and h'.llard ' tabliis handsome , buffet ; prflseht Income Ml.fO ; will bring $13000 next year : for sale. In eluding ground. 11111111111) ) ? . nil furniture nn fUttinii , nrlce $109OC < i. Henry A. Knoti t Co. . 110 Dearborn at , Chicago. RE KOR SALE , one of the very best farm ? I ' DouElHS county for stock or for th ( rriwl'.i of grain or roedn ; well Improved for ! > < than $50 an acrt . P.OBBINS. SOLE AU1JNT. 1502 KARNAM RE-780-25 _ KOl'R clmire farms In Douelas count ) fr niilne bargains. R. C. Patterson 3 ( N. Y. Life. . RE-M5U 1 i-'on s\MV-nn\i. IST\TI : . FIVE BARGAINS 5-room fftttnge. SX-foot lot. east front , < m 22d street , near Sewnrd , $ f-0ft. 3 largo frame Inline * . 1 block ? from court hniipo , rents for 6 per cent on $18,000. for $1,500 ; $3OfiO cash , balance to suit. Acre Int. high and slehtl > , facing Miller Park , line location for xiiburban home. only $22V Lot ( M feet front , lny iirnutlful , hnlf block from street car , north part nf city , $400. M-foot lot. 7-1 oem hoiue , burn , shade trcr < < , etc. . 1'4 ' n1lle from poitolllre , $ l,20c ) . Improved acre on north Sfith st. . 5-room pottage , barn , chicken liouce * . out hou o , fruit nnd Uinde trees , si.OOo. Wymnti , Shrlver Co . N. Y. Life nhljt. RE-771 2S S ACRES In WfSt Albright M03 8 acres In Lnwnlleld $300 10 acres near So. Omaha , flw per aero. K ncres , S.irpy county , $100 per acre. J. H. Pnrrotte. Douglas Blk. RE-773 2S B-ROOM house. ,1022 Lindsay Ave " * ) li-room hotlsp , 31st and Emmet $700 0-rootn lioune , modern. 1703 Manderson. $ lone G-room home , modern , IWt ( "orby $1,250 -room house , modern , 1522 So. 2iith $2,001 room house , brick , 29th nnd Oak $ I.WO room hou e , brick , 201S Dorcas tl.fwO hnueei nnd lots , 32d and Burl $1.500 . H. Parrotte , Douglas Blk. RE-774 2S HIGHLY Improved ranch of nhout l.SOO orre of deedt < ] land In Wyoming , near Ijnramle river. Write or call for full par- tlctiMri. lilphly Improveil fnnn , 9 miles from Omnhn : Improvements would cost nny innn $ J,000 today : contains us ncri" ! . At the low price of $ r\oo per acre. It sold before the 1st of Kobruary ; ntU'r that $10.00 per ncre. all upon J. A. Lovgren for city nnd farm property , No. f > 18 and 519 Paxton block. IIR QIS52 23 * R. C. PETERS & CO. . 1702 Fnrnnm St. , Bee Bldg , 00 feet on corner 2 blocks from Hunscom park , with 0-room modern house. Only $ GBOO. room house , nil modern , one-half block north of Hanscom park , on 3HI st. Only $5,000. -room modern house , near SOth and Pacific ; a bargain It sold nt once. room modern house with barn , close to ear line. Only $1,350. , VACANT PROPERTY. oO-foot , east front , on 2Sth st. , near Popple ton. Only $1,100. 5-foot , cast front , on 32d st. , south of Woolworth - worth nve. ? lno corner In wholesale district , with trackage. A bargain. R. C. PETERS & CO. . 1702 Karnam St. , Bee Bide. RE-SIG 23 SHORTHAND AXD TYPRWUITINO. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -719 AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Douglas. 720 BOYLES1 COLLEGE court reporter princi pal. Bee Bldg. 721 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. 722 HOTELS. LANGE , steam heated rooms , $1 up week , Board $3 per week ; meals. 25c. 601 S. I3th , 625 J2S METROPOLITAN. Wm. Barr , mgr. : $1 to $1.25. 12th and Douglas. 'Phone 2-14. C44 F23 r.vwximoiCERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Ofllco. 418 N. 16 , 723 FIAGLE Loan Ofllce , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. LOST. LOST , n pair of rimless oye-glasscs in Columbian Optical case. Return to 4 Ramgo block and recelvo reward. Lost MSG3 30 MAGNETIC HEALING. THH Weltmor mall course , absolutely free , II. B. Yates , Shennndoah , In. OSTnoiIA.THY. JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute. 615 N. Y. Life Bids1. , Altco Johnson , D. O. , ladles dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , Ostcopathlst , mgr , -723 M. D. