7 1K)0. ! ) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Liverpool and Paris Gables , Weather and Argentine Plagtn Aid Wheat. MAY CLOSES 11-2C OVER THURSDAY ( . 'urn riiiftr * Ii'prcmeil mid ( > n < n 1-Su I ii PrnvUlnnn Improxr During the DM > . CloxltiK t'ontldor- nlily Illnlier. -Hli"AOO , Jan. K. The w < hont mnrkot , l-inplred by higher Liverpool and Paris ca- bleu , < -oM weatJler ami conllr.mn.tlon of Ko < aarlo iilngtio rumen , -wna nMvo ! ami < ir.w-d very strong , May IHc over yesterday. < ' ' , rn ' lo'nl a sliaOu dcprencd ar.'l ' oats V c i . Provisions nl tlio cltvc were aifcftf'ic ' Improve * ! . UMt Liverpool up 'id nnd Paris ad- \ . i , < d 3'f/i6T4c ' ( local bulls were almost em- barra - - ( 'd by tlielr riches. The soeflon pen.1IUi . May whonti % ? i te ovor'yesttcr- lu\- * close at t57 < JiC7Tiie. | The strength of thr Kngllsrti innrkti WIIB due ; principally tel l lie ( uhniHliitvinent of Splonkop ; fhiit at Paris Iiy frcrh ivports of damages to the < rop. < > n pront taking by traMets I'he ' mnrk'-t wild i-ii ,7'it'i ' "si , < , wlicro ft reaction was < mivd by fho buying of shoii.i , A'.iy u < < - Miiflllg to < < . . Trading , which up to this 1 Ini hii l been ni'tlvp , bccamo fairly iiulel. \\irii rhe pilce alternately deprissed by ic ili/.lns. n lid ndviir.'T'l ' ' by the covering of Kl or f. hovering between K7\tj'57T ' < ic and ( iSc. Tinnrrlal ( if fresh reports of damages to ihr frentih errp ami n rnblu saying that H , -irlo had been ordered cloi < V for ton < hi > i on motint or the bubonic plague ifitin i1 heavy pnrrhd. lnx by shorts. The i-nlit weather wi'Miout ' snow was also a consideration. May advance * ! ' to GSlfcp , at which it clckM'il , IV over yc tenlay. Dur ing the 1-ast' ' hour hiislnpss wnw animated. < 'oir.mils.slon houses bought heavily for for eign Initeicrsts , one concern. It was reported , ni'llli 7 15 loads for export. Kxportit wen ; 3.HVOO bu. , comparml with 62IOU > bu. last jeiir. Mln-ncApolls and DnlutTi reported "C2 ( ir t , agalnm 327 last week nnd ISB a year IIRO. lu-felpts hero were 15 cars , 1 of con- 1'i.rl grade. At'l'anlle ' port olearnnces In wlient nndi Hour were p < iual to 1S2.000 Ini. Nrw York reported 5 loads 'taken for export. The ( iay'a ptory of the corn market niliht hnvp ' 1 ten different. In vlnw of tihe strcncth of wheat , liad not country offerings le- ( i me freer. Acceptances to bids over nlR'ht ' , li'-wever , were so inur-h more llheral tJian 1 n lieen the case rei-enilly ith.it cotvslder- utilt r.plllnu by shipping people and others lonulted. elvliiK the mnrkpt a tone of e.-i.l- i . . I'm H rli < " \\otikms . At the open- Inx the market Hho\ve < l a little ftnln In f.\iinpnthy with the nt-lshborlns- . but for i m menit only. HI.MIIPKSI w-n rather quiet , l.oi.i ! receipts were 209 < sir.-i. M i.v ranged fr IP TiVifiWHi' to 3Se.Itvstns a shade under j pstprilny at .TSW/'iSHi- . Thi oats market , ( | iilet parly and dlspo e-i to be easy , ibwmne more active later and , Influenced * > > ' the wtrernsth of wheat , a fair fMij < plmt demar.O ami mo'ck-rate ' receipts S < vj curs her-1 turned llrm and clcxs-evf llrm. Mny ratiKcd from 2,1ic t-o 23'c : , closing at the top.over yesterday. The provisions msirket was stronK nnd I'lsher in spite of the liquidation by In- ti'iestH whl rti till today were buyers. Ite- < elr-ts of hoxs under the estimate and higher prlffs at t'he yards , together -\vltli sympathy with wihcat , wc.ro the Influences. Titide was rather nuieit. May pork sold from $10.75 to flO.Sf , and close * ! 71'C over yesterday at JlO.W/ifi 10.83 ; May lard , from $ B.02' ifi.d'i lo jfi.Ol. clcislr' ? 2i'i5c ' | up ; May ribs , from J."i77l/4 to $5.S21/4 , with the clrtfo 7' c be'tter at } 5 f2l'i. ItatlnuitPcl receipts tomorro > v : Wheat' , 2S tors ; corn. 215 cars ; oats , 173 cars ; hogs , 17.000 head. The leadlnrjfuturesranBed as follows : _ ArtlcleMpicn. | | High. | Low. I Close. | Ycs'y" WlicatTT I I .Tan. , CfiHI May. | 67W % csu | Juij' . icsUfjj" C'orn .Ian. I 31 31 Vi .11U May. 33 July. Oats .Ian. 22U nil' May. Vork- Jan. 10 CO 10 57 < i May. 10 SO 10 85 10 75 10 sr 10 7f , July. 1090 1090 10 S2' 10 SO 10 S2'fc ' Liircl- Jan. 5 S3 r 87' , * . r S7"/ S & 5 May. c m fi Oj fi 00 G OS (1 ( 0 < ) July , G07i ! 6 1214 C07H C 12V 605 nibs- 575 5 70 May. C 80 6 S2'A r , tav 5 77 July. 5 90 5 S5 " * No. 2. C'nsh ciuotatlons were i- ' i'n.- ' KLOnn Steady ; xvlntir , , . , J3.309 3.40 ; straights , W.OOffS.10 ; i i L ' ' 90113.00 ; spring specials. tl.fO ; puients , , . .203.50 ; stralghtii , J2.C003.00 ; bakers. ILSOQasO. \VHHAT No. 3 sprltiff , 636lc ; No. 2 red , C'ORN-No. 2 , niHc ; No. 2 yellow. 31 ic. OATS-NO. 2. isgHc : NO. 2 white , 23i/-o > 25'4c ; No. : i white. 2GfJ-25 | < 4c. RYE No. 2 , S2IJ5le. nAHI RY No. 2. 3S S-43o. SREDS No. 1 llnxsced and northwest , J1.52 ; prime timothy seed , J2.60. Clover , contrp-et grade , $8.25 8.35. PROVISIONS Mers pork , per bbl. . $9.23 C'MO.GT . Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $3.7&JC.92y. , Short rM)3 sides ( loose ) , So.fio.'fiG.M. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , jr > .r > 0i)5.75. Short clear Bides ( boxed ) . $3.90fffi.OO. WHISKY Distillers1 finished goods , on bnslN hlch wines. jer itnl. J1.23V4. St'OARS-Cut loaf , JO.OO ; granulated , $5.44. Following are the receipts and shipments for today : Articles. Recolnto. Shlpm'ts. l''loiir , bbls 47.000 46,000 Wheat , bu 27000 116,000 Torn , IU 306,000 171,000 OatM , bu 269.MO CIS.CflO Hye. bu 16.000 ij.OOO Hnrley. bu S3.COO 41.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ler market was steady ; creameries , 10 ! ! Sic , dairies. 16Ji22e. Cheese , llrm at 12ffl3e. Ksss , Hteady , fresh , 13c. NBW YOU ic ( ; IMHAI , QuolntloiiM f ir < hc IJny on Vnrloim C'oninioilltlcn. > TB\V YORK. Jan. 2S.-KLOIR-Rwclpts , 19.1CI bhls. ; export ? 15,950 bbls. ; ndvnncci ) MilOo with -\\hpat ; dennnd also stimulated , Itut Joibbers In most InKtanceM wanted to trade on basis of old askln ? prices ; Minno- Hoin patents , $2.N > I/3.05 ; M lnnesotn bakers. J2 80fi3.00 ( ; winter patonits , ta.Rifla.SO ; winter ftralghtH , } .1.40fja.4.i ; winter extra * . f2.COiW.Jri ; winter low grades , $2.2052.10. Ilyo flour , Bte.Tdy ; oholi'p. to fancy , $3.-J5f3.65. nuck- iVheat flour , weak nt J1.73R2.00. I'OUNMISAI Steady : yellow western , EOc , Hrandywlne , $2.20j/2.30. ( IlYK IJnll ; No. 2 western , COV4c , f. o/b. , nllont ; stnto rye , 55O5Cc , c , I. f. , New York , carlols. HAIU'UY QulPt ; feedlns , 42U0-17Iic. c. I. f. , New York ; malting , 60i/53c , c. I. f. , New York. HARI.KY MAI/r-Qulet ; western , 550 do. do.WHBAT WHBAT RcvolptH , ll.OOOcbu. ; cx porte , 3ii- 020 1 > n. Spot , BtroiiK ; No. 3 red , 7C > ! RC , f , o. b. , it1 , vrompt ; No. 1 northern , Dulut'h , 79 0 , o. b. . afloat , prompt ; No. 1 hard. Duluth , mVf. . o. b , , afloat ; No. 2 red , 74")4c " ) , cle- Mitcir. Optloiu opened strons : at Vic ad- vnni-e , Influeiwrd by hlg.her cables niul cold weather west. The gritest strength wan ntcalntd In the afternoon , however , on a warn of Hlmrtw Hfartod iby nn ndvanc-o of r,0 to ! K1 points at Paris ami alleg < l condnnm- ( ORN Recelptti. 