Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Portfr'a Resolution Getting Lawi , Edgcrton
and Dahlraan Will Be Tabled.
Howl AKdltiftt ( lint lloily llrllevcil | , T
Ite Mnilo hj n Mrfrnlcil ( iniillilnli-
for ( he ScniiliirKlilii i , , HL. | | ,
Hint > e\t \fi\r.
LINCOLN' , Jan. 23.-Spcdal ( ) Thcio is
little doubt thnt the State Hoard of Trans-
portatlon , at Its next meeting , will speedily
table the resolution of Sccietnry of Stntu
l' rtor demanding the resignation of Score-
tarles I/IWH , Edgcrton and Dnhlmon 1'rcas-
urer V.cservo and Auditor Cornell wire tin
only members of thr board In the cllj today.
1 ho former , while refuting to bo Interi
\lewcd en the real merits of the proposed
resolution , denounced the secretary of stnto
In the most emphatic terms.
"I know of no law on the statute books of
Nobranka prohibiting a man from making a
d n fool of himself. " he said , "and when a
min does this hu must suffer the cense
quences. That In my private opinion and
you mny publish It If vou carp to "
Secretary of State 1'ortcr , In the resolu
tion \\hlch he proposes to Introduce at the
next meeting of the board , charges Secre-
lartcr Laws , Dahlman .mil IMgcrton with
grots negligence , disobedience and with
committing numerous other offenses The
latter did not appear to be at nil disturbed
o\or the mallei today , as It Is pracllcally
assured Ihat their i2,000 a year salaries will
not be cut off Those who have Hatched'
the trnnsporlallon row from the beginning
belle\o the fight Is being made by Hitch
cock In the Interests of his candidacy for
senator next > ear and Incidentally to pay off
scmo old scores , dating bark to the time of
the appointment of Allen to succeed the late
Senator Hnyward
St-crctnry I'orter was out of the city today
and It Is trt known when he will return A
meeting of the Hoard rf Transpoitatlon has
been set for rcbruary G to hear the live
htork rate case and unless Secretary I'orter
calls the board together on an earlier date
the resolution will not be taken up until
that ( lire In the meantime an effort will
be made to Induce the secrctarj of state
t y reconsider and destroy his Inflammatory
Tool * of ( he Iliillrondn.
The agitation of the live stock matter has
brought to light a number of very InterestIng -
Ing detallb connected with the early his
tory of the case , ell of which go to show
that the members of the Board of Trans
portation , as well as Ha secretaries , are and
have neon tools of the railroads and that as
ftuch they have not only done their bidding
In Nebraska , but ha\c gone Into other terri
tory to secure concessions In the matter of
The history of the Tibbies case dates back
to the beginning of the campaign of 1897 ,
when the fusion leaders of Nebraska re
solved that something of a sensational na-
tnro would ha\o to be done If they were to
rttaln control of the state government.
The Idea uppermost In the minds of the
calamity howlers and agitators was that
fusion would succeed If the masses could
bo made to bellevo that they were being
lovvntrodden and oppressed by the corpora
tion octopus. The scheme had worked suc
cessfully In 1896 and tbe > taw no reason
why It should not be used again with the
same telling effect , notwithstanding the
fact that even where the feeling of re
stored confidence was manifest and people
In general were beginning to realize the
dnwn of prosperity
In the employ of the populist state ccn-
dal committee at the tlmo was the trusted
T IL TlbblcH , husband of the famous
"Bright Ejcs" from the Omaha Indian rcs-
eivatlon , and to him was delegated the
duty of prosecuting the railroads. Had
not Mr. Tibbies subsequently aroused the
lie of the sham reformers the scheme might
have worked , but as It was absolutely noth
ing was accomplished in the way of a re
duction of railroad transportation rates ,
which had been asked for by the. paid cm-
ploje of the populist committee.
"Borao of us thought Tibbies was quite
a fellow , " said a member of the board to-
da > In speaking of the case. "There Is
no use dealing the fact that he was hired
to complain against the railroads for polit
ical purposes I will plead guilty to that
charge m > self and am willing to bear my
portion of the blame. "
Following out the mandate of the pop
ulist committee , and oven the members and
secretaries of the toard themselves , Mr.
Tibbies filed an extended complaint against
the jnllroads of Nebraska asking for a
sweeping reduction of all railway freight
rales The announcement was heralded
broadcast over the stale by the populists
that Iho Board of Transportation would
bring the railroads to time and compel them
to reduce their exorbitant freight rates.
After notlco had been served on the com
piles commanding them to appear and
show cause why tbo request of Tibbies
should not bo granted It was discovered that
there > had been error In the proceedings
and the hearing was postponed ten days.
Tht railroads then appeared and asked for
a dismissal of the complaint , alleging that
according to the decision of the United
States supreme court In the maximum rate
inso It should bo unlawful to reduce rates
lower than what they were at that time.
Another continuance was granted , but In
thi meantime the attorney general was
sent to Washington , at the state's expense ,
to eecurn a modification of the decision The
court then decided that rates could be re
duced to the scale In effect In 180(5. (
ANNIIIIION SIM Ion * I'roiiorf Ion * ,
The Tlbblee case then began to assume
rather serious proportions and for fear they
would bo forced to order a reduction , the
secretaries , with tbo consent of the board ,
allowed the matter to drop. No order was
Issued compelling a reduction and the com
plaint was never dlsmitecd. but otlll elands
unheard In the Board of Transportation of
fice. The present llvo stock rate case has
been placed on thu record under the title
of Tibbies against the Chicago , Burlington
& Qulncy. et nl. notwithstanding Mr. Tlbblca
ban not filed n complaint.