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school , Klrksvllle , Mo. , 601 Paxton tolk. Tel. W07 , 724 IIOOKICEEI'ING. EVENINGS , $3 per mo. at Van Sants schoo 717 N. Y Life. G. R , Rathbun. 636 J2S * STAMMERING AND STUTTI3UING. CURED. Julia Vaughan , 430 Ramss Bide -727 HOUSES WINTERED. GOOD stables and good care. 'Phono 1054 J. W. Phclps , 207 N. Y. Life. 225 Fll * TRUNK FACTORY. TRUNKS , traveling bags , suit cases. Trunk ! repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1209 Farnan 323 IiAU.VURV. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND Cm TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leavenw'h. Tel. 51 JI258 SCIIOOI , AND ! < ANRUAfiK. FRENCH. German. Spanish , $2 per month Prof. Chatelnln , 301 Boyd theater. 729 'UUS. II. E. & E. Hl'BERMANN. furriers ; fur : mndo to order nnd repaired. 118 So. 15th. -730 FOIl M3ASK. 66X132. with trackage , near heart of city W 35 , Bee. 672 F23 NIClvEl , PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO. , Bee building.M208 M-208 ni < ; voi.ns. EXAMINE descent , Tribune. Olive , Few li r , $25 to $10 ; $1 down , any amount ; week. Flescher , 1622 Capitol ave. 479 TICKET IIHOKEIIS , CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere P. II. Phllbln 1503 Karnam. 'Phono 7M -72S DHESSMAKI.M ; . STYLISH dressmaker will Few In families Address W 42 , Bee. M-710 Kohl * 100 Per C.-ut Pnillt GtiuruntecU IN IMPERIAL SYMPHONION MUSIC BOXES WlUi MONEY-DROP ATTACHMENT Slat agonclos open for responsible house * . Car itculars from Symphonlou Jlfg. Co. , 110-11 NVest 22d street , New York. I.ECiAI , NOTICES. PROPOSALS KOR SCHOOL Bl'lLDINC Notice Is hereby given thai calcd i.rt posals will be ncelved by the Boird of Kdi ; cation of the School Dlutrk-t of the City c North Platte- until 12 o'clock m. , Fcbnwr 17 , IJiJO , for Uie erection of a tdirteen-rooi lirlrk school ImllUliiK. PlanH ami Kpcclth-ti tlons can bo n'cn at thn olllco of the Socri tury nt North Plutle. Nebranka. and at th ollti-e of H. W Grant , Lincoln Neb . a cert ; lied check of $ .VW.OO lo accompany eah bK The sucxvsxful bidder to give IxinU for th fa'.lhlu ! iH-rformanc * of the oontraei In th BI1IU Of $ . ' 0.000. The board reserves the right to icje. t nn and all bids. bids.LBM LBM B. I3ENHART , Secietary B. L. ROBINSON , President. JM ( UOt \i. vvrii i : . NOTIl'K OP AMBNUMKNTS Of AIl'I'l- CLBS OK INCOIU'OUATIUN Notice l ! > horpby tflvon that The lice Pub- hlng Company h ( Hod Its nm n < lri | ur * tides of Incorporation In thr oflli o of t i" s-t-rrptnrv of stnlf , nnd nlso with the rmin'y clerk or Uoiinlns county , Nebrashn , that by virtue of paid amended nrtlcU-i of In- < iorjioratlon It Is provided na follows : AMKXDIiU ARTICLES OK INCOttPOnA- T10N OK TUB I1BI3 PUHMSHINO COM PANY. Stnto of Nebraska , Douglas County PR- Articles three (3) ) , four (4) ) and live (5) ( ) . of llio nrtlclca of Incorporation or The Bee I'ubllihlnK Company nre hereby mnondPd as follows : Aimci.B i The undersigned do hereby nMorlnte our- sel\cs tocotlicr and declare thni we , to- Relhcr with our nssnuiuex uiiit * > ' ej. or . are anil shall M n conw'lon snider and by viruio o. the statues 01 tnc mate ft Nebraska , by the name and s lp of The Hoe 1'ubllahfnc Co. AIlTiru : 11. The principal place for th < < transaction of the Intslnesi of < iald rornorntton ahull lie In the city of Omali.i , In fie count ) of Jonglns and state of Nebraska. AUTICI..E 111. The