117.000 hu.j oxportB. D1.H2 bu Spot , Htiiuly ; No. J , 40 4C , f. o. b. . nllonl. wl 40',4f. elc-viitior. Options market opened t'tpniily wilihvhont , oainl off later through fuxomhlp wiMlher news an < l hMvy Ohk < igo i-ellliw. . but rallied miln : with whcmt In the lint 'hour. CMosel llrm , unohiuicinl. May , , ' ff tixclofciSUU 3 iic. OATS Receipts 39.KO bu. ; cxniortw 7.000 bu. Spot , quiet ; NO. 2. a. " > i' ; No. 3. 2Mze ; No. 3 while , SH , . No. 3 whlti3lc ; track jnlxinl wt-stern. 2Dl'J'c ( ; track white , 3U/03c / ; tiruck u'hlle Htat < j.315i."KJOjitloim , sttvidy. HAY ICasy ; tthlppliib' , U5fi70o ; good to choice , WiSEc. HlUKS-Stcady ; Ualveston , 20 to 25 Ibs. , li'Hc. ' Texas dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. , 14Uc ; Cali fornia. 21 to 23 Iba. . 21Uc. l KATIiI K Steady ; hemlock , solo , Hue- nc.i Ayr < . llg'lu to heuvy weights , 25023Hc ; ncld , 26125iic. | RICH Sternly : dnmcstlc , fair to extra , 1 fjt\jO ; Japan.5c. . MOUASSKS-Stwdy ; Now Orleans , open ke-itlp. good to choice , 4J55c. ! KHKIOJlTS-To Mverpo-il , dull ; cotton by steam , 23c , nominal ; grain by uteam , 3'id. ' I'ltOVISJONS-llcof. KteaiJy ; family. JI2.fO inoM. J10..W ; ln-cf 'hams , J21.50r/'J2.lO / ; Jll.50iil2.iO ; < > lly t-xti-ii Imlin mccs , dit inpats. llrm ; plcklcil bellli * . f.7 > - "i70" " : prlitl Khouldcr * . t5.7ii ou ; kli'd huniH. JS.6T69.5" ! U-ird. llnner ; wwit- cm ' ri iii clo-sej Ji.27H ; city , J3.76 ; Janmry , JS 30 , nc iilntil ; rcllnestronstr ! : continent. J6.50 ; South America. J3.70 ; compound , J3.i7i- < ' / ' , > t < rk. ( Irm , mess , JlO.r-AHll Oft ; short clear. 511 r/M/izsn. family , JI2.2ofn2.75. Tal low , weaker , city. 5f/jtic , country. B'soic. MKTAL45 Improvcmer't ' In the Kn'll ' ! 'i mf-tnl market nnl : n qnlrkMilnst of demnml here had n jrTpngtht'nlns ' pffc.it upon tin di.d Belter tr-lfv , causln ? n slight uplift In prices of the fotnier. The rest of the list , Jiowpvcr. was norvclc * ? and devoid of spe cial ffalurp. At the. . cloe the Mflal ex- rh-dnut' < nlltl pi ? Iron warraivts dull ; tin , llrm at J2S.OO , nominal ; lake copper , un changed t Jlfl.fi fill 30 , Ifiid. steady with1 JI.70 bid and Jl.7r. nskrvl : spelter , llrm but quiet \\lth J TO 'hid ' ami JI.RO n ked. The brtkrrs' price for lend Is JI.4S nnd for cop per JIB. SO. OMAHA CJnNEUAlTTl.UmnT. Condition of Trade nnd Qtiotnilnnn nn Slniili * nnil I'nnpy Produce. IJGGS-Rocolpts , Increasing ; fresh stock. weak at 12iic. DUKSSKD I'OUI/mY-Choleo to fancy turkeys 9r ; duckc , 7Hf8c ; goesp. TUff Kc ; sprliiK chicken ? , 7u7'ijc ' ; hens , Ciff"c ! ! roosters , ifiiic. l.IVK I'OIM.TRY - Hens , E'ic ' : sprlnjr ] chicken. * . Cc ; old and ptng y roos-ters , 2o ; I i dicks , fii c ; Kete , fi'vr ; turkeyB , ( Vfj'cv i UrTTKR-Common to fair. l ' , jc ; choice , | I . lij19p ; separator , 23c ; gathered creamery , I ' Mve , per doz. , 75c. VKALS Choice , ! > c. OAMIC-nucks , mallards. J3.00S3.2. > ; blue wing teal. JI.75 : grren wing teal. Jl.35fTl.50 ; mired ducks. J1.MWJ2.00. OYSTHIlS-Mpdliim. per can , ISc ; stand ard , per can , 22c ; bulk standard , per gal. . $1 23 ; extra select" , per car. , snc ; extra PC- ' lects , pr gnl. . J1.COJJI.75 ; New York counts , I per can , 37c ; New York count" , ncr 100. J1.25. HAY ' 1'er carload lots : Hplnrd , fholce , ; , Jfi ; tnldlnml. choice. J3.M ; lowlind , choice , j J3 ; r.Ve straw , choice Jl.tO ; No. 3 corn , 2i,4c ) ; i No. 3 whlto oats. 22'ic : cracked corn , per ton , $11 ; corn and oiffhopped , per ton , } ll.0 ; bran , per ton. > 12 ; f.horts , per ton , J13. VKOKTAULISS. y-\\- ; : Tru.NMra-Per dozen bunches , COo. SPINACH-Per box. JI. XI3\V HKKTS-Per doz. bunches. COc. RAniSHKS-1'cr 40c. - doz. bunches. LETTl'CH-I'er doz. bunches , 40o ; fancy head lettuce , per bbl. , J3. S\VI3HT I'OTATOES-Pcr bbl. . Illinois. J3 : Jerseys , ? ! > ; large bbls. , Kansas. J2.73. POTATOES PIT bu. , choice , 30033c. CAHHAOK-Holland "ted. 2c. CAtlLIFI.OU'ER-Callfornla , per crate , $2.50. ONIONS Retail , yellow. 75c ; red , SCfj90c ; i Oidos. tier bbl. , J2.2S. CELERY Per doz. . 253300 ; California , per bunch , 10f7.i : . TlTRNIPS-Rutnbagas. per Ib. , Itfe ; Ca nadian. 1ic ; per Wbl. , $2. MTSHROOMS-Pcr Ib. box. SOc. TOMATOES-Klorldn , per C-baskct crate , HHUHAUn-Per doz. . COc , FRUITS. APPLES Choice western shipping stock. $3.00r(3.BO ; New York stock , J3.760I.O ) : fniipy. J4.nOJT4.7S. ORAPES Malaga grapes , per bbl. , J7.00JJ ) 9.00. 9.00.CRANBERRlESRell CRANBERRlES-Rell and Bugle , per bbl. J7 ; Jerseys , $ G.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. OKANOES Mexican , per box , J3 ; Cali fornia imvals , per box. J3.25ff3.50 ; California seedlings , per box , J2.50JJ2.75. LEMONS -California fancy , J3.75 ; choice California , $3.50 ; Messina. J4. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY-Prr 21-scctlon CRBC , J3.23. NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , J1.23 ; shellbarks , J1.35. FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box , Jl ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , J1.10 ; imported llgs , per 11) . . 13c. HIDES , TALLOW" . ETC. H'lDES-No. 1 green hides , Sc ; No. 2 green hides , 7c ; No. 1 saltqd hides , 9c ; No. 2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. . 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW , GREASE. ETC Tallow , No. 1 , 4c : No. 2 , 34c ; rough , 2c ; whlto grease , 24G3Uc ; yellow nnd brown grease , 2\403c. St. I.ouln CSrnln uiiil 1'rorlHlonn. ST. LOl'IS. Jan. M. WH'EAT Higher : No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 70'fcc : crack , 70'.4 ( ii'l'/ic ; January , 70T c ; May , 70T c ; July , isa4iiitiS74c ; ; No. 2 hard , C6iJ67c ; receipts , 6,070 bushels' . CORN Higher : No. 2 ca. h. 31c : track , 32c ; January , 31c : May , 32c ; July , 32'i8C. OATS Firm : No. 2 cash. 23ic ; track. 24ic ; January , 23-4c ; May , 21',4e ; No. 2 white , 25)4c. ; ) RYE Firm ; G3c. FLOl'R L'nclianged ; patents , J3.40iJ3.BO : extra fancy. J3.03 73.15 ; clear. J2.73JT2.90. SEEDS-Tlmothy , J2.0002.35 ; llaxseed , er nit W.EO. COUNMKAL Steady , I1.75S1.SO. HRAN Lower and dull ; sacked , cast tn.ck. C3c. HAY Tlmot'tiv. llrm at J9.50S11.CO ; prairie , steady at J7.u056.50. AVHISKY-Stendy , Jl.23',5. COTTONTIES-J1.10. HEMP TWINE-9c. PROVISIONS Dry salt boxed meats , ex tra shorts , J5.75 ; clear ribs , J5.87',4 : clear sides , J6. Bacon , extra shorts , J0.25 ; clear ribs , Jf .37Vi ; clear 6 ! l > s , JS.50. Pork , steady ; old , $1.25 ; new. J11.25. Iwird , quiet ; prime ilf"/m. / $3.C2' ; choice , 5.G7Vi. METALS Lead. quiet ; J4.S2 % J.Co. Snelti'r , strontr : JI.CO. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 6V4c : tur- Iceyd , 7c : ducks , V',4c ; geese , 5c. RfEiCKIPT3-Klour. 3.KX ) H'i wheat , 6,0 < X > bu. ; corn. 32,000 bu. : oaits , 3U.OOO bu. . ' s'i iir , ti.COO bills wheat , 19,000 bu. ; corn , 19,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. Ittittcr. I'VTK nnil Choi-xe Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 2 < 3. BUTTER Ptewi'y ' anil1 fair demand ; fancy western L.ieimery : Kc : fani.