It was during the sumo year that the rall-
roadb adopted the per pound rate s > stem of
charges on shipments of live slock This
change wan made simultaneously In both
Kansas und Nebraska. A howl went up in
both states and the Kansas railway com
mission ordried the railroads to rcetore the
carload rates The matter vva then being
agitated in Nebraska and n temporary order
of a similar nature had been promulgated
by the secretaries of the Nebraska board
The Kansas commissioners showed no d' -
position to > leld their position and after
a btrong fight , which was carried on in the
courts , the secretaries o : the Nebraska State
Beard of TrJiuportatlon wont to TopeKa
and tried to got the order rescinded Had
they accomplished their purpose the tem
porary order then In effect In this state
would hnvo been rescinded < ind thu per
pound rate eastern would have remained
permanent so fur as the Board of Transpor
tation was concerned , ( iovcrnor Leedy de
nounced the Nebraska secretaries ns a gang
of corrupt efflccholders and It Is generally
believed and was at the time that they
were acting us the ugents of the railroads
when they attempted to have the Kansas
order rescinded.
A. W. Has ma , a colored sludent of the
State university , began suit In tbo district
court today agalnbt A L Hoover and
Stephen llcovor , proprietors of tUc I.inJell
'i hotel to recover (2 fiOO damages claiming
that he was denied the privileges of the
i hc. tlfry Haynrc was employed by the rei
publlenn mate central committee and It la
alleged that the hotel people refused to
allow him to ride on the elevator with other
Treasurer Mewerve has Issued H call for
general fund warrants registered from 2-
611 to < i2fiaO. They cover n sum of $40 flOO
The Roman Catholic Farmers' Mutual In
surance companj has been licensed to Issue
policies In Hoonc and Antelope counties
llroun < omit j Iliiiicliinon mid I'nr-
IIMTM IIISP It ; rintnoH , Which Art *
J I I'linned li > AVInds.
j ' AINSWOUTH , Neb , Jan ! T ( Special
iTclcgram ! ' ) A flfty-clght-mllc wind swopl
I thlrf vlelnlly all day yesterday. A flying
upark from the chimney of a ranchman a
house , five relics west of Wood Lake , 10-
Bulled In ft very bad prairie fire , burning
oul i the ranches ef I' B Wants , Mat Day nnd
J. , .1. Mavis , besides many hundred tons of
hay on other ranchco
I JOHNSTOWN. Neb , Jan. 2S ( Special
Telegram ) A disastrous prairie lire started
n little west of here and south of Ihe rnll-
rcad Irock yeslerdny nnd , fanned by n fierce
gale. It swept on , licking up slacks of hay ,
i barns nnd stock
Oinnlin linlliiiir. Caunc n Iloo < l < 'n pr
to Cllinti a Trpe.
UKPATUK , Neb , Jan. 25 ( Special ) A
"bootlegger" attempted lo take advantage of
the condition of some Omaha reservation In
dians who had filled up on bad whisky. He
told them a gallon of vinegar for whisky.
' The trick was soon discovered nnd the In
dians went after the "bootlegger's" scalp.
He climbed a tree The affair was compro
mised by the "bootlegger" icturnlng their
money However , he did not leave his high
point of retreat until the enraged party of
drunken warriors had departed.
AilnniK Ili-Iil for \NnniilliiK Vine * .
( 'HKYKNXn. Wyo. , Jan. 23. ( Special Tel
egram ) Thei case of Crnest Ames of Lin
coln , Neb . against Horace Adams , the Silver
Crown mining man , was heard today and
Adams bound over to the district court , ho
being released on his own recognizance. The
case will probably be dropped , as the facts
wore brought out that Adams was justified ,
In a measure. In the shooting. Testimony
from both sides showed that Adams went
to the Copper King mine to remonstrate
with Ames and his companions for jumpIng -
Ing the property. Ho was armed with a
pick and advanced to Ihe shaft , where Ames
was standing with a hatchet In hand. One
of his companions came out and snapped a
plttol In Adams' face , but the gun did not
go off Adams- then pulled his own gun
and shot Ames twice Amos has about
recovered from his wounds. More trouble
over the mine Is feared.
Tliajrr C'ounty Pumicm' Innlnp.
HCBRON. Neb , Jan. 23 ( Special ) The
Thayer Counly Farmers' Inslllule. which
haa been In pro'gress since Tuesday after
noon , closed last evening. Lectures by out
side speakers and talks by local stock-
raisers and agriculturists were Interspersed
with musical numbers by some of the best
local talent. The address of Tuesday even
ing , by Rev. L. P. Ludden of Lincoln on
"Poultry , " "was well received. Superin
tendent Burnett of Lincoln talked on "Cat
tle Feeding for Beef , " L. D. Stlllfan of
York on "Dairying from the Farmer's
Standpoint" and Prof. R. A. Emerson on
Horticulture" H. J. Struve of Deshler
spoke about "Broom Corn Culture. " a new
Industry In these parts.
Wcudier AldN Cnnl Dealer * .
GENEVA , Neb , Jan. 25. ( Special. ) After
spring-like weather the mercury suddenly
dropped to 10 degrees above zero during the
night , making a boom In the coal trade ,
which had not heretofore been brisk this
NEBRASK\ CITY , Neb , Jan. 23 ( Spe
cial ) A sudden change In the weather oc
curred hero last evening. The temperature
was 40 degrees lower Ihls morning lhan yes-
Tno More SivHchmcii Sentenced.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb , Jan 25. ( Special
Telegram. ) This afternoon District Judge
Thompson sentenced N , L Johnson nnd W.