Kencral tiuluto of the business to 10 transacted by th.s corporation wboll bee o print and publish daily , selnl , vorUI > . rl-weeklt. weekly newspaper" niul jnaga- zlnes , do general Joe printing , bunk pub- Idling , book binding , engraving , lltho- Kinphing. rftercotyning , elc'-'rotyplnR and uirchnslng and .selling prli--ing machlneo , irmtlng material , printing stock uiul news- inper ptcss ftanchlsus AUTlfLB IV. The authorized capital stuck ot vnltl i or- lorntlon shall be live hundred inouand dollars ( tSUO.COO.OO ) , divided Into shares ) of Ive hundred dollurs iiAOO ( ) eacn , provided hat no stalk e nll be Issued lit i vess ot onto nundred thou ir.fl iiaimrt UIou.ooo.uO ) nuess authorized by a o-tilrfls ! vote of he outstanding stovk ot snid corporation , ipon tun days' notlre to all stockholders , Anil provided , further , that no share shall be sold or ISSUIM ) for less I mm par. AIIT1CLB V. The time ot commencement of said cor poration shall be the fifteenth day of Jan uary , A. D. 1S7S. and the tlm of termina tion of the same shall be the fifteenth day of January , A. D. 1330 , unless renewed or llBHOlvud sooner by a vote ot two-thlids ot the capital stool : thereof. AUT1C1E VI. The highest amount ot Indebtedness or liabilities ( o which said corporation can at : my time subject ItsUf shall tint exceed n the ngsreguta onchtru ( . -j ) ot the mount of the capital stock , Issued by said corporation , and no bonded or mortgage indebtedness shall ever bo contracted by said , corporation. corporation.ARTICLE ARTICLE VII. The business and affairs or said corpora tion shall ho conducted by a board ot director. " , live In number , who shall bo chosen by the stockholders , at their annual nicotine , each share ot stock having ono vote , which election shall bo held on the first Monday In March ot each year , and they shall hold olllco for ono year or until their successors nre elected. A majority ot the board of directors snail form u quorum for the transaction of buslnr ; " . Vacancies In the board shall be filled by the remainIng - Ing directors for the balance of the un- explrcd term. term.ARTICLE VIII. The ofllcers of said corporation shall bo a president , a vice president , a secretary and a treasurer , who shall bo chosen by the board of directors in such manner , and perform such duties as the by-laws ot said corporation may prescribe. ARTICLE IX. Whenever one hundred and sixty shares or more of stock shall Imve bpen sub scribed for the association shall be deemed organized as a corporation and theieupon any subscriber or subscribers tor over one hundred shares may call a meeting of thu subscribers at some suitable place In llio City of Omaha , for the election of olllcers , by giving notice thereof for not less than three days In ono ot the dally newspapers published In the City ot Omaha. ARTICLE X. By-laws may bo made by the corpora tion not inconsistent with law or with these articles. ARTICLE XI. These articles of Incorporation mny bo amended by a vote of two-thirds of the stock , upon notice by the board of directors to the stockholders of not less than ten days , published In some dally newspaper in the City of Omaha. In witness whereof wo have hereunto set our hands and seals this Dth day ol January , A. D. , 1900. EDWARD ROSEWATI3R , President. GEORGE 13. TCSCHUCIC , Secretary. State of Nebraska , Cdunty of Douglas m : On this 9th day of January , A. D. , 1900. personally appeared before mo Edward Rosewater and Gporso B. Tzschuck , who are personally known to me to be the Identical persons who signed the above amended articles of incorporation and they severally acknowledged tile instrument to bo their voluntary