-y western prints , 2&c. EGGS Dtill anil Ic. . lower ; fresh nearby and western. ICc ; fresh s-outhwcstern and southern , ISc. CHF.KriH Firm but quiet. NEW YORK , Jan. M.-BUTTER Re- eoipls , 3flS ( pkgs. : steady ; Jwio creamery , ' 20fi23c : western , 2125c ; factory , ! CfJ19c. CI1EIC3E Receipts , 1.2M : pkg.i. ; steady ; fall made , fancy , large , 12'iW13c ; fall made , fancy , small , n'JiSilSc ' ; largo , late made , H4 < ! il2c ; small , late made , 12JJ1211C. EGGS Receipts. 8,532 pkgs. ; veak ; west ern , . IDc , IOPS off ; western , ungraded , at mark , UWlSc. ST. IXHTIS. Jnn. BUTTER-Steady < ; creamery , 2V&25c ; dairy , 16' 20c. EGOS-Hlfc'her ; 13i,4c. CHICAGO , Jan. iW. BUTTER Steady ; creameries. 19f2lc | : dairies , 1SIJJ22C. EGGS-Stendv ; fresh , 15c. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 26. BUTTER cicamery. 20S23c ; dairy. ISc. EG < 3S Steady ; freriiM lssourl and Kansan Block , llrsts , 12c , cafva returned. Ilvi > riool Craln anil I'rovlnlonn. L1VBRPOOL , Jan. 26. W'HEAT-Spot. No. a re < l western , winter , llrm at 5s 9V d ; No. l northern , spring , llrm at Kt HV4d ; No. 1 California. Cs Z'/idfiCs ' 3d. Futures , steady ; March , 5s ! tid ; May , r > s 9-d. CORN Spot , American mixed , new , firm 7s. PROVISIONS-Lnrd. American refined , in palls , easy nt 32s 9d ; prime western , In tierces. Htendy at 30s Cd , CH'EESE American llnest white , steady nt 57H Receipts of wheat during the last three days. 230.000 centals , all American ; receipts of AmertTiin corn durlne the lant three. dnys , 27S.700 centals. Weather cloudy nnd threatening. m Cl ( > - C m I n mill ProvlnloiiK. KANSAS CITY , Jan. M.-WIIRAT-Mfty , f > t'4c ' : cash , No. 2 hard. f-T/ic ; No. 3 hard. SOJi&fllfce ; No. 2 red , 70S71c ; No. 3 , C5 69c ; receipts. 30 cars. CORN May , 2flT c ; cash. No. 2 mixed , 2SJtfis4c ; No. 2 while , SOHffSOVic ; No. 3 , . OATS No. 2 white , 2iig-2lic. | IlYK Nn. 2 , 5UKc. HAY-ChoIco timothy , J9,00g9.50 ; choice prairie. J7.00j7.2T > . RECEIPTS-Wheat , 1SVX ( ) bu. ; corn. 19,500 bu. ; oata , K.OOO bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 10,200 bu. ; corn. 20- 100 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. Tolftlo .MiirUof. TOLEDO , O. . Jon. M.-AVHEAT-Actlve for futures ; llrm ; No. 2 cash , "llfcc ; May , i3'/c bid. CORN Dull but steady ; No. 2 mixed 33c OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed. SHiS ! RYE Dull but llrm : No. 2 carti. 57c. . SKHDH'lovi r. 'higher ' ; prime cash , old , JI.90 asked ; Mai-da , J5.S2. .H Wlicnl nnil Flour. MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 2 < 3.-WHEAT-In Btoro : No. 1 northern. January. K5c ; May. C3c ; July. C7jC7'ic. ] On track : No. l hard , 67c ; No. 1 northern , CC'sc ; No. 2 northern , C3ic. ! FLOUR-Flrst patents , J3.45ff3.55 ; other truilcs. on that basis. BRAN-Unclmriucd. Milwaukee ( iritlu MnrKet , MILWAUK'EE , Jan. -WHEAT Mar ket higher ; No. 1 northern , 67)70 ) ; No. 2 northern. IBfiCiii-c. RYE-Steady ; No. 2 , 55Uc. HAULEY-Stcady ; No. 2 , 46o ; Bample , 35fj 4tc. ! I'rorlu tll. , Jan. 25. CORN-Stendy ; No. 3 , 31c. OATS-OuU't : No. 2 white. 2lc. \VHl3KY-Klrm on the basis of Jl,23',4o ' for llnlpliutl goods. DiilulliVlnnl .Mnrl.el. Dt'U'TH. Jan J6.-WHEAT-NO. 1 hard. cash , & ' ; ' - , > , y. l nort'icrn , cash , 654c ; May. 67' c July. M' c. Xo 2 norlhrrn , ' C2'ic ' ; No. 3 , prlng , 9 < AVIirnl Al\iinceN ut NIMV Vi > rU. NEW YORK. Jnn. 2(5.-Sr ( > eculatlon In wheat wai unusually active today , bulls I , obtaining n grip on the market that re- I syltrd In lUe advance. An ndvatice of 3 0 n bilihel In Paris wheat , attended by con- > tlrma ion of crop damage rumors , brougnt . on heavy covering by local IntereMn and j considerable Investment buying likewise. In addition to this strong new ? Me market ' was Inllupiiced by report. ? that Rosnrlo , Ar- wentlnn , , iad befi- closed by the plague. May whfiit In this markpt. after opening Htrong nt "a'fce. jiolil up In the tact hour In 74'4a nnd clo. l nervous nt " .T-ic. It wn. , In fai t , the biggest day that bulls hnvo seen In montris and srntlment was corre spondingly bnoyntv . Ml > VI2MH\'l'S UK KTOfUS AMI IO.MS. t Mnrltrt Almost Sliiuuimt nnil I'rlrci Co Don n U eitKiicMN In l.iiiidoii. NBW YORK , Jan.The recor.1 of thp d.iy on 'ilio ' St > ck ext nnup wn u repetition rf yflei " ly In Inert'-i , but pllces went down Instead cf up. as W-.IN tile c-i , o yi.t- . terday. The retlrcTiienii of the [ Irltlro frr.n Spl > rj ! < o ; > , ha 1 us 1'ttle ' Inllucncp as did the prevle-'is day's news of the iiici-e s thero. Opening 7 > rli-r.i p.hii\\cl rmrp ; de- lines , In- Iprnntlonaj Hocks lielng quolrd M nb " .H the LorJcn parity. The weaknest In Loiv.lon hul'ticcd no selliiiK here , Jmwever , and the looil ir.a-.ier ! were dl'-posed lo 'buy ' Iho stocks nll'pml f-r Ixiivlan account In the - w.iy tha-t they sold yesterday lo mpi-'t ! Loivlon dcinr.ind. No attempt was np- I parent to bid up price. , as the local dealers 'seemed cirAent to lake the one rliiR * nt tno London level of prices. The sales fnr I.on- ; c'.on lui.-ount were estimated. : it something over 20U , ' ) . very evrnly distributed . 'imoiig : the. viirlofi Iri'ernatlonnl slocks. 'I his eon- I Htlltitcd fie bulk of 'the ' eXiy's huslners In railroad -locks ntv.l rr.'i-es ' In 1'hit ' dr > nM- i n cnt revcr i.t far from the opening level. ! Much of the greater portion of tHie day's small business wa * In the t-pcftllntlvp In- distn.ils and j.j.ilaities. . These/were wc-nU from the start. The wcakno.v < In Sugar was nlitrlL.ntc > l t'o ' operations 'by ' .t f ; > -'illative ' ? clique. . Metrt.xilltan nr.ido a momentary show of flrmnciis on belief In a htoli ! Inilio closing of the conitract for ithe rapid trunMt tftll el. The ) Rli'Vier ' stoi ks , iwhle'i have tint be active recently , wenu'orced i > 'wn I nnd 3 pc-.r'ts ' , rcspeci.Cvely , font recovered 2 1 ilntM each. On ihe curb Now Amsterdiim Gas was rnr.llirr nctlvo anil strong nnd SlrnelnnJ Oil advance ! 'to ' a now high level. Returns by the leading banks on the cur- rency movement for the week Indicate chat the nt'i receipts for the Interior by express have betn 'but sllgihtly le s than last week , buit the. giUnis on subtre.isury opem-l'.ciu worn little more * llhan .l.ilf : those of last week , owliiK to diminished pension ellshurse- ments and continiu-d heavy recel-pts. The total gain In iMsh Uif't'he ' ' banks Is estimated at nnr $7.0T.1.0CO. H Is evident that stivlt exchange operations have made no demands on , lnp loan accounts of the banks. Hut the placing of time loans anil the buying of mercantile paper may havu 'further ex- paim'.cd loan acewutws. 'Iho sale , of Now Vork City bonds during the week may also be reflected In the loan acnotint. ' The bond market made further Drosre steward toward dullness and ths tone was rather raster. Total snlei par value , il.oi .i.i ' . I'nl "d Static old 4 * nnrl the 5s , coupon , ad vanced U In tlie bid price. The ( -'o-mmcrclal Advertiser's London lli < vn > cial OiVblcigram fays : There was a slump In'the maikei : hero on me announce ment of the abar.'Jor.i.