R. Brown to one year each In the peniten
tiary for stealing merchandise from a Union
Pacific car here on the night of January
4. Both pleaded guilty and the clemency
of tbo court was recommended , as each has
a wife and three children. They were
switchmen employed by the company.
Suit for Henlc'CK to n. I'rlpnt.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb , Jan 25. ( Spe
cial ) The attention of Judge Fawcett and a
Jury was taken up yesterday by the suit of
Mary Seymour against the estate of the late
Catholic priest. Rev. Eugene Cusson , to re
cover for services performed for the de
fendant during his lifetime. The Jury re
turned a verdict for $273.34. The case will
bo carried to the suptemo court.
l > li < lirnPH ( Illn iinliCMnlli Illrthdny
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb , Jan. 25 ( Special )
Kdwln Davis Is one of the board of trus-
ees of the Methodist Episcopal church In
this city. Yentcrday he was 89 years of age
and to celebrate the occasion he Invited
Senator W. II Newell , S. A Davis , George
Hay. R. B. WIndhim , C S Polk , G. M.
Spurlcck and Rev Asa Slceth , the other
trustees , to n sumptuous supper.
Sinnlliioz I'atlrnt Dion.
PAWNEE CITY , Neb. , Jan. 25. ( Special )
David Cope , the young man reported yes
terday as suffering with smallpox , died at
the home of his employer , George Vanlor ,
two miles southeast of DuBols , yesterday.
Quarantine regulations are strictly enforced
and no new cases have developed
Dr. AVIIcnt Taken tit n llnNiltiil | ,
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb , Jan 25. ( Spe
cial ) - Dr W P. Wllcox , who vvas accldcntly
shot a few days ago while cleaning a target
rifle , was removed to Omaha yesterday and '
placed In the Clarkson hospital , as ho was
not recovering ns rapidly as his frkjiJs
Sm-ccxxfii ! ColiiniliiiH Iteiltnlx.
COMIMBUS , Neb. Jan. 25. ( Special )
i Rev J P Yost , pastor of the Methodist
church of thli place. Is now In the thlld
week of bla meetings , and reports fifty ac
cessions to hl tuurch us a result of the
efforts of the last three weeks ,
| ) < . | IIIIIIIN on it .Indite' * Time ,
OSCEOLA , Neb. Jan , 23 ( Special ) _
Judge Sornburgcr , after holding court here
for tvo days , adjourned ythterday until I
next Tuesday. Tills was on account of caseb
that need his attention In other parts of the
Stale t'Jmlrmaii In Kipeoioil.
SYRACUSE. Neb , Jan. 25. ( Special. )
The republican county central committee
will meet hero tomorrow. It Is expected
that the chairman of the state central com
mltteo will be present and uddros the
VUlt I lie \nie Pncor > .
NORTH BEND. Neb , Jan. 23 ( Special )
\ party of over fifty citizens of this place
visited the beet migar factory at Ames ycs-
' terday afternoon at the Invitation of the
I ,
I l > lnNinouli'N ( ' ! ( > 'I'm ( 'ollcclor ,
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb . Jan. 23.-Speclal. ( , )
At the regular meeting of the city ocuncll
last evening Commissioner Hanson vvas ap-
, p'olntod city tax collector.
DIci'iiMHiMl l > > Hurt Co ll n I >
LYONS , Neb , Jan -Special ( ) The
annual farmers' Inbtltuto of Burt county is
1 In session here Henry Wallace of the Wnl
lace Farmer of DCS Molne li , > esterd y
Bpoko i on 'Clover and Grasses and Hosv to
flrowThem" Today's program Included
I "Prevention of Animal Disease. " b > Dr A.
I T Pctcra of Lincoln , nnd "Dairy Feeding. '
by D. B. Stauffer of Bcllcvue
lll't rrelulit Trnln.
S1DNKY , Neb , Jan 23 ( Special Tele-
pram ) One of thp largest freight trilns
that has ever been hauled over the I'nlon
Pacific was brought from rhejenne to Sid-
tied today. There vvere eighty-eight cars
in the train , representing 3.03.1 tons , or
7,265,000 pounds This beats the record of
an > road In the world
O'Connor's big grading outfit from Weslon ,
la , tame In today with 120 teams and men
and will immediately begin work on the
Burllngtcn grade
Vsli ( iovcrnor 'o I'nriliiii llnlln.
LINCOLN. Jan 21 ( Special Telegram )
A petition pinned by seventy-four citizens
of Omahi , asking for ( he pardon of Henry
Bolln , vvas prc snted to Urnc-moi Pojntor
tonight Another pot It ion of a similar m
lure , signed by several hundred citizens , Is
already on file In the executive olllce
Mrlilcniitn ! Divorce.
PIERRE. S D. Jan 25 ( Special T-le-
gram ) One day last week Thomns fond n
of Sterling county nnd Ltllle Wllscu of
Stanley county came to this city In qtiMt of
a marriage license , Condon stating thnt MUs
Wil'on's father had followed thorn from the
ranch with a gun , firing nt them several
times but bis hori > o was too slow and they
got away The happy couple was married
lore Monday. Last night Thomas vventhoni"
nnd threatenc/1 his wife with a gun. This
nfteinoon the bride started divorce procced-
ngs and the groom Is under the surveillance
of the local police force.
Tliliinlnu Oul Hie Woti .