act and deed. ( Seal. ) FRANK J. SUTCLIFFE , * Notary Public. J15-d20t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ANt BUILDERS. The plans and specifications for erecting a Catholic church at Templeton , la. , will be placed in the olllre of The Omaha Bee , also ut St Lotus with Architects Cordes ii ScJraofcr , and at Templeton , In. , for in spection. Bids must bo sent In by the 9Ui of February , 1900. Bids received by FriJnl ; Schnlttor , secretary of building committee , Temploton. la. J24 dSt in RECEIVER'S SALE. Notlcf * is hereby given that on Thurs day , the 15th day of February , 1POO , I will- pursuant to an order of the district court of Douglas county , Nebraska , dated Janu ary G , I'.KX ) , offer for s-alo to the highest bid der therefor for cash at my olllce , IM North Fifteenth street , . In the city of Omaha , all the unsold assets of the German Savings bank Said sale will commence at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day , and continue from 10 o'clock n. m. to 6 o'clock p. m. of each day until all the assetjf said bank have broil offered for sale. The real estate herein after mentioned and described will be offered for sale separately. All bids arc subject to the approval n ? the eour' and must in all cases be accompanied by money or certified checks for twenty-five per cent of the amounts thereof. Hald bids will be reported to the court after all the asset' have been offered for sale and tne balance of the purchase price of any sale approved and confirmed by the court will bo payable uupon said confirmation. The description of the property to be offered for sale by the undersigned at snld time and place and upon conditions above mentioned , Is as follows : The east 200 ft. of the west rG ft. of tax lot 39 , In the S W cor. sec. 10 , tp , 15. rg. in , 23d and Yattts Sub lot 3 In tax lot 7 , In N. E. of S. "W , of SPC. 27. tp. 15 , rg. 13 , inth and Martha. Sub lot 14 of lot ft , Capitol addition. Parcel of ground In N. E cor. of tax lol in , In sec. IB , tp 1.1 , rg. 13 , 2CO by 1S2 ft. , nr SOth and Cumlng. Lots 3 and I , block 250 , city. Lot 2 , block 3 , Bowery HID addition. Lots G , 7 , S , 3 , 10. 11. 12 and 13 , block ! B , Diindco Plac . Lots 11 10 and 20 , block 10G. Dundee Place Lot G , block 109 , Dundee Place. Lot 14 , block 110 Dundee. Plncc. Lot 6 , block 117 , Dunjluu Place Lot 2 , block 12 * , Dundee Placo. Lot 6. Ilascall and Roger's sub. of 50 , 5' and 68 , Olcahomb. Lot 9 , Hafccall and Rogcis' HUD , of DO , 5 : and 58 Oknlionia Lot 12. IlaBcall and Roger's cub. of 30 , 5' and f > 3 , Okahoma. Undivided one-half of lots 7 and S , bloc ! IB. Isaacs & Seldon's addition. North half lot 12 , and south halt lot 1J block II , Kountzo's 3rd addition. Lot 19. Llndtmj'K addition. Lots 5 and fi , block J , Mnyne Place. Lot 7 , block 2. Mayno Place. West 50 ft. of south hair lot S , block 1 Park Place. Lo Iti , block 2 , Redlck's sub. East 85 ft , lot 2 , Okahoma South S2 ft. lot JO , Okahomn. West 120 ft. of east 240 ft. of bOUth 12 ft. of block "C , " Shlnn's addition. Loin 4 and 0 , block 62 , South Omaha. Lots 6 , C , 7 , 8 and 9. block 3 , Thomaso ] and Goos' addition. Loin 2 , 3 , I , 5 , ii. 7 , S , 9. 10 , II and 12 , blocl 5 , Thomatuii & Goos' uddltlun. Lots 1. ' . ' . 5. 