-nent ' of Splonkop by General Warren. The m'scn wa not un- dertocicf. there bolr.ij no explanatory word In the dlrappolntlnff dippatoh. About mid day there 'was ' a sllg'ht rally , which , how ever , was followed by a fres'h ' relapse and the ttose was near the wor.-'t. In some quarteris 'I'ho ' ' SoJonkop rovciso was * ir-icr- 1 > reted iaa itho most serious tiiius far in the campaign , unless same unexpectc 1 explana tion unu.ll be recc4s-uJ. Como ! closed nt par , 76. a fall of \ , Americans followed the general move-mewc , but finally .hardcniU . on New York purport. Paris was nervous , felling Spanish 4t > an'd tlntos. There was no gold movement. 'Money ' was still e-asy , although -lihls was so-ttlement day , nnd b'ils ' were ollere1 , ! more freely. The foreign ex change wan as follows : Purls cheque , 20.1S ; 'Berlin ' , 20.4SU. The following are the quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : Atchison 19. _ _ do pfd bOifc Union Pacific . . . . 4S4s Baltimore & O. . . 37ai do pfd 74 % Canadian Pa fl.l'AValiash 7 > , i Canada So IS do pfd 2014 Cnes. & Ohio 23Mr W. & L. K 9i Chicago Gt. W. . 13V4 do 2d pfd. . . . 2Ui : ) C. , B. & Q ] 21fc Win. Central . . . . 17V4 Chi. I. & L 13 Adams Ex Ill do pfd 45 Amer. Express . .140 Chi. & K III./ . S7 4L. t > . Ex 47 Chicago & N. AV.1M Wells-Fargo I3x..l23 C. , R. I. & P..HV A. Cot. Oil 3.1'i C. , C. , C. & St. L. tO'.l do pfd 92',4 Colorado So 5Vi Amcr. Malting574 do 1st pfd. . . . 43 i do pfd 27 do 2d pfd 1414 Amer. S. & R. . . . SS i Del. & Hudson..114 , do pfd 8S Del. L. & W 174 Amer. Spirits . . . . 3 Den. & Rio G. . . . 17 do pfd 17 do pfd GSUAmer. S. II 42 Erie U do ptd SIde do latpfd. . . . 32 Amcr. S. & W. . . . 4S % Gt. Nor. pfd IKi do pfd ! ) OV4 Hocking Coal . . . . 16 Amer. Tin Plate. . 28V4 Hocking Valcy..31 i do pfd 80 Illinois Central . .114 Amer. Tobacco . . 99'i Iowa Central . . . . 1216 do pfd 135 do pfd 52 A. Mill. Co 39 % 1C. C. , P. & G. . . . 8 , ' Brk. Rap. Tr 71 % L. K.V 22 'Colo. K. & 1 42 > ,4 . do pfd S3U Con. Tobacco . . . . 3H4 , Lake Shore 194 I do pfd M i Louis. & Nosh. . 7SWl'"ederal Steel . . . . 503 * ' Manhattan L . . . . 93 % do pfd 72 % i Met. St. Ry 1US Gen. Electric . . . . .1224 Mex. Central . . . . 11 % Glnco-e Sugar . . . 53',4 Minn. & St. L. . . . 5S I do pfd 93 do pfd 90VInl'n'A ! Piper . . . . 22'A Mo. Pacific 42i' ? ' do pfd ti7 i Mobile & Ohio . . 40 J.acledo Gas 7S' , Ms. ! , K. & T 10 Nat. Biscuit ? .G'/4 do pfd 33 ' do pfd 92 > K. J. Central..UGH National Lead . . 2G N. Y. Centra.133UI ! do pfd 105 Nor. & West 24H National Steel . .40 ! I do pfd S91i I do i.fd 92 No. Paclllc Cl 'X. Y. Air Brake.HO do pfd 73H No , American . . . 14 % Ontario .t W 21'i Pacific Const . . . . fii Ore. Ry. & Nav. 42 i do 1st pfd. . . . K ! do pfd 7i ( do 2d pfd M Pennsylvania . . . .13 IPncIflc Mall 4294 Reading 17 ? People's Gas . . . .103r > i , do 1st pfd. . . . 50 .Pressed . S. C 6374 do 2d pfd. . . . 27 | do pfd 87 j i , Rio. G. W 40 iPu'/Imun P. C..1S7 ! do pfd S5 iStnnd. R. & T. . . . K I I St. L. & S. K. . . . 9U Surar 115 % ' , do 1st pfd. . . . 4ft I do pfd UW , I do 2d nfil. . . . 33 ITenn. C. ft ; 1 82'.4 St. L. S. AV lltfjU. S. Leather. . . . 4G'i , do pfd 27 I do pfd 75 > i St. Paul 11771 U. S. Rubber 28 do pfd 170 I do pfd W ) St. P. & Omaha.120 'Western ' Union . . SG'A , So. Pacific J7's ' Republic I. & S. . 20'i ' So. Ral'way 11 % ' do pfd IT , I _ dq _ pfd ' ST-i ' , P. C. C. & St. L. 7GU Ex-dlvl'dend XIMV York Money llnrkel. NEW YORK , Jan. S 1. MONEY-On call , i C'aclcr at 2QJI per cent ; last lonn at 3 per cent ; prime mercantile .paper , 4UW5U- Per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-FIrm , with ac- tunl business In bankers' blllp nt $ I.S7'42i' ' ' 4.S7Vi for ilciniir-a and at $ I.S4V'iij'I.S4 < ; . fir sixty days ; jiot'ejl ' rates. J1.S3 nnd $ I.8S ; commercial hills. tl.S3U04.S3-V , . I FILVKR-C'ertincates , MHgcO'.ic ; bar , i C9 c ; Mexican doUnro. ! 7'/jc. ' BONDS Government , ftrong ; state. Inac tive' ; railroad , easier. The following nro the closlns quotations on bonds : I ; i do ,1i. reg liili'J ' No. Cnrolua us. . 127 do coupon 110 do 4s 10,1 new 4s , reg 132 Nor. Pae. Is I'O ' < do coupon ISI" ; No. Pacific 3s. . . . BU7t ' do old 4s , reg--IHU ' 4 < 103H do coupon 1U',4N.Y.C. ' g. do Bs , reg 112 N.V. . . c. 4s. . . . 9T.6 I do coupon 113 ilo gon. Gs 129 D. of C. 3 Ms..119 1" N'av. . . . . . . I ' Atch. gen. 4H..10B4 do 4s 10114 do adj. 4s 81' , ; Ore. H. L Cs 123 % Canada So , 2s 109 do con. Ct1 112 Chea.i O. 41,43. . 971 Reading gen. 4s. . S4U do ( is llfi'S R. G. W. Ii ib-i i C. & N. con. 7M..H2U St.L. & I..M. U.5K.1I2 do S. R d. 6s..120 St.L. & H.F.g. Ss.119 , Chicago Ter. 4i. . U3 St. Paul consols.PI7V-I D. & R. G. li . . . .103 St. P. C. & P. Is.119 " do 4s 99UI do Bs 11' ) E. T. V. & G. ls.101 So. Ry. Bs 107 1 Erie. gen. 4s GS4 ! S. R. & T. C < SI K. AV. & D. C. la. 71 Tcnil. n. s. 3s. . . . 9 > Gen. E'ectrlo r.s.119 Tnx. & Pae. Ii 1124 G. H. & S. A. Gs.103 do 2s M do 2s inr Union I'ai'lllc 4s..l04i- , H. & T. C. 6s..llO'/i ' Wabasli Is 1151 ? do con. Cs 11" do 2da I0\/i \ la. Central Is..UJifc West Hhnro 4i..l'l ! , K. C. , P. & G. Is. fiSH Wls. C'entrnl Is. . Wi ! . La. new con. 4s.lOi > KiVa. Centuries SI I L. & N. mil. 4 . . 93Wl do deferred . . . . .5 Mis. . K. & T. 2s. iMjlColo. So. 4s S5i do 4s 90 | So. Paclllc 4 . . . . 82 % N. Y. C. la 109 Offered. Furrlun Kliiiuiolnl , LONDON , Jan. 26. The market for Amer- i lean securities opened lower on unfavorably advices from South Africa. Later prices rallied slightly nnd continued quiet , with n hardening tendency to the close , which was steady. ISuslncsH was limited to pro fessional traders. Gold premiums art ) limited an follows : Ilneiios Ayres , 131 ; Madrid , j 2P.40 ; Lisbon , 43.50 ; Rome , 7.17. Bar gold , 77a 9Ud. IlKRLIN. Jan. 26. Exchunge fur London , 20m 4S ) < pfg for checks ; rate of dlKCount for short bills. 3'a per cent and for three months' bills 37 per cent. The weekly xtutemcnt of the Imperlul Rank of Ger many shows the following changes : Cash In hand. Increase , 4I.S.SO.OOO mnrk . treasury nod s , incr , .IM . i.aifl.ofO marks , othpr securl- ties. dpcM-iisp. riHt ; ooi marks , notes In clr- pulatlon , ( lecreaj-c , Cfi.fMO.dcO marks. Price * opened tlnn on thp bourse today , owing to the ease of money , but on receipt of the un favorable wnr news they relap. cd. PARIS , Jnn. 2'i. ' Prices were weak nt the opening on the bourse today , nwtnit lo the nnnouncemeiit of thp abandonment of Splonkop by the Hrlll. < h troops , and durltiR the day International securities werp quirt. Knfllr. < were greatly agltalPd. closing weaker. Other departments were dull. Rio tlnto * were adversely affected , owing lo large realizations on linrlliip copper nnd the iinconllrinntlon of n rumor that'll dividend was to be paid. Thice per cent rente. * . UHlf 2c for the account : exchange on London , 2of ISe for chocks ; Spanish 4s , GS.27 % . Tlosldii Moi-U ( luotnlloii" . BOSTON. Jnn. : tl.-Call loans. 4'MiB ' per cent : time loans , 4Q5 per cent. Closing prieen for stocks , bonds nnd mining ; I shares : i A. . T. * S. F 19'S'r"do ' ' prd " 777.110 I do pfd CD | West. KlPctrlc . . 