R\PID CITY , S D. , Jan. 23. ( Special. )
Wolves , which were at * one lime very
bothersome to cattlemen in this district
lave been almost killed out It Is said thai
Ihcre are but two of the pesta lefl In the
eastern section of the range Last week
Ihey killed Iwo fine slcers for Fred Hokomi
of this city and two more for another cattls-
man. An attempt , will be made to inn the
animals down wllh hounds.
IlrnUi-niiiii 1'nlln to Ilpntli.
YANKTON. S D . Jan. 25. ( Special Tel
egram ) H G Berry , formerly of this city ,
lately of Sioux City , nnd employed as a
brakeman on the Chicago , Milwaukee < t
St Paul railroad , fell from a freight train
and vvas killed about midnight in the nclgh-
bcihood of Modeling , a small station cast of
here One leg was cut off and the head
ladly cut and bruised.
Cniitnln llearil HPSIIN | ,
CHEYENNE , Wyo , Jan. 25 ( Special Tel
egram ) Captain Lawrence L. Beard , Com
pany A , Wyoming National Guard , of
Evanston , who vvas reccnlly severely repri
manded by Governor Richards for loaning
arms and ammunition to the civil author
ities during the Dlamondvllle strike trou
bles , today tendered his resignation
line Found Demi.
CHEYENNE , Wyo , Jan. 25. ( Special Tel
egram ) A Chuyenne man named Arnold
Kroutwlck was found dead near the Union
Pacific tracks at Kimball last night It
Is the opinion that Kroutwlck was beating
his way east on n passenger train and
either fell or Jumped from Ihe train.
South DnKoCa NIMVS nrn.
"U ork Is in progress on the new Woodman
lodge bulldlnsr at Gnyvllle
The cttizenm nS Cenlervllle nre talklns of
establishing a tirst-elass driving park
Thr St Thomas Catholic society which
recently constructed a new < 1iurch near
Ilrudley , has dedicated the cdlllie
Cotton , one ef the new towns has several
business pliue.s ard cfTcrts now heins mpdo
to = ee-uro a railroad promise to he. SUCPCCV
Elk Point Is proud of Its new city hall
The building Is . ! 3\GO feet In size two snorles ,
high , of hrlrk In the renroi the tiisl floor
Is the elly- jail with a dcuWo t'tcl cage
Tihe town of Jefferson has hefii forced to
expand Vernance Llmoge-s has sold his
farm of 100 acres adjacent to Ihe town for
$30 per acre and the land will be surveyed
and Dialled Into lots
The Odd Fellows of Tyndall will build anew
now lcdu hall two stories In height , frame
and brick , fireproof ami with all mod ° rn
conveniences The lower floor will he used
as a publlo hall and nho for loiJji"
purposes The estlmaled co n. exclusive of
Iho grounds , Is between $5,000 and $6,000
I'uncriil of .loliu Ilnnkln.
LONDON , Jan. 25 The remains of John
Ruskln , which were removed from Brant-
wood yesterday , were Interred at Conlbton
this afternoon amidst universal signs of sad
ness and with a ceremonial typically rural.
The coffin vvas bidden beneath a mass of t
blooms , Including a floral tribute from the
di'een The body vvas laid In a grave lined I
with vvhtto tiles and close , according to
Uufakln's desire , to the last resting place of
the three Miss Seevers , to whom he had
addressed his famous Br.mtwood letters AH
parts of the country were ropresentcd nt the
grave side.
A memorial service In honor ot Ruakln
in Westminster Abbey this afternoon was
largely attended.
Mother of C.'ernuill KinprrNN.
DRESDEN , Jan 23 The dowager duchess
of Schleswlg-Holstcln , mother of Emprc" )
Auguota Victoria , who had been suffering
from pleurisy , died hero this morning
The emperor and empress arrived at the
castle thU afternoon.
BERLIN , Jan 25 In consequence of the
death of the dowager duchess , Frederick : of
Schlesvvlg-Holhteln , mother of the empress
of German ) , nt Dresden , todaj's court re
ception and all ceremonies In connection
with the emperor's birthday have been aban
Itliode iMlnnil Mllllnniilie.
PIERRE , S. D , Jan 23 ( Special Telo-
granu ) Nlcholl Ireland , n millionaire from
Providence , R I , who became demented six
> cars ago and vvas living north of hero sev-
i eral miles In ciihtoJy of Emmet McKntlo ,
died today. Deceased leave ? many relative. ?
of great wealth in Rhole Island and New 1
York. Ho was "J jcars old
Mother of I'lldler Mlllone. *
DENVER , Jan 23 Mis. Elizabeth Malone -
lone , mother of Rev. Thomas H .Malonc ,
editor of the Rock ) Mountain Catholic anil j
well known as an author and loclurei , died !
i at the homo of her son hero tonight , aged
| 77 jears.
i * -onli ( Unliotn I'loueer.
j PIERRE. S D . Jan. 25 ( Special Telegram -
gram ) Mrs Fre1 Duprce , who has ben
In this country for many jcars and was the
wife of the first scout and trader of "f'
Hudson Bay company at this pclnt , died
Oli ! Srillcr nt NcliriiNl.n riij.
NKBRASKA CITY. Neb , Jan 23 ( S o-
clal ) John Ott died at his home hero > es-
lerdaj , after a long illnra He was 53 j cars
of ago and was an old bottler of the city.
( mil Importer * I'clltlon ( Jane.