4 , block 11 , Thomagon & Goos' addition. "Ueuorve" In Thomason & Coos' addition South SO fl. of north bo,5 ft. lot 4 , blocl 12. West Onuihu addition The north half of northwest quarter see 14 , tp. 20 , re. 13 , Volley lounty. Nob. Ono certificate of membership In Otnahi I Board < if Trade. ! Together with any other property be , longing to the German . .avlngs bank o Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska , no . ! abo\o enumerated. THOMAS I' McCAGUn , Itf elver of German Saving * Flank. Omaha Neb. J lli-d-a o t e H.UI.AVVY TIJIli I'NION P.U'lFIC-7lnTEOVER l.iild Routo" Ooner.ii Otllces N 13. Cor Ninth nnd Furnau Ktrects. nty Ticket Olllco , l.'ll l'iriHiin : Street. Telephone 31 * Denut. Tenth and SIiiHoi Streets. Telephone. CJ9. Leave. Arrive. Tlio Overl.unl Limited , a V30 am a " ; 20 pti Th J'ast Mall .n ' < : ' ) nm a 3:25 : pr Tl > o Pulor.ulu Ppei-UI u'l:53 : pm u G.i5 nr The Portland Hi > ' clal a > V ) um a t 10 pn LliU'ol ! ) Itculrlfi arid Stromnhurg Kxpiesa b-t.10 pm Jil2S5 pi ; Pulllu ExpretH a 1:25 : pm a ti:35 : ar Urand Island Local b C.JO pm b U.JO ui , a Pally , b Dally except Sunday , n\ii\\ vTIMI : TUII.KS. K VNSAS CITY. ST , IO- M , > h & Coiliu II Bluff * U.i Iroad "The Burlington - ton Route' TlrUet Olllie. . c FnriiHm Street Telc- i .1 , ne. 260. Depot. Telitli im.l MJIFOII Streets 'IVIr- uior < > , .110 tjcave. Arrive. Knnwn Olu PaK \ nS:50nm : n 5:13 : pm Knn 9 cm NtirMt B\ alO:15 : pm a fi-W am St. lx > ls Kl > cr for St. Joseph ami St Ivouls a 4:55 : pm nil. In am a Dally. IirULINGTON & MIS ourl Hlvcr Railroad "Thr Hiirllnirtoii Houtf" | Onoral Olliccs. N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnrnain St < Ticket olllce , 1502 Fnr- nnin street. Telephone , 251. . Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone . . . Leave. . Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings nnd Me < 'ook . n SIO : am a 7:10 : put Lincoln , Den\er t'olo- vnclo. ftnh. rollfornla.a 4:25 : nm n 3:5 : pm Lincoln. Ulnek Hlllt , Mom.ina & Pugct Sound a 4 : pm n 3:00 : pm Lincoln lxv.il a 7:00 : pm n0S ! ; > ain Lincoln Fast Mall. . . a 3.00 pm nl :33 : nnt Denver , colnrndo t'tah K Pnllfornla a C:3o : nm rt Dally. CI1ICAOO. BURL1NC.TON' & ijulncy Railroad "Tho Builincton " Route" Ticket om > e1302 F.i main St. Tel , 250. JJopot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone. .no. Leavo. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- efal . . .u 0:10 : am C hli-npn Vnsliht.leci Ex a 5.05 pin a S:00 : nm Chicago Express .11 SC : 0 nm n 4:05 : | nn Chicago & at L. Ks a 7.15 ; mi a 8:05 : am PacliK- Junction Ix > cnl alO:45 : an Fast Mali . . n 2:45 : pm a Dally CHICAGO & NORTIN westcrn Railway "Tho Northwestern Linn" City Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam Streot. Telephone - phone BG1. Depot , Tetitll nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone , o.u Leave. Arrive. Daylight chlugo Spe- Clnl a. G : 10 am all:55 : pm Chicago Passenger a'4:15pm : alU:10 : am Kastern Express. Dos Mollies. MurKhnlKown , Ced'ir ' I'aplds and Chicago cage nlOiSS nm a 4:05 : pm Easter" Limited. Chicago cage and Kam a 4:55 : pin a 4:05 : pm Fast Mull , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:30 : pm a S:00nm : Fast Mall a S:30 : am a Dully FREMONT. ELKIIORN it Missouri Valley Railroad 4 The Northwestern Lino" General Olllces , United States National Bk. Bldg . S. AV Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Sts. Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnnni St. Telephone CGI Dope - po * . , inth and Webster Sts. Telephone 1I5S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pin a 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pm Hastings , York , D.ivld City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter and Sewnrd b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am b0:2o ] : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Fremont Local c 7:30 : am : i Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Sun day only , d Daily except 'Saturday , o Dally except Moiulay. vnoux CITV & PACIFIC H Knllrond "The North western Line" General Offices , United States National Bank Building , S.V _ Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket onice. HOI Karnam St. Telephone 5G1. De pot , Tenth & Mason Sts. Telephone G29. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express . .n C:50 : nm alO:50 : pm Twin City Limited . a 7:20 : pm a 8:15 : am Sioux City Local u 8UO urn 4 4:20 : pm u Dally { CHICAGO , ST. . PAUL , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Offices , Nebraska Divi sion , 13th nnd Webster Sts. City Tlqkct Ottlce , 1401 Fnrnam St Telephone EG1. Depot , 15th and AVcbstcr Sts. Leave. . Arrive. Twlji City Passenger..a 6:00nm : , a 9:00 : pm Omaha Passenger . . . . . , nll:20 : am Sioux City & North east Nebraska a 3:40 : pm a Dally , b Dally except Stinday. CHICAGO , ROCK 1SL- nnd & Tacllic Railroad "Tho Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick et Ofllce. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone , 42 ? . Depot , Tenth .t Mat-on Streets. Telephone , 029. Leave. Arrive. Des Monies and Davcn- 1 port I/ocal a 7:05 : am bll:3Jam : [ Chicago Express bll:15 : am a S:10 : am t-hU'ago Fast Express .a 5:00 : prn n 1:25 : pm i St Paul Express . . . .a 5:00 : pm bll-35 am i Lincoln , Colorado Spga. , i Denver , Pueblo and West a 1:30 : pm a 4:25 : pm Des Molnes. Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:2r : pm a 5-50 pm Coloiado & Texas Flyer.n 6 55pm a 9:20 : am a Dallv. b Dallv except Sunday. OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAILroad - road Omaha , Kansas City it Eastern Railroad "Tho Qulncy Route" Ticket Ot- llno , 1415 Fnrnam Street. Telephone , S22. Depot , Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Tele phone , 629. 629.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St Loins Cannon Ball Balla Express a 4:45 : pm a S:25 : pm Express a 4)3 : ) pm a S 33 am Kansas City and Qulncy Loral .a GIO : am a 8:30 : pm a Daily MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road- General Olticcs and Tlckot Olllees Southenst Cor ner IHh and Dougl.us Sta. Telephone , . 104. Depot , 15th and Webster Sis. Telephone , Ix-avfc. Arrive. Lou I ? , Kaiibas & Neb. L'mlti-J ' n , 2:00 : pm at2:55 : pm K. C-St L. Express. . .a 9:30 : pm a 5:50 : am Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water b 5:03pm : a 9:45 : nm a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City , Tlcknt Offlce , 1504 Fnrimm Street. Telephone 284. Depot , Tenth and .Mason Streets. Telephone C29. _ Leave. Arrlvo. Clicjgo | Limited Ex..a 7:35 : pm a SCO : am Chicago & Omaha Ex..blltOO am b 3:55 : pm Sioux City iinil Des Mnlnes Express 1)11:00 : am b 3:65 : pm n Dally , b Dally except Sunday. W ABASH RAILROAD- Tlclot Olllce , JMl Fnrnnm Htrcet. Telephone. 3S1. De pot. Tenth nmr Marcy Streets. Telephone fi2D. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball"a a 4:50 : pm a 8:33 : uni a Dally. IN THE WHEELING WORLD. f The llm hlcyrlo show of the year closei ! lost nlpht In Madison Square , Now Yo City. It hml all the chnracterlstlcs 01 shows. There were 200 cxhlhltf jo ! \vhcclB mil wheel llttliiRS and toin o Louvcnlra. The chief feature of the show of Interest to wheelmen "In the provinces wag the models for 1900 and bow far ( hcj dllTered from lam year's crop. One thlne din onetratod , according to the Sun critic \va that the low crankhangcr craze olid tin s'.ioit head fad liave reached their Iinil and are beginning to react. There \\as ii fac a fommendahlt- absence of the fad dUm that confused EceUers after the trulj ' l > 08t hy Introduclun features of no provei \alno Blinply for the sake of cciting In. tt-rcut There were no specimens cf "cur