41 . Amer. Sugar . . . . .11M4Vlsi Central 17 % ; do pfd Ill Unin. Coal 41 Bell Telephone . .312 do pfd US ' Boplon & Alb'y.,210 Allollcr. Mill. Co. 3 i Hos'on E evated. . 9 < 5 At'nntle 24 % C. . B. * Q 121 4 Hoston & Mont..2Vi ( Fltchburg pfd . . .122 'Butte. ' .t Ro'tOll. . 48 Gen. Electric . . . .122V. Cal. .1 Hccla 740 dj pfd rr , ' "pntennlal 15',4 Federal Steel . . . . W ) ; Franklin 14 do pfd 73 Ose-eola i > ! ' Mtx. Central . . . . 111 ; Parrot 4014 Mle-h. Telephone.101 Qtllncy 110 Old Coony 20H 'Pnnta ' Fe Cop. . . . K Old Domln'on . . . 1s ITnttinrack 175 Rubber 37 IWInonn Union Paelllc . . . IS' ' , Wolverines S9'4 ' Union Land 3 Utah 23 West End yjifcl E-i'.ivldend. \u\v York MlnliiuStnel < . NEW YORK. Jnn. 26.-The following I nre the oillclal closing quotations for milling - | ing shares : i Chollnr 22 Ontario WO Crown Point 12 Ophlr 6'1 ' Con. t'nl. it Vn..l40 i-.yinoutli S Deadwood CO Quicksilver ! ' Gould A : Currie. . 20 I do pfd > Ha'e & Norcross. 35 Sierra Nevada . . 45 llompstukc > inOO Standard -W Iron Sliver B2 Vision Con 2.i i Mexican 30 i Yellow Jacket . . . 0 T.oiuloti Stock Cl LONDON , Jan. 2G.-1 p. m.-Closlng : C'onso'.s , money. . 10ol < TNr Y7 Ccntral. . . , 130 % do account. . lwT Peniisy'vanlaCG Can. Paclllc . PG % Reading . ! > Erlo . IHdNo. Pacific pfd. . ; i > 7 do 1st pfd. . . . 3H : ( , Atc'nlson . HH Illinois Central. .115 * Lousvllle ! . SO' * IT. p. ] , fl . 77 lornnd Trunk . % St. Paul , com..J21 _ I Anaconda . S'.fc Ex-dividend. BAR SILVER-Stcady at 27 7-lCd per ounce. MONEY lai(32 ( per cent. The rate ol dlrcount In the open market fur ril'ort bills in 3 per cent : for three months' bills , . " ! l-lCit U r > cr cent. llnnU ClearliiKH. BOSTON. Jan. -Clearings , $10 S32.2fl ; balances , JlS,2i,7li4. , NEW YOKK. Jan. 2G.-Clcnrlllgs , $156,322- . 320 ; balances , J7.7S2.302. i CHICAGO , Jan. SH.-Cle-.irlntfS , J18,430,9.50 : balances , $ l&Ss,4 0 : pos.ed exchange , Jl.SSfi ) 4.SS ; New York exchange , SOc premium. j PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 26. Clearings , I J1G.2S0.5I4 ; balances. J2,2S5,5GO. BALTIMORE. Jan. 2G.-Cearlngs ! , J2.S57- ! 2IG ; balanced , J-T73.0S7. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 2G.-ClenrlngS. J4,451.GOri ; Imlances , J3S5.C44 ; money , 4ij'7 per cent ; New York exc lange , SOc premium bid , 50c premium asked. Condition of ( In * Treasury. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2G. Today's s'nte- ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , J2i9OtHOJ9 ; Bold reserve , f21SSM.177. London AViio LONDON , Jan. 26. The flrst'serlcs of the colonial wool salts for this year closed to day. The offerings today numbered 13,151 bales and consisted of rather fair cata logues. Competition In merinos was irood , especially the continent. New England cross-breds were In good demand and were taken by the hem trade at full rates. Good lines of scoured stock were taken by the American representatives. During the series there were many withdrawals. The home trade purchased 47,000 bales , the con tinent 30,000 and America 4,000. There were 57.000 bales carried over. After the strength of the last series 'and ' encourncing trade conditions and short supplies another rise was generally expoetUd at the opening of the present series' 'Hut Instead the sale opened with hesitation on part of the buyers. Minor cross-breds sold par to 5 per cent , but soon eased oft to " ' .b lO ner cent below the December series. This weakness was due to the dear money con ditions and the unsettled political conditions In South Africa. The continental buyers were rather cautious at first nnd the home tradn was quiet In speculations owing to the unhealthy trade reports. Later oper ators became more confident , especially the. continental and American buyers , and ns n result prices advanced considerably , par ticularly for coarse nnd medium cross-brejs and fine greasy merinos. The closlns tone of the series was steady nt about December - ber rates and occasionally 5 per cent higher. Cape of Good TIope and Natal wools were neglected and largely withdrawn. Follow ing Is today's sale In detail : New South "Wales , 1,200 bales ; scoured , Sd01s ld. Queensland , l.COO bales ; scoured , Is V-dfffls 9d ; greasy , lOdSls 2d. Victoria. 2.500 bales ; ! scoured , 7I4di2s 6'/4d ; greasy , 7dfTls ld. South Australia , 1,300 bales ; greasy , 5djils ld. West Australia , 100 bales ; greasy , G-74d flls. Now Zealand , 5,100 bales ; scoured. I ( VHiKfln 9d : greasy , DdSls 2d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal , l.SOO bales ; scoured. Is 2d ; greasy. Is 2d. Buenos Ayres , L'03 bales ; greasy , 4V4f < Sd. Cofton .Market. NEW YORK , Jan. 25.-iC3TTON Firtitrcs clcwl fCcady : January. JT.fS : February , J7.G1 ; March , , $7.19 $ ; April. J7.T ; May and June , S7.l ; July. J7.K1 : August , J7.50 ; September , M.97 : October , JC.79 ; NoveTjber and Deconi- ber JG.75. Spot close * ! quiet aril 1-lCc .higher ; middling1 uplaT.di ? , Sc ; mWJllnff gulf , SKc ; sales , none. NEW OHIUCANS. Jan. 21.-COTTON- Qulet am ! firm : sales. 1.4 ? ) fjit s ; orllnnry , fi"-iroj rood Tdlr.iary , G 15-lGc : l-'W ' nr'ddllng ' , 7ic : middling , 74e ; goal miiiiMiPT. 7 13-lGc ; middling fair , SHc ; receipts , 3.C57 bales ; ? to > 'k. 37S,4il : ba'ps. Future * , steady ; Janu- nry. J7.3S ibid : Frfminry. J7.30 bM- March , $7.3S1 < 7.3S ; April. J7.37fi7.151 : May. S'.XSil.M ; jji'lie. i'.ZlTn.yi ; July , Ji.Siffii.SS ; Auwst , S7.10fi7.20 ; September. W.7WIG.7October ; , JS.SI'SO.oii. ST. LOUI'S. ' Jan. 2 . - < * OTTON-Stondy nr.i > uncluir.eed ; sales , ncrc ; mldillmr , ,7'-li'c ) ; rccc'iots. ! > 7I bill. ' ; ifhljimenta , 1.4G1 li.ihs..Nick ! S C5S . ' .Ml , . I ' OALVESTON. Jan. M.-COTTON-FIrm nt i ' ! 9-lOc. | LIVERPOOL , Jan. 23. COT'ION-Epot , ntiU't u ml prl'T l-32d lower : Amierlcan mil- dllu ? fair , l2-r.2d : rood mliKUIn ? , 421-ri : ; , miiillli'-- ' I IS- " . ' . ! ; 1 w mlil.-lllnp. 4 l-r' ? > l ; KO > ! loidlnary , 43-32-1 : 01 d. . nary. 43-fJ.l. The siT'i of"he , day were S.O.V ) bale ? , of w'llch KO were for speculation ami Included 7.100 American ; ( reielp'i * . 3 IU ! > bales , nil American. Futures ! openc'l fte-idy and < losed ( pilet at the de-I dine : A merit .in ml Ailing. I. m. c. , January , ! 14 iii-flld , Kellers : January < ind February , | 427-Dld , sellers ; Fuliruary and .March. 4 211-fil i42l-i : d. value ; .Marfh and Anrll , 4 13-GIW I3I-C4.I , buyer- April nnd May.I lii-CU , ! Kellers ; May and Jisnri , 4 13-C.ld. buyeri ; Juno ! 'ar.,1 July , I 10-GITi I 11-64' ' . ! . buyers ; July srnd 'August. I S-iilfi-1 ! ) - . ! . seller ; Au--uBt nnd' ' Sopti mber. I 2-Olf/1 / 5-64il. buyers ; September an 1 October. 3M-Gtt335-'rld , biiycis ; Octtvljcr and November , 3 ISGlf493M ! , buvrrs ; No- vimbcr ami nccomber , 345-Clf3 | 4G-61d , llnrkof , NEW YORK , Jan. 20-COFFEE The cofiee ina'ket opened steady , with prices | H points higher on local buying , but Hiihsc- quently went off under upocnlii'lve ura'.r.iy and Hint profit-taking ; Mien rallied nga'.n Icier In the session on local support. For eign imirket ncwc and statistics held out little Inducemcn to Hither side. ' 1 he out- Bldo public manifested IndllTerence ; the war news d'd not figure as nn Influence of lin- portame. Prlc-es went off In the last hour under selling for bot'li ' accounts. The mar ket closed quiet , nut unchanged to 5 points lower. Teal Fiiles wore CD.2y > buirs , Includi I Ing.'Uanuary , ? 