HAN FHANCI ? < O. Jan 2T , The io l Im-
poitu.s of'Ihis ' cllv will pcttitlun the Treas
ury di'parumnt to ' < jnoro the ciuurmuine
] iPKulatl ns In rcsiinl to 'Me coal t-hlpme.iu
The nK4l men tialm that dela > In shin * li
'vir ' > o\ontl\ [ i ami t1mt the examination
j never results In dUmvery of any tontaqlous
- " " ° - Nearly everj < enl Importer in thla
has t-igne < l Mo
ililerM to KlKlit Suit * .
IT , Jan 23 The lua ohold-
ITS of agricultural leases In the territory
held a biff incxMlmr here < < xlaj and t-uli-
tnrlbeel furls to UBI'H thi r lalnn asulnx
t'Te Indlai J vvhu iia\t tllcJ suits to dlb-
Thousand Visitors ArriTa at Frankfort
Armed with R fhs ,
A n nun lire Thrlr I'nrpoup ( o Sop ( lint
( ioelx-IIU-H Do > ot I'surp ' ( he
Power of ( internment
In Kvittilolo.
I FRANKFORT. Ky. , Jan 23 The arrival
| 1 In Frankfort this morning of from SOO to
l.CCO men armed with rifles might have tcr-
! ' rorlcd a community less Inured to unusual
and sensational happenings , but by night-
full the excitement caused by the appear-
nnco of the warlike visitors had subsided
and the people were prepared for nnolhet
turn In the events now miking history at
{ the state capital
I The- train that boie the nrmcd men was
I made up of fourteen coaches. Apparently
but few hero knew that It was expected
The men left the coaches In front of the
Louisville . Nashville satlon , anil , forming
Into companies , marched to the state houn ,
where their arms vvtre dei oslted promis
cuously and the men scattered about the
buildings Lunch was seived to them at
the rear of the state house. Mcwt of the
visitors wore badges of white rlbbjn ,
adorned with n picture of Gj.ernor Ta > loi.
While It U generally believed that min.v
j j i of the men who arrived are soldiers , no
person In authority will stand sponsor foi
| the statement , while Governor Tailor and
Adjutant General Collier disclaim an ) con
nection with them. The men hall from
various sections of the state
Shortl ) after their airlval the visitors
gathered In front of the main state build
ing , where cx-Secretarj of State Flnley ad
dressed them , afterward Introducing Stephen
| I Sharp of Lexington , former Judge of Fa > ette
j count ) , nnd treasurer of state b > appoint
ment , succeeding the absconding treasurer
nf state , J W Tate Judge Sharp spiKe
briefly and put himself at the- service of the
men A committee was appointed to draft
resolutions which indicated the purpose of
their mission. The resolutions at adopted
will bo presented to both houses of the
legislature tomorrow. The ) aie as follows :
Appeal to tilt * liCKlNliiture.
\\"P Kentucklnns here assembled , In token
of nil the free and equal men of Kentucky ,
do reassert "the great nnd essential
pr'nclples of Lbeity nnd free government"
proclaimed In the hill of rlsnls not as
derived to us therefrom , but a * Inherent
Our pioper > we mn > nllenati from our
selves and our children , but our liberty Is
, i heritage to Us In trust for all K * > neiations
and we may neither bUnender nor enctim-
bur It
Wo declare again the prerogative right of
freely communicating our thoughts nnd
opinions , and to asscmb'e together In a
peaceable manner for our common good
and the Rood of our fellow men of
Kentuckv More especiall ) do we declare
our r'sht nnd authority , conferred on us
by Almighty power nnd not otherwise , of
appealing- the e Invested with the power
of government b ) elthei petition or je-
monstrance. , ind wo represent to them , our
brethren of Kentuck ) our agents In the
legislature convened , hat the government
of Kentucky Is founded on our authority
and Instituted for our peace , safety and
happiness and the protection of propert )
our own and the-'rs as well as t'lat of the
stranger vvlBiln our sate *
We petition them , our proxies In the gen
eral nssemb'v , to heed thnt there Is peril
hovering ov T all those things so dear to
us and them , and that calmrte s and
pi udenco and wisdom need b Invoked In
order that 'ruth and justice may prevail ,
and we exercise our rig'it of "re
monstrance" against their suffering : them
selves to bo led Into thp tempiatlons of
paitisan pride In the crisis which Is on us.
We be eecb them to remeinher that their
own Just Mowers were loaned them by
us at the polls nnd thnt amoiiK the-e was
the jurisdiction to decide lud'clnllv ' and bj
duo process of law , and not otherwise , what
vvas then our exnrcEHpc will , not ( heir
prFFont political preference
We Implore tliem that Ihev do not on
slight or technical pretexts mr lllmsy or
trivial causes permit the subversion of
tba , ' supreme law of the land , the will of
the' people
Webepof them that tbev re elvc from the
hands of our messengers and consider nnd
do not spurn or despise thK our earnest
address , petition and remonstrance , nnd
that they by their considerate action , pro
tect , iireservo and promote the ° afety nnd
vveifaie. and , above .ill , the honor of
Kentucky committed to their keeping
The lower house of the legislature met at
11 o'clock and on motion of Cantrcll , demo
cratic leader , a resolution was adopted ex
cluding all but ladles from the chamber and
galleries A rumor Is In circulation , hut
persistently denied , that Judge Cantrlll of
the local circuit court has summoned all
democratic deputy sheriffs of the state to
come to Frankfort. The commonwealth's
attorney , Franklin , says ho knows of no such
The armed men of the mountains , con-
tnirj to expectations , on the advlco of the re
publican authorities here , left- Frankfort at
0 o'clock tonight The consensus of opinion i
here Is that the visitors mistook this for the ,
day on which tbo contest boards vveie to ,
make their report.