Rocuo" tubing and a lark of the "hex , amoral. " "aplral" and "ovoid" oddltleb Ir tlilb line which Hive made big pretension ! a ; previous exhibitions Thcro was some , thing of nbat might be called UeaUUhnes ; ' I Has devoted liis eiifcira professional life to the treatment of diseases of men only. Possibly thousands of men today owa a parb of their siiccess in life to his helping hand , which is ever extended to thosa 11 eding his services or advice. Tinilovlnr'n riMiinrKnltlp Miu'i'ri * In ( Ills Hue of tirmMliM * ttnx upvrr lirpit < MtinliMl. Illx rcMimrccM anil fncllltlcM for Irrnlliiu iltfnN < " < ol' ini-n an * unlimited. ! ! < In cndoi'Mril liy nil for IIM | nUIII , ri > lltilillll > mill fiilrix > MM 111 IIH ! luii'ucH. The MINI niniiuut oficrlriuc | olitaliiril from iiiiinlicrj. of CIINIS ( rent IM ! ilully l\rs lilni liimi.i lid \ IIIIIIII ( > N in IhrlrduiMNtf ill trfiitnii-nt. Tin1 Doctur's > xfiisl\ iiiilriiiiiiKO mill | > < > | iulnrll > Is ( In- licit Iirouf of ( lie urt-nt iiniount of ui'i'd lu > IN ( liilliu. ELECTRICITY AND MED8CAL TREATIV1ENT COMBINED. Varlcoiri'lo , Stvliturc. SyplillN , l.iih > of Viper iinil Vltnllly. nNfii cs of llio Illntl tier and Kltlnoys. 22 YEARS of Unlimited Expeiience-12 YEARS in OMAHA Hi3 chtu'yes inuke it puHsl'olo foi'i'ivn the jioorost to obtain treatment. CURES GUARANTEED. CHARGES LOW. HOME TREAT MENT. Bnok , C-insuHution and Examination Free. Hours , 8 a. tu. too ; 7 to H p. m. SunJay. U to 12. P. O. llox 7Gfi. Office N ! ' . Cor. 11- and I'nruain Streets , OMAHA , NEB. saassszESfissa TURKISH T. & P. PILLS brings monthly mcn- strnatlonsurototlindny novcrdlsnppolnt you $1. hox. "bo\es nlll help any rcse. Uy mall. Halm'sDrm-Store , i8th &lnnir.irOmaliaNcb. j : BI TO R rffT'\70's ' ? \ ? ? > zwr In enamcllnfr , such as the Idea of giving the headposl nnd the diagonal strut one color and another color to the rest of the wheel , but this , \\licn It is done , has been handled In a way that iinds favor in many c > cs. There \Vcre nohcels striped lllto barber poles , however. Thu striping Idea has boon transferred to the rlma , which In many cases have been made to look hand some by thin stripes In the middle and along the outer edges. Options in color arc gl\en by practically all the makers , but the array of wheels were free from a con- nldcrablo of the gaudlncss that has been seen. The long cranks and the moJcrately lilgh gears prevailed , but , the Inclination toward overdoing those features seemed to have been checked. The general length of crank on the "stock models" of road wheels is seven inches , with options on smaller shes. It Is noteworthy , though , that a parts maker , who supplies many makers , catalogues seven and one-half and eight- inch cranks as regular block , so that the experimental riders who wish to follow the fad that , was started in England c.in ho nuppllcd. The changed conditions of man- j ufacLuro that have tended toward making wheels look alike , and yet have been truly Improving quality , nre noticeable In the number of concerns that nro using such parts as cranks and sprockets made by Hie same lipeclallsts In these branches. The pro- giess of the parts maker was well empha- sl/i'd. The fact that factories In which all resources arc devote ! to making a few things with special machinery can oftcm pidduce a better and cheaper aitlcle than a factory that makes only for its own wheels has apparently been ImprcsscJ upon many makers ot the highest reputation. In re spect to hubs and spokes and the fastenings of the latter there was much that was or iginal and distinctive. Ono bright Idea was found In tho. wheel of a wegterp maker , who obviates the necessity of