6.91 : March. Jfi.954/7.09 / ; , May , ' J7.OJ177.10 ; July , J7.IOfi7.15 ; Septi'inhcr , $7.2 > tC 7.30 ; December , J7.Sol)7.40. ) Spot. Rio. quiet ; No. 7 , Invoice. Stic : No. 7 , lobbing , S ic. Mild , ttrady ; Cordova. Si < ( jl2 .iC. Dry ( iooilN Mnrkel. NEW YORK. Jan. 2D.-DRY GOODS De mand for brn'vn cotloin for delivery lifter I'obriiary KliowM an Ini'Wovfmejil ' ; Hhet'tlnss ' Bolllus better than drills ; bleached cotton * ! quiet but steady ; dc.nlma tendlni : ur.-.var4 ' ; I ! other coarse colored goods flrnr prints llrm. I i with pteutly dtmond ; print -cloths quiet : re's- ' ularii steady ; eiiJds easier for dlKanl dcllv- . e-rloi < ; HIICIM coutlmiearcc and very I xtrong ; burlui.s quiet nn l prices firm. I VlNll.l..Sn : < : ilv of Collon. I ' NEW ORLEANS . " . , Jan. "G.-Sccrelury lies- ' Icr'H statement of Hie visible supply cf cot ton MIOWH a total vl.-lblo of 4 10 ,2O bales. I ilS'liiHt I.Ifi ! , > 3l laM week. F.TC.740 iait year' and 4,927.12:1 : year before lar-t Of this the ' total of Aincrli-ati cottun I 3 3'W.239 baled , i ngaliiHt 3.43I.KU lust week. 4. : 2.710 | u t year and 4,22l. < 20 year before last. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ecof Oattle Secra to Be in Dtnnnd by the Killers. COW STUFF /CTIVt AT.STRONG PRICiS HORN Slimv nnilnnrc of Klto tn Trti lull Trmlr It Xol Aellvr l.ntnlm In llriiinml mid ! ! lulicr. SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. Sfi. Receipts wore : Cattle. HeiRf. Sheep. Ofllclnl Monday 2.C04 3,46 r-1- Olllclnl .Tuesday 3,877 S.1IS 4,123 Olllclal Wednesday,2t 7.491 l.JM CMllclnl Thuiseiay 3.W7 IJ.KW 2.47S Ultlclul Friday 2,195 1i9i 2.970 Klvo dnys tills \veok . . . .13.316 30,148 1C.1S9 Sanio days lust u-rrk..ll.i23 : 3JI.S19 ll,43f Same dnysrrk before..12.3S3 Sumo ( \ ( ! ! ! , 2iblS ! 10,721 Avorugi- price pnlil fur lions f r the li t several days with comparisons ; l ! > 3.18 4. .Inn. 1 4 21 3 4i | 3 IS 3 40 , 4 22 & 13 Jan. ? 4 33 , 3 57 3 17 3 431 4 1C 5 in Jan , . " 4 21 3 B7 3 481 * 3 46 4 Os 506 'an. 4 ' . 27 3 44 3 44 | 3 23 | 3 M | 4 111 C 10 Jan. 5 I : < 7 3 I ? ; : ti , : i i7i I i 1C , 5 Itf Jan. n 4 33 3 ISI 3 3J | 3 2I | 3 i'3 | ' 1 3 07 Jan. 7 3 42)I ) 3 40 3 1S | 3 isi 4 10 ; Jan. s 4 31 I 3 I3l 3 12' S 431 4 0 > l r , 07 Jan. 9 4 35 3 431 3 14 ! 3 M4 \ 111 r , IB Jan. 10. . . . 4 35 | 3 431 I 3 51 4 S 17 Jan. u. . . . I 41 , 3 3 07 351 4 CS | 5 10 Jan. 12. . . . 43 3 60 it 47 ! * * 1 I 4 Oil 5 SI Tan , 13. . . . 4 Kl 3 5o | i 49 ii > ' 3 471 " 6 U Jan. II. . . . t 3 41) ) S 191 3 53 ! 4 11 'Jnn. 13. . . . 4 3S 3 47 3 Ml 3 591 4 11 B 101 -Inn. is. . . . 4 52 3 52 ! A I 3 22 3 Ml 3 J.KI n -1 'Jan. 17. . . . 4 4S 3 .14 3 49 | 3 721 3 S 5 13 Jnn. is. . . . 4 55 , ir > i 3 5l | 3 231 3 SSI 3 93 ! 5 13 . 'an. in. . . 4 .1 ! 3GI 3 541 3 251 ! 3 SS r. 21' Jnn. 20 4 51 J5C 3501 3 26 | 3 901 * I o 25 It'll. 21. . . . * 159 3 51 3 2 3 9iil 3 S5 | * Jim. 22. . . . 4 ftt 3 6' 3 2. ) 3 911 3 ST o 30 Jan , 2.I. . . . I 69 3 .V 323 3 SCI SI fi 33 Jnn. 21. . . . i rr 3 61 3 C2 3 92 3 S2 533 Jan. 2. > . . . . I ISj S CO 3 P.5J 3 33 ! I 00 379 5 27 Jan. 28. . . . . 4 M : i57 3 72 | 3 35' 3 S5 3 2S Indicates Sunday. The oflloial number of cars ot stock brought In today by each road w-ns : Cattle. Hogs. 9n'p. H'sew. i' . . M. .1 St. P. Ry. . . 1 5 O. St. L. Ry 2 Missouri Pacific Ry. . S 1 U. P. system 10 11 9 . . C. & N. W. Ry 2 F. , E. & M. V. R. R. . 14 13 .1 S. C. & P. Ry 1 . . . . C. , St. P. . M. , < t ( ) . . . . II 7 B. & M. R. R. R 13 It ! . . 1 C. , B. .t Q. Ry 7 4 K. C. ft St. J. Ry 2 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , W. 3 1 . . 2 Total recclHs | f.S HI 10 3 The disposition ol the day's receipts wa ns follows , e ach buyer purcliaslng the number of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 210 4V G. II. Hammond Co 5 $ SGI Swift and Company 1KI 0.1582 Cndahy Packing Co 4W 1.119 23 < Armour & Co 1S1 1.117 1.5CO Cuelnhy , Kniirns City. . . . 112 Swift , from country. 96 43) Hammond. Kansas City 41C Armour , Sioux ( 'lty 203 Vnnsaut & Co 4 Hill & IIuntzliiKpr 35 Huston & Co I1 * MvliiKstone & Schaller. . 1C2 Hamilton & Hothschlld. . 2D } , . K. Husz 53 Dennis 7 Other buyers 130 no Totals 1.579 5,2119 2,7 : About eighteen loads of rornfcd steers were on sale this mornlnjr and In addition there were seven loads rtlrert lo Cudany from Kansas City. The market us n whole did not show much change. ' 1'nere ' seemed to be a good demand for desirable kinds of fat steers and prices' ' on such could sately be quoted as llrni. However , the most of the cattle here were on the com- monlsh order , n.s usual , and the market OT ; BUO.I was no more than steady and by no means active. The most of the rattle changed handn In good season and every thing was sold and weighed up ut a icason- ably early hour. Cows and heifers seemed to be In good demand and the market was fairly active on that kind of stuff. Canners , nj well us the better kind of ctwtle , seemed to be In good demand and the offerings for tne most , part changed handn In good season at steady prlcea. Bulls , for some reason , were slow sale and the feeling was weaken on that kind of cattle , stock bulls especi ally were slow. Good feeders of good weights were all right , being good Kllers at steady prices. On the other hand , light and medium weight stuff , especially sucCi as was lack ing In quality , moved slowly and buyers seemed to have about all of that kind of rattle that they cared for today. Itepre- sentatlvo sales : BI3EF STBEUS. No. Av. Pt. No. Av. Pr. i coo y ; 25 10. . . .1030 4 5 22 - . . 907 3 50 15. . . .1154 4 70 1 1020 4 0) ) I ! , . . .1168 I SO 1 iOO 4 00 13. . . .1123 4 i,0 4 973 , 4 15 .1097 4 kO 3 960 .1175 4 S 2 1000 4 40 G. . . .11SS 4 90 11 1174 445 18. . . 3 CO 19 1038 450 34 1277 5 00 1G 9S2 455 35 1177 u CO 3 12CG 455 1 1190 B 25 2 10S7 I GO IS 1253 1G 1091 STEERS0AND HEIFERS. 925 450 12 1143 4 55 1060 4 50 15 10S3 1 83 COWS. COO 2 00 -I. . .1117 3 30 7SO 2 00 1. . .1000 3 3" urn 2 25 " . .1103 980 2 35 "i ! . .1170 1 900 2 25 3. . .1010 1. . . 910 2 35 1 , , .1020 3 40 1. . ' 890 a 35 o - , .102C 3 4' ' ) 4. , ' 1155 2 45 13- . .113. ) 3 40 B4 892 2 50 13L . .1005 3 10 5 S92 2 50 L , .1010 3 40 1 i. . 910 2 50 1. , . 840 3 10 1 900 2 50 1. , .1310 3 40 1 1070 250 5. , , .1030 3 13 1 1090 2EO 1. . .iryj 3 & ) I ! 813 2 0 , .U73 3 in 2 1075 2 50 , .1P20 .1 35 1 820 2 50 7 1017 3 GO j ' ' .1000 2 Ki 4 11CO 31:0 : 4' . . . 907 2 C > 5 G 114) I ! 03 . KM G 1100 3 lii .1040 2 l" , 12 897 3 G ) . 725 2 75 4 1113 3 G5 1 .120 2 75 1 1070 3 ( SI 1I .1220 2 JC 3 > i. ) I ,100 > 2 S3 .1115 3 70 1 . K90 2 S5 1 ,1470 , , t 73 . 909 2 90 1 1440 3 75 . 910 2 90 16 , 781 0 75 .1170 4t. , s : 'I 75 . 7BO 3 00 t. . . . . . . . . u 75 .1220 300 1 . . . . . . . . . . 3 S3 .11CO : ; 05 : i 103-1 3 S3 , 920 3 CO B 1KB 3 85 . 973 X ID 12 1120 3 K" .10N ) 310 11 life ) 3 85 .1130 3 10 3 10K ! 3 85 .11115 315 14 1UO 3 90 .1017 3 15 5 JOSO 't 90 1 .1190 3 1) 2 990 3 9. . ) 1 . 