The men were an hour getting aboard
their train and amused themselves during
the delay by discharging their guns. The
people of the city gave them a wide berth.
They are expected to return when the con
test ends.
Wear Taj lor llndn < - " .
CINCINNATI , Jan 25 The Tlmcs-Stai's
Fraukfort , Ky. , special sas about 800
n en , armed with rifles , reached the city
today Upon arrival the men were all '
provided with badges bearing the portrait
of Governor Tajlor , which they pinned on
their breasts. They stacked arms In the
) ard of the state house and went off to got
Sre3lal dispatches from Barboursvllle , Ky ,
and Mount Verncn , Ky , apeak of the departure -
parturo of largo numbers of men last night
for Frankfort The Mount Vernon dispatch
says"Tho company of State fiuards
mustered in last week was to go and bo
uniformed and equipped after reaching
| Frankfort. " The dispatch adds that the
i men did not know how Icng they would 1
' bo required to stay In Frankfort
I A Times-Star special from Lexington , Ky. ,
speaking of tbo moveircnt of armed men 1
I from southwestern Kentucky to Frankfort.
I adds "They aie to ho present at Frankfit
I tomorrow , when rinebel men will attempt
'talcing ' attlon on contests over Keats In the
house. It Is given out that these repub-
Means will MTVO notice on fJoebel incmb-rs
that they don't Intend seeing republicans
j who have been honestly elected thrown out
, for ( Joebel democrats This would causa
Speaker Trlmblo to order lobbies nnd gal
leries cf the entire state housj cleared ,
which , it Is believed , would precipitate the
conflict. "
' LEXINOTON , Ky , Jan. 25.-Concernlng
i the claim that armed men who went to
1 Frankfort from here today were part of
the state puard nnd were under orders.
Roger DVllllairs , colonel of the Second
regiment , bald "Some of these men maybe
bo members of the state guard , but no order
lies been given for their assembling there.
All such orders would go through my hands
and none such have been received by me. "
( IIHtM 'I'\VO IIt | > H ,
DUNKIRK , N V , Jan 25. Fire this
morning did 1200,000 damage at Fredonla , a
village thrco miles south of Dunkirk. Be
sides the loss to buildings the power house
of thn Dunkirk and Fredonla Street Car
company was dtstrojed , together with all
tbo cars , and as a result traffic has been
Biibj-ende'd Two lives were lost in the
( Indies Miss Alice Huntlngton was burned
to death In the homo of Fred W. Case while
to sftvp her persontl effect * Warren
Leopold Bret Kgl a printer , lost bis life
In the Pan-Vraerlcan hotel while asleep In
bis room The flro Rtarted In the Pan-
American hotel at 3 o'clock from some cause
liolrnnlpr * ( nniptnln nf < lirIl rnn-
tlnnnnee of the DUecunit on
KANS\S PITY , Jan 2S TrilMs pirllc-
ulnrly thc sugar combine was the theme
' for earnest discussion todaj at n meeting ]
here of the Tran mlssl alppl Wholesale
Grocers' a oclatlon. composed of Jobbers of
Ml rtourl. Kansas and Oklahoma nnd Indian
The particular object of the gilli-rliir Is
to tn'K ' ef Iho discontinuance of the l' per discount on syrup recently ordered bv
'Iho Sugar trust , which forces the gro or to
pay the trust n flat price , when heretofore
he has been allowed Iho 1'4 per cent off.
W N. Todd , president of the nrsoalatlon ,
! said-
"Wo will take no definite action tolnv. ;
The laws forbid that. We will slmplv talk |
over the situation and decide Individually
what Is best to be done "
Tlilril ll\iloNlon In I.eiulvlllo AVrreUs
n Couple of flue llfnl-
LEADV1LLE , Jan 25 The third of n
series of dynamite explosions within the
city limits occurred early loday. wrecking
the handsome residence of \ V Hunter.
the millionaire mine owner and the home
of J C Rlchey , adjoining The fir = l dvna-
uille e\ploslon occurred on Sunday night a'
the Carbonate theater , wrecking the rear r (
the building The second occurred In the
rear ef the court house , breaking windows
No one has as yet been Injured In the ex
plosions The police nre nt n lot > 3 to as
cribe a motive for outrages Several
suspicious chuacters hive been arrested
Crent Niirii-rii Illrluur lCrn l AVilCeh-
iiion ( o Scr\ u \arlouJi I'olutn
oo tlip l.lue.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn , Jan. 25 The
Great Northern railway authorities are pre
paring for trouble This If , evident by the
dlscovcrj that arrangements have been made
to hire a largo number of extra watchmen ,
who are Instructed to be ready to rcpoit
for duty tomorrow or Saturday morning
They are told that they will be stationed
at various points along the line nnd are to
be lodsed In sleeping cars. The trainmen s
grievance committee is waiting for word
from the 'officials as to when the promised
conference Is to be held
PIIIIIOIIN liidlnii C'KI/eiiNhlp CtiNvx.
AHD.MORi : 1 T , Jan3 This was the
last dav set for htnrlrg the fnmoub nvdlan
t tlen0hlp oisrs In the case of Mr * .