icnioving the hprockot from the rear hub In order to put In a nc\v spoke by making the hub llango on the sprocket side with buttonhole slots , so that the spokes can be hitched In and drawn up taut easily. A recent report from the acting United States consul at Chemnitz , Hermany , Pho\s > t how American manufacturers often make n nilntako by sending Inferior products to u foreign market. This report deals with Germany's export trade In bicycles. Tie ! , value of the wheels shipped from Ocrnviny \ Increased fiom $2,097.132 In the first nine months of 1897 to $2,579\\ I In the first nlno months of 1899. That Is not a very marked Increase , but the consul HIJH thn fiorman manufacturer ! ! are satisfied with It , In v an , of the rlecreaso In thn value of American wheels exported from $5.17:1.000 : for the first eight months of 1898 to $3,951,000 for the first eight months of 1S)9. ! ) Thn decrca-e In American exports , the Oermnns say , Is due to mbtakcs made by American mnnufac- Hirers In sending cheap wheels to the for- clgn market. During Iho latter part of 1897 and the first part of 1&9S , It Is said , a largo number of American wheels were put upon the Ocrnan .market . which retailed for about $20. A Non-intoxicating Malt Extract that is especially Recom mended for Weak Nerves , Indigestion and Insomnia. BUILDS UP A DEPLETED SYSTEM. UA\'B \ YOU KVKK TRIED IT ? - ALL DRUGGISTS - Prepared by VAL. OLATZ BREV/INO CO. MIIUi KII : , i . s. A. Omaha urancn 1412 Douglas St. , Tol. JOB ) . e oii. ensn t up. Hold uiulcr a Itonallile Runrnntvoto euro the falloir nnillv ihOH' KtOni-y oml I.t\rr ! > Ucu r , l'v > cr nnd A cut * . IthfiitnntUr.i , Hick , iind ? * rrtiu > llradiiclic * llrrftlprlnn * ht > iitluliit IVr'iatv Complnlntp , C'nlurrh , liialie tl < iiu > tDrnIcln Ncr\oti Auictloni l jppcp * 1n. C'oiiAtlputloii. nrconinnnlrd by one or more of tha followinc Bymptonn : I' ln In * lilc. back , under hdiililcr til ltd i1. mnullicr In ; ; * .Fn atlunii ( pnlpllnttoti of the licnrt. tired ft-cliner tn flip moriilnci pnor npputllt't * uatcd ( nn uo.'ilutcliCM ' or pimple * on Ilie 'f cr , Itnd twite In Ihr mouth , roarfnr. btizilnc MouniU In the hrnd. bnd nu'tnory , onr , t < I * or liIondMl Alnamclit pnln * In the hcnd.llEtlnt'Hi , licnd * MCho , rcitli tunrift t iitjlil , nfulit Bwcnt * , ttnd drcum , Tvellitit nl * friir , tttlTiMin or Itmbu , * .LIn trnnliltA , dlipittlttutt tn nrclti I dutlc * nn < ! un ID * ullltjluf ( > nriitrutv UK * tnlnd upon the detnll * u ( biiKli'Fim. lei mln hr nl ) diupcUtM. , DiV. . s. llUKltllAliT. Clnclnu.iU O.I When othora fail consult SEARLES & SEARLES mm IMS DISEASES OP MEN SPECIALIST V7e Buaranioo to euro ull oasics ourablo of "WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Nlshlly Emission Lost. Manhood , Hydrocolo Vcrlcooclc , Gonorrhea , Gloct , SyphllU , Strlct- nro , Pilce , FUuilu and Rectal Ulocrs and AH Prlvnto Dlscnncfi and Dlcortcr5 ! of Alen. STRICTURE AND GLEET Consultation frca Call on or addros * DR. SEARLGS & SEARLESe HO So. i4tb St. OHAHA. n tiui-1 to binliii'S mon KB Din i- n moi'tli and tl r'nrrles KIIUII > I linn I , r tin' lift , Tnii-iit < t hiislnrv * U i i < iiiy line dull ir ,1 M-.ir ( ! ' .10 ii-nlx i or nix months' Hiibsi rlntl"n Si ml a ulmi' for Kiiniple coin In Iho Ad Kcnsi CM , N'l l < 'lflli ' AChli.igd Is it not ? With its mar ble stairways , broad corridors and splendid court , it is really a beau tiful place. is one of the things of which the town is proud. When you have iriends from out of town you always show them The Bee Building. Why not have your office there ? Tht rents are no higher f& B/p > than elsewhere. iii Vt Rental Agents Ground floor , Uee Building