1120 .120 4 USD 3 30 8 . 114. ! II JO 1 1320 3 9) 2 . 1145 323 3 11SO 3 95 1 . 1190 32) 2 1035 4 00 1 . 1090 a 25 1 11SO 4 00 1 .1220 3 2n 1 IPM 1 no . 985 3 2.1 1 1CIO 4 10 .1070 330 2 1215 i in . 910 3 10 4 i : 7 1 10 COWS AND HEIFERS. .10W 3 90 COWS AND HEIFKRS 10 .1203 3 K5 14 10S1 4 2) HEIFERS. 1 4M ) 2 KO 2 m i m 1 . 1140 II Ki 1 7.10 4 ns SO . S9'l 1 75 4 717 4 05 ] 0 . 8G.1 3 73 G 8'15 4 (13 ( 3 . 9I Ki 1 880 I 10 2 . lOV ) 3 S3 21 846 4 10 1 . 1220 3 Sri 4 1033 4 15 12 . Ml 3 85 1 1130 4 25 C . 111G 3 90 1 1150 4 23 RIM S VI 1 , 430 4 50 UK 4 W 1 . SCO 1 0 > HULLS , 830 20- ) 1185 5 C ' , 790 3 10 1 .1480 3 75 1140 n 15 .IfilO 375 1230 : i r. .1293 375 11M1 3 28 L.L. . ,11M 3 75 1050 3 25 L.L. . ,11,70 , 3 75 11SO 3 ? 5 L.L. . ,1G.V , ) rt 75 1460 325 L.L. . .IM1 3 73 1780 3 40 L.L. . .1210 3 75 ] f:0 3 U ) L.L . . 950 3 75 mo 3 40 L , ,1860 3 80 1 IfiOft 40 S. . .1182 3 8 > 1 1S10 3 45 L. .1770 3 M .1030 StO L.l" .1520 3 f. 1040 3 1 l" .1740 3 & 5 14t1 3 GO ' ' ,11(1 ! 4 ( V ) 192) II Ci l' 750 4 00 R40 3 C.5 1 20W I 00 9CO 3 C5 1 760 1 Oj CALVES. 430 1 60 1 3M G 7.1 215 525 1 130 7 ( V ) G. . 4- 5 W 1 180 7 M L. 110 i ! 50 L.L. STOCK" COWS AND HEIFERS. L. 701 2 50 1 750 3ZO 1. . 740 315 2 ! ' &i 3 nO 1. . 7.10 3 V3 JO &V 3 7.5 6. . 978 325 10 72G 373 day nt HIP dlfferfiu innrlsot polntP ami . that fact , together with the Improvement In the provision market yesterday , 'vrtMtrrt I a betler hog market today. Advices from all points were favorable. Ituyers here started nut bidding prL-on th.u were fie higher rinn yesterday's gp.-- er.il nini-ke. nrMli'.irlilglUTllmii ' yesterday's later market. They seemed to bp willing to pay J4.52V4 for most nnytli'.ng , but It was hard work t.i got them above that point. On the other hand , sellers were ii'klng f I.55'M. W. Owing to the difference of opinion between buyers and sellers t'.io ' , nmrko. was late In opening and slow after it did open. i Finally buyer * seemed to come to the | conclusion that hoits were worth the money nnil they rnlfrd Uielr Iwids and bought Iheni. ' 11 - jimiket closed about loc higher. In spltn of the slow opening everyt'.i'.ns ' wan sold and welglied up In good scimoli. u will bo noted from the sa'.es below that u largo percentage of all the hogs hero old nt | l.p5 , while yesterday JI.II's'u VCO ' bouiihl tho' most of them. Choice litnvy sold as hlg'n ' as SI.C5. ltcire. | enlailve sales : ; ' , . . . . . . SHICEP The receipts were larger today. but apparently none top large , as buyers were on. ear ; : ' and the ynrdf were soon elcared. Lambs were In aiHIvp demand at prices that were 107M.V hlR'her ' than yes terday's market. One Inmoh of the same kind of lambs that were here yesterday and rold for $8.12'brought { 6.23 today. Other western lambs sold at J6.0nfifi.25. I H'iccp and yearlings were also In good de mand and the market was strong , some of the tame stuff that was on sale yester day bringing n little more money today : Quotations : Good to choice fed yearlings , J4.75ff0.00 ; Mexican yearlings. $4.S5J-5.2o ; good to choice wethTS. J4.55Q4.SO ; fair to good wethers. $4. 33fl.60 ; good to choice fed ewes , Jl.20fi4.35 ; fair to good fed ewes. J4.cnfil.20 : good to t-holce native lambs , f6.03ffC.35 ; good to choice fed western lambs , $8.008.30 ; fair : o good fed western lambs , $5.Cofi5.90 ( ; feeder wethers , J4.00TT4.25 ; feeder yearlings. $4.23f-t.50 ( ; good to choice feeder lambs , J4.5M/3.00 ; feeder ewes , $2.23 3.00. Representative sales : ' 4H7 western owes . 100 Jl 2i" 29 western i wp t . 101 4 r. 50 feeding iambs . 4S 4 75 22J wentiru wethers . 126 473 I 1 wtsurn wether . SO 4 75 I 2(11 ( western yearlings . 113 190 9 western yearlings . 77 600 239 western lambs . GS 600 ' 64 western lambs . . . 61 Ii PO 450 western lambs . 76 6 10 ( J5 western lambs . 77 625 260 western lambs . S5 C 23 CHICAGO MV13 STOCK MARKET. Xiillvc f > < crr * BliMV , Texniix Str n r mill A . 'I I VIHOKN lOc lllKlicr. CHICAGO , Jan. 26.-CATTLK Native Rteers , slow ; Texans strong and active ; cow market active and bulls steady ; feed ers quiet ; good to choice , J5.25fj6.23 ; poor to medium , $4.0085.00 ; mixed stockers , J3.25 ® 3.S5 : selected feeders. J4.20R4.S5 ; good to choice cows , $3.4031.50 ; heifer * , J3.26Q-3.00 ; canners , J2.2' ' > f < 2.SO ; bulls , J2.60g-4.23 ; calves , $4.r > OfiS.OO ; fed Texas beeves. J4.0035.00. HOGS Aver-ago lOc higher ; top , J4.S5 ; good clearance ; mixed and butchers , J4.50ft > 4. SO ; good. 'io ' choice deavy. Jl.70QI.85 ; rough Cioavy , J4.5Vn-l.65 ; light , J4. 10 4.70 ; bulk of sales. $4.6094.75. SIIKKP "AND LAMBS In strong de mand ; Iambs , lOc to 16c higher ; good clear ance ; natlvu wethers , J4.5017S.OO ; Iambs , 5,5.00Jj , .7S ; western wethers , J4.4&3I.S5 ; west ern lambs , J5.75'/6.f ' ! / ) . IIEC'KIPTS Cattle. 2,500 head ; hogs , 19- Oi > J head ; sheep , 5OUi ] head. JVoiv York l.lvi' SloeU- . NK\V YORK , Jan. 28.-BBBVRS-Ue- coiptp , 1.79S head ; 20 > 2 cars on sale ; top grades shade higher , others steady ; cows , llrm , all sold ; steers , J4.4'3'5fi.90 ; oxen and stag * , J4.rx > f < 5.25 ; bulls , f.1.30 t.50 ; cows. J2.13 (5".60. ( Cables quote live cattle steady ; re frigerator benf , Sri9'ic per Ib. : exports 20 cheep : U.moricw. 221 c-attle , 93 sheep and l.STO qua ! ers of beef. CALVKS Receipts , 122 head ; market strong ; all fold ; veals , J5.50tTS.75 ; little cnlvfs. J1.25f/4.50. ( ' SHHEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 4,435 head ; sheep , llrm ; prime lambs , llrm , oth ers steady , all sold ; sweep , J3.fXyT73.12M ; ; clholco wethers , JG.50 ; lambs , J6.50ff7.30 ; cullti. J2.75 ; clipped Iambs , $3.50. HOGS Ilecc'pts , 3,791 bead ; two cars for the market ; feeling steady , but no sales. SI. I.niil.i Live Stock. RT. LOIUS , Jan. 23.-CATTM3 RecelptB. I.CC9 head , Including 9W Texans ; market Htcndy ; native shipping and export steers , Jl. 751/6.50 ; dressed I'cef and buicher steers , Jl.ffif/o.SO ; steers under l.l'X ) Ib.i. . Jl.CSft I.P3 : stcckers aivl feeders , J-t.GOffl SO ; cown and he'fers , J2.00tl.75 ; caiiner . $1.500.1.23 ; bulls , f2.Cifl.i3 | ; Texas and Inillan steers , J3.55tf ! 4. S3nv : and helfera. J2.5fJ ! ) > 3.93. 1IOUS Receipts , 9W : ) head ; market Ktrong to 5c Cilgher ; plgH nnd lights , J4.5W ( ? l.6r ) ; packers , JI.Mfol.70 ; butchers , $4.C5j/4."ri. SU'KBP ' AND LA.MHS-Recelptt\ ( head ; market steady ; native muttons , J4.SO /5.50 / : lambs , J3.OOJjfi.50 ; culls and bucks , .St. .IiiNi-'ili l.lvo Stork. SOUTH ST. JOHBPII. Jam M. ( Sipcdnl.- ) The Journal iiintff ; > : C'A'I TI < K Ilerelpld. 800 hen'l ' ; market nr. live , steady to Hlrons ; quality oonim 11 ; iK-tlves 11.2 5/0.15 ; TPXIU nil' ' I wextfrns. f3. < Xi fr3.40 ; cow. < nnd heifers , $2.25f/t.C5 ; bulls nnd ( I ITS , J22V//4.73 / : yc-arlligs ini'l cnlvrn , JI.2' ' ) 'ni.20 ! ; Hlockcr nnJ feeder , J3.ir/n,70 ; veals , ' ' 'HOGS-Reieli'tH ' , 3,000 liP.i'1irnrket GfiK' ' higher ; all grades , $1.524.70 ; bulk , JI.CT'.iff 4 tT1 * ! . p"lli'M''P ' ' Rocf1rKfl'iipad ' : lninb ! > , higher ; lambs J5'50ftfi.25 ; ye.irllnK.x. $ l50i(5.30 ( , sheep nnd yearlings , JUOfiS.fQ. KIIIINIIN Clly Mvv Simile. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 2 < 5. ( 'ATTLr-Re- ( clnts 1.MO nntlvpH. & 00 Tcxans ; heavy nn- steeM. J5.fy > fj5.70 : lightweight * . $4.6Vif 52S- stockers and feeders , J1 B0f5.10 | ; butch- fis1 COWB and heifers , J3.1MiG.f ) ; c inner" . f > 501/3.10 : fed westerns , J3.90ft4.73 ; wos'ern fppdoTK. ' $3.DOfl 1-60 ; TexanH , J3.in',4f < I 50. HOGHRi'cflptH. . ll.V/0 / head ; good. Ice higher : 'heavy. ' ll.loT/I.GO : mixed , J.65 ) ( I.CO : ghi. I4.3IS4.57H' : I'lgH $3.fi5TM.2'l ' BHUKP AND LAM11BReceipts. . 1SW head : prices lOc hlK ifr : lambs. J50'Jfc6.Ui , yturllngB , $ I.S5T(3.S3 ( : muttoni , JI2. > fo475. stn-'kcrs and feeders , $3. XT5.0C | ; culls , $2.60 Q3.CO. _ Ktiiiik In .Sluhl. following iiro the receipt * ut the four principal western maikets for January M ; ' Cattle. HORH. Hheen. c ? ? ! . . : : : : : : : : : 118 ifcSJ S33 ! Totals . 11,033 4IW5 10.320 BOSTON , Jon. 2G.-The Iloalon foimnjr- clal Uullotln tomorrow will say. Hie American Wool opP"'l ' | ' ' < . ' ' > ' w ' 'a of good to the value of Jlo.t/iO.OOO In a sln- go | week. IMS been covering the flnli-H by purchases of med'um llrt-co and pulled vfiio'.A with which to make wrgea and c-ncv- Intix. The big advance on goods qul'o ' Junll- 1I < J ovfii tfto iircBont high jirlcea uf wool. The result huB been a I'harp ' Incrcafco In wool milM and at full rate ? . The market haw been ullmiilated by ft ' - . * } ? reactl-jii In London fro.-n the ri'ccnt deHIUH 8ale for the week , C.012,000 pounds domestic and 7W.i.'i poiindx foreign , a total of ti.S02uiji ) iioiinlB fpr lis week , against a total of 3,510,0 > pounds last week and o total of 1432,000 pound * the corresponding week last year. Thercveluta to date show nn In- or s.tM.p.ninds domestic nnd nn In- crc.tseof .l.i'.Vi pounds foreign against laK ye.ir. The M.CS . to date show nn Increase of 3,3l6.i.rt ) poiindi ! elomejtlc and a decrease of M3,0i j pounds foreign. Mim > n nil l.i-itllicr Trndc. rlilCAO ( ! , .Inn. M.-Tho Shoe nnd Leather Review tomorrow will sny : The packer hide nitirket Is dull. A few tanners who are.1 short of branded hides are compelled to buy nn oce-nslonnl enr or two. but tin ) movement of native- hides Is very slow. There ? has been a considerable Increase e > f late In the Importation of green salti'd hides , showing that with the eluty neldfd hides can lie brought In cheaper from nbremd. We einole native steers at 13'c | butt brands. IJiii- ; Texas , 13'4c ; Colorado i.teern and brniideel cows , \\\r. \ \ and heavy llhd llRhl native ? cows , IHjc. Snunr .MitrKet. NEW YORK. .Inn. M.-8fl"AR Rnw , firm : iiimorr-d rales nt prle-es givrn ; fair rellnlng. SH-IRc ; cciitrlfugiil. 9t ! : est , 4-V : I inolnpiiOj sugar , 311-lGc ; reilneel , linn tint unlct. NUW OUl.KANS. .Inn. 26.-SUOAH- Stionu : epc-n kettle. 3"nii | ) > c : open kettle , eentrlfugal , li il 9-bV ; e'entrlfilRnl. p'.anlii- tlnil gl'iiliuiitrd : , 1'i.e : whites. < 4WI\p ; vc-1- lows , 4'4iiil\i- ' ; seconds , 2 l I 3-ltiC. MOLAS-'SUS-lJiilet : open kettle' ' , 32filOe ; cell rlfusal , Mi We. Syrup , steady. Ciilirnriilii Drlpil | . 'rnl ( . , N12\V YORK. Jnn. 26.-CALIKORNIA DRIKD KliriTS-KvaporatPd apples wpro quiet and rather weak , owing to large IP- celpts and unfavorable country ndvlr's. There was conslderublp pressure to realign and at the close the tendencv was dnun- wnrd. Htale ev.-iporaled apples , common , fi ( fi6iic ; prime , 7fi7'4i' ' ; cholc71i'iiSUc ; furry. S'.i/1. ' ! ! ! California dried prunes , 3' ' , < ijSc | | ier Ib. . as In size and quality. Apricots , Rojal , 1.1ft li > c ; Moor Park. 155/Up. Peaches , peeled , . 0i)23c ) : impeded , 7' tlOc. OIL CITY. Pa. . Jan. -OILS-Crellt balanci-s. JI.6S ; certlllcaltv , sales of S.OiVl bbls. ; cash oil nt Jl.r 's- ' ; I.W l bbli . cas'.i oil nl Jl.tW'i. ; closed at Jl.fiS'-j ' bid : shlpmenU , 113.3SI bbls. ; avcrnne , SS.17.1 bbls. ; runs , 198.6S9 bbls. ; average , SS.032 bbls. NI'JXY YORK. Jan. ILS-rottonsec ) < l , otilet. Pc'tr'iMii | , st"iidy. Rosin , sdendy ; stnilnrd. common to g-o-d , Jl.t 'ilfl-fw. ' Tur pentine , llrm .it 53's5iMc. ii\sio.\.s K ( II wnsTuiix VHTKH.VXS. Survlvori uf tlu > Civil Wnr Henieni- liprril Iiy HIP Covi'rnnieiil. WASIUXOTON. Jan. 26. ( Special. ) The following western pensions have been grafted Issue of : January 11 : l ! Nc'jrtFkn : Surplemrutnl Mnttliew 11. Mc- Oomipll. Omaha , J2. P.estoratlon nnd In- i ren't--llenlnmln I'ranklln Adams. St. Paul , Ji 1o $25. Incri'isp ' Grorge Haeffner , Sl > l- dlcrs' nnd Sailors' ihome , Grand Island , $6 to J)2. ) Rplswiio JVIcr Rroney , ( . 'rail Orch.ird , J17. Iowa : Originil Kphrnltn 1C.Vsnor , Mn- quokria , $ > . . AdilliloniilYllliam I/oe , .Mur ray. JS lo $12. Restoration nnd additional Ji foph Cor.k ( clond ) , Urooklyn. JS to $12. In- crr iFp Hfiiry r. Fcot' . M.IF.III City , J8 to < ! ; William D. Ptnkrsi. Gilbert. J6 to JS ; Levl R. Met'-alf. ' HplmoiKl. } S to J10. Reissue - .Charles . II. Cohleleh. Nevada. J12. Original i Avlrtcw.1 Malvlnn Cook. 'Ilrooklyn , JS ; ( spe cial accrur l January ' 1.11 Anna S. Stuart , Mt-ntli-cllo. Jv Adelaide Urown , Tok do , JS. South Dakota : Renewal nnd Increase Henry Murray. Sturgls $ s to J10. Original widow ( S'Ui'dal ' ai'crurd January 13) ) I > a"ra J. AVakellrtil. Valley Spring. JS. Colorado : OrU'Inil John Hanson. Denver , JO. Increase ( special January 13) ) James W. Morgan , Ixingmrnt. JS to J10. When otlierd fail consult SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. raous mm : & PRIVATE BI2E/.SSS / op MEN SPECIALIST Wo guarantee to euro all coses ourablo oC WEAK MEH SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Klchtlr Emissions , Lest Manhood , Ilydrooels Vorlcoo le , Gocorrhen , Gleet , SypbllU , Strict- Bra , Piles , FUtula nd Reotal Uloera and All Private Dl e ses and Disorders of Men. STRICTURE AND GLEET 015&.t * Consultation frea Cull on or nddroca DR. SEARLES & SEARLES 119 So. i th St. OHAHA. OMAHA & STTIOlJl R. R. 41 Miles the Shortest r 28 Miles the Shortest Trains lonvo fXIOX STATION' dnlly for St. Louis , Qiiincy , Kansas City nnd sill points east or south. Home Seekers Excursions Feb. 6th and 20th. All Infornmllon at City Olllco , 1415 Far- mini St. ( Paxton Hotel Illork. ) HAVE YOU Tli - irnriit rn c oiui bo cured br n Ina Mnuiie * ril Killer. Guurauteed. 91.OO tier Imx by until. MAGNET CHEMICAL CO. , Wenteru Dcuot , Oninli , ' * f' taken at night v/ilt make you feel right , set right and look right. They cure Constipation. , ntnlldriiif "lorn. The ferret of perfect itreiiKth. Wcaknt-M , decline. our ri-mVdle. und uiipll * mice , wlilcli wo ( end cm trial and uiprovnl. | J'ay ox honor , or rtlurn nil fit our ciptntf. Advance payment not required NoC.0,1) . Ko deception nl nny ni\lur . Kinv l > ok under seal , fri-e. ERIE MEDICAL CO , , UUPFALO , N.Y. rei ' V3Z > HRPEMNEYaCO. ROOrMHYLireeLDG. BRAMCH 1038 IWt CM * " * fT uh'.oLn nia JAf-iLS E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone lO.'U ) . Oinalia , Ns"j COMMISSION , Git A IN. PROVISIONS sind STOCKS I10AIIII OF Til A DIC. Correspondence , Julin A Wurren & Ca Direct wires to Clilcuco and New York ,