Evans In w < hk < h the OhlcKaravv nation had
appealed to the ccjrt from the d > ' -
ilMon of he Uiwtih oommlsfion , vv'ilc.i lit I
enrolled her is .1 citizen , United States
Judge Town enil Mistnlned tiho Diwes c' 11-
ml ° slon A sensation was sprur ? by bet
attorney W H Mujray , who charged the
t hlcka.--.iw nation with fraud In attP'iipt-
IIIJT to have her name tltrlcken off the rolls
Judge Town errtl rebuked the lawyer for tils
i ; oapeil Com Ic-tN C'aotured.
DENVnil. Jam 25 A special to 'he '
Tlme-9 from Canon City , Cole , sivs that two
of the four convicts wiho e'caned from the v MorJay night after killing |
Captain William C Rooney were captuird I
I this , morilni near Vlour .inJ have been re
turned to prlsen 1iheare Ar'on Wool ,
tbo bo ) murderer , and Kid Willace , train
St. l.oulN Mnyor to limped ( 'mini.
CIIIOAGO. Jan 23 'President ' Boldcirartk
eif 'lao jUnltar ) cilstrlc't ' today s-ent formal
Invitations to the major , public oll'.clnlo
and a nuiriVir of private citizens of St
Louis to come to t 'nlcasn ' an'l ' lnsi , > e t the
dinlnafie can-il It Is ex-pented that the S-
I.ouls pn-ty will be taken over the channel
nc'\t week
llnil l rM Ha 1(1 11 I'liNtoftlee.
KANKAKEn , III. Jnn 23 The post-
office at Bradley was entered bv burglars
last nlsht , the safe blown nnd .about { 1,100
worth of stamps and J40 cahb taken The
burglars escaped Tour months ago the
Iiostoftlce was entered and a similar amount
Iteilnce the I'rlee of Gr H.
NEW YORK , Jail 25 The board of dt-
roctTS o'f ' tfae New Anterdam Gas com
pany iheld a. 'petlal meetingtoula ) nnd re
duced the price of gas from $1 for 1,000 feet
to the c d price of 65 cen The rate Is
r-nv common > wLh : all the companies in the
Juror Ilro Ml In Still III.
NEW YOUK , Jan. 25 The trial of Roland
B Mollneux was todav adjourned until
Monday next. Juror iMari'it'lm Brdvn being
still 111 Ills rhxalc'.an sent word to the
nrvurt Mr Brown would bo unililc to
leave bU h < u < = o before MorJaj next
I"n I r Frlilny nnil Sndirdnj , iiith
IVnriiirr In I3iiNcrn ( 1'ortlon
( if NobrnnKn.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 23. Forecast for
Trlday and Saturday.
For Nebraska , South Dakota and Kansas
Pair Friday and Saturday , warmer In east
ern portions Friday , variable wlnde-
For Iowa and Missouri Pair , with rising
temperature Friday and Saturday , variable
For Wyoming Fair Friday and Saturday ,
variable winds.
Local Ilet-ord.
OMAIEA , Jnn J3 Omaha iccoid of tem
perature nnc1 precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last thrco
1913 IS t 181S 1S3
i M ixliiium temperature. . 21 11 Jl 1
Minimum temperature . . . 1 " 1 1" n
Aver.ase temperature . . . 11 37 22 f ,
Precipitation 00 .01 .OS .CO
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1 ,
I list :
Normal for Ihe dn ) 21
I'xce'f for the dav 7
Accumulated excess since March 1 . . 7.0
Normal rainfall for the day 02 Inch
notlclonc v for the day . . . . .02 Inch
Total lalnfnll since March 1 . . . 26.11 Imhcj
Uullclency hln-o March 1 I fi7Inc-lns
, Id flclenev for ror pcr'od , IMS 4 21 liu-hes
Deficiency for tor period , 1S97 10 37 Inches
llflinrt from ntntlcniM nt H p , m ,
' "
'o'n P 7
rf n
3 i
1 3 Ml n
, Omaha rlr n
North I'laiticlear .CO
Hilt Lake , jiaiMj cloudy . .f' }
, I1 * )
Huiild Clt > , elear , IJ
Union , i loudy .Ol )
\\illlston " .01
Ohlcas" . partly clcudy , .01T
t > l I/ > uls , T
St I'aul clear , .00
Litvonpoit , elcar .00I I
Ik'leiti i loudy . .10 00
* 'ity. clear 3u | 2 * | CO
Havre , iiartlj c-loudi . 211 30 in
IIUninrek tlen' . . . . | 1h | } k 01
O.ilvtt on par'ljcloudj ' _ , , _ ' . " 0
T Indicates trace of precipitation
I ocal Forecast Olllclal
Ask jour ; rocer today to show > ou a
package of OHAIN-O the new food dr nk
that take * the place of coffee. The children
may drink it without Injurv as well ut , tne
adult All who tr > It , like It ORAJ.N-O
has that rich teal brown of Mocha or Java.
but it 1 * made from pure grains , and the
most delicate stomach recr'.vea It without
the price of toffee 15c und ? 5c
per pdckaL'f , Sold b > all crocera.
Kelley , Stiger & Co.
Only n Few Days More of Our Great
We Commence Opening Spring Goods l-cb. 1st.
Must Have the Room.
Blankets and
Fifty per cent discount on
our ( entire slock of Ladies' Comforts
and Misses' .Jackets , Plush
Capes | , etc. , No reserves. It vould rnus to cam- this stock ovei
to next season ns prlies then will bo al
most double but we mitist have roam fol
spring roods that are arriving dally. Op-
lortunltv seldom knocks twice.
1 20 per cent discount
3 off all our Ou'lng flannel. Scotch rlnnnsl ,
Wcol rinniul anil Kreiu-h riannel.
per cent. per cent , 20 percent discount
off nil nur cnthroldiied Baby Plannol.
Thirty-three and one-third
20 per cent discount
per cent discount on our entire - '
ofi' all out dlffTcnt qualities In Eiderdown.
, tire stock of Ladies' Man- 20 per cent discount
Tailored Suits. Many of our c ff all 0111 I'otton ItHnkets ; off nil our hnll
wo d Blank ts.i ff nil our purs wcol BlauKeti
present styles have been duplicated
20 per cent discount
plicated in our spring selec
. ' oft ell our Baby Blankets.
tions. This is
certainly an
20 per cent discount
extraordinary opportunity. off nil our Cottcu Corcfoita , off all our Dawt
20 per cent discount
On I'lKlre * ( < > < ! . of
, miles' . Ml * < iMicl ( lillilreo's
Siioes O'siioes
cent , ,
per per cent.
J2 J5 Shoes now . $1
Thirty-three and onothird -allies' $250 Shres , now . $ J 00
. .idles' HOD fihoes , now . $2 40
per cent discount on our entire -ndics' $100 She's now . 51 2(1 (
, adlcs' ? 4 CO Shoes , now . $3 20
tire stock of furs ? collarette ? 20SO
, , ' .
Missis $2 2.1 Shoes now . $1 SO
stoles and Astrakhan capes Child's $120 Shi"s , now . %
Child's $135 Shoes now . $1 03
and electric seal capes. Hovs' $1 SB bhois now . J1 .4S
Youths' $150 Shcea , now . . . . $1 23
20 per cent discount
Twpnt : iiei- cent l > l\e < iuiil oo nil
WOIIIPII'K. MPII'M , lions' . Mlfcien'
mill I hilt'i en'.i
Thirty-three and one-third Winter Underwear
per cent discount on all our Union Suitr Pants. Vests , Drawers an 1
Silk Waists , on all our Cloth t'adcrshlrtj en all oar women's , men's ,
misses t.nd children's wool and cashmera
and Flannel Waists , plain and hosleiy
On all our women s , misses nnd children' *
handsomely trimmed.
wool and cathmcro leggings
Special Agents HuttcrlcK. I' , ttcrns.
Cor , Farnam
and 25th Sts.
3j GUARANTEED TO CURE K 0iJAWn .i.p.c. . . *
< Cp luii iitidlliiii iiliuulile * . Semi Inr proof ot H. It dues not nlcKen in ill < -Hgrtc
JSS with the ftoin ic-h Safe , foi all ages.
Dr. Kay's Lung isallm. i
* * ' o-ii
\ \ iltc ii * , cIvhiL-nll evmiitoniR plalnlv nnd on , I'bvMcl in will give "
FUri : AI > \ I ( I. , n ( > > unire iiiiok oi y bold liv DniR UlH in n-nt In mah ,
Ittlpt-t und a I HI i : SAMI'l.i : . A 1'ileo , 1O n-nls mil 5 ruilR.
Address Dr. E.J.KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( Wnstcrn Office Omaha , Nob. J
'O ' those who know what Cnt.irrh
really is , the old-fashioned way
of treating it. still tibcd by
thousands who cling to old
methods , seems a woeful wa te of
good energy.
Catarrh is inflammation of the
mucous membranes of the nostrils ,
T.'O and air passages.
It needs soothing , not irritating.
The constant hawking , the chok
ing , plugged-up , disagreeable sen-
hation of tightness troublesome
BEST FBIE ; , POSTPAID. especially in the early morning ,
To any rrfilT cf this pnp when the cold air contracts the air
ewndlnv no nemoanJ full aiMrwi
T70 will f on * nnl atuboof ( Jzoiell passages and irritates the inflamed
bj mall , prf paiU
OZOJELb CURE lenfl * Ct , r. T. membranes is relieved immediate
ly by the simple application of
Ozojpll is like a healing ointment applied to a troublesome and angry
gore it Soothes. Relieve Cures.
The catarrhal discharge is like the pus from a running sore , and
everyone knows that washing a sore is not sufficient to make it heal ,
Ozojcll , a delicious , pleasant emulsion or jelly of great cleansing ,
healing , preservative , geimicidal properties , when once applied , remains
on the r.a\v membranes and gradtnlly dm'i < s out the matter and heals up
the wound by promoting the growth of new , healthy membrane.
O/tojell is put up in a patent Ozojell tube , easily carried in the pocket ,
easily applied to the parts as needed , in the office , on the street , without
attracting attention , and with no irritation , trouble or waste of time.
It is sold by all druggists in 50 cent patent Ozojell nasal tubes.
Prepared fiom the formula of the celebrated Vienna physician , Herr
J. JIuller , the great specialist in diseases of the ear , throat and nose
( Physician in Ordinary to the Hmpcror of Austriaj.
Thousands of letters from those who have been cured attest its virtues.
its efficacy , we offer to sendy > w by wail to ull readers of tnis paper a tube
of Ozojell and a book on Catanh and Its Scientific Treatment.
Simply write , giving name and full address , when this treatment will
be sent you absolutely fee , postage paid Address
OZOJELL CURE , 219 Temple Court , New York.
wears nway the coating of your lungs. From this mpy result Pneumonia ,
Bronchitis , Consumption and other quickly fatal diseases.
Soften and cure your cough with
the new scientific remedy for Coughs , Sore Throat , Hoarseness and all
respiratory djsea&es. A positive ,
permanent , harmless , perfect cure.